tv Today NBC June 9, 2014 7:00am-11:00am EDT
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chocolate is my other farite... friskies grillers. but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... firming + lifting makeup and fruity... our multi-benefit innovation. skin feels tighter. expression lines look more relaxed. ay, but...what's you're mot favorite of all? 3x hydration... ... beautiful coverage. hmm... 93% of women saw noticeably improved skin. the kind i have with you. good morning. radiant. rejuvenated. ambush. revlon. ki police searching for a motive meyou .d[ apebee'sorie un, me too. behind a rampage in las vegas that left five people dead, including two police officers shot execution style. what prompted a nevada couple to call for revolution before they es nd yr aesa byer sef went on a killing spree. p kept in a cage. bowe bergdahl is revealing about the harsh treatment he says he endured as he begins to yon slowly open up about his time as e a eretti nd yr aesa byer sef new revlon age defying cc cream ♪ a taliban captive, while back in heyt lun e a perfect those little fine lines, whdamawht... lun e a the dark spots, the uneven skin tone... idaho, his family is now under ents police protection. obsessed fan? correct. protect. perfect. how did a man break into sandra eamel re t hairreithat by laramd bullock's los angeles home while helps repair broken fibers. she and her young son were seals split ends. asleep inside? we'll have the latest on the damage undone. extraordinary. investigation. and celebrating the modern total repair extreme. dad. as we count down to father's from l'oreal advanced haircare. help tfur the science behind
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day, our new research on how the extraordinary hair. role of dads has changed. because you're worth it. gi oatnersban amar,ware btoda we're kicking off a week of cos. you quesdnd honest revelations and er. ngto k,rrsrun, he, can't-miss surprises, today, monday, june 9th, 2014. >> from nbc news, this is >> you'll be in the way. >> i'll get out of your way. "today," with matt lauer and >> do your qstion number one, a soft pretzel is a low fat savannah guthrie, live from many calories? studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. 300, 400, or 200. >> good morning, everyone. >> d it. welcome to "today" on a rainy monday morning. matt has the morning off. wrong. so willie geist is filling in. oureotwronono wanswer? >> good to be with you all. another big story we're going to be talking about this morning, california chrome failing to win the triple crown at the belmont. ,s gula 0 orhave a lot of people talked about the we are back on this fun day interview that steve coburn gave afterward. he's one of the co-owners of monday. we get to fill you on all the california chrome. fiery, going after the owners of juicy celebrity scoop on t's gl the winner tonalist. we're going to talk to bob "today's buzz". >> here with the hot hollywood costas about that in just a gossip you may have missed over couple minutes. >> a lot of people are saying, the weekend is correspondent the comments of a sore loser or nina terraro. is he making a good point? eahowri oo->>rt>> y wld but we're going to get to >> nina. today's top story. >> sad this weekend, some
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that deadly shooting in las vegas. breakups happened. it all started when two police did they not? >> yes. so antonio banderas and melanie officers were deliberately ambushed as they sat down for griffith have called it quits y day >>ionrfo lunch. nbc's mike taibbi has the after 18 years of marriage. >> okay. c latest. >> reporter: it began at a pizza >> melanie's filed for divorce restaurant on the north side of on u ge c las vegas. iendly split. 11:22 in the morning and two suspects, a man and a woman, though she is asking for spousal walked up to two metro police eupport and custody officers and opened fire at er o cselon.ory ed u' >> iore point-blank range. >> what precipitated this event, we do not know. my officers were simply having . b theima 1thisha's wa upm heseas lunch when the shooting started. t t >> reporter: shot dead in the , line of duty, 41-year-old alyn ut ouink. beck, and 31-year-old igor sh t yad -- d sho yomf. soldo, both with young children. police say a witness said one of the suspects shouted "this is the start of the revolution" and repareiftse that both suspects then stripped n emy, i i the open road, the officers of weapons and ns wmenngramothe>>hatou c t aac o it takes on many forms. ammunition before they left the atat, f thdndbuver restaurant, crossed the parking themaidtaicia about from the scenic highways to the rugged trails. lot to a wal-mart store, and shot and killed a civilian they from the sand covered to the well-traveled. confronted by the entrance. police say the two suspects then tohaons entered the store, exchanged they lead us to the beautyna gunfire with the first police to
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d f yglliae a lhyuneqlls n and the beauty of red simple pleasures.led. respond, and then ended the lethal episode with an apparent the open road is alive and well suicide pact. >> the female suspect shot the s male suspect, then took her own life. bo--600 9. >> reporter: as the drama safeurhi unfolded, there was panic in the store. >> a lot of people ran to the bo--600 re lerin nl ster othouth bathrooms. a lot of people, you know, ertinraci j g wnsro scared. >> reporter: and a claim by the suspects, a store employee said, pe m learnm hiakyot u'reoiep that they had targeted the two police officers. >> they said the revolution has hearing.just retreated amidst begun. they said they shot some officers, and basically get out of the store if you don't want isoisand >> hope this is something that to get hurt. >> reporter: the store's employees were all bussed to a secure location, where according is true, you k to one twitter posting, they wh would be evaluated for stress. because you'll apologize a wal-mart statement called the shootings a senseless act of noe did. tomorrow. violence, adding that the store >> right. >> so tracy morgan, how is he doing? will remain closed during what what is the latest on his is still an active condition? >> this is something so kenlegronight heepsay ut investigation. the las vegas review journal quotes police sources this mmedine morning as saying the suspects yeno anya were anti-government conspiracy buffs who had spoken to neighbors about white supremacy wnign a
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and their desire to kill cops, eaefordnrasve't wano >> ctingaydow and that after shooting these two officers they draped the bodies with a banner featuring a noybe.ybe. coil snake and the words "don't eek. aboiger e e,th out tread on me." orto lkt xad savannah? roven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe orto regumo >> mike taibbi on the case in las vegas this morning. thank you. we're learning more this to[ bri roven to treat fo pvtrfarinprevent dvt and pe morning about the conditions faced by sergeant bowe bergdahl which required routine blood testing during his captivity in and dietary restrictions. afghanistan. while in washington, the debate time now for jill's fashion rages on over the controversial ♪ emergencies. everything you could possibly deal that led to his release. need in a pinch the next time nbc's richard engel is in you travel. landstuhl, germany, once again >> "today" contributor and this morning. contributing editor for "people richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, style watch" jill martin is here willie. sergeant bergdahl has begun to with all your essentials. only jill could still look good tell his story to u.s. military this way. doc makingarelin >> most people come to get their officials. it's been nine days since he was hair and makeup done here. this is to show you. e alvelp ne freed from captivity, but he keep it on for ten minutes. still hasn't spoken to his d inal esia we'll get to that in a bit. watch for back por s alhavt lve d inal esia i have to keep it on. parents, who are now receiving i'm readyo go. yoefl plftor detichr s alhavt lve kidn pr let's first start, this is aaron death threats. bergdahl has told military ® p d inal esia a with a travel officials his captivity was a checklist. terrifying and lonely ordeal, my mother always writes, but i with long periods of solitary alceyo uto l nloa 1-8lt ar. su h t♪no can't read her handwriting. you have a checklist for the confinement that only got worse whole family, you go through, when he tried to escape. toevend inal e. esia a he was locked in a tiny space you check it off. see your name at the top and you any what to bring and what like a box, kept in the dark, you're missing.
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that's -- we're starting there. then, we get on the plane -- treated harshly. but did the obama administration >> what about the luggage tags? pay too high a price to release mrzero urn.ce red >> those are cool. just extra. him? was his swap for five taliban leaders illegal, and will the but i love those. they came and i didn't even freed men return to the order them, but look how cute they are. you can get them personalized. this is see jane battlefield? >> i'm not telling you that they comes flat like this. don't have some ability at some eynnolde point to go back and get gis. how yd, tso involved, but they also have an earplugs in it, eye thing, this thing around my neck and around ability to get killed doing ee that. om a >> reporter: fellow soldiers ey le. aechann has a my neck. accuse bergdahl of deliberately it is flat like a piece of y wandering off his base five paper. you've been upgraded. years ago. be>>ve j w,ueinabout r f the army has launched an >> cute. >> this you're going to flip inquiry. >> we want this soldier to come out. thin optics. home, be interrogated by an it is a case, and then they have expert, and let's get all the facts on the table. esthottlad toffe let different prescription glasses >> they will make judgments, that fit into it so you can read they will evaluate it, and if he >>u a the menu. >> what do you mean? needs to be tried in a military >> like, this, thesgl n rendow court, he will be. >> reporter: public reaction has been swift, and now turns you can't find your glasses. aygins hw to m auelhe the glasses come in. threatening. the fbi confirming bergdahl's bein parents have received death caab . do you a y lnoboned threats and are reportedly under rfbe ael, lxp. f.ta police protection. they've not been seen publicly since returning to hailey, hi mss r tor idaho, following the rose garden
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reception. >> bowe has a good heart and ipecovet haa a twelve-month repl emor,r reffled like onsesn s d. hee it's going to come out -- !>>grea -'tth istr something's going to come out that will exonerate him, i t witvacation. good forwovacaon. believe. >> reporter: the taliban have also been remarkably talkative about bergdahl. mm we >> y taw sadese.>> ahe tt esshisur t they say they never kidnapped him, they were surprised to find ey e ar rndngnialmart.inof? hi gext,.of him alone outside his base. anstck p we they said that bergdahl never lkt ian the yoig wanted to join up with the ile genst militant group, never tried to ou se i convert to islam, but that he was speaking angrily about other natu s. passenger. .th you'an tock up>> ook how great soldiers. the taliban says they found the whole thing so unusual, they ehynsem looks. g fi were initially suspicious of nepedy bergdahl and thought he had been specifically planted there by endingonfire cselt other u.s. troops to spy on ea aroupfh w atide o t them. >> more than a week since his n'r. per werlsxp release and still a lot of questions. richard engel in germany this morning. thanks, richard. let's turn to natalie for the story of a brazen terror attack in a major city. >> the taliban claiming yo a gayosominn tan a or responsibility for an attack on b o pakistan's busiest airport. the assault claimed dozens of lives and shut down the airport for hours.
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keir simmons has the details. keir, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the largest airport in pakistan was burning through the night, a stunning attack on the cargo terminal of carachi airport. vethain. .ybehead asay buyhe mpan at least 23 people have been killed, ten of them militants. >>ntitor pyomrmanu.>>we the attack clearly planned. miin,o the attackers disguised themselves as airport security. this morning, five hours after fighting, the flames are being extinguished, but it leaves the peace talks in ashes and r the sex k highlights the challenges the u.s. faces with the taliban in both pakistan and neighboring afghanistan, natalie. he tpr cestba >> all right, keir simmons knoback yinw r monitoring the story for us from london. cree e thank you, keir. a historic prayer meeting at the value can, palestinian president mahmoud abbas and d com mas. hl s. u ki m foeciatsidhtw, israeli president perez joined pope francis to pray for peace. ghac the vatican officials insist tgousweels t there was no political agenda behind the summit. the pope invited the two leaders thiangoodre fti to join him two weeks ago while >>yere he was visiting the holy land.
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the canadian military has >> yy.fd d ry eitelps seass,ndnd now joined the massive search for three fugitives who escaped from prison saturday night by like oofw andak t sho.edthi'v b torskn helicopter. two of the inmates were awaiting t?gce shnepisve timo trial on drug charges. details on the third were not released. police say the helicopter landed alr. c te briefly at a prison near quebec, h l w a picked up the prisoners and flew ab hthialboat whtht west toward montreal. 'tnoba this is the second prison escape by chopper in canada in a little more than a year. s uc out and finally, the ac was on and so was lebron james during ad?>>at tlenreow orou g game two of the nba finals in san antonio. after being the butt of jokes for days because of his leg can do e ct y cramping during thursday's rentstro>> f or opener, james silenced his critics sunday night. estie he had 35 points, ten rebounds, helping to bring the heat to a 98-96 victory over the spurs. the series is now tied. game three tuesday in miami. back and better than ever. >> that's how you answer your critics. baha bri aun natalie, thank you. tonw trom"gol speaking of the heat, what are we looking at here?
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>> no heat in the east, just a etes youtoyws lot of rain. but we've got some heavy thunderstorms going on right now down through the southwest and into the plains. ony.yoac yourve whihit f ophethd in fact, right now in dallas, they've got a ground stop at the airport. we look at those heavy thunderstorms ahead of this front. we've got that warm front pushing in, so we are going to be looking at strong storms today. in fact, those will push in the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. through the southeast on into the gulf coast. heavy storms wrapping in behind this low pressure here. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so we are watching a risk of severe weather today, stretching so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. from texas all the way up into without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found western tennessee. all the services we needed for our riley. much of texas from san angelo on from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, into memphis. plus we've got flash flood watches in effect stretching you can find it all on angie's list. from texas all the way into tennessee as well. why? well, some of these we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed thunderstorms are going to drop upwards of three to five inches at angie's list. in an hour or two. locally three to four inches of join today at rain in a three to six-hour time period in parts of the southern plains, so we're going to be watching this very closely for flash the perfect summer has a voice.
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if we listen close enough, we can hear it. it whispers, "one more game, one more swim, one more round..." ch aca peseitmae in let ro. n and it speaks softly through the cool nights, murmuring, [ woensii' myenve unst r® ki' dissolve tabs aca peseitmae in let ro. ec® dissolve tabs "one more log, one more marshmallow, thath! yo one more walk along the shore." tecch.our fain bu the perfect summer is waiting. the perfect summer is pure michigan. your trip begins at >> good morning. it's an umbrella monday. we expect occasional showers throughout much of the day today too. plenty of clouds, temperatures cooler too. in the upper 70s near 80 degrees today with humidity up as well. now the chance of showers back in the forecast every day this week. even a chance of thunderstorms too. temperatures should stay in mid-80s this week. but as we head into father's day weekend we hope to dry out. back to clear and sunny skies. have a great day.
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>> and that's your latest weather. now to some new information this morning on the condition of emmy nominee tracy morgan. the former "snl" and "30 rock" star critically injured in a deadly chain reaction accident over the weekend. nbc's craig melvin is at the hospital in new jersey where morgan underwent surgery on sunday. craig, good morning. >> reporter: willie, good morning to you. 45-year-old tracy morgan is still in critical condition at this hospital. that surgery was on his leg yesterday. he broke a leg. he broke a thigh bone. he broke his nose. he also broke several ribs. but a rep for morgan told us yesterday that despite that, he is a bit more responsive than he has been, and that is an encouraging sign. a deadly scene on a new jersey highway early saturday morning. a tractor-trailer slammed into a mercedes limo bus carrying comedian and actor tracy morgan and six others, tossing it on its side and sending it spinning into a truck and an suv. >> i was driving.
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i was face-down on the asphalt. >> reporter: morgan's driver never saw it coming. >> it was unreal. i didn't know what happened. shattering glass and things like that. it all happened so fast. >> reporter: tracy morgan was returning from this friday night performance at a delaware casino when his limo bus was struck. also onboard, comedian arnie fuquar, who posted these videos on facebook right before the crash. he's also in critical condition. killed in that crash, morgan's good friend and fellow comic, 63-year-old james mcnair, better known as jimmy mack. police say kevin roeper was driving the wal-mart tractor-trailer and didn't see traffic ahead in time. the 35-year-old turned himself in to police shortly after the accident. morgan burst on to the scene as an "snl" cast member, then became a star on nbc's "30 rock." >> you stayed because you love me. >> reporter: well wishes from
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worried fans and friends flooded social media. let's hope for a full and speedy recovery for tracy and the others involved in that crash from "30 rock" co-star alec baldwin. this morning, so many of those he's made laugh are praying and hoping that the father of four makes a full recovery. we are expected to see kevin roeper in court this morning. he's been charged with death and assault by auto. he's out on $50,000 bail. tracy morgan is expected to be in this hospital for several weeks. willie, savannah, back to you. >> we are all rooting for tracy. everybody involved in the accident. let's not forget jimmy mack, who lost his life. a great comedian and took a lot of young comedians under his wing, so we're thinking about his family as well. thanks so much. we move now to the controversy over california chrome's failed bid to win the triple crown on saturday. his owner is grabbing headlines for comments that are stirring up a lot of horseracing talk. "today's" dylan dreyer's got the story on that. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. after his horse came up short,
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steve coburn lashed out, calling some fellow owners who only ran their horses in the belmont, cowards. is the fiery coburn a sore loser or on to something that needs to change to end the triple crown drought? >> they're off in the belmont stakes. >> the belmont stakes didn't give us history saturday, but it did deliver controversy. >> this is the coward's way out. >> just moments after favorite california chrome's triple crown dream faded, finishing in a tie for fourth -- >> it won't be a triple crown this year! >> his co-owner steve coburn didn't hold back in his post-race comments. >> it's not fair to these horses that have been in the game since day one. >> coburn blamed a fresh field for the loss, as eight of the other ten horses chrome was up against had not competed in both the kentucky derby -- >> california chrome shines bright! >> and the preakness. >> california chrome has won the preakness! >> when you nominate your horse for the triple crown, that means
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three. not one out of three, but three. so that's what i meant by it. it's a coward's shot at people. >> belmont winner tonalist did not run either of the first two triple crown legs. his trainer conceded chrome's fatigue was a disadvantage. >> three races in five weeks. there's something to be said about having a fresh horse. >> as did chrome's disappointed jockey. >> today, i feel like his energy was not the same like before. >> but racing against a fresh field is a hurdle that all 11 previous triple crown winners have also had to overcome. >> affirmed's got a nose in front. >> and a major reason that the title has eluded every horse since affirmed, way back in 1978. with california chrome's loss saturday, the triple crown drought now stands at 36 years. in that span, he is the 13th horse to win the first two legs while coming up short in the last and longest race at belmont
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park. savannah? >> all right, dylan, thank you. let's bring in bob costas. bob, good morning to you. >> hey, savannah. >> you were there. let's set aside just for a moment the larger point that steve coburn makes. what about the timing of these remarks? right after the win. he calls the other racers cowards. was that bad timing? >> bad timing, bad sportsmanship, sour grapes, sore loser, bad in every respect. plus, he's not the only one. of the 13 foiled bids, five of the horses that thwarted a triple crown in the belmont, five of them raced only in the belmont. another five raced only in two of the three. only three out of the 13 that won the belmont had run in all three of the races. so coburn and his connections, the rest of california chrome's connections are not alone in this frustration. >> so it wasn't a shining moment for him to be bringing it up right then. but, does he race a legitimate point about whether the deck is stacked against any horse who tries to do all three races? >> he raises a point that should
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be debated, and many people who know horseracing a lot better than i do come down on either side of the issue. there are those who say look, you have to have historical coherence, and that's why it's so difficult to do. and if you change the format and make it a little bit easier, then you won't be able to compare whoever becomes the 12th triple crown winner to the 11 who have preceded that horse. but it is a fact that the last nine belmonts have all been won by horses that skipped the preakness. fresher horses have an advantage. >> do you think this will lead to change, or is this just a moment in time? >> it will lead to a debate, and like i say, i've spoken with people like our randy moss, who's part of our coverage. bob neumier feels one way, leave it the way it is. moss says modern horses are bred and trained. they're less durable, at least perceived to be less durable. and if you don't win the kentucky derby, many trainers
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say let's skip the preakness, we can't win the triple crown, we'll be fresh for the belmont. so if you spread it out, some people say, say you put a month in between, you still have the derby first saturday in may, then go four weeks to the preakness, then go another four weeks to the belmonbelmont, the horses will be fresher. and the counterargument to it would make it easier is, well, more quality horses would then enter the preakness. more quality horses would have an incentive or their trainers would to enter them in all three races, so the overall quality of the competition would be better. the debate continues. >> you just outlined why it is worthy of debate. bob, always nice to see you early in the morning. guys, back to you. >> savannah, bob, thanks a lot. this has a lot of people talking online. it was a big talker for us. we were glued to that interview. what's up in the orange room? >> that's what the social media is still buzzing about. the belmont stakes and tonalist's win over california chrome. and the fact that tonalist didn't compete in the other two
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races. the kentucky derby or the preakness. and then goes on to win at the belmont stakes. california chrome competed in all three. so we asked online, is it fair that california chrome lost to a horse that didn't run in the derby or the preakness? and 83%, the majority of you said no, it's not fair because tonalist goes in and he's well-rested, whereas california chrome's a little more tired out. 17% said yes. and they said yes because, you know, these are the rules. this is what happens. and it's almost like it's too easy if there isn't that added challenge there. so 83%, though, are saying that it is not fair. so let's keep the conversation going. go on to our or #orangeroom and we want to hear how you feel. guys? >> all right, dylan, thank you very much. coming up, what a scare. an alleged burglar arrested at sandra bullock's home while the oscar winner was there asleep with her young son. why police are saying this was not a random crime. coming up in just a bit, how
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good morning. i'm vai sikahema. wet monday out there. let's get our first alert forecast from tedd florendo. >> good morning, vai. a soggy start to the work week. grab the umbrellas. you're going to need them. cloudy skies, foggy too, as we look at center city you can barely see the city because of the rain coming down. showers in philadelphia right now as we take a look. you'll see more of the heavier rain moving down to ocean county all the way down to millville. it's dry in the lehigh valley down to cape may. here's the forecast today. 80 degrees, showers with a chance of thunderstorms. thank you. jillian mele has details on the person hit by the septa train. >> it's near scott lane this is
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video from the scene. as a result of this the septa line has suspended service while police investigate. the trenton line is delayed about 15 minutes. an accident cleared on 76 westbound. it was taking out the center lane. did it damage. we have a heavy delay there. >> a water main break has some streets shut down in north philadelphia. crews will be back at the site of the break at 27th and master to make repairs. that intersection remains closed. the water department says at least three properties had flooding. everyone in the area does have water service. up next on the "today" show a scare for sandra bullock. the oscar winner discovers an intruder in the house. why police say the suspect was obsessed with her.
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7:30 now on a monday morning, june 9th, 2014. and that's the way to wake up. fort myers, florida, the sun is coming up. if you've got a pretty sunrise to share with us, send it in. perhaps you will see our sunrise on our wall. >> doing a little better there than here. meantime, let's take a look at what's making headlines. the motive for a deadly shooting rampage in las vegas now under investigation. police say a couple walked into a restaurant on sunday and shot and killed two police officers while they were sitting eating lunch. the shooters then went into a nearby wal-mart and killed a third person before taking their own lives. tracy morgan is expected to remain hospitalized for several weeks after suffering serious
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injuries in a deadly six-car collision over the weekend. the actor and comedian is listed in critical condition this morning, but his spokesman says morgan has been more responsive following his surgery on sunday. meantime, morgan's friend and fellow comedian james "jimmy mack" mcnair was killed in that crash. powerful storms are expected in the central united states today following an outbreak of tornados in colorado. at least eight on sunday alone, one doing damage at a golf course in aurora. meantime, the white house is holding a working dads summit today. willie, you recently caught up with one of the special guests there. >> i did. baseball player daniel murphy faced a lot of criticism when he missed the start of the season for the birth of his son. his story launching a big debate about paternity leave. so, would he do it again? our exclusive conversation with him coming up. but let's begin this half-hour with a big scare for oscar winner sandra bullock. she was inside her los angeles home with her 4-year-old son over the weekend when a man broke in. sources tell nbc news the
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suspect may have been targeting the actress. here's nbc's miguel almaguer. >> reporter: sandra bullock was all smiles saturday night at spike tv's guy choice awards, as her former co-stars presented her with a decade of hotness award. >> i'm here because someone dropped out and they needed someone quickly and they know i'm home on saturdays. >> reporter: just a few hours later, police responded to bullock's $16 million home in los angeles, where they say 39-year-old joshua corbett broke in early saturday morning, despite the security cameras and barbed wire surrounding the property. law enforcement sources tell nbc news bullock and her four-year-old son louis were home while corbett was going through the house taking bullock's personal items. >> sandra bullock is a very careful person, she takes precaution, she has great security. so the fact that this individual was somehow able to get on to her property is very alarming. >> reporter: police sources also say the break-in was not a random burglary and that corbett
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may have been obsessed with bullock, even keeping a diary on the oscar award-winning actress. >> and if anyone tried to get to me, you would have stomped them, right? >> reporter: during her more than 20 years of making movies, bullock has faced serious real life threats from stalkers. in 2008, this woman admitted to stalking bullock after trying to run down her ex-husband jesse james. and in 2010, bullock filed her third temporary restraining order against a 45-year-old man accused of stalking the actress for more than ten years. >> he and i are getting married. yes. >> we are. >> getting married. yes. >> reporter: in a statement, sandra bullock's publicist confirmed the break-in, saying the actress is unharmed and she is fine. for "today," miguel almaguer, nbc news, los angeles. >> and when you consider the layers of security she has in place, that's a little extra scary. >> how he was able to get through that. crazy. let's get a quick check of the weather now from al.
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>> today's weather is brought to you by the new windows. one experience for everything in your life. >> we've got some heavy rain here in the northeast. more rain into the plains. what does it look like for the week ahead? we're expecting more showers, early week period here. thunderstorms in the midsection of the country. going to be hot out west. as we get into the mid part of the week where that rain area expands out east on into the ohio river valley, great lakes. look at this, above normal temperatures. out west where you would expect, below normal in the midsection of the country. wide swath of below normal temperatures, and it stays wet here in the northeast, mid-atlantic states, with warmer than usual temperatures in the northeast. we are looking for a risk of strong storms. texas on into the mississippi river valley today. we're going to be watching this very, very good morning everyone. it's an umbrella monday. we expect occasional showers
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throughout much of the day today too. plenty of clouds, temperatures cooler too. in the upper 70s, near 80 degrees today with humidity up as well. now the chance of showers back in the forecast every day this week, even the chance of thunderstorms too. temperatures should stay in mid-80s this week. but as we head into father's day weekend we hope to dry out. back to clear and sunny skies. have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al, thank you. now to something happening in texas that really has people taking sides. gun rights advocates demonstrating for their cause by openly carrying their weapons into crowded stores. nbc's kerry sanders is in katy, texas. kerry, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. if you are 18 years old or older here in texas, it is legal to carry a long barrelled rifle, a shotgun, as long as you're carrying it openly in a nonthreatening way. but when a group of gun enthusiasts and activists began
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carrying their long guns into places like restaurants and stores, it started a debate that's raging like a texas prairie fire. >> going to do a little open carry at chili's, guys. >> reporter: you might say it's hit texas with a bang. people suddenly showing up at restaurants with rifles. and at stores with military-style semiautomatics. all to make the point that in texas, this is perfectly legal. they also hope to persuade lawmakers here to support legislation that would allow holstered handguns to be carried openly. >> we want to make sure that gun rights is the number one issue when it comes to legislation. >> reporter: but for many, it's not legality, it's the reality. of men and women openly armed in public. >> you can't yell fire in a crowded theater because it frightens everybody. walking into a restaurant with a loaded rifle frightens people. >> reporter: last month, an official of the national rifle association wrote on their website that the demonstrations were downright weird, but after
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open carry groups reacted angrily, the nra reversed itself. >> an alert went out that referred to this type of behavior as weird or somehow not normal. and that was a mistake. >> reporter: but for many here, it's not about what's legal. >> i'm against it because when you walk into a store, it's my constitutional right to feel safe. >> reporter: several stores like sonic, chili's, chipotle, jack in the box and starbucks have all issued statements saying they would request the patrons not come to their establishments carrying long guns. meantime, the advocacy group, the open carry group has suggested that they are maybe going to change their tactics and will only carry their rifles now into places where they've been invited to do so by the business. savannah? >> kerry, thank you so much. hot issue down in texas for sure. coming up on "trending," a man who learned a very tough
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lesson, don't mess with a stingray. >> that's an incredible piece of video. and next, as we get ready to celebrate father's day, what would you do? we'll talk exclusively with a major leaguer who took a little bit of flak for missing opening day and another game to attend the birth of his son. replace your laptop? start with the best writing experience. make it incredibly thin. add an adjustable kickstand, a keyboard, a usb port, and the freedom of touch. and, of course, make it run microsoft office, with the power and speed to do real work. introducing surface pro 3. the tablet that can replace your laptop. and unlike other fibers, you'll aonly know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy.
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at quirky, real people invent all of our products. ben just runs the company. introducing aros from quirky and g.e. products invented by real people like you. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ they put the hash browns on the inside? who needs a one-handed breakfast! have you tried one of these things! [ male announcer ] the next generation of breakfast is here. the new a.m. crunchwrap. eggs, bacon, cheese, and a hash brown inside.
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we're back now at 7:42 with the start of our special series "modern dads" as we count down to father's day on sunday. to begin, we conducted an exclusive survey of 2,000 moms and dads across the country. we found fathers are definitely more involved than ever in all aspects of raising their kids. in fact, 75% of the fathers we surveyed say being a dad is their most important job. and 54% of dads with infants say they change diapers, yet only 37 say their fathers did. perhaps most interesting, we found 51% of the dads surveyed said they'd quit their job and stay at home with the kids if they could afford it. and we are not the only ones interested in the modern dad. today the white house is holding a working dads summit to explore a familiar topic for women, balancing career and family. one of the dads invited to speak
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there, daniel murphy of the new york mets. the new father found himself in the middle of a national debate to start the season when he missed opening day for the birth of his first child. i caught up with daniel on the road in philadelphia for an exclusive interview. >> i never thought i would be the one who comes and just talks about their kid all the time. >> daniel murphy is like most new dads. his son noah is just 10 weeks old, and everything the little guy does is worthy of a story. >> one of the first solo diapers i had i think was a day off in new york. i texted torii. i said it's a boy's day, no girls allowed. and that was just me and him, wandering the streets of new york. >> how did you do? >> he's still breathing. >> as a major league baseball player, murphy's family life recently was thrust into the spotlight. >> she went into labor, tori, on sunday. she held off until about 11:00 in the morning when i actually got there to have him. was there monday, tuesday. flew out wednesday. >> daniel missed the first two
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games of this season to be at his wife's side for noah's birth. that didn't sit well with a handful of new york sports radio hosts. >> i don't know why you need three days off. you're a major league baseball player. you can hire a nurse to take care of the baby if your wife needs help. >> c-section before the season starts. >> you get back to your team and play baseball. >> boomer esiason later apologized. the mets organization, meanwhile, rallied around murphy. you feel like you had total support from this organization. >> oh, absolutely total support from the top down. >> the murphys have no regrets. did you have any second thoughts about leaving and to go be at the side of your son and your wife? >> no, no. that never crossed my mind or her mind. >> murphy didn't ask for it, but his case became a flash point for the discussion of modern dads. >> fathers are increasingly playing a role, raising children, caring for children, doing work around the house and increasingly have challenges balancing work and family. >> jason furman, a father
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himself, is the chairman on the council of economic affairs at the white house, where today businesses and both working and stay-at-home dads are meeting about the changing role of fathers. >> figuring out how to make that balance work economically, how to make it work for families is very important. >> dads are always balancing this work-life balance. in philly right now, going to be in chicago, san francisco. is that tough at times already just a few weeks in? >> it has been tough. i'm slowly i think getting molded in, trying to know that fatherhood is a much greater responsibility than, you know, 0-4, 2-4, 1-3 with a walk. >> out of the four major professional sports, only baseball offers paternity leave. one to three days, which is more than a lot of companies in america do. less than 15% of u.s. companies even have a paternity leave policy. in our survey, 42% of men say one to two weeks is about an ideal time for new dads.
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>> did you guys took time off? >> yeah. absolutely. >> yeah. after lila was born, realized it was probably better to wait until deborah got home and then take the time. but it's very important. >> you want that bonding time. >> a couple days out of the gate and a couple days later on. you spread it out, get some good time with your kid. it was funny talking to daniel, though, he was not bothered at all by the so-called controversy. he said it was a couple guys on the radio. i didn't even know about it until later on. >> good for him. >> he was in the baby glow. this is going to be a great week on "modern dads." we have a lot coming up in our series, including today, a heartwarming surprise live in our studio for one remarkable father. but next, dylan shares a moment from last night's tony awards that has an awful lot of people talking. looking good, dylan. two medium cappuccinos! let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, two espressos. make one a double. she's full and focused. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte,
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dove oxygen moisture. c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums! body language-- without saying a word, it can tell you so much. like someone is having a stroke... know the sudden signs. learn f.a.s.t. f- face drooping a-arm weakness
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s- speech difficulty t- time, time to call 911 immediately. the sooner they get to the hospital, the sooner they'll get treatment, and that can make a remarkable difference in their recovery. learn the body language, the sudden signs, and spot a stroke f.a.s.t. back at 7:50 on a rainy monday. the tony's were last night, just down the street from us. i heard there was a first in the show. >> oh, there certainly was. broadway's biggest stars were out in full force for the 68th tony awards. hugh jackman took the stage as the host for the fourth time, and in his opening monologue, he paid homage to his first ever audition for theatre. it was his high school's performance of "the music man" when he was just 14 years old. in the opening monologue, it seemed like he remembered all
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the words to the opening song, "rock island." he invited a few people onstage and let's say they were remixing this business. >> ever man a fellow by the name of hill. hill, hill, hill, hill. no. i think it's time we brought "the music man" into the 21st century. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome l.l. cool j. and t.i. >> he's a music man. what? he's a music man. >> oh yeah, there you go. the first ever hip-hop performance on the tony awards. that was l.l. cool j. and t.i. and after l.l. cool j. posted this picture on instagram, it got about 8,000 likes. but not everyone was impressed. we've got daniel rogers saying, i'm watching t.i. and l.l. cool j. do "the music man." did i die? what's happening? i'm scared. i happened to absolutely love
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it. i think it added some fun and hugh jackman is always a great host. so let us know what you think, #orangeroom. >> the jumping that he was doing. how did he do that? >> like two minutes or more than that for that opening. >> hugh jackman is insane. love him. big old heart. hugh jackman. >> can i do one of these for l.l. from way back? that's my guy. coming up, your feel good story of the day. one boy's touching mission to walk 40 miles carrying his young brother on his back. and on "trending," the cars are driven by people. they're why we innovate. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated. it's about people.
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i feel like it's my acne they see...not me. [ female announcer ] acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. fortunately, a dermatologist can prescribe aczone® (dapsone) gel... fda approved for the topical treatment of acne, and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. the most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness, redness, oiliness and peeling of treated skin. looked great. [ female announcer ] ask about a free sample size of aczone® gel. aczone® gel. see a dermatologist and see for yourself.
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good morning. i'm vai sikahema. it's a wet monday. let's get our first alert forecast from meteorologist tedd florendo. >> good morning, vai. you'll see showers start to clear out although we're still seeing rain in parts of the delaware valley. outside right now we look at the comcast center, cloudy skies and a few showers right now over center city. philadelphia clearing out but the rain continues in trenton, ocean county and also millville it is dry, however, for much of the lehigh valley. your forecast for the day, we'll reach about 79 for the high with occasional showers and a slight chance of isolated thunderstorms. >> let's get a check on traffic. you have details on an accident. >> 309 northbound. taking out one lane. one lane is getting by and traffic is slow.
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then on the southbound side we have a delay as people try to exit. we still have a bad situation on the manayunk norristown line a. person hit. service is suspended on that line and has been for some time. then we still have a delay you can see of 15 minutes on the septa trenton line due to signal problems. >> today the philadelphia fire department will introduce a water safety program to help prevent drowning. operation stay on shore will show the dangers of swimming in the creeks and rivers. one of the voices of the program is the mother of brandon boyle who drowned last summer. boyle was a student in northeast philadelphia which is where the water safety assembly will be held. six people died last year while swimming in creeks and rivers. i'm vai sikahema. another update in 25 minutes. get the latest on
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, brotherly love. a 14-year-old brother carries his younger brother on his back for 40 miles. we'll tell you the reason behind their inspiring journey. plus, modern dads. >> we don't have defined roles of, you know, my wife does one thing, i do the other. one's got one in the back, one's cooking. >> we kick off our week-long series with an in-depth look at how fatherhood has changed over the years. and look out below. one man's confrontation with a massive stingray caught on tape. today, monday, june 9th, 2014.
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>> hello from texas! >> good morning, baltimore. >> good morning, pittsburgh. >> hello, illinois! >> we just got engaged in beautiful central park and now we're at the "today" show. >> happy birthday to me, i'm 60 today! >> and boy, do you look good, even in the rain. welcome back to "today" on a rainy monday morning. it is really coming down. i was all ready to go outside, and then willie said, let's stay inside because he didn't want his hair to get all frizzy. >> it is a flyaway day. >> it is. >> i'm going to go outside with those folks in just a little bit. >> not right now. when the rain tapers off. >> in the next couple of minutes. >> i'm so glad you're here today. >> yes. bunch of babies. >> no, we'll be out in just a
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couple of minutes. >> no, you're not. >> we are! >> when? >> in a half-hour. >> come with me to do the weather. >> we will be. good morning, everyone. sorry you had to witness that. willie's in for matt. dylan in for carson. al, natalie. let's get a check of the top stories. >> officials are searching for a motive in that ambush that ended with five people killed in las vegas. police say a man and a woman fatally shot two officers who were having lunch at a restaurant sunday. the pair then fled to a nearby wal-mart store, killing one person there. after exchanging fire with police, the female suspect then shot her companion and then took her own life. the fbi confirms the father of former american p.o.w. bowe bergdahl has received death threats. meantime, bergdahl has told military officers he was sometimes kept in a cage and endured long periods of solitary confinement during the five years he was held by the taliban. this weekend, secretary of state john kerry defended the prisoner exchange that freed bergdahl.
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entertainer tracy morgan is said to be responding to treatment after a deadly weekend traffic accident. the former "30 rock" and "saturday night live" star was critically injured saturday. he had surgery on sunday. police say one of his friends, comedian jimmy mack mcnair was killed when their limo bus was hit by a tractor-trailer on the new jersey turnpike. the truck driver was charged and is due in court today. california chrome's trainer says the horse will need at least two weeks to recover from a gash to his right hoof. apparently suffered at the start of saturday's belmont stakes. california chrome lost the belmont and his chance to claim racing's triple crown. his co-owner steve coburn called the other owners cowards for only entering their horses in the belmont while california chrome also ran the derby and the preakness. a model and martial arts expert has been crowned miss u.s.a. 24-year-old miss nevada nia sanchez won the title sunday night in baton rouge, louisiana.
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she'll represent the u.s. at this year's miss universe pageant. congratulations to her. and a michigan teenager walked 40 miles this weekend with his little brother on his back. 14-year-old hunter gandee embarked on a two-day quest to raise awareness for cerebral palsy, the condition that keeps his brother braden from walking without help. it's an ambitious goal for anyone, walking 40 miles in two days with 50 pounds strapped to your back. for hunter gandee, that 50 pounds wasn't heavy, it was his 7-year-old brother braden. the pair set off on saturday for the trek to ann arbor. hunter says the walk was to raise awareness about cerebral palsy, the disorder that robbed his brother of the ability to walk on his own. >> when this first started, i really expected to inform the community and other people in bedford, but really it's grown far, far beyond what i ever
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could have dreamed. >> what started out as a walk for two brothers, what hunter calls their cerebral palsy swagger, turned into a community event. >> really couldn't explain enough how much this support has helped push us through. we've had times where we're not really sure, we weren't sure if we could make it, but it's all pushed us through. thank you. >> proof that no matter the journey, you never really walk alone. >> honestly, i can't even explain how much i love braden. he really has helped me so much in life. he's inspired me. >> such a great story there. it's 8:05. and we're all going outside. let's get a check of the weather with mr. roker. >> come on out. there you go. willie is at the other end of the plaza. there's willie. and here comes savannah. >> good morning! >> and dylan. >> huddle up. >> you're soaked! your sign is soaked. >> now you're talking. nothing like a little shaming to get your fellow workers.
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girl scouts. where are you guys from? >> south dakota! you bring cookies? yeah! look. let's check it out. got the thin mints. but they're still wrapped. they'll be nice and tasty. let's get out your weather. see what's going on. in dallas, heavy thunderstorms right now. it is a mess there. you can see the heavy thunderstorms. they're going to continue during the day. late in the afternoon, it's going to clear out, but we have a ground stop at the airport there. one also at laguardia as well. and look at these temperatures. big ridge of high pressure out west. that means we're looking at a lot of toasty weather in the southwest. temperatures are going to be anywhere from ten to 20 degrees above normal through the southwest, but that ridge takes a dip down. we've got the jet stream in the south, and look at these temperatures. anywhere from ten to 20 degrees below normal. dodge city 24 degrees below normal. are you enjoying those cookies, savannah? >> yes, i am. they're soaking wet! >> no, they're dry
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good morning, everyone. it is an umbrella monday as we're expecting occasional showers throughout much of the day today. plenty of clouds. temperatures cooler, too. we'll be in the upper 70s near 80 degrees with humidity up as well. now the chance of showers back in the forecast every day this week. even a chance of thunderstorms, too. temperatures should stay in the mid 80s. but as we head into father's day weekend, we'll hopefully dry out. back to clear and sunny skies. have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. this is fantastic. >> we've got hearty fans. >> yes, we do. >> i almost took your eye out with my umbrella. >> they are still wet. but they're delicious. >> what troupe number? 50134.
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south dakota, baby! >> we'll be back with "trending" right after this. ♪ boring! yeah! ♪ if you want to see old faithful ♪ ♪ don't be such a couch potato ♪ ♪ yeah just go check out the thing for yourself ♪ highlander! ♪ we ain't got no room for boring ♪ ♪ ferdy gerdy ferdy ger boom! [ cluck, cluck ] ♪ no, we ain't got no room ♪ for boring ♪ for boring, we ain't got no room ♪ ahh! [ male announcer ] the 2014 highlander. toyota. let's go places. to you... they're more than just a pet so protect them, with k9 advantix ll it's broad spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix ll for the love of dog
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(coffee being poured into a cup.) ♪ save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants,
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and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. [ bottle ] ensure®. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. so, which would you choose?a big part of your job. this one that cleans or this one that cleans and protects against dryness? that one. that's it. you got one question for me? dove men+care bodywash cleans and protects against dryness. we're back at 8:10, and time for what's trending today with the tributes marking the 70th anniversary of d-day wrapped up on sunday, the whole weekend was spectacular, but did you see this? this was an aerial spectacle. nearly a thousand paratroopers dropped out of the skies of
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normandy, reenacting the drama of those historic landings. let us tell you the story of one british vet. he went to extreme lengths because he wanted to be part of the celebration. bernard jordan was told there was no room left on an official tour at the last minute, so he decided to take matters in his own hands. with his war medals pinned to his jacket, the 89-year-old decided to go on his own. he slipped out of his nursing home, took a train, then a ferry. we're happy to report lieutenant jordan is safe and back in his nursing room, perhaps with a few stories to tell. >> what a hero. >> still has that courage and moxy. >> still got it. and the skills to speak out. >> i'm surprised he didn't parachute down, too. >> he would have if he could have. >> that is amazing. if that doesn't prove what a vet can do, check out this next story. it's about a device called the tank chair invented by a combat veteran who refused to give up when his wife was partially paralyzed in a car accident, so this is what he came up with. it's a motorized chair that
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takes wheelchair to the next level, to say the least. >> it's armed with two motors and a tank chair can handle any terrain, rugged hillside, sandy beaches and snowy fields. now, it starts at about $15,000. even more remarkable, he has no formal engineering training, not even a college degree. he tells bloomberg business week that it took him two years and lots of beer to develop it. that's the brilliance of lots of beer. >> beer is the secret. who knew? >> amazing. so if you had any doubt that it's not smart to taunt a giant stingray, here's the video that proves it. off australia's gold coast. see this guy trying to spook the creature by charging toward it. hey, dope. initially the stingray seems frightened. glides away from the guy. but as soon as he turns back, you want a piece of me? i'm coming for you. come on, pal. >> so someone off camera warns this guy. that's when -- now he's terrified. he dives away, just escaping a sting. and lucky for him, because stingray barbs can be fatal.
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i don't think he can swim faster, though. just stay away. >> his back is toward him, and then the thing is coming up behind him. >> it's a stingray version of rope-a-dope. >> don't poke the bear or the stingray. >> that's the lesson. that's what's trending today. still ahead, tyler >> "modern dads" is brought to you by dove men plus care,
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celebrating the many ways dads care. as we've been mentioning all morning, we're kicking off a special week-long series, "modern dads" in honor of father's day coming up on sunday. we're looking at what it means to be a dad today and how that role has changed in recent years. in fact, we're working with dove men plus care and they've created a new video that they hope will spark a conversation. >> daddy? >> da-da. >> daddy! >> daddy! >> daddy. >> daddy. >> dad! >> dad? >> dad? >> daddy! >> dad.
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>> dad. >> daddy! >> daddy! >> dad! >> we were inspired this father's day week to talk to some kids about why their dads are so special. "today" contributing correspondent jenna bush hager sat down with some of them while the men watched and listened. >> tell me what your like about your dad. >> he makes me feel happy. >> is he funny? >> not really. >> he's not funny? is he strong? >> yeah. >> how can you tell? >> because once, i grabbed on to his arm and he pulled me up like a monkey bar. >> he's the strongest person on earth. >> he takes me to fun places.
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>> tell me what makes your dad super special. >> everything. >> what do you want to be when you grow up? >> i want to be a hockey player. >> singer. >> make clothes for dogs and cats. >> what type of clothes would you make? >> sparkly. >> oh! >> yes? >> i want to be a president. everybody in my family is going to live with me. >> oh, they are? in the white house? >> a big old house. >> how is your dad different than your mom? >> because one's a boy and one's a girl. >> well, obviously. >> a family's what? fill in the blank. >> happy. >> if you could tell your dad one thing, what would you say? >> i love you. >> how much do you love your dad? >> this much. >> i would say, i love you, daddy. >> what would you say? >> i love you, too, daddy. >> i love you. >> you'd say i love you, daddy? >> what would you say? >> i love you, too. >> i love you, daddy.
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and put a heart on it. >> so tell me what listening to your kids say all that about you made you feel? >> i was really touched. i think even had a couple tears. >> it was absolutely breathtaking, special, magical. because being a father is the greatest thing in the world. >> what adjective would you use to describe yourself as a dad? >> you know, you've got to wear many hats as a dad. got to be a husband, got to be a father, got to be a caregiver. wipe the booboos and all that. >> definitely stay energetic. we like to fit a lot of activities in a day. >> it's tag team. we don't have defined roles of my wife does one thing, i do another. one's got one in the bath, one's cooking. it could be either one of us on a given day. >> what have you learned from them? >> definitely patience. >> i have learned that i have to be a little more patient.
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yes. >> patience. a lot, a lot of patience. >> i've learned patience. tremendous patience. >> do you feel like you get enough quality time with your kids? >> very much so on the weekends. during the week -- >> on weekdays, he does not get enough time. >> she's with me every other weekend and i do make sure that i don't work on weekends, that it's purely family time. >> it's the single largest priority for me to be able to have that kind of time with them. >> what's the biggest impact you can make in their life? >> i want them to grow up and be strong women, like their mother. >> she knows that she can do whatever she wants to be and achieve in life. >> to remember that daddy's always there for them when they need me, and they're my whole world. they're the most important people in my life.
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>> happy father's day! >> we're joined now by rob candelino, vice president of marketing for dove men plus care. and from washington, brad harrington, the executive director of the boston college center where work and family and an adviser on dove research. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> we watched that video, very moving as father. what's the message you all are trying to make? >> i guess when we began the work, what we realized was we weren't setting out to make a father's day video. we really wanted to make a film about fatherhood. so we did what we always do at dove and talked to a lot of dads, did a large scale research study and we learned that while dads increasingly are seeing their roles expand at home, that role of diaper changer, lunch maker, chauffeur, homework helper isn't what's being reflected back to them in the media. frankly, they're seeing the role expand, but advertising, tv and the movies aren't depicting that back to that. >> brad, we know anecdotally the role of the father has changed,
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but you all have some research to back that up, don't you? >> yes, we do. i think there's been a lot of research by our organization and by others that show that dads have tripled their involvement in care giving. they've tripled their involvement in domestic care over the last generation and they really see their role these days as an equal split between providing financially for their family and caring for their family's emotional needs as well. >> and you're at a conference today being held at the white house about fatherhood and the changing role of dads. i want to throw some numbers at you, rob. three out of four dads say they're responsible for their child's emotional well-being. only 20% of dads, though, see this role reflected in the media. do you think that's changing now, the role of fathers and the way they're portrayed, at least? >> we hope so. clearly there's a job to be done. there's a gap between what is actually happening and kitchen tables and backyards in this country and how men are seeing themselves reflected back in the media. that's what inspired us to create this film, to be honest. success for us will be when we don't have to make films like
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this. when the depiction of men in media and advertising in general starts to catch up with the reality of how dads are contributing significantly to the homes and to their kids today. >> we often talk about this work-life balance for mothers, but obviously this is for fathers nowadays, too. let's talk some solutions. what can we do better as dads and how can we work together in society to talk about this in terms of men and not just for women? >> well, i think the work that rob and the team at dove are doing is important and that's one of the reasons we wanted to work with them, so that media depictions and society as a whole came to really accept fathers for this new role they're taking on. in our surveys, almost 70% of fathers say they want to share caregiving equally with their wives but they find it's a struggle to do that and oftentimes it's because the organizations they work for just aren't ready to accept that a father's role in the family is just as important as a woman's role these days. >> rob, for this campaign is successful, what will happen in the end? >> we hope to inspire other advertisers. we hope to change the narrative.
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we're very passionate about moving on from traditional outdated stereotypes and we hope if we can play a small role at dove men plus care in changing and providing a more positive, affirmative, realistic authentic portrait of dads, we will have been successful. >> good luck with the conference today. thanks for helping us kick off this week. dove men plus care has also created #realdadmoments. dylan is in the orange room with more on that. >> we asked you over the weekend to send us some of your favorite pictures of those real dad moments, and our response was overwhelming. take a look at this one send in on facebook from cassidy morgan. my husband was made to have a daughter. look at the intensity he is painting her fingernails with and using a nice hot pink, too. michelle sends in, they always have to be wrestling with him. upside down, attached to the leg. i don't know if he's kicking her off or what's going on. this one's just classic. heather woods spending a long day on the boat. everyone's fallen asleep here. it's those moments that just
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warm your heart. keep sending in those moments to facebook or twitter, using the #realdadmoments. we'd love to see them. >> tomorrow on "today," the dads of today. >> talk to us, willie. >> i wanted to show you this little piece of tape. matt, al, carson and i do a little male bonding while we go fly fishing. did we catch a fly, al? i don't remember. >> i don't think so. but we did bond. we drove about -- almost two hours north of the city to do some fly fishing. and you're an accomplished fly fisher. >> oh, terrible. >> matt knows what he's doing. >> matt was the dad driving the minivan. al was in shotgun. carson and i were in the back seat throwing stuff at dad. >> al, you've been saying this for as long as i've known you that you always have this image in the media of these bumbling dads and that's not like you or any of the dads we know. >> no, we're not mormorons. we actually do know how to raise our kids. you bring your kid in, and oh, you're babysitting today? no. >> or congratulations on the
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good morning. i'm tracy davidson. a wet start to your week. let's get the details from first alet meteorologist. ted? >> good morning, tracy. the rain is starting to clear out in philadelphia. but the clouds are around and we're still seeing fog, too. latest image on the radar shows most of the rain in trenton and ocean county where you're seeing pockets of heavy rain at times. that will begin to dleclear out the morning moves on. occasional showers with temperatures near 80 degrees and a slight chance of isolated thunderstorms. there's a problem on the vine if you're heading out on the roads. let's get details on that. >> that's right. it's a disabled vehicle on the
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vine street express way westbound on broad street blocking the center lane. so typically at this hour we have delays already in this area on the vine, but now they're going to be worse so make sure to leave yourself extra time. suspended service in trenton and norristown. still a delay of 15 minutes. tracy? >> the new jersey department of labor is hoping to connect veterans with companies that could use their talent and skills today. the department is part of a job fair in burlington county. the job fair runs from 10:00 to 2:00. coming up on the "today show." one hard working dad gets a special father's day surprise. plus tyler perry shines the spotlight on americans in dpet in his latest project. that's next. we'll have another local update in 25 minutes. you can always get the latest news and weather on now back to the "today show." thanks for watching. have a great day.
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assist. coming up, he can't hear us right now, so we can tell you we have something very special planned for that hard-working dad. we're going to catch up with tyler perry and he's going to explain why his latest project is so important to him. plus, we'll ask about his role in one of the most anticipated movies of the year, "gone girl." >> love that book. so i'm excited for the movie. and the hit band train will be here on friday. they'll be here for a live concert. we want to help you help us pick out some of the songs you'll perform. your choices are "if it's love." "marry me." or "save me, san francisco." to cast your vote, head to >> help us help you. >> i'm trying to hold this, the microphone, my umbrella. >> al, tell us about the weather. >> okay, let me help you with your weather.
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as we told you, a lot of wet weather in the northeast. risk of strong storms texas on into the mid mississippi river valley. 105 in las vegas. tomorrow, the heat continues in the southwest. slight risk of strong storms again from louisiana all the way up into the mississippi river valley. sunshine along the eastern seaboard. clouds depart and we look for some showers in the plains as good morning, everyone. it is an umbrella monday, as we're expecting occasional showers throughout much of the day today, too. plenty of clouds. temperatures cooler. in the upper 70s, near 830 degrees with humidity up as well. now chance of showers back in the forecast every day this week. even a chance of thunderstorms, too. temperatures should stay in the mid 80s this week. but as we head into father's day weekend we'll hopefully dry out. back to clear and sunny skies. have a great day.
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>> all these fine folks a little on the damp side. where are you folks from? >> baltimore. >> we were just in baltimore for our today treasure hunt. and alaska? >> alaska! >> all right. there you go. that's what's going on. now let's head back inside. >> all right, al, thanks. now to more of our special series "modern dads" as we count down to father's day. all this week, we're highlighting some pretty amazing fathers, like bruce marek, a father of six and a proud grandfather of ten. here is his story in the words of his only daughter susanna. >> he's so special. he's a special, special dad. and everybody's got a special dad. i know that. but not everyone has a selfless dad. he's always been so humble and have a smile on his face. it's been such a great example. my mom was diagnosed with ms around 27. my mom really started to really deteriorate after she'd have a
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couple ms attacks, she'd start to lose the ability to feed herself. during that time, my father was working full-time and he was taking care of her and taking care of us. he just never, never complained. ever. it was a stressful time, but i think that my dad's encouragement and his smile was always something that uplifted our spirits. my mom lives in a mom, about an hour away from my dad. my dad still drives out to see her almost every day. but i just think it's so beautiful that he does that. it's so selfless. i am so grateful to call you my father. i love you so much. >> bruce is here along with susanna. bruce, we brought you here under false pretenses. >> you did. >> we told you we want to talk about caring for someone with ms, and that is certainly part of your story, but really it's your daughter who wanted to pay tribute to you. how do you feel watching that and what she said? i can see it in your eyes,
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actually. >> yeah, it's very moving. i thought i was going to cry. she said she was going to cry. i thought i was. >> you've been married 40-plus years. >> 42. >> you take care of your lovely wife. and she has really struggled with her health over these years. >> yeah, it's been a challenge. >> susanna's not your only child. >> she's the only girl. she has five brothers. >> so do you guys get together a lot? >> not as much anymore. we try. special events. like we have a wedding of the final number six one this summer, we'll all be back together for that and they'll get to see mom. >> you know what i think is a special event? today. i'd like to have the marek brothers just come on out right now and surprise their dad. they wanted to say happy father's day to you. when's the last time all of you were together like this? >> a long time. probably eight years. >> you're scattered all around
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the country, aren't you? >> yes, ma'am. >> yeah. >> you're speechless. >> just like these guys. >> susanna, was this the moment you were hoping would happen? >> absolutely. absolutely. he deserves every moment of it. >> bruce, i also heard that you're quite an accomplished musician. is that true, that you were in a rock band back in the day? >> oh, my goodness! >> oh, my gosh. >> we've gotten better after that. that was early on. >> your instrument is guitar? >> yeah, i play guitar. >> well, you know what? i think we should give you a new guitar. what do you think? >> oh, man! >> from our friends at sam ash music want you to have this. >> wonderful! >> and savannah will give you lessons. >> you need to give me lessons. >> thank you. >> it's wonderful. >> what a surprise. >> guys, what would you want to say to your dad? >> obviously happy father's day. it's been a long time.
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>> this is amazing. amazing. >> you deserve it, dad. >> glad i got to tell you happy father's day in person. >> it's been a long time. >> you've definitely been an example for my four kids. happy birthday, rand. >> the youngest grandson is 4 today. >> your dedication in that. >> thanks. they set me up. >> i know. good job, susanna. and you'll all get together for the wedding in august, right? >> yes. the youngest one's getting married. >> marek family, thank you so much. happy father's day to you. >> thank you so much. >> great life's work all around you right there. coming up next, tyler perry on his new project, plus the most awe-inspiring thing he's ever done in hollywood. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back now at 8:39 with one of the hardest-working men in hollywood. tyler perry acts, directs, produces, he writes. >> that would be me. >> that's you. now he's adding a new title to the list, narrator. he lends his voice to the new documentary "spent: looking for change" about the millions of americans overlooked in our current economic and banking system. always good to see you. welcome. >> good morning, willie, how are you? >> i'm doing well. we want to talk about all your many projects. you partnered up with american express to talk about a problem i don't think a lot of americans are aware of, and that is 70 million, 7-0, americans live outside the traditional banking system. let's talk first about what that means exactly. >> what that means is about $89 billion is being spent on systems like check cashing, payday loans, or all of these different services outside of the regular banking system. and there are so many people that are becoming -- someone said this, i thought it was very interesting.
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they said it's very expensive to be poor. i think that a lot of people who are going through a lot of things and dealing with just trying to -- not living above their means, but just trying to make ends meet are faced with some pretty tragic and dire situations here, and turning to these different kinds of companies. >> i think a lot of people who watch this film, who do live in the traditional banking system, will say why don't they just go get bank accounts? and it's not that easy. these are not people who want to be going to the payday loan store. it's that they can't have a bank account. >> when you see the documentary -- this is why i'm so grateful for american express doing this. not that i don't have enough to do. i wanted to be a part of it because it lets all of america know that listen, this is happening every day. and these are hardworking people, one thing leads to another and they find themselves in these situations and are outside of a banking system that changes their entire lives. >> there's one woman, actually we're looking at it right there, her name is tiffany. you can pick any one of these stories. they're all incredible stories.
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but she has something come up in her life, something unforeseen. forces her to step out from her job and it causes a ripple effect in her life. talk a little bit about tiffany. >> she's a nurse. she has many degrees. her mother got cancer. she stopped working to take care of her. she had to do a payday loan and title on a car and take her daughter out of private school. she lost everything just because of what was happening in her life. and this is a woman who worked very, very hard and earned and saved and just found herself in a very difficult situation. so the point in this documentary, it's a really short one, you can find it on youtube, it speaks to everybody just to let them know that this is what happens for so many americans when you fall outside of the traditional banking system. >> yeah, it's an incredible film. it will move a lot of people. opened some eyes. >> education about it is key. >> let's talk about another one of your projects. we can spend all day talking about your projects. "gone girl." this is a book that people love. there's an entire cult following
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for this book. and now you're doing the film with ben affleck and mr. fincher. you call this the most educational, awe-inspiring thing i've ever done. that's a big statement for somebody who's done what you've done. why do you say that? >> working with david fincher, first of all, he's a brilliant, brilliant director. he's always looking for something. until he gets it, he doesn't move on. i have so much respect for him. it was just a joy to work with him. and, you know, hanging out with ben affleck every day and watching this guy work, he is who you think he is. just this great, wonderful guy. he loves his wife. they're really wonderful. it was a great experience. so people are going to love the movie. it's really powerful. >> you played ben's defense attorney in this film. >> yeah. >> talk about your character. >> i play tanner bolt, this bombastic really over-the-top attorney who helps him figure out this path to innocence or guilt. so you'll have to see the movie to see what happens. >> it's obviously going to be a big hit, as most things are that you touch, it turns to gold. tyler perry, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> the documentary is called
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one of broadway's most popular musicals is heading to the big screen. >> that's right. the tony-winning hit "jersey boys" has now been turned into a movie directed by oscar winner clint eastwood. ♪ who loves you pretty mama who's always there to make it right ♪ ♪ who loves you pretty baby who's gonna help you through the night ♪ >> and the stars of the film are with us now, john lloyd young, vincent piazza, michael lamenda and erich bergen. good morning to you all. or should i say good evening because i heard you were all at the tonys. >> an early morning for us.
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>> we haven't quite gone to bed yet, but what better way to wake up than this. >> you guys are worth it. >> people love "jersey boys." we know of your portrayal on broadway. but i don't necessarily put clint eastwood and "jersey boys" together. were you surprised by that? >> at first, and then i realized i think he was the best director for it because he did that jazz biography of charlie porker with forest whittaker years ago and he knows music and he understands working class east coast guys. so it was a really good fit. >> any intimidation onset? here walks dirty harry, here comes clint eastwood. scary at all? >> yeah, a little bit, but he's sort of an instantly disarming kind of guy. he creates a relaxed vibe on set. so it makes it fun to go to work and get your hands dirty. >> you played this role on broadway. not all of you had singing and dancing experience, right? >> just me. sorry, vincent, let me single you out. we know you from "boardwalk
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empire." so when they came to you with this role, do you feel like i can do this? >> there was a little bit of fear right at the top of it whether i'd be able to live up to it, but luckily i had these guys' support and the team that "jersey boys" sicked on me. just trying to fit in. >> without giving away too much, a little bit of the story, erich. i think people know the music but they don't always know the back story, where these guys came from and what the struggle was like. >> absolutely. unlike a lot of the bands of today, one direction, groups like that where we know so much about them and what they had for breakfast, the four seasons and frankie valli came up in a time when there was a shiny image that the record label certainly wanted to put out for p.r. sake. now we're sort of getting the story behind the music, which was certainly not pretty. there are ties to the mob, and it gets very dark at times, but it's this incredible story of pushing through it all. and of course, frankie valli himself is still on the road today.
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so what's amazing about "jersey boys" is that even though the movie ends, the story is far from over and it continues to go on. >> i'm just being told in my ear, one direction had fruit loops for breakfast. >> the story is so powerful, but the music is irresistible. >> it is. that's sort of what gets people in the seats. and the story keeps them coming back. the music is timeless, it's good pop music. i think it's artist like the fujis are making it because it is a good tune. it's just good music. >> we're so glad to have you this morning, especially after the big night at the tonys. >> it was a fun night. >> oh, dish. >> at commercial i will. >> yes, exactly. jo john, vincent, michael, and erich, thank you so much. >> natalie will have an interview with clint eastwood tomorrow on "today." we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. male announcer: commemorate the war of 1812 bicentennial and join our traveling celebration
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male announcer: during the 150th anniversary of the war between the states. order our civil war trails guides at and download our new civil war mobile app. maryland. land of history. it's 8:52. now let's go down to virginia. willard scott is on duty, got some birthday wishes. >> ah, the flowers are blooming. good, beautiful, sweet springtime in virginia. how nice it is. dorothy d'ambrose.
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dorothy, sweet dorothy is 103 years old today. brooklyn, new york. she loves to do all sorts of things that are fun. eugene gynther. wishing him a happy birthday at 100. he loves to eat salmon. lee verta petties is 100 years old, from chicago, illinois. she loves to dance and sing and have a good time. music is her thing. doris and morton weiss from hunting valley, ohio. they've been married for 75 years. and we wish them a beautiful happy anniversary. they say that falling in love is the best thing they ever did. this is bess rozen. we wish her happy birthday. she is 100 years old today. lauderhill, florida. she loves all sorts of good
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things, but she really loves to be positive. she says that's the way to be. now we have finally stuart gillespie. stuart, 101 years old today. loves sailing and skiing. he's in the right place for it. and boat building. he's really in the right place. that's it, that's all for right now. back to the great city of new york and the great state of new york. >> willard, thank you so much. >> i shouldn't be asking this question, but guys, what's coming up on our next hour? >> tell us, willie. >> we've got "today's take." going to be delving into again a little bit more about what happened at the belmont. >> yes, steve coburn, the co-owner. >> the rant heard round the world. >> and given the chance yesterday on the "today" show, by the way, to walk back and maybe think cooler heads would prevail. he went in for round two. >> he's kind of backing off today. if you notice at one point, his wife is, like -- >> yes. >> i'm talking right now!
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>> was he like that? >> very much like that. >> how many times have you gotten that little pat. honey. >> i've never turned on my wife like that because that's not a good move. >> he knew he had lightning in a bottle at that moment. >> we're also going to do some great breakfast starters with joy bauer. >> will bacon be involved? >> it has to be. >> the protein. >> not turkey bacon, real bacon. >> if i see bacon, i'm crashing the segment. >> more
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good morning. i'm tracy davidson. looks like it's going to be an umbrella kind of day. let's get the details from ted fl florendo. >> the rain is starting to clear but keep the the umbrellas nearby. you are going to need them throughout the day. patchy fog outside and overcast skies throughout the day today.
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now to the radar where we had rainfall. it's moving out of philadelphia to points north and west. now we're seeing rain in burlington county. atlantic city, cape may, you remain dry. same for delaware, at least for now. because we're looking for a chance of showers throughout the day. even some isolated the thunderstorms. 79 degrees for a high today. and a chance of showers and storms all the way until friday. >> happening today, penndot begins the second largest construction project ever on i-95 and philadelphia. the work could impact your commute in fishtown. tonight crews will rebuild and widen the girard avenue interchange and three miles northbound. this comes on top of other projects to improve the same stretch. the improvement plan includes a reconstruction of rarps and bridges. road crews will work monday through friday from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. work on the southbound sird in
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that area is expected to start later this month. the entire project is expected to be completed in 2018. a water main break has streets shut down in philadelphia this morning. crews will back at the site of the break. it happened around 11:15 last night. right now the intersection remains closed. three three properties had some flooding. everyone in the area does have water service. we'll have another local update in 25 minutes and any time at i'm tracy davidson.
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from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist, and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on this monday morning. it is not pretty out here in new york city. it's june 9th, 2014. but again, those diehard fans out on the plaza. >> yes, all morning long. >> all morning. >> they are incredible. it looks like it's let up maybe a little bit for them. hopefully. >> starting to mildew. >> i'm willie geist along with al roker. natalie morales. tamron has the day off. let's get right into the news. we've been talking about this story for a week now at least. it's been nine days since bowe bergdahl's release. he's been telling army officials about his time in captivity
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where he was held by the taliban. bergdahl says it was a terrifying and lonely ordeal with long periods of solitary confineme confinement. he says when he tried to escape, he was recaptured, confined in a tiny space like a box and kept in the dark. he's still recovering at a military hospital in germany, although he's permitted to talk to his parents any time he wants, we're told he still has chosen not to call them. the fbi confirmed bergdahl's parents have received death threats and they are now reportedly under police protection. they've not been seen publicly actually since returning to hailey, idaho, their hometown following their rose garden ceremony with the president last week. the taliban has revealed more about bergdahl, telling nbc news they never kidnapped him, and were surprised to find him alone off base. the taliban said bergdahl didn't want to yojoin the militants or convert to islam, but did express anger at fellow soldiers. the taliban were thinking they
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deliberately sent bergdahl to spy on them. >> more questions than answers. >> a lot of questions. >> what's interesting is the fact that he's chosen not to call his family, even though he's been given permission to. you wonder is that because he is still in a mental health aspect of this? is he being treated? we know he's being treated. but it just seems like now he's talking about the ordeal. you'd think that would be the first phone call you would make. >> like so much of this story, it's very difficult to judge from afar. we don't know what's going on with him, with his family. you do think as a person that one of the first phone calls if you had the chance would be to mom and dad. but who knows? >> we don't know. here's something more cut-and-dry, i think. >> maybe not. >> i don't know that it's so difficult. if you watched the belmont on saturday, we watched it as a family. it was really exciting. i mean, california chrome, obviously coming up short. tying for fourth place. and then it came time for some
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post-race interviews, and california chrome's owner getting a lot of heat this morning, his post-race comments after his horse finishes a disappointing fourth. >> it's all or nothing. this is not fair to these horses that have been running their guts out for these people and for the people that believe in them, to have somebody come up -- this is a coward's way out in my opinion. this is a coward's way out. if you've got a horse that earns points running the kentucky derby, those 20 horses that start in kentucky are the only 20 eligible to run in all three races. this is the coward's way out. >> steve, i know it's a tough loss. we hope to see him down the road. >> there it is. >> wife kind of leans in. you know, sweetie, you might want to -- >> wow. >> i mean, dude! really. first of all, it's not like it's a new rule. >> so you think it's total sour grapes?
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>> i think it's complete sour grapes. you know what? your horse gave it a good shot. didn't make it. >> this is the way of the sport. i mean, it's been 36 years. >> you've got the bargain of the century with this horse. you won the preakness, you won the kentucky derby. >> made a heck of a lot of money. >> you're going to make millions in stud fees. and the horse will, too. but instead, you turn on people. it's like, come on. just stop. >> we should explain what he's talking about. the winner tonalist didn't run either of the first two legs of the triple crown. so the horse is fresh. just shows up for the belmont. the trainer conceded that chrome's fatigue was a disadvantage, but there were other horses who had been in the first two. >> exactly. come on. >> i think, to me, he has a point if he wants to make that point. right in the heat of that moment is not the time. be gracious, congratulate the winner. >> and it's been -- this is the way it works. it's not like it's a surprise. his horse got a break with the
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breathe right strips. come on. all right? >> the nasal strips. >> the jockey had the nasal strips. he i think should have been wearing a nasal strip. maybe more oxygen would have gotten to his brain. look, this morning, he did apologize a little bit. but come on. this is about sportsmanship. >> it's interesting, i think bob costas did make the point, and a couple people have raised this in the horse racing world, that the last nine belmont winners came in as horses with fresh legs. so there is case for -- i mean, it is the test of champions, as they say on the traffic. it is the longest, almost a mile and a half long. >> if that's a problem, get him a cab, i don't know. come on. >> there's a reason no one's done it since 1978. >> exactly. it's the holy grail of horse racing. i mean, to get there, it takes that special horse. >> you just know california chrome's thinking, you think it's so easy? why don't you run this thing? >> meanwhile, the poor horse had
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a gashed hoof before the race. going to be fine, but clearly, it was not his day. >> not his day. >> to steve coburn -- >> wilfred bremley was mad in that interview. >> i kept seeing wilfred bremley at the track. another story is sandra bullock and her 4-year-old son louis. they did have a scary incident over the weekend. sunday, somebody broke into their l.a. home. law enforcement responded around 6:30 in the morning. sources telling nbc news this wasn't just a random break-in. the suspect apparently 39-year-old joshua corbett may have actually been targeting the actress. corbett was allegedly going through the house, taking her personal items while they were there sleeping. and police sources say corbett may have been obsessed with sandra, even keeping a diary on her. what's most amazing is somehow he got past her -- she has state of the art security.
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she has cameras all around her house. barbed wire all around her property as well. pretty scary that she took all the necessary measures but somebody got through those extra layers of security. it's not the first time she's been targeted. she's had incidents with stalkers in the past. fortunately, the actress is unarmed. she's fine. and sandra, by the way, on saturday night had a fun event that she had been at. she was at spike tv's guys choice awards, winning the decade of hotness prize. >> wow. you won that in the '90s. >> i won 12 seconds of hotness. >> it was because literally the air-conditioning was off. kind of the lebron james of weather. no, there's no hotness. >> this is pretty scary, though, when you consider the layers of security that sandra bullock has. she's got security guards. the whole setup. >> she's got the whole setup. >> somebody in your house. >> if somebody has a will, unfortunately -- >> thank goodness, she's had -- in the past, she's dealt with
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this, so she has experience with this. but she's fine and that's the great thing. >> that's all that matters. >> but they were there at home when this was happening. that's the scary part. i have to show you this piece of tape. this is a kansas city royals game. this is a ball boy's blunder, we're calling this one. they've got the ball boy, or the ball girl down either fall line. they scoop up the foul ball. once in a while, it's a fair ball. and you're not sure what to do about it. here's the kansas city royals over the weekend. >> roberts hits one inside first and down the right-field line. the ball boy touches the ball and he should not have. oblivious to the fact that it was fair. >> just found out the truth. uh-oh. >> hit it hard and sometimes borderline dirty. foul ball. and the ball boy want no, sir part of that. didn't even move. he wanted to make sure. >> that's tough. >> i feel bad for this kid.
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come on. when steve coburn went after him, that was a bit much. >> did he do this thing with his wife. >> don't touch the ball! >> that's like your favorite of all time. >> yelling at people. >> what did his wife say when they got home? oh. don't ever shush your wife. that's a bad move. you can do anything. don't shush your wife. another thing not good, we've got heavy thunderstorms making their way through the southern plains. dallas has had a ground stop, some heavy thunderstorms there, things lightening up a bit. ground delays also in new york city. so we're watching this system pushing through. it is going to take its own sweet time making its way through the gulf coast. back behind this low pressure system, more heavy thunderstorms are going to fire up. so we do have a fairly wide swath of severe weather today. wet weather from the great lakes all the way down to texas, but a risk of strong storms. dallas, houston, on into
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memphis, corpus christi, we'll be watching that. besides a chance of isolated tornados, hail and damaging winds, we've got a lot of heavy rain, so flash flood watches, flash flood warnings, mainly because we're talking on top of what's already fallen another two to three inches, some areas locally up to four inches of rain in about three to six hours, and the storm system, the drain systems can't take that, so we're going to be watching that as well during the day good morning, everyone. it is an umbrella monday as we're expecting occasional showers throughout much of the day today, too. plenty of clouds, temperatures cooler, too. we'll be in the upper 70s near 80s with humidity up as well. chance of showers in the forecast every day this week. even a chance of thunderstorms, too. temperatures should stay in the mid 80s this week. as we head into father's day weekend we'll hopefully dry out back to clear and sun any skies. have a great day. >> and that's your latest
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weather. the warm weather is here, that means so are the mosquitos and ticks. they can be more harmful to your health than you think. we're going to show you how to protect your family right after this. honey bunches of oats! it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! in any foods. r really gave much thought to the acidity never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids.
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it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. ♪ still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you feel
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use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. buy three johnson & johnson first aid products and get a free bag. buy three johnson & johnson first aid products some comto make theirtificial yogurt sweeter. but here at chobani, we think mother nature is sweet enough. introducing chobani simply 100.
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with summer just around the coroner, you'll probably be spending a lot more time outdoors, which means exposure to all kinds of pests. besides being a nuisance, they can also be dangerous. >> we've seen headlines, everything from mosquito bites causing fever, to a professional football player being quarantined after a mosquito bite. >> here to help you stay protected, missy hendrickson, and david corporate nbc universal. let me start -- some of the
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things we've been talking about with these pests have to do with the summer pests. what are the most dangerous threats to us right now, what should we be doing to protect ourselves? >> most of us really associate west nile virus with mosquitos. we're starting to hear a lot more about other mosquito-borne illnesses. chicken gunya is something most of us are still learning to pronounce, but it's something we'll be becoming a lot more familiar with. it can affect your bones and joints. very painful. >> the cdc said in the case of chikungunya, it's usually somebody that's been out of the country bringing it back in here. >> that's very important. >> this is caused from a bite from a mosquito. we've seen it many years in africa, southeast asia, but about six months ago we started to see it in the caribbean. we've seen about 18 cases in florida in 2014, but all these cases have been people who have traveled to the caribbean, other countries. but the big threat is that we
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might start seeing some local transmission here in the united states, and so that's something to be concerned about. >> how do you know if you have that and not just a regular mosquito bite. how do you know it's more serious? >> the symptoms. when you have this chikungunya or dengay fever characterized by high fevers, joint pain. it can be really debilitating. so that's something that if the fever lasts for more than 48 hours, if the pain starts, you want to see your doctor. but it is a sequence. all mosquito bites will cause a local reaction, redness, pain. but these other illnesses can be more severe, and so you've got to be vigilant about that. >> what is dengay fever? there were 24 reported cases i believe in florida as well. >> it's a viral disease caused by the bite of the mosquito. causes fever, the joint pain. but in some cases, there's something called -- hard to say. dengue rheumatic fever. it can cause bleeding problems, bruising.
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it's certainly very concerning. >> before we move on to prevention, the jets' wide receiver david nelson was bitten while on a charity trip in haiti. he's been quarantined. any update on his condition? >> as far as i know, he's doing better now. there isn't actually transmission from person to person. the mosquito really is the vector, so the mosquito bites somebody and transmits the disease. but i think they're being very cautious in that case. >> let's talk about ways to protect ourselves then, when it comes to mosquitos, ticks, all of those pests. >> very important to protect yourself. most of us know we should be eliminating sources of standing water on our properties. a lot of other things we can be doing as well. if you're doing outdoor barbecuing, invest in insect-repelling candles. those will minimize the population of mosquitos, they won't prevent them. mosquitos are not such good fliers. a simple fan will help keep those mosquitos at bay as well. the most important advice i can offer is to make sure to use insect repellant.
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we've gotten pretty good at wearing sunscreen. we need to be equally vigilant on insect repellant. a lot of products on the market. look for products that contain deet, oil of lemon eucalyptus. also mosquitos and ticks can't bite what they can't access. long sleeves, long pants will go a long way for protection as well. if you're going to be outdoors in heavily wooded areas, use clothing that's pretreated or buy a bottle and spray it on. >> what works on mosquitos works on ticks and vice versa? >> for the most part. for the ticks you want to use a product with permethrin or insect repellant with at least 20% deet. >> tick bite, what are you looking for to know it's a problem? >> certainly the rash. one of the biggest issues with tick bites is lyme disease. it can be with a rash, a target type lesion. if you do think you have lyme disease, go see your doctor, there are treatments.
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[ male announcer ] sweet sun ripened strawberries. now we've added even more of them to philadelphia® strawberry. rich, creamy, and delicious. only philadelphia®. but what about here? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® visibly even daily moisturizer. in 4 weeks, you'll see more even skin tone. even from here. [ female announcer ] neutrogena®.
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oh john don't wallow i'm not wallowing in ice cream. it's the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. half the fat of regular ice cream. it's also irresistibly thick and creamy! didn't expect you to be enjoying yourself so soon! couldn't resist. try the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. ♪ dannon. in the news this morning, there's a new classification system for babies who die from sudden unexpected infant death, and it could help researchers learn more about the causes and
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devise strategies to prevent future tragedies. sudden infant death is the leading cause of death in babies 1 month to 1 year. the research will help medical examiners find more accurate research. president obama is issuing an executive order to ease the burden of student loan debt. he's expanding a ten l2010 law left off people with older loans. the new law will allow borrowers to cap their monthly payment at 10% of their income, making it more affordable. federal student loan debt topped $1 trillion last year and the obama administration says it has a harmful impact on consumer spending and home buying. some chaos this morning at boston's logan airport after two planes collided while on the ground. airport officials say a southwest airlines flight with passengers onboard pushed back from the gate and hit an empty parked jetblue flight. there were no injuries onboard the southwest flight and no disruption to normal operations
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at logan airport. southwest airlines says it is working to get passengers now on other flights. some of the family members of those who vanished on that malaysia airlines jet back in march have launched an online fund to raise money for a reward and private investigation. the project went up sunday on the fundraising website relatives say they're trying to encourage a whistleblower to come forward. the month of june may be a good start to start some of those projects around the house, like painting and decorating. consumer experts say paint usually goes on sale in june along with hand and power tools. you can thank father's day for that. and dishes and home decor are also often discounted this month. why? because of summer weddings. the stars aligned this weekend for the romantic teen movie "the fault in our stars." it easily took the top spot at the box office, bringing in $48 million. second place, the spell-binding "maleficent" starring angelina
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jolie, and tom cruise's "edge of ♪ [ male announcer ] crisp garden vegetables. now, we've added even more of them to philadelphia® garden vegetable. rich, creamy, and delicious. only philadelphia®. rich, creamy, and delicious. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats.
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tasty! yummy! good morning. m i'm tracy davidson. let's get your first alert forecast from meteorologist tedd florendo. >> good morning, tracy. clouds this morning. most of the rain has moved on. but we have a chance of showers throughout most of your monday. live look outside shows us overcast skies. most of the rain over center city has come to an end for now. radar shows most of the showers really into burlington county, but dry from cape may all the way towards the lehigh valley. temperatures 79 degrees, clouds with a chance of showers throughout the day. tracy? an hour from now another member of chris kri tee's administration will testify on the scandal. kevin o'dowd will answer questions on the port authority
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of new york and new jersey. a legislative committee is investigating the closing of access lanes on the george washone tr lee last fall. # protesters are expected tonight. they are attacking corbett on several issues, including education funding. since corbett took office, there have been nearly a billion dollars cut in education. today gloucester county is giving away fans to help keep elderly fans cool this summer. from 10:00 to 11:00. and then from 1:00 to 2:30 this afternoon, fans will be given out at the senior services offices. prolonged heat and humidity can cause a health emergency for a senior citizen. we'll have another local update in 25 minutes. you can get the latest news and weather with the rain at thanks for watching. have a great day.
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some hardy fans outside on the plaza as the rain continues to fall here in new york city. welcome to "today" on a monday morning, june 9th, 2014. tamron has the day off. great story to tell you about. the seattle pacific university student who tackled the campus gunman during a deadly shooting on thursday has now received an outpouring of generosity from strangers. jon -- how do we say his last name? >> meis. >> jon meis pepper sprayed the alleged gunman after a rampage that left one person dead. the following day, a link to meis's and fiancee caylee's wedding registry at target, crate & barrel angs circulated on social media and everything on it was purchased. everything. couple getting married on june 21st then sne set u an account on go fund me to pay for the honeymoon and the future. as of this morning, $48,000 has
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been donated. >> wow, their honeymoon is paid for then. >> and then some. >> a down payment on a house. >> god owsany l ase it's been raining. we are continuing to get some pin wheeling effect here in the northeast. so we're going to continue with some showers. and then we've also got the risk fray up thppi river valley. out west, western third of the y, scountrctacular. lots of sunshine. 105 in phoenix. 82 in l.a. 68 in seattle. for tomorrow, the rain dries out here in the northeast, at least for a day, but then it will be back by the time we get to wednesday. sunny and hot through the southeast. anskr f strong storms int the mississippi river l the agai the heat continues out west. look for some showers through plains with some cooler >>gog,everyo umbrella monday. as we're expecting occasional
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showers throughout much of the the day today, too. plenty of clouds. temperatures cooler, too. we'll be in the upper 70s near 80 degrees today with humidity up as well. now the chance of showers back in the forecast every day this week, even a chance of thunderstorms too. temperatures should stay in the mid 80s this week. as we head into father's day weekend we'll hopefully dry out. back to clear and sunny skies. have a great day. and that's your latest weather. this morning in honor of father's day, we're kicking off our series "modern dads," taking a look at how the role of fatherhood has been changing over the years. we found that 61% of dads say they are more involved with their children than their fathers were with them. >> veteran actors matt servito and jason kravitz take a funny approach to modern fatherhood with their web series "lords of the playground."
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ya yap, yapping on the cell ust phone, talking to god knows who. the d's justunni around. s she can't tellau's payienti. id to gey lady, where's your kid? >> where's your kid? >> he's -- >> monkey bars. >> right, monkey an ->>oh! >> i told you that kidouldn' make it across the monkey barcelona. >> just being sloppy today. he's going again. two outthree. firm grip! >> ts matt and jason here us.firsof a. when we were growing up, they were just basically steel pipt ? and you just took your chances. now they're so ll-ptected. >> yeah. there's like pillow marshmallows around and they can safe. >> you sound disappointed. >> i want the kids today to have the same hardships. >> you don't have to watch your
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kids like a hawk anymore because rubberized. ort of sit and talk as e dn and ie >> we joke about i series, buew yo you go to the se d o with his head down, and as a parent, i just start watching their kid. because he's not watching. i've got an eye on him. >> the playground in new york city, that's where we raised our kids, playground is the only place in new york city that you can let your kid go more than five feet away from you without them literally playing in traffic. you need that kind of boundaries and that's why you end up there all the time because you can sit, they can be over there, they can eat sand, it's . >> good city sand. >> good fiber. absolutely. >> as an older dad of this asoup, when i w kids to the playground, i was usually the only dad there. so it was kind of tough being, you know, a man. nothere are lots of dads at the playground. >> yeah, i think the stigma of a grown man at a playground with
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his children of 20, 30 years ago, you know, what's wrong with that guy, that poor man, he must have lost his job or his wife left him or something. >> pretty much the same today. >> well, as you said, there's definitely -- because the economy, divorce rates, all that. there's definitely a lot of single dads and stay at home dads on the playground. >> yet it's hard, because you're sitting there, having a great time there. are other dads and you're having a great time with your kid and you stop for a second, and you think, shouldn't i be doing something else? like killing a mammoth or hunting and gathering? >> you don't strike me as the type. >> we'll go out with some spears later on, i'll show you some stuff. >> you guys are the classic modern dads. actors with different schedules. you're there taking care, involved with your kids. what is the larger message to what you guys are doing in these videos? >> the larger message. i think it's you can be a good father. you can participate. you can love your kids. and you can still use them for
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fun and profit. >> that's pretty much what we're doing. >> how do your kids feel about these videos? >> we don't tell them. >> i think the message is be careful what you wish for. i think everyone wants more time with your kids, then you get it, you're just sitting on a bench. >> what mothers have dealt with a long time. there's a certain amount of boredom of being with your children for long periods of time, but we don't have role models for this. our fathers were very present fathers and they worked 9:00 to 5: hi, dad. happy father's day. it's just different for us. >> you guys talk a lot in the series about trying to be on the playground, trying to be the caregiver and retaining your manhood, whatever that means exactly. how do you go about that? >> i think youefinitely find her guys. we discovered early on when my childrenyoun you go to drop off at pre-k, all the guys with like, i got to go. then you go torbucks and there's three of them sitting there. like you two? yeah, i haven't worked in a couple months. i'm just between jobs.
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sure enough, we start gathering together and you find camaraderie in that. so you go from talking about the yankees game to exchanging gluten-free recipes. >> that's very manly. >> manly gluten-free recipes. >> i think the next generation -- i don't feel like, as jason said, we're still genetically still right there at the edge of wanting to be the hunter and gatherer. the next generation may be very comfortable being a provider. >> and even relationship with, they've put these videos on because they were focusing more on fatherhood. something they really didn't do. they were a mother's magazine for a long time. >> and it was called parents. okay, matt, jason, thanks so much. great stuff, guys. speaking of dads, what are some good father's day gifts? just one of the things you and all your friends will be looking up this weekend online. >> the hottest google search is coming up right after this. will you help us find a new house for you and your brother?
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star returns and what did you get your dad for father's day. >> some of the topics that had everyone on their computers this weekend. the hottest searches, here to break it down for us, daniel seeburg. >> good to see you both. >> our first google search, new season of "orange is the new black" on netflix. a lot of people trying to catch up on what they missed. >> i think bingeing is the new way to watch in some ways. netflix released the new season of "orange is the new black." people were probably searching for reviews, finding what people were saying on social media. i honestly hadn't seen it before but i did watch an episode. it's funnier than i thought it would be. you can see why it generates a lot of buzz. it's got some drama, some comedy and it's really a very compelling show. >> so how are the reviews for this season so far? >> they've actually been really good. i think that it's so good that netflix has said they're going to already have a third season. so clearly there's a big following with this show. and online, lots of buzz. >> a big fan. i started watching season two
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this weekend already. so far, so good. >> our next topic, i think all of us were stunned to wake up saturday morning and hear about this car accident in which tracy morgan was critically injured. what else do we know about it today? >> of course people were searching once they heard the news, however they got wind of it. maybe initially they weren't sure that it was for real, that maybe it was a hoax. of course we know now that he was critically injured, remains in the hospital. one of his friends jimmy mcnair was killed in this, of course, and it's the kind of thing that got people searching online. he's a star of "30 rock." a lot of fans that want to know how he's doing. the truck driver is scheduled to appear in court wednesday. so all of this has got this element to it. and just a real tragedy. >> he is responding now, apparently. >> yeah, doing a little bit better, as we hear. >> but there were other people injured as well, and as you said, jimmy mack, a terrible tragedy. on their way home from a show. the next search, calvin & hobbs. what are people looking at that for? >> on a more up beat note,
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calvin & hobbs, the creator o'of that, bill waterston. you might wonder why people are searching for it. it turns out he came out of a very reclusive state to partner with stefan pastus, who is the cartoonist of "pearls before swine" and they collaborated around a series of comic strips that have to do with his characters. they're really funny. >> a little racy. >> especially by calvin & hobbs standards. he drew this character named libby, a second grader. she kind of takes over the comic strip. there's kind of referencing the cartoonist himself, and libby, the 2nd grader is a better artist than he is. but fans excited to hear about it. it was a big deal because bill waterston hasn't really done anything since he retired. >> comic book fan girls and fan boys went nuts over this. >> i read all the books. i'm sure a lot of fans were
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thinking ah, great. something. >> and now i'm going to do the reminder for those who may have forgotten, the search for father's day, also a big search. june 15th. don't worry. we'll take care of you. >> it's possible people were searching just to remind themselves that it's next sunday, and wasn't yesterday. but we see searches for that kind of thing a lot. people searching for gift ideas, inspiration. maybe searching for the dad who loves technology. or the dad who loves food. >> doesn't who need another tie. >> but, you know, ties are kind of a staple for father's day. so we see that kind of thing. of course, there are tons of ideas online and ways to remind yourself to get shipping done ahead of time. so if you do those things online, you get it in advance of when you want to give it to the dad in your life. >> i know a book that makes a perfect father's day gift. >> go ahead, willie, what is the name of that book again? >> "good talk, dad." get it for your dad. >> there you go.
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>> thank you so much, daniel. coming up next, what is your breakfast personality? are you on the go? never eat breakfast maybe? or do you like a sweet breakfast? or perhaps you're the kind that likes to sit down for that big breakfast buffet on the weekends? now we're talking. >> go to right now. tell us which one you are. and joy bauer will have some look at them. time thieves. with their tiny little bandit hands. stealing a second. a minute. an entire day. that's where your time went. with these creatures. hungry, sleepy, poopy little crooks. but honestly, they wouldn't even have to steal it because you're happy to give it to them. save what little time you have with store pick up from target. buy online, pick up in store and spend more time with your little thieves. hey! have an awesome vacation thank you so much! you're so sweet. yummy! key lime pie at 90 calories. it is so good for not giving in.
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>> we are kicking off a special three-day series, get started today. we're going to help you jump start your morning with a healthy breakfast. at, we asked you what kind of breakfast personality or what type or what you typically eat. >> 56% said you eat on the run. 15% never eat breakfast. 6% say eat something sweet in the morning. 20% typically eat a bigger breakfast on weekends. guilty as charged. >> yes. "today" nutritionist jill bauer is here with healthy options to fit your routine. >> good morning. >> you said there are two key components that we should be having every breakfast and that's protein and fiber. >> i tell everybody ideally you want to use an 8-4 winning formula. your breakfast should have at least eight grams of protein. and over here -- this is what eight grams looks like. a cup of skim milk or string cheese or couple slices of lean bacon or three scrambled egg whites. four grams of fiber looks like
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this. a cup of whole grain cereal or a piece of fruit. so we're going to go over the different personalities and we're going to start with people that are on the go. they have chaotic mornings. >> you saw it was a big portion for of our audience. >> if you're trying to lose weight, you want to cap the calories at 300. all of the breakfast that we're going to go over fit the bill. we've done all the work for everybody. the first thing this is my overnight chocolate banana oatmeal. all you're going to do is in a bowl, half a cup of oats, three quarters a cup of skim milk, half of a ripened banana, one teaspoon of maple syrup, and one to two teaspoons of cocoa. you mix this up, put it into the refrigerator. you wake up, guess what -- >> what's this? >> if you want, you can bump up the health a little bit more and put in some chia seeds. >> it's like a cold oatmeal. >> i like it cold, but you can
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put it in the microwave 30 seconds and you have warm oatmeal. >> i'm sold. this is an on the go person also, taking it to go. >> two minutes, salsa scramble. you're going to spray the inside of a mug with a little bit of oil. you add two egg whites, one whole egg. >> so you get a little bit of that richness. >> that's right. and a little bit of salsa. you pop this in the microwave for two minutes. that's why we call it a two-minute salsa scramble and you have eggs right there. and if you couple it with a slice of whole grain toast, then you get that tieb fiber. >> it should be hot, but that's good. >> we made it about an hour ago. >> i like this one if you're the kind of person that likes something a little sweet. >> this is a waffle pba. a little bit of peanut butter and skip that sugary jam, slices of strawberry. >> i love that. >> and that's great for kids. you eat it open-faced, double the bites. for people that don't eat
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breakfast, here's how you go. you're probably drinking coffee. i want you to add a little bit more milk into that coffee. get comfortable with that. then, next step. you're going to add a protein item to your milk with cough fee -- coffee. and then add a piece of fruit. this is sweetened ricotta with berries. i add a little bit of milk, a little bit of sugar, and a little bit of vanilla extract. take frozen berries, nuke them in the microwave. look what happens when you use frozen berries. it's like a syrup. >> what about folks who like the muffin? >> look at these muffins. >> these are the healthy muffins. >> when you're craving a muffin or doughnut in the morning, instead, it's a banana berry muffin. you can make two to three batches of it, freeze it, and then in the morning, you take it out of the freezer, ready to go. >> for the weekender, you got the omelet. >> an egg white western omelet. perfect.
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good morning. i'm tracy davidson. let's get your first alert forecast from meteorologist tedd florendo. tedd? >> good morning, tracy. clouds outside right now, but wery s out. most of center city is clear of the rainfall. most of the rain is really into burlington county, of course ocean county and all the way down to delaware and philadelphia remains dry at least right now. we'll have occasional showers today with a slight chance of thunderstorms. temperatures near 80 with more humidity as well. tracy? happening today, the philadelphia fire department will introduce a new water safety program to help prevent drownings this summer. operation stay on shore will increase the awareness of the dangers of swimming in the
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city's creeks and rivers. one of the voices of the program is kimberly boyle, the-yr-ol brt mmas the waterembl will be held today. six people died last year while swimming in area creeks and rivers. in new castle county, crews working on the bridge are making progress on repairing.workers h massive amount of dirt suspected of causing the bridge in wilmington to tilt. it's just the first step in getting the bridge repaired or reopened. engineers also found cracks the. i'm tracy davidson. you can always get the ltne w a" thanks for watching. have a great day.
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everyby. on a very rainy fun day monday, june 9th, so glad you're here with us. what a gorgeous weekend it was. >> it was spectacular. we felt like we had to pay for it and that was today. >> all this week it looks like. but i have you, my sunshine. >> yes, you do. >> we had our hue lagh last nig didn't we? >> if you didn't watch the tonys, go on youtube and watch the first five minutes. hugh jackman did something extraordinary. he literally jumped, bounced for, i don't know how many minutes but as i was watching him, four minutes straight of jumping. not like jumping rope. >> like leaping forward. he's like -- >> like on one of those segues, it looks like, going over -- it
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is just amazing. >> i was watching him and i said i wonder how hard that is. in my apartment, that wasn't that big, i was jumping. after four or five jumps, i was winded. this guy kept going and going and going. >> and having fun with everybody along the way and hitting the high notes. he's in unbelievable shape. >> he was a ten. hats off to hugh jackman. >> charming, charming job. our favorite thing is when he turned and said, and by the way, gave a shoutout to the -- >> the cam operator. >> he had an even harder job than hugh. >> that's what hugh does. a fun night. he had all kinds of interesting things at the tonys, things you don't expect. a little rap at the tonys. a lot of cleavage. >> yeah. >> how about fantasia? if you're watching the opening number -- >> that's not even -- you can bare -- when she's moving around, i was terrified. look. what is that? is that a -- >> no, that's not a -- don't say
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nip. >> she turned the other way and it was there again. >> it might be tape that is holding the dress together. >> i don't know. no one knows. >> okay. big night for jesse mueller playing carole king. she won for best lead actress. she was singing with carole king. >> she walked out on that stage and everyone went bonkers. and she was such a -- she has such humility in her acceptance speech. >> she is the real deal. i love jessie's speech about her as well. a little of it. >> okay. >> are we going to listen. >> i have a wadded up piece of paper. oh, my gosh. >> she's beautiful. >> i have to thank god because without him, nothing is possible and that is true and that will always be true. everyone at sondheim, the cast, the crew, designers, such a pleasure to come work every day. >> how many times -- >> i think five times. if i had a ticket tonight, i
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would go again. >> it is that good. >> really good. >> a million a week, doing so we well. little show that was struggling is gentleman's guide to love and murder. it took home best musical. that's what i had thought. >> you picked that one. >> it is so unique. it is just -- you want to laugh your butt off, go see that show. phenomenal performances. though jefferson mays did not take home the lead actor. >> right. >> but somebody who, you know, ecae eequally deserving. >> who? >> neil patrick harris. bryan cranston won for best play. >> i haven't seen that. you saw it. you said it was unbelievable. >> usually what i do when i go to a play, i go how long is it? you want to know. this go three hours and you go, okay.
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and you think, oh, my gosh. it was three great hours. it wasn't one of those, you go, oh, my god. congrats to all of them. let's talk belmont stakes, shall we? >> oh. california chrome. >> we have been picking them all the way. and -- >> he tied for fourth, the horse. so afterwards, you guys know the drama came afterwards when one of the owners, co-owner of the horse, steve coburn, was ticked off after the race. we'll show you a little snippet, you know, and here we go. >> because this is not fair to these horses that have been running their guts out for these people and for the people that believe in them, for somebody to come up -- this is a coward's way out in my opinion. this is a cordward's way out. if you have a horse, run him in all three. if you have a horse that earns points running the kentucky derby, those 20 horses that start in kentucky are the only 20 available of eligible to run in all three races.
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this is a coward's way out. >> steve, i know it is a tough loss, we hope to see him down the road. >> how many times have you been with your partner or you're partetis you t o manymarriages. >> no, i don'tca >> he happened to onte>> hhega fith d the getting rest and sep getting his feelings about -- again. he's really mad. he'll never say he's sorry. today he apologiz. >> the apologize du jour. >> he said he was ashamed of his behavior. he apologized to his wife first, which i thought was great. he didn't apologize -- then he apologized to th wne and , aentireyose what do you do? >> you sit next to me every day . to some linghem back.
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somehow, you get through. >> you know what, you're right. you are right. >> this is a cute story. >> it is. shailene woodley, first of all, hats off to the movie, "the fault in our stars." it was number one at the box office. $48 million, it made tom cruise's movie look like a big zip. >> it did okay. it got really good reviews and -- >> but, you know. people didn't go as much as they went to this one. you know what they should realize, young girls like going to good movies and they'll buy tickets and you don't have to t tma - ttf>>ikligh john green, the writer, who every bit as popular as they were and went on this mall tour, selling it, preselling it to everybody. so remember the girl from fandango was here and said they never had so much -- >> was i >> yes, hoda, that was week. >> okay. >> the real moms. ah wan t s e o he wat theauensoheyve a
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and ansel elgort. >> shailene maybe sat next to you. she wanted to hear what people thought of it, you know. >> honestly. >> and tom cruise did pretty i v th >> no, it is different. >>,wa. at the seattle symphony, you would like it, it is a symphony. at the symphony, they have this man who came, and his name is sir mix a lot and he's really -- >> no, hoda. >> it was great. it was at the seattle symphony and the audience got involved. she wearwhere's my fellos fellows ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it shake that big old butt ♪ >> shake that big old butt. >> your friend emily -- >> emily is here. i'm ashamd ed of you.
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>> emily knows baby got back. baby got back. >> nearer my god to thee, those are the only -- oh, emily. >> that was a hit 20 years ago. it was -- it a product of the symphony to get more people involved. the symphony evolution project, they have composers and they interpret famous songs. >> i can't take it. broadway last night, and all -- >> did you love it? >> emily loved it. >> oh, my gosh. at's,e buying the lam what, thi you el me nokon't comesti youitan it -- w aoobes futoryf tou,hi will be. oh, my gosh. what a life. if this kid can turn his life around, he's -- ♪ you believe now
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>> he's good. i was sobbing my eyes out. it gives you s hope. so it is called -- >> you read a lot. >> i do read a lot, hodi. us. rite ny. >> i hope it felt better for her becambrni ersncu?sh ar than it did for me. i was kicked out of the brownies. >> i was in the brownies. here's proof. it is not an easy picture but i'm the weird one on the end. somebody posted that. anyway. >> most people have a wonderful experience with the brownies. good for her. >> all right. so here we go. all right. want to do a shoutout to the high school graduates. if you know a teen who has overcome odds to graduate from high school, we want to know about it. >> go to our facebook page or and hit the connect button, please. >> all right, the sexy actor who never lost his groove, taye diggs is here to celebrate father's day week. >> and all the hollywood happenings this weekend including a split for a big hollywood couples.
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