tv CBS This Morning CBS December 16, 2015 7:00am-8:59am EST
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is wednesday, december 16th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." republicans hopefuls attack each other about how to keep america safe. only on "cbs this morning," governor chris christie joins us. los angeles schools reopen this morning after a terror hoax shut them down. did l.a. officials overreact? hundreds of women sue over a celebrity endorsed hair product they say, it caused their hair to fall out. yikes! we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener."
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he's is a chaos candidate. >> marco knows what he is saying isn't true. >> let me complain a little bit. >> is donald trump a serious candidate. >> this is what it's like to be on the floor of the united states senate. >> the gop battles on the debate stage. >> who is talking? >> i'm talking right now. >> i'm talking. >> cruz support. >> he campaigned promising to lead -- >> would you please get to me? >> sorry, you haven't. >> we punched the russians in the nose. >> if i'm elected we will build a wall that works and i'll get donald trump to pay for it. >> a 737 off the runway in nashville and eight people taken to the hospital. >> next thing we are getting off the road. >> students back in class on l.a. today after a terror attack that shut down the entire district. >> the fbi has said it's not a credible threat. >> a powerful storm is spreading wintry conditions across the country. >> parts of the colorado saw as many as two feet of snow.
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>> where are you headed? >> costa reek ko. >> are you still headed there? >> no. >> fight inside to iraq's leaders. >> a water crisis led to a state of emergency in flint, michigan. hundreds of people in the town could have lead poison'ing. >> all that. >> they are up to their antics again with nifty moves. >> look at that! >> i love it! >> all that matters. >> this gem comes courtesy of the cbs affiliate in rochester, minnesota. >> that is the robber that just went by, according to the bank's employee. so i got to go here and call 911. i'll talk to you later. >> that is how season three starts. >> i don't do that. >> yes, you do. >> i will dedicate my performance to you. i will say to the memory of harrison ford. >> what do you mean the memory of harrison ford?
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[ bleep ] here. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! welcome to "cbs this morning." terrorism and national security dominated the final republican debate of 2015. it was a hard-fought two hours. big name presidential candidates criticized and occasionally mocked each other. >> marco rubio took several shots at ted cruz last night and jeb bush was aggressive toward donald trump and the front-runner gave it right back. major garrett is at the site of last night's debate. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the debate was an instant time capsule. a prime time event in which the terrorism overshadowed every other tap opic. they clashed over the views but in the end offered an anxious nation a promise and one could be distilled into one word or
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>> we will keep america safe. >> safe. >> safe. >> your safety and security is safe with me. >> we are talking about >> reporter: the competition to be tougher on national security never ended and jeb bush, running in low single digits, forced his way back into the challenging donald trump. >> this is a tough business. >> oh, i know, you're a tough guy, jeb. >> and we need to have a leader that is tough. >> you're real tough, jeb. >> you will never get there. >> i'm at 42 and you're at 3 so, so far, i'm doing better. >> doesn't matter. >> ted cruz and marco rubio he crashed. ted accused rubio for a path for citizenship. >> does the ted cruz ruleout ever realize that people in this country -- >> senator cruz? >> i never supported legalization and do not intend to.
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his experience as a post-9/11 u.s. attorney general. >> this is what it's like to be on the floor of the u.s. senate. i mean, endless debates about how many angels on the head of a pin from people who have never had to make a consequential decision in an executive position. >> after the debate rand paul told us trump's calls to shut down part of the internet to force isis propaganda and target the families of terrorists were, quote, radical and ridiculous. >> i think when people discover he wants to get rid of the first amendment to the constitution they might scratch their head and say, oh, my god. >> we asked trump what he valid more. security or the bill of rights? >> i have always come down on the side of security. to me, it's the most important. >> even if it means doing something to encroach on the bill of rights? >> i hate it. i hate the concept of it. we are dealing with very bad dudes. >> trump ended months of speculation about a third-party candidacy if he doesn't win the gop nomination.
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republican party. i feel very honored to be the front-runner. >> reporter: trump senior advisers told us trump had always been clear with them and had been for weeks he would run as a republican. not consider a third-party race. trump made the announcement tonight after reviewing polling data nationally and sees a clear path to the nomination. >> thanks, major. jersey governor chris christie is with us from las vegas. governor, good morning. >> good morning. >> with donald trump and senator cruz gaining ground, is it essential now for republicans in the center to come together and coalesce around one candidate as soon as possible? >> no. listen. i think what you need to do is continue to make your case to the american people and our republican primary voters about the safety and security of our country and who is best prepared, who is the most tested
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united states of america and its citizens and i thought we made it clear last night that my experience as federal prosecutor and united states attorney general and governor of new jersey makes me the best prepared to do that. >> last night, governor, did you make a conscious decision not to engage with donald trump? a couple of dust-ups between jeb bush and donald trump and can you say i'm going to let this play out and stay above the fray? what was your thinking when this was going on? >> the most important thing is to remember that our hardware add versary was watching last night in hillary clinton. it's not for our country to get in the minor dust-ups that these guys get into and talking about the little petty things they discuss among each other. my idea is keep the eye on the ball and make sure we get the best person to prosecute the case against hillary clinton in the fall and i believe i'm that person. >> governor, thank you again for getting up so early with us from las vegas.
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i want to ask you about one of the things you have gocketed advocated for a no-fly zone in syria. you would shoot down that russian plane. what is the rules of engagement? >> very clear, if they go into our no-fly zone after we have warned them to stay out, then they would be shot down. the fact is we need to have some clarity coming from the oval office and not, you know, 16 pages of rules of engagement that a pilot has to flip through before they make a decision on what with to do. you fly an american war plane, they have very clear rules of engage the and it would be made clear to russia what those rules were and if they decided to violate them, that is what a no-fly zone means, don't fly and would get shot down. >> you indicated that that would indicate world war iii.
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realize we are already in world war iii. i said this in a town hall last week. a new world war and this is one where radical islamists are trying to destroy our way of life. if he doesn't understand we are already in that war it's just another example of why he is so unfit to be president of the united states. >> but if russia is our ally against isis, could we be shooting down their planes? because we are not engaged in world war iii with them. >> you're assuming that russia is our ally in -- >> i think the secretary of state -- >> that makes it absolutely certain i'm right if the secretary of state thinks that. the fact russia has been dealing our lunch money the entire time from the obama administration from hillary clinton's reset button to going into crimea and
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puppet, assad. russia is in syria along with iran to prop up assad. >> governor, how would you get rid of assad? >> listen. i think that is something that has got to be the product of talks between our nato allies with us and our arab allies and coalition. >> but not russia? >> listen, charlie, i know that you're obsessed with russia this morning and i'm just simply not. i don't think russia has earned the right. >> no, governor, you're the one talking about shooting down their planes. >> you asked about a no-fly zone and that is the definition of a no-fly zone. if that offends folks in the u.n. crowd i'm sorry but america needs to assert itself again and playing the weak hand this president has played with this country we have russian troops in crimea and create -- >> what has that created --
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with the onians ranians to create an iranian empire. >> thank you for getting up with us this morning, governor christie. appreciate it. john dickerson is in washington and he was at the debate as well. he joins us this morning. hello, john dickerson. >> hello, gayle. how are you? >> i'm really good. you said last night's debate was about flexing muscles. in your opinion was there a clear winner last night? >> well, if it's a strength contest and it pretty much was between all of the republican candidates, with the exception of senator paul, then that benefits donald trump. he is running on strength and promoting strength and the voters have shown they think he is the strongest of the candidates. the debate took place basically on his turf. if that is the case it was a good night for donald trump. >> you're saying it might have changed something and added strength to donald trump, if it changed anything? >> yeah. i don't think it really changed anything. he is at the top of the polls. people are looking to him for strength. that is what he has been running on. so i think it only -- it only
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he has disappeared a little bit in some of these debates which might have been a problem for him as voters started to think about the candidates as commander in chief. but this debate, of all of them, again, took place on his turf so it was good for him. >> jeb bush was the only one who appeared to take donald trump on. did that work for him, do you think? >> i think it worked for jeb bush but only in a limited way. so it helped his fortunes, but, you know, for the mainstream republicans who are looking for a single candidate to get behind, they have got to pick between christie and bush and rubio and kasich and would like that choice but it didn't win as jeb bush does a a little bit better, it keeps him alive so the nontrump, noncruz candidates are still -- still too many of them for the mainstream republicans. >> it probably won't win until after new hampshire, will it? >> well, that's right. therefore, it could be too late. if the other candidate has a big head of steam by that time.
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john? >> well, i think there are two big dynamics to watch. one is trump/cruz. they return to their armistice last night and friendly to one another and both realizing they are looking for the same kind of voters. donald trump really pulling back because he has gotten some grief for going after ted cruz. the other dynamic is the split vote on the nontrump-cruz camp and keeps getting split. the better the moderate or mainstream candidates do the harder it is to finally coalesce around one. them. >> john dickerson in washington, thank you. defense secretary ash carter is in iraq for an unannounced visit. he arrived in baghdad this morning. he there is talk to u.s. commanders and iraqi leaders about the fight with isis. the defense secretary will explore new options to defeat the terror organizations. carter is expected to discuss a plan to deploy a new american commando force and attack
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the faa is looking into how a southwest airlines plane rolled off a taxiway and into a ditch. this happened last night at nashville international airport. the boeing slid off a taxiway as it approached a gate. 133 passengers and five crew on board and eight people taken to the hospital and one passenger had a problem with the landing gear shortly before the jet abruptly stopped. >> you could definitely feel we were going along and something happened to the wheel that caused the plane to bounce up and down vigorously until we eventually veered off the road. >> they escaped the aircraft and most of the injuries were described as bumps and bruises. hundreds of thousands of students will return to class this morning in los angeles. a terror threat led local leaders to close all public nation's second largest the fbi has determined it was
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ben tracy is at the los angeles high school where critics are saying they overreacted. >> reporter: this high school and more than 1,000 like it have been searched and nothing suspicious has been found and the doors will reopen to student today. despite knowing this was not a credible threat, officials here in los angeles say they made the right call. >> we believe that our schools are safe. >> reporter: l.a.'s public school system is back in business, but city officials are defending the decision to shut down more than 1,000 schools on tuesday. >> if you knew what the superintendent and the school board knew at 5:30 this morning when the decision had to be made, would you have sent your child to school? >> all l.a.s.d. schools have been shut down today. >> reporter: the decision to
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than 64 on 0,000 students. the threat came via e-mail. the writer claimed he was part of a cell of 32 comrades threatening to use nerve agents and explosive devices and assault rifles. >> i don't think it was an overreaction because i think everybody would have been really scared going back to school like knowing we had a thread. >> reporter: new york city received a similar e-mail threat and kept its schools open. police commissioner bill bratton was critical of the decision in los angeles. >> i think it was a significant overreaction. >> it is very easy, in hindsight, to criticize a decision based on the results that the decider could never have known. >> reporter: with the recent terrorist attack in nearby san bernardino, california, mayor eric garcetti said the city's nerves are raw. >> i think everybody, including our superintendent would probably rather be criticized for overreacting and nothing happening than vice versa.
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schools was, obviously, a major inconvenience for students and parents, but the students and parents we talked to actually said they thought that officials made the right call. they would rather be safe than sorry. law enforcement officials are trying to track down the person or persons who sent the e-mails that started all of this. >> indeed. ben, thank you very much. this morning global financial markets are bracing for the first federal reserve rate hike in nearly a decade. it is a big day. and the fed is expected to lift short-term interest rates to a range of between a quarter and a half percent. the central bank projects a series of increases over the next three years to more than 3% in 2008. jill schlesinger is here. what is the impact to our economy? >> the good news if you're a saver and suffering for so long with low interest rates on your savings, checking and cds you
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great news for savers. borrower, the news is not a good. you're going to see increased costs for credit cards, auto loans and any short-term loan like an adjustable rate mortgage. theoretically longer term interest rates heading higher and borrowers not so good. >> the key issue in the economy is growth. will it help growth or not? >> the fed has kept rates this growth. the idea of a rising interest might impede growth. that is the worry. >> or impede inflation? >> right. right now we are growing at about 2.25% annualized the last few years but the fed thinks after seven years of rates at zero it's time for the patient, the u.s. economy, to come out of the emergency room and walk out of the hospital on its own. no more help. >> exactly. >> when you sat down, jill, you said this is like the super bowl in the stanley cup for me today
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why is this happening now and how can you get others as excited as you? >> i don't think i can so let me start with that. i think the reason why it's exciting for me is the clear sign that the recovery process is sort of at the end. we are now entering a normal economy. not great for everyone. people still out of work but not lose onning hundreds of thousands of jobs every month and not seeing the economy strength. it's time no normize policy and i'm excited for today. >> i can tell! thank you, jill. you look nice too. >> thanks. >> thank you very much. parents are outraged because they say a city's drinking water is poisoning their children. ahead, how the water good morning. it's a little bit of a shock to the system if you head out the doors. temperatures are running 5 to 10 degrees colder compared to this time yesterday. we are actually right around
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normal high is 41 degrees. we'll reach 44 by 3:00. areas of clouds in southeastern mass. areas of drizzle as we get the necessary system bringing us is evening. a hair care line is accused of causing bald spots. >> hundred dollars we will show you hundreds of customers who say they have suffered from using this product.
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morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! treats. like 0% apr financing on the reliable camry. did you know, 90% of camrys sold in the last 10 years are still on the road today? but hurry, our biggest event of the year won't last long. right now at toyotathon, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2016 camry. offer ends january 4th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit make the holidays happier at toyotathon.
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with triplets refuses to abort one of the unborn babies. ahead, rikki klieman rules in on the dueling legal you. 7:26 right now. let's go right to pamela with a check at the weather. morning. >> back to reality with seasonable here. shock to the system as you head out. we have 43. plymouth, 44 degrees. on the way to a high of 44 by 3:00. sunny skies inland, few clouds in the southeastern coast. rain chances increasing, by the evening. an accident on the tobin bridge. a car crash southbound where the old toll used to be.
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the cars are being towed. phillip chism has been found guilty of murder. now, he will be back in court for a hearing on an unrelated charge. yesterday, the jury rejected claim that the danvers teenager was insane at the time he killed his teacher. he was also found guilty of aggravated rape and robbery. see you back here in 30
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announcer: a horrific terror attack in paris. then, a brutal act of terror here at home. it's time for a tested and proven leader who won't try to contain isis. jeb bush has a plan... to destroy them. and keep america safe. jeb bush: the united states should not delay in leading a global coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. announcer: tested and proven leadership matters. jeb bush. right to rise usa is responsible for the content
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>> just 24 hours ago, this bank -- what? >> robber. >> oh, that's the robber. this is live tv, folks! that is the robber who just went employee. so i got to go here and call 911. i'll talk to later. our affiliate in minnesota. a bank robbery happened and an employee just said, hey, that guy robbed the bank! officers picked up the suspect a called the police. adam, is a good american.
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>> forget live tv i got to call 911 and they caught the guy. >> what a way to be alert and available. >> and a decider. >> you go, adam. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour a michigan city is under a state of emergency because of lead in its water supply. traces of the metal made many children sick and ahead the cause saving measures that backfired. can a popular shampoo make your hair fall out? we will show you what some people experienced after using the product. time to show you this morning's headlines. "the washington post" reports on congressional leaders reaching a tax and spending deal to keep the government funded through next year. it would delay or suspend some taxes for the affordable care act, lift the ban on exporting crude oil from the united states and extend health benefits in
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responders and victims. more time to sign up online under the affordable care act. the deadline was supposed to be last night but the obama administration is now giving people an additional 48 hours to enroll for 2016 coverage. this means customers will now have until 11:59 p.m. pacific time tomorrow to sign up. officials say the extension comes amid high demand on healthcare chipotle follows an e. coli outbreak and norovirus. their move could keep local small farms out of its supply chain if they can't meet requirements. detroit news reports on ford starting tests on self-driving cars on the streets next year.
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driverless car at a new michigan facility. google has been testing an autonomous car in california since 2009. "usa today" reports on customers very upset about long delays on holiday card offers from snapfish. angry social media posts complain of waits up to a month which means the cards may not go out in time. the online photo service blames unprecedented demand and promises delayed orders will get free expedited shipping. >> nothing like getting a christmas card in january. >> charlie had a nice card. >> the three kids wearing christmas colors. >> did you not see it? >> i'm just reacting because i didn't get a christmas card! i'm not talking about charlie wearing it but i didn't get one! >> i intentionally left you off the list this year and i wanted you to know, gayle. maybe you didn't check your mail last night like charlie did. >> norah, i'm no longer speaking
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speaking of charlie rose, please continue. i did see the card. all kidding aside, the card is very cute. >> did you get my present? >> no, i didn't. this morning, the city of flint, michigan, is in a state of emergency. high levels of lead were found in its tap water. this week, fema sent more than 7,000 gallons of bottled water for the city's residents. adriana diaz is there live this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. when officials tapped into the flint river here for the city's drinking water the strong chemicals needed to clean the water corroded the pipes and contaminating the water with lead. by the time the city switched back to its original water source, families here said the damage was already done. >> when i hear my son get up at night and cry because his bones hurt and there is nothing i can give him, there is nothing i can do for him to take away his
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>> reporter: for nearly five months, ma lisa elissa mays and her family drank the water from their tap unaware there was lead in it. may said she noticed a change in her three children. convulsions and skin lesions and hair loss. >> the fact of the matter i handed them the glass of the water. >> reporter: last may, mays and other clint residents filed a class action lawsuit. in court papers they accuse state and local officials of not properly monitoring or sampling the splint river water and delaying and notifying the health risks. they went on to call the city's deliberately false denials about the safety of the water deadly and arrogant. >> they continually said the water is safe to drink. >> reporter: the city's water problem started in the spring of 2014 when flint moved its water supply from a source in detroit to the flint river. the switch was supposed to save the city about $15 million a year, but the lead levels detected in flint's children
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doubled. according to a study by a local medical center. in october, city officials declared unfiltered water unsafe to drink. shortly after, flint had to switch back to the original detroit water supply. >> damage from lead is irrevers irreversible. >> reporter: the new mayor said -- >> when we made the switch to the flint water we damaged the pipes. we already have old infrastructure but no corrosion control in place. >> reporter: the world health organization delays any lead in the body unsafe and particularly toxic to young children and it may cause mental disabilities and behavioral difficulties. with irreversible neurological effect. do you feel helpless in this situation? >> i can make the nightmares go away and the spiders go away but i can't fix this and i can't make this go away. >> reporter: mayor weaver says fixing the city's water system could cost $1 billion.
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emergency will unlock state and federal funding but it's ultimately not her call. the cash-strapped state and the federal government have to approve her request. >> thank you, adriana. this morning, a surrogate mother carrying triplets is refusing a request to the biological parents to abort one of the babies. britt me appeared to be a surrogate for a couple's two federalized embryos but one split and produced triplets and twin boys and a girl. the biological parents are asking her to abort the fetus and she is refusing and 17 weeks into her pregnancy in california. cbs news legal expert rikki klieman joins us at the table to discuss. i think this is really tough, because the babies are not hers, but it is her body. what are the surge gat's legal rights here? >> what you're dealing with here you have to remember this is commercial is your gas surrogacy. >> you're saying there is a contract? >> you know i'm going to say
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not only is there a contract, there is a contract and when you're dealing with california in particular which is known as a surrogacs friendly state, that they mandate that both sides must have legal representation that is separate. so each side should know what is going on. they mandate it's notarized and to make people understand the formality and the seriousness of what they are signing. what you have here is a terribly emotional issue and really emotional. >> the heart of it, can the parents force the surrogate to have an abortion? >> ab in essence yes but let me finish it. they can't arrest her or bring her to the table to have an borings. ultimately psychologically and monetarily, they can, because what happens under the contract is they can stop paying, this is ramone deal, this is $30,000 for
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sue her for damages for raising a child. >> isn't there a provision about this in the contract? >> yes, there is. and that is where, in this case, it gets a little sticky p.m. there is a provision in this contract, as in many contracts, what you can do is for medical reasons. >> right. >> that the intended parents ask to abort. now here, the parents say that doctors have told them that in the event of multiple births like three that they didn't expect that you could expect developmental disabilities. the surrogate says, look, my doctors say there is nothing wrong, but we don't know that ultimately there is nothing wrong. >> she thinks she will adopt the unwanted fetus and murkying up the water? >> what happens is you have a motion against business. >> how is this going to turn out, do you think? >> i think if the surrogate carrier really wants to keep this child, she ought to get her lawyers to go into court and try to get an injunction.
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a mess on your hands financially. >> rikki klieman, thank you very much. does a shampoo and conditioner used by millions productive hair loss? that is ahead. if you're heading out the door, set your dvr so you can time. you don't want to miss kennedy center honoree cicely tyson. one of the most inspiring people we will be right back. the more you learn about your insurance, the more gaps you may find. like how you think you have coverage for this... when you only have coverage for
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that's not homework!! talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. we are farmers bum - pa - dum. bum - bum - bum - bum there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to
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about joint damage. my doctor saidr joint pain from ra can be a sign of existingt joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. this test paper represents proteins in your skin. watch it react to direct contact with ordinary soap.
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this morning, a popular hair care line is facing a backlash and lawsuit. major celebrities bribing ankle li harmon and brooke shields and alyssa milano. >> wen says it's free of harsh and harmful chemicals making it a better alternative to traditional shampoos and conditioners. the company has shipped more than 10 million products since
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blaming it for hair loss and discoloration and scalp irritation and rashes. >> it was literally a completely miracle. >> reporter: it's hard to miss their infomercials. >> wen is not an ordinary shampoo. it's something completely different. >> reporter: with a seemingly endless list of hollywood stars. >> wen is the only thing that can change everything for your hair. >> reporter: all crediting their flowing locks to chaz dean's creation. >> try wen just one time and you will have the healthiest, shinest most beautiful hair you've had in your laugh. >> reporter: but jennifer molano from ft. worth, texas, says. >> i'm just now getting over the damage. i am not over it yet what it's done to me. >> reporter: the 44-year-old mom says she received the product as a birthday gift last november but soon after, felt her hair was thinning. she developed bald spots and then heard others were complaining of similar problems. >> i was just at awe thinking what is going on, you know? there is something desperately
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you just don't -- people's hair just doesn't drop out like that. >> reporter: other customers have vented their frustrations online. >> i've never had this happen before in my life and it's freaking me out. >> reporter: over 200 people are now suing wen in at least two class action lawsuits claiming wen's products contain ingredients act as a costic agent and causing a chemical reaction that damages the hair strand and/or follicle. a wen company spokesman told "cbs this morning," the products are safe, saying in a statement, there is no scientific evidence whatsoever to support any claim that our hair care products caused anyone to lose their hair. manano splans to sue as well and she wants the products recalled. >> there shouldn't be other people to have to go through this for something to be done before bit. >> reporter: one is fighting back and wen is fighting back and saying most of their customers are satisfied with the products and there are many reasons for hair loss unrelated to their products.
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lawsuits are now in mediation. "cbs this morning" reached out to many of wen celebrity endorsers but we didn't get any responses back. the question is there something in there that would make hair loss for maybe not no everybody, but for certain people? are the people sensitive? pardon me. >> it can choke you up, your hair falling out is very upsetting but a lot of people use it and have good luck and other people don't. >> that's what they are saying. >> if you do, you start coughing, is that your point? >> it would be traumatic. thank you, anna. >> americans catch a billion cold every year and how you can stay healthy and how they are spread. the underdog basketball team that knows how to win good morning i'm meteorologist pamela gardner. the temperatures will be more seasonable today, even though
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good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. let's get right over to pamela for the check of the weather. feels more like it should out there. >> sure does. we have 30s and 40s. shock to the system if you are heading out. temperatures won't warm up too much. 44 degrees this afternoon. mostly sunny skies inlands with a few clouds in southeastern massachusetts. chance of rain thursday evening.
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>> we have an accident on the tobin -- to the north, 128 south, reading to lexington, 45 minutes. 93 south over to boston, half hour. >> looks like everything is pretty bad out there. checking the top story. the man accused of a violent arm robbery at the cape is expected in court. mike he is sclleinger pointed a gun at the clerk, pointed the gun at the clerk's mother. police want to know if he
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it is wednesday, december 16th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real new ahead, including the republican candidates fighting over national security. we look at the key moments from last night's debate with gop chairman reins priebus. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> you don't realize we are already in world war iii. another example why he is unfit to be president. >> if it's a strength contest and pretty much was, then that
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he is running on strength. >> i know he you're trying to build up your energy, jeb, but it's not working. >> defense secretary ash carter is in iraq for an unannounced visit. he arrived in baghdad this morning. >> the faa is looking into how a southwest airlines plane rolled into a dichl. >> you just wonder what happened? did we hit somebody? >> this high school and more than 1,000 like it have now been searched and nothing suspicious has been found and that is why these doors back there will reopen to students today. >> the fed thinks it's time for the patient, the u.s. economy, to come out of the emergency room and walk out of that hospital on its own. >> charlie showed up wearing my christmas card this morning. >> very nice card showing the three kids. >> really? >> did you see him wearing it earlier? >> no. i'm just reacting i didn't get a christmas card. >> maybe you didn't check your mail last night like charlie did. >> norah, i'm no longer speaking to you. speaking of charlie rose, please continue. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by
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>> i'm in the middle of a war. >> no. this is the part we sing "we are family." go ahead. >> it's love all around. king and norah o'donnell. a bundle of love. candidates came out swinging in the final republican debate of 2015. they met on stage last night in las vegas. the questions of toughness and resolve dominated the evening. >> sharp words were thrown around like world war iii candidates. >> we are not talking about religion. we are talking about security. >> if we are going to ban all muslims, how are we going to get them to be part after coalition to destroy isis? he is a ki chaos candidate and he would be achaos president. >> he has failed in his campaign. it's a total disaster. nobody cares.
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the isis capital, raqqa, where there are a lot of civilianses? yes or no. >> you would carpet bomb where isis not a city but the location of the troops. >> he is also supported, by the way, a budget that is called a containment budget and a budget that could would radically reduce the amount of money we spend on our military. you can't carpet bomb isis if you don't have planes and bombs to attack them with. >> marco has continued these attacks and knows they are not true. >> the middle east has been in turmoil for thousands of years. for us to think that we are going to go in there and fix that with a couple of little bombs and a few little decorations is relatively foolish. >> the middle east is totally destabilized, a total and complete mess. i wish we had the $4 trillion or $5 trillion and i wish it was spent here in the united states. >> i'm amazed to hear from that a republican presidential
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>> for the russian we need to punch them in the nose. >> i would talk to vladimir putin a lot and say to him, listen, mr. president, no-fly zone in syria. we would shut them down if they think this is the president is the same one we have in the oval office right now. >> i think if you're in favor of world war iii you have your candidate. i think a candidate who wants world war iii somebody might shut down a bridge because they don't like their friends. >> are you open to closing parts of the internet? >> i sure as hell don't want to let people that want to kill us and kill our nation use our internet. yes, i am. >> is donald trump a serious candidate? the reason i ask this is if you're going to close the internet, realize america what that entails. that entails getting rid of the
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if you are going to kill the families of terrorists, realize that there is something called the geneva convention. >> so they could kill us, but we can't kill them? >> with us now from las vegas is reins priebus, the chairman of the republican national committee. >> thank you for having me on. >> we see donald trump is the national leader in the leading caucus and primary contests. are you -- >> i highly doubt it. i think most likely we will have a presumptive nominee by mid april. end of march but probably mid april. you know, it's because the way the primary rules are set. it's pretty difficult to get to a contested convention, but certainly if that happened, we will be prepared but it's highly >> was there a dinner where you discussed this with a lot of
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deal with such a convention? >> not really. i mean, the idea that ill call a meeting at a public restaurant in washington, d.c., to discuss the idea of engineering a brokered convention, which you can't really do, it either happens or it doesn't, is ridiculous. so this is a routine dinner that we do every month and i'm a part of it, and in 20 minutes in the asking questions about primary rules which would bore all of your viewers to tears if i got into some of it. but really, it's a bunch of nothing is what it is. >> i beg to differ. primary rules as you know matter a great deal. you happen to change a lot of them for the 2012 elections and many people argue that barack obama is president of the united states than hillary clinton because he understood the primary rules a lot better than her. >> because of what? >> because of primary rules and
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>> um. you're saying hillary clinton lost because of their primary rules? >> what i'm just saying you just said primary rules are not very important but they are clearly very important. >> oh, of course! yes. of course, they are really important! but people asking questions about how does the winner take all primary work and what happens on super tuesday and how many delegates are awarded on march 1st, those are innocent questions that norm people ask. >> got you. >> it's not a meeting to discuss how we are going to overthrow the whole process and take over a convention. that is absurd and i know you're doing the right thing by asking the questions. i'm not opposed to that. it's that particular narrative is just ridiculous. >> may i just ask one question? is there -- with some of the comments that came after donald trump made his comment about banning muslims come coming into the country temporarily, is there a serious discussion
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you're chairman of who believe he would be disastrous for the party and, therefore, they must do something to stop him from conversation? >> not with me. i'm sure -- i'm sure other campaigns are going to figure imary. but that is their job and 13 candidates up there and trying to figure out how to be the nominee of our party. clearly, we have a front-runner but i think even donald trump would tell you it's early and granted right now. timetable, are there things that come out of his mouth, mr. priebus, that sometimes you're sitting there with your mouth open shaking your head and saying, boy, i wish he hadn't said that. >> not particularly. you know what? i've been through this as well. four years ago was the same thing. i remember -- i'm not just question.
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ago i was in the same place and people saying we are going to have a contested convention and then it was herman cain and newt gingrich and mitt romney. i've been through this. my job is to make sure we have got a much better and far more confident national party when it comes to the ground game, the data operation, the turnout, the registration. i mean, a lot of boring mechanics, but really at the heart of what a confident national committee needs to be and that is my job and that is what i'm focused on. >> after the 2012 election, you called for the most comprehensive post-election review in the history of any national party. you did an autopsy of why your party lost and i went back to find the findings. it does not matter what we say about education and jobs and economy if the hispanics don't think we should be here they
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is that still a concern of yours today? >> well, sure, but part of our problem, as a party, was because of the way congressional districts are aligned and stay senate and state assembly districts. if you're not in in a daily basis in black and hispanic communities kroog the country showing up isn't going to solve the problem. what you saw at the beginning of 2014 was where we almost won the hispanic vote in kromt and got 28% of the black vote in ohio and it was a combination of yes, being good on the issues but also saturating communities with republicans that are offering a different vision, better jobs, choice on education, and that kind of message works. that is what i'm talking about. people can write all of the books in the world about messaging and how to do a better job but if you don't actually have a conduit in the community delivering that message, it's
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and so that is really what that report was all about. >> thank you very much, reince priebus. thank you, sir, very much. >> you bet. one of the candidates was hurt a lot when he wasn't saying anything during last night's game. >> i think marco gets it completely wrong. >> prime minister netanyahu. >> we do need our defense capability. >> senator cruz? >> come in and take advantage of that situation. >> this, i agree with marco. you know? this president is not trusted. >> well, if you might imagine, all that coughing kicked up a physician on twitter and viewers called it distractive and a running count of the coughs. "west wing" actor rob lowe tweeted the following. he wasn't buying but it was ben carson making most of the noise. according to his campaign his communications director told "cbs this morning" that carson was not sick, just working through his cough.
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>> did you notice the coughing? >> i actually didn't. >> i didn't either. i didn't notice it either. >> maybe when with you isolate it that way it stands out but i really didn't. rob lowe did. >> did you know a sneeze can blast 26 feet? dr. holly phillips is in our toyota green room announcer: this portion of "cbs
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kennedy center honoree act res cicely tyson opens up to us ahead. her marriage and her surprising answers to story of the tumultuous relationship. that is ahead on "cbs this morning." tion, there had to be people willing to fight for it, to take on the world's greatest challenges, whatever they might be.
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but also physics and chemistry. we make battle plans and in medicine, science and engineering. our next mission could be anything. so we prepare for everything. you get a cold. you can't breathe through your nose. suddenly, you're a well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38% more shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right i am your father. this week at toys"r"us get 30% off this kylo ren, x-wing and the lengendary yoda. t toys"r"us. awwwesome! with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating.
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passed more amendments in a republican congress than any other member. cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans' healthcare. bernie sanders. a consistent, principled, and effective leader. building a future to believe in. sanders: i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. in our "morning rounds, what is causing a cold. americans catch a billion colds a year. our dr. holly phillips is how coals colds are so common. why are they so common? >> the common cold is an infection. our upper respiratory tract and
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the reason it's common 200 strains of virus that cause common cold symptoms. interestingly, most adults don't actually get the same common cold twice. but because there are so many different varieties, it's very easy to get two or three brand-new colds a year and kids get between eight and ten. >> they spread so easily. one is through respiratory droplets through the air. really interesting video showing what they call a high propulsion after sneeze cloud. you can see from one person sneezing. >> holly, that is just gross! is that coming from someone's mouth? >> that is a sneeze coming out of their nose. >> that is gross. >> it projects 26 feet and can fill a room within minutes. even though that is gross, the main way we get colts saints through the air but from touching things on surfaces and then touching our face.
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mouth and that is what introduces a cold into your system. >> how many times an hour do you think people touch their face, dr. phillips? >> summaries show people touch their faces minimum 16 times an hour. >> we don't know what we are doing it. >> right. >> the common cold is hardy. if you bring it up to your nose and mouth and latches on immediately and within 15 minutes it's in your system. one of the ways it's overlooked for prevent a cold is sleep. research finds people who sleep -- i know i'm talking to not the biggest sleepers here. but sleeping just five or six hours a night increases your times. compared with people who sleep seven hours or more. so seven is the critical number. off colds. >> that will help everybody thank you, holly. so nice of you. >> i know what i want for christmas. >> don't practice what i preach but that is the science. >> thank you very much, dr.
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(vo) always a warm welcome. always a friendly hello. always a perfectly flaky crust. palways mrs. smith's flaky crustv pies. the only one made with real butter and abundant seasonal fruit. warm and welcoming and fresh from your oven with our flakiest crust ever. you're always welcome at mrs. smith's. i feel the need.
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>> "top gun" is one of 25 motion pictures that national film registry of the movie of congress congress. and also "ghost busters" are preserved for significance. >> on the list also is called 1894 "short called the sneeze." tom edison produced it. freddie washington is one of the short musical features to feature musicians. from 1920 "the mark of zorro." >> you'll get this. >> we see why this made the list. this is the "shawshank redemption." of the deep friendship between inmates.
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from cons to cops. "l.a. confidence." it also m good morning. it's 8:25 right now. we'll check the top stories in just a second right after pamela's forecast. good morning, pamela. >> good morning. temperatures running a little colder than it was at this time yesterday. boston starting out with 40 degrees. under mostly sunny skies will keep most of that sunshine around. high of 44 degrees, which is actually pretty close to the afternoon high of 41 this time of the year. slightly warmer thursday with rain. traffic and weather together. >> plenty of traffic. the mass pike is a slow crawl
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tunnel to framing ham. the expressway from the split at south bay, 30 minute. to the north, 122 south, 55 minutes. 93 south to boston will take a half hour: thank you. phillip chism has been found guilty of murder. he will now be back in court for an unrelated assault charge. the jury rejected the claim yesterday that the danvers teenager was insane when he killed his teacher. annual emergency crews rushed to the scene on 122 southbound and 1:00 a.m. a car crashed trapping two people inside. both people were taken to the hospital. the vehicle caught fire. police are investigating. and a city in massachusetts
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>> nice! baby. the giant panda cub faced the media for the first time just minutes ago at the national zoo in washington. the little guy tried to climb a rock in fronts of cameras. he hasn't mastered walking just yet, but zoo officials say give him time. he will soon start to scale the trees. his hearing is improving and he was born in august and he tops the scale at 17 1/2 pounds. visitors to the national zoo will be able to see bei bie at the panda house in january. >> i can't wait to go. >> i think he is very cute. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning."
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want to know what people are really curious about on google in 2016 including sports stars and singers and actor? >> daniel is here with that. >> you're on camera! hi there! >> now a front-runner in presidential race, who is left behind. kennedy center honoree cicely tyson, a ground breaking actress, talks to us about some of her most famous moments on stage and screen and how she inspires a new generation of artists is ahead. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. seattle times reports on online retailer amazon is looking at reviews by activists pushing their social and political agendas and one case dozen of theorists taecket attacked a book. some of the malicious reviews
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>> " "star wars" opens on friday. j.j. abrams had the three films in mind when he embarked on this new undertaking. >> you new chris lick, who is went to see it. he gives it good reviews too. didn't you, chris? two thumbs up. >> two thumbs up. >> i want to see it too. our cbs station in minnesota reports a mom sank a prize winning half-court shot. angela ramie tossed the basketball but it fell short and she appeared to give up hope but the ball bounced up and dropped through the basket! it ran her a 50% reduction if for her daughter next year in school. tuition can top out to more than $10,000 a year there. a list show cases the year's top trending events and here is
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number five, ronda rousey. number four, caitlin jenner and number three is american sniper and number two is jurassic world and number one is lambar ar odom. what does it tell us lamar odom is number one? >> probably not a household name before the tragic events in october. they maybe heard something and they want to be a part of the conversation and get some context and they were curious and find out what was going on with him. so we really saw that spike at that point in time. >> not like we were wondering what happened to him but when we to people. searches. it's not search volumes. >> is this because of his
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>> you could say because he is tied to the kardashians and people might have known him from his nba playing days. we saw an amazing amount of interest out of those tragic events. >> your list are so diverse. how does the list come together? >> a whole team of data curators. i'm the tip of the iceberg of the people who work on this. $ curries. a lot of information here that people can find. >> there is a difference between most searched and trending? >> yeah, exactly. really, we are talking about is those big spikes, you know, something happens and you want to hear about it and even with paris, we know charlie "charlie hebdo" attacks and what happened in november. people want to know what is going on. >> some of the topics including ashley madison?
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know about a topic. what is ebola and isis and what is 0 divided by z. >> that is the number one? >> well, this is something people were seeing on social media and it was tied to siri, appeal's voice rendition. people were trying to figure out what it was all about. >> politicians? >> perhaps not surprising that donald trump is on the list. some relative unknowns. >> most searched or trending or for what? >> trending. bernie sanders and ben carson relatively unknown before this political circle but hillary clinton is not on that list. >> what does that mean? >> i think it says people knew a good bit about her beforehand and maybe she didn't have a big moment in the spotlight and people turned to search for her perhaps on the benghazi hearings the other candidates.
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charlie. they are a myth of practical and people just being curious. everything from why does a dog wag its tail to how do you crate train your puppy or anything else somebody wants to figure out and videos online to help people figure this out. as a former dog owner you're always struggling with some of these issues. >> how do you keep a puppy from eating poop? putting salt on it? >> i'm not an expert on that. i can help with you toddlers these days. >> it's a problem for some dogs. >> exactly. thank you, daniel, for coming. cicely tyson is about to turn 91 but while she is still a force in acting, one person mother. >> she couldn't understand why i was leaving this good, good job to go do this foolishness. oh, she was very upset and she told me, i couldn't live there.
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cicely tyson got kicked out of her home by her mother after announcing she was pursuing a career in modeling and acting and tyson refused to give up and carved out a nearly six decade career that is now celebrated with a kennedy center honor. thank you very much. we met up with cicely tyson to talk about her body of work and some of her other passions in owner old neighborhood of harlem. >> i say no and then i go home and think about it. >> reporter: you say no to everything? >> i say no to everything because i always want to make sure when with i say yes, i know what i'm getting myself into. >> reporter: for nearly 60 years, cicely tyson has been particularly about the roles that she played. >> oh, don't make no kind of a stance. big old locks like that won't sit next to a colored child? >> reporter: what is your criteria what you accept these days? what is your process?
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myer stomach churns. it's something that i feel nauseated about. i know that i can't possibly do that. if i can't keep still, i get it when i'm walking around, i get the feeling, i know that's it. did you say gold? >> reporter: tyson made her movie debut in 1956. black and white film called "pair of gold." and we will have kids. we will have all of the kids we want. that launched a huge award winning career. for most people when you say "roots." >> give him a very good life! >> reporter: i remember jane pittman. cicely tyson. what does that role mean to you? >> well, when i'm working, i just tell everybody, i don't
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please don't tell me about it. if it's good, i'm not going to be able to do anything about it. if it's bad, i'm not because i work so organically, okay? so the next day, when i came on the set, i knew something had happened, and i simply said, please don't tell me, i don't want to know. what they were feeling from having watched it. when it was all over and people were talking about the war, lk, i said what walk? >> reporter: that walk led to two emmy awards in 1974 including outstanding lead actress in a drama. she was the first black woman to win in that category. >> when you live longer than your house and your family, you've lived too long. >> reporter: almost 40 years later, tyson's tony award came for best actress in oip the
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bountsyful." she starred. >> i love vanessa williams. she said this about you. she did not miss one performance ever. she is 90 years old. there is no excuse to not show up when cicely tyson can show up >> i have never missed a performance. never. i mean, it just never occurs to me to miss a performance. i mean, it's a job i have. right? >> reporter: do you think about aging? >> do i think about? >> no! >> no! why? age is a number, okay? we have the greatest gift that okay? >> reporter: yes. >> and if you take care of it, it will serve you well.
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drank, who smoked, who did drugs, never. >> reporter: ever? >> never. >> because i love life. >> reporter: it's a life that she has always kept private. that includes her relationship with jazz great miles davis. he put her on the cover of his 1957 album. the two married in 1981 but divorced less than seven years later and surrounded by stories of infidelity and violence. you were like the brad pitt and angelina jolie of your day. the beyonce and jay-z of your day. >> i don't ever talk about it. but i will say this -- i cherish every single moment that i had with him. >> reporter: they say it was tumultuous, that it was difficult. >> what do they know? >> reporter: what do they know, oh, yeah.
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because of the kind of reputation that they perceived was this man. you know? >> reporter: the reputation wasn't good? the alcoholism, the drugs, the women. >> yes, all of that kind of stuff. but that's not the man i knew. i told you! men take things! they have been taking things from women since the beginning of time! >> reporter: tyson's reputation as a pioneer for black actresses has given her a perspective on genuine and race. >> i'm going to my ladder. >> reporter: your ladder? what does that mean? >> you know what a ladder is, right? >> reporter: i do know what a ladder is. >> white man, black man, white woman, black woman. we are the rungs and we are
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and those, they are being trampled on by all of those, and still we hold on. that's our strength. that's the reason we survive, because we will not let go of that rung! >> reporter: wow. i get that. i could cry. >> i know. because it's true. >> reporter: i get it. >> because it's absolutely true. >> reporter: it's that kind of perseverance that a school was named after her. they got to see her where she is starring in "the gin games" with james early ray.
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school in your name and have those students come? >> i cannot tell you -- i cannot tell you what it meant to me, to look out into that audience and see those little black faces, so happy happy, to full of love. >> reporter: ania, who is 16, says cicely tyson means happiness to me. i don't think it gets any better than that, cicely tyson. >> i know that. i know that. that's my mission for life. >> i got a huge girl crush when that was over. i said could i have your number and e-mail? you. i've ghied admired her for so long and respected her. i said what does this honor mean to you? it means i'm being called a dame and i like being a dame.
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do." >> i've known you pretty well and i've never seen you cry. >> i got a little choky. it was a very emotional connection i felt with her because i knew exactly what she was saying. many women do. >> talking about the ladder? >> yes. she said you know what a ladder is but when she broke it down that way. you think about things in your own life. >> she has not only had such aan impressive career, but her inspiration in terms of her per perseverance her. >> and not to think about age. >> yeah. saying i'm going to do this as long as i can. you can see sisly cicely tyson and all of the winners of the kennedy
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anncr: when the attacks come here... ...the person behind this desk will have to protect your family. will he be impulsive and reckless, like donald trump? will he have voted to dramatically weaken counter-terrorism surveillance, like ted cruz? will he have skipped crucial national security hearings and votes just to campaign, like marco rubio? 27 generals and admirals support jeb bush. because jeb has the experience and knowledge to protect your family. right to rise usa is responsible for the content
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good morning. it's 8:55 right now. we'll check top stories in a moment right of a pamela's forecast. good morning, pamela. >> good morning. a bit of a shock to the system as you head outside. temperatures running cooler. 43 in boston, 43 in wooster to pittsburgh. we'll be right around normal. lots of sunshine inland with more clouds expected in southeastern massachusetts. there is the 7 on thursday. slightly warmer with a chance of rain. pamela, we have accidents north and south of the city right now.
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the right shoulder is blocked. it's only about a 10 minute delay. to the north, we have an accident in medford. 93 near roosevelt circle. 93 southbound to boston, that's a 45 minute rush. >> thank you very much for the update. >> the top stories now on this wednesday among. the man accused of a violent arm robbery is expected in court today. detectives say that michael schlessinger robbed a grocery store, pointing the gun at the mother's clerk the final republican debate of the year. senators ted cruz and marco rubio got into a heated debate over immigration, government spying. and donald trump defended his call to temporarily bans
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best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. bernie sanders passed more amendments in a republican congress than any other member. cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans' healthcare. bernie sanders. a consistent, principled, and effective leader. building a future to believe in. sanders: i'm bernie sanders
8:48 am
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