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tv   WBZ News  CBS  November 7, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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investigation. shape --chantee lans, wbz news. now to the election, donald trump and hillary clinton are putting much of their focus on new hampshire. polls open in massachusetts at 7:00 tomorrow morning. voters will make the final voice after a long and divisive campaign. >> hard to believe but this is it. the candidates spent their last day on the campaign trail with donald trump in florida, north carolina, pennsylvania, new hampshire and hillary clinton, michigan, north carolina, and then 2 rallys in pennsylvania. we have team coverage tonight and start with paul burton with the story in durham, new hampshire where president obama is speaking on clinton's behalf. >> i am super excited and service. >> reporter: thousands of students skipped classes to hear president obama's speech and show support for hillary clinton. >> we are so excited the day
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voted for a stronger, fairer, better america where we build bridges, not walls. >> reporter: the final push for voters ahead of the election took place in pennsylvania, michigan, and north carolina but a lot of energy could be felt on campus waiting for president obama. manysay that clinton has done a good job focusing on younger voters and having president obhe win over those 2 are undecided. >> i think she can. i think some supporters had a hard time following her lead but i think she has done a great job bringing them along. >> this will energize students and hopefully get them out to vote because students are important this year. >> reporter: an election, way too close to call. >> i think it will be a very close one and i'm really
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>> reporter: president obama just took center stage and is speaking right now. let's listen in. >> we doubled our production of clean energy. we became the world's leader in fighting climate change. we brought home more of our men and women we took out osama bin laden. marriage equality is a reality from coast to coast. high school graduations are at an all time high. college enrollment at an all
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across all 50 states, i've seen what always has made america great. i've seen you, the american people, not just democrats but people of every party, people of every faith who know that we're stronger together. >> reporter: and while president obama is rallying folks here in new hampshire to get out to vote, hillary clinton is ending her day with a rally in pennsylvania where everte i'm paul burton, wbz news, back to you. >> paul, thank you. and donald trump is getting ready for a big rally tonight, confident that the four electoral votes could help him win the white house. louisa moller is live with more tonight. >> reporter: lisa, this is where it all started for donald trump, his first primary win in february and now he is hoping that the granite state can put
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battle ground states. on the final day of his surprising campaign, donald trump stuck to the promises that won him the gop nomination. >> we will build a great wall, and yes, mexico will pay for the wall. they'll pay for the wall. >> reporter: and delivered the pledges tailor made for the battle ground state like in north carolina and florida with a lot of voters have cast their ballots. >> new aircraft will fly naval air station pensacola. >> reporter: the clinton campaign said that they are winning the early vote but donald trump's campaign manager said that states without early voting will put them over the top. and here in new hampshire where supporters lined up early in the day to see some of trump's final moments. some political experts arguing
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happen without new hampshire's meager 4 electoral votes. >> we have been out here on the streets and highways and talking with people. so many more people now than two weeks ago that are honking and thumbs up, a lot of positive feedback. >> reporter: polls suggest it's still a very tight race in new hampshire according to the latest poll, some putting trump ahead of hillary clinton points. louisa moller, wbz news. at the same time, the polls show that the senate race in new hampshire is virtually tied with the republican candidate campaigning 24 hours straight with 24 stops. and the incumbent is campaigning in 4 towns and meeting with local businesses. lisa? david, as we prepare for results, many people have
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campaign. our political analyst jon keller is here with mores. >> i'll do my best. >> keith writes on facebook, do you think the election will be too close to call and we find out who won on wednesday? what are the odds of neither candidate getting the electoral votes? >> a lot of people are asking that question. no are the big prizes, so it could be a late might and in the unlikely event of a tie, the house chooses the president, 1 vote for every state delegation, republicans control 33 of the 50 states in terms of representation in the house so they would have a clear majority. >> that would be interesting. >> it would. >> from twitter, why do you suppose there was not much
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ballot question 1? >> it's about a slot parlor. it's written to fit the suffolk downs site in revere. voters votes against it earlier and pretty much all the local officials are against it, and you haven't heard much buzz because there is no real visible clamor. the one we have is doing okay but not up to expectation. >> we have actually, two more. susan on facebook said i haven't gotten a reason why charter schools are better. they test well because they can send students back to public school and charters in massachusetts are public schools. >> they are, and they are not necessarily better than all public schools. there are many excellent quote, unquote, conventional public schools but charter schools in massachusetts have produced great results, multiple studies
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about high expectations, high support schools with more class time and more focus on classroom teaching and more support for students and teachers. that's the imagine ebbing formula, and in boston, it is true there have been higher suspension levels in charter schools. however, it's not like they're skimming out the troubled students and dumping them. almost none of them have been excelled. >> steven writes why did newsweek already print an issue of their magazine with hillary winning and shipping it out before we even had the election? >> lisa, in a season full of wild internet rumors, this is perhaps the wildest to deal w. - - deal with. first of all, it's common practice to hit the streets with commemorative editions.
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which they will this year -- >> and the t-shirts? >> that means seahawk shirts are being thrown in the dumpster. but we checked on this, and lo and behold, the rumors that they just made up of a hillary cover, not true, two versions were prepared. there they are. sorry, conspira >> all right. thank you. look forward to tomorrow night. >> jon and lisa, thank you. the justice department is sending more than 500 staffers to 28 states on election day to monitor the polls and one place they will watch in massachusetts is quincy, specifically looking for civil rights violations. they have a high aging population and they will have officials on hand to make sure
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ballot. wbz and cbs news has you coveraged. we will have specialized coverage at 7:00 and then stay on all night if necessary. and you can join us on and on facebook for a special election webcast. it will be interactive, and i think it will be fun. >> i think so, too. and we just talked about this, debating the future of charter support. >> and a strong earthquake rattled oklahoma where tremors are becoming more common. and slowing down, of the city telling drivers to keep it under 25. >> and a bit of a chilly evening and a warm up on the way in for election day. we'll take a look at the forecast for the polls. weather, not politics. >>thank you, eric, and coming up at 6:00, yes, we know what the polls are saying and jon keller will give us three more things to watch to know which way the presidential race is
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i'm maggie hassan, and new hampshire has a very clear choice: do we keep going with a senator who repeatedly votes with the corporate special interests... or a new senator who sides with the people of new hampshire? my focus has always been on creating opportunity for working families: making college and job training more affordable. lowering prescription drug costs.
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decisions. these are my priorities, why i approve this message... and why i respectfully ask for your vote. and why i respectfully ask ? at blue cross blue shield of massachusetts, we offer a variety of medicare plans to fit your budget and your lifestyle. with plans starting as low as $0, you'll have zero things stopping you from really doing what you love. so call now to learn more about our plans that offer everything from annual wellness visits to routine hearing and vision exams, and prescription drugs. we have new dental coverage options too. and we even offer plans with no medical deductible and no referrals. plus, all our plans come with the peace of mind that you get when you have a health plan with over 50 years of medicare experience. the next chapter of your life should be all about you. that's why we're here. to learn more, contact us for our free medicare guide with no obligations.
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or visit us at ? ? our neighborhood public schools. they are the bedrock of our communities. the place where 96% of our kids are educated. but even now, these local schools are losing more than 400 million dollars a year to privately-run charter schools. and if question 2 passes, it will only get worse. we can't let that happen. lic schools and the right of all our kids to a quality education, vote no on question 2. now at 5:00, a state trooper on trial in a deadly drunk driving crash breaks down on the stand.
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car collided with that of another driver, killing her and her adult daughter. wbz's bill shields was the only reporter in the courtroom when the trooper took the stand today. >> and what happened? >> i don't remember. >> reporter: john bassler couldn't hold back when asked about the night three years ago when he was involved in an accident that left a daughter dead. it was a head-on crash with the car that killed susan and her daughter, juliette. it was on a backroad in plymouth. the court records show that bassler was at a party playing a drinking came called flip
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.19. but the defense said it was susan's car that hit head on. >> based on the skid marks on the scene, the orientation of the dodge neon was traveling southbound over -- 2 or 3 feet over the center lane of the road. >> reporter: police say that the car was doing 60 hour and bassler's, 80 in a 40- mile per hour zone. the suspended trooper said that the crash happened in an instant. >> directly in front of me. >> reporter: the jury gets the case tomorrow and regardless of which way they decide, two families lives have been altered forever. in plymouth, i'm bill shields, wbz news. a cell phone charger
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roxbury school. paramedics rushed 8 people includinged students inged -- including students to the hospital. a universal charger was being used by a student and started to spark. >> took it to the bathroom and isolated it and put it in a bucket and filled with water and it started to spark. >> students and staff were hospital for evaluation. dozens of buildings are damaged in oklahoma after a powerful earthquake. the epicenter, home to one of the key oil centers. people in cushing, oklahoma are cleaning up after the 5.0 quake rocked their area. >> the powerful tremor shattered windows and cracked buildings and had bricking
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but there was only one minor injury. it certainly frightened people. >> i swear it looked like the ceiling was going to collapse much -- on me and it was scary. >> oklahoma has had thousands of earthquakes in recent years. scientists blame the underground injections of wastewater left over from oil and gas production. >> you an earthquake center, and here we are on monday, gorgeous. >> we are used to seeing the reporters in the field in the dark but not now. >> how do you feel about it? >> a little tired. >> a little tired, a little off. it might be the election, too. >> or coffee. >> it might be affecting all of us. i love this picture. this is a great area. this is a spot by the seashore
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towards coast guard beach and 1 i recommend if you are in the area. a beautiful day on cape cod. even with the chill in the area, 38 in orange and 40 in plymouth and hyannis, 44. and it's going to be a cold night. the storm brought ocean affect clouds and is moving farther to the east and we have milder air across e country that will move in tomorrow tonight, clear and cold and 30s along the shoreline. tonight, 29 in taunton and 20s in plymouth and towards freezing in hyannis and sub- freezing temps on cape cod. if you have still-growing plants, cover them up or bring them in. tomorrow, not much happening after a cold start and no issues at the polls, beautiful, 40 at 8:00 a.m.
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60s as we head into the afternoon. so mild and dry and not much wind to speak of. a high of 62 in boston, norwood, 63 and 50s on the cape, the pick of the week, the best weather day. across the country, weather is not an issue for anybody. a few showers from texas reaching into the midwest but no torrential rain or severe weather, and coast to coast, temperatures above average. as we look to the rest of the week, th the best chance of rain, wednesday, and wednesday, considerably cloudiness and temps in the mid-50s and a gray day and rain showers moving through with the best shot of rainfall this week. the next ocean form is off to the east. and we will be left with the sunshine on thursday and then on friday, the next front. this, too, doesn't have a lot of moisture. a chance for a couple of showers. but what it does have is a pretty potent shot of cold air and that will move through
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saturday, a blustery, wintery day on accidents with temperatures in the 40s and winds gusting and a chilly start to the weekend but it doesn't stick around. on sunday, the cold air is already pulling out to the north and a milder air will move in, and on sunday afternoon, back up in the 50s yet again, so a winter preview that is not olding old -- holding on for long. a chance for a shower veteran's day, friday, but mild be the colder air plunges in and back to the milder stuff next week, so ups and downs but no big storms to look at. david and lisa ? >> thank you. could virtual reality be the key to losing weight? >> how they could help you drop unwanted pounds. >> and coming up at 5:30, what do local kids think should be president of the united states? what students think about the election and results of their
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massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted that our kids would go to great public schools. but some kids aren't so lucky. where they live, they don't go to a great school, and they have no choice. imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. public charter schools give parents a choice and are a pathway to success for these kids. if you like your school, question 2 won't affect you. but question 2 will change the future for thousands of kids who need your help. please join me and
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on the bz feed somerville is working to get drivers to slow down a bit. >> starting today, the speed limit is 25 miles per hour on just about every street but there are exceptions. you can drive fast or route 16, anywhere else that there is a
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speed will make the streets safer and it should not make much difference in travel time or traffic. >> it's really about the side streets with kids playing and it's densely populated, a lot of cars can be dangerous. >> right, and opposed to putting up speed bumps. looking to lose weight? you might want to try virtual rawlt. >> headsets can hack someone's senses. they claim they n fat foods taste better and alter our perception of portion size, reducing the amount of food that someone eats by 10%. i don't know. >> you gotta wear that thing to tell you how big a portion is? >> i think it will stop from you eating because it's so awkward to eat with that on. >> definitely not in public.
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>> a new online craze, mannequining. the fad was shown through an entire campus, and kevin hart and his workout buddy froze in place at the jim and even the pittsburgh steelers had fun with it in their locker room. okay. >> that wasn't fun. see what happens when you don't tell the control room you are doing something? >> what are they doing? a woman had a baby her bag in australia. officers didn't believe her, and then they found the 6-month- old koala nicknamed alfred. she started to care for the joey after she found him in the road the night before. alfred was dehydrated but otherwise, okay. i mean, a koala bear? >> adorable but shouldn't be in a handbag. don't put a koala on a handbag. i'll be back at 6:00. and paula is here with a look
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and you can get just about anything on amazon and now, it may be willing to clean your house, and after everything you have heard about the dangers of crib bumpers, why did the government just pass on a chance to ban them? and the clock is ticking on the undecided voters. what may tip the scales in favor of one candidate or the
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ben hassan is my older brother. he is so funny, and so smart, and my best friend. all families have challenges, and my mom instilled in us very early on the importance of finding solutions to those challenges. and working really hard with your community to get things done. and she made it possible for ben and for me that's part of the reason that she got involved in public service, because that's what's in her heart... and mom's still that way today. i'm maggie hassan and i approve this message. massachusetts' newspapers rarely agree, but they do on question 2. they agree opponents have run a "campaign of misinformation" to spread "fear through white, affluent neighborhoods." they agree in the suburbs question 2 will have "no impact on their schools and their children." they agree it will provide
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and help reduce "the achievement gap." question 2 is "a kid's civil right." join leading newspapers and governor baker
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now at 5:30 after months and months of campaign ads and rallies, election day 2016 is one day away. the secretary of state here expects more than 3 million people to vote. i'm david wade. liam is on assignment tonight. >> and i'm paula ebben, and that includes 1 million people who and new hampshire could be the key to the white house. >> reporter: hours away from election day and the fight for four electoral votes has taken center stage on college campuses across the granite state. >> there is a huge responsibility in such an important state as new hampshire. >> reporter: the battle rages on because of the number of voters undecided. >> yeah. i'll probably be voting, but,
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want, though. >> reporter: how many of your friends are in the undecided vote spot still? >> a lot. a lot of undecided because they don't want to be judged by their peers who they are voting for which could be a huge issue. >> reporter: the latest polls out of new hampshire shows nearly 15% of voters are still on the fence, and donald trump and hillary clinton are pourin scales for one final pitch before voters head to the polls. >> just like i don't know, really. >> it's about what is beast for myself and my future career and my parents and their future. >> reporter: nick giovanni, wbz news. libertarian vice


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