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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  April 7, 2015 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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>> thanks glenn. and "nbc nightly news" with lester holt is next. on this tuesday night, knocked out. a widespread power failure in washington. the state department metro stations museums, even oprah and the first lady left in the dark. questions about our nation's power grid. violent storms moving across the country. heavy flooding and hail. a deadly plane crash in thick fog. now the tornado threat building tonight. off and running, rand paul makes it official. the second big name to jump in the race for president. and secrets to living longer from the places where a lot of people live to be 100. now the american cities trying to copy what they do. "nbc nightly news" be. >> announcer: from nbc news world headquarters in new york this is "nbc
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nightly news." reporting tonight, lester holt. good evening. the halls of power in washington, d.c. were without power for a time today, as the lights blinked out from the white house to the capitol. and well beyond. given the times we live in a lot of people briefly wondering if there was some kind of attack. for some it lasted moments, others were without power for quite some time. there were parts of the government left to carry on in the dark while elsewhere, forcing evacuations at some of the city's famous museums. all of it raising a lot of questions about how prepared the government really is for a bigger emergency. chris jan sing is on e story for us tonight. >> reporter: the lights went out at the state department right in the middle of the daily briefing. >> correct. >> second thing -- >> reporter: they finished using the lights fro even the energy department lost power. so did the white house. though the backup generator kicked right in. >> the president did
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not notice. >> reporter: oprah winfrey speaking at an event kept talking. >> no doubt about it. >> reporter: but darkened halls at some of the world's most popular museums meant evacuations, including from the smithsonian's air and space. >> there's a possibility that we might have some terrorist activity. >> it was scary. >> reporter: the university of maryland closed offices cleared out, and traffic backed u adding to the problem, a certain randomness from where i'm standing i can see three sets of traffic lights. right here they're out. what happened? the power company says all this caused by this a transmission line fell off its foundation a relatively small thing pointing to a big problem. even acknowledged by pentagon brass. >> it's just because we really don't know the true vulnerabilities. >> reporter: we know the u.s. electric grid loses power three times more often than it did in 1984. much more than any other industrialized
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nation. in the northeast u.s. 214 minutes according to a university offof minnesota analysis. it just keeps getting worse. the main reasons? aging infrastructure and increased demand from hotter summers. now experts worry about the growing cyber threat. >> we should have started work on toughening the grid yesterday. >> reporter: there's widespread agreement the power grid has to be updated and protected from cyber attacks. the problem, as it often is in washington is money. experts put the price tag anywhere from several billion to hundreds of billions of dollars to update a system so old, some of it is based on technology dating back to thomas edison. >> chris jan sing thanks. let's stay in washington for a moment. a cyber hacking at the white house we first told you about last october. andrea mitchell is monitoring this from our d.c. newsroom. what have i learned? >> u.s. officials learned it was white house that hacked the white house last year.
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it contained the president's private unpublished schedule. putin was in an intense showdown with the white house over we reported it looked suspiciously like russia was the perpetrator. a subsequent investigation proved it was russia. launching that attack. they say russia got into the white house computers through vulnerabilities of the state department's computer networks. they said no classified information was breached. wild weather is lighting up the radar tonight. severe storms pushing across the country, dumping hail. a dangerous multi-state outbreak in the forecast over the next 48 hours. nbc meteorologist dylan drier has our report. >> reporter: across the st. louis area today, a fast-moving storm dumped 3 1/2 inches of rain in 40
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minutes. it was overflowing storm drains. hail the size of golf balls battered a large area looking more like snow in some parts. residents in northern kentucky are bracing for more rain while scrambling to clean up from friday's ferocious storms. crews are trying to fix roads from all that water. franklin county sheriff pat melton was hit by a mudslide. >> trees were cracking rocks were rolling. i've never heard anything like it. >> reporter: thick fog may have been a factor in a plane crash that killed all seven people aboard. the group was returning from the ncaa basketball title game in indianapolis. including illinois state university associate basketball coach torey ward who tweeted before the crash, my ride to the game wasn't bad. in michigan's upper peninsula, five inches of snow had the snow blowers out again. in the west a funnel
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cloud near sacramento. >> ice everywhere. >> reporter: and in central california lodi, an unusual spring hailstorm here's the setup that's going to create more storms tonight, wednesday and thursday. you have warm air clashing with cold air, and just enough energy for some of these storms to be severe. add in moisture from the gulf of mexico and flash flooding is also a possibility. essentially wednesday afternoon into wednesday evening, from tulsa, oklahoma right up into quincy illinois. we could also see very large hail and also damaging wind gusts along with isolated tornadoes. on thursday the threat spreads especially into eastern missouri and most of illinois. we could see a line of storms develop that could produce widespread damage and more tornadoes, especially thursday and thursday afternoon. lester? >> doesn't look good. dylan drier, thank you. another major entry into the presidential race tonight. republican senator rand paul of kentucky getting a raucous reception as he kicked off his campaign in louisville.
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>> reporter: a louisville kentucky ball room teeming with supporters. today senator rand paul launched his presidential campaign. >> government should be restrained and freedom should be maximized. >> reporter: paul offers himself as a different kind of republican. if we nominate a candidate who is simply democrat light, what's the point? >> reporter: listed by the tea party movement and his father former congressman ron paul's libertarian grass roots followers. senator paul kelly o'donnell from nbc. can you be in washington and run against washington sir? rand paul is shaping and revising his own political brand. from aggressive merchandising, t-shirts turned into campaign cash. >> we're selling a ton >> reporter: to his message, paul opposes most foreign aid and military intervention. but threats like isis made him adjust. >> i will do whatever
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it takes to defend america from these haters of mankind. >> reporter: paul's stand against government appeals to a college crowd. why are young people interested in rand paul? >> i think the civil liberties. >> reporter: paul is also courting minority communities. on issues from jobs to sentencing reform. >> there needs to be a credible white conservative talking about these things. >> reporter: the republican party's old guard is wary of rand paul. for now, that works for his . kelly o'donnell, nbc news louisville. a program note savannah guthrie will interview senator rand paul tomorrow morning. the story that was breaking as we were coming on the air last night. unspeakable tragedy for one maryland family. a father and his seven children all killed by carbon monoxide from a generator they were using because they may have fallen on hard times. nbc national correspondent peter >> reporter: the news today was crushing.
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>> i've seen a lot of things but not something like this because of this. to have eight people in one place like that you know -- >> reporter: authorities in princess ann, maryland confirmed carbon monoxide from a generator left running in the kitchen of this home killed this father and his seven children between the ages of 6 and 16. >> the children were all in bed and appeared they were sleeping. >> reporter: the victims were discovered monday nine days after they were last seen when overnight temperatures hovered below freezing. police say the todd family moved into the home last november but delmarva power said it never received a request for service adding it did not disconnect the electric service for nonpayment. they found a stolen electric meter was used at the home and disconnected that meter. >> he had his kids for three years, by himself. and he did the best he
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could. with what he had. >> reporter: just days ago, three members of another family died of carbon monoxide poisoning due to a generator inside this home in tennessee. the cdc says carbon monoxide is to blame for roughly 400 deaths and more than 20,000 injuries each year. it can also come from faulty gas furnaces fireplaces and water heaters. a deadly odorless gas responsible for too many terrible tragedies. peter alexander, nbc news washington. there is breaking news tonight from south carolina where a police officer has charged with murder in the death of a man after a traffic stop. video of the incident was posted late today on the website of "the new york times." we want to warn you, it is disturbing. the incident happened over the weekend. in the video, you can see the man appear to run away from the officer, who then points his weapon and fires several times, killing him. the video was apparently taken by a bystander. the officer reportedly said he feared for his life before he fired. much more on this developing story
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tomorrow morning on "today." in boston today, no verdict after the first day of deliberations by the jury in the bombing trial of dzhokhar tsarnaev. one page for each of the counts of the indictment. the jury will be back in the courthouse again tomorrow morning. in california february was the worst month for water conservation since the state started tracking those efforts last summer. in the middle of the severe drought, water wasters could face hefty fines. as miguel almaguer reports, authorities have to catch them first, and there's a lot of dry ground to cover. >> reporter: the oasis in the desert palm springs, where lawns are lush fountains cascade, and water is plentiful. >> 27 holes of championship golf. >> reporter: the region promotes deep green surrounded by desert brown. landscape that guzzles water in a devastating drought. when you drive through
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palm springs you see lush greenery like this. is it a symbol of waste? >> this is how the city was built year and years ago. >> reporter: city manager david reddy said palm springs needs to change. the golf course uses reclaimed water, others don't. the city spending millions to replace water-thirsty grass with rocks and desert plants. >> these things can't happen overnight. for one, there's a significant infrastructure cost. >> reporter: the view from above is stunning. but in palm springs, residents consume three times more water than the state average. in the middle of the desert this entire region draws its water from deep underground. from aquifers. with steady growth and more neighborhoods like this one continuing to pop up that water supply is vanishing. stephanie is the water police. all alone covering 1,000 square miles, and 100,000 homes. are you overwhelmed with how much you must control? >> i'm very busy yes.
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>> reporter: this is what she finds every >> palm springs is a symbol of the waste, but also a symbol of the opportunity. historically in california green, lush lawns were the ideal. but we need to reevaluate reexamine that ideal. >> reporter: in this desert community, to save water, they must now draw a line in the sand. miguel almaguer nbc news palm springs. still ahead here tonight, how do you live to be 100? from the five places in the word where people live longer than anywhere else. and the american city racing to follow their le and later, the teen who just got accepted to every ivy league school there is. an amazing story. we'll tell you about what he over
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if you want to live to be 100, there are places around the globe that seem to make it easier to reach that age. you can either move to one of those spots or find out what they're doing right and apply it right here at hoesm. like an entire american city is now trying to do. nbc's cynthia mcfadden takes us there. >> reporter: ft. worth mayor, betsy price, is on a roll. >> you're a biker? >> i'm a cyclists. bikers wear leather. >> reporter: she wants to revolutionize her city. >> this isn't about living longer this is about having more life in your years. >> reporter: to do it she's teaming up with national geographic
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who located the five places on earth where people live longer and healthier than anyplace else. >> the longest lived man on the planet lived around here. >> reporter: he dubbed them the blue zone and revealed the common secrets in his new book. we joined him on the italian island of sardinia. a place that produces more 100-year-old men than anywhere else on people here are constantly on the . eat meat rarely but have beans almost every day. what you've learned is there is no silver bullet. >> i call it silver buck shot actually. it's 20 or 30 little things. but they're little things that you can transport from places and have them work for you. >> reporter: can they transform a city nicknamed cow town? a beef-obsessed place with high obesity rates and stressed-out commuters. you guys are on life support here. >> we're really way down there. >> reporter: the mayor thinks they can change
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that over the next five years. >> about 80% of chronic disease, cancer dementia heart disease and diabetes is avoidable. what these people are doing better than us are avoiding the diseases that shorten our lives. >> and they're doing that in ways that we can imitate. >> and you don't even have to think about it. >> the adjective is the healthy choice. nobody wants the healthy choice. so changing the adjective from the healthy salad to the crispy italian salad, the orders go up. >> reporter: he's already implemented these ideas and many others in 22 smaller cities. >> after two or three years, we see obesity dropping by double digits. you see smoking rates drop by as much as 30%. you see healthier eating, more physical . >> reporter: mayor price believes ft. worth can do it too. there are those who would say government should keep its nose out of this. >> i'm not in any state. we're not passing any ordinary napses.
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i'm very conservative. i'm the last person would say you have to do this. this is about making better choices. if you're use the to eeding beef six days a week maybe you eat it four days a week. >> reporter: cynthia mcfadden, nbc news ft. worth. we're back in a moment with a big unveiling today by the first lady and oprah. and questions about the origin of a hey, girl. is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now? it kinda is. it's as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. cue the horns... just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrade's rollover consultants. they'll help with the hassle by guiding you through the whole process step by step. and they'll even call your old provider. it's easy. even she could do it. whatever, janet. for all the confidence you need td ameritrade. you got this. (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes you may know what it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar.
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your doctor may perform blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. if you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat, and headache. for help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia today. sunday dinners at my house... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all day strong, all day long. and for a good night's rest, try aleve pm for a better am.
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it's meant to be a tribute to a poet and author and all-around inspiring woman. but the quotes that could have been chosen to honor angela mayou. kate snow explains. >> reporter: at a packed theater in washington today, first lady michelle obama and oprah joined the postmaster general. >> she would get a big kick out of this
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moment today. >> reporter: a bird doesn't sing because it has an answer it sings because it has a song. just one problem, angelo may not have penned those words. a professor at emmerson college flagged the "washington post" that he thought anglund wrote it. she confirmed that's her quote, with the pronoun changed. the postal service said mayo angelou cited this sentence frequently. even president obama used the quote. >> the late great maya angelou once said a bird doesn't sing because it has an answer it sings because it has a song. >> reporter: a postal service spokesman told the "washington post," had we known about this issue beforehand we would have used one of angelou's many other works. >> history, despite its wrenching pain cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage need not be lived again. >> reporter: there are
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o choose from. kate snow, nbc new. when we come back how a high schooler went from hitting a language barrier to gettin if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection.
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it's quite a thing to be able to say harvard is your safety school, or princeton or brown. there's one high school senior from el mont, new york, that can say that about any one of them because he was accepted to all the ivy league schools, and then some. as anne thompson reports, he overcame steep odds to get there. >> reporter: in this season of college acceptances, 17-year-old harold ekeh is undefe >> it's like getting hit by a brick. wow, the hard work has paid off, definitely. >> reporter: he's seen congratulations from every ivy league school all eight accepted harold to the class of 2019. you were not the valedictorian of your class? >> no. >> you're number two? >> yeah. >> reporter: even so he has a 100.5 grade point average, and a stellar list of accomplishments, including working as a science researcher to stop the progression
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of alzheimer's disease that affects the grandmother he adores. he was born in nigeria. his family left when he was just 8. >> i remember when i was coming to america, i tried to memorize the name of the 50 states. especially new york. it sounded exotic to me new york. >> reporter: to give their now five sons a better opportunity, his parents left good jobs in nigeria and started as clerks at target. the family struggles formed the basis of his essay. >> sarcastic remarks. >> reporter: today ha generous financial aid will help harold pursue his dream of becoming a brain surg reaping opportunities built on that most american of values, k. anne thompson nbc news elmont new york. >> quite a young man. congratulations tt will do it on
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this tuesday night. i'm lester hold. for all of us here at nbc news thank you for watching, and good
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. the candidates for philadelphia mayor, answering the importa questions, education, where is the money, the future ofq philly's work force, and fixing your taxes. comcast, the greater philadelphia chamber of commerce, and nbc 10 present, the 2015 debate for philadelphia mayor. >> and williamñi to our live on broad street in center city. i'm nbc 10'se1 jim rosenfeld, this is our homeok for tonight's debate for philadelphia mayor. you know we are six weeks away from a primary election that will play a key role in thefá future of our e1city. and we are so pleased tonight to havee1 all six democratic candidates in the race here with us on stage. alphabetical order from left to right starting with


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