tv FOX 45 News at 500 FOX October 28, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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let's move along. [ laughter ] by the way, this all happened -- see the thing about getting put in jail over the weekend you have to wait until monday morning to see the judge. now no word whether this was friday at midnight going into saturday morning or thursday going into friday, i don't know. all i know is he spent all weekend getting a tune up for how life will be. [ applause ] the tea is excellent this morning. really lemony and good. julianna huff cause ad stir over the weekend. well, she went -- i know. we don't normally think of her scaring, just dancing and smiling and stuff. she showed her ignorant side when she showed up at a halloween party wearing black face. like who does that? now you know who she's supposed
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to be. do you watch that show "orange is the new black." she's dressed as crazy eyes from the show. i don't know what part of stupid or excuse me less than smart she is. who walks out of the house in black face? like wow, julianna. i don't know whose party she was at. you have to figure this. this was like an intentional move. this was not something that happened all of a sudden and she then said oh, this is racist. you put thought in your halloween costume. i know what i've wanted to wear for 40 days. i've been dieting accordingly. i talked to everybody on my staff. i talked to my mom and dad. you talk about your halloween costume. you just don't show up in black face which means she's not just less than smart off the cuff, she's less than smart even when she thinks about it. that would be similar, i would imagine -- by the way she did apologize for the backlash that
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she's been getting. here's what she said. she said, it certainly was never my intention to be disrespectful or demeaning to anyone in any way. i realize my costume hurt and offended people. i truly apologize. do you give her a pass because she grew up some place way out there where they don't know a lot of black people? she grew up some place there weren't a whole lot of black people and she was morn. she thought there was only one kind of alcohol until she arrived at hollywood and discovered you could drink something different every minute of the day. does she get a pass because she grew up out there? i'm thinking there's books, internet and tv, even if you grow up in a cabin in the woods. i imagine the same for our asian friends like if you're going to be a geisha girl for halloween,
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do you do everything but the eyes and alabaster skin. if you don't know, i suggest that's not the costume you wear. let move along. [ applause ] these little kardashian girls are a problem. the youngest ones are causing a bit of backlash everybody. "people" magazine is saying kylie who is 16 and jane smith's daughter, son of will and jada smith showed up at the beverly hills hotel and requested bottles and service. this boy is 16 or is a. done he look like 12 or 9? first wouldn't you say to him where's your mother, aren't you supposed to be in school? i guess if everybody knows he's
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will and jada's kid he's treated with the same carte blanche as everybody else in hollywood, i guess. i don't know. they were turned down for the bottle service and liquor and kylie berated the staff with the classic line, do you know who i am. and then she ormed away. they cho who you were but they knew you were up to things. you know, i said this before and i'll say it again. i don't know what you were doing when you were 16. i was big enough for fake i.d. and wearing lipstick and looking older because i wanted to do grown tngs. they are not doing anything different than what many of us did when we were kids, it's just that they do it in such a belligerent way. how dare you come in to the lobby of a well appointed hotel
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and talking -- don't you know who i am? that just horrible entitlement. a lot of people e saying kylie and kendall, 16 and 17, the kardashian girls going through it because their parents announced their divorce. i say any excuse is better than none. weren't you always ready with your excuse if your mom and dad caught you with weed or cigarettes or booze at 16? i was always ready with mine. well it's because you called me fat. [ laughter ] it's because i have pressure about where i'm going to college even though i don't leave for three years. you always have an excuse to make your parents feel bad over what you do. i don't believe they are going through it because of this divorce because i think long before we, john q. public find out about a divorce there's always a lot of, you know, a lot of fighting inside the household. i'm sure all the kids, this divorce comes as no surprise. i don't believe that they are
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being pressured to do school work because they are not in school. you know, they are home schooled by, i guess, that mother. [ laughter ] you can see how much time she spends with them by the globetrotting she does. bruce, bruce seems to have checked out of life. he's grown his hair into a pony tail and picking up the "star" magazine, reading about his own daughters on the cover with them being out of control. and what that hair is, i have no idea. bruce is just letting it all hang out now that he's separated from that woman. congratulations bruce. spend more time with your daughters. [ applause ] i stayed in the house all day yesterday. i started dinner at 12:00. i made an oven stuffer. those sound so complicated they are so easy.
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you throw them in the oven. your family loves it. baby asparagus. and stuffing stove top kind and afterwards you put it in the oven stuffer all fancy. your family gets impressed. especially if you start rattling the pots at 12:00 because they think you're going in like your mom and grandma did, you know. dinner was finished by 3:00. i was free watching tv and dying which is and doing stuff all day in preparation for my nighttime activity which was flipping between the football game to make the house happy, and watching nene and gregg get remarried on last night's show of "i dream of nene." [ applause ] nene invited a lot of celebrity guests. as a matter of fact it seemed like all celebrity guests. there's candy and some of the other girls from some of the other franchises. patty was there with her fiancee
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from the millionaire match mke mr. judge mathis, that court judge from tv, he officiated. it was very celebrity driven. probably the most biggest surprise for nene and maybe some of her guests is that kim was invited and came there with kroy and here theyre putting their beef aside. >> for me to see kim, it was just -- we're in two different places in our lives now and we've been through so much, so much, so much. i was so happy. >> i'm really glad you invited me. you know i don't leave my house for nothing. >> you don't go anywhere [bleep] >> i got another bun in the oven. i hope it's a girl. >> kroy.
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[ applause ] >> wendy: so it was nice to see them and nice to see nene happy. the ringce was gorgeous. now the show is over and i've come to two conclusions. number one, i made a mistake by saying everybody needs a friend like diana. oh, no they don't. i said that to you weeks a when the show first starts. diana is a psycho, out of her mind. she's the friend if she can't have you nobody will and she will stab you. everybody needs a friends like cynthia bailey. she's not the strongest woman but her hearts into friendship. she will make you feel comforted and loved and won't tell your secrets. cynthia can keep confidences. the other conclusion this wedding should never have happened because like i said -- well i don't care about people getting married on tv, that's
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just me. i like bridezilla, when it's crazy that's when i care. i don't care about that. the show that should have been made with nene and nene goes to hollywood and navigates through studio to get jobs. i didn't care about the wedding thing. i'm glad that's over. the next thing we'll see nene and the girls are "housewives of atlanta." this might be the last season of this show. i don't know where else they can go with the show and the plots. last season of that show will people ever care about nene goes to hollywood? because that to me is the special that needs made only since it wasn't made now will people care later because people only have an attention span of this and they -- look, you've done very well in atlanta by holding our attention all these years for five seasons. it's just that i think after this season it might be over. anyway, hey gregg and gregg's teeth, hey nene and
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congratulations. [ applause ] so this business about jay-z and barney's. now this has made national news at this particular point. barney's here in new york, jay-z is partnering with barney's, high end department store and his stuff was supposed to be out -- what the hell? like we know you got it, but really? really? okay. so, you know, i checked. this is like quarter of a million dollar piece and we know he's got it. but it just looks -- does that chain look crazy or is you want just me? just black! [ laughter ]
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[ applause ] we all are guilty at some point or another of being stereotypic from where we come from. this right here is very black. [ laughter ] anyway, last week barney's, the department store came under fire when two young black customers were racially profiled in the store. one young man spent over $300 on a belt allegedly. he was racially profiled. i say allegedly even though growing up black girl myself into a woman, i'll just say allegedly to b politically correct. you know how these department stores can be sometimes. not all of them and not everybody in them. and then another young lady was racially profiled. she got her tax return check and decided -- [ laughter ] -- and decided instead of
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saving -- [ laughter ] -- to take it over there and get her a bag for almost $3,000. now look she had the money, she paid her bill, they should have left her alone. but what they did they followed -- these were separate incidents, security followed the boy outside and then, you know, not roughed him up physically but wanted to see his receipt and he had everything. the boy who purchased the belt had everything, the girl in a separate case the one with the bag, she was all the way going down the steps to the subway and security got her. now, anybody -- anybody familiar with shoplifting knows they can't touch you once you hit the sidewalk. i had an incident back when i was in eighth grade but it got expunged. i'm a nice woman now. sometimes you have to go through things, those in life to understand that your parents will kick your behind and no
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goodwill come to you if you do that again. anyway, so fans of jay-z are now pressuring him to cut his ties for his holiday line at barney's. i think that this will be perfect for him to cut the ties and i'll tell you hy. because jay-z said that he doesn't want to do anything until he said through a spokesperson that he wants to wait for all the facts before deciding what to do. you know what the facts are. don't act like you didn't grow up like some of us. walking through department stores and walking through life getting the side eye from everybody. until you became a big wealthy rap star and you married to your beautiful wife and now you are wealthy. it's not rich. it's wealth. he has generational wealth right now. so these few little dollars that he's going make and by the way allegedly his line at the holidays is not for his pocket it's for scholarship funds for kids. well write the check. write the check or send them the
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chain or something, you know. [ applause ] the lawyer lady upstairs wants me to say alleged every time i say racially profiled thing. i'm sure this was exactly what these kids said this was wasn't the holiy season coming unfortunately there's going to be more cases like this happening. it's not just about racially profiling, i don't care if you're lily white, but if you're 15 years old or 13, 14-year-old friends you're also public enemy number one at the mall. i'm not saying i don't want you. this is the way a lot of stores look at certain pockets of society. so, you don't need to wait for the report jay-z, you know what that is. write the check and dissolve your relationship. [ applause ] that's it for hot topics. wake up girl. wake up. we've got a great show for you
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today. jerry ferrara is here. he played the loveable turtle and now he's starring alongside hollywood royalty in a brand new movie called "last vegas." mtv just named him buzz worthy artist. and august alsina is here to perform for us. up next everybody it's time for everybody's favorite celebrity fan out. [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: wendy williams is brought to you by l'oreal paris because you're worth it.
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says how you do iin, wendy. i recently went to an l.a. dodgers game with my husband. i ran out to buy snacks and you'll never believe who i ran into. it was kerry washington. she looks really pretty even at the game. i approached her and told her i was a huge fan of "scandal" and she happily agreed to take a photo of me. kerry will be hosting "saturday night live" this weekend. okay. our next fan out comes from jessica r. who watches the wendy shon miami, florida. she says hi wendy how you doin. i work as a flight attendant. i was preparing the plane to takeoff and guess who walked on the plane it was mr. mcdreamy himself, patrick dempsey. he looks really good in that picture too, right? i told him that he was the love of my life and asked to take a
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photo. don't we look good together, wendy? sometimes i really love my job. the cabin is not even secure but she's taking pictures. love it. our next one comes from steven o. he watches our show on kfdm in texas and he says hey, wendy i'm a huge fan of joan rivers. i always wanted to see her do stand up. when i heard she was performing in my area i collected every penny i had and couldn't buy a ticket. i shared my disappointment on twitter and minutes later i got a vip message from joan herself inviting me to be a vip. i got to meet her back stage. what a nice thing to do, joan. how exciting for you steven. our last celebrity fan out comes from caitlin k. who watches our show on wnyw in hopewell junction, new york.
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she said my friend and i went to see robin thicke in concert. afterwards hoping to catch a glimpse of him. when he walked out i got much more. robin gave me a big hug and posed for a to. my friend couldn't figure out how network my camera sorrow bin had to keep his arm around me an extra long time. i never wanted to let him go. thank so you much. if you got a picture to prove your celebrity fan out share. up next everybody from the new movie "last vegas" our friend jerry ferrara is here. jerry ferrara is here.
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as turtle on the hit show "entourage" and now he's starring in a brand new movie called "last vegas." >> time you hung out with guys your own age and here's a little something for your troubles. >> wow. you sure? >> nah, just put ug ting you on. >> you breathe a word about us to the fed, we'll hunt you down.
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>> my lips are sealed. >> wendy: please welcome jerry ferrara. [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: welcome back to new york. >> a good welcome right there. >> wendy: yeah. because you grew up here. >> i did. i grew up in brooklyn. >> wendy: welcome home. >> good to be home. >> wendy: to you love living out in l.a.? >> i do now. i've been there for 14 years now but it's weird every time i get back here my feet touch the ground i feel a change. it feels right. i'm back. >> wendy: are you thinking of a sequel? >> i made the cut. shockingly i made the cut.
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>> wendy: good. you've been spending a lot of time in vegas between that and also you filmed "last vegas." >> "last vegas" was shot in vegas and the entire sequel of "think like a man" was shot there too. >> wendy: i want to get to the movie in a moment but first of all your weight loss is remarkable because you kept it off. it's one thing to lose the weight which is very, very difficult. how many pounds did you lose? >> i think in total like -- oh, wow. i look like duke from south park. about 60 pounds. >> wendy: about 60 pounds. how long ago did you lose it? >> when i turned 30 i was at my heaviest and i just had a doctor tell me i a nonscary way you're a young guy start now. you'll feel better when you're 40. "forest gump" i started running. >> wendy: good four. that was around the end of "entourage" also.
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>> as it was coming to a close. >> wendy: whats it looking like for an "entourage" movie. >> looking good. i can look at my phone right now. it's real close. we hope to shoot in january. >> wendy: good. i'm glad. this is what the streets are saying. the streets are saying that the hold outs are you and adrian. >> is that what the streets are saying? >> wendy: the streets say they locked on jeremy. >> do you believe the streets? >> wendy: yes. are you holding out? >> look here's what i'll say about hold outs. athletes hold out when they have a contract that they don't want to honor. it goes on more than you think. there's so many different parts of making a movie. it could be as simple as scheduling on one week somebody has to be somewhere. no one is holding out. we knew the whole time we wanted to do this movie. it takes a little bit of time. we're on schedule believe it or
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not. >> wendy: good. i can't wait. >> me too. >> wendy: i miss the show. >> it's going to be weir to kind of put that yankee hat back on again. it's bean while now. >> wendy: are you still sing sial >> yeah. yeah. yeah. >> wendy: no, listen there's nothing wrong with saying that. >> you want to set me up with someone? >> wendy: people are looking right now. i don't have anybody to set you up with but who are you looking for? what do you look for? how you doin, sir? what do you look for in a woman? does she have to be an actress? >> no, no. not at all. not that i've learned anything i kind of know nothing it's not so much what you want. it's more like what you don't want. because i feel like what you want is always is going to change but what you don't want. >> wendy: no public twerking. >> i'm not going to wake up one
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day and say gee i wish you twerked me. >> wendy: filming this movie, "last vegas." first it looks very funny. i want has everybody from robert deniro, michael douglas, morgan freeman, kevin kline. how is that? >> i said to them, i said between the five of us guys we have six academy awards so let's not blow this. it was great. literally i wish i could have worked with one of these guys in my career. i h front row seat. they never worked together before. i h a front row seat to watching them kind of do their thing. >> wendy: when you work on a movie with power like that do your friends want to stop by the set hey jer i brought you some food. >> interesting you don't want to come by when i was doing that episode of city guys in '99 but you want to come by now. >> wendy: in the movie you play
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