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tv   NBC 10 News at 5pm  NBC  October 1, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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afternoon is that the fire was strictly contained to the master bedroom and the autopsy results of the couple are not available yet. we do not know the exact cause of death. as you can imagine, their death rattled the hospital community here at cooper where john sheridan worked since 2005. i did reach out to representatives with the hospital to find out if they wanted to speak to us on camera about this. they did release a statement which says we are saddened and shock by what has been reported about the death of john sheridan and his wife joyce. their deaths, already unbelievably sad, are now tragic. our deepest con dole earns go out to john and joyce's family for their terrible loss. as soon as we get more information, we'll bring it to you. reporting live in camden, i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. we're also following breaking developments in washington. secret service director julia pierson has resigned after
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multiple scandals have rocked the agency's credibility. many lawmakers had urged pierson to step down and today president obama joined that call. >> serious questions arose about the secret service's ability to protect the first family. nbc's steve handelsman has the latest from washington. >> reporter: secret service director julia pierson resigned after disclosure of the atlanta incident. >> she believed it was in the best interest of the agency to which she had dedicated her career. >> reporter: a man with a gun allowed close to president obama. republicans like jason chaffits and elijah cummings urged her to leave. omar gonzalez made it inside the white house, breaching security. >> that's correct. >> reporter: as gonzalez pleaded not guilty came details of a scare three days before he jumped the fence. secret service allowed in anç elevator with the president a
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security contractor with a pistol and a record of arrest for assault. >> that sounds terrible. >> reporter: former secret service agent says the good news is the man with the gun had his hands in sight. >> he's making a video. he had his hand on the phone. >> why don't they say we don't know who you are, get out. >> that's what they should have done. >> reporter: a meeting with israeli prime minister netanyahu, he sent a message of support through the rank and file. >> these are men and women, professionals, prepared to put their life on the line to protect the president and the first family. >> reporter: it was agents and officers who leaked the damaging stories that forced their boss to quit. >> pierson took the top job at secret service just last year after a series of scandals. now a former top agent comes back as interim director while secret service tries to get back on its feet. from washington, i'm steve handelsman, nbc 10 news.
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"nbc nightly news" with brian williams will continue to follow the latest developments and analysis on this breaking story. that's coming up right here on nbc 10 at 6:30. in the mean tame, medical specialists are working around the clock to treat the first patient diagnosed with the deadly ebola virus in the united states. a team from the centers for disease control was on the ground going door to door in the apartment complex in dallas where the patient spent several days with his family. they're trying to identify more than a dozen people who may now be at risk for infection, including and, this is according to texas governor rick perry, a group of school-aged children. they have no symptoms but are being monitored. coming up at 5:45, we'll look at how new jersey hospitals are preparing for ebola. we're learning new details about the shooting of a toddler in delaware. >> and about the good samaritan who sprung into action after that shot was fired. nbc 10's delaware bureau reporter tim furlong is live at
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ai dupont hospital in wilmington. >> reporter: that little boy's name is a.j., jacqueline. he's here at ai dupont hospital. he's lucky people got to him quickly. we saw his mom and dad walk past a short while ago. we learned the laws in delaware about this stuff, not all that tough. >> reporter: zack happened to be working in the valley run complex when he heard a woman screaming that her son shot himself. 29-year-old is expected to survive but his injuries are very serious. >> the most important thing is, he seems to be on the road to recovery. >> reporter: while the crime tape is now gone, the questions linger. how did a.j. get his hands on the gun, whose gun was it and was it legally registered? his mom rushed away when we tried to get answers. >> this is a tragedy that should never have happened in the first place. >> reporter: jennifer spoke with us via face time today.
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she's stud did up on delaware laws related to this incident. >> delaware laws could be stronger for sure. >> reporter: you see the word misdemeanor a lot in the laws about leaving weapons where kids can get them. the punishments aren't too stiff either. that being said, some states don't have any laws with regard to leaving weapons laying a around. these cases are 100% preventible with safety measures and common sense. >> too often in the media we hear these things referred to as tragic accidents. we don't want to hold people accountable. we feel they've suffered enough. we really need to change the culture. >> reporter: no charges filed yet. not many states even keep track of this kind of incident i learned today in my search. if the fear of your kid getting shot isn't scary enough for you, maybe the fear of prison time might be. live in wilmington, tim furlong, nbc 10 news.
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pennsylvania state police are remembering one of their own today after what has been called a tragic accident. 26-year-old trooper david kedra died after being shot in the chest last night. according to law enforcement sources. he was accidentally shot by another trooper during a training exercise at a firing range in conshohocken. governor tom corbett ordered state flags to fly at half-staff to remember the rookie trooper based in skippack township. >> trooper david kedra was an extremely enthusiastic trooper. he was highly motivated. you could tell every single day he walked in. he was extremely proud to be a pennsylvania state trooper and he showed it. >> state police are not talking about circumstances that led up to the fatal shooting. they will only say they're investigating along with montgomery county authorities. the manhunt for suspected cop killer eric frein in the poconos has forced a ban now on hurnting in the search zone.
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deer bow hunting season was going to start this weekend. state game officials suspend all sports hunting and tracking in eastern monroe and western pike counties until further notice. >> just worried that somebody might spot me out there and say, that's him and blow me out. >> the ground search focused on a cave hidden behind water walls in price township where searchers reported finding evidence of a recent camp fire. the manhunt has been in overdrive since the discovery of pipe bombs yesterday at a campsite where police believe frein was staying. now to decision 2014. today pennsylvania governor tom corbett unveils a new interactive tool to help you find a new job. nbc 10 in spring garden where governor corbett announced the launch of virtual job shadow. you can find it through pennsylvania's job gateway website. it's a collection of more than 900 short videos that give you an inside look at a day in the
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life of professionals. it's all part of corbett's jobs first p.a. initiative. meanwhile, democratic challenger tom wolf says pennsylvania has fallen from 7th to 41st in job creation. the number of unemployed in the state is approaching 500,000. running for governor in november wolf has promised to rebuild the state's manufacturing sector and push for clean technology to create more jobs. a robbery suspect caught on tape pulling a gun on a cashier at a subway restaurant. it happened on glove avenue in cobbs creek neighborhood. he pretended to ask a question and then whipped out a gun and demanded money from the cash register. he took the employees ear phones before walking out of the store. a county doctor goes in front of a judge today. 36-year-old quinton parker of levittown confessed to downloading and viewing 58
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images and videos of 9 to 13-year-old girls engaged in sex acts. parker worked at three local hospitals, including aria health and honnemin hospital. ç the two men torched the se in retaliation for a contractor not hiring union workers. 28-year-old james admitted to his role in a series of similar incident. two other union members pleaded guilty to similar charges yesterday. an update now to a story from our delaware bureau. a hear had to be delayed for the driver charged in a deadly tour bus crash, that's after the commissioner discovered he spoke little english. the driver also showed up without a lawyer and couldn't answer simple questions. two people died when the tour bus crashed getting off route 1
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last month. dozens of others were injured. the driver's hearing has been rescheduled for november. practice today for drexel university's department of public safety. they performed a mass casual exercise to assess the university's police and emergency medical response to a hazmat situation. how about this, unexpected danger high above a world famous attraction. police and medics rush to new york's times square. what came crashing down to the sidewalk and why? and progress after more than a decade. changes are soon coming to the sprawling 176-acre former home of the franklin mint.
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now we go to more breaking news. this time in philadelphia's nicetown neighborhood where a child became trapped under a car. >> let's go right to nbc 10's denise nakano live on the scene at north 15th street. have they been able to rescue the child. >> reporter: we know now at this point this is a deadly accident, all happening here in a busy area. we're being told a child, a boy age 6 or 7 years old walked out between two parked cars and became trapped under this car that you see right here on 15th
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street. investigators have been out here. this appears to be a tragic accident but the boy was walking home from school at the time of the crash. the driver, again, is at headquarters talking to police, telling them he was driving at a normal speed and could not stop in time when this boy came out from two parked cars trying to cross in the middle of this block. the tragic accident involving a 6 and 7-year-old boy who was coming home from school and walked in front of a moving vehicle, coming out between two parked cars and right now that driver is cooperating. there does not appear to be any alcohol, any drugs in this case. apparently no speeding involved but they are now calling this a tragic accident. reporting live in nicetown, i'm denise nakano, nbc 10 news. two people in new york city were hurt when a ten-foot long piece of metal fell from the sky. the two men were walking in times square when they were hit this morning. investigators say that contractors were working on a building sign when the piece of
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metal fell 15 stories. we were supposed to have sounded from that gentleman. we'll try to get it a bit later. we do know the victims were okay. testimony is over and a bid by lawyers for aaron hernandez to have evidence from his cell phone tossed. the judge did not issue an immediate ruling today. he's accused of the 2013 shooting both of odin lloyd, a semipro football player from boston. attorneys asked the judge to throw out evidence from his cell phone because they say his phone was wrongfully taken. prosecutors insist they had a warn the. hernandez pleaded not guilty to the charges. the u.s. department of justice held its second residents only town hall meeting in ferguson, missouri. the goal is to improve
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city-to-citizen communication. protesters outside of the church where the meeting was held wanted to be heard, too. those who attended say this second in a series of meeting with the department of justice was civil. but opinions were mixed on what they saw when they stepped outside. >> these are -- i would probably say further than the race dialogue. the dialogue is great but the actions with the dialogue is what we're trying to get to. >> these meetings began after a police officer shot and killed 18-year-old michael brown. the incident caused riots and protests. a grand jury is now hearing evidence in the shooting. ohio police were called out when a 6-year-old pulled a toy gun and started pointing it at other children. the school bus driver told policeç she saw the child poin gun at another child and threaten to shoot. no one was hurt but police say the rest of the kids were pretty shaken up. here in our area, there's a
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push to ban toy guns. atlantic city recently approved a new gun ban law. kenyatta johnson announced a plan to do the same thing in philadelphia. dozens of former members of nazi mobile death squads may still be alive. and international human rights organization says they have a list of 76 men and 4 women who served in the ssi group death squad. >> time is running out. every day that passes without these people being brought to justice brings these murders a day closer to eluding justice. >> all 80 would be very old if still alive with birth dates between 1920 and 1924. 20 people are dead and 45 others injured after an accident in southern algeria. a mini bus and coach bus
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collided as they were traveling down a road in opposite directions. of the 45 people hurt, seven have severe injuries. police are trying to determine the cause of the crash. i want you to take a look at this, the biggest tire factory in asia caught fire overnight in south korea. employees of more than 1,000 nearby residents had to evacuate the area. at times the flames shot more than 100 feet in the air. firefighters tried to contain the blaze. it quickly engulfed the warehouse setting. 183,000 tires on fire. it even threatened to damage a railway bridge. an artist for the "boston herald" is apologizing for a cartoon of president obama that some say is racist. the cartoon shows last week's white house intruder with president obama and a speech bubble that reads, have you tried the new watermelon toothpaste? it's in reference to the stereotype that african-americans enjoy that fruit. many readers took to the internet to call his words
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offensive and racist. jolbert has since apologized. he says he just has a soft spot for that flavoring. marie antoinette said "let them eat cake." >> an official in ukraine might think differently. why? pranksters threw cake at him during a news conference in kiev today. the aides of the president quickly under his desk and then, as if nothing happened, continued on with his comments. his jacket, as you can see there, took the brunt of the cake. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, a cooler day today. we still have the cloud cover with us. here's a live look out at center city from the adventure aquarium. still have the clouds in the area. it's going to be another cool night tonight. temperatures will be on the cool side. open your windows again as we go into the weekend, though, just keep in mind we have rain moving in. this will be actually starting off your weekend.
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but behind the rain we have football weather moving in. cooler temperatures. a lot cooler in about the mid-60s in time for the eagles game. i'll show you the forecast in a second. temperatures around 70 degrees in philadelphia, 71 northeast philly. millville coming in at 69 degrees. atlantic city only in the mid-60s, same thing in mt. holly. 71 in dover through the lehigh valley, temperatures just about the low 70s. we have the cloud cover around an onshore wind, especially for those areas along the shore, cooler. but the clouds areç staying wi us. it's what we're watching back off to the west. this will be moving in in time for your weekend. a line of storms approaching chicago. it's all part of a cold front. that will sweep through as we start off your weekend. here's future weather. we could see a few sprinkles but that's about it. by tomorrow afternoon we're dry and cool again. then friday we're also dry. through a majority of the day, it will be nice to end out the week. very late, we'll start to see showers approaching into early saturday morning.
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so by about noon saturday we should have a line of showers through the area. some of that could be thunderstorms but behind it, we'll have cooler air setting up for later in the day saturday, especially as we go into sunday. this is what we would call football weather. temperatures just in time for the eagles game. by 1:00 p.m., upper 50s, by 4:00 p.m., temperatures in the mid-60s. for tonight, mostly cloudy, temperatures staying in the 50s. so cool night. tomorrow mix of clouds and sun. temperatures in the low 70s. then as we go into friday, mid-70s. pretty nice day. early saturday, there's the rain. we are breezy and much cooler behind it. there you see the mid-60s and dry for sunday. >> sheena, thanks. new details about the former home with the franklin mint. the 176 acre property is located just off baltimore pike at route 452. for now the old mint still sits on the property but in a few years, middletown commons as it will be called will include 300,000 feet of office and
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retail space, 350 homes and a hotel. the development is receiving offers from national grocery chains, hotels and restaurants. construction begins in early 2016. what's in a name? perhaps a fine. the reason broadcasters could soon be penalized for even uttering the name of the washington nfl team. and it's regarded for it's unsurpassed natural beauty but longwood garden isn't just known for flowers and trees. why the chester county landmark is in the running for top honors in a very much behind the scenes category, we'll say. how can i avoid maintenance fees? why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there.
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[ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank.
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fishing businesses in new jersey that were heavily damaged during hurricane sandy, more than $2 million in grant money will help those fishing business owners. they can apply to get up to $10,000 in aid. the money is coming from the national oceanic and atmospheric administration which helps states greatly affected by hurricane sandy. you have until october 31st to apply. the head of the federal communications commission is considering a petition to ban the washington redskins nickname from the public airwaves. a law professor has challenged the use of the name on broadcast television saying it violates fcc rules against indecent content. some broadcasters have vowed not to say the name on air. native american and other groups have demanded the name be changed, calling it a racial slur. the team's owner has vowed never to change the name. now can call it a game of thrones. there's a national contest now to be named best bathroom in the
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country. and a famous spot in chester county is actually in the running. longwood gardens is among the ten finalists in the 13th annual america's best rest room contest. we're not kidding you. the green wall as it's called includes 17 rest rooms adorned with thousands of individual plants. inside there are enormous skylights, automatic lights and faucets. if you haven't seen them, take a lack at the picks. long wood gardens is competing against nine other fancy rest rooms, including the tiki hut in pittsburgh. logon to and vote. >> game of thrones. >> yes, that's right. there are new developments in the hit and run crash that seriously injured a 7-year-old girl. we did show you the video of the vehicle that fled the scene. who police have in custody for the crime and the crash. and dangerous distractions. new research showns teens aren't
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just in harm's way behind the wheel. the one small item leaving them open to serious injury. state police are again mourning one of their own. we're asking investigators what went wrong inside a montgomery county gun range that ended his life. trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, book an appointment. and three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. ♪ find out how much your car is worth ♪
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nbc 10 breaking news.
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>> we're following breaking news in the investigation of the deaths of cooper hospital ceo john sheridan and his wife. sheridan was a prominent figure in new jersey's health care industry. he and his wife joyce were found dead inside their home after it caught fire in somerset county sunday morning and late this afternoon, somerset county prosecutors ruled that the fire was intentionally set in the sheridan's bedroom. they did not release a cause of death today. they say the investigation is ongoing and that autopsy results are still pending. cooper university health care released a statement this afternoon saying in part, quote, we are saddened and shocked by what has been reported about the death of john sheridan and his wife joyce. their deaths already unbelievably sad are now tragic. our deepest condolences go out to john and joyce's family for their terrible loss. now to a developing story, a philadelphia man turns himself in to police in connection to a hit and run that landed a 7-year-old girl in the hospital
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over the weekend. 25-year-old jamar banks surrendered to police today. he's facing a number of charges, including aggravated assault and driving with a suspended license. police say banks hit 7-year-old allure mcclain at 42nd and penns grove sunday night. a witness said he saw the whole thing and chased the suspecting acar. mcclain was rushed to the hospital with a fractured skull, broken ankle and road rash. the revel casino appears to have a new çowner. it sold at auction today to a canadian company for $110 million. brookfield property partners plans to re-open revel as a casino. the company also owns the hard rock in las vegas and another gaming hall in the bahamas. the sale should be finalize the next tuesday in bankruptcy court. while the revel auction will eventually mean new jobs for atlantic city, the shoretown is very much in crisis. >> today was supposed to be the
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day atlantic city filed its pink slip layoff plan with the state's civil service department. it's being delayed but only slightly. nbc 10's reporter cydney long reports. >> reporter: it is still unclear exactly how many jobs and from which city departments. we did have a conversation with mayor don guardian earlier in the day. he tells me a plan is in motion and the city is currently in talks with labor unions about this cost savings to atlantic city to shave $15 million off of next year's budget but that layoff plan will be filed by the middle of n week, due to a city employee who abruptly had to handle a personnel matter. it does get filed with the state civil service department. they have to approve this plan for atlantic city.
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guardian says they cannot comment much further about who may be exempt but in no way would public safety where fire or police are concerned be jeopardized. >> by next week we'll be able to officially notify people that we are daying some drastic steps to reduce both the number of employees in the city but more important, lowering cost to the government. >> reporter: can you say how many and in which departments at this point in time? >> i can't. >> we should know that by next week. last night, more than 100 firefighters responded to a fire that destroyed four different buildings and displaced families. one family of six on atlantic avenue, the department which does receive federal grant funding already lost 23 fire employees this year alone due to attrition. the fire chief, dennis brooks, also tells me they will consider entering into some shared service agreements with neighboring towns if necessary.
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that wasn't something that mayor don guardian was ready to discuss today. we'll let you know as soon as there is any new development. live in atlantic city, cydney long, nbc 10 news. here are some of the stories making headlines on nbc 10 news at 5:30. pennsylvania state police are calling the death of one of their own a tragic accident. 26-year-old trooper david kedra died yesterday according to law enforcement sources. he was accidentally shot by another trooper during a training exercise at a montgomery county firing range. the manhunt for accused cop killer eric frein stretches into its 19th day in the poconos. state game officials today banned hunting and trapping in eastern monroe and western pike counties for safety reasons. still in critical condition tonight, a 2-year-old boy who accidentally shot himself in the head is expected to recover. it happened yesterday in claymont, new castle county. so far, no one in that house is facing charges for leaving the gun where the child could get to it.
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a wind blown multialarm fire damaged several buildings in atlantic city. the fire started in a sewing shop on atlantic avenue just blocks from the boardwalk. the fire started late tuesday and moved through several buildings before fire crews were able to get the upper hand. some of theç buildings were ste fronts with apartments above. two of them partially collapsed. >> we've had a couple localized collapses as well in some of the buildings we lost the second floor and in 1114 and 1116, the floors collapsed. >> no one was hurt but the red cross is assisting more than a dozen people who were forced from their homes. investigators are working to determine the cause of that fire. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> all right. it's a cooler day but soon it will be time for the warm jacket. >> before we know it, unfortunately. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is here with the latest. >> cool temperatures outside right now. the clouds really helped with a lot of that and so did more of
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an onshore wind, especially for our shore points. we have the clouds around but are fairly dry. the clouds are coming from this big area of disturbed weather spinning around boston. it will continue to move out. we'll see cooler temperatures as we go through tonight, especially as we go into the weekend, much cooler than what we'll see for the overnight hours tonight. 71 in philadelphia through the lehigh valley, low 70s, closer to the shore, only in the mid-60s. for tonight, though, we will be dropping down to the 50s. by 6:00 p.m., we'll be near 70 degrees. by 8:00 tonight, mid-60s. by 10:00, low 60s. we'll take a closer look at the cool morning temperatures and how cool it will get for your weekend. that's coming up. the reading terminal market. it's just been named one of the ten greatest public places in the country by the american planning association. nbc 10 stopped by there today for the big announcement. the group says the market represents a gold standard in culture and community involvement. the general manager says reading
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terminal market is known for its history, get food and great people. police are called to sandy hook elementary school today. ahead, the emergency call that had students, teachers and first responders on edge again. and distracted teenagers, it's not just behind the wheel. what brand new research says most often puts them in harm's way. first, here's what's coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 6:00. a new jersey national guardsman arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman on his base. coming up, we're checking into when a prior assault was reported. >> i do think this is a hopeful sign for the city. then revel casino sold for $110 million. now we're learning more about the buyers and what other properties they own. day 19 in the search for this man accused of killing a pennsylvania state trooper. how authorities are closing off one area as their manhunt intensifies. count on nbc 10 news at 6:00.
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now to decision 2014 and the race for pennsylvania governor. >> governor tom corbett and tom wolf squared off again this morning as nbc 10's christine madella shows school funding and pension reform really got the candidates going. >> are you trying to convince the people of pennsylvania and the teachers union are trying to convince pennsylvanians that i
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cut funding for education. >> you did. >> but i didn't. >> reporter: corbett says schools are better off today than four years ago. >> we've increased the funding to its highest level ever from the state. >> you have not been a friend of education. and -- >> i disagree with you. we've been a very good friend of education. >> 27,000 educators -- >> i've not been a friend of the union. >> property taxes have gone through the roof under your administration. >> i'm not sure how you can look at what happened in public education in pennsylvania and say you've been a friend to education, that things are better. they're not. >> i don't understand how you can ignore the pension crisis, which is the driving force, the cost driver for every school district of pennsylvania. >> that pension kris social security what governor corbett tend to bring up throughout the debate. >> you cannot walk away from the problem we have in pennsylvania that's just eating away at the budget and that is pensions. you don't want to change the pension system. you don't want to fund it. >> okay. quick answer. >> very quick answer.
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>> all of a sudden the pension issue is a crisis. okay. >> reporter: democratic challenger tom wolf said the commonwealth's economy depends on job creationiation, something that's been lacking under the current administration. the governor, once again, did i agreed. >> 57% of business for the first time ever felt we were either good or excellent with the economy coming back. that's a first. >> our economy is not very strong. we're not creating jobs. i mean, that's the truth. on the ground it's not working. >> we will disagree with you. you say there isn't job growth. we've had 180 some thousand jobs filled. we had 280,000 jobs to be filled. >> reporter: christine madella, nbc 10 news. outdoor distraction can have often dangerous, even deadly results. but a new study reveals about teen safety and what's putting them in harm's way? but first, when we expect a chill in the air. sheena parveen joins us. sheena? >> there will be a chill tonight but even bigger chill as we go
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into the weekend. before that, we have rain to get through. i'll show you the timing on it, coming up. >> still ahead on nbc 10 news at 6:00, intentionally set. we now know the fire at a south jersey's ceo's home is arson. we're working to get reaction from the hospital on the deaths of john and joyce sheridan.
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developing now, five school children are among the 12 to 18 people being monitored after having contact with the first ebola patient diagnosed in the u.s. the man first went to a dallas emergency room last week but believe it or not was sent home, even though he told the nurse he had been in liberia. doctors say that decision could have put many others at risk for exposure to the disease. new jersey health officials say all 71 hospitals in the state are prepared to deal with ebola if a case should turn up here. >> in fact, most have been preparing for months. nbc's brian thompson with the story. >> reporter: even before the ambulance arrives here at englewood hospital, paramedics are looking forple to plsymptom >> we do worry about it. >> reporter: in fact, personal protective equipment packets are standard issue just for possible ebola cases. ems supervisor shows us how everyone treating a suspected case has been cautioned to don
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the gear, specifically because ebola can only be transmitted by bodily fluids, to avoid contact with them. >> ebola got on everybody's radar. >> reporter: this dr. heads up englewood's e.r. department. from the moment the ambulance doors open and the gurney goes through the doors, down the corridors of this 40 plus bed first response center with its private rooms, two in the case of ebola, the isolation treatment room is where a patient can be quarantined. the reality, the threat from west africa is real. >> you can feel well, get on a plane, get to the united states and turn out to have ebola. >> reporter: the nursing station in the e.r. has a new guide book on protocol for dealing with suspected cases. warning signs about the disease have been placed at the front door of the e.r. for walk-in patients as well. the lab downstairs is on alert, though any suspected blood samples would have to be sent to the cdc in atlanta for confirmation.
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realizing how many health workers in africa have died, there's a keen awareness to the threat to employees here. >> if they suspect there was any kind of pexposure, they would b treated appropriately. >> reporter: there's no question the ebola case in dallas tuesday has caught everyone's attention. with ebola so easily spread, this kind of preparedness is likely to become a permanent part of the hospital landscape in america. in englewood, brian thompson, nbc 10 news. transitioning now to alarming stats here. new research shows distracted teens aren't just a danger behind the wheel. more than 1,000 teenagers were surveyed by safe kids worldwide. nearly half admitted they have been hit or nearly hit by a car while walking. part of the problem, they're often focused on the mobile devices, the cell phone and not oncoming traffic. 12% of teens admitted to texting
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while crossing the street. 38% walk while listening to music. >> you're hearing the signals from cars or approaching signals that you simply may not see. >> reporter: three out of four deadly teen pedestrian accidents happened either at night or in the early morning hours before sunrise. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> a cool day today. the clouds were around but we're still staying dry. either way, a nice look out at the linc. it will be cooler for the eagles' home game. the clouds hang around with us for tonight. then we have rain, that will start off your weekend. it will be overnight friday, into saturday morning. after the rain leaves for sunday, it will definitely feel like football weather come sunday. temperatures will be in the 60s for a high. i'll show you that? just a minute. right now here's a live look outside along the schuylkill
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river near the art museum in center city. temperatures 71 degrees. the winds are from the northeast around 10 miles an hour. that's a bit of a cooler wind direction. we've seen the cooler temperatures today. pretty much all day with the cloud cover, too. areas north and west through the lehigh valley staying in the low 70s. if you're along the shore, more of that northeast and onshore wind is only holding temperatures down in about the mid-60s right now. atlantic city coming in at 66 degrees. we have the clouds around, not much in the way of rain. a few showers off to our west. overall it's the rain back to our west that we're watching. this is what we can expect into the weekend. right now it doesn't look like too much but by the time it gets here, we'll have a line of showers and possibly some thunderstorms moving through to start off your weekend. here's future weather, so we pretty much stay quiet tonight. tomorrow we stay on the dry side. by 6:00 p.m., we're looking at a nice day, going into friday. by 1:00 friday, we're dry. it will feel great, too. temperatures in the mid-70s.ç
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overnight friday you start to notice rain back off to our west. we're looking at midnight, going into saturday morning. that's the cold front that will be bringing showers, maybe thunderstorms. by the middle of the day saturday it should be right through philadelphia, a line of showers, maybe thunderstorms, too. behind it, much cooler air setting up just in time for sunday. here's a look at future air masses saturday you start to see the cooler air moving down into sunday morning. this is sunday 7:00 a.m. we'll have a big area of much cooler air setting up for sunday morning and especially sunday afternoon, just in time for the eagles game. here's the forecast, 1:00 p.m. sunday only in the upper 50s. we will see chilly conditions through the afternoon by 4:00 p.m., temperatures top out in the mid-60s. definitely feeling like football weather. for tonight, mostly cloudy, low 50s areas north and west. tomorrow we'll see a mix of clouds and sun. still the low 70s. still a cool day. friday looks good, too. we don't expect the rain until overnight into early saturday.
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morning rain to start off your weekend could see thunderstorms. temperatures behind the rain will really start to cool down. upper 60s for the high saturday. it will be breezy and on sunday, breezy and cool. temperatures topping out in the mid-60s but some areas could wake up to temperatures in the 30s. tick tock, tick tock, the clock is running out to vote for the high school blitz game of the week. the battle between bishop shanahan and westchester henderson and st st. joseph/vineland. cardinal o'hara and archbishop carroll have only 4% of the vote. voting ends at 10:00 tonight. of course the game with the most votes is always featured on the "high school blitz" every saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. police and emergency crews
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raced to sandy hook elementary school today. >> the emergency call that hit close to home for students, staff and the entire connecticut town. plus, an arrest in the search for suspected trooper killer but it's not the person police were looking for. still ahead on nbc 10 news at 6:00, the curious tourist who ended up in police custody.
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connecticut school where 26 people were shot and killed was the victim of a hoax today. a bomb threat was called into sandy hook elementary school this morning. the school's was evacuated. students were sent home early. police found nothing dangerous inside the school. they're still investigating, though, who made that threat. there have been many tributes to the sandy hook victims, including a group of playgrounds named after each student and staff member who was killed. >> the final playground will be dedicated this weekend to principal da principal. this all to assemble another play ground in memory of a sandy hook school victim. >> for something ugly that happened, something beautiful is coming out of it. >> reporter: the organizer says the watertown location of the
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play ground holds a special significance. >> dawn's grand children live here. >> reporter: picks of some of the victims are placed inside the trailers. this particular trailer has a large picture of teacher victoria soto. >> she's gone but she's always by my heart. >> reporter: carlos soto is the father of victoria soto and says he decided to help after seeing his own daughter's playground. >> seeing that a father that lost his daughter coming out to help them and cheer them on. >> reporter: on sunday, the playground will officially be dedicated to the principal. carlos tells me he knows he's making his daughter victoria happy. >> she very proud of me, i know that. coming up next on nbc 10 at 6:00, more questions than answers tonight in the accidental shooting death of a state trooper. >> we're all sorry that this incident occurred and he's no
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longer with us. >> what investigators are saying tonight about the training accident inside the gun range and the person who fired the fatal shot. plus, a different kind of delay for commuters who ride patco. the software glitch preventing the delivery of refurbished regional rail cars. glenn? >> cloudy but dry cáju rain will return in time for the weekend. i'm tracking those showers and the cooler temperatures to come. my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. and we continue to follow breaking news here. a 6-year-old boy hit and killed by a car. we're live from the scene with the latest on the investigation, next on nbc 10 news at 6:00. theredelaware just like us. fire companies in the state of
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something went wrong with the new health care law that threatened to shut us all down, and then chris coons got involved. chris did one heck of a job. he got senators in both parties to see that there was a problem. they fixed it, so now volunteer fire companies can stay in service. most guys in washington just want to argue. but our chris coons got results. i'm chris coons and i approve this message. it's not easy to get things done in washington, but i'm working hard to find common ground.
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nbc 10 breaking news. skyforce 10 bringing us this breaking news in darby, delaware county. what you're looking at here, the aftermath of a person who has been hit by a train. this is near the darby station at oak and academy. no word yet on the condition of that person who's been hit by the train. this is affecting septa service between wilmington and newark. the wilmington/newark line, trains being affected after a person was hit by a train. we're making some phone calls on this story. we'll continue to update the situation. if you're expecting anyone who uses septa service between wilmington and newark, they'll be delayed. there are problems right now because of the person hit by a
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train in darby, delaware county. now to philadelphia's nicetown neighborhood. we've been following developments here since 4:00 this afternoon. a young child trapped under this car has now died after he was hit walking home from school. let's get right to denise nakano on north 15th street. what can you tell us? >> reporter: a tow truck just left the scene after moving this car involved in the crash off to the side of the road. a boy who is 7 was dragged about 75 feet up to the point of the red vehicle you see here. if we can go to video, we can show you. police say he walked between two parked cars into the path of the brown car traveling north on north 15th street near erie. the driver told police he did not have time to stop. >> what we have so far, the child was on the way home from