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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  November 4, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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she's like -- the donkey that she talks about, all the things that you and me expect her to deliver. come on. all the things that we didn't expect her to deliver when the show first started years ago. and cynthia always looks beautiful. always. [ applause ] >> wendy: and i'm consistent in saying what i always say, beautiful girl, boring husband. bye-bye. not next season, please. i guess another one of the big confrontations anigof the night along with kordell, the confrontation with nene. nene being upset that kenya was invited but didn't rsvp because she was in africa. she told us that when she was on
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the show. she said she had to go to africa. take a look at this clip and then we'll continue. >> my thing is this. and we're friends, a grown woman. >> i don't need you talking over me. >> i'm not talking over you. >> nene, listen, listen. let me tell you something. >> no, let me tell you something. as a grown woman, i make my decisions. any friend that i have will never tell me who i can and cannot talk to. >> i'm not saying that. i'm saying as a friend -- >> i'm not going to be thinking about whether she is going to be uncomfortable or not. [ applause ] >> wendy: there were a few things in that clip that i noticed, first of all, you never violate and touch somebody in their space, okay? that right there was a grown woman punch in the face about to happen. and i'm not even the violent type, but don't get in the
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personal space. i'm surprised nene didn't overreact to that which in my book she would have had a right to. the second thing that i noticed in that clip was that the:(7q fashion queen in the background? hey girl. i watch "the fashion queen." they premiered yesterday, also. plus they had a little mayratho. i saw them on the tv while i was getting dinner together. anyway, back to kenya and nene. so this apparently is going to be the relationship that is going to keep us interested all season long. nene, don'tet kenya pull you back to sea son one of "housewives." you've come way too far in terms of your hollywood growth and you're back together with gregg. and i'm actually hoping this might be the last season that you're on the show, not because we don't like you or not because i don't like you but because "the housewives" are subpar to what you built yourself to be. even though "the new normal" has been canceled and there's
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nothing we know of popping for you with sitcoms out there in l.a. and you're back in atlanta to be a housewife, but just watch it because kenya, if you're not careful, she will pull you right backown to where you started and you don't want that to happen. [ applause ] >> wendy: and kenya has nothing to lose because "the housewives" is all she has. so porsha is going to be here next week, and i can't wait to talk to her about it all. [ applause ] >> wendy: so, i must admit, i had to take a nap in order to stay up late enough to see carrie washington on "saturday night live." but it was good. she made fun of the recent controversy that "snl" has been having where they don't have any black women in the cast and kerry who always plays michelle obama was asked to play oprah and she did a great job. take a look at the sketch and then we'll continue chatting.
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>> well, in that case, i will leave and in few minutes oprah will be here. >> thank you, mrs. obama. >> the producers at "saturday night live" would like to apologize to kerry washington for the number of black women she will be asked to play. we made these requests to both because ms. washington is an actress of considerable range and talent and also because "snl" does not have a black woman. >> i'm here! >> wendy: as a woman of a particular size it must have been refreshing when oprah was portrayed as a thinner woman than what she is. that is the first thing i noticed. kerry did a really great job. we love her on "scandal" but it's fun to see her step out of the box and be really funny and beautiful and pregnant and happy and a newlywed and all of that stuff. good for you, kerry washington. and "saturday night live," you
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know -- [ applause ] >> wendy: it is kind of whack you have only had four or five black women in your cast since the beginning of the show since back in had the '70s when the show first started, and you have to be kidding me tore us to believe that there are no funny black women out there. and i'm not even talking about the ones that we already know. cheryl underwood is work iing o that talk show out there in l.a. sherry shepard would be great. she is already here in new york and she could drive up the street after "the view" and participate saturday night. but there have got to be some auditions specifically looking for funny black women. auditions. auditions. [ applause ] >> wendy: and so, okay, charlie sheen is furious at his ex-wife, brooke mueller. well, last weekend charlie tried to stop brooke from having her first unsupervised visitation with their twin boys since she left rehab. now you know i'm all about the
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mother. however, she does not quaul fay for unsupervised visits. she's been out of rehab for one month. brooke is 36 years old. how old is she? 33? 33 and has been to rehab over 20 times. okay, algedly. listen, charlie might not be the best parent and brooke might be worse than that, but right now there's got to be a grandparent or, you know, the ex, denise or somebody to take care of the kids. charlie called her an awful, dangerous mother, and evil, he called her, and says that the boys are terrified of brooke's house because it's filled with lizards, insects and critters. i wonder if that's before or after termination. i wonder if their pets -- or maybe she is negligent and there's captain crunch attracting these things. you know how it is? they are attracted into the house.
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well, charlie claims that the child services refuse to help him out, so here he goes. getting on tv on tmz live doing a tirade which is a violation of whatever sealed cusdy agreement that they have, so they're saying that charlie might have violated the gag order. come on, he's talking to tmz live with a cigarette in one hand, a drink in the other, laying at the pool talking about how brooke is not qualified parent. well, if by chance he's violated he's gag order on their custody arrangement, charlie faces some time in jail and then brooke could could get full custody. this is just really, really messy because neither one of them seem like they're qualified to fully parent at this time. and if i was charlie, i would make sure that she does not get single visitation rights with no supervisor with the kids until at least one year from now, at least one year. i would also have a stipulation
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that when the kids go to the house, that they are not allowed to spend the night with brooke. she is not qualified. she's only been out of rehab for one month. sorry. and another thing, at 4 1/2 years old, the twins are like 4 1/2 years old, if you have kids, you though, these kids are able to give you the basic baseline conversation regarding what's going on at mommy's house, you know. one of the twins returned to charlie with a swollen face because of some sort of rash, allegedly. it could have been one of the critters in the house or something. listen, i don't know. we laugh at th but this is very interesting because there are children involved, but these children are old enough to speak. so there could be some sort of a adult to say, so, tell miss wendy, do you really ke your mom? you know. you know how we can manipulate kids, extract all the information that we need. somebody get to extracting. brooke, get yourself together and, charlie, stop talking. [ applause ]
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>> wendy: so jessica simpson, she's got two kids under the age of 2 and she looks hotter than ever. here is our hotshot of the day. hit it. don't you love? jessica simpson, she looks great. everything, the face, the hair, the legs, the body is not too in, it's not too thick. it's like a carpet. and there she is with her fiance. i have no idea when they're going to get married. they've been enfwajed for like two years but she has been busy popping out the kids. they were on a double date at this place in l.a. called maestro's where the italian food is really good. she was out with her younger sister ashley and ashley's new boyfriend, son of diana ross. also on the double date, triple date actually, her best friend/former assistant along
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with her fiance -- no, they got married actually, they got married. they're married. so yeah, a triple date. fun. jessica, you look beautiful. do you watch "the client list" on lifetime? clap if you do. clap if you do. well, you won't be watching it anymore because it's canceled. i'm so sorry to hear this. not enough people have been watching, it's been canceled after just two seasons. i love jennifer love hewitt. i love, love, lo. anyway, the show's ratings have dropped from the first season into the second season, but allegedly sources are saying that the real issue may be jennifer herself. according to she reportedly angered executives at the show by trying to create a bigger role for her fae and
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say/baby's father brian. it's been my experience throughout my career, i've seen people who, you know, you might have a pretty decent talent but if you are a diva, sometimes your behavior and your pushiness is the difference between people wanting to end your project or people wanting to, you know, oh, she's a nice girl, let's keep it going, give it a chance. we believe in her. she is so nice. she shows up on ime. she's not trying to push and fiance into a role. so we will never know the real reason the show is canceled, but those are some things out there. m sry to hear "the client list" is canceled,jennifer love hewitt. anyway, moving on. do you watch th show "american horror story"? [ applause ] >>wendy: oh! that was the response i was expecting when i asked about "the client list." anyway, it's about -- the story i have for you is two young
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actresses on the set emma roberts, knees to julia roberts, and gabby apparently had a major confrontation. and allegedly it's all emma's fault. the word is emma is an entitled terror on the set, that her diva attitudes are catching everybody off guard. there are some highfalutin actresses on the show including angela bassett, jessica lane and many others. and then here comes this young hollywood girl, emma roberts, 26, a young girl. gabby repordly has had enough of emma's self-entitle lment, rude behavior and attitude and went up to her and told her you need to calm down, girl. we're all lucky to be working. you aren't more special than anybody else. well, emma report edly backed
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down. no word on whether gabby was the sa sacrificial lamb representing the whole cast, you know, to go tell emma about herself, but she backed down. i can partially believe this story. sometimes when people grow up with entitlement they don't realize how it is out here for the rest of us. we need a makeup fund for gabby. just a little. please, we all get a little shiny. somebody didn't warn her. a little something-something. anyway, good for you, gabby. she always says it like she means it and shout out to everybody on "american horror story." [ applause ] >> wendy: so, okay, do you watch "mat lock"? no, don't clap if you do mean it. i watch "matlock" every weekend and there is nothing better than a marathon. i can tell you where i watch it. i watch it on wgn, that's america's station and i watch it
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from 9:00 to 11:00 on sunday mornings. that's me. i'm that girl. and here is what i love about andy griffith, dearly departed, it was a cerebral show about fighting ugh clues not about pulling out guns and car chases and shooting and stuff. just an old man asking questions, very soothing. and i also like to watch it now because i see a lot of the people on tv back in my day like you see the old cars like vegas and then yesterday i was watching one. ken was on the original "dallas." he was on there like you get a chance to see all kind of people from back this the day. i love "matlock." and being that i'm telling you i der, she wrote."i also love why? jessica solved crimes just like matlock. no guns. just clues and being a busy body
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and i love that. well, that brings me around to the topic at hand because oscar winner octavia spencer will star in the remake of "murder, she wrote." [ applause ] >> wendy: she is going to reprise the role of angela lansbury. she once made it, very famous. the thing about angela lansbury, she always looked old even when she was young. here she is at 28, right? back to octavia playing this role. there are some roles that do get messed up because they try to cross pollinate the color, like i'm a fan of "the honeymooners." i didn't like when ed and ralph it the remake played by cedric the entertainer and -- who? mike. and remixes are sketchy. you have to blink your eye and say will it work? some have worked like "hawaii
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5 5-o" and "dallas." i think that this "murder she wrote" with octavia spencer will work. octavia will play a hospital administrator who is also a mystery writer who is also a busy body. hopefully there will be no shooting, no are car chases, just a smart woman looking for clues and i, for one, will be watching. yes. so halloween celebrations continued over the weekend. hi heidi klum threw her 14th annual halloween bash. everybody who is anybody gets invited. her costume was to transform into an old woman with the help of five makeup artists. look, the funny thing is that old heidi still looks like young heidi, doesn't she? don't you still see heidi in there? she pulls up in her old lady car and she got varicose veins and
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look at her brinkly kns. and then melissa mccarthy became friends doing that movie "the heat" last year and they went incognito to take their kids trick-or-treating. i wouldn't reck naz the ladies but i would recognize sandra's son. this little boy is so cute but you never see him smiling. he always looks like he's mad at the world. anyway, and then honey boo-boo family dress ed as that kardashian family. yes. boo-boo is playing chris and her mom is playing kim. i guess that's bruce right here. i can't tell. happy halloween. i'm glad it's over. all right. we have a great show for you, everybody. our hot topics continue.
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noah levy from "in touch weekly." he will talk about thestin bieber scanndal over the weeken. keep it right here because we'll be right back.
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>> wendy: welcome back. it is time for "the inside scoop" here with the juicy celebrity news is senior contributing editor of "in touch ekl magazine, say hello to our friend, noah levy. noah -- all right, let's get right to it, justin bieber over the weekend, brazilian brothel. >> oh, gee. so this doesn't lack too good. justin bieber allegedly went into a brazilian brothel as we all to in brazil, but that does not mean that he did anything wrong. now the interesting thing is he
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did walk out of that brothel with a sheet on his head. no, this is confusing to me because when you go to brothel and sleep with a women, don't they have a rule against stealing the sheets? >> wendy: from what i understand the brothels are legal, not illegal over there. >> exactly. >> wendy: and 18 is the age of consent. he wasn't doing anything wrong technically speaking. >> legally. >> wendy: well, what's the concern? >> he did actually walk out of the alleged brothel with two women from there. >> wendy: it means everything, but what has he done wrong? >> what people are fearful about is his fan base, that this could affect the young girls out there that idolize him and i don't think they're going to care. >> wendy: i don't think they're affected. these are the same girls who want to be hot, pantiless cheerleaders for halloween. that generation, not all of you watching, but a lot of you all, are troubled just like bieber is. >> they are.
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all of you kids. it's true. it's nothing is going to happen. if this was a girl walking out of a brothel, the world would turn on her. >> wendy: oh, yes. let's talk about the trouble at the concert. >> this is the only bad thing that happened while he was on tour there is that while performing someone threw a bottle at his head. ouch. i think we have some footage. i know. that's the same look i would give but, really, bieber, put a shirt on. wait until you're 23. you're 19 now. you're pushing too hard. >> wendy: his fans like that, though. >> you're not marky mark. you're not yet. you have talent, you have skill. >> wendy: i don't know he'll be around when he's 23, so he has at that to do all that stuff now. he's going to crash and burn. >> do you know where he is? he's right where britney was when she met k-fed. it's that point much of his career. >> wendy: let's move on to
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kanye, suing something over something or another. >> kanye west proposed to kim in a football stadium and, allegedly, not even allegedly, there werecontracts say iing tht nobody could release any video footage. now one of the founders of youtubeas there and he did leak video footage of the proposal. now kim and kanye have decided toue him for unspecified damages for not agreeing to what he -- he wasn't supposed to release anything. >> wendy: it sounds like they do have a right. >> they do. they have a case. is it worth it? no. who cares? really, who cares? get over it. >> wendy: i'm over it, believe me. >> the interesting thing is, this was all shot on film for their reality show. i think if anyone is mad, i think it's maybe the network. >> wendy: so what's the deal with kanye calling all the shots for the wedding? he's a bridezilla?
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>> he has good taste and style but he wants to call the shots. kim has be married about 17 times. i'm kidding, three times. i'm not sure if she's going to have as many demands but for kanye -- ex>> wendy: he's not going to allow her to. >> he will be like couture and he wantsighter jets in the sky. he wants jay z and beyonce. over it. >> wendy: let's talk robert pattinson and kristen stewart. >> they're back on. is this a surprise? i don't see them with someone else. >> wendy: i am surprised that a young man like that is so enamored with kristen stewart after what she did to him, and cheating is a two-way street, men cheat and women cheat, but they are so young they shouldn't have to deal with the complications of a relationship this tumultuous at this age. >> it's a co-dependent relationship. she was seen, get this, which i do love about her, in her blue pickup truck leaving his house.
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i love of that. i love a regular girl. >> wendy: is that him behind her? >> yes, it is. they're so country, i love that. now it's interesting because during this reunion guess who is also speaking out for the first time? miss liberty ross. >> wendy: oh, the scorned wife? what is liberty saying? >> liberty spoke out to "vanity fair" saying that she only had 20 hours before the pictures were released. >> wendy: ofer husband/baby father with kristen stewart. >> less than a day to emotionally and physically process all of that. now her friend actually got her a publicist to help protect her. she went hiding with her children and she says words cannot even describe the emotion that she felt at that time, but, you know, it's like two years later she has forgiven him. >> wendy: has she taken him back? >> no, she has not. >> wendy: they're probably co-parenting like civilized people. >> she handled it so well, like
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a lady. there are people who put that on blast within four seconds. >> wendy: she's no brandie. >> i was going to say it but i knew she would blt me on twitter. >> wendy: thanks for the tricks and the treats. go to be sure to check out noah. he has a vh-1 show called "the gossip table." up next, everybody, see what wendy viewers have to say about some of our favorite hot topics.
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>> wendy: welcome back. if you think i'm opinionated wait until you hear what the streets are saying about some of our fari hot topics in our latest edition of "street talk." take a look. >> the two celebrities i think should make a love child are miley cyrus and robert thick because they have such great chemistry already. >> charlie sheen/lindsay lohan. yikes. >> i love babies. >> celo


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