tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX August 8, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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soulr spirit cnues to the lives on wt yo fle dies /f de is in the but that in the leroux fall thats what we should all do give thanks toimif you been given the gift tha dim for the ft givehimcredit for the gift you can't evetake crebitor t gifts god has given you you'reing a big mistake if you do of #ourse have a subscription those companion bibles into that song as rt ofthe nuripts within g's word to the chiefusician you have the victory to he who gives e victory that of cour is our avenly father and his
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son yeshua msiah psalm 31 ton of opryland tohe next three psms 3132 is already iniew of psalm 20 we not returned back tosalm 2001 reesh your memory with psalm 20 %s about verse one psalm 20 sta)tup talking about trouble atrophecof the day of jacos trouble that of cour is when agt%chrisá is here on eartchrist himself saiin @ e new stament is gumby ibulation bendhat has ever been before like never s b#en before hen earth al andsalm 22 talked about the sacres of david's time in@other words blood sacrifice ofmals
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psalm 20, rm-up psa&m 22 whicishere we saw the crucifixion of chrt on t cross that changed everying as far as the means of atonement al and psalm 20 saw tde fact the wked trus in chariots anhorses in themselv weapons shields a speatc. were as the righteous trt our heavenly father not inhe things of theworld with the and reduion rootgo with alm 31 verse one of the psalm of davib and ireads orou can think of this i've fd forrefuge don't foet tshave to do wit
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the time. just before jesus returns at the second advent antichsts gointo be here og earth áhat's en y rea&ly better remember take th to a spiritual levelas wells physica& level you @ can go to ur heavenly ther i ke refuge h anytime any place no mterwhere you arewi áheituation o course you should neveforget clearleak in the antichrist will be here let me never be @ ashamed tohis word %s often transled particularly in the new testament confused we not confuseb unfortunaly many brothers and sters given in christ go to church
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every sunday they siin a pew th dear thsame svati message over and over again unfortunately they're being set up to worship tde antichrist are not taut there is a chriscoming first thats ineaof christ the mysterus messi of antichstnfortunatey of thewhen they realize they been deceiveth they're acally worshiping satan himself in h role of antichrist when they realize th such arethe new tesáament is gumby weeping a gnashing of teeth many of them will be aying for mountains to fall on verse two or end nightmareo me this can be translated rescue me
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psalm 27 five we talk#d about the pavilion if yoy recall that the dwelling place to th the lord think spiritual if m are in him and he in you he iur world rocked her strength you don't need anymore to danc# than what de able afforyou verse three check out this lead me actually jet li ad me you may rell on psalm 23he is sheerd i all not want hema me toie doiden. pastures hel#ad @ mey still waters nothe leads is not going to make
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anyboby do anything he does t drive like yok driver cattle he leadwho she can follow that's good if you n't follow you knowh @ after godwrote th lter to you and oved the great shepherd w is willing lead if we wl follow all you he won't make you if you'reften á way ofthe world and thshehherdries to comeinto your heart you turn him ay is not to make you llowigg these in a lead if you folw fi ifyou don't you want to ay in tde waf therld that's fin th him have a good trip there trip like id is probably going áobe ticket punched to áhe lake ire if you don't change your ways he leads he doenot make his people #ollow
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verse fo th cld be trslated etly you know there are a lot ra and sres in life todayf weog'ttay fosed on god's wd our ssion of helping accomplish his overall plan so full easy get caught up itde smearss a t going on in the rld that causes distraction for god'schi&dren be suryou stay focused you dotend up in the kef fire with satan and his let god lp youvoidse @ ears aush traps in le
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verse five exact wordsf rist infact the lt words of christ the book of luke luke 2346 i comm into thy hand i comt my spirithis is áo deliver your por no lies no deception he is a god of truth i like tdis to i commit my spirit in her words the trt myrit you urair fair judge you don't show any favoritism or paráiali to yourhildren @@ entrust my soul to yather beuse i kgow i'm gng to get afair shake on judgnt day m glad he is jge @ not n he kws your heart and yourind verse six
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line vanity for those whwill our rockers da fashion to be theigod sml g in other words i dot listen to lies don't listen to false prophets eve me anybody thatells yoyou don't need to undersndhe book of revelation is a false propt anybody that this th they havehe say imore important than wt god hato say the letter that he wte is a fae prophet don't l%steno falsprophets arust in th lord davays not in a shield and a sar or ariot or forces that my ust in the
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lord i hope u put your trust in t same place where seven mercy long kindnesyou can think of it is on merited favor other wos god shows us a favor we don't really deservewhy because he loves @ s chilen here we go back @ to t subjecá the trouble á y of jacob's trouble if you are oneo# god's ainted as dad is god knowsour adversity if you're one a select. in matthew8 verse to be careful not todespe one of these little ones referr%ng to god's #lect as their gel
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has the face of god aá any timef you're ever in adversity you want to god's anoied you bettebelieve yourngel is rit there having the face of god mea as his atáegtion anytime you n#ed his atttion your gel is there making sure that happens he knowshen you're in trole ver eight this means yaven't surrendered menáthe hand of thene enemy with ito far as antich)ist rememb prophecy of that period of tor mstep dad wi&l surrender u er to eny facáors truth sets us free not only from th# enemy
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unfortunately all too many churches today try and hold their congregations in t pews with fear they preach hellfire and brimstone if u don't do this and you don't do that you're going toell for sure we don't have a god loing to send his chdren to helptdat not his will he nts his children to come to repentance tcome back to him thaten over through the word set in a larger ro it ans to bfree in other words plentyf spe unfortunately many older congregation if with ts hellfi and b)imstone youthe wo o god is a certain john a know the truth which áheo)d of god the trh shall make you free don't er forget that
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first nighthere we go back to that subject the belly tde most essential point the body erefore put r the ent%re @ body thati coum with group nightmares the soul what david is saying the soul is in a bad state duringhis time rse 10 or my humiliation the way this is statedthe septuagint this probably at the t%me ofthe th probably at the time of
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the cond suel chter 21 vid had the adulterous afir with bathsheba ose husband uriathehit type was f aá ward w and behold after david committed adulry wi bathsheba she was found withhild in an effort to cov#r up his adultery he sent fouriah come back to jerusalem in an effo to t him to livwith his wife which then our would @ coverup the fact thaá s had not been faithfulto hig of cose that adultery committed th did uahld not go to sle with his wife when hifell sers were sleeping in nts at the war @ he tried david tried a second time to t him to go with dis wife little ext)a ne on e side good could've need for the ble he sll wou got @ go david seniahback to the front
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with his own beath seence anb an envelope addresd to joe that note se uri tothe hoest frogt wdere died in battle god ed upon ems murber certain second samuechapter 12 arophetas st to david and said the ld condemns you for th murder ofriah of cour got for dave him but e)ewaa heavy price to pay vers11 were i became my frien are who are thoughwere my frnd's in oáher words i dread or an alarm those who
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knewe his trutis something youve many more scor#ven as we try to get the truth out to theorld concerning the antichrist in dad'instance of go back in time organa jump back and fth stay wi me in david'stime david never had time from his enemy was s ownfami that he had trouble with ery time u turn arnd someboby was trying to take us down to the sentence try to take the throne #rom him that's the wayhatwent dad agn had noroblem controlling enemy on borders of israel it washoithin e boers of israel had the hard time with those enemies within himse a lab rse 12
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a oken vessel can also ba missing vesself the rds vid sayingfter erything that'sappened my own friends are acting likei'm dead a&ready likevergreen exist ymore out sight out of mi verse 13 thisord lifen the hebrew is net -hicd is his very soul verse4 knob and charis or forces in other rds he ted in the lord entrusted in the lord @
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there says it not some fake not some instead of jesus no mysterious messiah the rl thigg e true issue áake this forwa)d and propdecy as antichrist is here oearth this is at y shouldbe saying to your heavenly father i trust ig you thatin my own aailities and chariots not an horsis not in anything of the world th my time is very diicult to áranste into english but this ihis affairs in other words all m very few took in hand that's difficult forometo dave it's portant for a&l of
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us to god knows everything for you to trustn him believe it or not he has ur best interest at hearwhy cause he lovesou specially if your lovi and serving him he was what is bestor you if you're able to turn loose all use thathrase of your irs put them ingos hands might be a surprike to @ thblessings start coming your way. as have your best interest at het if you love and serve him vee16 by you our speal to your h#avenlyather he love you like th%s make they fight the shine almost hera hiná of
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the priests blessing the blessis of air on the people a church in numbers six vers 24th through 26 mak aside steadier note of that r 70 or let mnobe confused thgh let me be decved by the igner st mrs. rocdon e hebrew could be trans&ated the wi one which of course is sat the hebrew this s lethem be cut off for e great after all they will be worshipinghe cef of death that is this aatan hebrews 2 rse 14 wl ba up what i'm
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sang he death who has the wer of death that is to say the devil howmuch appropriate they be cut offor the great ey don't change their ways the got a lot woe place th the grave e going to the lake of fire vse 18@ these are hard or arront thingshis respectfully if u will ainst a righteous one you ow what i don't care how srespectfully they tk to you there all good to get what they deservemike were talking abt the shephe will lead s people if you dot followim you're gettg a e-way tickeá to
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thlake of fire erybody gets what they dervet the great whe throne judgment don't worry oseare who are evil and wked third opera get away with iteeps very good records when hep# up the books agd everhing is writtendown right there to their na they'r# going to ay big-time verse 19 or reserved unity don't put your trust in things of the world puyour trust in your heavenly fathewhat grade did thinas reserved for yo talking about thcked and evil getting wt they desve on jgment day if you have
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righteousacts judgment day is not availae punishment and s rewards will get things has he reserved for you i hope a lot rse 20 from the consracy of mebegin is a place you can for refuge he will he you here we have tdat woraga%dwelli if you will psalm 27 fivee talk about thatavilionthe pavilion can also be a wedding nt or booth you know what there some as jesus rerned the second adnt after the peod of tribulation of antichrisá there some will be partihg
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in the wedding is called e first surrection of revelation 20 versus 45 and six are you going to bfit bride anatomare you and be spiritlly a virgin or use virtlly get ibm bed wi @ antichst worshiping him that caseou're not fit to be the bride of christ will be among the spiritually dead f the tdousand year. ofe millennium verse 21 tent city of fortified if u will perhaps david referring back to the flag to the place
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ig the ld ofhehilistines went on e run from saul in the armies of israel back en he had that little rg army that started out with 200 n now is word mplition as to hasten ay or fear my eaest prayerupport requestsn i repented de hes you en you go toim with a tly rentant hea that meansou have a change of mind you don't want to do ev and wicked yodon't the rebellious against y heavly fatr you want to ve a serve him in th case the slave is cleared ur sins are forgiven david
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certain&y not perfect he waver#d in the flush one thing dad never wavered in was his spiritualife erying o# judahafr him was comhared davib the spartans never falling away from d many almo all kings oisrae&ot invoed in idolatry one for or ather wshipg other ds dav never fell away to idolry was hperfectin the flush kn neier are any of there for honesrse 23 set ide once d #leio directly this means sdema ar in hebw the rd many of you are familiarith torotect
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or to guard don't ever forget thaá now on the other side if you'roud doer yoget off onn otrip you get arrogant you get youjust reward 2 all you do wait for e lord ow you will be a goo coage you know what god did foyou on the cross tremenus price he paid little bit of inconkenience at work in a bill tough tribulatn many are goi conser tribulati f david god consibered tribulati it a mor inconvenience i kn you wl
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ourageous know many your overanxio to ll satan what you think of him promoting is done to dis others and s were away for the lord were not a&low the holypirit toitne against thntichrist that occurred as a prophec book of psalms encourage you to do because is a go place to stopbook about next lecture ofourse pick up psalm 32 don't #ver forget how d ingset tough h instrumental dogsappear to be good always go your heavenly father and take that refuge in him as he put ur trust in him said in yo own gif your own abilities your
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chariots your horses into the world is going reward the who ehful to him what d things has he reservedor youa short messe willsk you to listen a moment won't u ease mark of the beast on cd's arfor troducto @@ offer to what is the mark of the beast manyal teachers will dave you believe ll be atattoo oyour four head or comput chip in planet underskig is getting late in the game you need tonow what the mark of the beast this i a church revelatn 13 verse eight many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived chrissaid in mark 1323 build evertold you all things jesus indeed was how not to be deceived ptor omar tas yoon a sp-by-ste s(udy of g's work concerning this criticalsubjt mark the
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