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tv   NBC10 Issue  NBC  May 1, 2016 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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time and temperature sponsored by cure auto insurance. drive well. >> "10 @ issue" starts now. >> the race is on. >> pat toomey. >> pennsylvania now in the national spotlight as the state battles it out for u.s. senator. democrats desperately want to take the seat away from republican pat toomey. now, after a hard fought primary they must rally behind their nominee, katie mcginty. but republicans plan to fight back, counting on sealing the deal with toomey's work to bring jobs to the state. today, we'll hear from both candidates. >> his record is one that has been decidedly against the best interests of hard working families in pennsylvania. >> we really don't need another
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hyper-partisan political type who has ethics problems. >> good morning, i'm george spencer for "10 @ issue." the democrats are pinning their hopes on pennsylvania, and party leaders say they have good reason to believe they have a shot, katie mcginty secured the nomination after surging ahead with the help of party leaders. with me now is katie mcginty, the democratic nominee for u.s. senate here in the state of pennsylvania. congratulations. thank you for being here. >> thank you, george. >> a big week for you. it all moved so quickly the morning after this primary, your opponents already have a new ad out. describing you as a hard left liberal, a lobbyist who has used government to her own benefit. that will likely be a theme as we move into the general election campaign. are you surprised? what is your surprised? >> i'm not surprised but i think
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it's a shame. voters want to hear about the issues now on those issues. i fully understand why senator pat toomey would want to change the conversation. because his record is one that has been decidedly against the best interest of hard working families in pennsylvania. >> you have made middle class families really your priority. a theme of your campaign. if you were going to list the top two policy ideas that will help those families what would those two ideas be? >> look, i think we need to give people the tools to succeed and then put people back to work again. that means good schools, job training, affordable college and it means putting people to work and rebuilding our infrastructure. getting back in the game of manufacturing again. i think that we can compete and win against any country in this world, but we have to stick up for the american worker and we have to stick up for our markets and that's what i'd be about. >> addressing the criticisms that people have of your campaign just to take a look at that. there's this idea of you as a
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lobbyist and the baggage that brings to it. there's also the fact that you have not held elected office before. to go from the behind the scenes work to the u.s. senate is by all points of view probably fair to say a big jump. how do you convince voters you're prepared for this role? >> i'm not a lobbyist, i have not lobbied. >> there's the words of your opponent. >> voter, get ready you'll hear a lot of stuff. pat toomey can't defend his record. how can you defend consistently voting against college affordability, how can you defend consistently trying to privatize social security? how can you defend after the massive wall street disaster, how can you defend pushing to take regulation away from wall street? that's pat toomey's record. he's trying to change the subject. but here's what i bring. i bring a long track record of creating jobs while protecting the environment.
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now, when i served as secretary of environmental protection we came from nowhere to one of the leaders in the country in renewable energy. one of the leaders in wind energy, solar energy. 3,000 good manufacturing jobs, and, you know, i was able to achieve that because i bridged the differences. bring republicans and democrats together. find a common ground and let's get stuff done. >> there's so many practical considerations as you look forward. one thing that helped you really surge ahead in this primary election was an influx of money. is that something that you'll be able to keep up as we move into the general election cycle? >> well, we're working hard every minute of every day and we'll be putting many, many miles on the car in this general election as we did in the primary. it's about communicating with and connecting with voters and we're very excited. because when i speak to voters, they're on fire about the promise and possibility of their children, their families, what we can achieve together. i think they're tired of the gridlock in washington and they
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quickly will be tired of senator toomey's negative campaigning. >> you have been saying a campaign theme, connecting senator toomey to presidential candidate trump. but the senator has said he voted for ted cruz in the primary election. is that fair to lump them together in that way? >> well, what senator toomey has done is first donald trump has raised money, considerable money for pat toomey's campaign and we have called upon the senator to give that money back and he's refused to do so. we have also repeatedly called upon the senator to distance himself from some of the very divisive and i would say hateful rhetoric we have heard coming out of donald trump's mouth and the senator has refused to do that. and he also has made clear that the republican front-runner for president and that's -- that is donald trump, is his candidate. >> on the issue local importance
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has been the possibility of a soda tax in the city of philadelphia as advocacied by jim kinney. is that something you would support? >> i certainly applaud the mayor for putting a highlight and a priority on the kids and the education. i know in my own life, being the first of my family to go to four year college how essential education was to opening doors for me. the city council will deliberate the best way forward but we need to make sure there are appropriate resources in our schools. we now have the biggest divide, poverty gap between the richest and the poorest schools. that's not a healthy path forward. again, i think it is vital that we put education and our kids first. >> so to be clear, the soda tax itself, is that something you support? >> well, i think that again the mayor is working hard to put good ideas on the table.
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i think it's worthwhile to look at and consider. when i worked with governor wolf we put a different idea on the table and that was with respect to shale gas companies. shale gas companies now not paying any severance tax at all even though we have the second biggest gas industry in the country. that's not right. we need resources. i applaud the mayor. i think people are working hard to find the resource. >> your candidacy can be history making because of your gender here in pennsylvania. how important will that theme be as you move forward or will you be issues based only? >> look, i talked to voters and i say, if you share my values, if you resonate with some of the issues that i'm talking about, that every child deserves a shot, we need to have good schools, we should be investing in our workforce, if you also see in katie mcginty a person who has a track record of getting things done, cutting through the rhetoric, solving problems, then i'd ask you to align with me. now, all other things being
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equal, sure, after 237 years why don't we try something a little bit different? >> does the presidential election and the way that pennsylvania shakes out help or hurt you as you head to the general election? >> i think it's very positive, because there's such a stark contrast when the way our presidential candidates have been conducting themselves and what's unfolded on the republican side. and i think if you're a voter, and you care about vision, if you care about ideas, if you care about solutions to tough problems, as compared to just ugly and divisive rhetoric, then you're going to be standing with democrats. in the fall. and i think that's vitally important for the future. >> does that mean riding hillary clinton's coattails so to speak, assuming she becomes the nominee? >> i would be proud to stand with hillary clinton. i had the great opportunity to work with her when i ran a major office in the clinton white house.
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i saw her as a person who brings people around the table, rolls up sleeves and makes sure that we leave the rhetoric aside and get it done. that's very refreshing. >> you know, a lot of your campaign ads featured mentions of your large philadelphia family. i wonder just on the personal front, on the human angle what this experience has been for your family members and your kids? >> well, they have been thrilled. we have a deep sense of gratitude and pride and in what my mom and dad were about. my dad walking the beat for 35 years. >> as a philly cop. >> as a philadelphia police officer. such a proud public servant. my mother a person who -- you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who worked harder. never complained. they would be so proud, in part because they know that this country was run who welcomed their parents. they're first generation in this country. my grandparents coming from ireland at a time when there was famine. there was not economic opportunity.
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and yet, they loved this country. and i think my whole family feels a sense of we are serving and honoring the memory of our parents and our grandparents in giving back to our country. >> katie mcginty, the democratic nominee. thank you for your time today. i know we'll be speaking more with you in the coming weeks and months. >> looking forward to it. thank you. >> thanks very much. and straight ahead, you will hear from the republican candidate for pennsylvania's u.s. senate seat, the incumbent, pat toomey. >> so folks we'll have some major differences to discuss and debate over the course of the next six months. sic) (group) surprise! oh my goodness! happy birthday! oh, you. (laughing) this was a wonderful surprise.
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(laughing) call now for your free information and free gift. (soft music) ♪ (colonial penn jingle) incumbent pennsylvania senator pat toomey ran unopposed in last week's primary and now he'll take on katie mcginty in the general election. it is getting national attention and generating millions of dollars from outside interests on both sides. senator toomey talked with nbc10's tracy davidson about his plan to win over pennsylvania
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voters. >> thank you for being here today. >> thanks for having me. >> we know you'll face katie mcginty in the general election in november. she'll continue to have money come in from the democratic party and how big of a role will money play in the general election? >> it's a factor. i was surprised that the extent to which the democratic establishment just came in a and -- they just steam rolled poor joe sestak out. i don't think he saw it coming, but katie mcginty is a career washington insider and politico. i'll tell you candidly, you know, my observation from little over five years in the u.s. senate is we really don't need another hyper-partisan political type who has ethics problems and that's what we have with katie mcginty. so we're going to -- going to see how that plays out. >> but the money, let's talk about the money. will you be able to raise similar amounts to launch this battle? >> i have very broad support
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across pennsylvania, tens of thousands of people have contributed to my campaign. we've got a substantial war chest. we have more fund-raising that we need to do, but that's gone very well. i'm very confident that we'll have the resources. >> how do you feel about sort of being targeted? >> you know, i accept that. pennsylvania is just a very competitive state politically. it swings back and forth, so it's the nature of the state that anyone representing the state is a target. >> you have been praised for working with senator casey across the aisle. will that change as things get closer and things get more contentious as we head into the november election? >> i don't think so. i hope not. i have to say bob casey and i, there's lots we disagree on. but we don't waste time focusing on where we disagree. we look for where there's common ground. so we have worked together on so many things for pennsylvania. filling vacancies on the judicial bench, the work we have both done together to diminish
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opioid use. and the work we recently did to successfully pass legislation to better secure the cockpits in commercial airplanes. so senator casey and i have a great working relationship and it's my intention to keep that going strong. >> you voted for senator ted cruz and some people are suggesting that such a conservative vote could hurt your re-election. i want to know your thoughts but why would you share who you voted for? >> well, i endorsed marco rubio, and he was my first choice in the field of 17 candidates. marco was my first choice. i think he would have been a great candidate and great president. but by tuesday, by, you know, this past tuesday we had down to three choices. i don't agree with ted cruz on everything by any means. but i think that of the choices remaining, he is the strongest candidate to take on hillary clinton and win in the fall. that's why i voted for ted.
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>> though donald trump won pennsylvania. >> he did. >> you have said you'll support the eventual nominee? >> yes, i intend to support the eventual nominee. i have differences of opinion with donald trump. when he's said things that i think are wrong and unreasonable, i've responded quickly and i'll continue to do that but i think it's important we not elect hillary clinton because she'll take our country in the wrong direction. our economy will be weaker and foreign policy was a disaster when she was secretary of state. >> go back to donald trump for a second. couple of things that you disagree with him on? >> i think his comments that we should ban all muslim imgrantdzs i think is -- immigrants i think is outrageous. we don't have a religion test for coming to the united states of america. we have muslims who stood and fought side by side with americans in afghanistan and
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iraq and we're going to abandon those people who are our allies? >> i think that was wrong. there was support from the kkk and he couldn't immediately condemn them and repudiate that whole -- i was really surprised. so those were two that come to mind. >> okay. early this week, vice president joe biden said you were a good man, suggested you were pressured into giving merrick garland a hearing. is it party pressure, should he get a hearing? you met with him. why shouldn't the constituents get to hear what he has to say? >> you know, vice president biden i think is a good man and i like him. but it's better when you not speculate about my motive. the balance of the supreme court is at stake for a generation. literally. and that's a big, big deal. we are in the midst of a presidential election campaign. six months to go and we'll have a new president. it's my view that we ought to let the american people have the maximum say in this. so when they go to the polls in november, to select a president, they will know that they are
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determining not just the presidency, but also the control of the supreme court for perhaps decades. i think it's completely reasonable to let the american people have the maximum say on that. >> but critics would say, let the hearing move forward than we'll get to re-elect our -- >> look. i personally met with judge garland. we had an interesting conversation. frankly he did not shed a lot of light about his views because he refused to comment on both past supreme court decisions and issues that may come before the supreme court. that's about examining the credentials of the individual. i think there's something different at stake. at this time i think it's different. i think it's about the balance of the supreme court. i just think the next president should make this pick after that president has been chosen by the american people. >> let's get back to your race and talk about the issue of the campaign. your differences with katie mcginty. specifically, the issues. let's talk.
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>> well, i mean, i don't think there's a single issue where katie mcginty separates herself from the liberal wing of the democratic party. she's extremely partisan and liberal. she's a big supporter of obamacare. wants to take it further. i disagree. i think individuals should be in control of their health care, not the government. and she's in favor of the iran's path to the nuclear weapons and we hand over $100 billion to a regime that is the world's worst sponsor of terrorism, a regime that's openly hates the united states and advocates, you know, all kinds of damage and destruction to the united states. she's supported the epa's overreach on all kinds of areas where it does real damage to pennsylvania's economy. so we'll have some big differences of opinion and i'm sure we'll litigate them during the campaign. >> right. so will all of the campaign be focused on here's why you
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shouldn't elect her? >> no. i'm talking about my record. what i have done to support economic growth. so i have reached across the aisle to find common ground and for policies that's good for pennsylvania. the jobs act is legislation that i mostly wrote to make it easier for growing companies to raise the capital allows them to hire more workers. i wrote the legislation to keep our kids safe from predators in school. i wrote the legislation that will allow medicare to diminish and hopefully eliminate the divergence of prescription opioids into the black market which we know is happening and is fuelling this opioid abuse. i'm going to talk about the work i have done, to promote economic growth and job security. and personal security. standing up for law enforcement. when a politically correct narrative was attacking the police across america, i was the only guy going down to the senate floor and standing up for our police officers because i think they do a really good job and very difficult and dangerous circumstances.
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>> you mentioned the opioid, the heroin addiction and you believe it's linked. >> this is is an unintended consequence, that hospitals are required under obamacare to serve a patient's satisfaction. that's fine. three of the questions deal with how the hospital dealt with pain management, but the problem is we link reimbursements to the hospital to the outcomes of the surveys. the danger is we're creating a financial incentive to overprescribe opioids and the doctors and hospital administrators have shared that with me. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. according to the federal election commission, toomey has about $9 million on hand for his re-election given the national
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attention focused on this race, the senator will be spending a lot of time working to boost his war chest. leading up to the november election. and next it is still early but just how close is this race really? and what voters are saying mcginty needs to do to beat a well known incumbent. ♪ ♪ ♪
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this is "nbc10 @ issue." >> the latest poll match-up does put toomey ahead by nine points. that quinnipiac university poll gives toomey 47% of the vote compared to mcginty's 38%. that poll was completed in early april. the poll also finds 50% of pennsylvanians approve of the job toomey's doing. 45% few him favorably.
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a whopping 4%, nearly two out of three respondents didn't know enough about mcginty to form an opinion. >> 101.1 more f.m. >> never go out of style ♪ ♪ >> 101.1 more f.m. ♪ >> we specialize in music that makes you feel good while you work. >> 101.1. more f.m.
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this is "nbc10 @ issue." >> well, check this out. the sensation of jumping out of an airplane without all the risk. this story comes to us from our partners at the philadelphia business journal. ifly which opened in king of prussia uses a vertical wind tunnel that blasts air up to 120 miles an hour. which you can see it allows you to float, no parachute, no jumping. now that company look issing for -- is looking for a second location in new jersey. what an experience. that's it for this edition of "nbc10 @ issue." thanks for joining us. have a great sunday.
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