tv FOX 45 News at 500 FOX November 5, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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dmx, you are loved. but if you're not here by friday, we've got to move on with our plans. you know, we have a schedule to keep here at the show, too. we can't hold our breath. we have to entertain and talk to other celebrities, kathy griffith is coming and the wanted is coming. in the meantime, you know, that sit cam "dads." seth green, friend of the show who also plays chris' voice on family guy. seth green is in town promoting dads and so seth is coming by. [ applause ] oh, dmx, a mess. anyway, ch took over "dancing with the stars" last night. [ applause ] she replaced glenn goodman at the judge's table and cher is 67 years old and she performed on the show twice last night. she did "believe" and "i hope
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you find it." she gave us all the cher we love. the sexy outfits. everything a bit too small and we love that. the good hair. but i love this look right here with the feathers and the other one. i mean -- she gave everything that we love cher about. but she did have some beginner's nervousness. at the judge's table. she gave -- she kept giving people, even people who didn't deserve it, nines. like she's scared to judge. it's easy to judge people if you're an internet gangster behind a screen. it's ease to judge if you're judging from our couch while you watch "dancing with the stars" or some of the judges shows. it's difficult to break somebody's heart when you know they've worked hard to get there. i get it. she was giving everyone nines at at one point she said her own name instead of giving -- just look. >> nine, nine, nine.
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nine. nine. cher. [ applause ] >> and jennifer and casper showed up in the audience to support leah remini. i love the randomness of that. that is jennifer lopez. what is she doing every tuesday night. she works monday night. she's supporting her friend. that's cool. [ applause ] that's her third appearance this ss in the audience and she bought her -- brought her plaything, casper. in the meantime, brant dougherty was eliminated. he's on tat show, pretty little liars. cher gave him a 9, too. his overall score was 27 points. it's not just the scoring with "dancing with the stars." you have to have enough fans to call in and vote for you. i guess he didn't have enough fans voting for him. sorry to hear, brent. cher, you did a good job.
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jennifer, you're a good friend. [ applause ] i wonder if jennifer is a scientologist. going back to her friend leah remini. i don't picture her being anything but a good catholic girl from the bronx. i don't picture her getting involved with somebody who can hypnotize you and tell you what to do. then last night, the "real housewives of beverly hills" returned. [ applause ] and so far it looks like it's about to be lisa versus kyle. lisa is using the two new housewives, one in particular, joyce, to hit kyle where it hurts. in the hair. take a look. then we'll talk. >> beautiful hair. >> he's cute and for sure has better hair than kyle. >> kyle, you have hair competition. >> i know, right.
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>> chop mine off. >> i think you should do a commercial. >> really. >> lisa's little digs come with a smile. you think, oh, that was a joke. and then a little while later, you realize, okay, that was an insult. >> you know something, the new girl joyce's hair is gorgeous. so it is better hair than kyle's. i don't know. i like a wavy hair and it looks so healthy and dense. but the hair that i love out of all three of them is vander pump. i love that center part thing that she does. by the way, kyle, joyce might have better hair -- no, that's not kyle. by the way, kyle, joyce might have better hair. but at 38 years old to your 44, you are way more pretty than joyce. [ appuse ] vander pump, you are the
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prettiest in beverly hills. so joyce, welcome to beverly hills and we'll be watching. [ applause ] i love all that sophistication and the accent and her man in check and then she got a spinoff show. she looks great in jeans. i love lisa van der pump. [ applause ] there's more custody drama with this charlie sheen and brook mueller thing. arlie reportedly tried to stop brook from having unsupervised visits with their twin boys who are 4 1/2. i agree with this. brook has been to rehab over 20 times, just 30 years old. she's only been out of this rehab for one month. please, if i were the husband or the ex or the baby's father, i would say you can't see them unsupervised for a full year. you've got things to prove. also no overnights. we talked about this yesterday.
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now, brook has reportedly requested a restraining order against charlie. she's saying that charlie is trying to sabotage her sobriety and even scared that charlie might plant drugs on her. valid point. very valid. just when she goes in the store to buy her cigarettes, if she smokes, here she goes pulling up to buy her marlboro's and she goes inside but leaves the sunroof pupped. not open. that's when charlier somebody comes along and throws a sack of coke through the sunroof. [ applause ] it lands on the floor. brook doesn't see it. she gets in the car, lights her cigarette. by the time she pulls out, the first light, whoever threw the coke in there is calling 911 saying she's riding dirty and
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they pull her over and that's that. it's very, very -- people are very, very deceptive. while i'm not deceptive like that, my mind wanders into deceptive places on account of all the hours i've logged watching lifetime and the i.d. channel. but you know, if that ever happens to you where somebody tries to throw drugs through your sunroof, don't look -- don't touch it. that way when the cops show up and they dust it for fingerprints, they'll know you're innocent. in the meantime, brook has a valid point. i saw charlie on tmzand he was talking really, really reckless and crazy. he called her a -- you know, a lady of the evening. just real -- the twins are 4 1/2 years old. one is looking as sloppy as a parent as the other, charlie. we're watching this story because as long as it's not us, it's juicy.
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[ applause ] has dmx called yet? >> not yet. >> all right. 17 after 10:00. if he calls, not that he'd be here today, because it's a little too late. at least we can -- anyway. so there's more drama between tlc and the former manager, pebbles reed. well, pebbles, as you know is furious at the way she was portrayed in the recent film on vh 1 about the group. and now pebbles' daughter, who is 30, whose name is ashley is defending the mom. first of all, look how pretty ashley is. look how pretty pebbles is. they look like sisters, don't they? well, any girl would defend their mother. ashley is 30 and she's got some sort of internet radio show or something. she used her platform to lash out against chilly from tlc. ashley claims that chilli was
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promiscuous and even had an affair with her father, l.a. reed. well, chilli is denying the affair. but ashley, we don't want to throw old school dirt in the street. long before your mom was your mom, sister perry at the church, she was pebbles. [ applause ] i'm just sayin. it's a very slippery slope when we try to talk about people's past. i know things about people. anyway, ashley says i just want to clear up what i meant when i said on twitter chilli, i can't wait to see you honey. what i meant by that is i can't wait to see you to beat your [ bleep ] face into the
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concrete. can you believe a pretty 30-year-old woman like this raised in privilege would tyke like a ghetto sniep? i get it. you want to defend your mother. i would feel the same way if it was my mother. chill. your mother knows what the past was, ashley and all mothers lie to their daughters about who they really were at one point. mommy, i know you haven't shared he whole deal with me. what mother does? are you going to share everything with your daughter so she can turn around and use it on you? i like this story. again, as long as it's not us, i like the story. i'll keep following it. [ applause ] dmx not being here, i'm glad you're loving today's hot topics. i was just like okay, so he's in jail. twirl me up a good wig, give me a distraction dress. cook me up juicy hot topics and push me out there and pop me up.
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[ applause ] because the show was supposed to be all about dmx. ryan seacrest ended his relationship with giulianiian how far but hasn't cut ties with derek. they said these two partied together at a halloween bash. they did not arrive together. but they were at the party and as opposed to saying what's up bro, they hung together all night long. dancing and drinking. the girls were there and everything. in other words, they're still friends. that begs the question and we've talked about this before. family and friends, aren't they supposed to all break up when you break up -- clap if you think it's okay to hang out? [ applause ] that's why y couldn't really be my friend.
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do you understand? when i break up with my manno owe choose. choose. if you choose, i can dig it, but don't muddy the waters by choosing me and seeing him. when i break up, everybody has to break up. julianne, i'm sorry your brother doesn't understand the code. nicki minaj, everybody, you know she's not shy about showing off her body. have you seen some of her pictures online, like the halloween ones? let me show you, she dressed as a sexy police officer. uh-huh. that's good, isn't it? it's good. nicki says she won't be able to do that stuff when she's 60 so she wants to flaunt it now. right:+iy on. [ applause ] i mean, it might not be your choice because you are a lawyer or a dentist or you're a nurse or a school teacher, but when
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you were a rock store, you can do things like that and get away with it. especially from where she came to where she is right now. it's good to be nicki minaj. she really came up. by the way, we had to blur out. she had on a little tpe over her arrow las. let's show more pictures of her. she says that she's been feeling more confident than other and that's why she's showing these pictures. look how much she's inflated compared to the past. little flapjacks here. compared to the side view. i'm going to vegas on friday. we're recording the red carpet for the "soul train" music awards. i'm frying to decide what i was going to wear. i was thinking of featuring side
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view. i'm too old for that? [ applause ] oh, i know. wendy, you're a mom, you're not supposed to do that. no, no, no. i'm going to do what i want to do. [ applause ] on february 4th, my chest will be 20 years old and they are aquariuses and still stand up with no bra. i don't know what i'm going to wear. just to let you know, it's part of my option, the side view. [ applause ] but a short wig is not. speaking of short and hair, the pixie cuts are very, very hot. we were talking to you the other day that pam anderson pixied her cut and jennifer aniston pixied
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her cut and chis ten chenoweth is getting on to it. i think that looks nice on her except, because she's such a little woo woo woo, she's only like 3 feet tall a you know, i'm a large woman,'ll never know what it's like the pain of being called cute when you're 45 and 50 years old. but it's got to hurt. maybe when you're younger, cute, i guess, you c bounce it around and be the head cheerleader. it's the opposite pain of being a glama zon. we go through a lot of the same things, but opposite. surprisingly, guess who convinced her to cut hair off like this? jennifer lopez. first thing i thought was catty girlness. jen is not cutting her off to a boy 'do and jen knows that sexy hair is power. here goes kristen, listening.
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apparently, they've had a lot of time recently together because they're on the movie set doing the movie together. in the downtime and being bored, jennifer said to her, in her mind, how can i be the prettiest woman here? okay, kristen, come here. girl, mamacita, you should cut your hair. anyway, it does look cute. but who wants to be cute at 42? and 4'2". anyway, i wanted to remind you about our thanksgiving with wendy watch and win sweepstakes. see, the hot topics, these are the kind of conversations we'll have right there at the thanksgiving table. [ applause ] plus, i'm a fun girl. i hope you're fun. we'll have some wine, we'll have kitchen table talk, we'll have food. if y win, you and a friend will be flown to new york city and get v.i.p. tickets for the
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wendy show and you'll be my special guest for holiday meal. that will be fun. [ applause ] so watch for the word of the day during the show and then log on to my facebook page and like it. you can enter to win as many times as you want. so good luck. i'll see you at the table. we have a great show for you from the hit fox show dads, seth green is here. but up next, it's time for everybody's favorite. man out. stay with us.
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[ applause ] [ applause ] welcome back. it is time for celebrity fan out. let's get started. our first fan out comes from tucker s. who watches the wendy show in los angeles, california. he writes how you doin', wendy. i went to oprah's charity yard sale, the one that was two days ago? wow. oprah auctioned off items for
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about an hour. but i couldn't afford any of them. but as i headed back to my car after the auction, i got something money can't buy, a photo with oprah. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. she was so friendly and happy to take this self-ie with a fan. it was the be yard sale ever. yeah! oprah's yard sale, by the way, raised over $600,000 for her girls leadership academy in south africa. good deal. [ applause ] lucky you, tucker. anyway the next one comes from carlos who watches the show in los angeles. i recently took my wife salsa dancing. as i twirld her around, i noticed -- i noticed who was dancing next to us and got distracted and i trip on my own foot and almost fell on my wife. it was leah remini.
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what a cute picture. we told her we were huge fans and she gave me a big hug and posed for the picture. leah is the only woman my wife would let me get so close to besides you, wendy. how you doin'? our next celebrity fan out comes from paula m. who watches the wendy show on wnol in new orleans, louisiana. paula writes. i was sitting at home one afternoon and decided to walk outsideo get some fresh air. i walked down the street and around the corner and got much more than fresh air. i got the fresh prince. it was will smith. oh, my gosh. [ applause ] he was taking a break from filming a movie and gladly agreed to take a photo with me. he was genuinely friendly and laid back. i almost forgot he was a movie star. nice. >> our final fan out comes from
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amber f. who watches the show on klrt in little rock, arkansas. she writes, my best friend had her bachelorette party at the mgm grand in las vegas. everyone was staying out late and i left early to go to bed. i was walking back in a daze and accidentally bumped into a giant blonde woman. when i looked up, you're describing like it's godzilla. when i looked up to apologize, i couldn't believe my eys. it was heidi klum. [ applause ] she was so sweet and even said, al freed zane as she walked away. etimes it pays to be a party popper. i love celebrity fan out. if you have an encounter with a celebrity, go to wendy up next, the always enjoyable up next, the always enjoyable seth green is here.
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them. >> i'm having fun with my best friend. an experience you never had. >> i got friends. >> no, you don't. >> name me one friend you've got besides crawford. >> edna. >> my maid? what's her last name? >> all right. you got me. >> please welcome the multitalented seth green. [ applause ] [ applause ] >> welcome back. [ applause ] >> i have to say, um, you know, i was a fan -- thank you. i was a fan of the show even before "dads" hit tv and i was mad because reviewers were saying it's not going to last. >> i know. i've spent my career getting bad reviews.
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i just don't even think about it anymore. >> congratulations. you showed them. now you've been picked up for a full season. [ applause ] >> i watched the show and what i like is i like that dry humor. it's kind of seinfeld-y. i like it a lot. >> me too. the multicamera shows i watched were cheers, family ties or even different strokes and all in the family. they were provocative shows that were funny but also about real characters, real people. that's what attracted me to this. >> also, i like that i don't have to figure out when to laugh. i like laughing with other people through the tv. >> sure. >> is that a laugh track or a live studio audience? >> no, we shoot in front of an audience. >> like sanford and sons. >> we went around the cast and each one of us said into the microphone, dads is filmed before a live studio audience. we do that before every show. >> not too many shows do that
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these days. >> some of them shoot and have a track with it. you get a different reaction. it's like being able to see a play in your house. >> yes. >> when tv first started, it was allone in front of live audiences, radios in front of an audience. >> how do you get along with your dad? >> my dad? >> yeah. >> is he snarky and funny and witty? >> my dad loves telling jokes, but he's not like that funny. >> not that funny? >> no. >> he's more of like a pun guy. he makes sure that it hits the crowd. he makes certain that you heard it. but i think he likes the disappointment of people not laughing. because he'll say some terrible pun and then repeat it to make sure that you get it. >> you heard that i said she was in red, right? >> did you grow up in an acting household? >> no, no they're both teachers. my dad taught math and computer science, my mom was an art teacher, artist.
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>> were they upset when you went -- you spent all of your life in front of the camera. >> i wouldn't say they were upset. they advised me to find backup plans. which i didn't do. >> were either one of them your manager? how did they keep an eye on you? >> no. they're legal guardians until you're 18. >> who went around with you to auditions? >> my mom took me to all auditions. >> i'm a little bit older from you but the same wheelhouse. i never heard stories of you exposing yourself on the pacific coast highway or going crazy. >> pulled off a brazilian brothel with a sheet on. >> yeah. have you noticed -- maybe you can tell me, you were a child actor, what is te difference between kid actors and singers today and when you were growing up? >> there's a lot more attention. the information travels much more quickly. you know, gossip has always been something our country is obsessed with. now that information travels as quickly as it does, it makes
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