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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  October 30, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> ok. >> it's also bone pain and muscle pain, overall weakness and fatigue too. all these things are linked to a common nutritional deficiency that's affecting, possibly, 77 percent of our entire population. >> so is this why you changed the original supple formula? >> it is. by just adding nutritional building blocks identified in a new medical breakthrough, we can help significantly more people end bone pain, muscle pain, overall weakness and fatigue too, for the entire population, all these people that are suffering from this inadequately publicized nutritional deficiency. >> now, does sple still taste good, despite this new, more powerful formula? >> absolutely. supple is delicious. i love the taste of supple. i drink it every day. it's fruity and sweet, has only 30 calories, no artificial sweeteners. it's completely all natural. everybody loves the taste of supple. >> this stuff tastes delicious. >> delicioso! >> it tastes so great you don't know that you're taking a medication. >> it tastes like a really nice, thin, fruit smoothy. >> it tastes just wonderful.
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i love the taste of supple. >> it does sound tasty. then why aren't the active ingredients in supple standard of care in the united states, the first thing that doctors reach for, just like they are in europe? >> honestly? >> yeah. >> because the drug companies can't make billions of dollars a year selling these all-natural agents like they can their own pain drugs so they do everything they can to suppress them just to preserve their own profits. they manipulate the government, the government agencies, they manipulate the media, they fix scientific studies. >> but what's wrong with what's currently prescribed in the u.s.? >> well the pain drugs, and i've tried them all. >> yeah. >> acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ibuprofen. all these things do nothing but just mask the pain. they don't treat the root causes of pain. >> of course they come with lots of dangerous side affects if you use them too long, too. >> the pain always comes back and it always gets worse. and surgery is not much better. it comes with no guarantees and it can cause infections and
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blood clots and always requires significant rehabilitation. >> very true. what do you think about all of those natural joint health supplements out there then? >> the problem is that there is very little or no legitimate clinical research showing that these things work at all or are even safe to use. to make matters worse, over 90 percent of the most popular agents that are sold in the united states have ingredients from china where there are significant problems with fake, counterfeit, low-quality and ontaminated ingredients. >> so then how is supple any different? >> well, supple doesn't just mask the pain, it heals the root causes of pain. it rebuilds your joints, it strengthens your bones and it makes you stronger. you don't have to worry about dangerous side affects. you can use it for as long as you need to. you could stop taking pain drugs, you could avoid surgery. we guarantee 100 percent of label claims. we use only the best ingredient sources, all from the united states. we use no key ingredients from china, and we guarantee the number one international doctor- recommended formula. and you know what? you could feel the difference.
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just listen to this. >> and slowly, the arthritis had gotten so bad in my shoulder, my right elbow, my whole, my wrist, everywhere, and in every joint in my body just hurt so bad that i couldn't sleep between 2 to 4 hours a night for the last 4 to 5 years. so, we got the supple and i started drinng a can a day. i didn't say anything to my wife because, it had only been a week and i thought maybe its a coincidence. well, a few more days went by and i, we were sitting having dinner and i told her, i said, you know, you haven't heard me complain here in a few days. and the fact is, i've had no pain in my shoulder, in my wrist, or my ankles in, truthfully, i believe it was 10 days is all it took. >> that's an amazing story. so let's talk about what patients with chronic joint pain have in common. >> sure. >> well first they have accelerated cartilage breakdown. cartilage is that squishy stuff in the middle of the joint. your body stops producing enough of the building blocks, the core building blocks, that
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they need to repair and replace old and damaged cartilage. so that cushion in your joints gets smaller and smaller and every time you try to move, it just hurts really bad. on top of that, ur body sends in these enzymes that actually start eating away at your joints instead of repairing them. >> so your body's only defense system really makes the problem worse. >> yeah. and then, you have swelling and inflammation and these abnormal bone growths. all these things cause incredible amounts of pain. the more pain you have, the less you use the joint. and then, your muscles, tendons and ligaments, all these things become weakened and overstrained. that causes more degeneration and even more pain. it's just a horrible, vicious, downward cycle. and people without any joint pain, they just can't possibly understand how bad it can be. >> and how does supple work? >> well, supple just stops, it stops the vicious cycle of cartilage breakdown and degeneration. first it provides the core building blocks your body needs to heal and replace and repair the old and damaged cartilage. >> so it helps to restore an equilibrium of healthy cartilage? >> that's right.
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and then it stops, it removes the swelling and inflammation, it stops those enzymes that are eating away at your cartilage. it rebuilds your entire joint structures. it eliminates pain so you don't have to worry about pain in your bones, muscles and joints, and it helps you you to be more mobile again. just listen to these real stories about how supple works. >> working at the arthritis foundation, i've been able to turn a lot of people on to it, through our events. we hand out free samples of supple, and i've heard just very many stories like myself. people that have had their lives dramatically changed. people who's pain is much worse than mine. >> i've had rheumatoid arthritis for many many years, and doctors, all they ever did was just give me pain medicine. nothing would get rid of the pain. i mean, it always came back. and i always had trouble sleeping and stuff because the pain was so bad. so after being on supple for probably less than a week, i started getting the results of wonderful. my pain is bearable, it's not as
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bad, the swelling s gone down in my fingers, my ankle doesn't hurt as bad, and i really truly want to thank you supple for whatever this drink is, it is a miracle drink. >> it's a great value proposition, right? you eliminate pain by addressing the root causes of the pain, you regain strength and mobility, it has almost no calories, certainly no significant negative side effects, and it tastes great. >> absolutely. supple is the fast, safe, all- natural, international doctor- recommended way for anyone to get significant relief and t0 get rid of all their pain, all their immobility, all their suffering once and for all. if you just try a can of supple every day, you can feel a significant difference in just 7 days and better every week. it's absolutely delicious. i am so confident that supple will work for you, that i want to challenge everyone who's suffering from any kind of pain to call in, to try supple risk- free for 30 days. and to drink every can to the absolute bottom. if you don't completely love the taste, if you don't feel better
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week-after-week, if supple does not completely transform your life, i'll give you your money back. >> you're guaranteeing the product? >> absolutely. i'll give you your money back. this is a 100 percent unconditional, money-back guarantee. people need to try supple because it works. just listen to what real users have to say. >> i was in pain. i know what that feels like. i'm not in pain any more. i noticed a difference after about a week. but, after three weeks, i felt great. >> well, it kept me out of a nursing home and i'm still on the farm where i want to be. >> since i began the supple program, i have never had, in this whole year, what i call and refer to as a flare-up. >> i use these cans of supple as ammunition against my pain. >> i noticed a marked improvement almost immediately, with a lot less pain and a lot more agility. it has been a life-changer and a true, true miracle. i cannot find any other words
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for it. >> but i really love supple. it really saved me. as much as i love my television, i'll shut my tv off before i'll give up drinking supple. that's how much faith i have in it. and anybody that doesn't try this is foolish because it really, really works. >> if you're watching right now, we talking with international arthritis advocate and arthritis survivor, peter apatow. peter has been selected by the world's greatest medical experts in the united nations bone and joint decade to be a leading advocate, to help end pain all around the world. if you have joint pain, back pain, bone pn, muscle pain, or even weakness or fatigue, and you want to get more information on how to get the new, more powerful supple drink, pick up the phone and call the number on your screen. we've worked out a special introductory offer that's only available on the smart medicine show if you call today. i encourage you to try delicious supple absolutely risk-free
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supple is guaranteed to work for you you've heard from real people who've experiencedncredible results from supple and now you can, too. pick up the phone and call right now. now peter, pain drugs, steroids, pain creams, they're not joint regenerating agents, are they? >> no, they're not. those are all just drugs that do nothing but mask the pain. the reason that you have the pain is still there. and when the pain is no longer bearable and these drugs stop working, doctors recommend surgery that could lead to even more pain and even more degeneration with no guarantees. >> of course it makes sense to avoid taking drugs and doing surgery whenever possible. >> yeah. and with supple, you could get rid of pain without dangerous drugs or surgery. supple is the missing link that heals the root causes of pain by providing the core building blocks your body needs to heal itself. >> so they don't go after the pain first, they address the root cause of joint degeneration, reverse them, and as a function of that,
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relieve the pain. >> absolutely. they heal and rebuild the joint. that's what supple does. it rebuilds your entire joint structure, it eliminates pain, suffering and immobility and it helps you to be more mobile again. this is why people try supple. just listen to how people are switching to supple as the safe, all-natural alternative to dangerous drugs and surgery. >> i really urge everyone to try this thing. i've had 15 years of agony and i can honestly and truly tell you, i've reduced, i'm off the medication i had from the doctors, i just quit taking it. >> i feel a lot better. i feel good every day. it's helped my joints really a lot. >> i was going to the doctor with knee trouble because i was bone-on-bone. and he recommended cortisone shots and i went and had those, and they really didn't do anything for me. then, i was watching a program one night about supple and i ordered it. it was the best thing out that
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i've ever done for myself because it helped my knees, the cartilage come back into my knees. it helped my arthritic hands. >> by drinking the supple, i have not had to have any knee replacement. i do not have any pain at all in my knee now. the pain is totally gone. >> i just felt bad about every day having to take pain medication. and with supple i don't have to do that. >> with these kinds of results, why aren't the active agents in supple the first thing that doctors prescribe in the u.s.? >> it's because the drug companies. they're supressing them to preserve their own profits. medical doctors only prescribe what's being pushed by the drug companies. and it's just a real tragedy because the medical research behind these agents, it's irrefutable. >> why are you so confident in the research? >> it's simple. the active agents in supple are the most highly recommended joint rebuilding agents by the greatest medical experts in all
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of europe. they're standard of care in over 40 countries and over 13 million people use them safely every day, with no negative side effects. over 20,000 human clinical studies, observational studies, laboratory studies, meta- analysis, expert reviews. all these kinds of studies are available at the national institutes of health on these ingredients alone. >> that's very interesting. 60 minutes recently did a show on the difficult battle against counterfeit drugs from other countries. now, ishis a problem with supplements too? >> it's a huge problem. the national institutes of health recently uncovered that all glucosamine and chondroitin, it's not the same. as much as 90 percent of these ingredients come from china and there's significant problems with counterfeiting, contamination, low-quality ingredients, skimping on ingredients, and even using low and unproven dosages. this is an example of a troubled industry that needs to be completely reformed. supple, on the other hand, has no ingredients from china, and we use only the most high
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quality, best ingredient sources available. we don't use any of these unethical and deceptive business practices. just listen to these real supple users who have learned that there's nothing more powerful than what's in supple. >> i've had back pain on and off since i was probably in my mid 20's, and since i've been taking supple i haven't had to deal with a back injury. some of the other supplements had like glucosamine and chondroitin. some of the basic ones that are out there but, nothing really stood out. nothing really stood out until i started taking supple. >> this is my bad hip. the left. the pain was unbearable. i couldn't sleep, i couldn't walk. i tried 1,500 milligrams of glucosamine and 1,200 milligrams of chondroitin. but, they didn't do anything for me. my life has changed since i started to take supple. i'm a different woman now. i like to put on make-up, i like to get dressed up.
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it really works. >> peter, how can supple possibly be so effective when so many other products fail to help people? >> supple is the missing link that heals the root causes of pain. it reverses the disease process, it rebuilds your joints and it gives your body the core building blocks it needs to heal itself. pain, stiffness, immobility, overall weakness, fatigue, difficulty moving, difficulty sleeping at night, all these things, they just fade away. supple's core ingredients have been studied for over 35 years and we use only the highest quality and most clinically- proven ingredient sources available. >> what are the active ingredients in supple? >> supple has 1,200 milligrams of pharmaceutical strength, very special chrondroitin sulfate. the same stuff that's prescribed as an all-natural, safe drug throughout europe, and that was exclusively selected by the national institutes of health. we have 1,500 milligrams of very special shellfish-free, u.s.- made, glucosamine hydrochloride and a very powerful, anti-
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oxidant healing blend, with high levels of vitamin d, c, e, b vitamins, calcium and magnesium. >> so what can people expect if they try supple? >> if you just drink a can of supple every day, it's delicious, and you try to be just a little bit more active, you can feel a significant difference in just 7 days and better every week. it's absolutely delicious. it'll help you get rid of all your pain, all of your immobility, all of your suffering. you could stop taking dangerous pain drugs, you could avoid surgery, and now the new, more powerful supple formula can help all americans that are suffering from a common nutritional deficiency get rid of bone pain, muscle pain, overall weakness and fatigue, too. i am so confident that supple will work for you that i want everyone to try supple risk-free for 30 days and drink every can to the absolute bottom so they can feel the benefits for themselves, just like real supple users have. >> within two weeks i could tell the difference. plus, it's got a lot of vitamins and everything, and it gave me energy and it kept me out of the doctor's office.
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i wouldn't know what to do without supple. it has really, really helped me. >> i've had arthritis for, since i was 18, so it makes a big difference. >> what you spend on doctors, the price of supple is worth every nickel, every nickel. >> i started to experience a lot of back pain for the first time in my life when i, when i hit about 40 and it just got worse and worse with the more and more yard work i would do. after just probably about a week or two of drinking the supple, i'd come in from the yard and i'd expect to start to feel pain and there wouldn't be any. and the longer i drank the supple, the longer i could actually stay out in the yard. and i have no pain now. i can garden 8 hours, 2 days in a row and, and i really don't have any pain. >i cannot recommend something that i do, really do not believe in. and there is nothing better than supple. > if you're watching right now and you'd like some more information on how to get supple. it's a delicious drink for complete pain relf that really works.
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if you have joint pain, back pain, bone pain, muscle pain, overall weakness or fatigue, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or even fibromyalgia, this is a product that i highly recommend you try. pick up the phone and call the number on your screen for more information. supple is guaranteed to work for you and you can try it risk-free. if you call right now, you can receive a substantial introductory discount off the new, more powerful supple. you've heard from real people who have experienced incredible results from supple, and now you can too. peter's given us some research that's pretty compelling, so give us a call. >> peter, tell me more about the pain that you had. >>well, i suffered like you couldn't even imagine for 15 years. i had severe pain in my left hip that led to pain in my back, my neck, my knees and my feet. >> and what did you try that worked for you? >> no matter what i tried- drugs, dietary supplements- nothing really gave me my mobility back or gave
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me complete relief. the truth is that these things just don't work because they don't get to the root cause of the problem. >> so what happened when you finally started taking supple? >> it was miraculous. within 7 days, i felt a significant reduction in pain. within a month, i was completely pain-free, i was fully mobile again, and i've been like that now for years. no matter what i do, i can't even get the pain back. it's my passion now just to help other people get their lives back and to stay active just like these real supple users have. >> as i get older, it's just important to me that i can do all the activities that i want to do and not be held back by pain or injury and supple is part of that program of injury prevention and looking younger, feeling younger and staying active. >> i became a volunteer for the arthritis foundation. we had a walk and supple was one of the sponsors at the walk. and i was given several cans, and it wasn't any more than
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probably 3 or 4 days and i began to notice an improvement. and i thought, this can't be the supple you know. and so, i kept drinking it, and it kept getting better and better. and then finally, it dawned on me, yes indeed, this was supple. and it, it was a miracle to me. it was like taking, having absolutely somebody giving me a miracle drug. i could get up in the morning, i could get up and i could actually walk right away, i could come down the steps and walk. i didn't have excruciating pain any more. i would recommend this to anybody. this is the best thing i have ever found. >> that's an amazing story. i mean really all the stories you've shared with us today have been really inspirational. >> i know. they're just incredible. >> now peter, we're running out of time but do you have any last minute thoughts you want to share with our viewers? >> yes. i suffered from severe arthritis pain for decades. but today, my life is completely different. i have no more pain, no more immobility, no more suffering,
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i can sleep better at night, i take no pain drugs, i've avoided surgery completely, i'm fully active again. no matter what i do, i can't even get the pain back, and it's all because of supple. if you just drink a can of supple every day, you'll feel a significant difference in just 7 days and better every week. i drink supple every day. i absolutely love the taste. it's delicious - everyone loves the taste of supple. i am so confident that supple will work for you that i want to challenge everyone to try it risk-free, for 30 days. to drink every can to the absolute bottom. if you don't completely love the taste, if you don't feel better week, after week, after week. if supple does not give you your life back, i'll give you your money back. >> you'll give everyone their money back. >> i'll give your money back. that's how confident i am that supple will work for you. >> so you're guaranteeing the product. >> i'm talking about a 100 percent unconditional guarantee for no more pain, no more immobility and no more suffering completely getting your life back. >> that's exciting, isn't it? >> absolutely. i want people to be able to experience the same incredible
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results that real supple users have. if anybody tries supple and they're not completely satisfied, just call us, we'll give you're money back. >> i noticed a difference after about a week. but after three weeks, i felt great. since taking supple, i don't have any pain. >> now, there's no pain, at all. supple has really kind of just deleted the pain. >> i'm working much harder, more hours a day, all in a month's period is just incredible to me, with no doctors' assistance. strictly, right here, just out of this can, is just incredible. >> arthritis doctor after arthritis doctor, and they've given me steroid shots, they've given me pain pills that didn't work. and your body doesn't need all that garbage. plus, this stuff tastes good. i enjoy it. after the first week, i could sleep - there was no pain. >> i ran out of the product, and when i was off of it for a week or so, i was hurting very badly. and i went back on it and almost immediately i had relief.
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>> the problem is that i would always do every activity that i wanted to do, and i'd pay for it later. and now, i just don't pay for it later, as much. it's, it's made a world of difference. that's what sold me, was how great this supple tastes. supple is, it's amazing. >> go ahead and try it. you've got nothing to lose. if it does what it did to me, supple will be what you want. >> if you've ever had any kind of tendonitis or arthritis that's really a nagging, gnawing problem, you owe it to yourself to try this stuff. it's just an incredible thing. and i find it hard to believe it will work just for me only. >> if you're watching right now, we're running out of time. but if you'd like more information on how to get supple if you or a loved one has joint pain, back pain, bone pain, muscle pain, overall weakness or fatigue, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or even fibromyalgia, and you've tried everything and you're fed up, pick up the phone and call the
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number on your screen. you can try supple risk-free and it's guaranteed to work for you. if you call right now, you can receive a substantial introductory discount off the new, more powful supple. supple is a drink for complete pain relief that really works. peter, thanks so much for being on the show today. >> thank you. it's been awesome to be here. >> my name is dr. monita poudyal and you've been watching the smart medicine show. thanks so much for joining us and we'll see you again, very soon. >> the preceding program was brought to you by supple, the new, revolutionary health regeneration drink, by supple, llc.
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have to drive". after my divorce and foreclosure, nobody would give me a loan. i have so many medical bills; i just don't know what to do. i just moved into the country, i have no credit, i got turned down everywhere. my credit was so bad, every dealership that i went to said no. first my home was foreclosed on, then my car got repossessed. repo'd my car, but thank god for us auto credit. they let me choose my payment, zero dollars down, and that's right, 99 dollars a month. i got to choose my payments and no money down. they set me up with a monthly payment of my choosing. i can choose my payment. thank you us auto credit. thank you us auto credit. thank you us auto credit. v.o.: that's right for a limited time only us auto credit presents this unbelievalble offer. you can drive the car truck van or suv of your
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choice for no money down and a payment of your choosing... $99, $199, $299 or $399. we have a wide selection of cars, trucks, vans and suv's which fit any budget! and everyone qualifies regardless of their past credit history during this unprecedented offer your credit is guaranteed your past credit problems are no problem it doesn't matter whether you've been through, foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, repossession, had collection accounts, late payments, even if you've expereniced problems because of medical bills, or you're a first time buyer or no credit immigrant, you're approved through us auto credit. because with us auto credit everybody rides. us auto credit is an experienced company offering you options through our national network of lenders. we'll work with you. until we find a loan that's right for you with no pressure and no hassels. go ahead tell us what amount you can budget each month and we'll allow you to choose from an unlimited inventory of cars, trucks,
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vans and suv's that meet any individual or family budget. our one-stop shop auto finance process has improved to the point where we can offer you, our valued customer this unbelievable "chse m payment" event... here's a sample of the payments our valued customer's have chosen and the vehicles they have ivenff in the very same day...and best of all for no money down... lexus gx - $199 a month. cadillac cts $199 a month. cadillac escalade $299 a month... all for zero down. bmw 3 series $99. mercedes ml 350 $299. cadillac ext $99 per month. chevy tahoe $299 per month... l for no money down! bmw 5 series $199 a month. mercedes c class $99 a month. chrysler 300 $99 per month... and nothing out of pocket leave your checkbook at home!
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dodge ram $199. zero down for zero credit and much, much more...remember $99, $199, $299 or $399 you tell us what you want to pay per month and we deliver... you must call us now because we only have 500 car loans we can provide this month. that is it! this is an extremely limited offer! you can drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for the payment you choose starting as low as $99 per month. and best of all zero down for zero credit is still in effect. this is a one time only sales event. the combination of no money down and choose my payment - has never happened before and may never happen again. so you must act now! call the number on your screen and get approved for now money down before you know it! call us the now, you have nothing to lose...the toll free call takes just a couple of minutes and you'll be on the road driving the car of your dreams, for zero down and a payment you can afford,
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before you know it. call now! this is a one time only sales event. the combination of no money down and you choose your payment - has never happened before and may never happen again. so you must act urgently! it's the once in a lifetime "choose my payment" event. hundreds of vehicles are available at this time - regardless of your past credit history no matter how severe your past problems have been. no money down zero down with zero credit and you choose the payment that best suits your current situation - $99, $199, $299 or $399. drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for no money down regardless of your past credit history. with guaranteed credit past credit problems are no problem. because during us auto credit's "choose my payment" event everybody rides! on the spot approval is guaranteed! "us auto credit is an experienced company
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offering you options through our national network of lenders". no hidden fees or charges. the monthly payment you see is the one you pay after you give us your selection. that's it $99 to $399 you tell us! us auto credit is the only national car credit company of its kind. that is why you see our television programs so often. we are a trusted and have been around now for over 25 years. offering the best options in the automotive lending industry. well, i went through a divorce and i was in a really bad way. my bank account went to zero, i lost the house, all my credit cards were maxed out and i really needed a new car. then i called us auto credit and they set me up with a monthly payment of my choosing. for zero money down and $199 a month, i got a new car, everything is great. i just moved into the country with no credit established and as you know everybody needs a car.
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so every dealership that i go to i get denied. until i called us auto credit. for zero down, $199 a month i'm driving a lexus, so thank you us auto credit. with us auto credit you choose your payment the one you're most comfortable with and then select from an unlimited inventory of cars, trucks, vans and suv's. car buying has never been easier and everyone is approved guaranteed, regardless of past credit history... there has never been a better time for people with damaged credit to drive the car of their dreams. imagine driving that suv you've always wanted for under $299 per month. a luxury sedan for under $300 a month or a convertible for under $200 per month - all these things and more will happen to you with our "choose my payment" solution. imagine the freedom you'll experience when you select your monthly payment before you start shopping an endless supply of cars, trucks, vans and suv's.
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after my divorce and foreclosure, nobody would give me a loan. i have so many medical bills; i just don't know what to do. i just moved into the country, i have no credit, i got turned down everywhere. my credit was so bad, every dealership that i went to said no. first my home was foreclosed on, then my car got repossessed. repo'd my car, but thank god for us auto credit. they let me choose my payment, zero dollars down, and that's right, 99 dollars a month. i got to choose my payments and no money down. they set me up with a monthly payment of my choosing. i can choose my payment. thank you us auto credit. thank you us auto credit. thank you us auto credit. v.o.: that's right for a limited time only us auto credit presents this unbelievalble offer. you can drive the car truck van or suv of your choice for no money down and a payment of your choosing... $99, $199, $299 or $399.
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we have a wide selection of cars, trucks, vans and suv's which fit any budget! and everyone qualifies regardless of their past credit history during this unprecedented offer your credit is guaranteed your past credit problems are no problem it doesn't matter whether you've been through, foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, repossession, had collection accounts, late payments, even if you've expereniced problems because of medical bills, or you're a first time buyer or no credit immigrant, you're approved through us auto credit. becauswith us auto credit everybody rides. us auto credit is an experienced company offering you options through our national network of lenders. we'll work with you. until we find a loan that's right for you with no pressure and no hassels. go ahead tell us what amount you can budget each month and we'll allow you to choose from an unlimited inventory of cars, trucks, vans and suv's that meet any individual or family budget.
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our one-stop shop auto finance process has improved to the point where we can offer you, our valued customer this unbelievable "choose my payment" event... here's a sample of the payments our valued customer's have chosen and the vehicles they have driven off in the very same day...and best of all for no money down... lexus gx - $199 a month. cadillac cts $199 a month. ford expedition $99 a month. cadillac escalade $299 a month... all for zero down. bmw 3 series $99. mercedes ml 350 $299. cadillac ext $99 per month. chevy tahoe $299 per month... all for no money down! bmw 5 series $199 a month. mercedes c class $99 a month. chrysler 300 $99 per month... and nothing out of pocket leave your checkbook at home! dodge ram $199. zero down for zero credit and much,
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much more...remember $99, $199, $299 or $399 you tell us what you want to pay per month and we deliver... you must call us now because we only have 500 car loans we can provide this month. that is it! this is an extremely limited offer! you can drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for the payment you choose starting as low as $99 per month. and best of all zero down for zero credit is still in effect. this is a one time only sales event. the combination of no money down and choose my payment - has never happened before and may never happen again. so you must act now! call the number on your screen and get approved for no money down before you know it! call us the now, you have nothing to lose...the toll free call takes just a couple of minutes and you'll be on the road driving the car of dreams, for zero down and a payment you can afford, before you know it. call now!
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look, i had the worst credit. i had medical bills, thousands of dollars. bad credit card debt, i had a clunker than nobody would take for a trade in. i really wanted to get a new truck but i had so much money wrapped up in my old vehicle i couldn't. i went to every dealership i could find to see what i could afford, to see what it would take for me to buy, but i couldn't. i found that my credit was so bad i couldn't really get into the vehicle i wanted. i wanted a new truck and i heard so many "no's" that i just had to find something that i could get into. i called us auto credit, they paid off my trade in, they got me into a brand new car for $99 a month. thank you us auto credit. then i called us auto credit, they said no problem. past credit history no problem. they got me into a new car for no money down and 199 dollars a month and they paid off my old car.
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basically i cured two problems just by going to one place. i was thrilled. no money down and payments starting under $100 per month. this is an unheard of offer for anyone who past credit issues. applies regardless of it doesn't matter whether you've been through foreclosure, divorce, repossession, bankruptcy, tax liens, collections or medical bills. we realize people experience credit problems through no fault of their own. we also realize most credit reports contain errors. in fact, 4 out of 5 credit reports contain errors. is that your fault? of course not. chances are you're credit report has inaccurate information on it - that's a fact we understand and know how to work with. shouldn't you still be allowed to drive the car truck van or suv of your dreams? well, we think so. and we'll prove it, guaranteed! during our work with credit damaged individuals
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over the past years we discovered that 25 percent of all credit reports contain such serious errors that those individuals could be denied credit. we specialize and work exclusively with those individuals here at us auto credit. we know how to work with any type of credit situaon. if you think you fit into this category, which you probably do - as is the case with most american's - give us a call now - we can help! after my divorce and foreclosure, nobody would give me a loan. i have so many medical bills; i just don't know what to do. i just moved into the country, i have no credit, i got turned down everywhere. my credit was so bad, every dealership that i went to said no. first my home was foreclosed on, then my car got repossessed. repo'd my car, but thank god for us auto credit. they let me choose my payment, zero dollars down, and that's right, 99 dollars a month. i got to choose my payments and no money down.
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they set me up with a monthly payment of my choosing. i can choose my payment. thank you us auto credit. thank you us auto credit. thank you us auto credit. v.o.: that's right for a limited time only us auto credit presents this unbelievalble offer. you can drive the car truck van or suv of your choice for no money down and a payment of your choosing... $99, $199, $299 or $399. we have a wide selection of cars, trucks, vans and suv's which fit any budget! and everyone qualifies regardless of their past credit history during this unprecedented offer your credit is guaranteed your past credit problems are no problem it doesn't matter whether you've been through, foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, repossession, had collection accounts, late payments, even if you've expereniced problems because of medical bills, or you're a first time buyer or no credit immigrant, you're approved through us auto credit.
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because with us auto credit everybody rides. us auto credit is an experienced company offering you options through our national network of lenders. we'll work with you. until we find a loa loan that's right for you with pressure and no hassels. go ahead tell us what amount you can budget each month and we'll allow you to choose from an unlimited inventory of cars, trucks, vans and suv's that meet any individual or family budget. our one-stop shop auto finance process has improved to the point where we can offer you, our valued customer this unbelievable "choose my payment" event... here's a sample of the payments our valued customer's have chosen and the vehicles they have driven off in the very same day...and best of all for no money down... lexus gx - $199 a month. cadillac cts $199 a month. ford expedition $99 a month. cadillac escalade $299 a month... all for zero down. bmw 3 series $99.
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mercedes ml 350 $299. cadillac ext $99 per month. chevy tahoe $299 per month... all for no money down! bmw 5 series $199 a month. mercedes c class $99 a month. chrysler 300 $99 per month... and nothing out of pocket leave your checkbook at home! dodge ram $199. zero down for zero credit and much, much more...remember $99, $199, $299 or $399 you tell us what you want to pay per month and we deliver... you must call us now because we only have 500 car loans we can provide this month. that is it! this is an extremely limited offer! you can drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for the payment you choose starting as low as $99 per month. and best of all zero down for zero credit is still in effect. this is a one time only sales event. the combination of no money down and choose my
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payment - has never happened before and may never happen again. so you must act now! call the number on your screen and get approved for now money down before you know it! drive that suv you've always wanted for under $200 per month. a luxury sedan under $300 a month or a convertible for under $100 a month - and no money down all these things and more will happen to you when you choose us auto credit during the choose my payment event. call us the now, you have nothing to lose...the toll free call takes just a couple of minutes and you'll be on the road driving the car of your dreams, for zero down and a payment you can afford, before you know it. call now!
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>> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. than and his team are currently looking for a small group of
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motivated individuals who want to work directly with his team and learn the exact step-by-step system he's used to flip hundreds of properties over the past decade. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. so, if you've always had the desire to get into real estate, or you're already in real estate, this event is the perfect opportunity for you to learn than's system. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. >> just a few months ago, i attended one of than merrill's training events. since then, i've sold two properties, i have six houses under construction, and i have three houses under contract. in fact, the house behind me i just sold and made $38,000. i'm providing a better life for my daughter, and i'm absolutely loving life. now i'd like to introduce you to the man who changed my life, my mentor and friend, than merrill. >> if you're looking to increase
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your income, become less dependent on a job, spend more time with your friends and family, and ultimately have more fun and freedom in your life, then stick with me, because i'm gonna show you how you can have all of those things and more by learning my proven three-step system for investing in real estate. i'm than merrill, star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house." over the past 10 years, i've become a self-made multi-millionaire buying and selling hundreds of properties just like the one behind me that are probably right in your neighborhood. over the course of this program, i'll also gonna show you properties i've made money on in the past few months and take you to properties that i'm currently flipping right now, like this one. and i'm gonna show you how different your life could be using my system to invest in real estate. real estate has completely changed my life, and for the past few years, i've been able to share that passion through our live training events, and nothing has been more rewarding
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to me. these events have helped thousands of regular, everyday people get started investing in real estate the right way, which has ultimately and dramatically changed their lives. >> i wasn't sure if we could do this on a part-time basis, because we both work full-time, but after completing the training, we've closed six deals, and we are loving life. >> now, you might be sitting there thinking, "than, why real estate, and why right now?" well, what's currently going on in this country is really scary. the middle class is literally disappearing. i'm talking about people, maybe like you, who earn between $40,000 to $200,000 a year, who are losing ground. here's what's happening. over the last decade, middle-class families have lost 1/3 of their net worth because wages are falling and inflation is rising. you know, the old idea that if you work hard and you pay your dues that you'll get ahead might be giving you false hope, and sadly, for the first time in
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history, a lot of people are not gonna be better off than their parents. you see, the reality is if you're relying on someone else -- the government or a job -- you might be putting yourself and your family at risk. and it only takes something as common as a job loss or a divorce or an unexpected family health problem, and you could go from a normal, middle-class family to newly poor practically overnight. realize this could happen to you, and that's why it's so important for you to get a financial education and take the proper steps to take care of your family. and the best way to do this is through real-estate investing. statistics show that real-estate investing is the most likely way to achieve financial independence, and more average, everyday people have become millionaires through real-estate investing than anything else. in fact, the irs reported that, over the past 50 years, of all the americans who declared more than a million dollars on their income-tax returns, 71% of them
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were in real estate. you see, in high school and college, they teach us how to get a job, but at my live events, i take pride in tehing you how not to be dependent on a job and how to take control of your own destiny. >> before going to than's event, i was living paycheck to paycheck. in fact, on my first deal using than's system, i had nothing in my savings at that point. on that deal, i made over $40,000. fast forward to where i am today -- my net worth has grown astronomically. i am buying and selling multiple properties every month, and the sky's the limit at this point. i absolutely love knowing that i do not have to depend on anyone else for money ever again. >> we have so many successful students just like marina, who came to one of my events, who just wanted more opportunity and a better life, learned my system, and are now out there making money in real estate,
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loving what they do. throughout this show, you're gonna see and hear from successful students of mine from a wide variety of different backgrounds, from teachers to truckers, to realtors and contractors, to attorneys, to stay-at-home moms and dads. many of my students started with little to no money and on a part-time basis. one of the reasons i have so many successful students is because one of the first things that we teach you at the event is how to find killer real-estate deals you can flip and how to find the best deals that you can hold on that create monthly cash flow. in fact, this property right behind me was a pre-foreclosure that i got at a rock-bottom price using one of my strategies that you're gonna learn at the event. this isn't just something i talk about. this is what i do every day, and thiss what my students are out there doing every day. and this is something that can change your life forever. >> well, our eyes have been opened to amazing strategies that we didn't even know existed, and now our company is
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getting killer deals. >> now, i know what you might be thinking -- "than, don't you need money to be successful in real estate?" you see, that's one of the biggest misconceptions. in fact, take this house behind me. this is a house i flipped with none of my own money, and i made $38,000 on using a private lender. and one of the things we're gonna teach you at the event is how to find private lenders in your area who are willing to loan you money on real-estate deals that you find. >> after attending this training event, i can tell you i now know exactly where i'm gonna get more money to do more deals. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and
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holding income properties. >> the system can work for you even if you don't have any money or experience. now, if you have money and you're comfortable right now, in my opinion, there is no better place to invest than in real estate, and at the event, you're gonna be introduced to a couple strategies you can use to build monthly passive income, including one strategy where you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states law and backed by real estate. it's a killer strategy. >> nothing even comes close to the events that than and his team put on. they are information-packed and have helped me so much. >> over the course of this show, you're gonna see examples of the 31 real-estate deals that i have going on right now, like the one behind me that i'll be selling in just a few days and will make over $35,000 on. at my events, you're also gonna see examples of people who are making money in your backyard
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using my system. and that's why these live events are so valuable, because you're gonna be learning what is working right now in today's market, as opposed to outdated information from a book written three years ago. however, if you sit around and wait, you're gonna miss the absolute best window of opportunity to make money. because we're at the bottom of the market cycle right now, which is the best time to get in. right now, i'd like to give you the opportunity to get two tickets to the upcoming two-hour training event for free before they're gone. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personalnd financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties.
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at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs
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to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating isxtremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go free to reservyour make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> one of the reasons i've consistently made money in real estate and why i've been able to build a sizeableenta portfolio and why i have 3 deals gog on right now, like this house behind me, is because i discovered five untapped and very consistent sources for properties that you can pick up significantly below market value. in fact, these five sources for deals produce the profits that you're seeing right now that i've flipped in the last two months alone.
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this is also one of the reasons why we have so many successful students aund the country who have done thousands of deals. at the event, we're gonna introduce you to what these five sources are and how you can use them to find a deal for yourself very quickly. we're then gonna teach you a strategy of how to put a property under contract and then how to flip or sell that contract to another person. this is a perfect strategy if you just want to dip your toe in the market on a part-time basis and if you don't have a lot of money. in fact, i want to roll a clip of one of my students, terriel, who's used this strategy over and over again. >> hey, than. i just want to thank you for everything you've taught me, man. i learned some killer strategies to get started in real estate without needing any money. in my first year alone, i flipped eight properties, because i learned how to find consistently good deals. in fact, i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four
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hours of work on one deal. i used to worry about money all the time, but now that burden has been lifted. i'm spending time with friends, family, and life is amazing. anyways, thanks again, than. i couldn't have done it without you, buddy. >> terriel is an amazing guy who had, literally, zero experience before he came to one of my training events. terriel's now working for himself, loving life, and living his dream. one of the reasons terriel is so successful and why we have so many successful students is because we teach you things that make flipping properties so much easier. another technique you're gonna be introduced to at my event is how to find wealthy cash buyers who are currently buying properties in your area. these are wealthy people who are paying cash for properties right in your area and around the country, and many of my students have tapped into this source of buyers and has made it so much easier for them to get started and have success. just listen to what some of my students have to say.
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>> i'm happy to say that, since going to the training, we're on our fourth deal, and the most recent deal we closed on, we made over $35,000. >> as a practicing attorney, i was definitely somewhat skeptical at first. however, after having a chance to meet all the guys, i can tell you that they're really a down-to-earth group, unbelievably successful, and it is very refreshing to be learning from guys who are operating at this kind of a level -- at such a high level -- in today's market. >> we actually were able to make $19,000 in profit when all was said and done in our first wholesale deal. >> as a single woman, i was somewhat intimidated by investing in real estate. however, than's event gave me so much confidence to succeed. i now have made $30,000 on my first deal, and i have five other deals in the works. >> folks, right now, the middle class is shrinking in this country at an alarming rate, and there's a huge transfer of wealth taking place between those people who understand the laws of money and how to invest in real estate and those who
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don't. a job does not mean you have security. you need to know that, no matter what happens to your job or the economy, that you have the knowledge in place to make money forever in real estate. and nobody can ever take that away from you. just imagine having more time for you, for your family, and having complete control of your financial destiny. that's the gift that i want to give to you. folks, it's scary right now. less than 5% of people who reach age 65 have enough money to retire on or are financially secure. and this is according to the u.s. census bureau. so, if you've ever worried about money, or you're not where you want to be financially right now, then you have to make a change. you have to step outside of your comfort zone, learn something new that can help you get to your financial goals and help you live a life you've always
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dreamed of. the reality is, if you keep doing what you're doing right now, you're gonna have another year next year like you had this year. however, if you want a different year, a better year, more time for your family, more time for yourself, just a better life overall, then you need a specific plan and system to get you there. that's why you have to pick up the phone. make your guaranteed reservation for this educational event and attend so you can better understand this opportunity. put the power in your hands and start taking control of your own life financially. >> shawn and i attended than's event a year ago, and we were pretty much novices when it came to real estate. the way that our business has been growing, i'll be able to quit my regular full-time job within the next 12 months. >> at the event, we will also teach you the second way i flip properties. and that's by fixing the property up and then selling it, like we do on our tv show. for example, this is one of the
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31 properties i'm working on right now. on this property alone, i'm gonna make several times over what the average american makes in a year. just imagine how doing just one deal like this would impact your entire life. in fact, here are the profits i made in the last two months alone, just on properties i've rehabbed. i love this aspect of real estate because you can make even bigger profits, while, at the same time, you're improving neighborhoods. however, it's not as easy as it looks on tv. that's why you have to learn how to do it the right way. you see, a lot people who end up fixing up properties without a system -- they end up spending way too much time working on the houses themselves. at the event, we teach you our hands-off system for rehabbing properties and how to get these properties fixed up without you ever having to swing a hammer or pick up a single paintbrush. we educate you on the process so you know the steps, who you have
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doing what, and in what time line. we also teach you actly how to get the money for these types of projects. in fact, one source we show you is an absolute gold mine. our students have used this source to get millions of dollars for deals they've rehabbed. just listen to some of these stories. >> i've been in construction as a residential home builder and side contractor for over 40 years. i even sit on the board of directors for the national association of home builders. i'm here to tell you that the systems that than, paul, and j.d. have put together are the most extensive and conclusive systems that exist anywhere. they make it so easy to flip houses and make money. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. our first-year goal was to make $60,000. we made $75,000 in our first year. >> i thought i knew what i was doing. i've been investing in real estate for 30 years. it's so refreshing to learn from
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someone that's doing the business at such a high level in today's market. >> if you truly, truly want to change your life, to take control of your own destiny, to be in the driver's seat of your life, do it. do it now. >> i bought five properties. i've wholesaled three of those properties. i've just finished my last -- my first flip, and i'm holding onto one piece of property as a long-term strategy. go ahead. take this step. it's a leap of faith, and you will not look back. it will change your life forever. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties.
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at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full
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of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. >> learning how to invest in real estate using this system has brought us closer together and put us on the path to financial freedom. >> announcer: don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> it's important for you to know that, when you attend one of my live training events, you're gonna be learning from someone who is successfully doing this right now in today's market. over the years, i've flipped hundreds of properties. i built a sizeable rental portfolio, and i have 31 deals going on right now, like the one
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behind me. i also have a track record for teaching other regular, everyday ople how to be successful in real estate. in fact, i have some of the most successful students in the country, who have done thousands of documented deals using my system. i've literally created a road map for you to achieve your financial goals. this event -- it's gonna be a turning point for many of you watching this show right now. but you have to pick up the phone in order to make that change. all you need to do is call the number at the bottom of the screen or go online ght now to reserve your two free tickets to my upcoming two-hour educational event. >> than's event gave me the confidence that i needed to succeed. since then, i have completed 15 real-estate deals, and i'm in the current process of completing two more. >> we have a lot of students who had zero real-estate experience who are now flipping multiple properties a month.
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however, learning how to flip is only part of what we teach you at the event. the second important step we teach you is how to build long-term wealth with real estate. you see, the key to building true lifelong wealth is to learn how to acquire income-producing properties, like this one right here, that produce monthly checks for you whether you work or not. and if you think about it, no matter what you do for work right now, chances are you wake up, you leave your house, you leave your family, and you trade your time for money. however, there's only so many hours in day that you can work. so, your ability to produce income is capped. just imagine owning real estate that produces money for you every single month, regardless of whether you're at work, on vacation, or asleep in your bed. this newfound financial freedom is gonna give you peace of mind,
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it's gonna give you more free time, and it's gonna allow you to give back to those that you care about the most. >> because of the training, i've acquired a few income properties, set up passive monthly income streams, and in the next few months, i will be able to quit my job, all from what i learned. >> now, i know some of you watching at home may have been to other trainings, or you're financially comfortable right now, or you're already in real estate in some shape or fashion. you might be wondering how i can help you. well, over the years, i've helped so many people grow and literally automate what they do by learning our system. take gregg cohen, for example. gregg is a student of mine now doing over 100 deals a year and absolutely crushing it. i've even had students who have attended our training events, who started using our systems, and are now so successful that other people started taking notice, and they now he their own tv shows and have been featured on shows like "flipping san diego" on a&e and
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"property wars" on discovery and "house hunters" on hgtv. in fact, here is one of those students. >> than, your system and what you teach is amazing. as you know, i was a realtor before becoming an investor, and i went to your seminar, and it all clicked. i started rehabbing prerties and using your systems, and my business took off like wildfire. and as you know, the discovery channel started calling me when they found out what i was doing, and now i'm featured on "property wars." going to your seminar was the best decision i ever made. >> curt is a great guy who's become very successful using our three-step system. and what really blows me away is not only how well curt and our thousands of other students are doing financially, but, more importantly, how proud their spouses and families are of what they've done and what they've accomplished and just how happy they are now. >> i have a business that my wife and children are proud of. we're going into neighborhoods and being paid to fix up properties. i'm building a legacy for my
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wife, my children, and my grandchildren, and i'm doing something that i absolutely love. >> at the event -- and this is kill -- we introduce you to three powerful and little-known strategies for investing in real estate passively and earning high rates of return. in fact, one of the those strategies you're gonna be introduced to, you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states state law and backed by real estate. this is a little-known, passive real-estate-investment vehicle that's been around for over 100 years. we're also gonna show you how to use this strategy and other strategies to flip properties 100% tax-free. these are killer ways to invest in real estate and possibly build a retirement account for you and your family, because your money's gonna be growing so much faster in a tax-free or tax-deferred environment. you see, working a job and just
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saving money alone may not get you to your long-term financial and retirement goals, and that's why it's so critical for you to learn these powerful, long-term wealth-building strategies. >> right now, we're working on houses number 14 and 15, and we have number 16 in contract. and on our last four deals, we're averaging $100,000 in profits on each deal. >> after all the closing costs and all the expenses it took to do the rehab, we made approximately $110,000. >> this house behind me -- i got it under contract, and using the strategies that you taught me at your event, i was able to sell that contract, and i made over $9,000. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. >> i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal. >> as you're watching at home -- we only have few seconds left, so pick up the phone and call the number right now to make your guaranteed reservation.
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this event is an opportunity many people will jump on in this area and change their lives forever. i really hope that you're one of them. if you want a better year this year, compared to last year, you have to do and learn something different. regardless of your financial situation or your background, you can do this successfully. real estate has changed my life, and i know it can change yours. i hope today is a day that you mark on your calendar, one where you can put a mark of an event where you and your financial future and your life took a giant leap forward. thanks for watching. i look forward to having you at i look forward to having you at the event.
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>> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. than and his team are currently
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looking for a small group of movated individuals who want to work directly with his team and learn the exact step-by-step system he's used to flip hundreds of properties over the past decade. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. so, if you've always had the desire to get into real estate, or you're already in real estate, this event is the perfect opportunity for you to learn than's system. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. >> just a few months ago, i attended one of than merrill's training events. since then, i've sold two properties, i have six houses under construction, and i have three houses under contract. in fact, the house behind me i just sold and made $38,000. i'm providing a better life for my daughter, and i'm absolutely loving life. now i'd like to introduce you to the man who changed my life, my mentor and friend, than merrill.
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>> if you're looking to increase your income, become less dependent on a job, spend more time with your friends and family, and ultimately have more fun and freedom in your life, then stick with me, because i'm gonna show you how you can have all of those things and more by learning my proven three-step system for investing in real estate. i'm than merrill, star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house." over the past 10 years, i've become a self-made multi-millionaire buying and selling hundreds of properties just like the one behind me that are probably right in your neighborhood. over the course of this program, i'll also gonna show you properties i've made money on in the past few months and take you to properties that i'm currently flipping right now, like this one. and i'm gonna show you how different your life could be using my system to invest in real estate. real estate has completely changed my life, and for the past few years, i've been able to share that passion through our live training events, and nothing has been more rewarding
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to me. these events have helped thousands of regular, everyday people get started investing in real estate the right way, which has ultimately and dramatically changed their lives. >> i wasn't sure if we could do this on a part-time basis, because we both work full-time, but after completing the training, we've closed six deals, and we are loving life. >> now, you might be sitting there thinking, "than, why real estate, and why right now?" well, what's currently going on in this country is really scary. the middle class is literally disappearing. i'm talking about people, maybe like you, who earn between $40,000 to $200,000 a year, who are losing ground. here's what's happening. over the last decade, middle-class families have lost 1/3 of their net worth because wages are falling and inflation is rising. you know, the old idea that if you work hard and you pay your dues that you'll get ahead might beiving you false hope, and sadly, for the first time in
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history, a lot of people are not gonna be better off than their parents. you see, the reality is if you're relying on someone else -- the government or a job -- you might be putting yourself and your family at risk. and it only takes something as common as a job loss or a divorce or an unexpected family health problem, and you could go from a normal, middle-class family to newly poor practically overnight. realize this could happen to you, and that's why it's so important for you to get a financial education and take the proper steps to take care of your family. and the best way to do this is through real-estate investing. statistics show that real-estate investing is the most likely way to achieve financial independence, and more average, everyday people have become millionaires through real-estate investing than anything else. in fact, the irs reported that, over the past 50 years, of all the americans who declared more than a million dollars on their income-tax returns, 71% of them
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were in real estate. you see, in high school and college, they teach us how to get a job, but at my live events, i take pride in teaching you how not to be dependent on a job and how to take control of your own destiny. >> before going to than's event, i was living paycheck to paycheck. in fact, on my first deal using than's system, i had nothing in my savings at that point. on that deal, i made over $40,000. fast forward to where i am today -- my net worth has grown astronomically. i am buying and selling multiple properties every month, and the sky's the limit at this point. i absolutely love knowing that i do not have to depend on anyone else for money ever again. >> we have so many successful students just like marina, who came to one of my events, who just wanted more opportunity and a better life, learned my system, and are now out there
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making money in real estate, loving what they do. throughout this show, you're gonna see and hear from successful students of mine from a wide variety of different backgrounds, from teachers to truckers, to realtors and contractors, to attorneys, to stay-at-home moms and dads. many of my students started with little to no money and on a part-time basis. one of the reasons i have so many successful students is because one of the first things that we teach you at the event is how to find killer real-estate deals you can flip and how to find the best deals that you can hold on that create monthly cash flow. in fact, this property right behind me was a pre-foreclosure that i got at a rock-bottom price using one of my strategies that you're gonna learn at the event. this isn't just something i talk about. this is what i do every day, and this is what my students are out there doing every day. and this is something that can change your life forever. >> well, our eyes have been opened to amazing strategies that we didn't even know existed, and now our company is
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getting killer deals. >> now, i know what you might be thinking -- "than, don't you need money to be successful in real estate?" you see, that's one of the biggest misconceptions. in fact, take this house behind me. this is a house i flipped with none of my own money, and i made $38,000 on using a private lender. and one of the things we're gonna teach you at the event is how to find private lenders in your area who are willing to loan you money on real-estate deals that you find. >> after attending this training event, i can tell you i now know exactly where i'm gonna get more money to do more deals. >> announc: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started
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flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. >> the system can work for you even if you don't have any money or experience. now, if you have money and you're comfortable right now, in my opinion, there is no better place to invest than in real estate, and at the event, you're gonna be introduced to a couple strategies you can use to build monthly passive income, including one strategy where you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states law and backed by real estate. it's a killer strategy. >> nothing even comes close to the events that than and his team put on. they are information-packed and have helped me so much. >> over the course of this show, you're gonna see examples of the 31 real-estate deals that i have going on right now, like the one behind me that i'll be selling in just a few days and will make over $35,000 on. at my events, you're also gonna see examples of people who are making money in your backyard
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using my system. and that's why these live events are so valuable, because you're gonna be learning what is working right now in today's market, as opposed to outdated information from a book written three years ago. however, if you sit around and wait, you're gonna miss the absolute best window of opportunity to make money. because we're at the bottom of the market cycle right now, which is the best time to get in. right now, i'd like to give you the opportunity to get two tickets to the upcoming two-hour training event for free before they're gone. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties.
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at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helpe numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problemost people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs
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to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> one of the reasons i've consistently made money in real estate and why i've been able to build a sizeable rental portfolio and why i have 31 deals going on right now, like this house behind me, is because i discovered five untapped and very consistent sources for properties that you can pick up significantly below market value. in fact, these five sources for deals produce the profits that you're seeing right now that i've flipped in the last two
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months alone. this is also one of the reasons why we have so many successful students around the country who have done thousands of deals. at the event, we're gonna introduce you to what these five sources are and how you can use them to fi a deal for yourself very quickly. we're then gonna teach you a strategy of how to put a property under contract and then how to flip or sell that contract to another person. this is a perfect strategy if you just want to dip your toe in the market on a part-time basis and if you don't have a lot of money. in fact, i want to roll a clip of one of my students, terriel, who's used this strategy over and over again. >> hey, than. i just want to thank you for everything you've taught me, man. i learned some killer strategies to get started in real estate without needing any money. in my first year alone, i flipped eight properties, because i learned how to find consistently good deals. in fact, i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four
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hours of work on one deal. i used to worry about money all the time, but now that burden has been lifted. i'm spending time with friends, family, and life is amazing. anyways, thanks again, than. i couldn't have done it without you, buddy. >> terriel is an amazing guy who had, literally, zero experience before he came to one of my training events. terriel's now working for himself, loving life, and living his dream. one of the reasons terriel is so successful and why we have so many successful students is because we teach you things that make flipping properties so much easier. another technique you're gonna be introduced to at my event is how to find wealthy cash buyers who are currently buying properties in your area. these are wealthy people who are paying cash for properties right in your area and around the country, and many of my students have tapped into this source of buyers and has made it so much easier for them to get started and have success. just listen to what some of my
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students have to say. >> i'm happy to say that, since going to the training, we're on our fourth deal, and the most recent deal we closed on, we made over $35,000. >> as a practicing attorney, i was definitely somewhat skeptical at first. however, after having a chance to meet all the guys, i can tell you that they're really a down-to-earth group, unbelievably successful, and it is very refreshing to be learning from guys who are operating at this kind of a level -- at such a high level -- in today's market. >> we actually were able to make $19,000 in profit when all was said and done in our first wholesale deal. >> as a single woman, i was somewhat intimidated by investing in real estate. however, than's event gave me so much confidence to succeed. i now have made $30,000 on my first deal, and i have five other deals in the works. >> folks, right now, the middle class is shrinking in this country at an alarming rate, and there's a huge transfer of wealth taking place between those people who understand the laws of money and how to invest in real estate and those who
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don't. a job does not mean you have security. you need to know that, no matter what happens to your job or the economy, that you have the knowledge in place to make money forever in real estate. and nobody can ever take that away from you. just imagine having more time for you, for your family, and having complete control of your financial destiny. that's the gift that i want to give to you. folks, it's scary right now. less than 5% of people who reach age 65 have enough money to retire on or are financially secure. and this is according to the u.s. census bureau. so, if you've ever worried about money, or you're not where you want to be financially right now, then you have to make a change. you have to step outside of your comfort zone, learn something new that can help you get to your financial goals and help you live a life you've always
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dreamed of. the reality is, if you keep doing what you're doing right now, you're gonna have another year next year like you had this year. however, if you want a different year, a better year, more time for your family, more time for yourself, just a better life overall, then you need a specific plan and system to get you there. that's why you have to pick up the phone. make your guaranteed reservation for this educational event and attend so you can better understand this opportunity. put the power in your hands and start taking control of your own life financially. >> shawn and i attended than's event a year ago, and we were pretty much novices when it came to real estate. the way that our business has been growing, i'll be able to quit my regular full-time job within the next 12 months. >> at the event, we will also teach you the second way i flip properties. and that's by fixing the property up and then selling it, like we do on our tv show. for example, this is one of the
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31 properties i'm working on right now. on this property alone, i'm gonna make several times over what the average american makes in a year. just imagine how doing just one deal like this would impact your entire life. in fact, here are the profits i made in the last two months alone, just on properties i've rehabbed. i love this aspect of real estate because you can make even bigger profits, while, at the same time, you're improving neighborhoods. however, it's not as easy as it looks on tv. that's why you have to learn how to do it the right way. you see, a lot people who end up fixing up properties without a system -- they end up spending way too much time working on the houses themselves. at the event, we teach you our hands-off system for rehabbing properties and how to get these properties fixed up without you ever having to swing a hammer or pick up a single paintbrush. we educate you on the process so
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you know the steps, who you have doing what, and in what time line. we also teach you exactly how to get the money for these types of projects. in fact, one source we show you is an absolute gold mine. our students have used this source to get millions of dollars for deals they've rehabbed. just listen to some of these stories. >> i've been in construction as a residential home builder and side contractor for over 40 years. i even sit on the board of directors for the national association of home builders. i'm here to tell you that the systems that than, paul, and j.d. have put together are the most extensive and conclusive systems that exist anywhere. they make it so easy to flip houses and make money. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. our first-year goal was to make $60,000. we made $75,000 in our first year. >> i thought i knew what i was doing. i've been investing in real estate for 30 years. it's so refreshing to learn from
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someone that's doing the business at such a high level in today's market. >> if you truly, truly want to change your life, to take control of your own destiny, to be in the driver's seat of your life, do it. do it now. >> i bought five properties. i've wholesaled three of those properties. i've just finished my last -- my first flip, d i'm holding onto one piece of property as a long-term strategy. go ahead. take this step. it's a leap of faith, and you will not look back. it will change your life forever. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready,ecause than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and
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holding income properties. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full
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of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs to be successful. in additn, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. >> learning how to invest in real estate using this system has brought us closer together and put us on the path to financial freedom. >> announcer: don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> it's important for you to know that, when you attend one of my live training events, you're gonna be learning from someone who is successfully doing this right now in today's market. over the years, i've flipped hundreds of properties. i built a sizeable rental portfolio, and i have 31 deals going on right now, like the one
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behind me. i also have a track record for teaching other regular, everyday people how to be sucssful in real estate. in fact, i have some of the most successful students in the country, who have done thousands of documented deals using my system. i've literally created a road map for you to achieve your financial goals. this event -- it's gonna be a turning point for many of you watching this show right now. but you have to pick up the phone in order to make that change. all you need to do is call the number at the bottom of the screen or go online right now to reserve your two free tickets to my upcoming two-hour educational event. >> than's event gave me the confidence that i needed to succeed. since then, i have completed 15 real-estate deals, and i'm in the current process of completing two more. >> we have a lot of students who had zero real-estate experience who are now flipping multiple properties a month.
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however, learning how to flip is only part of what we teach you at the event. the second important step we teach you is how to build long-term wealth with real estate. you see, the key to building true lifelong wealth is to learn how to acquire income-producing properties, like this one right here, that produce monthly checks for you whether you work or not. and if you think about it, no matter what you do for work right now, chances are you wake up, you leave your house, you leave your family, and you trade your time for money. however, there's only so many hours in day that you can work. so, your ability to produce income is capped. just imagine owning real estate that produces money for you every single month, regardless of whether you're at work, on vacation, or asleep in your bed. this newfound financial freedom
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is gonna give you peace of mind, it's gonna give you more free time, and it's gonna allow you to give back to those that you care about the most. >> because of the training, i've acquired a few income properties, set up passive monthly income streams, and in the next few months, i will be able to quit my job, all from what i learned. >> now, i know some of you watching at home may have been to other trainings, or you're financially comfortable right now, or you're already in real estate in some shape or fashion. you might be wondering how i can help you. well, over the years, i've helped so many people grow and literally automate what they do by learning our system. take gregg cohen, for example. gregg is a student of mine now doing over 100 deals a year and absolutely crushing it. i've even had students who have attended our training events, who started using our systems, and are now so successful that other people started taking notice, and they now have their own tv shows and have been featured on shows like
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"flipping san diego" on a&e and "property wars" on discovery and "house hunters" on hgtv. in fact, here is one of those students. >> than, your system and what you teach is amazing. as you know, i was a realtor before becoming an investor, and i went to your seminar, and it all clicked. i started rehabbing properties and using your systems, and my business took off like wildfire. and as you know, the discovery channel started calling me when they found out what i was doing, and now i'm featured on "property wars." going to your seminar was the best decision i ever made. >> curt is a great guy who's become very successful using our three-step system. and what really blows me away is not only how well curt and our thousands of other students are doing financially, but, more importantly, how proud their spouses and families are of what they've done and what they've accomplished and just how happy they are now. >> i have a business that my wife and children are proud of. we're going into neighborhoods and being paid to fix up properties.
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i'm building a legacy for my wife, my children, and my grandchildren, and i'm doing something that i absolutely love. >> at the event -- and this is killer -- we introduce you to three powerful and little-known strategies for investing in real estate passively and earning high rates of return. in fact, one of the those strategies you're gonna be introduced to, you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states state law and backed by real estate. this is a little-known, passive real-estate-investment vehicle that's been around for over 100 years. we're also gonna show you how to use this strategy and other strategies to flip properties 100% tax-free. these are killer ways to invest in real estate and possibly build a retirement account for you and your family, because your money's gonna be growing so much faster in a tax-free or tax-deferred environment.
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you see, working a job and just saving money alone may not get you to your long-term financial and retirement goals, and that's why it's so critical for you to learn these powerful, long-term wealth-building strategies. >> right now, we're working on houses number 14 and 15, and we have number 16 in contract. and on our last four deals, we're averaging $100,000 in profits on each deal. >> after all the closing costs and all the expenses it took to do the rehab, we made approximately $110,000. >> this house behind me -- i got it under contract, and using the strategies that you taught me at your event, i was able to sell that contract, and i made over $9,000. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. >> i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal. >> as you're watching at home -- we only have a few seconds left, so pick up the phone and call the number right now to make
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your guaranteed reservation. this event is an opportunity many people will jump on in this area and change their lives forever. i really hope that you're one of them. if you want a better year this year, compared to last year, you have to do and learn something different. regardless of your financial situation or your background, you can do this successfully. real estate has changed my life, and i know it can change yours. i hope today is a day that you mark on your calendar, one where you can put a mark of an event where you and your financial future and your life took a giant leap forward. thanks for watching. i look forward to having you at i look forward to having you at the event.
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(announcer) coming up on bridezillas... the closer it gets to her wedding... my wedding... mine! (announcer) the crazier kristen gets. i'm gonna go psycho like britney spears in like two seconds. (announcer) and when the big day does arrive... i'm about to freaking lose it. (announcer) the bridezilla comes alive. everybody needs to suck it up, and walk in, because i'm ready. this is my freaking day. (announcer) plus... tanesha the terrible may take no prisoners... his (deleted) just wasted my time! (announcer) but she sure can take her fiancé for a ride. i need some money. (announcer) next, on bridezillas. ♪
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♪ (announcer) meet boynton beach, bride to be... kristen. i am kristen docimo. i'm 26. i am an administrative assistant, and i live in boynton, florida. (announcer) and her super-fly fiancé, tim. my name's tim-- i'm 24-years-old. i work in a warehouse selling garage doors. (kristin) we met in september of 1998. i was a senior in high school. i was 18-- he was 16. i don't know-- i just thought he was so cute i mean, i saw him, and i thought in my head, "that, you know, boy is really cute. i have to meet him". (announcer) lucky for kristen... the attraction was mutual.
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she was a lot older than me, and she had a car so... i-i was excited, boy. you can't tell me nothing. (announcer) one extra special result of tim and kristen's relationship is leah, their adorable three-year-old daughter. we decided we were gonna have a baby, so we got pregnant on purpose and told everybody it was an accident. you got pregnant on purpose. you knew it was happening. (leah) mommy-- mom! (announcer) so, ten years and a three-year-old later, these high school sweeties are finally getting hitched. we are getting married on sunday, march 2nd in boynton beach, florida at 'benvenuto'. (announcer) but as the wedding day nears, kristen is having to fight for the spotlight with one stubborn opponent-- her own mother. my mother is trying to upstage me on my own wedding day. why aren't you eating? (kristen) my mother is a momzilla-- i mean-- it's like, she needs all the attention on her. awww! no more! your mother's crazy.
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you get all that crazy (deleted) from her. are you afraid i'm gonna turn into her? everyday... you have no idea. (announcer) previously... kristen's mother squeezed herself into a dress, guaranteed to upstage her daughter at the wedding. it's a little booby though don't you think? no-- it's perfect! the boobies are up and out. (announcer) then kristen had a meltdown at her bridal shower when no one wanted to watch her open her presents. you don't even want to watch me open my presents. you keep leaving! (sobbing) i can't believe you're laughing at me! (announcer) and after hearing an irate call from kristen's mother... (arlene on phone) when are we gonna get (deleted) done? (announcer) tim threatened to walk. i'm done! (announcer) so now, with only one day left before the wedding, will kristen pull off her perfect dream day without morphing into her mother? i shouldn't have to worry about pissing people off. if someone does something, like start a fight, or does something on my wedding day that makes me upset, and makes me feel like they're trying to take the focus away from me, i'm gonna freak out.
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i'm gonna freak out on them. like, majorly freak out. (announcer) or will she become an attention starved... i'm not happy! (announcer) fully charged... i'll (deleted) throw this at somebody's head. (announcer) over emotional... this is my freaking day! (announcer) virtual one woman roller coaster... i'm gonna shave my head in two seconds. (announcer) out of control... bridezilla! i swear to god if it's somebody else calling me to tell me i'm (deleted) late, i'm gonna (deleted) kill them! seriously, pull up next to her. pull up next to her! i just want to go home now. i'm like totally over this whole (deleted) thing. everybody needs to suck it up, and friggin' walk in, because i'm ready! she's gonna go ape-- it's gonna be insane. (announcer) it's the day before the wedding, and kristen's hard at work trying to find the last thing her mother wants at the wedding-- a novelty photo booth. (kristen) this place looks interesting. (announcer) kristen's fascination with photo booths started when she and tim first started dating. and these days, it's become a down-right obsession. i'm just a photo booth junkie.
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(phone ringing) first off i feel i should tell you that my wedding is tomorrow, and what i'd like to do is, i want it to be a surprise. because i'm going behind my mom's back she told me "no," but i'm doing it anyway. (man on phone) all right, we're right there with ya. (announcer) kristen's mother is convinced that a photo booth at the reception will be truly tacky, but our bridezilla is bound and determined to get her way. all right, so, i guess we can just put something over it, and then, i'm just gonna, kinda, make a big reveal. (man on phone) yeah-- we can help you there. all right-- awesome! can you tell me what that's gonna run me? (man on phone) i'll give you a flat hourly rate at $495 an hour. i'm gonna go behind my mom's back, because i want it, so i'm gonna have it, and i'm gonna get a photo booth. thank you, so much. (man on phone) all right-- have a good one. you too-- bye, bye. (announcer) riddled with glee over her underhanded maneuver, kristen tracks down tim to gloat. (kristen) guess what i got. what? a photo booth. there's gonna be a photo booth at the wedding. my mom can just... that's what my mom can do. she's gonna be pissed. guess how much it costs? $495 an hour.
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four-hundred? yeah, $495 an hour. i mean-- you wanted it, but you're mom's gonna be pissed off, cause she's gonna think it's a circus. well, it's not a circus, it's my wedding. my wedding... mine! (announcer) coming up, kristen's late for her rehearsal... if it's somebody else calling me to tell me how (deleted) late i am, i'm gonna (deleted) kill them. (announcer) and handling it really, really well. i'm gonna go psycho like britney spears in like two seconds. (announcer) plus, what tanesha wants, tanesha gets. i just don't want to pay $500 for a cake. (announcer) and if she doesn't-- watch out. his (deleted) just wasted my time. (announcer) next... on bridezillas!
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♪ (announcer) meet our 23-year-old bride to be, tanesha. my name's tanesha-- i'm from jacksonville, and i currently work at a bank.
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(announcer) and her 36-year-old fiancé, dewayne. my name is dewayne- i am an i.t. specialist. (announcer) when these two first met, it was anything but love at first sight. (tanesha) he was acting like an (deleted) in the beginning. and i-i don't think was acting. i think he was just-- he was afraid, because he didn't want to quickly fall for this "p-y-t"... this pretty young thing. (announcer) tanesha somehow overcame dewayne's bad attitude. perhaps, due to his seemingly bottomless bank account. his personality was kind of the first thing that kinda attracted me to him... i need some money. dewayne spoiled me. he bought me thing all the time. we went out a lot-- a lot. and that's what i'm used to, so that's what i like, and that's how he won me over. the first thing i noticed about tanesha was her body. specifically, her booty. as far as the age difference, a lot of my friends are like jealous. you know, big time, i never said anything to her, but they were big time jealous.
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oh, wow... really, because their wives are, like, huge and overweight. so, they were like really jealous. (announcer) after a quickie one year courtship, tanesha and dewayne are making thing official. we're getting married at my church "the sanctuary at mel cavern." and the reception will be at the mosh. the museum of science, and history. he's paying for the wedding. i don't-- how much are we spending? i want like big, bling... fierce-- all in one. i just feel as if, something i want, and if it's for my wedding, i should have it. no matter how much it cos. isn't that right, baby? that's right, baby. (announcer) but with lees than a week left 'til the wedding, tanesha is starting to show signs of being a selfish, spoiled brat. if things are not her way, it's gonna be a big scene. i curse. because you're unprofessional, and you're a (deleted). i slam doors. i may hit you. you think this is a game, dewayne?
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you better ask about me! i'm in your face-- down your throat, until things are the way that i want them. his (deleted) just wasted my time. (announcer) so, can all of tanesha's blue sky wedding day dreams come true without bankrupting her fiancé? i just resigned this morning? dewayne, if i can't find my (deleted) ring, we're not getting married, and it has to be the same three and a half karats as the first one. (announcer) or will she become a money grubbing... i love the money! (announcer) all night clubbing... scantly clad... stark raving mad... go tell your dad i'm gonna beat his butt. (announcer) out of control... bridezilla! jackass... her rotten (deleted) teet she shouldn't even be working in food service. i didn't ask you a question, so how you gonna answer it? no, no, no, no! when i think bridezilla i think, tanesha. i think me. (announcer) tanesha has already ordered a wedding cake from a grocery store chain,
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but our bridezilla is so vain, she's worried the cake she ordered will be prettier than she is. i don't want any attention on anything else other than me. for her to be jealous of the cake, um, that's pretty tanesha. she has to be the focal point of everything. everything. (announcer) even though there's less than a week before the wedding, this attention demanding, diva, is off to find a new cake that knows its place. (tanesha) hi, this is tanesha williams, i have an appointment at ten o' clock for a cake tasting. yeah, that's what it is-- i'm trying to get a cake. i get married next saturday. that's why i'm coming in. how do you set up a cake tasting and you don't even tell the person who bakes the cakes? she said she didn't even know. she's like "oh, is it a consultation, "or do you just wanna taste the cake?" how many people come in just to taste cakes? (car navigation system) your destination is ahead on the left. (kristen) yes, i am. let's go have a seat wherever you would like.
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okay, how many people are we looking at? i lost count. about a hundred. about a hundred? i think more like 150. (announcer) tanesha settles for a subtle moon and stars number, but the magic fizzles when she gets a taste of the price. so, your whole total would be $475 including delivery, set-up. that's more than what the other cake is? it's four tiers, too-- was the other one a four tier? it was really big, and it's (deleted). okay, it's not cream cake, then i just don't want to pay $500 for a cake. right, you know, you might want to talk to my boss. see what he will do. i thought he was gonna be here. he is here-- would you like me to get him? yes. this cake is good, but i don't want to pay $500 for a cake. our cake is $100. this guy is just basically wasted my time.
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i will when he get over here. (announcer) yanked from her fantasy world where a designer four tier wedding cake costs only $100, it's left to the bakery owner to deal with tanesha's delusions. hi, how are you? dewayne. dewayne, nice to meet you. are cakes are much superior to (deleted). i mean, seriously, would you pay $500 for a cake-- no. me? yeah-- i'm pretty sure you wouldn't. that's what you have to think about. whether you want to go to a supermarket and get a wedding cake or you want to go to a-- somewhat of a pastry shop- there's nothing you can do about this price? that's the price we quoted, so we stick to that price. so, this whole meeting was, basically, a waste of time, because... his (delet) just wasted my time. who do you know who'll pay $500 for a cake?
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he's so gung-ho about somebody coming to his bakery, he don't have nothing together, and then he gonna think i'm really gonna pay $500 for a cake. he is out ofis mind! yep, i'll just stick with the cake that i already have, and they will not get my business or my money. ♪ (announcer) kristen's rehearsal is set to begin at 3:00 pm, and in true bridezilla fashion, she's running a bit behind. (woman) it's 2:15, and we were supposed to leave-- what-- it's 2:15? no (deleted) way-- nuh-uh. oh, my god, we were supposed to leave in 15 minutes. well, i guess there gonna have to wait for me, because there's no way i'm gonna be on time. i hope everybody else is going to be ready to leave, at least, sometime around 2:30. i keep brushing my hair. i brush out the knots. i go to put it up, and there's more knots. (deleted). i'm gonna have my head in two seconds. you guys all hear that?
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i'm gonna go (deleted) psycho like britney spears in like two seconds. how come no one's in here listening to me complain? it's no fun to complain if no one's listening. (announcer) held up by a busy tuxedo store, tim arrives home nearly an hour behind schedule, but our bridezilla is still far from ready. when are we leavin'-- how long? i don't know-- hopefully soon. he said if we're gonna be there at 3:00. there's no way we're gonna be there be-- (kristen) no, we're not meeting there at 3:00-- there's no way-- okay, i'll call you when we leave here. yeah, there's no way. (announcer) to make matters worse, kristen's mom calls with news that only helps to pile on the stress. okay, apparently they have another rehearsal at 4:00. what? they have another rehearsal after us at four o' clock, so by the time i get there, they're gonna be there. as soon as i put mascara on we can go, but nothing's happening. i'm putting mascara on, and nothing's happening. kris-- hurry up! (phone ringing) i swear to god, if it's someone else calling me
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to tell me how (deleted) late i am, i'm gonna (deleted) kill them. i know what time it is! i don't need anyone else to tell me. (phone ringing) are they calling again? oh, they're lucky. i don't know who that was, but i'm gonna kill them when i see them. all right, this is it-- this is how i look. all right, let's go! all right, let's go. mommy! okay, first of all your dress is inside out. i don't care-- i really don't. (announcer) already 15 minutes late, tim and kristen finally hit the road for the half-hour drive to the rehearsal. who (deleted) called me before, to (deleted) tell me that i was late? jonah-- "where are you (deleted)?" leaving my house. (announcer) barraged by angry texts and phone calls, our bridezilla finds it convenient to blame her lateness on tim's trip to the tux shop. (phone ringing)
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hey, this is the tux place's fault-- you know that right? did you hear what happened? they had like 12 other people there! (woman on phone) why'd she change it? i don't know why she changed it. she's a (deleted) bitch-- that's why. there was like 12 other people there, and that's why they took so long. now my sister's calling me! are you (deleted) kidding me? is this a joke? did everybody plan this? if you're gonna tell me how late i am, then don't-- just hang up. (sister on phone) why would i tell you how late you are? i don't know, because everybody keeps calling me to tell me how late i was like i didn't know. i forgot (deleted) clipboard with t order for everybody. (tim) do we have to go back home? (sister on phone) is everybody's order really that important? kris, man-- relax, man-- really. i'll figure it out-- i'll figure it out. this is a (deleted) disaster. (tim) we're not going anywhere anytime soon with these (deleted) people in front of us. holy (deleted). yeah, i know. i know, at this point, we're gonna' get there,
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and the other bride that was supposed to be booked for an hour after us is gonna be there already. how about i just get there, and i tell the girl that's there for four o' clock. "it's too (deleted) bad." no one told you to rehearse on the same day as me. i hope, at least, that she's not pretty, because i don't think i'll be able to handle it. i hope she's fat-- that would be good. (announcer) just as traffic and kristen starts to lighten up an unsuspecting driver accidentally cuts tim off. (tim) are you serious right now, lady? pull up next to her-- seriously. (deleted) pull up next to her! shut up! pull up xt to her! seriously-- i'm not (deleted) kidding, tim. she pulled in front of us to go (deleted) (tim) are you serious under the speed ght now? cut her off! please, just, do something. if she (deleted) pulls in front of us again... i'm spitting i'm so pissed off. i'm sorry, baby. you don't need to hear me talking like this, but i'm not very happy. (tim) i can't go anywhere-- they're (deleted) both going slow.
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(announcer) coming up, when kristen pisses off the pastor... bla bla bla bla bla-- that's what marriage is all about. (announcer) what's a bridezilla to do? i shouldn't have to worry about pissing people off. (announcer) next, on bridezillas. this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent,
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you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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(announcer) already an hour late, tim and kristen battle traffic on their way to the rehearsal. i'm not gonna be happy if anybody gives me an attitude
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i can tell you that. i can understand i'm an hour late, but i'm the bride, and nobody should be giving me an attitude. okay, we're here. all right, we need to pop the trunk. the only thing we need to make my day any better is if i got run over. does she realize that i'm behind here? (sighing) (announcer) flanked by her entourage, our bridezilla strides into the rehearsal an hour and 15 minutes late. (cheering) where? right over there. can somebody else apologize, and tell them to ask tim too. (announcer) faced with the crippling horror of having to make an apology, our bridezilla finds a place to hide. can i offer you a glass of champagne? yes. you want to sit down? make yourself comfortable. she knows how to relax me, and make me smile. she saw it the last time. i don't want to apologize to the officiant. i feel bad, but i don't want to apologize to him. are you looking at my burnt dreads? what?
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just kidding-- no, um, don't apologize then. well, john already apologized. i feel bad, but i mean... who do you have to apologize to? the officiant-- i guess-- john said he was perturbed. (announcer) even after a glass of champagne to calm her nerves, kristen still can't be bothered to apologize to the pastor. (kristen) i feel bad, but to be honest with you, i-i don't really want to apologize t-to the guy. i am an hour and 15 minutes late for the re-- rehearsal, and i take part of the blame, but definitely not all of it. (announcer) all that hiding out and shirking responsibility is making our bridezilla quite thirsty. (woman) you need more? yeah, i need more. i shouldn't have to worry about pissing people off. maria's not pissed, but-- no, no-- i told ya. i shouldn't have to worry about pissing anyone else off. because i already have to worry about myself. (announcer) our bridezilla stands her cowardly ground, that is, until the officiant finally corners her. yeah, i am so, so, so sorry. i'm sorry you didn't call, but apart from that, it's fine. i understand.
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i just apologized, and he said he's sorry that he didn't call. you know, that wasn't what was on my mind, so-- oh, well. (announcer) with the apology out of the way, the officiant is officially done with kristen's attitude and manages to make quick work of the rehearsal. bla bla bla bla bla. that's what marriage is all about, okay? (kristen) he was being a little passive aggressive, but i'm happy right now, so i'm not letting anything bring me down. if he's like that on the day of the wedding... that's all i have to say. ♪ (announcer) after the rehearsal, our bridezilla hopes to make a big splash at her yacht sized dinner. (woman) i want to show you the sign we put on the dock for you. oh, i'm excited-- there's a sign! (screaming excitedly) oh, look at the sign-- how awesome is that? oh, i'm so excited! (announcer) after the first few rounds of drinks, the buffet dinner begins.
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(announcer) except for kristen's mother who is furious at being forced to fill her own plate. oh, my gosh-- you can't plate now. (announcer) this cruise should be all about kristen, but momzilla is about to attempt a mutiny. i'm really sorry-- i'm really sorry. this was supposed to be a sit down dinner. what? i'm sorry-- it was supposed to be a sit down dinner. i'm fine with this. (kristen) she's got to do everything for attention. (laughing) i'm not happy at all. i expected a sit down dinner. i don't do buffets-- i just don't do this. this really pisses me off. is it okay that you had to put it on your own plate? no-- it's ridiculous. i know right? why aren't you eating?
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but, ma, honestly, like, i understand where your coming from, but it's kinda my day, and if i said it's all right, then it's all right. (kristen) mom, i don't need to come to you. it's my wedding, not yours. and i'm like seriously, being serious right now, look, i'm fine with it. i want to be done eating, so we can have fun, but you're kind of making that hard, because you're creating drama for no reason. don't worry about it-- let everyone enjoy themselves. like, seriously. so, just, you know-- just have fun. it's okay if you have fun. (announcer) momzilla finally caves to her daughter, and turns to the one way she knows how to have fun. like seriously, if that's what you need to have fun, then drink-- just have fun. my mom's being retarded, so i told her to just be quiet and have fun, because i said it was fine and that's who's wedding it is. miiiine. i swear to god, if she does this at the wedding, i'm gonna be very upset. (announcer) coming up... tanesha terrorizes her tailor.
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it's gonna be a world wide man hunt. (announcer) for keeping her cleavage under wraps. just grab the boob, and pull from the side. (announcer) and then... kristen's dream day is finally here. everything i pictured was gonna happen is falling apart. (announcer) and our bridezilla is completely freaking out. i'm about to freaking lose it. (announcer) next, on bridezillas!
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8:28 am
[ male announcer ] when you've got 100% fiber optic fios, you get it. america's fastest, most reliable internet. it's the ultimate for downloading, streaming, and chatting. you have that guy all over the football field. thanks, joe! if the running backs don't start picking up the blitz, the quarterback is going to have a long night. is that your sister? look, are you trying to take my job? maybe. [ male announcer ] switch to a fios triple play online for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for the first year. plus, your choice of a $300 gift card or a $300 visa prepaid card with a 2 year agreement. fios is 100% fiber optic so you get america's fastest, most reliable internet and unbeatable picture quality. and now you can take your fios entertainment with you when you're away from home. switch to fios now for this amazing deal. visit today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities technology that lets you play with the big boys. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's powerful.
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(announcer) it's the morning of kristen's wedding, and our all ready stressed bride to be has her hands full with a less than cooperative three-year-old. can i ask you something? no! okay, don't look at the tiara okay? you don't want to wear the tiara? no, you don't want to be a princess? listen, can i talk to you please? do you know what today is? leah, somebody's got to do something to your hair. if you don't want to wear the tiara, i'm okay with that, but i'm not okay with you going down the aisle with nothing done to your hair. i didn't wear a tiara, because i think it's cheesy if you're over the age of like five. can elena put some bobby pins in your hair, and make it look pretty, but you don't have to wear the tiara. can she pinch some hair like this. all right, how about i let you relax for a little bit, and then right before we leave, then elena'll do your hair-- okay? all right-- that's what's gonna happen whether you like it or not.
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(announcer) just when it seems kristen is taking things in stride, the limo arrives, and it isn't white. mom, it's not supposed to be silver. mom, it's not supposed to be silver! it's not supposed to be silver! it's supposed to be white! i'm getting married-- it's supposed to be white! oh, my god-- i'm gonna freak out. mom, it's silver-- i'm not riding in a silver limo. call them. you call them-- it's not my job. (announcer) with less than two hours until the wedding, mom rushes out to fix the problem. hey, guys-- we're not happy. okay. we actually looked at a white one. she's not getting in it! yeah-- she's not even gonna get in this car. so, you need to do something. she's not gonna get in the car. (limo driver) i understand. and her make-ups gonna run. i'm not gonna cry-- i'm not going to ruin my make-up. it's just gonna be fixed.
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okay, what i can do is, i can go back, switch the hummer with the white one, but it's gonna take me a little time. what time is it? forty minutes to get back there. forty minutes to get back there-- forty minutes to get back here. they sena lver limo, and i'm getting married. i can't get ride in a silver limo-- it's gotta be white. (arlene) kristin? i'm busy. so, they're fixing it. i'm the bride. i ride in a white car-- end of story. (announcer) so, with the white limo some 80 minutes away, kristen gets a call from tim who's got a limo problem of his own. your limo still isn't there? i'll call you back. i'm about to flip the (deleted) out. somebody needs to get the number out of there right now. somebody get the number out of my bag. i'm really-- i'm about to freaking lose it. (announcer when it comes to tanesha's wedding dress, her choice of color is... unique to say the least. there aren't many people who know my dress is blue, and i've had some people say, "you can't do that. "that's untraditional--" well, yes i can
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this is my wedding. i can pick and choose as i feel. (announcer) tanesha is unsatisfied with her alterations, however, and is planning to surprise her tailor today to insist that she lower the bust line for optimum bustiness. i wanted more cleavage, and my-- the lady who did my alterations decided against it, so she's now fixing it, so i will have more cleavage. yeah, i'm going to fix my dress. (announcer) so with only four days left until the wedding, our bridezilla is off to seamstress to make sure there's not one thread of modesty left in her dress. you need to come out here, because i need some money. (announcer) but before she leaves, tanesha has to make a quick stop at her walking atm. i need some money. i need some money, so i can hit the stationary, and i'm try to find me a dress, too. stationary for what? so, i can do the programs-- we haven't done those yet. (announcer) a fresh wad of dewayne's cash in hand, our bridezilla heads out.
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we're going to pick up my wedding coordinator, leah. hey, are you at home? i'm outside. i hope she hurry up, cause i don't like waitin' on people. no, because this lady-- i don't know how long she's gonna be up here doing alteration she allegedly going out of town. that's what she said. i really want it to be a surprise, because if i call her, she can leave. if she leave, it's gonna be a worldwide manhunt. (announcer) ready for a seamstress smack down, our bridezilla arrives, and she's not leaving until her dress meets her cleavage requirements. tanesha... i want cleavage-- i want to be able-- i want dewayne to just be like this all night. i got your bosom. this is my problem, you see how the... i don't want that to show, i want it to be liked tucked in. (announcer) the seamstress added material
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to the sides of the halter to cover up what was sure to be falling out during the ceremony, but tanesha is not having it. i understand that. yep. (announcer) the seamstress reminds tanesha that she is getting married in a church, and what's right for the club may not be right for the altar. i was trying to cover you. you said, church, church-- well, i don't want too much coverage. i really don't care what people think about it being too sexy or too revealing. if they don't like it, there's the door. you can always leave. well, you are a sexy girl, because you have a very small waist, ooh, thanks. it has, like, this hourglass figure, and it is considered to be sexy in this culture. thank you. you're welcome. i never knew i had a hourglass figure, so i'm shaped like a coke bottle. you never knew that? i was just saying for that i need lipo-suction.
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i'm a coke bottle. (annouer) with less than an hour 'til the wedding, kristen is nowhere near ready, and tim's limo is nowhere to be found. yeah, this is kristen docimo-- i'm getting married today. i'm having like a really, really, big problem. my fiancé's waiting at the house, and the limo is a half an hour late. i don't know if they're lost. i don't know where they are. the chrysler 300 is here? okay, it came to the wrong address, okay. okay. everything i pictured was gonna happen is falling apart. (announcer) less than five minutes after calling the limo company, kristen calls tim for a status report. (phone ringing) what's up? please tell me the limo's there. yeah, he's here. oh, thank god. we just got in, and we're trying to figure out how to get to bevinuto. did you get your limo? the limo's are here, but i'm not ready yet.
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oh, wow-- you're not even close to being ready. leah won't put her dress on. (tim) okay, relax. (announcer) kristen's daughter has flatly refused to dawn her pretty pink dress, and the bride is at her wits end. you know what i'm starting to think? that she's not walking down the aisle. that's it-- she's not now. i'm about to kick my daughter out of my wedding. like seriously. if i thought leah would give a crap that she's hurting my feelings, i would tell you to tell her she is, because she is, but i know she doesn't give a (deleted) so... i mean, she's two and a half. (kristen) she's almost three. i can't relax! she needs to put her dress on. she needs to get over herself. like she thinks that she can do whatever she wants, and i'm really starting to get upset. everyday she makes me feel like a (deleted) mother, because she doesn't listen to me. (announcer) with only 20 minutes to the wedding, kristen calls in her sister for a last stitch effort to dress leah. mom! (kristin) what?
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will somebody come here, and help me please? (crying) (announcer) leah, and her mother, finally get ready, and the wedding party is off. only about 30 minutes behind schedule. it is what it is, and it's too bad. and if anybody complains, they can leave. i'm serious. they shouldn't complain to me on my wedding day. so, if they complain... and you can tell them that they better not say anything to me. they better not, because that's really rude. will you just relax and have a good freaking time. oh, does this sound familiar? well, you're bringing up stressful things, so, just shut up! stop bring up stuff that's stressing me out. i'm sitting here just freakin' watching-- watching the friggin' grass, and you're like, "people are probably sitting there. "my friends have been there--" i don't give a crap. i don't care, so stop talking about it! (arlene) watch the grass grow. (announcer) after a long, quiet ride, our bridezilla finally makes it to her wedding.
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who are all these people that are friggin' walkin' behind the limo and everything? tell them get out of my freakin' way, or i'm gonna freakin' run them over. i need to fix my lipstick? don't open it! i'm gonna kill somebody. (announcer) coming up... kristen has a conniption... this is my freakin' day. (announcer) when she stops being the center of attention. everybody needs to suck it up and freakin' walk in, because i'm ready. (announcer) it's a full on bridezilla break down, next on bridezillas!
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♪ (announcer) everyone, even the dog, is in place, and kristen is ready to get the show on the road. i'm fixing the girls. (announcer) the "girls" may be properly situated, but when kristen realizes leah intends to walk down the aisle with her, kristen flatly refuses to share the spotlight, like mother, like... mother? is she gonna walk down the aisle? what is she doing?
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well, she can't walk with us. i love my daughter, but i'm not sharing the spotlight with her. she can't walk down the aisle with us. somebody bring her to her seat, then, before i come out. somebody bring her to her seat. she's not walking down with me. all right-- so, now i can't walk down the aisle, because my daughter is blowing a fit. that's good-- that's great. that's wonderful. (leah sobbing) i'm really happy right now. somebody's got to come out and sit with her, okay... (announcer) at last the moment has arrived, and kristen's modern victorian glam wedding can get underway. i'm gonna blow in my eyes, because i'm gonna cry already. okay, we can go. i'm trying. someone's steppin' on my dress. (announcer) everything was going according to kristen's dream, until...
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(pastor) it is a place to become better people. to make a difference by spreading the joy and the wisdom-- (phone ringing) are you kidding me? sorry about this... this is a polygamist marriage. somebody else got into it. (announcer) better late than never, tim turns his cell phone off, and the ceremony continues interruption free. do you, timothy, take th woman kristen as your wife? to cherish her from this day forward? i do. do you, kristen, take this man, timothy, as your husband, to cherish him from this day forward? i do. yeah. (pastor) are you ready? you're really, really, ready-- okay... by the joining of hands... i pronounce you... husband and wife. you may kiss the bride.
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(applause) it is my great privilege, to introduce to you, for the first time, mr. and s. tothy kelley. ♪ (announcer) with the wedding over, the guests line up to give the groom grief for having his cell phone on during the ceremony. what did i say to you-- turn the phone off. what the heck was that! (all goading tim) (kristin) yeah, tim's phone did ring during the ceremony. yeah, his friend didn't know how to get here, i guess. i don't know. i gave him directions. yeah, that was a little upsetting. but i was about to cry, so it, kind of, broke that up for a minute, so... it's a little upsetting, though. the next exit after you see boynton beach. where the gray strip mall, and the laundry mat is. make that turn. i swear to g-- if he calls again, if he calls while we're walking out, i'm gonna beat him up.
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(announcer) tim's friend isn't the only one missing unbeknownst to the bride. her five-year-old nephew has disappeared, causing a frenzy of worry amongst the wedding party. is allen in here-- no, i can't find him. what? the kids at this wedding are starting to piss me off. we're trying to find the little ring boy. is the baby in there? oh, my gosh. (heather) mom, i cannot find allen. allen! oh, my gosh-- turn that off! (announcer) everyone is upset. everyone, but the bride, who has more important things on her mi. i'm gonna bring my flowers. should i bring my flowers? yeah, i gotta bring my flowers. the girls should have their flowers, but... i guess they decided they're gonna put them down. $36 a bouquet, and they just throw 'em on the table. (announcer) kristen's sister is near hysterics as she frantically looks for her son.
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we're gonna find him. we're gonna find him. (announcer) and by "we" what our bridezilla means is everybody else, but her. (heather) allen! where was the candy? right on the table. okay... we'll find him. i can't find my son. they said he was in the candy. (arlene) in the candy... where's the candy? (kristen) right there-- that candy. (heather) allen? i don't know. somebody said the last time they saw him was when he was in the candy. they found him! where was he? where was he? all right, can we go in and like have fun now? (announcer) while she should be thrilled that nothing happened to her nephew, our bridezilla is too busy sulking over the lack of attention on her. i guess my wedding's never gonna start. everybody needs to freaking suck it up
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and friggin' walk in, because i'm ready. like, seriously, i'm ready. i know that. this is my freaking day. let's go home-- let's go home. like seriously, i just want to (deleted) go home now. i can do whatever the (deleted) i want. i'm gonna (deleted) throw this at somebody's head. let's go-- i'm ready. i wanted to go home, because i was pretty much sitting around waiting to go into my own wedding. you know, after we realized my nephew was found, and that he was okay. i was like, "all right, let's go." and everybody was just looking at me like i was (deleted) crazy, because i wanted to go into my wedding. i want to go home. what? i want to go home. why? i'm over it. what happened? because this is not my day anymore. i'm like...
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john yelled at me. because i'm upset that i'm sitting on a couch waiting to go into my own freaking wedding, and he yelled at me. it's friggin' myay! you know what-- i'm just mad. i know that, but, you know what-- he wasn't. (announcer) when kristen can't squeeze any sympathy out of her mother, she actually attempts to make her sister feel sorry for her. i just want to go home now. i'm totally over this whole (deleted) thing. no. i'm just done. i'm sitting on the couch, and everybody's (deleted) ignoring me. before. yeah, i know that, but you know... i'm just done. i just want to (deleted) go home. freaking yell at me at my wedding. kiss my ass-- yell at me.
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(announcer) interestingly, kristen's pissiness instantly evorates when she's back in center stage. (cheerg and applause) (announcer) and kristen is practically giddy to reveal... the photo booth. if you remember correctly there was one thing that you said no to. i decided that i was gonna get everything that i wanted. and so, i got it. no-- you little bitch! (laughing) i'm still not happy about the photo booth. but, you know what? she wanted it-- she got it. little bitch. got what she wanted again, so it's okay. ♪ the photo booth is (deleted) awesome. you know-- it's funny, my mom put up a big stink about it, but i think she's probably been in there
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more than anybody else, so, just goes to show you, when i get my way, everything's better. if you listen to me everything turns out the way it should be. you should take that into consideration too. i shall. i'really happy right now. i'm exhausted, but i'm really happy. i finally got what i wanted... (announcer) on the next episode of bridezillas! tanesha the terrible... you think it's a game, dewayne? (announcer) takes her free loading to the extreme. this wedding is stressing me out. i can't work and plan a wedding-- i'm done. (announcer) but bridezilla beware, because her fiancé has got a few tricks up his sleeve. you can't play a player. (announcer) plus... mean megan craves total control. after the wedding, you're not gonna see your friends. you'll just have my friends.
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(announcer) and this bad mouthing bridezilla is on a role. you need to stop it! shut the hell up-- stop talking! shut up! (announcer) on the next episode of bridezillas.
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>> today opt "the test"... is her boyfriend rubbing men's feet for money? >> do you think robert my gay >> gay or bi. >> he has come to the test to get answers >> i need to know the truth. >> then, a stolen purse turns the kissing cousins into a feuding family. >> i'm notoing anywhere until i find out who took that purse. somsomeone on this set is a lia. >> today on "th "the test." [applause] [♪]
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[cheering] >> kirk: welcome to the test tft i'm kirk fox. if someone is calling you a lying thieving no good cheater or worse? you have come to the right place. we are here to put our guests to the test. [applause] [cheering] first up, valerie says her boyfriend robert has admitted he stripped down to his boxers and rubbed men's feet for money. i didn't know that was an option. [laughter] now, valerie is seven months pregnant what his baby and is desperate to know if robert has had sex with these men. she has come to the test to get some answers. let's get started. valerie, come on out. [applause]
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>> so -- >> kirk: what is going on >> a lot. we've been dating for about three years. and the past couple of months he has had encounters with men. more than one. he stripped to his boxers for money >> kirk: he told you this? >> the guy likes to look at his body because a guy wants his feet rubbed. he can go to a professional he doesn't need him to rub his feet for $200. for a couple -- >> kirk: that is a lot of money for rubbing feet. >> yeah. >> i mean >> it's a lie. he is a liar. i need the truth >> kirk: you think he is having sex with these men? >> oh, yeah, you don't go with another mantles him to rub his feet. there's millions of things you can do, you can do day labor.
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rub somebody's feet? >> kirk: now, is this something he has done in the past? or is this a new thing? >> i have no idea. this is came up 6 months ago. he is gay or bi. either way. i feel -- >> kirk: you are carrying his child? >> i feel like i'm his cover up if he is gay. you know people get married and have kids and -- i'm not doing it. >> kirk: and are you worried he might be having unprotected sex >> he is putting my baby's life at risk my life at risk. >> kirk: he is putting his life at risk also >> i don't give a... about his life. [applause] why should i? he doesn't care about this baby? he doesn't care about me? >> kirk: let's get robert and
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find out what robert has to say about these boxers. where's robert? >> i didn't know. -- i need to know. are you gay? >> i am not gay valerie. look -- >> kirk: have a seat. what is going on, robert? >> we didn't have nowhere to go we didn't have no food no nothing >> that doesn't matter you could have done millions of things. >> and it's time i went somewhere where i knew i could get immediate money. >> you are here to take the test to prove that you did not have sex with these men >> right. i'm tired of her accusing me >> why don't you rub my feet like that >> i do >> kirk: are you going to marry this woman? >> one day, i plan on it >> what about you stripping to your boxers what about that? >> you


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