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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 1, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning. it is tuesday, march 1st, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump is poised for a historic super tuesday. - his gop rivals and the establishment pull out all the stops to derail the trump machine. hillary clinton hopes the southern voters g give her a full path to the nomination. we'll have a full political look at it from the team. >> we show you who's in and who's out. but we begin this morning
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world in 90 seconds. >> whether people like me or not, they're oozing enthusiasm. get out and vote, vote, vote. >> the candidates roar into super tuesday. >> i'm the smartest person in the world, the a greatest person and everyone else is a loser. >> if hillary clinton win s s, we lose. >> i am not sure how you bury about change if your super pac collects millions of dollars from wall street. the new york judge ruled the justice department cannot force apple to hack into an iphone for the fbi. sportscaster erin andrews broke down in the courtroom. she had to answer questions about being videotaped nude inside her hotel room. >> i was just screaming i was naked all over the internet and
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a suspect led police. a trump rally in virginia. a photographer for "time" magazine slammed to the ground. >> all that -- steve ballmer going off the mini tramp saying if he dunks, they all get a free pair of converse. >> small hands. are they small? i never heard of that one. >> -- and all that matters -- >> guys, we have never seen this kind f election. >> this says my boyfriend prefers trump. i'm single now. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> i thought chris rock did an incredible job hosting. not an easy job. he was fantastic. >> in fact, his jokes about the all-white oscars s s was so good the academy decided they won't nominate any black people next
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"eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning". nor real o'donnell is off. we're happy to welcome soledad o'brien. some of the 12 states holding primaries or caucuses. polls show donald trump is favored to pick up most of them. >> in the democratic race, 8 59d delegates are up for grabs. nancy cordes, john dickerson and major garrett are covering every cover. we begin with major covering the race. he's at a polling station in valdosta, florida. good morning. >> good morning. we're insight charity presby
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trickle in to see whether donald trump will. not so long ago super tuesday looks tailor-made for ted cruz but no more. after tonight they could lose ten, maybe 11 states, giving trum in terms of momentum elements of his campaign that could prove unstoppable. >> trump, 49%. 16%. lying ted cruz, 15%. >> campaigning in georgia he sounds triumphant as the 2016 campaign turned uglier. >> this there is no room in the republican parties or conservative movement for kkk, david duke, or anyone who will not condemn them. >> both marco rubio and ted cruz tried to turn trump's refusal to disavow former ku klux klan david duke into a
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>> it is revealing of a willingness to traffic in some very egg sentiments. >> his closest rivals also pounced on him that he took a softer line during an unreleasable session at a no, tiemgs editorial board. >> apparently he told them his real feelings about the immigration but it's different than what he said in his speeches but it was after the record so "new york times" won't release it. >> norm times has refused comment. trump said this last night. >> we had a board meeting off the record, all of a sudden they leak, it's all over the place it's any gauchible. >> it's negotiable. things are negotiable, i'll be honest with you. i'll make the walls two feet shorter or something. >> the political press is the worst of all.
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trump's ritual attacks. a photographer trying to leave to cover black lives matter protesters monday was stopped by a secret service agent. angry words were exchanged and the agent tossed chris morris to the ground. >> i stepped 18 inches out of the pen and he grabbed me by the neck. >> now anxiety within the republican party itself. they woekt said, soledad, if trump is the nominee, they will not support him. >> all right, major, thanks. voting is also under way in virginia, an important battleground state. nancy cordes is covering the democratic polling place. nancy, good morning. >> good morning. virginia's our early birds. the polls here opened at 6:00 a.m. and even bernie sanders would not dispute that hillary
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majority of the super tuesday states today. the question is how many and will it leave him with a chance, even a small one, to catch up in later states. >> virginia is clinton country. >> clinton country could stretch from virginia to texas today. she's leading by 20 points or more in polls of all of the southern states holding primaries. one of those states is arkansas where clinton was first lady when her husband was governor. >> i think you take a woman. >> i like bernie, but what he's suggesting, i can't see anyway it's financially possible. >> sanders looks strong in colorado, minnesota, and oklahoma, plus his home state of vermont, but those states contain less than a third of the delegates up for grabs today. >> i look around this crowd tonight, think we're going to win here. >> he and clinton are neck and
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sanders made a plea to voters. >> please come out to vote. please bring your friends, your family, your neighbors. >> and he insisted the race is still just getting under way. >> last i heard, we have a lot more than 15 states in the united states of america. >> he has promoted free college for everybody. >> clinton does still mention sanders in every speech, but she has amped up her criticism of the gop candidates as she looks to portray herself as their most likely rival. >> the republicans, i've got to give them credit. they are persistent. persistently wrong. >> at some point you can't say whatever pops into your head if you want to be the president of the united states of america. >> last night on the eve of super tuesday the state department released its final batch of clinton's 30,000 private e-mails she sent as secretary of state.
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those e-mails were deemed partially or completely classified. the clinton campaign is glad to get the drip, drip, drip behind them, but this is not over, norah. there are still fbi investigations and a federal judge is calling on some of her aides to testify about why that was sets up. >> thank you. anthony is here. >> she starts today with the delegate lead over bernie sanders and she's got the lead in the polls. big states tonight in is georgia, in virginia, and in texas. bernie sanders just hasn't been able to make inroads there. so with 859 delegates at stake in 11 states, her lead could
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>> in turning to the rupp the board? >> he certainly could. this could be a make-or-break night for both rubio and cruz. watch for whether rubio and cruz have been able to change any minds about that and then the big state in play, texas. 155 delegates at stake, but even more important is the politics. it's cruz's home state. he needs to hold it. he'd leading in the polls, but if trump leads there, it kbould a knockout for cruz. >> thank you. cbs political director john dickerson is here along with peggy noonan. good morning. >> good morning. >> so here's the question. what's happening on the republican scene as they try to stop donald trump?
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have republican campaigns. 're terrified about what it would be like. they would wake up every morning and members who are in their own races would be asked do you agree with what donald trump says do, you stand behind it. what changed it. they were already pretty darn worried. what changed was his inability to answer. not what he didn't say, but what he did. what lawmakers are noticing in his answer was an almost excessive political correct vs. when asked about while sue sue prem cysts, he didn't want to offend anybody. that's what shocks the lawmakers. >> does i got so far as to look for another candidate. >> yes. the problem is they can look and look and look and they can't find one. the only two options are to beat him at the convention and that would only work if he didn't get the right delegates and the other is gets the third party candidate. giving conservatives a candidate to back that wasn't the
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>> peggy, even before the polls open today on super tuesday, 40% of the vote has been cast in early absentee balloting. >> yes. >> are these attacks by trump, by cruz too little, too late? >> the attacks -- >> excuse me, cruz and rubio. >> you know, the republican consultant class and party decided nine and six and even three months ago this whole thing is going to go away dwoerjt have to take it ott. when they finally realized, oh, my god, trump and trumpism are rear, he could win, they decided they had to adopt his style and be tough and pugilistic. my sense is it doesn't make anybody look better.
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should be going at trump about having a conversation about policy rather than insulting each other. i'm not sure if they moved earlier, it would work. >> the party is utleyny in chaos kay chaos but could trump bring down the gop? >> he could break it. what happens if he racks up a lot of delegates, they get to the convention, it looks like trump has won and the party him. at the same time if trump walz waltzes to the nomination, there's a major slirch their will start a republican party in exile. you can quite imagine that happening. we're seeing something big. >> if trump has a great night tonight and hillary clinton does as well, does it increase the
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bloomberg or mitt romney or someone else enter. >> i think the second option is more likely. the people i'm talking to are trying to stop trump. they're talking about running a third party republican. >> like mitt romney. >> or paul ryan. he seems to be the default choice. >> is it possible donald trump has appealed to reagan democrats? >> well, the reagan democrats who are now firmly in the republican party, he does. >> it depends, the in massachusetts you have to be rap already. reagan picked up votes in 1976 and that's where it all started. ily were some. >> who are kind o a populist. >> yeah. >> i beg your pardon. we're going to know the answer to that question from turnout.
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be huge on the republican side. is that affecting them or democrats joining in and are they actually generations past? we're talking about the grandchildren of the reagan democrats. >> thank you, peggy. norah and i will join our entire political team to bring you super tuesday results tonight and a special prime time coverage begins at 10:00, 9:00 central and our digital rku, apple device. >> how do you get all those devices. they're expecting to testify today. a federal judge handed apple a big win yesterday. ruled the government cannot force apple to provide
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locked iphone in a drug case. the judge rejected the heart of the government's case, relying on the 1789. it could affect their standoff with the fbi over the san bernardino gunman's iphone. supreme justice clarence thomas has broken his silence. he last spoke in february 2006 and his question drew gasps from the audience. this is the second week of arguments since the death of justice scalia. they meet with the white house to discuss a replacement for scalia. sportscaster erin andrews could face another emotional day in court. she's suing the hotel's owner,
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she was secretly filmed in her room in 2008. the online video has been seen nearly 17 million times. anna werner shows us why andrews says the ordeal left her depressed and anxious. good morning. >> good morning. she's expected to return to the witness stand. she left as the jury watched a video deposition of the man convicted of stalking her. he tracked andrews down in three cities including nashville where he see incrementally recorded forever. >> i thought for two seconds. >> erin andrews sobbed monday as she described the moment as she saw a naked video of herself online and called her parents in a panic. >> i said, dad, i'm naked all over the internet, i don't know where it is.
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i am naked. what about my career? what about my life? and she was hysterical. >> the 37-year-old sportscaster is suing the owner and operator of this nashville marriott claiming the hotel failed to protect her privacy. >> they called me and said we're putting this man who requested to put next to you is this okay and i wanted to call the cops. >> he described how he secretly filmed andrews in 2008 choosing her because she was trending online. he said he used a house phone in the hotel restaurant and asked to be connected to her room. >> they connected me. the house foam, concierge. >> barrett said he requested the room next door and rigged a peephole so he could tape andrews with a cell phone. >> my naked body was on the
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post" and put bars over my body part. my girlfriend said she was running around new york throwing coffee on all the papers because she felt so bad. >> he was snechbsed to 2 1/2 years in prison snoon i never thought this would happen. i never thought they would let somebody next to me without telling me. >> lawyers for the marriott maintain there's no evidence showing the hotel dealership dlib ratley placed barrett next and that the convicted stalker tricked his way in. he was erin andrews wasn't his only victim. he posted ten other women online. >> disgusting. thank you so much. ahead, how the billionaire good morning.
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plenty of sunshine today. no weather-related issues. temperatures will be in the 30s. back into the 40s which is normal for march 1. the wind will be light. partly cloudy and dry. upper 30s heading into the evening. tomorrow, areas of rain will move in. tonight there may be some freezing rain across the interior. rain ends by midday, falling through the 40s. 30s to end the week. sponsored by brookdale. bringing new life to senior
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new controversy surrounding the so-called little pink pill. >> ahead. dr. tara narula weighs the historic stream for women's libido. >> the news is right back here on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by windows 10. upgrade today and do a great things. no-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to great things. and all kids speak the language of bug. " hey cortana, find my katydid video." oh! this is so good. if you' re trying to teach a kid about a proboscis. just sketch it on the screen. i don' t have a touch screen on my mac, i' m jealous of that. you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view. [ laugh ] how do you eat healthier, while you enjoy life and lose weight? now you can do it all with one simple plan. the all-new smartpoints from
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our most advanced plan ever. join for free. hurry, join by march 3rd and get 1 month free. soil is the foundation... for healthy plants. just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. new colgate total daily repair toothpaste. it helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. new colgate total daily repair. make delicious recipes that are lighter in calories and added sugar when you use splenda no calorie sweetener. think sugar, use splenda we asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us aren't prepared for retirement. it's going to pay if we all start saving a little more today,
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but i didn't know that. he made a remark to me about not sure he wanted to be there anymore, but he said something to me that has stuck with me to this day. after having your dinner, i think i want to stick around a while and that really meant something to me. i never had an experience like that and it just let me know that what i'm doing is much
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. disturbing new evidence good morning. good morning. colder today. already in the 20s. cold air has been streaming in. 35 in the city. we will drop a couple more degrees and then go back up into the low 40s. the wind will continue to ease over the next several hours. winter weather advisory's north and west of boston. a little bit of light freezing rain. briefly, during the late evening and overnight then changing terrain and will wrap up by midday. 40s tomorrow afternoon. traffic and weather together. where watching an accident on the mass pike.
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left lane is blocked. backup is to route 30. a breakdown on 128 southbound and washington street. the left lane is blocked. the polls are now open across the commonwealth. massachusetts is one of 13 states holding presidential primary contests on this super tuesday. polls show donald trump leading in the gop race. hillary clinton and bernie sanders are neck and neck in the granite state. we will have complete coverage beginning at 8:00 on my tv 38 and had on cbs this morning. new concerns about a new
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hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders,
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i recently gave some advice to hillary clinton after she could not give a straight answer about whether she ever lied to the american people. i said that that was the easiest question to answer in politics. i would like to apologize. i was wrong. this is the easiest question to answer in american politics. when someone asks you will you disavow the ku klux klan, just say yes and start high-fiving your future cabinets. >> that was a good segue. bernie sanders arrived
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cocoming up this half hour, donald trump from late night punch line to leading candidate. how controversy is helping fuel the republican's drive for republican nomination. also dr. tara narula is in studio 57 with new findings on the side effects of the little pink pill. did politics come before safety when the fda approved a little pill to increase a woman's sex drive? the response ahead. the kwal street journal looks at a growing scan dard in malaysia invoufling the prime minister. they claim more than a billion was posted into this man's account. most of it came from a state fund. hundreds of millions more than previously reported. some of it went to najib's party
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the minister denied any wrongdoing. the "los angeles times" -- the goal was to overload the group's networks and interrupt its ability to command and control forces. no other nations have admitted to launching cry ber attacks. the united states government said hackers caused a blackout more than two months ago in its kind. american power and water suppliers are being told the same techniques could be used against them. >> the "time" reports on the government ordering its most serious type of warning on a box about birth control implants. thousands of women say essure causes pain, bleeding, and other products. bayer has been told to run new testing. the "washington post" reports on the end of scott
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the international space station. kelly hand off command of the space station yesterday and will head home after 342 days in orbit. photos kelly snapped during his mission offered dazzling views of the earth. he shared them with more than one million viewers. just this. he took pictures just like that. what an incredible feat. >> look at him. as we reported earlier, donald trump this morning is predicted to win every super tuesday state. the billionaire launched his long shot campaign 8 1/2 months ago. since then he has generated headlines and controversy by apparently saying whatever he wants. many voted with enthusiasm. jan crawford is in washington jan, good morning.
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if you told anyone a year ago that donald trump on super tuesday was going to be the republican front-runner, people would laugh at you. for trump, it's working. when donald trump descended on a presidential race last june -- >> i will build a great, a great wall. >> the billionaire's bid for the white house -- >> he announced he's running for president. which by the way means six more weeks of comedy. >> only losers walk. presidents take "air force one." >> reporter: but within weeks trump soared to the top of the republican poll and no candidates or controversy has been able to topple him. >> they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. >> he's taken aim at mexican immigrants.
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assume are good people. >> he's criticized senator john mccain. >> he's a war hero who was captured. i like people who aren't captured. >> megyn kelly. >> you call women fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. >> only rosie o'donnell. >> every time talking heads swore his run was over. >> i don't know what i said. i don't remember. >> how can you succeed? >> the question is how can you become president. you can't. >> every time they were wrong. >> the more outrageous he is the more -- he gets more appealing to. >> even in december when trump imposed this. >> for a total and complete shutdown of muslims enters the united states. >> the white house didn't hold back.
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trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president. >> reporter: but the voters rallied. >> nothing undoes this guy. he know as what he means and he means what he says. >> reporter: frank luntz surprised. sunshine really rich. >> trump is agitated, irritable, rough but everything the primary ee look tore rat is looking for. >> i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody and they'd go on. >> he even had a dust-up with the pope. i mean the pope. and so far he's sailed above it all. >> norah. >> he may, but i'm not convinced there's something he could say that would go too far. >> we will see. there are new concern this
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only female libido drug approved by the fba. it was approved last summer. supporters called it a victory for women suffering from lower sexual desire but they question the quality of the drug. they say, the fda approved a marginally effective drug for a non-life-threatening condition in the face of substantial and unnecessary uncertainty. >> this drug had a lot of controversy surrounding it. rejection. it has limited efficacy or benefit to the significant side effects and possibly a lack of science to really elucidate the bigger picture when this drug goes into the real world and is used in women when they have not
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this jama review looked at basically the same thing. if on average a women has 2.5 sexually satisfying eventing per month, it would increase it. it increased dizziness and sleeplessness sleeplessness, increased risk of nausea and fatigue. >> do you think there's political pressure on this? in the past the drug was rejected and activists have said there are a lot of drugs for guys for the same condition. do you think it's a rush -- >> first of all they very different things. there isn't a zaire pill for men. i think it's going to be hard to tease out if there was political pressure or if they evened the score that was very strong around the time of the approval had anything to do with the da's
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it was rejected in 2009 and o 2013 and in 2015 there wasn't any more data. there was one additional driving safety study and another that says if they don't break down the drug very well, there are. this t question is how much it had an effect on this decision. >> how much demand was there? >> the demand has not lived up to what we expect ed ed and it may be because of the risk. >> and the cost. >> thank you very muff. new revelations about a cheese maker ripping off customers. we'll take a look at a state inspector where he gave a surprisingly glowing review and where he headed next. heading out the door, you can watch our all-access app on your digital access. you don't want to miss super tuesday.
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introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you.
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or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. how do you eat healthier, while you enjoy life and lose weight? now you can do it all with one simple plan. the all-new smartpoints from weight watchers. our most advanced plan ever. join for free. hurry, join by march 3rd and get 1 month free. life as spokesbox is great. people love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. so i'm dabbling in new ventures. it was board-game night with the dalai lama. great guy. terrible player. go paperless don't stress, girl i got the discounts that you need it's a balancing act, but i got to give the people what they want -- more box. any words for the critics? what can i say? critties gonna neg. [ applause ] the what?!
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new developments in daring industry scandal we've been reporting. a new report reveels contamination of a cheese maker who plead guilty last week of selling counterfeit parmesan. castle cheese sold questionable products across the country including walmart and target. jim axelrod shows how the cheese could have been made unsafe. >> castle made headlines for passing off parmesan as the real thing. it had dangerous health hazards in their facility and did nothing about them. when the fda inspected castle cheese in 2012 acting on an anonymous tip, they made an unsettling discovery. castle's 100% parmesan was actually a blend of cheaper
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mozzarella and in one case an unknown ingredient. >> the product is supposed to have what is advertised on the label. >> u.s. attorney david hickton brought the case against cass. the western district of pennsylvania. >> i think anybody who uses that product like me or anyone else would have the right to expect that it is what it says it is, and the law is very clear on this. >> this was fraudulent in your view. >> yes. >> but we've learned fraud might not be the worse of it. these fda records show cheese was stored this unrefrigerated room which could cause bacteria to thrive. what's more the company found listeria in its production area ten time, yet continues to sell its cheese without testing it, which might be troubling enough if we didn't find records from the pennsylvania department of agriculture which inspected
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the fda did. david trotter wrote, the plant continues to be in excellent condition. i appreciate the plant management and the quality work they do. his glowing reviews continues until august of 2013 when he left the department of agriculture for a new job, director of quality control at castle cheese. >> i'm with cbs newss. >> we asked trotter to explain his views of castle, but he declined. >> castle cheese is no longer on the market. the company filed bankruptcy in 2014. the fda is working on rolling out new food regulations designed to get state and federal inspectors on the same page. >> how is that even possible that? >> question of the morning. question. we're still waiting for a return call. >> we'll be looking into that. jim, thank you so much. only on "cbs this morning," "forbes" unveiled its list of
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can anybody bump bill gates from the top spot? plus, an nba owner shows his moves on the court. it made everyone in the good morning. changes in the air today. the wind continues to ease. plenty of sunshine and wispy clouds. much cooler, low 40s this afternoon. a winter weather advisory will come out tonight from 8 pm through 1 am tonight. light freezing rain. rain for the morning commute tomorrow. that will wrap up around midday as temperatures fall from the low 50s through the 40s during the afternoon. 30s to end the week. a potential storm to the south on friday. >> announcer: this portion of
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ability to win. good for balmer. >> he's been here before at the table, and there's nobody more enthusiastic. the trampoline is jeefrg at the end of super tuesday donald trump and super tuesday could be too far ahead to catch. we have a look at today's vote and its potential impact. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." (two text tones) now? (text tone) excuse me. (phone tone) again? be right back. always running to the bathroom because your bladder is calling the shots? (text tone) you may have oab.
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oh no, the car! told ya somebody should've waited in the car. it says there's a black car three minutes away! i'm not taking one of those. that one! they gave authorities the slip, in a prius. now the four most-wanted men in the world are stealing our hearts. is that us? i think that's us! public support is at a fever pitch. what started as an amateur heist is now a global phenomenon. one does have to wonder, how long can this chase go on? look, we're trending! let me see that. we're famous! toyota. let's go places. (rebecca) i've struggled with depression. i thought i needed cigarettes to cope. i was able to quit smoking. and then i started running. now, i feel a lot better. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now.
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m kristie. and i' m jess. and we are the bug chicks. we're a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. " hey cortana, find my katydid video." oh! this is so good. if you' re trying to teach a kid about a proboscis. just sketch it on the screen. i don' t have a touch screen on my mac, i' m jealous of that. you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view.
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we will have your top story coming up but first here's the forecast. good morning. 35 in boston. colder air has been coming in. temperatures in the 20s. north and west of town, 40 in chatham. that wind will continue to subside. it turns like this afternoon. no reason not to vote. temperatures in the lower 40s this afternoon with some clouds. winter weather advisory for the north and west of boston for late this evening and overnight tonight. a brief period of light freezing rain. rain for tomorrow morning's commute. colder to end the week. a couple of accidents and
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south. a crash on 24 northbound at randolph before 128. the left lane is blocked. the expressway northbound from the split to columbia road is 25 minutes. an earlier accident is backed up to route 30. 93 southbound, a bus broken down on park street. that is jammed. the polls have now been open across the state for nearly an hour. this was the scene in west roxbury. massachusetts one of 12 states
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condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara . hey. you're that 1-800-dentist guy. yeah. so how come dentists don't have stuff, like, where they can make a crown all at once? they do. it's called cerec. okay, imagine a device that makes the crown right there in the office. it already exists. maybe i should invent that. single-visit dentistry. that's what cerec is. half the time, man. think about it -- this is going to be awesome. it is awesome for millions of people. what should we call it? [ male announcer ] single-visit dentistry. it already exists.
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it is tuesday, march 1st, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more news ahead including super tuesday voting in 12 states. we'll ask a columnist if anything can stop donald trump, but first here is today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> even bernie sanders would not dispute that hillary clinton is going to win a majority of the states. the question is how many. >> she has the lead over bnsz and she's got the lead in georgia, virginia, and in texas. >> cruz and marco rubio trail
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they could lose ten, maybe 11 states. >> what's happening behind the scenes within the republican party? >> they're terrified with what uld woit be like to have donald trump as the party nominee. >> the party is clearly in chaos but couldn't trump realistically bring down the gop? >> he could bring it. >> if you told anyone a year ago donald trump would be the front-runner, people would laugh at you. >> we're going to win, win, win, win. >> coverage begins at 10:00. you can tune in on your roku, apple tv, amazon fire tv and apple apple-supported devices. >> i wish i had those tvs. how do you get all those? >> super tuesday is tomorrow. yeah, well, so is ncis, yelled
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on tuesday. i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and soledad o'brien. gayle king is off. bernie sanders just went to the polls in his home state of vermont. he looks strongest in colorado, minnesota, and oklahoma, but those states have less than one third of today's delegates. >> hnlt is expected to pick up 59%. clinton's campaign spiechs are starting to focus more on the republicans than sanders. >> you get two americans together and they start talking politics, you know there's going to be differences, but that's part of our a great democracy. what we can't let happen is the scapegoating, the blaming, the finger pointing that is going on on the republican side. >> clinton will be in miami tonight as the super tuesday
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florida's primary is two weeks from today. republicans are handing out 595 delegates in 12 states. donald trump is expected to win most of them. and the gop establishment is getting more nervous that trump will win the nomination. former senator and republican party chairman told "the wall street journal," quote, if there's any, any, any other choice, a living breathing person with a pulse, i would be there. tell us how you really feel. >> 20 on twitter romney called it a, quote, disqualifying and disgusting response by donald trump to the kkk. that was echoed by south carolina governor nikki haley campaigning with marco rubio. >> the kkk came to south carolina from out of state to protest on our statehouse grounds. [ booing ]
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hate in the eyes last year in charleston. i will not stop until we fight a man that choose not to disavow the kkk. that is not a part of our party. that's not who we want as president. we will not allow that. >> trump was asked again this morning if he's ready to denounce all white supremacist support. he says, of course, i am. mike, good morning. welcome back. >> good morning. >> when you look at what's happening within the republican party, is it splitting apart in front of our very own eyes? >> i don't even think he's running as a republican. i think he's running for the party of trump, but i wasn't aware that in presidential politics now, charlie, you can use the "dog ate my earpiece"
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how about this word "disavow." i find repug nant. he was asked three times. i wish every time i said something stupid i could blayke blame it on the're earpiece. >> what about the fact that the race started too late for ted cruz and marco rubio. >> what you're hearing about is rubio shouldn't have gone after trum should have gone after trump on spray tans and small hands long before this. >> we heard nikki haley just now, one of the other attacks. she said whether it was trump vodka or trump university, that all of these had been failures, that we're not a project, the republican party, this is a race for president. the idea that some of the support behind trump is they think the's a great businessman
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business to the government of washington. >> this information has been out there long. i'm like, wait a minute, getting this church service a little late. can anything happen tonight that will change the narrative? eventually it's not about truth or beauty or housewife fight. they're simple. >> what about if nothing sticks from the kkk, business dealings to the partnership to john mccain, the list depose on and on and on. >> charlie and i have talked about this before. i once asked the basketball coach chuck daly why people like shaquille o'neal. this country likes a great big action here's. here's the thing. doing know if he ever thought the wall thing was going to resonate with voters and he talks about a wall that will never be built and people screamed. then he talks about a ban ominous limbs that could never
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they scream again. as long as he keeps carrying on by the roar of the vote, why would he stop doing what he's doing? >> the fault is with the voters and with ussome. >> i think a little bit. we can talk about how dumb the campaign has become. i remember an old story in psychology, where did my iq points go? i know where they went. they got sucked in the republican race for the last three or four days. if people go with this, believe we get the kind of leadership we deserve. now we find out if it ever happens that mr. trump and mrs. clinton are on stage. >> charlie, it's a show. he has mastered the show. he has gained the system here. he has figured out that this is a great big unfortunately
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starring now, and so far he's gotten enough people to go along with it. the question regarding david duke, you could see him calibrating whether he was going to hurt a large part of his base before he responded. >> his first response was, i don't know him, dmoijt him. >> this is an opportunity to remake our party. is this overstating it that we may be witnessing something like 1856 where the republican party splinters, the wig party went into the conservative party or something comes out of the conservative party? >> norah, think how upside down this thing has come. at the start of it everybody was paranoid that trump would run as a third party candidate. now the republicans are wondering if they have to run their own third party candidate, wait a minute, out of their own party.
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>> can we point out the cover on "the daily news"? it says "the apocalypse." we will see you tonight. >> thank you. >> norah and i and our team will have coverage of the super tuesday tonight. it begins at 10:00, 9:00 central on cbs. we'll have results throughout the day on digital network cbsn. you can watch on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and other devices. >> i didn't hear phone. >> you can get it on your phone.
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a woman in maine launched a nationwide nationwide campaign to find a kidney. we sheem you the emotional results of finding a donor. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." jane likes to mix things up. that' s why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it' s her new 80 calorie obsession.
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on top of your health? ahh... cigna customers have plan choices and tools to take control. so they're more engaged, with fewer high health risks and lower medical costs. take control of your health at cigna dot comr slash take control. hey! this is lloyd. to prove to you that the better choice for him is aleve. he's agreed to give it up. ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. we'll be with him all day as he goes back to
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was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so... more pills. yep... another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? for my pain... i want my aleve. get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. how do you eat healthier, while you enjoy life and lose weight? now you can do it all with one simple plan. the all-new smartpoints from weight watchers. our most advanced plan ever. join for free. hurry, join by march 3rd
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today, lori grabs delicious jimmy dean sausage from the fridge, fully cooked and ready in seconds. it makes breakfast complete, which makes bill feel like completing the gazebo, prompting a celebration in lori's backyard. with jimmy dean,
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only on "cbs this morning," "forbes" magazine reveals its annual list of billionaires. the magazine features 1,810 billionaires around the world, that's down 16 from last year. those billionaires have a total network of almost $6.5 trillion. bay zoez with $45 billion. carlos comes in with 50 billion. holding onto his spot, warren
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number two, ortega of spain, $67 billion and microsoft co-founder bill gates is the richest for the third year in a row with $75 billion. the assistant managing editor of forbes. good morning. bill gates has been number one? >> that's right. only five men have made it to the top. >> that many times in a top. >> no. that's it. that's it. there are five people who have been number one in the world. in part because gates has been in the top for 17 of those 22 years. >> got it. >> carlos slim, warren buffett and two japanese tie continue back in the day when real estate was -- >> how do you know? >> well, obviously the publicly held companies are much easier
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hours, days and day, we talk to experts. i personally do a couple of the real estate files. the amount of time you have to talk -- because people debate it all the time. we try to be conservative with our numbers and try to really factor in as much debt as possible, but it's what people are -- >> donald trump? >> $4.5 billion. he moves up 80 spots in the ranks. >> he says it's higher than. >> oh, yes. >> by a lot. >> by quite a lot. you know, well before he was a candidate, he's been doing this song and dance trying to inflate his numbers. in a story we did in the fall, he actually admitted at one point that he'd exaggerated his
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>> we see zuckerberg in the top ten. >> he was the year's biggest gainer, up over $11 billion. he did the best on the planet. >> because facebook did so well. >> and he's the youngest. >> he's the youngest in the top ten. have a huge class of young billionaires. 66 under the age of 40 and 36 of those have made their own fortune. >> how many under 30? >> that's a good question. >> michael bloomberg is number eight on the list. how does his wealth compare with donald trump? >> he's worth a lot more. he's worth $40 billion and donald trump is worth $4 billion. >> how many of these of tech? >> i think it's a little over 20%. >> that's lower than i thought. >> i think it's in part because it's still up and coming.
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self-made folks. they're almost all in techs. half of the newcomers made their volatile. ranks. >> 190 women. >> down from 197. >> is lillian betancourt. >> yes. >> she's about 90. >> yes. at some point she'll pass her fortune to her daughter. she hasn't been doing much. there was an issue about her mental status and a big feud over her money. >> a big lawsuit. number. >> who's the top among that? >> chinese woman. she made -- she makes the glass cases for your smartphones and
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totally self maid. she took her company public last year. >> she's always looking for ideas. >> i'm looking for ideas. gayle is looking for a husband. there's a lot on this list we enjoy. >> thank you so much for having me. a member of the navy's s.e.a.l. team 6 receives the highest honor. how senior chief petty officer eddie byers paid tribute to a teammate who lost his life. that's next on "cbs this morning." it's how i try to live... how i stay active. so i need nutrition... that won't weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without the calories you don't... try boost 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you... 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. so it's big in nutrition and small in calories. i'm not about to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost
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announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. soil is the foundation... for healthy plants. just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. new colgate total daily repair toothpaste. it helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth.
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today's ceremony is truly unique, a rare opportunity for the american people to get a glimpse of a special breed of warrior that so often serves in the shadows. >> president obama awarded a navy s.e.a.l. the nation's highest military honor yesterday. senior chief petty officer edward byers jr. of s.e.a.l. team 6 earned his honor for his afghanistan. he helped rescue an american doctor held by the taliban. during a deadly shoot-out byers grabbed a terrorist by his throat while sitting on top of the doctor to shield him. byers spoke with our david martin about one american lost in the raid, a first klass petty officer nicholas checqe. >> he was an american hero and a
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he'll be forever remembered for that. >> byers is only the sixth navy s.e.a.l. to earn the medal of honor. >> as he pointed out, he accepted the good morning, it is 8:25. i'm catherine howser. we will check top stories after danielle's forecast. >> cold air coming in northwest of boston. in the upper 20s right now, 35 in the city itself. pretty steady here. we will come back into the 40s this afternoon, which is pretty normal for march 1. and the temperatures, we will actually stay in the 40s through the afternoon and then rise, gradually, overnight tonight, after being in the 30s. but because of that, a winter weather advisory, from 8:00 p.m. this evening, until 1:00 p.m. outside of 128, to light areas of freezing rain before changing over. and rain for tomorrow morning's commute and a gusty end of the day. we may have light snow.
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>> we have some big delays to now. after an earlier crash before 128. 24 northbound is now backed up into avon. route 3 northbound, jammed from the split back to hingman. and the expressway north from the split to columbia road is 25 minutes. from the north, 93 southbound, and stop and go from stoneham to the lever connector, 20 minutes and the pike eastbound, bumper to bumper, from newton corner. >> thank you. topping the top stories now, this tuesday morning, sky eye over a fire in beverly, the call came in to the fire department, around 7:30 this morning, and the fire went to two alarms, and the blaze is at a home on dullloff avenue. no word if there are any injuries. >> police officers from around the country will be in virginia today to honor the life of officer ashley gindon. the funeral nor the officer will be at noon.
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solidarity as police officers escorted her body to the chapel. she was killed on her first chief as a police officer. she will be buried next to her father in west springfield. on super tuesday, the polls have been open for more than an hour now across the state, this is the scene in west roxbury, massachusetts, as one of 12 states deciding their presidential delegates today. and the latest poll numbers have donald trump, leading the g.o.p. race here, and hillary clinton and bernie sanders are neck and neck. complete super tuesday coverage, begins at 8:00 p.m. on my tv 38.
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we're about to show you an
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like all our fares, you get two free bags and zero change fees. because what's the point of an incredibly low fare if you're just going to stack fees on top of it? our sale fares have nothing up their sleeves. book them now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency.
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and here he is now our man with the golden jacket on the red carpet of the academy awards. >> i'm inin. what are you in? >> i already drank it. >> i'm sorry. >> that's good. >> what's that. >> are you up for something tonight?
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>> you should be. >> what are they drinking? >> i they thi they're drinking shots and not a lot of people get to call matt damon a loser. coming up in this half hour ending. author jack myers is in our toyota green room. we'll find out how men are coping with a historic power shift in society. plus, the social media posts that could save a life. a woman answer as stranger's appeal for a kidney donor. their emotional first meeting on "cbs this morning." that's ahead. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "the hollywood reporter" is remembering the long career back to george kennedy. he was paul newman's prison sidekick in "cool hand luke." he won an oscar for his supporting rule and showed his
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"airport" and comedies like "naked gun." he died in idaho at 91 years old. preliminary ratering show sunday's telecast on average drew 34.3 million viewers. that's down 6%. this is on track to be the smallest audience since tow 8 when jon stewart hosted. it's unclear if the controversy of the lack of diversity had an effect. "usa today" reports on disney theme park's launching demand pricing in california. the old price for an adult was $99. now it's $119 on peek days like december, and holidays. 1 o $5 on regular days and 99 5 values. in florida, the old price was $105.
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regular days and $105 on value days. >> new york times results on a crackdown on nail salons. they found violations in virtually 230 of the salons they test. most were cited for underpaying. the investigation was prompted by times articles that posted it. google's cars have been ujds going tests. last month a self-driving suv struck a public bus in mountain view. google's car was traveling 2 x miles an hour. no one was hurt. "business insider" reports that nasa is work okay a supersonic passenger jet like the concord. the aircraft would fly nearly as
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it would be more like a soft thump. a researchers found a lizard in new guinea. they have no idea how they got separated from their closest relative who's 100 miles away. a new book shows that traditional males is dying out. not only in real life but classic tv shows. >> a woman's place is in the home and as long as she's in the home, she might as well be in the kitchen. >> look, pa, ain't it sweet. >> boy, that is a beaut. careful. >> you're not going go over there and get in a fight. >> of course not. >> i have no right to expect you to be just like me. i got a different kid.
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i throw this out and you can call me an idiot. >> sometimes it bothers me how calm phil is under pressure. it's like i'm the one who's overreacting. >> that's good. let it out. >> i'm going to kill you. >> jack myers is author of "the future of men." ", be increasingly defined, dominated, and controlled by women. he's here. you don't mind being controlled by women do, you, charlie? >> i don't want to be controlled by anybody. >> he's here at the table along with jodi kanter. she's written extensively about gender and workplace issues. good morning to both of you. jack, good morning. >> good morning. >> how did you come to that conclusion. >> it's generational. statistically young men are defying gender norms.
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they're being outlearned by women, being outeducated, economically outperformed by women, the jobs that are being created now in the workplace are requiring college ed indication, only 40% of college degrees are going to men versus 60% going to women, which is a flup of where we were in the 1970s. economically under 30, single unmarried women are outearning single unmarried childless men under 30 by almost 20%. >> so how does that -- >> it's a generational flip. >> right. how d us that change our concept of masculinity? >> these young men are not their fathers or grand faers. young men who are growing up more and more in fatherless home, growing up in homes where the woman is outearning her husband where they're both working. they're not just defying traditional gender norms,
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gender norm, but yet when they come into the work-force, their adult years, these traditional gender norms are kind of being imposed on them. >> jodi, what do you see? >> really we see the gender rolls o r converging more in society, whether you look at women taking combat positions in the military or fathers staying home. almost nobody is living out the gender script or marriage script that their parents did and we find a lot of social confusion. i once interviewed a stay-at-home dad whose wife made a lot of money. he confessed to me, i'd like to buy my wife a piece of jewelry but i can't figure out to spend because she's the one who makes the money. people are trying to figure out this new money. >> and that stay-at-home dad when he goes to the party or an events with his wife, the first question asked is what do you do and that's the a greatest fear because they're not being supported. they don't have the support
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that the women's movement has had. we're starting a whole new generation that doesn't get the kind of support they need to help them as we're moving into this new world as they're moving into a world where two-thirds of all the -- >> isn't that how women have felt for so long, that we haven't gotten the support we need? >> women have had three periods of women's movements. you back 60 years and you have support groups being formed. almost every corporation has a women's group, there are no men's groups. churches, local organizations, community groups, they're not supporting men the way they're supporting women and men are not supporting men the way women are supporting women. >> the numbers, women are in this. if you look at the top ceo list, politics, men are doing just
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>> until you get into the under 30. what i focus on in the book is our sons and the trends that we're seeing and the patterns we're seeing and what our sons are coming into in terms of the opportunity they have. they're not -- they're underis indicated. they're more likely boys in high school. they're -- 50% more likely to be failing math, science, and reading. they're less likely to get into the colleges because economically a college degree doesn't mean as much to them. they only earn 10% more in a lifetime with a college degree. >> so, jodi, we're hearing more and more how women are becoming an important force. how does society sort all this out? >> some of this i think is experienced as very welcome. for instance when i interviewed younger men, some have been
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expectation of having a spouse who will learn. when you look at the fact that a private school college education costs $250,000 now, there are a lot of younger men who don't want to assume the burden of providing solely. but i think soledad is right to point out that ta barriers for women are especially stub board in many cases and so we've got this sort of complex duo situation but it often ends up feeling less like men are dominant or women are dominant but that people are sharing the anxiety of earning money and raising a family more easily than ever before. >> is the flip side of anxiety the opportunity to spend time with your children? you look at someone like mark zucker berd who takes a paternity leave. i don't know that there's a lot of bhoen do that. >> i do acknowledge in my book that even where both parents are working, women and even where
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in 50% of the homes women are still doing more housework and doing more child carry. that's changing with younger generations, but we really need to support the men and create a better dynamic and a better narrative, especially in media and advertising which portrays men often acid yachts and buffoons. we really in advertising often portray men as not able to change the baby's diaper or pick out their own analgesic. we need to change the nair tish around young men and we need to create a better sense of a man's role in the relationship and help him understand. 85% of all heterosexual relations that end are ended by the woman. >> jack myers, jodi cantor, thank you very much. the book's called "the future of men." it goes on sale today. a woman offers one of her kidneys to a stranger after seeing a facebook post.
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>> it literally boils down to the fact that it's the right thing to do and this is the right thing to do. >> ahead we'll show you hello everyone changes in the air today, wind continues to gradually rise and plenty of sunshine but much cooler in the 40s. a winter weather advisory that comes up 8 pm to 1 am outside of boston. some light freezing rain in the morning commute tomorrow could be rough. temperatures fall from the low 50s through the 40s in the afternoon and 30s to and then we can potential storm for the south on friday. so, what moves me? it's the journey. the feeling of doing. it's making choices for a healthier me, a healthier us.
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a social media campaign could have good results. the campaign caught the eye of a generous stranger who volunteered to be her donor. you'll see their meeting, their first meeting only on "cbs this morning." senior contributor is outside maine medical center in portland where the surgery is taking place. dana, good morn g ing. >> reporter: good morning, soledad. 14 months ago linda deming was more than one of 100,000 people on the kidney transplant list. unwilling to wait she took matters into her own hands and at this very moment she's going a healthy kidney who until last night she mefr met. for over a year linda deming has hated her routine. three days a week she gets up before dawn and drives 20 mijtss to a dialysis center. it's a four-hour process and it
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on monday as she left the center one last time the 63-year-old grandmother was overcome with relief. hours later she met her donor for the first time in person. deming searched 14 mornlts ago when her kidneys stopped functioning. >> it crashed rail bad. with don't know why all of a sudden they changed so much, but they did. that's when i had to sign up for dialysis. >> doctors told dem sheg needed a kidney transplant to survive. >> we asked our friends, our families, and we got six people to step forward to be tested. none of them tested well. >> she was put on a transplant list but was determined to find a living donor on her own, putting up road signs. printed posters, even making buttons asking potential volunteers to get tested but it
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kidney for linda that caught her attention. >> i was sitting down going through this news feed and the page popped up. to this day i don't know why. i had no affiliation with it. >> moved by deming's story, the 37-year-old mother of four volunteered to qualify, keeping in touch with deming throughout the process. >> every time i called her i was like, o', harks i tested. oh, hay, the cross match went through. >> you're getting emotional. >> i cried every time she called. i jumped up and down. i still doan know what to say to her. i can say thank you but that doesn't cover it. she's giving me my life. >> why did you want to do this. >> it literally boils down that it's the right thing to do from the moment that i knew i was a match, i knew this would happen. >> how about a toast. >> yes. >> for deming, it's a chance to experience life on her own terms. >> what are you going to do with all that free time?
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i'm just going to live my life. >> if all goes well, both women should be out of the hospital by the end of the week. and both say they're going to continue to raise awareness for living donors. right now they account for a third of all kidney transplants baptism the way, amber is not just giving her kidney. she gave her a gift last night. a banana. it may seem strange but she said one of the first things she wants to do is eat a banana, something she hasn't been able to enjoy in years. day >> what a wonderful gift. >> what an amazing gift, strolling through her ipad. >> very selfless indeed. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this
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soledad, great to have you with us. >> thank you very much. >> that does it for us. wheel see you in prime time.
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good morning it 8:55 am and i am catherine houser, we will cash check the top cash we will check the top stories but let's check with 10 well -- danielle on the weather. >> it's about 40 in chad right now and plenty of sunshine. there's no issues for super tuesday forecasts but light wind to the midday hours and partly cloudy with highs in the upper 30s as we head to the evening hours, then we have a winter weather advisory for 8 pm this evening until 1 am and this could be slick in the roads . the morning commute could be tough tomorrow and temperatures
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the week. a car accident on 45 causing a back up right now, 3 car crash in westborough and bumper-to-bumper backup all the way to route 109, it's a 40 minute to live right now and eating up a bit after earlier crash near 128. route 3 northbound is still jammed at the expressway about 25 minutes and from the north across from 128 s. two 129 and southbound. busy morning but we check our top stories this morning a state police investigate a fatal crash in randolph, police say the driver died after being thrown from a vehicle and this crash happened around the south side of route 24 and they had serious injuries. police officers from around the country will be there today to
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did -- guinden. please officers escorted her body to the chapel and she was killed on her first shift responding to a domestic incident. martie walsh was up early to cash his bow in the massachusetts primary. 2 hours when they are open now and it will stay open until 8 pm. donald trump is comfortably leading in the gop and bernie sanders and hillary clinton have a tight race.
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9:00 am
>> announcer: is a landlord luring new renters... >> he was coming in my room naked. >> announcer: become his next victim? >> judge tanya: you thought he was going to rape you? >> he came up with two stilettos, showed them to me, and told me that he could filet me like a fish. >> announcer: "hot bench." judge tanya acker. judge larry bakman. judge patricia dimango. three judges. three opinions. one verdict. >> judge patricia: we've reached our decision. >> announcer: in a court of law, it's called a "hot bench." christine asaro is suing her former landlord cyrus christos for withholding and destroying her personal belongings. cyrus is countersuing for lost


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