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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  November 1, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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college, they teach us how to get a job, but at my live events, i take pride in teaching you how not to be dependent on a job and how to take control of your own destiny. >> before going to than's event, i was living paycheck to paycheck. in fact, on my first deal using than's system, i had nothing in my savings at that point. on that deal, i made over $40,000. fast forward to where i am today -- my net worth has grown astronomically. i am buying and selling multiple properties every month, and the sky's the limit at this point. i absolutely love knowing that i do not have to depend on anyone else for money ever again. >> we have so many successful students just like marina, who came to one of my events, who just wanted more opportunity and a better life, learned my system, and are now out there making money in real estate, loving what they do.
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throughout this show, you're gonna see and hear from successful students of mine from a wide variety of different backgrounds, from teachers to truckers, to realtors and contractors, to attorneys, to stay-at-home moms and dads. many of my students started with little to no money and on a part-time basis. one of the reasons i have so many successful students is because one of the first things that we teach you at the event is how to find killer real-estate deals you can flip and how to find the best deals that you can hold on that create monthly cash flow. in fact, this property right behind me was a pre-foreclosure that i got at a rock-bottom price using one of my strategies that you're gonna learn at the event. this isn't just something i talk about. this is what i do every day, and this is what my students are out there doing every day. and this is something that can change your life forever. >> well, our eyes have been opened to amazing strategies that we didn't even know existed, and now our company is getting killer deals. >> now, i know what you might be
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thinking -- "than, don't you need money to be successful in real estate?" you see, that's one of the biggest misconceptions. in fact, take this house behind me. this is a house i flipped with none of my own money, and i made $38,000 on using a private lender. and one of the things we're gonna teach you at the event is how to find private lenders in your area who are willing to loan you money on real-estate deals that you find. >> after attending this training event, i can tell you i now know exactly where i'm gonna get more money to do more deals. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the st of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properts.
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>> the system can work for you even if you don't have any money or experience. now, if you have money and you're comfortable right now, in my opinion, there is no better place to invest than in real estate, and at the eve, you're gonna be introduced to a couple strategies you can use to build monthly passive income, including one strategy where you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states law and backed by real estate. it's a killer strategy. >> nothing even comes close to the events that than and his team put on. they are information-packed and have helped me so much. >> over the course of this show, you're gonna see examples of the 31 real-estate deals that i have going on right now, like the one behind me that i'll be selling in just a few days and will make over $35,000 on. at my events, you're also gonna see examples of people who are making money in your backyard using my system. and that's why these live events are so valuable, because you're
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gonna be learning what is working right now in today's market, as opposed to outdated information from a book written three years ago. however, if you sit around and wait, you're gonna miss the absolute best window of opportunity to make money. because we're at the bottom of the market cycle right now, which is the best time to get in. right now, i'd like to give you the opportunity to get two tickets to the upcoming two-hour training event for free before they're gone. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. at this event, you will learn
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exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be
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entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> one of the reasons i've consistently made money in real estate and why i've been able to build a sizeable rental portfolio and why i have 31 deals going on right now, like this house behind me, is because i discovered five untapped and very consistent sources for properties that you can pick up significantly below market value. in fact, these five sources for deals produce the profs that you're seeing right now that i've flipped in the last two months alone. this is also one of the reasons why we have so many successful
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students around the country who have done thousands of deals. at the event, we're gonna introduce you to what these five sources are and how you can use them to find a deal for yourself very quickly. we're then gonna teach you a strategy of how to put a property under contract and then how to flip or sell that contract to another person. this is a perfect strategy if you just want toip your toe in the market on a part-time basis and if you don't have a lot of money. in fact, i want to roll a clip of one of my students, terriel, who's used this strategy over and over again. >> hey, than. i just want to thank you for everything you've taught me, man. i learned some killer strategies to get started in real estate without needing any money. in my first year alone, i flipped eight properties, because i learned how to find consistently good deals. in fact, i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal.
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i used to worry about money all the time, but now that burden has been lifted. i'm spending time with friends, family, and life is amazing. anyways, thanks again, than. i couldn't have done it without you, buddy. >> terriel is an amazing guy who had, literally, zero experience before he came to one of my training events. terriel's now working for himself, loving life, and living his dream. one of the reasons terriel is so successful and why we have so many successful students is because we teach you things that make flipping properties so much easier. another technique you're gonna be introduced to at my event is how to find wealthy cash buyers who are currently buying properties in your area. these are wealthy people who are paying cash for properties right in your area and around the country, and many of my students have tapped into this source of buyers and has made it so much easier for them to get started and have success. just listen to what some of my students have to say. >> i'm happy to say that, since going to the training, we're on
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our fourth deal, and the most recent deal we closed on, we made over $35,000. >> as a practicing attorney, i was definitely somewhat skeptical at first. however, after having a chance to meet all the guys, i can tell you that they're really a down-to-earth group, unbelievably successful, and it is very refreshing to be learning from guys who are operating at this kind of a level -- at such a high level -- in today's market. >> we actually were able to make $19,000 in profit when all was said and done in our first wholesale deal. >> as a single woman, i was somewhat intimidated by investing in real estate. however, than's event gave me so much confidence to succeed. i now have made $30,000 on my first deal, and i have five other deals in the works. >> folks, right now, the middle class is shrinking in this country at an alarming rate, and there's a huge transfer of wealth taking place between those people who understand the laws of money and how to invest in real estate and those who don't. a job does not mean you have
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security. you need to know that, no matter what happens to your job or the economy, that you have the knowledge in place to make money forever in real estate. and nobody can ever take that away from you. just imagine having more time for you, for your family, and having complete control of your financial destiny. that's the gift that i want to give to you. folks, it's scary right now. less than 5% of people who reach age 65 have enough money to retire on or are financially secure. and this is according to the u.s. census bureau. so, if you've ever worried about money, or you're not where you want to be financially right now, then you have to make a change. you have to step outside of your comfort zone, learn something new that can help you get to your financial goals and help you live a life you've always dreamed of. the reality is, if you keep
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doing what you're doing right now, you're gonna have another year next year like you had this year. however, if you want a different year, a better year, more time for your family, more time for yourself, just a better life overall, then you need a specific plan and system to get you there. that's why you have to pick up the phone. make your guaranteed reservation for this educational event and attend so you can better understand this opportunity. put the power in your hands and start taking control of your own life financially. >> shawn and i attended than's event a year ago, and we were pretty much novices when it came to real estate. the way that our business has been growing, i'll be able to quit my regular full-time job within the next 12 months. >> at the event, we will also teach you the second way i flip properties. and that's by fixing the property up and then selling it, like we do on our tv show. for example, this is one of the 31 properties i'm working on
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right now. on this property alone, i'm gonna make several times over what the average american makes in a year. just imagine how doing just one deal like this would impact your entire life. in fact, here are the profits i made in the last two months alone, just on properties i've rehabbed. i love this aspect of real estate because you can make even bigger profits, while, at the same time, you're improving neighborhoods. however, it's not as easy as it looks on tv. that's why you have to learn how to do it the right way. you see, a lot people who end up fixing up properties without a system -- they end up spending way too much time working on the houses themselves. at the event, we teach you our hands-off system for rehabbing properties and how to get these properties fixed up without you ever having to swing a hammer or pick up a single paintbrush. we educate you on the process so you know the steps, who you have doing what, and in what time
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line. we also teach you exactly how to get the money for these types of projects. in fact, one source we show you is an absolute gold mine. our students have used this source to get millions of dollars for deals they've rehabbed. just listen to some of these stories. >> i've been in construction as a residential home builder and side contractor for over 40 years. i even sit on the board of directors for the national association of home builders. i'm here to tell you that the systems that than, paul, and j.d. have put together are the most extensive and conclusive systems that exist anywhere. they make it so easy to flip houses and make money. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. our first-year goal was to make $60,000. we made $75,000 in our first year. >> i thought i knew what i was doing. i've been investing in real estate for 30 years. it's so refreshing to learn from someone that's doing the business at such a high level in
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today's market. >> if you truly, truly want to change your life, to take control of your own destiny, to be in the driver's seat of your life, do it. do it now. >> i bought five properties. i've wholesaled three of those properties. i've just finished my last -- my first flip, and i'm holding onto one piece of property as a long-term strategy. go ahead. take this step. it's a leap of faith, and you will not look back. it will change your life forever. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. at this event, you will learn
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exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success packe for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs
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to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. >> learning how to invest in real estate using this system has brought us closer together and put us on the path to financial freedom. >> announcer: don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> it's important for you to know that, when you attend one of my live training events, you're gonna be learning from someone who is successfully doing this right now in today's market. over the years, i've flipped hundreds of properties. i built a sizeable rental portfolio, and i have 31 deals going on right now, like the one behind me. i also have a track record for
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teaching other regular, everyday people how to be successful in real estate. in fact, i have some of the most successful students in the country, who have done thousands of documented deals using my system. i've literally created a road map for you to achieve your financial goals. this event -- it's gonna be a turning point for many of you watching this show right now. but you have to pick up the phone in order to make that change. all you need to do is call the number at the bottom of the screen or go online right now to reserve your two free tickets to my upcoming two-hour educational event. >> than's event gave me the confidence that i needed to succeed. since then, i have completed 15 real-estate deals, and i'm in the current process of completing two more. >> we have a lot of students who had zero real-estate experience who are now flipping multiple properties a month. however, learning how to flip is only part of what we teach you
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at the event. the second important step we teach you is how to build long-term wealth with real estate. you see, the key to building true lifelong wealth is to learn how to acquire income-producing properties, like this one right here, that produce monthly checks for you whether you work or not. and if you think about it, no matter what you do for work right now, chances are you wake up, you leave your house, you leave your family, and you trade your time for money. however, there's only so many hours in day that you can work. so, your ability to produce income is capped. just imagine owning real estate that produces money for you every single month, regardless of whether you're at work, on vacation, or asleep in your bed. this newfound financial freedom is gonna give you peace of mind, it's gonna give you more free time, and it's gonna allow you
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to give back to those that you care about the most. >> because of the training, i've acquired a few income properties, set up passive monthly income streams, and in the next few months, i will be able to quit my job, all from what i learned. >> now, i know some of you watching at home may have been to other trainings, or you're financially comfortable right now, or you're already in real estate in some shape or fashion. you might be wondering how i can help you. well, over the years, i've helped so many people grow and literally automate what they do by learning our system. take gregg cohen, for example. gregg is a student of mine now doing over 100 deals a year and absolutely crushing it. i've even had students who have attended our training events, who started using our systems, and are now so successful that other people started taking notice, and they now have their own tv shows and have been featured on shows like "flipping san diego" on a&e and "property wars" on discovery and
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"house hunters" on hgtv. in fact, here is one of those students. >> than, your system and what you teach is amazing. as you know, i was a realtor before becoming an investor, and i went to your seminar, and it all clicked. i started rehabbing properties and using your systems, and my business took off like wildfire. and as you know, the discovery channel started calling me when they found out what i was doing, and now i'm featured on "property wars." going to your seminar was the best decision i ever made. >> curt is a great guy who's become very successful using our three-step system. and what really blows me away is not only how well curt and our thousands of other students are doing financially, but, more importantly, how proud their spouses and families are of what they've done and what they've accomplished and just how happy they are now. >> i have a business that my wife and children are proud of. we're going into neighborhoods and being paid to fix up properties. i'm building a legacy for my wife, my children, and my grandchildren, and i'm doing
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something that i absolutely love. >> at the event -- and this is killer -- we introduce you to three powerful and little-known strategies for investing in real estate passively and earning high rates of return. in fact, one of the those strategies you're gonna be introduced to, you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states state law and backed by real estate. this is a little-known, passive real-estate-investment vehicle that's been around for over 100 years. we're also gonna show you how to use this strategy and other strategies to flip properties 100% tax-free. these are killer ways to invest in real estate and possibly build a retirement account for you and your family, because your money's gonna be growing so much faster in a tax-free or tax-deferred environment. you see, working a job and just saving money alone may not get
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you to your long-term financial and retirement goals, and that's why it's so critical for you to learn these powerful, long-term wealth-building strategies. >> right now, we're working on houses number 14 and 15, and we have number 16 in contract. and on our last four deals, we're averaging $100,000 in profits on each deal. >> after all the closing costs and all the expenses it took to do the rehab, we made approximately $110,000. >> this house behind me -- i got it under contract, and using the strategies that you taught me at your event, i was able to sell that contract, and i made over $9,000. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. >> i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal. >> as you're watching at home -- we only have a few seconds left, so pick up the phone and call the number right now to make your guaranteed reservation. this event is an opportunity
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many people will jump on in this area and change their lives forever. i really hope that you're one of them. if you want a better year this year, compared to last year, you have to do and learn something different. regardless of your financial situation or your background, you can do this successfully. real estate has changed my life, and i know it can change yours. i hope today is a day that you mark on your calendar, one where you can put a mark of an event where you and your financial future and your life took a giant leap forward. thanks for watching. i look forward to having you at i look forward to having you at the event.
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>> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. than and his team are currently looking for a small group of motivated individuals who want to work directly with his team
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and learn the exact step-by-step system he's used to flip hundreds of properties over the past decade. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. so, if you've always had the desire to get into real estate, or you're already in real estate, this event is the perfect opportunity for you to learn than's system. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. >> just a few months ago, i attended one of than merrill's training events. since then, i've sold two properties, i have six houses under construction, and i have three houses under contract. in fact, the house behind me i just sold and made $38,000. i'm providing a better life for my daughter, and i'm absolutely loving life. now i'd like to introduce you to the mawho changed my life, my mentor and friend, than merrill. >> if you're looking to increase your income, become less
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dependent on a job, spend more time with your friends and family, and ultimately have more fun and freedom in your life, then stick with me, because i'm gonna show you how you can have all of those things and more by learning my proven three-step system for investing in real estate. i'm than merrill, star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house." over the past 10 years, i've become a self-made multi-millionaire buying and selling hundreds of properties just like the one behind me that are probably right in your neighborhood. over the course of this program, i'll also gonna show you properties i've made money on in the past few months and take you to properties that i'm currently flipping right now, like this one. and i'm gonna show you how different your life could be using my system to invest in real estate. real estate has completely changed my life, and for the past few years, i've been able to share that passion through our live training events, and nothing has been more rewarding to me. these events have helped thousands of regular, everyday
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people get started investing in real estate the right way, which has ultimately and dramatically changed their lives. >> i wasn't sure if we could d this on a part-time basis, because we both work full-time, but after completing the training, we've closed six deals, and ware loving life. >> now, you might be sitting there thinking, "than, why real estate, and why right now?" well, what's currently going on in this country is really scary. the middle class is literally disappearing. i'm talking about people, maybe like you, who earn between $40,000 to $200,000 a year, who are losing ground. here's what's happening. over the last decade, ddle-class families have lost 1/3 of their net worth because wages are falling and inflation is rising. you know, the old idea that if you work hard and you pay your dues that you'll get ahead might be giving you false hope, and sadly, for the first time in history, a lot of people are not
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gonna be better off than their parents. you see, the reality is if you're relying on someone else -- the government or a job -- you might be putting yourself and your family at risk. and it only takes something as common as a job loss or a divorce or an unexpected family health problem, and you could go from a normal, middle-class family to newly poor practically overnight. realize th could happen to you, and that's why it's so important for you to get a financial education and take the proper steps to take care of your family. and the best way to do this is through real-estate investing. statistics show that real-estate investing is the most likely way to achieve financial independence, and more average, everyday people have become millionaires through real-estate investing than anything else. in fact, the irs reported that, over the past 50 years, of all the americans who declared more than a million dollars on their income-tax returns, 71% of them were in real estate.
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you see, in high school and college, they teach us how to get a job, but at my live events, i take pride in teaching you how not to be dependent on a job and how to take control of your own destiny. >> before going to than's event, i was living paycheck to paycheck. in fact, on my first deal using than's system, i had nothing in my savings at that point. on that deal, i made over $40,000. fast forward to where i am today -- my net worth has grown astronomically. i am buying and selling multiple properties every month, and the sky's the limit at this point. i absolutely love knowing that i do not have to depend on anyone else for money ever again. >> we have so many successful students just like marina, who came to one of my events, who just wanted more opportunity and a better life, learned my system, and are now out there making money in real estate, loving what they do.
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throughout this show, you're gonna see and hear from successful students of mine from a wide variety of different backgrounds, from teachers to truckers, to realtors and contractors, to attorneys, to stay-at-home moms and dads. many of my students started with little to no money and on a part-time basis. one of the reasons i have so many successful students is because one of the first things that we teach you at the event is how to find killer real-estate deals you can flip and how to find the best deals that you can hold on that create monthly cash flow. in fact, this property right behind me was a pre-foreclosure that i got at a rock-bottom price using one of my strategies that you're gonna learn at the event. this isn't just something i talk about. this is what i do every day, and this is what my students are out there doing every day. and this is something that can change your life forever. >> well, our eyes have been opened to amazing strategies that we didn't even know existed, and now our company is getting killer deals.
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>> now, i know what you might be thinking -- "than, don't you need money to be successful in real estate?" you see, that's one of the biggest misconceptions. in fact, take this house behind me. this is a house i flipped with none of my own money, and i made $38,000 on using a private lender. and one of the things we're gonna teach you at the event is how to find private lenders in your area who are willing to loan you money on real-estate >> after attending this training event, i can tell you i now know exactly where i'm gonna get more money to do more deals. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties.
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>> the system can work for you even if you don't have any money or experience. now, if you have money and you're comfortable right now, in my opinion, there is no better place to invest than in real estate, and at the event, you're gonna be introduced to a couple strategies you can use to build monthly passive income, including one strategy where y can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states law and backed by real estate. it's a killer strategy. >> nothing even comes close to the events that than and his team put on. they are information-packed and have helped me so much. >> over the course of this show, you're gonna see examples of the 31 real-estate deals that i have going on right now, like the one behind me that i'll be selling in just a few days and will make over $35,000 on. at my events, you're also gonna see examples of people who are making money in your backyard using my system. and that's why these live events
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are so valuable, because you're gonna be learning what is working right now in today's market, as opposed to outdated information from a book written three years ago. however, if you sit around and wait, you're gonna miss the absolute best window of opportunity to make money. because we're at the bottom of the market cycle right now, which is the best time to get in. right now, i'd like to give you the opportunity to get two tickets to the upcoming two-hour training event for free before they're gone. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financiafuture, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties.
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at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sourcesf properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investoreeds to be successful. in addition, when you register
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and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly sh flow. don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> one of the reasons i've consistently made money in real estate and why i've been able to build a sizeable rental portfolio and why i have 31 deals going on right now, like this house behind me, is because i discovered five untapped and very consistent sources for properties that you can pick up significantly below market value. in fact, these five sources for deals produce the profits that u're seeing right now that i've flipped in the last two months alone. this is also one of the reasons
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why we have so many successful students around the country who have done thousands deals. at thevent, we're gonna introduce you to what these five sources are and how you can use them to find a deal for yourself very quickly. we're then gonna teach you a strategy of how to put a property under contract and then how to flip or sell that contract to another person. this is a perfect strategy if you just want to dip your toe in the market on a part-time basis and if you don't have a lot of money. in fact, i want to roll a clip of one of my students, terriel, who's used this strategy over and over again. >> hey, than. i just want to thank you for everything you've taught me, man. i learned some killer strategies to get started in real estate without needing any money. in my first year alone, i flipped eight properties, because i learned how to find consistently good deals. in fact, i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal.
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i used to worry about money all the time, but now that burden has been lifted. i'm spending time with friends, family, and life is amazing. anyways, thanks again, than. i couldn't have done it without you, buddy. >> terriel is an amazing guy who had, literally, zero experience before he came to one of my training events. terriel's now working for himself, loving life, and living his dream. one of the reasons terriel is so successful and why we have so many successful students is because we teach you things that make flipping properties so much easier. another technique you'reonna be introduced to at my event is how to find wealthy cash buyers who are currently buying properties in your area. these are wealthy people who are paying cash for properties right in your area and around the country, and many of my students have tapped into this source of buyers and has made it so much easier for them to get started and have success. just listen to what some of my students have to say. >> i'm happy to say that, since
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going to the training, we'ren our fourth deal, and the most recent deal we closed on, we made over $35,000. >> as a practicing attorney, i was definitely somewhat skeptical at first. however, after having a chan to meet all the guys, i can tell you that they're really a down-to-earth group, unbelievably successful, and it is very refreshing to be learning from guys who are operating at this kind of a level -- at such a high level -- in today's market. >> we actually were able to make $19,000 in profit when all was said and done in our first wholesale deal. >> as a single woman, i was somewhat intimidated by investing in real estate. however, than's event gave me so much confidence to succeed. i now have made $30,000 on my first deal, and i have five other deals in the works. >> fksright now, the middle class is shrinking in this country at an alarming rate, and there's a huge transfer of wealth taking place between those people who understand the laws of money and how to invest in real estate and those who don't. a job does not mean you have
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security. you need to know that, no matter what happens to your job or the economy, that you have the knowledge in place to make money forever in real estate. and nobody can ever take that away from you. just imagine having more time for you, for your family, and having complete control of your financial destiny. that's the gift that i want to give to you. folks, it's scary right now. less than 5% of people who reach age 65 have enough money to secure.on or are financially and this is according to the u.s. census bureau. so, if you've ever worried about money, or you're not where you want to be financially right now, then you have to make a change. you have to step outside of your comfort zone, learn something new that can help you get to your financial goals and help you live a life you've always dreamed of. the reality is, if you keep
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doing what you're doing right now, you're gonna have another year next year like you had this year. however, if you want a different year, a better year, more time for your family, more time for yourself, just a better life overall, then you need a specific plan and system to get you there. that's why you have to pick up the phone. make your guaranteed reservation for this educational event and attend so you can better understand this opportunity. put the power in your hands and start taking control of your own life financially. >> shawn and i attended than's event a year ago, and we were pretty much novices when it came to real estate. the way that our business has been growing, i'll be able to quit my regular full-time job within the next 12 months. >> at the event, we will also teach you the send way i flip properties. and that's by fixing the property up and then selling it, like we do on our tv show. for example, this is one of the 31 properties i'm working on
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right now. on this property alone, i'm gonna make several times over what the average american makes in a year. just imagine how doing just one deal like this would impact your entire life. in fact, here are the profits i made in the last two months alone, just on properties i've rehabbed. i love this aspect of real estate because you can make even bigger profits, while, at the same time, you're improving neighborhoods. however, it's not as easy as it looks on tv. that's why you have to learn how to do it the right way. you see, a lot people who end up fixing up properties without a system -- they end up spending way too much time working on the houses themselves. at event, we teach you our hands-off system for rehabbing properties and how to get these properties fixed up without you ever having to swing a hammer or pick up a single paintbrush. we educate you on the process so you know the steps, who you have doing what, and in what time
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line. we also teach you exactly how to get the money for these types of projects. in fact, one source we show you is an absolute gold mine. our students have used this source to get millions of dollars for deals they've rehabbed. just listen to some of these stories. >> i've been in construction as a residential home builder and side contractor for over 40 ars. i even sit on the board of directors for the national association of home builders. i'm here to tell you that the systems that than, paul, and j.d. have put together are the most extensive and conclusive systems that exist anywhere. they make it so easy to flip houses and make money. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. our first-year goawas to make $60,000. we made $75,000 in our first year. >> i thought i knew what i was doing. i've been investing in real estate for 30 years. it's so refreshing to learn from someone that's doing the
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business at such a high level in today's market. >> if you truly, truly want to change your life, to take control of your own destiny, to be in the driver's seat of your life, do it. do it now. >> i bought five properties. i've wholesaled three of those properties. i've just finished my last -- my first flip, and i'm holding onto one piece of property as a long-term strategy. go ahead. take this step. it's a leap of faith, and you will not look back. it will change your life forever. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties.
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at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, u will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buye and is full of other valuable resources that
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every real-estate investor needs to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. >> learning how to invest in real estate using this system has brought us closer together and put us on the path to financial freedom. >> announcer: don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> it's important for you to know that, when you attend one of my live training events, you're gonna be learning from someone who is successfully doing this right now in today's market. over the years, i've flipped hundreds of properties. i built a sizeable rental portfolio, and i have deals going on right now, like the one behind me. i also have a track record for
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teaching other regular, everyday people how to be successful in real estate. in fact, i have some of the most successful students in the country, who have done thousands of documented deals using my system. i've literally created a road map for you to achieve your financial goals. this event -- it's gonna be a turning point for many of you watching this show right now. but you have to pick up the phone in order to make that change. all you need to do is call the number at the bottom of the screen or go online right now to reserve your two free tickets to my upcoming two-hour educational event. >> than's event gave me the confidence that i needed to succeed. since then, i have completed 15 real-estate deals, and i'm in the current process of completing two more. >> we have a lot of students who had zero real-estate experience who are now flipping multiple properties a month. however, learning how to flip is
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only part of what we teach you at the event. the second important step we teach you is how to build long-term wealth with real estate. you see, the key to building true lifelong wealth is to learn how to acquire income-producing properties, like this one right here, that produce monthly checks for you whether you work or not. and if you think about it, no matter what you do for work right now, chances are you wake up, you leave your house, you leave your family, and you trade your time for money. however, there's only so many hours in day that you can work. so, your ability to produce income is capped. just imagine owning real estate that produces money for you every single month, regardless of whether youat work,n vacation, or asleep in your bed. this newfound financial freedom is gonna give you peace of mind, it's gonna give you more free
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time, and it's gonna allow you to give back to those that you care about the most. >> because of the training, i've acquired a few income properties, set up passive monthly income streams, and in the next few months, i will be able to quit my job, all from what i learned. >> now, i know some of you watching at home may have been to other trainings, or you're financially comfortable right now, or you're already in real estate in some shape or fashion. you might be wondering how i can help you. well, over the years, i've helped so many people grow and literally automate what they do by learning our system. take gregg cohen, for example. gregg is a student of mine now doing over 100 deals a year and absolutely crushing it. i've even had students who have attended our training events, who started using our systems, and are now so successful that other people started taking notice, and they now have their own tv shows and have been featured on shows like "flipping san diego" on a&e and
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"property wars" on discovery and "house hunters" on hgtv. in fact, here is one of those students. >> than, your system and what you teach is amazing. as you know, i was a realtor before becoming an investor, and i went to your seminar, and it all clicked. i started rehabbing properties and using your systems, and my business took off like wildfire. and as you know, the discovery channel started calling me when they found out what i was doing, and now i'm featured on "property wars." going to your seminar was the best decision i ever made. >> curt is a great guy who's become very successful using our three-step system. and what really blows me away is not only how well curt and our thousands of other students are doing financially, but, more importantly, how proud their spouses and families are of what they've done and what they've accomplished and just how happy they are now. >> i have a business that my wife and children are proud of. we're going into neighborhoods and being paid to fix up properties. i'm buildingegacy for my wife, my children, and my
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grandchildren, and i'm doing something that i absolutely love. >> at the event -- and this is killer -- we introduce you to three powerful and little-known strategies for investing in real estate passively and earning high rates of return. in fact, one of the those strategies you're gonna be introduced to, you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states state law and backed by real estate. this is a little-known, passive real-estate-investment vehicle that's been around for over 100 years. we're also gonna show you how to use this strategy and other strategies to flip properties 100% tax-free. these are killer ways to invest in real estate and possibly build a retirement account for you and your family, because your money's gonna be growing so much faster in a tax-free or tax-deferred environment. you see, working a job and just
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saving money alone may not get you to your long-term financial and retiment goals, and that's why it's so critical for you to learn these powerful, long-term wealth-building strategies. >> right now, we're working on houses number 14 and 15, and we have number 16 in contract. and on our last four deals, we're averaging $100,000 in profits on each deal. and all the expenses it took to do the rehab, we made approximately $110,000. >> this house behind me -- i got it under contract, and using the strategies that you taught me at your event, i was able to sell that contract, and i made over $9,000. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. >> i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal. >> as you're watching at home -- we only have a few seconds left, so pick up the phone and call the number right now to make your guaranteed reservation.
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this event is an opportunity many people will jump on in this area and change their lives forever. i really hope that you're one of them. if you want a better year this year, compared to last year, you have to do and learn something different. regardless of your financial situation or your background, you can do this successfully. real estate has changed my life, and i know it can change yours. i hope today is a day that you mark on your calendar, one where you can put a mark of an event where you and your financial future and your life took a giant leap forward. thanks for watching. i look forward to having you at i look forward to having you at the event.
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>> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip th hou," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. than and his team are currently looking for a small group of motivated individuals who want
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to work directly with his team and learn the exact step-by-step system he's used to flip hundreds of properties over the past decade. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. so, if you've always had the desire to get into real estate, or you're already in real estate, this event is the perfect opportunity for you to learn than's system. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. >> just a few months ago, i attended one of than merrill's training events. since then, i've sold two properties, i have six houses under construction, and i have three houses under contract. in fact, the house behind me i just sold and made $38,000. i'm providing a better life for my daughter, and i'm absolutely loving life. now i'd like to introduce you to the man who changed my life, my mentor and friend, than merrill. >> if you're looking to increase
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your income, become less dependent on a job, spend more time with your friends and family, and ultimately have more fun and freedom in your life, then stick with me, because i'm gonna show you how you can have all of those things and more by learning my proven three-step system for investing in real estate. i'm than merrill, star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house." over the past 10 years, i've become a self-made multi-millionaire buying and selling hundreds of properties just like the one behind me that are probably right in your neighborhood. over the course of this program, i'll also gonna show you properties i've made money on in the past few months and take you to properties that i'm currently flipping right now, like this one. and i'm gonna show you how different your life could be using my system to invest in real estate. real estate has completely changed my life, and for the past few years, i've been able to share that passion through our live training events, and nothing has been more rewarding to me. these events have helped
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thousands of regular, everyday people get started investing in real estate the right way, which has ultimately and dramatically changed their lives. >> i wasn't sure if we could do this on a part-time basis, because we both work full-time, but after completing the training, we've closed six deals, and we are loving life. >> now, you might be sitting there thinking, "than, why real estate, and why right now?" well, what's currently going on in this country is really scary. the middle class is literally disappearing. i'm talking about people, maybe like you, who earn between $40,000 to $200,000 a year, who are losing ground. here's what's happening. over the last decade, middle-class families have lost 1/3 of their net worth because wages are falling and inflation is rising. you know, the old idea that if you work hard and you pay your dues that you'll get ahead might be giving you false hope, and sadly, for the first time in history, a lot of people are not
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gonna be better off than their parents. you see, the reality is if you're relying on someone else -- the government or a job -- you might be putting yourself and your family at risk. and it only takes something as common as a job loss or a divorce or an unexpected family health problem, and you could go from a normal, middle-class family to newly poor practically overnight. realize this could happen to you, and that's why it's so important for you to get a financial education and take the proper steps to take care of your family. and the best way to do this is through real-estate investing. statistics show that real-estate investing is the most likely way to achieve financial independence, and more average, everyday people have become millionaires through real-estate investing than anything else. in fact, the irs reported that, over the past 50 years, of all the americans who declared more than a million dollars on their income-tax returns, 71% of them were in real estate.
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you see, in high school and college, they teach us how to get a job, but at my live events, i take pride in teaching you how not to be dependent on a job and how to take control of your own destiny. >> bore going to than's event, i was living paycheck to paycheck. in fact, on my first deal using than's system, i had nothing in my savings at that point. on that deal, i made over $40,000. fast forward to where i am today -- my net worth has grown astronomically. i am buying and selling multiple properties every month, and the sky's the limit at this point. i absolutely love knowing that i do not have to depend on anyone else for money ever again. >> we have so many successful students just like marina, who came to one of my events, who just wanted more opportunity and a better life, learned my system, and are now out there making money in real estate,
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loving what they do. throughout this show, you're gonna see and hear from successful students of mine from a wide variety of different backgrounds, from teachers to truckers, to realtors and contractors, to attorneys, to stay-at-home moms and dads. many of my students started with little to no money and on a part-time basis. one of the reasons i have so many successful students is because one of the first things that we teach you at the event is how to find killer real-estate deals you can flip and how to find the best deals that you can hold on that create monthly cash flow. in fact, this property right behind me was a pre-foreclosure that i got at a rock-bottom price using one of my strategies that you're gonna learn at the event. this isn't just something i talk about. this is what i do every day, and this is what my students are out there dog every day. and this is something that can change your life forever. >> well, our eyes have been opened to amazing strategies that we didn't even know existed, and now our company is
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getting killer deals. >> now, i know what you might be thinking -- "than, don't you need money to be successful in real estate?" you see, that's one of the biggest misconceptions. in fact, take this house behind me. this is a house i flipped with none of my own money, and i made $38,000 on using a private lender. and one of the things we're gonna teach you at the event is how to find private lenders in your area who are willing to loan you money on real-estate deals that you find. >> after attending this training event, i can tell you i now know exactly where i'm gonna get more money to do more deals. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties.
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>> the system can work for you even if you don't have any money or experience. now, if you have money and you're comfortable right now, in my opinion, there is no better place to invest than in real estate, and at the event, you're gonna be introduced to a couple strategies you can use to build monthly passive income, including one strategy where you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states law and backed by real estate. it's a killer strategy. >> nothing even comes close to the events that than and his team put on. they are information-packed and have helped me so much. >> over the course of this show, you're gonna see examples of the 31 real-estate deals that i have going on right now, like the one behind me that i'll be selling in just a few days and will make over $35,000 on. at my events, you're also gonna see examples of people who are making money in your backyard using my system.
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and that's why these live events are so valuable, because you're gonna be learning what is working right now in today's market, as opposed to outdated information from a book written three years ago. however, if you sit around and wait, you're gonna miss the absolute best window of opportunity to me money. because we're at the bottom of the market cycle right now, which is the best time to get in. right now, i'd like give you the opportunity to get two tickets to the upcoming two-hour training event for free before they're gone. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and tak control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expertas one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties.
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at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs to be successful.
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in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of ur screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> one of the reasons i've consistently made money in real estate and why i've been able to build a sizeable rental portfolio and why i have 31 deals going on right now, like this house behind me, is because i discovered five untapped and very consistent sources for properties that you can pick up significantly below market value. in fact, these five sources for deals produce the profits that you're seeing right now that i've flipped in the last two months alone. this is also one of the reasons
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why we have so many successful students around the country who have done thousands of deals. at the event, we're gonna introduce you to what thesfive sources are and how you can use them to find a deal for yourself very quickly. we're then gonna teach you a strategy of how to put a property under contract and then how to flip or sell that contract to another person. this is a perfect strategy if you just want to dip your toe in the market on a part-time basis and if you don't have a lot of money. in fact, i want to roll a clip of one of my students, terriel, who's used this strategy over and over again. >> hey, than. i just want to thank you for everything you've taught me, man. i learned some killer strategies to get started in real estate without needing any money. in my first year alone, i flipped eight properties, because i learned how to find consistently good deals. in fact, i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal.
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i used to worry about money all the time, but now that burden has been lifted. i'm spending time with friends, family, and life is amazing. anyways, thanks again, than. i couldn't have done it without you, buddy. >> terriel is an amazing guy who had, literally, zero experiee before he came to one of my training events. terriel's now working for himself, loving life, and living his dream. one of the reasons terriel is so successful and why we have so many successful students is because we teach you things that make flipping properties so much easier. another technique you're gonna be introduced to at my event is how to find wealthy cash buyers who are currently buying properties in your area. these are wealthy people who are paying cash for properties right in your area and around the country, and many of my students have tapped into this source of buyers and has made it so much easier for them to get started and have success. just listen to what some of my students have to say. >> i'm happy to say that, since
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going to the training, we're on our fourth deal, and the most recent deal we closed on, we made over $35,000. >> as a practicing attorney, i was definitely somewhat skeptical at first. however, after having a chance to meet all the guys, i can tell you that they're really a down-to-earth group, unbelievably successful, and it is very freshing to be learning from guys who are operating at this kind of a level -- at such a high level -- in today's market. >> we actually were able to make $19,000 in profit when all was said and done in our first wholesale deal. >> as a single woman, i was somewhat intimidated by investing in real estate. however, than's event gave me so much confidence to succeed. i now have made $30,000 on my first deal, and i have five other deals in the works. >> folks, right now, the middle class is shrinking in this country at an alarming rate, and there's a huge transfer of wealth taking place between those people who understand the laws of money and how to invest in real estate and those who don't.
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a job does not mean you have security. you need to know that, no matter what happens to your job or the economy, that you have the knowledge in place to make money forever in real estate. and nobody can ever take that away from you. just imagine having more time for you, for your family, and having complete control of your financial destiny. that's the gift that i want to give to you. folks, it's scary right now. less than 5% of people who reach age 65 have enough money to retire on or are financially secure. and this is according to the u.s. census bureau. so, if you've ever worried about money, or you're not where you want to be financially right now, then you have to make a change. you have to step outside of your comfort zone, learn something new that can help you get to your financial goals and help you live a life you've always dreamed of.
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the reality is, if you keep doing what you're doing right now, you're gonna have another year next year like you had this year. however, if you want a different year, a better year, more time for your family, more time for yourself, just a better life overall, then you need a specific plan and system to get you there. that's why you have to pick up the phone. make your guaranteed reservation for this educational event and attend so you can better understand this opportunity. put the power in your hands and start taking control of your own life financially. >> shawn and i attended than's event a year ago, and we were pretty much novices when it came to real estate. the way that our business has been growing, i'll be able to quit my regular full-time job within the next 12 months. >> at the event, we will also teach you the second way i flip properties. and that's by fixing the property up and then selling it, like we do on our tv show. for example, this is one of the
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31 properties i'm working on right now. on this property alone, i'm gonna make several times over what the average american makes in a year. just imagine how doing just one deal like this would impact your entire life. in fact, here are the profits i made in the last two months alone, just on properties i've rehabbed. i love this aspect of real estate because you can make even bigger profits, while, at the same time, you're improving neighborhoods. however, it's not as easy as it looks on tv. that's why you have to learn how to do it the right way. you see, a lot people who end up fixing up properties without a system -- they end up spending way too much time working on the houses themselves. at the event, we teach you our hands-off system for rehabbing properties and how to get these properties fixed up without you ever having to swing a hammer or pick up a single paintbrush. we educate you on the process so you know the steps, who you have
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doing what, and in what time line. we also teach you exactly how to get the money for these types of projects. in fact, one source we show you is an absolute gold mine. our students have used this source to get millions of dollars for deals they've rehabbed. just listen to some of these stories. >> i've been in construction as a residential home builder and side contractor for over 40 years. i even sit on the board of directors for the national association of home builders. i'm here to tell you that the systems that than, paul, and j.d. have put together are the most extensive and conclusive systems that exist anywhere. they make it so easy to flip houses and make money. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. our first-year goal was to make $60,000. we made $75,000 in our first year. >> i thought i knew what i was doing. i've been investing in real estate for 30 years. it's so refreshing to learn from someone that's doing the
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business at such a high level in today's market. >> if you truly, truly want to change your life, to take control of your own destiny, to be in the driver's seat of your life, do it. do it now. >> i bought five properties. i've wholesaled three of those properties. i've just finished my last -- my first flip, and i'm holding onto one piece of property as a long-term strategy. go ahead. take this step. it's a leap faith, and you will not look back. it will change your life forever. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties.
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at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stori around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that
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every real-estate investor needs to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. >> learning how to invest in real estate using this system has brought us closer together and put us on the path to financial freedom. >> announcer: don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> it's important for you to know that, when you attend one of my live training events, you're gonna be learning from someone who is successfully doing this right now in today's market. over the years, i've flipped hundreds of properties. i built a sizeable rental portfolio, and i have 31 deals going on right now, like the one behind me.
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i also have a track record for teaching other regular, everyday people how to be successful in real estate. in fact, i have some of the most successful students in the country, who have done thousands of documented deals using my system. i've literally created a road map for you to achieve your financial goals. this event -- it's gonna be a turning point for many of you watching this show right now. but you have to pick up the phone in order to make that change. all you need to do is call the number at the bottom of the screen or go online right now to reserve your two free tickets to my upcoming two-hour educational event. >> than's event gave me the confidence that i needed to succeed. since then, i have completed 15 real-estate deals, and i'm in the current process of completing two me. >> we have a lot of students who had zero real-estate experience who are now flipping multiple properties a month. however, learning how to flip is
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only part of what we teach you at the event. the second important step we teach you is how to build long-term wealth with real estate. you see, the key to building true lifelong wealth is to learn how to acquire income-producing properties, like this one right here, that produce monthly checks for you whether you work or not. and if you think about it, no matter what you do for work right now, chances are you wake up, you leave your house, you leave your family, and you trade your time for money. however, there's only so many hours in day that you can work. so, your ability to produce income is capped. just imagine owning real estate that produces money for you every single monthregardless of whether you're at work, on vacation, or asleep in your bed. this newfound financial freedom is gonna give you peace of mind,
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it's gonna give you more free time, and it's gonna allow you to give back to those that you care about the most. >> because of the training, i've acquired a few income properties, set up passive monthly income streams, and in thnext few months, i will be able to quit my job, all from what i learned. >> now, i know some of you watching at home may have been to other trainings, or you're financially comfortable right now, or you're alrea in real estate in some shape or fashion. you might be wondering how i can help you. well, over the years, i've helped so many people grow and literally automate what they do by learning our system. take gregg cohen, for example. gregg is a student of mine now doing over 100 deals a year and absolutely crushing it. i've even had students who have attended our training events, who started using our systems, and are now so successful that other people started taking notice, and they now have their own tv shows and have been featured on shows like "flipping san diego" on a&e and
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"property wars" on discovery and "house hunters" on hgtv. in fact, here is one of those students. >> than, your system and what you teach is amazing. as you know, i was a realtor before becoming an investor, and i went to your seminar, and it all clicked. i started rehabbing properties and using your systems, and my business took off like wildfire. and as you know, the discovery channel started calling me when they found out what i was doing, and now i'm featured on "property wars." going to your seminar was the best decision i ever made. >> curt is a great guy who's become very successful using our three-step system. and what really blows me away is not only how well curt and our thousands of other students are doing financially, but, more importantly, how proud their spouses and families are of what they've done and what they've accomplished and just how happy they are now. >> i have a businesshat my wife and children are proud of. we're going into neighborhoods and being paid to fix up properties. i'm building a legacy for my
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wife, my children, and my grandchildren, and i'm doing mething that i absolutely love. >> at the event -- and this is killer -- we introduce you to three powerful and little-known strategies for investing in real estate passively and earng high rates of return. in fact, one of the those strategies you're gonna be introduced to, you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states state law and backed by real estate. this is a little-known, passive real-estate-investment vehicle that's been around for over 100 years. we're also gonna show you how to use this strategy and other strategies to flip properties 100% tax-free. these are killer ways to invest in real estate and possibly build a retirement account for you and your family, because your money's gonna be growing so much faster in a tax-free or tax-deferred envirment. you see, working a job and just
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saving money alone may not get you to your long-term financial and retirement goals, and that's why it's so critical for you to learn these powerful, long-term wealth-building strategies. >> right now, we're working on houses number 14 and 15, and we have number 16 in contract. and on our last four deals, we're averaging $100,000 in profits on each deal. >> after all the closing costs and all the expenses it took to do the rehab, we made approximately $110,000. >> this house behind me -- i got it under contract, and using the strategies that you taught me at your event, i was able to sell that contract, and i made over $9,000. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. >> i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal. >> as you're watching at home -- we only have a few seconds left, so pick up the phone and call the number right now to make your guaranteed reservation.
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this event is an opportunity many people will jump on in this area and change their lives forever. i really hope that you're one of them. if you want a better year this year, compared to last year, you have to do and learn something different. regardless of your financial situation or your background, you can do this successfully. real estate has changed my life, and i know it can change yours. i hope today is a day that you mark on your calendar, one where you can put a mark of an event where you and your financial future and your life took a giant leap forward. thanks for watching. i look forward to having you at i look forward to having you at the event.
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jerry springer here for liberty ford randall's town. you're about to hear exciting news from the folks at liberty ford. if you're shopping for a new or
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pre-owned vehicle, pi attention. here's exciting news from liberty ford. >> this is it, the event you're read about in the supervises and heard -- in the newspapers an heard about on tv. a liquidation at libertity ford with low market pricing available and guaranteed automotive credit, an event so big it could literally paint the quality of life for the better. if you want a new car, if you need a new car, i urge you to pay close attention. have you ever been dolled you're upside down with your current car or truck, that you owe more than it's worth? then today is your lucky day. during this total wall-to-wall automotive liquidation event, when we make a deal, we'll pay off your trade, no matter what you owe. incredible but true. best of all your new monthly payment could be less than you're paying now and your new car or truck will come with a lifetime engine warray with no mileage limitation, none.
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effective middle east, you will be automatically enrolled in liberty's lifetime protection plan. your tires will be protected for as long as you own the car. a new and important way to protect your new car investment. have you ever been rejected for automotive credit due to bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, low pay, no pay? then today is truly your lucky day because you can be approved for automotive credit at this dealer-authorized liquidation going on now at liberty ford. i urge you to stay tuned and we'll tell you how to get the keys to your new car with absolutely no money down! >> hundreds and hundreds of people, your friends and neighbors are now driving the new car of their dreams! they simply made one toll-free call and were approved for audit this is an event of unprecedented magnitude. an event where you should expect very significant savings, low
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monthly payments, and even buy with no money down during this cereal-authorized liquidation. your credit is guaranteed. when you purchase any new or pre-owned vehicle, you get the full factory new vehicle warranty. the remainder of the pre-owned vehicles' manufacturer warranty and liberty's lifetime warranty, with no mileage limitations. now, you will be enrolled in that's right, we'll make your first two payments. >> we want to be your credit lifeline. we're able to help just about anybody get the new or pre-owned vehicle they need, the one they deserve. thousands have to depend on the bus or taxies to get to work, the super market or friends. if that's you, grab the liberty
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pick up the phone and call now for your guaranteed automotive credit. >> i have been seeing it on tv and in the newspaper. i needed a car bad, but after an ugly divorce and unpaid bills, my credit took a hit. i have been everywhere. no one wants to give me credit without a co-signer. where was i going to find a co-signer? this morning, i called the 1-800 number, and they told me i was approved and to come in and pick out my new car. can you believe it? this one, mine! >> let me ask you a couple of questions, do you want a new car? do you need a new car? do you think you can't afford a new car? do you think you might not be approved for automotive credit? well, i'm here to tell you, think again. if you have a job, you can buy a new car, and you can be approved
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for automotive credit, even with past or current credit problems. this is the liquidation event you've heard about on the radio, the one your friends and neighbors are talking about. liberty ford in lain -- randallstown guarantees you automotive credit. >> i ask you to pay close attention. i'm going to tell you how you can buy a new or pre-owned vehicle at our lowest possible price. how to get a low monthly payment you can afford and how to buy with no money down. right now during the total liquidation event going on now at liberty ford in randallstown, when you purchase a new or pre-owned vehicle, you will be entered into our liberty for life program, a warranty program that allows you to drive worry free as long as you own your vehicle, included with your purchase. there's absolutely no additional cost. >> liberty for life gives you an engine warn warranty for a
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lifetime, oil changes for a lifetime, tire rotation force life, safety inspections for life, even car washes for life. now, you will be automatically enrolled in our lifetime higher otection plan. most important, guaranteed automotive credit. guaranteed automotive cret. you heard me correct. >> this is a liberty ford offer available now during the gant dealer authorized liquidation. call the number at the bottom of the screen to register for the event and get guaranteed automotive credit. pick up and call 1-800-848-1000 now. it's free. >> call 1-800-848-1000 now. our helpful credit advisory will answer your call. you will be able to select from hundreds of available new fords and pre-owned vehicles. choose from lexus, bmw, honda, infinity, acura, toyota,
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cadillac, even jaguar. our storage lots are packed and packed as tight as possible and with new vehicles on the way, we must make room. doou want ave money? do you need a car? don't miss this wall-to-wall inventory liquidation event. absolutely no reasonable offer will be refused. certain unreasonable offers may be accepted. experience saving up to 60% off original msrp. megan, you're talking with what looks like very satisfied buyers. aim right? >> you bet. let me ask this lady. what do you think of the giant autotive liquidation event? >> you've heard the expression everybody needs somebody sometime, take my word for it, it's true. i got laid off, never saw it coming, fell behind on my bills, pretty much screwed up my credit. i'm working fa at a new job and can afford a new car. but i don't get automotive
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financing before till i came to liberty ford. my monthly payment was very affordable. it's easy and i was treated with respect. if you have past credit problems, believe me, they can help. i tell all my friends, come to liberty ford. >> all she had to do is make one simple cal to 1-800-848-1000 and he she was approved for financing at liberty ford. you can be approved here, too. >> jerry springer here. every day i talk to people with problems. if you have problems buying a new or pre-owned vehicle, don't call me. call the folks at liberty ford. liberty ford is the place for instant automotive credit. at liberty ford, you will get $5,000 guaranteed for your trade. plus, liberty for life savings, all free for life. got a problem getting a vehicle in call liberty ford randallstown now. >> excuse me, sir.
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what brought you here to liberty ford? >> the savings, of course. i shopped many other dealers around the beltway. dealer after dealer kept telling me i was upside down, i owed more than the car was worth. i got here, liberty ford paid you have my trade in full, even though i owed a lot, and put me in a new ford for less than i was paying. don't make one more payment on a car you hate. tell them to give you the same deal they gave birdie, and you will be very happy, believe you me. >> i encourage u o think big, big as in $95 million to lend, big as in rebate and discounts up to $14,000, which means you can drive away with no money down. big as in zero percent financing. that, over the course of your loan, could save you more than $11,000. big, as in ford dealer authorized liquidation. some vehicles will be sold at below-dealer cost, and when you buy any new or pre-owned
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vehicle, you will automatically be enrolled in our liberty for life program, which entitles you to a lifetime warranty at no extra cost and guaranteed automotive credit. understand this, with liberty for life, when your factory warranty runs out, you will still be covered for as long as you own your vehicle. liberty ford in lain dalestown is -- in randallstown is one of the mid atlantic's fastest growing ford dealerships because they stock more new fords in the area and sell everyone of them for much less. we'll beat any competitor's price by $500 or we'll give you the car free during this dealer authorized liquidation event, you will save even more. when you call to register, you can get guaranteed automotive credit even if you've been turned down by other dealers. 1-800-848-1000. pick up the phone and call. you will get a $10 gas card with your credit approval. just announced, consumer reports
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rated four vehicles ahead of toy owed, lexus and mercedes benz as some of the best built cars in the world. no longer do you have to pay luxury car prices for world class cars and trucks made right here in america. american' built cars and trucks now compete favorably with the best of the best. during this liquidation event, you can drive one with no money down. just sign and drive. it's that simple. if you want a new car or truck and want to save big money, call 1-800-848-1000. it will be one ofhe single most important calls i've ever made. you have my word on it. this event is about price and selection, the vehicle you want at a price you can aford. don't make one more payment on that car you're drivng now. push it in, pull it in, tow it in, get it into liberty ford and get a $5,000 guaranteed trade alallowance even if it doesn't
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run, for almost any car or any truck. just get it in, incredible but true. i ask you, do you know any other dealer anywhere who can deliver what liberty ford delivers, including liberty for life? simply put, liberty ford gives you more. >> i got lucky. i turned on the tv the other day and started watching this program. i had been out of work or a while and got behind on payments. i didn't think it was a big deal, but apparently itas. i needed a new truck for work, but when the dealers looked at my credit report, they shook their heads. not here, i made one call, got $5,000 for my truck that had more than 200,000 miles, i was approved for credit on the spot. but i got more. i got liberty for life. now i drive worry fre for as long as i own my truck, and that's going to be for a lon long time. i can't believe all my oil changes are free, and i can't
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believe my tires are covered from any road hazard. >> if you have been turned down for automotive credit by other dealers or offered you credit with a high finance rate of 19%, 20%, 23%, make the phone call nowvment you see, we have more than $95 million to lend and that's a lot of money. come on, get your share of our very low rate, a low as 0%. at liberty ford, we stock the area's largest inventory of ford, an outstanding selection of pre-owned cars, trucks and suv. >> jerry springer for liberty ford randallstown. liberty ford wants you as a lifetime customer so they're giving you liberty for life. you get engine warranty, tire protection, oil changes, tyrotakes, safety -- tire rotations, safety inspections, all at no cost and guaranteed credit. call now, liberty ford,
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randallstown. >> the big difference between liberty ford an other dealers is here you get the liberty for life warranty at no additional cost, plus, with our low liquidtion price and highest trade-in alallowance, imagine, a full factory warranty and liberty for life both at no additional cost. drive for as many miles as you want, you' covered. if you're a contractor, plumber, farmer, landscaper or electrician, during this ford dealer authorized liquidation at liberty ford, you will choose from hundreds and hundreds of tough, dependable ford trucks and vans, all at low, low liquidation prices and every one comes with a full factory warranty and the liberty for life warranty. image how much you will save with our low liquidation pricing and o long-term engine warranty and no extra cost for oil changes. it could be hundreds and hundreds of dollars. come see for yourself while savvy truck buyers buy only from
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us. >> before you buy anywhere else, ask another dealer if their cars come with lifetime engine warranty, oil changes for life, safety inspectons for life, tire rotations for life and car washes for life, and a lifetime tire protection program. ask if they guarantee you automotive credit, then ask for a low liquidation price. i know what you will here -- no, no, and no. but during this special event at liberty ford, we'll say yes, yes and yes. >> the only thing that's stopping you from sitting behind the wheel of a car like this is a phone call. so 1-800-848-1000. credit specialists are standing by waiting for your call. >> the call is free and confidential. you will be treated with the utmost respect and can be approved for automotive credit. go ahead, pick up the phone and call, 1-800-848-1000. >> i assure you, this will be
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the single best call you will ever make because at liberty ford, we finance your future, not your past. air credit approval center is open 24-7, so if you call today, you ride today. the single goal of this telecast is to inform the buying public of the easiest way to obtain a car or truck and the lowest financing available. truck, meaning you drive free for the first two month. >> jerry springer, you've heard what we have been saying. lierty ford can get the job done for you. give them the call. doesn't matter if you want new, pre-owned, good or bad credit, liberty ford is waiting for your call. here's more. >> i just finished school and starting my first job, so reliable transportation is pretty important to me. i came tot sport event looking for a late model, low mileage, pre-owned vehicle i could afford. at liberty ford i saw pre-owned cars for under $5,000, everyone else wanted $15,000 to $20,000
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for cars i liked. i found less than i was looking for and paid $5,000 a day. the low-cost liberty for life warranty means i will be driving worry free forever. this is my first car. i'm excited about it. they took good care of me here. i think i'll get my nex car here, too. >> this is a dealer authorized liquidation of new ford cars, trucks, suv's as well as hundreds of pre-owned lexus, toyotas, mercedes, even jaguars. all must be liquidated immediately. all comes with a full factory warranty and every used vehicle comes with the liberty for life warranty at no extra charge. we have 0 pi financing -- financing available which could save you thousands and you the customer get a rebate. we offer a $5,000 guarantee trade allowance even if your
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trade doesn't run and automatic guaranteed credit. during this event, no credit rejection. starts with a free phone call and your new or pre-owned vehicle comes with a liberty for life warranty at no extra charge including an engine warranty for life, oil change force life, tire rotation force life, safety inspections and car washes for life and a lifetime tire protection program included and guaranteed credit. we'll pay off your trade, mo matter what you owe. come in and all our tow toll free credit approval hot line at 1-800-848-1000 right now. currently, we're experiencing a strong demand for quality late-model cars. we need your trade, so we're
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willing to offer you up to 125% of kellie blue book value for your trade. we'll give you cash on the spot for your car even if you don't buy one of ours. here's what you should expect and nothing less -- one, to be treated with the utmost respect you deserve, two, to receive guaranteed automotive credit, three, to get the exact price you wish to pay and not one penny more, four, to get a new liberty for for less than you're paying now, five, to be able to buy with no money down, six, to save thousands with 0% interest-free financing, and, seven, a total buying experience second to none. if you want a new car, if you need a new car, then head straight to liberty ford on liberty road in randallstown. liquidation pricing must end soon. 0% financing won't last forever. if i told you, you could be driving a new liberty ford by
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about $5 a day, would you call right now? then pick up the phone and call 1-800-848-1000. you can drive out in a new ford for about $5 a day. >> let me tell you something, if you've ever had a credit problem, you know the difference between good and bad credit is the way that you're treated. tell me, brian, how was your experience at liberty ford? >> well, if a dealership thinks you may have bad credit, they will spend very little time with you, am i right? it wasn't that way at liberty ford. i was treated with respect, approved for automotive credit, a low payment, liberty for life warranty with no mileage limitation. i ask you, why would you buy anywhere else? if you want to save big money, make the call like i did, you won't be sorry. nobody treats you like liberty ford and no one saves you more. >> jerry springer for liberty ford randallstown. if you need a car, call liberty ford now. liberty ford is the place for instant automotive credit.
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at liberty ford, you will get $5,000 guaranteed for your trade, instant credit approval and liberty for life savings including engine warranty, oil changes, tire protection and more. all free for life. that's a deal you can't beat. 1-800-848-1000 now, liberty ford, ran -- randallstown. >> that pretty much says it all. the liberty ford philosophy is simple, more for less every day. better prices, better service, never any gimmicks. special discounts for state and federal workers, military personnel, firemen, pice, teachers, senior citizens and all union workers. show us proof of i.d. and we deliver what we promised. the wt pric. with truckloads of fords coming in, we have to make room. we're under ford authorization to liquidate immediately with little regard f profit or
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loss. we have been instructed to accept all reasonable offers without exception. you've never bought this way before. to accommodate an expected buyer demand, we'll be open late every night. an unprecedented event, your credit is garn teevmentd zero turndown. past credit problems are in the past -- bankruptcy, divorce, chargebacks, late payments, medical bills and first-time buyers, doesn't matter to us. a you will get a lifetime warranty with the purchase of any new ford or pre-owned vehicle. it covers your engine life, lifetime oil changes, safety inspection, tire rotation, evn free car washes, and, now, also, the lifetime tire protection program. during this special automotive quidation savings event we're offering a $5,00 guaranteed
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ade f any vehicle, regardless of condition. push it in, pull it in, towit in, just gett in to liberty ford for a $5,000 guaranteed trade-in. there is absutely no need to drive all around the beltway looking for a great deal. during this authorized liquida event, our best deal and yourery best value is in randallstown at liberty ford on liberty road, home ofliberty for life, a lifetime warranty on new and pre-owned vehicles. we offer guaranteed credit. when we make a deal, we'll pay off your tde no matter hat you owe. >> give me liberty or give me death! give me liberty or give me death! >> don't let another minute go by. make a call that will change your life for the better, 1-800-848-1000. call now and get a $10 gas card with your credit approval. >> remember, the call is free
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and can confidential. you will be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. right now, you can get guaranteed credit and liberty ford. we have 0% financing, more than $95 million to lend, and you, the customers, get the rebate. it doesn't get any better. if you're a butcher, baker, candle stick maker, if you have a job, during this dealer authorized liquidation event going on at liberty ford, you can drive the new car of your dreams. i personally invite you to visit my friends at liberty ford on liberty road in randallstown. mention you saw this program and you will receive this 30-piece emergency roadside safety kit just for filling out a credit application. you will want to take this emergency roadside emergency kit with you at all times no matter where you go. it can save your life. it's free. consider it a thank you for attending our giant liquidation savings event. people all over maryland are
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saying give me liberty or give me debt! hundreds and hundreds of people responded to this liquidation event. buyers from everywhere, they come here to get guaranteed credit, where all you need is a job, pay stub or proof of income. it's that simple. >> zero down, zero interest, and virtually zero turndown. it's really just that simple. the dealer has specifically authorized the liquidation. you will save money. the goal, to sell our entire new and pre-owned inventory immediately. these new and pre-owned vehicles are available to the general public, some below dealer cost, some up to 60% off. register by phone for this special automotive savings event by calling 1-800-848-1000. the over the phone application takes only a few short minutes. you will talk to a knowledgeable
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and friendly loan officer on site. their sole mission is to get you approved, get you the financing you need, that you deserve. the only thing keeping you from the drivers seat is the phone call to 1-800-848-1000. some cars will be sold under $5,000. choose from ford, lexus, bmws, mercedes, cadillacs, hondas, toyotas, nissans and jaguars. we have $90 million to lend now. you can make the automotive deal of a lifetime. we offer a $5,000 guaranteed trade. so push it in, pull it in, tow it in, do whatever you have to, just get it in to liberty ford for a $5,000 guaranteed trade. remember, durinthis event, everybody rides and nobody walks. because liberty ford is the walking man's friend. time is running out. ford dealer authorized liquidation pricing may be withdrawn at anytime. 0% financing could disappear.
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7:53 am
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7:54 am
into an easy dinner with crescent dogs. just separate, add hot dogs, cheese, roll 'em up, and bake. lookin' hot, c-dog. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop!
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(announcer) cong up on "bridezillas," bridezilla megan mocks her mom... you're gonna have me looking like a drag queen, if she listens to you. (announcer) ...disses her dad... (deleted) over here didn pick any flippin songs. (announcer) ...and batters her bridesmaids... you're not gonna look like a clown, in my wedding. (announcer) ...for fun. i'm not fun. (announcer) plus... celinda's not just a bridezilla, she's psycho-zilla! who the (deleted) is that, jerry? i'm holding this against you for our whole relationship. (announcer) next on "bridezillas!" ♪ ♪
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(announcer) meet celinda... my name's celinda torres. i'm 23. i am a medical technician, and i live in austin, texas. (announcer) ...and her fiancé, jerry. my name's jerry holiday. i am 26-years-old-- and i sell cars. (announcer) these two first met, when they were both just budding teenagers. i met jerry through friends, eight years ago. i think it was love at first sight. do you? yeah. we hit it off, pretty immediately. (announcer) eight years, and a few break-ups, later, the pair have decided to make it permanent. we are getting married at the triumphant love lutheran church in austin, texas, march the 9th.
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i am so ready to marry him. he's my best friend-- he's my partner. he knows how to treat me. one of your best qualities is the way you smile at me. you're sweet, sexy. smart, beautiful. one of your best qualities are you know how to treat me. i know that this is it, and i know that you're love for me is so... unconditional. unconditional-- that's the word i was looking for. (announcer) their love may be unconditional, but, when it comes to her wedding, celinda's mental condition is rapidly deteriorating. shut the (deleted) up! this is my wedding! i hope ya'll know that ya'll are ruining my day. she is the ultimate drama queen. i hope you have (deleted) fun, 'cause i'm not gonna be home, when you get there. i swear to god! oh, my god-- this is the worst day of my life, so far. if things aren't going her way, it's over for everybody else. i'm not wearing it. put the (deleted) dress on and wear it! i'm not sitting here getting stressed for no reason. there are things that piss me off. i don't think i blow things out of proportion.
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can you hear me-- i know you can hear me! all ya'll's hair was supposed to be the same, and lauren goes and snip, snip, snip! if things don't go my way, i usually just scream, 'cause that's what girls are pretty good at. where is mom at? i will get really emotional, i'll just-- i'll start to cry. i hope you know i'm holding this against you for our whole relationship. you are not gonna come to my wedding and screw that day up, so, if anybody steps in my way, i seriously would probably re-arrange their face. do not mess with me that day. i'm just gonna let ya'll know, if i'm late to the church, it's pay back time. (announcer) so, will celinda be able to keep herself from self-sabotaging and make that long awaited journey down the aisle? i swear to god, i will (deleted) break her jaw! who cares, janet? it's about the wedding. can you hear me-- i know, you can hear me! i'm about to cut them out of my (deleted) wedding. (announcer) or will she become a crazy stalker? i am outside. (announcer) borderline bonkers... emotionally wrecked...
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shut up! (announcer) a few queens shy of a full deck. uh-uh. (announcer) out of control "bridezilla!" who the (deleted) is that, jerry? i'm sorry. i just think you are very selfish. how is that my problem? i am not compromising with anyone. this is my wedding day. (announcer) it's the night of jerry's strip club bachelor party, and celinda is showing her trust and support, by coming up with ingenious ways to ruin it. i wish we had some fish guts. i should pour them on him, and be like, now, there's no girls that will be on you. we should make them dress like really raggedy. i know it's his bachelor party, but, i don't like the idea of it at a strip club. you know what i mean? but, i dunno. it makes me so nervous. i think what we can do, is like, tell jerry that we're gonna end up going, like, over to your house, and we'll just sit up at the convenience store, like, right down the street, and we'll follow them. we'll be waiting outside in the parking lot for you. then, if they piss us off,
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then we'll go in there and watch them, so either way, we're covered. we should take their debit cards away, so all they can do, is look. (annouer) celinda spends the entire day obsessing over jerry's party, and by the time her friend arrives to take her out on the town, celinda has worked herself into a jealous frenzy. the strip club they're going to is right there on 35, so, it's like not even ten minutes from here. you know what i saying? like, i love jerry to death, and i guess that's kind of why i'm so upset about this, is because like, i don't want another girl touching him. i feel like, he's everything to me. you know, he's mine. ready? yeah-- let's go. (announcer) celinda and her friend depart for girl's night, but, celinda demands a quick pit-stop to the strip club to "check-in" on jerry. i'm gonna cry. jerry! what are you doing?
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we'd like you to come outside. will you please come outside and talk to me, jerry? jerry, thi really hurts me-- more than it pisses me off. well, it's kind of (deleted) hard, when i know that my fiancé is with another girl. there's no girls, then what is it? (jerry) where're you at? i'm sitting outside in the (deleted) parking lot, jerry! yeah, can you hear me-- i'm speaking english! (announcer) not wanting her entire nightuined by a bridezilla in a full-on breakdown, celinda's friend wisely sneaks away leaving celinda to stew in her paranoia. do you realize this really hurts me? you're at a strip club without your (deleted) fiancé, jerry. i don't care, jerry, like seriously, this (deleted) hurts me.
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it hurts me more than anything to know there are a bunch of (deleted) nasty ass bitches all over you. i am like trying to keep my cool, right now, but, it is so bottled up inside of me, jerry, that you are sitting in there with a bunch of naked girls. i kept telling him to come outside the club, so we could, at least, talk about it, we could have came to some kind of compromise, if he went in there for just a little bit. or... you know, i would've came back with my girlfriends or whatever and we could've all hung out. i don't care what it is! it's cheating! okay, fine-- you know what? tomorrow, i'm gonna get a guy, and i'm gonna have him (deleted) strip for me at the house. that's cheating! this really, really (deleted) hurts me. him in there with another girl around him and i'm supposed to just sit out here and say nothing about it. i hope that you have a lot of fun, because i hope, you know, i'm holding this against you for our whole relationship. who the (deleted) is that, jerry!
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jerry, this (deleted) hurts! i am out (deleted) side, while you're inside with a bunch of nasty ass bitches, and i just heard one try to (deleted) dance for you, and i swear to god, i will (deleted) break her jaw! (announcer) when her screams, tears and psychotic threats fail her, our bridezilla is left with one last desperate blow. so, you have fun tonight, jerry. i hope you have (deleted) fun, because i am not gonna be home, when you get there. i swear to god. (announcer) coming up... celinda's bridesmaid fitting night... look at this, celinda! diarrhea green? (announcer) ...turns into a cat fight. i'm the (deleted) bride-- it's all about me! (cats screaching) (announcer) plus, all work and no play... i'm not fun. (announcer) ...make's megan a mean girl.
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he likes to act like a trained monkey. i don't like to do that kind of stuff. (announcer) next on "bridezillas!" whoa! sweet mother of softness. paws off, pal. [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra soft is so soft, you can actually see the softness with our new comfort cushions. plus you can use up to four times less. enjoy the go with new charmin ultra soft. he loves the way his laundry smells. [ woman ] honey, isn't that the dog's towel? [ panting, growling ] [ male announcer ] eh, what are you gonna do? the amazingly clean scent of gain with lift & lock. the deep sweep power brush by oral-b for the first time. wow. it's "wow," you know? wow. wow. that feels "wow." [ male announcer ] oral-b deep sweep, featuring 3 cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles that reach deep between teeth to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. it seems like it gets more to areas of your mouth that you can't reach with a regular toothbrush.
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[ male announcer ] guaranteed "wow" with deep sweep from oral-b. #1 dentist-recommended toothbrush brand worldwide.
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(announcer) meet midwestern bride-to-be, megan. my name is megan stevens-- i'm 23-years-old. i live in northwood, ohio, and i am a dance teacher. (announcer) and her fresh face fiancé, corey. my name is corey cantu. i am a student slash pharmacy tech. (announcer) this toledo twosome met at work, where megan wound up being corey's boss. i met corey at work, at the hospital. i actually got to train him, and as i was training him at work, i made him ask me out. she forced me to go out with her, and that was it. (announcer) soon aft, megan ordered corey to propose, and now, three years, later, they are set to wed. we are getting married at nazareth hall in grand rapids, ohio, on... leap day. leap day!
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(announcer) unfortunately, wedding planning has brought out the worst in his bride to be. megan does not know how to handle stress. she doesn't handle stress. the stress consumes her, and she becomes a monster. that's a little harsh... a monster? it's the truth. a monster? i think i'm being considerate to your feelings when i say, "a monster." (announcer) previously, megan took sinister glee in controlling her fiancé's future. and after the wedding, you're not gonna see your friend, anymore. you'll just have my friends. (announcer) a combined bachelor, bachelorette party began with a hush. shut up! would you shut up? shut the hell up for five freaking minutes, so i can finish this damn meeting! shut up! (announcer) and ended with megan openly flaunting a crush. cody, scoot in closer. (announcer) so can megan pull of her solem somber and serious wedding, without transforming into a monstrous beast? if you don't want to be a part of it, don't show up tomorrow.
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you're gonna have me looking like a drag queen, if she listens to you. don't ruin it! idiot! (announcer) or will she become a horrible shrew... corey! (announcer) ...jagged little pill... i don't want to smile. (announcer) ...hitting below the belt... she's just being a cry-baby. (announcer) ...splash her with water and watch her melt... you're gonna f-up my wedding. (announcer) ...out of control bridezilla! just shut up and tell me i look pretty. you little (deleted) need to find my notebook, right now. i don't have fun. it's my way or the highway. (announcer) megan's parents have come by to meet with the dj, and our bridezilla is more than miserable to see them. we don't ring no bell here. my dad's the most annoying soul in the entire universe, and he knows it. (announcer) so, when it comes to the father and daughter dance, megan wants to find a song that will illustrate their special relationship. (mom) what song are you gonna dance to? well, here's the problem, (deleted) over here,
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didn't pick any flippin' songs. i've been telling him for weeks to pick songs. (mom) you need to help him. nothing too corny. (mom) something nice. something tasteful. (mike) there are three really good ones, there's a song called, "daughters" from john mayer that's out, right now... no. (mike) ...that's out, right now, and every time i hear that song, i cry. it's just... i ain't about crying. (mike) i just like to see a tear in your eye. there's "my little girl" by, uh, tim mcgraw. there's celine dion, "because you loved me." that would be a nice song. here's what i want-- i want a song that says, "i'm your dad, and i get on your last nerves, "and i won't be quiet." is there any cute songs like that? whatever that one, the last one's fine. the celine dion. "because you loved me." no, i don't like that song. yeah, but, it works out good for the two of you. (megan) you didn't pick one out! this is taking far too long. (dad) well, she told me to pick it, mike. you had time. i told you months and months and months ago this was your responsibility. you didn't pick one, so now, it's picked. so, shut up! (announcer) next to be decided is the bride and groom's first dance,
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but, when the groom is too busy playing in his room, our bridezilla flies into action. corey! (corey) what? go get his ass. i need you to come down here! go get him. (deleted) ridiculous! i asked you to come down here. where the hell are you? i'm doing my homework. that is not homework, corey. yes, it is, megan. turn that off, right now. that's stupid-- turn it off. you're ridiculous, corey-- we're down there working. i have my parents over. we're trying to get stuff done for our wedding. well, get stuff done, megan, so, i can finish my stuff. i don't want to see this game on for the rest of this week. this is our wedding week-- you need to keep this game off. it'll be all right. before i put it in the flipping recycle bin? let's go-- move it. get up. you, first-- let's go. we've got stuff to do. (announcer) corey petulantly joins the jolly group, and the dj presses on.
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(mike) all right, the first song that you guys want to dance to. the first song for you two. (megan) tell him, corey. um, elvis-- i don't know what... (dad singing) ♪ i'm your slave, yeah ♪ (mike) "can't help falling in love." (announcer) next, the dj steps on some thin ice, when he has the audacity to suggest something not on the bridezilla approved music menu. (mike) traditional garter and bouquet. can i have fun with that? no, no fun. yeah-- have fun with it. no-- wait a minute. what do you mean by, "having fun with it?" (mike) it's nothing bad. i don't like to be inappropriate. i'm a prude. i'm an extreme prude, and i don't like to be inappropriate, at all. i'm an extreme prude, like, you don't even know. (mike) all right-- the fun part about it... i'm not fun, either. (mike) anyways. i'm not fun. (mike) we make all the guys kneel down in front of you after they get out there, and they have to sing "you've lost that lovin' feeling" to you. that's kind of cute. that's not inappropriate.
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(mike) then, after that, he's gonna take it off, and we'll play, whatever you're gonna do. nope-- corey has to do it, very seriously. no! with his hands only. have some fun. i don't have fun. that's not the fun part. the fun part can be for everybody else. she's gonna be there in front of people from work and her pastor. i'm not gonna be inappropriate. that's crazy, man. i'm a sunday school teacher. i can't be inappropriate. you just said the f-word about ten times. well, i said, "dad, shut the f up." that's about it. are we gonna do a dollar dash? whooooa. yes. no. the dollar dash is a stupid game, where the bride and the groom run around and beg for money from people, and whoever gets the most money wins. the bride's side or the groom's side. so, i think it's retarded. corey likes it-- he's outgoing. he likes to run around and do stupid things. he likes to act like a trained monkey. i don't like to do that kind of stuff. you can make it fun. take off your shoes and just be fun. i would never take off my shoes. all right, then-- run around in your heels,
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but, make it fun, because you gotta-- you want the people at your wedding to have some fun. so, make it fun-- you can do it. i swear-- i think you should do it. i don't have fun. well, i think you need to try. we're paying a lot of money for you to have fun. (announcer) clearly, our bridezilla requires a bit more incentive, if she going to agree, so, megan comes up with the perfect foil for her fiancé's addiction to video games. i will only do the dollar dash, corey-- if i win, you get no video games for a month. at all. what if i win? (megan) you get to live. ha-- then i get to play video games straight without you bitching for a month. fine. let go of my hand-- that hurt. (announcer) a few days before the wedding, celinda's best friend, laura, has stopped by to try on her bridesmaid dress for the first time. okay, i need you to zip it up and put it on. come on-- this is (deleted). it's nine o' clock-- i have to go to sleep. (announcer) laura emerges moments later, but, she's having a little issue getting the dress to zip up.
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a little bit more. suck in, laura. did you have it altered? no. stop laughing! (announcer) pissed at celinda for joking about the fit, laura storms off to hide in the bedroom. she thinks it's my problem that it doesn't fit her. (laura) no, i said, "you couldn't zip it." (announcer) our bridezilla leaves laura to pout, that is until celinda's sister, tommi, suddenly comes by after receiving an s-o-s. so where's laura? i need to talk to her about this dress situation. what? laura just called and left me a message about the dress. what's wrong with the dress? i don't know-- where's laura? she won't come out of the (deleted) closet. hi, laura. hi, tommi!
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let me see what this looks like. 'cause i'm not liking it, already. laura called, and she was frantic. she was freaking out saying, "you need to come over here, right now. "i don't want you to know what the dress looks like. "i cannot believe your sister put us in this." well, she was right. the color looks like diarrhea green. you have to wear it, too. who's (deleted) wedding is this, again? it's yours! but these are supposed to be our dresses, celinda. i understand it's your day, but, what the (deleted). you're gonna (deleted) wear it. no, i'm not. (announcer) laura and tommi gang up on an unyielding celinda and things quickly dissolve into a full on, out of control, zilla-fest. this is my wedding. i have (deleted) compromised with ya'll. i spent $400 on ya'll's hair. okay, shut the (deleted) up for two seconds. all of ya'll's hair was supposed to be the same, and laura goes and snip, snip, snip. i think it looks good, laa. i like your hair, very much. i do, too. so, why do you want doo-doo walking down your aisle?
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your aisle-- that's your aisle. (deleted) you-- (deleted) you! are you color blind? you can leave, tommy. i'm trying to do this for you, because it's your (deleted) wedding, and you make us where diarrhea! i'm not wearing it-- i'm not wearing it, laura. i think we need to go, (deleted) celinda's wedding-- (deleted) this! it's your day. see you don't need any of us. it's all your time-- it's your time to shine. shine, sister, because we look like (deled). i am not going to wear diarrhea to your (deleted) wedding. so, it kind of pisses me off that my little sister's not gonna be in the wedding, because the wedding is all about me. it is all about the bride-- it's all about the groom. i wanted her in that dress. there's a particular reason why i wanted her in that dress. that's what i wanted her to wear. i never asked her opinions. th's why it's a bridesmaid there for me. not me for them. i'm the (deleted) bride-- it's all about me. (tommi) it's about me, too! no, it's not all about you! jerry! jerry, can you please come here? you're the one who's getting married. you got your white dress-- you got your hair done. you've got your tan on-- you've got your nails done. you got all that. you're gonna put us in (deleted). that is (deleted).
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why didn't you pick this color green? this color is a lot better, than that (deleted) green. my throat is (deleted) burning. i'm tired-- i am (deleted) cranky. i wish that all of ya'll would plan a mother (deleted) wedding. look at this, celinda! look at this for my complexion. this is (deleted) horrible. well, then go get a (deleted) tan! i love my sister, but, i'm not gonna look like a piece of (deleted) on the ground. i'm sorry, jerry-- have fun with r. (announcer) coming up... megan does some mother-daughter bonding... why bitch about it? just pay it with a big smile on your face. (announcer) ...bridezilla style. you're gonna have me looking like a drag queen. if she listens to you. (announcer) plus, celinda certainly has her priorities. what is the problem with being selfi? i'm not compromising with you or anybody. (announcer) next, on "bridezillas!"
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we're gonna be late, and i'm driving. (announcer) megan and her mother are off to do a hair and make-up test for the wedding. so, we're gonna have a good time. you're gonna be there-- you're gonna be pleasant. you're gonna smile. you're gonna have fun with it, right? no. yes. no. show me a smile. mom, seriously-- stop. show me a smile. i don't want to smile. show me your teeth. it's not fun, ma. it will be fun-- show me your pearlies. there's nothing fun about this. honey, you have to have fun. i don't like it, when they touch my head. just smile for a change-- you gotta be happy.
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it's your wedding week. i don't want to be happy. show me the smile. you brought your wallet with you, today, right? no-- show me your smile. why would i have to bring my wallet? because you have to pay for my hair, today, mom. why would i have to pay for your hair? you're not stupid, mother. you should have talked to me about it, well before hand. stop pretending you're stupid. we're half way there-- what choice do i got? exactly, so why bitch about it? just pay with a big smile on your face. (announcer) megan's mom may be the one covering the check, but, not before ensuring that it's megan who will wind up paying in the end. (mom) so, where's your smile? right there, mom. (mom) i threatened her. if she doesn't smile the whole day, she's in big trouble. it's hard on your wedding day, though, to do that. it's hard, everyday. (mom) i'm not sure, if i like the pink now, or not. oh, my god, mother! (mom) it's like too bright, now-- it's like, all over bright. okay, well, let her finish. all right. let me look at it.
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i want to make sure that you look good. my mom got on my nerves, like she always does. she was really pushy and trying to get her 1980s opinion in there, which was ridiculous. she has, like, the stupidest ideas, ever. we had to try and keep her quiet. she doesn't know what the word "shut up" means. (mom) maybe, just a little pink on the eyes. just a little splash of pink. i don't want pink on my eyes, mother. look, i should have some say. no, you don't. i should have some, since i'm paying, apparently, for the make-up and the hair, so, i think i should be able to, at least-- you're gonna have me looking like a drag queen, if she listens to you. we're just experimenting to see what we like. (announcer) though already near the breaking point, megan better brace herself, because her mom is just getting warmed up. do me a favor, and if she comes up with a suggestion, ignore her. all right, so, i listen to you, not her? yes, i am in charge. she has really bad taste. so, do you guys have any, like, hair up-do books that ian look at to maybe, get some more ideas? not for me. yeah. mom, she's already doing mine. well, i know.
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but maybe, i can think of something that would be better. i told her what i wanted. mom? and what if you don't like what you think, you're gonna like? then i'll let her know. i already have back up plans. (mom) i got it, meg. look. how about that one? that just better be funny. you don't like that? i'll find something that we both like. shoot me. (mom) you know, if you're just doing some up some down, then i can do that. you got your rubber band? mom, shut up-- that's not what she said, she was doing. it's actually not funny, anymore, mom. you need to sit down and get away from me. i'm helpful. you're making me stressed. get away from me. you're making something that is supposed to be a niceime for me, stressful, so, you need to shut up, and you need to leave me alone. we're having fun. i'm not having fun with you. stop it. we're having a good time. i'm not having fun with you, right now, mom. sure we are. the girl doing your hair thinks we're having fun. no, she thinks we're crazy, because you won't shut up. just stop! (announcer) when the test run is complete, mom takes one last stab at imparting some of her fashion senselessness onto megan. (hairstylist) do you have any other questions or concerns, before friday? nope-- i like it-- it looks good.
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i still think that you need to do a little bit more fullness in the back. mom, i'm done-- whatever she did to my hair, today, is what i'm doing with my hair. i don't want your opinion, anymore-- i'm done. this is what she's doing. that's it. i think that it would be nice, if you just listen for two minutes, and just let me just explain to you-- you've been talking for an hour. mom, i'm done. this is how my hair's going. she's a professional. i like it a lot-- it looks good. i definitely won the hair battle. there's no way i'm doing what she wanted me to do. (annouer) with the wedding only three days away, celinda has a full day of errands to run. first on the list... having her braces temporarily removed. it's three days away from the wedding, so, i'm getting my braces off, pretty much, because of the pictures that we're taking and everything. i don't want braces in them. i can have them taken off and, you know, put back on after the wedding. he said this appointment's gonna take about an hour. (announcer) celinda arrives at the orthodontist ready for her full mouth make over and an hour later,
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she emerges with a mouth that's 100% metal free. (announcer) celinda and her pearly whites have gathered the troops for what's supposed to be a shopping spree for the bridal party. (celinda) today, my sister, janet, just came in with her son, jonathan, and my friend, caroline, is coming over, too, and we're just gonna do errands, today. try and get it out of the way. (announcer) moments after hitting the road, celinda's sister, janet, starts to dish the dirt on our bridezilla's little shopping problem. (janet) she is really bad. she loves to shop, and i told jerry he's gonna have to get a part time job, just to be able to afford to take care of her, after they get married. me and my sister, janet, we act alike, so we bump heads a lot. she spends it, as quick, as he gets it. who cares? who cares? (announcer) first stop is a jewelry shop where they are supposed to be buying the bridesmaids matching necklaces. this is pretty.
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this is only 18-- what about this? (celinda) i'll pay for half, and you pay for the other half. (announcer) celinda goes through the motions of shopping for her bridesmaids, but, is soon browsing for the only wedding party member she really cares about... herself. (celinda) i think i need to get a bracelet for me, now. that's why i'm cutting your prices down. now, we're here looking for us, not you. turn around and look some more. (announcer) having found something for herself, our bridezilla sees no other reason to keep shopping. i'm excited, i got a new bracelet, though. (janet) everytime she goes somewhere, she buys something. it doesn't matter where it is. we went to the mall, last night, to look for stuff, and she was buying for her. i didn't buy anything, last night. you bought that shirt you're wearing, tonight,
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and a bracelet. we went into "jewelry styles" to buy something for other people, and celinda wound up buying something for herself, and she didn't buy anything f anybody else. (celinda) so, we're gonna go to a cheaper store them. i am not paying $20 per necklace for them. oh, well. (announcer) not about to let this bridezilla go unchecked, janet launches into celinda abt her outrageously self-centered ways. okay, so, my sister-- my bitch. what was that all about? janet, we do have a budget that we have to stick to. right, but, we went in there to purposefully only buy stuff for the bridesmaids. no, we went in there to buy stuff for the wedding, and we walked out buying stuff for the wedding. for you. i'm part of the wedding. i'm the biggest part of the wedding. i know, but, it's always about you. never about anybody else. janet, what is wrong with being selfish? i really don't see a problem. i'm trying to look pretty on my wedding day. that's all i'm doing. i had to get the outfit, last night, because i have to look cute at the bachelorette party.
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what's the freaking problem? i don't see a problem-- i'm a (deleted) girl. i need to be pampered. i'm not compromising with you or anybody. this is (deleted). (announcer) coming up... when megan's merciless mean streak... i love you. yeah, well, your hair looks like crap. (announcer) ...cuts one bridesmaid to the core, even megan's mother is floored. i could tell her to kiss my ass, and i'd never speak to her, again. (announcer) next, on "bridezillas!"
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(announcer) megan has ordered her mother, and her bridal party, to come over and admire her in her wedding dress. it has to go over my head. it looks like we're working with retards. i'm not a retard! madeline, it's up and easy! there's more layers-- see there's layers. (mom) meg? yeah? (mom) do you need help? yes! i think i got it-- i found the hole! it's not easy for polish people. here comes miss america! my god! (mom) aw, it's so pretty! oh, it's perfect. okay, idiots-- let's try to bustle it. yeah, you gotta, like, pull them through, and there's two up top, and there's like two at the side or something. no, we found it, actually. i was trying on my dress, and the idiots can't find the spot for the bustle. all right-- it's done.
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don't tell to op! just hang up the phone. one to the side goes on top. okay. all right-- bye, mah-maw. we might ought to do this a little faster, because we can't take no twenty minutes the day of my wedding. where's your shoes? stairs. why don't you go get them, because it looks a little on the shorter side. what do you mean? you sure it's not gonna be too short, when you put your shoes on? you think it's short? well, kind of. it's too late to be saying stuff like that. i just thought it was a little bit longer than that. well, why didn't you tell me there was something wrong with it, before? i just think you should try on the shoes with it, just to make sure that it's not gonna be too short. go get her shoes-- let's just put them on. all right. why would you even say something like that to me? because i don't want it to be too short. well, what are you gonna do, go buy me a new one, tomorrow? no. well, then, shut up. well, we could go buy different shoes if these shoes-- if these aren't gonna work, is what i'm saying. here you can put them on me-- get on the floor, mom. i will. (woman) don't make the old lady get on the floor. i'm not that old.
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it's beautiful, as long as it's not gonna be too short. you're like the ugly step-sister. shut your pie hole. you don't even have it on right. put the-put the strap on the back-- right, mom. you have it flipped or something. it's uncomfortable the way you have it. fix it with your hand. um... it is fixed. (woman) she gonna fix it with her teeth? that's fine-- now, let me see. i think it's okay. okay, if something's wrong with it, don't even tell me. i think, it's fine. i don't think it's too short. i don't think it's too short. do we have any tact? i don't think it's too short. i think it's fine. it makes you look skinny. look skinny? from a fat chick? shut up and tell me, i look pretty. just shut up and tell me i look pretty. you look gorgeous. thank you. anyone else think i don't look pretty? gorgeous. we're done. i think it's a little short, but, i'm not gonna say another word about it, because i got yelled at. it's just gonna have to work. maybe, i'll try and find her another pair shoes or something. i don't know.
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madeline, come hold my dress. now! it's too late in the hour, before my wedding for my mom to be nit picking on little details of the dress. she should just suck it up. it's not like she can go out, tomorrow, and buy me a brand new wedding dress. we have three days, until the wedding. so, i wish she would just keep her mouth shut and just enjoy the moment. it shouldn't hit the floor! hold it! don't ruin it. idt! (announcer) now that everyone is in agreement, that megan will be the bell of her ball, our bridezilla decides this is the perfect time to rip into her bridesmaids. sienna, what's up with the hair, chick? i'm dying it. that's not wedding hair. and what if it gets, like, worse, when you dye it? can it get worse, than that? it looks like crap. well, what does it really matter? it's just my hair. because it's my wedding, and i allowed you to be in my wedding party, and you're not gonna look like a clown in my wedding. i'm just letting you know it's important they do a really good job,
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and let them know it's for a wedding, so, tell them not to do a half ass job. i don't even understand why, you knew for like a year you were gonna be in this wedding, and you went ahead and did that. not if you're gonna be in my wedding, you can't. thank you, sienna. yeah, well that hair looks like crap. this is a very important event, girls. you guys are lucky that you are allowed to be in the wedding, because i could have picked other people. you're gonna pick somebody over your sister? yeah, if you're gonna look like a clown. you don't have anybody else that talks to you. who are you gonna pick? i could have paid somebody, before i had you looking like a clown in the wedding. (announcer) megan is clearly enjoying telling everyone exactly what she thinks, and next, our audacious bridezilla pulls aside one lucky bridesmaid for a little extra helping of humiliation. i thought that it looks like you've been gaining weight, since we picked out our dresses, like, a year ago, so, i kind of bought you another dress.
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that's a little bit bigger. i didn't want it to look like you had back rolls or anything, if the dress was too tight. i didn't want it to look like you were squeezing into it, so, i thought it would be better, if i bought a bigger dress for you. that's not very nice. not at all. well i thought it was nice, because i thought it would fit you better. i paid for it. i'm not gonna make you pay me back. i was just afraid, because i know when you wear stuff that's really tight, then you got like things oozing out of zippers and like it's clingy, and i just thought, if maybe, i bought you a bigger dress i was doing you a favor, and it would not fit you so bad. all right-- let me see it. see, it's the same color. well, i hope so. well, yeah. i don't have anything truly to say, except, "wow that really sucks."
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i mean, if that's how you feel, that's how you feel, then-- whatever, i guess. (announcer) after thoroughly insulting her friend, megan checks in with the one person she's sure will understand. i thought she'd looked big, like, she'd been gaining weight, so, i bought her a new dress. no-- i told you, i was gonna do that. yeah-- don't look at me like i did something wrong. you would have done it, too. i never called her-- i never said-- i did a good thing. you people are trying to twist this into something that it's not. you're insane. i am not. i didn't think megan would have the audacity to actually follow through with it, and buy her a bigger ess and give it to her. so, i think mandy's pissed. i'll be surprised, if she even shows up, because i tell you, i could tell her to kiss my ass, and i'd never speak to her, again. so, i can't believe she did it.
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i can't believe megan did that. i can't believe it. whatever. (announcer) after giving it some thought, megan's highly offended bridesmaid tells our bridezilla like it is. megan, can i talk with you for just a minute? like i never did anything like this to you, in my wedding. it really, really sucks. everything being controlled is kind of much. like, hurting people's feelings is taking it a little bit far. i didn't think it was gonna hurt your feelings or i wouldn't have done it. yeah, megan, we go back a long time. we've been friends for a really long time. remember what it used to be like for both of us. especially, about weight. i don't know, if this whole thing on friday is gonna be that easy. or even if i can get in this thing for you, now. you being serious? yeah, like it's getting to be a little too much to handle. like, you controlling people's hair. what size dress we wear. i thought i was doing a good thing... in my head. i didn't see it coming out bad or hurting your feelings.
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i thought i was helping you out. this wedding is going to your head. you need step back this week, and you really need to think about it, because you're really starting to hurt a lot of people. i'm not hurting anyone else's-- who else's feelings am i hurting? i'm just helping you guys. i'm just making you guys look better. making you guys look nice. you guys are my girls, therefore, a reflection upon me, so, if you look bad, i'm gonna look bad, and i don't want to look bad. well, i'm just gonna... i'm gonna go. i think she's being a little sensitive about it. she's being a cry-baby. if someone would have done that for me, i would have been like, "hey, you're helping me out," but, these people are just too sensitive. they don't understand that i'm just helping them out. i'm trying to make them look better. (announcer) coming up... celinda spends her big day, all alone... oh, my god-- this is the worst day of my life, so far. (announcer) llow in her wedding day woes. i'm about to cut them out of my damn wedding. (crying) i was supposed to be there! nobody (deleted) listens to me!
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(announcer) next, on "bridezillas!"
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so, today is my wedding day. i'm pretty excited. we're about to head over to the salon, right now, and then head up to the church. nnouncer) celinda's perkiness immediately fades, when she catches wind that her sister and fiancé are running late. janet, why are you not at adora hall? (janet) i'm on schedule. no-- where are you at? janet, serioly, where are you at? shut up-- where are you at, seriously, janet. ya'll ain't even at (deleted) adora. shut up! i want to talk to mom-- seriously, where is mom? ya'll are knocking down my time, right now, janet. (janet) okay, we'll be there. no, it's not okay! i told ya'll. shut up-- where is mom? where is mom at? where is my mother? whoever the (deleted) is driving, put them on the phone. (janet) she's with carolyn! well, i don't want to talk to her-- goodbye. bitch! (announcer) unable to reach her mother,
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celinda turned her tantrum towards her fiancé. rry, ya'll have to be at adora hall in two minutes. you haven't even went to pick up my cake? the (deleted) dj is gonna be there in one minute. where the (deleted) are ya'll at? seriously, i don't want to do this, today. i'm (deleted) hot-- i'm (deleted) nervous, and i'm about to cry, if ya'll (deleted) up, today. i don't want to talk to you-- i want to talk to my mom! a bunch of ly ass mother (deleted). (announcer) before heading into her hair appointment, celinda calls jerry back to further explain just how upset she is. i hope ya'll know, that you are ruining my day. babe, we're (deleted)-- jerry, ya'll were supposed to (deleted) be there! it's my wedding day, and i can't even (deleted) relax. i gotta (deleted call ya'll, because nobody (deleted) listens to me! all right, there's nothing we can do about it, right now. ya'll should have left. you should have left the hotel at (deleted) 8 o'clock, and you should have been at my mom's at 8:45! i wrote it on the piece of paper. i called you last night at like 2 o'clock.
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i called janet and them, and they were supposed to leave the house this morning at (deleted) 9 o'clock. ya'll should have left at 8, and been at adora at 9 o'clock, and it's 10 o'clock, and your not picking up my cake? i don't want to push this appointment. oh, my god-- this is the worst day of my life, so far. (announcer) but, by the time celinda has her hair and veil in place, our bridezilla has snapped out of her snit... have a good day! bye, sweetie. have fun. (announcer) ...and calls jerry back in a much more reasonable state. you know in like three hours we're gonna be walking down the aisle? are you scared? are you getting cold feet? there's time to run, now, jerry. ♪ (announcer) jerry doesn't take his bride's advice, and soon, the time arrives for celinda to walk down the aisle. ♪
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♪ i take you, celinda torres. i take you, celinda torres. to be my wife. to be my wife. as companions together in life. as companions together in life this is my solemn vow. i take you, jerry holliday. i take you, jerry holiday. to be my husband. to be my husband as companions together in life. this is my solemn vow. this is my solemn vow. and i thereby declare you to be husband and wife, may i be the first to present to you, mr. and mrs. jerry and celinda holliday.
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(applauding) i think everything went perfect. we didn't have my youngest sister in the wedding, because she didn't like the dress color, which i think was perfectly fine. we ended up cutting her out. my wedding was definitely everything i dreamed of. everything was exactly how i wanted. i did make a few demands, but, after all, it turned out. everything turned out to be what we thought it would be, plus more. it was awesome. (announcer) on the next episode of bridezillas! get ready for a zilla role reversal. i'm (deleted) pissed. (announcer) because in this wedding saga, it's not the bride that's gone gah-gah. i'm gonna go groomzilla on her ass. (announcer) plus, megans' the lean, mean zilla machine. i'll take you down there, myself! (announcer) who's mean mommy routine...
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one... two... if i get to three, corey getsurt! (announcer) ...unfolds for the entire wedding party to see. you sneaky little bastards need to pay attention to me, right now. (announcer) on the next episode of "bridezillas!"
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today on "the test"... >> from hickeys on the neck >> i don't want to be with you. >> should this couple call it quits? >> and that is when i find out about the text messages. >> why would you have girls in your phone? >> their families think so >> you know wt? >> all i want to know is are y you -- it's toxic >> i will tell you like this. boom. >> today on "the test." [applause] [♪] >> kirk: welcome to the "the test" i'm kirk fox. from hick kiss on the neck to condoms in the can, this first couple cannot stop fighting over who is cheating on who.
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keith says he is positive his girlfriend of six years is cheating on him. here is why. >> she is always lying to cover what she is doing wrong. like the time she came in the house with hickeys on her neck like i am an idiot. >> she says keith is the cat and trying to give him a taste of his own medicine >> i am a bag check when i go through and find text messages i put on a sexy dress and go to the club and pop bottles and that's it. >> first, let's hear what keith has to say about his girl. let's welcome keith to thehow. [applause] >> how are you doing? >> kirk: good, have a seat. so tell me why are you here today? >> i'm here because my girlfriend of six years is the biggest lier in america, really. >> it is a big country >> she lies to everybody her parents her sister her cousin
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>> kirk: give me examples of thee lies >> -- give me an example of the lies >> all right. we make it to vegas and walk on the strip. guess what? there she is. with her hamburger sized cousin and a friend. i was like, oh, my god? >> was it a coincidence? >> i'm walking the strip. because i am upset she broke up with me. we are supposed to go to dinner. cool. so now we are walking the strip and i said, god, i ran from the people i was with because i did not want her to see me. >> was she with guys? >> i had an angle. that is why i went to see. >> so you did covert stuff? >> of course. of course. she was with her cousin and friend. so i could not be that upset.
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i didn't even let her know i seen her. she doesn't know i seen her. when i get back to the house i'm like howas your weekend? and she is was like i did this and that. i'm like yeah? ok. so you wasn't in vegas right? because i went to vegas and i seen you in vegas with you and your cousin >> kirk: she is a liar. one night she came home with hickeys >> check this out. goodness. hick kiss all over your neck and breasts and everything. at least six. six hickeys what did she says? what was her reason for the hickeys? bee hive? >> i was supposed to be the idiot that she got attacked by girls. i'm supposed to be that guy that believes it. >> kirk: vampires without teeth? >> it is amazing. i was like you going to pull that card and try to hand it to
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me. >> kirk: my fear now is i have a lot of fears but i had no idea there were women running aroun giving hickeys. >> it was ironic, bro. >> your girlfriend has been watching backstage let's hear her side >> i cannot believe. you are lying. you are lying. you are a liar. how many text messages i found? >> you got a facebook. oh, my god. would you knock it off. knock it off. beer, alcohol as many times as you break up with me it doesn't matter what i go do. we were together u you broke up with me everyday. you are the biggest lier in america. [all talking at once] tell me you wasn't in vegas. now you were in vegas. you said no, i wasn't in vegas.


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