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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  August 16, 2016 3:07am-4:01am EDT

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today, donald trump laid down the principles of his counterterrorism policy. he said that immigrants who don't believe in the u.s. constitution should be banned. major garrett covered the wide ranging speech in ohio. >> the rise of isis is the direct result of policy decisions made by president obama and secretary of state clinton. >> reporter: in a speech that offered no new tactical idea to combat islamic terrorism, donald trump said the battle cannot be won until the enemy that is radical islamic terrorism is named. >> we have a president that doesn't want to say the words anyone who cannot name our enemy is not fit to lead our country. >> trump also repeated this
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war from the beginning. a major difference between me and my opponent. >> reporter: trump did not publicly express skepticism about the u.s. in vaegs until five months after it began. trump had tough word about u.s. troops leaving iraq end of 2011. >> they said we are moving out. here is our time. here is a date. who would dos incompetent president. trump's criticism left out the fact that president george w. bush negotiated and approved the timeline. on immigration, trump said regions with terrorism would lose privileges and the u.s. would apply ideological tests for admission. >> the time is overdue to develop a new screening test. for the threats we face today.
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>> that include tests of applicants for "hostile attitudes." those who do not believe in our constitution or support bigotry and hatred will not be admitted for immigration into our country. strategic alliance with russia to do battle against isis. scott, this overlooks moscow's support for the assad dictatorship in syria and the >> major garrett with the trump campaign. thank you. >> trump stuck to his text and avoided gaffes that have sent his poll numbers plummeting since last month's convention. hillary clinton whose lead is formidable, had a different view of counterterrorism today. here's nancy cordes. >> the secret he is has no plan. >> in scranton, pennsylvania, clinton argued, trump's terror proposals vary by the day.
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become a free zone for isis, a major country in the middle east that could launch attacks against us and others. talked about sending ground troops, american ground troops. well that is off the table as far as i am concerned. unlike trump, clinton wants to increase the number of syrian refugees the u.s. lets in from 10,000 to 65,000. she says the vetting process is already extensive. and she argues she will work better with moderate muslims who are the key to defeating isis. >> he can't be trusted. >> vice president biden had a score to settle after trump called president obama the founder of isis. >> let me tell you why it is a dangerous statement. why, as he might say, the bad guys are listening. biden pointed out that the thte hezbollah had seized on trump's accusation over the weekend. >> if my son were still in iraq,
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has gone up a couple of clicks. it's gone up a couple of clicks. >> reporter: biden went so far to say that if his son had been deployed by a president tr his son's feet to prevent him from going. like that gets some attention here in working class scranton, scott, which is the town where he grew up. >> nancy cordes in the battleground state of pennsylvania. nancy, thank you very much. >> tonight a curfew goes into effect in milwaukee at 10:00 in night of violence. riots erupted saturday after a black suspect was fatally shot by a black police officer. demarco morgan in milwaukee. >> reporter: today as milwaukee residents struggled to find
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mayor tom barrett had a message for protesters. >> do not do further damage to this great neighborhood. >> reporter: the shooting death saturday of 23-year-old sylville smith triggered protests that ended with torched out businesses including this bp gas station. starting to get out of control. >> reporter: more than a doz any rests. police some in riot gear quickly found themselves in the paths of s, bullets. investigators tell cbs news, the suspect had a handgun with 23 round when he ran off after being pulled over in a traffic stop for having a suspicious vehicle. when asked to drop his weapon, police say he refused. he was shot twice. once in the chest. and arm. milwaukee police chief, ed flynn. >> whether the shooting turned
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or whether it wasn't, that wasn't the issue. the issue was this is a flash point. >> recent study found that the fuel that nay have fed it was years of racial disparity. 49% of black children in wisconsin are living in poverty. wisconsin also incarcerated the most black men in the country. in milwaukee county. half of all black men in 30s and 40s have served time. city alderman russell sandford says better policing could help ease tensions. >> they were passing out baseball card. got to talk to the police. got to know who they were. need new bring that effort back. >> scott, the officer involved in the shooting was wearing a body camera. we tried reaching out for comment but did not get a response. he has been placed on administrative duty. >> demarco morgan, thank you very much. coming up next -- how to reduce the risk of sudden in fant death syndrome. and later, the man who mines
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these days. you are buying finish these days. i got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. really? you should try it. its unique powerball takes on anything. choose finish. 3500 times a year. a parent puts an infant to sleep and the child never wakes up. most often the cause is sids, sudden infant death syndrome. a new study out today find that many parents are not doing all they can to reduce the risk. here is dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: like so many new parents, janelle hanley focused
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sleep. >> no loose blankets, toys, loose fabric in her crib whatsoever. >> reporter: she puts her to sleep on her back which is also the current recommendation by pediatricians. according to today's study iight researchers videotaped, 160 babies sleeping at 1, 3, 6 months. at 1 month. 91% slept with items, bedding, bumper pads. pillows, stuffed animals. by six months that number was over 90%. at 1 month. 14% were not placed to sleep on their back. by 6 months it more than doubled to 33%. >> don't worry about the babies when collick is part of the picture. >> this doctor is a
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sleeping environment. babies should also not have any stuffed animals in their sleeping environment. and they should be placed on their back. >> researchers attribute some unsafe behaviors to mixed messages such as availability of crib bedding and also to tired parents. >> it is probably on the part of pediatricians to get the word out a little bit more about sids dangers. we have a lot of generational things that have been passed down over and over and over that we have gotten comfortable with doing that maybe we shouldn't be >> the study also found when infants were moved overnight, most often to a parents a's room, the new sleeping site generally was more dangerous. bed sharing is a risk fact for for sids and soft bedding and loose objects may cause suffocation by covering an infant's nose and mouth. >> dr. jon lapook. thank you. >> a gun scare sends passengers running for the exits. that's next. marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising.
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how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that.
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every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. today, florida confirmed two more people infected with the zika virus. 30 transmissions by mosquitoes in miami. no other state reported mosquito borne infections. defects. tonight new york's kennedy airport is back to normal. reports of gunshots set off er - panic. three terminals were evacuated. airlines grounded or diverted flights. witnesses say they heard shots. but the police found no evidence of that. there was a real scare for a bear in alaska. she was watching her three cubs
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when one slid over the top. a second followed. she sprung into action to fish them out just as the the third cub washed over the falls. all three of them were saved. a teaching moment for the trio. no doubt. coming up next, usain bolt's
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we end tonight with the fastest man on earth. usain bolt, he won his third straight olympic gold medal in the 100 meters yesterday in less time than it took me to teou >> reporter: when usain bolt ran away with the gold in the 100-meter sprint, he seemed to suck all the oxygen out of the stadium. >> here he is. still invincible. usain bolt! >> reporter: of course jamaicans in rio went bonn kerrs. -- bonkers. when this is your title. who is the fastest man in the world? >> usain bolt. >> everybody knows your name. >> bolt, bolt, bolt. >> usain bolt.
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>> reporter: he put on one of the greatest shows in sport. unlike michael phelps who is seriously in the zone before each race. bolt does this. usain bolt! when everybody else looks like they're dying during the race, bolt does this. and this particular bolt of lightning has now struck three times. the first person to win gold in the 100 meters in three olympics. so how fas maxes out at 12 miles per hour. bolt's foot speed clocked at nearly 28 miles per hour. >> belt! >> what he is known best for may be his signature move. >> that was pretty good. >> now so iconic he can only be outdone by the biggest outstretched arms in rio. ben tracy, cbs news, rio de janeiro. that's the "cbs overnight news" for this tuesday morning. for some of you the news continue thousands. for others check back a little later for the morning news and
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york city, i'm scott pelley.
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welcome to the overnight news. republican nominee donald trump has laid out his vision to fight terrorism in a major speech in ohio. trump said the united states will use military, cyberand financial warfare to defeat teror grps he did not offer specifics but did pro vise a test to screen immigrants for extremist views. here's just some of what trump had to say. >> unlike hillary clinton who has risked so many lives with her careless handling of senseless information. my administration will not
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and what they are. i often said the great general douglas macarthur and the great general george patton would be in a state of shock if they were alive today to see the way president obama and hillary clinton tried to recklessly announce their every move before it happens. like they did in iraq. so that the enemy can prepare and adapt. their y a trump administration will establish a clear principle that will govern all decisions pertaining to immigration. and we will be tough. and we will be even extreme. extreme.
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values and respect our people. in the cold war -- we had an ideological screening test. the time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. i call it -- extreme vetting. i call it extreme, extreme vetting. our country has enough problems. we don't need more. and these are problems like we have never had before. >> the trump campaign is pushing back against a new report that links its chairman to alle "the new york times" says a pro russia political party set aside millions in secret cash for paul manifort. he denies he got any such payment. >> paul manifort's ties to the pro russian former president of ukraine are well-documented. new details about the money designated for him by political allies are likely to amplify, donald trump's claims he is
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"the new york times," $12.7 million was earmarked for paul manifort, victor yanokovic. that is according to a so-called black ledger analyzed by ukrainian anti-corruption investigators who believe it documents "an illegal off the books system whose recipients included election officials." i have never received a single off the books cash payment as falsely reported by "the new york times." nor have i done work for the governments of ukraine or russia. the suggestion that i accepted payments is unfounded, silly and nonsensical. the clinton campaign called the news troubling. adding trump has a spent to
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employees ties to russian or pro kremlin entities. >> i'm running against the crooked media. that's what i am running against. >> reporter: the report provides more ammunition for trump's ongoing clash with "the new york times." >> we have a newspaper that is failing badly, a real garbage. they are garbage. garbage paper. maybe we'll starin taking their press credential as way from them. >> beyond the media bashing, trump its setting up another excuse for losing. voter fraud. >> the only way we can lose in my opinion, i really mean this, pennsylvania, is if cheating goes on. i really believe it. >> reporter: trump called for volunteer election monitors. >> go around and look and watch other polling places. make sure it is 100% fine. democrats have carried pennsylvania in six straight presidential elections. there are nearly 1 million more registered democrats there than
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undercutting trump's claims that fraud could tip ballots. >> learning more about armed robbery of four u.s. olympic swimmers at the games in rio. one victim. 12 time medalist, ryan lochte. as ben tracy shows, the attack is highlighting security concerns for athletes an fans. >> reporter: just the kind of thing olympic officials have been worried about. since the games began, athletes and coaches from other countries hatch been robbed at knife or gun point here in rio. happening to american athlete. >> they pulled out their guns. they told the other swimmers. >> reporter: ryan lochte says the mugging happened after he and fellow swimmers left a party at france's hospitality house early sunday morning. this is snap chat video of them partying in rio. the four swimmers got in a cab and say they were pulled over bo when they ordered lochte to get on the ground. he says he refused. >> i was like, we didn't do
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ground. and then the guy pulled out his gun. he cocked it. put it to my forehead. he said get down. and i was like, put my hand up. i was like, whatever. >> reporter: they lost their money and wallets. but nobody was hurt. >> last week, lochte won gold on the u.s. men's relay team. but then failed to medal in his final race last thursday. >> ryan lochte is off the podium. >> he has been hanging out in rio since then. >> i can telyo lochte's mouth the story is absolutely not true. >> it is not clear why olympic officials first denied the mugging happened and then backtracked. michael phelps says he felt well protected in rio. >> no matter where i am going. i have a team, personally who is always looking out for everything. and -- and the u.s. swimming is making sure we are as protected
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>> during the olympics, stray bullets have flown through the equestrian venue and bus carrying media was pelted by rocks. when we first came to rioen june we went on patrol with the police force. rio has seen a 40% spike in street crime since last year. >> do you think the people coming here for the olympics have anything to worry about? this police commander told us more tourists would mean more opportunities for crime. >> reporter: the united states reiterating their security protocols with all american athletes. when we asked them what the protocols are and if going out at night without security would violate them. they told us they don't discuss security issues.
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from the first moment you met it was love at first touch and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and protection that's why only pampers swaddlers is the #1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness and premium protection mom: ?oh hi baby? so all they feel is love oh, dishwasher, why don't you dry my dishes? oh, he doesn't know any better. you just need to add finish? jet-dry? in the rinse aid compartment. it's there for a reason. it dries much better
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nish? jet-dry?. for drier, shinier dishes. i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! this pimple's gonna last forever. aw com'on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you...
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new details in the dramatic twist of a murder case that became a phenomenon on social media. friday a federal judge overturned conviction of brendon dassey, captivating audiences in "making a murderer." vladamir duthier has the the latest. >> reporter: the case surrounding brendon his uncle steven avery, was heavily scrutinized since netflix released "making a murderer" portrayed as confusened and vulnerable now. a judge is critical of how he was interrogated by investigators. >> who shot her in the head? >> he did. >> reporter: in the ten-part series making a murderer, 16-year-old dassey confesses to helping steven avery, rape, murder and mutilate a woman in wisconsin. >> it is okay.
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>> cut her where?her roat. >> reporter: a u.s. magistrate judge concluded investigators made repeated false promises while interrogating dassey. factors, age. intellectual deficits and absence of supportive result, rendered his confession in voluntary. state prosecutors have been given 90 days to decide whether to retry or release dassey. the now 26-year-old serving a life sentence alongside, steven avery, following separate trials. >> the confession is the product of police contamination. >> you had a young man who believed that the only way he was going to get out of that room was to tell these police officers what they wanted to hear. critics including former wisconsin state prosecutor, ken
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murderer" series is bias and ignore incriminating evidence. in a statement to cbs this morning, the documentary film maker said this recent news shows the criminal justice system that work. we will continue to document the story as it unfolds and follow it wherever it may lead. >> i think it made this judge be even more careful. more thorough in his analysis. that's why we have a very well reasoned, 91-page, opinion. >> the wisconsin department of justice which handled the case says it has no comment and remains to be seen how friday's ruling will affect steven avery a case. in a statement, the attorney says invalidation of the dassey confession is a giant step forward in exposing the deceptive investigation techniques used to frame steven avery." the "cbs overnight news" will be
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? music ? extraordinary starts here. ights. k-y intense. ? ? one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico.
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geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. oh, hey jen! hey... are buying finish these days. i got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. really? you should try it. narrator: finish is recommended by more dishwasher brands worldwide than cascade. unlike cascade gel, finish has active cleaning enzymes. finish.
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everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that. if you have a life insurance policy you children to receive money after you die. an audit of leading insurance companies shows significant beneficiaries are not getting paid. lesley stahl takes a closer look in a story for "60 minutes." >> the beneficiary never comes forward he or she doesn't know the policy exists. >> reporter: but the companies know, says kevin mccarty,
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florida who led the national task force investigating the industry. and the companies don't pay he says unless a beneficiary makes a claim. >> what we found is that companies have actual knowledge in their files that people have died yet they have neglected to initiate an investigation and pay the claim. >> life insurance companies are failing to pay out death benefits when they know the person is dead and they're claiming they don't know. >> in many cases, that has been the, that has been exactly what we have found. >> reporter: when you found that, what, what went on inside you? >> my first instinct was of course, unleash the hound of hell let's go after them. and expose them. for the, for the unconscionable indefensible behavior that was going on. >> reporter: he says some of the policies are worth more than $1
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$10,000. as the a result. joseph got a payment of $5,000 from his sister's policy. >> i was the administrator of her estate when she died in june 1990. we didn't know anything about this at all. >> you are talking about millions of policies. policies we're dealing with in florida. >> reporter: jeff atwater, chief financial officer in florida in charge of regulating the state insurance agency. >> you can assume from what we have found, policies that should have been paid out in 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s were never paid. >> you are saying it is part of
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>> after all we looked at, hard to imagine. not a small dollar amount. billions of dollars that stay in the investment cuts of these insurance companies, rather than return money to the families. >> till us some of the big names. >> it would be all the large brand names, john hancock, met life, prudential. many have sat done and made right. >> reporter: no one disputes that insurers pay out on policies when the beneficiary files a proper claim. but, says kevin mccarty of florida, many of the companies routinely and deliberately disregarded evidence in their own files that the policy holders had died. unless someone filed a claim, he >>ife policy in florida january, 2002. insurer died in april. 2008. we actually have in the insurance company's file, a copy, a scan copy of the death certificate. and the accompanying envelope which displayed the spouse's return address. >> with the spouse's address on it. >> right here.
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>> less than one month after the death. the policy was terminated for nonpayment. >> industry lobbyists like this one at recent hearing in florida. argue that the burden falls on the ben fish ears. >> if you sign the contract. you are obligated to know what is in it. awe companies argue that they up with the copy or policy itself. >> yeah. >> if they didn't do that. we don't have an obligation. >> the florida law says something too. you have to look ate, not in just in terms of the contact. but your responsibilities under the florida insurance code. i am here to say that you have a responsibility to investigate a claim if you know some one has died. and if you have a letter that says you are deceased you have knowledge that the person has died.
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state. he says similar laws are on the books across the country. state regulators first got wind of the insurance industry practice from jim hartley and jeff drubner run a technology auditing company, veris financial. based on an insider tip in 2006. employing techniques he used as an fbi agent combed through insurance company data and discovered that the insurers were routine leap using the social security death master file which is a constantly updated list of people who have died in the united states. >> what was the significance to you that they were using the death master file for something. >> i knew at that point that they knew. they know who they insured. if they have a list of everybody that passed away. i knew that they new. >> so what was the next step? >> the next step was speak to the states. there wasn't one treasurer, controller or attorney general who didn't have a reaction that this, this shouldn't be allowed
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>> drubner went on to discover. most insurance companies use the death master file when it was to their advantage. to cut off annuity or retirement payments once the policyholder died. but they didn't then notify the life insurance side of the company. >> we have actual cases, leslie, where a policy holder had beth an annuity and a life policy. they term -- terminated the annuity. they knew the person was dead. and claimed over here they didn't know he was dead. >> when we went in and looked in the memos. the right side told the left side. >> you saw it in the audits. >> we saw it in the audits >> reporter: something else they
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that in addition to a death benefit. build up a cash nest egg like 401(k). what they found is that when a beneficiary did not come forward, the company continued to pay themselves premiums out of the dead person's nest egg. in this $20,000 policy. the nest egg was drained down more than $9,000 to 0. after the person had died. california controller betty yee says that kind of siphoning off wa beneficiaries did not come forward. >> how can you not be outraged by this? >> she says in about a third of the cases, there was evidence of >>h s this the file you saw with the word deceased in large unmistakable letters? >> deceased with the date of death. >> still they didn't stop paying
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no. you would have thought with that kind of indication the next step would be to confirm that, by looking up a death master file. beginning the claims process. t >> they didn't. when the cash was used up. the companies cancel the policy. under the law they're allowed to use, paying premiums using accumulated cash while alive. mccarty says the law was intended as a way to protect consumers. >> for instance if you have a life policy, and you lose your job and you can't make your premium payment. they will take some cash built up in the policy and pay the premium. great for consumer protection. >> reporter: in this situation,
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stealing when you know, and you know in your books and records the person its dead. and you drain the policy. >> now if you think about that. if you would have explained that, frying to sell that policy. >> at the beginning. >> sitting in your kitchen and saying, you know you have got all of these symbols of security and financial stability. we will be there for you with your family. and their grief. but nay say, by the way, if you stick that policy in a sthu box and stick it in your closet. not only are we not going to look for you. we are going to take all the cash value in it. >> give it back to the company. and leave your beneficiary with nothing. here, sign here. >> to watch the full report. go to cbs and click on 60 minutes.
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(franklin d. roosevelt) the inherent right to work is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources... ...and inspired as it should be to make those resources and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all... ...we approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now.
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u.s. olympic swimmer anthony earvin is completing a comeback. >> anthony earvin was so determined to finish strong friday night in the 50 meter race. the gold he jammed his finger. >> turned around and saw the one next to my name. smiled, laughed. and knew my brother and friend were in. i let loose a roar. hopefully they could hear. record keepers heard it too. with this gold and the one he shared for last week's 4 x 100 meter relay, earvin ties the record the olympic athlete with the longest gap between medals.
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when at 19 years old, he tied for gold in the same race he won on friday. >> at 19 it was such a flurry of -- new experiences. >> so daunting that not long after he walked away from the pool for almost a decade. he battled depression. even attempted suicide. but now he has the got two new one to take its place. >> going to keep these gold medal sntz. >> keeping them for now. unless you want to try them on? >> of course i want to try them on. >> try them on. >> this isn't about me. it is about you. >> it is about. >> these are heavy, man.
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himself. >> it is comforting to know, whatever way, misguided or not it can give inspiration to others. >> inspiring others led him to write "chasing water" it looks like he published it too soon. >> the new chapter not in the book. what do the you want people to learn from you now? >> i don't know. give me a few years to write about it. despite talk about his age he is not giving up the pool look last gold medal. >> you are not going to retire? >> no. >> you are 35. >> yeah. how old are you? going to retire next year? everybody wants to resist aging. why? there is dignity in that. it's -- it's a good thing. right? >> earvin isn't ruling out a sprint for gold in tokyo in 2020. one thing that would be new if he does compete there, fatherhood.aftehis win over the weekend, that he is the father to a newborn baby girl. but he hasn't been able to meet
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? it's tuesday, august 16th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." >> i call it extreme >> that's how donald trump describes his latest plan to take on terrorism. the cold war era test he'd put immigrants through on their way to the united states. the suspect is in jail tonight. >> breaking overnight, erupts in applause, in an arson arrest in northern california where a


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