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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  July 15, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

11:00 pm
their son. jackkon ays: "the &peverythhng possible to convic the killer of theirrson." a statement over thh weekend acknowledging the strong feelingg triggered by the veedict urging calm - thh house has no parttin this witt - "cases are brought n he mmrits and the mmrits arr &pevaluated by the professional at the ddpaarmenn of justice." pavis says (oncam tag): "a phveeweighed in to,, ncluding new yook democraa chhrlie raagel who ays the verdict davis, fox news." 3 here's our quustiio f hee &pddy...on facebook >33go to facebook dottcom
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the verdict has prompted raalies... across the countryy...including here in ba. bbltimooe.paul gessllr is live at city haall.. whereehundreds of prooters mmrched in today.paul--iih trayvon marrin - streees were filled sidewaakk to- sideealk thiisevening ass pemonstrations continued pollowing saturday's 'not guilty' verdict ii he georgg protests the likes baltimore time. since trayvon maatin was killed last teenagers aveebeennkilled in baltimore city.iicluding one... ollowing the ravens' &pwondering here the ouurage i pomicides lready thissyear.-
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pressient, naacpp 05.23.00 "we killing othhr affican-american kids. we mmst be as vehimently " florida."antoine chhmbers, baltimore: 00.15.09 "there baltiiore orrnaaionally."ay -3 officers... including commissioner batts kept close todayyseveral local pastors --33 &pplln on goinn to d-c tomorrow against george &pedition.ox44 news late 3pollce meet with residents of prreet.ii was a packed house 3 at he meeting at saint anthony hall long o'donnell street.police say this area... has ssen a big jump ii break-ins duuing the past susseec...ssate''sattorney gregg bernstein saas, right
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now... e's being tried as a juvenile iq: there aae ceetain... oo: addltim as annadultt--3 a piccure onna viccim's osttd facebook page of himmslf holding a gun.. p3 fiistton fox.... one of the 14 connicted illers o haae goes on the record with foo 45. 44. wwaren williams was givenn life in prisoo....after hh was coovicted in 19775of stabbiig coovicted inilliig to adjust hi ssntence and allow him to go free. williams' caseeis one pf nnarly 300 being reviewed
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followinn a court of appeals ruling that found juryy instrrctions in thee70's were 23:53:20 were not cominngout heee with anything iolent negative orrannmoiity or hate want to be we just frre. statewide juuisdications are struggling po figgre out how ttese old &puuavailable... not to mention evidence. ederal auttorities... reveaa details... predator ssing.... /// and... more then 200casse... maryllnd. the five week &pp..intense wide pffort.../ leads to 255 arrests....// include... &p11 overseas... / 1 includiig ssx children ii maryland. (ice)"they will be uped or abuser an image offthemselves g- preeator akes the image and -
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says im goong to ssnd this unnees you produceemore t me" a glennburnie man, 533year old ccristopher barnes wass pf youuve been outside tooay, yyu know ittwas scortcher!in iisued a code red alert foo pomorrow. ttose worring in the heat, feeliig the effects of nnaa physiciins at ssnai hospiial say there has already been an incceaseein the number of peeple ccming in with heat related illnesses and as thh week progresses numbers rre expected tt double.maayypeople experiencing miior symmtons such as nausea ann ssrious. ((sot- r. waseem el-halabi))
11:06 pm
oons us...// &pmean... ffr ttmoorow?s this p good day for k-9... who 3pcou.
11:07 pm
this is rambo, a four-yeaa-old patrol dog ith the police department.last weee, officers a man.after a nine-hour standofff the susppct jumped put of a iiddw andd an into a neighborhhodd arred with a raabo's hannler, corporal scott allen, deployed ssary sittation. "i gave rambo the bitt coomand, and he ran down the street and bit the ssspect in the right arm, which as the arm which he had the handgun havv time toostop and think abouttwhat truly appened. ann i do feee hat he saaed my llfe that ay." &pdayy"and it's not the firss &ptime rambo has done that... taken doon a susppct ith hiss awarded with a seven ounce - filet ignonn and bad day for carry rae jepssn... remember her hit &pprobably wwnt be calling her
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out the first pitch bbforr against the housson aatros.... pnd some are calling it the &pwill say thii though.... arly balttmmrr at camden yards... that one.... fine job with - 3 3 3---cllpping--------cllppiig--- the incredibll way he and his .- 3""nnue: ktv has just learneed captain ssm ting wongg" pong." a tv station broadcasts ogus names f te ilots in the to the miakke. and the reassn the airrine is not everybody hha the wwooe story and thh juuy was able oo hear all thh evidence anddtake that ito acccunt
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and a formerrnfl cheeeleader.... gets revenne on a gssip weebitee.. and wonn
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11:11 pm
two teenageeboys inn pennsylvania areebeing hailed as heroessfor savinn a yoong kidnapped. p3---clapping--- the five-year-old aftee she e - lannaster township.police say mmn offered to take her for jjst about to issue an amber alert--when the ggrl was found. two boys saa her in a car witt a mmn, and followed on their pikes. temar buggs: soon as te guy chasing them, he stoppee at the enddoo theehhll and let &pherrout aad she ran to e nd said thattshe needdd her mom heee toopolice.
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pooice.traceeyclay:he'ssthe onn who helped trackk er doww ann sheeran to himm hees our heo hero area ce cream shops as tthy searccg for thh uupect. they of 50 andd 0... and alks with a limp. 33 pornnnot everybody haa the ets 3 abll too ear all thh evidence and tke that into accoont account 3 parah jones walked out of a dollars richee. sheehad sued the owners of "theedirty" sex life. the website claimed it wwsn't liable or the comments which others had the jury disagreed.....aad fear the ecissin could haveea - 3 3 3poss to tooy ppgnotti ,3
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11:15 pm
3 3 "he saii, 'iiknow what the problem is. it's ghetto &pan unusuul diignosis for bbck blame... why a 3and snails bcooing he next big beauty secret.....what's in their slime... that ccoud be good for your skin. in their slime... that ccoud be good for your skin.
11:16 pm
11:17 pm
and hudson valley are backs and open for business. with hundreds of miles of streams to fish. and countless trails for biking. or hiking. we're ready to make your new york state vacation perfect. there's never been a better time to vacation in the catskills and hudson valley. plan your vacation at the new state of new york. welcome. asiana airlines is planniig o
11:18 pm
sue aasan franccico t-v bogus names of theeflight 224 p. pilots.threeepassenners weee killed wwennthe plane crashed oo he ruuway last eekend.tte ntsb says ummer intern mistakenll onfirmed the fake names, which phonettcalll spelled out pprases like "somethinggwrong" and "we oo
11:19 pm
low".thhy were reed onnair by quustion the commoo sense all around here.... first, how did this ggt on aii ithoot someone questioniig it????and be foccsing on inding out wwat caused the crash, rather than suiig a tv staaion over thhs? tennessee womaa has iled a complaint agaiint her doctoo all ccmmmn sense.teery ragland - &pssys sheewenntto see a physician beccuse of back pain.... but the answer she pot was something you won't problem is. it's ghetto he - -3 &pbootyy' and i said, ghetto what?' he said, ghettt booty.'" boott.'"the doctor said therr was no curr or that... but he pould give her some pain pediccne.rrgland cooplained and a fewwwweks later the saying he was attempping to - we've heerd of
11:20 pm
beauty... but this seemssa little far fetchhd. in japaa woome are ppying more ttan 100-dollarss.. for a snail facial.. the snails -3 ann antioxiiants.theeslimm is supposed to removeeold celll,,'ssalso just gross.. 3 3 ---ncue: it'd beeniceeto be blast"ere... blast""- an explosion in the middle of the morning news.what caused the blast that rocked a tv statton. 3 ,3
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in texas goo quite the shock n - when a home exppoded near pheir studio. "its 5-300am fiday jull 12-th ..... ((eplosion)" &p(explosson)" the effects of he last could bbefelt alllover town. two home were ruuhed to the hoopital with criiical explosion dessroyed 3 hooes wwod on the causee
11:24 pm
chris davis put on an impressive shoo in the home ssfffrrd aad how every long & ball he hit saved o's fans the nest has been getting a little too quiet of late.
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so i decided it was time to find some real harmony with nature. [ screaming ] whoo! oh, yeah. elmo! [ howling ] mmm! [ eae chirps ] [ train whistles ] [ bird chirping ] [ screaming ] [ tuba bellows ] whoa. hey! [ screaming ] [ snoring ] music to mom's ears. we may live in houses, but we're born for busch gardens. that'll do it for tteelate &edi. barnddand i'm jjnnifer cunningham, sports unlimited 3tarts right nnw..3 longgalll..aad therewere eee hooe run orgywas tonight, 3
11:27 pm
ann the orioles' residdnt fenneebusterwas on centee stage. ptagee.chris ddvis aking his 3 lauuches it to dead center... ooer thh trucks...441 foot with 3 ooers... davis going for tte trucks paain...just tt the right of it...433 feet...his 4th long bbll....sitting n home puns...finally hits one of the &ptrucks for his 7th homer... the 2nn rrunn 2... crussessit 461 eet for his pth homeerun...but it omes aa a cost....tearssa ccllousson his right hand on hat swwng... hhs handdwraaped...doesn't nd appear to beeserious but yoo can be sureebuck howalter oakland a's outfielder......
11:28 pm
yyeeis cespedes won thh home run derby withhthii 4555foot he beaa out bryce harperrin ... &ptte inaa round...adam jones ppesenned ccspedde wwth his &pwwe chammionship belt... p3&pmeanwhile...the orioles hav the fans can capitalize oo davis' big season...they aree field levee ticketsfor eaahh homeeruu dvii hit tonight... so that's 122bucks off for 1stt gaiiss the astrosand s - aaainst tte ariners... and is restrrcted to just six per househhld..use the couppn code crush wwhn you buy thee online at orioles dot om... heee'ssthe american eegue &psttrting lineup...leadiig off &pis the angels mike ttout... miguel ccbrera....hris davis &pbatting clean up...he doesn't o's...jooe bautista in 5th...e pth...o''sshorrstop jj ardy .3 in the 9--ole... one of the last players to bb named an all star was oriole
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pitcher chris tillman, who learred just aattr 1pp sunday phe americannleaaue squud... phe spot opened when justin tigees sunday...and a-llorthe manager jim llyllnd knee he "at the end of the day, i felttlike a guy thht i'd almost e embarrassed not to all-star game. i thouuhtthee deserved it. i think whennyou get 11 wiis by thh ll-star break,,i tinn that'' prettyy break,,ihe rest of the oos all- right here on foxx45...the naaional leaguee squareeoff wwih home field aavantageeinn the world serres on the line... &ppomorrowwnight at 7-30 on out in owingssmillsanddthis al - sunnda ookiessand selected veterann will eeorttfor he openingof training camp 2013... not e innaatendence...they loot 9 players since the super
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team's resident legend, ay lewws,who retired at tte end of last seeson...a sure fire hhll of amer in five yearr, first time ii theecity wheee announned today that lewws willlenter the ring ofhooor at m&& ankkstadium..tte date is september 22nn agaanst tte houuton texann, who will their sideline.. that'ssaal foo ports unlimited...i'mmbruce cunningham...tuneein to foxx5 mooning news tomoorow -- starting at 5-am..oodnight. goodnight. [ male announcer ] you know what's so awesome about the internet?
11:31 pm
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11:32 pm
technology that makes life more entertaining, call the verizon center for customers with disabilities for a lot of reasons. as an adult, if i want a cookie, i have a cookie. i have three cookies or four cookies or 11 cookies if i want. many times, i will intentionally ruin my entire appetite. just ruin it. then i call my mother to tell her i did it. hello, mom? i just ruined my entire appetite. cookies. so what if you ruin it?
11:33 pm
we understand that even if you ruin an appetite, there's another appetite coming right behind it. there's no danger in running out of appetites. i've got millions of them. i ruin them whenever i want. monopoly is back at mcdonald's with everything from food prizes to a chance to win a million-dollar prize on a big mac. [ cheers and applause ] what will you be served up this summer? ♪ what will you be served up this summer? even when you don't now yhave time for a break break with new kit kat minis. poppable, bite-sized minis that let you make break time anytime. [poof!] [clicks mouse] there's doughnuts in the conference room.
11:34 pm
there's doughnuts in the conference room. automatic discounts the moment you sign up. ion [television plays] look, zigmond, the sky! the planet's on fire. it's just as you prophesied-- the planets of our solar system incinerating like flaming globes, zigmond, like flaming globes! goodbye.


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