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tv   Sunday Morning  CBS  November 27, 2016 9:00am-10:30am EST

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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> pauley: good morning. i'm jane pauley. this is "sunday morning." cuban dictator fidel castro died friday night as the age of 90. but the task of assessing his legacy has barely begun. we'll be taking stock throughout the morning beginning with a look back at castro the man from
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morning" cover story. >> fidel castro, it seemed as if he loved nothing better than to poke us in the eye. thanks to him, for more than half a century, cuba, a tiny island, has been the tail wagging the dog where u.s. politics and policy are concerned. ahead the death of fidel castro, the provocateur is gone but f the united states the legacy remains. >> pauley: back is business as usual, show business, a lady who rocks. lady gaga by name. will be talking to lee cowan. >> she's reinvented herself so many times.
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>> seems like. you're more lady now than gaga. does that make sense? >> sewed. what about tomorrow? >> her latest in carnation. ahead on "sunday morning." >> pauley: a one man fringe movement has been making his mark. so much so that it's caught the eye of faith saily. >> if i were to tell you that ben venom makes understated and ocean 'going art quilt i'd be lying. do you picture your quilts like wrapped around something? >> yeah, if hell were to freeze over then maybe they would need a quilt i could provide that. >> quilt, is that rock later on
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questions and answers for casey of a fleck, the tracy smith does the honors. >> you can't talk about the oscars this year without mentioning casey of a fleck. but he doesn't want to hear it. >> making too big a feel is a mistake. >> do you let yourself hear the oscar buzz that's going on now? >> no, i don't. i never listen to it. of a fleck. >> pauley: from seth doane we have a postcard from tokyo from the train station to be precise. a glimpse of secret life of american muslims. say our goodbye to florence henderson. first, the headlines for this sunday morning the 27th of november, 2016.
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revolutionary leader fidel castro. flags are flying at half mast as the nation marks nine days of official mourning. we have two reports beginning with havana. >> the usually vibrant neighborhoods of cuba's capital are i would net morning. we brief along the city's historic waterfront last night. while it's usually bustling the crowds were small sore a satu confirmation, fidel castro's remains were set to have been cremated according to his wish wishes. at the university students held a remembrance for their leader. it was quite a different scene in little ha anna where people celebrated the ruthless dictator.
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first opportunity to publicly pay their respects starting tomorrow with the largest gathering expect on tuesday as the revolution scare the scene of some of his most fiery and most important speeches. his remains will be held down a route retracing in reverse the victory march he took with the revolutionary army in 1959. his funeral will be held next the cradle of his revolution. in havana. >> in mob doning recommend rating a dick for who has been called a hero and skies nor. his mixed legacy is condemned or celebrated. in russia president vladimir putin a symbol of air, close
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revolution. his people have lost a close comrade. and in mexico, he promoted respect and dialogue. and his unwaivering support of the knicks' anti-apartheid movement. in madrid, some saw political asylum had a more sobering. >> a reference to squad fa targeted descenters. and more measured, he represented his hope. and pope francis who met with him kept his condolences, sold his brother and raul he was grieving. >> in a statement president obama did not praise castro but
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declared now is the time to extend a hand of friendship to the cuban people. but president elect donald trump denounced castro as, quote, a brutal dictator. hillary clinton team hill take part in the vote recount. green party candidate jill stein requested and wisconsin 'election port approved it. early holiday shopping figures,i adobe which tracks online retail transactions reports that people spent a record $5.27 billion online on thanksgiving day and friday. that is more than 17% jump over 2015. from hollywood, news of the passing of ron glass, the character actor perhaps best known for detective ron harris in the long running tv series
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reported cause, respiratory failure. now the weather much of the west will be wet. a big storm will blanket the cascades and rockies and snow while soaking the plains with rain. dry across the east. in the week ahead it's going to be tough to escape scattered showers but california southern compost is looking good. >> ahead, fidel castro, a look
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at t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods, where days are filled with magic, not madness. it's why we have amazing prices on thoughtful gifts, everyday.
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>> pauley: fidel castro, dead at the age of 90. we imagine that many of those who have opposed the cuban dictator all their lives barely allow themselves to believe t after all, he's been a dominating figure on the world scene for as long as most of us can remember. our cover story is reported by martha teichner. >> on cuba's southern coast. the year of jungle fighters the rebels of --
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than 50 years after tore the fact. >> fidel castro here our former technician, students, towns people and simple -- >> up in the hills with his rebels, fidel castro looked and sounded like a freedom fighter. a romantic hero, not the bogeyman he became to so many. >> in the -- you can be sure. >> but there was no battle. on new year's day, 1959, cuban dictator, general fulgencio batista, the bloated, corrupt
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fidel castro was born in 1926. one of five children. his family was prosperous and owned a sugar plantation in eastern cuba. educated by the jesuits he became a lawyer. the poverty castro saw around him, the inequality turned him into a revolutionary. >> fidel castro at the age of 32 you now have great deal of power and responsibility. >> a month after taking power interviewed on cbs by edward r. mr. row castro said exactly what americans want to hear. >> are you concerned about the communist influence in cuba? >> i am not worried because really there is not a threat. >> it's still not clear whether he changed or whether he lied.
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opponents, when castro started nationalizing industries and appropriating u.s. property in cuba, it didn't matter. the u.s. response, sanctions. the economic embargo that exists to this day. since the early 1960s, more than a million cubans have left. most landed in miami with nothing but their lives. and the fierce determination to bring fidel castro down one way in april of 1961, an army of cuban exiles backed by the cia tried to slip into the bay of pigs and liberate the island. the invasion was a disastrous and embarrassing failure. with a jubilant castro playing david to the u.s. goliath, a role he fine tuned for the rest of his life, with help from the
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>> with cbs fusion extra -- the following year in 1962, u.s. spy planes spotted the russians installing nuclear missiles in cuba. >> russian manned ballistic missiles. >> our cold war. udly cuba seemed railroad is, very important. >> i have directed the armed forces to prepare for the eventuality. >> castro did not bl appealed to him to play this role. but he would harbor these missiles that could threaten the great imperial that he could do this. >> jay taylor represented u.s. interests in cuba in the 1980s. >> the world teetered on the edge. of a america war. we're talking about the world, millions. >> shall be the polyof this
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missile launch fred cuba to any nation in the western hemisphere by the oaf yet union. requiring a full response. >> for a couple of terrifying weeks, president i don't know f. kennedy and soviet leader nikita played chicken until kru,hcner backed down and the missiles were removed. but that wasn't the end of the russians pumped something like $5 billion a year into the cuban economy. propping it up while the united states kept tightening the screws, toughening the sanction, that one day casio would fall. with the ica repeatedly tried to kill him.
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dissidents, neutralizing political rivals. speaking for hours on end before vast crowds bussed in to hear him. which brings us to 1980. the mariel boat lift that year was a huge repudiation of castro's claim that cubans were happy and content. told they were free to go, 125,000 did, risking their and makeshift rafts for the 90 mile crossing to florida. >> it did hurt his image but in the end, the fact that the united states then had to stop this flow having said we would not turn our backs on them. suddenly we did, we said, turn them back and top the boats. that castro then, i think felt that he had emerged from from that. >> especially when it became
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ref pew fees were insane or criminals, turned loose from prisons and asylums. if life in cuba was bad then, it got worse when the oaf yet union collapsed in 1991. suddenly all that oaf yet money was gone. along with the oil cuba received in exchange for sugar. cubans were literally starving. was in sight. but in 1993, fidel castro, the crafty survivor, did something startling to prop up the cuban economy. he legalized the u.s. dollar. which meant that if your relatives in miami sent you money, you could afford to eat. today, those payments bring in $3 billion a year.
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investment, suddenly cuba looked like one big construction site. you name the country, canada, france, spain, mexico, the netherlands, israel. everybody but the united states was there building massive resort hotels and condos for the two million tourists who now visit cuba every year. in 1998 when fidel castro let the pictures do the talking, the world saw cuba surviving in spite of the u.s. trade embargo. it was political theater on a grand scale. the kind castro loved. remember the custody showdown over elian gonza?lez, the small boy rescued at sea after his mother drowned trying to escape. castro won, the boy was returned
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make the cuban community in miami look bad and the cuban community in miami frankly felt right into the trap. >> is a sociology professor at florida international university. >> the revolution was simply claiming a son for his father. >> the revolution does have its supporters who give castro credit for raising the literacy rate in cuba to nearly 100%. and for providing free health care to all. cuba turns out highly skilled doctors, respected throughout latin america. in february 2008, after a long illness, fidel castro officially transferred cuba's presidency to his younger brewer, raul. >> today the united states of
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cuba. >> it was raul who agreed in 2014 to restoration of diplomatic relations with the united states. it was raul who welcomed president obama to cuba in march of this year. less than a month late every, a frail, faded fidel castro, appeared at a communist party congress. soon i will be 90 years ol said. in what seemed like a farewell address. stating, everyone's turn comes, but the ideas of cuban communists will remain. he turned 90 on august 13, the day of his last public appearance. but even in death, he remains a bogeyman to some. >> astro will always be
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american revolutionary who stood up to the united states and won. won in terms of his health brought him down, not anything that the united states ever did. >> the man the united states tried so hard to topple tormented 11 american presiden presidents. and died on his own terms. >> pauley: ahead. the cold facts. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ? tum -tum -tum -tum ?
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>> pauley: and now a page from our sundae morning am ma knack, november 2, 1701. 315 years ago today. the birthday of the swedish scientist, anders celsius. celsius is best known for the temperature scale that bears his name. unlike his predecessor gabriel fahrenheit, whose scale had water freezing at 32 degrees and boiling at 212, anders celsius separated boiling and freezing by exactly 100 degrees. however, for some reason he marked the degrees on his original thermometer upside down with zero as the boiling point and 100 as the freezing point. go figure.
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for freezing and 100 for boiling. and generations of american school kids have been figuring out how to convert fahrenheit and celsius and vice versa ever since. today the united states stands alone among the major industrial nations in still using fahrenheit. and based on the apparent degree of resistance across the land to a switch to celsius, it seems unlikely we'll be warming to the ahead, quilts of heavy metal. >> there's a right way and wrong way to do it.
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>> pauley: how will history judge fidel castro. is there good to weigh against the bad. according to the cia's latest fact book cuba's infant mortality rate is 4.5 per 1,000 births. that is lower than the 5.8 reported here in the united states.
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78.7. cuba has 72 doctors per 1,000 people. more than double the numbers per thousand in our country. weighed against these pluses are the negatives of decades of political oppression. though there's no hard number, political executions by firing squad totaled just over 3100 according to the nonprofit think thank cuba archive. human rights watch arbitrary detentions during the first eight months of last year. there's that nod of cuban ref few tease to the u.s. to consider. more than 1.1 million cuban immigrants now live in the united states. that's roughly one-tenth of
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jane this is not your grandmother's quilt.
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craft. faith salie gets right to the point. >> i liken it to shooting machine guns when it's at full throttle. >> sit down with ben venom in his studio in san francisco's haight ashbury. >> a right way and wrong way and way that i decided to do it. my way. >> and it doesn't take long to realize he isn't quite like other quilters. >> i'll listen to music or watch movies, but ultimately the noise of the machine drowns a the lo out because my head is right in it. pretty much my world is right around here. >> his world is filled with arresting images like these. his quilts sell for thousands of dollars.
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world and have names like aces high and iron fist. >> refers to a motorhead song. ? then i have these all-seeing eyes kind of the third eye keeping watch. then the drops of blood. >> a quilt? >> yes. >> what's a quilt. i bleed. it hurts. your blood is in a q >> on one of them, one or two of them you can see it. that's my signature there. >> ben venom's other signature? using everything from donated women's jeans and leather jackets to old rock t-shirts in his quilts. >> this is iron maiden. and this is toxic holocaust. ?
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skin. >> can i touch it? >> yeah. >> really? >> it looks like snake skin. bleached denim right here. t-shirts. waterproof camouflage. >> where did the as it washed jeans come from? >> some are donated. some i'll buy big piece of denim i'll do it myself. i live in haight ashbury with the year of tie-dye but it's the years of the '80s up listening to punk rock and heavy metal. his life was changed forever when he went to see exhibition of quilts. >> i saw the cheese bang quilt show in 2006 here in san francisco. i was blown away by their work. these quilts women have made. they usary cycled fabrics. >> that show in tired him to
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closet to make his f sirs and still to this day favorite quilt. >> that quilt has a t-shirt on it that is band testament. i wore the testament t shirt for probably close to 15 years. i wore it so much it was so threadbare you could see through it. at that point i was like, not too metal to wear out in public now. i cut it up put into it that first quilt that i made in 2008 called "listen to heavy metal >> are there mistakes? >> i'm not going to point them out. sometimes i don't know how to -- how this should be folded i just do it, make my own way. but the fact that it's hand made allows for mistakes to come through. >> we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents. >> a happy accident. >> a metaphor for life. >> i grew up watching bob ross
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studio that he had. always playing with the brushes. >> happy little tree. >> that's my upbringing. >> some kind of whimsy. do you put humor? >> absolutely. >> totally understand the level of absurd de. it is absurd that i do these quilts that this strong aggressive imagery but it's the end result is like functional piece of fabric, right? i >> when ben venom gives an art talk, it sounds like this. ? this band, hazzard's cure, donated shirts for him to quilt with, so he in turn invited them to his art talk. and sewed patches on the jackets of fans while the band played.
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collision. collision of fine art crafting what i call the fringes of society. that refers to like, motorcycle club punk rock, occult, paying on aim. i take those put them together. much like the large hadron collider in bern. we shoot opposites together they hit, new energy is released like a chain reaction happens. i want to live right there, right in that razor's edge. that fine line where the energy is released. >> pauley: still to come. >> you were working in 8th grade? >> i've been home by 10:00 or -- >> pauley: ben's brother. casey of a fleck. >> here we go. >> later, lady gaga on life, fame and music.
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films such as "oceans 13" now one of this year's candidates for hollywood's highest honer. this morning, he's sitting down with tracy smith for some questions and answers. >> that boat's too small for this ship. >> for casey of a fleck, 2016 has been quite a pride. he started the year helping to save a sinking ship in "the finest hours." >> every fella here wants to live, only way that happens if we run her aground. >> his latest film is the one keeping oscar dreams afloat. in "manchester by the sea" of a
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>> his character is tormented by a cruel twist of fate that we won't spoil for you here. off screen with a null beard for upcoming role, he's a bit less somber. >> this was originally matt day mob's role? >> he would not say it was his role. >> they are long time friends. and he, yes, casey is ben's younger brother. but at 41, he's not exactly standing in anyone's shadow. >> goat down. >> he was honest cop in "a den of corruption" in this year's crime thriller. >> you got a problem with me? put it on the table. don't pull me aside. >> he's been in all three
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>> everybody looks out his own window. >> he held his own with morgan freeman in "gone, baby, gone" as private investor in real life hometown boston. >> how much of who you are is boston would you say? >> a lot of who i am. this is -- this feels like my home still. i come back as much as possible. >> his parents divorced when he boys would often come home to in the mouse. >> bend and i took care of ourselves. >> latchkey kids? >> yeah. >> did you guys get into trouble? >> yeah, probably. i'm not talking about it. >> fair enough. he will say that baseball was his life. as a little leaguer, and as a kid, selling hot dogs outside boston's famed fenway park. >> you were working in 8th grade you said?
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i don't know why my mother let me do that. it was crazy. i'd get home my 10:00 or 11:00 went to bed. >> working man in 8th grade. another childhood memory. spending time with his father at his job, a celebrated local joint called the cantab lounge. >> your dad bartended. >> it did. >> that was my favorite bar in college. >> are you kidding me? >> i'm not kidding. settle joe. >> are you kidding? >> i did. >> you're in the wrong career. >> i'm not. >> when he would go to work we were very young have to go sit one of the tables just like endlessly drink ginger ales he was working which was fun. >> he started acting full time out of high school. in 1995 landed his first movie
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sky for" with nicole kidman. >> did you say something? >> joaquin phoenix was another actor became my best friend. we lived together for awhile. >> also married to joaquin's his ser, summer, they recently split after ten years and two kids. despite his early you can , school enrolled full time at columbia university. but after couple of years, hollywood lured him back. >> i'm sitting in a rocking chair chatting with jessie james. >> got his first real taste in 200 opposite brad pitt in the assassination of jessie james. >> do i have to say that movie, you have to say the whole thing.
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people went to see it. >> what happened there? >> just takes a minute for a movie to catch on it wasn't easy sell. maybe people heard that brad pitt died half way through and this other guy carried it. i'm not sure exactly. >> still it got him noticed. best performance by an actor in supporting role, the nominees are -- assassination of jessie james by the coward" he seemed to be on role until this. he directed 2010? "i'm still here" a spoof documentary, pursued career at rap artist, meant as gag but almost no one laughed. >> people didn't get the joke.
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what's more i think it annoyed people because they thought we were trying to sort of pull the wool over their eyes. >> not only did the film flop. but affleck was named in two civil sexual harassment suits by women who worked on the film. he vehemently denied the charges and both sights were settled out of court. >> where are you going 1234. >> after nearly 20 2/3rds years, affleck says he still wonders about his place in the business and college degree he never finished. university i said, i was sort of hoping that i would -- i would say i spent two years maybe you can give me the degree. this tells you a lot about my -- and i thought this they would like, sure, horseman rear degree. great work you've been doing out there. i finally got a dean on the phone and i explained my
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you have to reapply, by the way you owe us $15,for your tuition. i thought, no, dock -- no honorary degree then? i told you -- >> not that it matters to someone who soon may have another date at the oscars. >> what do you think you're going to do? >> it seems casey affleck's time has come again. i came across a "new york times" headline from a few years that said casey affleck should be more famous. >> a curse. >> should you be? >> no. i don't think so. i'm pretty happy with how things are right now. i feel like i get to do movies i like to do every now and again. make a living. i don't get bothered on the street. like working, just trying to find a balance, whoever wrote that headline and that article, gimme their name after this i'll reach out to them and explain
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>> pauley: ahead. >> pauley: ahead. >> lot of women say to me, i really hated you. >> lot of women say to me, i >> the story of a lovely lady. ?don't try to change me in any way? ?oh? ?don't tell me what to do? ?just let me be myself? ?that's all i ask of you? ?you don't own me? toyota. let's go places. ? looking for clear answers for your retirement plan? start here. or here. even here. and definitely here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7 to make retirement planning simpler. we let you know where you stand,
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because, honestly, our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. >> pauley: it happened this past week. the loss of america's most beloved blended family mom. actors florence henderson died thursday night of heart failure in los angeles. born the tenth of ten children in small down indiana, henderson studied drama in new york. where she landed the lead role
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? many of a new day ? >> other roles and stint on the "today" show with dave garroway followed in due course. >> here's the story of a lovely lady ? >> her debut on "the bread bunch." in 1969 that made her a huge star. >> it's like your father and i always say find out what you do best then do your best with it. >> for five seasons henderson played carol brady. >> alice the washington machine -- >> dispensing common sense wisdom, humor and lover to her combined brood of six children. >> elbow toward left field and your right elbow in. >> hi, honey. >> popular throw carol brady wasser image of perfection did raise the hackles of some women
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>> lot of women say to me, i really hated you. because my kids wand you to be their mother. and i said, but you like me now, don't you? yeah. >> florence henderson was 82. >> pauley: coming up, tracking the station master.
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>> pauley: although the 2020 tokyo olympics are almost four years of a, the station master at the main strain station already seems to be running his own kind of marathon. every day. seth doane has sent us a postcard from japan. >> it's home to japan's super sleek shinkansen. or but let train it's a stop for nearly two million passengers
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weekday. this is tokyo station, and at the center of the universe, clad in white, is the station master. like his trains, takashi etoh, keeps a tight schedule. we raced around trying to keep up with him. it's vital to check on things with my own eyes, he said. let's make it nice and tidy he instructed this cleaner. he told catch cold. you seem to love your job. i do, he agreed. adding after my wife but i've been with trains longer. does your wife ever get jealous? no, he said, we have a saying in japan, it's good to have a husband whose healthy and absent. this station really is his second family. his employees call him oyakata, jap fees for parent. at the start of his day, we
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painting the character "en" which means connection. his favorite word. from cradle to grave we encounter millions of people, he said, the few we share our workplace with are precious. and, get this, he bows whenever he enters or exits the station. it mentally prepares you for customers, etoh told us, shows them appreciation. we watched as he salutedai stopped for a quick picture, and monitored the cleaners who turn around these trains in seven minutes flat, no, this video is not sped up. he has almost 500 employees, he says he considers them his kids and one of the most important parts of his day is about to happen. yes. >> happy berth day to you ?
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it creates a connection, he said, everyone's birthday is that person's most special day. it is station itself, built in 1914, recently celebrated its 100th birthday. its luck tee to be standing. >> in the 1980s, it came within a hair's breath of being demolished. >> azby brown an architectu and new orleans native lived pinocchio -- tokyo for 30 years. one side of the station is modern. the other is more traditional. and faces japan's imperial palace. >> it was really a symbol of the japanese empire. it has this grandiose, classical kind of dignified appearance. the other side was really like the back side of the city. it was always a little dustier and just more business like.
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fashioned on the other. >> definitely old fashioned. yet when this building was built, this was the peak of modernism. >> today it boasts a labyrinth of shops, its own hotel and bar, even a signature tokyo station cocktail. it's remarkably clean. to save for some wrappers etoh snapped up. and a little dust he noticed mind a computer. we watched you go around and pick up the you went down, you pucked up a piece of trash you showed it to people nearby, why this i'm trying so set an example he told us, tokyo is the gateway to january japan for the olympics we'll have visitors from 200 countries. we can't speak the same language, but we can show a spanking clean station. >> all right. >> sipping one of those tokyo station cocktails we toasted to the whole idea of the this
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making a connection. >> pauley: next, to be a muslim in america. one man's story.
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at t.j. maxx, marshalls and homegoods, we've imagined the holidays this way for decades. it's why we never have crazy sales. never make you clip coupons. and always have amazing prices on popular brands and thoughtful gifts. it's time to bring back the holidays
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>> pauley: more than three million muslims live in america. in recent days we've been hearing about disturbing rise in hate crimega that's why a new documentary series "the secret life of muslims" caught our attention. the series can can seen online at vox and "usa today" network. we asked award winning filmmaker, an occasional contribute tore "sunday morning" to tell us more about it. >> when i was a skinny 11-year-old living in small town, kids through pennies at me because i was jewish. i'll never forget how that made me feel.
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must be like to be muslim in america right now. so i asked some people of that faith to tell me their stories. here's one of them. >> mark stroman was in a shooting rampage to kill as many muslims as possible. he killed a man from pakistan. he shot and killed a man from india. and on september 21st, 2001 he shot me in the face. as a usa was it's a great country, beautiful country. a remember watching western movies. the good, bad and the ugly. it was a dream that one day shy lift the wild, wild west see all those things. after graduating from military school in bangladesh, i went to dallas and loved it. we worked hard.
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gas station. give me an opportunity to learn the culture. i moved to dallas in may 001. three months before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. ten days after 9/11 i was behind the counter. a customer walked in. he was holding a double-barreled shotgun pointing at my face. i said, here's all the money. please do not shoot me. he mumbled a question. where are you from? i was confused i as soon as i said excuse me he pulled the trigger. i felt at first like a million bees stinging my face. and then i heard the explosion. frantically i placed both palms on my head. thinking i had to keep my brain from spilling out. i felt that my time was up. images of my mother, my father, my siblings and my fiance
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he was begging god, do not take me today. ten days after 9/11 stroman went on shooting spree. a white supremacist wanted revenge shot three clerks he thought were muslims. everybody was saying -- two of his victims died. stroman was convicted of murder ensensed to death. he went to haaj in nine with my mother. during rubbing on my face she was crying, i heard my my mom telling god that whatever my son wants to do with this life, help him. in my faith, islam, it says that saving a life is like saving the entire mankind. mark stroman committed a heinous crime there's no doubt. but all the good things i was
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right thing. >> mark stroman has been in prison for nearly ten years. >> sits on death row an unlikely champion to fighting to save his life. >> bhuiyan will be partially blind for the rest of his life. he wasn't interested in eye for an eye. >> i went to the u.s. supreme court asking for clemency for mark stroman. went to the u.s. federal court, u.s. state court of texas. >> this man to forgive me which to come forward. >> he wrote a long let tore me. he said that, my step father taught me some lessons that i should have never earn learned. i have unlearned some of them, still unlearning some of them. i don't know who your parents were. but it is on video just they are wonderful people to lead you to act this way. to forgive someone who is
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put my name on the list of people that he would like to talk. as soon as he came on the phone i said, mark, you should know that i never hated you. i forgive you. and he said, rais, i love you, bro. the same person, ten years back his heart was filled with hate and ignorance. but when he came to know me, he saw me as a human being. he was able to tell me that he loved me and he called me brother. president of nonprofit called, world without hate. educating people about the transformation of power of mercy and forgiveness. based on the hope that we can build a better world, a world without violence, a world without victims and world without hate. >> pauley: still to come, the
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one face of lady gaga. her introspective new hit album is another. this morning she's talking to lee cowan for the record. >> i used to come here probably four times a week to john's memorial. >> four times a week? >> yeah, i was so inspired. >> on a warm fall day in new york's central park, lady gaga came to pay her respects to john lennon. >> ? strawberry night. >> enyou insuranced visit. yet it became an event. everything around lady gaga becomes an event. by gaga standards it was tame. >> ? love is all you need. >> seems like you're more lady now than gaga, if that makes sense? >> really? >> you know what i mean? >> today. what about tomorrow? >> there was a time when the one
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the theatrical pop diva was outrageousness. >> ? i want to hold 'em ? >> she put meat dress in the fashion dictionary. her six grammys are of prove of that just part of the package. >> here we go. >> but her latest solo album, her fifth called "joanne" is a toned down diva. ? >> i can't wait to smoke them all ? whole pack like marlb marlboro ? >> people see me with less make up and what i was doing. >> you've evolved into something. >> it's less now. but i don't know, i don't know that you can put a label on growth, ya know? i'm just me. i'm just growing up. i'm 30. what i want to do now.
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her dive bar tour. plenty of dance pop. the album is not as she puts it one big party. >> there's a lot of crying. lot of crying, lot of pain. a lot of learning about myself. ? take my hand ? stay joann joanne ? >> the title track "joanne" written with producer mark ronson i sister, joanne germanotta who died at lupus of age 1 before gaga was born. her middle name is joanne, also the name of her parents italian restaurant on new york's upper west side where we met. >> playing the music for my father for the first time was very powerful. and my grandma, too. >> how did they react? >> it was interesting. my father was very, very emotional. my grandmother was, too, but she
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hope, my dear, that you won't be too maude lynn while you're putting this music into the world. what i think she meant by madeline an old world she didn't want me to have an obsession with the death of my aunt. >> ? and if you say something that you might even mean night. >> she called "joanne" her most honest record yet. including a song called million reasons. about the heartache of relationships. >> i bow down to pray ? >> her own engagement ended this year. after five years together. >> i think women love very hard. we love men. we just love with everything we have. and 134 times, i don't know that that love is met with the type of dignity that we wish it would be met with. you know, we're not trying to make you less of a man.
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fully as we love you. ? girl, where do you think you're going ? >> it all makes for introspective sound. one some critics thought might turn her fans off. in said "joanne" has scored gaga her fourth number one album. >> i think it is hard for them at times to, you know, change from album to album because is i go through quite a transformation. that's how i am as an artist. era of music. >> when you were promoting your last album you wore world's first flying dress. >> i have to laugh. >> this time it's dive bars how you're releasing it. >> ? i can't wait to get you shook up faster ] >> it's wonderful and humbling about being in dive bar where i started.
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up close and personal to the fans looking them in the eye for the first time when they hear it. it reminds me of that if this were all to go away tomorrow, all the big success, that i would still be very happy going from bar to bar, playing music for people. >> would you really? >> yes. the reason that i'm here at all is because of my relationship with my family and their encouragement of me to be a musician. and to work hard. that space, i can do anything. that's mu truth. >> ? roh, roh ? >> staying in that space wasn't always easy. >> ? want your bad romance. i want your horror." >> gaga had trouble washing off the per nona she created even for her own parents.
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my mom used to watch me have real hard time washing it off. i'd keep the wigs on and keep the make up on and kept the outfits on. it was always trying -- i never wanted to let my fans down. i wanted them to see me in my art form. ? baby, i was born this way ] >> only place lady gaga could be stephanie germanotta was behind the closed doors of her own only. >> i'm very acutely aware that i'm not free any more. as soon as i go out into the world, i belong, in a way, to everyone else. it's legal to follow me. legal to stalk me at the beach. i can't call the police or ask them to leave. and i took a long hard look at that property line and i said, well, if i can't be free out there, i can be free in here.
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getting to do whatever you want to do? >> yes, sir. >> and not what people are expecting or imposing on you to do? >> excuse me, i'm sorry. >> sit emotional because you feel just that weight on you all the time? the fame is just -- >> i miss -- i miss people. sorry. >> here ya go. >> i miss op >> just having normal conversations with people? >> yeah, i miss people. i miss, you know, going anywhere and meeting a random person and saying hi, having a conversation about life. i love people. >> the one barrier fame didn't put up, was between her and her family. especially her father, joe. >> making your dad happy is --
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girl, i'll tell you, it feels really good. i feel that today. you know, all the awards in the world, you can get into all the nightclubs, they will send you the nicest clothes. nothing better than walking into your dad's restaurant and seeing a smile on his face knowing that your mom and dad and your sister are real proud of you. and that you haven't lost touch with who you are. that for mes >> february, she'll take all she's learn fred these smaller stages to the biggest stage of all. the super bowl half time show. where she says, it's all in play. >> yeah, i always say you got to play a dive bar like you play an arena and you play an arena like you play a dive bar. >> she knows how 20 play central park, too.
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you need is love, right? >> thank you. >> that's all you need. >> she left she saw a man with a bike and hopped on. only lady gaga would make an exit, side saddle, in a pink dress and heels and somehow, make it seem normal. >> you gotta love new york. >> here we go! in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold?. go to to join the bold percent for the chance to win a trip of a lifetime. we live in a pick and choose world. love or like? naughty or nice? calm or bright? but at bedtime... ...why settle for this?
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dictators have been fashional in latin america but somehow castro was different than the tyrannical rest. with a wiry beard and a fierce gaze, always clad in olive drab military fatigues he exuded a change bearing. although cuba is an island nation of only 11 million, castro's global stature never waivered. everyone even his enemies wanted to meet the legend in peace price winning novelist, author of "100 years of solitude" once swooned that castro was born to win. even nelson man mandela once proudly thoueded, long live the cuban revolution. lone living comrade fidel castro. to the u.s. government, however, castro was always a pariah. that is until recently.
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u.s.-cuban relations, a new detente between our nationss has emerged. flying between miami and havana is not simple. a number of my students at rice university in houston, texas, for example, are this very thanksgiving weekend, in havana as part of a college baseball diplomacy gambit. but i think normization of relations between u.s. and cuba will only go so far. castro-ism will continue to be upheld in cuba bifid del's brother, raul, now 85 years old. my guess is that his shadow will still loom large. in death, fid legal, like pancho, villa, will remain a folk figure flout latin america. his tomb will be the central tourist attraction in havana no
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for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. >> pauley: time for us to go to john dickerson in washington
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"face the nation." >> dickerson: good morning. we'll talk about the death of fidel castro with florida republican senator marco rubio, what's next for u.s.-cuba relations then step out of politics step brought some of the people we're thankful for as americans have done the same this week. >> pauley: thank you, john. next week here on "sunday morning." >> we talk with the rolling stones. discover card. i'm not a customer,
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for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis make increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i may not be going for the big one, but i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke, plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. >> pauley: we leave you this "sunday morning" in yellowstone national park where male elk are bugling for mates. captioning made possible
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where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh i'm jane pauley. please join us when our trumpet sounds again next sunday
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captioning sponsored by cbs >> dickerson: today on face the nation, death of a dictator and we give thanks to some americans who help others. >> the americans celebrated in the streets of miami after commicommunist leader fidel caso died his rule spanned 10 u.s. presidents. what impact will his death have? we'll devote time to people we're grateful for on this holiday weekend. and our reporters panel in weigh-in how the trump transition is going. it's all ahead on face the nation. good morning and welcome i'm john dickerson. for the last 60 years, dictator


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