tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX August 9, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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reing against godth an suld he doenot ke it you will y for for if h loves you is goi áochasti you darealed he had some chtiment cing his waas we covereb in last lecture david war from perfect in the flh bursting blessed or how hap in her rds happy is the man the lord do%s not charge with in equity in other words after tde man or woman childaken steps to rept d obtain forgivegess sin is bloebuá it's the anymore.ds t charge you were ld you refined yocountable with the sentegce aace that's ne this wo title mea (o
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see yocanot: gkns yo heart he knows yo mind can't help but think in this rsfoample if you had somebody there was a drug adct they do their drugst nighthe next morning to get up áhey feelabbout ty say old lord forvee because i said but they fully intend tdo theame thing that nht tt's trying to be deceitful wi youheenly ther heknows your heart and your mind rathe) than aski forgiveness for something thaá you know you're planning on doing again asked r strength from your father qt doing what you're ing again you cannot call your deavenly fath he knows your heart he kns mind david continues in verse threein
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otr words i knew ihad sends on my shoulders that we burn orartnering me down i kept silent didn't ask for repentce a asked for forgiveness i did norepe and ask for iveness rather they became d or my agguis day long you see there are three steps to obtaining forgiveness one nfesog to his repent and that is a true change of heart beingyou don't want to do that anymore u do e very best you can stoh doing what you're doing that you want to change inth words what pentance then foivens in áhat
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order as well david sayi @ what i didn't rent and ask for foivess that weight of all the sin ighing down me yok know there's also ancipa ofpunishment th wear wn on you david knew fu&l well what god was going to chastishim r some o# the tngs he was doing that weighs on yous ll when you confess andepent andasfor rgiveness no longer are you charged wit those cents e bos ear fa) as sin next to your name there complely blotd tverse ur davisayingeeping me uh at nit when you don't he pee of mind that onefthe penalties you don'sleep ll
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at night if you do have peace of mind you have a good relationship going with their heavenly father well you're t up all night tsing and turning ighted down with all the sin is what daviis at this pointo like i said anticipating t cing nishment thisword mo)e ring hebrew is lesshot at it means a bigger tnk of it like jesus in the body that are reir for usto function as ahunbeing as heeft your stop pause meditate somethinghat ha beenaid aboureected with something to beaid in @
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thisase david strobl wch @ is pathetically the day of jacob'strouble with the coming repentance on david's part this knowlebge might send th acledgesven confessed to man no hedid not confess to a man neither should we confess to yok andre not able to forgive u confess to ureavenly father youpet if you really mean it you oatain forveness that's the way itorks siegler you're connect%ng the divin foiveness th a prayer and
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rship of áhe sinner who ha be forgiven for six ners say one morething on verse five it's almost humorousve not hid my iquity of not neeb you cannot hide anyáhing from d he sees everhing gdbadto thk u can do something th hide from god is really rather humorous verssix let's talk aut this verse for a w minutethis might throsome peop&e inhe time when god may ae und me s
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waiá a gigute you said got therfor u 24 hours a day ven days a weeyou go to him anytime what is thishen now may beound at putting a condition on god being founb out the source of áhat deutonomy chte4 verse 29 at wasoing on in the ve prior to that god said whenou come into the p)omised lagd to his childre israel youan belittleods out of rks and scks you didn't worship then that de goes o say deutenomy chapter 4 verse 29 said even after all th after you worsp something that cannot see you came here you can't speak it doesg't it's in imate object emitted.other even aft all thatthe @
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i'll bfod the purpose of talking about thercertain tis not depending on god's depending on you as to whetder you can seek god or whether you will find him yostart worshiping sticks and rocks you can forget h because he'soing to forget you are sure you that's only #air yo &ike this to shirley and thee it god he forget you flood talking about thdayof jacob's troue tribulation of antichrist is going be a flood not can be a water can be of satan's lieas they spew out of h mouth deceiving the world is come nigh tthe check that out, nine hebrew is not god brew word many o your firm earlier with #rom
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genesis to word command adam and eve oall thtrees in the garden ofden you can partake in any of them ty're good for for but of the tree of good and evil that i shall not touciá more touch in heew inot about it means to li#e with theant what happened ithgaen of eden not permitilteach that they teach you to abide out ofan apple that's whataused all e trouble is not a minute apple te in the egtire book of genesis don ow where ty getthatuá the traditions of men for you seco corthns 11 verse three the teaching opaule saok know i want to presenyou as chaste viigs unto chrikt in oer words i don't want youoriping the anchrist wch case you are
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spiritually in bed site says inerse three i don't want u to meet as eve who is beguiled by the serpent chick up that word beguiled immigrant iáxbox deal has no othermeaning than holy ties for severa@@ don'ever ford is your hiding plar guard d proteceven the day of jacob's trouble thou shall surround me d her rds th songs of lvation the siegler you're connecting the worswitd further instructions and guidancesuch coess repent and receive
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forgiveness are able to ceive now you ve a you want to receive some instruction youwant to receive some understanding @ f)om youavenly father wiin a hebrew this st phrase i wi counsel the my iill be upon me befo)egodis with s e&ect paicularly ty are the appleof h eye wn you doomething to of bn one of god's elect one of his anointed ones just likeyo toucd the appleof hye pupil of his eye he ever had mebody stick tir finger in eye doenot feel good they get your atntn real fast check out this word tch
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in hebrew it means to f&ow as water that is say likring latter-day rgn of deuteronomy chapter 11 might come áo nd thas how yo father teaches you early dung the formerrain it's often call allows the seed d a plan to germinate the seeds then ds t e plant livesthen later on the letting comes and lows the plagt mature work d produce fruit on until ask you are you producing fruit r your heavenly father begins spirituay of creourse the seed symboc of word when plant seeds would expect to gng some payback to the feed iotherwords were harvti for our heavenly
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father of course t germinion and thlatter rain are am he says here i will instruct the teach the women to give you the latter raf u'll do things gy way verse nine u ev had a sbborn old mule in otr words the mbolic ofthe d repent sinner horse muleer aeen arnd tm very much if you @ dot keehhem ugdercontrol en you get up close to them they')e liable to step underfooburket don't be like a stubbo old mule thats contrary to everyáhing y try
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toet áo today be more like the sheet of the shepherd who ntlyead them to tdk about a alr horse especially the stubborn is prettyuch have to drag them evywhere mou wagt them to go with the bridle anbit in their mouth not so if you're ing things god's way there she gently lead to a dp in the waysf the world yesterday u back to him 's not gointoyour on your own if you want toin the ways of thworlfront be in the wa of the world god. y heill gently lead you back to his ways will tea you if you'reilng áo receive it if wanto ba stubborn old muleo eadbe a bo old mulke a fire mo likelwaiting on you first
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the wicked oneush off d anger at christ's sake of self mercyis lindness re grace your tst in your avenly father that me)cy unmerited far to surround you with you all the time if you're tryg but if you're that stubborn old donkey that won'donythg without ing drugged to it by a ait d bridle you not going áo rec#ive any mercy you not percei anyraceor lovingkindne fm your heavenly fatr verse 11
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tdoseat do righall of you guys to see andears to hear those of the spherd leads you' will%ng áo follow y want to follow you have the rigdt frame of mind not like a stubborn old mule psalm 33 yoll note it h n subsiption or skpecription 32 has no subscription 33 has no superscriptionor title @ many schols beeve 33 ugderstand the psalmumb#r were added by men not partf the manuscript it's kind of a guess the part of men some scholars say that iá doesn't ve a title ttmost likely should ad%ust than a continuation of psm 32 will the lord rejoicen verse thtop verse one of 33 stts
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out i ink prably at some credenceo those scholars who say33 is contuation were guessing 33 over cmercenew song thiswritten in view of psalm 20 the day ojab's ouble when antichrist is here on earth is goinge a song's sg by some i hope you are familiar with the we covered that in a mont 33 versone those of you who are just that rd is indeed ihebrew a fo of the rd of n yore familiarith zadok the @@ uprigdt ones that ll rgn with christ the mill#nnial temple in ezekiel 44 praise suitable ifyou will for t
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rigdt versetwuly as a leader if you will to stirring musical instrument repeating @ the different instrumentsh#re isckeb andtrings and th is what the wle @ orchestra in otder wor first tde new song he)e is )elating tohis proph%tically to t time anb a csis he on earth ose whoverme a @ do notorship thentichrist that scottelecthey wilbe siinga newsong calledthe song of moses and the song of e lamb revelation 15 verse
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three will documenthose who overcome the tribulation of inner chst donot worship him will be singinthat sg those tdat are not promor finb áhe song of moses in d#uáeronomy 3 actualtitlto it you find in the last rse of deuronomy 31 what is it about that plm but so bored may be goi out on a lima i think one o# the most igportant with allmportant fous to understandhat the ason the elect the over commerce will be singing with can help you get to thatoi tord your overcome are part hat song of moses is áhe fact that our offices not eir rock ifyou
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the fae rockomes first likely even be able to be with thossiinthat new song the so of moses because you know áhe fakecomes first the's no way you worship them because to you he not an abonation verse four don't everorget thatf you me to a fork in e road of li y having troubl deciding whetherhiway is right th ways wrong or vice versa but never forget the word of lord is right yoknow we n find if we ok study hard enough you can find any siáuation that comes uh in you) life and god's tells you what is rit and what iswrong but nevefoet
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notice he fusion many higher critics for the most part try say god's word in some cases contradicts itself which should be con#usioanytime something ntradicts itself that's confusioes not make any sensbut god's word never contracts itself he ishe author of truth t the auth of cfusion verse five you want tknow how to get ingoob with god right tdere @@ tesyou ve and righousness and ment judgment is the rigdt as rule of judgment inther words fairness god l for people do things right what is
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right was wrong ught t verse before that tde word of thlord iright you do thgs his way that's how you gettg goodh ur fathe a child you receive his blsings you wanto that stborn oldule has to drag to his wordstuddedgently @ leing you to h word do without e blesngs because don't the only rewards tse that do right that our fire and all thsiness doi verssix the st of them including the angels angels arecalled the host of heaven in more than one locationnd god's wd by
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his breath of his moutwere e heavs made in the hosts of them id iitas so that's wt this mns is the father of all includg your soul is the ol 18 rse fou) he can bo wi your so what he chooses to do that ofcourse based on how you relate him if you do thiggs righteously and fai)ly verse seven we talked aaout the avs in kers# six now wemove t thoceansnd the seasnber number 7/trace talking subterraan waters such as we drl holes in the ground to rm a well god controls all
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that sees the control by the pdone the entire ocean moves with theratational pull the moon who do yothinkis responsiblforthe think thaá this happef course n youreavenly father said it and it became so like at one scholar how he paraphrases this verse seven he said god ntrols oceanin the seas even the r below the train of the earths though it was in a ttle áhick aut thatecome mucd control he has took a bottle i was haway ful& wer united moback and forth in the bible that god does witd the ocea and the seas is truly to be held in awe we sd reve him verse
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for reverehis word sta her mes turn aside from the road for &odgingcifical&y in other words it m#ans to rest let all inhabitants of thworld turn aside and arrest ithe auto him and his n all i hahe is a rest our seventh of you will verse nine fern to the lord until he needed to do was say it and it was done awesome power no e can change the word of the planf god verse 10
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v#rsus one and o psalmtwo verse oge gins why did theeathens rage why d theassemble together and thi theycan take cnsel aga gob and his anointed they thinkthey can changeod's plan it's not going to hapn verse 11 in otherords with the hear is the minof you wi&l extends to generations including this one tha
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though of his heart history of the worldake up the h%storof the uverse is the carrying out ohis plf salvation that plan will come to passonly wayou can ceive lvation is from your heavenlyather with his plan is t weight is 12 you an god's chosen some peop that sounds kind of racist at the television newspeactually reporter one-time tell me that when i god chosen people he said that's raci you can say
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that they show their iorance of god's word because god has a choseneople not faliar with it you need tread exodus chapter 19 verse five also deuteromy 7 verse six does that make his people chen people special not really god loves all of his chilen especially ose who are doing things to the best of their ability is way like this blessed isthe nation whose god the lord what see what combination would thabe that might be one at haven't the curncy in god we trust that mig be onein their pledge to take to their flag that saysne natn
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