tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX November 11, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST
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thing -- i'm continually trying to get better, and my hair is just one less problem i ever have to think about. >> feel normal. i feel like i could be anyone walking amongst someone who, you know, everybody looks at anymore, like, weird. i'm just normal, and i look great, and i get compliments on welme bk.l the time. let's get right to the root of the problem -- hair lo a what causes it. now, hair loss affts more th 70illion peoe in north america today -- 40 million men a 30 miion men. that's a lot of people. some people try produc that claim to regrow hair only to fi out a few hundred dollars later that they didn't work. don't waste your mon on unproven remedies. if you care about how you look and you want to get your hair back, let's hear from some of the world-class doctors in our network. >> by fa the most mmon cause of hair loss is genetic. by age 50, 50% of the adult population have experienced noticeab. losso be >> hair loss is dierent for
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men anwomen. maleattern hailoss is the most common form of ha loss, presentingore than 9 of all male cases in north america. called dydrotestosronemone commonly kwn as dht. dht causes a shortening of the life span of the hair follicles in these men. dht chokes t hair follle and it eventually shuts down. the follicle's resistance to dht or lack of resistance is genetic, and that's why some men go baland some d't >> actually started losing my hair aa pretty young age -- actually in college. so iefinitely ew what th future had for me. during that process, i tried many things. i tried drugs -- that wasn't working. i grew my hair out, did the comb-over. that was awful. i wore hats a lot. and nothing was working. >> female-patterhair loss is different from male-pattern hair loss in both appearancand sometimes in terms of the cause
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itself. for women, there are many differt causes ohair loss, thinningwhich is aorm of male-pattern thinning, menopause, postpartum or stress-related shedding, or alopecia areata. someone can perience hr loss due to poor hair care or tight braiding of the hair, which can permanently damage these follicles. i lost some of mylose my hr, self-confidence, my self-esteem. i really felt that people were looking at my hair and not me. i had ready tried gels a clips and wigs and pieceand brushing my hair, combing my really dt feel sexy.ays. >> everyone who walks in our door has a special and unique situation. hair club is uniquely positioned to treat hair loss because we offer all proven solutions to hair loss. >> hair club is the only company that offers all proven hair-loss solutions, backed by a guarantee
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of satisfaction. if you are not 100% satisfied with the option you've chosen, hair club will apply your initial puhase price to any of its other proven hair-loss solutions. now we'll show you h you can get your hair back with proven hair-loss solutions. >> me anuncer: don tolerate another d oir loss othinning hr, because now, the solution you need to head of ir is justne phone hair cluis the onlcompany in the worlto oer a tested and proven hair-loss solutions, right foevery typef hairs loss. call hair club now for ts fr edatiol bolet and get a fr microscopic hair-and-scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. you may ve, hair club has a uniq solution for you, guaranteed. no other company on e plet can make that claim. recogniz leader inair-loss
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sotions for over 35 years, with centers in over 100 locations and nearly 50,0 satisfied clients. call now and get the facts. educatiol booklet yours,h free. th vital, neinfoatio endors by promint physicianscan angeour life. pick up the phone ght now, and we'll rush it to you, ee, with absotely no obgation. as an added bonus, we'll als give you a free private and confidential microscopic hair-and-scalp analysis. but wait -- there's re! you'll alsget $250 off any oven solution if you a among e first 10callers. so call right now. free informati, free analysis, and $250 off. this incredible offer isor a limited time only. don't tolerate hair loss ather day. look younger and feel more confident. taken the worllike your d self. call now and change ur life ha clu we do it all. for you.
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and couldn't believe it. i honestly couldn't believe it. i wondered if it was me -- really looking at me. because the hair made me look so much younger. i was so excited. >> some people didn't even they just said, "you look good.. you look younger." rien all the w around.nt >> having my hair back, thanks to hair club, giveme tons of confence. i mean, itives me thkindf confence i had before i ever lost my hair. >> i don't seconguesgoing to the store or going to the movies or going to have a drink. i'm confident. i'm comfortable. >> now let'salk about the oven solutions available to you atair club and the hair club guarantee of satisfaction. so, at iproven to rk? hair club haexpertise in three areas -- non-surgical hair enhancement, fda-approved hair therapies, and microscopic follicular unit hair available only at hair club, the bio-matrix strand-by-strand ocess is known around the world as the gold standard i
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ir replacent. hair cb's groundeaking chnology ithe only process available to date that gives you a full, healthy-looking head of hair by adding real human hair to yr own hair bio-matrix is not a toupee. it's not a wig. it's a custom-made blend of your own hair with real human hair that is matched to your individual requirements. thatncludes hair color, facial strture, and in tone. the press is natal and virtlly undetectable. when you brush your hairit all blends together. if someone touches your hair, it feels normal. it's easy to style. you can swimming,iking, joing, or anhere life kes yo and you wl look gre. >> i can swim, i bik hike, i do everything, and the key point here is no one has noticed. everybody thinks i look better, but they can't quite put the finger on it. so, when they told me that would i thought everybody would notice right away, but they didn't.
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they just thought, "well, your hair's different. what you do?" and so i just -- in some cases, people that were close to me, i told them. other peop, i just l them and so i think that's important fowomen espeally to kn is that you're gonna look great. you're gonna feel great. >> when i firsgot my hai i into the fire station becauseing that is one group of guys that love to pull pranks and kid you and razz you. so, i was real nervous about that, but when i went in, they said, "we couldn't wait to get you here so we could razz you, but now that we see you, there's nothing we can say 'cause it looks so good." >> i took control. i went thair club. i got my hair back, and i look great. >> i would get compliments from my husband. my two sons would compliment me. the people on my job, they would look at me, like, "there's something different. what did you do?" and they would look at my
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hair -- "what did you do?" and i would say, "did it look good?" knowing in the back of my mind that it was the hair club difference.that made the >> hair club is also a leader in hair therapies, with its extreme hair therapy program. >> in hair club, we also have what we call our ext program, or extreme hair therapy, which includes a number of really a topicamedical trtment thatcts. is fda-approved for treating thinning hair, as well as the first fda-eared homese laser comb. >> hair club also offers, in select areas, the gold standard in hair transplantation -- microscopic follicular unit hair transplants. it's natural, permanent, and your transplanted hair is guaranteed to grow mother nature programmed it to. >> we work with our cliente together to determine the best option for them, and we take into consideration age, the extent of their hair loss, and both in terms of the amount of
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ir they wa, the thicess my job is to give them the most they could possibly have and to see it that wn that pern hair grows in, that's the person they want to see. >> when you acallyee the hair grow, you're amazed. you're watching it grow day by day from a thinner look to a fuller look till you can do the too wi youhairusin always wanted different products and styling ur hr diereny. >> i fally went to the had the best thnology, andthey they were far superior tn everyone els they treated me like a family, ke i was somebody impoant. at you a wonder, "at'slook younger," and i'm feing better anbetter abo it. and itust -- it's a great
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>>air ub ithe ly comny at offers proven hr-loss solutions,acked by a guaraee of satisfaction. you are not 100% satisfied with the optiou'vehosen, hair club will aly yr initl puhase price to any of s her en hair-lo solus. irlub has chged many people's lives. u mit noknow it now, but i used to have a hr-ss problem. is youhair loss thering you? something about it. en we come back, we'll introde thpele whoan luti.fd the righ ed to t a fuller you a d of ir nal-looking adf hair is luis onlcoy in e wod tofferll tested and proven hair-loss solutions, ca haiclub now f ts ee uciol oklet and get a freeicroscopicair-and-scp anysist any of o
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hair club ceers nationwide. young old, maor wan, no maer wt kif hair ls uniq solution for u,b s a guared no otherompanye anet can makehat claim. hair club has been the gnedr hailoss solutions for over 35 yes, with centers iover 100 locatis and near 50,0 caowndet theacts. ir club's w brkthrgh free.ookleis yours, this vitalnew informion, enrsed by prinent physicns, can chge your fe pick up the phe ght now, and we'll rush it to you, free, with soluly noblition as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free private and confidentialicroscopic hair-and-scalp analysis. but it -- thers mo! so call right now. y are ang free infortionfree analysis,
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limited me onle offeis f a dot toleteair lo another day. look younger and feel more confent. ke on the rl yr old self. callow and chae your lif rever. hair club. we do it all. for you. youe hed from the expes. you've heard from the clients. so let's tk about another aspect of hair club that truly makes this company unique -- its staff. at hair club, you'll meet a caring staff that will help you through all aspects of hair restoration,rom informativ consultants to hair-loss exper to world-class hair ylists. hair club is the only company that offers all proven hair-loss solutions, backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. >> you almost see ju the person transform right in front of you. and when they get that fuller head of hairthey stand taller, they talk louder, the more involved and social parties d just witfriends. and you sethem reallstand
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out w when thehave that ll he of hair back. >> when you have a fl he of hair, there's a lot you can do with it. you can shampoo your hair, condition it, blow dry, and also curl-iron and style your hair. >> you know, this is really a personal thing. i mean, the hair club, they take the ti to listen, and they take the time to get it right. >> we atair ub, we understand that ir loss can be a very traumatic issue, so when you come in, you're gonna hear about all of the different solutions that we have to offer, and then, most importantly, we'll be able to customizend personalize the best solution for you and your needs that day. >> the way that i was trted was outstanding, and one of my main great experiences is, the she knewxactly whai, >> i really liked going. the hair club people are very ni, very coral and really put me at ease. >> hair club wl lay out all the solutis and they'll do what's right for you. as a matter of fact, you'll make the decision, what you want to do. >> hair club oer all proven
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solutions with the top experts and doctors in the industry. >> i've had people come in who sa "i actual got a promotion because of my hair and it's because ey look beer, they feel better, they can do so much more. >> now we'll show you how you can get your hair back with proven hair-loss solutions. >>ale nounr: d't tolerate anotheray of hair lossr thinningair, becau now, the solution you need to get fuller, naral-loin head ohair is ju one phone callway. hair cb is the oy company the wod to offerll tested because single sotion istions, right r every ty of hair loss. call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a ee microscopic hair-and-scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. young or oldman or wom, no matterhat nd ohair loss you mahave, hairlub has a guarante.lution for you, no other company on the anet can make that claim. hair club has been the
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recogned leader hair-loss with centers in over 100 locations and nearly 50,000 satisfied clients. ca now and get the facts. hair club's new breakthrou free.tnal bookleis yours, is vital, w informatn, physicia, can chan your life. pick up the phonright now,nd we'lrush it to you, free, with ablutely no ligation. as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free private and confidential microscopic hair-and-scalp analysis. you'll ao get $250ff any! proven solution if youre among the first 0 callers. so call right now. free informaon, free analysis, and $250 off. this incredible offer is for a limited time only. don't tolerate hair loss another day. look younger and feel more confident. take on the wod like youold self. call now and changyourife fover.
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we do it all. for you. >> at is very mont, hair club has more than 50,000 clients nationwide -- 50,000 people who, like you, wanted to do something about their hair loss. we'd like you to meet some of those clients now and view some of their amazing results. hair club has changed their lives, and it all started with one simple phone cal >> i'm an old guy with a young wife and young kids. i got a year-old a i got a 7-year-old. there's a lot of guys out there like me. i know a lot of you guys waited till later in life to get marrd d rae ur filies. it's kind of important for me when i drop my kids off that the her kids don't think i'm their grandfather, okay? you ow, guys, don't sit around and talk about fashion and hair styles a whole lot, but wh i'm sitti around a ker tae or underhe lights a pool table, nobodyes me any grief. it looks good, it looks natural, and that's all that anody cares about. if people ask me about it, i'm not afraid to tell them, "yeah, man, i did something different. i got my hair cut." >> my sister actually saw the hair club commercial, and she dragged me out of the house on a let's go, says, "come on
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i get there, right? i see the infomercial. they talked to me about, you know, what it would be like and what they could possibly do for me. after that point, i says, "i'm willing to give it a chance." i am sglad that did. helping self-este, right? looking like the woman that i can be, right? and i flaunt i because ian. >> on the day i decided to do something and actually call girlfriend, to tell my i was so embarrassed. >> ias so relied -- for him -- because, over the years, used to .embered how happy he and en htolde he was ming to ha club, i w so proud of him. so proud of hi >> hair club is the on company that offers all proven hair-loss solutions, backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. if you are not 100% satisfied with the option you've chosen, hair club will apply your initial purchase price to any of
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its other prov hair-loss solutions. >> we have a libra of thousands of testimonial letters from happy clients. althoughair club mntains a high level of confidentiality and discretion, these clients were so happy with their results, they wanted to share their experiens with you. >> when you go into these centers, the staffs so well-trained, and they're so caring, beuse they truly care about people's looks, and one thing you need to know is a lot of people are doing this -- more peoe than youl ever d i ju immediate felt rejuvenated. i felt like i had a face-lift, the whole nine yards. it was just a wonderful experience. >> oneight, i was sitting and watching t and a commercial came on about the ha clu i saw the commercial, and i went in, and when i walked out... [ breath deey ] it's the truth. it was above my expectations.
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i got my life back. >> because of linof work, i have helmets on and off all day, and i wondered if that would and weere figing a pret good fire for a while -- we'd been fighting it for several hours. and once we got it out, walked outside, and i was taking my turnout gear off, pulled my helmet off, and one of the guys lks up to and says,wow. it lks great!" even aer fightina fire for three hours, i'm exhausted but i never have to worry about my hair. >> with the line of work that i'm in -- i'm in sales -- my image is everything. so, the better i look, the more i sell because they're buying a part of me soy appearan is very and i kn that, regdles if i'm at the gym or with my man, my hair is looking >>s yove just seen, hair club really listens to its clients and real cares about improving people's lives. when we come back, you'll see what proven solution is best for you, based oyour age, level of hair loss, and expectations. we'll be right back.
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malannoceon't torate anoth day of ha lo or thinni hair, becse now, t solution u need to gea fuller, tural-lookg head of hair is just one phone ca away. hairlub is thenly companin the rld to off all tested becausno single lution iss, righfor every pe of hair call haiclub now f this free educational booklet and get freeicroscopic hr-and-scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. young or o, man or wan, no matt what kindf hair los you may have, hair club s a unique solution for you, guaraned. no other company on thplanet can make that claim. hair club has been the recoized leadein hair-lo solutis for over 35 years, with centers in over 100 locations and nearly 50,000 satiied clients. hair club's new breakthrgh educional bookt is yours free. this vitalnew informion,
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enrsed by prinent physicns, can chge yr life. pick up the phe right no and we'll rush it to you, free, with solutely nobligation as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free private and confidential microscopic hair-and-scalp analysis. but wait -- thers more! the firs100 callers.remong so call right now. free infortion, free analysis, and $250 off. limited me only.offeis f a don't tolete hair lo anoer day. look younger and feel more confent. take othe rld like yr old self. call now and chae your lif forever. hair club. we do it all. for you. been delivering solutions that actually work. the proof is in the ctures. visit hair club today and get started on a customized solution that will work for you. you've seen a number of clients today who have improved their
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appearance by taking that first stepnd calng hr club. imagine what we can do for you. whheyou want a full head of hair or just trying to kp what you have, hair club has an option that's right for you. soget ready to look great and feel better than you've ever felt before. hair club has more than 50,000 clients in northrica that's more than 50,000 reasons to call. but the st important reason is you. whether you're 25 or 6 you'll be amazed at what hair club can do for y. call now. stopping your hair loss is just >> call them.away. just call hairlub. hair club has worked wonders r me. >> yea you guys don't need to shave that head. you know, keep some ha on there. join the hair club like i did. >> iook better, i eat better, i work out regularly, and i drive new car. >> every day that get up, i can say, "ooh," right? and this is . this is who i am. i look great today. thank you, hair club. you have made such a difference in my life. >> and if you want to look better and if you want to feel
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