tv NBC10 News at 4pm NBC September 25, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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franklin bridge will shut down. all of this as crews rush to put the finishing touches on setup for this week's event. pope francis' first full day in new york blended the powerful and the poor. >> from the salem steps of ground zero, to the magnitude of the u.n., he touched on universal human struggles everywhere he went. >> and here's another live picture from east harlem in new york. this is where you can see pope francis outside from all of our lady queen of angels school in harlem. he's meeting with third and fourth grade students from the four catholic schools in harlem. you can see all of them out there with their cell phone cameras trying to get as close as they can. and pope francis has made it a point, about every time he has gotten close to children, whether it was in washington, d.c., and the children from the school who were standing out there or these children, it seems as though it would hurt him not to be able to go up to them and touch them and bless them, shake their hands, kiss
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their cheek. the look on his face, he has such a joy when you see him interacting. >> that's where you see the broad smile enter his face. when we were in argentina, those who had worked with him told us that when he was archbishop, he was known to be very solemn and then they saw him become pope and they saw these kinds of images. the smile on his face. and they asked him, what is that about? and he told his former colleagues, it's just something i feel now that has come to me as pope. so there you see it leave on your screen in east harlem. he just seems to relish these moments with the youngest. >> now, we can tell you that he is going to meet with the children here at the school, our lady queen of angels. and he is also going to go to the gym and meet with immigrants who have been assisted by the services of the catholic charities of the arch diocese. that perish school is surrounded by housing projects and it still operates being a shuttered church. and on the doors apparently
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outside that sanctuary, there are signs in english and spanish. signs that read, "welcome to east harlem, pope francis, please open our church." and he will no doubt see that sign on the front door. and they're hoping that it will make a difference. >> as he walks down this line of smiling faces, you see them with their cell phones, and he occasionally touches one of their heads. he shakes their hand. you hear some screams from those hopeful to be able to be one of those lucky ones to maybe touch the pope. >> absolutely. and you know, they have been out here for hours, not knowing exactly how close they would get to him and really, how far down the line he would move. yesterday, when we saw in d.c., it seemed as though he was looking at his watch at one point, and talking to the secret service, wondering, may i stay a little bit longer and chat with these children a little longer. do we have time or do i have to leave right now. >> trying to stretch that time out to relish these moment t in
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the united states, his first trip to this country. he's going to be meeting, as you mentioned, jackie, with some teenage soccer players who are migrant teens in a youth soccer program co-sponsored by new york's catholic charities, many who fled south america and in fact entered this country illegally. and the subject of immigration, something near and dear to the pope's heart. he is, of course, the son of italian immigrants. some of these kids are living with other relatives or sponsors, as they await immigration court hearing. he's going to meet with some of those teenagers from that soccer team. soccer also one of his passions, as we know. >> yes, we do know that. he loves the soccer team in tarnlg t argentina, right? and even though he doesn't watch television, he makes it a point to stay up to speed on the sport, the soccer team, and since he has been there and blessed that team, they've done very well, right. >> they had somewhat of a tu
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turnaround. one of the players told us that since he had become pope, his team has done quite well. we're hearing some of these kids chanting as well now. let's listen in for a bit. >> they're getting a lot of selfies. >> there's the photo to cherish forever. they have their rosary beads they're holding. >> and i saw him yesterday, he was blessing many of the rosary beads. sometimes you would see him lay a hand on the children's forehead and bless them that way. some would hold out their rosary beads and he would bless those beads. everyone trying to get that touch, that blessing. >> he's outside one of sixth catholic elementary schools in harlem. this is one of the lucky ones
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today, of course, where the pope visits. but one of six schools in harlem, where he's going to meet with a couple of dozen students. a mix of third and fourth grade students. and that's the age the children start with this school. our lady queen of angels school. but in all, there will be some 250 students from that school as well as some of the other schools, catholic schools in the city of new york. >> and of course, he is continuing his journey in new york city. to give you an idea of just how many people pope francis travels, 7,000 -- not necessarily that he travels, but in new york city, 7,000 uniformed police officers are on the streets in new york protecting this pontiff, in addition to several thousand undercover officers. 30 people rolling in the pope's entourage, including a police chief and two swiss guards. so he definitely has a lot of company, whether it's the people who are there to protect him, or
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the people there clamoring to see him. >> as these crudes are here in east harlem, there are also crowds awaiting him in central park. some 80,000 ticket holders who are in the park. he's going to proceed through central park after this event, on his way to madison square garden. and at this hour, at 4:00 this afternoon, there are thousands of people in madison square garden, awaiting the beginning of mass tonight with the pope there. and ahead of that, because it's such a long wait, since this afternoon, they've had entertainment scheduled with a lot of stars who are performing for the crowd, including harry connick jr., gloria stephen, martin sheen, and others to try to keep that crowd entertained as they await the pope during what is a very, very busy day in new york city. earlier today we saw him at ground zero. a very moving service that he took part in, in the ground zero museum itself. and also at the united nations. that's how he began his day,
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with remarks before the general assembly. there his with ban ki-moon. as he entered the united nations, he in fact became the fourth pope to address the u.n. general assembly. and he praised members for their efforts to really serve mankind. he also addressed the subject of the environment, saying that urgent action is needed to halt the destruction of god's creation, as he put it. he also gave praise to the iran nuclear deal, dacalling it proo of goodwill. >> translator: i pray to almighty god that this will be the case, and i assure you of my support and my prayers and the support and prayers of all the faithful of the catholic church that this institution, all its member states, and each of its officials will always render an effective service to mankind. >> the pope also warned that the ambitions of wealth and power
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can cause mismanaged economies. and pope francis continued his day, as we mention, at ground zero as well. >> and he spent time in reflection before meeting with families of fallen first responders. the pontiff paused at the reflecting pool to say a prayer and a lay a white rose. he also met briefly with some of the current and former mayors of the city, including mayor rudy giuliani, who was in office on 9/11. ♪ >> later, pope francis attended a service inside the 9/11 memorial museum, where leaders of several states prayed for peace. many leaders spoke, including the pope, who offered a prayer in english and delivered remarks in spanish. >> translator: i propose a moment of silence and prayer.
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let us ask that the lord give the gift of peace. >> the pope also said a prayer asking god to strengthen leaders in hope and give wisdom and courage to walk tirelessly with true peace. the pope also spent some time touring the exhibits at the museum, which honored the nearly 3,000 victims of the attacks on the world trade center. it houses many artifacts from the buildings. the pontiff stopped to look at open bible, discovered by a new york firefighter, following the attacks. and here is another live picture from east harlem in new york, where pope francis is being greeted by those children and the teachers. he is visiting a classroom at our lady queen of angels school in harlem. he is meeting with third and fourth grade students from the four catholic schools that are in harlem. >> let's listen in, because i believe they're also singing "prayer for st. francis" right now. ♪
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>> the pope there asking them to boost their voices, boost the volume a little bit. can you imagine how nervous they are to be singing for the holy father. >> but they sound like angels. >> they do. they sound beautiful. ♪ >> beautiful. they'll also be taking part in some prayer here in the classroom. they'll be receiving sacraments. and he's going to interact with the classroom in session here at our lady queen of angels. >> and pope francis has had such an exhausting -- oh, the prayer.
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>> pray for us, now and in the hour of our death, amen. >> pope francis has such an exhausting, exhausting three days already in his tour of the states. the three cities, the six-day tour. just unbelievable when you look at how grueling his schedule is. and whenever you look at him and he seems slightly fatigued, wherever he's in front of the children, he seems to brighten right up and that gives him instant energy. >> they have built-in times of rest, but not a lot of them when you look at his schedule for this visit. >> not at all. >> and he's going to be heading from this school to central park for a procession through the park. >> and that's where we find checkey beckford and about 80,000 people waiting to see the pope. what is it like there, checkey?
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>> reporter: it is very, very crowded. we're outside the park right now on the southwest side. and you can see the tent. that's where they're letting 80,000 lottery winners lucky enough to win a ticket to see the pope inside central park. but we've heard from some people they're waiting in line for three hours, and they're getting out of the line, despite winning those tickets, because they say they can't wait any longer. but there are people outside the park here in columbus circle, you can see people lining the fountain area. hoping for a glimpse of the pope. many people tell us that they know it probably won't happen because we're so far away. and of course, there's that black desk around the west side of the park. still, we talked to one man from puerto rico who told us -- to make his day. again, lots and lots of people.
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we thank thousands of people outside of the park, on top of 80,000, that have been allowed to go inside the park to watch the pope. a lot of people hoping to spot him. >> all right, checkey. people waiting hours there, in and around central park to see him pass through on his way to madison square garden. live look once again at his visit to east harlem and a classroom there. >> and we'll continue to follow this as his busy day in new york city continues. later going to central park. the papal procession around central park. and later a mass at madison square garden. >> that's his last event in new york. that mass at the garden tonight. and then rest up for a busy weekend here in philadelphia. >> the much anticipated and the final preparations are underway. crews certainly aren't fighting any crowds. it appears companies in center city and even the suburbs, they just took the day off.
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richard panic shot this video of a barren parking lot at the norwood septa station on his way to work today in delaware county. a lot of other places will be barren in a few hours. tonight, a lot of main arteries close. including the ben franklin bridge. it will be turned into a pedestrian walkway overnight. also shutting down, interstate 76 eastbound from the blue route in montgomery county to i-95 in south philadelphia. also, westbound from 95 to route 1 in east falls. vine street expressway will close from 76 to 95. interstate 95 will stay open the entire weekend, but certain ramps do close at 10:00 to prevent traffic from coming into center city. we've been warning you about this for a while. you can find all the closures on the nbc 10 news app. and if you live or work in the city, you've noticed, it is a virtual ghost town. >> did you notice that i was actually on time to work today because there was no traffic.
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>> no traffic. usually both of us are scrambling to get in, but no traffic at all today. >> people, obviously, a lot of people have either gone out of town or they're just not driving, period, in center city, because they know it's going to be tough with all these closures in the next few days. >> walking outside my build, it was like ft. knox with the security and the 8-foot-high fences and security barriers and the metal detectors. but in terms of the people on the streets in center city, there really just weren't many. a lot of people, like you said, headed out of town to avoid all of this. >> notice some tourists in town, who don't know their way around just yet. nbc's george spencer is live in center city right now. george, this must be the calm before the storm, right? >> jim, that's obviously what a lot of people are hoping. i think as you and jackie alluded to, just not a typical friday here in center city. where i'm standing in the middle of the papal events zone. we've been watching the preparation for the festival tonight, and then the papal mass
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coming up on sunday. and two or three blocks north of where we are, it was a different story. take a look at some of the video our crews gathered today in the fairmount video, normally packed tight with parked cars, things really strangely quiet. maybe not completely a ghost town, but really not far from it. i did speak to a couple of the papal pilgrims in the residential neighborhoods up there. one group from chicago, a family from south america, but mostly it seemed that it was just a reduced number of rsesident who is stayed in town. people grabbing groceries, walking their dogs, really an unexpectedly quiet day for this day before a major event. >> it's so crazy. it's a little weird. >> too quiet, huh? >> a little too quiet. but it's kind of nice. do yoga, walk in the middle of the street. kind of nice. >> reporter: not exactly complaining about it i. a lot of that could change or
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grow more pronounced as the traffic boxes come into effect later on tonight, preventing people from even driving into the core of center city. those boxes really stretch river to river. it's going to be even greater traffic restrictions than we're already seeing. so if you felt like it was quiet in the neighborhoods today, could perhaps be growing even more quiet with the possibility, though, that some pedestrians could be added into the mix. that is the latest, though, live right now in the papal parkway zone. i'm george spencer, nbc 10 news. >> in the papal parkway zone. we learned today that camden isn't expecting as many as people as first thought. in fact, thousands of parking spaces remain along the waterfront and officials are making it easier for people to get there. we'll have that story from the other side of the river. that's coming up at 4:30. and it does look like the weather is going to be cooperating for this weekend.
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we have a lot of high clouds around, even up towards the pocono mountains, lake wallenpaupack, and those high clouds will be around for much of the weekend. now, the one weather issue we have, this onshore wind creating coastal flooding, coastal flood advisory for much of the area from new jersey and delaware, including delaware bay. that goes until sunday, noon. some of the higher tides coming saturday night and sunday morning. you can see these high clouds coming across the area, but as far as the rain is concerned, the closest rain is pretty much southern virginia and some really heavy rain in north carolina. there's the rain. you can see it's having a real hard time trying to come up to the north. there's high pressure up there. very dry air around our region. and so, the computer models again with the trend of keeping this moisture down to the south of us. the clouds continue, but the rain continues to stay south, as
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we've been saying for quite a while. there's sunday even into monday with very little in any kind of rain, anywhere near us. this is the storm down off the southeast coast. this is the same model that has been suggesting that the rain stays to the south. it's been saying this for a weak. we get the breezy onshore winds, but the storm stays well to the south of the area. the breezes, though, continue through the weekend. so it will be kind of breezy. partly sunny on sunday, through the high clouds, and then cloudy and breezy on sunday. and as we go through that period of time, we're going to go from partly sunny to mostly cloudy at times. now, for the eagles, they're playing a little bit farther to the north, up in north jersey, it's going to be at least partly sunny, 71 degrees. just beautiful football weather on sunday for that. for tonight, we're going to be seeing pearl cloudy skies, 62 for a low in philadelphia.
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52, north and west. tomorrow, a mix of sun and clouds. a breezy day, highs in the mid-70s. and the seven-day forecast, another day in the mid-70s sunday if clouds around, just chance of some showers later on monday, as we start getting warmer and the real significant chance of rain comes later in the week, and we really need some by then. >> glen, well, we continue to follow the pope's journey through new york today. >> here's a live look from east harlem, new york, where pope francis is continuing his visit with the schoolchildren there. the classroom at our lady queen of angels school in east harlem, meeting third and fourth grade students who delighted him with song and they did a very good job. >> yes, they did. we'll be right back.
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new york, and pope francis visiting with some schoolchildren there. this school, our lady, queen of angels, it is adjacent to a shuttered church. and the children as well as some of the teachers are hoping that pope francis' arrival will bring some light to that church and hopefully this will allow the door to open. >> that's mayor de blasio there with the schoolchildren. and it does appear pope francis has moved on to his other events in the gymnasium at this school. we'll continue to watch these live moments as they happen and bring them to you live here on nbc 10. >> and from new york to philadelphia, up in the air, for a look at center city and the preparations for the pope's visit to philadelphia. >> nbc 10's mitch blocker is live onboard today. what do you see from your vantage point, mitch? >> reporter: jim, as we're hovering high above center city, one of the things that's striking is what we are seeing and what we're not seeing. one of the things we are seeing
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is a serious security presence. you can see this is the u.s. coast guard. secret service has really quarterbacked most of the security preparations, but from this vantage point, you can definitely see these armed coast guard. officers are ready for seemingly everything. they're in the schuylkill river. but as we pan out, you can tell how light the traffic is. a very striking difference between what you would normally see this time on a normal friday in and out of center city and what you're seeing now. of course, by 10:00 tonight, the schuylkill expressway will be closed as well as the vine street, which we're zooming into here. you can see already, some of the exits, in fact, all of the exits into center city have been closed on the vine street. we're also watching all of the different parking areas from the stadiums to over in camden, to take a look and see whether or not those are starting to fill up just a day before the pope arrives. we'll have much more on that as we continue to hover high above center city.
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we are continuing to look at live pictures of pope francis visiting a school in east harlem. he's in a gym, we believe, now, to meet with immigrants who have been assisted by the services of the catholic charities of the archdiocese. this visit of the school goes right along with pope francis' mission of serving is immigrants, serving the less fortunate. he's going to meet with migrants and refugees from mexico, peru,
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ecuador, honduras, africa, india, and pakistan. and as jim said, many who cross the border without their parents and help start a soccer league in the bronx. we'll continue to cover this coverage of pope francis and his busy day in the center. and security will be extremely tight for anyone traveling into center city this weekend. >> and those heightened security measures are starting earlier that be expected. harry is live inside the secure zone. what's it like getting in. >> reporter: some people say it was pretty easy to get in. well, final preparations are going on. security is putting all of the final touches together. nbc 10 in center city this morning. take a look at the video where some of the barricades were being placed. restricting certain areas and roads and making sure that vehicles could not get into these restricted areas as well. and we went through the security
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checkpoints, the metal detectors. i'll tell you, they're very detailed as they check the bags, inside the bags and purse, and also they were asking for people's wallets to be open as they took a good look at those as well. working these checkpoints, u.s. kuscustoms and tsa officials as well. all doing a good job. and if you're bringing a cell phone, ipad, any type of electronic device, security officials are asking for you to make sure these are turned on so they're exactly what they appear to be and that's a working cell phone or ipad or tablet, whichever you happen to have. some other interesting photos i want to bring to your attention. there have been several calls. i'm told have been going to the police department about bags being left behind or some kind of suspicious-looking packages. we found out from philadelphia police and other law enforcement those bags have all been cleared. no problems. the number of calls they got
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about bags being left behind or suspicious packages are pretty normal in numbers. nothing really increased there. over at 33th street station today, some random passenger searches were being handled by amtrak police, but everything all clear. just finishing up here, guys, 160 k-9 dogs will be over the next few days, to all help in sniffing out any problems if there are any. and making sure that everyone is kept safe. reporting live, harry hairston, nbc 10 news. back to you in the studio. >> harry, thank you. in south jersey, several security command centers are now there to keep people safe as they travel through camden county into philadelphia this weekend. >> leaders are also pitching the areas the easiest way to get into philadelphia. nbc 10's drew smith got an inside look as communications got up and running today. >> reporter: the south jersey papal security plan was activated as 8:00 this morning. people from 25 different agencies will spend the next
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three days in this joint operation center. >> these people working here to keep you safe are our behind the scenes heroes. >> reporter: already they're working the phones keeping an eye on security cameras. after we took a tour of the center, elected leaders took one more push to get people to make a pilgrimage to philly in week. >> we have two final patco passes. >> reporter: the final count sold at 18,000. 80% of capacity is still available and you can get a pass if you need one at a station this weekend. plus, plenty of parking. out of 8,000 spots for cars to park on the waterfront, only 275 were purchased. camden was requiring pre-registration, but now that's changed, too. >> vehicles will not be turned away if they show up the day of. >> reporter: if you drive by the
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campbell's soup headquarters, you're going to see a lot of police activity. >> we want to have an area centrally located in the area. >> reporter: it's where hundreds of state troopers are situated. their may concern is traffic coming through several cities in the area. >> we developed the quick reaction force, and that will respond to assist any municipalities in the event they're overtaxed with traffic or any other calls to service they have. >> reporter: this is just one of several of the operating command centers they will have throughout the waterfront here and throughout camden county. and of course, they remind you, some of the security measures, you won't see, but they will be out there as well. in camden, i'm drew smith, nbc 10 news. >> many more road closures begin tonight ahead of the pope's arrival tomorrow. >> this is where we look very closely for the roads shut down. help us break down the changes. >> i have exactly what you need to know if you're in philadelphia today.
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tonight, the schuylkill expressway will close from the blue route to 95. it will close on the vine street expressway in its entirety in both directions. route 1 from 30 to belmont avenue, additionally, the ben franklin bridge will be closed to additional traffic. there'll be no access to new jersey or pennsylvania on that bridge, only pedestrians allowed. as for 95, that will be open. there will be select exit ramps that will be blocked off. cal hill, washington avenue, broad, and the vine street expressway accidents will close. the center city traffic box closes at 6:00 p.m. tonight, out in west philadelphia, 10:00 p.m. we have some good news for you. they will be providing a taxi service starting tonight at 6:00 p.m. until friday at 2:00 a.m. on saturday. taxis will be allowed in and out of the area and additionally, they have several taxi pickup stations on direct spots on broad and jeard. >> jessica, thank you.
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despite any traffic obstacles, a lot of people went out to see madonna and she had a shout-out for the pope last night. >> the blessing of sorts that the material girl offered up. and at 5:00, a mix of faith and art for the pope ice visit. how these thousands of ribbons are easing pain for many people.
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continuing our live coverage of pope francis' visit in new york city at our lady queen of angels school in east harlem. he is making remarks now. let's listen in. >> translator: a bit hard and tiring, right? at times you have to learn a new language, adjust to a new culture, even a new climate. there is so much to learn. and not just the work of school, but also many other things.
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like, for example, you were playing with yovery well. and we also make good friends. this is very important. the good friends that we find. we need people who open doors for us. who show their kindness to us, their friendship to us, their understanding, and they've tried to help us so we do not feel like strarks, like foreigners. it is work, but it's being done by people who help us feel at home. although, sometimes our imagination takes us back to our homeland, but we find good people that help us feel at
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home. how nice it is to feel that school, that meeting places are a second home. this is not only important for you, but also for your family. so school ends up being one big family for all. one where together with our mothers and fathers and grandparents, teachers and friends, we learn to help one another, to share our good qualities, to give the best of ourselves, to work as a team, to play as a team, that's very important as well and to pursue
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our goals. quite near here, very near here, there is a very important street, named after a person who did a lot for other people. i would like to recall this person with you. i'm talking about reverend martin luther king. one day he said, "i have a dream." he dreamt that many children, many people could have equal opportunities. his dream was that many children like you could have access to education. he dreamt as many women men and women like you could keep their head high with the dignity of
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those who can earn their keep. it is beautiful of dreams. it is beautiful, also, to be able to fight for those dreams. don't forget about that. today we want to keep dreaming. we celebrate all the opportunities which enable you and us, adults, not to lose the hope of a better world with greater possibilityies. so many here that have greeted have also dreamed with you. they've dreamed about this and that is why they've become involved in this kind of work. they get involved in your lives to go with you along this path.
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we all dream. i always know that one of the dreams of your parents and teachers and of all those that help you and also cardinal dolan as well, he's a very good man. the dream is that you can grow up and live with happiness. here i see you smiling. keep smiling and help bring joy to everyone you meet. it is not always easy. there are problems in all households. there are difficult situations. there is sickness. but keep dreaming.
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about living with joy. everyone here, children and adults, you all have a right to dream. and i am very happy that you, whether at school or here, you can find in your teachers and friends and everyone that comes near you to provide assistance, you can find it by finding the support you need to do it. wherever there are dreams, wherever there is joy, see u.s. is always present, always. now, who sews sadness? who sews distrust and envy and
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desires? what's the name of that? the devil. the devil. the devil sews sadness, because he does not want to see us happy. they don't want us to dream. where there is joy, jesus is always present. because jesus is joy and he wants to help us to feel that joy every day of our lives. before going, i would like to give you some homework. can i do that?
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it is a simple request, but very important. please don't forget to pray for me so that i can share with many people the joy of jesus let us also pray so that many people can share the joy, like yours, like when you feel accompanied, assisted, was feel that you're getting advice, although there are problems, of course, there may be problems, but you have peace in your heart, because jesus will never abandon you. may god bless you and every one of you and our lady protect you. thank you. >> pope francis speaking to this group about the challenges faced
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by immigrants, himself the son of italian immigrants, but also the realities. home sickness and other challenges in coming to a new country, as he speaks to a group of immigrants and refugees, including some unaccompanied minors who have had support from catholic charities there in new york. >> he said, keep dreaming, live with joy, always have a smile. he acknowledged that it's not always easy. and for the third time since he's been in the united states, he's referenced dr. martin luther king jr. and his speech saying, i have a dream that children like you can have access to education. and interestingly in the pope's address to congress yesterday, he was saying in terms of the refugee crisis, the solution to it is always to follow the golden rule. and that countries could do unto others as you wish them to do undo to you and there'll always be success. and that resulted in a standing
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continuing our live coverage of pope francis and his visit to this school in east harlem. we heard his remarks a few moments ago, imploring these children to continue to dream and dream big, and to also pray for him. he next makes his way through central park, where we understand from security officials, there are thousands of people still waiting to get through security. and as we prepare for the pontiff's visit right here to philadelphia this weekend, we're looking back at the last time a pope came to town. >> that's right. who better to tell those stories than former nbc anchor and reporter, terry ruggles. he was here when pope john paul
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visited in 1979. he came out of retirement to help share some of those stories. we're so appreciative. >> no matter who the pope, the goal of everyone is to meet him. so when you think about it, anyone who crowds wherever the pope is going to be this weekend is hoping the pope will stop and come over to them. we'll have to wait and see if the pope came over to them. 16 years ago, one well-known philadelphian had a very good way to get to meet the holy father. >> brian is on right, his dad, jim, the former general manager of the philadelphia eagles, next to him. and john paul on the far left. that's right, i said john paul. he was born just a few months before john paul ii came to philadelphia. >> i said, hey, let's name him after the pope. >> with a baby named john paul and the holy father coming to the parkway, murray knew he had to be there. like more than a million others,
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they waited patiently for the pope to go by in the popemobile. zblaz the crowd was walking and, jim handed john paul to a priest who held the infant above his head with a sign. >> the pope ran over to him and father murray. >> a photographer captured the event. >> people can't believe that that could happen. it's a million and a half to one shot. >> because murray was with the eagles, monday night football showed the picture. in 1979 version of going viral. >> my 15 minutes of fame came very early. >> reporter: for 36 years, people have been asking about his name. >> mostly it is a nice conversation piece. >> reporter: this weekend, jim murray and john paul will be on the parkway again. they hope to get close to pope francis. >> mostly what i hope happens is some little kid frank gets something like i got for john
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paul. >> in washington this week, the pope did bless some babies, but he stayed in the popemobile and aides picked up the babies from the crowd and brought them to him. this footnote, john paul marie is a 36-year-old successful businessman in the area and did you know that jim murray, so big with the eagles, spearheaded the very first ronald mcdonald house for families fighting cancer and today there are 350 ronald mcdonald houses around the world. >> and they do such a great work. >> jim murray is a half an hour special on his own. >> and like you mentioned, with this trip and pope francis with the babies being brought to the popemobile, you wonder if those families have an image, a picture they can carry with them forever or not. >> everyone wants one. >> terry ruggles, thanks. nbc 10 news at 5:00 is next. here's keith jones. >> jim, jackie, terry, all news on nbc 10 news at 5:00, getting out of town before the pope's visit. how one shore community is preparing to break records of its own.
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. right now on nbc 10 news at 5:00, you're looking at a live picture of the pope, as he is waving from the car that has become so popular over recent days, the fiat that he is leaving this east harlem school in new york city, where he was visiting with students, some of whom you're seeing right now, trying to capture those images. he met with a lot of those students and shook many hands as he entered the school and they sang for them, and you can see the smile on his face. he had a great time. >> giving the peace symbol, too, as the fiat 500l pulls away. now he'll make his way down to the park. tens of thousands of people are waiting there. jim rosenfield had said before the last commercial break how thousands of people were still waiting to get through the security checkpoints there, so
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