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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  August 7, 2016 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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captioning funded by cbs and ford. we go further, so you can. >> whitaker: what is this? you might think of heroin as primarily an inner city problem, but dealers are making huge profits by expanding to new, lucrative markets-- suburbs all across the country. i'm sitting here looking at you, and you look young and fresh. next door. and you were addicted to heroin. >> i mean, obviously, it's very flattering that you say, like, i don't look like a junkie. but even miss america could be a junkie. i mean, anybody can be a junkie. ? ? ? >> stahl: "an american in paris" is a love story. it's also a valentine to dance.
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? ? ? broadway hoofing, tap and above all, ballet. sensual, dazzling, daringba choreographer christopher wheeldon has had such an impact, he makes ballet fun to watch even for people who think they will hate it. >> cooper: bonobos are unique among great apes because they it's the females who run the show. >> here, if you try to be an alpha male, you will be, as the congolese say, "corrected" by the females. >> cooper: not just by one female, but by a sort of alliance of females? >> that's right. >> cooper: what's more, bonobos have never been observed to kill each other. the same can't be said of chimpanzees, or humans, for that matter. ( screeching ) the high-pitched screechesre sophisticated form of
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>> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm anderson cooper. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories tonight on "60 minutes." when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. for partners in health, time is life.
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i thought i married an italian. did the ancestrydna to find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. >> whitaker: federal and local authorities all over the country say it's the biggest drug epidemic today. not methamphetamines or cocaine, but heroin. you might think of heroin as primarily an inner city problem. but dealers, connected to
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huge profits by expanding to new, lucrative markets: suburbs it's basic economics: the dealers are going where the money is. and as we first reported last fall, they're cultivating a new set of consumers: high school students, college athletes, teachers and professionals. heroin is showing up everywhere in places like columbus, ohio. the area has long been viewed as so typically middle american that, for years, many companies have gone there to test new products. we went to the columbus suburbs to see how heroin is taking hold in the heartland. i'm sitting here looking at you, and you look young and fresh. you're the... you're the girl next door. and you were addicted to heroin. >> hannah morris: i mean, obviously, it's very flattering that you say, like, i don't look like a junkie. but even miss america could be a junkie.
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>> whitaker: hannah morris is in college now. she says she's been clean for over a year, but in high school, she was using heroin. hannah lived outside columbus, in the upper middle-class suburb of worthington. her parents are professionals. the median income here is $87,000 a year. before she got hooked on heroin, hannah thought it was just another party drug. how did you get to those depths? what was the path you took? and it was fun and i got the good weed. went to... oh, my gosh, i went to pills, and it was still fun-- you know, percocet, xanax, vicodin, all that kind of stuff. and then, yeah, heroin. i started smoking it at first. >> whitaker: so you were what, 15? >> morris: yeah. and i was like, "oh, my gosh, that was amazing." >> whitaker: you remember it even now? >> morris: oh, yeah. let's say i've never done a drug in my life. i would normally be happiness at a six or a seven at a scale out of ten, you know. and then you take heroin and
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and you're like, "i want that again." >> whitaker: hannah says the heroin was so addictive that, rather quickly, she and several other students went from smoking it at parties to shooting it up at high school. >> morris: like, doing it at school in the bathroom. >> whitaker: a syringe? >> morris: a syringe. i would have it in my purse, all ready to go. >> whitaker: jenna morrison has been off heroin for more than three years. she comes from a town that is smaller and more rural than hannah's. with legal opiates-- pain pills you can get with a prescription. chemically, they're almost identical to heroin. >> jenna morrison: i got on pain pills pretty bad when i was probably between 15 and 16. >> whitaker: and the heroin came... >> morrison: when i was 18. >> whitaker: was it an easy transition from the pain pills to heroin? >> morrison: very, because i didn't realize at the time that heroin is an opiate.
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was using. >> whitaker: why were you using all these drugs? >> morrison: i'm in a small town. there was nothing to do. and i was hanging out with older people. so, that was our way of having fun, partying. >> mike dewine: this is the worst drug epidemic i've seen in... in my lifetime. >> whitaker: mike dewine is the attorney general of ohio. he's a former u.s. senator, congressman, and a county prosecutor. we met him at a state crime lab outside columbus. county. it's in our cities, but it's also in our wealthier suburbs. it's in our small towns. there is no place in ohio where you can hide from it. >> whitaker: it's that pervasive? >> dewine: there is no place in ohio where you couldn't have it delivered to you in 15, 20 minutes. >> morris: i can text and say, "hey, do you have this?" we can meet. they would bring it to my house, leave it under the mat.
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>> whitaker: full service. >> morris: uh-huh, yeah. to me, it was easier to get than weed or cocaine, definitely easier. >> whitaker: dealers with connections to the mexican cartels sell heroin everywhere, even in this department store parking lot outside columbus. >> he'll be coming out of that car right there. >> whitaker: our cameras captured the purchase of this heroin by an undercover police informant. what is this? >> so this is a couple types of heroin that we see. >> whitaker: attorney general mike dewine's staffers say the mexican heroin can be cheap-- $10 a hit or less. some of it is cut with other drugs that make it even more powerful and deadly. and dealers keep inventing new ways to outwit law enforcement. and what do you have here? >> these are actually tablets. so they are pressed to look like a actual prescription tablet, but they contain heroin. >> whitaker: heroin in pill form. >> that look like pills, correct. >> whitaker: this... this is new. >> very new. we've only seen a few cases in the lab.
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his days as a county prosecutor; heroin has lost its stigma as a poisonous, back alley drug. >> dewine: there's no psychological barrier anymore that stops a young person or an older person from taking heroin. >> whitaker: so, who is the typical heroin user in ohio today? >> dewine: anybody watching today this show. it could be your family. there's no typical person. it just has permeated every segment of society in ohio. >> whitaker: even the well-to- do town of pickerington, 30 minutes outside of columbus. tyler campbell was a star of the high school football team. he went on to play division one at the university of akron. for tyler, heroin wasn't a party drug. his parents, wayne and christy campbell, say his heroin habit grew from his addiction to opiate painkillers, prescribed legally after he injured his shoulder.
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>> christy campbell: it was vicodin. >> wayne campbell: vicodin. he had 60 vicodin for his shoulder surgery. >> whitaker: that's a normal prescription? >> wayne campbell: for that procedure. >> whitaker: it's easy for kids to sell their excess pills. they're popular recreational drugs in high schools and colleges, so much in demand that one pill can cost up to $80. pill addicts like tyler often switch to heroin because it's a cheaper opiate with a bigger high. tyler was in and out of rehab four times. time, he couldn't fight the uncontrollable urge that is heroin addiction. he shot up in his bedroom and died of a heroin overdose. he wasn't the only addict on his college football team. >> wayne campbell: unfortunately, the quarterback died four months after tyler, in 2011, same situation. >> christy campbell: same-- accidental overdose. >> first of all, if you don't talk about it, right? >> whitaker: after tyler died, the campbells met many families whose children were heroin addicts in the suburbs of
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pills first. started with pain pills? >> absolutely. >> whitaker: t.j. and heidi riggs' daughter died of a heroin overdose. marin was a high school basketball player and captain of her golf team. lea heidman and brian malone's daughter alyssa died of an overdose last year. brenda stewart has two sons in recovery. tracy morrison is jenna morrison's mother, and has a second daughter who is also a recovering addict. >> rob brandt: he battled it through high school. >> whitaker: he says his son robby got hooked on pain pills prescribed by a dentist after his wisdom teeth were removed. he was in training with the national guard, hoping to serve in afghanistan. >> brandt: and when he came home, he met up with an old friend that he used to buy and sell prescription medications with, and that old friend introduced him to heroin. and we did the... we did rehab, we did relapse, we did rehab, and he got clean.
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and that was the last time and he passed from an accidental overdose. >> whitaker: for many of these parents, the hardest thing to accept was losing their children after they thought they'd finally beaten the addiction. >> lea heidman: she passed away the day after st. patrick's day. and she posted on st. patrick's day a picture of her on her laptop, studying, doing homework, saying, "no partying for me, not even a single drink. i'm staying in and i'm... and i'm working." and the next day she used, and that was the last time she used. >> tracy morrison: i am a nurse... >> whitaker: tracy morrison, jenna's mother, trained to be a nurse more than 30 years ago. she says the medical profession must bear some responsibility for the heroin epidemic. she says doctors over-prescribe pain medications. >> tracy morrison: i graduated in the '80s. i was a nursing director when we
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from not treating pain to treat everybody's pain. i was a part of that. and at that time, i had no idea that we were addicting people. >> whitaker: in 2014, three quarters of a billion pain pills were prescribed by doctors in ohio-- nearly 65 pills for every man, woman and child in the state. how did you respond when your daughters told you they were using heroin? >> tracy morrison: well, they first told me they were using the pills, and how i found out they were using heroin was i came home from work one day, made dinner, and i was yelling for my youngest daughter to come for dinner and she didn't. and i walked into her bedroom and her boyfriend was shooting her up. >> whitaker: you saw this? >> tracy morrison: i saw it. >> whitaker: what did you do? >> tracy morrison: dropped the plate of food. i dropped it. and i was hysterical. >> whitaker: tracy's daughter jenna is 25 now. she knows she's lucky to be
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addiction, i have been to rehab 17 times, and i had been to jail six or seven times. so every time i went to jail, i got out, went to rehab, came home and relapsed, and then did it all over again. >> whitaker: you overdosed, as well? >> morrison: uh-huh. >> whitaker: how many times? >> morrison: i only overdosed once, and i woke up in an ambulance. >> whitaker: jenna would have died if emergency medical technicians hadn't injected her with naloxone hydrochloride, also called narcan. it quickly reverses the effects of opiates in the brain. >> so this is the kit... >> whitaker: the heroin problem in ohio is so big, families and friends of addicts-- not just health professionals-- are being taught to administer narcan, which is now available without a prescription. >> this is what it looks like. this is the little purple cap, actually is the medication. >> tracy morrison: this is a hurricane.
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first, she had no idea her daughters were addicts. neither did the other parents. but they feel they missed all the signs and let their children down. do you feel guilty? >> every day. >> heidi riggs: you lost the battle, so you're always going to say, "is there something i could have done differently? is... you know, did... why didn't i notice it when i had missing spoons that it wasn't because, you know, they left cereal bowls upstairs. it was actually because, you know, she was using them to shoot heroin." but who would have thought our children would ever do heroin? >> whitaker: all of these to us because too many other families are embarrassed, in denial about their kids' heroin use. these parents say the stigma and shame are compounding the epidemic. >> heidi riggs: no one was talking about that we had heroin in pickerington. and so, for us, we were total shock when it happened. and... but the struggle was the stigma. >> brenda stewart: never say, "not my child." >> yeah, right. >> brenda stewart: because you never know. it could end up being your
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>> brian malone: you never want to get that call. you never want to get that call. >> whitaker: the call you got? >> brian malone: the call you got, and we got the call. >> whitaker: today, heroin overdoses take the lives of at least 23 people in ohio every week. we were told many other heroin deaths go unreported. i'm sure there are some who would be watching this and would say, "heroin addicts are junkies and they brought this on themselves, so why should we care?" >> tracy morrison: because we don't throw diabetics who sit on the couch eating bonbons and smoke and they weigh 300 pounds in prison. we don't belittle them, and there's not a big stigma. we don't do that to people that chain smoke and develop lung cancer. it's a chronic, relapsing brain disease, period, amen, end of story. and we need to accept it, even if it makes people uncomfortable. and if people don't like that,
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good evening, french officials say. at this point exchange lost $72 million to hackers and crimes today they lost 36% of assets and allergen are among the drug makers reporting earnings this
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>>li wheeldon is one of the most celebrated choreographers in the world today, turning the tradition-bound dance form into something athletic, sensual and edgy. wheeldon was born in england and trained at the royal ballet, where he is artistic associate. he's only 43 but has already created over 90 works, many for the world's major ballet companies. as we reported this spring, he pulled off a coup last year when
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smash broadway musical, something only a very few dance- makers have ever done. it was inspired by the gene kelly movie "an american in paris," with music by george and ira gershwin. it received 12 tony nominations and proved that wheeldon can make ballet fun to watch, even for people who think they'll hate it. ? ? ? story. it's also a valentine to dance, all kinds-- broadway hoofing, tap, and, above all, ballet. ? ? ? sensual, dazzling, daring ballet.
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not only did christopher wheeldon choreograph the show, he also directed it, something he'd never done before, and that was scary. >> christopher wheeldon: good. okay, good guys. well done. >> stahl: you gave new meaning to the expression, "learn on the job?" >> wheeldon: yeah. >> stahl: for sure. >> wheeldon: in at the deep end. >> stahl: because you had never directed anything with words. >> wheeldon: they probably couldn't see the sweat kind of trickling down the back of my neck. had music by the gershwins to work with. ? ? ? >> wheeldon: ready? >> stahl: he started with what he knew best: the dancing and ballet dancers, robbie fairchild and leanne cope. ? ? ?
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the show is a big hit, and he won a tony for best choreography. the critics just loved the show. was it a turning point in your life? >> wheeldon: i certainly felt like a door was flung open. >> stahl: for now, wheeldon is taking what he learned from broadway back into his first and abiding love, classical ballet, which he discovered as a little boy growing up in a small village in the south west of england. when he was seven, he talked his parents into letting him take ballet lessons. >> wheeldon: i was hooked from the get-go. >> stahl: what was the get-go? >> wheeldon: the get-go was a little ballet school in a village hall and a bunch of girls around the barres on the side of the hall and it was the first place that i felt really at home. >> stahl: at ten, he auditioned and was accepted at the royal ballet school known as white lodge, a boarding school in
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the royal family. up to then, he had kept his dancing a secret from his classmates. >> wheeldon: i went to an all- boys prep school, and my headmaster was so proud that one of his students had been accepted into this big institution that he announced it in school assembly one morning. and i still had about six months to go at the school. so my secret was out and it was b-- it was a pretty-- it was a pretty hellish ( laughs ) six months. >> stahl: they did tease you. >> wheeldon: i-- i was teased, ye white lodge between the ages of 11 and 16. it was competitive and grueling. students here spend four to five hours a day dancing, and have to re-audition every year. in his time, wheeldon was taught ballet master. >> wheeldon: he was strict with us. he picked me up by my hair once because i wasn't jumping high enough. it was-- (ug think i'll ever forget that. >> stahl: did you ever want to
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i really do feel that i was-- i was meant to be a dancer and-- and i-- and i knew that. >> stahl: actually, he was meant "after the rain," performed here to commemorate the attacks of september 11th. ? ? ?
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? >> wheeldon: i was thinking shape, structure, sculpture. and then what came out of it was something very emotional. ? ? ? people see different things. some people see loss, some people see love, some people see death. ? ? >> stahl: you have said that's your favorite. tell us why. >> wheeldon: peopllove
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it's a n-- it's a good feeling when people love your work and they tell you, and they're-- and they're moved by it. >> stahl: moving people has made christopher wheeldon an international superstar. every major ballet company is after him. we followed him to amsterdam where he was creating a brand new piece for the dutch national ballet. ? ? ? >> wheeldon: this room is a blank canvas, and you come in here with the bodies and with the beginnings of a new score, and you have no idea whether wither away. and-- >> stahl: that sounds terrifying. >> wheeldon: it is. but it's exhilarating. can we make this first thing there? it's like you want to go cross. >> stahl: where do you start? >> wheeldon: it begins with the music. and then it's about making that first brushstroke. ready? because it really is like painting.
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nice, that was lovely. ? ? >> stahl: when you're choreographing, because we've now seen you do it a couple of times, you close your eyes you kind of go away. and when you're away, your hands are moving ( laughs ) as if we're actually watching that creativity happen. we're seeing you do it. >> wheeldon: it's a way of trying to picture the music. the shape of a musical phrase, whether it's something that's a spiral, or circular, or angular. what if we go tee-pum together. so it's like you go tee-da-da. so just an "oh" moment to it. >> anna tsygankova: it's magic to be with him in his studio, to witness how he makes this idea seated in his mind and his heart. he makes it visible for the rest of us.
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when you get there. >> stahl: wheeldon is making his magic with jozef varga and anna tsygankova, a russian-born star of the dutch ballet. he calls her one of his muses. when you're choreographing for a ballerina, you almost take on-- you become her in a funny way. >> wheeldon: you know, everything has to pass through me. so much of communicating what it is that you want to a dancer is about showing. so yeah, so i do. i have to play the men, i have to play the women. >> stahl: so you're an actor? >> wheeldon: nobody actually pays to see me up on stage, but i do get to perform. ( laughter ) just arms out. and just walk with her, can you walk with her jozef? >> stahl: you are pushing the dancers to do athletic things that go across the boundary almost. >> wheeldon: dancers love to be challenged. and we come up with crazy ideas sometimes just to see how far we-- we can push. and i will push until i'm sure
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? >> stahl: once in performance, it looks fluid and effortless. wheeldon's reputation has been built on intimate duets like this with difficult but beautiful lifts and partnering. ? ? ? for wheeldon, it's non-stop. between may and september, he worked in seven different un in toronto, he rehearsed his 2.5 hour imagining of shakespeare's "the winter's tale" for the national ballet of canada. >> ready and... >> stahl: this is one of his story ballets with characters and a plot that are big box office. it has lots of moving parts, 52 dancers including children, and wheeldon is the ring master. >> wheeldon: there are so many aspects that are kind of, you
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the dancers are looking to you. there's a lot of expectation. they want a fabulous role so that they can be celebrated. the director of the company wants you to make a hit ballet. so there's a lot of responsibility that goes with the job. they're not turning together. >> stahl: and a lot of pressure. which got to him early in his career as a choreographer when he was working in london. >> wheeldon: i had been working on a lot of ballets back-to- back. piece. and i just felt i couldn't do it. there was nothing. it was kind of like suddenly switching all the lights off. so rather than facing it head- on, i actually kind of turned and ran. >> wheeldon: i got on the plane and i flew back to new york. it was a really, really to >> stahl: what do-- what do you think you learned? >> wheeldon: that it can't always be output, output, output. you have to take in.
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a rough time running a ballet company he co-founded then left, he's been on a creative up ever since. happily married for two-and-a- half years, christ ophereeldon's become an ambassar for ballet. bringing it into the mainstream, this time with stephen colbert, showing him some moves from "an american in paris." >> wheeldon: step fum and now the other side. step fum and then four walks, and six and step, op drop, and walking two and three, nailed it. nailed it. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? >> stahl: you once said that you
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not be, quote, "a big, puffy, pink, glittery nightmare." this is your ambition, to change that, that image? >> wheeldon: you know, it is possible for ballet to be young, sexy, dynamic, exciting. to tell complex stories, not just stories about sleeping princesses. but to take audiences on breathtaking journeys. ? ? ?
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>> cooper: most people know that cousin. they share more than 98% of our d.n.a. but you may not know that we also have another primate cousin, just as close. they're called bonobos. they may look like chimpanzees, but they are an entirely separate species of ape, and their behavior couldn't be more different. bonobos are the only great apes that live in female-dominated groups, and, unlike chimps and humans, which are often violent and aggressive with each other, bonobos would rather make love
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they are an endangered species and only found in one place, the democratic republic of congo in central africa. congo's been torn apart by war for decades, keeping researchers away, which is why bonobos are the least-understood apes on the planet. ( tribal song playing ) the world's only sanctuary for bonobos sits on the outskirts of it's called lola ya bonobo-- "bonobo paradise"-- and for these endangered apes, that's exactly what it is. this refuge was created by conservationist claudine andre. she's belgian-born, but has lived in congo most of her life. if you ask her why she cares so much about bonobos, she'll tell you "just look into their eyes."
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your... just like they look in your soul. >> cooper: in your soul. >> andre: yeah. >> cooper: and it's rare that-- most primates don't... don't maintain eye contact like that. >> andre: yeah, because... don't try to do this with gorilla, you know and... >> cooper: right. it's a threatening gesture, if you do it with a gorilla. >> andre: yeah. >> cooper: but bonobos look right at you. >> andre: oh, yeah. >> cooper: bonobos may have a brain that's a third the size of ours, but they're remarkably intelligent. ( bonobo screeching ) >> cooper: those high-pitched form of communication, and their gestures are unmistakable. like chimpanzees, bonobos use tools in a wide variety of ways, and are capable of abstract problem-solving. >> andre: she have a baby, so she cannot go deeply... >> cooper: so she's breaking the stick, actually? >> andre: yeah, she... she shows the stick is too short. >> cooper: okay. so she got a longer stick.
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so she's using the stick to see how deep the water is? >> andre: yeah. >> cooper: bonobos are unique among great apes because they are not dominated by males. and according to brian hare, a duke university evolutionary anthropologist who studies them at lola, it's the females who run the show. >> brian hare: here, if you try to be in a... an alpha male, you will be, as the congolese say, "corrected" by the females. >> cooper: not just by one female, but by a sort of alliance of females? >> hare: that's right. that's bonobos really violate a rule of nature where, usually, if you're bigger, you're going to be dominant. but here, females are actually smaller. but they're still not dominated by males because they work together. >> cooper: what's more, bonobos have never been observed to kill each other. the same can't be said of chimpanzees, or of humans, for that matter. >> hare: bonobos, on the other hand, they don't really have that darker side. so that's where they could really help us is, how could it be that a species that has a brain a third of the size of ours can do something that, with
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which is, to not kill each other. >> cooper: the answer might be found in bonobos' favorite pastime. these apes have more sex, more often, in more ways than any other primate on the planet. their sexual contact is so frequent, brian hare refers to it as the "bonobo handshake". it's not that they want to procreate or have kids; it's not that they even find each other attractive. >> hare: no. >> cooper: it's... it's just... >> hare: no, it's a negotiation. >> cooper: and it's hardly ri negotiations take place over food. chimpanzees will fight each other over food. >> hare: that's right. they... >> cooper: bonobos won't necessarily fight each other... >> hare: that's right. so they... so, basically, chimpanzees get primed for competition, testosterone increases. bonobos, they get really stressed out. and if they feel like they're not going to be able to share, they get really anxious, and then that drives them to want to be reassured. and they then happen to have a bonobo handshake to feel better. >> cooper: and males do that with females, males will do that with males, females will do that with females. doesn't matter, even the ages? >> hare: any combination, any
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>> cooper: it's an irony that this peace-loving primate is being hunted to extinction. though it's illegal to kill or capture bonobos in congo, that hasn't slowed their rapid decline. forest animals are sold in bustling bush-meat markets for food. at the largest in congo's capital, kinshasa, you can buy monkeys, porcupines, even alligators, dead or alive. bonobos aren't openly sold here them in many parts of congo. their orphaned babies often end up in the only place that can care for them, lola ya bonobo. the babies arrive traumatized, often injured. each is assigned a surrogate human mother, and their job is to raise the babies as their own, showering them with the love and attention the orphan
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>> cooper: it's incredible to see them up close like this. i mean, they are so... >> andre: yeah, human? >> cooper: yeah. >> andre: yeah, you know, i say all the time that, for sure, they are great apes. they are not us and we are not them, but we have a line in the middle of the two world that we cross all the time. >> cooper: baby bonobos are as playful as any human toddler, and just as curious. suzy kwetuenda would know. she's in charge of the bonobos' welfare at lola and oversees their rehabilitation. you have a child of your own? >> suzy kwetuenda: yes, i have. >> cooper: how are they different? >> kwetuenda: i can say there is no more difference. >> cooper: there's not difference... >> kwetuenda: the same. >> cooper: of course, really have to be a mother to... >> kwetuenda: yes. >> kwetuenda: yes, and most of
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so, they give love and affection, and this is the only way to save them. >> cooper: that... that's what saves these babies? >> kwetuenda: yes. and make them in life. >> cooper: they need love? >> kwetuenda: yeah, absolutely. without that, they die. >> cooper: suzy decided to study bonobos because she felt they could teach us a lot about human evolution. after five years at lola, she realized that their behavior is closer to ours than she'd ever imagined. is it hard not to think of them as human? >> kwetuenda: yes. b time with them. we share time with them, yeah. >> cooper: right, you spend all day with them? >> kwetuenda: all day. >> cooper: and at the end of that day, suzy sees to it the babies are tucked into their hammocks for the night. at 6:00 p.m., it's lights out. do you read them a story? >> kwetuenda: no, they don't need, because they are tired. they spend all the time jumping in trees, playing so much as now... >> cooper: they're exhausted? >> kwetuenda: so that's... yeah, they are very exhausted. >> cooper: by age five, the orphaned apes move from lola's
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never could. they teach them how to be bonobos. they still crave affection, but they're also more confident, and have started developing their own distinct personalities. >> andre: he's the one who like jump. >> cooper: you want to jump? ( laughter ) i can't work under these conditions. it's very hard to... to conduct an interview like this. ( laughter ) first bonobo 20 years ago. the country was wracked by violence and on the verge of a brutal civil war. she volunteered to help at a local zoo, and that's when she saw a baby bonobo, though the zoo director warned her about getting too close. he said, "don't put your heart in this animal." >> andre: yes. "it's a bonobo." a bonobo-- it was the first time for me i hear this word. and he say they never survive in captivity. >> cooper: so he was warning
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life along the river hasn't changed much in centuries. congo is one of the least- developed countries in the world, and has millions of acres of virtually untouched forest. it may look pristine, even peaceful, but many of the people who live in these parts have suffered from years of war. the wildlife here was decimated. so, the bonobos disappeared from this area because of hunting...? >> andre: yes, yes. >> cooper: ... for bushmeat? >> andre: yeah. >> cooper: and also,ur war, soldiers would hunt here. >> andre: yeah. >> cooper: we were taken to the spot where that first group of bonobos was released. for a while, we couldn't see anything, just dense forest spilling over the banks of the winding river. then, claudine began calling out the names of the apes she herself once mothered all those years ago. >> andre: vous etes ou? ( bonobos screeching ) they know it.
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>> andre: they responding to me. they know i'm here. >> cooper: we still couldn't see them, but they could hear claudine. and suddenly, the forest was alive with the sound of apes excited to hear her voice once again. one by one, the bonobos came to the water's edge to see the people who'd saved their lives. claudine and her team weren't sure releasing bonobos back into the wild would work, and although some had trouble adapting, most now seem to be thriving. >> andre: etumbe! >> cooper: that's etumbe, the bonobo claudine is perhaps most proud of. for 17 years, she was trapped in a tiny cage at a kinshasa laboratory. now, she's the leader of the group. >> andre: and she give us a first baby born here, so... is my friend... ( laughter ) ...or my sister. >> cooper: your... your family. >> andre: my family.
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now that they're wild, she doesn't want the bonobos to get used to humans ever again. do you still find it thrilling when you suddenly see them after all this time? >> andre: oh, yes. it's also so nice... present to return to the wild and be free. >> cooper: this is what you dreamed of? >> andre: yes. >> what's more fun than a barrel of baby bonobos? not much for a "60 minutes" crew. go to when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. for partners in health, time is life. we have 18,000 people around the world. the microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and work together in real time
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