tv CBS This Morning CBS July 28, 2016 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is thursday, july 28th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning.? we are in philadelphia for the democratic national convention. president obama passes the baton to hillary clinton with a ringing endorsement. tonight, clinton will deliver her biggest political speech ever. her campaign manager is with us. democrats at the convention launch blistering attacks on donald trump and his vision for america. vice president joe biden calls it a bunch of malarkey. and donald trump sparks outrage in both political parties after essentially
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we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. america isn't about just the will. it's about yes, we can! we are going to carry hillary to victory this fall because that is what the moment demand. >> president obama and the democrats take down donald trump. >> that's why anyone who threatens our values, whether fascist or communist or jihadist or home-grown demagogues will always fail in the end. >> he is trying to tell us he cares about the middle clas give me a break! that's a bunch of mularkey! >> donald trump got away with saying the same two words. >> believe me, it's going to be great. believe me. there is nothing suspicious in my tax returns. believe me. >> trump says he wants to run the nation like he is running his business? god help us. >> i want to see a woman become president, but it can't be her. she is a disaster!
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way, women, if that happens. you better be careful what you wish for. >> in poland for world news day and a misstep there for the holy father. what is that? >> a fireball streaks across the sky in the western u.s. >> whoa. >> all that. >> nothing truly prepares you for the demands of the oval office. you don't know what it's like to manage a global crisis or send young people to war but hillary has been in the room. >> and to sit at my desk when i was asleep. >> donald trump calls on russia to hack into hillary clinton's e-mail account. >> you might be awarded mightily by the press. let's see if that happens. >> no, let's not see if that happens. >> to be clear, donald trump has no relationship with any russian olegard? >> that is what he said. that is our position. >> that's what -- that's --
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that that that -- remix. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! ? welcome to "cbs this morning." we are at the national constitution center in philadelphia. hillary clinton will lay out her plans to america's future tonight at the democratic national convention. she was there last night to take the baton from president obama. the old adversaries from 2008 embraced. >> the president and other speakers hammered donald trump with some of the toughest talk of the convention. nancy cordes is above the floor
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with us there all last night. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. pretty remarkable. the president of the united states essentially pulled the rhetorical fire alarm and said trump is trying to scare people into voting him and after michael bloomberg questioned trump's sanity and the vice president called his clueless. >> people outside of the united states do not understand what is going on in this election. described trump as a would-be auto craft, bills himself as a savior. >> we don't look to be ruled. does anyone really believe that a guy who spent his 70 years on this earth, showing no regard for working people, is suddenly going to be your champion, your voice? >> reporter: vice president biden had harsh words for trump too pich too. >> he is trying to tell us he cares about the middle class. give me a break!
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>> reporter: he took issue with trump's bleak view of the status quo. >> we are america. second to none. and we own the finish line! >> reporter: it was also a night for clinton's running mate to introduce himself to the country. >> i was a hard-times governor. i had to steer my state through the deepest recession since the 1930s. >> reporter: virginia senator and former governor tim kaine talked about his son a marine who deployed to europe >> i trust hillary clinton with our son's life. >> reporter: he mocked one of trump's signature phrases. >> he says, believe me. well, his creditors, his contractors, his laid-off employees and his ripped-off students did just that and they all got hurt. >> reporter: former new york mayor michael bloomberg also brought up the lawsuit and bankruptcies. >> trump says he wants to run the nation like he is running
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i'm a new yorker and i know a con when i see one. >> reporter: mr. obama argued the world is too dangerous to entrust the country to trump and that the choice for president is clear. >> that's why i can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not bill, nobody more qualified than hillary clinton to serve as president of the united states of america. i asked to you for hillary clinton what you did for me. >> reporter: he said after nearly eight years in office, he was ready to pass the baton. and here is how the hometown papers are billing it this morning. the philadelphia inquirer called it presidential seal of approval and philadelphia daily news, he's with her. and, gayle, hillary clinton,
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feeling the pressure, they probably are now after hearing what everybody had to say last night. >> that's right, nancy. i think they might have been up a little late last night. >> time to go to school. >> yes. that's right. >> he hit it out of the park. >> he really did. home run and walked the bases. nancy, thank you. the clinton campaign hopes to happen to the president's popularity. a recent cbs news "the new york times" poll shows that 53% of americans approve of the job the julianna goldman is on the floor of the convention and has more. >> reporter: good morning. that's right. president obama laid out his accomplishments, yet emphasized there is more work to be done. the 44th president made the case for hillary clinton to become the 45th, calling her a fighter, a stateswoman and a patriot and a public servant. >> i am more optimistic about
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reminded a devoted crowd of democrats last night they need to fight for hillary clinton as hard as they fought for him eight years ago. >> we are not done perfecting our union and that work involves a big choice this november. >> reporter: obama called last week's republic national convention pessimistic and hit out at trump's vision of america. >> america is already great. ronald reagan called america a shining city on a hill. donald trump calls it a divided crime scene. anyone who threatens our values, whether fascist or communist or jihadist or home-grown demagogues will always fail in the end. >> reporter: the choreographed warm embrace, the nation's first black president held the first woman presidential nominee after showing how their robust 2008
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candidate. >> we battled for a year and a half. let me tell you, it was tough, because hillary was tough. i was worn out. she was doing everything i was doing, but just like ginger and rogers, it was back and forth in heels. she never, ever quit. >> reporter: as he wound downed his 45-minute long speech, the lame duck president returned to a familiar refrain. >> the audacity of hope. america, you've vindicated that hope these past eight years. and now i'm ready to pass the baton. >> reporter: that speech was a preview of what is to come in the fall. the president is expected to hit the campaign trail hard in october and, norah, donald trump responded to the speech lashing out on twitter saying, our country does not feel great already to the millions of wonderful people living in poverty, violence, and despair. >> julianna, thank you so much. donald trump shook up many
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clinton. trump suggested yesterday if russians are responsible for hacking democratic party e-mails, they could also find deleted e-mails from the private servers clinton used when she was secretary of state. the republican candidate later said he wasn't serious. major garrett is here with trump's claim and the angry response. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. he was one of the busiest days in months for donald trump to a lengthy press conference and two swing state rallies and all of the it more to be defined by odd, possibly real and possibly fanciful dare that russia has. >> reporter: toledo undercut a nice of white house advocation in hillary clinton. >> that is a lot of cameras going on considering we have a democratic convention, right? a lot of things. >> reporter: trump's day began
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i hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. >> reporter: imagining hackers there might already have what was in clinton's unsecured private servers. >> i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. >> reporter: later, trump tried to back-pedal. >> of course, i'm being sarcastic and they don't know frankly if it's russia. no idea if it's russia or china or somebody else. >> reporter: think about that digging into the republican nominee in front of a nationally televised audience. >> think about it. donald trump is asking one of our adversaries to engage in hacking. >> we cannot elect a man who belils our closest allies likely embracing dictators like vladimir putin. >> i have nothing to do with russia.
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nothing to do with him and i've never spoken to him and i don't know anything about him other than he will respect me. >> reporter: in years past, trump has said he and putin spoken directly and indirectly and trump denied having business interests in russia or them having russian-backed loans in his business. trump's tax returns might clear all of this up but trump said again yesterday, until irs audits are complete, those tax returns will not be released. >> campaign manager and here with us. >> thank you. >> reporter: we want to talk about that story and where the ramifications are. first, this is the biggest speech he has ever made. what does she need to do? and how will she do it? >> well, first and foremost, she needs to lay out a vision for where she wants to take the country. this is something donald trump didn't do in his speech. he talked about a lot of doom and gloom and everything he thinks is wrong with america. he didn't talk about how he is
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and get wages rising. so she is going to talk about the choice the voters face in this election. are we going to succumb to the forces that are -- that are rigging the economy against everyday people that are tearing us apart and dividing us? or are we going to work together to solve these problems? and move this country -- >> is the president up the ante for her last night and are the speech writers rewriting right now at 7:13? >> some days it's hard to be the campaign manager and some harder to be the speech writer so i'm happy to be the campaign manager today. >> there was a lot of news yesterday, including news made by donald trump. he called on anyone, including russians, who may have the 30,000 missing e-mails from hillary clinton, to put them forward. after ed that, ed he was just joking, it was sarcasm. >> look. donald trump is running to be president of the united states. invite ago foreign power that is
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the united states to commit es s espionage is unacceptable. this is unbecoming of a president of the united states. this further proves he is unfit and does not have the tre temperament to serve in this capacity. >> he said he was joking and they are using this to deflect about the dnc-m more. >> i think this has moved beyond politics and rhetoric and that sort of thing. this is now a matter of national security. >> the fbi is investigating? >> that's what we are told. that's what we have read in the papers and heard recoported on . >> we heard donald trump, his business character and to the middle class devotion is a bunch of mularkey. in recent polls he is doing much
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what does hillary clinton need to do better? >> people are hurting, no question about that and donald trump is making big promises and some find those attractive. what we need to do as a campaign and what hillary is going to do tonight and done at this convention is make sure people know the facts. this is someone who every turn of his life has made more money and become more famous at the expense of working people and folks need to understand that. >> will she specifically name him and attack him? speak for itself. she got right back to work after she left the stage last night, after her appearance with the president, but she will lay out very clearly the choices people face in this election. are we letting the economic forces rig the economy continue. >> will she speak to the trust issue? >> look. she has said many times she needs to earn the voters' trust and what you've seen the last feud of this convention are people speaking about how know
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she has always delivered to for them. >> thank you, robby. tonight we bring you hillary clinton's acceptance speech. special live coverage begins on cbs at 10:00/9:00 central. you can find continuous coverage all day on our streaming news network cbsn. there are new questions this morning about the freddie gray investigation. after prors decidsecutors decidd their case against baltimore police officers. the case was dropped agast for trial and three other officers were acquitted yerlt earlier this year. freddie gray was severely injured in a 45-minute ride in a police van and died later. jeff pegues is outside city hall. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. four trials and no convictions. the case is against the officers did not hold up in court. on wednesday this top prosecutor
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explain why these trials aren't going forward. >> the judge! who is within his rights, has made it clear that he doesn't agree with the state's version of the case. >> reporter: marilyn mosbn acknowledged what she called the dismissal likelihood the remaining officers would be convicted in the death of freddie gray. >> we do not believe freddie gray killed himself. >> reporter: baltimore's mayor agreed with the decision. >> she is officer and has to look past the case and make a decision. >> reporter: in april of last year, gray was arrested and handcuffed and place into a police van woued buckled into his seat. the 25-year-old suffered severe spinal chord injuries while transported to jail and he died a week later. after his funeral, several days of protests and riots erupted in the city. six officers were charged in connection with gray's death.
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officers were acquitted. >> without real substantive reform to the current criminal justice system, we could try this case a hundred times and cases just like it and we would still end up with the same result. >> reporter: but the police union and the officers' attorneys called mosby's comments outrage he's and accused her to a rush of judgment. >> when you do not do an investing and you run there and you quickly want to automatically say that these officers are guilty because they are the police? that is already there in dividing our country. >> any prosecutor, at this stage of the game, would have said, it's time to pack it in. the question is would any prosecutor have looked at the evidence differently at the very beginning? >> reporter: four of the six officers are back at work, but there is an administrative review under way right now that could lead to dismissals. >> jeff, thank you.
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americanairlines flight from last. last night, passengers saw flames shoot from the engine of the airbus jet on its way to seattle. they made an emergency landing back to dallas. no one was hurt but it's scary when you see that. >> that is a moment you hope that never happens to you. i'm glad everybody is okay. >> yes. people in several states spotted a mysterious fireball streaking acro hot again today. what do you know it. 90 to 59. -- 95. mainly dry with building clouds. just a spotty shower or thunderstorm. nothing severe particularly north and west of boston. tomorrow we a all get into some rain. welcome news. we'll be cooler because of it in the 70s.
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-- south coast. 80s looks beautiful on saturday. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. one is named clinton and the other is trump. but these two are defying skeptics. >> ahead, chelsea, as in clinton, and ivanka, as in trump, find common ground off the campaign trail. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this
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president's convention with a speech writer who helped write it and a former senior good morning to you. it's 7:26. i'm chis mckinnon. first danielle's forecast. >> good morning, chris. temperatures rising through the 70s. now 77 in boston. lower 70s manchester, worcesterd lawrence both at 72. mid 70s on the cape and island. it's to be another hot one today, 90 to 95 degrees for many island. -- and island. greatest risk of thunderstorms today north and west of boston. tomorrow downpours. could be a cup of inches. localized flooding may result. in the 70s. the 80s for the weekend though. a live look at 495 and franklin. this is the scene of a deadly crash that happened earlier this morning. this is near exit 17. that car spined off the road and ended up
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state police have been on scene trying to figure out what happened. what about to update you on breaking news from over night. we just learned there's three victims from a shooting in lynn over night. one was rush today mass general, two others showed assault weapon @ hospital. -- showed up at the hospital. in brookline 17 people forced oh forced out of their home fire. one firefighter suffered a minor back injury.
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ticks are out in mass. so check yourself, your kids, and your pets anytime you've been outdoors. check everywhere -- in your hair, under your arms, and between your toes. if you find a tick, remove it as soon as you can. ipped tweezers to grasp the tick close to the skin. use firm, even pressure pulling straight up, without twisting or turning. then clean the bite area and your hands with soap and water. some tick bites can make you sick. so if you start to feel ill or notice a rash near the bite,
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an unsteady world will be in one person's hands. trump: wouldn't you rather in a certain sense have japan have nuclear weapons. cooper: saudi arabia nuclear weapons? trump: saudi arabia. absolutely. more countries with more nuclear weapons. as secretary of state, she negotiated a reduction in nuclear weapons with russia and worked with both parties to get it passed. an unsteady world demands a very steady leader.
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? it was a stunning sight in the sky last night across several western states. it sent social media into a frenzy big-time. several images posted from california, utah, and nevada showed light streaking across the sky. some of them believe it was a mete harvard astronomer says it was debris from a chinese rocket entering the atmosphere. whatever it was, it was very cool looking. all is right with the world. welcome back to "cbs this morning.? what were you going to say? >> johnny's rocket blazing across the sky? >> yeah. that could be a little >> it could. from philadelphia, coming up this half hour an inside look at
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former white house speech writer jon favreau helped the president draft last night's speech. he joins us along with former senior adviser dan pfeiffer to discuss the tone of this convention. plus, chelsea clinton and ivanka trump both have big stakes in this turbulent election season. ahead what may keep their friendship strong. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" reports on pope francis saying the world is at war, but it is not a war of religions. the pope made the comments on the way to poland after a priest in france was murdered by isis. following the mass today, the pope caused a scare when he stepped on a step. the vatican spokesman said he did not see the last step, but he says the pope is very well. >> the "miami herald" reports on two new zika cases possibly spread by mosquitoes here in the united states and reported in
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zika cases are reported in all but four states and including 1,400 related to travel. "the san francisco chronicle" reports on the death of a worker fighting a wildfire around big sur. a driver was killed when his bulldozer rolled over in steep terrain. the fire is only 10% contained and we have new information about the eight men rescued from the fire this week. an official says the flames trapped them while they were apparently working as illegal marijuana growers. "the washington post" improve forecasting by the national weather service. the service says its new global model will predict extreme events three to four weeks in advance. it is looking to improve the accuracy of forecast beyond eight to ten days. the system will be in place within three years. democrats this morning are gearing up for the last day of their convention. in his speech last night, president obama said donald trump will not win the white house with a campaign based on fear.
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people short. we are not a fragile people. we are not a frightful people. our power doesn't come from some self-declared savior promising that he, alone, can restore order as long as we do things his way. we don't look to be ruled. >> dan pfeiffer and jon favreau know president obama's message well. dan is a former senior adviser to the president and jon helped with the host a podcast calling it keeping it 1600. good morning. a good title there. >> 1600 is a gift that keeps on giving. >> i call it 16 hun. >> jon, the president brought you back to help on this speech tonight. what goes into the construction of this speech? what were you trying to convey? >> i mean, i think a couple of weeks ago, i know he met with cody keenan. they both sort of drafted most of the speech together.
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he wanted to, you know, make sure that he showed his support for hillary clinton and talk about what it was like working with her, what it was like personally knowing her and why she is ready to be commander in chief. and then he also wanted to take on trumpism. more than just trump but sort of trump's whole philosophy. and also the speech was a book end to 2004, his first convention speech which was all about patriotism and american values. >> in the past, he whenever he is speaking he does not mention him by name and even saying i see no need to. but last night he did. what was the thinking behind that? >> i think you start saying the other opponent, everybody knows who you're talking about. >> what did you say? >> it's awkward. >> dan, let's assume for a moment you are head of communications for hillary clinton. what do you have to do tonight? because you've seen a big night last night and even a big night with michelle obama before that.
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>> i think the -- i think hillary clinton's audience tonight is undecided voters but not voters undecided who to vote for but people are undecided whether to vote. she needs people to be as fired up for her as they were for barack obama and stand in line on election day and get an early admission to vote. the math is simple. zerp people who voted for mitt romney and voted for barack obama and she still wins a large election. without raising the stakes and give people a reason to go >> he won 53% to 47%, gwynne mitt romney. >> they can help but she has to close the deal. >> jon, some of the phrasing in there. this was about when he said that donald trump is a home-grown demagogue. can place him in the same sentence as fascist and communist and jihadist. there must have been a debate about that line. >> no. that was his line. he added that line of his speech.
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no debate. >> dan, the legacy, what do you think he wants to leave the legacy and how about it is stumping for hillary clinton to continue that legacy? >> this is his last major speech. he could have spent 20 minutes talking about himself, going through all of his accomplishments. but, instead, he spent just opening of the speech talking about what he accomplished, and spent the rest of it stumping for hillary clinton and, against donald trump. the reason for that is to it's critical important for hillary clinton to win. >> is he rare to go because he has a special animus about trump because he is propelled by trump's view? >> it's not personal about trump. a lot of people ask that question. he raised the birth certificate. it's not about that. people said horrible things about him. he is deeply disturbed by trump's vision of america. the thing i see the president is what makes him the most mad when
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kick down those who aren't in power, whether it's muslims, immigrants, women, he sees that and takes it upon himself to fight for them and you can feel the passion in what he has said about trump's views and how he -- >> if hewe felt that passion to. there are reports he was up until 3:00 reediting and -- >> 3:00 a.m. >> she tweeted that is my man. dignity and grace reminds us what real leadership looks >> he raised the bar, for sure. >> to write for him, what is his skill? >> i think his skill is story telling and not just like individual anecdotes. >> what was the story last night? >> it was a story about america
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and how you define patriotism, what it means to be an american. >> he does good aspirations. >> he does. >> the other paragraph, gayle and he talked about this. nobody else did this, we don't think. what he saw in cleveland. it wasn't particularly republican and it sure wasn't conservatives. it was a deeply pessimistic vision for the country. i know you because i covered the white house in terms of messaging at a convention. it was a stark contrast between the two conventions. >> it absolutely was. the president made a very republicans, those conservatives who are very uncomfortable with trump but have not yet decided they are -- they write someone in or stay home and create a permission structure for them to come forward and support hillary because donald trump has not the right temperament experience to be president. >> turnout is a huge issue in this election because of both candidates going at it. >> that's right.
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hillary clinton will win by a larger margin by barack obama. if we don't, donald trump could be president. all comes down to who votes and win. >> congratulations on keeping it real, 1600. >> we could talk to you guys a half an hour. >> we really on could. dan, congratulation on your upcoming marriage. >> and jon too! >> i just saw his fiancee back stage. hopefully, yours is as nice as she is. this election personal. coming up next, how chelsea clinton and ivanka trump are facing a clash of ideas while still remaining friends. take us with you through the all-access cbs app and it's there on your digit device because we know you don't want to miss california governor jerry brown who will be here at the table. we will be right back. trol. so i asked about tresiba?. ? tresiba? ready ?
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trump. this week, chelsea sponsored part of ivanka's speech asking how the republican nominee would accomplish some of the things that e civanka proposed. julianna goldman, good morning again. >> reporter: good morning. ivanka trump took the prime time stage to make the case for her dad. now it's chelsea clinton's turn to do the same for her mom. you mentioned the two have been friendly for year, but when it comes to this campaign, it's family first. >> as president, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place at a time when women were not a significant portion of the work force. and he will focus on making quality child care affordable and accessible for all. >> reporter: chelsea clinton bluntly weighed in when asked about those remarks made by her
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week's republican convention. >> how would you father do that? given it's not something he has spoke about and there are no policies on any of those fronts that you just mentioned on his website. >> reporter: tonight, chelsea will introduce her mother, hillary clinton, as she acceptses her party's nomination. >> he is colorblind and gender neutral. >> reporter: as ivanka did for her father donald trump. >> they are both highly impressive. >> reporter: joanna coles is the editor in chief of "cosmopoli >> ivanka is trying to make the women voters more attractive to her father and chelsea has a challenge because we know that young female voters were very compelled by bernie sanders. >> today, i'm here to talk about my mom. >> reporter: throughout the campaign, the two women have been their parents's biggest supporters. >> she proved again and again why she should be our next president. >> reporter: and defenders. >> look. i'm not in every action of my
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groper. >> reporter: the common threads between the famous daughter transcend politic and corporate world where they both hold leadership positions at their parents's firm. >> they both live in new york and their husbands know each other. ivanka and chelsea are both working moms and ivy league grads. >> reporter: but they say the two are different in a crucial way. >> ivanka was a model as a young woman. she was on television show. chelsea, on the other hand, was sort of thrust into the public sphere and she has been living a publicly private life for many years. >> reporter: last september, clinton spoke about her friendship with trump. >> ivanka and i talk about everything, which i'm sure you do with your friends. >> reporter: chelsea clinton will only be speaking for a few minutes tonight but in that time, she will be able to talk about hillary clinton as both a mother and as a friend.
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clinton that nobody else really knows. >> indeed. yeah, julianna, thank you very much. >> she is the only one who can do that. >> only child and daughter. interesting to see that. the stars of broadway bring a special performance to philadelphia. ahead the powerful political statement from more than 40 performers. first, it's time to check your local weather. # -- good morning, everybody. i'm meteorologist danielle niles. highs 90 to 95 today. not a scorch take it easy. 80s on the cape an ie land. and ie -- and island. isolated storm risk today north of boston. nothing severe. by this evening the valley, route 2 corridor, southern new hampshire could see some downpours and lightning accompanying those storms. tomorrow storms and 70s for highs. ng" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! ?
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it was a tribute to all of the lives affected by gun violence. we got there in time to see a really nice moment. >> we did, indeed. freedom is days away from the man who shot president reagan. ahead why the reagan family is split over the decision to release john hinckley. you're watching "cbs this morning." ? open my heart at the sky ? with my moderate to severe crohn's disease,... ...i was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. then i realized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief... ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections... ...including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,... including lymphoma, have happened;
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o know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so (laughs).
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good morning to you. i'm chis mckinnon. it's 7:56. first danielle's forecast. hot and humid. >> yes, chris. temperatures rising through the 70s. right now 77 in boston, 72 worcester. plenty of sunshine. it's been a beautiful start to the day. we're going to heat up quickly. 90 to 95 again this afternoon. 80s t just an isolated late day thunderstorm. it's going to be humid with areas of rain and downpours. gone by the weekend, the mid 80s on saturday chris. >> thank you very much. a live look this morning. here's a look at 9 3 southbound in somerville. you see it's all jammed up there. you are jammed from somerville back up to montville.
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interchange there. then you have some running room but then on the brakes again from montville into the city. the l street bathhouse will partially reopen today just two days after 7-year-old kyzr willis was found dead off carson bach. -- beach. investigators are trying to account for the 30 minutes between when he went missing and when police really notify --
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? it is thursday, july 28th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning.? from philadelphia, home of the democratic national convention. >> the music from your voice. >> more real news ahead, including the president's hillary clinton. >> she speaks for herself tonight. we will look ahead with california governor jerry brown, bob schieffer and scott pelley. >> happy birthday to scott pelley. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> the old adversaries embrace assess president obama praises hillary clinton for the oval
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demagogue. >> the president made the case calling her a fighter, a stateswoman and a public servant. >> all of it more or less defined by an odd, possibly real, possible fanciful dare that russia hack its way to the presidential contest. >> he said hillary clinton supporters, like yourself, are using this to deflect about the dnc e-mails. >> i think this is now a matter of security. >> the fbi is investigating? >> that's what we are told. papers. >> he said trump is a home-grown demagogue and placed him in the same sentence as fascist and communist and jihadist. there must have been a debate about that line? >> no. that was his line. >> see if you can guess which demographic they are hoping tim kaine will attack. they are pushing this spanish thing so hard, that, tonight, they introduced him by breaking
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>> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. we are at the national constitution center in philadelphia. tonight, hillary clinton will accept the democratic presidential nomination. her speech follows an enthusiastic endorsement from president obama. >> i'll say. the president rejected donald trump's view of the country. he said, quote, the america i know is full of courage and optimistic and me up. and i hope sometimes i picked you up too. and, tonight, i ask you to do for hillary clinton what you did for me. because you're who i was talking about 12 years ago when i talked about hope. it's been you who fueled my dogged faith in our future, even when the odds were great, even
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hope in the face of difficulty. hope in the face of uncertainty. the audacity of hope! america, you've vindicated that hope these past eight years. >> "cbs evening news" anchor scott pelley joins us teat the table. when hillary clinton came out, a lot of people didn't know that was gog the two seemed to say it all. did the president deliver last night? >> such bitter rivals eight years ago and then as he said, he passed the baton to her. it was a remarkable moment of party unity. you can agree or disagree with the policies of the president but that was a well-written
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it was sunday go to meeting barack and he delivered well. >> that is what he does well. >> absolutely right. very impressive. she is going to talk a lot about the history of women's right tonight. sendeca falls, 1848, how it too 22 years to get to the amendment in 1920. i think we will hear a lot about that. >> if she is president, she will reside a hundred years >> one years over the women's suffrage. >> you had the only interview with secretary clinton and tim kaine. we heard from tim kaine last night and his big address to the american people and introduction to the american people. he spoke spanish for a part of it but he used a part of it to mock donald trump saying, believe me, believe me. what do you think the aim was there? >> well, what they are trying to
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there and charlie and gayle too the other night, with president clinton, bill clinton. they are trying to cast hillary clinton as the believable one. our cbs news polling as you know, 67% of the american people say she is not trustworthy and they are trying to make donald trump less trust worthy so, by default, she becomes the person you can trust. >> it's your birthday today. happy biay >> how will you celebrate tonight? hopefully you're doing something else. >> it is going to be one of the most memorable birthdays of my life because i'm going to be standing there to watch hillary clinton become the first woman to accept the nomination of her party and i'm going to have my wife there too so it's a lot of fun that way. >> congratulations. >> happy birthday, scott. you just take a bow. >> i'll handle it graciously. >> thank you, scott pelley. >> thank you, scott. >> great to be with you. >> thank you. one of america's longest
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was a late edition to the clinton campaign. california governor jerry brown addressed the convention last night for the first time in 24 years. he endorsed clinton even those his political causes even appear more like bernie sanders. he battled bill clinton when they both ran for president. >> he is spoiling money to his wife's law business. >> jerry, i don't care what you say about me but you ought to be my wife. you're not good enough to be on the same platform as my wife. >> good. how are you? >> here in philadelphia last night, jerry brown praised hillary clinton and her work on one of his issues, climate change. >> what america needs today are not deniers, but leaders. not division, but common purpose. not bombast, but bold action and
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governor jerry brown joins us now. >> thank you. >> welcome. >> beautiful spot here. >> this convention different than others you've attended? >> how are they different? for a democratic convention, it is very well-run. back to the convention in '72, i don't think mcgovern started talking until 3:00 a.m. this shows a competency which i think will serve hillary well in the campaign. >> how was the democratic party changing? >> how is it well, over what period of time? >> from '92 when bill clinton was running for president. >> well, it's moved more to what i'm saying more concerned about inequality. climate change has come for the fore. it's far more inclusive and diverse than in '92. >> is it unified? >> i think it's pretty unifiuni. look. the democrats -- you know, we
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even in chorus but i think the division is energizing. people are going to come behind hillary because in the big issues, think of that climate change, i equality, working people, minimum wage, she is very much at the heart of what democrats and i think a lot of independent believe in. >> many speakers were on the podium last night, including yourself, explaining why donald trump would be a dangerous president. you called him a fraud. you said trump lies. but the race why do you think that is? >> somebody asked me that question and i've been trying to figure that out. hillary has taken a lot of criticism. one of the ways campaigns are different, the relentless news coverage in the attack. so where it is now, hillary has got the endorsement of all the major democrats as she, in her own personality and presence, will deliver over the next couple of months. i think trump is a one-man band and it does wear on you.
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to see experience, integrity, and the unity behind hillary and you're going to see those polls move in her direction. >> governor brown, your were sitting next to somebody pretty important last night, weren't you? >> i was sitting next to mr. vilsack and next to him was bill clinton. so bill and i have had some very good conversations. >> yes. what were some of his comments about the speeches last night, particularly when president obama spoke? >> well, he was very i think he is as shocked at trump's calling for espionage. i think he really felt that that really went over the line. he said that -- >> how would you characterize that? he said it was a joke. >> that it was a joke. >> or sarcastic. >> whether it's sarcastic or not, he was making -- declaring a sentence. i think it's the loose cannon
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>> espionage? >> first of all, literally that is a crime. but politically, it's another indication of instability. and that is going to wear down trump between now and the election. >> earlier this week, you said she should be worried about losing this election. what do you think she needs to do tonight to show how urgent this is? >> i actually said she should be on alert and what i was really thinking is my father, another governor of california said never be complacent or t i you're behind so you win at the end. she should be ready for anything, she should be ready for onslaught of insult and negativity. >> is that what happened pat brawn your father when he lost to ronald reagan, he didn't take it seriously? >> in the beginning he did. they took it seriously the last month but by then, it's too late. but in june -- >> does the democratic party
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underestimates your opponent has no experience in politics. politics, unpredictable, surprise. that is more true today than it's ever been in the past. look. this is a competitive election. you never know what is going to show up in the world of events and terrorism and all of the rest. so i'd say the democrats have to be on guard and on alert and on the attack. >> governor brown, good to have you at this table. come back. >> >> an open invitation. >> cbs news will bring you hillary clinton's acceptance speech and we will be in the convention hall with special live coverage tonight at 10:00/9:00 central and nonstop coverage continues all day on our streaming news network cbsn. president ronald reagan assassin will be a free man in a matter of days.
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you cannot say mouth water without saying mo as in mo rock ka. how philadelphia's food scene is doing something different to get respect. we will be right back. ? ? you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. right now with card, select centrum vitamins are buy one, get one half off. whatever you're drinking. wherever you are. splenda zero is a fun, easy way to get the perfect amount of sweetness, down to the last sip. zero calories. zero carbs. zero sugar. zero effort. new splenda zero. when i crave a smoke that's all i crave. that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology
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today, shots have been fired at president reagan. you are watching it for the first time as i am. >> mr. plague! >> mr. president? >> i remember that. that is how cbs news first reported. >> i remember that. >> you remember it very well. >> in d.c.? >> yes. >> in d.c. >> that reported it in 1981, the assassination attempt on president ronald reagan. the gunman john hinckley jr. was found not guilty by reason of sanity and confined to a psychiatric hospital but has been allowed time to spend time away from the facility and now the a judge has decided to let him go home. paula, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. when john hinckley leaves this
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he'll head to williamsburg, virginia, where he will live full-time with his elderly mom. a judge says he no longer poses a threat to his community and under the law medical you be released from full-time outpatient care. on march 30th, 1981, a then 25-year-old john hinckley jr. shot president reagan. and three others in washington, d.c. hinckley was reportedly ti the movie "taxi driver." and was trying to impress one of its stars, actor jodie foster. hinckley's lawyer applauded the recent decision to expand his freedom but it was met with mixed reaction from ronald reagan's children. ronald reagan presidential foundation and institute wrote the following. reagan's son michael says he is not concerned for his safety.
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families of others that were shot that day, what they may think, but haven't felt that -- i haven't been safe in any way. >> he urges forgiveness and tweeting my father did more than say the lower's prayer. he lived it in forgiving john hinckley jr. maybe we should do the same. but reagan's daughter patti davis disagrees saying forgiving someone in your heart doesn't mean that you let them loose i virginia to pursue whatever dark agendas they may still hold dear. for over two years, hinckley has been allowed to spend 17 days a month living with his mother. the court requires that he continue psychiatric treatment during his release but tim mccarthy, the former secret service agent who took a bullet during the assassination during hinckley's assassination attempt is still worried. >> i am still concerned and worried if they let him out he is not going to injure anyone
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his release, he asked to gary a gps -- carry a gps enabled phone and he cannot google himself or his crimes. hinckley could be released as soon as august 5th. norah? >> very interesting story paula. thank you. >> it is interesting. >> i could see why the family would be split on it. >> i agree. one of the country's best-known victims of gun violence endorser is hillary clinton. up next, powerful words. you're watching "cbs this morning." rs. the more you pour the more scent you'll savor. toss into your wash before your clothes for luxurious scent for up to 12 weeks. and introducing unstopables fabric conditioner by downy giving your laundry a bold, captivating scent with luxury you can feel. for long-lasting scent, just pair with your in-wash scent booster. unstopables by downy.
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pat randazzo: when i see those false ads attacking kelly on medicare, i wonder... they think that we're stupid? we know kelly. walter kolodziej: kelly has always done the right thing for seniors here in new hampshire - she has an impeccable record. mary griffin: we need to work across the aisle-which she does. mimi kolodziej: she's fighting for seniors and protecting medicare. pat randazzo: kelly knows that we need to work together to really preserve and strengthen medicare. mary griffin: new hampshire seniors trust kelly ayotte because she has never let us down.
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? he will stand up to the gun lobbies. that is why i'm voting for hillary. speaking is difficult for me. but come january, i want to say these two words -- president. >> very brave. that was former congresswoman gabby giffords who gave hillary clinton a rousing endorsement last night at the dnc. she survived a 2011 shooting in arizona. >> when you see how far she has come from that day and how she can deliver a speech with inflection is great to see. >> standing by her husband, the astronaut. >> always with her.
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tonight and it is good morning. we'll check the top stories. after the forecast. one more day of heat >> already in the low 80s. airport 82 degrees now. in the mid to upper 80s from manchester, lawrence to the cape, 90s again this afternoon for many of us. the only li coast to cape cod, temperatures in the 80s. mainly dry today, an isolated risk of a shower and thunderstorm late in the day north and west of boston. 70s today. a big change in temperature but it will be quite muggy with areas of rain, downpours, heaviest along the south coast of cape cod. the start of the weekend mid- 80s on saturday, looking good, could be a shower or two especially inland on sunday. let's check the morning commute.
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southeast expressway, jammed up as you can see from this live traffic camera. it's jammed from the split all the way to columbia road, it's just been a mess all morning long. same from the north as well, 93 south in summerville also jammed. we have an update on breaking news. we've just learned there are three victims from a shooting in lynn overnight. one was rushed to mass general with life threatening injuries. this was after being shot in the head. to others showed up -- two others show hospital. state police and da's office on scene. in brookline, 17 people forced out by fire. everyone made it out of the home on winthrop road safely. one firefighter suffered a minor back injury, no word though yet on what sparked those flames. checking the other top stories -- one person has died after being pulled from the merrimack river last night. this morning two other people are in the hospital. they were found last night
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? welcome back to "cbs this morning" from philadelphia. we are at the national constitution center with independence hall right behind us. coming up in this half hour, can hillary clinton convince skeptical voters to cast their ub support her in november? we will take a look at that and the likely impact of president obama's endorsement last night. our bob schieffer and the atlanta senior editor alex wagner will join us at the table. >> philadelphia's gourmet revolution is ahead. mo rocca showing us restaurants are raising their game with help from the middle east and the midwest. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. the "chicago tribune" says president obama has chosen
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south side of chicago. it's near the university of chicago and next to an african-american neighborhood. construction is expected to be finished by 2021. "the new york times" reports on bill o'reilly defending his controversial statement about slaves and in response to michelle obama's convention speech which when she said slaves built the white house. on his fox news program on tuesday, o'reilly spoke about the slaves >> slaves who worked there were well-fed and had decent lodging provided by the government which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802, however, the feds did not forbid slave contractors from using slave laborers. so michelle obama is essentially correct inciting slaves as builders of the white house but there were others working as
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social media said he was quoting a historical fact. michelle obama has not responded. >> something tells me she is not going to respond. >> the phrase from her speech, when she go low, we go high. >> what i'm going to do right now and keep reading. new york "daily news" reports on evidence that people can control their voices similar to the way people do for apes. that is rocky, torangutan grunting responses to a human voice. it is prompting second thoughts about how speech developed. most scientists previously thought that vocal cord from the apes. rocky is showing us otherwise. lawmakers and special interests at the democratic convention, despite talk of a
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dignitaries received if invitations. they work within the system a spokeswoman says. president obama's speech to the democratic convention was likely his last as an elected office holder. a recent cbs news poll shows that just a quarter of voters want the next president to continue his policies. 21% want more liberal policies. and nearly half want more conservative policies. alex wagner is senior editor of and along with bob schieffer, our former washington chief correspondent and we can't let him go. he is a former moderator of "face the nation." good morning to you both. >> great to be with you guys. >> reporter: bob schieffer, what did you think of his speech and was he effective and did he do what he needed to do? >> i thought it was a fine speech. >> everybody says that today. >> barack obama knows how to make a speech. i do not believe that hillary clinton could have asked for more than what she got from him
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what alex and i have been talking about all week on various programs, donald trump, whether he meant to or not, set the table last night, and we phon found out what the democratic strategy is going to be. they are going to make it as much about donald trump as it is about hillary clinton and they are going to go, as you saw last night, go straight at him and they are going to say basically he is too dangerous to be president. >> we had some people from the hillary camp and they said that was carefully coordinated the way they put together those speeches to make those messages. >> yeah. i mean, leon panetta heard trump and rewrote his speech to double-down on that. i mean, that is how serious they took it. they really think they found an opening here. >> donald trump suggested yesterday in trying to do some cleanup that it was sarcastic, his remarks about whether russia should or anyone else try and find the 30,000 missing e-mails
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server. >> sir, you know -- >> hold your face straight out. >> i think the fact that mike pence, his running mate, was releasing statements completely to the contrary at the same time as donald trump was making his sarcastic comments lead to a lot of questions about how much coordination there is between the candidate and the running mate. i want to add one thing to what bob said about last night. this is also a moment about barack obama and his relationship with hillary clinton. i think you'll see hillary clinton staples to barack >> the question is if this is seen as the third term of the obama administration, is that good for her? >> i think the democrats and the clinton campaign believe that the strategy right now is not really appealing to the middle, it is about turnout among the democratic party and he is a surrogate like no other when it comes to that. >> charlie made an interesting point. you don't remember the last time
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president so praised like last night. >> what occurred to me last night, because i was in san francisco in 1984 when they put geraldine fa regard rah on the ticket with walt monday deer mo dell. they said when you're on the stage you will not touch each other and you will not hold hands. last night. >> like they >> they said look at how hillary clinton put her head down on his shoulder. >> you and i remember jimmy carter tracing and trying to follow ted kennedy on the stage and kennedy running away? >> yeah. but i just thought, man, time marches on. >> jon favreau said it was a full circle moment for both of them. also a big night for tim kaine and a lot of bad jokes we are getting on twitter saying tim
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sing along to any to any rap song but hums the cuss words. he is a dad who catches you smoking weed at a sleepover and doesn't rat you out but talks to you about brain development. >> i feel he is like an attack dog and a beagle i heard last night. i know it was an animated speech. he did his best trump impression but i felt it landed more like rodney dangerfield than donald trump. that said, he is an enthusiastic booster to her. >> that is a secret to attack politics when you can stick that needle it and make peel kind of giggle when it hits home. and you can come out there with a sledge hammer. >> yes. >> and it doesn't always go over well, but when you can do it kind of the way he did, i think, this is opinion clearly stated,
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effective kind of attack in politics. >> i want to ask you about i know you think trump's comments where he is accused of inviting espionage are a turning point in this campaign but also something that didn't get a lot of attention was in the same press conference, mr. trump was asked about whether we should reconsider sanctions on russia and whether we should recognize crimea as a russian territory. he said, yes, we will be looking at that. >> well, i mean, this just plays to -- i would just g we all talk about all of these things that donald trump has been able to say and get away with. this is maybe one bridge too far here. maybe -- maybe it won't hurt him, but, i mean, it's surely not going to help him. i mean, when you say, you know, he's in cahoots with the russians, whether he is not or there is all of these connectsions, i think all people in all demographics, as we look at it here -- >> and not just democrats.
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this is not like explaining mortgage rates or something like that. >> chelsea clinton will speak tonight and big night for her. what do you think about the comparisons between her and ivanka. >> i think accurate comparisons. they are both incredibly great women and great surge at-bats for their mother a-- surrogates their mothers and father in chelsea clinton's case. >> aren't they friend? another in new york? >> yes. >> and sometimes show up in the same places? but, again, i go back to this. this is an election about hillary clinton and donald trump. and, you know, both sides are going to make it about the other one and it's going to be them. that's what it's about. not about the kid, not about the wives. >> can't wait for the debate. >> this is going to be one of the roughest, nastiest campaigns
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? the delegates here in philadelphia have had several days to experience all that the city has to offer and they offer a lot too. so has mo rocca who is in front of philadelphia's most famous eateries. where are you at? good morning, mo. >> reporter: good morning, gayle. listen. when you think philly and food, the first thing that springs to mind is exactly what we won't be lk philadelphia but there is so much more to this stcity's culinary scene. historically, what kind of a food city is philadelphia? >> historically, i think it is a blend of sort of comfort foods, like sandwiches and meat and potatoes. >> reporter: sandwiches are obeying part of philly's culinary history. >> huge.
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country. >> reporter: his namesake restaurant was named one of the top 50 restaurants in america the year after it opened. >> the growing season dictates a lot. once things come into season and they are delicious and we can get them locally we put an emphasis on the menu. watermelon cocktail. >> reporter: where is the gin from? >> where is it from? on. >> reporter: who cares. are you particularly proud of your success because you were raised here? >> well, i don't consider myself a success. i don't feel like we are a success. i still feel like we are kind of junior varsity playing in a bit of a varsity game in phillie. >> reporter: in case you haven't heard, it is a major scene. the hob earned an award. >> i moved here from florida, sort of like on the way to new
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never left. >> reporter: when you say on the way to new york, you mean that literally. >> literally and figuratively. philly is an easier place to live and things cost less. the housing is more affordable. this is a hummus restaurant. >> reporter: in a city serious about its street food, solomon offers his this is very interesting to me because she is making? >> she is making pita and making it by hand. >>reporter: look at that piping hot pita. >> so different than what you get like in a bag or the back of a like a supermarket. >> reporter: this is an american take on the hummus foods that are commonplace throughout the middle east. and just across the street, his federal doughnuts offers coffee, along with an array of handmade
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fried chicken that is simply irresistible! >> i know so many people hate this word but so moist. >> i know. it is a pretty strange word to say outloud but we are happy you're saying it. >> reporter: there is nothing worse than dried-out chicken. i mean, some things like a tsunami would be worse. don't call his of solomon's restaurants trendy or buzzi. >> people donar that much. like if you're not great and not providing a good experience or good food or good service or whatever that is per restaurant, nobody cares. >> this was not happening. it was totally desolate. >> reporter: while a number of chefs have elevated the philly food scene, marcy and her partner valerie transformed a neighborhood. >> we wanted our own shops and
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philadelphia supported us. and so it was like, what else can we bring? >> reporter: the couple now own nine restaurants and boutiques along philadelphia's 13th street. former red light district. who are bud and marilyn? >> bud and marilyn with my grandparents. >> reporter: the latest is bud and marilyns and to marcy's native wisconsin. anything clientele, the diners in philadelphia? >> the diners are loyal in philadelphia and philly is proud of our chefs and our restaurant. >> reporter: why stop now? you should open another restaurant. what would it be? >> i actually don't even know what it would be. i think we have kind of covered everything and now we are trying to relax a little bit. yeah. and i'm getting old! >> reporter: attention must be paid to the cheesesteak.
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which is the birth place of the cheesesteak. look at the meat. it's not shredded up and it's a terrific sandwich. norah? >> thank you! >> you sent some stuff too. >> we got this. >> this is from by george. i didn't have dinner so i'm ready to eat the paper. what i like about the look of this, the bun is sesame and it's warm and cheese is melt and caramelized onions are always good. >> charlie, thank you for taking gayle and i out to lunch. >> we went to dandelions. i would go back there. by george, this is awesome. >> good food in philly.
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last day of the he on the cape and islands, many of us dry today. just an isolated date leigh thunderstorm north and west of town. heavy rain, particularly along the south coast. it will be humid but noticeably cooler temperatures in the mid to upper 70s. rain is out for the start of the weekend though, mid-80s saturday, looks pleasant. chance of a shower or two on sunday. it's a tough go on the roads. you can see things jammed as they try to make their way into
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franklin on 495 northbound near exit 17. a car into the woods causing major delays about 30 minutes there. accident in the left lane, left lane blocked in andover, 93 southbound before exit 44. pack your patience this morning. checking our top stories -- the l street bathhouse will partially reopen today just two days after 7-year-old kaiser willis was found dead off the director of the community center where he went missing has been suspended. in the meantime investigators are trying to account for the 30 minutes between the time he was last seen and the time police were notified he was missing. this morning a falmouth man who holed himself up is undergoing a mental health evacuation. the man told police he had a ammo and -- he threatened to harm himself and any officer
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>> judge patricia: you reported him for domestic violence. >> judge tanya: how many times were the police summoned to your home? >> four or five. >> i had bruises, and i had red marks around my neck 'cause he tried to push me down the stairs. >> it is her fault. >> judge patricia: get away from him. he's not gonna stop. >> announcer: "hot bench." judge tanya acker. judge larry bakman. judge patricia dimango. three judges. three opinions. one verdict. >> judge patricia: we've reached our decision. >> announcer: in a court of law, it's called a "hot bench." 23-year-old maryanne o'reilly is suing the father of her children, dennis woods, for bail money after he was arrested for domestic abuse. >> judge patricia: thank you, everyone. please be seated. ma'am, you may sit, as well. >> sonia: your honor, this is case number 47, o'reilly vs. woods. >> judge patricia: thank you, sonia. ms. o'reilly, you and the
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