tv Today NBC December 30, 2015 10:00am-11:01am EST
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. okay. made it again this winesday wednesday december 30th, and coming down to it. hard the believe one day away from new year's eve, baby. >> this is a song by maroon 5 called "sugar." and speaking of sugar, we have something for you looking back to the outrageous and hilarious moments. and we have watched them all. >> some of them were out-regis. >> all of the celebrities that stopped by and some surprising
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moments that you might have missed. >> and we have a game ahead of "who new" going, and it is going to get the crowd going, too. >> and i'm ready for some words of wisdom, please. >> okay. music, please. thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like. thank you for reminding me what butterf butterflies feel like. >> is that the way you want to go out and the year. >> what do they feel like? have you ever felt a butterfly. >> you know like i have butterflies. >> oh, those butterflies. i'm being literal. oh, oh. >> oh. >> you think that is bad, we are going now to the worst bathroom habits. it is going to be worse >> and a lot of people have
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guests staying at your home for the holidays, and you are no idea what your guests are doing in the bathroom. >> then you should not be inviting them to your house. >> and even if you think that you know, you don't know. and these are the worst bathroom habits by the maker of the shower speakers, and this is the survey they conducted, and this is what people are admitting to, so it is probably higher. okay. 60% admit to urinating in the shower. >> yes, that doesn't surprise me, and it is not too horrible, it is right down the tube. >> you know what that means? a that means that you do it. >> it is smarter to do that than -- >> get out? >> you know how much water is wasted each time you flush. okay. hoda, think it through.
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and next is singing. and followed by music, and this one we would love somebody to explain to us. eating? >> eating in the shower. >> what the heck are they taking into the the shower? can't they wait five minutes for the stroumboly. if you eat in the shower, we want to hear from you. >> maybe it is a smoothie. wait for it. >> what are they doing? >> and only 6% are busy doing stuff. >> these people should not be l allowed to coming to your house. >> 6% admit to not washing their hands before leaving. and 1% say they flush it to make sure it works so you are not trapped in there. and have you ever flooded out somebody's guest bathroom? what do you do? there is no plunger, and there is a panic, and you lift off the
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top, and keep reaching in. >> it sounds like it has happened to system of us? >> a lot of us. >> and we are going to be playing game, and we know that you are catching u on the movies, so we want to know how well we know movie lines. >> yes. >> and we are going to play a clip and stop it just before the famous movie line. >> i can't remember. >> and even yesterday. and so are from the american film institute of the 100 famous movie quotes of all time. so let's roll. >> start with an easy one. >> are you crying? >> no. >> are you crying? there's no crying -- >> there's no crying in baseball. >> i nef saw ther saw that movi >> i want to hear it.
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>> there's no crying in baseball. why don't you zip it jimmy. >> and will there is no problem to see that the those people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. some day you will understand that. >> it is casablanca but the only one that i know is that the of all of the gin joints in the world or something like that. >> what is it? >> here's looking at you, kid. >> oh. here's looking at you, kid. >> oh, yeah, of course. >> all right. >> this is fun. hope you are winning at home. >> happy new year. >> and let's land it. >> surely you can't be serious. >> i am serious. >> and stop calling me shirley. >> stop calling me shirley! >> don't call me shirley. >> i forgot my key.
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>> jenny, i'm sorry. >> don't. >> love means never having to say sorry which i think is the dumbest line ever. love means you are to say you are sorry forever. >> don't. love means never having to the say sorry. >> the beautiful ali mcgraw and -- >> wow. >> i have to show you a picture of mine in high school for five minutes i looked like here. and i was snotty nosed, too. >> and what is that? >> you want another one? >> really? >> i feel the need. >> speed. >> yes. >> the need for speed. >> and we will end with the
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number one movie quote -- >> frankly my dear, i don't give a damn. "gone with the wind." >> frankly my dear, i don't give a damn. >> i beat your egyptian butt. >> yes, you did. and it felt good. >> you like when i spank. >> and more people are getting into the spanking tuesday and so that is something that we have to tap the brakes on the spanking tuesday. >> then i will move it on a different day. and what people assume is an interesting concept, because are you always comfortable in your own skin, hoda, but do you wonder walking in, i wonder what they are thinking right now. >> i don't think. so i don't think they are think thing of me when i walk in. >> of course they are. >> not me. i don't think that going to the p party, but people do judge quickly when they see you especially new year's eve.
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so you need to learn a couple of things. >> it is called binge splicing. >> it is when you make split decisions about people who know them. >> and when a person looks you in the eye. >> they are smart. >> and it is raised by parents who say, when they say el hello to someone, look them in the eye. >> if a person does, they are dominant and strong. >> yes. if they are in a tailored suit, they are successful. >> or european. europeans always wear. >> and if they wear name brand schools, they are high status. >> or full of themselves. >> and rich. >> and if they walk with a looser gait, they are loose. >> yes, even like james taylor.
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>> okay. i don't know it is true, but. >> and have you ever seen some makeup trends that you want to come back like the blue eye shadow in the '80s. >> who wants that back. >> these are a look through the ages. >> one of the earliest societies to use makeup. >> and eyebrows can be removed by using cork. >> and they can be distasteful to sinful. >> the foundation to be wearing. >> the mid-18th scentury was renouned when the blush overload was common. >> and the victorian proclamation that makeup was vulgar and unlady like led to the unpainted face. >> and the film industry led to the change and perception of makeup. >> wow. what did you think was the most beautiful? >> i i liked the simpler, but not the no makeup.
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wow. that is amazing. her face looked like a different person every single time. >> that is one of the trends that i am happy to see, bye-bye. >> es pesh areally the blue eye shadow, that was not a good one. and if you are going out and you want to meet a guy on new year's eve, there are things that you should look out for and there are certain things that are approachable and not approachable. >> yes, here are some things. >> really, here is what he said, someone who is always smiling, you want to approach, because you are enjoying yourself, and even if you turned him down for to a conversation or date. >> it won't be embarrassing, because you are nice. >> and somebody who is always looking like they are having a great time is hoda. >> and looking bored is snobby. >> and yes, sometimes you are bored. then what are you supposed to do? >> give them the fun face. >> the dance pants. >> and look at them. look at dick. >> yeah, you'd like him.
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>> true. >> you nknow what frank taught cassidy to do when she was like 3? to do this to a man. i said, what are you teaching h her? and he said, it works every time. and cass would go like this. >> that is creepy. and so, men don't like a lot of makeup, so don't pile it on. >> right. >> and they said not to wear skin tight clothes because guys think that you only want to date guys in a suit. for every man here. >> does that make sense to anybody here? no sh no, no. >> and the worst thing is to be surrounded by lots of your girlfriend, because the guys cannot infiltrate the group. >> it is not a pack of wolves, but a bunch of women. all rig all righty. we want to give it away. and don't forget on spanky tuesday, we are going to give it
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away again. you have begged for it. >> and you can enter once a week, and if you did not win last week, en the ter again. >> and for the complete rules and regulations and a chance to enter for this week's prize go to k and hit p enter button. >> and we will look back to the big stars that dropped by the eat, laugh and be merry.
un. the montgomery county district attorney's office is now having a press conference involving charges against bill cosby. let's listen in. >> with me is chief john norris and chief sam gallen. we are here to announce today charges that have just been filed against william henry cosby. these charges stem from a sexual assault that took place on an evening in early 2004 at mr. cosby's home in chett which he - montgomery county. this is a felony in the first degree. mr. cosby's attorney has been notified of the charges and he is expected to be arraigned later this afternoon. when we have a specific time for that, we'll let you know and that's going to be at the
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association, the victim came to consider mr. cosby her mentor and her friend. on two other occasions before the incident leading to the criminal charge in this case, mr. cosby made two sexual advances at her that were rejected. on the evening in question, mr. cosby urged her to take pills that he provided by to her and to drink wine. the effect of which rendered her unable to move or respond to his advances and he committed aggravated indecent assault upon her. now, a prosecutor's job is to follow the evidence wherever it takes us, and sometimes that means whenever it comes to light. when a u.s. federal judge unsealed filings that contained
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references to the civil deposition and we learned about allegations of other victims under similar circumstances, reopening this case was not a question. rather it was our duty to uphold the constitutions and the law. today after examination of all the evidence we are able to seek justice on behalf of the victim. now, going forward, we ask that anyone that has any information regarding similar incidents with mr. cosby come forward. we ask them to contact either the montgomery county detective bureau here or cheltenham township police.
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>> reporter: is there evidence in this case? >> [ muted ]. >> you're watching a news conference in montgomery county with the district attorney's office. they are announcing criminal charges against comedian bill cos cosby. this stems from a 2004 incident. we have heard about this incident in the past. the investigation was reopened earlier this year and now charges are being filed. the charge is aggravated indecent assault and you're listening to kevin steele talking about why these charges are being filed. let's listen in once more. >> an arraignment before magisterial district judge mchugh and it will be arraigned bid her. it's her jurisdiction. >> reporter: have you been in contact with any of the other cosby accusers?
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will they be testified in this case? >> i'm not going to get into specifics of the investigation at this point but it's outlined in the affidavit of probable cause that there are other alleged victims and we are examining evidence in that and, again, as for the prior question, it's going to be looked at in terms of motions filed down the line. >> reporter: other alleged victims but not in pennsylvania? not in montgomery county, correct? >> the charge we are proceeding on here today involves one victim. involves a victim that went to mr. cosby's home in cheltenham in early 2004. there is one charge that is filed, aggravated indecent assault which is a felony of the first degree. >> reporter: has the victim indicated she'll be willing to testify at trial. >> she has indicate shed would
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be willing to cooperate with us going forward. >> reporter: what was her reaction when you told her you would file charges? >> i didn't speak to her specifically so i can't give you an answer to that. >> reporter: any other charges? >> one charge, aggravated indecent assault. there is a statute of limitations as to that charge which is within 12 years and that's the charge we filed. there's separate sections under that that have been filed and it is one charge. >> reporter: can you discuss the use of the drugs and does that play into [ muted ]. >> what you've been watching is a news conference with the montgomery county district attorney's office. they are announcing multiple charges against comedian bill
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cosby. he is being charged with aggravated indecent assault. he's expected to be arraigned in montgomery county later today. this is a felony first degree. the district attorney saying bill cosby's attorney has been informed of these charges and this stems from a 2004 incident involving a woman at cosby's home. he had -- the district attorney saying he had established a relationship with her and had made sexual advances in -- previously. but this incident happened in his home at cheltenham township in 2004 leading too these charges now. we have nbc 10 investigative reporter harry hairston on the phone right now. harry, what can you tell us about this latest development? >> we've been checking these developments. i can tell you there was according to my sources a late-night meeting in cheltenham last night where they were
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discussing how they were going forward with these charges and they were solidifying everything and worked on the details through late last night into early this morning. this morning they finally dotted the is and crossed the "t"s and were able to lock down what they were going to do in the news conference as far as going xrward with these charges that you're hearing today. now, this all stems from a story that nbc 10 broke. the investigators broke this in 2005. as you had been saying, in 2004, that's when the victim made the allegations that mr. cosby had assaulted her and that's when 2004 -- when it happened. 2005 she had gone back to her home in durham, ontario, canada, that's where she filed the original charges, in canada. that went to philadelphia special victims' unit and cheltenham and that report was broken in january of 2005.
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back then, the district attorney at that time thought that there was not enough to move forward with in criminal charges but as you may know that did go forward in civil court and in civil court they reached a settlement. most importantly here, it was her deposition that when that deposition was released that gave the additional information mr. steele needed to go forward with the charge today. so what he's learned from that deposition and statements that the victim made at that time, that gave them the ammunition, so to speak, of what they needed to go forward with these charges. >> harry, is the time of this important as well? because there was a statute of limitations where they could bring these charges. that is 12 years. the incident was in 2004, here we are on the verge of 2016. was the timing important here? >> the timing was very important. as you remember, bruce caster,
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the district attorney back then, he said he didn't find any type of evidence that rose to a criminal -- criminality. well, what what they're looking at right now is felony and that gives it 12 years. that gives time for mr. steel and his team to go forward to try to prosecute this case. this investigation has been going on throughout this summer. as we reported back in september, mr. steele and the rest of the montgomery county prosecuting team assigned to this, they left no stone unturned and our sources told us they had meticulously reinvestigated this case, talked to the victim, the victim's attorney and the victim's family so they talked to just about everybody, the if not everybody involved or associated in this case this some fashion. so we're not surprised they have come out with these charges today. they had done a very thorough
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investigation and felt they had a lot to go with. now, it is the 11th hour. next month the time would have been up so by getting in the now and getting the arraignment done today that gives them time to come under the wire and proceed with the prosecution. >> and we did hear them call for any information anyone else may have. any other alleged victims they may want to come forward with information. do we know whether that has been a part of the investigation so far or has everything been focused on this 2004 incident? >> from my understanding the -- they've left no stone unturned. they've focused mostly on the 2004 incident but at the same time from what my sources told me, prosecutors were looking to see if there were other victims, someone who may have been too nervous or june set or scared to come forward or too embarrassed to come forward. my sources have been telling me they wanted to make sure they had a very strong case and
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there's strength in numbers so if there were other individuals who were at semple or at least close by the victim in this area they wanted to make sure they brought them into the fold as well and that's what you're hearing from kevin steele is that he wanted to know if there's anybody else out there, bring them into the fold and continue with a much stronger prosecution because those people can be used as character witnesses and so forth. >> let's talk about that, possible witnesses as this goes forward, the arraignment, again, is expected to be today. again, bill cosby charged with aggravated indecent assault, a felony in the first degree, he is expected to be arraigned today. who can we expect to possibly hear from in terms of witnesses, in terms of those to help build this case against him for the district attorney's office? >> well, first of all -- first and foremost you'll hear from the victim herself.
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i have talked with her attorney several times and the word from the attorney is that she is fully ready to go full forward and assist in any way and to testify. so for the first time we'll be able to hear when they bring her on the witness stand from her lips to our ears what happens add she can describe how she believes she was assault there had. secondly, you're probably going to hear from some of the investigators possibly out of canada who she first told the story to. those investigators thoroughly went through her story with her and found that it was a strong enough story, strong enough case to forward it to philadelphia thirdly, there's a possibility if some of those investigators with special victims unit at that time can be contacted they may also have something to add
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to this as far as the witness in the case and finally cheltenham police who had to do their own investigation may be brought into the fold as well and lastly not forget the initial investigators who worked at montgomery county district attorney's office during that time in 2005 when we first broke that story who vigorously investigated this case although to know avail in order to go after a prosecution but yet they were closely involved with this case and they, too, would have talked to many people and looked at the evidence that got us to where we are now. >> harry hairston nbc 10 investigative reporter who have been following this story for years. harry, thank you so much for your perspective. >> talk to you guys later. >> we will certainly catch up with you later today. i want to recap what has happened. breaking news this morning, charges against comedian bill cosby, a charge of aggravated indecent assault has been announced against him.
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he will be arraigned later today in montgomery county. this charge is a felony in the first degree. it stems from an incident back in 2004. there was a statute of limitations for this which makes the timing of this, as harry hair stop just told us, very, very important. we are coming up on 2016. again, criminal charges against comedian bill cosby. this is breaking news on nbc 10. i'm lauren mayk. we will have an update for you coming up at 11:00.
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it is winesday wednesday and it is time for the pop culture who knew. and kathie lee is across the street to hand out 11 $100 for anybody who gets the song right or a signed c.d. if they don't. and joining me is our fandango correspondent. and now, we asked this question, this actor appeared in two of the top ten films of 2015. was it chris pratt or jeremy renner or sandra bullock? >> it is jeremy renner, he was in aavengers" and he will was in
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"mission impossible." there is a new sequel to both of those coming out in 2016. >> "25" by adele became the top selling album of all time, and how many days did it take? >> three days. >> very smart lady. >> that is amazing when you think of it. >> taylor swift would have had the best selling album in two years in a row, but then -- >> adele caught her. >> and which television series topped the nielsen ratings for the 2014-2015 season? "empire" or "the voice" or "monday night football." >> they are going to love it,
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because it is their era. >> and so what is it? >> sunday night football is the number one show, and football was also number three, and six and 11. >> and "empire" is not that shabby either. >> right. >> and who topped the forbes youtube top paid star of 2015. was it pewdepe, smosh or glozell. >> glozell. >> no, it is the first one. >> we love glozell, but it is not the answer. and it is the first one. >> yes, it is pewdepe. he has more than 10 billion views. this is why he is successful. what he is, he is really most
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having a narrating video game which is sort of like mystery science 3000 with a lot of profancy. >> it is called pewdepe. okay. where are you from? >> florida. >> who took home the most awards for 2015 at the grammies? >> taylor swift. >> no, it is sam smith. >> yes, and taylor is looking good for the 2016 grammys with seven nominations. and kendrick lamar has 11. >> thank you, kendra. it is one of the favorite parts of the show, and a look at some of the funniest and the whackiest moments from our show in a segment called "the talk." right after this. help a body thrive.
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you know what, hoda woman? >> what? >> i love to start my day with you five days a week. >> and i love us together and i love the laughs and the jokes. >> yes, and some at your expense. >> most. >> and mostly we kid each other, we want everybody to know. >> yes. >> and we want to look back at a some memorable moments from "the talk." >> hey, everybody, it is fupday monday. >> no, you are not looking at two big daffodils, it is boozeday tuesday. >> and hello, all of you. winesday wednesday.
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>> and it is thirsty thursday. >> and it is funday friday. >> the american journal of medical association reports that on average women are sufficienting from menopause. >> crank it, beyonce style. >> you do, kath. >> i had great legs and then great knees and now ankles. >> and dickies, when you are menopausal, you should wear them in about 1945. >> and he was born in the 13th century -- >> i dated him. ♪ ♪ >> yes. >> woo!
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>> the naked show. >> ta-da! women without clothes. imagine that. >> i like porno stuff. >> we are yen and yang. >> that is not a push-up. >> i can do 60 of them. i have had more experience at this. >> hoda or kathie lee? >> oath, both of them, are you kidding me? >> that is not weird, okay. >> that is amazing. >> oh, it was good. >> awesome. >> mashables made a sound track for this rap and we think it is important that you see it. we don't have it? well, we don't think it is that important. >> my neck is so bad, and so i tried to get the kayak down, and it is on the top.
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>> that was 4:00. >> how did we get on the air, hoda? >> oh, shades. >> they are cute. >> i look like ozzy osbourne. >> i wanted to know who amanda was, because it looked like a odd person just walked in here. people are coming in from all of the corners with random opinions. >> and take a big bite. >> oh, my gosh. >> you is have are to do the eyes wit. >> and let e's have a little iha fun. >> what's go-go. >> you nknow, that is the thing i get a lot of people who say, why do you roll your eyes at hoda's music? because i like it. >> hoda, what did the grape say when he was 10? >> what? >> nothing, he gave a little whine. >> and words of wisdom. >> okay, i will sing for you.
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>> everyday is a second chance. that's it. >> oh. >> i love you. >> oh. >> more! >> why do people watch us. believe it or not, the laughs are not over yet. >> a lot more fun right after this. after trying brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. love at first taste. i would liquefy it and bathe in it. curse you, brookside! your nefarious plans have succeeded. nefarious? are we still talking about chocolate? brookside. talk about delicious. after trying brookside crunchy clusters, @carlybeyar tweeted: at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. well, i am sorry, carly... it's something you earn. brookside. talk about delicious.
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like with the name your price tool. people tell us their budget, not the other way around. aren't you lactose intolerant? this isn't lactose. it's milk. ♪ wow, she's sure making a splash. in that designer dress! and with a thicker, more fabulous formula, she's not splashing. you can wear anything and pour bleach. and her whiter whites, just dazzling. clorox splash-less bleach. also try new crystals and packs.
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doing it. >> and kathie lee in the closet? >> when kathie lee comes out of the closet, you are going to know it. >> have any of you ever relieved yourself in the pool or the ocean? >> have you? >> absolutely. >> ocean seems so vast. it seems like there are whales in there doing it. >> everybody else. >> the sharks. >> i'm the most embarrassed bathroom person. i can hardly use the public bathroom. look, if it is -- i am just not comfortable with sounds. >> look at what they have done. >> nestle comes out with new cookie flavors. >> and regis. >> nobody wants to see that. >> e whoa! >> i want to have what hoda is having. ♪ # >> so crazy!
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>> when we get down to the middle, we kiss. >> we kiss. >> does joy know you are doing this? i don't -- who cares. go. >> she is doing all of the work. >> oh. oh. >> oh, my god. >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. oh, hoda is leaning in. >> time to do it. >> hey, i want one. get me a twizzler. >> i don't know what happened over there. >> can i the tell you something? i would sit here even if i didn't have to go. >> and oh! oh, one of the legs fell off. >> that is just a little piece
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of astroturf. >> a beaver. >> oh, my gosh. i was going to say, but i can't say it. every time we have had a beaver in here, it has reeked. >> it really has. >> i don't hear it. oh! >> and you have to warm them, and this is the perfect dish for the job. oh, this is fantastic. i didn't think it was possible. >> and come here. come on. >> is it better when you are dancing? >> oh, yeah. >> that is the way you do it. >> so much fun. >> yes. >> wow. >> we want to give a big, big thank you to our producer vivian. will you come out. >> and yes, demarre and also jim murphy. >> and this is the last episode before you deliver the baby?
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>> yes, this is it. >> thank you, sweetheart. >> thank you for everything that you did. >> and come back soon, okay. don't take a year off. it is not necessary. >> all right. love you, honey. >> we have to go to commercial. >> we do? okay. we will be back in a moment. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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it is so true what we say around here, we are truly family both in front of the camera and behind it. this year we lost an important part of our family, and so we want to look back and honor frank gifford, father, son, friend, football legend and a tr truly special man. >> we are in the 29th year of marriage, and you know what you have to learn to do? that frank. >> congratulations. >> and these have have been recycled yet again. we are green around here. thank you, sweetheart.
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>> i'm going to get frank to do a calendar. >> he is smoking. >> he is smoking hot. >> i'd buy that cal endar. >> and you better pray you look this good at 83. hi, sweetheart. i'm proud of you. >> you guys by now have heard the news about frank gifford who passed a away and kath, i don't know if you are watching, and you are probably not, but i miss you and i love you. >> this is a man who was at complete peace at his life. he would want you all to know that when he was a little boy, they had nothing, but they had their faith, and every time they moved to a new town, his mother and father would go to church every week as a family. that kept them together as a family through the darkest, darkest times. he was so grateful. he knew what hard work was, and he never had an entitled moment in his life. we will miss him so much.
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i prayed that the lord would take him the way that he wanted to go, and so i thank the lord for that, and for his grace to us as a family. and i pray his grace on all of you as well, thank you. >> last night, kathie lee and frank gifford were both inducted into the hall of fame. >> i am truly the most blessed woman on the earth. i had 29 years of my incredible husband and i remember thinking when we were getting married, i said, lord, if you will just give me ten with that amazing man. i got that and a whole bunch more.
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charges for the man called america's dad. entertainer and philadelphia native bill cosby faces one charge of aggravated indecent assault in an alleged encounter involving a former temple university student. deanna durante is life at the courthouse with more about the charge. >> reporter: it's three charges of aggravated indecent assault stemming from one attack in 2004 inside cosby's cheltenham home. these allegations have been talked about over the last several years but proto
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