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tv   WBZ News  CBS  December 15, 2015 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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waiting. we will learned colleen rid xer's family will be joining him at the podium just after 9:00 today a jury of eight men and four women found philip chism guilty of first degree murder and as soon as that news conference starts we will take
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first let's get right to christina hagar, you have been in the courthouse this entire trial, what happen there today? >> reporter: well, liam, even before the jury walked into the room, when we heard there was a verdict, colleen ritzer's mother hung her head and she wept, this is a woman who has been restrained emotionally during the bulk of this trial. she went, her husband held -- comforted her, holding his arm around her and then the jury walked in, the foreman reading the jury's decisions as the court clerk read the charges, guilty on three of four charges. the most serious of which, of course was murder in the first degree. let's listen to what they said. >> charging the defendant philip chism with murder in the first degree, is the defendant guilty or not guilty and if guilty guilty of what? on what theory.
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premeditation and extreme a trossity with cruelty. >> reporter: chism raped ritzer a second time. this was two years ago in the high school danvers high school, where he was a 14-year- old freshman and she was his 24- year-old math teacher and his attorneys never disputed the fact that he followed her, raped her and murdered her at the school. but they said he was in the throes of psychosis and could not control his actions. the jury did not believe that. chism looked straight ahead without expression as he has for much of this month long trial, his sentencing date has
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presentencing hearing to discuss some of the specific circumstances that go with his situation, the fact that he is a mine or, he will be sentenced to life for that first degree murder charge, life in prison but unlike and adult with that conviction, he faces the chance of -- he will be eligible for parole at some point because he was a minor when that happened and he still is, that is the latest live from salem superior court, send it back to you. >> christina, before you go quickly, i know we are going to hear from the da in just a moment, the jury seemed to come back with this verdict pretty quickly. >> reporter: yeah. it was about eight hours, and it came back after taking a lunch break today. and they asked a question about that second rape charge, and the aggravated rape charge that happened in the woods after the attack in the bathroom.
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that there would be aisled soon, and in fact there was. >> christina thank you. >> let's go right to the podium. >> time commitment was extreme and the fact were excruciating horrifying, yet they did the job and did it well, i want to thank them for the dedication much i want to thank my team of professional and competent attorneys for the work they did to help bring justice to the memory of colleen ritzer and her family. kate mcdougal is one of the best trial attorneys in massachusetts without question. melissa woodard who assisted her is a very very dedicated competent attorney as well. david o'sullivan who can't be here right now, my appeals unit was doing extraordinary work as well as balancing parole hearings and appeals, court appearances, the three of them have put in countless hours. you don't see this in trial, what you see, what you see in
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work product, but you don't see the countless hours of preparation and devotion, and i am talking monday holidays, saturdays, weekends in which i saw them diligently preparing for this work. superior court district attorney le, l she is my director, she gave everything she had to provide comfort and assistance to them. the professional law enforcement personnel involved in this, the police department, the danvers police department, the massachusetts state police including the crime services unit, the crime lab, the k-9 unit, the air wing, all were dedicated and professional in helping us in our preparation for this matter in this case. there are a few people i want to just briefly single out and
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john campbell from the sheriff's department help provided security, was here every day, worked diligently. sergeant phil tanzy from the danvers police department, detective one of the first people on the scene that day. chief pat ambrose, chief of police in danvers, the campus police, a fore said police departments gave us all the assistance needed. i also wanted to point out paul gada who men postponed his retirement at the request of the judge so that he could make sure that the court was ordinarily and the process worked the way it should, thank paul and wish him a retirement when he finally leaves us. judge david lowey deserves special mention, he was tested time and time again. his patience was tested. and a he conducted himself with
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he should be a highlight for other judges in the commonwealth, he provided a fair trial for the defendant and made sure that the courtroom was conducted in an ordinarily and professional manner. but most importantly, this moment belongs to colleen ritzer and her family. we can't bring her back, but we can provide some sense of justice for her family. tom, peggy, dan and laura, her siblings, have shown incredible dignity and grace throughout this entire ordeal. no family should have to go through the horrific, horrific life that they had to go through with the murder of a daughter and -- one previous time that i mentioned i spoke about this case publicly in october of 2013, i said to you, that colleen ritzer was a beloved figure in the danvers high school community.
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as you heard throughout the trial, her memory, her dedication to goodness, her he will went life has only been enhanced, and i want to thank the ritzers again for the courage and their dig knit. there were two people, we had many supporters in the courtroom as you saw, family, friends, people from the andover and danvers educational community, two individuals who were there every single day detective norman from massachusetts state police, and to this office steve, both gentleman were there every single day to provide assistance and comfort to the ritzer family. and i think as you saw during the proceedings and of course in this trial, we stand for something. we stand for justice. and we stand with and for victims no matter who they are. i thank you.
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statement. at the conclusion of that they will not take questions, i will answer some questions to the extent i can, by today was a good day for the commonwealth. thank you. tom. >> our family would like to thank the jury for their fair and careful consideration of the evidence and overwhelming facts presented during the past few weeks. we would also like to thank the judge for his commitment to bringing this trial to completion. while we are pleased with the verdict, we are aware the judicial process will continue. appeals will certainly be filed and given the state's guide lines for so called juvenile sentence, we may be forced once again to publicly endure this
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hearings, this guilty verdict while the beginning of justice for colleen is certainly no cause for celebration as there the crime committed. there remains a tremendous and painful absence in our lives, replaced. our family enters a new phase in our lives, one that we have no choice but to begin, however we do so knowing the remarkable difference colleen made in her short life and continues to make in the lives of so many. we continue to witness colleen's impact among her students and those who never had the opportunity to call her daughter. her spirit continues, particularly in the recipients of the scholarships given in her name. those who plan to emulate colleen by pursuing their dreams to become caring and compassionate teachers. as part of this new phase in our lives, we, her family and friends, will continue our efforts to share colleen's story and how one person can
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the lives of so many, we will honor her legacy and be her voice during the continued judicial process. colleen never gave up and never will we, we will not allow colleen's death define how she is remembered. >> in our darkest hours there have been a number of individuals in addition to our family and friends who provided a shoulder to cry on, a captive ear to listen or devoted their professional and personal resources to ensure a justice resolution. we want to express our gratitude to essex county attorney, particularly kate mcdowel ago, david o'sullivan for their passionate efforts to ensure justice for our daughter and sister colleen. comforting to our family during this difficult time.
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fairly presenting the facts of this case while demonstrating paramount respect for colleen and caring compassion to our family. we also share our sincere appreciation with the law enforcement community who view this as more than just a case, the massachusetts state police, danvers police department, essex county sheriff and salem superior court officers have demonstrated the highest level of professionalism since our unfortunate meeting two years ago, in their caring actions, we have witnessed the same kindness that defined colleen. one of colleen's favorite quotes was there is something good in every day to celebrate our love for her and in recognition of the many lives colleen touched and continues to influence despite the immense loss we are forced to
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our very best to find the good in every day. >> was the second charge going to be the most difficult one [ inaudible ] >> never -- we looked at every charge as being a charge that was brought with the utmost confidence in the jury did their job and we are grateful for that, we did not handicap any of the counts in that regard. we brought the case forward that we believed should be brought. >> yes. >> [ inaudible ] >> well i can't say anything
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countless delays, further delays had a human cost. that is the best way it can be described. >> the jury clearly rejected the insanity defense [ inaudible ] any comment on the use and how exact [ inaudible ] >> not at all. the commonwealth presented its case and the jury did its job and we are pleased with the outcome. >> one more. >> can you talk about [ inaudible ] working this case. >> when the verdict came down? >> yes. >> obviously felt a great sense of relief for the ritzer family, for colleen and for all the people who -- every case is important to us, and i've said this when i talked to different groups i'm proud of the people in my office, my assistant district attorneys who work so
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certainly felt a sense of relief and gratitude for the rutgers and people who work hard for this outcome to happen. >> how many high profile cases are [ inaudible ] if that school had not been renovated and cameras not installed, might we have seen a different outcome. >> we put together all the evidence that we can in a case and certainly it's not an under statement to say that the video cameras were a tremendous help for us in terms of the time line in making our case, and used extremely effectively by the prosecution. >> that is essex county district attorney talking about the cameras that captured the surveillance video that was ultimately used to convict philip chism of first degree murder in the killing of math teacher colleen ritzer, tom and peggy ritzer leaving that podium area now after saying
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justice, it is not a joy use day. they anticipate further appeals and they say they will honor colleen's legacy. >> we will continue to follow this verdict on air and online at, we are back
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your signature. nthe volkswagen sign nthen drive event. p zero due at signing, p p zero down, zero deposit, p p and zero first months payment p p on a new passat nand othernselect models. the entire los angeles school district was shut down today, the superintendent saying he wasn't taking any chances after a credible threat there. >> we are talking about the shut down of nearly 900 schools and it was a massive undertaking. >> how would boston respond to something like that, bill shields is live tonight at city hall, bill. >> reporter: well, liam, when that cyber threat came in to la that was eastern time, a few hours later here at boston city hall, all the computer went
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from over seas, not connected to la, but still raises the question, if something like that could happen here, are we prepared. >> really the kind of minor act of cyber vandalism that you see from time to time. >> the outages that we experienced to have no specific connections to threat in los angeles or in new york. we have received no credible threats. >> but if there was a credible threat to boston schools, officials here say they are ready. >> every single school has a safety plan, that safety plan is reviewed every single week, every single year, we were able to notify our principals immediately that there was no threat to boston public schools. >> here in los angeles, 640,000 students stayed home from schools after an over seas hackers threatened the second largest school system. >> everyone has to remain calm
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in california, what's happened in paris is getting everyone on edge. >> there are 5,054,000 -- 54,000 students in boston schools, there are no threats here today. only new york and los angeles. both threats originating over seas. >> it's not -- nothing new, last year we received similar threats that were coming from over seas like this one, but we vetted them out and they turned out to be nothing. >> reporter: so in la 640,000 kids stayed home from school, and this afternoon the new york city police commissioner, bill bratton he tweeted out that la over reacted, boston city hall bill shields wbz news. turning to weather now, yet again it's warm. >> i mean, just warm a little bit, this is like a spring day.
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>> flowers are starting to bloom. >> skipping. topping of 0 degrees today, as warm as 60 right our the door. take a look at high temps around the region, 63 in tauton, 64 in providence, that hartford. the 50s were well up into northern new england. 50 degrees in city of boston, we are on the board for most all time recorded in the month of december, most is 16 in 19953, we have five days at 50 plus in the forecast christmas which means on christmas day we could tie that all time record. still at 53 in boston, 48 in worcester, we look across the northeast and cool, yes. cold, i don't know about that. mid december cold is cold and this is a big change for us. winds are gusting 20-30 miles per how are, continue to subside as we head through tonight, will you notice the wind throughout the overnight
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new england, good snow in northern maine, but no snow fall around here much tonight will be slowly clearing out, 30- 36 in suburbs, and breezy, and tomorrow we'll have that chilly breeze out the door, big change, most towns will be 25 degrees colder than it was at the same time this morning. midday lunch will be bright and cool are, some clouds across southeastern massachusetts tomorrow especially as we head into the afternoon hours, we'll continue to increase as we head into the evening. and a much cooler day overall, looking at high temps middle 40s across the region, still above average but considering it's drier air and a big change it will feel much much cooler. add we look toward thursday, overcast skies on thursday, also looking at some rain, yet again a system that is so warm it is going to be all rainfall for us much the one thing we'll watch with this early on thursday morning, depends how quickly our clouds move in on
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of spotty, freezing drizzle. otherwise, it's areas of rain thursday afternoon and evening. rain will continue to move southeastern mass as we head into friday and then we'll start to clear out. temperature trend is featuring the 60s, it has 40s and low 50s, it's the weekend when we get a taste of winner, if you are watching holiday movies, wrapping presents, that will be possible saturday and sunday, much colder air, gusty winds especially on saturday, that is going to be our coldest, we might get a couple snow flurries. accurate seven day, after that chilly weekend and pats game on sunday, we start to warm back up to 50 on monday, 60s as we head toward the midweek. we do have a school yard shoutout, berry burbank visit to hill top school, the whole school participated in a great kindness challenge, every student performs random acts of
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a food and coat drive to help people out. >> we applaud them at the hill top school. >> thank you, eric, we appreciate that. we continue to follow story, philip chism found guilty of first degree murder, we will have an update and many details in just a few minutes. (buzzer) hey, you're a lucky guy. you'll probably win the jackpot. (bell) you know, luck doesn't play any role in slot machines. the odds of winning are the same every time you play.
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well it shouldn't change
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coming to your favorite craft beer, fda is making it mandatory for breweries to add nutritional labels starting next year, the makers are warning, it's going to wind up costing hundreds of dollars more per bottle, that may affect the price we pay. we have much more still right now. breaking knew, guilty, murdering his teacher. a construction wall blown on to a busy sidewalk, when the dangerous winds will weaken. a threat shuts down the entire los angeles school system, why school leaders made this extraordinary move. and her christmas wish, money to boy presents for kids who are less fortunate.
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holiday dreams come true. guilty, deliberate premeditation and extreme atrocity with cruelty. philip chism convicted of first degree murder, the jury rejecting his insanity defense and delivering justice for colleen ritzer and her grieving family. ultimately the jury rejected the defenses that chism was too mentally ill to be held responsible for what he did. >> jurors had to rule on several charges, the most important first degree murder. the jury could have also considered a second degree charge, chism was also convicted of one count of aggravated rape, though he was not found guilty of a second count much he was found guilty of armed robbery, christina hagar was in the courtroom and she is live in salem, christina. >> reporter: paula, colleen ritzer's parents sat right behind philip chism during the course of this trial and they have showed remarkable restraint during what has been


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