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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  November 10, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EST

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colossae was a small town in the lycus river valley on the main route from ephesus to the euphrates. now, other nearby cities were larger and more important. colossae had lost much of its importance. romans and greeks and transplanted jews lived there, and the frequent visitors made it a place that was susceptible to every new idea that came along. the inspir apostle paul wrote the colossian letter to deal with a strange doctrine arising among some members of the church. he wrote to warn them of the false teaching and the deception that was in worldly philosophy. god's word says in colossians 2, verses 1 to 8 "for i want you to know (paul says) how great a struggle i have on your behalf, and for those who are in laodicea, and for all those who have not personally seen my face, that their hearts may be encouraged,
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having been knit togethern love and attaining to all the wealth that comes fromhe full assurance of understanding, resuing in a te knowdge of god's mystery, and that is, christ himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (he says) i say th so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument. for even though i am absent in body, vertheless i am with you in spirit rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in christ. therefore as you he receiv christ jes the lord, so walk in him having been firmly rooted and now being built in him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. see to it (he says) that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men
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according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than accoing to christ." now, a smooth talking strangeran easily fool a naïve person with false promises a worldly traditions that sound good. paul warned them not to be fooled by such nonsense. they would find the truth inistening to jesus christ. learning tdistinguish what is true from what is false is one of the most important lessons of life. some traditions are true while others are false. now, a tradition is rely a belief or a pracce that's been passed down from one generation the nt. when belief is in error in one generion, will be an error in the next; but the second geration has never heard anything else and so it assumes that what itrd was true. now, once a deceptive tradition bemes accepted and is passed down from generation
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to generation that idea can hardly shown to be false. so, people get convinced of a lie and they think it the truth and they remain in error. how very sad! how tragic! disbelief is the rejection of a belief or a doctrine; it's a refusal to accept it. to disbelieve in jesus is to reject him as the son of god. thisight come in the form odenying his miracles or refusing to believe ihis resurrection. it also might come in the form of refusing to believe the things that he teaches. the lord jesus said in john2 and verse 48 that, "the one who rects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that i ha spoken will judge him on the last day." failure to believe jesus is a serious matte and manyeowill find themselves rejected on the last day because they failed to beeve
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jesus teachein the word. people misbelieve when they're convinced something is false; that is they believe setng fae but they think it's okay, that it is correct. some deceive by causing others to believe a lie and then fall into error. the lord jesus condemns those who teach falsehoo and errors. pa was shocked at one point when some false teachers were misleading the churches ogalatia. so in strong language, the apostle of the lord said in galatians 1 verses 6 to 9, "im astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of christ and are turning to a different gospel - not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distt e gospel of christ.but even if we or anngel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one
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that we pred to you, let him be accursed. as we have said before, so now i say again: if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accurd." well, whdid paul s teaching a false gos leads one to be accursed? because changing what god teaches leads people to believe a lie. when people believe a lie, they foowfter something other than god and they separate themselves from god. now, satan separates people from god by lying to them. the lord jesus said about the devil ohn 8 and verse 44 that, "he was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth because there is no truth im. (and) when he lies, he speaks out
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of his own character,or he is a liar and the father of lies." now, the devil lied to eve and caused her to sin againsgod and to die spiritually and physically. lies still lead people into sin and spiritual death. my friend, it does matter, it doematter what you believe. people today are deceived by all kinds of falsehoods and half-truths. now, a half-truth is when someone tells you a truthful fact but leaves out other relevant information. for instance, it's true that sarah was abraham's half-sister. sarah was also abraham's wife. so when abraham, by cause he was afraid, told pharaoh that sarah was just his sister, he was only half right. abraham's licaused lots of trouble; and half-truths are some of the most
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dangerous kind of lies. there's enough truth to fool people into accepting them, t there is enough falsehood to lead to destruction. a christian must be very careful to examine everything he hears. somealse prophets in the days of jeremiah began fabricating their prophecies. jeremiah said ineremiah 23 and verse 16, "thus says the lord of hosts, 'do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. they are leading you into futility; they spe a vision of their own imagination, not from the mouth of the lord.'" false prophets, false prophets in every age have led countless souls away from the will of god. we don't want to be led into errornd lose our souls; and this is why we must examine everything cefully. acts 17 and verse 11 says, "now these (and they talking about the bereans) were more noble-minded
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an t in thessalonica for they received the word with great eagerness examining (or searching) the scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." we, too, should test every belief by god's word to see what is true and what is false. we houelves greatly when we lie to ourselves. god id in jeremiah 17, verses 9 and 10 that "the heart is more deceitful than all else d desperately sick; who can understand it? (and then, he said) i, t lord, search the heart i test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds." now, oearts may tellus what we want to hear ra than what is right. and if we listen to our hearts and our desires rather than to the lord, we can easily do the wrong thing spiritually, morally, or practically. solomon said in proverbs 14, vers
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that, "there is a way which seems right to a man but its end is the way of death." wh people wi for sothing to be right; and they want to believe it; ey want to do it; they begin to stify in their own minds that they can do it whether it's right or not. these folks set their minds to follow this error and can hardly be persuaded to repent. theyust find outhe hard way. you remember, the prodigal son was like that. he had to have his inheritance and live the way that he wanted. so when his father gave in he took his money to a far country and he wasted it in a sinful lifestyle. he had to ruin himself before he would admit how foolish and nful he had been. i hope, my friend, that you haven't alloweyo heart to deceive you into making foolish choices. the prodig son lied to himself until
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he couldn't believe his lies anymore. and then he came to his senses and repented, and went home. many people are ready to believe a lie if they think it will benefit them. now, in a politically correct world people turn a blind eye to the truth and they focus on what's nven and popular. they would rather give in to a popular lie than embarrass themselves by taking an unpopular position. soeople think it shows wisdom or love to take a position of neutrality on evercontroversial issue. others think we can never determine what is true so every view is as good as every other. but this idea is miles away from the heart and the teaching of jesus. it may appear kind to accommodate others but accommodating sin and lies shows no love for the will of god. you see, god did not create every religion;
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and not every religion teaches s will. god wants his people not only to love him but also to love the truth! the lord jesus said in matthew 7, verses 21 to 23 that, "not everyone who says to me 'lord, lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven. on that day many will say to me, 'lord, lord diwe not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do many mighty works in your name?' and then will i deare to them, 'i never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'" you see, being religious does not guarantee that one is righteous. some people say they are saved by faith alone but this passage makes it clear that one must in addition to believing also do god's will. these people who lived lawless lives deceived themselves into thinking that they were still all right with god. jesus, however told them to depart.
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he never knew them or had a relationship with them. yosee, it mas what we belvend how we live. for years i've heard people embrace the doctrine of salvation by "faith only." they suggest that all one must do to be saved is just to believe, and once saved one cannot be lost. but this doctrine didn't come fr jes. peleho believe in the "faith only" doctrine always have to take it back. they will confess, "well you can't be saved without loving god (and that's true) or without repenting (and thas true), or without obeying the lord jesus (and that's true)." you see, faith is essential but you have to do more than simply believe. it takes more than simply believing to please god. people say one religion is as good as another and all religions are the same; t the lord jesus said in john 14, verse 6, "i am the way, and the trh, and the
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life. no one comes to the father except through me." the only way to the father ishrough jesus christ. again, acts 4, verse 12 says about jesus that, "there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." now, it's popular to say that all religions are the same, but the scriptures teach otherwise. my friend, i choose jesus! well, why should i confess jesus as lord? why should i serve him? i serve him because i love him; he died for my sins. i serve him because jesus only tells the truth. his teaching remains true until the end of time. why would i hold to beliefs that change with the wind? william in, you remember, said that, "he who marries the spirit of an age soon finds
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himself to be a widow." we need eternal truth that doesn't change or compromise. and you find eternal truth in the words of jesus. no one but jesus can forgive my sins. no one but jesus will come again in the clouds. no one but jesus will judge me on the last day. no one but jesus can take mto heaven. i want - i need - jesus! let's pray together. father, we are grateful for your love, and we are thankful for the gift of jesus for our sins. help us to follow him and to believe him. it is in his name we pray. amen!
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the psalmist david wrote in psalm 103 verses 15 and 16, "as for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it and it is gone, and its place knows it no more." life on earth is temporary; we won't live here forever. the devil loves for you to be undisturbed about your soul. he would love to keep you confused about life, about the church and about the truth. he would love r to it till another day to decide. when you want to do what is right the devil will tell you, "later," to get your mind off spiritual things. he doesn't want you thinking about the cross about the urch about your salvation or about heaven and hell. he wants you to live for the present and to ignore your soul and the future. he wants you to remain confused and even apathetic.
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today is the only day that you have to make your soul right with god. yesterday has passed, and tomoow inot assured. if you love the lord and wanto be rightith him, put your faith in him. repent of sin and be baptized in watein the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins. now, when you obey the lord by repenting and being baptized, god washes away eve sin and adds u his church. you become a child of god and have the hope of an eternal life. there are no good reasons to think about it "later." why not attend one of the churches of christ near you. tell them that you want to obey the gospel and be right with god. study with them. get involved in e church, and serve the lord. make your faitha priority. won't you do that today? well, we hope that today's study about, about life has stirred your heart;
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and if you want a free printed copy or a cd of this message, mailou request to in search of the lord's way, p.o. box 371, edmond, ok 73083 or send an e-mail to or, you cacall the search office toll-free at 1-800-321-8633. now, our programs appear on our website at we offer bible correspondence courses to help you learn more about god's will; and if you want one, let us know. and we offer frestudy eets that go along with our programs. you can download them free before each program at our websitor y can ll and request them. now, we won't ask you for money if you call or put you on a list. please worship with a church ochst in your area. they're the reason that we don't ask for money and if you're looking for a sound, good church home, we'll be happy to help you find one.
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churches of christ love people and they want guests; and you'll be glad that you attended and worshiped with them. well, we'll be back next week, lord willing. so keep searching god's word with us and tell a friend about this program. god bless you and we love you from all of us at in seah of e lord's way.
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fromhe heartla of americ to eve nation onarth thiss jackan impe prents the truth in ns and commtary. hereow are docrs jack and rexella van ie. heo and welce to jack van ie presents. so many questions have been coming into the office and ask usersonally that we pray we can answer today
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for many of you there. first one,an an argentine cardinal fix the caolic church? very good question. then pope francis accuses fundamentalist chrtians of being mentally sick whoa. and then pope francis calls muslims brothers and sisters is that true? we'll discuss that in just a moment. buyou know fends, befo we get started in this program i just want to say that certainly when you are a christian you want to be benevolent. the humanitarian part of you comes out. you want to help others. i'll never forget being in london when we went to the headquarters of the salvation army, of course william booth started the salvation army and what a great job they do around theorld. and he had a heart to give to people in need, but he also had
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a heart to give to people who needed to know the lord. oh what a great man he was jack the lvation ar giving to others. oh yes, and you know pop francis lks abouthe poor but that's biblical and that's what all christians should do. galatians 2:8, remember the poo and oh i like what jesus said in luke 14:13, when you make a feast, cl the pooror they cannot recompense you, repay you, but at the resurrection of the jusyou shall be recompensed and rewarded. amen. you know jack, i certainly am gratef that we he the bible, both catholic and otestant ait teaches us one of the great signs. pointing to the cong of the lord and his return will be a final world religious leader and a final wod politicaleader. well here's one, a religious leader, of course this is pope francis at his inauguration. alright here's the cover of
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jack's magazine, perhaps today pope francis-history's final pope? a very good question. ishe new popthe last pope? oh my. and then here again is the cover of jack's new book, astonishing new book by dr. jack van impe: the final three popes signal christ's return. oh jack how wonderful it is. now what is this prophecy? of course there will be a religious leader that will -lead us into the...even when armageddon is just about ready to bfought...right up thrgh the end. rexella, to thoroughly explain what we're going to do tonight we have to start with the prediction of the catholic church that i gave to the public la week and it goes back 865 years to father morgair the arbiop of ireland who went to rome and had a vision and it wn't long uil they
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calledim saint machy. and up to his time there had been52 popes starting with peter. but now they had celestine ii anso the count began from there until number 113 and it uld even b114 with se pele simply because the thol encyclopedia has an extra pope in there somewhere, but that's not what we're going to talk about. let's stop with 113. and pope john paul was 111 pope benedict was 112, and pope francis is 113. and numb 113, according to all the ophecies, d these sis werell fullled just ke they shoulhaven,ays that this pope would ru during th bale of armaddon and t return of thlord jesushrist. nowhat does that really mean? the battle of armageddon is revelation 16:16. it's the greatest war in history when russia, china and the ab ards marchgainst isrl. and that'szekiel8 39
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revelation6:12, and 148. and this is the war described: loose the four angels bound in the great ver euphras to slay a third part of mankind and the army was 200 thousand thousand, 200 million. and it says, by these three was the third part of men killed by the fire, smoke and brimstone. it's going to be horrendous. but the lord jesus comes back put a stoto those w are deroying theorld and destroying one ather revelation 11:18. and that's described in revelation 1:7, he cometh with clouds and every e shall sehim. and then of course in revelation 19:11 he comes royally, regall majesticly on that whithorse and e armies ineaven foll him. anhe com as the ki of the kings and rd othe rds verse 16, and he rules for 1000 years, relation 20:4. he is recommissioned after the thsand yearsnd then he reigns forer, and th's revelation 11:15. the kingdoms of this earth are become the kingds of
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our god and his christ. does he le forever yes. and that's what e angel gabrl said to e virgin my onhat glorio mning wn christ w born le 1:32. your son shall be great, he shall be called the son of the highest and he sha sit upon the throne of his father david in jerusalem. and hehall reign over of the house of jacob, the house of israel, forever and forever. and of his kingdom therwill be no end. we canxpect all at to begin soon if pope francis is that pope ocatholic pphecy. this is nomy predictn. th is t myrophecy, b i believthat it isenne because of what i'm gointo say e rest of e program. you know jack, according to a lot of people the man cathic church is in deep trouble. in fact, we used to go to belgium quite often because jack's parents are from belgium and we would go to some of the most beautul cathedrs ever. but you know wt? they were empty and we were told that they are now empty ta a lk. the new pontiff-caan argentine cardinal fix the
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catholic church? and repair my hse, ard the saint of assisi. and then here, can pope francis revive church's flagging faith. now pontiff faces some forces thatavweakened roman catholic identity in the united states and emptied churches of europe. at's what i'm talking about. we saw it. going on, francis sets h course. the words, the actions, the books, the encounters, the style...of the pope "from afar" who surprises us almost daily. whoa. pope sets in motio overhaul of vatican. ...many actually believe that franciwill start overturning outdated church practices and doctrines. from the catholic review magazine yes. and here's from usa today. pope francis joins catholic civil war. liberal agenda might drive away most faithful.
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that'shat i'm talking about. ere'a bidivision here you see a bishop who's speakin pope leading church to disaster. citing the famous prophecies of fatima, traditionalist roman catholic bishop bernard fellay warned in an address in kansas city that pope francis is precipitating the church's decline and could be a herald that the world is entering the age of the antichrist. whew! now know the antichrist is going to be reigning when the lord comes! they're ying just beforehe lord cos this is goingo happen. now friends, this po, pope ancis, hasade some very derogatory remarks about something that we hold very dear. roman catholics hold it dear protestants hold it dear, we hold it dear-doctrine, doctrine. jack, will you go into detail about what's so important about doctrine? e bible rers to it. i've rd a lot ofhe new
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pope's articles and one of them really bugged me. disjointed doctrine preached out ofrder produces unintelligible confusion. we then lets sta pacng itig w iyo tonotoo ponc g ol csm iss rkf grt ici. i'd t28 p kwsocin ayho "cice
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you. no, you can't. pretty sure wean... try snapshot today -- no pressure.
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and a beautiful smil >> the pple who read new beauty magazine are very intesd in beauty and in their appearae. d what dr.migel anpemile have done ishey have ebled everyday people to he celebritsmiles. >> superile was crted by iin sgel, e father of aesthet dentistry and the on denst the natial museum of dentistry has honed with permanentxhibit dedicated to his countless acevements, including the inventn ofooth bonding. top celebrities have flocked to dr. smigel's mason avenueffice. they know that if u nt the best, he's the man to see. >> wn yosmile d that smi is ally bright, they'll ok and thell say "wow, my teeth aren that white. how do i get 'em like that?" well, supersle, by. >> comg up: see pele just ke y try the sursmile sysm, whicincludes dr.migel's volutionarprofession acvating rod fothe very fst time and be blown away by theesults theget in just x minutes. >> they e better. >> thas crazy. five to e. a one! >> shade fou all the way toumber one.
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>> seven to a o. >> i jumped five shades lighter, tu >>le ator. or miiole veru upsmrey. it yrn toinmo t'joevio an-te mi u as. stes athawi s a itt lltar et life cte r w ico wte ur rocts tys stpsreme geatenst arusasna wh y sp in anwhs d ne y ve tfa thstta ui un unl u it a th cycf it faanwhg ai caac ht ee byvechg, da yr cainitit noyobrk tt l cl ussule ecl gredie c whenly byy ftg ai a evy ru sursoeit sen eme coaiore, es egarpae, ans stes d anit oy itsyemcaro ju rndru yoren ay wteghr ri c smgatt k loedin beevhero soety d -- i n'anhi but pe. taed sip ththou teyidit thbamyee mi he s ucbr h insowher d h al buspemi evy doveo abt aumg y etusi at'm tbe thuc aga d -wtengy ersiay ♪ >>tl inanic cni ouof ppl thsaerilem u'ti a. eyta thross acod ped me alsite to sil >>o lk atouremi >> a sdb t >>oo >>ard in ers rrotshwi sershe >>oubo ae. fo gh tn,d er pr pme tth thhessna ti r eda ek thhesme . rrere w rea-t e usth pemi tst ceraind thhesme ns th rd.antht. stines s ecshe s r. 'rumr u veokn rr. >> celve thncdi we fsen wo >>hee erwo oeeli wa te l me y jpe fe . y it pmu
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stikegar nitlro wea. wasite sies thbo ae ad >> ita eendf th ido te. tre he en. fion e. afr rssite ungsme, e anmyee wadr. tea threwher anthl al th fod fea >>ftngupe, i n'k op tl thseto tt k ff egar. eeli i ha ty ou a l caom d,ohmyee gog k it beuscota thhect e pe pdu mainthe,ri ite er >>beg asd yil cae w n rn thk yet saly nur , ig ermi u n yr a gevy byg e tosme, th wysm thal outi ru yetrey, gh weat atas. t silsy rkines sreve emrr s yr mi iicly wteh ar fad iay f u ueo orrife t r w surs tutrgt yomewici lpevca luid it onateh d vewhenrs ca, ndros, anur y sle cfie. t,00nt cl udican w suthupe. tutof t cs nu ms d ts ithllpr h al ait eanhehi anhtssuroo re serwos. ar d thhini-rse isfustdur keyothinsh anitchge thltyoet omhesme sialni ot a aat. the oghe ovstn e rfai f tn onouh. pdura therwa sic a f nd isane url, d enel esowac pemisa atl beit ty eng wi ppr ire x. aro heooe thox d e inacto ondr pemithus crteam itreti eny d veaw rfai. e'noel l. anrsle dost t lsquansa s ay oer erst sin thth leyowiatal itiger seer u'aywa clditmyye aty rechhi rebl ypemite sodedrel pa tth itun ed-sle n e o-acs
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twn ee as. anlio is urupe st cles pres aivro jrtoupersle jx nu ty mn itx nu >> le, d atttye no ihr. ts o-e spse t rmot ainlyff inag th isa a whg rm ig u isff usonee borecl on anthshor a zzmi. >> jb ssy lvet anthomou i us azi hi. es t d d ri dot a t ym ne veas dag yome pron wng n usitit anco $ me r en d erofheho llavstk aec cle wngndg. t w,anet erbr aliee fe ser foon.9 anetevte enalanr inex16es u' gee faasnugi sotee. pemike anwhg li wipr. sth dr yr oue g pldoveim to yr thsulerona itguwipr nsre when tth she teeang riin thsulehade ta yn mi cge ase y madewh yo seces evytouee isal or t ca. ig inupguy- todictyo thta m reivu e te deprduio soon p r pe, u enay ac a'lge rslenl$2 wee ne orr nt ut d 'ludsh sotee. ca a yreiv le 3suly ofupe d esboft d eein r e g ic $ yore 0 rctiie mpurthy be in0 ys anllet coleun pchic stns. f u etn mi u n ke thboft sgey sink u yi sil e yeril thfaoul sus. buon h teti ts trar etwhg st tazg ic y 9. d gh sh iablyre rey n ur ser llig! iheupe st evng d iov 'sthhi ste keny. fd mi int er p maz eawhs al edor be
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sa hde l. >> oe hi ov rely pdu th wore d ill foouer i in e mptaso th silha n'heroind e meersi anthnnat butisr efninbg elidt mmdieril rde silha mewas. 'vbeogze foth aho wheng no e ennid r reh ne ads t, thfe be pna >> sge t rkasesne ar sil evan h. >>heowhectn fhik, al ps yokn atro r e l its d ye ceb s wesesme ts inagane tt e mo a fdb ery t iy, soupe aaya ge >>no eay wa ui shce i t euon en te nghaea g pe acgempte >> tth wng odnd jltik stl kehew lm geonte an ser th a li tea whe >>ady nona toy el aonpaen d s e sils t ns on uthg t pe. sme souc sme tes eir. c r ilanito d rr il it arf f. cu' wng nef ston ts t ds u'n, veee tsh thinns e pebeus eyelo ro d sanhiin sursysm. serisn ue i o the athdu at'm o th cn giomre >>e'nghent ytngweno t p nds isese eay s iq'sif anth s tke t c gtlve thpe othh, icn tsrfe la t t lls ti gr tin am aow litefft bnc. t rkelthve e iraic cane'te mi r thbe t rkbe, . >> t becps e veed g pe. i'ndut veo es i veobms nis >> u etheia m ndhethug sulerona insy thanon drn ig >>waheis
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h th ahi ika >> u n ac e onouh saly nur it, ersemi thsme. sules al s tete nelyshes ds, evco tsm or cfe edin 'sowrk stchay th wngre. th pl aice yo min f d erar su gm pemifeio intote d rar. es tet toemai itoh. sules d baus on wngys herory ie c. sersyem soncdrsm pa tth ituenv v-brtl n e o-acs twuree gs. e hean esouuscoy t aomnd ege d stth: yoerilem esiveson acvaod toum yr mi x nu ey- dig spju tht ouanncy efe eaagt s e mang whenrma ig ushiof w u t wh erher il feh pe fo $.9 d s enr. enalanr inexsenus, g t asc gis sotee. sule qnsnt itinshitro thsulerona eng thal d e mi sui. er y se vve bubedrsms amg h ther l reo u o taku ainyoulma indee du orr nt nus, u' r aom d sofupe d l bos fothinpr of29 d gh spp aolfr! reot 10pesasf lyete pts wiinys u' gomet ndf rcse ueioed >> didetn pe n il nugi r.miwaofg thk yoone liti ts trar whenst ataminpre nl$2 d lite ipngsotee! t tour sle inupsm rht >>rw s ogze n yivsi fhe esetentiry 'shendci akg ee urmilter d eaif 'sorowd in orat oo b d thonti thmantit inatnaum ofst. >>r.l ag gecoettiry
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e'thwhma coben tide >>rwmpt heenofsi he. n sbend sog,hait wks dge wyo thk y op arreedhes hiniiree rye tooo ttct psi h e he ryg wthr foel m tm di dag gd. tonlyblch yohast a pnt y'tleuree deni enalllrr e m s vedahenal. i' se su bac i' t r eoe ma tum dep d wldopom attt wuldonye toee. >>e'rd lut hewhg od isif it tea riaredntox it >>roem eng as isth h g d csee ai h alm atorthte e ittohp e anbr etid. wn e ae, itanaw tme am dt ow gin >>ndthbe cpr itllth t insi. hlt t g e et ervebe toteik. eimi pemi i iki ef
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>> stei embarrassed by your smile, because now you can when yo tth safely and gently every day by making e switch to superile, the on whiteningystem with calprox. >> i jt brush my teeth and watch them gethiter. >> the supersmile system works in minutes to safely remove embarrassing stains from your teeth. supersle is clinally shown to whiten teeth nearly five shades in 30 days, even if you continue to smoke or drink coffee, tea or red wine. plus, supersmile actually ngthens your enamel with calum and lps prevencavities with foride. it works on natural teeth and will even whiten veneers caps, bonding, crowns, and dentures so you can smile with confidence. in fact, 100 percent of clinical study participan saw sults withupersmile. >> you're going to get a nice whiter smile but in addition to that you're gonna promote oral health. healthier gums, healthier teet >> the supersmile system is simple and safe and gentle enough to use every day.
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here's h it rks. start each day with the whitening pre-rinse. this powerful stain reducer makes your mouth mty fresh and it supercharges the results you'll get from the supersmile professional whitening toothpaste and accelerator. these work together to remove stains in the tooth. surface st fon a thin layer on your teeth. many procts scrape isayy tha, tysa. th cagyome d enel esowac pemisa atl beit ty itinem heroryng ca aro ofpae alox d itinleto yy pemithus aynhini onhaly andis ay sustns erthg ikit d mi t op. itquklsaly liayhoer erst sin inhe leyowiatal erbr, xile velwnt. is g m homi jep ttg a br. yo silsy sodedrel pantthus iq id e is n e o-acs eeyothnd aneno yo silsy in fe sial acngod psrtsurs ussite isassees dis stig a ainlyff nsg s e mang whenrma . igs hic ce wk ba eccaon d ru nmay r li s >> jb a thle o thomoui us d g. wte >> trs anarst doit a w yr ne ab pte cageouel pron wng n seit anco $ me petrt. d onof mho wi hu uc aec cle wngndg. nocage erbr thr saly ser r 395. cho mi eny yr d epe er y b d s enr. enouanor t nremi
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u' teest gis te f pemikein whenli wlpx. sth dr erouh wh yonhe orimn'hae to yr thsulena ingu cpr fr batwhen ee ode eanginng d e mi ade. yr pemi lee ase y ma swher urmiom. >>us mte kia ow iaveere iav, m redee li, >>thg e re vueve$9 beussmel teinitgunk sreu th m ginthul indee du ouon $ pemi yowoenay acquanyoet suleor$295 t nodo r tt o s, anl cl ipnguty ca y'liv a mp0 y ser l ess ft eehi alfor amine 295. >> n rct ie ruremy thda d g aet fu opuhace stns. >> did ursule u n ke thboft r.miwa ofayanyo r yieril e y ueril st ysere t u av a d me ryhiaoin whenst ts g w $2. d gh shpiablure t tour sle aupe. rht e inha paseat r pe ghy ther
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nnnce llis idntio ime ggy niout b isr oredvehertf gsut ha w towvempnd, w agfy muop sba, ne cluhrgh thrithetes bad gs noantruce azw &onin be, on ls th slmire-- o se, mfempssatigan ne by e mmobm binhexte isdegnsl ymman yr th iishang ayos,nn teth- mpnd , ilouba btoifd tillpt. ie cbicooregng t be oshr c thluonw ime gg ulthanthtrsf micthlineeg lk 10ou slanupo-ze alsttl d e cab y enleth. slonle saminflteso reony vema cee sayolltoea ery ng. elliapargiyocaeehrhe gs ovthecsere imd nieyif wheye edo eyid ty o ani abou ouer &on ggy nidiere e erbu gnieinerld legng but with sm & to lgishs a sleekadiol gggs aoo ght heaieangmuin thsldezi higis li& egng his t h bly cr aea hrgsiounoalngarhi ule mpss tos llppin tngigmymym. 'ry mfe.ju lem nnncetr t m iofce r eron eni &in a -fhik at bel,er. 'lma lk no erhareeaanth'romrt eewa tfi h n y votiy &onin i o itouayonkguan , azanorsfr oiee l mewhcaeari twnleinsetherceim
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tgggs me fo. y tlo a ba tthatn? i .auenps plse >>isomousld ningn >>gh] aourey me?les osjaob aim tgggsneel rwi oiee ino ghno plse>>o,anofov inle? au ]ye? homayoarso th wh y ey urlo? [ ceur ye[ ug , ou yh r irgggs wtoetf e t. usoe pp he f pepeanlein jt f ow erleumbu. t ey sy wimeav pl p.>>h! yodo e ipndli >>grit re ug ] >> mfryoha yok t r u.weanorlud mpnoorinopanthsuor wwabemfta d ntou tlo rr [ ] [ se d ant lghanne vebotso ig tod,? >> >>anyoju b n. 'sy t u idand o le tt yoloeanor atsi yr ty, ey ablyad cobl tuganakbe oshr sg tongtsno"o os i bat ct-- c c a hawi cfo gg[ pl sllovthr gsrenlshnad mfe. auae ob erfoy mave >>uty. anmehoextl e lkouhe to.
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