tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX September 20, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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couple of hours, it's my stag weekend, and i say we pitch tent here, ok? i know what i'm doing. i know exactly what i'm doing. ah! oh-oh! ah! ah! oh, oh. ah. >> mark, that was a snake! did it bite you? [mark chuckles] you all right? >> whew. >> oh, no. >> adders aren't lethal, are they? >> i don't know. >> nah. just pop my shoe back on and we can keep going. >> keep going? we don't even know where we are! >> al, you're panicking. in a military situation-- >> wait--hey, it's not a military situation, is it? >> i'm not going to let a little setback like this ruin my stag party. [mark vomits and gags] >> ah. look, maybe i should call pauline, ok, to contact the doc, hey? >> oh. i thought you were going to leave the phone in the car. >> well, it's just as well i didn't listen to you, isn't it?
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reception's rubbish here. i'm going to have to move to find some, ok? >> ok. you should sing so i know where you are. >> sing? >> yeah. uh--that song from "titanic"? >> what about, um, "grand old duke of york"? >> ok. >> i'll be back in a minute. yeah. ♪ oh, the grand old duke of york he had 10,000 men ♪ >> i'll just keep an eye on base camp, yeah? >> ♪ he marched them up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again and when they were up they were up but when they were down >> they were down and when they were really halfway up >> they were neither up or down >> up or down ♪
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>> that's good. that'll do. >> you're all right, jack. >> you'll be all right, jack. just-- >> i'm glad you were here. >> well, that makes a change, i suppose. >> well, of course i'm glad. no-- >> doc! doc? al. it's important. >> al? >> doc, it's al. we're in-- >> slow down, al. i can't hear you. >> yeah. yeah, it's mark. he's been bitten--i think it was an adder. hello? >> hello? >> what? >> where are you? >> he was bitten and then he was sick. >> do you mean he vomited? make sure he lies on the ground--i'll get an ambulance out there. tell me where you are. >> uh--we're--we passed the lake opposite west point maybe five or 10 minutes before we came into the woods. i don't know. >> al, how can i get an ambulance to you if i don't know where you are? >> ah. we're somewhere in the woods, doc. i don't know, but he needs help. >> fine, i'll just have to find you. make sure he lies completely still--he could've suffered an allergic reaction.
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how's his breathing? any tightness in his chest or dizzi-- [doc's voice fades out] >> doc? doc, he needs help! >> al? al! damn! uh--i need to get to west point. >> oh, i don't know how you get there, actually, but-- >> it's about 40 minutes from here. why? >> mark mylow's been bitten by a snake in the woods near there. >> stewart--stewart can help. he's the ranger for that area. >> to be honest, i'd rather not be guided by someone whose best friend is a six-foot squirrel. >> he may be short a few sandwiches, but if anyone knows that area-- >> yeah, well, i better tell julie. >> all right, you go get stewart's number and i'll go to mrs. tishell and get some more adrenaline pens. >> well, you stopped singing. >> doc says you should stay still. >> yeah, well, i'm sick again. >> i know. that's not good, is it?
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>> hi, doc. >> hello, stewart. >> we in a hurry? >> yes. >> according to al, he's about 10 minutes past the lake and west point. you know where that is? >> uh, yeah, yeah. so mark has finally found his fair maiden then, eh? i always had him down as one of those mail-order bride types. >> stewart, you know it's possible that mark suffered an allergic reaction to this snake bite. >> doesn't sound like much fun. >> he could go into anaphylactic shock which would be the second case i've had today. if he does, he's got
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about 30 minutes to live so, no, i don't suppose it is that much fun. >> hold on to your stethoscope, doc. [car accelerates] >> officer dibble give you anything more precise than the lake opposite west point? >> no. >> well, there's a lot of trees out there, but we'll find him. >> and how are you, stewart? haven't seen you for a while. still taking your medication? >> spend most of my days by myself, bit like solitary confinement really. just me and my thoughts, week in, week out. it's wonderful. >> and what about your
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friend--what's his name? the big squirrel? >> come on, doc. i don't see atterly anymore. >> huh. that's good. sounds like you made a complete recovery. >> yeah, i threw him out. he was taking me for granted. >> i wonder if julie felt anything. they say when--when people have a connection, sometimes they feel what the other one feels. >> you're not twins. >> she's probably at home now, looking at wedding catalogues. >> you really love her, don't you? >> yeah. >> yeah. whirlwind romance, eh? >> i know everyone thinks i'm rushing into it, but i don't.
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it's like when i used to finish work, go home, watch some telly till i just fell asleep. now i get to watch it with her. it's different--better. >> huh. [bird caws] >> haven't been out this way in a while. bit of a problem with poachers taking up a lot of my time. it's war, doc. slashed the tires on this the other week. ah, ah, ah, ah! huh! so much for the quiet life, eh? >> hmm. >> i don't like this. >> hmm? >> i don't like this anymore.
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we should go. >> mark? mark, we should just wait for the doc. hey, stay there. come back, mate. come on, come back. trust me, it's going to be ok. >> ow. >> i'll look after you. >> ow. you can't even look after yourself, al. >> actually, yes, i can. i'm sick of people assuming that i can't. if anything, it's been me that's been looking after dad so you either shut up, lie still, or you can say you're going without me. >> thanks. >> no problem. >> well, the cloud's coming in, isn't it? yeah--where did you get your suit from, by the way? did you--is that off-the-peg or did you have that fitted? because, i mean, it's a long time since a ranger wore a suit on this job, of course. oh, and they do this thing in the offices, don't they-- dress-down friday? i mean, some of the rangers want to bring it in, but i mean, what's the point? they live in the middle of nowhere. dress in their own clothes--they can do that any time they like. i tell you what, that's likely five minutes from the lake and west
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point. of course, we are driving a little bit faster than mark would have driven, you know? he strikes me as the type who's more of a cautious driver. >> stewart, you're talking a lot. >> really? oh. sorry, i'm not used to the company, i suppose. [stewart chuckles] actually, there was that fork in the road back there, wasn't there? uh--are you a fan of frost at all, you know? "the road less traveled" and all that? >> no. >> i mean, essentially with moors this large and suddenly different woodlands, well, we could travel around for a week and we still wouldn't find them, you know? it's your classic needle in a haystack situation basically. >> there they are. >> oh, right, great, fantastic. did we do it? [horn honks] [honking] >> this is recent--maybe today, maybe yesterday. do al or mark smoke? >> no. >> it's the bloody poachers. i knew it--this is getting out of hand. >> stewart, we don't have time for this. >> i mean, i've beaten a tactical retreat, you know, surrendered some territory. but that's only to confuse them.
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duke of york he had 10,000 men he marched them up to the top of the hill ♪ [phone rings] it's the doc! mark, it's the doc! i told you it'd be all right. yes, doc? doc? >> i'm with stewart, the park ranger. we just don't know what direction you're in. try shouting. >> doc! >> try again. no, we're still not close enough. how's mark getting on? >> he's been sick again. >> oh, that's not good. >> and he's pale and sweating. >> no, that's not good, either. >> we should make a move, doc. >> no, don't move him. you'll know if he's getting worse--his tongue and his face will swell and he'll stop breathing and he'll die. al? al! bugger. >> well, i hope we don't have to cancel the wedding--the church is booked and everything. >> if you're worried about your deposit, you can always switch to a funeral. >> sorry. you know, i'm--i'm just--i'm going out of my mind
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about mark. [ringtone plays] >> doc? oh--is that bad? there's no need to shout. >> tell him we can get the whole village up there if necessary and that we can organize a search party. >> we can get the whole village up there if necessary. >> no, that'll take too long. mark doesn't have that much time. just keep trying al--when you get through to him, tell him to stay where he is then you call me. now, where are we going? >> this way--i think. oh, oh! >> stewart. >> be careful. >> if you get us lost-- >> ah--i won't get us lost. look, i know where we've come from. we're methodically sweeping through the areas. i used to do this sort of thing in the army all the time. you'd think they'd know better, wouldn't you? >> who? >> the poachers. i mean, if i was going to tangle with someone, i wouldn't choose a former member of her majesty's armed forces. [stewart chuckles] >> right.
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>> we're out of here. we're not going to wait for the doc. ah. portwenn has to be roughly to the south here, and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, which makes--well, it's 3:00--which makes the van that way. what do you think, mark? mark? mark? >> she will turn to me--itchy-- julie. >> do you hear that? >> no, i didn't hear it-- >> shh! there--that.
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>> al! no, i didn't hear anything. >> it's the poachers. i'm sure of it. they're waiting for us. you know we should take the offensive, catch them off-guard. >> no. stewart, we have to find mark! >> mark will be fine. this is england--people don't die in the woods. >> stewart, focus! which direction is mark in? >> i'm trying to apprehend criminals here. he--he's a policeman! he'd want that! >> stewart, which way? >> that way! >> thank you! >> tosser. >> mark, you all right? >> we--get to the doc. >> i know, mark, but we might
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not have time to find the doc. we're going to get you to a hospital and they can fix you up. come on, mark, stay with me. talk to me, mate. tell me something--tell me about julie. >> she's--she's got a smile. >> she's got a what? >> oh! >> oh. sorry, mate. >> she's got a smile-- >> what? [rustling] listen. hello? >> hello! >> who's there? >> it's me--stewart! >> stewart, come out here. oh, oh. where's the doc? >> hi, mark. me and the doc got--well, we got split up. >> oh! >> hey, you know we're not alone, don't you? there's poachers everywhere. >> stewart, come here. look at him--look at him! he is going to die, and you are the only man around that can save him.
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now, where is the doc? >> well, i mean, we came from that way so logically the doc must be-- >> oh. >> yeah--somewhere else! i mean, it's just a process of elimination really. >> stewart, where's the doctor? where did you last see him? >> yeah--that way! >> give me a hand--come on. come on. come on, mark! stay with me, mate! not long to go! come on, mate! what about julie? >> oh!
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>> it's me. still nothing on al. >> look, get off the phone then. al! >> where the hell are they? >> i need a cup of tea. anyone else? >> no, thanks. >> ok. >> she's taking this well. [al groans] >> come on. >> so, basically just keep going straight. when you get to the clearing, turn left. >> no, listen, that's no good. you're going to have to go out and get the doc. i can't move him fast enough. >> what, me? >> yes, you! >> well, can't you do it? >> oh. >> i mean, it's not as if mark's going anywhere, is it? [stewart laughs] >> just-- [stewart sighs] >> you know he never invited me to the wedding, don't you? >> oh. >> i mean, it's fine, you know?
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the--this, yeah, sure, but the--down at your feet! poacher traps--they're everywhere! >> oh. thank you. >> good news! i found mark, by the way. >> well, where is he? >> uh--well, don't worry. i've memorized the route. ah! ah-ha-ha! >> come on. >> ooh. oh, god, i can't--oh, i can't believe i did that. [stewart chuckles] i've never done that before. ha-ha--they're really strong! ha-ho--they really hurt! >> ok. when i say so, pull your leg out. >> ah. >> all right--ah! >> ah! >> ah! oh! >> are you all right, doc? doc? >> oh! >> are you ok? do you want me to help? >> no! all right, help! >> ok. let's not have any more mishaps.
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>> all right, on my count-- >> ok. >> one, two, three-- [doc groans] >> ah! ah! ah! ah! don't--ah! ah! >> ah! >> that was a good one. that was a good one! [al groans] >> doc! stewart! ah! whoo. all righty, dear, all right. >> oh. ah. this is really tingling a bit. >> stewart! doc! >> al! >> oh, doc. doc! doc! >> stewart, can you finish that off? >> ah--ha! ah, ah! oh!
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>> mark? can you hear me? mark! all right, come. i need to get to his shoulder. >> ah, sure. ok. all right. >> ah--doc. i knew you'd show up. >> you're very lucky, mark. >> that's 'cause i'm getting married. >> yes, mark. oh, i'll take mark in the police car. >> i haven't got them. >> what? >> the keys. >> better look after the wedding rings, eh? i don't think you could be trusted. >> well, then why don't you all
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pile into mine? >> stewart. al. >> someone else will have to drive. >> all right. >> hon, i was so worried about you. >> i'm sorry. just a bit of harmless fun. and i just start--started straggling in and all about. >> yeah. >> oh! haven't been to portwenn in a while. think i might pop into town, check out the--actually, no, it's too many people. i think i'll go back out. >> stewart, i need to redress your wound first. >> oh, right! >> yeah.
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>> ok. can i watch the telly? >> uh, yeah--mark? i have to check you over, then you take him home. come on. >> come on, i'll make you a cup. >> oh, here, doc. i think i need to see about my back again. it's gone, you know? >> join the queue, mate. >> right you are. >> you haven't been fixing things in the flat again, have you? >> don't worry, son. everything's under control. >> remember what i said--just the boxes? >> now, look, boy--ah. it might be that you might have to stay with me for a couple of nights, that's all. >> so, did you have a good time then? >> oh, yes, yes. plenty of fresh air, man traps, poisonous snakes--all quite charming. >> i was--well, i was worried. >> so was i, yeah. his condition was almost--well, it was--it was critical, yeah. >> no, i know. i mean that i was worried about you. >> doc? >> in a minute, stewart. >> well, it's just--just--well, i am sort of dripping blood all over your floor.
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find your voice and share it, american greetings, proud sponsor of "the electric company." agreement from the u.s. department of education's ready to learn grant, and viewers like you, thank you. we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming r a special ectric company shout out from prankster planet!
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today's honorary electric company members are gold53, josleen21, and cool-lookin' luca. congratulations! both: thank you. and now, back to... but wait! we still need you! words on earth are being reversed... the stop signs are turning into pots signs! it's chaos, it's madness! it's my reverse-a-balls, no one can stop me! both: we will stop you! can the electric company stop francine and her reverse-a-balls? ♪ prankster planet prankster planet ♪ and now back to our regularly scheduled programming. here are your five words: limerick -- a limerick is a special kind of rhyming poem with five lines. structure -- structure is how something is put together. distracted -- if you're distracted, your attention is taken away from something.
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valid -- if something is valid, then it means that it counts, it's right. but then there's invalid -- if something is invalid, then it means that it's wrong. so we have: limerick, structure, distracted, valid and invalid. watch out for these words in today's show. ♪ ah, here comes trouble. hello, manny. hello, hector. i was wondering, do you know what today is? tuesday, glad to help, bye. ah, but today is not just any old tuesday. manny, what are you talking about? i'm talking about the limerick slam, it's today! the greatest limerick competition in the land. forget it, manny, i'm not interested. wait, what's a limerick? a limerick is a poem with its own special pattern, and it goes a little something like this. there once was a boy from the city,
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who was always so charming and witty, but when it came time to give a great rhyme the result just wasn't so pretty! come on, jess, let's go. come on, hector, sign up. no, manny, how about you just win it automatically like you do every other year? let's go. hector, what's wrong? poor hector was just so afraid of the horrible goof that he made. so, he runs and he hides... alright spamboni, don't talk to my brother like that. you want a match? jessica, no! you got one. oh, so you think you can limerick? my name is jess, i'm a lyrical master. nobody rhymes better, nobody's faster. if you try to beat me, it will be a disaster. eh! that is not valid! what do you mean it's not valid? it doesn't count, jess...that's not how you make a limerick.
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