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tv   WBTV News Prime Time  CBS  February 22, 2016 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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you can see it extend through georgia and alabama and believe it or not there is another system that could be heavier as we take you into wednesday. right now if you are heading out the door 53 degrees and it is soggy. i don't expect the temperatures to be moving much at all during the evening hours. i don't expect the rain to be moving out either. we'll continue to look at this and talk about the potential for stronger and even damaging thunderstorms. that's part of your seven-day first alert forecast. >> maureen: stay up-to-date on the change in the forecast and download the first alert weather app. it is free for your smartphone. >> maureen: right now on "primetime" charlotte city council is expected to vote on an ordinance proponants say is expected to protect people based on sexual orientation and gender identity. this is a live look inside council chambers. some refer to the ordinance or it has become known as the bathroom bill.
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individuals to use restrooms of the sex they identify with. this morning people on both sides of the issue had an early faceoff. they took these boxes of letters supporting the ordinance to the mayor and councilmembers' offices. outside the government center there were people with signs. they sang hymns and gave speeches expressing they were against it. if this ordinance passes tonight it will go into effect april 1st. we know over a hundred people are signed up to speak for at least one minute. we will update you as soon as the vote is made, but it should be a very long council meeting. stay with wbtv on air and for updates. tonight -- >> maureen: tonight parents and neighbors living near east mecklenburg high school say they are worried after a teenager was kidnapped at gunpoint last week. the report on this was just released.
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else becomes a victim. christian florez has the latest on the investigation. >> i don't like her getting [inaudible] >> reporter: keep her out of trouble and now he as well as nearby parents are stunned this practice may be mandatory to keep loved ones safe after hearing a cade napper -- a cade napper ab -- kidnapper abducted a student. >> i didn't think it would happen that close to home. it never hits you until it hits you. >> shocking and terrifying and sad, obviously concern. >> reporter: according to a cmpd report the victim was walking to school early thursday morning. that's when the kidnapper pointed a gun at him and told him to get in the car. fortunately the victim escaped without injury, but the suspect is still on the run. >> as a parent i would just --
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cautious. >> glad he got away, but it could have been anybody's kid. >> reporter: the kidnapper is a black man in his mid30s and 5-9 and 200 pounds with shoulder length dreadlock. he was in a white four-door i'm i'm -- impalla or malibu. parents hope to see more police officers around. >> there are more access roads and crossing areas and sidewalks. so maybe increase police presence. >> reporter: and kelly will continue to peck -- pick up his cousin. >> i come here anyways to pick my cousin on time, but i will definitely make sure i am here. >> maureen: police have to the released any information about why this teen may have been targeted. we did speak with the victim's mother by phone and she told us her son had two choices. >> his first instinct was this can go one or two ways. either he will hurt him and
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can try to get out of the situation. >> maureen: lucky he got out okay. if you have any information on this situation, call crimestoppers. >> maureen: a puppy is recovering at a rock hill animal shelter after authorities say someone shot it with a bb gun. i want to warn you that some of these pictures may be disturbing to you. we want to show you broy de. brody. police brought him in on sunday because they thought he was stabbed, but an x ray proved otherwise. someone shot the dog with a bb gun 18 times. he is expected to be okay. and he will make a full recovery. right now he is on pain medication and he will eventually be up for adoption. authorities are still looking for who ever did this. looking ahead charlotte-mecklenburg school board members plan to vote on goals for the new student assignment plan. they hope to break up clusters of property and improve performance district wide. some parents are worried the district will have to
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make this happen. others say making schools more diverse will help the education experience. we will update you on the board's vote as soon as it happens. >> maureen: new tonight charges against a south carolina woman involved in an accident that killed a newborn have been upgraded. authorities say 32-year-old mills was under the influence when her car crossed the center line on february 13th in lexington county. hit a truck with a couple inside. the woman in the truck was pregnant. she went into early labor. the baby was placed on life support and died several days later. >> young couple minding their own business and down comes a driver who is impaired and crosses a center line and ultimately change their life forever from this crash. >> reporter: mills has been denied bond and the baby's parents were injured, but are expected to recover. >> maureen: new tonight, an update to a case we followed here on "primetime."
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raleigh woman in her uh-huh part meant while her -- apartment while her daughter slept in her room will spend the rest of his life in prison. the victim, melissa huggins' daughter, even testified she heard screams that night, but thought they were coming from another apartment. she found her mom dead the next morning. >> maureen: this was the scene outside the old hill -- hilldebrand high school. flames tearing through the building. we don't know the cause, but we know it started in the base -- basement. now more. >> reporter: for many this was more than an old building. >> that's a piece of my heart over there going up in flames. >> reporter: it was the schoolhouse until closed a few years back. evelyn newton was a student in the 1930s. >> a lot of good memory.
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5:00 when it was discovered. flames were racing across a ceiling and breaking through the roof. that sealed the building's fate. >> we are just trying to contain it to the buildings it is in and protect exposures. >> reporter: in other words save adjacent buildings. this one was gone. >> it is a sad scene to look at it. >> reporter: the old high school was the focal point in a lawsuit last year claiming a town council meeting where they voted to tear it down was improper. the town won, but the matter was appealed. >> reporter: the town voluntarily put a hold on the demolition until the legal questions could be resolved. but now the mayor tells me there is no need to put a hold on the demolition any longer. this morning a deputy was by her side. she received threats. investigators now have a big job. the spi is here and atf is expected hoping to find a cause. there is some power to the building and it is believed the fire started in the
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finding answers won't be easy. >> it is sad. >> reporter: a place many held dear and a piece of this town's history is now just rubble. wbtv on your side. >> maureen: we created a slide should of the incredible images of the fire. you can view them on the home page at >> maureen: up next on "primetime" new fears about craigslist after this woman was beaten by a roommate she found on the site. hear from her mother just ahead. plus, firefighters in both the carolinas become victims of thieves. we have details on the latest station hit. plus her visit to the white house with president obama and the first lady, michelle obama, and what made this visit so very special. we are your only live, local
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we are back in 90 >> maureen: now on "primetime" today's most notable video in the big three. the end of a high speed chase in oklahoma was caught on camera. watch the last minutes here as the driver tries to exit the highway and then crashes. you can see, boy, look what happens there. it is off the side of the embankment. they are able to rescue the driver. apparently it all started when the man you see there pointed a gun at officers before that
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>> i want to be like you. >> come on. >> maureen: have you seen this video of 106-year-old virginia mclauren? her dream came true. she made a visit to the white house, as you can see. she couldn't stop smiling and dancing. she told president obama and first lady michelle obama she didn't think she would livelong enough to get to the white house. mrs. obama said her visit made their day. >> maureen: that's one way to wake up and start your day. look at this. the toronto zoo posted this video on-line showing a panda taking a tumble in the snow. it appears the panda enjoyed it so much it goes back up and tumbles down again. >> maureen: next on "primetime" thieves targeting local firefighters strike again.
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us and i'll fight and die for >> maureen: a florida woman remains in a coma after police say she was attacked by her roommate she found on craigslist. this is one of the most popular stories on our website tonight. 23-year-old danielle jones had apparently only been living with the man accused for a couple of weeks. he claimed self-defense, but jones' mom says that's simply not the case. wbtv anchor molly granthom has the story new on "primetime." >> hey, danny. >> reporter: for the first
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beaten and stabbed on valentine's day, 23-year-old danielle jones is showing signs of improvement opening her eyes and blinking while her mother waits for her to respond. >> i can tell she is uncomfortable. she will start to move her hand or choke on the tubes. >> reporter: family members say she is loving, caring and always willing to help others. it was the kindness she showed to complete strangers that may have made her a victim in this crime. >> she looked for a roommate on craigslist. >> reporter: that roommate is this man 34-year-old byron mitchell. he only lived with danielle for a week before the assault and now he is charged with attempted murder. in fact he made the 9-1-1 call for help saying he was attacked by danielle and killed her in self-defense in their apartment in downtown miami. >> self-defense would be a black eye or a broken nose. he is 6-2 and 160 pounds. he is athletic.
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not only did he admit in the original police report to banging her head against the door and choking her, but the mutilation on the face this is the serial killer. >> reporter: doctors believe she could have serious brain damage. still family and friends are staying positive raising money and awareness hoping one day she will smile again. >> maybe i can help the next person that they might think twice about letting a stranger into their home before checking records and doing a criminal background check. >> reporter: molly granthom, wbtv primetime. >> maureen: to read more about this story scroll to the most popular section on the right hand side of our screen. another local fire station has fallen victim to thieves. someone broke into the cars at the flint hill fire department in fort mill. the york county sheriff's office says several vehicles
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them belong to firefighters. it happened friday into saturday morning. >> belonging to public servants trying to help people and they wake up finding their vehicle broken into and it is extremely sad. >> maureen: it is awful. standing guard at the fire station in charlotte he says after the rash of break ins, it was time to stand up and help. in the past few weeks 10 fire stations including kannapolis fire department, and the charlotte fire department and huntersville fire and flint hill fire department reported break ins involving firefighters' personal vehicle. if you have any information that might help solve these cases, make sure to call authorities right away. i have been getting text messages from a friend who was mentioning there may be a tree down in taylorsville. i'm wondering are there a lot -- is there a lot of wind with this rain? >> eric: there have been gusty winds. that combined with the soggy ground now that is developing
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worse. we could actually get gusty thunderstormss in here and the ground will only get wetter and wetter. we will take you outside. look at the amount of rainfall right now that is lining up sailing alabama -- along alabama, georgia and it is on top of the greater charlotte area and the wbtv viewing region. let's try to give you some detail. it is hard to pinpoint when it is blanketing the viewing area. we will try to nail down some areas that are getting the heavier pockets of rain. yes that continues right on top of mecklenburg county. that's huntersville into cabarrus county. we have this heavy band on the south end of charlotte as well. do you see this? the stadium here, bank of america, i-77. this is where the skyscrapers are centered. then you get this band that is sliding off to the east and making its way eastbound across 485. now we'll pull back and show you we have more pockets of
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and lake wiley and then lining up along i-85, cleveland county into cherokee county in south carolina and then yet another area of heavy pockets making its way through the foothills. this is burke county and avery county. it is heading your way. so nobody is getting out of this one. scott clark toyota weathernet, 52 degree. there it is, the soggy camera at stallings. that's on east independence boulevard across the county line in union county. temperatures are not moving much this evening. along the i-40 corridor we are in the upper 40s. the future cast i showed you all of this rain off to the southwest. it is just going to continue to pour in during the overnight hours. you can see your time. 52 at 9:00 and the temperatures are not going to be moving much either. 52 through 11:00. during the overnight hours you will see this rain continues relentlessly to make its way into the viewing area. you start to see the trailing
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south carolina, but it won't be in time to spare you of the soggy roads. for the 8 degrees and give yourself the extra time in the morning. you notice a bit of a lull through the day. then the rain starts to show up at the end of the day at 7:00 in the evening. and then it is wednesday's weather we have to start watching. so until then a bit of a lull in the rainfall during the day on tuesday. we'll take you to about 50 at noon and then call it 51 through about the 4:00 hour. let's talk about wednesday's weather. this is a big system on the move. already you will see a patch of rain ahead of it. that's tuesday night. this is a vigorous front coming in and there could be embedded thunderstorms. it is cutting across the middle of the viewing area. there could be a secondary line that will work its way in late on wednesday afternoon. we don't want to turn our back on this one until it is absolutely gone and out of here. the heavy rain is an inch on tuesday and perhaps another three quarters of an inch on
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these are your threats. the rain with the gusty winds and perhaps a brief tornado. very, very low chance of that. not impossible. for the rest of it then, the temperatures are near 50 tomorrow with the showers and the heavy storms coming in on wednesday. it is wrapped in by snow on the mountains on thursday. temperatures will level off in the 50s with some nice weather coming up for the weekend. those temperatures are about what you can expect this time of year. maureen, that's the way it looks. now back to you. >> maureen: [inaudible] it came with a number of hash tags including # somewhere, # country, # farm. what a beautiful picture. post your picture on instagram and use this hash tag, wbtv and me. that's how we'll find your pictures and follow us wbtv under score news. >> maureen: time for a look at what is trending and these are the three most popular stories on wbtv social media sites today. a family of six found dead
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last might. authorities say the killer was carbon ma knock side poison -- monoxide poisoning. deputies found them after a welfare check and they found a generator running in the home. the area where the family lived lost power on friday and a receipt shows the dad bought the generator that night. it is not known if the home had carbon monoxide detectors. mar -- >> maureen: police say a man was traveling from california on business and it is not the first time he has been involved in a case like this. airport officials say he has been seen walking outside the airport without clothing before, but never inside the terminal as he was this time. >> maureen: one person killed in a logging truck crash in gaston county. sky 3 was over the scene. this is off highway 321 on ferguson ridge drive. the name of the victim has not yet been released. for more on these stories and
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facebook page. like it and click on the links. we're back after this. >> closed captioning on wbtv
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south b steve: today is your lucky day. woman: (surprised) oh, my goodness mark: you've just won - a thousand dollars! woman: that'amazing! that' amazing! (shrieks) woman: ok, nice job. mark, way better than yesterday. maria, that delivery felt a little forced. and steve, steve: yeah? woman: i am still missing that raw emotion. woman: pretty awesome for a tuesday, but tomorrow is hump day, so let's really bring it! lucky for life. win a thousand dollars a day,
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>> eric: all right, here it is. i haven't talked about temperatures too much. it will be a cool, wet day and then the heavier thunderstorms, that's coming our way on wednesday. that's a second system. we could see two or more inches of rain out of this. that will end in mountain snow on thursday. and then after that it looks seasonal around here. you will see sunshine in the second half. the temperatures are in the 50s. here is a simpler way of looking at it.
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believe it or not even with no sun. seasonal con digs for the rest of the week. >> maureen: we want to take you to i-77 where there are huge back ups. if you know somebody who is traveling this route, tell them to avoid it at all costs. be safe on our roads and see
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good night (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong.
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bad news for quichekeisha in court. but plenty of support from demi and taylor. so why does demi have a problem with swift's actions? then kanye the peace maker. >> kanye yeah -- >> all those heroics can be exhausting. as kim posts that. and the first shot at saint hood. >> did you all sign contracts saying you wouldn't sleep with each other? >> listening closely to the answer, it sure sounds like two of them hooked up. so who could it be? and after crawling down her stage, britney's freaked out freak show guest can barely stand on ours. >> i'm still not recovered from


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