tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX August 12, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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the books are en up you) father does t miss anything 14 righnow is in heaven course during the time thisas written his habitaonith% a tent outde on zion if will david had constructed in their mosaic tabnacle was in indiaat this time arc of the covenantertainly was the that is the habitation of god when he resided with men here on earth i look forward to the day he resides with those here earth once again from the place of hisitation again to bable to comprehend all of that you cat help bute in awe ver 15
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or the same notheir faith he coiders their works this word fashion ái#ket ouighe hebrewocks are it mes to mold the pottewod form clay intoa vessel or whater se bng fmed into t reason our heavenly fathers the tter and we are the cl i egcoureyou to be pliae in other words be not rigid towa god can use you he n#ebs to be able to ld you as he wants you be you cabetter serve them for rigid and iff aching users because w#reo setig our ways that were not willing to be changed to whatsoever i a
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god to changme frothe insideut to ma me to where can betteuse meut somethinghope you learn to p)ay f t considers all of our works were 16 te here look for probably one of t more powerful people on earth does not matter how many are in king's army thaá won'á save him does got matter how stro a man is you can be as strong as samsung a you stil& cannotave yourself is ogly worn salvati that iser heavly father again we see that reoccring theme t
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agn we see that reoccurring theme the psalm3132 and 33 to not put your tst in charts or horses or b-1ombers put your tru in your heavenly father for 17 does not matter how fast or strong our horses it'sot ing to help you obta salvation orafetishe word they are using here you know at the time of david if you hadgood warhorse in one my that ha no hoes go%ng up footman yet another army thaá had 500 warhors the 5 warhorses ta tremendous advante in thermy that had the horses a good warhorse at
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the time of david was probably similaas we in militar terms today think of a tan agaiof course was nsidered at this time of this writing is a very valuable asset as far as militarywas concerned still wou&d do you no goods far savi your owso verse or reve him those that know the word of the lord and i know what lvation is the eye of the lord is on them tt re him don'tver rget at when were in thatime jacob's trouble en anna christs here on earth is i is going to be on his elect its writtein zechariah 2 and
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mir propts y touch one god anointedis like touching áhe app of his eye that the people of h li#in other words messth one of god's elect is like sticng your finger in god's eye you cahave his immediat% attention i assu y 19 who is death hebws 2 verse 14 raisingesus ch)ist came to earth in the esh was crucified on the cross was áo defeat he who has tde power of death that is toay the devi& hebrews2 verse 14 ain time you think famini can't help but think of amos chapter 8verse 11here read famine @ of the end times will t be
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for bread water the fine of the e times is for heg the word of god the @@ famine is well uway i hope u wait for the true messh s to be e false one he @ comes first i pe yeen taugh, that theantichri ll be he on earth before sus chrisá returnst the second is wait on the lord i hope you have patits patients i think is one of áhe things thagot select prably are lacking more than@@ anything were anxious to be able to stand up aga san anxioor the holy spir to speak through us and witns against the false christ don'torget who your
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help this your shoders heans 6 wou&d have that gospel armor on the shield of course is tde shield of faith tdat is to sayesus christ we can be an,ious to servthe lord and anxious to hip against anna cist don't forget to be prepared that requires you have the spel armoon you nor fleshs weak en you really nsider all @@ things the flesh is weak if yotry to stand against satan yoself is going to be boxi ur yea hll beat you up day innd day out if you tr to take themn by yourself that wt you'beaking a big stake the lord will help you u need to be stainin placthat gospel armor on stoneleigh way your to be stand against e fiery darts ofake
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verse 21 verse 20 one quarter mindagain that being trust in the lord those who wait on the lord k the trust in the lord will be rewarded grtly. inging a new song were talking about at the beginning the psalm 33he song of moses and the song of the lamb is assured in revelation 15 verse vers# 322 is %s ur lovinkindness on meriáed favor you can think of it there's qkalification tdere acrdhe qualification you must noá only believe in him but she
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must ive thatelief with the sa here at the chapel you probably hrd itmany times christianity is not a ligion it is a ality youcajust believe it you have to likit live at 24 hours a dayeven days aeek of (he alification you can put your hope in thlord hope of course is trust anfaith in @ his plan of salvation we learned over and ovethrough psalm 3132 and 33 there is n@@ other salvation you have the biggest my oplaneá earth is stil& not good when lvation for you unless you do id's way concludi @@ psm33 would come to our next acrtic psalm psalm 34 we mentioneb 34 when cov#ringsalg
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25 just to alm 25 was an acrostic 25 and 34 share phenomenon yet understand were to be talkg about the hebrewanguage no asou #indin elish in your ng jam veron bible to go back to tde maripts the phogenon the cracáeristic the characteristic of psm 34 tt they share are that they are missing oebrew letter in oth#r words are letts in the hebrewalphabet obous&y start with the equivalent of a belief ego wanted the order t hr#w letters the psa&m 25 was miing e tter called in the hebrew equivalent to ou)
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english k psal34 missing the bowel whichis eivalent to our letter be and pked herin english is d like plm 2534 however has a double take which is equivale to ouletter p as in heter ienglish language witd that we endp covered little more in depths get there the first 11 versus of the psalm 34 have to dowith praise second 11 have to instrtion we uite a winky introduction or tie to th this is pt o# god wordn the scripts the psalm davidhenhe changed his bevior before abimel who drove him away and he
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departedhis is talki abo kingf deaththat áhe listings aeen a dad is a geric title st like by pharh is t kg ofgypt all thkings ofgypt were call pharaoh swe kings of death and other cities of the philisnes called imelech abimecsimply mes ther otde k%ngs we learn this man actual ven na in rst muel 21% 11 is achish what happened in vid's rly years when h s on t run from sa the philistines caught david and brought him to gath to achish daviddean wiser than the serpent acted like a crazy man he started writing on e lls of the gate ofhe city
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he w leading hospital i was not ipped drool if you will ill down on his beard td brout david to achish achish to one &ook at david said warty bringing this azy man to me for the ing, take a moment p.m. lunch get them out of t coue davidmember now alm killed h thousands davidlls te of thousanbs many of the tens of thousa that bavid slew were philistines you caundersnd the philistines very apprehensivedavid david wouldlar make friends wh achish become an ally h actually eveso much as he went up toward agast h own pele israel but god prevented that from ppening of course with tt int)oduction psalm 34 verse one what's go th it
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at this point in time david was probably the songho&or thve t boolin wendy saying no matter how bad the situationis and it was prty rough when he had that ragtag army of 0 and they wer living in cav#s not enough food to eat so on so forth áhe same no matter h bad things get i'm still goingto praise the lo continually verse áwo net fishigg hebrthis %s not a ast being pril this probably betralated to celebratesoul sha
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ke her celratee lord those who are paent is a psalm if you will for the deliverance of t openrest david feeling oppressed at is point in his life because he is opessed and so are the with himse three re david calls upon those that are with him ain that stard out as that ragtag @ army of 200 they were very loyato davidnd ourtues and samuel in e chronicles s learn david hadis 30 tre calledthe mighty0 of david lders that helped
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him early in his life and remain loyal to himeven to the time of a salon for the most pt those that are still alive at tt point in time very lal to david your is calling on them also to join him in fellohip and exalting his name is what we one we in chch we fellship tother and exalt the name the lord we li them upo his righul place on the thorough we that eveg as were gatherehere togethea pleasure to her more gathered in his name exalting hig use their in the midst of them ite right now are exalting tde rd verse foursome omy feeders
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but all of my fears n't ever forget that when times g hard and rough in inner christ is here on earth anb we are being oppressed by the wle @ world you will the lord ll heayou he wl delive yofrom all your fears there's no reason to d's promiseb he will keep his e on h anoighis elect at if you're servi and loving him and a memr of that anointed oup is eltion verse five hamed yocan think as confed if you stk with d's word and you follow hi instructions you won't be
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con#usedither second timothy 215 study to show thyself approved workmen thaneed not be ashamed rigly dividing the word of god theyere lightened i likehis it means they had a heavy burden or load the burden was like y kn god will do tt for you there is no real trouble when god isn youride asesus would teach in the new testament weearn if we want tookoursels to jus christ that are load will be ght and why beuse he is aring r load with those n't ever forget if you're waing around with a heavy load and burden your heavenlyather is thereor u he wi&l lighten yo loa vee si
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this afflicted mag again áhere no real trouble if you're og t ouáside he wi tre no doubtut it the pooran cried out in theord d you been elect and open rest by theickeevil of the world when antichrist is here on ea)th when you crieouto the lord believe me he's gng to hear and respond to your r#qujust like this verse seven angel of thed only used three times in the booof psalm here twice in our next psm 35 versus five and six
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here angel of the lord yourhowing mercy however in psm 35 kersus five and six the anl of t lord's functionill be judgment quite a biof diffence angel of t lord r those that do not know dis god himself manifested where man can see him you see he's in a dif#erent mension than we are flesand blood ot @ ter the kingdom of dean ceráain first conthian apter 15 verse 50 we cannot seem to that dimension that he can manifest himself if he shes us to s him but belivers them who asked verse eit
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th word man is deeper heew word most of y filiar with utilized of the giants as well butt does not mean giants his simply an even a mighty man that trust him yahveh his name th lord is goodritually his word is ob because the instruction th shows us th difference between right anb wrong if you ever get to a point yr life you have trouble deteinigg what's right d wronggoo his wo it'll nev%r letyoudown it will show you the right way to go his /ord isood in fact spiritually thinking it's swe#t honey is ink yoll would write in ekiel 30 verse nine
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mine should race back to psalm 23 the lord is my eprb i shall t want y know he provides everything that we need tt's a good tng to y in your prayers occasional father thank you for pridg our ekery need he does indeedo tdat t iso want if you love and serve thlord verse 10 this re#erring theoung lion are strong hunters at this pot time ofav's life bowl salt and achish were hunting forhivery life if
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you ll n there were those that he companion bibles you'll gote the hebr letter th crse on this acstic @ ths through e psalm 34 aralways are very selb is matter back are a, the beginning of a verse that corresponbs the hebrew the beginning of line these versesre by man the degn they're nopart of god's wo you'll notice those with companion bibles anderse @five even though it's a short bursts as is tnslated in @ english there are two hebrew letters associated in other rds or stew lines contained withinerse five and tde manuscriptthatre part @ the acstic if you will tak united the consideration
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mentned in the first 11 why rostic or praiseowill have the second 11 where we fi instruction would you like aittle insáruction in ur deavenly father youp to receive a verse 11 you cathk of áhis as those who are young you thkof this as a younchristian immature christians the reverence of the lord here we are dcnstruction beginng what is it that we can learn and hodo wlearn to revere the lord welearn him provbs chahter 1 verse seven that the beginning of all knowledge i the year were vence of the
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lord so beforeoun star to receive instruction in wisdom and knowledge from your heaven fatryou have to get your hdand ur heart set right to do td you dave to revere him the th don't care abo him áhough b't ha timfor him he's not going to share kwledge and wisdomiththem if they don't have time only makes sen the last pt of that verse i mentdproverbshapter 1 verse seven you know tt verse ends let's review tde beginning the beginning ofll knowledgeis to beer or revere the lord. spies instruction to categorieshich catego)u fall in o wants knowledge from the lordwere full 12
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all that mes life worth living i'll add you want to add number of days tyour fe that de me think matthew six verse jes said which of youby ting thought can add one cubic to s stature which means which of you by word can add one day toour life as a matter of fact if yourar he workeb @ you're probably shorten%ng your le people worry abo a lot of things people are not happy unss they're worri about something i've known several lik#hat 90of the thgs people worry about never come to pass áheir ing 90% of theorld
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woied for nothinworry ik not a altdy thing that's the reason woran detctrom your number of ds instead of adng tyour number of ds vers13 you nt to add days tyour life keep ur tongue from evil in thy lips from spng guile i could remember from an early age my dad's mother taughá mif he did not have something goo say about somebody keep your mouth shu jkst don't s anything if you don't hav# sethi good to say about somebody g a pretty sple keep your tongue fr evil guile is deceit don't tr deceiveour brothe and sisters or your frienbs family god does not like it it will sdorten the number of days he gives you on
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earth unfortately some of e guile the deceit that comes from theery pulpits that should be teaching god's word their ting ptur the people get alyaway don't ve to study the book of revelation. begone you not have been here during the ibulation that deceit verse 14 you wanto add to your numberof days d#ar lif that's h you add to thdays of life ece we can think of principle he's alstr peace of mind at only s om theprinf peace thisade me áhink about áhis verse heews 12 verse4 with states to follow or pursue
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peacand holiness which is safication if you wil& which no man shall s the lord you're non e the lord unless yoseek and pursue peace othe) wordk the ince prince peace do good getaway fr evil apart from @ evil that includes anythin and everything to do with ying youebuke him and the name ojesus christ wore him ouyour life where you seek peace and pursueeace right here and your fatder wd i know many of you realize that know that if you don't realize at i hope yolearn it soon it makes life in the flesh bodies lot easier if y do thingsod's way youeceive his b&essing and they'l& add to your numbers of days your life you dot do things
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