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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  December 2, 2015 7:00am-9:00am EST

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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it's wednesday, december 2nd, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." the united states escalates the ground war against isis. special operation forces will fight the terror group in iraq and syria. >> marco rubio and ted cruz surge in a new presidential goal and gaining ground on gop front-runner donald trump. >> did foul play cause the death of juneau's mayor? we are live with the investigation. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds.
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>> we will win. >> are we winning now? >> we are going to win. >> more american troops heading to the front lines. >> president obama has ordered the deployment of 200 special op forces to iraq to capture isis leaders. chicago's top cop garry mccarthy is fired amid the investigation of a deadly teenager. >> huge parts of the country are already getting pummeled with record breaking amounts of snow. >> we live in south dakota so we better just get used to it. >> he has gone too far and showing a lack of seriousness of capable of being president. >> donald trump coming under renewed attacks from his rivals. >> i wasn't going to apologize. i wasn't going to apologize. >> the f aa says four laser strikes happened on aircraft over arizona. >> mark zuckerberg announced the birth of his baby girl and he
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facebook stock. >> in kentucky, a deer colliding with a police cruiser. the deer flips over the hood and managed to run away. >> all that. >> a utah police officer injured when he fell from a roof while chasing a suspect. the officer suffered only bumps and bruises. animals. >> now we see who is best! >> and all that matters. >> tiger woods status in 2016 very much in doubt. >> i've achieved a lot and if that is all it entails, then i had a pretty good run. >> that is saying i got chips here, i'd like to cash them out. >> on "cbs this morning." >> mark zuckerberg celebrated the birth of his daughter with the pledge to give away 99% of his wealth, which is why his daughter's first words were that son of a [ bleep ]! announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places!
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morning." norah o'donnell is on assignment. christine johnson of our new york station wcbs is with us. welcome. >> good morning. we are at war. that's what the secretary of defense told congress as he announced more american ground forces will be sent to battle isis in syria and iraq. about 200 special operation troops will launch raids from a base in northern iraq. >> the troops mission will be to intelligence. charlie d'agata recently returned from iraq and is outside of britain's parliament in london where lawmakers will decide today whether to expand that country's air campaign. >> good morning. >> reporter: that debate is under way behind me. now, prime minister david cameron made clear where he stands on the issue saying anyone who votes against air strikes in syria is a terrorist sympathizer. this all comes as the united states is about to dramatically step up efforts on the ground.
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expected, british tornado fighter jets like these will join the u.s.-led air campaign against isis targets in syria within days. but it is on the ground that the united states is about to take the fight to isis. the pentagon has announced that about 200 special operations forces will be deployed to the northern iraqi city of erbil. from there they will conduct raids in iraq and syria. defense secretary ash carter told congress the new forces will help gather intelligence and hunt down isis leaders. >> an important capability because it takes advantage of what we are good at and it puts everybody on notice. >> reporter: in a bid to save face and aimed at the iraqis themselves, iraq's prime minister said his forces were capable of defeating isis without the help of foreign combat troops. secretary of state john kerry said the iraqis were fully briefed.
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very, very closely with our iraqi partners on exactly who would be deployed, where they would be deployed. >> reporter: the iraqi military appears poised to face a critical test. the takeback of the city of ramadi. tv announcements have warned civilians in ramadi to evacuate their homes immediately. while isis militants reportedly are threatening to kill anybody who tries. a success in ramadi may help prove that months of air strikes, along with capable ground forces, are having an impact on isis militants, but in an interview with czech television, syrian president bashar al assad said air strikes from the u.s. and its coalition allies were having the opposite effect. >> the coalition, isis has extended the recruits from abroad has increased. >> reporter: in all likelihood, the skies over syria are about to become even more crowded. they will have a ten-hour debate here and vote and it's widely
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get the go ahead to pull the trigger. >> charlie d'agata in london, thank you. the hunt for isis followers in america now extends to all 50 states. the george washington university program on extremism reports 56 suspects have been captured so far this year for alleged ties to isis. that is the highest number of terror arrests in this country in a single year, since the 9/11 attacks. the fbi is investigating the most cases in new york and minnesota. jeff pegues shows us what makes this manhunt so tough. >> reporter: of the 41 people charged so far with isis reason related activities and most are men and 25 years or younger and come from array of ethnic groups and socioeconomic and economic status. >> no profiles spread throughout the country. >> reporter: this man is one of the report's authors. so there is no cookie-cutter i.d. of who these people are? >> could not be more --
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>> profiling, absolutely do not work. >> reporter: no other case is perhaps more representative of that than the arrest of a mississippi couple in august. muhammad dakhalla and jaelyn young were arrested after fbi noticed their twitter posts. irector has said the agents have their work cut out for them. >> there isn't a demographic or a location to age. the syria travelers range early on from 18 to 63. >> reporter: the report says the so-called isis-u.s. echo chamber has posts like this one on twitter. 300 american isis sympathizers were monitored during the study and nearly one third of the accounts are purportedly operated by women. a lot what have is said online is just talk.
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some point, a subset of americans inside the domestic isis bubble will move from chatter to act. for "cbs this morning," jeff pegues in washington. isis will be a big topic when norah o'donnell sits down with president obama at the white house today which explains why she is not at the able right now. it will be his first interview since the climate talks in paris and begin it you tom on "cbs this morning." the justice department is being asked to investigate the chicago police department. the city's police superintendent garry mccarthy was forced to resign on tuesday. that followed the release of a dash cam video that shows a black teenager being shot by a white officer who is now charged with murder. dean reynolds is in chicago at chicago police headquarters where the superintendent was ousted just hours after saying he had no plans to leave. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, it was just a couple of days ago that garry mccarthy
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but a rising tide of shootings, murders, and gang violence, together with a drop in public trust in the police, seem to move mayor rahm emanuel's hand and make him decide it was time for a change. police superintendent garry mccarthy has been under pressure since protests followed the release of this police dash cam video showing chicago police officer jason van dyke shooting 17-year-old laquan mcdonald 16 times last october. many, including local politicians, called for mccarthy to resign and, tuesday, mayor emanuel followed through. >> he has become an issue rather than dealing with the issue. >> reporter: the mayor also announced the creation of a new police accountability task force. >> 16 shots! >> reporter: a group of faith and community leaders demonstrating outside the mayor's office called for an independent police auditor
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>> the mayor calling for a special task force is kind of like the fox watching the henhouse shra. >> reporter: emanuel faces criticism over his administration's handling of police controversies. the mcdonald shooting video was released only after the judge ordered it be made public. critics say emanuel held the tape for numerous concerns including it could affect his re-election bid. now the mother of another young black man also shot by police here last year is fighting to have the dash cam video of that 25-year-old ronald johnson was killed by an officer last october. them. attorney say they have already seen the video. >> the dash cam video, which i'm not allowed to show you today, clearly shows that he was not carrying a weapon, nor did he
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>> reporter: now the attorney for johnson's mother says that dash cam video could be released by court order as soon as gayle? >> thank you, dean, very much reporting from chicago. a new presidential poll this morning shows that rivals marco rubio and ted cruz are making a run at donald trump. the billionaire, though, still leads the gop race by a wide margin 27% of republicans nationwide back the real estate mogul. but rubio has now surged into second place with 17% and ted cruz jumped to 16% and he is now tied with ben carson. nancy cordes is in washington with trump's new attacks on his rivals. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. trump's recent comments will muslims and a disabled reporter clearly have not hurt him and in fact, up three points since last month. nearly half of his supporters say they have made up their minds. which is something else that separates him from the rest of the field.
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but i won't say that. >> reporter: at a nighttime rally in new hampshire, trump dismissed the rest of the gop pac and repeated his debunk claim he saw thousands celebrating in new jersey on 9/11. >> i saw it and a lot of people saw it. >> reporter: at proof he cited a newspaper article, as well as clips from new york station wcbs and from mtv in 2001 none which showed a large celebration. >> there hasn't been a jubilee in the streets or anybody in the neighborhoods having fun or thinking this was a great or glorious idea. >> reporter: in debuick ubuque, iowa, jeb bush said -- >> he has gone too far and showing a lack of seriousness as being capable of being president. >> reporter: bush is stuck at 5% in the latest quinnipiac poll, while senators marco rubio and ted cruz are both up three
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nonetheless, bush set his sites on democratic front-runner hillary clinton and these comments she made to charlie rose about fighting isis. >> in terms of thousands of combat troops like some on the republican side are recommending, i think that should be a nonstarter. >> reporter: bush said he would leave all options on the table. >> this is all political for her. this should be viewed as a national security threat because that is exactly what it is. if you start by creating preconditions for america's leadship, you're not going to plain and simple. >> reporter: the clinton campaign tells cbs news she does support sending in more special operations forces, just not tens of thousands of american troops. clinton is up seven points in the latest quinnipiac poll and leads bernie sanders among democratic voters by a margin of 2-1. >> nancy cordes, thank you. parts of the central u.s. this morning are preparing for more wintry weather from a
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heavy snow on monday and tuesday buried parts of the midwest. it caused accidents and created whiteout conditions in minnesota, nebraska, and the dakotas. some of the hardest hit areas saw close to a foot of snow. david begnaud is in sioux falls, south dakota, where people are digging out from this record snowfall. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it will hover below freezing most of the day in sioux falls, south dakota, but with the windchill it will feel like 15 degrees. look. it's not even winter yet but i got to tell you from the way it feels and the way it looks, it sure feels like. it. through the blistering cold, plows cleared the mountain snow off the streets of sioux falls, south dakota. as more snow fell overnight, nearly a foot of it has blanketed the city since monday. for days, this deadly storm has smacked the midwest.
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that turned roads into a slick, slippery mess. eldora lee lives in sioux falls and spent an hour clearing her snow on tuesday. the 81-year-old shovels her landlord's driveway to help pay her rent during the winter. >> we live in south dakota, so we should get used to it. i think we are going to have a lot of it. >> reporter: in the middle of the storm postal worker donald shea delivered 2,000 pieces of mail. you started off delivering mail in south dakota and you moved to south dakota. am i wrong to guess that san diego is better? >> way easier. >> reporter: in minnesota three people died in weather-related crashes this week and weather is blamed for more than 5:00 accidents. >> you drive on a road and then, suddely, come on a patch of ice and catch some slush or something and pull you into the ditch or another vehicle or something. >> reporter: as this snow system moves east, it will turn to rain, charlie, soaking millions
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>> thanks, david. investigators in arizona this morning are trying to find suspects who hit four aircrafts with lasers. a helicopter and three small planes was struck last night as they flew towards the deer valley airport in phoenix. two pilots reported the incident to air traffic control. >> this fbi simulation shows how lacers can leave pilots temporarily blind. it's an expensive birth announcement this this morning. facebook mark zuckerberg and his wife priscilla chan will give
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>> it was written in a letter to their daughter who was worn bast last week. think about all of the things that should be improved in the world for whole generation. >> reporter: the birth of maxima chan zuckerberg prompted their parents to write this letter. dear max, likely all parents we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today. our society has an obligation to invest now, to improve the lives of all those coming into this world. the couple plans to put 99% of their facebook shares over time into the chan/zuckerberg initiative. those publicly traded shares are billion. >> zuckerberg could usher in new rea of philanthropy.
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zuckerberg's net worth at $46.8 billion. nearly a year ago he signed a giving pledge in which billionaires like warren buffett and bill gates agree to donate a majority of their wealth to charity. >> we need to make sure an investment of programs ensure the future isn't going to be like today. the future is going to be better than today. >> reporter: the chan/berg zuckerberg was formed as an llc to give it more attitude to pursue its mission by funding nonprofit organizations and making private investments, and participating in policy debates. in 2010 zuckerberg and chan gave money to the new york city school system but some educators and parent groups claim it caused political havoc and resulted in a public backlash over teacher contracts and charter schools.
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zuckerberg says we now better understand why it take years to build the support to durably cement the changes needed to provide every sunt with a high quality education. zuckerberg does not plan to give away more than $1 billion a year the next three years, and retain his controlling interest in facebook for the foreseeable future. >> you know what is interest about this? i was at an event last night in carnegie hall to bill and melinda gaets tes. >> you read the comments on the internet they are getting a mix of opinions. >> about facebook or -- >> yes. >> that is called haters. bravo good morning, everyone.
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to late morning. additional rainfall this afternoon. so it's certainly a damp field. temperatures from the oohs to the low 50s, rain will impact your evening drive as well. tomorrow, windy. the sup breaks back up. temperatures in the upper 40s. wind chills in the mid- to upper 40s tomorrow. a beautiful looking weekend. 350 by sunday. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by weathertech car matter and floor liners.
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the mystery deepens this morning in the death of an alaska mayor. >> ahead, we are in juneau with evidence that raises questions about foul play. the news is back this morning right here on "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by j.c. krchlt c. penny where giving begins. ey where giving begins. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it.
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a flight attendant may face legal trouble first, we want to get over to danielle tracking a little bit of dreary weather. dismall, with showers moving through. more rain to the south and west. expect periodic rain through the day. temperatures will rise from the 40s to the 50s. patchy fog will impact your evening commute and eventually bring some showers. sun is out, windy, winds in the 30s. nice end to the week, though. beautiful look at the weekend. we have plenty of slowdowns right there.
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the southbound side crawls from the connector back to the chelsea curb. let's go to the south map. top story this wednesday morning, jurors will visit danders high school where teacher collin ritz en was murdered. phillip chisholm's defense was that he was legally insane when he murdered her and then
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from 200 nations around the world. >> in paris to reach an agreement to stop global warming. >> the cup 21. the conference is said to address climate change and, even though there is controversy over what is causing climate change. the most recent theory is sea levels are rising due to the tears of everyone listening to the new adele album. >> trevor, take it back! i can't get enough of that album. >> me either. >> how does it say controversy? >> no controversy. >> >> "25" is a great album.
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morning." new evidence raises more questions of the death of juneau's classic mayor who was found dead in his own home this week. we are ahead with how investigators cannot rule out foul play. danger? the fears over the holiday's most popular gift. "usa today" says black friday broke a one-day record. more americans than ever had their backgrounds checked while purchasing guns. the background check system processed more than 185,000 requests. that is about 5% more than last year on black friday. bloomberg says the ceo of united health group told investors he should have stayed out of obamacare longer.
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jump into the markets. they examine $500,000 in losses this year. they may drop out of the exchange in 2017. the update on the data breach we told you about yesterday, one of the largest of its kind targeting children. the companies say that hackers accessed -- assessed -- >> accessed nearly -- >> nearly 6.4 million children's profiles. 4.9 million parent accounts were affected. vtech is taking steps to prevent further attacks. e. coli that contaminated the costco chicken salad is now under recall. the celery is under recall. it affects a dozen retailers and
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this morning, police in the capital of alaska are not ruling out foul play in the death of its newly elected mayor. greg fisk's body was found monday inside of his home in downtown juneau. we are there with details of the mystery that has shaken the isolated city. >> reporter: juneau police tell us there were injuries found on greg fisk's body when it was found here at his home by his son, but they have not determined a cause of death as of yet and their police investigation continues. police arrived at juneau mayor's greg fisk's home monday afternoon after receiving a 9:00 11 call from his son and found the body of the 70-year-old inside the front room of the house with injuries that reply say could be characterized as signs of trauma. >> i really, really love this town. i think it's a very special place. >> reporter: fisk's death comes less than two months after he
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mayor in a landslide. as word of fisk's death spread on monday, so did rumors that he may have been assaulted. >> juneau is a small town, about 33,000 people here, and there are no inroads in or out of the spreading. quickly. >> reporter: bob king was a longtime friend and neighbor of the mayor. >> there was a recent, you know, murder here in town that had people on edge. when you have an death like this, people do get nervous and the like. and these questions come up. >> reporter: in a statement, juneau police called the assault claims speculation, and said an autopsy would be performed to determine the cause of death. they also tell cbs news there was no forced entry, no gunshot wound, no suspicion of suicide, and nothing to indicate drugs or
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>> i do think it's unlikely, however, that foul play was involved, just because he was a very popular guy, he was an outgoing person and the fact he won the election by a wide margin. >> reporter: fisk lived alone and was discovered by his son ian who was checking on his father after the mayor missed several meetings on monday. in a statement, ian thanked the juneau community for its sport and also denied suggestions of foul play saying, at this time, we have no reason to speculate as to the cause of his death and are awaiting the results of his autopsy. now the anchorage million xaer edical examiner could have the results back as early as monday. one suspects that fisk could have taken a deep fall inside his home that lead up to his office. >> very sad story. thank you, mireya villarreal in
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an american airlines worker joanne snow is accused of meltdown. snow is in jail waiting for her next court appearance. chris kris van cleave is in washington. >> reporter: since being arrested, we learned snow has been committed to two medical centers and now she is facing serious charges in what can best be described as a very bizarre episode in the skies. the americanairlines flight attendant was led out of a charlotte courthouse in handcuffs yesterday after a two-day airborne tirade where she reportedly called herself crazy and a train wreck. joanne snow seen here in her booking photo was acting strangely even before takeoff according to our felly flight ow flight attendants. they claim she faced one in the face and the air marshal on board said i tried to calm her
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the force of this action moved me back. flight attendants told the air marshal they asked americanairlines to remove her from the plane last week but that didn't happen. on the return flight the next day, with the same crew, the air marshal wrote, snow appeared to be mentally unstable this entire flight as well. court documents claim she became agitated and upset and began screaming, the air marshals are going to get me! when she tried to bypass customs after landing in charlotte, they did. snow was handcuffed and brought to an interview room where, according to the affidavit, she kicked an air marshal repeatedly. american airlines statement said we are absolutely investigating what happened in this incident and want to try to prevent issues in the future. the erratic behavior continued during yesterday's hearing where she appeared agitated telling the judge she had hired a leading prosecutor in new hampshire to defend her.
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snow will be in court on friday, intver interfering with a flight crew could be up to 15 years in jail. critics say hoverboards are knocking safety off balance. the issues with this year's hot new ride from falling to fires. that is next. if you're heading out the door because you got stuff to do, we totally understand. we only ask that you set your dvr so you can watch "cbs this morning" any time you like because we will be here until 9:00. studio 57 this morning. we will be right back. for years to come. how can you help? by giving a little more, to yourself. people sometimes forget to help themselves. the cause is retirement, and today thousands of people came to race for retirement and pledge to save an additional one percent of their income. if we all do that we can all win.
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this spectacular video comes from wing souter brandon mike and his friends after jumping from a helicopter they captured
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the alaskan wilderness. that is pretty cool. >> is that on your list, charlie? >> i want to do that. >> i don't want you to do that, dear. >> i want to be advised what the dangers are. >> probably a few. then can you talk to former governor bush about that. >> he is a dare devil. he likes that stuff. speaking of dare devils. how about this? hoverboards are on a lot of christmas lists this morning. ebay sold one every 12 seconds on cybermonday but safety issues are rising nearly as fast as those sales figures. troubles range from injuries to fires. michelle miller is here now with a closer look at the new concerns. >> reporter: good morning. this is a hoverboard and there are many different brands ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to nearly $2,000. in new york, they are illegal on public streets and sidewalks. still, they are sure to be big sellers across the country and are, in turn, getting more scrutiny.
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>> reporter: hoverboards are no longer a thing of the future. celebrities like kendall jenner and justin bieber have helped make hoverboards this year's must-have gift. but the seemingly easy ride can be anything but. concerns are growing over ride-related injuries. from falling off at high speeds. >> what is going on, dude? >> reporter: to the board, itself, allegedly exploding in flames. a fire that burned this house allegedly started after the owner plugged in their days old device purchased online. >> it was like a firework. you just lit a firework. i seen sparks just flying and before i could yell, the house is on fire! it just poofed into flames.
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this is a franchise owner of iomoonwalkers a retailer of high-end hoverboards that sell for nearly $1600. he says a lot of are cheaply meat counterfeit and desperate consumers are bringing them in looking for answers. >> they bought a board that stopped working and broke in half and we decided to open it and check out what is wrong with it. basically, duct tape on wiring was toshl. >> reporter: eight reports have been received of emergency room visits related to hoverboards. none from fires. but the hoverboards are an unregulated product, according to sean cain with the safety institute, meaning no national standards for all of the different brands sold to consumers. >> what is the difference? what are the design practices? what is the standards? what is the testing being done?
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because there aren't any requirements that they have to meet. >> reporter: safety experts emphasize that hoverboards are not toys and can move at speeds where you can sustain serious injuries if you fall. they encourage people to wear helmets, knee pads and elbow pads like you would if you were riding a bike or skateboard. >> and work on your accuracy. >> this is a personal device. that ranges from something like this to a wheelchair to a seg ue. >> what did you think when you were on it? >> once you get the hang of it it is like riding a bike. it's all about balance. the problem is getting off! >> i love it. >> they are fancy and they have lights and you can get bluetooth and you can play justin bieber. >> i'll just watch. >> be careful.
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make sure that your hoverboard is patented. >> thank you, michelle. ahead, how to beat online distractions so you can do the stuff that needs to get done. tiger woods doesn't know when he can focus on areas of showers moving in west. a little wreak in the action and additional rainfills back in. temperatures in the 40s, low 50s in the southeast part of the state with rain impacting your evening commute. it will be windy. those real-feel temperatures will be in the 30s, less winds on friday night and into the week. a fantastic looking week. plenty of sunshine, temperatures in the 50s on sunday. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! every new toyota comes with the toyotacare no-cost maintenance plan. what's toyotacare? engine oil changes tire rotations
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i did it... do it... take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. if your hair, skin and nails don't look more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it... and i feel beautiful. visit for details. i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, r and it was a real easy
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tiger woods is talking about his struggle to return to professional golf and he is suggesting it might never happen. he has had three recent back surgeries. woods told the reporters in the bahamas on tuesday he hasn't begun rehab after his latest procedure. >> there is no timetable for this. and that has been the hardest mindset adjustment is that i don't know. so where is the light at he end of the tunnel?
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>> wow. woods says right now, he can only walk and play video games. boy, gayle, this is an interview i'd love to do. >> i think all you have to do is ask him. i think he'd at all to talk to you, charlie rose. >> this morning, mark philips is on the road. >> reporter: cars may be helping to destroy the planet, but can cars also be the solution? here in norway, they think they can. if they are electric. the future of driving now coming up on "cbs this morning." come on got to get back in time ople up in the morning. let me show you how grandma does it. your daddy made this when he was a little boy. this is your dad at my house, where he had his first christmas. thanks for making the coffee. well look who' s up. i' m really glad you' re here mom. me too.
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i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone,
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it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. v i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. that's a first-rate queso dip haven't been this lost in years (gps) recalculating shortest route do i really look like this? never seen this one before chicken parm you taste so good i like it.
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but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders.
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we can make and create an economy and democracy that works for all and not just the powerful few. we want goat you right to the weather with danielle. >> a little bit damp and dreary out there some light showers. route 2 in southern new hampshire. temperatures in the up 30ers to 40 right now in the city of boston and there will be some late morning. lull in the action in between but there will be some rain that filters back in during the evening hours. soggy day today. quite windy tomorrow, up to 40 miles per hour. a fantastic looking weekend and traffic together. >> danielle a lot of rough sides right now on this
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from the south, route 3, 128, north-a car just spun out on the split. from the north, this is route 1 in saugus, between 5 and 99. 93 south, stop and go in boston. check the top stories today, the family of a murdered veteran had to be escortd from court yesterday as prosecutors went into details of his death. 18-year-old alexander mills and 18-year-old friend are involved in the murder.
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it's wednesday, december 2nd, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including the ceo of mon santo in studio 57. why he is staying we need genetically modified food to save the world. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> cameron thinks anyone who votes against air strikes in syria is a terrorist sympathizer. >> mayor emanuel decided it was time for a change. >> muslims and disabled reporter have not hurt him.
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since last month. >> it will hover below freezing most of the day in south dakota but with the windchill, it will feel like 15 degrees. >> the philanthropic pledge was written in a letter. the two say they are committed to education and e raid ed eradicating disease. >> hoverboards are to be big sellers and getting more scrutiny. >> fight against aide. we have the world's no talented and beloved celebrities helping out. >> one lucky winner will get to snap the ball from me and me slap them on the butt and tell them they did a good job, whether they did or not. yes, you're allowed to watch. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and kristine johnson of our new york station wcbs. norah o'donnell is on assignment. united states is
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the pentagon plans to send about 200 special operations troops into battle. the forces will launch raids against isis and iraq and syria. >> officials say that their base inside iraq will allow them to make more frequent e raids. they will capture the terror group for questioning. in the last seven months two commando missions against isis and both times the troops were deployed for the raid and sent home when it was over. british lawmakers are deciding this morning whether to expand that country's air campaign in syria. >> syrian president bashar al aside was asked on tuesday when he thinks the war in syria will end. >> we know -- the countries that i mentioned, france, uk, u.s., saudi arabia, and some others, stop supporting the terrorists. the other day the situation will be better and in a few months --
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>> i told you a few months. if they stop. >> reporter: are you optimistic about that? >> of course, definitely. otherwise, i would -- >> you can bet isis will be a big topic when norah o'donnell interviews president obama today at the white house. it is his first interview since returning from the climate talks in paris. we will bring it to you tomorrow on "cbs this morning." a new poll this morning shows donald trump ahead of the other republican presidential hopefuls but marco rubio and ted cruz are moving up. the poll shows trump gaining three points in support since last month. that is despite recent controversial comments about muslims and a reporter. rubio, cruz, and ben carson are next in line. carson has lost ground, while rubio and cruz are gaining on trump. >> at a rally in new hampshire last night, donald trump repeated his claims that he saw thousands of muslims in new jersey celebrating the september 11th attacks. >> you notice what is happening in new jersey?
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people are saying, yeah, that did take place in new jersey, right? i wasn't going to apologize. i wasn't going to apologize. >> donald trump continues to cite newspaper articles and video clips of the 9/11 coverage and none of them show a large celebration. the united nations climate conference entered day three this morning in paris. cars and trucks produced one-fifth of all air pollution in the u.s. mark phillips recently took a drive around oslo, norway. that is where the government introduced a series of incentives. they make what is good for the planet good for the consumer. mark is back in london with more of his series "the climate diaries." mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. what if you could buy a car that produces zero emissions and where the fuel, the parking, and the driving is basically free? well, there is such a country and, as you say, it's norway. the electric car capital of the world. it's not too good to be true. it just takes the will and the
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take a look around the streets of oslo. look closer. a lot of these cars have plates that start with the letter e for electric. a quarter of all new cars in norway are electric and 70% are plug-ins and not hybrids. that's not just because the norwegians are environmentally responsible people, it's because here, it pays to go electric. in fact, you'd be crazy not to. ask lee pavverson who has crunched the numbers. >> this car will be for free. >> reporter: free? harder to get a better deal than free. >> that's true. >> reporter: owning the car will be free because of a hugely attractive government funding incentives. for a start he plays no sales tax on it, a whopping 25%. then he'll pay no registration fee to get it on the road.
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is free at government-funded curbside plug-ins and so many of the cars range somewhere between 100 and 150 miles per charge becomes almost a nonissue. and once on the road, all tolls are free, as are ferry and bridge charges. an electric car commuter will tell you there is another benefit. anita can drive in the bush and taxi lanes to avoid traffic. >> i can save up to an hour. >> there is traffic all over the road. >> that's right. >> reporter: anita barely gives a thought to all of those poor suckers stuck in their gas guzzlers in the slow lane. you don't feel guilty? >> i don't feel guilty because we are doing something good. i'm not polluting. we are driving and i'm not polluting so that is good. >> reporter: anita has another trick.
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pawer comes from solar panels installed on her roof. more free power. if you're put off the old idea that electric cars are from the golf cart and not the vroom school of motoring. this thing really goes. take a ride in this tesla. it's pricey but no more so than any other set of hot wheels. >> the power of this car is amazing. so i can't afford to buy a petrocar with this performance. >> reporter: what has happened here in norway has become the perfect electrical storm, a mix of spectacularly generous tax breaks, of special driving privileges, and of electric cars that finally drive like cars. in fact, this is all been so successful, the norwegian government is looking for ways to put the brakes on it. lars is the deputy minister of the environment. >> big market share, the benefits has to be --
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45%, 50% electric? >> >> we have to go up to 100%. >> reporter: 100%? >> our target is actually that. >> reporter: getting to 100% may still be a dream, but the norwegian experiment has proved one thing -- if you build them and they can work their while, they will come. if you say, yeah, but think still have to burn fossil fuels to generate the electrical power that starts the cars, not in norway. almost almost electrical pawer comes from clean renewable hydro. some places have the will, the money, and the luck. >> mark phillips in london, thank you. his series "the climate diaries," continues tomorrow from scotland. he'll show us how the clean waves. cbs news is remembering a
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beloved colleague. harry radcliffe reported on terrorism and the chernobyl nuclear disaster. he was the first african-american bureau chief for cbs news and led the london bureau. he contributed nearly 100 stories to "60 minutes." he earned the peabody award. he remembered and discussed what he loved most about his job earlier. >> africa is one of the most interesting places i've ever been. i've just always been curious about the world. you know, to go off with a camera and be able to come back with a story that you put together and show it to people. i mean, what is not cool about that?
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producer jeff pegoo called radcliffe an essential part of our lives. our broadcast and our entire news organization. we will miss him very much! >> i know he loved his job. >> oh, boy. >> he was very well loved and respected here. >> a great gentleman and a huge heart. >> that's right. >> so great. he said what is better than that for me to be able to do? this think i that all the time. >> the stories that people choose for "60 minutes" has something about their own humus and their own self. >> absolutely. covering tough topics as well. this one certainly is. journalists took on the roman catholic church and exposed its darkest secret. mark ruffalo is here in studio 57 this morning along with the
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ibs-d. you know the symptoms when they start. abdominal pain. urgent diarrhea. now there's xifaxan is a new ibs-d treatment that helps relieve your diarrhea and abdominal pain symptoms. and xifaxan works differently. it's a prescription antibiotic that acts mainly in the digestive tract. do not use xifaxan if you have a history of sensitivity to rifaximin, rifamycin antibiotic agents, or any components of xifaxan. tell your doctor right away if your diarrhea worsens while taking xifaxan,
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even fatal condition. tell your doctor if you have liver disease or are taking other medications, because these may increase the amount of xifaxan in your body. tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, or are nursing. the most common side effects are nausea and an increase in liver enzymes. if you think you have ibs with diarrhea, talk to your doctor about new xifaxan. (dramatic music) centrum brings us
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in multivitamin history. ( ) a moment when something so familiar becomes something so new. (impact on metal) introducing new centrum vitamints. a multivitamin that contains a full spectrum of essential nutrients you enjoy like a mint. new centrum vitamints. go to
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a recent survey shows the average worker, listen to this -- spends about six hours a day checking e-mails! one of the most e-mailed stories this week on "the new york times" website is called "addicted to distraction." the author, tony schwartz, says too much internet is making it hard for us to focus! the web, in his words, has arguably replaced work, itself, addiction. he is founder and ceo of the energy project and he joins us welcome. >> thank you very much. internet interfering with our attention span? >> you get good at whatever you do frequently or better at and
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is interrupting yourself and checking and you get accustomed interrupting yourself and that is happening. lot of value in it. virtue overused eventually becomes a liability and when you lose control of your own attention, when you feel pulled into the world of all that is available on the internet, it begins to have some pretty insidious impacted on your brain. >> i was surprised there was an issue for you considering what you do. you start the article saying you're reading a book and kept reading the same paragraph over and over again. how do you know, a, it wasn't a good book, and how does that mean you have a distraction problem. >> i love books and even bad books, historically, have drawn i don't remember what book i wasn't reading but i know reading is something i can do relevant easily. it is surprising it happened to
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even as i read, i had that hunger. all three of you have your smartphone sitting here right in front of you. >> yes. >> when you go to break, your instinct is to go for it immediately and what we don't realize is that that is taking a toll on our ability both to hold memories, to retain memories, retain information over time, and it's also making us more and more distractible, because it's what we are doing all the time. >> do neuroscientist confirm this? there is really comfortable evidence the working memory, we know, is very, very limited. the stuff that comes into your brain immediately, there is only a limited amount you can hold in there and it's not held there for very long. if it doesn't transfer down deeper into the campus, i'm talking neurologically, if it doesn't transfer deeply it won't be retained and we have reached a limit where that memory can be
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powering water from a faus cet into a full cup of water it's getting spilled out. >> you say multitasking we should stop doing it. no difference from a 50-year-old brain and 13-year-old brain. >> a 13 said, you don't get it, mom or dad, i do it differently than you do! doesn't realize all they do is shift tasks more quickly than you do, but while they are doing one task, they are not doing another! the result is, the brain is incapable of doing two cognitive tasks at the same time, that you are more -- you get more depth and you get more value from doing one thing at a time sequentially rather than multiple things at the time switching back and forth between them. >> that is a problem. what is the cure? >> i found three or four things, after spending a month this summer testing myself. >> we have time for two. >> testing myself by staying off the internet. right. number one, take certain periods during the day where you're not online.
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don't assume that you can resist it if you're hearing the ping. number two, take an occasional digital-free weekend or a week when you're on vacation where you actually do go off and you're in detox. that's what i did. i ended up being able to read, not only that book that i wasn't able to read, but many others over the period that i was doing the detox. >> i don't know if anybody can take a week off from the internet. >> sounds like a new year's resolution to me. >> thank you, tony. something to think about. unexpected development in the story we have been following of a kidney donor found through a craigslist ad. a great story and it's coming up next on "cbs this morning." it's easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative.
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the challenges facing the country never stop. so neither does the u.s. army. we train. adapt. and get smarter. every soldier. every unit. every. i'm anne-marie green with a but to drive it. nobody knows what problems tomorrow will bring. but we do know who
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and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. wow tastes like vanilla we're just finishing it up introducing milkwise vanilla with 46% fewer calories, no artificial sweeteners, and 50% more
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it's great taste and better nutrition new milkwise go from milk to amazing sure, tv has evolved over the years. it's gotten squarer. brighter. bigger. it's gotten thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change
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there has been an expected development in a story we have been telling you about. the story of a new jersey woman who needs a kidney. we showed you last week how her husband found a donor on craigslist. after months of testing glenn calder bank was ready to give his kidney to nina serio on. the doctors did not finish yesterday when the procedure began yesterday. hospital told cbs news due to unforeseen medical issues the kidney transplant did not occur as planned. both patients are in good condition. the family is still resuming the search for a donor.
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learn more about encouraging but a turn today. >> the ceo of mon santo is in good morning. i had is 8:25 right now. we'll have more after danielle forecast. >> good morning, everybody. it is a damp field out there. we have some areas of clouds and light showers extending into 95. temperatures right around that 40-degree range. occasional rain and pockets of showers that will fill in early morning, late afternoon. overall, rain periodically through the day with 50s.
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winds oil on friday and an impressive looking weekend. >> keeping an eye on a crash in wooster, slowdowns due to work crews many the accident is on 290 eastbound. cars. cam wine that with the lane shift due to some construction, exit. >> thank you very much. stop stories on this wednesday, jurors will visit danvers high school where a teacher was murdered two years ago. the defense will present the case, arguing thatchisholm was legally insane when he murdered the teacher and then dragged her poddy through the woods. the jurors will also be taken
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>> joe amoroso is accused of shoplifting thousands of dollars worth of items. amoroso is veil yabon's biological father is but never seen her. the f b. is saying little about a raid in a home in norwood. authorities tell us that's part of a federal investigation that does not involve terrorism. >> we'll be back in 30 minutes
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phil! (under his breath) hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... 70. am i right? r jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. you make me feel
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it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare.
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republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. let's get it started welcome back to "cbs this morning." ahead in the next half hour, the heated debate over genetically modified food. the ceo of monsanto is here in studio 57 today, hugh grant will talk about the future of our food supply and why his company is against labeling geo products. mark ruffalo in a knew movie about how a new newspaper uncovered boston catholic church abuse scandal. the actor and his real life role model will join us in studio 57 ahead. morning's headlines.
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looks at new 360-degree videos from google's cultural institute and show ballet and opera and orchestra performances. you can sit with the philadelphia orchestra playing in the hall of the mountain king. another in the center of the ballet. clear, loud, bright! >> very cool! >> very nice! >> especially for people who can't go, you know? >> put you right there. >> absolutely. new york's daily news says jerry seinfeld will perform one show a month in manhattan. it starts off january 27th. he said it was inspired by billy joel's month performances at madison square garden. he told a joke, he said years ago i bought billy joel's house so now i'm going to copy his career. i want to see that show. >> me too. >> funny show. >> i'm sure the tickets are flying.
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said the sixers lost 28 in a row going back to last season but they beat the lakers last night. the sold-out crowd also saw the lakers kobe bryant play in his hometown for the last time. bryant says he'll retire after this season. fda ruling proofing the sale of genetically modified salmon has recharged the debate over the future of our food. critics call the modified salmon franken fish but genetically modified organisms have been part of our diet for years and most of them is corn, soy, and other products with added organicisms to increase their resistance from disease. the grocery manufactured association says 80% of the processed food in the u.s. is genetically modified and most of it is not label. >> monsanto is one of the largest producer of genetically modified seed.
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transparent. with us. pleased to have you. >> thanks for having me. >> you know the concern for this. polls show people and citizens across the country are concerned. for those who see that concern or express that concern, how do you prove them otherwise and what is it exactly that you believe? >> well, we are, as you know, we are an agricultural company and we sell seeds to farmers to make harvest and those harvest end up on plates around the world. genetically modified organicisms, next year is the 20th anniversary. billions of acres and trill i don't know those of portions of food and probably the most i feel confident about the safety but, as you say, because of this, you know, the continued concern, we probably should do a
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>> you mean more transparency? more what? >> i think more conversation. i think part of the challenge, where food comes from. >> what is the misinformation? >> people between what arrives on a plate and what farmers do to -- so far, 2% of the country feeds 98%. so i think for companies like mine, we have got our work cut out in explaining what comes from. labeling? >> i'm in favor of some federal standards, so i'm -- i think a broad umbrella in labeling that is based on science, and based on facts. and i welcome -- my concern,
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labeling debate so far is that different labels in different states and that results in confusion instead of transparency, and it results in more expense. if there was an overall standard, kind of like the organic. if you look today at the organic food standard, i would be -- i'd be in favor of. >> to charlie's point about transparency transparency, your company spent over $4 million to defeat a balloting in two states. if you're for transparency, why spend so much money to make sure it doesn't happen? >> a deep concern we end up with a patch work quilt of state-by-state regulations where you end up in a place where you can't move a can of soup from one state to the other. you talk to the food manufacturer -- we have a seed company. when you talk to the food manufacturers, the concern is how do you move food between states? so if you fast forward, we have been at this for 20 years.
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the food security and challenges of climate change, these are tools we have to have in our backet pocket. i'm concerned if you build a patchwork state-by-state regulation we are never going to move forward sxnts consumer pays $400 to $500 more a year in their grocery bills because you get state-by-state regulation. i like the idea something that covers the country. >> isn't it in your interest to get out in front of this? >> yeah. that's why i'm talking to you here today. >> but you've got chain restaurants like mcdonald and 'cha chipotle. know? >> the real change the last couple of years i said we are a seed company. the restaurants are so far down the chain from us. i think more and more, this is all interconnected, so we have been spending more time talking to the food companies and more time talking to the consumers
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you think of 2.5 billion -- in our planet and the next 40 years, we are going to need every tool in the box to satisfy us. >> i'm curious. i know your company deals primarily with seeds. will you try the geneticive modified salmon when it's out on the market? >> absolutely. >> you have no problem with that? >> no. i look forward to trying the salmon. it's not one of our products but, as i said, we going to need all of these elements for our kids and our grandkids. >> quickly. we want to talk about roundup. it's been approved in america by the epa, something that your company manufactures. but many studies have looked at where it's funded or conducted by your company that this chemical may actually, could cause cancer. a chemical that is in this seed. is there any sort of response to that? are we, in fact, poisoning our crops by using this roundup
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farmers depend on this and it's an important tool in the fight against weeds. every spring when they plant a crop, the weeds are there. they are there every spring. they need all the help they can get to combat those weeds. i feel very good about the safety of the product. it's been studied extensively for more than 40 years. if you think to the future, and how we -- there is two challenges. how do we feed the hungry world and how do we feed 9.5 billion people? number one. number two, simultaneously, how do we fight climate change? we need all of these tools and these products to help combat -- >> you promised to go carbon neutral in crop production? >> we made the announcement yesterday we will be carbon neutral in six short years. for our entire footprints, we will be in a position where we -- what we emit will be
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>> no one realistically is expecting you to think your product wasn't safe but can you understand why people are concerned? >> yeah. i think that the key for me, for monsanto and i think for agriculture in general, we need to do a better job in explaining where our food comes from. >> thank you. >> thank you for the invitation. >> new attention is focused on the catholic church abuse scandal. co-star mark ruffalo is here
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music my k-cup filter is back. now you can make anything, even a piece of home. the single serve-make-all-your-favorites keurig hot.
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oscar buzz is strong this morning for spotlight. the movie shares the true story of reporters investigating the catholic church sex abuse scandal. they cardinal bernard law. >> if we don't rush to print, somebody else is going to find these letters and butcher the story. joe was at the frig'ing chort courthouse. >> bear told us to get the system. we need the full scope. that's the only thing that will put an end to this. >> lean then take it to ben and let
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>> we will take it to ben when i say it's time. >> it's time! they knew and they let it happen! two kids! okay? it could have been you. it could be me or any of us! we got to nail these scumbags and we got to show people that nobody can get away with this, not a priest or a cardinal or a friggin' pope! >> gosh. that movie was so good. two-time academy award nominee mark ruffalo plays rezendes who is also at the table. you got the script on friday and i'm in. you get word, mike, he is going to play you. why did you want to do it? you read it and thought was? >> i tread and thought this story had to be told. it was the right time to tell it. and that it had -- it had a
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when "the boston globe" told the story, but -- but we could take it a little bit further in the culture by making a movie of it. and it just felt so honest and it left out the salacious part of the story and went directly to the investigation. so you're allowed to enter this world and look at this very hard story in a dispassionate way. so by the end of it, you get a real moral certitude where you end up. >> reporter: when you shadowed him, what did you find out about reporting and about him? >> i found out that a great reporter dedicates his life to his work and that is what i found out about mike rezendes. >> what was it like him shadowing you?
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>> it was turning the table. mark came right into my living room. i had never met him before. without anything in the way of introduction, he sits down and opens a notebook and pulls out a pen and turns on his iphone and starts asking me questions. they were kind of personal questions. i thought, wow! this is pretty comfortable. then i thought about how many times i had done that to other people and i started to relax into it and ultimately, we had a great conversation. >> you lived through this yourself. >> yes. >> you have a firsthand account. when you saw the movie, were you >> yeah. i think the movie is incredibly authentic and i think it captures the substance and spirit of what we did just incredibly well. i'm very pleased with it. i love the message that it gives about investigative reporting. about clergy sex abuse. >> i was going to say two stories here. one is a story about reporting and two a story about how
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to long? >> i like how it keeps public attention on this which is still really important. >> meaning the church has not done anything or hasn't done enough? >> i think the church has taken several meaningful steps. i think most survivors will tell you the church has not done enough and more to be done. absolutely. >> to appreciate what hurt the damage and the damage has been done to the virgin islands individuals? >> that's right. >> a line in the movie said with one of the survivors how do you say no to god? what these priests meant to us mark, could you talk about that for a minute, about how powerful it was and the affect it had on these families? >> yeah. what -- coming from a catholic background, what you have to remember is that a priest is literally the direct -- the direct lineage from god to the community. and so nobody expects there to be a predator there.
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like, a direct active evil. and that's probably one of the more horrific aspects of the story, because you're destroying -- and we talk did it in the movie -- you're destroying someone's faith. >> because they think it's coming from god almost? >> of course! it's a direct manifestation of god. if you're a catholic, the priest is a direct manifestation of god. they are almost infallible. >> the victims are coming from affluent communities. for somebody to pay attention to them like that, of course, they are drawn into it. >> the predators, they looked on the margins. they were like a wolf waiting for a lame sheep. they looked for children who didn't have father figures, who were vulnerable who they knew would not speak out. the reason that it's boys are predominantly the ones molested
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boys are most easily victimized. they don't speak out. they are ashamed. and that is why -- these guys are predators and they fit in m.o. they were predators. >> did it change how you felt about your religion, mike, when you were reporting the story and working on? >> even though i was a lapsed catholic at the time, i still considered myself a catholic and i still identified catholic. and it did change how i felt about the church, no question about it. just the wall of secrecy and the lies about these terrible things that had taken place, it did affect me, of course. >> thank you both. i wish we had more time. >> oh, yeah. >> such a fantastic movie "spotlight" is in theaters right now. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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that does it for us.
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jeb bush: here's the truth you will not hear from our president: we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. it is the struggle the fate of the free world. the united states should not delay in leading a to take out isis with overwhelming force. their aim is our we can't withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. we have but one choice: to defeat it. vo: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of
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grrntion good morning. 8:55 right now. we're going to check the top stories in a moment right after danielle forecast. dreary out there. >> it is. light rain in the city itself. light echoes coming through here. temperatures on the cool side. upper 30s to around 40. we'll get periodic rain spilling back here. overall, wet weather will be with you temperatures in the 50s. sun back tomorrow. we'll be quite windy, gusts to 40 miles per hour, making it feel like 30s tonight. have a fantastic weekend. >> keeping an eye on accidents
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now, one crash is down in denim, 128 southbound at 135. we are not seeing any delays there yet. the other accident is in medford, 93 southbound and roosevelt circle. and the mass pike eastbound, slow crawl from the western barracks. >> thank you very much. >> the family of a murdered veteran has to be escorted from the courtroom was prosecutors went over the grueling details of hi death. 18-year-old alexander mills and 16-year-old friend got into donald depinis cabin and lured him into it where he was shot twice in the head. the second suspect, a 16-year- old, is handled in juvenile court. and a federal judge is considering whether to give the marathon bomber dzhokhar
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the judge has not indicated when he will rule. the born rotary will not be decorated. the town blames budget issues. the town had to make some cuts because voters reject add tax increase. don't forget that the next noose cause is coming up at noon. you can check the news right on our website.
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