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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 17, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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it's just more division. now we have more fighting, more fighting. >> donald trump has decided not to participate in the debate this upcoming monday. >> for whatever reason, it seems that donald trump finds you a very, very terrifying person. >> kasich said if trump is not coming he is not either. a lot of overtime pay down the drain for the fox news techies. i hope they can sleep tonight. >> a victim's family calling for the death penalty to apriver. >> parts of louisiana and texas more rain on the way. >> major league baseball player is choosing his family over a multimillion dollar contract. >> nobody's kid needs to be in a professional locker room every day! >> sad news in the world of music. frank sinatra jr. has tied while on tour. the young frank sinatra was 72 years old. >> 2 million dollar inferno.
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virgin islands. >> will you run for president? >> i will not run for president. no, no, not going to do it. >> hillary clinton on comedy central. >> i'm sorry. we are so excited! >> and all that matters. >> it's looking more and more like the republicans could be on the road to a contested convention. the republican campaign could start all over again only this time it's crammed into one week. you can binge watch the death of the gop! >> on "cbs this morning." >> i think the jayhawks in a squeaker! >> president obama has unveiled his full march madness bracket. >> i started off making the right pick and i will end making the right pick. >> nont to be undone, donald trump has released his brackets! announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." the political showdown over the
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shifts to the garland, will go to capitol hill this afternoon to meet with democratic senators. >> republicans are standing by their vow not to consider garland or any nominee before the nevada election. the 63-year-old federal appellate judge wants to be the 113th justice to serve on the nation's highest court. we are covering the fight from the white house to the supreme court and talk with elizabeth warren and senator jeff flake. margaret brennan is at the white house. >> reporter: this was a calculated decision by president obama to pick a nominee that would be hard for republicans to shoot down. and, today, merrick garland goes to personally lobby on capitol hill and make is case he is a political moderate who can break that partisan divide. >> i will not be voting on this nominee. the next president is going to make the decision. >> reporter: last night, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said it would be a waste of time
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and insisted that congress must wait until americans elect a new president. >> if this was a republican president, submitting a nominee to a democratic senate in the middle of a presidential election year, no circumstances under which the nominee would be confirmed. >> i have fulfilled my constitutional duty. >> reporter: on wednesday, the president said senate republicans are october tobligated to consider garland's nomination. >> i simple ask the republicans in the senate to give him a fair hearing. if you don't, it will indicate a process for nominating and confirming judges that is beyond repair. >> reporter: polling shows more than half of the americans disproof of the senate republicans refusal to consider a nominee, but republican leaders say their argument stems from then senator joe biden's own rule back in 1992. >> action on a supreme court nomination must be put off until after the election campaign is over. >> reporter: but the vice president defended himself last night, tweeting there is only
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in the senate. every scotus nominee gets a hearing, committee vote, and floor vote, period. >> mr. garland is a fine nominee. i know him personally. i know of his integrity. >> reporter: in 2010 when justice picked elena kagan, hatch said he would be confirmed. hatch said yesterday, times have changed. >> a whale of difference being on any circuit court of appeals and being a nominee for the supreme court of the united states. >> reporter: today, president obama will join a conference call with progressive groups to build support for merrick. the bet is putting pressure on senators may change some minds. >> margaret, thank you very much. closer look at the nominee. and why the president chose garland to replace the late
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jan crawford is at the supreme court. >> reporter: the president is really gone with someone he sees as a reasonable pick, a compromise pick. certainly not the home run that some of the liberal groups would of wanted. garland is a moderate, a centrist. he is no liberal flame-thrower. i think you'll see the white house make the argument the president is not going as far left as some of the groups on the left would of wanted. now the republicans time to compromise a little bit by all accounts, judge garland is deeply experienced, he is respected, he's a chief judge at the d.c.-based federal appeals court, he is a former prosecutor who supervised the oklahoma city bombing trial. i mean, he is seen by some as really the best pick that a republican senate could ask for from a democratic president. and so now, the hope for many on the left is that as the summer progresses, and it looks like maybe a democrat will win the
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know, maybe republicans will recognize that this guy is the best that they can hope for and finally go ahead and confirm him. >> thank you, jan. democratic senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts is calling on her republican colleagues to schedule a hearing on judge garland. she joins us now from capitol hill. senator, good morning. >> good morning. >> are you enthusiastic in your support of judge garland? >> you know, the way i think of this, filling a supreme court vacancy is one of the most solemn tasks undertaken by this government. this isn't supposed to be a circus. the president has done his constitutional duty. he has sent us a nominee. and now it is our job in the united states senate to hold hearings, to examine his credentials, and then to have a vote on him. that's what the constitutional calls for. >> with respect to, senator, the question i asked will you support judge garland?
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right now, is that we want judge garland to come over. i want to meet with him, i want to look at his credentials. i want to see him perform in a hearing. and then i want to be able to have a vote on him. that's what advise and consent means. it's not supposed to be some kind of crazy political process. you know, senator toomey said the republican from pennsylvania said, well, if he had been nominated by a republican, then, yes, he would be willing to consider him but not since he was nominated by president obama. you know, this is just really taken off in a direction that is a direct insult to the president, it is a direct insult to the constitution, and now it is a direct insult to judge garland. >> but, senator, the republicans are now pointing to joe biden's comments back in 1992 when he said a nomination should not be put forward in an election year. so why is this different this time in 2016? >> let's be clear.
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history. every single republican -- every single supreme court nominee to a vacant position has had its hearing and a vote. the only ones who didn't get a hearing didn't get a hearing because they went straight to a vote. that is a hundred years of actual fact. >> senator, let me turn to the presidential race in 2016. all of your female particularic senators have endorsed senator hillary clinton. you have not yet made an endorsement. will you do it before the convention? >> i don't have a time line for this. but i go the to tell you, watching what has been going on the democratic side really makes me prouder to be a democrat. we have been out there talking about the issues, both hillary and bernie, about how it is that young people are going to be able to get an education without getting crushed by student loan debt, how we can better rein in wall street, how we can have trade deals that don't just leave workers in the dirt. >> you know your lack of an endorsement at this stage has
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let me ask you this -- do you believe that senator clinton should release the transcripts of her speeches to goldman sachs? >> look. i think that our candidates are out doing what they should do in a primary. they are debating the issues. >> you're not answering my question, senator. >> what i'm doing is i'm telling you what i think should be going on right now in this election. >> it's a yes or no question. should she release the transcripts or not? >> what i told you i think the primaries are doing what they should be doing and the candidates are being tested. >> what will it take for you to make an endorsement of either candidate? what more do you need to hear? >> what i'm glad to see is what is happening right now. and that is that the democrats are out talking about the issues. i think it makes it very distinct what happens between our side and what is happening over on the other side. >> someone said -- >> that they are doing some kind of reality show, we are out here trying to talk about the issues that affect american people. >> and so are we.
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is being raised, has the democratic party and has senator clinton, secretary clinton moved from being a clinton democrat to a warren democrat? >> you know, what our candidates have told us is what they will stand for as president of the united states. >> is it moving to the left? >> i think what it is is moving to where america is. america's hard working families, america's middle class is really on the ropes. and what we need is somebody in the white house who is going to be out there fighting for them. that is what this next election is going to be about. the republicans make it clear, they are going to keep working for the rich and the powerful. the democrats are making it clear they are going to get out there for working families. they are going to fight to build a future. not just for some of our children, but for all of our children. >> senator warren -- >> between those. >> so great to have you here.
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next hour, we will talk with republican senator and judiciary committee member senator jeff flake. donald trump says things could get ugly if republican leaders try to block him from the presidential nomination. he said, quote, i think you would have riots if a contested convention chose another candidate. trump said he would not part in a scheduled debate before tuesday's utah primary. fox news cancelled the debate when john kasich said he would not show up without trump. major garrett is in washington with the changing shape of this republican campaign. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. for the first time, donald trump is running like a cautious incumbent with a lead to protect, avoiding fiedsghts and friction that could prove costly. john kasich remains focused on staying relevant through july's convention. >> donald, apparently, is ducking. he's afraid of being challenged. >> reporter: ted cruz shut out in tuesday's primaries played
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into the ring. >> he is scared to debate. and, you know, he just -- he looks down on the voters. he thinks they are gullible and will believe whatever he is saying. >> reporter: as for donald trump's pursuit for the nomination? obstacles exist. six of the states remaining are winner has all primaries totals 217 delegates. even if trump wins every one, he would still need nearly 40% of the rest of the delegates to secure the nomination. >> i don't think anybody is going to have enough delegates. >> reporter: john kasich trails trump and cruz by hundreds of delegates but denied he is just a spoiler. >> neither of those guys can win a general election. maybe they are spoiling it for the republican party and for the conservative movement. >> reporter: trump warned wednesday the future of the conservative movement and the gop was in danger as he arrived at the party convention with the most delegates but lost the nomination. >> i think you'd have riots. you know, i'm representing a tremendous, many, many, millions of people. i think bad things would happen. i really do. i believe that.
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bad things would happen. >> reporter: cruz said trump was threatening the national party. >> no one should be surprised that donald trump is trying to stir up riots. >> reporter: trump defended his tone. >> we are doing pretty well the way it is and i would say that i always like to be a gentleman. >> reporter: promising he would try to rise above the vocal opposition to his candidacy. >> i'm not going to be provoked but, at the same time, you have to take tough action when this happens but you can't let them get away with it. >> reporter: federal misdemeanor charges were charges against the man who rushed the stage at trump's rally outside of dayton, ohio, on saturday. the secret service leaves such pros prosecutions to local authorities but it was brought to curtail future altercationtltercationtltercationsaltercations. a murder charge this morning over a deadly shooting of a teenager. 16-year-old jose cruz was shot and killed sunday night. johnson suspected the teenager
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omar villafranca is live at the shooting scene in addison, texas. >> reporter: good morning. there's a small memorial of flowers and candles where 16-year-old jose cruz was shot and killed. right next to it? pieces of the car that he was in. and right behind me, you can see there is spray paint on the road where investigators say cruz and another teenage friend in the car crashed out before they were both shot. overcome with grief, the mother of jose cruz broke down in tears last night. and praised the arrest of the officer accused of killing her 16-year-old son. [ speaking in foreign language ] trs she is asking for justice against this individual who took the life of her child. >> reporter: addison, police arrested officer ken johnson wednesday on charges of murder and aggravated assault. johnson was off-duty on sunday when he claims he saw cruz and another teen breaking into a car in this apartment complex. johnson chased the teens down in
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altercation, he opened fire. witnesses captured these images of the shooting. >> this was a cold-blooded murder in the middle of the afternoon in addison. >> reporter: johnson is not an officer in addison but is in the nearby dallas suburb of farmers branch. his own police chief emphasized an apparent break in protocol. >> we have policies to deal with off-duty enforcement. >> reporter: the shooting has sparked outrage and protests in the community. >> i want to know why, why did they kill him? why did he shoot him? how come he couldn't handle it a different way? >> reporter: johnson's attorney says a grand jury should have decided what charges, if any, should have been filed. but cruz's family says the evidence speaks for itself. >> when you lose a 16-year-old son, there's no words that can explain the pain and suffering
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through. >> reporter: police are not commenting on the ongoing investigation. the other teenager in the car who was shot is expected to survive. charlie? >> omar, thanks. fans this morning are remembering frank sinatra jr. the only son of the iconic entertainer, a singer himself, died wednesday. he was 72. his sister nancy wrote on facebook, the sinatra family mourn the untimely passing of their son, brother, father, uncle, frank sinatra jr. don dahler remembers back. >> maybe you might remember this song. we stole it from you. >> reporter: if frank sinatra was the chairman of the board. >> reporter: his son frank sinatra jr. was the heir apparent. >> reporter: their relationship
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iconic baritone bravado. >> reporter: but the road wasn't always so silky smooth. >> the third night of ankleguish ended at 3:00. >> reporter: frank jr. was kidnapped and his father paid the ransom. >> the first words when he saw me was, "i'm sorry." >> big sensationalist and headlines everywhere. he found ways to, you know, bring himself out of that. through the very heart of it >> sinatra jr. performed his own music career but had difficulty finding his own persona and became sinatra sr.'s conductor in 1988. >> a guy has to live in the shadow of one of the most iconic singers and artists of all time, those are big shoes to fill. >> yeah, i'm in. >> reporter: turning to
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"the sopranos" and" family guy" but only at the end of his career he embraced his father's legacy. audience. ed my son frank is conducting welk. now you cut me. >> reporter: scheduled was on tour and scheduled to perform last night in st. petersburg, florida.
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seaworld are here announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by tru green. a baseball bombshell. >> ahead, the chicago player who walked away from his 13 million dollar paycheck to stick up for his son. the news is back this
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morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. hi! here for our 1 for everyone event? yep, and i brought everyone. everyone? kamiko is my bff, darren is her boyfriend. jilliam is my sister, she's dating liam who used to date theresa, but they're still friends. well, kamiko and darren could get 0% apr financing. low monthly payments for jillian. amazing lease deals for liam and tons of inventory for his friend theresa. nice. during toyota's 1 for everyone sales event get 0% apr financing on a 2016 rav4. offer ends april 4th. for great deals on other toyotas visit got room for one more? toyota. let's go places. only kraft natural cheese has a touch of philadelphia cream cheese, so whatever you make, is creamier than ever. while you were busy not remodeling your bathroom, the internet got rocket mortgage.
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involving 1,000 cans of >> christine: good morning, this is a wbtv on your side news update i'm christine sperow. 7:27. we're following breaking news at this hour, the state bureau of investigation is in anson county investigating a deputy-involved shooting. this is a live look at the scene where this anson county deputy is standing guard where the shooting happened on boat landing road. investigators say the shooting happened last night at a camping area nearby. details are limited but the victim is alive and the deputy involved was not hurt. more to come, stay with wbtv. here is chris larson with first alert traffic. >> chris: christine, thank you, first alert traffic sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. inbound delays on north tryon up to dalton avenue, with an accident at that intersection. expect that you will find delays along the section from north tryon, dalton t and over to north graham street this morning. looking live at independence expressway around briar creek past there, still seeing heavy traffic inbound from albermarle,
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here is meteorologist al conklin. >> al: thanks, chris, clear skies this morning, a chilly start to the day, temperatures in the 40s and low 50s, what a gorgeous shot from hd tower cam, looking nice. we're at 53 charlotte, 50 hickory, 41 salisbury, 42 albermarle, 42 in shelby area and in the 30s up around morganton,morgan ton. morganton. this afternoon,77, lots of sunshine fall back in the 40s tonight, tomorrow cooler, upper 60s to 70, partly sunny skies, rain overtakes the area saturday. mostly light but cloudy and very
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high only 53, rain may and then there is john kasich who won his home state of ohio last night. although if you were to judge just from the amount of confetti that came down at his victory speech, you would think he was the millionth customer at a supermarket. >> he isgathering up confetti. >> there he is. the only one who could possibly stop donald trump, the governor -- and he is gone! and he's gone. >> i thought the confetti machine malfunctioned because it was so heavy but clearly they were very happy in ohio on that night. >> indeed. welcome back to "cbs this morning." what do you think seaworld would look like without its controversial killer whale shows? they are ready to find out. the company's ceo is there in
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there he is in a tie ahead with the head of the humane society with the first together about big changes they are working on. white sox slugger suddenly retires because the team doesn't want his son hanging out at the ballpark so often. ahead, who is going to bat for the player and how the club is defending itself. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. >> "the washington post" reports that the d.c. area transit trains are rolling again. metro riders back on board this morning after a 29-hour shutdown. electric fires on monday prompted the closing. workers found and fixed more than two dozen power cable problems. the system is the nation's second biggest, averaging more than 700,000 riders a day. "the new york times" reports on the u.s. state department calling on north korea to release an american student otto warmbier who was sentenced to 15 years this week. he took a propaganda banner from his hotel. the state department calls the
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"the seattle times" reports 1500 patients in washington state urged to tested for possible hepatitis b and hepatitis c and hiv. those patients had surgery at two hospitals where a former as you recall technician worked. he is now charged with stealing a syringe of a painkiller in january and swapping it at a colorado hospital. he has tested positive for a blood pathogen. so far, no indication of exposure. five deputies suspended. a protest was hit during a donald trump rally eight days ago in fayetteville, north carolina. the sheriff's department says the deputy saw it but did nothing. the suspension is three or five days without pay. the atlanta journal constitution reports that
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following tuna. >> drop the microphone, mr. rose! the fish may not have been properly sterilized. i didn't mean for you to really say it. the affected cans are listed on >> i'm glad it's not chicken st sea. a sea change at seaworld. the wildlife theme park chain this morning, announced new policies for the breeding and showcasing of its killer whales. the shake-up comes after years of controversy including the repeat revelation that seaworld employees posed at activists to
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for years animal advocacy groups. the 2013 documentary "blackfish". the company disputed many of the film's accusations of animal abuse and neglect. since the film's release, seaworld's park price and park attendance have plummeted. "blackfish" tells the story of drawn brancota who was killed by tillicum. it read to the resignation of the ceo with joel manby named as the ceo in march of lastly year. the company has instituted other reforms. but critics have said the changes do little to improve the
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the bad press continues for seaworld. tillicum remains in captivity and the company says he is suffering from an incurable bacterial infection. joel manby, the ceo of seaworld is here and along with the president and ceo of the humane society of the united states. they are with us for their first live interview about the changes ahead for seaworld and the new partnership between the theme park and the humane society. good morning to you both. great to have you here. >> thank you. >> joel, this announcement coming today. what changes will we see at the parks? >> we are making three big announcements today that i think really change the direction of the company. the first is that we are going to end our orca breeding. this is the last generation of orcas at seaworld. a difficult decision but we feel the right one for the future of the organization. the second is we are going to introduce new inspiring orca
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theatrical show. we will teach all of our customers about the plight of them in the wild. thirdly, we are also introducing a new partnership with haus, human society of the united states. we have been been former adversaries. >> some say enemies. you guys butted heads for 20 years. are you surprised, wayne, you two have come together on this? >> this is what we do at the humane society. we work with adversaries to turn them into allies. with joel and seaworld we have this opportunity and excited about the end of orca breeding and excited seaworld is doing more rescue and rehabilitation and together we will be advocates to fight commercial sealing and commercial whaling. these are big problems for marine animals. once we settle some of the issues at seaworld we can look outside and address and help these beautiful creatures. >> how hard was it to make this happen? >> i think it was -- it was a challenge.
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our companies were at odds for so long but i think once we got to know each other it really helped. >> we feel like in the society of today, so much monologue talking against each other. we wanteded to dialogue and find where we have commonalities. we are dedicated professionals and we love animals so let's work to help the animals in the wild. we are committing 50 million dollars the next five years to be the largest rescue organization in the world and there is thousands of mammals stranded every year that die. >> no doubt that seaworld you have incredible, some of the best biologists in the country to see creatures people would not be able to see. at the same time, your park attendance has slipped and your stock is down. is this more a business decision? >> no. it's about where society is shifting. i have seen, clearly, that society is changing their attitude about these unbelievable majestic animals
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and as we see that shift, we felt we had -- now, clearly, if the customers appreciate what you do more, they are going to come to your park more and there is going to be a benefit. >> that's why i think our world -- business is aligning itself with more humane sensibilities. you see it with companies. ring ring ringling is joining the act too. this is a big and bold and important announcement. >> the bet here is you can do well by doing good? >> i think so. we talked about the humane society. you can see it with agriculture companies and wildlife management. look at the killing of that lion, cecil. so many people. 45 airlines were not going to ship trophies from animals after that crisis. the world is waking up to animals. >> but people could say what took so long. i love the show. been there many times.
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you see t wow, it's amazing. after seeing the documentary "blackfish" i don't feel the same any more. people say what took you so long and to that, you say what? >> just like you said, people come to our shows and they love our activities. you connect with animals. >> yeah. >> and everyone loves animals. there is raging debate whether this was the right thing, wrong thing in the past. however, it's clear that people are more uncomfortable. whether the movie or legislation all of these things are affected. >> to be clear no longer see orcas at seaworld? >> they will be there. we are phasing out the program. we are not breeding any more but it will take years for them to pass on. as long as they are alive, they will still be at seaworld in these new orca environments and encounterses. people can still see them and learn about them but we are not making any new orcas and phase out over time. >> we hope to partner with them to help with animals in distress, stranded whales and
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sea turtles and one of the area of our partnership. >> people don't realize without facilities like swoverled and without our unbelievable zoological team, these stranded animals have no place to go. it's not as clear-cut as it appears from the outside. >> i'm thinking it's a romance at the table and you should be talking to people called democrats and republicans. there is a way you can come together. >> i think people are tired of the monologue and the fighting. why we are fighting, there is thousands of animals dying every day. >> good for you. >> thank you both. a major leaguer is forced to choose between baseball and family. ahead the clubhouse request that led a baseball player to walk away from millions of dollars and the game he loves. if you're heading out the door, we want you to come. visit cbs all-access app on your digital device. i heard from a friend that it
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earth hour is ab the chicago white sox this morning are facing questions over a veteran player's sudden departure. adam laroche stepped away from baseball and millions of dollars after team management suggested his son was spending too much time in the clubhouse. jeff glor is here with a very unusual workplace conflict. >> reporter: 14-year-old drake laroche spends nearly every day with his dad. his father does not stay home and does not work a 9:00 to 5:00 job and is a major league baseball player. 12 seasons with six teams. as of this week, no more. >> is there a deep shot. left center field. and it is out of here! >> reporter: for adam laroche. >> adam laroche has tied the ball game! >> reporter: his only son have always been inseparable. >> nobody's kid needs to be in a professional locker room! >> i was really unaware of the
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as he was. >> reporter: the 36-year-old abruptly walked away from a 13 million dollar contract on tuesday, after white sox executive vice president ken williams asked laroche to limit his son's time in the clubhouse. >> it's not because the young man was a distraction and not because he wasn't well-received and well-liked by players, but in management sometimes you got to make some unpopular decisions. >> reporter: 14-year-old drake laroche has been a fixture alongside his father on the field and in major league baseball league clubhouses for years. complete with his own jersey and personal locker. >> my friends think it's really cool and everything. but i just think it's normal because i do it every single year since i've been a baby. >> reporter: kids on the field and in the clubhouse isn't uncommon across baseball, but drake's involvement with the white sox was unique. >> you see kids in clubhouses
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i can't think of a single case where a player's son was in a clubhouse the entire time the player was. >> reporter: the white sox insist their decision had nothing to do with drake's conduct. but, rather, an attempt to completely focus on winning. >> it's awesome. yeah, i'm so lucky to get to take him to work. my brothers and i just grew up around the stadium. we always did it so it's cool to give him the same memories. >> reporter: some of laroche's former teammates tweeted their support, including current mvp bryce harper and future hall of famer chipper jones. basebaba has long been a family affair for laroche's. adam's dad brought in the majors four seasons and often broadught adam to the stadium. >> i think it's sweet that he brings his son. >> i wish they could have worked something out.
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a dog lost at sea
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this morning" sponsored by tena. don't let a cracked windshield ruin your plans. trust safelite. with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" you'll know exactly when we'll be there. giving you more time for what matters most. (team sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. soup and sandwich and clean and real and inside jokes and school night. good, clean food pairs well with anything. try the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be. ever since jim signed up for lowe's personalized lawn care plan, i've been up on my hind legs trying to get a better view of his grass. it's so beatif - aghh! cramp! cramp! my tiny unicorn legs can't take it. now get 20% off pennington smart seed, at lowe's.
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may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for details,
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[music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. trugreen presents the yardley's. sfx: leaf blower dad! sorry. spring is on. start your trugreen lawn plan today. trugreen. live life outside. whoa. what's going on here? oh hey allison. i'm val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. val from voya? yeah, val from voya.
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we're putting away acorns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spokes person? no, i'm more like a metaphor. okay, a spokes-metaphor. no, i'm... you're a spokes-metaphor. yeah. ok.
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>> john: good morning this is a wbtv on your side news update i'm john carter. three minutes before 8:00. a fire at a restaurant in east charlotte is under investigation. this was the scene on albermarle road at el paisano restaurant early this morning. firefighters forced to close lanes on albermarle road for several hours. they all reopened. the fire did extensive damage inside. no one was hurt, the cause is under investigation. here is chris larson with traffic. >> chris: first alert traffic sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. lake norman commute heavy, both directions north and southbound, slow going from davidson down to 485 and we do have an accident blocking at least one lane on i-70 southbound at gilead road, expect you will continue to see the delays there. delays on i-77 coming up to arrowood road, you see the traffic there trying to exit on arrowood, we do have an accident on that ramp so again, inbound from 485 up to arrowood is stop and go, now over to
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check of first alert forecast. >> al: plenty of sunshine this morning, this is our camera from up at university city area. good sunshine, blue skies, temperatures responding. down to 40s this morning, 47 here in charlotte, now starting to rebound getting up in at least the middle 50s. 54 in charlotte, 43 shelby, 36 in morganton, 49 hickory, 49 in monroe, 45 in lancaster, south carolina. we will warm up nicely, in the 50s now, low 70s lunch time, a few high clouds this afternoon, high temperature, well above average, 77 degrees, off of where we were yessed when we hitwe were yesterday,we hit 86. we get a lot of cloud cover and light rain saturday afternoon, saturday night and will end mid-day in the afternoon hours
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very chilly this good morning. it is thursday, march 17th, 2016. happy st. patrick's day! make the luck of the irish be with you today! welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including tap water. more than 20 million americans could be at risk from corroding lead pipes. we will visit one town trying to solve the problem. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> this was a calculated decision by president obama to hit a nominee that would be hard for republicans to shoot down. >> president sees this as a reasonable pick, not a home run would have wanted. >> one of the most solemn tasks undertaken by this government. this isn't supposed to be a
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trump is running like a cautious incumbent with a lead to fight for. >> spray paint on the road where investigators say cruz and another friend in the car crashed before they were shot. >> we are going to end our orca breeding so this will be the last generation of orcas at seaworld. >> 14-year-old drake laroche spends nearly every day with his dad. he is a major league baseball player. twelve seasons with six teams. but as of this week, no more. >> bumblebee is recalling more than 31,000 cases of canned tuna. the move includes chunk light in oil. chunk light in water. and four packs of chunk -- chunk light in water. say that three times in a row. >> chunk light in water, chunk water. >> okay, showoff! drop the microphone, mr. rose!
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king and norah o'donnell. happy st. patrick's day. president obama on wednesday named federal appeals chief judge merrick garland to replace the late justice antonin scalia. he is considered a moderate and consendus builder. garland explained his philosophy at the white house rose garden. >> fidelity to the constitution and the law has been the cornerstone of my professional life. and is the hallmark of the kind of judge i have tried to be for the past 18 years. if the senate sees fit to confirm me to the position for which i have been nominated today, i promise to continue on that course. >> republicans refuse to consider garland, despite bipartisan support during his 1997 confirmation. seven current republican senators voted for him at that time.
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own party's previous partisan partisanship saying, quote, republicans will point to democrats who have made it hard for republican presidents to get their nominees confirmed. he says a mistake for the gop to do that now. . senate majority leader mitchell mcconnell was unmoved and pointed to a decades' old statement pointed out by joe biden. >> when joe biden was chairman of the judiciary committee said no supreme court justice should be filled during a presidential election year because the american people were in the process of speaking that the elections are going on all over the country. the next president will be making this choice. the people will decide who should be the appointing authority. he will not be considered by the senate. >> the vice president tweeted this.
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arizona is a member of the senate judiciary committee and among a handful of republicans who have agreed to meet the nominee judge merrick garland. senator flake is with us from capitol hill. senator, good morning. >> thanks for having me on. >> you have broken with other republicans and said not only would you meet with the president's nominee, you would consider voting for him in a lame duck session. why? >> well, i think the goal here for republicans ought to be to make sure that we continue to have balance on the court and there is a concern that since this is justice scalia's seat, if president obama or somebody else were to name a justice that was decidedly liberal, it would upset the ballots on the court, so i think the republicans are certainly justified in saying we want to wait until a new president can make this nomination. >> but what if it's before the election and you do not know who is going to be the president? >> i think that is a risk we take and republicans have decide
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and this is an important seat. like i said this is a scalia seat and it would significantly change the balance of the court were a liberal nominee be appointed in his place. >> are you disappointed in the optics of this? let's take mitch mcconnell's position saying we are not even having a hearing and other not meet with him. are you concerned that the your party? >> well, i think, like i said we have every right. it's been since 1878 since we have had a similar scenario where a nominee was made in an election year and would be approve by the opposition party in the senate. so certainly we are justified in waiting. but there are -- these are tough optics, i will admit. but it's a risk that you take and this is an important seat. we want to make sure that we maintain the balance on the court. >> speaking of tough optics.
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today that says the escalating fight over filling the court vacancy holds a potential to be a confrontation that also could help determine the winner of the white house and control of the senate and ideological balance on the court and the rare washington fight that washes over all three branches of government. do you agree with that? >> i do, i do. these are high stakes, no doubt. but the court lifetime a appointees to the court is important nomination and consideration. the senate has advise and content and we are given that role and i think what we are doing is exercising that. >> another member of the senate judiciary committee orrin hatch in 2010 when the president made one of his last picks to supreme court called garland someone he would help gather republican votes to vote for him. so what has changed now? isn't this just politics? >> oh, i don't think anything has changed with regard to merrick garland.
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others on the court and i hear nothing but good about him. >> why wouldn't you give him a hearing? >> this is -- >> why not give him a hearing and vote him up or down if he is a fine man and he is qualified, why not give him the hearing? >> like i said i plan to meet with him but that is decision i make. >> are you doing anything -- are you doing anything to convince your colleagues to reconsider their position? >> no. i'm going to meet with merrick garland and i'll take it from there. >> all right. senator, your candidate has dropped out of the race, senator marco rubio. will you endorse someone else? >> well, i'm considering that right now. but i'll probably wait a couple of weeks and see. i'm still hopeful that we can get a nominee that we can be proud of and take us through the election. >> can you support donald trump? >> it's a tough one there. i don't want to say anything now but i find it difficult given the statements he has made. i believe we need to win the white house and we have got to have somebody that can do it and
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>> do you want donald trump picking the next supreme court nominee? >> that's another question we will have to consider! so you mentioned all these things. a lot of factors that go into this and, you know, these are high stakes. there's no other way to say it. >> all right. >> senator flake, good to see you this morning. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me on. a question -- how safe is your water? millions of people nationwide could be at risk from lead in their drinking water!
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today" net a perk that comes with frequent flying gets a major overhaul. ahead, travel editor peter greenberg with the later in airline miles and why you shouldn't horde all of your points. do you do that?
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>> as soon as i can! they'll always be our babies. so there will be things to keep us up. but tonight johnson's can help with a bedtime routine. clinically proven to help them fall asleep faster. and stay asleep longer. tonight, we sleep. with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. nutella. spread the happy! with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently
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of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra
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michigan governor rick snyder testifies before congress this morning about lead contamination in flint's drinking water. a new investigation by the "usa today" network is raising questions this morning about tap water nationwide. the report identified nearly 2,000 water systems used by 6 million people were excessive levels of lead were detected in the past four years. . adriana diaz is in sebring, ohio, where a community is struggling with lead water. >> reporter: the town wants to test every home's water and if dangerous lead levels are found, bottled water and filters will be provided. the problem here is not isolated. more than 20 million people across the country get their water through lead pipes. courtney might swear off tap water for good for the sake of her 7-month-old daughter autumn. >> just seems like everyone is having water problems, all of a sudden. >> reporter: she lives in sebring, ohio, a village of less
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cleveland. lead was detected in the drinking water in august. but residents weren't notified until january. >> it does bother me, because why wouldn't they get it out sooner? where wouldn't they tell us, especially for people with babies. >> reporter: water leaving treatment plants is lead-free but without the right additives, the water can corrode lead service lines as well as lead plumbing inside homes and allowing the toxic metal to leech out. >> the art teacher told us not to drink the water. >> reporter: the usa today network found that 600 water systems lead waters was leveling those of the worst samples found in flint. >> one of the huge issues in our country is that for decades, we used lead to create water pipes. we need to be checking out our homes for lead in our pipes in the same way that we worry about lead-based paint. >> reporter: lead plumbing was finally banned in 1986. even in small doses, it's
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lead to brain damage, reduced i.q.s and other health problems. water utilities now put additives in the water to prevent aging lead pipes from corroding. they also regularly test homes that are considered high-risk. but david la france, ceo of the american water works association, says more needs to be done. >> as long as we have lead, there will be some risk that lead will get into the water and the best way to solve that problem is to simple get the lead out. >> reporter: francis group says still 6.1 million lead lines in use. serving up to 22 million people. and that it could take as much as $30 billion to replace them all. >> even withif we remove the lead service lines there is still risk if there is plumbing at the home that contains lead. >> reporter: last month, the village of sebring hired a new superintendent to run its water
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chances with her baby's health. >> i don't think i'll ever use the city water for her with anything because you never know what's in it. >> reporter: if you're worried about lead in your drinking water, experts say you can have the water tested or hire a plumber to see if your home has lead pipes. has more. >> so many of us take water for granted. you turn it on and you look at the brown stuff in bottles and it's scary. >> certainly have your kids' blood tested too if you're concerned about it. some unlikely backpackers are helping london clean up its act. charlie d'agata shows us the pigeon air patrol. >> for some, pigeons might be a nuisance but put a tiny little backpack on them and fly them over london and they just might help save the planet.
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on "cbs this morning." soup and sandwich and clean and real and inside jokes and school night. good, clean food pairs well with anything. try the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be. what brand of makeup is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena cosmetics. with vitamins and antioxidants. now with foundations in shades for more skin tones. i've been claritin clear for 14 days. when your allergy symptoms start... ...doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season... ...for continuous relief. with powerful, 24 hour... ...non-drowsy claritin, live claritin clear.
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hi i'm kristie and i'm jess and we are the bug chicks. we are a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. "hey cortana, find my katydid video". oh! this is so good. (laughs) if you're trying to teach a kid about a proboscis just sketch it on the screen. i don't have a touch screen on my mac, i'm jealous of that. (laughs) you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view.
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officials in london have been strapping minibackpacks with air quality sensors on pigeons to monitor pollution level. isn't that the difference of if you see something, say something? yeah, hi. i just saw a pigeon wearing a
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what do you mean? >> that's good, seth. >> so weird. >> more on the story. london's air pollution problem is blamed for thousands of deaths every year. this experiment with birds and backpacks could create a flight path to a long-term solution. charlie d'agata in london has the story of the pigeon air patrol. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. these pigeons are nothing special. if anything, they are underachievers. the one in the project are racing pigeons and currently flying at around 120 feet and bill backpacks weigh less than an ounce or lighter than a feather. that is princess. the bird. not the guy! prince cess and a small flock of friends took flight this morning on a mission to save the world, or mostly to raise awareness about all of the air pollution in it says this creative director. >> really that we all expose and
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just by simply going in the streets, into the tube everywhere. >> reporter: seven birds, all females, took wing today. two with pollution monitoring backpacks and one with gps so scientists can track them. the others are wing men or wing women. pigeon handler brian says his birds prefer to fly in a flock. >> they like to fly together, they do it for security. more than anything. that is just pretty much like a horse race. you know is in the first across the line they all go together. >> reporter: the program is partnered with, you guessed it, twitter, to find out how polluted your neighborhood is, you tweet to the birds. pigeon air patrol tweets back with a reading of your area ranging from moderate to extreme. pigeons have a long history of serving on britain's battle fronts. notably in world war ii. >> friend of messagers pigeons. headquarters secret
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>> reporter: even a young queen elizabeth supported the air force. today, london faces another threat. an estimated 10,000 people die prematurely in the capital due to air pollution and the world health organization estimates that globally air pollution is to blame for the deaths of 7 million people every year. which makes the work of a few good pigeons with cute little backpacks a bit more pressing than just a mere flight of fancy. now, this morning, we tweeted princess, that pigeon currently on duty to find out what pollution levels are like here. we got the message pollution is high in your area. protect yourself. >> stay inside. >> give us another way of thinking of pigeons p.m. all i think is poop and nastiness. >> oh, no!
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i like them but very >> john: goodgood morning, this is a wbtv news update. all lanes reopened on i-85 following southbound following a pedestrian being hit by a vehicle at 2:00 this morning on i-85 near concord mills boulevard exit. the crash shut down the southbound lanes for about two hours. we have reached out to troopers and learned the condition of the pedestrian and get an identity, when we get that information we'll bring it to you on air and online at now here is chris larson. >> chris: john, the commute right now, 77 southbound in cornelius is stopped. first alert traffic sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. take a look, this is 77 from the cornelius bridge there, and inbound traffic just barely at a crawl because of an injury accident at exit 25 on the sam furr road. if you're coming inbound, in the
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road you're you are seeing delays. we have slow downs on i-77 northbound and an accident to the south on highway 21, that is statesville road at hambright road. we'll keep monitoring the situation but i-77 southbound in lake norman is very slow right now. now over to meteorologist al conklin. >> al: the weather situation is a lot better than the traffic situation there on i-77, chris, heath springs elementary school, bradford pears in full bloom. sunshine, cool start, awesome finishing, wind up in the 70s, close to 80 down around lancaster later this afternoon. 45 lancaster, 43 wadesboro, 45 albermarle, only 40 in morganton, low 40s boone and shelby, 49 in hickory, we're in the mid 50s here for charlotte and gastonia. this afternoon mid to upper 70s and south of charlotte you may get close to 80, not quite as warm as yesterday, we hit 86 in charlotte yesterday, good enough for new record, we won't
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any time soon. we'll talk about a tail off in temperatures here, we'll fall back in the upper 60s near 70 tomorrow, partly to mostly sunny everybody light rain possible if not likely going in saturday afternoon, saturday night and the first half of sunday. notice only in the 50s, we warm up next week but lows in the night in the 30s, very
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days starting this weekend. what did you think when you heard that president obama nominated elron hubbard to supreme court? are you excited? >> i am. i thought it was a good choice. he is more public. and i identify myself as a republic -- a republican? so i was pretty content with that choice. >> do you think sammy hagar is a good choice for the supreme court justice? >> i feel that the motions he has logged and the things he want to train and i think he would be a good candidate. >> president obama nominated landster for the supreme court justice. do you think he will bring peace to the seven kingdoms or a divisive figure? >> i think divisive. >> that last one was a game of thrones. >> it was. >> people just don't want to say i don't know who that is, do they? >> no. >> sammy hagar? really?
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eye yi yi! welcome back to "cbs this morning." this half hour, going the distance isn't good enough any more for some airline reward programs. peter greenberg is in our toyota green room. hello! the newest big airline to change its frequent flyer policy. the parents of a young transgender child show how they turn challenges into new ways of cherishing their family. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the washington post" reports on scans showing who hidden rooms in king tut's burial chamber. in september we took you inside the tomb in southern egypt. there is speculation the secret chambers behind the walls may contain the remains of a famous queen who may have been king tut's mother. "usa today" reveals the happiest country in the world. any guesses? >> denmark? i cheated!
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there on the teleprompter. it's followed by switzerland, iceland and norway and finland. it includes a happy life expectsy. the united states was ranked 13, up two spots from last year. pope's fiat making a special appearance today at the st. patrick's day here at new york city one of the two fiats the pope used while he visited here in september. it will be driven in today's parade route and afterward the car is available for bid at a charity auction. "the new york times" reports on a hint from the creator of "hamilton" that the founding father will stay on the 10 dollar bill. there has been a proposal to put a woman on the bill but the popularity of "hamilton" has
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hamilton. the treasury department says lew recognized to keep hamilton on the 10 dollar bill. physicians say the declaration would reportedly help them win grants and protect intellectual property. the "chicago tribune" is reporting president obama's march madness predictions. he has picked only one men's champion and that is kansas! he thinks kansas, north carolina state and michigan and texas a&m will reach the men's final four with kansas topping north carolina for the title. in the women's tournament, he sees the university of connecticut winning another national championship. the madness begins today when unc-wilmington takes on duke
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coverage begins at noon eastern on cbs. the president may have the last two for sure. >> for sure. >> kansas is very good! >> that will be a fun game today. >> absolutely. first lady michelle obama is reflecting on her remaining time at the white house. she delivered a key note address wednesday at the south-by-southwest music festival in austin. queen latifah monitored a panel on the young girls kasey. it included missy elliott and sophia bush. mrs. obama was asked if she would ever aim at the oval office. >> i will not run for president. i've got these two young people at home. and being the kids -- the daughters of a president, just think about it. they have handled it with grace and with poise, but enough. enough is enough. >> the first lady also spoke about what motivated her as a child.
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way and do good in school and apply to good colleges, there were always people around telling me what i couldn't do. >> wow. mrs. obama says she does plan to stay in public life because of her love of people. she certainly has had an impact. >> the two kids, so lovely. >> just think. they were 10 and 7. they are young ladies now. interesting to see what the first lady does when she leaves office. nearly 60% of americans with frequent flyer miles admit they don't know how the airline awards program works. 17.5 trillion unused miles worldwide and enough to fly around the globe 116 million times. americanairlines is the latest carrier changing how you earn and redeem the points. cbs news travel editor peter greenberg is here to show us who benefits and who loses. good morning. >> good morning. >> for most people when you try to reclaim there is a rule you can't do it or you don't have enough and you spend your money
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>> you do. next week american kicks in on the 22nd following delta and united based on the fare you paid. used to be if you flu 4,000 miles no matter what you pointed miles. delta is doing this already. you fly 4,950 miles on a u.s. flight from los angeles to kennedy, if you paid for a discounted ticket, guess what you get? >> oh! >> that is going across the board on all three airlines. unit and delta already done it and american is doing it next week. >> is this fair? >> of course, not. >> who is benefiting? >> here is the thing. every airplane is full and making it difficult to earn the miles and making it difficult on the back end to redeem them. so many people are frustrated. we talk about 17 trillion unused miles? that is more than there is u.s. currency in circulation around the world. that is how much we are talking about. so out of frustration, so many people now are saying, if i can't redeem them for a ticket,
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subscription or for the box of chocolates. let's do the math on that. a magazine subscription is offered for 1,200 miles. that works out to, based on how much you spend for your tickets to begin with, it works out to $240 for a magazine subscription. >> no thanks. >> the chocolate gets me. 6,500 miles for a box of chocolate that retails for $30. 54% of all mileage earned on the ground stuff you already paid for you know what you spent for that box of chocolates? 1,000 1,300. >> they are not reducing prices. the bottom line is the only time they are reducing prices is where they have competition from very low fare carriers. overall, they are not. >> do you use frequent flyer miles? >> i have them. i frame them on the wall because the problem is unless you have tremendous flexibility in your schedule, you're not going to
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the one thing people should never do -- >> how do we win? >> first inc. you don't hoard your miles. why would he i trust airlines at banks when i don't trust them. they only reduce the value of those miles every day. take your bucket list of all the places you want to go and throw it out. because if you want to go to paris our miles or hawaii or london, guess what. everybody else wants to go there. pick a place you've never been to and think 330 days out and find that place and redeem those miles and you'll have a great time. >> i do think book online has helped that because it says a button on delta pay with miles and pay with money. you can click on and see if you have enough miles so that is helpful. >> when you pay with miles you're paying with money because fees associated with that as well so be careful. >> thank you, peter. 8-year-old child opens up about being transgender. >> i just had a weird feeling that i wanted to be a boy. >> from the time you were very young? >> yeah.
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of ending this months, new york city enacted rules allowing transgender people to use the bam of their choice in city facilities. some lawyers are debating around
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while the transgender community is find ago growing voice in popular cultures its members are wildly misunderstood. a book "raising ryland." raising a transgender child who is raising their child. >> happy birthday dear ryland. >> reporter: not long after their birthday they found their child was profoundly deaf. they put in cochlear implants and ryland was able to hear for the first time. >> do you hear that? >> for a while there, we didn't know if ryland would be able to talk or hear or just communicate. >> reporter: ryland did learn to speak but what she had to say didn't make sense to her family. >> ryland started to say i'm a boy. at the time we decided it was cute.
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maybe i'll have a tomboy. >> it was around 3 we started to hear it but around 4 years old is when it got very strong. >> reporter: jeff and hilary struggled to understand, jeff especially. you were trying to avoid it? >> i was avoiding it for a while. i new ryland was having a difficult time with cochlear implants and to add something on top of that, i just couldn't accept that. i couldn't picture it. >> reporter: i'm sure a lot of people can't believe about your story is that at 3 years old, a little girl can say, "i'm a little boy. >> we could have ignored it and pushed it away and said no, you're a girl and fought it. >> we did. >> and we did. >> for the first -- >> but -- but -- >> it became so persistent. >> reporter: they say ryland demonstrated the key markers that doctors and psychologist look for to determine if a child is tran gender. at the time like so many people, jeff and hillariry didn't get
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now they do. >> watch the ball. >> reporter: this is 8-year-old ryland today. >> over the fence. >> reporter: after much research and counseling and soul-searching, jeff and hilary say they came to the enescapable conclusion that ryland's gender didn't match what is on her birth certificate so at age 6, ryland started living as a boy. when you see pictures of yourself when your 3 and 4 years old, does that seem strange now? >> kind of. a little weird. >> reporter: seems a little weird? >> yeah. >> reporter: ryland remembers how he refused to wear clothes made for girls. >> my mom and dad told them i was a boy. >> reporter: what makes you so strong, so determined? >> i just had a weird feeling that i wanted to be a boy. >> reporter: from et you were very young? >> yes. >> this is just likely to be
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orientation, it's not a choice. >> reporter: dr. steven rosenthal is researching the outcomes of major treatments for transgender youth by a study funded by the national institutes of health. >> there is no reason to believe that transgender people haven't been around since people have been around just like any other variation than human being biology. >> reporter: rosenthal says treatment is crucial because an alarming 41% of transgender people attempt suicide but new research in the journal of pediatrics found that children who have socially transitioned to the gender with which they identify had normal levels of depression and anxiety. >> we have seen so many kids who have come into our practice, like ryland, who have fully socially transitioned and family after family tell us as soon as they enabled their kid to do this, everything turned around. >> reporter: when you were researching and seeing that attempted suicide percent, 41%. >> it was awful. >> horrible. >> awful, awful.
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son or a dead daughter? and, you know, we weren't willing to play with that statistic. we would rather have a living son. >> what are you guys doing? >> we are making a cake. >> i-not kidding when i say that the child changed overnight. it was just -- he was so proud, all of a sudden. just so happy. he felt so comfortable. you could just see him. >> reporter: people that blame you, saying you did this to them. >> it would never be something i pushed on my child. in certain ways it is and it will make ryland's life a little bit harder and i don't want my child's life to be any harder. >> reporter: there are decisions ahead, including whether to eventually give ryland male hormones. a little while before puberty sets in now, but you got to be thinking about that. >> thankfully there is puberty blockers which allow us to delay the onset of puberty for a period of time. >> i think it is really important to note that we haven't done anything that isn't reversible.
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sharing their story because they want ryland to live in a world that accepts him. >> dad, how did you make that tunnel? >> reporter: hopefully, we will see conversations all over the world and people will start understanding this more. >> there are so many more people willing to go public with it and who are coming out and trying to help this world understand so i think we will get there. we will get there. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, san diego. >> they seem like a very nice family. >> they don't deserve blame. they deserve applause. jeff and hilary, just the fact we are having the conversation is so important. >> i agree. >> what do you think, charlie? >> i think it's very important and i think people need to know they are not alone. >> me too. >> me too. >> bravo so that family. update on the dog we found stranded in floodwaters in texas yesterday. that's right!
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8:49 am
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we got great news about the dog at the white house. >> green fountain. >> the green fountain. >> very nice. i was wondering what are you pointing out? i get it. green fountain at the white house. we have great news about the dog we found in texas flooding yesterday. remember david begnaud discovered him while reporting in the town of deweyville. >> i just spotted a little dog stranded in water. we are going to try to help him when we get off the air. >> that little dog is named sparky. he was stranded for about three days. david and the crew brought the dog some food and stayed with the dog the owners returned at home. the owners didn't expect the water to get as high as it did. sparky is a-ok. >> i asked if this president put
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>> others have done it.
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>> christine: good morning, a wbtv on your side news update i'm christine sperow. 8:55. following breaking news this morning as state bureau of investigation is in anson county investigating a deputy-involved shooting. we have been at the scene on boat landing road all morning long. investigators say it happened last night the details beyond that are limited but we have been told the victim is still alive. and the deputy involved was not hurt. we'll keep you posted on updates.
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a big problem spot on 77. >> chris: first alert traffic sponsored by toyota of north charlotte. take a look at i-77 up in cornelius. southbound lanes are just at a crawl right now, we've seen a number of accidents on 77, but that is slowing folks trying to make their way off of the roadway and on to 77 southbound, accident at exit 25, lanes are closed there, but again, just a slight crawl there, also northbound delays so the lake norman commute a bit of a rough one this morning. we'll keep our eye on that, but again if you're heading out of mooresville toward charlotte you will fine the delays might want to think about 21 or old statesville road. northbound delays on 77 coming across 485 in center city. and let's take a look at your commute on 74, independence expressway, still heavy from about briar creek and all the way in toward 277. here is meteorologist al conklin.
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nice start to the day, temperatures down in the 40s. now well in the 50s, we're warming up quickly. of it. blue sky, our camera at university city area showing just what we have out there this morning, a cloud-less sky. kind of cool for some of the area. ring of 40s and 50s north of town. 46 shelby, 60 in charlotte. closing in on 60 around lancaster, rock hill and in monroe. a real nice one, not as warm as yesterday, we hit 96 degrees yesterday, under sunny skies, it was -- we hit 86 degrees yesterday. high pressure is with us now, that will be with us a couple more days but heading in weekend we see increasing and thickening cloud cover and rain from saturday afternoon right through
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jeff: today on "flip my food," we're at flowing hills creamery in the middle of louisiana, baby. i got a great show for you. let's mo-o-ove on in the kitchen and let's get cooking. come on, now. woo! announcer: on today's "flip my food," join host chef jeff for a visit to a family-run dairy farm, where he'll reveal his tricks for quick and easy homemade donuts and buttermilk cake like no other. jeff: i'm here in the kitchen with leslie here at flowing hills creamery. talk a little bit about what you guys do here. leslie: we take and process our own milk here on the plant and bring it to the store to you to use. jeff: i want to utilize some of your product because i got a buttermilk cake we're making here today. leslie: the thing about our buttermilk is it's a whole buttermilk. a lot of people know that the old-fashioned, the sour buttermilk that you got from your grandma's kitchen... jeff: yes. leslie: our whole buttermilk is our pasteurized whole milk, and it's been cultured over 18 hours to get you that great taste you love. jeff: want to start baking with me a little bit? leslie: i'd love to.
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cream a little bit of sugar with your sweet cream butter. and we're gonna start off by adding that here. i'm gonna go ahead and turn it on just a little bit. perfect. now, i'm gonna start off by adding butter. leslie: mm-hmm. jeff: ooh, look how rich and buttery, creamy and smooth this is here. all right. this is gonna be really, really rich, let me tell you. leslie: it is. the more yellow it is, the better it is. jeff: oh, yes. now you help me out a little bit, leslie. go ahead and start streaming in some white sugar. leslie: ok. jeff: beautiful. that's enough. perfect. we'll get that creaming going on a little bit here. leslie: all right. jeff: we'll let it go ahead, and i went kind of high there. beautiful. look at that. leslie: ok. jeff: go ahead and start adding an egg. leslie: ok. jeff: get a nice little crack there. beautiful. look at that. perfect. now go ahead and add another one. oh, yeah. yeah, look at that. so we're gonna bring it up just a little bit here. leslie: all righty. jeff: beautiful. all right, we're gonna stop it. we're gonna add a little bit of vanilla...


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