tv NBC10 News Today 11am NBC June 20, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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. "nbc 10 news" starts now. and right now at 11:00, a hot morning across our area. best grab the sunglasses, bottle of water and make sure you're wearing lots of sun screen today. these tourists got an early start checking out the sights in historic pennsylvania. it will be a hot day in baseball even though the phillies aren't hot. the phillies will take to the field in about two hours looking to avoid a sweep against the arizona diamondbacks. because of the heat, all schools in the camden city school district close -- will close and will dismiss students and staff at 1:00 in the afternoon.
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"nbc 10" first alert meteorologist bill henley is here now with more of our forecast. hey, bill. >> hi, vai. we have a hot one today and it was hot yesterday. sunshine and no clouds around. temperatures are already moving up quickly. 84 degrees in philadelphia. look at the suburbs in the lehigh valley. delaware is 86 degrees. south jersey, 85 degrees and climbing heading into the 90s this afternoon. audubon is 87 degrees right now. 83 in some spots while it's in the low 80s in princeton and robinsville, it is going to be warming quickly this afternoon. and the wind is very light. not much of a cooling breeze here. bright sunshine. hot day. light wind. those are the increasing -- these are the ingredients for poor air quality. there's an air quality alert. it is code orange. it's when sunshine interacts with the pollutants in the air to create ozone. what we have today with a code orange is unhealthy for those
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with breathing problems. so it's best to avoid strenuous outdoor activity today. not that you would be doing it with temperatures like this. this is the forecastç for toda. sunshine, chestnut hill, 93 degrees this afternoon, 94 in summerton. in the lehigh valley, look at bethlehem and easton in the 90s. vineland with 90s. at the shore temperatures tend to be cooler and they will be in the 80s shy of the 90s this afternoon. little bit of a southerly breeze developing late in the afternoon will help to drop those temperatures late in the day. wilmington and dover both into the low 9 os while it's 87 degrees this afternoon for lewis. hot today. i'm talking storms for tomorrow. at least the chance of them. i'll show you the future cast hour by hour when i come back in just a few minutes, vai. >> thank you, bill. we have breaking news in decision 2016. presumptive republican nominee donald trump is in the market now for a newokñ campaign manag.
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a trump spokesperson announced that cory luann do yie lewandowg ways with the campaign. he's been by his side since he began running more than a year ago. his exit comes as trump has seen his poll numbers slide. police, rather, in bucks county tell "nbc 10" they will do more interviews with the girls rest skewed from the home. lee cap lynn is sexually assaulted a teenager whose was 14. nine other amish girls lived in the house. neighbors reported kaplan over the years for nuisance problems. they also called last year to say that they saw girls at the home when kaplan did not have any children of his own. >> i mean, me and my neighbors decided we're going to the police. enough is enough. something is fishy. and sat down, talked about the
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nuisance stuff, and this is a little over a year ago, sat down with the police chief and two detectives and told them what i was seeing about these girls and that something isn't right. >> police source confirms kevin reel called police in april of last year but investigators were not allowed inside. they were told the girls and their mother were staying with kaplan while their lancaster county home underwent renovations. they said no specific abuse claims came in until last week and that's when they got a warrant and arrested kaplan. "nbc 10" app broke this story first. make sure you stay with the investigation with updates the minute we get them by tapping the "nbc 10" app. happening right now, the fbi is releasing limited transcripts from three phone calls between police and the gunman in the orlando terror attack. marteen called police from
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inside the pulse nightclub. in one call he pledged allegiance to isis. we'll take a moment here and listen. >> lives were saved because of their heroic work. i'd like to say that today there will be no questions answered regarding the investigation. it's been one week since the shooting. as you all know, this is a very thorough and comprehensive investigation of the largest mass shooting we've had. the most significant terrorist act since 9/11. no stone is being left unturned. i know that you're impatient for more information. it will be forthcoming in due course but today, again, no questions about the investigation. >> [ inaudible ]. >> today will will be no questions answered about the investigation. we're focusing only on the time line of what occurred during the
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early morning hours of june 12th. tomorrow the attorney general is going to be in orlando. she's going to be briefed on the ground by me, the others at the u.s. attorney's office, by the fbi. she's going to have a chance to speak to the victims, and it's my understanding that unless things change, she will be speaking to the press tomorrow afternoon. you'll have a chance to ask her questions then, but for now i'd like to turn it over to my colleague at the fbi, assistant special agent in charge ron hopper and he can give you more details. thank you. >> thank you, united states attorney bentley. good morning. my name's ron hopper. i'm the assistant special agent in charge of the fbi here in orlando. also in charge of the joint terrorism task force which is conducting this current investigation. this investigation is one week and one day old, and it may last months and even years. but i want you to know that we will endeavor to bring justice
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to the victims who survived as well as the family of the deceased who were so viciously murdered. as many of us celebrated father's day this past weekend several were reminded of their lost one and the tragic events that happened on june 12th. before i provide an update in acknowledge my partners here today. i'd like to recognize chief john mena with the orlando police department who will provide remarks, orange county sheriff jerry demmings, s.a.c. danny banks, dea assistant special agent in charge jeff walsh, atf trevor velnor, mayor of orlando, buddy dyer, mayor of orange county, theresa jacobs and additional partners including the florida highway patrol, orange county fire department, orlando fire department and many other partners who assisted us
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in this very difficult investigation. the joint terrorism task force has released excerpts and portions of the sometime line of events that happened inside the club of the pulse on june 12th. you've been provided with a general time line of the orlando police department's radio communications as well as a 50 second conversation between the killer and the orlando police dispatcher. while we're not releasing the audio, i can tell you that while the killer made these murder rouse statements, he did so in a chilling, calm and deliberate manner. finally, a summary of the communications between the crisis negotiator have been provided to you. the chief will take questions after my formal remarks. while we will not be providing the 911 calls from the victims, we're doing this out of the
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ultimate respect. yes, the audio is compelling but to expose that now would be excruciatingly painful to exploit them in this way. this is an active investigation. it remains an active investigation. while we understand your interest, we appreciate your patience as we find the facts methodically and carefully. as you will see from the transcripts that we provided just a few moments ago, the killer, 49, the shooter, 53 others, identified himself as an islamic soldier who pledged allegiance to a terrorist organization which was bent on killing americans. he does not represent the religion of islam but a perverted view which we know is -- we have no evidence that he was directed by a foreign terrorist group but was radicalized domestically. as you can see from the information we provided just a few moments çago, the killer stated that he had an explosive
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devi devi device but nonwas found. they bravely assisted law enforcement in bringing it to a resolution. there's no doubt that their actions saved lives. our investigation into the motives behind the killer and anyone who may have conspired with him or supported him continues. please also keep in mind that the investigation of the shooting exchange between police and the killer is ongoing. i would point out that some have mistakenly rushed to judgment regarding the actions of these brave men and women. what they did was nothing less than extraordinary. to give you an idea of the scope of the investigation to date, i want to provide you with a few
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facts. the joint terrorism task force has conducted over 500 interviews as we sit here today, 117 vehicles were released to owners and registrants of family members of the victims who were at the pulse nightclub and we have approximately ten left to return. more than 600 pieces of evidence were obtained and processed from the crime scene. we've received thousands of tips based on our appeal to the public and we ask that you continue to call us at 1-800-call-fbi or visit in closing, i want to advise that we're nearing the conclusion of our processing of the crime scene here outside the pulse nightclub and that we hope to restore the area and the outside perimeter to the community within the early part of this week. i want to point out special and extraordinary devotion to the effort here by the christchurch of orlando, the salvation army
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and countless business that is have supported law enforcement and our efforts tremendously as their way of paying respect to the victims of this horrendous act. i'd also like to recognize the tremendous of the fbi's evidence response team who spent the last week processing the most devastating crime scene under circumstances that were very difficult. it's a life changing experience for all of us and they've done their duty quietly and among the most noble law enforcement professionals. as i mentioned earlier, this area is expected to be restored to relative normal business early this week and we do not expect to hold any further press conferences from this location. thank you. i'd now like to turn it over to chief john mena. >> thanks, ron. good morning. first i want to say we appreciate the incredible patience that our community has. we know there are many questions, and people want to
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gathering information and video this morning. >> reporter: take a good look. these are a few, albeit grainy images captured by surveillance cameras, images of a lone tire slasher committed on doing as much damage as possible. >> we were called and we came in saturday morning that was what we saw. >> reporter: lafferty chevrolet was hit around 3:00 on saturday morning. 27 trucks were targeted, 99 tires in all. total damage, more than $22,000. >> he probably was here three minutes, four minutes if that. >> reporter: same thing at several other businesses on and around street road. >> there were cars across the street hit. >> reporter: more tires slashed, but companies and customers out to foot the bill for repairs. how much of an inconvenience is it? >> it's a pain. >> reporter: the folks here tell me they've ordered all new tires and are hoping to get these vehicles fixed up over the next couple of days, but as of right now there have been no arrests. in war minister, matt delucia.
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"nbc 10 news." meanwhile, jurors resume deliberations. jurors had to restart deliberations after a judge removed one juror and replaced him with an alternate. congressman fattah is charged with racketeering, bribery and money laundering. he routed federal money and nonprofit funds to repay an illegal loan. he has pleaded not guilty. stick with us on our "nbc 10" app. as soon as the jury comes to a verdict, we'll find out with the notification on the app. "nbc 10" app is a free download. now yourç "nbc 10" first alert neighborhood weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> 17 after 11 and if you're heading outside, you're heading into the heat. this is blue rocks stadium, wilmington, seeing some
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sunshine. good for the blue rocks. there is no game in the heat today, but the phillies, a different story. they take to the field at 1:05 this afternoon, south philadelphia will be in the upper 80s, possibly the low 90s at that hour. 84 degrees right now in philadelphia. delaware is up to 86 degrees and not far behind in south jersey at 85 degrees. look at the suburbs now into the 80s for euclin township. the sunshine warming new hope up to 85 degrees along with bensalem on the way to the low 90s this afternoon. we have a heat wave. it was 91 yesterday in philadelphia. temperatures into the 90s for today and a chance that we'll hit 90 again tomorrow giving it the first heat wave heading into summer. the second of the season. but what could stand in the way of the heat wave are showers and thunderstorms that are racing across michigan. they're not going to be here today. they'll start moving in
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overnight tonight and they'll be with us tomorrow morning and there's a possibility of some more showers developing in the afternoon hours. if that happens tomorrow, we may fall short of the 90 degree mark. for today, satellite and radar clear. no sign of any wet weather for us. that will stay to the northwest for us today. for today, sunshine, bright, 2:30 this afternoon, temperatures will be in the 90s. stand by for a hot one today. 93 this afternoon. plenty of sunshine. it's tomorrow that we'll see showers and a chance of some thunderstorms moving in for the morning and then a chance of some scattered showers in the afternoon. 90 degrees but with a few more clouds and a few more showers it will stay below that mark. then we'll be clearing out and much nicer on wednesday after a steamy day tomorrow and the humidity comes down. 85 degrees the high temperature on wednesday. another round of showers to cool us further on thursday. high of 81 degrees. sunshine is back for friday and
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the coming weekend, too. the temperatures will respond, upper 80s by sunday and monday. a chance of showers and thunderstorms next tuesday and we're drying out on wednesday. vai? >> thank you, bill. happening now, philadelphia mayor jim kenney is signing the city's soda tax bill into law right now. they passed a tax late into last week. i'm going to take a moment and listen in to the mayor at the podium. >> we'll all be in the same boat rowing the same direction and you guys are some of the best crew members ever. [ applause ] >> and the other thing is, i didn't pay any of you a dime to do it. no lobbying bill here. so thanks again. we still have a bit of a road ahead.
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i'm going to go over here, sign the bills and then come back and of course there won't be any questions, right? >> i also want to make sure we take the opportunity to 245than council members who are behind me. i want to thank the council president for his cooperation and involvement and for all the hard work even the people who didn't vote for worked hard to discuss the issues. first bill will be the fy17 capital budget. [ applause ]
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>> the second is the fy17 through fy22 capital program to comply with our five-year plan. [ applause ] >> the third is the fy17 operating budget. [ applause ] >> and the fourth is bill number 160176 which is the sugar sweet beverage tax. [ applause ] >> mayor signing the bill to raucous applause in chamber. the people standing behind him who supported it. 1 1/2 cents per ounce will be added toç sugary drinks.
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90th anniversary. here is dr. shay and alexa cobali, former patient. doctor, talk about shriners. we recognize the name for the work you do with burn victims but there's more to it than that, right? >> yes. shriners has been around in philadelphia for 90 years. we focus on orthopaedic care for pediatrics from newborns up to the age of 21, also burn care. in philadelphia though we specialize in orthopaedics as well as spinal cord injury rehabilitation. >> alexa, tell us why you went to shriners. >> my family has been involved in shriners for a number of years and it was just a good place to fit in and get the help i needed. >> what was your condition? >> i had scoliosis. >> okay. how are you doing now? >> i'm doing great. >> good. you look great. doctor, tell us about the 90th anniversary celebration. how are they celebrating?
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>> friday is our 90th anniversary to the day but on saturday we're going to invite everyone from the community and the region to come to the hospital and take a tour of the o.r., the hospital, and get a feel on everything that makes shriners great and learn more about the mission of shriners. >> this saturday, june 25th, shriners hospital will hold an open house. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. the hospital is located at north broad and bonango street. go to our website and the "nbc 10" app. dr. pahs, thank you. >> you're from cleveland, you're a happy man. >> yes, sir. >> we're just hours away from the official start of summer, but it's certainly feeling that way outside right now as we give you a live look at center city philadelphia. meteorologist bill henley will let us know how hot it will get and when we'll see a break in the first alert weather forecast straight ahead.
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now your "nbc 10" first alert midday weather. >> it is going to be another hot one today. summer officially begins a little later on, and temperatures are expected to soar into the 90s as we give you a live look at boathouse row in philadelphia. even looks a little muggy out there. "nbc 10" first alert meteorologist bill henley is here with our forecast. hey, bill. >> a little bit hazy. the mugginess will wait until tomorrow. that's when it will take a leap. today we're mainly watching the temperatures already in the middle 80s. delaware, 86 and 85 in south
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jersey. and at the shore, it's 84 degrees, but right on the beach is a little bit cooler. we're seeing a little bit of wind off the ocean. colgate, atlantic city, all in the 70s right now. a bit warmer on the verge of the 80s in ocean city. you don't have to go too far inland to get the influence of the water. may's landing is 86 and 86 at cape may courthouse. bright, sunny skies and temperatures in the 80s this afternoon at the shore, the shore is the place to be inland. tracking another hot one after we made it into the 90s yesterday. back into the 90ed if not a little bit hotter again today. tomorrow you'll get some heat and humidity, but this evening summer solstice. 6:34, the official beginning of summer. and certainly going to feel like summer during the day today. neighborhood forecast calling for 90s in the lehigh valley. similar temperatures for the
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pennsylvania suburbs. phoenixville, 92 degrees this afternoon and a hot, sunny day for philadelphia. fairmont, 93 degrees today. plenty of sunshine inland. glassboro and haddenfield while at the shore looking at afternoon temperatures in the 80s. atlantic city, avalon and galloway. up to 86 degrees. rehoboth beach and doverç are into the upper 80s, low 90s for wilmington today. there is cooler weather ahead and much needed rainfall as well. got the ten day outlook when i come back, vai. >> see you then, bill. police in bucks county say they will do more interviews with the girls rescued from the home in feasterville. monique braxton is following the newest developments in the case. she joins you live from feasterville bucks county. help us with some context to this story. >> reporter: hi, vai. for the fourth straight day
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crime scene tape surrounds the home here. you can see the tape is up. you can also see a police officer remains on guard in the driveway. investigators tell us the children removed from this home are now in the custody of child protective services and they will be interviewed later today. this is all in preparation for a preliminary hearing where the evidence against kaplan and two other adults will be presented later this month. now the 12 girls removed from this home last week ranged in age from 6 months to 18 years. youngest two are his children by the 18-year-old who was gifted to him by her parents because they were having financial difficulties and he was helping to alleviate that. now on saturday police found evidence of homework, suggesting the children had been home schooled. they also found instruments inside the home in the basement. authorities say cases of canned food, a chicken coop, garden and a greenhouse all signs of the
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amish style of life that they are self-sufficient. now we're going to remain in touch with investigators today. i've already reached out to the district attorney. i'm awaiting a return call from him. as to what the next step is and live now in feasterville bucks county, monique braxton, "nbc 10 news." and the "nbc 10" app broke the story first. make sure you stay with the investigation with updates the minute we get them by tapping the "nbc 10" app. three people are in the hospital after being shot near a playground in burlington city. police were called to lyndon and mitchell avenues last night around 9:30. we found one shooting victim there. a short time later two more victims arrived at area hospitals. police are sorting out what happened and there are no arrests. an accident sent six people to the hospital kvernight in
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philadelphia's king sussing neighborhood. emergency crews were called to 47th and woodland avenue just before 2:00 this morning for the two vehicle crash. one person seriously injured. the rest had minor injuries. sky force 10 was over this fire at a hardware store in bucks county this morning. flames broke out just after 9:30 at the chalfont hardware store in chalfont. no one there was hurt. we are seeing new video of philadelphia police want you to get a good look at. surveillance cameras captured five men outside of gene knows steaks in south philadelphia. police say the group is suspected of assaulting a group of victims at the cheese steak shop back on june 11th. if you happen to recognize these men, you're asked to call police. police released video of a man they expect held up a 7-eleven. he entered on east champlos avenue.
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and he took off with the money. if you happen to know who he is, you recognize him, you're asked to call northwest detectives. new this morning, the u.s. supreme court will let assault weapons bans stand in connecticut and new york. the court rejected challenges to laws and left in place the lower court rulings which were passed following the san diego massacre in 2012. in decision 2016 the senate could vote on new gun control measures in washington. today in the lake of the orlando shootings nbc news national correspondent tracie potts has more on what lawmakers are considering. >> reporter: as emotions spilled over for the victims in orlando -- >> we're going to try to get the votes on monday night -- >> reporter: the u.s. senate is trying to get the votes. the strictest from senator
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dianne feinstein would ban those who are on the watch list and under investigation. >> 99.5% are foreigners. they come in. there's reason for them to be suspect. they'll go through the same appeal process anybody else goes through. >> reporter: the republican alternative delaying gun sales for three days pending court review. donald trump said it's time for the u.s. to consider racial profiling targeting people based on race or religion. >> i hate the concept of profiling, but we have to use common sense. >> reporter: the national rifle association argued gun control isn't the answer to stop mass shooting&o like orlando. >> it's like they're trying to stop a freight train. none of those measures are expected to pass. republicans, some of them, are signaling compromise. will democrats compromise if they get no fly no buy.
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will they support the three-day delay. tracie potts, nbc news washington. meanwhile, vice president joe biden is set to attack donald trump's policy views. he will speak in washington, d.c. he plans to tell the group that trump's policies could trigger a surge in anti-americanism. he's expected to crush his ideas. it's over. it's over. cleveland is a city of champions again. >> plenty of celebrations in cleveland. the cavaliers beat the golden state warriors in game seven last night. the cavs became the first team in nba finals history to overcome a 3-1 series deficit. final score, 92-89. a parade is planned for wednesday. fans have been waiting for this for a long time. it's been 52 years since any championship win in cleveland.
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>> finally lebron bought it back to us just like he told us. >> i've waited for this all our life. i can't believe it, this has happened. this is what happens! >> fans celebrated well into the morning. police tweeted a few hours ago that streets are clear. only two people were arrested. an officer was hurt when he was hit by a car. he was taken to the hospital and has been since released. a fan was hurt. a fan fell over a railing from the upper deck at the arena after fighting with another fan. he's listed in critical condition this morning. a bit of controversy in the final round of yesterday's u.s. golf open at oakmont. dustin johnson was lining up his shot and practicing his putting when his ball moved backwards just ever so slightly. johnson claims he didn't touch it and rules officials said he was okay but they refused to
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give an official ruling until after the play was over. after the play was over. johnson made the birdie and he won by three strokes. >> i didn't want the penalty. i didn't think i did anything to cause the ball to move but at the end of the day it didn't affect what happened so it doesn't bother me at all. >> you may remember johnson lost last year's u.s. open on that final hole. well, many golfers address their frustrations on twitter with the usga's final handling. rory mcilroy, no penalty. tiger woods writes this, a strong way for you overcoming the rules farce. the recent death of muhammad ali has renewed awareness about
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the estimate is based on 2013 data from emergency room visits, hospitalizations, doctor's visits and concussion reports made to high school athletic trainers. nbc's american ninja warrior is all about strength and physical endurance. for someone with parkinson's disease the challenges of the game may seem impossible but one texas woman is trying out for the show and trying to defy perceptions of her illness. >> if you look at allison, you would never know three years ago she was nearly disabled. >> when i was first diagnosed i had incredible pain. >> believe it or not, allison has parkinson's disease. >> i wasn't able to type for three years. >> reporter: every parkinson's patient is different from the other. this 38-year-old mother was already active so doctors at baylor college of medicine knew exercise would keep her mobile. >> at this point in time there's a lot of scientific evidence
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that's building about the benefits of exercise and parkinsons. >> not only is it slowing, dairy might say it could be reversing it. >> reporter: exercise was a game changer and she went all out. obstacle runs, mud runs, and now allison is training for "american ninja warrior." the hit show is a test of strength for any healthy çadul >> when she's nervous, she trembles. >> reporter: allison will be overcoming weakness and tremors while competing on national tv. >> when i get up on that podium am i going to shake like a fish out of water? there's no way to prepare for that. >> reporter: the fact is, she will probably shake. she might even fall but she will not be defeated. >> i'm throwing fear at the water. i am not going to ever feel that way again. i will never allow that and i will do anything it takes to
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fight this disease, and i think right now exercise is the best way possible. >> reporter: if her real goal is to inspire other people, she's already won the greatest support from her 6-year-old. >> she's already told me, she said, mommy, i want to be strong like you one day. >> that was nbc's haley hernandez reporting. you can watch allison compete on "american ninja warrior" tonight right here on "nbc 10." we continue to mourn the loss of boxing legend muhammad ali who passed away earlier this month. ali earlier suffered from parkinson's disease. he and michael j. fox raised awareness. in our area, wendy lewis is hosting a golf classic next week to raise awareness for parkinson's disease. >> thank you. actually, you have information
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from the rates of diagnosis nearly doubled over the last 30 years. there's no cure for par kin sons to work to progress or grow. ironically one of the ways it's being done in our area is through boxing. >> right. >> there's always been this idea, never conclusive evidence, that booking led to ali's fight with parkinson's, but you're using boxing somehow to help slow the disease for people? >> absolutely. so rock city boxing is the program that we actually invested in to help bring to our region. it does slow the progression of the disease by creating an opportunity for you to do rigorous exercise to build your core strength for balance and activity. it's a non-contact group exercise program. one of the great things is that you get a great trainer to get
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you to workç through the circu and look on the track. >> looking at the video, that's my buddy. i used to train with him. >> he is very good. >> what are some of the other treatments available for patients with parkinson's disease? >> exercise as mentioned in the previous spot is the biggest way to combat it. exercise has been seen to help slow some of the progressions of parkinson's. we provide in our area a couple of programs for people who don't want to do boxing. we have a yoga program and then there's the exercise program in arcadia for people who want to stay physically active and engaged but don't feel like the safety of the gym is safe for them. it provides an opportunity for them to continue to exercise. >> well, the 2016 park kin son council golf classic is happening next monday, june 27th at sunny brook golf club and
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white marsh country club. it begins at 10:00 a.m. for more information head over to our website at wendy lewis, thank you so much for coming in. >> thank you. >> and giving us information on this disease. appreciate tnchts thank you so much. now your "nbc 10" first alert neighborhood weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> it's a warm one today. temperatures started off in the 60s in the lehigh valley. easton, a few thin clouds. mainly sunshine and already into the 80s. look at oley at 86. 87 in whitehall and bath is at 84 degrees and climbing. a little bit of a southwesterly wind. 90s this afternoon for philadelphia, the suburbs and the lehigh valley. each of these locations will see bright sunshine, nothing more than a few scattered clouds in doylestown and easton this
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afternoon. to the south, new jersey, bright sunny skies for interior new jersey. 80s right along the coast. wildwood, 85 degrees this afternoon and dover up to 93 degrees with sunny skies. there are some changes ahead. won't see much in the way of clouds today but overnight tonight watching a line of showers that is moving through michigan at this time. this is what's going to give it the possibility of some wet weather tomorrow morning. showers and thunderstorms are possible. this line, this is early in the morning. this is just after midnight, 1:00 in the morning. but as it moves into philadelphia we could see some brief heavy downpour in the morning. we'll get a break during the late morning hours. if we could get heavier downpours at 3:00 in the afternoon. in some areas it will add up. the first round of showers could deposit half an inch in south
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jersey. the next round of showers even more rain into the afternoon. stand by for some changes ahead over the next few days. today warmer than yesterday. 93 degrees this afternoon. potentially up to 90 degrees tomorrow. it depends on how many showers we get and sunshine. chance of showers in the morning and again in the afternoon. i think parts of the area will reach up to 90 degrees. actually, pretty good breeze and it will top us off at 85 degrees wednesday afternoon. another round of thunderstorms and showers due in thursday before we dry out heading into the weekend. friday, 85 degrees. little bit warmer on saturday. into the upper 80s for sunday and again on monday. showers and thunderstorms expected for tuesday but they'll be out of here next wednesday. ten-day outlook at least once a half hour. we'll look at that or any forecast any time i'm on the
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dinosaurs outside the home on the ben franklin parkway. t. rex is a star of the exhibit. dinosaurs on earth which opens to the public on saturday. pretty frightening looking. coming up this afternoon starting at 3:00 is "ellen" with justin bieber. and then it's "nbc 10 news" at 4:00. this afternoon a car accident leaves one homeowner with thousands of dollars of damage and he wasn't even part of the crash, but when he tried to get money to cover the repairs, he hit the brick wall. we'll see what happens when you call "nbc 10 news" response. bill henley back here in the afternoon. >> this is our final big broadcast during the morning for spring because summer arrives this evening. 87 degrees right now. certainly looks like a summer day, doesn't it?ç temperatures in the middle 80s for the suburbs and new jersey. the lehigh valley, delaware already way above the morning levels this morning and into the 90s this afternoon.
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dear fellow citizen, spending time hunting treasures with my daughter is wonderful. because before i'm even ready, she'll be off to college. and though i've planned for it, i may need a loan to help her pay her way there. just like i do for my son. citizens bank student loans call 1-866-999-0154 as a leader in student lending, we have student loan options that others don't. including better alternatives to federal loans. i can show you how to pay for your own child's way to college. in case you don't find that treasure chest. if you have a question about student loans, ask me. sincerely, michele wright fellow mom and fellow citizen. citizens bank student loans
12:00 pm
>> nicole: [sighs] every minute i spend in here is another minute kate spends getting her story set up. she's gonna frame me for killing deimos, and then she's gonna walk away with all the loot. >> dario: i hear you. >> nicole: well, we have to figure out our next move. >> belle: uh, no moves. neither one of you can afford to make one more move. >> nicole: i didn't kill deimos. >> belle: i believe you. so let me prove it. but you have to stand down. [dramatic music] ♪
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