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tv   Today  NBC  June 14, 2014 2:07am-3:01am EDT

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>> that's checkmate right there. jthckte. [ laughter and applause ] that is genius. st fuch music on that she performance on tv was on that ow. >> and as matter of fact, kanye on the show. nye?el he nou kn the sh. got toook thuy, as gon the ganhay-s eli d kany as mand commonnd nobody knew. and you know, record starts d jay-z says on one record, kanye a geus, you did it again. timel day. he says "sp !" [ laughter and applause ] "aew [ laerbe l wh? >> j: o kws who- evne ee, te laughing, i k i and en -- and then, you know, jay-s rhyming and he goes, skill so truth be told, i
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probably be lyrilly talib kweli. and kweli was like, man, truthfully, i wanted to rhyme like common sense, but i sold 5 mill. i ain't been rhyming like common sense. and common was like, "hey." [ laughter ] "i'm not surhow i feel about at." >> jimmy: getting weird. >> and then afterwards, we go to the edit and this is when everyone knew kanye was going to be a star. antcngke we could watch some sketches. no one ever seen ts . wehim thamesri j skse great sketch. and the mide oft, li "hello?o.d he's no, i can't. no, 'cause i'm at the edit for the dave chappelle show setching sketcheato s befor and then goes kehis, "'cause my life is dope, and i do dope --" and he hung up. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: kanye was born. >> yeah. >> jimmy: kanye west was born. >> no record out. >> jimmy: that was great. oh, my gosh. i love that. dave chappelle, 's at radio ci music hall june 18th to the 26th. [ cheers and applause ]
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thanks a lot, buddy. greet see you. pleacome back whenever you want. [ cheers and applause ] ice-t and body count perform next, everybody! eers and applause ] ♪ two medium cappuccinos! let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. with large mocha latte, medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, two espressos. make one a double. she's full and focused. barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, medium mchiato, a ght hoho the whip, o so-- one with a double shot. barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, with whole wheat goodness on one side and a hint of sweetness on the other, it's a delicious way gont.
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the tablet that can replace your laptop. [ female announcer ] you never know what might come your way. a 24-s bike with 7 gears you will never use. an aquarium fothfish you nad but shouldn't have. because you know, fish. a snowboard that'll carve a mountain liket was a thanksgiving turkey. because you know, fish. whatever comes your way, the ford escape with its foot-activated liftgate will help you bring it home. ♪ the ford escape with its foot-activated liftgate ead. so we're always tryitoake . that's why we added some ingredients and took others out, making this our best bread yet. bread is on the rise at subway. and took others out, making this our best bread yet. made you feel like this? your wireless company the new crickerelet wi believes you should be doing a lot more of this. so we don't have any of those silly annual contracts.
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but do havewhole lot of cove. ...for not a lot of money.hose silly annual contracts. so everyone... ...can feel like this. sign up now... ...and50 m g a $ebate promion card when you purchase w cricket wireless.s or android smphone. something tomile about.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest just released their first album in eight years, "manslaughter" and all summer see them live as part of the rock star energy drink mayhem festival. please welcome ice-t and body count! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ people always say ice t you got some money i say i just got some money i didn't come from there ♪ ♪ i came from the dark side and i never want to go back
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ever ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ghetto's not black the ghetto is poor you don't know cuz you aint never met me before ♪ ♪ you pre-judge my life
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and you don't know my pain you think you're ♪ ♪ so much better when we're all the same because you has money you think you're ♪ ♪ above us all you're just so self righteous until you take that fall ♪ ♪ and then you're flat broke and you need food to eat once behind guarded gates and now you walk ♪ police are different now you get messed with every day you walk by people now ♪ ♪ they move the other way you never cared bout nothin just lived your selfish life you never cared ♪ ♪ about nothin hungry you might welcome to the dark side survival makes ♪ ♪ you blood thirsty enter the dark side
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survival makes you blood thirsty ♪ ♪ welcome to the dark side survival makes you blood thirsty don't ever judge a man ♪ ♪ til you've lived his life the tables could turn in the blink of an eye talking crap down ♪ ♪ from that high horse you ride one mistake for you enter the dark side ♪ ♪ enter the dark side survival makes you blood thirsty enter the dark side ♪ ♪ survival makes you blood thirsty bloood thirsty blood thirsty blood thirsty ♪ ♪ blood thirsty
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's how you do it! oh, my goodness, that's how you do it right there. ice-t and body count. "manslaughter" in stores now. see them live this summer on the rock star energy drink mayhem festival. we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ chnd a]ee a >> jim: thankto ce-t ant.
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eers and applause ] and the roots right there, laes and gentlemen. [ applause ] stay tuned for "te night with re weekend and to see you next week. happy father's day. bye bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- james mcavoy. wendi mclendon-covey. kumail nanjiani. featuring the 8g band with fred armisen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ and now, here he is, seth meyers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] are we well? that's excellent news. at is cellent news.
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there's also some banews, donald sterling news, well, it just keeps coming. [ laughter no other way to put it than it just keeps coming. on monday the nba annoced it will hold a meeting to decide whether to revoke donald sterling's ownership of the clippers. the meeting is expected to last from 9:00 a.m. to 9:01 a.m. [ laer ] fingers crossed for donald. this is pretty cool. an 11-year-old boy in ireland was able to save his grandfather from a car accident by taking the wheel and using skills he learned playing grand theft auto. [ laughter ] so it was probably unnecessary for him to pull er and beat up that hooker. [ laughter and applause ] you just don't need to do that. there's no reason to do that. thiss truly crazy. a high school in arizona add ai, "i'm working a dblshift"
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which features students who are teen parents. [ audience ohs ] while in florida, that section is just lled sophomores. [ laughter and applause ] some cat new you guys like cat news? [ cheers ] a 24-year-old cat in englandas en named the world's oldest cat. that cat is so old, if you give it a ball of yar it knits. [ lauger ] cat snap! [ laughter ] that concludes tonight's cat snap. [ light laughter ] i just, you know, sometimes cats get full of themselves and you need -- you need to snap a cat. [ laughter ] you know, you need to -- you know, i grew up in a place
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with cats and people would snap each other. [ laughter ] t sure what to think of this. "the new york times" reports that for $1,000 a month, men can hire a social development coach. a social development coach to help them appear more confident when talking to women. that way you can confidently tell a woman i had to hire a coach so could i talk to you. [ laughter ] also, if you don't want to spend a thousand dollars a month to be more confident, you can pay $6 for a beer. [ laughter ] like people have been doing for generations. [ cheers and applause ] led zeppelin, the band led zeppelin is being sued by the band spirit who are claiming the stairway to heaven is based on one of their songs. if you're unfamiliar with the band spirit, they're best known for somehow never hearing stairway to heaven over the past 43 years.
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[ laughter ] interesting news according to recent study, amerans hate their cable tv and internet providers more than any other industry. yes! said airlines! [ cheers and applause ] great news for airlines. this is a shame. a man in florida has been arrested for inappropriately touching two women outside a walmart whe claiming to be a psychic.though to his credit wh police picked him up he said, i knew this was going happen. [ laughter ] this was just like my vision. [ ause ] this is weird. today mcdonald's unveiled a new mascot modeled after a happy meal box that has eyes and teeth, or as mcdonald's calls them, gredients. [ laughter and appuse ]
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i likeman houston iinhis stripper ex-girlfr pottervd thebroke up. [ laughter ] refused gck h also, she gave him a bad case of hogwarts. [ laughter and applause ] this story is completely insane. an intoxicated tennessee man was arrested after he tried to have sex with an atm in, all me o-fashied but i'm more comfortable making those kinds of transactions with a real live teller. laughter maybe it's just me. [ applause ] this is just sad. police in michigan are looking for a man who exposed himself at a local restaurant. apparently they have some qs about his d. [ laughter and applause ]
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cat snap! [ laughter ] and finally, a man was arrested in frankfurt airport last weekend after trying to smuggle 55 torises, 30 lizards, four iguana inside a single suitcase. in oer words, that guy is teible at smuggling but amazing at packing! ladies and gentlementhis is the 8g band! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are we doing, 8g band? everybody well? this is a treat for us. sitting in with fred and the 8g band, from dinosaur jr. j. mascis is here. [ cheers and applause ] give it up for j.
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j. has a new solo album coming soon on sub pop. it's called "tied to a star" and it will be out this summer. i can't wait to hear it. thank you so much for being here, j. >> thanks a lot. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: and fred, i'm so happy that you're here. >> fred: i am, too. >> seth: it's great having you here. every time you're here i feel like i learn something new about you which is so great. we've known each other for so long and yet every day, something new. i do worry sometimes that people at home feel like you might be making them up off the top of your head. these things i'm learning about you. [ laughter ] i don't -- i don't believe that you would do that. but, is it true, did you just discovered a new species? >> fred: i did. i did. it's a new species of parakeet. it is so -- it is tremendous. it is absoluty tremendous. >> seth: how is it different than a the parakeets we know thus far? >> it's about a thousand times e size. [ laughter ]
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>> seth: so, sorry, sorry. it's a thousand times bigger than a normal parakeet? fred: yes. >> seth: and yet, t i wi say it was a thsand time smaller then i would maybe buy that you were the first person to see it. [ laughter ] but it seems like,t the sce, the scale you're talking about this parakeet, it seems weird you're the first one to see it. >> fred: well, here's the thing about it. the way that it camouflages itself is, as featrs, it has tinyarakee. you know what sa[ laug >> fred: so it's just one mass -- >> seth: but it s flock of parakeets. >> fred: exactly, yes. >> seth: i see. >> fred: yeah. >> seth: so is it disguising itself against preto >> fred: i think, yeah. or people, just onlookers. you know what i mean? like lookie loos. [ laughter ] i think -- my theory is that they don't like to be stared at. >> seth: right. >> fred: do you know what i mean? so i think as a sort of way to confuse people, that's what they do. just this massf bis. >> seth: now, i don't know about you but i would definitely stare at a giant parakeet.
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i would also stare at a thousand parakeets clumped together in one giant mass. you know what i'm saying? >> fred: right. but that's evolution. [ laughter ] i mean, that's how it will chan asarakeets learn this and know this, that will change. that's the beauty of nature. >> seth: now, as the one who discovered it, do you get on name it? >> fred: i do. >> seth: that's great. [ laughter ] what did you name this new parakeet that you discovered? >> fred: the paragiakeet. [ laughter ] the gia is in the middle. >> seth: yeah, gia for giant. fred: yeah. >> seth: that's great. >> fred: yeah. >> seth: because giant parakeet would be obvious. >> fred: yeah. i mean, you want to make it a little flowery. make it a little prettier. >> seth: well congratulations, fred. give it up for fred armisen. [ cheers and applause ] the paragiakeet. great news. my parents were here last night. i'm always very excited when my parents come to the show. and my mother had injured her shoulder. she was hiking and she fell down and broke her shouer. i had not seen her since this happened but she had been on the phone sort of braggin about how
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well her physical therapy is going and how her rehabilitation is and how much of the range of motion had returned to her shoulder. so last night during the show, she was in the audience and we cut to her and i asked her to show off her new range of motion. now, i thought she would maybe wave or do this. but let's take a look at what my mother decided to do to show off the range of motion. [ laughter ] that is the happiest anyone has ever looked while heiling hitler. [ laughter and applause ] so great. of all the things she could have done. my dadaid afterwards, because i made fun of r. she said, well what would you have done? to which my dad said, "literally anything else." [ laughter ] if seth had asked me to show off the motion of my arm, i would have said no before i would have given a nazi salute with a big old grin on my face. [ laughter ]
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it does lead you to think, maybe back in day, hler had a should injury, right? [ laughter ] goes through some rehab, he sees a friend, the friend's like, "hey, how's the shoulder?" he's like, "ja, it's good, ja." [ laughter ] and the friend said, "what's that?" and he's like, "oh, just how i show --" and he's like, "you should do something with that." [ laughter ] who knows? that's how histo, sometimes the catalyst foristory is the smallest thing. it was such a fun show last night. we also had patrick stewart here. the great actor patrick stewart was here talking about x-men which was very exciting. and one of the things we do on the show when we have a band like we did last night, is while the band is setting up, it takes a while. so i'll go into the audience and do a q and a. i'll just see ifnybody ithe audience has somethi to ask me. so theirst guy asked a question. 'cause i will say usually the questions are very similar. this was a question i had never hearbefore because it wary specific for patritewart. "h, what are you doing? you got captain jean luc-picard and you didn't ask any star trek questions." [ laughter ]
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he seemed really hurt. so i politely sort of told him, you know, that wasn't really what he was here to talk about. and he's done so many other things, it would have been rude to talk about a thing he hasn't done for a very long time. and then i started asking other people some questions. then i got curious and i went back to him. and i said, out of curiosity, what would you have asked him about "star trek?" and immediately could i tell that he had not put any thought into this. [ laughter ] and he looked at me, he took and second and he went, "i don't know, like, do you miss flying around on a spaceship?" [ laughter and applause ] so needless to say, i can't wait for patrick stewart to come back. that's definitely the first thing i'm going on ask him. and then finally last night, we had counting crows on which is a band i love and adam duritz was nice enough to come out and talk with me. and "august and everything after," i listened to that a lot in college. and it is years old ts ye and i was king adam because he
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writuch grt break-up songs if the women that the songs ar out over the years had ever been angry with him about the fact that he wrote a song about the break up. and he sort of pointed out, the minute he did i knew it to be true. that in his songs, more often than not, he sort of takes responsibility for the relationship not working. like he is being self-critical. and i realized that i had been listening to this blaming the girls that i dated in college, and then maybe last night going to bed, maybe it is time for me to take some responsibility. and so to the girls i dated in college, i just want to say i'm sorry that i thought this was an okay hair cut to have. [ laughter ] you know? you know? pplam so n't knowf [ lai you probably can't tell because these cameras aren't powerful enough. little bit of a goatee. tried thut. work that didn't work t.s of so i never technically had a goatee but not from a lack of trying.
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at graduation -- you would have thought i maybe soed it out for graduation. but not at all. [ light laughter ] you have to remember this is the height of hugh grant's popularity. so anything could you do to try to rock that look. and then certainly my year book photo, you know, this would be something that would last forever. you know, everyone i ever went to college with will take this down from the shelf. and i do -- i want to say that i knew it was my year book so i definitely put some product in my hair. 'cause my hair was a little wild but it came down nicely. it really came down nicely. [ applause ] so to the three women who were kind enough to make out with me in college, my apologies. [ light laughter ] we've got a great show for you only the. james mcavoy is here! [ cheers and applause ] can't wait to talk to him. also stopping by from the new film "blended," wendi mclendon-covey is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ]
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and we'll talk with one of the stars of "silicon valley." the very funny kumail nanjiani. we'll be right back for more "late night" right after this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ the exquisite toyota highlander booooriiiing!!!! hit it guys! ♪ it's got a bin for your chickens, a computer from the ♪ future and some giant freaky room for eight. ooh, yeah! ♪ ♪ but it ain't got no room for bo-ring ♪ ♪ i'm spacing out on all this space, too! ♪ ♪ no, we ain't got no room for boring. ♪ whee! ♪ for boring, we ain't got no room! ♪ the 2014 highlander. toyota. let's go places. what?
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use these innertubes in the so, you're sapool?we can't sorry, sir. it's hotel policy. is it really hotel policy? i'm afraid so, sir. do it. how about now? woo-hoo! i deserve this. you deserve to be fired.
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full flavors, full shapes. cheetos mix-ups. ♪ ♪ have your next burger with a side of awesome. the one-of-a-kind, creamy blend of sweet and tangy. miracle whip and proud of it. like in our sinks... our hands... excuse me... sorry! ...on our tables... oh! ...and in here. and since we expect our phones to be with us wherever we go, shouldn't they be water resistant? i am so sorry... it's totally fine, see... 424... uh, 216... yeah, we think so too. introducing the samsung galaxy s5.
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available at verizon. ♪ bees do it ♪ even educated fleas do it [ female announcer ] bring k-y into your love nest. ♪ let's fall in love [ female announcer ] bring k-y into your love nest. nicewhat?nch? aflac! so this is who you brought to help us out? oh yeah, he's the best. hmm... he doesn't look like he's seen a tool in his life. oh, he doesn't know anything about tools. aflac-ac-ac-ac-ac-ac-ac! but when i broke my arm, he lent a hand. he paid my claim in just four days. four days? wow! it's no accident - aflac pays fast. find out how fast at and remember,accidents don't hurt as much when you have aflac. better. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: welcome back to "late night."
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a quick question for everybody. [ high voice ] do you every miss flying around in spaceships? [ laughter ] so, from time to time, i will get fan mail. letters are really great. i love reading them and recently i got this very sweet note from a 13-year-old boy named timmy from grand rapids, michigan. [ cheers ] in the letter he said -- absolutely -- he's the number one fan. that he watches every night and that his dream is to be a guest on the show. well, i figured, you know what? why the hell not? ladies and gentlemen, give it up for timmy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: come on up, buddy! come on up! take a seat, buddy! are you excited to be here? >> yeah. i brought, i brought you this. >> seth: oh, that's great. oh, wow! one free back rub. that's really nice. [ laughter ] >> yeah. my dad gave my mom for mother's day and i'm regifting it to you.
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>> seth: oh! well, thank you, timmy. you really shouldn't have. >> but it's only good from my dad. >> seth: okay, well -- [ laughter ] well, thank you very much. thank you very much. >> this is awesome! >> seth: i'm glad you like it. >> i get to miss school to be here. >> seth: uh-huh. >> and i ate at that mcdonald's in times square on the second floor and i used a crap ton of ketchup. >> seth: that's really exciting. i'm glad you're having such a good time. now, in your letter that you sent, it said you love "late night" but you have some suggestions for the show. >> yeah. i had some ideas. >> seth: okay. >> do you mind if i -- >> seth: yeah, talk! that would be great. >> okay. [ laughter ] number one, you should do the show in a batman mask. >> seth: okay. why? >> well, because batman's cool. he can fight real hard and hates bad guys. and you can ask questions in this voice. you can be like -- [ batman voice ] "so, tell me when your new book's coming out? [ laughter ]
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i hear george clooney is a real prankster on set!" >> seth: that's really good, yeah. >> "do you prefer l.a. or new york?" >> seth: oh, yeah. now that you do it, it does sound like it'd be really fun. yeah. do you have anything else for us, timmy? [ laughter ] >> number two. you should have a half-pipe on stage with guys doing skateboard tricks. therefore if people get bored of you, skateboard tricks. [ laughter ] >> seth: okay! all right, well, we'll definitely think about that. we'll definitely think about that. >> number three! [ laughter ] you should have a dog on the show that can actually talk. >> seth: okay. i mean, i think we could probably do it with cgi. >> no. oh, no. [ laughter ] if you can't do it, don't do it. >> seth: okay, okay. [ laughter ] >> number four! >> seth: okay.
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>> you should have a catchphrase that you say at the beginning of every show. so you come out and you're like -- you're like, "i'm seth meyers. you'd better buckle up because it's time to chuckle up." [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, that's -- that's really good. that's really good. >> try it now. >> seth: oh, you want -- you want me to try? >> try it now. >> seth: i'm seth meyers and you'd better buckle up because it's time to chuckle up. [ laughter and applause ] that's really good. it's really good. >> yeah, that works. number five! >> seth: okay. >> you should dress as a wolfman! >> seth: that sounds like a great idea but it seems like you want me to wear a batman mask or dress like wolfman? >> that's a great question. [ laughter ] okay -- both. >> seth: okay. >> yeah, that's a big both! >> seth: okay, great. >> oh! and -- you should -- you should do a segment -- where you take a huge monster truck like the grave digger and
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it comes out and it drives over my pre-algebra teacher's car. and he's like, "oh, no! what the crap are you doing to my car? >> seth: okay, now -- my question for that is how would that all fit in here, you know? >> i drew it all out. >> seth: oh, it's like a map. okay. >> this is kind of like a map for just -- >> seth: oh! okay, great. so, like, so there's -- okay, there i am. it looks like i'm dressed like batman and wolfman. >> yeah. >> seth: there's the monster truck. >> monster truck there. >> seth: there's a half-pipe. so, that's you, timmy. >> yeah. >> seth: and i see you're with someone. is that your mom? >> no. not my mom. [ light laughter ] >> seth: who is it? >> stacy lauer. >> seth: oh! who is, who's stacy lauer? >> seth, do you mind if i address one of your cameras? >> seth: sure. >> i have something to say to somebody very special. >> seth: okay, yeah. go for it. go for it. ♪ >> stacy, i want to ask you to the year-end seventh grade dance.
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i know i'm not -- i know i'm not as handsome as stan jerowitz. [ light laughter ] i know i don't own an inground pool like jimmy reynolds. but, stacy -- if we end up being boyfriend and girlfriend, which i want -- [ laughter ] it would be a tale as old as shakespeare itself. filled with instermontable obstacles. [ laughter ] like, you live on the southside of franklin and i live on the northside of franklin and my parents won't let me cross the street! [ laughter ] on my bike unless one of them's with me! but, stacy, i don't give a rip! [ laughter ] because you're not -- only the owner of my heart, you're the proud owner of my first genuine boner. [ laughter and applause ] no internet! no tv! just a real honest to goodness,
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staring at a person boner! [ laughter and applause ] >> timmy! timmy! >> stacy! o-m-freaking-g. how'd you get here so fast? [ cheers and applause ] >> wait. my dad's matt lauer. [ laughter ] and yes, of course i'll go to the dance with you. >> seth: oh, my goodness. i can't believe how this all turned out. look at this! [ laughter ] ♪ i love young love. congratulations, timmy! [ cheers and applause ] this is so wonderful. we'll be right back -- with james mcavoy. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [person]we all got our tempur-pedics
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because of you know who... [group]thank you sharon [person] i almost fell over when she told me she got herself a new bed... [person]...sharon got rid of her tempur-pedic ?!?! [person]...relax, she said... it's a brand new tempur-pedic... ...and then she unzipped the cover and showed how you can wash it anytime you like...
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[announcer] and, with the cool-to-the-touch smart climate system, now, there truly is... nothing like the feel of a real tempur-pedic. [person]it's definitely changed my life [person]thank you sharon [announcer]learn more at ♪ yeah ♪ don't stop now, come on mony ♪ come on, yeah ♪ i say yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ 'cause you make me feel ♪ like a pony ♪ so good ♪ like a pony ♪ so good ♪ like a pony [ male announcer ] the sentra with bose audio and nissanconnect technology. spread your joy. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪ mony mony
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wash in sweet dreams with tide, downy, and bounce. the sweet dreams collection has scents so relaxing so you can tuck in and turn off after a day oh so taxing. ♪ [ click ] you know pig, this is a real special place. it never rains, but the crops never die. you can get eggs whenever you want. and a pig just gave me bacon. a pig just gave me bacon. hay daaaaaaaaaaaay!!! download hay day for free.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] seth: our first guest tonight stars as a young charles xavier in the highly anticipated film "x-men -- days
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of future past," which hits theaters this friday. you can also catch him in the new movie, "filth," which opens in select cities on may 30th. let's take a look. scotland. this nation brought the world television, the steam engine, golf, whiskey, penicillin and, of course, the deep fried mars bar. it is great being scottish. we're such a uniquely successful race. ♪ [ light laughter ] and as my wife carol always says -- "there's no place like ♪ seth: ladies and gentlemen, james mcavoy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ seth: welcome. thanks so much for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> seth: so this film is based on a book by irvine welsh, who also wrote "trainspotting" >> yep. >> seth: and you play, sort of, a corrupt police officer, yes? >> yeah. i play a -- a drug-addicted, alcoholic, bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic, uh -- [ laughter ]
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-- mentally ill police officer. so. yeah, you don't want him pulling you over for a dui. [ laughter ] >> seth: no. it doesn't seem like you want him pulling you over for anything. >> you don't want him pulling you. >> seth: right? exactly. [ laughter ] you shot it in edinburgh, yes? >> yeah. >> seth: beautiful city. i used to go to the fringe festival. i was over there a few times. >> oh, cool. >> seth: and i will say, like, even "trainspotting" -- which is a movie that i love. you are both are, like, drawn to scotland and also pushed away from scotland. it seems like it's another one of these. >> yeah, we were trying to do something that would give the audience a kind of harrowing yet compelling experience. so, it's kind of -- when i say roller coaster, i don't just mean, like, "oh, wow, it's thrilling," but it literally is something you want to get off but can't. [ laughter ] and at the end of it, you are going, "how -- how did i get through that?" so, it's, you know, it's funny. it is also very, sort of, shocking at times. but it is compelling. >> seth: your sister is an actress. >> yes. >> seth: she's in the film as well. and you have to -- this is
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something that -- this seems to me like it would be the roller coaster for and you not the audience because you have to physically threaten your own sister. >> yeah, and i have to say -- basically, i'm trying to get some information out of her. i tell her that if she doesn't give me it, i'm going to come back and sexually abuse her. [ laughter ] we were between takes and my grandmother called me. [ laughter ] she's like, "hiya, son, what's happening? what are you doing?" i was like, "oh, you know, just hanging out with joy." [ laughter ] but she's an amazing actress, my sister joy. and as weird as that scene is, actually getting to work with a great actor in a scene like that makes it easier. so even though she was my sister, it kind of made it easier just because she's so good. >> seth: well, that's great. you play the same character as patrick stewart. >> yeah! >> seth: but you haven't -- this is the first you've played. you've obviously been in "x-men" movies before. this is the first time you have a scene with him. and you're a big patrick stewart fan, yes? >> yeah. i mean, i started watching him when he played gurney halleck in david lynch's "dune." and -- and then for seven years
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watching "star trek." >> seth: so, you're a big "star trek" fan as well? >> -- yes. [ laughter ] i was a massive "star trek" fan. why's that -- why's that a sort of nerd thing? >> seth: yeah. well. >> is that, like, laughing with me or laughing at me? i don't know. [ laughter ] but, yeah. no, it was -- it was a weird kind of honor and a privelage to get to do it. and although i'd played charles before in the previous movie, "first class," it did feel quite ceremonial doing the scene with him. it was like it was being passed over a little bit. i don't know if he thinks he's coming back. i don't know. [ laughter ] i would have something to say about that. >> seth: right. yeah. >> but, you know, at the end of the day, as much as you're nervous, you've got to kind of -- you just got a go, like, "right. put the nervousness aside. you've got a job to do. this is how i do it, patrick." [ laughter ] and it's mine now. but he was amazing and he was so, so generous and so welcoming into his posse of "x- men" because i was, like, the lone guy from my group kind of going into his territory. it sounds like the "warriors" or something like that movie, if you know what i mean. >> seth: yeah, they let you into
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the club. >> seth: so, you play -- i'm a big soccer fan. and you play in a -- is it a charity event this, your annual soccer game? >> yeah, yeah. robie williams, the singer and songwriter, he has been organizing this charity event called soccer aide for the last, i think, ten years. so, every two years, you get a bunch of english celebrities with english professional soccer players, and you put them up against a bunch of -- rest of the world celebrities and rest of the world. i'm rest of the world, by the way, because i'm scottish. >> seth: right. [ laughter ] >> yeah, no, it's great, isn't it? >> seth: but good distinction. it's a good distinction. you can see it. >> it's a bit, kind of, discrimination there, do you know what i mean? like, the offhandedness of it, you know? there's not any kind of real terminology paid to the scots. it's just like, yeah, you rest of the world people. >> seth: right. [ laughter ] >> and so, yeah. and we -- sort of, go and have this match with match at old trafford where manchester united play. >> woman: woo! >> yeah! but it's been a bad season, you know, for them. but you play in front of 75,000 people. >> seth: for real? that many show up? >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: that's amazing. >> yeah, it's getting -- we made -- i think we made 6 million pounds last time for various charities including
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unicef. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, i know, it's cool. and hopefully we'll make more this time. >> seth: and do people -- it's a charity event. but like, here you are in actual stadium with that many fans. do people play hard? >> well, it's kind of -- the english team, right? they take it very seriously. first day of training -- you do three days training -- the english team, all these celebrities, all actors, right? "not the face, not the face." [ laughter ] and -- singers and some professionals as well. they all turn up, the entire team. and they're like, "we're going to win it! we're going to win this thing!" the rest of the world team, last year, there were six of us and one professional on the first day of training. not even enough for four a side football, right? [ laughter ] so, it is kind of unbalanced. so, we were like, "ah, whatever, it is what it is. we're going to battered. it's going to be fine." but as soon as you step on the field, it's just like, "i'm going to break your legs, man." [ laughter ] but, yes, it can -- it gets a little bit serious. and gordon ramsey he plays for the rest the world team because as much as he sounds english, he's actually scottish. and, um -- he -- he might nail me for saying that actually. [ laughter ]
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he got, you know, he's full of mouth. he's full of lip. and one of the professional football players in the england team, teddy sheringham, took against this. and he decided to play the villain and he decided to take him out. and once gordon was on the floor, he kind of took his face and rubbed his face in the dirt a little bit and then walked away, thinking, you know, he'll get up. and like five minutes later, when gordon's being carried to hospital -- [ laughter ] -- teddy sheringham was like, "i'm so sorry, man. i'm so sorry." it was kind of brilliant. >>h:
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