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tv   WBZ News  CBS  October 9, 2015 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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the rain causing some big issues for commuters all across the area. check out the radar. we can show that you this rain is going to stick around for a while. the storm started at about 3:00 this afternoon, and it looks like it will be around for hours. >> it was windy out there, too. i want to check back with our meteorologist barry burbank. barry? >> reporter: we had a lot of wind that seems to be taming down. when that cold front comes through, it's going to pick up again but from a different weather direction. let's see what's going on as we check the radar. place. it's a very fluid situation hours. of lightning near weymouth. as you can see there, a blinking dot there. you can see the other scattered showers which are capable of producing a flash of lightning or rumble of thunder. we got a little out there in bridge and springfield. there are showers around and the next few hours.
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things are going to change so the showers and downpours will be ending this evening. lots of sunshine with the fall foale age is quite notable. i noticed vibrant colors starting to show up. leaf peepers should be great weather all over the place from the north to the south. forecast is coming up in just a few minutes. >> we'll see you then barry, thanks. now at 5:30, a lowell police officer caught sleeping on the job, and given that fluffy pillow, this does not appear to be a cat nap. >> as bill shields shows us tonight, people living and working in that area are certainly talking about it. >> he's certainly not protecting and serving while he's sleeping. >> reporter: that's the a lowell police officer sleeping in a marked cruiser and not just catching a few zs. the seat is all the way back, and he's got a pillow. >> he's out cold. >> reporter: he's out cold? >> he's out cold. >> reporter: what do you think of this?
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>> yeah, like i said, i think he should definitely be disciplined to some extent maybe a fine or short suspension. >> reporter: it was 5:30 in the morning when a passerby took the photos. the cop is sound asleep. that's in contrast to the reputation of the lowell police department. force. even if a cop is tired, people seem to think he needs to be disciplined. >> do i think he should be disciplined? yeah. i don't think. >> i think i'd be disciplined so they should be as well. >> as for the police, they were unable for an on-camera interviewed, but the superintendent has said he will investigate the sleeping cop. in lowell, i'm bill shields, wbz news. >> a man is dead in westminster killed in an accident trying to help his mom. police say danielle was cutting down a tree at her house when the tree fell right on top of him. he was 58 years old and trapped
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under a big tree limb and could not be saved. he wasn't even supposed to be driving. today, a 74-year-old man with a suspended license crashed at the borne rotary and is doing okay. he drove right through the rotary and crashed into a hill. he was upside down in the suv. crews had to cut him out of the wreckage. incredibly tonight, he's not seriously hurt. a woman arrested for drunk driving in auburn and crashing has to live now knowing she hurt her dog. troopers say she was heading north on 395 when she went off woods. her pit bull is now hurt. today, bill cosby testified under oath in a deposition about an alleged sexual assault. the woman claimed cosby performed or forced her to perform a sex act when the two were at the playboy mansion in 1974. it is a civil lawsuit. cosby's not facing any criminal charges. in recent months, 40 women have come forward with similar claims. this is a developing story
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the pressure is building on congressman paul ryan to run for house speaker. cnn is reporting the 45-year- old from wisconsin is privately telling house republicans that he is considering the position. ryan, you'll remember was mitt romney's running mate in the 2012 presidential election and a lot of people view him as the best choice to help lead a fractured republican party. >> i did everything except carry his gym bag this morning trying to get him to do it. the fact is, paul ryan is the right man right now. he has moderate support and clearly has conservative support. >> reporter: yesterday, kevin mccarthy blind sided the gop when he abruptly pulled out of the race. speaker boehner is expected to step down at the end. month. republican presidential hopeful ted cruz spent the day in new hampshire speaking with voters in nashua. meanwhile, an interesting moment in las vegas.
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stage and yelled "i'm hispanic, i'd vote for trump, we vote for item." trump worried that the moment might look scripted said "i've never met her before, i swear." an ad urging vice president biden to run for president has been pulled off the air. it talked about his personal story including the deaths of his first wife and daughter in a 1972 car accident. biden asked the pac behind the ad to pull it. and the winner of the 015 peace prize being honored by the national dialogue quartette for its work promoting a peaceful political process. when tunisia was on the brink for civil war. it faced years of turmoil after revolution in 2011. did an '80s classic film about the future get it right? >> coming up, the prediction that may prove to be true. >> i'll take quirky jeopardy
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players for a thousand, alex and why everyone is talking about the new champ. >> fresh ingredients make nor a great meal. coming up, the phantom gourmet tries local restaurants that go far to table. >> new tonight, chronic pain has become an epidemic. drugs. now a local company has created another option. >> i'm not taking any more ibuprofen. it's completely controlled the daily pain that i was having and has allowed me a much faster recovery after physical exercise. >> dr. mallika marshall explains how the new technology can relieve everything from back pain to joint pain tonight
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everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? well, fios is a 100 percent so you can get 100% out of all your devices. has it with the fastest internet and wi-fi available, from 50 to 500 mbps. but the main reason to get fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. ultimately, that's why. get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month. plus get $300 back with a two year agreement.
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on the bz feed tonight, the latest "jeopardy" champion
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has become an internet sensation. >> matt jackson goes for win number 10 tonight. he starts every show with a slow-growing smile as he holds up his hands and counts out the number of days he's been champion. yes, his rapid fire questions have even been known to interrupt host alex trebek. >> what is marra concern? >> matt? >> who is la cost. >> nickname -- >> hang on, hang on. you come up with a correct response and you want to keep going and i understand that, but we have to pause. >> wow. and then there are his reactions to getting a question right. boom! so far, jackson's won near a a quarter million dollars. >> i like him. >> alex trebek feels like he has to scold people from time to time, doesn't he? >> does he it well. some north carolina college students just made a coffee shop worker's dream come true. >> they surprised her with a trip to meet mickey mouse. take a look.
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you do. you and your family are going to disney world. >> the girls started a go fund me page, raised more than 6 grand to make it happen. kathryn has been working alongside the elon students for years. she told them it was always her dream to go to disney and now she gets to take the whole family. >> wonderful. we don't have hover boards just yet but back to the future part 2 may have gotten one ping possibly right. >> remember this seen? >> wait a minute, cubs win world series against miami? >> yeah that's something, huh? who would have thought, 100 to 1 shot. i wish i could go back to the beginning of the season, put some money on the cubs. >> there it was, marty mcfly traveling to october 22nd, 2015 where the cubs have just won the world series. wednesday night, the cubs beat the pirates in the nation ale
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the movie screenwriter says if the cubs win the whole thing, he'll be a visionary if not, it will still be funny and they'll roll out that clip. >> theo epstein now is the vice president. jon lester pitching for them tonight. so go, cubs, i say. >> exactly. >> red sox aren't in it, we'll get behind them. it should be another busy weekend for apple picking and local farms are turning out gorgeous produce. >> dan andelman finds area restaurants to serve food that is straight from the farm. >> the farmers grow it, harvest it, and raise it. all you have to do is eat it at the farmhouse restaurant in needham where the menu ranges from a beautiful beet salad to a juicy, locally sourced steak. >> contemporary american farm to table restaurant. my favorite kind of food is very simple, very flavorful taking new england style dishes and trying to really nail them. daughter restaurant in easton,
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mass isn't just a clever name. the owner of this upscale breakfast and lunch spot really is the daughter of a farmer and the food reflects the upbringing with standout dishes like eggs benedict with butter poached lobster. >> we do not serve frozen, processed. >> reporter: the upscale bistro is manchester by the sea. cooked with a creative global spin. taking the concept of farm to table to the ultimate label a number of local farms host their special gourmet dinners right outside on the fields. for more food and fun, watch saturday and sunday at 10:30 and 11:00 on my tv 38. >> she is training with a purpose. tonight, get closer with a local woman determined to beat cancer and help other patients. >> we thank the wbz weather watchers for chiming in with our reports on this friday
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mainly in the 60s right now. let's see what's happening in fitchburg. a half inch of rain going on out there. it's been pouring at times. some of the high temperatures across the region today. in the lower 70s to the upper 60s. it's going to change and you'll be happy with the weekend forecast.
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every single day, more than 8,000 men and women are working together to create a stronger, smarter, more resilient system, so the 3 1/2 million people we serve have the energy they need. we serve new england. and energy brings us together.
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this weekend, the b.a.a. half marathon will be a triumph for a massachusetts woman no matter how fast she runs. she needed something to take her mind off cancer and 12 weeks of chemo that just ended. >> that something became training for the race and raising money for dana farber.
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>> i think it was empowering because the more i ran, the more i felt like i was strong and had a resilience. >> for sandy stratton, the rhythm of recovery is marked in miles and days. >> i'm doing good. i finished chemo last friday. i just finished on october 2nd. that was my last chemo. >> reporter: sandy was diagnosed with breast cancer in may. two weeks after surgery with dr. meredith's blessing, she was back on the road and already feeling less alone. >> it was the sort of connection and being, up know, the community. connection. >> reporter: another connection is also deeper now. after sandy's first chemo treatment, sheep and her boyfriend steve -- she and her boyfriend steven kerns walked to boylston street stopping for what would be a new beginning at the finish line. must marathon. i said some day we'll run the marathon.
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proposed to me. >> reporter: he had the ring and everything? >> he had the ring. >> reporter: waiting to share the victory, her daughter and his daughter holding the line. >> reporter: was it important your daughter? >> absolutely. throw us curveballs. situation. >> reporter: running didn't change sandy's diagnosis, the treatment, or the upcoming year of medication, but it gave her a way to thank dana farber and gave her strength. >> my own sense of pride, my own sense of knowing that i was really, you know, kicking this down, you know? >> reporter: sandy's hoping to keep kicking it straight through the winter training season. for her ultimate running goal, she has already put in her police station run the full boston marathon in april with team dana farber. >> something tells me that team dana farber will want her on their team. >> you ran for dana farer in
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the half last year. what a great team. >> and how about the back of her shirt? nine days since my last chemo treatment. the person running behind her will be inspired to run faster. >> the whole way. >> good story. >> thank you. let's talk weather now because the runners need a little more than we're getting this evening. >> exactly. can you believe we're going to have another three-day holiday weekend, which should be good? i always say should be just in case. let's look at the numbers today. 72 is what it got up to in boston. 72 today so 8 degrees above the average, which is 64 for this date. four years ago we had a record high of 78 degrees. that's warm for october. 64 again in boston, upper 60s to the south in taunton. these are the current temperatures from the 50s to the north and to the west, it does get cooler. so we'll have a little bit of chilly air coming down late tonight and tomorrow.
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much warmer weather on the western part of the nation will start flooding eastward. we'll feel that warmth already by monday into tuesday. likes like it's going to be nice around here once again. we had strong winds earlier today. they have tamed a little from what they were. once the cold front comes through this evening, we'll start perking right back up again and it gets gusty from a different direction out of the northwest. let's look at the radar to see where we have action. there is action out west, just west of worcester, we seem to have heavy weather going on there. nothing severe, but the national weather service is considering this a front storm west of sturbridge and brookfield so it's producing some local downpours. maybe a flash of lightning, a clap of thunder out in there. so we move east and we have more showers in the stow to concord area. so a changeable situation.
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this will be the final push as this comes eastward and will be out of here. so watch it as the showers move through tonight. watch the time stamp. after 7:30, it's well out to the north and west and will be across southeastern massachusetts. after that and most places will be gone by 11:00. and it will be starting to clear up. we have a gusty northwest wind with the passing of the front falling into the 50s during the early morning hours. upper 40s near 50 in boston. should be mostly clear and a few scattered clouds. saturday. the air will be much drier than it was today. we should go up to the upper 50s to near 60 and start cooling off tomorrow night. varying amounts of cloudiness that should disappear so the afternoon will turn out nicer, sunnier, and warming right up. look at this, 64 to 68 degrees on sunday afternoon. so it will be even warmer than
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as far as the foliage is concerned, it's coming on strong for the last few days. it's look going if you are going up to the lakes and mountains. fall foliage is moderate to near peak in spots. approaching peak in some locations. we got a picture like this with all of the yellows and reds. beautiful colors out there so enjoy it this weekend. it looks pretty good to me. the color's coming along. again it will be variable from place to place. can't expect it to be vibrant anywhere but it's turning out better than we thought it was a week ago when we had a lot of muted color around. it's getting more colorful in places. look at the numbers. 76 open columbus day. here we go at the huckleberry elementary school in lynnfield, 80 third graders there.
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a couple of days ago. look at all of those smiling faces. had a fantastic time. i always have a good time when i go to the schoolsp. >> of course, when it's going to be 76 on monday and no school. how about this? something brewing at the gym. a company called supplemental brewing just created a beer that has protein. they v. call is brew-tein. it's 7 grams of protein and 5% alcohol. the company is trying to raise $40,000 in kick starter funds. the slogan is, this is where >> clever. >> good luck. you have it and then you jump on the treadmill. straight ahead, some steamy firemen. >> we'll give you a sneak peek at the calendar that's for a great cause. >> breaking news in the murder of a marshfield man. police just announced two more arrests. we're live with the breaking details. >> and counting on controversy to bring in customers. a closer look at the yard sale signs popping up in west
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roxbury that have a lot of
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boston firefighters are
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cause to raise money for the boston burn foundation. there was a big crowd on hand for the launch party and there will be ten more parties just like this. the calendars go for $20 and will be available online. the news at 6:00 starts right now. captions by: caption colorado, llc (800) 775-7838 e- auction. >> people were rolling under the car. >> people were screaming. >> reporter: tonight a closer look at what went wrong. police say an elderly man was driving a car in a busy auction when suddenly it just
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>> we know one person was seriously injured. beth, i know you spoke with several people injured. >> reporter: he admits when he heard the sound of the crash, he went running out of the building not sure what happened. there were at least 1,000 people inside waiting to bid on cars when one of them suddenly went out of control. >> it was a big explosion when it went through the wall. there was smoke everywhere. >> reporter: the chaos when a bmw went through the wall at a car auction. >> everybody was screaming. >> reporter: police say the 78- year-old with respected driver was in a car lane passing by prospective buyers when he suddenly accelerated into the crowd.
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