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tv   Today  NBC  August 20, 2014 7:00am-11:01am EDT

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able to stay up to see it? if we have bloodshot eyes tomorrow morning, you know why. thanks for joining us. "today" show is next. >> remember, get these at good morning. gruesome act. reaction pouring in after the execution of an american journalist by isis militants. their parents releasing a statement remembering their son as that group vows to kill another american if the u.s. doesn't stop its air strikes. tense standoff. burglary suspects holding children and adults hostage right now. this after four others were released from that home. we're live at the scene. mounting misery. a new wave of storms in parts of arizona overnight after a deluge turns roads into rivers and triggers dramatic rescues. and will they or won't they? our own jenna bush hager nominated her parents for the ice bucket challenge.
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and we have the response you won't want to miss today. wednesday, august 20th, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. i'm matt lauer alongside tamron hall while savannah continues maternity leave. we have to start with a horrific story this morning. these images we're seeing that we're not going to show, the execution of an american journalist. this is an extremely disturbing story. james foley was held for nearly two years after he was captured in syria. he gave his life trying to expose the world to his suffering there. andrea mitchell, good morning to
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you. >> reporter: good morning. isis terrorists say they killed james foley in retribution for america's recent air strikes in iraq. and they're now threatening another slaying unless president obama backs down. james foley seen here just prior to his gruesome execution by isis. foley has been missing for two years believed held with other western hostages in northern syria. an experienced journalist most recently with global post. foley was abducted on thanksgiving day in northern syria 2012. six weeks after he went missing his parents talked on "today." >> after 40 days without information, we felt it was important to make people aware and remind them that jim's an objective journalist, innocent journalist doing his job. >> reporter: foley had previously been captive in libya
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in 2011. after his release, he was passionate about the need to cover wars despite the danger as he told "the boston globe." >> i believe this is important. without these photos and videos and first-hand experience, we can't really tell the world how bad it might be. >> reporter: isis did release four french journalists in april and other westerners reportedly after their governments or go betweens paid ransom although they have denied it. the video also purportedly showed another american journalist who they said they will kill next. foley's mother diane released a statement saying we thank jim for all the joy he gave us. he was an extraordinary son, brother, journalist, and person. we implore the kidnappers to spare the lives of the remaining
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hostages. like jim they are innocent. friends who have been working actively to save foley were told by the u.s. any operation would likely result in the death of all hostages. and the u.s. refuses to pay ransom to terrorists. >> thank you very much. richard engel is nbc's chief foreign correspondent. andrea talked about an operation deemed too dangerous. what were the logistical issues. >> reporter: it would be a logistical nightmare. this is the border between turkey and syria. the u.s. has no friendly place to operate inside syria. there are no bases so you couldn't launch a rescue operation by road. you would have to come in by air presumably by helicopter and also assuming that the militants expect this is a possibility, as
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soon as they heard any helicopter approach, they could kill any hostage they have. >> richard, we know that the isis militants are holding another american journalist hostage. do we have any idea of how many others they might be holding from other countries? >> reporter: we don't know the exact number, because a lot of families don't want to talk about their missing relatives. some people may have been killed and are still missing and unaccounted for. some may be held by the regime. but it's fair to assume there are between 30 and 40 western hostages, most of them journalists, aid workers as well. almost all of them crossing from turkey into syria. over the last several years there were many different groups in syria that were taking hostages. but isis has been collecting them. they've been buying them from other groups, they've been trading them. sometimes they've just been stealing them off of militants. so now almost all of the foreign hostages are being held by this very dangerous group.
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>> richard engel on the border of turkey and syria on a horrific story. thank you very much. now to a tense standoff this morning at a home in suburban chicago. at least two children are among the hostages being held by suspects in a botched burglary and shootout with police. negotiators working through the night to try and end this situation. nbc's john yang is there. what is the latest? >> reporter: well, tamron, you may be able to hear the sirens. the police say they're using those to try to keep the two suspects awake and alert as they continue their negotiations. this all began at midday yesterday. as you say, a botched burglary attempt. two officers wounded, both non-life threatening wounds. both already home. but the burglars, the two suspects took eight people hostage. two adults, six children. overnight four of those children were released. the last one at 10:30 tuesday night. they were 11 years old, 2 years
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old, and two 1-year-olds. police say the oldest of those children has been helping them a lot. >> the 11-year-old who was released last night around 8:30 has been very helpful to the negotiators in determining what exactly is inside. from the inception we were highly dependent upon the suspects. now we have credible information as some of the victims have come out of the house. >> reporter: now, some of the neighbors have been evacuated, two nearby schools will be closed today. all this as talks go on both through a bull horn through an open window and on telephone as police try to bring this to a peaceful conclusion. >> thank you, john. eric holder heads to ferguson, missouri, today among encouraging signs that it could be easing somewhat. craig melvin is in ferguson. good morning to you.
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>> reporter: matt, good morning. no tear gas last night. no molotov cocktails thrown. there were some 47 arrests made in the early morning hours as police pushed the remaining pockets of protesters off the streets. most of those folks were arrested for failure to disperse. today the michael brown case moves off the streets and into the courthouse. 24 hours ago, these were the images associated with focus in missouri. but overnight, relative calm. cars moving freely in the area where military style vehicles stood at the ready the night before. law enforcement officers still donning helmet, shields, and riot gear. but the police presence, smaller. the air free of smoke and tear gas, isolated pockets of tension diffused quickly. >> tonight we saw a different dynamic. protest crowds were a bit smaller and they were out earlier. >> reporter: the quiet night came after shooting earlier in
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the day. a few miles away from where michael brown was killed, a 23-year-old robbery suspect armed with a knife was confronted by st. louis police. officers opened fire when the suspect moved towards them killing them. keeping the peace in ferguson has been no easy task. we rode along with captain ron johnson of the highway patrol. took us to a convenience store that had been hit twice. >> that's the same group. >> reporter: it's the same type of criminal element. if the officer was charged tomorrow, if there was an indictment tomorrow, do you think these streets would be empty the following night? >> if charges were brought tonight, our peaceful people will still be out here. the criminal element is going to be out here as long as they know they can create havoc and cause issues. >> reporter: today eric holder will be here in ferguson. he will be meeting with federal
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investigators. this as county prosecutors start the grand jury proceedings. the police officer has been interviewed. he has also been given the opportunity to address that grand jury panel. matt? >> all right, craig melvin. thank you very much. a little earlier this morning we spoke to sergeant kevin ahlbrand. he's the president of the missouri fraternal order of peace that represents the officer that shot michael brown. i began asking about governor jay nixon's comments that he wants a prosecution in this case and also if he feels there's been a rush to judgment. >> i'm very disappointed with governor nixon's remarks in that case. asking for vigorous prosecution. we're all for vigorous investigation, but vigorous prosecution i believe is irresponsible and a rush to judgment before all the facts are in. >> that was sergeant kevin
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ahlbrand. >> a lot still going on there. meantime, the cleanup is going on in arizona. rain in areas caught thousands of residents off guard leading to evacuations and dramatic rescues. jacob rascon is in phoenix. good morning. >> reporter: tamron, good morning. this is a monsoon season unlike any here in recent memory. the flood water leaving neighborhoods a wreck. lifting a momebile home off of s foundation and tossing it into a tree. in only a few hours, a few inches of rain turning arizona's desert into a deluge of water. rivers of mud, tossing trailers like toys in a bathtub. these horses desperate for higher ground. homes nearly swept away. this one held by two trees. buying rescuers enough time to pull the two women to safety. >> a very dangerous situation. >> reporter: in the town of
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surprise, an overflowing wash sweeps a minivan off the road. the driver barely escapes. >> there were two feet running on the side of the car. >> reporter: shirley his wife of 60 years was left inside. >> i was floating away. it was so scary. >> there's the sheriffhelicopte. >> reporter: with the raging water threatening to swallow the car, rescuers rush in pulling shirley to safety just in time. >> and i thank that fireman so much for saving me, because i couldn't have got out by myself. >> reporter: a total of 14 rescues happening during the flood and everybody made it out alive. during the storm, nobody was inside this house. as most of arizona braces for another round of storms into tomorrow. tamron? >> all right, jacob. thank you. how terrifying. that poor lady. oh, they are so lucky. more storms coming today.
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>> the ground's already saturated. any bit will cause problems. >> parts of the west we have floods. and other parts we have wildfires. >> a wildfire threatening hundreds of homes in southern california. the wave fire east of bakersfield has grown to 3300 acres. eight structures and ten outbuildings have been destroyed. some residents are being asked to evacuate. meantime firefighters are getting a better handle on a fire near yosemite park. texas governor rick perry has been booked on two felony counts of abuse of power. he is vowing to fight the charges with every fiber of his being. janet shamlian is in austin, texas, covering the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it looks like a political rally more than a criminal surrender here tuesday. dozens of supporters cheering on the texas governor as he turns himself in to be booked on abuse
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of power charges. the governor was fingerprinted. he had his mugshot taken. then he came out to address the crowd a second time. defiantly he called this a political hatchet job and vowed to fight it. he and his attorneys apparently went for ice cream afterwards and tweeted out a photo of that. perry has been testing the 2016 presidential waters and is scheduled to visit new hampshire later this week. >> all right. thank you. the obama administration says it plans to change the way travelers can ask to be removed from its no fly list. this after a federal judge ruled that there was no meaningful way to challenge the air travel ban which the judge says is unconstitutional. the justice department says the u.s. will make changes during the next six months but offered few details. as of late last summer, there were 48,000 people still on the no fly list. a patient who may have been exposed to the ebola virus is
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being tested. the patient is being kept in isolation. doctors at the sacramento hospital took a blood sample and send it to centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta. it could take several days for those results to come back. and a motorcyclist who ran into some trouble on a russian highway has thankfully landed on his feet. take a look. this was all captured by a dash cam video there. you can see the rider crashing into the back of the car. he flipped and he sticks that landing right on the roof of the moving car. don't even know how this is possible. we do want to point out this has not been verified to be real video, but it's obviously getting a lot of attention on the internet. the landing, by the way, getting a perfect ten by the russian judge. >> crazy. >> that looked like a stunt. meanwhile, does it feel 60 in here or is it just al?
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>> and so it begins. thank you very much. >> happy birthday, al. >> thank you. a lot of nice folks out there made some really nice signs. it's nice to be on this side. unfortunately we've got some dangerous weather to talk about for millions literally over the next several days. we have this big dome of high pressure that's building in. and we've got dangerous temperatures setting up. we have excessive heat watches and warnings from texas all the way into illinois. as temperatures build, look at this. memphis today, 97. st. louis, 95. but you add the humidity to it, it's going to feel well above 100 degrees. going to continue into thursday and friday. we're going to have your local forecast coming up in 30 seconds.
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good wednesday morning, everyone, i'm meteorologist tedd florendo. it's going to be another nice day for us. a mix of sun and clouds today. another warm one with humidity slightly up but not too bad. mid-80s, about 58 for the day today with winds remaining on the light side. showers and storms return for tomorrow. that includes friday, too. but the temperatures drop to the upper 70s. that will last all throughout the weekend. more sunshine as we head into the early part of next week. have a great morning, everyone. >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. thank you. have you guys heard about
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this ice bucket challenge? >> yeah. >> i was thinking about doing that. >> starting to catch on a bit. willie's here with a challenge issued here on the show. >> when you thought this was ste stale, a dramatic escalation. this thing has gone presidential. come with me into the orange room here. last weekus hager our dear friend was doused with water out on the plaza. she issued a challenge to mother and father who just so happen to be theprident and fir let's watch. >> the question is, is my mother going to ruin the hair? mom, get ready. tomorrow morning. >> do you think she'll do it? >> she has had this helmet since 1981. >> the helmet hair. put that on hold for a second. jenna is on vacation right now with her mother and father. let's get the answer. did the president deliver?
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>> to you all that challenge me, i do not think it's presidential for me to be splashed with ice water, so i'm simply going to write you a check. >> that check is for me. i ruined my hair style. >> i challenge my friend bill clinton to the als challenge. yesterday was bill's birthday and my gift to bill is a bucket of cold water. >> the president and mrs. bush deliver. laura bush dumping the water on president bush. and we have jenna bush hager on the phone from maine on vacation. first of all, how did the helmet hair comment go over with your mom? >> i didn't mean that. i meant a beautiful coif. but we have had several donations made already. and finally, and i think it was actually the golfer who challenged -- >> rory mcilroy. >> that's what really got him, i think. >> so it wasn't you, jenna. >> i put the peer pressure on a
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lot, but i would say my dad loves golf. i think it was probably rory. >> how did the challenge go down? because they put some thought into this, obviously, your mother and father. >> yes. well, the challenge went down without me here. so it actually shows that when i don't put on a lot of pressure, they do the things i want them to do. >> reverse psychological. >> right? you know, my dad was all for it. my mom had to keep that hair looking as pretty as it has since 1984 so she wrote a check. >> a lot of money has raised and you take another shot at your mother's hair. unbelievable. jenna, thanks so much and thank your mother and father for doing this. president bush has challenged president clinton. president obama has been challenged by bieber and lebron james. he says he's not going to do it but will make a donation to the
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als association. >> that screeching sound you heard was jenna throwing it into full reverse on her mom. willie, thanks very much. coming up, all eyes on mo'ne davis, the superstar of the little league world series as she returns to the mound today. we'll hear from her. plus an emotional trial in texas. a father accused of gunning down the drunk driver who hit and killed his two sons. we're live at the courthouse. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up on "trending," is this the worst commercial ever or marketing genius? >> we'll find out. and big surprises for al as he turns the big 6-0. and he's going to share the biggest lessons he's learned in
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we're totally on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at nbc 10 news starts now. good morning, everyone. i'm chris cato. 7:26. let's get your first alert forecast now with meteorologist tedd florendo. tedd, our good weather streak keeps on rolling. >> that's right. we're starting 0 of with clouds this morning, though, chris. we start to see more sunshine in the afternoon. you could see sun breaks as we look from the skyline from our comcast camera. temperatures on the mild side, philadelphia at 71 degrees, along with northeast philly. mid-60s in allentown. temperatures for the day will hit about 85 by the afternoon. look for partly sunny skies and more humid for your wednesday. >> jillian mele is in now with an update on that accident that backed up traffic on 95. >> literally in the last minute that accident cleared. 59 southbound just past the vine street expressway under the ben
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franklin bridge. it was right in this area blocking all lanes, traffic was getting by on the shoulder for the last hour. unfor natalie, the damage has been done. check it out. it's a parking lot on 95 southbound. that's a live look at girard avenue. on this map you can see that huge line of red. your drive time southbound from wood haven to the vine is 35 minutes. chris? well, police have two men in custody who they say carjacked a cab driver in north philadelphia. that cabbie was not hurt. officers found the stolen cab at the 3700 block of percy street along with two guns used in the carjacking. and philadelphia police are looking for a robber who held up a limo driver at gunpoint this morning. it happened at 4:00 a.m. onñi titan street in grays ferry. the limo driver was not hurt. the robber gotç away with abou $250. i'm chris cato. we'll have another update about 25 minutes. get the latest news eighth weather at now we go back to the "today" show.
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7:30 now on a wednesday morning. it's the 20th day of august 2014. because it is al's 60th birthday here, we ordered up sunrises in many different cities. let's start in washington where the sun is saying happy birthday, al. and let's go to st. louis where the sun is saying, many happy returns, al. >> thank you, st. louis. >> let's wrap things up in chicago where the sun is saying 60, really, al? >> da bears. >> happy birthday, buddy. >> thank you. let's look at what's making headlines. protests in ferguson, missouri, were relatively calm overnight. more than 45 demonstrators for failure to disperse. eric holder will be in ferguson today and is promising a full,
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fair investigation in michael brown's death. james foley the american journalist executed by militant isis, his parents released a statement overnight. they say they have never been prouder of him and he gave his life to expose the suffering of this syrian people. and gas prices keep falling. the national average now down to $3.44. that's a 14 cent drop in the last month. and coming up, the controversy that has flared up around one of the nation's largest solar powered plants. birds being scorched as they pass overhead. can anything be done about it. but let's begin with a murder trial that has people asking what would they do. a father accused of killing his two children while drunk driving. >> reporter: that father accused of murder has pleaded not guilty. but some in his texas town and
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beyond questioning if he killed the man who killed his son, is a vigilante justice. he took the law into his own hands by shooting and killing the driver he just watched run down his two sons. >> we're here to support him. we don't -- we just ask for prayers to make it through this day. >> reporter: he denied he killed jose banba. his lawyer arguing he was trying to save his kids that night. in his opening statement, theut stupid thing by drinking and driving but he did not deserve a public execution. his common law wife explained how his death broke their family apart. some believed the prosecution has an uphill battle. when they heard him yell who the
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blank killed my son before he was shot, no weapon has been found and tests showed no gunshot residue on barajas. one tweeting i pray this texas jury finds loving father of two young sons not guilty. the barajas family wore buttons showing the two as angels but the judge ask they be taken off in the courtroom saying everybody in here lost somebody they loved. two families devastated by one violent night. both grieving, both ultimately hoping for justice. among its other arguments, the prosecution plans to prevent evidence that barajas left the crash scene and then approached banda's car. the trial expected to stretch into next week. >> thank you so much. lisa bloom is "today's" legal analyst and she's with us this morning. good morning. >> good morning.
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>> obviously this is heart breaking on every point. but let's look at the legal complexity. no murder weapon. barajas says he did not fire a gun, did not shoot that individual and kill him. and there are no witnesses. how does the prosecution make this case? >> it seems they have clear evidence of motive. the father saw his two young sons get hit and killed by a drunk driver. but motive is not enough. they don't seem to have any hard evidence linking him to the crime. also missing is gunshot residue on his hands. >> you've got blood on the car that matched the defendant according to authorities. and there's matching ammunition. is there some point you believe that the defense may bring up mental distress, the horror of losing your children in this way? >> that's what you would expect. a temporary insanity defense which i think would be a strong defense. the problem with that is you have to admit you committed the crime before you get to an
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insanity admittance. >> i know there's something called jury nullification. how might that play a role here? >> jury nullification is saying we understand the law, we understand that vigilanteism is illegal but we're going to give him a pass in justice. that is illegal but it might happen and this might be a case for it. >> thank you very much. this case, your heart, what do you do? let's get a check of the weather now from al. >> thanks so much. let's show you what's happening. we do have heavy thunderstorms now firing up along a warm front back through the plains states. just to the north of omaha we've got heavy thunderstorms going on. and so could have more showers and thunderstorms this morning. and then things clear up. but look at the heat and humidity. 92 degrees for a high. here's what's causing it. lifti.
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more strong storms coming up. and you get cooler air coming in from the plains. the combination makes for by the next 24 hours, 1 to 2 inches here in the northeast. 2 to 4 inches locally from the dakotas on into that's what' good wednesday morning, everyone, i'm meteorologist tedd florendo. it's going to be another nice day for us. a mix of sun and clouds today. another warm one with humidity slightly up but not too bad. mid-80s, about 85 for the day today with winds remaining on the light side. showers and storms return for tomorrow. that includes friday, too.he upper 70s. that will last all throughout the weekend. more sunshine as we head into the early part of next week. have a great morning, everyone. >> and that is your latest weather. pay attention to the monitor. we have a unique way to kick off
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your birthday. the farmers in atkins, iowa, have dedicated their corn maze to mr. roker. they created this back in june. so soon hundreds of people are going to literally be running through your head trying to get out. >> that explains a lot. >> and if you've ever been inside al roker's head, you want to get out. and karen sent along this birthday message. >> happy 60th the birthday, al, from all of us at blooms bury farm in atkins, iowa, home of the al roker corn maze. we hope you have a wonderful day. you're our favorite weatherman. >> thank you very much. that's amazing. there is a kernel of truth to that. >> we should send you out of there and see if you can get out of there. >> can i get out of my own head? it's like being john malkovich in corn. that is amazing. thank you so much. >> really well done.
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my goodness. i wonder how long it took to make that. >> you know what? set fire to it and have popcorn for days. >> popcorn heaven for your birthday. well, coming up on "trending," can they actually be cool? matthew mcconaughey showed his love of fanny packs. matt, would you do a fanny pack? and up next, the $2 billion blunder. the solar plant in california that is causing a real problem for birds. right after this. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it.
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♪ we're back at 7:42 with an unexpected problem being created by a massive solar power plant in the mojave desert for. the toll it's taking on birds flying overhead.
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peter alexander has more on that. >> reporter: solar energy is celebrated in the movement, but this solar power plant has some environmentalists raising red flags with new fears that the concentrated rays of light are igniting some birds midair. one of the biggest solar power plants providing enough energy for 140,000 homes. but seen here in video from the company's website, it's also producing an unintended consequence with its reflecting rays singeing the feathers of birds and dropping them from the sky. they're also called streamers. >> a project that's really going to be a marvel of the modern age. >> reporter: this 2013 video promotes the state of the art solar technology. 300,000 garage door sized mirrors focus the rays in the
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desert. wildlife officials say the $2.2 billion plant might act as an attracter to birds who might fly to their death. >> like a kid might use a magnifying glass on the sidewalk >> like a kid might use a magnifying glass on the sidewalk to superheat this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. and natural gas at the same location. >> reporter: -- this year. but the number is likely much higher. up to 28,000 a year. federal wildlife officials want to know just how big the problem is. in a statement to nbc news, one of the owners says it takes this issue very seriously. adding the company's gone to great lengths to minimize
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wildlife impacts. still with major companies to work in the same region. environmentalists are urging caution. >> we need to wait until we have enough data from the one project that is operating to see exactly what the impacts are, how many birds we're talking about, and if there's anything we can actually do about it. >> reporter: a lot of times it feels like these solar power fields in the desert are in the middle of know where, but environmentalists are worried they're being build alongside national parks and wildlife preserves where they might be threatened. >> thank you very much. and coming up on "trending," little league superstar mo'ne davis goes from the field to the cover of "sports illustrated." >> plus the coach behind one of the most heartwarming post game speeches we will ever hear. the most heartwarming post game speeches we will ever hear. hewhat makes a woman beautiful? happiness. and energy.
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really, and... and that's it. this is kathleen... for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. get all day arthritis pain relief with an easy-open cap. let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, a medium macchiato, and two espressos -- one with a double shot. that's not the coffee talkin'. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini wheats cereal. it's a delicious way to get the nutrition you want. it's a delicious way let's tawith style.territory step up the savings and get moving. yeah, like that. that's the power of the home depot. 12x24 ceramic tile is now just $1.48 per square foot.
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back now at 7:49. al's birthday is special around here, but we wanted to take it global. willie, what's going on? >> a lot going on here. a lot of people excited about al roker's birthday. one of the favorite part of the third hour is al's journey from the take table over to the monitor. sometimes he's canoeing, sometimes just taking on the viewers and creeping them out a bit. one of the viral moments of the year, rokering. al roker notices jeff is sitting in his seat. trended worldwide. and inspired a lot of this. women, children, even dogs. took up rokering. and today to make it a little extra special, we took photographs with the birthday balloon. tamron wearing a party hat
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there. and this from our affiliate in little rock. matt and mallory wishing you the best as well. and this was hard to pick from so many, but here's one on facebook from charles. he said i don't think you realize homa touch with your grace and good humor. have a terrific birthday. your people demand it. amen to that. >> people. >> yeah. got lots of surprises coming your way. zblifs afra >> i was afraid of that. >> how do you feel? >> queasy. very honored and blessed. >> thank you so much. coming up, more celebrations of all things al. including one big surprise you don't want to miss. plus what really goes on behind the palace walls. plus what really goes on behin[ woman ] the cadillac summer collection is here. ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] during the cadillac summer's best event, lease this all-new 2014 cts for around $459 a month or purchase with 0% apr. hurry in -- this exceptional offer ends soon. or purchase with 0% apr. that new guy is like yeah but you'll regret it. what about him? healthy like this super smoothie. yeeeeuk! the perfect man and the perfect snack, don't exist. you sure? try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. perfect cause it's healthy with 0% fat and 12 gr. of protein and so creamy. mmm... could be the perfect... oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack. ♪ dannon!
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[ male announcer ] hurry in for labor day deals. get $10-$40 off our best paints and stains at lowe's. [ male announcer ] hurry in for labor day deals. taco bell brought back these ronathem a question...sked would you get a breakfast burrito from a burger place? you don't go to a sushi bar and order spaghetti. good point, ronald mcdonald taco bell's new grilled breakfast burritos: just a buck twenty-nine. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious.
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uh, hi. i'm here to drop off my password? . i'm sorry, i'm just here to what's the password. uh,synergy? datafication! gamification! university of phoenix has had alumni at every fortune 100 company... we can help open the door to your future. go to to get started today. we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and ♪onuts? you're cute. ♪ ding special k protein cereal helps you stay satisfied.
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nbc 10 news starts now. good morning, everyone. i'm chris cato. 7:56. it's looking nice so far outside. let's get your forecast with meteorologist tedd florendo. tedd? >> good morning, chris. outside under mostly cloudy skies but cape may, they're seeing more of the sun breaks this morning. temperatures are also warming up, too, across the area. will eventually get sunshine as the day progresses. current temperatures outside in the low 70s for philly, upper 60s for the lehigh valley. 67 degrees for atlantic city and same goes for millville. your forecast for the day today, a mix of sun and clouds, more humid today, about 85 degrees for the high. a check of traffic with jillian mele shows us a problem in bucks county. >> we have a disabled vehicle about to get towed away. it's on route 1 northbound past business route 1 and old lincoln highway. the tow is on the scene. it is blocking one lane, causing a delay in that area. an accident huntington pike at welsh road. heavy volume on 95 southbound. this is a live look at girard
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avenue. your drive time southbound from wood haven to the vine is still about 35 minutes. chris? the dragon waggen is rolling, the countdown is on to taney's next big game in the little league world series in williamsport. the dragons are taking on las vegas tonight at 7:30. if taney wins, of course, they advance to the u.s. championship game. pitching tonight, the star of the tournament, the "sports illustrated" cover girl, mo'ne davis. here she is signing autographs yesterday before taking some batting practice. mo'ne threw that shutout victory in taney's opening win against tennessee last week. nbc 10 is hosting a big watch party for the game tonight. you can join us at xfinity live in south philadelphia, the fun starts at 6:positive -- 6:30 with comcast little pregame live. parking is free after 2:00 p.m. there's a little dragons menu for the kids. a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the taney baseball association.
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, in a league of his own. >> you guys are going to bring back something that no other team can provide but you guys. that's pride. okay? pride. >> meet the man behind the post game speech at the little league world series that's touching the hearts of millions. then getting the royal treatment. elizabeth hurley's new show imagining life inside the walls of buckingham palace. and 60 rocks with roker. >> if you can't laugh at yourself, trust me, there are plenty who will. >> al shares the lessons he's learned along the way as we get ready for some birthday surprises to celebrate his milestone. today, august 20th, 2014. ♪
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>> happy birthdays, al roker, from vancouver, canada! we love you! >> i'm celebrating my birthday with al. >> we drove to see al on his birthday! happy birthday, al! >> happy birthday to al! >> and we're back now. 8:00 on a wednesday morning. it's the 20th day of august 2014. you may have heard a rumor or two that it's also al roker's 60th birthday. how about that? >> oh, my gosh. all of these amazing signs. >> that is very, very sweet. i thank you all. that is awfully nice. what an incredible waste of poster board. so thank you so much.
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>> not a waste at all. you know who loves a party? never misses one? >> who's that? >> and apparently never misses a warm croissant as well. who's that? >> oh, my gosh! it'svieira. >> with a couple of balloons as well. come on out here. we've got surprise visitors from all over. from near and far. it's going to take her about 30 minutes to get here. >> we didn't have a path cleared for her. >> yeah. >> it's like a macy's display. >> there she is running to you. and this is just the beginning of the surprises for you. >> and look how she comes with a security detail. >> just like when she was here.
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>> bring out, big, big balloons. happy birthday, sweetheart. >> i know you're busy getting ready for the new show. >> what show? >> the meredith vieira show. >> are you serious? >> we built a whole studio for you. >> you're going to stick around and help us celebrate? >> i sure am. meanwhile, let's check inside with natalie. she has the top stories. >> good morning once again. one day after shocking the world with that videotape execution, isis militants are threatening to kill a second american journalist kidnapped in syria. richard engel is at a border crossing between syria and turkey with reaction there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. for two years james foley had been missing since he crossed
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this border between turkey and syria. now it seems he will not be coming back. militants from isis say they executed and released that brutal video of him being beheaded. the militants said his murder was retribution for u.s. air strikes against the same group in northern iraq. and said unless washington stops carrying out the air strikes, it will execute yet another american reporter. the foley family issued a statement. james' mother says we thank jim for all the joy he gave us. he was an extraordinary son, brother, journalist and person. and we implore the kidnappers to spare the lives of the remaining hostages. like jim, they are all innocent, she wrote. it's unclear exactly how many other foreign hostages the militants from isis still have in syria, but it could be somewhere between 30 to 40. most of them journalists and aid
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workers. >> all right. richard engel along the turkey/syria border. thank you. children were among the hostages held overnight by gunmen suspected of wounding two police officers in a chicago suburb. the drama started when police in harvey, illinois, answered a house burglary call on tuesday. they exchanged fire with the suspects who then ran into another house holding two adults and six children. four of the youngsters were later released. hostage negotiators were still talking with the men this morning. attorney general eric holder is meeting in ferguson today and he's promising a thorough investigation into the deadly police shooting of an unarmed teenager michael brown. ferguson was mostly calm overnight but police did move in on protesters after they said bottles of urine were thrown at them. a u.s. distributor is recalling bottles of corona beer because they may contain small
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pieces of glass. with six packs along with 12 and 18 packs. the glass shards were traced to the company that provides bottles to the brewery in mexico. let's get another check of the weather with the birthday boy mr. al roker. >> i got a nice gift from this young lady. what's your name? >> skylar. >> you sang me a song and recorded it. >> yeah. i wrote a song to the tune of happy. >> well, thank you. that's very nice. i appreciate that. here's a young man who can tell me -- you're 71. how are the 60s? >> good. you'll love it. >> all right. will i remember it? >> i don't know about that. good wednesday morning, everyone. going to be another nice day for us. a mix of sun and clouds today and another warm one and slightly up and not too bad. mid-80s. 85 for the day today and remaining on the light side. showers and storms return for tomorrow and that includes
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friday, too. but the temperatures drop tob[v thor 07s a70s and more sunshinee head into the early part of next week. have a great morning, everyone. >> and that's your latest weather. it's like old times. meredith going, where do i go? >> it's bill clinton's birthday today too. >> yesterday. >> just like old times! >> that was yesterday. >> all right, fine. okay. coming up next on "trending," we'll get meredith up to speed and then the worst commercial ever or is it advertising genius? the ad for a mall that will get your attention. plus looking at elizabeth hurley's new show. >> oh, we love meredith so much. and fun and surprises for al on his big 6-0.
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but first these messages. moderate to severe is tough, but i've managed. i got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn's was not under control. he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,
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or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. look what i got with walmart's low prices. these are for the parent teacher conference. nice these are for when the kids do something good, i get that. and these are for when i want to come off totally laid-back. totally. with frames starting at $38, you don't have to choose just one. walmart. veggies you're cool... reworking the menu. mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein. targeted nutrition to feed your active life. ensure. take life in.
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let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, a medium macchiato, and two espressos -- one with a double shot. that's not the coffee talkin'. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini wheats cereal. it's a delicious way to get the nutrition you want. [ female announcer ] aveeno® introduces new positively radiant targeted tone corrector. it helps reduce the look of stubborn brown spots in just two weeks. what are you waiting for? aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™.
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aveeno®. are missing out on the milgood things in milk.icans but your small donation will get milk to their local food banks. you'll fill glasses with milk and hearts with hope. donate now at [ dog barks ] ♪ [ male announcer ] imagine the cars we drive... being able to see so clearly... to respond so intelligently and so quickly, they can help protect us from a world of unseen danger. it's the stuff of science fiction... minus the fiction. and it is mercedes-benz... today. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers look what i got with walmart's low prices. these are for the parent teacher conference. nice these are for when the kids do something good, i get that. and these are for when i want to come off totally laid-back. totally. with frames starting at $38, you don't have to choose just one. walmart.
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8:11. we're back with "what's trending" today. courtesy of a special guest, meredith vieira joining us for this segment. >> by the way, bill, happy be birthday. >> a day late. >> narrowing down a list for the super bowl half-time show. making the cut, coldplay, rihanna, and katy perry. one of the best gigs in show business. but would you pay for the honor? this morning "the wall street journal" reporting the nfl is asking artists to pay to play. the league reportedly wants some of the money the artist will make on tour after playing that game. and the paper says performers are not thrilled about the idea. >> really? >> yes. >> this morning the nfl tells us our only goal with the pepsi super bowl half-time show is to put on the best show for the
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millions of fans who watch. by the way, you can watch the super bowl february 1st on nbc. i love all the plugs. it's worth a lot of cash for the artist. they sell itunes records. >> these artists sell anyway. they're big acts anyway. >> i still don't think they should have to pay for the right to be on the super bowl at all. the super bowl is making money off the fact rihanna is on. >> and you can watch it the day after and tell us when it's over. >> you all have to see this next video. it is an ad for a mall in missouri being called the worst mall commercial of all time. or is it the best? take a look. ♪ back to school ♪ denim ♪ hair cut ♪ backpack get your backpack
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♪ boots and pants ♪ get yourself an outfit this real or not. this video has already got 2 million views. so i think it's worked. >> we're talking about it here. >> they should have to pay to perform. i thought it was adorable, actually. >> i've seen worse than that. >> much worse. >> we've been talking a lot about mo'ne davis. the is the star attraction at the little league world series expected to be back on the mound for her team today throwing that 70 mile-an-hour pitch. katy tur is in pennsylvania this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, willie. it's not the only thing. there's already been a handful
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of tear jerkingly wonderful moments. but mo'ne is the bell of the ball. a girl with a mind of victory and an arm like a cannon. she's barely a teenager, but mo'ne davis is now a national superstar. from little league to the cover of "sports illustrated." her specialty? >> hitting homers. and striking boys out. >> reporter: with a fastball clocking in at 70 miles per hour. >> complete game for mo'ne davis. >> reporter: making her the first girl to do that. >> i never thought at the age of 13 i would be a role model. >> reporter: mo'ne's story, just one of the fan favorites coming out of the little league world series this year. along with jackie robinson west. an all african-american team out of chicago. the second team to make the tournament from little league's urban initiative. >> what's going on now is
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history. everything we do from here on out is history. >> game over. >> reporter: theids eliminated the powerhouse rhode island team monday. but an uplifting moment when the coach reminded his team what it was about. >> you had the whole place jumping. you want to know why? they like fighters. they like sportsmen. they like guys that don't quit. they like guys who will play the game the right way. >> reporter: from guys with heart to the girls bringing the heat, the little league world series has never been more inspiring. >> don't let anyone stop you from doing what you like. just keep dreaming. go for it. >> reporter: the dragons play again tonight and mo'ne is expected to pitch. should be an exciting one. >> katy, thank you very much. more now on that heart felt post-game speech that's gone viral courtesy of coach dave
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melile after he spoke to his team after a loss. >> there's no disappointment, okay, in your effort, okay, in the whole tournament or whole season. it's been an incredible journey. you guys are going to bring back something, okay, that no other team can provide but you guys. and that's pride. okay? pride. >> coach dave and his son john join us from williamsport, pennsylvania. good morning to you. nice to see you. >> good morning, matt. thanks for having us. >> i got three kids. two of them. a boy and a girl play little league. i watched this speech and i had tears in my eyes. was this preplanned? had you always thought what you wanted to say to this team after they lost or did this come spontaneously? >> it came spontaneously. it was the -- it was our last game of the year. i certainly wanted the boys to
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leave that field as proud as could be. when i was doing that speech, i didn't know it was micced. you know, we spent the whole summer together for two months. i've lived with these boys for three weeks without them seeing their parents. so it came out of my heart. i wanted them to know that that score said 8-7 but actually it was a victory. and i just wanted to make sure when they left this field they were very proud and everybody was proud back home, their parents, i certainly was proud. they made my summer a summer that i'll always remember. that's what came out. >> matt said he was crying. we were all crying. i wonder how did you keep your composure. the boys are looking at you with those doe eyes for hope, and they were just in tears understanding your words though. >> yeah, i really don't know how i didn't cry. i guess basically the tears were already being shed and i said to them that -- and i really meant it -- the only time i'm going to
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cry is when this whole thing is over and i didn't cry, but i certainly was crying inside. because if you know the boys that i had and i'm standing here representing them and representing little league baseball because they gave 100% effort, they played the game like i said before with respect of the umpires, respect of their teammates. that's what little league baseball promotes. i think my team exemplifies that. and they'll understand later how important their play was on this field. not about the victory, but the victory of sportsmanship that they displayed on this field. believe me, when i left the camera, i've been shedding tears knowing my time with them is very limited now. it'll be something -- yeah. >> coach, i got a great idea. you should open up a school and coach coaches. we need more coaches like you. >> and parents. >> we really do.
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well done. great season as well. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. up next, al we're back now with our special series, 60 rocks with roker as al reaches a major milestone. 60. >> hard to believe, but i got to tell you. i have no reservations about turning 60. it's better than the alternative. happy to be healthy and very blessed. >> and according to our recent survey, you're not alone, al. you know that. 75% said turning 60 was no big deal. while 72% feel younger than
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their actual age. and 60% say they have greater self-confidence now than they did before. >> birthdays have a way of making you reflect. so we asked al to share his six biggest lessons he's learned during his six decades. take a look. >> my people! >> we love you, al! >> as you get older, you just know inherently that time is going to be compressed. i want to fill that time up with as much positive and as much good as possible. but you feel little more confident about learning. the thing that's most important to you has got to be your family. and whatever you do, that's got
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to be kind of your guiding principle. they know that i love them, that they matter the most to me above all else, and that even if i'm not there, they are still present and i'm still present. when it comes to our health and especially guys, you put that on the back burner. you wouldn't reschedule your kids' pediatrician appointment. why would you cheat yourself on that workout or that doctor's appointment? i try not to use the word diet. it's just, this is how you eat. is it easy? no. every day is a battle. new york city traffic. this is the only way to travel. what keeps me going and fighting is that i know what i felt like before. and it wasn't good.
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i think you need to have something that relaxes you and takes you away from what you normally do. i like providing meals for my family. to physically make something and put it on a plate and here you go. it's nice. leila's sitting in the kitchen and she's maybe talking about what her day was like, nicky coming back from tae kwon do or i'm home late and the wife says you couldn't call?if you can't trust me, there are plenty of people who will. i don't think anybody is going to just ever go denzel washington, why did he shave his
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head? and i'm comfortable with that. aren't i fantastic? my dad retired at 55. and the reason he retired was he wasn't enjoying what he was doing anymore. i love what i do. all of us who work in this business and particularly on this program, i think, have the greatest jobs going. and if you enjoy what you do and you can physically do it, i feel i'm better at it today than i was ten yearsago. so why would i retire? if you're not learning and you're not learning new things, you're dead. and i think if you continue to use that muscle that is the brain, that it only gets better.
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i never thought i'd run a marathon. the training for a marathon is really about a lot of discovery. because you learn how far you can push yourself or how far you can push past those limits. i really do believe 60 today is different than what our parents' 60 was. i feel like i'm going faster than ever. i think 50 you're hitting your stride. all things being equal, at 60 you're cruising. and if god willing your health stays good, you just keep moving until the parts wear out. >> words to live by. >> that marathon was one of the highlights of my life. having you share it with me. >> seeing your family at the finish line was so amazing. >> thinking about my parents today. my dad
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hey, good morning, everyone. i'm chris cato at 8:26 on wednesday. first alert forecast with meteorologist ted florendo. >> other areas at the coast starting to clear out. we are remaining dry at this hour. temperatures in the 70s, mild start to our day, 67 for atlantic city and here's the forecast, mix of sun and clouds today and more humid today, too. an accident on the boulevard causing some problems right now. jillian mele will bring us up to speed, jillian? >> a live look at the boulevard. the southbound side right at this ridge avenue off ramp. a lot of activity out here. multi-vehicle accident partially blocking that ramp and blocking the entire ramp 15 minutes ago and you can see we also have a delay on the boulevard southbound as drivers head into
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76 and an accident ridge pike and we still have heavy volume on 95 southbound as drivers make their way into center city. the average speed is 16 miles per hour. chris? new this morning, the search is on for a peeping tom. police have released a composite sketch of the man. a witness reported seeing him lurking near his neighbor's home. she saw the man peeping into her windows in the past. if you see a man that looks like that in that area, call police, obviously. i'm chris cato. another update in 25 minutes. you can always get the latest news and weather at now we go back to "today" show. have a great wednesday.
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♪ something strange in the neighborhood ♪ we're back now on the 20th of august 2014. yes, it is al roker's 60th birthday. we just tried to fill the plaza with all kinds of surprises. some of you who know al probably know that we share a favorite movie. that movie is, al? >> "the ghostbusters." >> look who is behind us. who is this man? >> it's the stay puft marshmallow man. >> yes. that man gets destroyed how? >> they roast him. >> they cross the streams. >> exactly right. this guy's a sailor. he's in town. >> i knew it. we've got a lot of surprises for
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al coming up starting with the mayor of new york city bill de blasio. >> wow. >> how are you? >> mr. mayor, how are you? >> mr. mayor. >> i want you to know he doesn't look a day over 59. >> thank you so much. i work hard at it. >> you're doing great. al, the people of this city love you. all of america loves you, but we love you because you're a native new yorker. so we have a proclamation here. and this is the home that al grew up in in queens. so born and bred new yorker who's gone to the highest heights and still has his feet on the ground. and so on behalf of all 8.4 million new yorkers, i am declaring today al roker appreciation day in the city of new york. >> oh, my gosh. thank you, mr. mayor. thank you so much.
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>> well deserved. >> i never thought this would happen. >> you're an icon now. you just have to live with it. >> we'll try. thank you so much. >> where were you hiding back there? >> this is part of my security plan. we take it with us wherever we go. >> great. mr. mayor, thank you so much. pleasure to see you. now, mr. roker, how about your birthday forecast? >> all right. it's looking very old. for today, risk of strong storms in the plains. beautiful day in the pacific northwest. sunny and 74 in l.a.. steamy and dangerous heat will be building. so we want you to make sure to check on the elderly, your pets, and all the people to make sure they'r
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good wednesday morning, everyone. i'm meteorologist ted florendo. a mix of sun and clouds today and humidity slightly up, but not too bad. mid-80s. about 85 degrees for the day today remaining on the light side. showers and storms return for tomorrow, that includes friday, too. but the temperatures drop to the upper 70s and that will last all throughout the weekend. more sunshine as we head into the early part of next week. have a great morning, everyone. >> and that's your latest weather. >> a lot of people wanted to wish you a happy birthday. not just the mayor of new york city. but here's a message from a guy that couldn't be here. >> 60 years ago your mommy went to the hospital to play bingo. happy birthday, al. that's fantastic. what a nice man, beautiful family. the audience loves you.
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the crew loves you. everybody loves you. and i adore you. happy birthday. >> right back to you, willard. my second dad. >> willard scott, the mayor, the stay puft marshmallow man, you have no idea how long it took for meredith to blow this up. more surprises in a moment. elizabeth hurley joins the royal family. sort of. we'll go behind her show of the modern monarchy. but first this is "today" on a special day on nbc.
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8:36. we're back. we're going to have more of the roker bar mitzvah in just a second. but right now the british royal
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family, probably the most famous and photographed family on the planet. but what goes on behind those palace walls? >> there's a fictional drama that imagines the answer. and before katy tur traveled to williamsport, she got a behind the scenes look at the show. >> reporter: they're the royals but not as we know them. now elizabeth hurley is playing a queen on "the royals." >> in case you've forgotten, we are not a normal family. >> reporter: imagining what goes on behind those guilded gates. we met up with the cast in london where it's filmed. what kind of queen are you playing in this show? >> bears little resemblance to her majesty queen of england. but you never know. because the beauty of this show is that we go behind closed doors. >> reporter: it's a little wild, huh? >> you know, this is.
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this is an extreme sort of sexy adventure into royalty. our first-born son died right at the top of the show. so we have a beautiful state funeral. and the royal family are in grief, the nation's in grief. and now his younger brother has become the heir to the throne. and he's fabulous played by william mosley, terrific boy. his character prince liam is wild. >> reporter: hurley brings her real life son damien to the set. but she doesn't want him knowing the details. >> i don't want him to read the script or to watch it. it's quite out there. for me this is, like, sex drugs and rock and roll. >> reporter: hurley's on-screen son prince liam has an american girlfriend that hurley's character doesn't quite like. is it very like the american girl to come in and throw all
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the status quo into chaos? >> and the queen's not happy she's invaded their zone and what the queen has lined up for the prince. >> reporter: so what does she have lined up for the prince? >> she has a diamond heiress lined up. >> reporter: are you guys going to -- >> kiss? >> reporter: yeah. >> right now? >> reporter: in the show. we'll just have to wait and see. but hurley says the show will be unmissable. >> you want to see drama and heightened stuff. if that's your bag, you might get lucky. >> reporter: for "today," katy tur, nbc news, london. >> bizarre on the kiss question. we got it. next, more birthday surprises for our man in the morning. like this. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back now with more of our special tribute to al as he turns 60. if you know my friend al roker, you know that one thing he loves -- well, he loves his family, he loves his job, but then he loves barbecue. what better way to celebrate than with one of his favorite restaurants. the executive chef at the restaurant here in this city. you smell so good. you smell like barbecue. >> thank you. >> you prepared something special. >> i did. so al, happy birthday. i know how much you love barbecue. this is your birthday barbecue extravaganza. and we brought lots and lots. before we get started with the food, i have two gifts for you. in honor of your birthday, all three hill country barbecue markets are going to have the al
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roker birthday barbecue special in all the restaurants. brooklyn, d.c., and new york city. and this is your souvenir. >> oh, my gosh. wow. look at that. >> that's cool. we're going to talk more about the food in a second, but i notice you have a lot. so there's more than enough to invite some other guests, right? >> there is. >> so can we bring in three very special guests who want to wish you a happy birthday? bring in courtney, leila, and nicky. your lovely children. >> thank you so much. hi sweetheart. >> now, does somebody have something for dad? >> yes. i actually have something. since you are getting older and you do look better but you can't fight the inevitable, so i got you a life alert. >> so if i fall and i can't get
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up. >> yes. >> for the elderly people. >> the elderly people. they're now my people. >> yes. >> my beautiful girl. love my beautiful girl. >> we're going to do a little sampling. talk about the menu here. >> all right. before i talk about the menu, it's very important. i want you to be a member of the family. this is your very own pit shirt with your own pit name rocking roker. you know i'm peaches. >> yes, you are. i will wear this with pride. >> great. when you're at home cooking. >> yes. >> we've got our gang over there sampling. >> we've got toast of smoke brisket which i know you love. pork ribs. cool as a cucumber salad. corn pudding. peanut butter and jelly cupcakes in the mini size. and you can't be a southern restaurant or barbecue restaurant without good old fashioned banana pedding withpu
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nilla restaurants. >> the beef ribs are crazy as well. >> next time i'm going to bring you beef ribs. >> well, what do you think? nicky, how's that? you like it? courtney? yeah? >> my daughter is a chef. oh, t >> so she appreciates good food. >> nicky, what is your favorite thing that dad grills at home? >> a lamb burger. >> mary had a little lamb. not so fast. >> thank you so much. >> you're so welcome. and everybody should come to hill country to eat al roker's birthday barbecue special. >> we've had the main courses. it's time for a little dessert. and look who's bringing that in. meredith vieira.
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>> that's fantastic. wow. >> that's amazing. >> this is a grill. look how cute. >> indiana jones. i love bacon. >> come on around here. tamron and willie as well. >> look at that. wow. >> nice job, meredith. >> thank you. >> by the way, we've got some drinks right there. will you do the honors? >> absolutely. >> here you go. >> by the way, al, this cake is from none other than the cake boss. >> my man. >> buddy valastro. he made this cake for you. >> god bless him. we love buddy and his family. >> you have one? >> here we go. >> so we would like to propose a special birthday toast. al, i don't know that there are
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a lot of people that can put up pictures of themselves at 40 and then 60 and say i am better, i am healthier, i am an inspiration to millions of people around the country and around the world. and we want to say to you you are a dear friend and a wonderful pal. and we love you. >> thank you. i am truly, truly blessed. good friends and great family. thank you so much, guys. and to be able to work with both is a blessing. >> we're back in a moment. it's al's birthday, have you heard? this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back at a look at legendary radio city music hall. right now that is home to nbc's hit show "america's got talent." >> the competition is red hot as the top 48 acts compete at a chance for the $1 million prize. you have until noon to vote for your favorite from last night's show. head to or google agt and watch for the results tonight at 9:00/8:00 central here on nbc. meantime, did you ever make a sand castle as a kid? they never looked like this. nbc's kristen dahlgren spent time with a man who's taking sand art to a whole new level.
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>> reporter: in the soft light of early dawn over san francisco, anders and wife amber are already at the beach. >> really it's about the exploration. and with the beach, i've seen that it's an exploration of scale. >> reporter: they measure, they mark, and finally with rakes and string they begin to create. >> i call myself an earth scape artist. >> reporter: their canvas, the sand left by the perfect combination of receding tide and dewy morning. >> it has to get wet then that's what i work in. >> reporter: as he exposes the wetter sand underneath, lines and circles take shape. >> the sound the rake makes as it goes through the sand. >> reporter: guided only by note card sketches and instincts. >> i start with an idea and then i see what the beach looks like. then i decide what i'm going to
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do. the beach is changing all the time. >> reporter: time is short. the same ocean that left him this perfect wide beach will soon take it back. >> i usually give myself about two hours. and that's the time when the tide is at its lowest. that's when i'm working. and it's a race against the tide. >> reporter: from the beach, it's hard to see the big picture. >> it's always a surprise. actually what it will look like. >> reporter: the designs are meant to be seen from above. way above. the results are breathtaking. lines and circles that weave into perfect geometric patterns. why do you do it? >> all of this comes from the joy that it brings me. i have so much happiness doing it that it's the reward in and of itself. >> reporter: the designs fade as the sand dries and the tide comes in, but for him who once made permanent sculptures, that's part of the art. >> i love the idea of getting out, doing it, having my time on
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the beach. and allowing nature to take it back. >> reporter: for those passing by on the cliffs above, they can seem other worldly. >> i was thinking it was either aliens like the crop circles. >> reporter: for others, it's been the ultimate way to capture the most magical moment written in the sand that return to the sea. but always leaving a clean slate for him to start again. >> i get to be here doing this. all my cares wash away when i'm doing this. >> reporter: for "today," kristen dahlgren, nbc news, san francisco. >> how cool is that? really cool. all right. we have the ceremonial knife and spatula. >> cut the cake. >> yeah. so it's time to do a little cutting of the cake. >> i don't know where to start. >> i think you should go up top. >> cut through the bacon, my friend. >> wow. look at that. >> i hate to even cut it. >> be brave. >> we don't have plates. >> oh! >> oh, the humanity.
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>> first piece to the birthday boy. >> dig in. >> you should just eat it like that. >> come on, nicky. >> nicky's enjoying this drink. >> you know that was a mojito he just drank. >>t'myind of dad. >> hey, listen. let's get to some other birthdays right now. willard scott's got some people who are older than you, al. >> unbelievable. >> we're down on the farm in the summertime in old virginia. we're having fun with our birthday buddies. look at emojean. she is 100 today. how about alexander mccully. 100 years old today. he is from silver spring,
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maryland. he'll tell you a story at the drop of a hat. george, how about that for a handsome name. 100 years old today. he loves coffee and playing golf. but not drinking coffee while he plays golf. elise warton mosley. 100 years old today. she is from columbia, maryland. we wish her a happy birthday and she loves to read "the washington post" every single day. how about that? well, that's all for now. we've had fun. we'll be back when there's more. >> my bud buddy valastro. it looks great and it tastes great. what's up in the next hour? >> more al. more surprises. >> a big surprise guest. actually, a couple of big surprise guests. >> wow. >> yeah. and a tribute to bill clinton
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after his birthday. >> don't lose your life alert. >> al, happy birthday, buddy. >> thank you so much. >> happy birthday!
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that breaking news is an accident involving an ambulance. a car and suv collided with that ambulance. we are hearing there was a patient inside and we're working to find out if that's true and if anyone involved in the accident was injured. you can count on nbc 10 to bring you an update. impact in traffic in that area. let's check with jillian mele. >> much of the accident is contained to the sidewalk but this intersection of chew avenue
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is blocked off. take germantown avenue and two options for you there. this is a live look at another accident we're following, 95 northbound right past the blue route. two lanes are blocked and two lanes get by. let's take a look at the forecast now with ted florendo. shaping up nicely out there. >> clouds around but starting to see some clearing down the shore at this hour. temperatures not too bad. mid-70s a good start and mid-70s for the lehigh valley, too, this morning. look for a mix of sun and clouds and it's going to be another warm day, about 85 degrees and quite a bit more humid today. chris? the countdown is on to taney's next big game. taking on las vegas tonight at 7:30. nbc 10 watching a big host game. the fun starts at 6:30 with comcast littles pregame live and parking is free after 2:00 p.m., by the way.
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a little dragons menu for the kids. xfiniti will donate a portion to the team. i'm chris cato. another update for you in 25 minutes. always find the latest news and weather at have a great day.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist, and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on wednesday morning, august 20, 2014. the stay puft marshmallow man. >> he's a little steep. >> he like the rest of us is celebrating al roker on his 60th birthday. how you feeling, man? >> i feel great. i'm very blessed and humbled that people even took the time. >> the surprises aren't over yet. it just gets better. it just gets better. >> i can only imagine. >> i would venture to say we saved the best for this hour. >> king between this hour and those signs out there -- how does it feel when you read those signs from little kids, from kids older than you that say
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they love you so much? >> what's sad is there are few that are older than me. it's a nice thing. you do something for a period of time and you don't know what it means. but when people come out and celebrate a stranger -- >> you're not a stranger. you're their friend. >> as mayor de blasio said as he issued today as al roker appreciation day, he said you're an icon not only as a new yorker born and bred but also somebody who has taught us all so much about what it means to truly live. you're my example. >> i was blessed with two great parents. i'm just trying to live up to them. >> what's also interesting in addition to this cake being amazing, the change from the drinks we drank? they're over there. i love that your children gave you a life alert.
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>> yeah. my mother had a saying. i hope one day yours do to you what you've done to me. and then i have my daughters and my son who have this kind of fun little sense of humor. >> nice. >> the life alert was a window into your relationship. >> well, you're kids are going to want to see this. we're going to look back. you've had so many great moments. to narrow down the best of al roker was almost impossible. but just over the past year. >> this is what's happening in your neck of the woods. got to go! >> there you go. >> careful! >> stay there. i'll cuddle you. >> if you have a problem no one else can help, maybe you can
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hire the a-team. >> i pity the fool! >> set your watches. this where it all went down hill. ♪ >> you can never get away from me. you know, it's a sad state of affairs when i'm the voice of reason. i like to think that sometimes i come out and who knows what's going to happen. ♪ >> do you remember half of that stuff? >> no. that's the best part about it.
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i get home and the family's all like, what did you do today? i'm like, i don't know. i don't remember. >> we talk to some of the famous faces. some wanted to wish you a happy birthday as well. >> like a fine wine, you get better with age, my friend. happy birthday. >> congratulations and here's to the next 60. cheers. >> hey, al, it's heidi. you make 60 look hot. >> al roker, i hear it's your 60th birthday. i have a forecast for you. the weather's looking cloudy. with a chance of elderly man. >> i just wanted to say happy birthday, al. >> i wanted to wish you had happy 60th birthday. i just celebrated by 46th so i'm way younger than you. ♪ happy birthday al
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♪ happy birthday pal >> some of our favorites. >> wow. >> we had the stay puft man on the plaza because "ghostbusters" is your famous film. we have a special caller on the line. could you please identify yourself with a line from "ghostbusters." >> she's toast. >> dan aykroyd? >> dan aykroyd. >> hey, man. thanks for calling. that's so great to hear your voice. >> you are not only a great "ghostbusters" fan, you are my "blues brother" brother from another mother. you got behind jake and elwood in the early days and you're welcome to dance with me on stage any time. i know you got the movings. >> i learned them at the feet of the master. >> dan's on set in europe and
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wanted to be part of your celebration. was nice enough to call in. >> that's terrific. dan, we are all a-twitter here because of the re-release of "gho "ghostbusters" on august 29th. can you believe it's been 30 years? >> well, can you believe it's your birthday and 30 years ago is when that came out. i'm going to get a scraping of your dna and paste it on myself because you are looking good. >> thank you, my friend. >> dan, while we've got you here, can you tell us anything about a possible "ghostbusters" sequel? >> well, we've got this guy from "bridesmaids" interested in doing it with a predominantly female cast. i think it's a great idea. now we've got to get a script. so we're going to put them to work in hollywood. but this re-release on the 26th is going to be neat because you'll see stay puft on the screen again with great sound
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and remastered digital and audio. it's going to be quite the experience. now what i have is i've got grand kids of the original viewers of "ghostbusters" coming to my crystal head vodka signings. i meet them all the time. they come with ectos and there are usually 20 or 30 there. and they bring the next generation. so it's really powerful. just so gratifying to me and the team that made it. >> we really appreciate it. thank you so much. >> have a great one. >> they're re-releasing it in theaters august 26th. >> we should go see it. >> absolutely. >> i love the female girl ghost busters. girls fight ghosts? i love it. we have some things for you. what is your favorite food of all time? number one food group? >> bacon!
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>> so therefore, let's bring out some bacon. starting off with bacon chocolate bars. have you had this? apparently there's bacon bits in the bar. it's delicious. it's flavorful. >> there ought to be a hint of bacon in everything. >> that's what al proposes all the time. >> this is present number one. it will continue on. >> there's lots more bacon throughout the hour. and more guests. >> guests bring bacon? >> don't push it. >> only al visualizes guests pushing bacon. all right. something else we're chatting about today that maybe you -- have you done the ice bucket challenge yet? >> i've escape sod far. >> oh. >> you guys were away last week. so you missed it.
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>> meanwhile, jenna bush hager while we were gone got soaked on the plaza dpp you challenge jenna? and she took it like a champion that she is. no screams of mommy. so of course jenna decided to take on her parents and issue the challenge to her parents. at the time she referred to her mother's hair in a very unique and interesting way. let's thereon it. i guess we do have her when she issued the challenge toer had parents. >> the question is, is my mother going to ruin the hair? mom, get ready. tomorrow morning. >> do you think she'll do it? >> she has had this helmet since 1981. >> wow. >> so did her parents take her up on the challenge? here's the answer. >> to all who challenged me, i do not think it's presidential for me to be splashed with ice water, so i'm simply going to
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write you a check. >> that check is for me. i don't want to ruin my hair style. >> now it's my privilege to challenge my friend bill clinton to the als challenge. yesterday was bill's birthday and my gift to bill is a bucket of cold water. >> it's been elevated to the presidential level now. president clinton is next. we know president obama's been challenged by lebron, justin bieber. maybe if it catches on. >> we'll see >> $22 million? >> last year in the same period in 2013, $1.9 million. >> this is global, the world got involved. >> we should point out why do we have lemonade. we're celebrating your birthday, but it's also national lemonade day. >> who knew? >> on this national lemonade day and in appreciation of al roker,
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take us to the weather. >> life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. there you go. pucker up. all right. here we go. coming on over. hello, children. i saw you do the weather once. could we put the weather in the thing? there you go. unfortunately we're still seeing more showers and thunderstorms popping up throughout parts of arizona. they've already had flash flooding. we're going to continue to watch that. now, we've also got dangerous heat in the southeast into the plains states. we've got excessive heat advisories, heat watches, and heat warnings for the city of st. louis. this massive dome of hot air for today, st. louis 95. austin, texas, 100 degrees. that's 4 degrees above normal. like -- oh!e humidity and it it feels like there's a big al roker on the map.
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oldtown, it's 83. old port, it's 85. old patty, i remember old patty. 88. old joe at 93. you know what? that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your good wednesday morning, everyone. i'm meteorologist ted florendo. another nice day a warm one with humidity slightly up but not too bad. mid-80s about 85 for the day today with winds remaining on the light side. showers and storms return for tomorrow and that includes friday, too. but the temperatures drop to the upper 70s and that will last all throughout the weekend. more sunshine as we head into the early part of next week. have a great morning, everyone. >> and that's your latest weather. >> you told your jokes over there, your kids were stoned
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faced. >> just a regular day at the roker house. >> so fun to have you guys with us. thanks for sharing in the celebration. >> you have to stick around because we have a huge surprise. >> big, big. >> bigger than big. >> hope you're not overselling this. >> we are not. >> you hi. we need this to tow my science project. ah, a do it all tundra, good timing. our annual clearance event only happens once a year. we built a shuttle. a shuttle? yeah, carbon fiber wings, it works. better get an a. you mean, he better get an a. that's what i said. agree to disagree. no during toyota's anual clearance event, get 0% apr financing on a 2014 tundra. offer ends september 2nd. for great deals on other toyotas, visit this is gonna be great for my shuttle. my shuttle. toyota, let's go places. mom usually throws a gogurt in there. well mom's not here today so we're doing things dad's way. which means i get... two. (singing) snack time and lunch. (singing) snack time and lunch. gogurt
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because lunch needs some fun. and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is hellmann's. hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. hellmann's. bring out the best. ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. dust irritating your eye? ♪ (singing) ♪ visine® gives your eyes relief in seconds. visine®. get back to normal. deterghow about... both? n skin or tough on stains. new tide pods free and gentle free of dyes and perfumes with a deep clean.
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pop in the best of both worlds. at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. it used to take me forever to get a smoky eye look just right. until i discovered this... almay's intense i color collection for my hazel eyes. almay intense i-color in four color collections you have to try it for yourself. so simple. so me. almay. ...and when your chocolatey cravings begin... ...there's special k... ...chocolate almond cereal. treat yourself with our... ...chocolatey collection. an unguilty pleasure. what will you gain?
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. al, i'm so excited for you right now. i can hardly contain myself. it's al's 60th birthday. there's a guest that's been trying to get on the show for a long time. >> it all began with a simple hand shake. take a look. >> how you doing! come on! they won't let you! yeah! yes! >> joe biden doing our "today's take" would be absolutely
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awesome. you will love the bacon waffle, vice president. >> some day, al. just keep asking. it will happen. >> mr. vice president, we're begging you. come on down. come on up to new york city and co-host. this fabulous program. would love to have you. >> apparently we have begged enough. because with us now from washington is vice president joe biden. >> oh, my god. it's mr. vice president! >> good morning. >> hey, al. happy birthday, man. >> thank you, sir. >> happy birthday from all the bidens. >> this is such an honor. >> age is not a number. it's an attitude, pal. i've adopted satchel hayes.
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his 47th birthday when sports writers went into the locker room and said what it's like pitching in the big leagues at age 47. he said let me tell you how i look at it. how old would you be if you don't know how old you are? i'm 42, you're 37. let's get that straight. happy birthday, buddy. >> thank you so much. it's an honor to have you on our show. look, i have been with you on a couple of stories and you make the ever-ready bunny seem politic a slacker. you are constantly on the move. what's your secret? >> my dad used to have an expression. he said the lucky person gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what he's about to do and thinks it still matters. i think it still matters. i'm more excited today about the
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prospects for our country than i was as a 29-year-old kid. and i mean it. there's not many people any network would do this for. and there's a reason for it, al. the reason why people like you so much is they trust you. everybody i know, they trust you. the viewers trust you. and that's a commodity that you cannot -- you bank in. and you banked it. that's why everybody loves you, buddy. before i come on and be a co-host, i want to appoint you to head up noaa. and then we'll work that out after i'm out of this job or whatever job i'm in next. >> is there something you want to tell us? >> absolutely, man. look, if i were running the administration in the next one, i'd have you in it. i mean, what the hell. >> wow. i think that's a reason for you to run right there. >> i figure i had to do something to get you to say that.
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[ laughter ] besides, i don't have the talent to do what you do. i have trouble sitting across from natalie all day. >> hey, now! >> she seems so damn good she'd intimidate me. >> oh, my gosh. so this means, mr. vice president, we extend the offer once again to get you in studio with us. because you're so good at what you do. >> that's right. and if that's not enough, we've got willie and tamron. >> apparently not interested in that. >> but willie's got talent. it's a different deal with me, you know. i don't know how i'd do on that show. i promise i'll come and try it some day. >> great. >> we would love that. >> you just made this man's life. >> life. >> thank you so much. >> and please give our love to
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dr. biden as well. >> by the way, the whole family sends our best. my best to your family. >> thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> how about that? it happened. >> didn't we say it was going to be big? >> that was big. big. huge. >> you didn't believe us. asking if we were going to oversell it. we didn't. >> you brought it. >> and that trust he talks about is so true. coming up next, i get you all the news you need before you walk out the door. >> when you thought it couldn't get bigger than the vice president of the united states? guess who's here. ja
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chico's new so slimming knit pants -- the peyton! we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and (yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! we're not just selling back at fto school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. get our exclusive red patterned vans camden... only at famous footwear. victory is yours. to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy.
9:23 am
♪ it always makes the home team cheer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. it always makes the home team cheer. at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. taking a look at the headlines, an important recall to tell you about. inspire natural foods is recalling certain arrowhead mills peanut butter and almond
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butters. included at some trader joes and wloel foods. for a full list of all the products, go to website. a distributor recalling bottles of corona beer because they may contain small pieces of glass. in certain six packs along with 12 and 18 packs. a spokesperson said the shards were traced to a company that supplies bottles to the brewery in mexico. the unemployment rate has been shrinking but so is something else. salaries. according to market watch, when adjusted for inflation, salaries have fallen .3% since the recession. federal officials claim the wages will start to climb. and it's been called the most expensive apartment. this is the penthouse at mona monaco's tower. when it's finished the apartment
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will be five stories, have an amazing view of the mediterranean and an infinity pool and a slide that descends mediterranean and an infinity pool and a slide that descends the activia challenge! there's nothing like leaving home feeling attractive. but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon!
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good morning, i'm tracy davidson. let's get you first alert forecast from meteorologist tedd florendo. >> clouds over center city and we are remaining dry and mild this morning. temperatures right now, take a look, 74 degrees for philadelphia and 73 for quaker town and 70s also down the shore all the way down to the beaches. your forecast for the day today. 85 degrees and mix of sun and clouds and more humid today. tracy? an update on breaking news we're following for you half an hour ago. an accident involving an ambulance and a car. we just learned three people were taken to had hospital. we're working to find out their conditions. sky force 10 is over the accident. 2 and washington lane. there was a patient inside the ambulance when it crashed. we still do not know if that person was hurt in the accident. philadelphia police looking for a robber who held up a limo
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driver at gunpoint around 4:00 p.m. a.m. on titan street. the robber got away with about 250 bucks. mercy fitzgerald hospital will hold a private memorial service to remember the case worker who was shot and killed by a patient last month. the hospital says it's an opportunity for employees, family and friends to pay tribute to theresa hunt. authorities say psychiatric patient killed hunt at the hospital in darby on july 24th. psychiatrist lee zimmerman was crazed in the head and brought his own gun and shot. discharged from the hospital two weeks ago and taken to delaware county prison where he is facing murder and other charnels. i'm tracy davidson. we'll have another local update in 25 minutes. now back to "today" show. thanks for watching, have a great day.
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♪ ♪ happy birthday to al roker ♪ happy birthday to al roker ♪ happy birthday to you >> cool. that's a high school bear voices group from illinois wishing you a happy birthday. >> they're very good. nice. >> so we've got your second bacon-themed gift now. these are bacon-themed cupcakes from prohibition bakery here. they've got bacon, bittersweet chocolate, and toffee. >> dive in. >> a couple things we want to talk about is what happened in the year you were born, 1954? >> that was the year after the earth cooled. >> wanted you to pull the, back in my day. >> can you guess how much gas a
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ford car -- and a house -- would have cost in 1954? >> a gallon of gas i would say 23 cents. >> very good. 21 cents. i'm giving him correct on that. how about a ford automobile? >> i'll go $1500. >> between there and $2400. and a house? >> i'd say about $12,000. >> 22 grand. >> see back then, it depends on how much you had to pay for the logs to put the house together. nobody home. i keep my feathers numbered for just an emergency. pay attention while i talk to you, boy. >> we only have 30 minutes. >> it's his birthday. let him do it.
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>> another question. what was the year's most popular tv show? >> i have to go with "gun smoke." "i love lucy." >> yes. >> that's easy. >> okay. what game was invented in 1954 originally called the yacht game because they played it on their yacht? >> monopoly. >> the yacht game? >> yahtzee. >> back in 1954 we only had two kinds of weather. partly sunny and sunny. later on we came up with cloudy. for today we've got a risk of strong storms in the northern plains. out west looking terrific. although we could use a little rain for our friends who have to deal with these forest fires out there. the heat is on in the plains and
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into the south with temperatures into the 90s. heat indexes will be above 100. that will continue right through tomorrow. up and down the west coast plenty of sunshine. portland, 72. rain moves into the good wednesday morning, everyo everyone. i'm meteor also tedd florendo. a mix of sun and clouds and humidity slightly up, but not too bad. mid-80s, about 85 degrees for the day today with winds remaining on the light side. showers and storms return for tomorrow and that includes friday, too. but the temperatures drop to the upper 70s and that will last all throughout the weekend and more sunshine as we head into the early part of next week. have a great morning, everyone. >> and that's your latest weather. >> announcer: "today's" health is brought to you by pro-namel
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toothpaste. protect your teeth against everyday acid. >> let's talk about this morning. the link between antibiotics and an an antipersprents. >> we have a professor from lsu. basically they are like experts. they are the real deal. they don't play doctors on tv. good to see you both. let's start request is the study about baby. saying it puts them on a path to obesity. >> yes. this is where they exposed mice to low dose penicillin. the good bacteria destroyed and
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a new set of bacteria presents itself. that changes the metabolism of the mice. it puts them at risk for obesity. now you extrapolate it to humans, we're concerns if you're given antibiotics, might not only be creating bacteria for a superbug, but the child may be at risk for obesity. >> how do i know when not to use it? >> you need them when you have a bacterial infection. but this is a new area of research. we share our body with all these bacteria. there's good bacteria and bad bacteria. women know if you get out of balance, you can get yeast infections, asthma, allergies. so it's very critical that you have the correct amount. if your child doesn't have a really high fever, just has sniffles and a cold, they probably have a virus. so you need to talk to your
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doctor. >> all right. the fda just released an at-home colon cancer test. colon guard. do you think it's a good idea? >> we've always checked stools for samples. this new test is a dna test. the difference in the test, one's $20 looking for blood in the stool. the other is $600. you have to ask yourself and there are some false positives that make people upset. but basically you need to screen. a third of the people don't screen. when you're 50 years old, you need to get a come nlonoscopy c. >> you can do it at home. that's another good thing about it. >> i got to ask you about this last one. deodorant can sometimes make you smell worse? it's a belgian study. >> it's a small study.
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followed for 28 days. they noticed certain deodorants contained aluminum that blocked the pores and created a funky bacteria. >> is that a medical term funky bacteria? >> you coined it. >> but continue to use it. >> somebody will tell you how you smell. >> easy, now. >> we need to start a band called the funky bacteria. >> doctors, thank you so much. up next, how to look younger or more mature with body language. al gives a lesson as he marks language. al gives a lesson as he marks the big 6-0 after i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. language. al gives a lesson as he marks the big 6-0 after i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day
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to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. it's this new paint. nothing stays on the wall. not any of these things. valspar reserve super stain resistant. and scrubbable. and this color! still perfect! introducing valspar® reserve™ paint + primer with hydrochroma™ technology. exclusively at lowe's. at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. cereal and milk ♪ ♪ milk and cereal ♪ cereal and milk delicious kellogg's® cereal and milk. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. kellogg's. see you at breakfast. ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tempted ♪ ♪ by the chocolate all around
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♪ turn around brian! ♪ this bar has protein oh yeah!♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. [ female announcer ] aveeno® introduces new positively radiant targeted tone corrector. it helps reduce the look of stubborn brown spots in just two weeks. what are you waiting for? aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. aveeno®. how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. ♪ the laughing cow. reinvent snacking.
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crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose. it's kind of hard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth, and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. i think i'm getting the hang of it. [ jay ] okay, now pick up the specially cured bacon! hit it with the brown sugar! now roll that beautiful bean footage! yes! [ jay ] bush's baked beans are slow-cooked according to our secret family recipe for a big flavor. high score! you get to put your name on the wall of fame!
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[ beeping ] whoa! game over... aww, you're no fun. [ jay ] enjoy bush's baked beans. still made from our secret family recipe. .. . . [ male announcer ] clinically tested with vitamin c, it corrects uneven tone and reduces dark spots. even those just below the surface. and see more even, more radiant skin in just 2 weeks.
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amazing. [ male announcer ] so impressive, 85% saw the difference. so forget about spots and get on with life! [ male announcer ] anti-sun damage daily moisturizer. from garnier. we are celebrating al's 60th birthday. we know al is young at a heart. how can you do the same? >> here is some body language tricks. we've got janine driver, she's the president of the body language institute. good to see you. >> nice to see you. happy birthday. >> thank you so up many. first of all, nobody wants to seem older unless you're 12. let's go with younger tips. you say clapping your hands makes you seem younger. >> when you clap, you're ready to act. it's the missell in sales. hey, what are you selling? if you don't sell to that person, shame on you. that means they're doing it.
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>> jimmy fallon does that a lot. >> right here he's like here we go. clap, clap, clap. it's connected to a coach like a football coach, youth, vitality, strength. let's go, go, go. so when you clap, it says i'm young. >> thumbs out too. >> if you have your hands in the pocket and your thumbs are sticking up. stand up. this is a favorite move i think of yours. put your hands in your pockets. this is creating an arrow to your private parts saying look what i have to offer. >> that makes me feel younger. >> vitality, youth. it says, listen, i am so confident at 60 i still have it. >> nobody wants it though. >> you have a very nice tie. >> thank you.
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>> the finger forward position. like you're sitting. >> very male dominated. i don't know if you can do it. i know you have a bum knee there. even in a dress. we see oprah do this. ellen degeneres does this. it creates an arrow pointing to our naughty bits. >> wow. okay. >> time to lose the glasses, al? >> i've had these since sixth grade. >> if people aren't taking you seriously and you're in your 20s, throw the glasses on. >> take your glasses off a second. let's see. >> look how young he looks. >> they say 60 is the new 59. >> there you go. >> too bad you can't see anything. >> that's right. i couldn't see the prompter. i see it's time to go. save on school supplies by jazzing up the stuff you've already got. after these messages.
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whi, how's it going?. whatever you're looking for, start by test-driving nearly every make and model all in one place. carmax. start here. oats go! wow! go power oats! go! go power! yayyyy! ♪ ♪ start a team.
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join a team. walk to end alzheimer's. visit today. at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®.
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and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is hellmann's. hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. hellmann's. bring out the best. ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. ♪ shield, sneeze, swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues are thick and absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leading competitor's everyday tissue. pick some up today. that mr. clean once wrote a book about them.any messes, better than the leading competitor's everyday tissue.
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not only do they clean everyday dirt, they clean a lot of unexpected stuff too. like scuffed up shoes, tough stuck-on sticker gunk, and lots more. in fact, his book got so full... he made a website instead. share your magic eraser tips at let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet? i'll keep asking. want for dinner? hot pockets! chef boyardee! bacon mac n' cheese.
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now that was amazing. get a smarter start to school with all your dinner favorites. unbeatable prices guaranteed by savings catcher. save money. live better. walmart. >> within the next couple of weeks all kids are going to be back in school. some of you are already. before you run out to buy the new lunchbox, you may be able to repurpose what you already have. >> good morning, britt. >> looking great by the way. >> thank you. you're red i did for school? >> we are. >> we're starting with lunch. it's an alternative to the handwritten note. we've got chalk board and white board lunchboxes. then your kids can doodle while they're eating lunch too. it's a fun thing to do. >> you can use regular chalk. >> i love that. very cool. >> for covering books. i used to do this as a kid.
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>> we have to point out you could use old grocery bags and tape. our you could use your instagram photos, maybe photos from the summer. maybe old photos of yourself. kind of like this one, willie. >> thank you for pointing that out. >> this one is in honor of al's birthday today. >> we used to fold the top and then do the corners. >> isn't it narcissistic to put pictures of yourself on your textbooks? >> they're memories. >> cool. >> you've got a place to put your books. we need to cover your bag. you can actually turn your photos into printed photo bags as well. or with painters tape you can paint your bag and change it. super easy. come up with any idea for a design and then you just rib off the tape and you can see how that looks. >> how do you get the pictures on?
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>> photo transfer pap aeroand ir -- paper and iron it on. we're organizing the desk now. you have ten seconds to take all the stuff over here, move it to the desk. meanwhile, i want to show you -- yeah, go. we've got the pot holder lid. this is where you organize your pots and pans. these are painted. it's just acrylic that i markered over. >> is that good? >> good. >> thank you. i feel good about it. five, four, three, two. >> i'm not sure what i learned out of this. >> you passed. congratulations. >> thank you. >> we graduate. >> congratulations. >> great. >> thank you so much. always great to see you. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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hey, al. it's kathie lee gifford.
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sorry about the no hair, no makeup. but i'm on vacation. so i still can't get away from you. you're going to be 60 years old. the good news is you will always be younger than i am and we both will be so much younger than willard scott. >> al roker, i can't believe i'm missing your birthday. but i'm so busy. anyway, i just wanted to say happy 60th birthday. i'm 50. your 60. happy 60th. from all of us, happy birthday! >> hoda and kathie lee. kathie lee in the witness protection program, apparently. we wanted to wrap up this birthday celebration with a couple more surprises. we've got a great shirt and -- >> wow. a bacon cake. >> it wouldn't be a birthday without another cake. >> this is a cake made especially for you. >> look at this. this is a creation of bacon.
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>> this is your t-shirt. i'm 60 and i know it. >> get it? >> super cute. >> wow. well, thank you so much. >> are you walking on sunshine? >> i really am. my big thank you to everybody here and all of our staff. just thank you so much. >> happy birthday. we love you, al. >> al, you are loved, my friend. >> come on, everybody! >> we're back after your local news. ♪ >> five, four, three, two, one!
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we have an update on breaking new s we have been following for you. seven people were taken to the hospital after an accident involving an ambulance and a car. right now we're working to find out their conditions. sky force 10 was over the intersection of chew and washington lane around 8:30. now, there was a patient inside the ambulance when it crashed. we still don't know if that person is one of the seven taken to the hospital. now, let's get your first alert forecast with meteorologist tedd flor endo. tedd? >> some sunshine out there after we started out with clouds this morning. clouds with some sun breaks all across the region. your temperatures right now
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rather mild at this hour. 76 for philadelphia and wilmington and mid-70s up to atlantic city and same goes for the lehigh valley. sun and clouds today and more humidity. well, the countdown is on to taney's next big game in the little league world series. the dragons take on las vegas tonight at 7:30. the star of the tournament mo'ne davis. she threw a shutout against tennessee and nbc 10 is throwing a huge watch party for the game. the fun starts at 6:30 with comcast little pregame live, parking is free after 2:00 and there's even a little dragon menu for the kids and xfinity will donate a portion of the proceeds to the taney baseball association. i'm tracy davidson. another local update in 25 minutes and always get the latest news and weather on now back to "today" show. thanks for watching.
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from nbc news, this is "today," with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. we're so happy you're here with us today. it's a really happy day because it's a little house on the prairie reunion. we have the cast. >> people are busting and just to know the level of busting that's happening here, there happened to be some fans on the plaza, one woman named her son landon after michael landon. >> there he is. >> and they're freaking. they met some of the cast and they're going to see the big interview later. we're glad you guys are here. >> michael landon jr. is going to be with us as well. >> very sweet. >> if you love "veep". >> who doesn't if you've ever seen it. >> matt walsh, that plays like -- into the communications director, bal red-haired guy. >> the imaginary dog.
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>> so good. >> good news and bad news, hoda woman. >> what's the good news some. >> the good news is that prince harry and his girlfriend cressida have split. that's bad news for her. good news for all those girls on "how to marry a prince". >> that reality show. >> they think they're going to marry the real prince anyway. >> here's what you pointed out which is the best point, most people look -- this is the whole thing by the way the reality show where girls think that guy is dwell prince harry. >> yeah. >> but he's not. >> so maybe the twist at the end -- >> third time rocket scientist. >> maybe the twist, harry walks out. >> you know what, he seems like the kind of guy for a chuckle and giggle -- >> would do it. >> austin powers said it more vulgarly, he would do it for the stupid fun of it. >> he made a good point. we're not so invested in that relationship. >> i made that point in the dressing room, hoda. >> i attributed it to you.
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>> it's true. we don't really -- >> i never saw them as a couple. never heard a lot about them. i think because they're both so young and i -- you get the sense from prince harry that he wants to sew some wild oats if you know what i mean. >> for some reason, i keep picturing when he was naked and -- >> yeah. >> remember? >> yeah. >> you -- >> you were already in love with him when that happened, you were over the moon. >> all right. so we have some news about george clooney and his fiancee. they did show a picture of the engagement ring. "people" magazine showed it. 7 carats. >> diamond cut. >> that's a rock. >> apparently he helped design it which is really, really -- she's lovely. so elegant. >> before the proposal he apparently traveled to dubai to meet amal's family. what's funny, i don't know if this is true, i read it on some website. >> must be. >> "the daily mail" said it, i don't know if this it, she turned him down twice when he asked her out and then said yes
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on the third dapte? >> i think she's smart. everybody knows she's intelligent but i think she's also smart. that's savy. i mean who says no to george clooney and that had to intrigue him like what? >> what? >> everybody says yes to me. >> i'm george clooney. >> she goes, i don't care which made him go my mother always said that. make them chase you until -- >> chase you. >> until you catch them is what she used to say. >> yes. i like that. >> i said to hoda, you would have gone out with him, you would have said yes. >> what time and what do you want me to wear is what you would have said. >> immediately. so would everyone else, except for amal, the smart one. >> maybe she just doesn't want -- she's seen, you know, maybe she's just not interested in celebrity. we're so used to anybody in this world that's not interested in celebrity. that seems to be all people interested. i don't mean talent, i mean celebrity. >> tori, true tori, that new kind of document --
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>> docuseries. >> about her life and divorce. it's been very painful watching it. >> yeah. >> and if you watched last night's episode the couple is in therapy and her husband dean reveals some new details about the day he had a breakdown. let's take a watch. >> oh, boy. >> we're sti here in the room where i had myakdown and i remember looking at that crack that day while we were waiting for the emts. i was thinking, i've got a window of opportunity here while i'm waiting for them to kick that out and just dive out it. and i sit here today, looking at it. and i know i will not take my life. >> you have to understand that was not something i thought needed to be addressed or talked about because it was so [ bleep ] scary. so scary. do you know like that -- >> are you okay?
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are you okay? >> yeah. i'm just -- i'm like -- it wasn't my story to tell. it's your story to tell. >> that's what i love about you. >> i just want to make sure that you are completely comfortable because it's something you don't have to talk about. >> wow. >> i'm so uncomfortable watching that. >> yeah. >> it's so painful to watch them be this public about it. i mean we've all been through very, very difficult times in our lives. i can't even imagine if there had been cameras. >> right. >> i just -- i just -- i want them to heal and i -- you know, i remember one time tori hosted for -- for you one time while you were out and she came, i invited her to lunch. i was not a fan of tori's before. i wasn't not a fan. i just wasn't -- >> wasn't familiar. >> yeah. but i, you know, i didn't know her and i liked her on the show and i said what are you doing for lunch. would you like to come to my house in connecticut and have lunch. she ended up spending all
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afternoon. i really fell in love with her. she was so sweet. she was so candid. she was loveable. and i basically said to her, i said, you know what, tori, i don't know what your issues are with your mom, but what you should start doing, start texting your mother pictures of the children. that's it. you don't have to put any words with it. just she'll know it. she gets to see her grandchildren and things will start to heal. it starts with a little thing like that. but if she had cameras on at the time it seems manipulative. you don't know if it's for show or for real. >> yeah. >> i don't like to watch train wrecks. they make me so sad. >> the thing, you know, the thing i took away from it, uncomfortable as it was to watch, he looks horrible like he looks -- >> he's a very handsome guy. >> at first i thought he's kind of a jerk and he cheated. yeah. when you watch this guy, i mean i'm not -- look all my sympathy goes to her, you watch him, you see a broken guy, clearly.
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>> a phase of a broken guy who has addiction issues he's admitted to. they're not separated by the way. they're trying to work through this. what a terrible thing and it also does -- it's a window into him that i didn't know before. >> yeah. >> what difference it will make if i know or don't know, who cares if i know. >> i just hope they're not doing it just because they need the money. i do think that she could privately go to her mom, we know candy, and say mom, we are really hurting and would you please help us out so we can turn these cameras off. i hate it when anybody has to do something just for the money. >> i bet partly it's money and partly must be something else. >> i don't know. god bless you guys. okay. >> all right. the cast from one of the most most popular tv shows of all time "little house on the prairie". >> they're all back here together for the first time in more than two decades. we're going to catch up with them and find out what's going on right after this. recipe since 1940.
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it's a very special process. we dip it and shake it seven times. we hand bread it seven times. we rock it seven times. now you may be wondering-why all of the sevens? because it's a lucky number? jack pot. ♪ that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth.
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one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. it used to take me forever to get a smoky eye look just right. until i discovered this... almay's intense i color collection for my hazel eyes. almay intense i-color in four color collections you have to try it for yourself. so simple. so me. almay. make your burgers with 100% beef. like this that i picked up at walmart. don't move 'em, and definitely don't press 'em down with a spatula. just flip it once, and you're on your way to burger bliss. try ground beef from walmart. it's 100% guaranteed or your money back. and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is hellmann's. hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken
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so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. hellmann's. bring out the best. you can make dinner disappear. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. ♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all the time.
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♪ >> that sure does bring back some memories. that is the opening of the hit nbc show, "little house on the prairie." >> oh, it is hard to -- >> it's hard to believe 40 years have passed since the pilot aired and thanks to reruns the show's fan base has continued to grow across the globe. >> "little house on the prairie" aired for nine seasons and made the ingals family a household name along with their friends and neighbors and enemies in the town of walnut grove. >> each week viewers were
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transported to a time when life was simple and family meant everything. you can capture that feeling all over again with the first two seasons now digitally remastered in hd by the way. >> and blu-ray and they're all falling apart already. >> already. >> sobbing. >> started it. >> hanging on to one another. please, people, you're professionals. hold it together. together with us for the first time in over 20 years the entire cast, melissa gilbert, karen grassley, melissa anderson. >> go slow. weigh want to look at everybody. >> lindsey greenbush. >> dean butler, allison angram. >> matthew laborteaux and michael landon jr. >> good to see you. >> what was it like watching that clip? >> i got tears in my eyes. >> yeah. >> first of all i'm sitting here with these three daughters. really for the first time since michael's funeral. >> wow.
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>> and then to see them come running and this one falling down. just kills me. i'm not really that sentimental. >> you don't even really like a lot of people. >> just kidding. >> so let's go down the line. melissa, right after she started you started. >> yeah. well i'm a clear and incredibly co-dependent. it's a very emotional experience because we were all together for so long and it was such an intense experience and we were a family there. to see it all again and to see it the way it was originally -- the way it was meant to be seen. >> you were 9 when you started? >> i was 9 when i started and 19 when it ended. >> how old were you when it started? >> 11. >> you guys grew up there. did that feel like childhood home when you look back at it? >> it did. i mean the set to me was like a
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warm blanket, you know. paramount studios at that time really felt -- i remember going in after lunch and the warm lights on you and i don't know, there was a setting up of a scene and it was very comforting, was a great word. >> did you get so sick of playing the blind girl after a while or did you love it? >> yes, i did. >> i just wanted the truth. >> i did. i heard every joke. >> i bet. >> i'm sure, you're such good actors a lot of people thought that might be the truth. >> i did. i got letters from many blind people, you know, saying that how nice of the writers to write it in. >> dean, dean! >> they listened. >> oh, they listened to us. >> sure. >> sorry. sorry. sorry. >> send the letter to dean. >> you know what, he's such a sweet guy. he did not mean that in any negative -- >> nothing derogatory. >> you know. >> could it be? i'm sorry. >> lindsey, what do you get
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asked the most about the show? >> probably if it was me or my twin sister that fell down the hill in the beginning. >> who was it? >> my twin sister sydney. >> one of them running, one of them falling and the other one continuing on or something. >> yeah. >> yes, it was. >> could run. >> it was -- it was. so my sister did it first and she fell and then they wanted her to do it again and she said no. >> how old were you guys then? >> 3. >> oh, my gosh. >> good for her standing up to power even then. >> even then. >> it wasn't staged. >> you know, >> it just happened and it was so adoreble. >> there were -->> mike said, k >> also, i fell too. there were -- there were wire flowers put in. >> there were? >> yes. >> to make it look beautiful. >> oh, my gosh. >> i think we did trip over the wire flowers. >> they would cut your toes. >> all michael landon's fault that happened. >> he's a prankster indeed. >> so is this one.
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really. >> him too. >> so maybe it's the time right now we should ask, everybody said that they -- that he was like the father to everybody on the set. did you sometimes think, well how come my dad -- my father is so late at the set and not home with me? >> the great thing about the series is the hours that my father set. >> yeah. >> it doesn't happen anymore but he was home for dinner. >> he was? >> yes. >> unheard of. >> unheard of. >> wow. >> it can be done. >> our set wrapped so everybody could be home, the crew, everybody could be home for dinner at 6:00 at night. >> and the two hunks there, three in the back obviously, but the two are backstage pass people were dieing to meet both of you, heart throbs in the back there. what kind of reaction do you get? >> fermented nicely, by the way. >> you have. >> fermented. >> what do you miss the most about it? >> i just think it was a magical experience to be part of something that has touched people in their hearts for so pane years.
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>> it really has. >> and watching, i mean none of us would be here today without michael. >> yeah. >> without having brought this thing to life. for me as an observer of it to come in, i came in the sixth season, we're here to celebrate seasons one and two, but watching it all develop, watching this one grow up. >> to head of sag. hello. >> running the world. >> yeah. >> we're going to take a tiny break. >> then we're going to get to you, missy. >> your segment is all next. >> yeah. >> get ready. we're going to come back. >> bring it. >> after the break. >> don't you worry. she's going to have a smack down happening here. >> we'll be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] when your kids aren't muddling through allergies,
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they have more time to travel back in time. try new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. children's zyrtec® is clinically proven to relieve kids' allergy symptoms for a full 24 hours. new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. we're not just selling back at fto school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. get our exclusive volt nike flex shoes. only at famous footwear. victory is yours. this is colossal pumped up mascara
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they have more time to travel back in time. try new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. children's zyrtec® is clinically proven to relieve kids' allergy symptoms for a full 24 hours. new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. you help me pour. the simple grains of rice krispies®. oooo! good. help me. they're made with rice. they're popping! where'd the sound go? is it in your tummy? a gentle grain that's easy for little tummies to digest and fun to eat. kellogg's rice krispies®. ♪
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♪ we're back now with the cast of "little house on the prairie." reunited for the first time in more than 20 years. and it is now time, everyone, that you've been waiting for. allison is in the back. >> i am. >> known as nellie. >> nellie. >> the mean -- >> i know. >> now did people, i read this, don't know if it's true, did people, strangers, walk up to you and instantly dislike you, harm you. >> still. >> still. >> it's quite difficult. i was pelted with a cup of orange soda, ironically in the santa claus lane hollywood christmas parade. >> that made worldwide news. >> and they kind of now it's all
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the villains, people love the villains. people go i loved hating you. >> did you like playing that kind of a role, the mean girl? >> god, i loved it. >> it's much more fun, right? >> and you were talking about the remastering. i want to see the dvds because i want to see high def when her fist goes into my face. >> oh, so do i. >> so do i. >> i really want to see that. >> have you all seen the new -- >> i haven't. >> pieces of it. >> supposed to be fantastic. >> it is more beautiful, it is more beautiful now than it was when it was new. >> so sweepingly beautiful -- >> look at matthew sitting back there. >> matthew told us trivia just in between i didn't know. share please what you were sharing with us. >> i think die hard fans that watched the show religiously would know i played michael landon as a flashbook youth. they did one show where charles' father was sick and he was reminiscing about his childhood i played him, young charles. >> how old were you at the time.
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>> i guess i was about 9ish, maybe 10 and then the next season they had an episode where ma met pa just wonderful and i actually just rewatched it, my god daughter piper is addicted to the show. >> you're kidding. >> i still see them all the time and i just watched that episode again and then i was asked to play albert the adopted brother. >> "star wars" is doing it all over again. did you guys even think for a minute, hey, let's get us all back together and have a little fun on the prarry? >> look at allison. >> she can't wait to get her claws. >> there's so many of us missing now. it would be strange for us to do. >> no more tears. >> i'm not crying. >> you're going to set her off. >> you cry and then i cry and then we're done. >> it's fantastic that people are still interested and that the show -- >> whole generation. >> holds on. i wish michael could see what it means still. >> we should go back to you, michael. what's it mean to you in your personal life to have your beloved father at the time, so beloved now?
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>> "little house" is by far the favorite of my father's work and it -- the fact that like we're saying, is still affecting new generations to come is pretty special. >> well, you guys we can't thank you enough. what fun was it having you. thank you so much. >> our pleasure. it's all going to be available, it is available. >> get it. >> we're going to play who knew after your local news. sorry we ran out of time. >> we didn't. it was perfect. mouths are the same. that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. just apply inside! smolder like never before. new master kajal kohl liner, from maybelline new york.
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our first easy glide cone for inner eye line pow. smoldering from the inside out. new master kajal. in 4 mesmerizing shades. get the look at maybe it's maybelline. how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. ♪ the laughing cow. reinvent snacking.
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ms. winnie earle: kids inse paterson face lots of obstacles - but nothing can stop their determination. mara: my dream is to be a pediatric nurse. ms. earle taught me if i work hard - i can do anything. ms. winnie earle: mara had so much potential, it was my job to help her reach her goals. mara: now, i'm headed to college to study nursing! ms. winnie earle: there are so many talented kids like mara - and they all deserve to live their dreams.
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welcome back to more of "today" on wines day wednesday. we're ready to play our trivia game we call who knew. this saturday millions will tune in to watch the kentucky derby. we're going to test your knowledge of the history and culture of the prestigious horse race. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store. she's ready to hand out 100 bucks to anyone who gets the answers right. and to those who don't, they get a kathie lee cd. all right. >> okay. >> here to help me in studio is nbc sports host caroline mano. hey, girl. >> hey. >> are you ready? >> i'm ready. thanks for having me. >> let's play. >> this gentleman from missouri. the kentucky derby is one of three races which make up the triple crown, right. what are the other two? the preakness stakes and santa anita derby, the traverse stakes and belmont stakes, the preakness stakes and belmont stakes or the frtraverse and saa anita stakes. >> the preakness stakes and
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belmont stakes. >> oh, yes. we have our first winner. tell us about that. >> that's right. the gentlemen knows his horse trivia. those are the two correct answers. a shot at triple crown really only comes once a year for horses. it's run by 3-year-olds, you get one chance at it, only 11 in history and 50 have come close, just missed out on one race. >> go ahead, kathie lee. >> what was hysterical after the gentleman won the money his wife took it from him. >> which is not the name of a horse expected to run in this year's kentucky derby. california chrome, wicked strong? >> c. >> enjoy the cd. >> look. she looks so happy. >> to get that. the correct answer is aristides. >> won the first kentucky derby in 1875. the other three have a chance, the one at the top, california, chrome is the favorite going in. >> okay. all right. back to kathie lee. >> beautiful lady from
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california. what year marked the last time a horse won the triple crown? 1962, 1978, 2001, 2008? >> '62. >> nope. >> i won a cd. >> she wanted it. she so wanted it. >> she looks like kathie a little bit. >> the correct answer here is 1978. >> yes. and the reason why is because horses don't run as much as they used to, so what you'll see now, what you didn't used to see, if a horse doesn't win the kentucky derby they might take the preakness off and show up at the belmont stakes. a horse that wins the kentucky derby has a tougher road. he will be facing horses who maybe didn't run in the preakness if that makes sense. seven out of those 11 horses really won the triple crown in the '30s and '40s. hasn't been that way in a while. >> nice lady from dallas. the mint jewel lip has beservedt churchill downs for a century. which is not an ingredient in the mint julep. fresh mint, simple syrup,
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bourbon and rum. >> trick question. fresh mint. >> oh, wow. >> the cd. i wanted the cd. >> that's how badly she wanted the cd. that's love. the correct answer, kathie lee and i could have figured this out, rum. >> i like her style. she wants to get after it at the derby and that's okay. a lot of bur bin a little mint and sugar water and that makes up the julep and why it's so popular at the derby. >> everybody loves it. we have time for another. >> they are strong. sweet gentleman from kansas city. true or false, legendary thoroughbred seabiscuit won the kentucky derby. >> true. >> oh. >> i got the cd. >> another happy happy contestant. he did not. boy, with all the name recognition you would think he would have. >> a movie made about him in 2003 still one of america's favorite horses during the great depression. he was undersized, became a champion and america loved him during that time but he did not win the triple crown.
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>> thank you. we're going to show you how to choose the right frames for your face and from the hit comedy "veep" the funny matt walsh is here. love it. but first, these messages. nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ they have more time to travel back in time. try new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. children's zyrtec® is clinically proven to relieve kids' allergy symptoms for a full 24 hours. new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs.
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at hillshire farm spice is the spice lif
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from l'oreal's #1 sulfate-free haircare. deep nutrition. oil from a unique blend of 6 botanicals. the end of dryness. l'oreal's oleo therapy. but do you know what's ine your skincare?- neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals. learn more at ♪ actor and comedian matt walsh has a gift tore making people laugh appearing in the funniest tv shows and movies like "the daily show," old school and the hangover. >> now playing mike, the vice
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president's director of communications on the hbo series "veep" but sometimes he has a little trouble communicating. take a look. >> but i have to take this call. >> no. >> may i take that call, please. >> don't take that call. >> oh! trying to help you, you stupid cow. >> what did you just say? >> i -- my -- where i grew up, my dad called my mom a cow all the time. it's not bad. it's homey and friendly. i love you, baby. you're a cow. >> i love you baby. you're a cow. >> you need a good laugh. just put on "veep" in the morning and watch it all day long. you will wet your spanx. i'm sorry, you will. >> oh. >> never wet my spanx. >> no, you have not. >> i look forward to. >> you also had an invisible dog. >> do they make manx. >> yes. >> we're sipping something you brought us as a gift.
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>> i was offered a cocktail of soda, vodka soda. sort of light. morning. >> we wouldn't know. >> tell us about your character. >> as if you don't know. >> i love your character. >> hoda turned us on to this show. >> thank you for promoting "veep." mike mcclinton is the secretary for the vice president, he is a bit of a dinosaur, where you can know the head of the "new york times" and "wall street journal" and shut the story down because of those relationships. >> things have changed. >> social media, it's 24/7 he's trying to catch up and he's in over his head would be my description of mike mcclintock. >> the way you get along and the timing is sick. >> remember the pig roast. >> oh, my god. >> you brought up the pig roast. >> isn't that awful when you haven't seen something and somebody else starts talking about it. >> reference things nobody knows what we're saying. >> exactly. >> that chemistry that bounces around among the group, did that happen on day one or did it take work? >> we actually spent a lot of
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time rehearsing script. every season we'll spend four or five weeks throughout the season rehearsing script, improvising new lines and such, so by the time we get to filming it it's pretty tight. >> that's good. >> it's been tight. >> ultimately you save time as opposed to -- it seems like. >> yeah. we're not finding it on the day. we're not finding it on the day. we've ran it a few times. >> that's smart. >> do you break up on the set? some of the lines are so funny. >> the hardest scenes for me is when we're doing limousine scenes, driving to the capitol or something. >> there are a lot of them. >> a lot of limousine scenes, three on one bench, three on another, cameraman, cramped, somebody off camera is always trying to make you laugh. those are the hard ones to not laugh during. >> did you think it was going to be such a big hit? >> no. >> julias has won two emmys, a golden globe. >> i think three. >> i think she has three emmys. somebody google that, please. don't we have an intern. >> when you started in communications. >> mike doesn't know how to google. >> did you know -- me and mike, the only two people who --
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>> you don't google. >> i have googled. i'm not interested. >> currently googling. not curious about anything at all in the world. >> that's honest. >> yes. it's honest. it's honest. >> i'm slightly not curious. >> yeah. >> we're so excited for you. >> do we have to go? >> i know. it's a bummer. >> i'll finish this and be out. >> okay. can i finish this or am i getting roped? getting booted. >> sit with us. >> okay. >> catch "veep" sunday nights on hbo. if you're taking a long plane ride or something, end up going to l.a., i'm going to watch "veep" the whole way. >> wherever it is. >> yeah. only half hour from here to l.a. >> okay. >> we hear there's a little monkey business behind the scenes here. wait until you hear what we're talking about. >> hip to be square or round or oval. how to choose the right glasses for the shape of your face, right after this. we are the solis family. and this is our chex commercial.
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there's lots of choices and each of us has a favorite. like chocolate, honey nut and cinnamon. there's no artificial colors or flavors. that's good. and it's gluten free. so we're jumping for joy cause it's full of what we love, free of what we don't. and that makes for one very happy family. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. they have more time to travel back in time. try new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. children's zyrtec® is clinically proven to relieve kids' allergy symptoms for a full 24 hours. new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. [ male announcer ] new l'oreal age perfect cell renewal. surface skin renewal is accelerated. millions of new cells surface every day. [ moore ] i can feel it working. skin looks fresher, full of life. [ male announcer ] new l'oreal age perfect cell renewal. and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is hellmann's.
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hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. hellmann's. bring out the best. you can make dinner disappear. want for dinner? hot pockets! chef boyardee! bacon mac n' cheese. now that was amazing. get a smarter start to school with all your dinner favorites. unbeatable prices guaranteed by savings catcher. save money. live better. walmart. that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™.
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in today's style glasses are the season's hottest fashion accessory and whether you wear them for fun or function, you want them to look great. >> about the shape of your face and here to find the frames that are a perfect fit is susan swimmer, fashion featured editor for "more" magazine. >> i'm excited about glasses frames. >> why are you? >> a couple reasons. it is a fashion statement, but more people are wearing glasses today. >> they are? >> yes. because actually contact lens wearers report that they're wearing their glasses about 30% of the time. we have a longer allergy season. >> yeah. >> contact lens wearing is tough. a longer -- >> people are working longer. >> and we're over air conditioning, over heated. >> susan swimmer. >> let's start with the shape face. the first is an oval face. >> oval face. >> if your face looks like this. >> you want to create -- you want to introduce a little an gu hairty to your face. a square or rectangular shaped
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glass is going to work better on your face. it's going to add angles. here's the trick. >> what is it? >> the glasses frames should not be wider than your widest point. some people have trouble understanding. >> the jackie o. thing which was the big lenses. >> it's not best. i love a full sun glass. >> it is more protective of your eye. >> and it also hides tired eyes. you have an oval face. >> i do. >> yeah. >> i think people don't know what shape their face is. i don't know. >> you can get help. lenscrafters has 900 stores and a website where they will help you figure out what shape your face is. >> these are the type of glasses. >> creating angles. that's the takeaway. you have a little more of a round face, between a round and oval. >> that's just jowls. when you take my hair away i am more of an oval. >> oh, look at that. >> tri-oval. >> i know my face. >> and you're so -- you're so -- >> those are fabulous on you. >> oh, take them.
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>> okay. >> we're done. >> okay. next. >> next one is square. >> square. you have a square face you want to create a little pore softness. so you want rounder styles. >> okay. >> also keep in mind, the size of your face will impact the size of the frame. so if you are petite, petite, you don't want this gigantic frame on your face. especially for glasses. so i actually -- i have an oval face. >> let's see. >> yeah. i don't like on you. >> i'm sorry. >> i know. you're right. they make me look like -- >> i don't know. >> spa or something. >> put watch these. >> let's see. >> yes. >> much better. >> okay. >> see. >> it works. >> okay. >> oval, soft. >> square. square you want to soften. >> and also i want to point out, we've got these pinks and blushes and nude colors which is a big trend in eyewear. >> a lot to choose from. >> pretty colors. >> round faces. >> a round face, again you're going to want to create a little more an gu hairty. >> you don't want to do the tiny
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thing. >> like aviator things. >> right. it's going to accentuate. >> these are actually lovely. it's a square shape but because it's got the clear. >> those look crazy. >> yeah. >> those look totally crazy. >> don't they. >> we're just honest with you. >> those are good on you. >> okay. >> look how smart you look. >> i feel smart. >> she's so smart. >> i want to say when buying glasses, they're now -- glasses, they're doing layers of color. >> i love that. >> that's pretty. >> this is a dark frame. see the interior. some people when they put on glasses, they are annoyed by the dark interior line for the peripheral vision. >> oh, dear. >> man down. and so doing -- they're doing the lighter interior. >> i love those on you. >> i would love these on you. >> okay. >> you look great in green. >> not my favorite. okay. >> next. last one. heart shaped face. okay. so if you're heart shape, lovely
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and sweet as it is, face is larger up top. >> so you want to -- >> actually a beautiful shape of a face. >> it is. reese witherspoon. >> my daughter is heart face. >> think about balancing. you don't want a frame that's going to be too big up top. you don't want a heavy top line because then it creates that horizontal line. >> okay. >> i don't have a heart shape. >> yeah. >> but -- >> they disappear more. >> also cat eye, a soft. >> i like cat eye. >> i was around when cats were invented. it's -- they bring me back to -- >> today's cat eyes. >> let's try those on as we say good-bye to you. >> good-bye susan swimmer. >> all right. >> that's your real name. it's a jungle out there and apparently it is here too. >> things are about to get wild. this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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oh, my god. in our call of the wild we're taking you through a trip deep into the rain forest to check out some incredible animals. >> rain forests make up less than 2% of the earth but home to world's plants and creatures. corbin is back with us with some of them. >> welcome back. >> wait a second. >> korbin'. >> they don't have those in the wild. >> eating marshmallows. >> this is a treat for him we're trying to keep him occupied. >> tell us about this little guy. >> this is a squirrel monkey, one of the smallest primates. >> is he full grown? >> he's full grown. these guys can be found in the rain forest of central and south america. >> he likes marshmallows? >> he does. he does. he's excited too. he would not find those in the rain forest obviously, but they would for raj in troops up to 500 individuals. >> wow. >> yeah. >> nothing to do, size has nothing to do with intelligence? >> they're very intelligent. they have the largest brain to body mass ratio from monkey to
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species. >> it's okay. >> does he like blue lollipops? >> i think that's for me. >> okay. >> he's adorable. >> thank you. >> i'm excited. >> this is going to be good. birds, i hear you love birds. >> i don't know. i love them. i don't know if they love me. >> they love her hair. >> blue fronted amazon parrot. >> does he speak? >> he does. actually we are going to try. ready? >> ready. >> just say hi, hoda. >> say hi. >> hi. >> hi. >> hi. >> can you say hi? >> look. >> you're doing a great job. >> he doesn't talk. >> hi. >> very important. >> that is not nice. >> he doesn't speak. >> he might be intimidated by your hair. no. i'm being serious. they live in the trees. i'm being serious. >> does it look like a nest. >> they actually live in nest cavities. >> i think it looks good. >> how do they communicate if they don't talk? >> they communicate, they actually have different dialects per flock. they live in the family group. each flock has a slightly
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different dialect. >> bye. >> bye. >> are you sure you don't want it? okay. >> we have a lot of animals. >> this is one of my favorite animals. over here. >> what is this? >> thank you. >> here's the bottle. kathie lee. >> it looks like a rabbit and deer. >> it's okay. >> a padagonian caven. they're a rodent. >> having a hard time trying to find the bottle. >> why? it's here. >> put it in your mouth. >> isn't that amazing. >> there you go. >> yes. >> he's 9 weeks old. >> oh, my gosh. >> he will get from 20, 35 pounds. they get large. >> i can't believe this. >> don't you love to watch any little animal have a bottle. >> scientists are studying them. one of the only animals that are monogamo monogamous. >> he wants more. >> he wants to lick what's down there. >> they're monogamous. stay with life partners. humans. >> animals are not monogamous.
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>> come on. get it in there. >> there you go. >> hey. >> you're putting it ups his nose. we're going to bring out the last. >> kathie lee. >> get him a bottle. >> because we just had a rodent on, he might bite. that's why we're sticking over here. thanks for leaving. >> thank you very much. this is an albino burmese python. i would let you touch it but we just had a rodent. >> we're good. >> found in southeast asia. in the forest. >> missing a lot of them but never seen them that color. >> is that a normal. >> yes. a lot of people don't realize they are born in the wild but lack the camouflage, bird of prey picks them up. >> he's vulnerable. >> he is full grown. >> he's not. they can get bigger. >> up to 20 feet, weigh over 200 pounds. >> what do they eat? >> monkeys, pigs and deer. >> get the monkey out of here. >> corbin, you rock. that is some kind of creepy. >> nice to see you. >> took care of yourself. tomorrow a big show.
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>> tony emmy award-winning actress with us. >> ambush makeovers. >> have an awesome wines day wednesday. tomorrow is thirsty thursday. >> someone get the sneak. get the snake.
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