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tv   WBTV News Prime Time  CBS  February 11, 2016 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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is coming into saint louis. if you bring it down it is 600 miles northwest of charlotte. this will have an impact on the mountains as we take you through the day tomorrow and even some of the snow could spill out. you might even see some as far south as the charlotte area. if you are heading out now 40 in charlotte and boone and blowing rock so the our by hour numbers we are back down to freezing. >> the cold air is back over the weekend and we'll let you know what that means for the president's day coming up. that's part of the seven-day first alert forecast. >> it is hiewnl for the -- it is huge for the mountain. they have seen seven inches of snow businesses are getting ready and they say this could be the weekend they finally catch up from the season that started out grim. >> a little windchill, but
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staying busy it is not bad. >> if they see a major weather event on monday it could cut into the number of people driving from charlotte, hickory and even morganton. road crew say they have the roads clear and there is nothing to worry about. stay up-to-date on the wbtv first alert weather app. go to to get updates on school and business closings because of the weather. >> maureen: we have breaking news out of cabarrus county. authorities need your help. they want to find this man who is accused of statutory rape involving a child. his name is gregory powers, junior. we are told he liviv in harrisburg, but he left the area on tuesday and could be in the charlotte area or headed to south carolina. he is driving a 2011 white
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plate hhrls and that's the tripe of truck i should say and the tag is tvw2126. if you have seen this man and recognize his face, make sure to call the >> maureen: new on "primetime" we now know the name of the driver sought for a deadly hit-and-run on i h of 77 that -- i-77 that kill a woman. stevie wolf was driving the tractor-trailer that killed flora last week. we broke this story at 6:00 that warrants were issued for an arrest in the case. we are told braylin was in jail on an unrelated charge. right now on "primetime" republican presidential candidates are taking part in the carolina value summit at winthrop university in rock
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rick santorum is there on behalf of marco rubio. the event is focused on the importance of faith in the upcoming election of the candidates have discussed several topics including marriage, abortion and religious liberty. the event got underway at 6:00 tonight. >> maureen: and this is a live look at senate's end in columbia where jeb bush as you can see is speaking right now. today. he visited sumter and flor -- florence are. his brother, former president george w. bush is expected to join him at some point. in all seven candidates will square off in the first in the south republican primary. you can see him on the screen the primary on february 20th. sanders and clinton are
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there is a clear agenda for hillary clinton. >> this should be an important and exciting debate now that the candidates have drawn almost even with each other. >> reporter: professor katherine olson says clinton must connect with key voter groups. >> she has to show she is passionate about what the voters care about. she can't just be knowledgeable about the policies. she needs to show she is in touch with the young people and the african-american vote. >> reporter: those are the groups bernie sanders that is been making gains. month are more. >> maureen: more the debate will air on pbs and you can see it streaming live on youtube. we are hearing from a charlotte woman who was aboard this cruiseship that weathered quite a storm. this is video taken in the royal caribbean anthem of the seas. crystal hutchins was on that
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she says she and her family are happy to be home and safe after their vacation turned into a nightmare. >> you don't know what to expect. you are there at their mercy. royal caribbean, if this is you and your kid would you have put us on the ship? i don't think so. that's what we are mad about right now. >> maureen: rise stall says she held her 3-year-old son in her lap the entire time. royal caribbean refunded the cruise and gave her family a future cruise with a 50% discount. crystal says she is not ready to talk about going on another cruise right now. >> maureen: four people are charged with robbing 3 drugstore. when they caught up with them they were over 200 boxes of prescription drugs inside their car all four were charged with felony organized retail theft and larceny.
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robbing a cvs in albemoro along with another cvs and a walgreens. a local high school is remembering one of their own after she died on the campus of clemson university yesterday. emily elizabeth farres graduated from south point high school in 2015. this is her speaking about christian faith for the clemson crew. a group that teaches other students about jesus. today our news partners at cn2 spoke with her former assistant principal. >> she was an important part of our community as all of our students are. she was well respected and very connected. hearing that news, it hit a lot of folks and just because of who she was as an individual, person and stunted. >> maureen: she was majoring in parks, recreatn and tourism management before she passed away. we don't know how she died,
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yesterday morning. >> maureen: up next on "primetime" a 20-month-old child gasping for air in the background of a 9-1-1 call. police rush to the home, and before they left the child was on the way to the hospital and the mother on the way to jail. and the latest for the chance of winter weather tomorrow and monday. you are watching "primetime." we are your only live, local
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seconds. >> maureen: here is a look at tonight's best video. surf's up and temperatures are down. but these guys don't seem to care at all. there is snow on the ground and the temperature was 28 degrees. this was hall halifax, canada. they can take it. they say it is cold at first, and then you warm up. the zoo is celebrating two tiny cubs. the pair was born several days ago. they are doing well and they do not have names yet. >> maureen: police are on the lookout in the uk for a mysterious good samaritan. he helped them get a leg up on a suspected it drug dealer. officers were chasing the suspect when that good samaritan tripped the man. police arrested him and he is now in jail.
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of a m woman whose 20 daughter over dosed on pills. how police found the child and what happened in this home.
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coming up on cbs. if you're going to say "better ingredients. better pizza." you better deliver. which is why i'm introducing our new papa's quality guarantee: love your pizza, or get another one, absolutely free. get any large pizza up to 5-toppings for just $9.99. online only. at >> maureen: a local mother faces charges after police say her 20-month-old daughter over
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the child is expected to recover which is good news. we are told a family friend found shannon clement asleep at her home. her daughter was unconscious. she was limp and had purple lips. david has been following this story and is on your side with the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: shannon clemment's next door neighbor said it was a terrifying scene when they showed up on wednesday. >> they walked out the front door, one of the men and he had the little girl in his hand like this and her the arm was dangling. >> reporter: little cc, as the girl is known, over dosed on drugs the mother had in the bed, according to police. the girl was described as unconscious and limp with purple lips and, quote, white stuff all over her face,
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shannon clement was charged and booked to the jail and today her friends who did not want to be identified say shannon clement is no criminal, but a loving mother who made a mistake. >> and she is a good person. it just this happened and it is an accident. accidents happen. it is just not fair because she is not a bad mom. she is a really good one. >> and people are making her out to be like she did this on purpose. every parent makes some kind of mistake with their children in their life. >> she has two prior charges, one for misdemeanor larceny and one for failing to appear in court. she is now charged with child abuse and several drug charges for what happened here in the home she shares with her two children and sometimes with other friends. >> it grieved my heart to know what those children were living in. >> wbtv on your side. >> maureen: go to for more on this story. we posted more about the
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are told could be heard on that 9-1-1 call. a federal judge has granted a delay in the trial of the suspected it charleston church shooter. dylann roof is accused of killing nine people at the emanuel a a church in june of last year. today his lawawrs told the judge they were not ready. roof's death penalty trial is scheduled for july 11th that has not known what if any impact today's federal court decision will have on that case. that changed a lot including at how we look at security inside our churches. wbtv security analyst joins us now to talk with us. carl, a few years ago we never would have thought about security at church. it is a place where we go to pray and we feel safe.
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not a day goes by that some sort of criminal incident isn't occurring a at churches. >> maureen: how do we protect ourselves while still being able to be relaxed and be there for a purpose which is to worship. >> this is not something that is only to certain religions or locations. it affects all religions and locations. and it doesn't cost a great deal of money to supplement the security at your church. many times you can use ushers to be the advanced greeters at the door or have your visitors sign in. one of the things we are doing is seeing a lot of churches that are hiring the off duty security and off duty police officers and this sort of thing to provide security at the churches. >> maureen: do you think this is something a congregation or a small church might want to go to their pastor and have this discussion sph. >> absolutely. it is almost vital. with the number of incidents we have had in the area in charleston, the number of incidents we have had, it is only due diligence that the congregations and the church leadership get together to
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church. >> maureen: according to your blog there is a popular program bowing used across the country. >> there is. matter of fact it is coming to a local church in april and they are called sheep dog seminars. they bring experts together and survivors of active shooter incidents at church to speak to the public over a couple day period. the sheep dog seminar . net is where the information can be found. >> incredible and you can find more information on your blog. go to and you can read more about this. we hate to even think that's what we have to worry about now a days, but protection everywhere no matter where you are. we are on your side with the latest on the possible winter weather in charlotte tomorrow. the department of transportation crews are putting salt brine on the bridges and the city streets. we know they need to be open and clear.
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meteorologist eric thomas. >> eric: there are a lot of lily pads hoping from one to the next. there is another cold wave coming in over the weekend and we have to see how that impacts the president's day storm that you have been hearing about as well. for now the map is quiet, but here it comes. the first headline is no question. you can see this first patch of snow across mississippi valley. it is 463 miles, the leading edge is a few of those snow flurries. but you saw the motion and it is definitely coming our way. we are going to track that for you. if you are heading out at this moment you don't have to deal with it, 40 degrees. the winds are calm. all right, then you will see with the clear skies we are enjoying it is also going to help us to really give up and radiate the heat through the evening hours. you will be below freezing by the midnight hour. back to your future cast and as we take you through the overnight hours, yep, here comes the snow rolling out of
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shot here at the mountains and maybe not quite at the mountains yet, but it is no question approaching. that temperature is about 2 would degrees and here we are embarking on president's day weekend and they have a perfect scenario up there for great ski conditions. back down to the city we bring you and for us another cold start, 28 degrees. will any of this snow make it over the mountains and down into the peaked -- piedmont? if it does it won't be much. we will allow for a flurry to get down here in the piedmont. do you see around midday? this is your best shot. the temperatures will be warming in the afternoon hours. some will skate across the counties of north carolina. but it will amount to very little more than just that. it is just a few flurries and there is your clock in the corner. it is up in the high country. because of that look at some of these accumulations. another one to three and two to four in the higher elevations. it is a perfect timing for the
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where does the snow go after 7:00? not very far. it is still going to be falling in the high country. i don't expect much of that at all to get outside of the mountains and there it is. we are taking you all the way through the day. and that is a quiet map. you are talking a whole lot of sunshine. not going to be the case on monday. here we go, significant storm. the center is over dixie. ahead of it we have this cold air that is locked up north of the cold front. so as the moisture starts to roll in on monday morning there could be a quick opening volley of ice and snow close to charlotte, but unlikely anything. notice how the cold air, anything -- do you see this discolored line? that's the freezing line. anybody that is in this pocket here still stands to get snow. looks like it will be snow all day across the carolina high country. as we take you from noon until 4:00 in the afternoon the pocket of cold air gets smaller.
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the afternoon in charlotte, and then you get into the sleet, freezing rain and then eventually the snow up in the high country. the chances we have right now of less than an inch of snow are the greatest confidence that we have. we still can't rule out one to three, but i tell you what, if we get more than three, i will be quite surprised. the rest of your seven-day first alert forecast. the flurries tomorrow. there is the cold air over the weekend. teens for your lows. we just talked about monday. and then after that we will rebound and get up to seasonal levels. maureen? >> maureen: it is time for our "primetime" pic and this is from tracy. the caption reads "one more week of being foster mom for my seven sweet and rowdy boxy pups. their permanent family comes to their babies. bittersweet." post your picture on instagram.
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we use across all social media wbtv and me. # wbtv and me. that way we can find your pictures. follow us on instagram wbtv underscore news. >> maureen: a young man fighting for his life is crossing off bucket list wishes. one important one happened today while he was in the hospital. he graduated from salsbury hospital with a certificate of achievement. it is one of the things he achieved while battling cancer. >> robert steven gilmore has been through more than most people willen dower in a lifetime. but today cancer didn't matter. this did. >> despite all of your setback you have fought. you fought cancer twice and you fought hard in school to learn and get good grades. i have been a pediatric oncologist for 22 years and i
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fought harder or worked harder than you, robert. >> reporter: robert is battling colon cancer yet again. graduating from high school is his priority. >> when we told him yesterday he was graduating today he said yay! it was one of the two last things he wanted to do. nurses and family set it up in his hospital room and they came in person to deliver the achievement. it is bittersweet. >> he is tired and we wanted to help him complete everything on his list and for that, for me he is amazing. he is my superman. >> pride overwhelmed the room
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he came in a high school senior and left a high school graduate.
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news, kristen hampton >> it is always nice to have you with us for "primetime"
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good fight. now at havertys furniture, it's our annual presidents day sale. which means it's the perfect time to create the perfect home.
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everything in our store is on sale. plus, we're offering thirty-six month, no interest financing. come in today for our best prices of the year. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. sfx: knocking. we're early! the presidents day sale. from classic to contemporary,
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you have to bend down and cough. >> how was it when you got out with joe? >> yeah. >> really? >> surprising postprison revelations you have not heard. a six-person bed share. i'm billy bush with teresa's take on joe's rumored infidelity and her own experiences with sex in the big house. >> but did they want to boom-boom with you? why did lamar choose kanye's fashion show to make his first public appearance since nearly fatally overdosing? plus our kerry washington why she's attending the oscars


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