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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  November 7, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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>> there was a black joke. >> always a crowd pleaser. about did a sketch celebrity feuds. guess who darius rucker got? >> julianne hough. >> because of the whole black face thing. >> you're like the morris of country music. but the biggest c.m.a. target -- twerking. >> brad, what's wrong? >> i twerked my back. >> they had the "duck dynasty" guys come out. >> pretty sure i just twerked with carrie underwood. >> pretty sure you didn't but you tried. >> so hokie. >> they're a little behind. they're just getting moon struck in the theaters. >> they will not like that movi >> thanks, c.m.a.'s. you keep hootie relevant. >> don newcombe was out. >> wait a minute, the old -- 87-year-old, former dodgers
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pitcher. dodger great. in your days, who was the hardest guy to get out? >> stan musial and hank aaron. two guys. >> this is great. he said stan musial and hank aaron and then he said -- >> should have knocked him down. >> wow, he's still holding -- >> wow. >> and then we ask him another really good question. do you think baseball players right now are soft? and the woman he's with immediately starts laughing. >> she knows he would say yes if he were being honest. the question is, is he onest? >> if you were making $100 million, would you be soft or hard? >> i love this guy. >> harvey, are you hard or soft? >> first off, don't ask me questions like that. >> ew! ew! >> are you softer now from 10 years ago? >> so long, guys. see you. >> and now --
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worst birthday ever starring nfl superstar -- wait. starring allegeded murderer aaron hernandez. >> happy birthday, aaron hernandez. >> yes, the ex-patriot tight end turns suspected killer of three people, that we know of, just turned 24. yeah! >> he's in jail right now awaiting trial and the corrections department told us they don't acknowledge birthdays. no one gets special treatment. >> yes, there was no cake, no candles, no celebratory oompa loompas. >> worst part, he didn't even get to see his daughter and it was r birthday too. >> oh. >> guys, he hasn't been convicted yet. >> there is a chance it could be one big huge misunderstanding. >> so you're telling me a chance? >> no, not really. >> basically if you're in jail you don't have a birthday? >> yeah. life sucks for alleged murderers but don't worry, aaron, we wrote a special birthday song to cheer you up. hit it. ♪ happy birthday hope you get your wish and
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become someone's bitch you did not get any gifts but no one stuck a plunger up your -- >> happy birthday, aaron. >> we don't really mean that. >> gary and jason. >> what up? >> gary clemons and jason clemens, the brentwood jogger. they're saying when they're jogging, they jog in unison in place in the median in brentwood. they have a spot on "cougar town." they talk at the same time. >> do you guys go out together? >> of course. >> do you hit on girls together? >> if there is a gang of 20 girls, that would -- >> attacking a fray. we asked them, do you switch out? >> in the middle of -- >>o. we ain't those twins. that's devious. >> what's the rule? >> do they think about one another when they have sex with the person they're having sex with? >> that's the question. >> what? >> you don't think this story's going to end in some weird muer-rape-suicide thing?
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>> no. >> they're trying to make money, that's all it is. >> yeah. >> left us with a -- amen, brother. [inaudible] one and only. >> take it back. take it back out loud. >> take it back loud. >> i take it back loud. >> you guys have a good night. good luck in your career, man. >> coming up -- > paulina gretzky turns around to throw her cigarette. her sweater goes up in flames. >> maybe she doesn't want her dad to know she smokes. >> do you see what she posts on instagram, smoking is the least she should worry about. >> altman from "million dollar listing" crashed his car through house of blues and in the next
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door building which is a -- >> into a psychic thing. >> they should have seen that coming. >> oh, yep. >> "tmz" brought to you by --
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>> coming up -- >> we have mike rrell. >> well, "mash." >> in the military survival guide they had condoms. >> if you crash you don't want to
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[ male announcer ] brace yourself for mcdonald's new jalapeno kicker sandwiches. with heat from layers of jalapeno crisps,
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jalapeno slices, pepper jack cheese... and a cool creamy sauce that kicks in right when you need it. now through thursday, buy one jalapeno kicker quarter pounr or premium chicken sandwich, and get a free medium fries and soft drink. there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. ♪ wayne gretzky's daughter engulfed in flames. what happene >> paulina gretzky almost died. at a local hot shot. she was sitting on the fire pit having a good time, turns around to throw her cigarette in the fire pit. her sweater tches on fire. the whole thing goes up in flames. friends luckily jumped into action, ripped off the sweater
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so she didn't go up in flames. >> i made some phone calls. the first thing we were told was, i don't know why they said she was there. she said she wasn't there. >> not sure why. >> maybe she doesn't want her dad know she smokes. >> oh. >> do you see what she posts on instagram? smoking is the least she should worry about. >> come on. that one's not so bad. that's like a vacation photo. and that is like -- she's been a bad, bad girl. >> is there a hotter celebrity daughter out there? yeah. > susan sarandon's daughter. >> paulina takes it, dude. >> when chastity was a woman, she was heavy set. she was ok. >> chastity bono does it for you? >> someone give him what david wrote. >> there's some weird [beep]. >> ok. thanks, paulina. you didn't get burned but we hink you're smoking.
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except him. he'd like you better as paul. >> got a big celebrity sighting on the "tmz" hollywood tour. we have the kia soul hamster. walking back from a shopping trip in beverly hills. walking back to s kia soul. you know, they trimmed down. >> what? did he get the lap band? >> they went to the gym, they worked out. >> looks like you lost weight since then. >> got the skinny suit thing going. dancing for us. [cheers and applause] >> the hamster is in good shape. we actually got a push-up contest between the hamster and one of our camera guys, jake. hamster beat jake. >> he's not breaking form. >> oh! >> looked great. both had a great time.
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a lot of fun. >> ok. i'll tell you a story later, but i got a hamster story. >> this is the iconic house of blues on sunset boulevard. this is a range rover. and this is a range rover after it crashes into the iconic house of blues. really, car, you can't go through buildings. so whose car is this? >> josh altman from "million dollar listings" literally crashed his car into the house of blues yesterday on sunset boulevard. >> literally? >> yes. >> you can't crash it. it has to be literally. >> you're confusing me now. >> it's ok. we all get confused sometimes. but, yes, reality star, josh altman's car made a special appearance at the house of lues and here's the video. oh, no, wait. that's from "gold finger" remember the one with the laser? still awesome. perfecto horrible car
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accidents. >> there was four cars involved in this accident. >> yes, the driver of the first car pulls a bonehead move which causes the other cars sto short which is how josh's car -- >> ended up in the house of blues which is like prime real estate on sunset boulevard. hello. >> well, not anymore because it has a car sticking out of it. wait a sec. are we sure he crashed into the house of blues? >> he crashed his car through the fence of the house of blues and kind of in the next door building which is like a psychic thing. >> oh, yeah. they should have seen that coming. >> just horrible, yes. but the point is, josh didn' really technically crash into the house of blues. >> knocked down a fence. >> oh, he did not literally run into the house of blues. >> yes, he did. yes, he did. look at the pictures. look at the pictures. >> he didn't literally hit it. >> he figuratively hit the house of blues. >> oh, fail. >> get her. get her. >> "tmz," we kid because we love and also because we're horrible people.
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thanks, cars. >> love you on "mash." >> we have mike farrell at l.a.x. >> well, "mash." >> captain hunnicutt on "mash." we wondered how accurate was the show. in a military survival guide, they had nonlubricated condoms in order to make it easier to not only have protected sex but as well as to have water bottles any moment out in the field. >> those are concerns for more modern day than when we were taing about. >> that's true. the u.s. military standard issue parachute survival kick, -- kit. condoms that can fill up to a -- fill water up to a liter. >> if you crash and don't want to get anybody pregnant -- >> well, what an interesting thing. > why can't you drink out of a lubricated condom? you're not allergic to it. >> he's down to drink the lube. >> you can drink water out of it.
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why not lubricated condoms -- better protected sex and it doesn'affect the drinking of the water? >> would you drink out of a used condom too? >> if it was my own, maybe. >> oh, my god. oh, god. >> have a great day. >> coming up -- >> jay farber, he came second in the world series of poker main event. he's getting a ferrari, he's getting an aston martin for his father and a second house. >> there goes your five mill.
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> next "tmz" -- heidi montague , courtney
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>> "tmz" online and on your hone 24/7. >> [inaudible] >> i couldn't tell you. i didn't win. >> that guy in the lambo is gambling superstar jay farber, the guy who came in second at the world series of poker last weekend. wait. why do we care about the loser? >> jay won $5 million for coming in second place. >> holy smokes. second place gets $5 million? >> hell yeah. much better than the second place in a beauty pageant who only wins roses and an eating disorder. >> it's not about the money, really. >> oh, ok. so you'll probably give it to charity? >> i'm buying a ferrari and a
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house and an aston martin for my father. >> oh, yeah. now we're talking. luxury goods are the ultimate investment. >> that's a stupid investment. >> there goes your $5 million. >> you have $5 million, the government takes half. >> stupid government with your hospitals and police and libraries no one ever uses. kindle, hello. > you got $5 million that goes to $2.5 million. >> no income tax in nevada. >> hold on. i'm going $3.2 million minus few hundred k for the ferrari and few hundred k for the aston. what are we thinking for the house? las can get a palace in vegas for $1 million. >> he puts down $250 k for the house in vegas. he may pay $3,000 a month for the mortgage. >> what about hookers and blow? >> $20,000. >> which leaves jay with $2.5 millionish in the bank.
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>> this is doable. >> good luck blowing your cash, jay. you're the best. unlike you, libraries. you should be ashamed of yourself. >> coming up -- >> joan rivers has a new bestie. lady gaga. will be the first lady to sing in space. >> is there any laws, like if i went up in space, could i turn around the person next to smack them and then [beep] the dude next to me? there's no laws.
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i want you to know stuff i don't. i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. >> joan rivers at l.a.x. she has a new bestie, lady gaga. she's going to be the first lady to sing in space and she says --
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>> [beep] >> 2015, new mexico is having a big music festival. lady gaga and her entourage into the atmosphere, the orbit atmosphere and she will be the first pop star to perform in space. >> you know what, it's so hokie. >> it's a gimmick. it hasn't been done. it's kind of cool. >> if you go up there what are you going to do anyway? >> is there any law? like say i want to go and what do if i want to go on the sce flight? >> home run. >> do you want to see what kind of sexual thing you can get away with? that's space law. there's no laws in space. if i went up in space can i turn around to the person sitting next to me and smack them and then like [beep] the dude next to me? like, there's no law. >> it's like international water. what's the -- >> well, you're a lawyer. do you guys know space law? what are the laws up there? >> no law. you can do whatever you want. captioned by the national captioning institute [ male announcer ] brace yourself
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for mcdonald's new jalapeno kicker sandwiches. with heat from layers of jalapeno crisps, jalapeno slices, pepper jack cheese... and a cool creamy sauce that kicks in right when you need it. now through thursday, buy one jalapeno kicker quarter pounder or premium chicken sandwich, and get a free medium fries and soft drink. there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. ♪ paula deen rocked by a new scandal. did she just catch her husband cheating? noon "extra."
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paula's repord showdown over her husband's secret mistress. who walked out during a knock-down, drag-out confrontation? country queen, miranda lambert's dramatic weight loss at the cmas. >> you look amazing. >> how she did it, plus what shocked taylorswift. >> i just didn't really see it coming. justin bieber's new sleepover surprise. a mystery woman's secret cell phone video of the biebs in bed. supermodel miranda kerr opening up about her breakup with orlando bloom. plus, new video charlie sheen muzzled. what happened inside his closed custody summit with his two ex-wives? mario puts tori spelling on "extra" rumor control. reports she is broke and hiding a sex tape. >> it true and who's it with?
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plus you did kaley cuoco really just get married on "ellen"? now, on "extra," from universal studios hollywood, the entertainment capital of l.a. hey, everyone, welcome to "extra." i'm mario lopez. >> and i'm maria menounos. miranda lambert spills the spotlight at the cmas, how she got so skinny, coming up. >> she is looking great. first the scandalous headlines to paula deen's husband has been having an affair and paula's just about had it. here's jerry. >> paula deen can't catch a break. today, hit with tabloid attacks her husband had a secret mistress and walked out on her. >> oh, you can talk. >> just weeks after the disgraced and down 45 pounds foodie made her tear filled public return. >> this is my first time out in three months. >> deen reportedly confront herd husband after there were rumors add sexy younger woman on the side. michael reportedly so upset, he
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left their $4 million georgia mansion. >> what do you credit the success of their relationship? >> talking about the ups and downs with mario. >> i'm not a grudge holder. >> sources close to the family blasting the cheating rumors as false. paula's son, jamie, revealing this. >> mom feels great. deen family's all good. brand-new video, miranda kerr ready to rec con soil with orlando bloom? >> any chance for you and orlando to get back together? >> her first words since announcing their $50 million split making this stunning revelation. >> as far as getting back together no chance you say? >> accident say that. >> all right. so you think there's a chance? >> i just said we will always be family. justin bieber caught on camera in bed by a mystery is beauty. here she is, blowing kisses to the sleeping pop star. the shock video posted to youtube, raising huge security questions. how did she get there a who is she? today, "extra" can reveal this. she's 5'4", 26-year-old
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brazilian pinup model tati nevez who posted these pics on her facebook page. she snuck into justin's villa to take the video but despite rumors shark knows call girl. new developments in charlie sheen's custody war for twin boys. >> how is everything going? >> sheen the thumbs up but saying nothing bause he can't. a judge forcing him to keep quiet about his vicious battle with ex, brooke mueller. >> a gag order? >> today, tmz with this video of denise richards heading into a meeting with brooke and social services, richards claiming she can no longer care for max and bob, saying mueller is blocking them from gng psychological help. well, it was one headline after another at the cma awards last night. they sure know how to do it big down in nashville. >> oh, yeah, they do and we were there with taylor swift, carrie underwood and miranda lambert as she debuted her hot new body. >> country's biggest night, nashville's biggest voices you a but all eyes on the shrinking star. >> so proud of you. >> thank you. >> miranda lambert's incredible
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weight loss on full display from the red carpet to the stage for the highly anticipated performance "we weres." backstage with our special correspondent, alicia davis. you were stung. i don't know where all the pregnancy rulers were coming from, you don't look pregnant >> revealing her slimmed down secrets. >> working hard. didn't give up a lot. cheat toes. accident give up drinking. i refuse. >> laughing off life as a target. >> isn't it amazing how six months ago, you had twins, pregnant again, getting divorced? yeah, our life is very busy. >> miranda and blake shelton proving the fourth time is the couny charm, beat out taylor swift for female vocalist of the year. >> i love you. thanks for putting up with my crap. >> blake taking the male prize, the fourth year in a row they both won. >> thank you to my wife. >> miranda tearing up watching her man. >> and we are like this is our life? you have got to be kidding. >> not like taylor didn't take home any hardware. >> i just didn't really see coming. >> the superstar stunned moments
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ter the best names in the biz handed her the pinnacle award. >> i idolize the people who were standing on stage. >> taylor's biggest surprise, a video collection of a-list well wishers. >> congratulations. >> julia, jt, ming, ellen. >> congratulations on this well-deserved pineapple award. [ bleep ] chemical award. >> like all of my heroes congratulating me. unbelievable. i mean, i -- i guess just kind of at a loss for words really. >> we got one thing toay about these two, country strong. faith and tim on date night country with luke brian and wife, caroline. inside, robin roberts rocking a sexy black jumpsuit, getting a standing o. it is a privilege to present the biggest honor on country music's biggest night. >> host brad paisley and carrie underwood ripping miley >> i want to thank you from a grateful industry for never once humping a teddy bear or gyrating with you beetlejuice. >> and spoofing "blurred lines"
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with the "duck dynasty" clan. ♪ jennifer nettles stepping in for dolly parton on "islands in the stream." ♪ >> as kenny rogers gets his own star-studded tribute. >> like a boomerang, you could throw me ay, you can bet i'm coming back. >> all the stars, exclusive images from the cmas up on our instagram page at extra tv. coming up, our top five fashion countdown. well she comes from loyal wood royalty but she is building her own legacy with her ever-expanding family. please welcome torspelling. [ applause ] this mother of four under fire for her new hot-button tell all "spelling it like it is." >> i feel like lately, a lot of one-liners being told. a lot of salacious headlines. >> torre coming straight to extra to separate fact from fiction. you said you blind your pregnancy weight loss and actually starved yourself or something? >> i no in no way, shape or form starer offed myself schism it
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the right way, i cut out carbed, down to 1500 calories, totally recommended. >> i heard one point you didn't have money for a vasectomy for dean. you may be done having kids. >> practicing other forms. yes. i put a story in there to show people that celebrities aren't perfe perfect. i made bad rerestate choice. >> she lost hundreds of thousands on her mansion. >> several lines told, i was broke. >> i heard there was a sex tape and you got $5 million. >> oh, my god. >> is it true? >> i -- >> and who's it with? >> dean. we made some, like, makeshift fun at home thing. nothing we would ever share with anyone. a friend took it off our home computer and is trying to sell it. >> online now, torre's crazy run-in with katie holmes. >> it was her leftover backwash that i drank. >> and the "saved by the bell"
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reunion. >> i play the nerd. >> at renee's here now with today's be new star sighting yous. >> i think we have to start with one involving you. >> oh, god. >> this picture is burning up the web today, max checking out the view,universal, i can't blame him in that dress. >> you guys are so embarrassing. honestly, he is checking out my shoulder. you can see him look at my shoulder. you can make more of it if you want, we will that interview four next week. today, let's get to the rest of today's new pics. these wet and wild riri snaps not turning down the temperature. rihanna in a white string bikini bringing you the h-o-t to barbados while on a break from the world tour. ireland baldwin giving a sneak peek of the sexy black and white photo spread for "unleashed" magazine. her high-style look complemented with knee-high boots, leather hot pants and a hands on top.
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welcome to my victoria secret fitting. >> future mrs. levine looking regal for the highly anticipated victoria secret fashion show december 10th on cbs and admitting she has got wicked sweet tooth. >> i love gummi bears and chocolate. i always have it with me. so, you know, you got to have something. new pics, j. lo taking to facebook, explaining her pixie cut and why she chop herd locks. "the hunger games" catching fire star also kissing and telling on google live chat. which co-star puckers you have the best, josh hutcherson or liam hemsworth? >> how about we have them kiss each other? natalie portman in dior looking super fashionable at a special new york screening for super hero flick, author, the dark world. >> excuses? >> terrible. how do you top a night like this? a danceoff with co-star, tom hidel stone. >> i have seen his skills and i'm very, very impressed.
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>> "thor" in theaters tomorrow. up next, only "extra's" on the set of tv's number one comedy, the big bang theory. what jim parsons is revealing about kaley cuoco' engagement. >> i plan on getting some thing outs out of this relationship. carrie versus miranda, who wore it best in the country fashion faceoff at the cmas. plus, breaking couples news, "extra" in russia with miss universe, getting her first interview about dating mick jonas. >> we feel lucky. >> that's coming up. "extra" brought to you by l'oreal paris, because you're worth it.
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believe me, i know firsthand that my girl, ellen, can make you do the craziest things and today, kaley cuoco learned that. >> she told ellen she would marry her fiance so el ellen
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decided to surprise her with a ministerer. >> take my ring. here. >> take my ring? >> i do. >> you guys are married. >> i love when he says, this isn't legal, right? by the way, they don't have a marriage license yet, so technically, it's not legal. >> well, no wedding chapels but there is a big guest star on kaley's shock the big bang theory and only we were on the set. her real i dos not until 2014 >> been planning this years. >> i like him, he is nice and i'm huge fan of tennis. so, i plan on getting some will something out of this relationship whether they know it or not. >> calling can i get tickets to the open? i'm like, jim, we are not even married yet. >> tonight on the big bang theory, tv legend bob knew hart is back. >> back off, bow tie. >> as professor proton, the role that won him his very first emmy. >> doesn't get better than this. new heart revealing how comedy
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king and show creator chuck lorre landed him on the show. >> i would like the big bang theory because i think it's the best written show. >> this is my girlfriend, y. >> hold on. you -- you have a girlfriend? [ laughter ] >> the show you wanted to be on. you have him back? >> he is such a fool. >> you can't call him -- >> i can. i'm in sheldon costume. >> the big bang theory tonight on cbs. "two and a half men" has a big best guest star tonight, too wonder woman, linda carter, is on the show, ripping on poor jon cryer. >> it was wonderful to meet you. >> that's funny. i have a never heard that one before. >> she looks amazing, by the way. i can't believe she is 62 years old. i was on the set that day when they taped the episode and we got a lot of behind-the-scenes footage at maria? speaking of looking good, carrie underwood showed off serious leg at the cmas last night and asked our fans at planet hollywood in las vegas if
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they could guess how many outfits she had during the show. here is a hint. more than a cher concert. >> i would say eight. >> ten? >> i don't know, 17. >> 23. solid 23. >> all right that's a little much. i have the answer as we countdown our five best looks of the night. the best part about the cma awards, if you're lucky enough to win you get a brand new accessory. >> congratulations on the award. >> thank you. look. i can still talk to you. >> all of the ladies bringing their country music a-game to the red carpet. here are the top five picks. just starting our list with a jumpsuit, robin roberts in emilio puch chichlt you got to have faith, faith hill's got to have this white grecian gown. i definitely approve. miranda lambert two timing, starting with this blue roberto cav valley and then showing off her new bod in -- >> vintage. when you don't know, i have no idea. >> exactly. >> she is the host of the most changes, carrie underwood the feat of being best and worst dressed in the same night you part of her unbelievable
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ten-outfit is costume spree. got to give top marks to the woman who wore the red carpet, taylor swift, stunning in elie saab, is bigger better when it comes to gowns? sound off now on our facebook page. coming up, wedding dram for jessica simpson. >> i'm not a bride zil l.a. >> is her dad uninvited to i dos? "extra's" gossip girl knows. plus, miss universe olivia culpo in russia with aj talking bab busch cast and bikini. >> i am wearing you the million dollar swimsuit. days of our lives star, aka brady black, dirking on hard-core "days" fans. >> do you run into them a lot? daily? >> a woman threw a vegetable at me. she wasn't happy with my current
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joan brothers may have broken up but nick joan has a nice consolation prize, dating miss universe, olivia culpo. >> does that make him mr. universe? anyway, aj is with both nick and olivia in moscow for today's "from russia with aj." >> [ speaking russian ] >> olivia saying good-bye to the single life. it didn't come with a crown but one of the brightest spots for miss universe, new boyfriend, nick jonas.
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>> we are happy. feel lucky. >> you can lucky. forever two good people to find each other is special. >> it s >> olivia not worried about one of her last duties, rocking $1 million swimsuit during the show. >> i am wearing the $1 million swimsuit but i eat so you know, the swimsuit will look good either way. >> joining olivia and the ladies on the crocus city hall stage saturday, russian pop star performing "amore." >> some men obvious will not pay attention, look at the girls but, but the ladies might see the guys. >> you feel the pressure? this is the world stage. >> 1 million people, 175 countries. we all feel the pressure, right? >> miss universe, saturday night, nbc. >> and this great beauty pageant story is trending today, the ball utah team won miss philippine usa. >> hard not to smile with 19-year-old angelica. she lost her dare hare due to
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alopecia but ditched them for the competition to make a statement about what is beautiful. >> congratulations, angelica. gossip girl is in the house and dish about a wedding, a at that timed on the biebs gone bad. >> gossip girl here. my minions are working overtime to bring you the latest scoop. jessica simpson's finally not pregnant for long enough to ip on a wedding dress and say i do to baby daddy, eric johnson. just one problem, she might not have someone to walk her down the aisle. [ buzzer ] my sources telling me jess's dad/manager, joe simpson, has been nixed from the guest list to avoid a showdown between joe and ex-wife, tina >> i'm not a breeze zil la. justin bieber can find a way to get into trouble just about anywhere. his latest antics, graffitiing a $35 million hotel in brazil and having his bodyguard beat up a photog who was documenting t supposedly, allegedly,
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reportedly. i spy from new ink on "glee's" lea michele and her way to have staying with cory monteith whatever, getting the last words he said to her "if you say so" tattooed on her rib cage and dedicating a new song to him on her upcoming album. up next at, miley cyrus's tattoo trib doubt butte who? and lady
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♪ hey, that's the last crescent! oh, did you want it? yeah. we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half. that's not half! guys, i have more. thanks, mom. [ female announcer ] do you have enough pillsbury crescents?
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so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deservesoey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. thanking is right around the corps and today, hoong y up withhe perct thing to get ur home re wh dyou ha fors? amazing gifts at every price point. but what i reall want t
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mention toou day, t prosecco, top selling fragrance and fresh and clean and should be on your list for everyone for holidays. >> i love it. your chance to win go to and enter the secret word, sentence. two more things before we go because of technical difficulties, all "the x-factor" contestants are going to be singing their save me songs live tonight. that, of course is on fox. right now, we are going to leave with you singer ed here issen's new music video for his new song "i see fire" which is on the new hobbit mie soundtrack. ♪ good morning nelly! woah.
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hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey!
10:56 pm
[ sparkle ] sweet.
10:57 pm
i'm under the gun here to finish a chapter, ♪ hey! must be the honey! so i was wondering if you could kind of pick up the slack here till i'm done. my whole life is picking up the slack. i know, i know, i know, but, look, all i need is one day without any distractions. all right. i'll take the kids for the rest of today. you happy? that's great, but today is not really a full day when you consider that it's already 2:30 -- what do you nt, ray? the publisher wants to see some stuff as soon as possible. the only time i could work on it would be this weekend. this weekend is our camping trip with the parkers. oh, oh, that's right, that's right. hmm.
10:58 pm
you want me to go camping without you with all the kids? are you insane? all right, it's a little extra slack. i know. yeah, listen, you waste time for over a year, and then you expect me to suffer so you can finally start getting serious? you don't think i'm going to suffer? i'm sacrificing the most precious thing of all -- time with my children, huh? you don't think i got "cat's in the cradle" playing up here? i think you got two monkeys and a yo-yo playing up there. yeah. you don't want me to be an author, that's what it is, 'cause there will be a book tour and then the groupies. [ chuckles ] now there's a sad bunch of women. yeah. sad but happy, if you know what i mean. i don't know what you mean. come on. what, do you want me to beg? m no goo at asking fohelp.
10:59 pm
it's my biggest flaw. [ laughs ] oh, don't be mean. come on, feel bad for me. help me. it's my dream to write a book. oh, god. oh, all right, ray. ha ha. you love my yo-yo monkeys. all right, but, listen, while we're gone, you work. yes. right. absolutely. you do not play golf, you do not watch tv. right, right. no fun. i'm not kidding, ray. i know. no kidding. no fun. i promise. stop looking at me. and, you know, if you break that promise, i'll know. i know you'll know, and then -- then you'll have to punish me. oh, i'll punish you. oh, yeah? seriously, ray, i'll hurt you. work, ray.


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