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tv   WBZ This Morning  CBS  October 16, 2015 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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captions by: caption colorado, llc (800) 775-7838 breaking news at 4:30. a dangerous fall. a young man tumbles off a roof deck. >> fantasy sport sites being forced to shut down and how the sites are responding. >> local police want to you take a good look at this sketch as they try to track down a serial rapist. it is 4:30 right now on this friday. happy friday to you on this october 16th. i'm kathryn hauser. >> i'm chris mckinnon. it's chilly out there, danielle.
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umbrella with you today for a brief, passing shower. temperature 51 in the city of boston right now. 54 in fitchburg. 40 when you come to orange right now, so a cool start. the clouds are starting to thicken up here, too. we are still mostly clear in the southeast part of the state. there have been a couple of showers in the berkshires sliding east. you may get a sprinkle or two here in acton from the east side of littleton. otherwise, a quick-passing shower this morning generally light. we rise to about 61 by lunchtime today. there will be a lingering shower around cape cod around midday. the sun doesn't break out so -- does break out so it will be a okay afternoon. temperatures in the upper 50s so cool for the ride home.
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the 40s by the time we get to sunday. we'll talk about the weekend in detail in a couple of minutes. we start with breaking news. an 18-year-old rushed to the hospital after falling from a roof deck in mission hill. we're told the male victim fell three stories and landed on the sidewalk. he has serious injuries but we're told they are not believed to be life- threatening. also this morning, game over, one state ordering fantasy sport sites to completely shut down. >> this is the latest blow to the popular sites draftkings and fan duel. susie steimle is live outside draft kings headquarters with the story. good morning, susie. >> reporter: good morning, chris and kathryn. this decision out of nevada goes against the fundamental principle on which both were founded. from the beginning, they said they are not gambling sites, they are skill-based sites.
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nevada disagrees and that's why both have been shut down. if you never heard of these companies, you probably never watch any games because they are advertising a lot. the fantasy sports sites allow players to get a payout weekly rather than waiting until the end of the season. they promise big money, some payouts as much as $1 million on draft king sites. they've seen controversy related to the payouts. some of draft king employees have been under the microscope for making a ton of money on rival site fan duel. they face a class action lawsuit from that. coming up, we'll hear reaction for the fist time and tell you how this -- first time and tell you how this could affect operations in other states. live in boston, susie steimle, wbz this morning. a car chase ends in a crash. this morning, three people are under arrest. police say they tried to stop a
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night on the east side of brockton. they chased the car to braintree where it crashed into a house. take a look at these intense flames in groton last night. crews battling the flames on prescott street. take a good look at this sketch. brockton police are looking for a man who may be a serial rapist. investigators tell us the rape happened in 2013 and 2014. police say the suspect is in his 20s about 6 feet tall and 180 pounds. he may drive a dark blue or black sports car. if you recognize the man in the sketch, you are asked to call brockton police. a developing story in california right now. flash floods sent rocks and mud onto major highways stranding drivers there. hi, bree. >> reporter: chris, hundreds of drivers were stuck in the mud on interstate 5 just north of los angeles. the cleanup will take days. this morning's commute is
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30 miles of interstate and even more back roads are shut down. in drivers abandoned their cars then trudged through the mud to safety. four people and two dogs were rescued from atop one car. mud is up to 5 feet deep in some spots and even burying homes. >> oh, my gosh! run for your lives! >> reporter: here's video from one driver was rain produced flash floods. the warning went out for a different counties. the powerful storm brought hail and heavy rain. the ground is severely dry from droughts from recent years which spelled disaster. when the storm passed, bulldozers moved in to clear streets, but the cleanup has just started. it will be a while before that part of california gets moving again. >> thanks very much, bree. donald trump is expected to
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be in tyngsboro. a new hampshire based pro choice operation is planning to send a team of protesters to that event. doors open at 5:00 37. >> several republicans are heading to new hampshire this weekend. chris christie will be in manchester and bedford today. mike huckabee will attend the same event as christie in manchester, a housing summit then a barbecue at scott brown's house in rai. senator rand paul will be at a meet and greet in hooksett and ashland tomorrow. on the democratic side, hillary meeting. three days after her performance in the democratic debate, later she will attend a meet and greet in nashua. president obama vowed to end the war in afghanistan before he left office but now says thousands of u.s. troops will stay in that country. about 10,000 are on the ground right now. the president will reduce those levels to about 5500 as planned, but instead of drawing down further, he'll keep the
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troops on the ground until at least the start of 2017. president obama says afghan forces are still not as strong as they need to be. >> my approach is to assess the situation on the ground, figure out what's working, figure out what's not working, and make adjustments where necessary. >> the president says the mission remains the same. contract terrorism plus -- counterterrorism plus training. he says 5500 troops won't be enough to do both. initially, he wanted to leave just 1,000 troops on the ground. muslim men under the age of 40 will be barred from entering the el aqsa mosque. it's known as the temple mount english. the move is meant to encourage calm amid a wave of violence that has claimed eight israeli and 31 palestinian lives. tufts is taking back bill cosby's honorary degree.
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honorary doctor of arts it gave in 2000 and 2011 for excellence in children's media. several women have accused the comedian of sexual assault. cosby has not been charged, and he denies the allegations. a new delay in the trial of a teenager accused of killing his math teacher. yesterday, phillip chism was ordered to undergo a mental health evaluation. that means his murder trial is on hold for up to 20 days. colleen ritzer in 2013. he was 14 at the time but being tried as an adult. everett police need your help tracking down an arsonist. they say someone set a car on fire in a drive way on autumn street yesterday morning. it may have been an attempt to burn the house down. for the second month, the slots are struggling at a massachusetts casino.
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state regulators say plain ridge park generated revenue in september, continuing the steady drop that started over the summer. under state law, 49% of gambling revenue goes to the state. we appreciate you being here on this friday. coming up, a marathon bombing survivor paying it forward. >> the generous donation that's changing a local woman's life. it is a wbz exclusive. >> it is the end of an era in the skies. the airline making its final flight today. >> plus, not everybody's loving mcdonald's all-day breakfast menu.
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target making changes to its credit cards, and u.p.s. is raising ratesp. the sunset today. jill wagner has today's money jill? >> yes, happy friday. good morning, chris and kathryn. after tonight, there will be no more usairways. its merger with american will be complete. the airlines are merging their reservation systems. if you are flying usairways or american, it might be a good idea to check in early. the last u.s. airways flight
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it's the red eye to philadelphia. it will cost more to send holiday gifts this year. u.p.s. is raising rates starting october 25th. the company says it needs the rate hike to cover rising labor and equipment costs. target is making its own store credit card safer. it's replacing its red cards that have magnetic strips with the chip and p.i.n. cards. customers have to enter a p.i.n. to approve transactions. target suffered the massive data breach, exposing about 70 million customers' data. one group that is not loving mcdonald's all-day breakfast, the workers. at some franchises, the new menu is reportedly creating chaos in the kitchen. plus franchises said they are making less money because customers are getting less expensive breakfast items at dinner time. chris, kathryn? >> sorry, jill, we were
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literally all putting in our orders right now. we were talking about what we were going to get so kathryn offered to go off and grab us breakfast. >> 's always volunteering my service. >> what are you guys getting? >> hash browns. >> the hash brown video got us. >> it stinks and it's too bad the workers are having issues with the menu. >> i'll do my part to keep everyone hungry in the morning. >> that you do. >> poor jill. [ laughter ] >> she always has to hear us say ooh that looks good. >> i felt bad because she sent it back to us and me and danielle were like -- >> maybe we should change it to food watch instead of money watch. >> it was the oozy cheese, too. >> normally, i eat breakfast before the show so i didn't this morning and i'm like mm- mmm to everything that comes up. we've been talking about it all week, right? now it's friday and we're talking about the coldest air of the season.
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so far, it will be coming into the mix this weekend. happy friday. we've made it 51 degrees in boston right now. dew point's in the 40s. the southwest wind is 13 miles per hour at logan airport. we're in the mid-40s in nashua. 48 worcester to lawrence and now. you'll get a brief, passing shower that comes through this morning. the clouds have been on the increase, and the showers now. these rain showers will move in from west to east with the front that will bring us the brief shower this morning. then we actually get sunshine that breaks back out by the time we get to the afternoon. so between now, let's say to 7:00 a.m. there will be clouds and some spotty breaks of sunshine. a few showers spread through worcester county and into the morning commute. back to the merrimack valley. notice it's generally light.
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stand by or the rain coat. by midday, some leftover showers. the sun breaks back out after that. it will be mixed with clouds through the afternoon. there may be an isolated sprinkle, but the bulk of the afternoon comes through. here's the next area of low pressure. there's a lot of energy that has to sweep through. so tomorrow morning, we get a shower, then the sun breaks out and then another passing shower in the afternoon. today and tomorrow, by no means a washout. just kind of your typical fall- time stuff. sunday will feature dry weather but chilly weather. temperatures only in the upper 40s for highs on sunday afternoon, and it's sunday night into monday morning that we could be talking lows in the upper 20s. so highs today do manage to sneak into the low to mid-60s. tomorrow cooler, oath in the mid-60s for highs. look at worcester, high of only 44. at least it's sunshine and a
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few building clouds. monday morning, upper 20s. we're talking about an end to the growing season for a lot of communities. we rebound to 50 and a warming trend, mid-60s for the end of the week. exclusive. a local woman getting an bombing survivor. heather abbott built a foundation. >> it goes to a woman who says he could not be more grateful. >> reporter: micking out a pair of -- picking out a pair of heels may seem like an ordinary decision. for hillary it is life changing. >> it's the first time i'm looking at myself with two normal looking legs. i've never had that before. >> reporter: hillary had her right leg amputated two years ago at the age of 24. she has a genetic condition that causes tumors to grow at the end of nerve endings. in her case, her right foot. >> i decided enough is enough.
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and continue on living my life the way i want to. >> reporter: this monday, she receives the first prosthetic leg given by the heather abbott foundation. she has already undergone the castings and fightings for the pros theatreis. >> it a-- prosthesis. this one will be made for a 3 inch heel. >> reporter: how does it feel? >> amazing. i never knew i could feel that pretty. >> reporter: hillary never doubted her decision to amputate. she also found a kindred spirit in abbott. >> i wanted the first donation to be to her because i knew how badly she wanted to wear high heels and contribute to how she felt. >> reporter: hillary prepares for something she never thought she would do, taking on her next steps in life, wearing a pair of heels. amazing. it makes me want to be able to kind of pay it forward.
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heather abbott's motto, pay it forward. a prosthesis often costs about $70,000 and is usually not covered by insurance. hillary receives her new leg on monday in newton. in the satellite center, katie brace, wbz this morning. >> what an awesome story. >> hillary is so sweet. i can't realize it costs $70,000. that's a lot of money. >> heather abbott doing good work. still ahead, an offduty police officer to the rescue. >> this isn't the first time he's been called a hero. >> plus, new details on the lowell police officer caught
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pumpkin excitement is back at dunkin'. pick up your favorite pumpkin-flavored baked treats and beverages, like the new pumpkin macchiato
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people of the coffee drinking world, dunkin' has a dark roast coffee that's deliciously roasted just right for a bold start and smooth finish that's never bitter. put down the dark roast you've been putting up with
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4:52 on your friday morning. fantasy sports web sites ordered to shut down in nevada. the state says sites like boston based draftkings and fan dual can't operate without a gambling license. the company stressed they operate skill-based games and not chance-based wagers. the companies are being investigated by the feds over allegations of possible inside information. police want your help to try to solve a string of rapes in brockton, and they need help identifying the sketch of this man. police say he's in his 20s, about 6 feet tall, 180 pounds. he might drive a dark blue or black sports car. he's wanted for questioning in several rapes that happened in 2013 and 2014.
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identified in the pan a.m. flight over lockerbie, scotland. the plane blew up killing everyone on board. a local student was flying home from germany for christmas breaks. the suspects are in libya. police say they had contact with the only person ever convicted in the attack. the suspects were identified after this week's pbs documentary on the investigation made by a somerville film-maker whose older brother died in the bombing. nevada authorities are trying to figure out what happened to former nba and reality star lamar odom who remains on life support after an apparent drug overdose at a brothel. his wife has asked the brothel owner to stop speaking with the media, but he says he's just trying to protect his business. and a new law proposal to
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give hospitals to involuntarily commit patients for 72 hours. it would also limit first-time prescriptions to a 72-hour supply. more than 1200 people have died in the commonwealth from 2014. baker says it often starts with a simple prescription. >> this has got to stop. i appreciate the fact that this is a controversial idea, but it's one that needs to be part of the larger conversation. >> reporter: the new plan requires additional continuing education for medical providers and school coaches. the governor is confident the bill will become law. parishioners holding a round the clock vigil in a scituate church are pleading with the archdiocese to keep it open. wednesday, the supreme judicial court ruled they are trespassing. a judge ordered them out. the archdiocese is asking them to respect the court's decision and leave the church to which
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they say, no. >> this is the last church standing in the reconfiguration crisis. that's very hard to say. we want to make sure that it does stand. >> if the archdiocese doesn't change its position, the parishioners say they will go peacefully, but they are not giving up and could file another legal petition in the next two weeks. the lowell police officer caught sleeping in his cruiser has resigned. without identifying him, the city manager released a statement, "it is unfortunate that a nice, honorable young man such as this has to resign, but he made a mistake and had to pay for it. his actions were unacceptable and not tolerated by the police department or the city of lowell." an offduty police officer makes a life-saving play on the ice. arlington police officer michael hogan was playing in a hockey league game when a 76- year-old teammate collapsed. officer hogan checked for a pulse and when he didn't feel one, he immediately started cpr
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then used a defibrillator to shock his friend back to life. he says he's no hero. >> police and firefighters, they are drawn to this job because they want to help people. it's not just me. if there was another cop or firefighter at the rink, i guarantee you they would have done the same thing. >> don't let that modest answer fool you. officer hogan has been credited with at least two other heroic acts. in 2013, he pulled a woman from a car after a deadly tanker explosion. just weeks earlier, he rescued an elderly woman from this burning home. >> what a guy. >> quick thinking. it just shows there are a lot of great police officers and firefighters out there that do so much every day. ahead, massachusetts' viral. >> an romney and her tips for
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just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda ... calorie sweetener. splenda lets you experience... ...the joy of sugar... ...without all the calories.
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welcome back. we are getting to see a new side of ann romney. >> she's showing how to be a "freakin' awesome grandma." >> keep up what the kids are into. >> i love this. work it. look at her. former first lady of massachusetts and wife of two- time presidential candidate mitt romney is letting loose. she's promoting her book that
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