tv Fox 45 Morning News FOX October 27, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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from the heartland of america to every nation on earth, this is jack van impe presentsthe truth in news and commentary. here now are doctors jack and rexella van impe. hello and welcome to jack van impe presents. i think you're going to see that is program is a very unusual one and that even this first headline that i'm going to give you, a title of a book, exorcism and the spirit world. now we've all heard of exorcism. what does that have to do with the spirit world? we'll talk to jack about that. the conflict over the cross another international headline.
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and persecution of christians soars in iran. not only are the churches being burned in egypt, but persecution of the christians in iran. i said to jack, you know i kind of miss it if you don't give us a ttle bit of light heartedness in the beginning of the program. he said well i have something all planned so he's going to lift our heart in a moment here with a good thought. ok, jack. i just read this during the past week and i used it on a few folks and they laughed themselves silly. this fellow's ship went down and all the people were lost, but he survived and was on this little island for 20 years all alone. and a guy by the name of charlie scott, and he's my cameraman, someone like him, and this charlie my cameraman has gone across the ocean twice-the atlantic and the pacific.
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i'll tell you, you have to have a lot of boldness in order to do it. but a guy like charlie went out find this man who had been on this island for 20 years all alone. when he got there he saw there were three huts, and he said, what are they? he said this one hut is where i live. the second hut is my church. [laughter] and the third hut is the church i quit because i didn't like it t there. [laughter] [laughter] oh jack. they probably weren't preaching on demons and all the power they have in him and so he got out. well anyway i thought that was pretty hilarious. yes it was. oh my. well you know i have asked jack this quite often-why are we seeing so much hatred in the world? and if you were to talk about it oftentimes people will say, yes, well the devil made me do it or i couldn't help it, the devil made me do it. do you really think friends that satan has that kind of power? well when you stop to consider when he was tossed out of heaven because he wanted to be
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number one, even above god, he persuaded one third of the angels to follow him. now you know jack wrote a book and i'd like for you to see this book-exorcism and the spirit world. now friends i want to just say this. i've chosen something out of this book, satan, his creation, fall, and destiny. jack would you please read this for us. the exorcist, the motion picture about satan and his demons, became a multimillion-dollar box office attraction. the exorcist proved one thing-the devil and his army of demons are alive, heavily armed, and on the move! the late pope paul vi recognized this fact and stated, satan is alive and evil. satan truly exists as an active force in the world. he is a dark enemy agent-a terrible, mysterious, fearsome reality, a live spirit, perverted, and enemy number one.
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the pope went on to describe the devil as a being of vast malignity, sophistication, and treachery, a spirit who is seducing modern men with drugs, pornography, materialism, and the occult. whole nations, he said, have fallen under satan's grip. modern man relies too much on psychology, psychiatry, and sociology to explain the phenomenon of evil-the devil. wow jack that is so good. oh i like that. i think you'll agree with that. that pope knew his stuff. yes, and i have three questions perhaps in your mind too, first of all though, a heading, number one-who created lucifer? now his name wasn't satan at the beginning, it was lucifer. who created lucifer, jack? i'm going to shock you ladies and gentlemen, the lord jesus christ. people are so unintelligent when it comes to the bible. now listen carefully. in genesis 1:1 it says in the beginning god created heaven and earth, but his name is yahweh.
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but when he does things in unison with the other two members of the trinity his name is elohim because an "im" as an ending always means more than one. you mean the trinity created the entire world? yes. proverbs 30:4. this is the old testament. it says who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is god's name? what is his son's name? ha ha there is the son long before he ever came to earth to be born through the virgin mary so he could have a body to die for ousins. but there's more. the holy spirit, psalm 104:30, thou sendest forth thy spirit and they were created. alright now, but the main job of creation of everything was through jesus. what? john 1:3, all things were made by christ and without christ was not anything made that was made. verse 10, christ was in the world and the
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world was made by him. surprised? colossians 1:16, for by christ were all things created that are in heaven and in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, dominions, principalities, or powers, all things were made by christ and for christ. now the terms there, principalities and powers, have to do with evil spirits. when we get to ephesians 6:12 a little later in the program we'll see that when they're cast out of heaven the principalities and powers are cast out. these are the demonic spirits. yes christ created them, but they weren't evil then. they were cherubs and the cherub is in the inner circle in heaven and closer to the heart of god than any other creature and there were thousands of these cherubs as we're going to see. but christ created the good cherubs and lucifer was the leader and then they sinned. we'll get into it. oh yes jack.
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can you imagine that? here they are in heaven, there was god. they could see the universe. they had everything. why did lucifer fall and how did god deal with that fall, jack? how did god deal with his sin? well the story is told in ezekiel 28:14, thou art the anointed cherub, that's lucifer, that coverth. thou wast perfect in the days that thou wast created until iniquity and sin was found in thee. and because thou hast sinned, god says i'm going to throw you out of the holy mountain of god, my home-heaven. it's recorded in isaiah 14:12-14, how art thou fallen o lucifer, son of the morning. how art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations? for thou hast said i will ascend into heaven, i will exalt my throne above the stars of god, i will sit upon the mount of the congregation, god's throne, in the sides of the north, i will
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ascend above the heights of the heavens, i will be like the most high god. man he had i trouble. he should have seen a good optometrist. and god said you're out. now there are three heavens according to ii corinthians 12:3. heavens one and two consist of the atmosphere, the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the ionosphere, and the exosphere. the first heaven goes up 600 miles and the second heaven goes from 600 up to already 187 trillion billions of miles. and the scientists and astronomers say we are only ten rcent of the way now until we get to the third heaven. it would take millions of years to get there if it weren't for the rapture when we go up in the twinkling of an eye. so satan was cast out of the third heaven and he took one third of the cherubim, the angels, with him, revelation 12:4. and these are now hanging in space and satan is the god
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of this world's system, ii corinthians 4:4. and all of these cherubs that fell with him are the demons. and you say well how can you say that? because hell is served for the devil and his angels, matthew 25:41, and those angels are the demonic spirits out of which they are cast oftentimes when people are controlled by them. now watch this very carefully. we humans don't wrestle against flesh and blood, other human beings. if we did, we could win. we wrestle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spirit, demon wickedness in high places. now i want to paraphrase that. what does it really mean? we don't wrestle against other human beings. we wrestle against evil spirits who control the rulers of the principalities and that is the countries, states and nations of all the world. principalities-they are the rulers over them.
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satan is the god of this world i repeat, ii corinthians 4:4, and so they are there. and everyone who says oh, it's an act of god don't realize the power of these demonic spirits and what they're doing. and that's why we're having the wars. and you know i traced this out, rexella, in my study, but i won't have time for it today. every single sin that's committed is controlled by these spirits working in the minds of the individuals they dominate. whoa. jack that is so powerful! my, oh my sounds like lucifer was cast out because he had pride jack. he wanted to be above god. he thought he was god. well my last question, i had three of them, my last one is what is his final destiny then? right now he roams the earth and roams the atmosphere. what's his destiny? he controls everything in heavens one and two. now when the tribulation comes under the antichrist the bible teaches that he is cast down to
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the earth with his hoards and the knows he's going to have short time and all hell breaks loose because he's here on terra firma and that's revetion 12:7. then during the millennium in revelation 20:2, he is cast into the bottomless pit with his demonic spirits so they can't infiltrate anyone's minds for that 1000 years. but at the end of the one thousand year's he's released and all bedlam again breaks loose on the earth. and so finally after the thousand years the lord jesus, in revelation 20:10, casts satan and his angels into the lake of fire where the beasts, the antichrist and the false prophet, are. that's the story. whew, that's the story. we need to be so careful who we follow. don't follow satan. how far-reaching is satan's influence anyway? now you know jack, when he gets on a topic he does a lot of research and he came across a book that reveals so much about this influence-today's
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religions and spirituality. this is by james walker. here we go again; it sort of explains the whole thing. a rapid-reference directory of religion and spirituality in america: now there are over 1600 entries. this is really a guide to the religious landscape in the united states. jack was absolutely amazed at how many cults and different things there are in religion here in america. out of the 1600 entries i found out that 1200 were false, damnable cults that will put people's souls in hell forever. no wonder jesus said just before i return there will be false christs and false prophets, matthew 24:5, 11, and 24. and then in matthew 7:15 he says beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening lves. he's talking about ministers in some of our good churches who have tried to combine chrislam and that is the islamic faith and christians together.
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you can't do it. it's a blasphemous religion. now what happens to this crowd? listen to him in matthew 7:21-23. these are the preachers lord, lord have we not cast out devils in your name, and in your name done wonderful work? jesus said i never knew you you bunch of sinners, you workers of iniquity. now he said in john 10:20, i know my sheep. they follow me. i give unto them eternal life. they shall never perish but not you birds. listen to this. antichrist shall come. even now are there many antichrists, i john 2:18. who are they? they went out from us, we ordained them. they weren't of us. if they had been of us they would have continued with us. they went out that it might be manifest they were not all of us. they were wolves in sheep's clothing and when 300 of our christian ministers signed the yale covenant saying we now call our god allah, we need a holy ghost revival to get some of these ministers saved.
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oh jack. you know friends we need to be very careful who we follow. number one, follow the lord jesus. you'll never go wrong if you follow him and him alone and know what he says in the bible. amen. well you know what last week! i cannot believe it for this wonderful offer of the week. take a look please at the promo. millions try just about anything to sneak a preview of coming attractions, has anything proven reliable? yes in a magnificent seven-hour audio cd set entitled daniel: final end time mysteries unsealed. drs. jack and rexella van impe unravel the meanings hidden in hundreds of verses for 2,500 years. who ll emerge as the major players in end time drama? what is the time table for it all to unfold? and when will the most dramatic moment occur?
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find out in daniel final end time mysteries unsealed. oh i cannot believe that this is the last week. please don't put it off. there is the 800 number, there's the address, and i'm sending you a gift with your order and that is jack's book final mysteries unsealed. you know god told daniel that the book would be sealed until the time of the end and now we can understand it thoroughly. as you read your newspapers you see everything that daniel was talking about. so the time is now! everything you need to know about what, about the future, is certainly revealed in the book of daniel. jack explains it on this cd set and my gift to you with your order. so please make the call or write to us right now. oh my, oh my. before we go on i'm going to ask jack if he'll do something. would you explain the new age movement? now this is something that sort of emerged in a
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big way in more recent years. the new age movement-will you explain? what is it jack? many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many, mark 13:6. now many there is the greek word polus. it can mean tens of thousands and it can mean millions. and there are millions in the new age movement now globally. furthermore christ is in italics meaning it's not in the original greek so many will come, millions, saying i am, i am. that is the word of the new age movement and that means they are deities because that is god's name and the name of the lord jesus christ. you say where? in exodus 3:14 god tells moses that i want you to go and warn the people of israel to follow you. and he says who shall i tell them sent me? tell them i am that i am hath sent you. that's my name. jesus is talking to the crowds in his day in john 8:56 and he
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said, don't you believe me? your father abraham lived to see my day and he saw it and was glad. they said you're not yet 50 years old and have you seen abraham? he said before abraham was i am that i am. you saw abraham? you're only 30 years of age. he lived 2160 years ago. i know, but i am from all eternity, micah 5:2. i am the one that was with god before this world was created. in fact i put it into place so i do know abraham and abraham knows me. that's their name. now these people are all saying i am, i am. now they say when the antichrist comes he will call himself the god, that's daniel 11:36 and ii thessalonians 2:4. but we're going to say you're the god of us little god's and this is the new age movement. you're going to be shocked about some of the personalities and the garbage that they're preaching.
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yes, you know that really shocked me too. we've been discussing this at home and all of the ones who were involved in the new age movement. you're going to recognize some of these names. this first one-shirley maclaine now all know that she stood on malibu beach and what did she say, jack? she had the spirit called lazarus controlling her and said in that movie, i am deity, i'm god. and here's another one. take a look if you will, and this of course is j. z. knight and that has to with spirits from the underworld. ok jack. who is she? that's ramtha who guided her. going on here jack, someone that is very, very lovely and she did a lot of speaking on a course of miracles, marianne williamson. now she talked about course on miracles, didn't she jack? yes, and this was taught all over the country by her. and even in schuller's crystal cathedral this garbage was taught and you're going to know why i call it that in a moment from now, and it's demonic
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believe me, from the word go. alright jack. now i'd like for you to see who wrote that book a course in miracles, helen schucman. and certainly we're going to talk in a moment about some things that are in that manuscript. jack, oh, explain who she is. now as you know these evil spirits controlled all these people and they have a name for the spirits that did. she said she came into a trance and jesus told her all of these things against himself. this was an imposter. this was a demonic spirit perpetrating himself and promoting himself as jesus. and you'll know why it couldn't be the true jesus because of what she wrote under his guidance. very, very quickly jack and i are going to go back and forth here. i'm just going to give you a few thoughts out of that manuscript. you're going to be surprised. the first thing she says on page 183, there is no such thing as sin. 614 times my holy bible talks
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about sin and if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, i john 1:8. and if we say we have not sinned, i john 1:10, we make god a liar. why, because god said all have sinned and come short of the glory of god, romans 3:23. from page 237, the atonement is the final lesson men need to learn, for it teaches him that having never sinned, he needs no salvation. no need? listen to the true jesus in john 8:24, i say unto you that you die in your sins if you believe not that i am he, the savior. why did he die for our sins? because you're not going to get to heaven unless y get forgiven of those sins, i corinthians 6:9-11 know ye not that the unrighteous shall not, shall not, shall not inherit the kingdom of god. be not deceived neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with
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mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god. here's why he died though. but such were some of you. but you go washed because you trusted my shed blood, for the blood of jesus cleanses from all sin, i john 1:7. jack you almost answered this next one. oh this one really breaks my heart. page 425, a slain christ has no meaning. oh boy do i love this next text. we are called up in the twinkling of an eye, come up hither, revelation 4:1. and here is the crowd that was raptured in 5:9-10. they sang a new song saying thou wast, here's the word, slain and hast redeemed us to god by thy blood out of every kindred, tong, people and nation and has made us unto our gods kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth with you jesus. amen. and page 52, oh, the journey to the cross should be christ's
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last useless journey and do not make the pathetic error of clinging to the old rugged cross. do you know why you folks don't like this in the new age movement? because i corinthians 1:18 says the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it is the power of god. and you folks have become enemies of the cross of christ, philippians 3:18. oh jack, that's so powerful. now friends i think you're going to be quite surprised at this next picture, someone who also promoted a course in miracles, the book. oprah winfrey. oh no, oh no, jack. and she promoted eckhart tolle and all his trash about the i am a deity, i am a god. she even said during his time that she felt that way about herself. now one more step that i want you to see here is that she then left the baptist church and became a member of jeremiah
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wright's church where the president went and both of them came out of there saying there are many ways to heaven. we don't need jesus. anne who says that is not a christian. they'll never see the inside of heaven unless they repent. now, one more thing, oh folks, this is dynamite! in daniel 10:13 we find that the prophet had been in prayer for 21 days. and he says god you're not getting through to me. what's wrong? help! help! suddenly the angel gabriel appears and he said let me tell you what happened. he said the prince, and that's the demonic being who controlled persia, the persian empire, stopped it, hindered it because of all the demonic powers but michael finally got through. now remember these demons never die and persia changed it's name to iran in 1935, and rexella is going to read some headlines and you'll wonder why this is the crowd that's causing all the trouble in egypt and syria and everywhere else because the
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prince of persia is the territorial demon and is still in control. all demons are in control of cities and towns and this one controlled iran. we're going to go to iran right now. right now, yes. wow, alright. and one of the most powerful leaders in iran is, of course you'll see who it is, spokesman says iran's president will return with hidden imam. now that is the ahmadinejad who made that statement. again, iran preparing mahdi's, special forces persecution of christians soars in iran. iran opposes israeli-palestinian peace talks. iran's president warned: fighting israel a top priority and iran seen speeding bomb capabilities, raising concerns. and bennett told the washington post we won't allow maniacal iranian regime with nukes. without stronger sanctions, iran will go nuclear. now that is rouhani and that is the new president of iran.
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he's going right down the same road jack. ladies and gentlemen i'm going to paraphrase something i said earlier. we wrestle not against flesh and blood, human beings, but against evil spirits who control rulers over principalities and that is nations, states, and governments galore. and this one that has lived as this demonic being for thousands of years and always been in control of persia, which today is iran, is still at his job and that's why you're going to see all hell break loose soon when iran gets an atomic bomb. you know jack i was thinking here about the message of jesus. you can't change the message of jesus, but the message of jesus will change us. we need to put our faith and our trust in him. will you accept him right now as your savior? jack. oh how true, rexella. his name shall be called jesus for he shall save his people from their sins. now look at me and open your heart.
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pray after me. lord jesus, i want eternal life so i can be with you forever as you come to set up your kingdom here on earth. oh what a day it's going to be and i want to be there. jesus, you died for me to wash away my sin, but i have to ask you to do it. jesus, come into my heart now. save me, in your holy name. amen. amen. that's the most wonderful prayer that you've ever prayed. if you did ask jesus to be your savior, write me. there's my address. i'll send you this little booklet first steps in a new direction. and now, here's our announcer to tell you how you can receive this wonderful offer on daniel. chuck. thank you rexella. my friend, to order the daniel audio cd set with book, have your credit card ready and call toll free 24 hours a day, 1-800-jvi-7777. to order by mail in the u.s.,
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send your donation of $34.95 to jack van impe ministries, box 7004, troy, michigan 48007. in canada, send your donation of $34.95 to jack van impe ministries of canada, box 1717, postal station a, windsor, ontario n9a 6y1. and now back to rexella. and chuck this is the last week. can you believe it? there's the 800 number and there's the address and here's my gift with your order. so please make the call right now. you'll know what the future holds because the book of daniel is open. the wonderful cd set and my gift, the book on daniel that jack has written. now i want to leave you with this wonderful thought: god doesn't give us what we can handle, but helps us handle what we are given. oh how god cares for you.
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>> today on "animal science." do you the great barrier reef extends for over 12 miles and made up entirely of tiny living organisms called coral? and, with the tail longer, a tree kangaroo is able to sit perfectly on the tree limb. plus, this is no cartoon character. the tasmania and double israel and has the strongest force of any mammal for its size. -- tasmania devil is real and has the strongest force of any mammal for its size. welcome to the fascinating world of "animal science."
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the land known as australia was once part of antarctica. then, about 80 million years ago australia broke away from antarctica and moved north. because it w isolated for so long, some of the world's most unique predators' involved there. animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. 150 miles south of australia's main continent lieshe island of tasmania. this is the only place in the world where you can find it the tasmania ann devil.
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is the size of a small ball. the large head and neck give it the strongest bike per body mass of any animal. -- strongest bite her body mass of any animal. it will eat just about anything and is a very noisy eater. >> they are known for making this loud screaming sound. they will do that to basically try to intimidate other tasmania ann devils. they eat every single part of the animal. >> these baby devils only a few months old, but do not be fooled by how cute they look. less than a year they will be growling and screaming and tearing flesh, just like something out of a horror movie.
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back on the main continent, the top predator in the vast open bush is the ding go, australia's wild dog, a distant relative of the gray wolf. like the wolf, they hunt in packs. the feast mainly on grass-eating mammals like the slow-moving wombat. when threatened, they will try to seek shelter in a burrow and use its rear hide, which is made of hard curtilage, to fend off an attack. but along back roads is a pack of -- a wombat vs. a pack of dingos, and like an early knockout in the first round.
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the lace monitor is one of the largest lizards and australia. it will prey upon any animal that is small enough to eat whole. monitors are the only lizards that have a fourked tongue. they can tell from which direction of smell is coming. do not expect them to have good manners when they see food. schering is just not part of their nature -- sharing is just not part of their nature. in northern australia, there are multiple river systems that are home to the largest of all living reptiles, the saltwater
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crocodile. these crocodiles or super stealthy. they will move quietly below the water surface to find an unsuspecting prey. but more likely, they will just wait for an animal to come by. >> animals are a little on the lazy side. why waste energy if you do not have to? it also allows you to creep up on it, and the last minute of violence. >> crocodiles have excellent eyesight. their eyes are located on the top of their heads. so they can still see as they work beneath the water's surface -- lurk beneath the water's surface. theyre great swimmers, but why
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swim when you can simply wait for your next meal to ride? or maybe they are just being lazy. when we return, he will learn why some kangaroos live on these trees and tell this marsupial is able to fly. when we look at animals, of austra the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ] finding you discounts since back in the day. call or click today. i like her. >> for most of the wild animals
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of australia survival is difficult. with creditors like -- creditors like dingos and crocodiles lurking about. some animals have come up with a different way to survive. it is believed the kuala once lived on the ground like its close relatives the wombat. since the have no way to defend itself from creditors, it evolves into a tree climber in order to survive. it lives all day high of and you go with this -- in the
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eucalyptus tree. each front paw has two thumbs. this gives them a broadetter gr. one more thing, they are called koalas, but not koala bears. the might look like little bears, but they are not related at all. they do not really care what you call it, as long as it is safe from the creditors below. -- predators below. the most iconic animal of australia is the kangaroo, but there is another species that has evolved from terrestrial to arboreal. the name, the tree kangaroo. it is located in the australian
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rain forest. it especially adapted for life aboveground. it has stronger forelimbs, thick curved claws to facilitate climbing and has an exceptionally long tail to help it maintain perfect balance while resting on tree limbs. check this out -- it is a baby. since it is a marsupial covet the babies are raised and nursed inside the pouch. when they're born, they spend their first few minutes outside the pouch. >> of long gives birth. the baby must climb the outside of mom and climbs into the pouch and immediately attached to the and start circling away. literally does not let that thing go until they start getting really big enough to
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swarm around and start thinking about coming outside of the pouch. >> looks like this baby is ready to leave the pouch and live on its own. then it can start paying its own rent. one of the smallest marsupials is a tree-dwelling sugar glider. it can fly, glide, by spreading out the loose skin. it can sail through the air for 50 yards. it is nocturnal, so it does most of its hunting at night. that is why the eyes are so big, the better to see in the dark. being small can have its
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advantages. one of being all hole in a tree to call home, and did you ever want a change in scenery, you can fly somewhere else for free. when we return, you will learn how the great barrier reef became so big. and what makes a platypus so unique. as we look at the wonders of australia right here on [ male announcer ] if you're living with limited mobility, here's exciting news from the inventor of hoveround, mr. tom kruse. if you're unable to get around in your home, if just getting to the kitchen or the bathroom has become a challenge, if you've tried everything -- canes, walkers, manual wheelchairs -- even if you've been in a power chair for years, i have exciting news. right now, we're offering an easier, faster way to experience the hoveround difference. introducing our new hoveround rental program. that's right, hoveround will rent your power chair... so you can see if it's right for you. hoveround really can change your life. and now we've made it easier -- and quicker --
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the great barrier reef is the world's largest coral reef system. just off the coast of australia, it is over 1,200 miles long. large enough to see from outer space. the coral you saee might look like plants, but they're living animals. they are made up of colonies, tiny organisms related to the jellyfish. they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. they feed on algae to survive. as each passing generation of coral dies, the skeleton of accumulate over time to form the heart grief structure. and-- hard reef structure.
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>> they cannot grow any deeper than 450 feet because they need the sunlight for photosynthesis. so it just continues to grow upon itself, and that is why it being this large structure has taken 20,000 years to get to this point and still growing. >> this amazing world under the seat is truly one of the great natural wonders. -- under the sea is truly one of the great natural wonders. back on the mainland, only two mammals late eighth and they both live in australia. and-- lay eggs and they both live in australia. and with sharps fin spines and e nose, what is not to like?
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this now serves as the mouth and nose. and >> the mouth will consume and munch on ants and termites. this brings the insect's back in. there are no teeth. and they are in a mammal world and reptile world. >> once a year at the mill will lay a single soft-shelled eggs about the size of a grape in will hatch inside her pouch. now that is one of unusual animal. anbut if you think that is uniq, check out this creature. this buildup-build a be curtailed water mammal is called a platypus.
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it has a large robbery snout for catching fish. -- rubberty snout for catching fish. all along, why twide tail for storing fat. the platypus spends most of its day fishing. australia has a lot of unique animals, but none more so than the platypus. when we return, you will find out why this animal most symbolizes australia and why this bird has no reason to fly as we look at the iconic animals of austral>> australia has a wiy
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they called it a kangaroo. a female will carry a baby in her power cash for up to nine months. see that? there is a baby sticking its head out. the biggest threat is a speeding automobile. hundreds are killed every year, and as a result, baby kangaroos are often rescued and hand raised. like these two. they say kangaroos look like boxers in a ring the way they stand upright and jabs at each other. >> those short, stubby for arms are used for boxing during breeding at rituals. they are rough and tough. >> it a kangaroo really wants to
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do damage, it kicks with its powerful hind legs. while the king the real is the largest member -- kangaroo is the largest member, upon a rutho is the smallest. not right now, thanks. the podaroo is the most ancient. so we are giving this animal " the animal science" award for being the oldest and smallest. the other animal most symbolic of australia is that imu. they cannot fly.
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it is simple physics really. their bodies are too heavy and wings too small, but that is ok, there's strong legs allow them to roam the entire country of australia. >> it has the stocky legs. it has the muscle, calf muscle to us, which allows it to support its fleet lifestyle. >> it is one of the two animals pictured in the code of arms. why was it given such an honor? there is no official reason, but the popular belief is it was chosen because the structure of its legs prevents it from walking backwards, so in essence, it symbolizes a nation that is always moving forward. when we return, we will dive into the great barrier reef and
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and also, one of the most ancient creatures of the world, the sea turtle. the sea turtle has been around for over 100 million years. ever since dinosaurs roamed the earth. the easily moved through the deep water, just like a fish. but sea turtles do not breathe through gills. >> they are actually a type of reptile, so they have long and have to breathe air even if they can hold their breath for hours. they have records of turtles diving to depths some of over 3,000 feet in search of food, but they have to eventually, for air. -- come up for air.
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>> this is the hawksbill sea turtle. it has a sharp, curved beak just like a hawk and uses it to eat algae, crustaceans, and even jellyfish. and sea turtles can live up to 80 years old. provided they e lucky enough to stay out of harm's way. hey, watch out for that thing righstingray. for "animal science", see you next time.
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for the fusion juicer brought to you by tristar products. this is an important message. we see it all around us. two-thirds of our population is overweight. it's time as a nation to wake up and realize how fat and unhealthy we are really becoming. over the past 30 years, our fast food lifestyles have helped to create this health crisis, with an increase in heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, and it's starting at an early age. it's becoming a worldwide epidemic. but there is a solution-- natural, nutrient-rich whole foods and an easy way to help rejuvenate, restore and cleanse your body with potentially life-changing nutrients that can be the secret to incredible health transformations and even weight loss. introducing the all-new fusion juicer, the rapid
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nutrition miracle. the fast way to feed your body the vital nutrients it needs. the fusion juicer's low-induction motor quickly breaks food down into a super nutrient-rich juice that can be absorbed easier. providing your body with high-nutrient juice is a great way to start rebuilding the cells in your body. >> many people are realizing that you can't buy health from a bottle; you have to earn it. and there's a huge segment of the population now that's been more aware-- we don't have to have heart attacks, we don't have to get strokes, we don't have to get demented as we get older. and they're willing to really put an effort into protecting themselves through preventative and nutritional methods. >> announcer: the changes a juicing lifestyle can have on your lifare nothing short of miraculous. knocking on death's door.s how did he turn his life around? meet a 93-year-old world champion body builder and hear his secrets to living a long and vibrant life. can you actually get kids to love juicing? witness success story after success story, including a
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miraculous teenage turnaround, and get some life-changing advice from leading experts on nutrition and natural healing. and stay tuned for an incredible free bonus that can turn your nutrient-packed juice into a wellness drink on the go. boost your juices with super antioxidants like powdered green tea and acai powder to cleanse and lose weight. boost with magnesium and calcium for bone and joint health. add protein powder to your juice for a complete amino acid enriched meal on the go. all of these boosting recipes are online. the fusion booster is an incredible $40 value, but it can be yours free. so stay tuned! now, meet a remarkable person, who at 25 years of age was overweight, addied to ju food, a heavy smoker and drinker and was getting sicker every day. today, he's known as the juice master. he's a bestselling author, motivational speaker and lifestyle expert who has empowered people to change their life with the benefit of whole food juicing. please welcome jason vale and jenny repko. [cheering and applause]
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>> thank you very much, everybody. thanks for coming. >> thank you. >> i'm very excited to be here or rather juice this. i've got a question right off the bat: what do you think the number-one health issue facing america is today? audience, throw it out. what do you think it is? [audience talks at once] obesity, heart disease, you've got diabetes. what do you think it is, jen? >> obesity, it has to be. >> yeah, obesity. according to health officials now, scientists, obesity is without question the number-one issue facing america today. but the frightening thing is-- and many people don't understand this-- but it is possible to be obese and lacking in nutrients at the same time. it's not just about how much we're consuming, but it's the quality of the food that we're consuming that's so important. >> wow. so when you say quality food, what do you mean? >> well, we seem to be in a weird world, don't you think? i mean, we're consuming more food now than ever in history. yet wherever i look, everybody still seems to be hungry all the time. why is that? because we're popping sodas all the time, we're eating potato chips. and that kind of food just doesn't contain the vital nutrients that our body ultimately craves. >> right-- so it's empty
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calories, so we eat more. >> yes, it's a knock-on effect. empty calories, eat some more empty calories, and before you know where you are, you're constantly hungry. >> so what's the answer? >> in front of me here, i have a plate of raw vegetables. i'm going to emphasize raw because that's where i believe the key to health lies. and look, raw broccoli here. now call me mr. picky. we know it's good for us, but after a hard day at work, i still to this day-- and i've been eating well for years-- think i can't wait to get home and have some raw broccoli. listen, it's just never going to happen. i'm a realt, right? so the chances-- we need this stuff, but i don't know about you, but i'm not going to eat it-- would you eat it? >> there's no way i could eat all that, so how do we get it into our body? >> well, a simple philosophy i've had for years: if you can't eat it, drink it. juicing is without question the key to unlocking the rapid nutrition contained within all fruits and vegetables. but i'll tell you now, i'll tell you at home, nothing will put a nail in your juicing coffin faster than if you get the wrong machine. i've now searched the world for a machine that's affordable, easy to clean, super fast to use, plus it needs to be able to
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extract a load of juice while maintaining quality nutrition. and i'm pleased to say i'm unveiling it today. i found it here. >> i think you've got it. >> it is my fusion juicer, my low-induction motor. i'll tell you why that's important in a minute. and i'll tell you exactly what this baby can do in a second. but i want to start with the basics. look, you see all this stuff. it might be too daunting for some people. so the humble apple is what i'm going to start with. now there's an old saying, corny as it is, is an apple a day... >> all: keeps the doctor away! >> well, i'm pleased to say that there's one doctor who didn't keep away toda and that is dr. mike, m.d., internal medicine specialist. give him a warm welcome, everybody. >> yay, dr. mike! [cheering and applause] >> and he's going to tell us a bit more about that apple, my man. >> jenny: good catch! [applause] >> jason, i gotta tell you, you know, we have lost our way in this country. we're eating things, jason, that look the same after you put them in the garage for a year. look at this beautiful apple. this is something from nature. what's in there?
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pectin for one, pectin: soluble fiber that may actually reduce your cholesterol. >> jenny: that's a good thing. [applause] i'll take it. >> simple, simplicity and natural. what about quercetin? that's another entity, another anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. and jason, you know as well as i that antioxidants do all kinds of wonderful things. will most definitely really aid in getting you healthy. >> c'mon. >> all right! [applause] >> dr. mike, m.d.! so that's what's in the apple, right? but we want to unlock the goodness that's contained in that apple and nothing could be easier with the new fusion juicer. [soft whirring...] >> wait, you just turned that on. >> yeah, i've turned it on, you can't hear it. it's one of the key things. >> you can't even hear it. >> well, you don't want to wake the neighbors or the kids up, right? >> right. >> o.k., whole apple, going in as it is-- i'm not chopping it, i'm not peeling it and i'm getting-- now the reason why it's so quiet, we have a low-induction motor, all right? we can see the juice being made as well-- that's important in
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terms of the nutri... we don't want to create heat friction we want the best quality juice that we can possibly get... >> and look at that... >> you can see the juice being made as well. >> color, i love seeing it going around in here too. >> this is real juicing. and look at that. i want to turn it off buit's still juicing, you know, that's the thing. >> get every last drop. >> this is the key, it extracts so much juice, that's why i love this baby, right? and also this. >> very clever. >> not dripping all over the thing-- very good. >> nice job, whoo-hoo! >> this looks amazing, right? that looks fantastic. it's only when you put it up against what i call shop-bought carton apple juice. the reason why this looks like this and this looks like that is simply because this has been cooked. we think of food being cooked-- >> and they call that pasteurized. >> yeah, they call it pasteurization. well, i call it cooked. and we know that when we cook food we know that we lower the nutrient content, of course. so we have cooked this and this is still alive. i don't know about you, jenny, but you know, in order to feel-- >> i'll take that. >> yeah, of course you will. >> thank you. >> in order to feel it-- >> you can have that. >> i don't want this. i've got to be honest with you. in order to feel alive, you've got to eat live foods. tastes fantastic, huh? >> mm-mmm, so good. >> well, if you think juice like this tastes amazing and looks
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incredible, wait until you see the amazing results of our juicing program. with my fusion juicer, you're not just getting a great juicing machine, you're getting a proven program included with every juicer at no additional cost to you. >> well, my sband michael d i, over the last five years have gained about 30 pounds each. he's had high cholesterol and i have gained almost 35 pounds. we really were just looking for something to help us get out of the treadmill that we were on. the 6-week turnaround absolutely did what it said it was going to do. my husband has lost 23 pounds. i hate him because it made me feel like i hadn't done enough when losing 11 pounds. but 11 pounds in six weeks is tremdous when in the last year and a half i haven't been able to lose a pound. >> man, my energy was through the roof, i felt good. then i started losing pounds. i felt light and of course, i have... this to show for it.
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>> now jason, people often ask me: is juicing better than blending? >> listen, first up, we need to understand that juicing is different to blending. a juicer extracts the juice contained within the fibers of fruits and vegetables for rapid nutrition. a blender simply blends all the fibers with the juice. i'm not saying blending is bad. what i'm saying is it's not juicing, and the best way to illustrate that is by making my amazing all-apple body cleanse recipe. we're going to do it together. i just want to see kind of how long it takes you, first of all and me, and then we're just going to see the difference between juicing and blending. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> three, two, one, let's go. o.k., i'm going to start with mine straight away. >> o.k. >> i'm going to put my apple in. >> wait, i've got to-- >> you just go on. >> i've got to cut my apple. >> it's up to you-- well, you've got to cut yours up, right? >> do you think i should take the seeds out? >> it's up to you, whatever you want to do. >> well, i'll try it without, all right. >> try it without, just put it in. >> pineapple. >> i'm still putting all mine in there... o.k., a little pineapple going in here as well. and the spinach-- are you still struggling a little bit there? o.k. >> um, i'm gettin' there,
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hold on. >> o.k., that's me. [blender whirring loudly] >> oh, there you go... i'm still juicing here. >> it's starting to blend. >> listen, i haven't got all day, jen, i am a busy man. probably out there, you're busy as well... [blender stops] oh, you finally, finally finished... to a fashion. o.k., listen, here's what i want to do to illustrate. o.k., you blended the juice contained within the fibers. what you've done is blended it altogher. i've extracted the juice from the fibers for rapid nutrition. i want you to undo it, pour it in your bowl. i'm going to pour it in my bowl. and just pour it thrgh the strainer so we can just... [chuckles] oh, dear. >> wow. >> oh. >> wow. >> i'm going to pour mine over here like this. >> i did get some juice though. >> which is just foam really, pretty much. let's pour in the juice. thiss a really important thing to understand, o.k. hold yours up. seriously, hold yours up. i need everybody to understand the difference. yeah, so is it a juicer? mm, you know, make your own mind up. does it make some juice? yeah. i mean, we're talkinabout a real juicing experience here, rapid juicing nutrition.
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you know what, you don't even want to try that. you want to try this instead. >> here's to juicing. >> you want to try this. don't even try that. try this one instead. you don't want that. try that-- what do you think? >> oh, it's light-- >> it's light, it's refreshing, it hasn't got all that insoluble fiber within it. we've removed it, you know. >> announcer: keep watching. more life-changing stories next. he was knocking on death's door. >> man: yeah, , i was morbidly obese actually. and i was about this far from the whole thing ending. >> announcer: and meet a 93-year-old champion bodybuilding sensation and his secret juice recipe. then watch as we go onon-one with both fast and slow juicers that are almost twice as expensive. how can you get kids to love juicing? and success story after success story, including a miraculous teenage turnaround and some life-changing advice from a leading expert on nutrition and natural healing. stay tuned. over the pas30 years, our fast food lifestyles have helped to create this health crisis, with an increase in heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, and it's starting at an early age.
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it's becoming a worldwide epidemic. but there is a solution-- natural, nutrient-rich whole foods and an easy way to help rejuvenate, restore and cleanse your body with potentially life-changing nutrients that can be the secret to incredible health transformations and even weight loss. introducing the technologically advanced fusion juicer, the rapid nutrition miracle. the fast way to feed your body the vital nutrients it needs. the fusion juicer's low-induction motor quickly breaks food down into a super nutrient-rich juice that can be absorbed easier. providing your body with high-nutrient juice is a great way to start rebuilding the cells in your body. >> the body is a miraculous self-healing machine, and when you institute excellent nutrition, the body's natural tendency to heal takes over. >> announcer: the changes a juicing lifestyle-- including proper nutrition and exercise-- can have on your life are nothing short of miraculous. why bother with slow juicers? they can take forever while you chop up all the fruit and vegetables, and they're hard to clean.
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so-called fast, powerful juicers are loud. their high-r.p.m. engines create heat, and heat can destroy nutrients. and both these juicers cost almost twice as much as the whisper-quiet fusion juicer. the fusion juicer produces up to 30% more juice, and with our non-drip spout, there's no leftover juicing mess on your counter. but more than that, the fusion juicer is so easy to clean-- just rinse or pop into the dishwasher. you could spend over $500 for an expensive juicer that doesn't have the fusion juicer's low-induction, high-nutrient power. but you won't pay 500, 300 or even 200. call now and get the entire fusion juicer system complete with its lifetime motor guarantee for just six payments of $19.99. but hold on! call in the next 42 minutes and we'll also send you the amazing fusion juicer raw remedies and juice recipes book. juice your way to health with over 100 nutrient-rich recipes that address concerns like muscle and joint stiffness, stress and lack of energy, recipes to help reduce cholesterol, even control
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weight. and to help you achieve these goals, you'll also get the amazing fusion juicer 6-week turnaround program. starting this program can put you on a road to positive changes in sleep quality, cholesterol levels, inflammation and other important health markers. together, this $40 value is yours free when you order. but that's not all. order today and get this free bonus that can turn your nutrient-packed juice into a super-charged nutrient-packed wellness drink on the go. boost your juices with super antioxidants like powdered green tea and acai powder to cleanse and lose weight. boost with magnesium and calcium for bone and joint health. add protein powder to your juice for a complete amino acid enriched meal on the go. all of these boosting recipes are online. simply fill the personal-sized travel bottle with fusion juice, and boost it with healthy ingredients of your choice. in an instant, you'll make a super-charged wellness drink you can take with you in the convenient to-go bottle and enjoy anytime. the fusion booster is an incredible $40 value, but it's yours free with your order. and better still, we'll ship the
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entire fusion juicer system to you for free. that's right, free shipping and handling! you get everything you see here: the incredible fusion juicer, our very special raw remedies and juice recipe guide, the fusion juicing 6-week program, and the incredible fusion booster. that's over $80 in free bonuses and your very own fusion juicer in the color of your choice, all for just six payments of $19.99 with free shipping. and if you're not completely satisfied, return the fusion juicer for a complete refund of the purchase price and keep the fusion booster as our special gift to you. if you want to unlock the true nutrient power of whole food juicing and enjoy the benefits of rapid nutrition, there's no better way than with the technologically advanced fusion juicer. to get your own fusion juicer and your bonus fusion booster, you have to call the number on your screen or go to this offer is not available in stores, so order now. [♪...]
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>> man: i had very bad sleep apnea. i was borderline type-2 diabetic, elevated triglycerides and cholesterol. i was over 400 pounds and after i made that-- had that sort of epiphany and changed my focus from diet to finding the real reasons why my body wanted to be fat, i then went on to lose over 200 pounds. i lost about 220 pounds over a 2-1/2-year period and that was seven years ago. >> please welcome mr. jon gabriel! [cheering and applause] thank you for coming. >> oh, there they are! [cheering and applause] there they are. >> that's a lot of pants. a lot of material. >> you can fit all of you on one side of that now, jon, right? >> i think can get in there too. look at that. >> you can get in there no problem at all, listen-- >> i think that's the first time anyone has wanted to get in these pants. >> unbelievable. honor to have you on the show. grab a seat. >> thanks very much. great to be here. >> you-- and i'll try to be delicate-- but you were obese. >> yeah, no, i was morbidly obese, actually.
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and i was about this far from the whole thing ending. >> really? >> yeah. i'd been trying to diet for years. it just wasn't working. so i decided, well, i wasn't going to diet anymore, but i was going to keep the focus on taking care of my health. and i only looked to do more nutrient-- more healthy things. and one of the things that's to me the best thing you can do is juice. because juicing is just like the best way to get nutrients right into your bloodstream. >> yeah, it brings those nutrients in. >> jason: so i'm glad you found juicing part of it because a lot of people know they should eat fruits and vetables, but they don't like to eat raw fruits and vegetables so it's a good tool, wouldn't you say? >> well, part of the problem for me, at least in the beginning, is i really didn't have a taste for fruits and vegetables. and if you do a juice right, and there's an art to doing a juice right, but if you do a juice right, it's just phenomenal. you get all the nutrients. you can feel them go into the cells in your body. it's different than like, they have a milkshake, where you have all this energy for 20 minutes and then you're exhausted. you get it-- you just feel nourished right in the cells of your body and it lasts for hours. >> this is one of your favorite juices, right? >> definitely. i call this the power loss because it gives you power in your cells, helps your body to lose weight. and for me, it's all about
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greens because greens have life force vitality. but how do you do greens and make them taste good? that's what this is. >> yeah, that's the key. >> o.k., so what we're going to start, we're going to start with some celery and some carrots and we're just going to put it right in. i love this. look at it. >> o.k., look at the color, look at the colors being made in this juice. >> it's kale and spinach, full of greens. >> the key thing you just said. it's got to taste good as well. we've got to get the greens in and it tastes good. >> i'll take a cucumr. >> o.k., now watch this. the whole cucumber going in, no chopping, no peeling and look how much juice you're getting. >> the pear is going to even out the greens basically because the greens have a strong taste. you put a pear in there-- >> you need a little bit of sweetness in, righ >> but not too much because too much sweet is going to elevate your blood sugar. >> whoa! that's the thing, look in there. look at that... beautiful. >> can i tell you something, jason? i don't just like this juicer, i love this juicer, and the reason i love this juicer is 'cause i don't have time to cut vegetables, you know? i used to have this slow press juicer. >> yeah, yeah. >> it would take me a half hour to cut vegetables. i'd be putting a celery stk through and waiting for it, click-click-click-click. i've been looking for something
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exactly like this that's going to have the nutrients, going to help you preserve the nutrients. but you can be able to feed the juice straight through. >> that's the key. you still wanted the quality, right, without having to go through the whole ocess. we fused two different technologies in one juicer. >> this was-- i kid you not, when i said this was an answer to my prayers. this was exactly what i was looking for. >> yeah, i was looking for it too. now you're all looking and thinking, i wonder if this tastes good. because it's all about the taste. you mentioned that. you want to get greens in, but you want to make sure they taste good. it's got to be enjoyable, right? and no wonder, that is delicious. jon, thank you very much. that is a powerhouse of nutrition and it tastes delicious. with juice like the power loss jon just made, you're abrbing nutrients quickly. you're feeding the essential needs of your body. and if you follow my program, you can experience change-- positive change-- that can stay with you for a very long and vibrant life. >> my goodness, i could not believe it. my cholesterol went from 250 to 197. and it has not been that low in the last 15 years. >> my glucose levels dropped from 127 to 113 inside of a
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six-week period. i'm hooked on my fusion juicer. i love it very much. it's my friend. >> michael's cholesterol when started this program was at 247. and i know that his doctor has been concerned for a couple of years about his cholesterol. at the end of this program it was down to 182. and that's without medication. it's just the 6-week turnaround program. >> in six weeks, i have changed my metabolism. in six weeks, i have a tremendous amount of energy. this is not just a 6-week turnaround program, not for me. this will be a part of my life. for as long as i can possibly put those apples down that chute, i'm going to be juicing. >> what happened to me in six weeks? a lot of fabulous, great things happened to me in six weeks. my cholesterol was actually over 200 and now it's around 17 and i just feel like i want to get out there and conquer the world every day. and i know i am. [laughs] >> o.k., welcome back, everyone. now there's somebody i want you
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to meet. this man used to be overweight, was addicted to junk food. he had eczema, severe psoriasis, hay fever, asthma. he used to get through three packets of cigarettes a day and he was a heavy drinker. this man thought he was going to die young if he didn't make some drastic changes. this man is me. this is me before i discovered the simple, beautiful, life-giving power of juice. [applause] thank you very much. >> wow! jason, that is just an incredible story. i can't even-- can you guys even believe that this is the same person? i mean, really, i can't. >> it seems like a world away, i've got to be frank. >> so let me ask you, if you could sum up your juicing philosophy with just one thing, how did you come to this conclusion? >> there's a concept i have here. i like to simplify everything. and so i've got a couple of goldfish bowls here. it needs an open mind to have a look at what we're about to do. now, no fish will be harmed in the little concept that i'm about to do here, just to let you know. >> i did wonder.
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>> we've named this one humphrey-- little humphrey is there, he's a happy camper, right, little humphrey, and then i've got my little nemo in here. when a fish is swimming around its normal environment-- imagine it's got plankton and whatever, it's not in a bowl, you know, that kind of thing, all's well, everything is working well, it's got its own filtration system, it's just consuming the foods that nature wanted, everything is working synergistically-- happy days. now we do this instead, right? we get some potato chips and then we just start pouring them in like this. we get some biscuits and then we just start pouring them in. let's just say he, just chuck them in there. and then we get a little bit of-- you've got to have a muffin, right? >> oh, why not? >> i've got a key philosophy. never eat food that looks like a sponge, jen. white refined sugar-- we get through a lot of white refined sugar-- it's been stripped. not all sugars are built equal and this is white refined sugar, all going in on top... right, a bit of coffee? >> oh, yeah, caffeine. he's getting a little groggy. >> got to wash it down, you've got to have a little coffee going in there as well, all right. now of course, why not just add a little soda going in there as well, just you know, i mean, why not? just pour a little soda in with
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the fish like that. o.k., that's what you need. and then of course-- >> you can't even see him. >> well, you can't see him now. he just wants to relax. he might want a cigarette, just to kind of chill out, something like that. and then what happens is this. symptoms of disease of the fish will occur. these are like warning lights. so what happens is the fish after all might start to... [coughs] cough a little, right? >> oh yeah, at least. >> cough a little. so what do we do? we don't look at the cause of the problem. we just treat the symptom. add a little bit of cough syrup. why not? just put that in. now the danger is when we put the cough syrup in is that now the fish thinks the problem has gone away entirely. >> right, because he's not coughing. >> because he's not coughing anymore, and after a while, he's probably thinking, "you know, i've got a bit of a headache." it's probably the headache, you know, a little bit of a headache. >> we're treating the symptom. >> treating the symptom. >> not what's causing the problem. >> a couple of headache tablets. he's probably got a bit of indigestion by now. so a couple of antacids going in there as well, do you know what i mean? >> i'm getting a little indigestion. >> o.k., so look, here's a simple-- so we know what's going to happen, right? the fish is going to have symptoms of disease.
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i mean it's pretty obvious when you look at it, right, after a period of time. so look, if you wanted to help this fish at all, what would you do? would you treat the fish or would you clean the flippin' water, right? what would you do? what would you do, would you clean-- >> i would clean the flippin' water. >> well, it's a silly ques-- what would you do, audience, seriously? what would you do? >> all: clean the water. >> you'd clean the water. everybody in their right mind would clean the water. now that is exactly what juicing does for you. it cleans your own personal goldfish bowl. delicious, nutrient-rich juice takes the place of the garbage you're putting into your system. it's that simple. >> announcer: coming up, 93-year-old world champion bodybuilding sensation charles eugster reveals his secret juice recipe. then we go from 93 to six-, seven- and eight-year-olds for our toughest test yet. stay tuned. over the past 30 years, our fast food lifestyles have helped to crte this health crisis, with an increase in heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, and it's starting at an early age. it's becoming a worldwide epidemic.
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but there is a solution-- natural, nutrient-rich whole foods and an easy way to help rejuvenate, restore and cleanse your body with potentially life-changing nutrients that can be the secret to incredible health transformations and even weight loss. introducing the technologically advanced fusion juicer, the rapid nutrition miracle. the fast way to feed your body the vital nutrients it needs. the fusion juicer's low-induction motor quickly breaks food down into a super nutrient-rich juice that can be absorbed easier. providing your body with high-nutrient juice is a great way to start rebuilding the cells in your body. >> the body is a miraculous self-healing machine, and when you institute excellent nutrition, the body's natural tendency to heal takes over. >> announcer: the changes a juicing lifestyle-- including proper nutrition and exercise-- can have on your life are nothing short of miraculous. why bother with slow juicers? they can take forever while you chop up all the fruit and vegetables, and they're hard to clean. so-called fast, powerful juicers are loud.
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their high-r.p.m. engines create heat, and heat can destroy nutrients. and both these juicers cost almost twice as much as the whisper-quiet fusion juicer. the fusion juicer produces up to 30% more juice, and with our non-drip spout, there's no leftover juicing mess on your counter. but more than that, the fusion juicer is so easy to clean-- just rinse or pop into the dishwasher. yocould spend over $500 for an expensive juicer that doesn't have the fusion juicer's low-induction, high-nutrient power. but you won't pay 500, 300 or even 200. call now and get the entire fusion juicer system complete with its lifime motor guarantee for just six payments of $19.99. but hold on! call in the next 22 minutes and we'll also send you the amazing fusion juicer raw remedies and juice recipes book. juice your way to health with over 100 nutrient-rich recipes that address concerns like muscle and joint stiffness, stress and lack of energy, recipes to help reduce cholesterol, even control weight. and to help you achieve these
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goals, you'll also get the amazing fusion juicer 6-week turnaround program. starting this program can put you on a road to positive changes in sleep quality, cholesterol levels, inflammation and other important health markers. together, this $40 value is yours free when you order. but that's not all. order today and get this free bonus that can turn your nutrient-packed juice into a super-charged nutrient-packed wellness drink on the go. boost your juices with super antioxidants like powdered green tea and acai powder to cleanse and lose weight. boost with magnesium and calcium for bone and joint health. add protein powder to your juice for a complete amino acid enriched meal on the go. all of these boosting recipes are online. simply fill the personal-sized travel bottle with fusion juice, and boost it with healthy ingredients of your choice. in an instant, you'll ma a super-charged wellness drink you can take with you in the convenient to-go bottle and enjoy anytime. the fusion booster is an incredible $40 value, but it's yours free with your order. and better still, we'll ship the entire fusion juicer system to you for free.
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that's right, free shipping and handling! you get everything you see here: the incredible fusion juicer, our very special raw remedies and juice recipe guide, the fusion juicing 6-week program, and the incredible fusion booster. that's over $80 in free bonuses and your very own fusion juicer in the color of your choice, all for just six payments of $19.99 with free shipping. and if you're not completely satisfied, return the fusion juicer for a complete refund of the purchase price and keep the fusion booster as our special gift to you. if you want to unlock the true nutrient power of whole food juicing and enjoy the benefits of rapid nutrition, there's no better way than with the technologically advanced fusion juicer. to get your own fusion juicer and your bonus fusion booster, you have to call the number on your screen or go to this offer is not available in stores, so order now. [♪...] >> this is without question my favorite part of the show.
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are you looking forward to this? >> yes. >> o.k., listen, look what i have made-- take one each. now, don't take a sip yet. so you like berries, right? you love them. o.k., take a little sip of that nice, sweet juice. tell me what you think. come on, really tell me what you think of that juice. >> it's good. >> it's good. i'm going to make myself a little drink. you know, the stuff that i know you'd never have this, i appreciate that. why would you have this, right? this is crazy stuff. i'm going to ask y to guess, if you will, you know, what berries do you think were in the juice that you were drinking? come on, guys, shout it out. >> strawberries. >> strawberries, you said. >> boy: apple. >> oh, so you thought there was a little bit of apple and berries in together, o.k. all right, what else do you think is in there? i'm just making myself this little juice here. you're thinking what kind of crazy person, right, would ever start drinking all of these kind of vegetables off that plate. i appreciate that. now you might want more of what you've been drinking. but you see here? now what i've just made, does it look kind of the same as what you just had? >> all: yeah. >> looks almost very similar? it is kind of exactly the same.
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i was, you know, i didn't lie to you. what i said was-- and let's recap-- i just said to you, "do you like berries?" didn't i say that? >> yeah. >> and you said you love berries, right? because there are no berries in here at all, all right? in fact what you've just been drinking: brussels sprouts, some celery, some cucumber. you were drinking some kale, all of that juice going into your body. but yet you liked it, right, guys? >> yeah. >> mm, and that's delicious. nothing is more important than getting nutrients into little ones, guys. juicing is a wonderful way to get those key nutrients into your kids. and for some it may even be a lifesaver. >> my name is quinton. >> my name is robyn, i'm quinton's mom. he was really overweight and i was trying everything i could to help him lose weight. i was just failing miserably. >> i want to lose my double in, lose my buddha belly. ...before, i was eating constantly. i would eat just junk. instead of eating the chips and ice cream and all of that, i started to replace that with
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juice for my snack. >> and so over the course of a year, juicing, getting in his exercise, fitness, he lost close to 55 pounds. >> i was doing it every day, multiple times a day. like, i would have juice before dinner. >> it comes down to the juicer. we've never had a juicer before. we've never tried a juicing diet and that is the key factor. it really works. >> wow, you've grown. o.k., grab a seat, welcome to the show. so quinton, tell us about kale and tell us how it came into your life, i guess. >> well, at first, i was a little hesitant because it's pretty bitter stuff and... but the juice makes it taste fantastic. the mango makes it sweet and it's just delicious. >> well, as a tribute to you, i'm going to make it right here. and this is, you know, i call it the quinton kale juice now, right? because i've never seen this combination before. you put cucumber in as well, right, together, so you've got loads of juice going on as well. but also this is the part that's so wonderful. you've got this nutrient-rich,
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chlorophyll-rich kale going in. because the idea is you want to get as much juice as possible out of this stuff, especially like a mango. >> and even giving that to little kids too. >> you start giving this juice to the little ones. there it is, just feeding through nice and beautiful. now it's really green. it's actually quite thick. i can tell it's going to be nice and creamy as well. now this is quinton's kale juice like i said. i haven't tried it before so i'm going to drink it now. >> gorgeous. you're going to love it. >> actually you can taste the mango. you're absolutely right. it's the way to get kale in, get the goodness of it, but the sweetness. that's almost like a little genius recipe. congratulations on all you've achieved as a family, as a unit. and you continue to inspire so many little people as well now that you're not so little yourself. so the only way we can end this i guess is to, uh, is to say hail to kale. hail to kale. >> hail to kale. >> jason, what makes your juicer so special? >> well, my goal was always to find a juicer that could introduce high-quality juicing to as many people as possible, but at a really low price. i believe my fusion juicer is a
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juicer that anybody can afford and it actually has features that expensive juicers don't have. there are two kinds of juicers in the world: slow juicers that extract as much juice from the fibers as possible, and fast juicers that trade nutrient value for simple convenience. i tested the fusion juicer against both of these kinds of juicers and i think you'd be really surprised by the results. take a look at this. >> announcer: slow juicers can be tedious and time-consuming, chopping fruits and vegetables and jamming them into the small chute. with the fusion juicer, you just pop in whole fruits, seeds and all. >> these are called slow juicers. i wonder why that is. the first thing you're going to notice is how loud this is. it's not good for the neighbors, it's not good for the children. >> announcer: fast juicers can be loud and powerful, but that power can create heat and heat can destroy nutrients. and many slow and fast juicers cost nearly twice as much as the entire fusion juicer system. >> if you're going to juice every day, i know which one i'd rather have. cheers! >> wow, that's impressive. >> it's really impressive. just like many high-speed juicers, my fusion juicer
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extracts a lot of juice. but it has a low friction, low induction motor. look, in plain language, my fusion juicer creates less friction, meaning more of the nutrients can be retained. it's the optimum fusion of fast and slow and that's why i called it the fusion juicer. when it comes to convenient, high-nutrition juicing, my fusion juicer is the best of both worlds. and that is why this baby gets my 100% approval. >> i love e fusion juicer because it's slow enough-- the process-- that it maintains its nutrients, but at the same time, it's fast enough that it doesn't take all day. you don't have to sit there. because one of my concerns about juicing was, oh, this is going to take too long. so it really started me on a path of seeing that it's not so hard to have a better lifestyle. i was really shocked. my first cholesterol test was 204, which is what i-- o.k., i'm not surprised there. but when i went to the second cholesterol test, i was in shock because it was 175.
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