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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  November 14, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

11:00 pm
suction power. it pulls up dust, dead skin, pet dander, what have you, deposits it all into this water reservoir. no bags. okay, listen, you're calling her back and returning it! still skeptica mrs. barone? well, i don't want to frighn you, but this is what your old vacuum has been missing. wow. it's what we call the "wow" factor. they build i ght into the system. this is the filth your family has been breathing. now you just dump it right down the drain. that is pretty amazing. yeah. now i'll show you how to do the drapes. you're going to do the drapes? no, no, silly.
11:01 pm
the humm vac's going to do the drapes. i'm just going to take the credit. i have never been more attracted to you in my entire life. want to try? okay. your first te. i envy you. hello, dears. [ vacuum cleaner shuts off ] hi, marie. hi. i was passing by my window, and i couldn't help seeing into your window, and i notice you bought a new vacuum. it's amazing what this thing picks up, marie,
11:02 pm
and no bags! no bags! am so glad this worked out. what do you mean? well, when t saleslady called me and told me she had the greatest cleaning innovation since the broom, i immediately thought of you. you sent her over here? of course. d not know tha well, you two enjoy. i would ner want to interfere with housework. now might be a good time to tell you about the free calyptus room freshener. take your shoes off. i just vacuumed up there.
11:03 pm
even when you don't youhave time for a breakreak with kit kat minis. poppable, bite-sized minis that let you make break time anytime.
11:04 pm
11:05 pm
[ knock on door ] hi, marie. hello, dear. am i interrupting anything? no, no. i'm just letting frank's pants out again. it's in god's hands now.
11:06 pm
um, you know, marie, something was bothering me, and i just wanted to ask you about it. of course, dear. what is it? [ clears throat ] well, um, you know this afternoon when you said that the saleslady told you that she had this great new cleaning device, you immediately thought of me. why was that? no, really, marie, why? is this a trick question? uh, no. i-it just seems like you're always implying that i don't keep a clean house. well, now you have a little help. but you didn't feel the need to buy a humm vac. well, that machine is for people -- it's like,
11:07 pm
if you have a bad leg, then you need crutches. and your legs are fine? so there's no dirt in this house? not since i've lived here. really? mm-hmm. thank you. okay. , you brought your new vacuum here. do you need me to show you how to use it? no. nope. i just want i to show you something. you're going to vacuum my house? you know, my house might appear to be a bit more cluttered than yours, and, yeah, all right, there's the occasional crumb, dirty dish.
11:08 pm
yeah, there is, tbut that's every house. every house has dirt, marie, even this one. [ vacuum cleaner hums ] well, i must say, i think that maybe you're being a little bit -- excuse me, marie. this is what we call a high-traffic area. you're going against the nap. did anyone ever teach you about nap? okay. now, let's take a look at what we like to refer to as the "wow" factor. that water looks very clean. wow! well, let -- let me just, uh, leme just try under the couch, okay?
11:09 pm
there we go. [ vacuum cleaner hums ] 'cause it can get pretty nasty under here. okay. damn it. is it me, or does that water look even cleaner? well, i'm still kind of getting the hang of this, so... you have to understand, dear, that vacuums don't clean houses. people clean houses. you know, maybe i just di't have thisuses. pushed all the way in. that's it. well, you're welcome to keep going. it's probably od practice. frank: where are my pants, marie? i'm freezing here!
11:10 pm
oh! coming, frank! oh, you've worked up quite a sweat. when i come back, i'll bring you something cool to drink. hey. what are you doing? give me your shoes! what? what are you doing? you and the kids were in the sandbox this morning, weren't you? yeah. why? oh, no, did parker's cat get in there? come on! oh, no, did parker's cat get in ti need some dirt! i'm going to shut your mother up once and for all. you're going to fill her mouth with dirt? no, on the rug. she's going to see she needs this vacuum like anybody else. come on! untie it first! oh, come on, give me the other one. ohh! damn it! the one day that you're not a pig! i think you're getting a little nuts here. oh, it's plastic. it's plastic! even her dirt's not dirt! you know what it is? it's this stupid vacuum cleaner.
11:11 pm
i told you not to buy it! no, no, no, no, no! don't! stop it! hey, what's with all the yelling? i don't think debra could find any dirt. okay, all right, there's no dirt here. you win, but i am sick of you making me feel like a bad person because i don't keep my house exactly the way you do. a clean house is not the most important thing in the world. you know who says that? a messy person. all right, as hard as this is for you to believe, marie, i do like to keep a neat house. i'm just not going snd every spare minute cleaning it. there are no spare minutes. you have a family to care for. that's what you do. yes, i do. i care f my family i spend my time enjoying them, not sterilizing them. are you saying i don't love my family? no, that's not -- because there's nothing in the world that i love more than my family. ow! easy.
11:12 pm
no, it's just that this house is so clean and so arranged, it's not exactly the warmest place in the world. how could you say that? well, i mean, come on, plastic slipcovers. that's to protect the upholstery. oh, all right, so it protects the upholstery, but how do you think it makes people feel? hot and sticky, especially in the summer when i'm in my altogether. i say thank the lord for the slipcovers. oh, come on, ray. you joke about those slipcovers all the time. you joke about my slipcovers? no way. no, that's not my style. what did you just say about the plastic, and the wder room and the guest towels? tell me, raymond. just that, you know, it's lthere's -- there's china that we never use, and there's towels that we never touch.
11:13 pm
it's like you're saving everything for a special occasion that hn'happened yet. ha ha ha. that's it. ha ha. he's right. what are those little towels withhe golfringe for, for when the pope comes over here to use the downstairs can? be quiet. i'm using 'em. no, you're not. are you happy now, raymond? oh, come on, ma. it's not a big deal. let me tell you something, raymond. when you boys were little, you were always outside in the dirt, and then you'd tromp through here like it was a bus station, anrobe with his gigantic feet, it was like having a horse in the house. ray and frank: ha ha ha! no, no. it was not funny, no. it was all i could do to take care of this place. hi. take off your shoes! huh? ke your shoes off. you're not in a barn. do what she says, we'll give you a carrot. well, what's going on?
11:14 pm
okay, you see, marie? this is what i'm talking about. you're so obsessed with the hse being clean, look what you're doing to your son. all right. fine, fine. put your shoes back on and gallop around here all you want. what? put them back on. yeah, and check the expiration date on your feet what are you doing? everyone wants me to change, i can change. i'm taking the covers off. but where are we going to sit? you can sit right re on the couch 'cause i don't care about these things anymore. i'm nothing if i'm not flexible. what are you saying, marie? we can sit on the couch? be my guest, frank. go ahead.
11:15 pm
so, we can really sit there on the actual couch? ahead. enjoy. you first. would you sit? it's a couch! you see, debra? i change. i can let go. it's nice fabric, isn't it? it's very nice. i feel a littl.
11:16 pm
can't wait till summer. hey, hey, what about you, marie? you've spent all these years knocking yourself out cleaning. you should enjoy this. that's right. thank you, debra. excuse me. this is nice.
11:17 pm
dad, what are you doing? look what you did! are you happy now? you're making me nervous giving me the skunk eye! we're putting the plastic back on.
11:18 pm
no, no! at are youoi? look, you don't understand. you can put the cover back if you want. you know, do whatever makes you happy. my family comes first. you might want to take those cushions outside and shake them out first. come on, i'll show you how. come on. we'll shake them out. can you do the chips, debra? can you clean them up, please? yeah. no problem. jeez. ♪ but i won't do that ♪ or that ♪ or this definitely not this! it hurts but i kind of like it!
11:19 pm
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11:20 pm
or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and sweing of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. in the morning is easy. pop them in, go about your business, and in just 15 minutes, your family can enjoy warm fresh from the oven biscuits. pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin.
11:21 pm
so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. [ for mcdonald's bold, new jalapeno kicker premium chicken sandwich. and the not too shy jalapeno kier quarter pounder. the heat comes at you from layerof jalapeno crisps, jalapeno slices, pepper jack cheese... and a cool creamy sauce that kicks in right when you need it. new jalapeno kicker sandwiches, only for a limited time. there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. ♪
11:22 pm
hey, take a break already. oh, man, isn't this thing great? i wish they made one of these you could ride. here. i made you a meat loaf sandwich. oh, thanks.
11:23 pm
aah! you see, our old vacuum couldn't do this. captioningadpossible by talk productions
11:24 pm
11:25 pm
they're coming!
11:26 pm
with the build your own hobbit slam. twenty delicious options, like sweet potato pecan pancakes, hearty breakfast sausage and honey cake french toast. a meal to satisfy the hungriest of hobbits. see "the hobbit: the desolation of smaug."
11:27 pm
so, the majority of your investment in kart attack will go towards initial construction costs a percentage of which will be paid back thugh earnings, which are outlined in the booklet i handed out earlier, primarily in sections a-2, d-5, and e-15, but also in the appendix, sections 9,11, and 12. listen, i know i'm throwing a lot of numbers at you and that can get confusing, so let me give you something a little more visual to help show you what we're all about. walter, we're ready. my partner walter is wearing our prototype racing gear. it's standard issue for all employees. cool. it's just a prototype. the actual uniform cool. will be flame retardant, which is a good thing, don't you thk?
11:28 pm
'cause you are smoking, my friend. [ imitates sizzling sound ] ha ha ha! so, uh, to sum up, kart attack -- much more than a go-cart track. it's a family sharing an ice cream cone in our fully stocked snack bar. it's a safe and secure place for your kids to play the latest video games. it's a bar mitzvah in one of our faith-friendly function rooms, but most of all, it's... fun. we hope you'll be the next to experience a kart attack. thank you. ah, hey. was awesome, guys. thank you, thank you. i -- you know, i was going to use a fog machine for walter's entrance, but i figured it was an intimate setting and no, it was great. thanks. so, could we just have a few minutes to talk things over? hey, yeah, talk away, you know? i'll just be breaking down the t. all right. so, what do you think? well, it was very good.
11:29 pm
very professional. yeah, i was surprised. i mean, they've clearly done their research. yes, they have. so, we in? oh, no. why? honey, i said that i would hear their proposal, and i did, but nothing in it changes the fact that it's go-carts. yeah, i know, but come on, that's what's fun about it, plus it's a solid investment. [ sighs ] besides, you know, they're thinking of naming a go-cart after you. yeah, the debra. it's black. that is every girl's dam. come on. i can't turn them down. they did a show and everything. what am i going to tell them? i don't know. tell them what you want. i've got to go pick up the kids. kids -- when are we going to see a dime from that investment? just go talk to them. i'm sure they can handle it. they're professionals. [ imitates siren ]
11:30 pm
hey. hey, man. all right. sowhat did debra say, huh? is she onboard? uh, not really. what? what? what are you talking about, man? she said we did a great job. i had good eye contact going, i did the summary hands. it was killer stuff. i know, i know. she just -- she wa't biting. what about you? i mean, you want to live like this the rest of your life? i know, i know. oh, man, your wife sucks. hey, hey, walter, that is not cool. we're still in a business meeting. i'm sorry, man. it's just this suit is so frigging hot. listen, i'm sorry, guys. i mean, you did a good job. really, you did. so that's it? you're out? yeah, i think. oh, you know, i'm going to need that check back.
11:31 pm
what? that deposit i gave you a couple of weeks ago, oh, yeah, the deposit,g tyeah.d it back. it's gone. what do you mean gone? well, you know, spent it on the whole presentation -- the suit, the easel. this is new. you spent all of it -- $1,000? come on,w uld you do that? hey, i just told you, the only reason we came here today was to get more money. oh, my god. how am i going to tell debra i lost $1,000? i wouldn't talk to her anymore. hey, there, miss teen usa. hey. hey. what, are those new sheets in the bed there? those look nice. they're not new. oh, oh. well, something about them looks nice. maybe it's the person in them. what are you after, ray, sex or golf?
11:32 pm
neither. [ chuckles ] oh, jeez can't a guy admire linens? hey, you know, uh, remember -- remember that restaurant we went to in the city, and the guy out front was asking for money and i didn't have any -- i didn't have change, so you gave him a $5? yeah, i remember that. he ran away after you tried to get it back from him. yeah... but th i realized that he needed it more than we did, ani stopped chasing him. we all have fond memories of that day. yeah. yeah, i was just thinking of that 'cause i did something similar recently. yeah? yeah. i gave scott and walter $1,000. what?
11:33 pm
okay, look, i know -- i know you're going to get upset about this -- my god! $1,000? remember the happy hobo. i gave him $5! okay, but to a hobo, that's like $1,000. so you gave scott and walter money after i asked you not to? no. i gave it to them before you asked me not to. how could you do that? okay, listen, i'm rry. i'll get the money back. it's not about the money. well, then i really don't undd the hateful screaming. you really have so little respect for me that you would do that without asking me? i respect you. obviously not because you wrote the check before you even talked to me about it. that's because i thought you would say yes. well, i'm saying no. okay, you changed your mind. so, you want to get back in the sheets where you look so nice? i can't believe you did this. okay. but, i mean, it's my mey listto screw up with. okay,
11:34 pm
what did you say? with which to screw up? oh, what? what did i say? what? if you're doing a load, i've got some socks.


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