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tv   Today  NBC  July 27, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT

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shattering the ceiling. hillary clinton makes history becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major party. the night featuring an impassioned personal speech from her husband, the former president. >> in the spring of 1971, i met a girl. president obama set to make his case for clinton tonight and taking on donald trump in an exclusive interview with savannah. >> what i think is scary is a president who doesn't know their stuff and doesn't seem to have an interest in learning what
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they don't know. >> but does he actually think trump can win? our very candid conversation with the president "today," wednesday, july 27, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today" at the democratic national convention with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from philadelphia. and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning, live from philadelphia, the site of the dnc. and hail, hail, the gang's all here. >> the bell's tolling. i think it is 7:01 actually. a little bit late. it was a late night at the convention. history was made. hillary clinton, the first woman to head a major party ticket. >> history, and a little bit of hostility on the floor at the dnc. kristin welker is live at the wells fargo center. she's got the recap.
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kristen, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. there has been a range of emotion throughout this arena as tonight the headliners will be president obama, vice president biden and hillary clinton's vp pick tim kaine. but last night it was clinton's husband who got personal in an attempt to re-introduce to the voters one of the world's best known women. this morning, hillary clinton has broken the glass ceiling becoming the first woman in history nominated for president from a major party. and she marked the moment with a surprise satellite appearance at the democratic national convention tuesday night. >> i can't wait to join you in philadelphia! thank you! >> reporter: in his tenth appearance at a convention, her husband, former president bill clinton, also had a first -- playing the role of political spouse for a presidential nominee. >> in the spring of 1971, i met a girl. >> reporter: getting deeply
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personal. >> she's the best darn change maker i ever met in my entire life. >> reporter: sprinkling anecdotes about their life together, and about her work for women and families, all in attempt to turn around her high unfavorable rating, only made worse after republicans spent a week trying to tarnish her. >> what's the difference in what i told you and what they said? how do you square it? you can't. one is real, the other is made up. >> reporter: and contrasting what he called the real hillary clinton with the caricature painted by her political opponents. >> earlier today, you nominated the real woman. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: it was also a night filled with celebrity appearances, including a performance from alicia keys. and speeches from elizabeth barns and meryl streep, lena dunham and america ferrera also sharing the stage. and there was raw emotion. mothers who lost their loved ones to gun violence taking the
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podium. >> hillary clinton isn't afraid to say that black lives matter. >> reporter: all capping a day filled with political drama. bernie sanders putting hillary clinton's name forward for nomination. >> i move that hillary clinton be selected as the nominee of the democratic party for president of the united states. >> reporter: sanders even getting choked up when his brother cast his vote on behalf of democrats abroad. and while a small group of sanders supporters did walk out in protest, the arena seemed more unified than just 24 hours before. now all eyes will be on the current commander in chief as president obama prepares to make the case for hillary clinton. and president obama is expected to talk about clinton's readiness to be president. there will likely be a few jabs at donald trump. the campaign already touting the fact that there were no former republican presidents to vouch for trump at his convention last
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week. matt, savannah? >> all right, kristen welker, thank you very much. steve kornacki and nicolle wallace. good morning to both of you. history made last night. we know that. there was also a speech everyone's talking about this morning from former president bill clinton. it was two speeches. it was a love story in the beginning, and more a case for candidate in the end. >> it is a speech we've never heard bill clinton give before. it wasn't a policy speech at all. it was a personal speech. it got to the central challenge for hillary clinton's entire political career. how many times have you heard from her entire time in politics someone comes forward and says, if only you know in person the person i know in private. >> we remember from 2012, bill clinton really stepped up and delivered for president obama. different kind of speech, but do you feel like he delivered in terms of what he had to do, which is to steve's point, really kind of humanize and show
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another side of hillary clinton? >> i thought the way you described it. for me it was a tale of two speeches. i thought the first half played really well in the arena. the story of their love affair. he talked about how he first hit on her in law school. to me that it was a flashing red light about what has been a very publicly rocky marriage. but the second half of the speech, he just brought it. he was the political warrior that republicans cheer and democrats cheer for. he was very effective in make being the political case for her. but i'm not sure that the personal story was a sale beyond the base of her support. >> let me go back to what steve said. how many times over the course of 30 or 40 years and say, no, you have it wrong. why doesn't the public have the option to say we've watched her for years? >> this is the central story. it is striking to me that they invoke donald trump more times than the first night at their
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convention than donald trump's surrogates invoked hillary clinton. this is going to end up being a campaign and a cycle where each is tearing down the other as much as they're building up themselves. >> we saw sort of the excitement of the beginning, excitement maybe not if you are a democratic convention planner but there was some tension between bernie sanders supporters and hillary clinton supporters. they had the roll call vote. do you feel that this tension that existed within the party has been exsorized out? >> yeah. i think there are some hard-core delegates and sanders supporters who aren't going to be there in the end. but i think the second half of bill clinton's speech, the clinton name so familiar, and in many people's eyes, too familiar. he was trying to make her into the second part of that speech as well, he kept using that term "change maker," wants to make her feel fresh. that's the other challenge. now to our exclusive interview with president obama. we spoke in the white house map room where you will see a podium behind him.
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this is where he's been rehearsing for tonight's speech. i began our conversation with a pointed question about this election. >> is it possible that donald trump wins the presidency? >> anything is possible. it is the nature of democracy that until those votes are cast, and the american people have their say, we don't know. >> are you worried? >> you know, as somebody who has now been in elected office at various levels for about 20 years, i've seen all kinds of crazy stuff happen. and i think anybody who goes in to campaigns not running scared can end up losing. so my advice to democrats, i don't have to give this advice to hillary clinton because she already knows it -- is you stay worried until all those votes are cast and counted.
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because one of the dangers in an election like this is that people don't take the challenge seriously. they stay home. and we end up getting the unexpected. >> hillary clinton says that trump is the most dangerous candidate ever to run for president. on this very specific issue, do you personally find it frightening the prospect of him having the nuclear codes? >> set aside the nuclear codes. what i think is scary is a president who doesn't know their stuff and doesn't seem to have an interest in learning what they don't know. >> and you think of trump that way? >> i think if you listen to any press conference he's given, or listen to any of those debates, basic knowledge about the world or what a nuclear triad is or
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where various countries are, or the difference between sunni and shia in the muslim world. those are things that he doesn't know and hasn't seemed to spend a lot of time trying to find out about. >> let's talk about hillary clinton. can you still, as we sit here today, say she didn't jeopardize national security information? >> you know, i don't want to characterize any further what the fbi director said. i think he was comprehensive, unusually so, about how they arrived at the decision. i think hillary's acknowledged that she made a mistake and she wouldn't take this approach again. but i think what is absolutely clear is that all this talk about her engaging in criminal activities, the sort of
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prosecutorial case that you heard in cleveland -- >> "lock her up." >> -- that seems to just ignore what a republican fbi appointee of spotless integrity said. and that's troubling. and i think it is indicative of the degree to which folks are rough on hillary clinton in ways that, even as somebody who has had my share of getting whacked in the public eye, i'm surprised by it sometimes. and i don't think it is fair. >> but it is not just her political opponents who are saying this was wrong. you have the fbi director saying it was extremely careless. the director said that a reasonable person should know. >> again, savannah, i'm not going to relitigate this. what i am saying is that i can say with confidence that hillary
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clinton was an outstanding secretary of state, that she helped to make this country safer, that if she made mistakes, they were not ones that were intended to in any way compromise american security. >> let's talk about your speech. it happens 12 years to the day after your 2004 convention speech that launched you into national politics. i went back and looked at it. did you? >> not recently. i look so young. i laugh sometimes when i see it. i think, i can't believe i got elected to anything at that point. i look like i just got out of college. >> you said then -- >> there is not a liberal america, and a conservative america. there is the united states of america. >> one of the most memorable lines. can you say that today, not just as some gauzy aspirational
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vision, but say it with conviction? >> i am the first to admit that when i spoke in 2004, when i ran in 2008, my hope, my expectation, was that we could lift up all that common ground and create a new way of doing business in washington and a new political tenor, a new political tone that was more respectful and more practical and trying to solve problems. and that hasn't happened. but it doesn't keep me from wanting to keep on trying. >> i know you don't want to give away your speech before you give it. what do you hope your headline is the next morning? >> i hope my headline is that the president of the united states is profoundly optimistic
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about america's future and is 100% convinced that hillary clinton can be a great president. >> i also asked the president if he believes the russian government was behind this dnc e-mail hack and release of those e-mails as the clinton campaign has claimed, and if vladimir putin was trying to interfere with the presidential election. his response -- anything's possible, and he added that russia has influenced elections in europe in the past. this morning a spokesperson at the kremlin is responding saying russia "never interferes in other countries pea's electoral campaigns." we'll have a lot more of our exclusive interview with president obama in the next half-hour. if you want more coverage of the dnc, check out msnbc throughout the day. also, we are live in prime time tonight, 7:00 eastern -- excuse me, 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific right here in nbc. >> you are anticipawe'll also h
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with chelsea clinton tomorrow. she'll introduce her mother before her mother's big speech. we're also covering that brutal terror attack in a church inside france by members of isis. this morning we're hearing harrowing stories from people who were there. nbc's ron mott has the latest. >> reporter: the french interior minister made a pitch this morning for citizens to join the military reserves in the wake of this latest attack on a catholic church, an you a tack that represents a new frontier in terror. this morning the is no longer a sanctuary for terror in paris. thele ll ll lle 86-year-old pri ordered to his knees and his throat slashed. this woman managed to escape. >> when i saw them i said to myself, that's it, it's over, sister danielle said of the attackers. "you christians, you kill us."
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it was this type of conversation. one parishioner was seriously injured. police responded quickly, killing both men as they left the church. isis claiming responsibility. pope francis condemned the deadly assault, part of what the vatican called absurd violence. french president francois hollande rushed to the scene, shaking hands with police, comforting the rattled. their nation under siege by terror. "we will win," he said in a nationwide address. "i also owe you this truth. this war will be long." france has become a frequent terror target from home-grown threats. a neighbor of one of the church suspects said friends triedof b jihadist. he tried to indoctrinate us. we were not taking him seriously what he was saying. we were telling him to stop talking nonsense. this morning, an interfaith meeting in paris with one muslim leader calling the attack blasphemous against islamic
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principles. a french prosecutor said 1 of the 2 attackers, a 19-year-old, was known to anti-terror officials after he was caught twice last year using a fake idaho trying to travel to syria. he was arrested and fit with a tracking device. he was wearing that ankle monitor when he was killed. >> ron mott on the story, thank you very much. here at home, california's declaring a state of emergency for two major wildfires burning out of control today. the fire in monterey souther in big sur has burned 20 homes threatening a scenic stretch of coastline there. eight hikers had to be rescued tuesday after they became lost ten days ago. once the fire started up the men were stranded and didn't know which direction would lead to safety. in the meantime, crews made some progress over night with the sands fire in los angeles. that fire has scorched 37,000 acres. it is now 25% contained. there is about a 25-degree difference in temperature from where we are sitting to where al is standing. >> but, you know, it is not so
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bad because we got a little cloud cover right now. all in all, lot of comfortable folks. and look at this little one. lucy, 3 weeks old. that's right. that's a big "aww" out of the crowd. she is gorgeous, thanks for sharing. my golly, we've unfortunately been sharing heat between both parts, coasts, of the country. a western heat dome and eastern heat dome between nice and cool. but here in the east we have another couple of days of above normal temperatures. then things get a little bit closer to normal. midsection of the country, we are looking at temperatures that have cooled off and are more normal from chicago here to dodge city. but out west, they don't have the humidity, but by golly, they have the heat. phoenix, salt lake city, portland, all triple digits for the n excuse me...i think there's a misprint. oh. model year end clarence event. looks right to me. shouldn't it be clear- clearly... it is time to get a great deal
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and a reward card on this turbocharged jetta. gotta make room for the 2017 models. it is a clarence event. why is that so hard for people to understand? it seems clar to me... clear to me. ready for a test drive? whatever you want to call it, don't miss the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a $1,000 volkswagen reward card and 0% apr on a new 2016 jetta. good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. clouds moving out, sunshine takes over and into the 90s this amp. philadelphia, 92 degrees, low 90s for westchester and lansdale in the suburbs and the lehigh valley, nothing but sunshine and low 90s. there is a chance of an isolated shower or thunderstorm in new jersey, delaware even at the shore for ocean city and atlantic city but most of the day will be dry. 80s at the shore, low 90s for wilmington. have a great day. lly area. get out of our hotel and come
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on down, spend a little time with these nice people. >> all right, al. thank you so much. coming up, we're going to have more of our exclusive interview with the president. how he really feels about donald trump's more personal attacks and why he says he says trump i different than any other republican opponent he has ever faced. plus, the other big names set to take the stage tonight, including vice president joe biden and clinton's running mate, senator tim kaine. what will he say to voters? but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead on "trending," who wants to hire you to drink beer? also ahead, we're going to catch up with a guy who's been catch up with a guy who's been called the coolest man in catch up with a guy who's been called the coolest man in i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest.
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and zero percent apr financing, visit mattress firm. america's number one tempur-pedic retailer. good morning. i'm katy zachary. a few minutes before 7:30. he's get right to the first alert neighborhood forecast. hi, crystal. >> good morning. we're looking outside wilmington. nice shot. we've got some clouds out this there this morning. we had a few stray showers early this morning. we'll take a look at the radar to track where the cells have gone. but fist let's talk temperatures. this morning 78 in philadelphia, suburbs about 72, delaware 79 and along the shore, those mid 70s. this is a close are look at your radar, elsewhere mostly starting to dry out. let's check in now with first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. you're watching a slowdown on
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95, right? >> yes, and it's just what we thought was going to happen. the security check points are in place with lane restrictions on portions of i 95 because of the dnc. southbound you can see the traffic not moving. so i don't think this drive time would be accurate, 41 minutes it says. katy? thank you. we're going to take a live look right now at the wells fargo center in philadelphia. it is day three of the democratic national convention and it gets under way this afternoon at 4:30. president obama will speak tonight in support of the nominee, hillary clinton. in other news, the delaware forest service is sending two dozen firefighters out west to releigh crews battling wildfires in the rocky mountains. thanks for joining us. we're back in 25 with another update.
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good morning, everybody. 7:30 now on this wednesday morning, july 27th, 2016. what does that say? 2024 lawyer/guthrie? anyway, we're here in philly. we have a great crowd. >> any time you are at a convention, there are themes each day. tonight's theme will be "working together." speakers will address what secretary clinton has done tackling big challenges. >> vice president will also be addressing the delegates, as will hillary clinton's running mate, senator tim kaine. we'll have more on his speech in just a bit.
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as you might expect, donald trump is weighing in on what he saw at the democratic national convention last night. the republican nominee tweeting, i hate to say it, but the republican convention was far more interesting with a much more beautiful set than the democratic convention. trump also fired back that allegations to work with russia on hacking the dnc e-mails, calling the conspiracy, "crazy," adding i've had zero investments in russia. the trump campaign was just one of the things we touched on in our white house interview with president obama as he prepares for his speech tonight at the convention. i also asked him to weigh in on his wife michelle's speech and whether or not he thinks he can match it. >> pressure is on. >> you know what? i'm not going to hit that bar. so let me concede, top speech maven already to my wife. but i couldn't have been prouder of her, the way she was able to remind all of us that where this really counts is the kind of message that we're sending our
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kids about who we are and where we want to take this country. >> when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don't stoop to their level. no. our motto is, when they go low, we go high. >> she didn't name names but did you feel like she wanted to call it out? >> she's always been concerned about the tone and tenor of politics. one of the things that we always talk about with our girls is how do you treat other people. we're always reminding them, treat people the way you want to be treated. if you want to be an adult that's worthy of respect, than you have to be willing to give respect. one of the weird things about politics is sometimes we tolerate things that we would never tolerate in any other field or in our interpersonal life. we wouldn't expect somebody to repeatedly say things that were demonstrably not true and somehow get a pass.
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we would say, well, that's a problem. >> does it feel personal? mr. trump has made it pretty personal against but i can give you a list. i guess i probably don't need to. >> the truth is that, what mr. trump has done is to make more explicit and branded what really has been going on for a long time. this isn't new stuff. so we don't take it personally. we do think that it makes it difficult to run the country. not just for me, but for republican leaders. if you think about the fact that the republicans right now control both the house and the senate, and yet they can't even pass their own agenda. part of the reason is that if you are telling your base, you're telling your voters that the other side is not just wrong but bad and unpatriotic and
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different and are undermining america, well, then what they're going to say to you is, you can't work with them. you can't compromise. i disagreed with john mccain on issues or mitt romney on issues. but there wasn't a sense that we couldn't find common ground on certain things. i think paul ryan, and before him john boehner are patriotic americans who care about a lot of the same things i do. >> is donald trump in a different category? >> my sense is -- only he could tell you what's in his heart and on his mind. i think that he's somebody who likes attention. maybe surprised himself that he got this far. >> when he says something like, "i alone can fix it." you've been in this job for eight years.
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how does that strike you? >> well, that's not how our founders designed our system. we're not a government where some strongman orders people around, banishes people. i think it is important for us to remember that we live in a democracy, and by definition then, the way we solve problems is by everybody participating. and arguing. and occasionally having to compromise. >> but to push you on it a little bit, do you see something about donald trump that's different than your regular republican opponent with whom you have disagreements? >> absolutely. for one thing, doesn't seem to have any plans or policies or proposals or specific solutions. the good news is we've got a candidate in hillary clinton who has put out very specific plans and programs and is telling you exactly what she is going to do. >> i'm listening to your
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conversation. remember we were at the white house about six months ago. when you talked to president obama then about the possibility of a trump presidency, he almost just dismissed it. >> he did to you. he said -- you said, can you imagine next year's state of the union saying president trump. he said i can imagine it in an "snl" skit. >> is he's more subtle. >> now he's saying it is a possibility. >> good interview. let's get a check of the weather now from al. >> all right, guys. we've got our nice crowd here. come on down. including little bea over here. and this beautiful little guy over here. who is this? >> this is octavia. >> octavia. >> i love that look. kind of like, who the heck are you? many people have been wondering that, octavia. let's show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. midwest storms are going to be firing up today. central kansas, parts of
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arkansas, wet weather. and the gulf coast going to be seeing more wet weather as well. right along the stationary front, heavy rain, gusty winds, lightning. in fact, as we move into tomorrow, more heavy showers and thunderstorms, especially now across the tennessee river valley. look at the rainfall amounts. spreading anywhere from parts of louisiana all the way to west virginia. flood threats. we could be talking about five to seven inches in parts of louisiana, all the way up to west virginia. some of that heavier rain gets up into the tri-state new york city area as well or the nextve good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. clouds moving out, sunshine takes over and back into the 90s this afternoon. philadelphia 92 degrees in somerton and center city, low 90s for westchester and lansdale and the suburbs and the lehigh vall valley. nothing but sunshine open in the low 90s today. there is a chance of an isolated shower or thunderstorms in new jersey and delaware, even at the
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shore for ocean city and atlantic city. but most of the day will be dry. 80s at the shore, low 90s for wilmington. have a great day. . >> get that weather any time you need it. go to weather channel on cable. now let's go to the couple in the back of the caboose for the whistle stop tour. >> nice to see you, al. pleasure passing through. just ahead, who's senator tim kaine? what you need to know about hillary clinton's running mate as he prepares to step into the spotlight at the dnc tonight. here's where the real fight ends in philly. carson dons an apron and dives carson dons an apron and dives into the age-old cheese steak carson dons an apron and dives into the age-old cheese steak moms know their kids need love. and encouragement. they also know milk is a nutrient powerhouse. with 8 grams of natural protein, plus 8 other essential nutrients. it's no surprise 9 out of 10 u.s. olympians grew up drinking milk.
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welcome back too philly. it is day three of the democratic national convention. big night for virginia senator tim kaine. >> nbc national correspondent peter alexander is here to talk about that speech and preview it a bit. >> good morning. nice to see both of you. going against the ultimate outsider in donald trump, hillary clinton is really doubling down on the value of a political resume in this pick of senator tim kaine who's governed at almost every level dating back to his time as the mayor of richmond, virginia. tonight the theme is working together and tim kaine's friends tell me he would make the perfect partner. "he's with her." friends say tim kaine's already showcasing real chemistry with hillary clinton. still unknown to most americans, he enjoyed one last quiet breakfast with friends tuesday. he served at every level of elected office from mayor to u.s. senator, battle ground
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credentials, representing virginia, a key swing state. and fluency in spanish, speaking directly to crucial latino voters. he plays a mean harmonica. his band, the jug busters. tim kaine and his wife ann who just stepped down as virginia's secretary of education have three children, including son matt, a marine. a devout catholic who took time away from harvard law school to serve as a missionary in honduras, kaine attends a mostly black church in a working class neighborhood. unlike the blood talking republican nominee, tim kaine is described as a kill them with kindness candidate. >> everyone's so angry in politics. tim kaine is the relentless optimist, looking for what he can do next and make better. >> reporter: critics explain he is too much of a centrist, until this week supporting the kind of tree frayed agreement bernie sanders and donald trump rail against. >> tim kaine. i never even heard of this guy. >> reporter: kaine admits he's
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boring. >> but boring is the fastest growing demographic in this country. interdroduction to a prime time audience kicking off what's certain to be a wild ride. those people close to tim kaine tell me that he loves camping out, that he was thrilled when a friend gave him a gift certificate to rei several years ago. it is a good thing, he'll be hitting the trail in next months. the child of an ironwork shop owner could be camping out in the vice president's residential. >> you mean he needs a canteen and bug spray? >> we'll see you guys again soon. >> everybody will be watching. up next, carson shows offer the oscar winner's breast that turned heads at the convention last night. but first a look at convention speeches of past democratic vice presidential nominees. >> president obama sat down
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behind the desk rez louis knowing he had to restore the confidence of the whole world. >> those are the values john kerry and i believe in and nothing makes me prouder than standing with him in this campaign. >> the man who can help us fashion this better future is president bill clinton. why are bananas bendy? probably because they grow towards the sun. how do they know where the sun is if they don't have any eyes? well, because they can...feel it. so...bananas have feelings? i...guess that's what i'm saying. do you hear that, alfie? bananas have feelings! sorry, banana, this isn't personal. mmmm! the family favorite. yoplait. to win an olympic medal, i tell them, "you already know." the medals you've earned are all around you. your bronze. your silver.
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your gold. and liberty mutual insures them all. liberty mutual is proud to insure every team usa medal won in rio, just like we protect the medals you've earned in life. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. ...have you tried the tissue test? question, are my teeth yellow? ugh, yellow... what do you use? crest whitestrips crest 3d whitestrips whiten... 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten you've wished upon it all year, and now it's finally here. the mercedes-benz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedes-benz you've always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the cla250 for $299 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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we're back, we're in philly. we have to find out what social media's interests were on the second night of the dnc. >> former president bill clinton took us all the way back to when he first met hillary. during that speech, google searches for young bill and hilla hillary. others felt maybe that speech was a little bit long. let's get to the tweets. michael writing my cat lost one
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of her nine lives waiting for bill clinton to stop talking. "the daily show" even dedicated a website, is bill clinton still no. no, he is not. actress elizabeth banks. and finally meryl streep's american flag dress has got people trying to figure out how to get one of their own. sorry to say that patriotic look is officially sold out online. there you go, guys. >> this is how we have to watch things now. you watch it on tv and you watch it on your phone. >> carson, thank you so much. coming up, a surprising drink you should reach for to stay cool during this brutal heat wave. it is not what you think, carson. it's not a cold beer. >> although he tried last night. plus, the "tonight show's" quest love opens up about his big break in music, his other
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good morning. i'm katy zachry. just a few minutes before :00 a.m. on your wednesday. let's get right to meteorologist for a look at your forecast. >> good morning. here's a look at the forecast around your neighborhood. 92 in center city, lansdale at 91 degrees. a lot f us looking at a nice mix of sun and clouds. 90 in allentown and the lehigh valley. but parts of new jersey to delaware, can't rule out isolated thunderstorms developing this afternoon. we saw light rain earlier on. a little relief in ocean city, 89 in smyrna. these temperatures in the 90s for some parts, 80s as you see elsewhere with the possibility of more storms in philadelphia in the days to come. >> thanks, crystal. first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington is watching 95 again. the slowdown won't let up. >> the rest of the majors are
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looking okay. quiet commute. it's one of the summer months and that's why we're seeing relatively lighter volume everywhere else. this is typically a 12 to 13 minute trip. you can see we're almost at an hour delay here. this is headed southbound towards center city and approaching one of the check points are the restrictions. here is a live look at the wells fargo center where the dnc heads into day three today and the theme is working together. tonight's speakers including president obama, vice president biden and hillary clinton's running mate tim kaine. trump will be making a campaign stop in scranton. he and running mate mike pence will hold a town hall style forum. we'll have another live update in 25 minutes. get the latest news and weather where the nbc 10 app. now back to the "today" show.
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it's a pretty simple question: is pat toomey's agenda your agenda? toomey voted seven times to defund planned parenthood. he even tried to shut down the federal government in order to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. and toomey's against a woman's right to choose and supports overturning roe v. wade which would allow states to criminalize abortion. pat toomey: he's focused on his own agenda, not us. majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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it is 8:00 on "today." coming up -- historic night. >> i can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet. >> hillary clinton makes it official becoming the first woman to be nominated for president on a major party ticket. her husband, the former president, delivering a personal speech, this time as a supportive spouse. >> i married my best friend. i was still in awe after more than four years of being around her at how smart and caring and loving she was. coming up, carson puts his taste buds to the test with the famous philly cheesesteak war.
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and going back to his roots. i sit down with philadelphia native quest love of the roots and the "tonight show" to talk music, memories and how he's made a big name for himself. turns out, he made one for me, too. >> you make me jealous. there is no question i need a nickname. >> matt love. >> matt love. i can do that? >> yes. you're now matt love. >> that makes us brothers. >> yes. from a different father. >> exactly. "today," wednesday, july 27, 2016. ♪ >> good morning, mom! you're not still dreaming. i'm on the "today" show! >> hi to my friends in pennsylvania. >> shout out to my family in arizona and colorado. huge fan of savannah. >> we love philadelphia!
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woo! welcome back to "today" on a wednesday morning. we are all here in philadelphia, pennsylvania on the third day of the democratic national convention. night crowd. temperatures starting to tick up a little bit. >> i don't want to admit this, but the crowd has gotten larger now that you're here. >> no, no. >> yes. >> i think the crowd's finally figured out where we were. >> i saw a sign that says "matt lauer, man crush." >> that's okay. it's 2016. >> his new nickname is matt love. >> by the way, history was made here last night. hillary clinton officially became the first woman nominated for president by a major party. tonight her running mate, along with the current president and vice president are set to speak. nbc's hallie jackson is on the floor of the convention, she's inside the wells fargo center about 20 minutes from here. hallie, good morning. >> reporter: hi, savannah. good morning. when president obama and vice president biden take this stage,
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the clinton campaign tells us to expect them to focus on hillary clinton's qualification to be commander in chief, and probably to hit donald trump for not having a republican president speak at his convention. it will be another packed house here on the floor after that unprecedented night for hillary clinton here in philadelphia. >> live from new york -- >> hello, philadelphia. >> reporter: a surprise appearance on an historic night. >> i can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet. >> reporter: hillary clinton putting an exclamation point on her nomination. the first woman at the top of a major party's presidential ticket. her live video coming moments after her husband's very personal speech. >> in the spring of 1971, i met a girl. >> reporter: the former president, no stranger to the convention stage. but delivering remarks like he never has before, as a spouse,
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as a supporter, touting his wife's progressive credentials. >> for this time, hillary is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunities and reduce the risks we face. and she is still the best darn changemaker i have ever known. >> reporter: hillary clinton, still struggling with low favor ability ratings. the challenge now -- reintroducing herself after decades in the political spotlight. her former rival, bernie sanders, trying to put democratic drama behind the party in this gesture of unity. >> and i move that hillary clinton be selected as the nominee of the democratic party for president of the united states. >> reporter: for the ver monmon senator, an emotional evening. this moment going viral, sanders with tears in his eyes as his brother showed his eyes. >> i cast my vote for bernie
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sanders. >> reporter: democrats focused on philadelphia. republicans focused on them after months of trying to court sanders supporters. donald trump now slamming the senator. >> for his legacy, he would have been better off playing it out. he wants to go home and go to bed. >> reporter: and donald trump on the attack online this morning. and expect those attacks against democrats to continue as trump gets out on the campaign trail today. he will be in scranton, pennsylvania. hometown, as you know, of vice president joe biden. both parties in this key battleground state this afternoon. matt? savannah? >> hallie jackson, thank you. programming note -- msnbc has complete coverage of the convention all day long leading up to our live coverage at 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific, right here on nbc. let us go back to new york right now. sheinelle jones has our top
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stories. >> i'll be in philly soon. but we begin with new details in that shocking terror attack on a french catholic church that left an elderly priest dead. the 86-year-old reverend was brutally murdered while leading mass in the suburbs of normandy on tuesday. two knife-wielding men linked to isis took several nuns and worship irs hostage. police killed the attackers as they left the church. a french prosecutor said one of the men was known to anti-terrorist officials after he was caught twice trying to travel to syria. he was wearing a tracking device at the time of the attack. a state of emergency has been declared in california where firefighters have been battling two major wildfires. one of the fires has burned about 20,000 acres and destroyed 20 homes near big sur. the other has killed one person and destroyed 18 homes in los angeles county. the emergency declaration freeze more state money to fight the fire. a florida man is facing multiple counts of attempted murder in a frightening incident
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caught on camera. deputies were responding to a domestic dispute in deltona, fl florida. the dispute escalated in if you ever. deputies moved in with body cameras and found a woman wounded. her husband kept shooting. he was eventually taken into custody. three young children who were inside the home were rescued. the woman is expected to recover. dozens of people are safe this morning after a harrowing rescue off the aleutian islands in alaska. 46 crew members abandoned ship when their fishing boat started taking on water and began to sink. they put on survival suits and climbed into three life rafts. good samaritans on two other ships rushed to pick them up. the coast guard says no one was injured. and a man in minnesota kept his cool when he found this in his background's kiddie pool. look at this. a large bear had just gone through the garbage cans and decided to chill in the pool.
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he then calmly had his wife and children to get into the car. he didn't want the kids to freak out. i feel like i missed the train, guys! are you there? there you are. >> mr. lawyeuer, you're on. >> you guys -- can they hear me? >> he's got a cousin that's actually going to the olympics. coming up, the perfect job for this guy. how you can make money drinking beer for a living. then if carson's sober enough to do "popstart," we'll see why amy schumer was eating wedding cake in a wedding gown. but first these messages. ♪
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welcome back. philadelphia, time for "what's trending." >> what do you think the temperature is here right now? >> about 85. >> 85. muggy though, right? on a day like today, you want a nice cool beverage. >> milkshake. >> or maybe not. maybe a nice hot cup of coffee. here's why it could actually work to cool you down. according to science, sweating can be influenced by drink temperature. and when you sweat, that sweat evaporates on your body. your temperature is able to modulate and you get cooler. right? however, researchers say that your environmental conditions should also be taken into consideration, because if you're sweating profusely -- nobody here -- that could lead to
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dehydration, in which case drinking something hot might not be the best idea. if that makes any sense. >> think about when you sweat, and a cool breeze comes across. that's evaporated cooling. however, if there is a lot of humidity in the air as there has been, there is less evaporative cooling so a hot beverage is not going to work. >> if you are in freezing cold temperature and you have some ice cream, do you warm up? >> you start shivering. that's your body's reaction to trying to warm up. here's a good segue. show of hands -- who loves small talk? >> i do actually. >> you do? >> no. >> just a little how are you, good to see you. i don't like the awkward silence. i'm good at it. >> meaning chatter. whitty banter? yeah. well, most people don't like it. you can't tolerate it. no. well apparently, it is not just meaningless chatter. according to a "new york" magazine article, there is an
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actual purpose. what is it? of course to create a feeling of relatability, to bond with one another. but this article says most of us don't like small talk because we don't appreciate the point of it. >> it is a human thing. just to talk to somebody, say hi to them. >> i like it. i majored in small talk. >> most people think something important has to come out of a conversation. by its very nature, most small talk is designed to have nothing in -- >> i think the shallower the better. this story is about a job opening, carson. it may have already been filled though. the smithsonian looking for a beer historian. >> wow. >> what's that, you might ask? exactly what it sounds like. need someone to drink beer and to research beer. beer historian would work on creating collections for the museum on the growing craft beer trend. besides drinking beer, the job comes with perks. $64,650 a year in salary, benefits, and opportunities to travel. >> i think they should have a
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barbecue division as well. >> there you go. perfect. >> milkshake division. sign me up. >> i thought tom hanks in "big" had the greatest job ever. the mtv music awards nominations came out on tuesday. there were some big surprises. the first as expected, beyonce and adele, they led the charge with nominations. beyonce got 11, adele gets eight nods. up for that video of the year award. the big surprise -- how many awards nominations did taylor swift get? zero. >> what? >> not a single award. it was a snub. >> wait. is that calvin harris cheering? >> funny that you say that, al. boyfriend calvin harris snagged it for best video which is a song he co-wrote with taylor swift. on a sad note, david bowie
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received a nomination. beyonce enjoying time with her family. there is one photo in particular that's got a lot of people laughing. take a look at it. beyonce posing in a doorway of an elevator. seems normal. but then you reveal the rest of the photo. how jay-z seems to be posing while taking the picture for his wife. finally, amy schumer, the comedian never fails to make us laugh. have a look. >> they're serving hand cake. >> they're not serving hand cake. >> did you have hand cake? >> nobody had it because it is not hand cake. >> it's in your hand. >> now that's what you call having your cake and eating it, too. it's your "popstart" from philadelphia. if you want more pop culture
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news, go to "today's" facebook page. how about a check of the weather. >> starting off of course with our fabulous satellite and radar picture. you can see we've got some wet weather. monsoon moisture coming out of the southwest. strong storms firing up in the plains later on today. they'll be in the central mississippi river valley. those afternoon temperatures will be brutal again today, especially out west where they don't have humidity but they've got those triple digits and that's not going to help as far as firefighting is concerned. here in philadelphia we continue to see temperatures in the 90s. but look what happens on friday. showers and thunderstorms and a temperature about 84. just as everybody's leaving town to try to get home from the good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. sunshine is moving out and we are packed into the 90s this afternoon. philadelphia, 92 degrees in summerton and center city. low 90s for westchester and the
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lehigh valley. nothing but sunshine in the low 90s today. there's an isolated shower chance in delaware and new jersey. even at the shore for ocean city and atlantic city. but 80s at the shore, low 90s for wilmington. have a great day. >> and that is your latest weather. thank you. well, now to a man who's been called america's band leader and "time" magazine's coolest person of the year. >> it is a perfect description. you probably know him as the guy behind the drums on the "tonight show" with the big afro and hair pick. at first glance you wouldn't think he and i have a lot in common but we do. we sat down for an interview at a sushi place we both love. as a risk of going into an installment of "this is your life," let me go back.
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you grew up mid '80s, not the best neighborhood in philadelphia. >> right. >> you had a rule in your house. >> yeah. >> you had the oprah rule. >> my parents was like, you are to come straight home. do not let that oprah theme come on and you're not in this house. >> what time does that come on? >> 4:00. any time that i left that school, "flight of the bumble bee," that's me rushing home. >> reporter: oprah may have gotten him off the streets at the end of the day, but his parents made sure there was another avenue for their son's future. >> i grew up with an oldies duwop lead singer of a father. >> you talk about it as if everybody knows what duwop is. everybody doesn't know. what's the sound? >> duwop is the sound of four or five voices, maybe a little pitchy, inside of a high school bathroom. a lot of echo chambers.
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it's the sound -- it's "greease" >> quest love's father was lee andrews and the hearts. he infused i had family with music. >> do you remember a song or a sound that knocked the wind out of you, that made you say in some capacity, i'm going to be part of music? >> my calling moment, in philadelphia, "soul train" would come on at 1:00 in the morning. don cornelius. i was allowed to watch "soul train" from like 1:00 to 2:00 in the morning. >> he'd say at the end of every show. wishing you -- >> peace, love and soul. >> the lone black guy in the group. i was just transfixed. i was like, that's what i want to do. what's so beautiful is that 40
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years later, on my first day of the tonight show, he gave me the snare drum from that performance on "soul train." like that's my snare drum for "the "tonight show." ". >> backstage at "fallon," the roots rehearse that big sound in the tiniest of spaces. but even quest love and roots co-founder could never have imagined this type of success as classmates back in the philadelphia high school for creative and performing arts. like "fame," right? >> very much so. >> students singing and dancing in the hallways. >> like boyz to men. >> same high school. >> yeah. >> somebody told me a story that one of the reason you and tarik started the roots is because you wanted to one up them. is that true? >> boyz to men was so magical and every day like clockwork, they'd be rehearsing in the
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bathroom, in the hallways, and me and tarik just sit in the back like, one day, man. >> other than the competitive thing with boyz to men, what was the mission statement? >> i don't want to disappointment you. we started bu ed busking on the streets of philadelphia. mainly to get date money. get a hogie. >> reporter: as the roots were coming to be, amir thompson was becoming quest love. >> so my logic was a question mark. like, i don't know what i am. >> you make me jealous. there's no question i need a nickname. >> matt love, man. >> matt love? >> yes. >> can i do that? >> yes. >> that makes us brothers. >> yes. from a different father. >> 20 albums, three grammys, plus a whole new audience thanks to light night tv.
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>> what are the nights you're looking out over the performance and thinking, i can't believe this? >> i first time it really happened was when springsteen came and played. and then after that, the magic just started pouring. >> reporter: and now giants of the music industry hire him to bring them some of his magic. producing music for jay-z, al green, john legend, and elvis costello, to name a few. but it is not just music. he's a modern day renaissance man, always expanding his orbit of expertise, hosting on this day what he calls a food salon to introduce his latest culinary discoveries to his wide assortment of friends. >> my personal satisfaction -- i know this is weird to say -- it is never the end result. like it's never the destination. i like the journey. >> reporter: and where that journey started, in philadelphia, growing up with his musical parents, is not lost on quest love. >> your dad passed away not long ago. >> yeah. the last thing he said to me was like, i can now go and know that
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you're going to be in the history books some day. like something i created a going to be here forever. like no compliment i've ever gotten, no "i'm so proud of you, son." nothing compared. i'll always remember that last conversation with him. >> last one. were you serious about matt love? >> yes. >> thanks so much. >> i'm quest lauer. >> it is hard to even tell you how cool that guy is. he really is. he's got so many different interests and such a great collection of friends and fans. it was fun. >> oh, my gosh. did any his cool rub off on you? >> no. there are other things to know about quest love. he's got a cookbook out and a roots picnic will be held in new york city for the first time starting on october 1st. full conversation with quest love is on our website,
8:25 am just ahead, we'll sink our teeth into philadelphia's long-standing cheesesteak war. we'll have some fun with "snl" weekend update team. they're here in philly. but first, a check of your local news and weather.
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good morning, i'm katy zachry, a few minutes before 8:30. let's get right to the first-alert neighborhood forecast with meteorologist krystal klei. good morning. good morning. it's a mix of blue skies and scattered clouds. we are at 79 degrees in philadelphia. it's a nice start with less humidity. so we are looking at a less humid forecast, feels like temperatures not quite as rough. nonetheless, still talking temperatures later today up to the 90s. 74 for your temperature in the suburbs. also at 74 in the lehigh valley and nearing 80 degrees in delaware with a mix of clouds and sunshine. we are tracking some spot showers that moved by. those have moved out. later today, an isolated chance in the eastern portions of the viewing area.
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krystal, thank you. jessica boyington is standing by with traffic news related to the dnc. >> that's right, katy. we are watching the checkpoints as well. 95 northbound near the philadelphia international airport seeing a delay near girard avenue. and the vine street expressway eastbound around 95. those are in place to hold in place those restrictions on vehicles over 5 tons or more that are restricted from driving on the nine-mile portion of 95. here's 95 near girard avenue. we are seeing an improvement here, 45 minutes southbound to the vine street expressway. jessica, thank you. we'll take a live look at the wells fargo center in south philadelphia. it is day three of the democratic national convention. and it gets underway at 4:30 this afternoon. president obama will speak tonight in support of the nominee, hillary clinton. we'll be back in 25 with another update.
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♪ ♪ went the distance now i'm back on my fight ♪ ♪ just a man and his will to survive ♪ ♪ it's the eye of the tiger ♪ it's the thrill of the fight rising up to the challenge our rivals ♪ ♪ and the last survivors will prey in the night and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger ♪
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♪ the eye of the tiger >> yeah! >> nicely done! >> these are the girls from let freedom sing. 100 girls. they are actually representing all 50 states, as i understand it. they just all met each other on sunday. you sound beautiful, guys! >> amazing. >> thanks for coming this morning. really appreciate that. but stay here for a second. we might you for some dramatic sound. >> punctuation. >> we have a lady here. you are 8 months pregnant? >> yes. >> you want to reveal your baby's name. >> yes. >> does anybody know besides you? >> no one. >> nobody. they've been bugging us for eight months and today is the day. >> hole on. ladies, something dramatic? >> keep going. >> aria josephine.
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beautiful! >> congratulations. >> sure it is a girl? >> perfect music, right? thank you, let freedom sing. congratulations, guys. by the way, speaking of great music this friday, back in new york on the plaza, how about a trip to margaritaville? jimmy buffett live in concert on our plaza this friday morning. come on down. get there early. there will be a lot of parrotheads out there. >> that's right. just ahead, this morning "snl's" weekend update team has made their way to philadelphia to give us their unique take on the democratic convention. wouldn't be philly without a trip to a cheesesteak. we'll do it because we have a cheese rivalry between two of the city's best. coming up in just a bit. do not forget about today's social star search. if you want to check out a new
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collaboration, go to now savannah reveals the name of her baby! >> no! not yet. now to our countdown to rio, the 2016 summer games just nine days away. as we mentioned, we'll be coming to you every morning from copacabana beach just a short distance from the famous christ the redeemer statue. did you know due to the location high atop the mountain, the statue is frequently struck by lightning. in 2014 it actually lost a thumb during a particularly bad storm. and a reminder, again, opening ceremony next friday night, the 5th of august. catch it -- where else -- right here on nbc. let's head out and get a check of the weather. >> starting with today, we are looking for a lot of wet weather from the gulf coast into the mid mississippi river valley. sunshine in the northeast. the heat continues out west. you don't have the humidity, but boy, do they have the heat. tomorrow we're going to have
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more wet weather. the risk of strong storms along the mid-atlantic coast, and back through the central plains. a lot of wet weather from the mississippi river valley in the good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. clouds moving out, sunshine takes over and back into the 90s this afternoon. philadelphia, 92 degrees, same for somerton and center city. the lehigh valley, nothing but sunshine. in the low 90s today. there is a chance of an isolated shower or thunderstorm in new jersey. and in delaware, even at the shore for ocean city and atlantic city, but most of the day will be dry. 80s at the shore. low 90s for wilmington. have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. guys? >> okay, al. thank you. now to our special series, "undercover." this is where nbc news investigates stories that may not be in the headlines.
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>> today pulling back the curtain on a little scene and controversial side of political conventions where business and leisure can be hard to distinguish between. >> great to see you guys. that's exactly right. it's not just the parts you see on tv. there are parties all over this town. a few are open to the public. but most are exclusively events where big business gets the opportunity to mingle with powerful politicians. cocktail parties and concerts, a cruise on the ben franklin yacht, and plenty of free booze. good party? >> it's a great party. >> reporter: at the democratic national convention, the action isn't just on stage. it is also at big-money parties where businesses and special interests can rub elbows with your representatives. >> we're party hopping. >> reporter: this reception hosted by powerful lobbyists for big wall street bank and a fortune 500 company. >> why wouldn't you want people to see it? it is just another event, like
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you said. we just tried to get in to this party behind us and they sent out a representative from one of those lobbying firms to tell us, you can't see what is going on behind those doors. it is for congressional staffers who influence and sometimes write the law. who is your boss zp. >> harry reid. >> are you a staffer? >> yeah. >> who do you work for? >> reporter: nbc's parent company, comcast, also threw a party and is one of the many corporate sponsors of the convention. political conventions used to be publicly funded but since congress did away with that two years ago, private donors have stepped in putting the bill for convention, and all those parties. >> melissa yeager from a watchdog group is in philadelphia following the money. what exactly do companies get out of these parties? >> they get access and they get their phone calls returned. >> is it legal? >> it is legal. >> is it ethical? >> i think the american people on both sides of the aisle have voiced concerns about this type of activity.
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>> reporter: companies throwing the parties have to comply with specific rules like serving hors d'oeuvres and not full meals. but those rules don't always apply to all kinds of events. for instance, certain charity functions. $15,000 will get you in on this charity golf game at one of the most exclusive courses in the country where members of congress and governors are hobnobbing with hosts like t-mobile, duke energy and continental. money goes to charity but the corporate sponsors also get plenty of face time with political bigwigs. we were asked to leave almost immediately. press are rarely invited to these events until they're hosting them themselves. some media outlets did this year. we did get into this concert featuring joe walsh of the eagles hosted by the distilled spirits council and the wau"wal street journal." you got to rub some elbows, right? that is senator dick durbin.
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and senator mark warner that's on the senate finance committee that oversees tax law, plus chiefs of staff for at least three or senators. lobbyists for the liquor industry told us they hope these relationships can get them lower taxes on their products. what brings you here tonight? >> oh, not me. >> no? >> no. >> reporter: a good time and close company behind closed doors far off most voters' radar. this happens on both sides of the aisle. in the '70s, money influenced peddling was out of control and congress cracked down. but today, guys, the mingling of money, influence in politics is going on. coming up next, the dnc gets the weekend update treatment. we'll catch up with "snl's" cast. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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whenthe state made aers, commitment to us. i knew that i wasn't going to make a fortune. but i would have a secure pension plan when i retired. each and every one of us made that contribution from every paycheck we ever earned. they've been negligent in their responsibility over the years of not funding this pension the way it should have been funded. they have made a promise, they've made a commitment, and they need to stick to it.
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welcome back, everyone, to philadelphia. if you remember, last week at about this time, our friends from "snl's" weekend update were having fun with republicans in cleveland. >> well, now they've come here to philly for a few laughs at the democrats' expense. take a look. >> we're here in philadelphia for the democratic national convention. >> we're going to try to find out how excited people are about hillary clinton. >> pretty excited, i bet. >> turns out, not really. [ crowd chanting "bernie" ] >> you know, he's not in it anymore. >> the energy from bernie sanders is -- i mean you can see it in this room. >> the energy from that 79-year-old man? i just seen him in the back sleeping. >> i'd be tired, too. >> having his midday nap. >> and which bernie sanders are you voting for? >> all of them. >> you want people to listen to you, right? and you're wearing a toddler's
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hat. >> tpp puts everyone. i'm a pretty big fan of opp. >> well, you know me. >> can i ask you a quick question? would this -- wouas this photo shopped in any way? >> a lot of people don't trust hillary clinton. do you trust hillary? >> how far do you trust hillary? would you trust her with your weed? >> my weed? i don't smoke weed. >> do you believe that, sir? >> would you let hillary clinton read your e-mails? >> no. >> are you hiding something? >> what do you think of bernie sanders' e-mails? >> i -- i'm -- >> coo po >> would you trust hillary clinton not to spoil a "game of thrones"? >> yes. i don't think she'd spoil it because she like keeps secrets and stuff like that. >> well. well. hey, you brought it up.
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>> that's a damn shame. all these democrats eating chick-fil-a. it is good though. a lot of people say that the democrats are the party for the people. right? >> yes. >> you consider yourself a common man? >> yeah. >> what does nascar stand for? >> which television shows do you watch? ncis? >> that's like a crime show of some time, right? >> that's your favorite blake shelton song? >> i was into classical. >> you just don't look like a bernie supporter. there's no beard. >> is there such a thing as a bernie supporter stereotype? >> yeah. show the clip of all the bernie supporters we've seen. ♪ >> see what i mean? >> yeah. for "weekend update."
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back to you, matt lauer. >> good morning. >> how you guys doing? >> good, good. >> we asked you last week, we'll ask you again. who's funnier, republicans or democrats? >> i think so far, republicans. >> me, too. >> why? >> say more about that. >> republicans are funny just because they're honest. they just let it all hang out. democrats, you kind of got to dig a little bit more. >> yeah. there are certain words i feel like are topic democrats are more sensitive talking about. whereas republicans just talk about it, then figure out later whether they should or shouldn't have said it. >> you guys have the bugs now for politics? you want to make this an every four-year deal? >> huh-uh. >> i think four years might just be long enough. >> i would rather be in rio. >> you grew up staten island?
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>> yeah. >> you grew up manhattan? >> yeah. >> did you guys both grow up with a built-in animosity to philadelphia, giants/eagles, rangers/flyers that sort of thing? >> they don't like us because we won a lot of championships. >> well, i was manhattan. we had fewer championships. >> i love philly. >> we pretend to be above it. but secretly we're upset. >> secretly we're crying in the back room, why doesn't anyone like us? >> come to reno, gurio, guys. we'd love to have you there. >> don't miss our special "weekend update" special. it is on msnbc tonight at midnight. up next, we're getting into philly's famist cheesesteak war. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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it's a pretty simple question: is pat toomey's agenda your agenda? toomey voted seven times to defund planned parenthood. he even tried to shut down the federal government in order to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. and toomey's against a woman's right to choose and supports overturning roe v. wade which would allow states to criminalize abortion. pat toomey: he's focused on his own agenda, not us. majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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you've probably hpennsylvania about the ziis working hard to track and prevent the virus from spreading. the best way for you to prevent zika is to avoid mosquito bites, especially if you're pregnant. here are some simple steps you can take to help protect you and your family. use insect repellent on your skin and clothing. cover up with loose, light-colored clothing when outdoors. repair window screens and get rid of standing water. announcer: to learn more, visit paid for with pennsylvania taxpayer dollars.
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we're back on "today" on a wednesday morning. no trip to philadelphia complete without a cheesesteak. >> that is right. carson, you definitely investigated this thoroughly. >> i did, guys. it was hard but somebody had to do it. you know the past two weeks have been a tale of two parties. well, this morning we give you a tale of two cheesesteaks, each vying for the taste buds, in this, the city of brotherly love. philadelphia. home of the liberty bell. independence hall. birthplace of america. and, of course, the cheesesteak. not only the city's signature sandwich, it is a cultural phenomenon that has locals and visitors taking sides in a battle that's been heating up for nearly 50 years. >> pat's. >> gino's. all the way. >> come on. pat's. >> gino's, of course. >> pat's. and gino's. less than a football field apart located on the same corner in south philly. a corner that's tracted everyone
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from celebrities, to politicians. pat's is the original. the cheesesteak was invented right here over 80 years ago. >> this is og. >> og. this is where it began. >> reporter: geno's, a little late to the game, created your signature steaks in the '60s. >> my dad started in 1966. he borrowed $2,000 off my grandfather and he started with $6 and turned it into what you see today. >> reporter: philly may be the city of brotherly love, but with bragging rights at stake, 24 hours a day, there is no shortage of healthy competition. we're going to see your buddy frank at pat's. anything you want to see him? >> i had to turn the game up. now it is your turn. >> we talked to your buddy, geno, right across the street. >> what? i've had one of his cheesesteaks before. >> i was hoping to watch the
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masters at work but they put me to work instead. >> that's the carson daly special right there. >> reporter: after working up an appetite -- that's a carson sandwich. all right. here you go, pal. enjoy. >> reporter: i finally got to reap the cheese covered fruits of my labor. >> dive right into it. good. it is a rivalry but you are about to see the friendship. frankie from pat's about to pass his beloved cheesesteak right over to geno himself. look at this. >> this is working across the aisle. >> one, two, here we go, three. >> nice. >> a peaceful moment. >> collin and michael joining us, too, for a little early morning cheesesteak. isn't the rivalry the greatest thing that's happened to your restaurants? >> yeah, but there's really no rivalry. i mean we're friends.
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we hang out. we grew up together. we have two booming businesses. we actually help out each other. >> if you are a philly native, you're either a pat's or you're a geno's. never the two shall meet. >> may i just throw in, as an independent, i went to jim's yesterday. >> oh! just saying. a very good cheesesteak as well. >> what savannah is getting to, it is kind of like heinz and hunt's. they are different. breads come from different places. they cook their meats a little bit differently. geno's very particular about his rib eyes, they go on flat. pat is a little more care free with the onions and the meet. the meat is a little more chopped there. you got a nice little crisp on your bread. geno, yours is just straight. >> what do michael and collin think over there? >> they can't talk.
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>> these are diet cheesesteaks, right? >> one thing we can all agree on -- it's geno's birthday today. >> happy birthday! >> thank you. thank you, guys. >> geno, pat's got another sandwich for you for your birthday. >> what does wit or wit-out. >> if you want a cheesesteak with onions and stuff, it is wit. if you want without, it's wit-out. >> he pronounces the "t." >> i love it. >> crazy, right? >> provolone. american. >> i've never had onions with my cheesecake -- oh, cheesesteak. >> we love you both, guys. >> thank you so much! >> collin, michael, thank you very much. we're back in a moment on a
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wednesday morning. this is "today." a cheesesteak edition.
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let's check out some folks who are on the smucker's jar for us. happy 100th birthday to eleanor
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hickman. former farmer says her secret to longevity, frequent pina coladas. yeah. mildr mildred ruff. bill yam spier from murraysville, pennsylvania. huge sports fan. happy 100 to catherine nichol n nicholson. ten kids, 30 grandchildren. wow. charles van trease. retired boat captain from mobile, alabama. still loves golf. when he was 90 years old, he hit a hole in one. he did so. talk about your double celebration for this one -- happy 76th anniversary and happy 100th birthday to both edwin and evy hunter of fishers, indiana.
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this year they're going to the caribbean with their entire family. that's amazing. >> that's awesome! >> if you know somebody who's turning 100 years old, we want to hear about it. make sure you sent a photo. it is getting really warm out here. carson is good morning, i'm katy zachry, a few minutes before 9:00 a.m. on your wednesday. let's get your forecast on the rest of the week with meteorologist krystal klei. good morning. we are looking at the neighborhood temperature of 82 in philadelphia. that just bumped up from 79 just a minute ago when i looked at the map. starting to get warm out there. we are at 77 in the lehigh valley and the suburbs. and that temperature is 81 at the jersey shore. temperatures already in the 80s.
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good news is a little less humid again today. so we are not talking quite as much moisture in the air unless your air is farther south where we saw isolated showers roll by earlier this morning. here's temperatures in your neighborhood, medford, 76. voorhees, 79. florence, 79. and hamilton at 77 degrees. these temperatures will be making their way back to the 90s later today. we stay in the heat wave through tomorrow. krystal, thank you. the democratic national convention is moving into its third day. president obama, vice president joe biden and virginia senator tim kaine will all speak tonight inside the wells fargo center. nbc 10 has extensive coverage of the dnc throughout the week. also don't miss our nightly one-hour special at 7:00. and keep the nbc 10 app handy for any breaking convention news. philadelphia police say a 17-year-old who was wounded this morning in a south philadelphia
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shoot-out is also the suspect in a carjacking that took place yesterday. he's one of three people in the hospital this morning. police say they found 36 shell casings from two different semiautomatic guns at fifth and moore street. the gunfire started just before 11:00 last night. police say the 17-year-old is in surgery. he will be arrested and they think he's one of the shooters today as well as being responsible for the carjacking crash yesterday. we'll see you soon. i'm hillary clinton and i approved this message. who do you talk to for military advice right now?
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well, i watch the shows. i mean i really see a lot of great - you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows... while donald trump watched tv, as secretary of state, hillary clinton negotiated a cease fire in gaza. a reduction in nuclear weapons... took on vladimir putin... and stood up against the trafficking of human beings. a steady leader in an unsteady world.
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this morning on "today's take," ian zering. then the movie that's set to live long and prosper in theaters, ""star trek" and beyond." all that and so much more coming up right now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hey, everybody. welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning. july 27th, 2016. i'm hoda kotb along with jenna bush hager. the group from this table is in philly. they're at the democratic convention. we'll get their latest in a couple of minutes. but my morning jam, this is a keith urban song.
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it is such a good mood song. it is called "raise 'em up" featuring eric church. ♪ black umbrellas in the pouring rain ♪ >> do you know more? >> -- ♪ amazing grace here comes the chorus. here it comes. ♪ say good-bye tonight we're gonna raise 'em up ♪ you raise up a glass. you raise up your eyes, your heart, your baby. >> like michael jackson. you're raising your baby. >> you know what he did this song for, the olympics. people getting their medals up. getting pumped. are you ready for the olympics, by the way? >> no. >> jenna and i are going to rio de janeiro. >> we can't wait. >> we're going to the copacabana, that's where we're going to be hanging out, covering the olympics. how do you feel about that? >> i'm excited.
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i love the olympics. i feel like our world needs the olympics. >> i was thinking the exact same thing. i feel like we've been having one conversation for a long time. >> time to come together. speaking of getting distracted and putting your mind somewhere else, let's talk movies for a second. do you have a favorite movie cliche? >> i do. >> i like how you have an answer. what is yours? >> i like a makeover. like remember "clueless" when they made over? >> yes. >> or "can't buy me love," ever watch that? >> no. i cliliked "clueless." >> anyway, when they make somebody over from geek to chic. >> seventeen magazine has a list of ridiculous goals of young girls. here's one of the cliches. meeting the love of your life by tripping in front of -- like one of my favorite movies, "wedding
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planner," with j. lo. then matthew mcconaughey rescues her from the oncoming dumpster. look how close they get. right here, right here. >> that's close. hope he didn't have onion breath. >> why are you ruining these magical moments? you know he smells like flowers and peppermint. and manly, too. >> what about this cliche? >> i'm sorry. do you want to stay in that moment any longer? in the movie they don't like the guy, they can't stand guy. then they realize they didn't see the sensitive side. ten things i hate about you. >> i've never seen that movie. >> it was sort of popular in my teens. >> that's what's her name. >> yeah. by the way, that's how i live my whole life now. that's what's her name from that show. >> have you ever had one of those cliches come true in real
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life? >> like so you were with the dork? i dated one time a guy who i thought was a diamond in the rough because he was not your typical gorgeous guy. but i didn't realize that the magic of him was he knew how to set the table. he drew girls in because they thought they were discovering this unpolished stone. when really, he knew he had it all figured out. he set the table, he lured girls in. he was so good -- >> was that a good thing or not so good? >> no, it was not so good. so this is one of our favorites here. this is one where you are about to get married to someone and you know in your heart you are in love with someone else. this movie i could watch a thousand times over. "sweet home alabama." remember? reese witherspoon was about to marry mcdreamy and she can't sign the divorce papers for her husband. she's puzzled. what happens? she can't do it. she goes to the beach -- >> and he is cute. >> josh lucas.
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he's like "i can kiss you whenever i want." remember? remember? had. >> that's thing. she's got the life in new york, and now she has to move back to alabama. you never really think about the details of these things. so as a little girl, i thought, you're supposed to meet somebody, get hit by a dumpster or you're maybe supposed to leave your husband right at the altar for the old high schoolboy friend who wants you back when really my high schoolboy fre bo didn't want me back. >> did you want him back? >> no. >> sometimes the person you marry isn't. >> mine is. we're going to head over to the democratic national convention where tamron, as us a, has the latest from philly. >> how serious could it be? i'm sitting next to al roker. >> what does that mean? wow. >> and we have our great friends
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with us. hi, guys! but we're mixing serious and fun and just democracy as we are on independence mall. i know you saw it last night, huge moment for this country. hillary clinton made history becoming the first woman officially nominated for president by a major party. president bill clinton took the stage and gave a very personal speech. filled with anecdotes with hillary as a mother. >> my daughter had the best mother in the whole world. for the next 17 years, through nursery school, montessori, kindergarten, through t-ball, softball, soccer, volleyball and her passion for ballet. through sleepovers, summer camp, family vacations, and chelsea's own very ambitious excursions from halloween parties in the
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neighborhood, to a viennese waltz in the white house. hillary first and foremost was a mother. she became, as she often said, our family's designated worrier, born with an extra responsibility gene. >> bill clinton spoke for about 45 minutes about his wife, just chronicling when they met in college, and all of the work that she's done leading up to this moment. earlier, jenna and hoda, it was an absolute stirring moment when democratic officials in arizona decided to honor 102-year-old gerry emmitt, she was appointed to serve as the honorary delegate and was able to just bring everybody to their feet as she counted the delegates for arizona. it was a big moment and what this really means. also another moment that's gone viral, bernie sanders got really
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emotional as his brother larry cast his vote talking about how proud their parents who both passed away would have been. and you saw senator sanders getting emotional. it was really family, tears, cheering. it was just incredible to be there. tonight's speakers who, of course, president obama, vice president joe biden who's been making the rounds, including on "morning joe" this morning -- and hillary's vice presidential campaign. watching this 102-year-old woman who can chronicle the history, the struggles and battle for women to be able to have this right and now to be represented by hillary clinton. it was very, very powerful. >> definitely was. tamron, thank you so much. >> no, no, we're not done. al roker's here and -- no, we're not done yet. i know you want to get rid of us. we're not done, right? >> shamelessly corrupting the crowd. >> so we have hoda and jenna,
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geno's steak, pat's steak. i lived here for 14 years. i will is happen to love jim's. >> i went to jim's steak yesterday on south street. they opened up 1939. went and shot this on my iphone. they chop the meat. >> yes, they chop the meat. >> pat's does not. geno's does. >> ishkibibble's is good. >> they all do provolone. they press that down, then they put the fried onions on it. >> i do have to have, hoda, a ketchup on mine. >> ketchup. >> i know. i have to have ketchup but i have to have geno's because they have a picture of me up. >> there you have it. >> that's the tamron hall seal of approval. if you shamelessly put a picture
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of her in your establishment, you get a thumbs up. that'shat's going on w good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. clouds moving out, sunshine takes over and back into the 90s this afternoon. philadelphia, 92 degrees in somerton and center city. low 90s for westchester and landsdale and the lehigh valley. there's a chance of an isolated shower or thunderstorm in new jersey, in delaware and at the shore for atlantic city. 80s at the shore. low 90s for wilmington. have a great day. >> that's your latest weather. by the way, go to bob's rats o a stick. tamron's got her picture there. >> rats on a stick. >> guys, when we were watching you eat, we kept thinking any minute someone was going to walk in for us. but thank you for thinking of
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us. thank you. >> al, by the way, you'll like this next segment. it is another episode of "sharknado" and someone from the "today" show staff, one or two people, happen to be in this new one. it's in las vegas. you can bet i am there right after this. after this. >> or maybe right now. if you suffer from a dry mouth, then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. after this. >> or maybe right now. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. covergirl introduces new supersizer fibers mascara 400% volume plus so much length you can't believe your eyes
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crazy new super sizer fibers mascara from easy, breezy beautiful covergirl that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. ♪ sfx: boop 1" durable binder, durable construction, on rollback for $1.92. save money. live better. walmart. ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works...
9:13 am one week. with the... fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to work on fine lines and... ...even deep wrinkles. "one week? that definitely works!" rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots, rapid tone repair. neutrogena®. "see what's possible." light & fit greek crunch yogurt is topped with crunchy deliciousness that makes it an absolutely, irresistible hit! light & fit crunch. the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says, "you picked the wrong insurance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. ♪
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♪ ♪ so, ian ziering survived the vicious hallways of west beverly high school in his hit tv series "90210." now ian's becoming a hero saving humanity.
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>> ian's character has moved afas far away from the coast as possible. i can't believe you're doing four. this is hysterical. >> this is such a fan base. asia. south america. >> what do they ask you when you go to news conferences there? >> what are you going to do for "sharknado" 5? >> what are you going to do? >> i don't know how they could have topped april, giving birth in a space suit in the belly of a shark as it fell unrestrained to earth. only to survive and then get killed or sort of killed. >> okay. i know how you beat it. >> how? >> you put in al roker and
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natalie morales and it -- >> natalie had an eye patch. >> what? >> hi, al. nice to see you. >> how you doing? >> i'm doing great. >> i thought we all died in "sharknado 3." >> you can't really say you're dead in any of these movies. we bring david hasslehoff back from the moon and he was stranded up there. . pirate natalie. >> what happened to her eye? >> i don't know. >> she was attacked by a shark. >> clearly. i think she had something going on with her eye that day. but it was a good character choice. >> okay. you know what? kathie lee and i were in one, too, and we fought them off with wine bottles. you remember? >> right. >> cracked wine bottles. >> that doesn't mean you can't come back. >> or be on for the first time
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maybe? bring some bribe money, just like everyone else has and maybe you, too, can get in. >> how do the sharks and the ocean make it to vegas? >> that's a good question, hoda. . clearly you are a deep thinker. this movie is not for you. you just have to accept this. we very creatively accomplish getting sharks to the desert. there's a tremendous new hotel, fantastic new hotel, and they have an 80-story aquarium. >> oh! >> yes. yes. and it's only because someone who is an environmentalists has rescued these sharks and put them in this enormous aquarium. >> sorry, you've done two iconic roles. quickly, i grew up sneaking in to watch "90210s" because i wasn't allowed with is pregnancies and such.
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>> i think they've both reached the iconic level. >> you are an icon. drop the mike. >> i don't lead by that. >> or drop the chainsaw. >> drop the chainsaw. oh, it vibrates. >> thank you so much. ""sharknado" 4 premiers this sunday july 31st. >> look scared. look scared. >> we have some sweet treats to help you stay cool all summer long. i don't know why i talked like that. ♪
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you must be the new teacher, huh? yeah. remember, days like today, you'll never forget. you're going to do great. thanks. kleenex, someone needs one. new root cover up.ion? 3 seconds to flawless roots. 3, 2, 1 roots gone! new root cover up by l'oréal hair oh my gosh!
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is because covering heals faster. to seal out water, dirt and germs, cover with a water block clear bandage from band-aid brand. what's yours?illion ways to top your kids' rice krispies. ♪a dash of fruit in their favorite color.♪ ♪a bunch of pineapple 'cause hey it's summer!♪ ♪bananas and berries 'cause the letter b rocks.♪ ♪a little bit of yogurt? ♪sure! why not? the fun never stops! how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop? give them a universe of knowledge with this 11.6" samsung chromebook for just $189. save money. live better. walmart. is depression more than sadness? ♪ it's a tangle of multiple symptoms.
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♪ ♪ trintellix (vortioxetine) is a prescription medicine for depression. trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. for me, trintellix made a difference. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. trintellix has not been studied in children. do not take with maois. tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. the most common side effects are nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix did not have significant impact on weight. ask your healthcare professional if trintellix
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could make a difference for you. you know the old saying, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. that's never more true than during summertime. >> we have some treats to help you beat the heat. >> this is perfect timing. >> it is so hot in new york city right now. it is hot everywhere. we're going to cool off with some of these awesome hacks. who doesn't love a frozen grape? this you can mist them with a spritz, then drop them in gelatin. spin them around. pop them on to a plate or baking sheet, put those in the freezer for a few hours. >> it just makes it limey? >> and sour like these. the movie theater treat.
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>> you like the sour patch kid? >> go for it. next up, we are making some no-bake cheesecake, frozen cheesecake. >> how is that possible? from that's a genius idea because sometimes you want something sweet and you don't want to turn the oven on. >> is that ricotta? >> this is ricotta. we already have some plain old cream cheese in here. you're going to beat it in a mixer, using a hand-held beater. go ahead and do that. obviously you let that go until it is really smooth. you have this wonderful mixture here, lemony, cheesy. >> can you use lemon juice, too? >> yeah. a little lemon juice, lemon zest, agave. you can use honey. once you get this in here nice and flat, you'll freeze it until it is really firm. then use the plastic to take it out. you get these no-bake cheesecake bars. >> how is that?
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i can't have cheese. >> these is good for me. >> this is perfect for me. >> this is frozen lemonade. >> frozen rose is all the rage! >> what you do is just pour some lemonade, fresh lemonade into use cube trays, pop in the freezer, then just puree them with some water. you get frozen lemonade right here. >> that's a nice presentation. >> that is such a clever way to serve it. you can hollow your lemons out, juice them, make your lemonade, pop them in the freezer -- >> oh, my gosh, this is good. really good. >> yogurt covered frozen blueberries. we want to stay cool. put a little toothpick on it. dip them in your plain yogurt or flavored yogurt. put them on to a baking sheet. these are them. these are great for kids. they're healthy. >> my daughter would love.
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she doesn't really like berries. justin, thanks so much. jeff rossen is covergirl has big news for lashes! lashblast is our most award winning mascara millions of girls, millions of looks billions of beautiful lashes blasted! the lashblast collection from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl
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good morning, i'm katy zachry. a few minutes before 9:30 on your wednesday. let's get a look at the forecast from first-alert meteorologist krystal klei. hi, katy. we are looking at a high of 92 degrees today in philadelphia and sticking with the heat wave through tomorrow. then finally breaking into the 80s. but notice starting tomorrow the possibility of thunderstorms. can't rule out a stray storm on the jersey shore later today at 87. we'll stay in the upper 80s through saturday and sunday. but again starting thursday and all the way through your friday, saturday and sunday across the region, the possibility of scattered showers. thank you. get ready for a year's worth of potential traffic trouble if you use city avenue beginning next week. construction begins on the
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stretch of city avenue between 76 and lancaster avenue. penndot is putting up new traffic lights to react to demands rather than timing. there will be changes at 17 intersections including the new lights, new push buttons for pedestrians, better pavement markings and new curb ramps for wheelchairs. the project will be done in november of 2017 and expect crews to be out there working from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00. the democratic national convention is moving into day three. president obama and hillary clinton's running mate tim kaine will all speak tonight inside the wells fargo center. and new this morning bernie sanders canceled his meeting with the delegation this morning. he was supposed to be one of the special guests at the breakfast in center city. nbc 10 has your all access pass to all things in philadelphia. we are working around the clock to bring you what you need to know about the convention.
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i'm katy zachry. we are back with another update in about 25. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!"
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taking a look at the headlines, president obama will address the democratic national convention tonight the day after hillary clinton became the first woman ever nominated for president by a major party. 12 years ago to the day, the president made a rousing speech at the dnc as a senate candidate from illinois catapulted himself into the spotlight of american politics. john hinckley jr., the man who tried to assassinate ronald reagan in 1981 will be free and will live with his mother. a judge said hinckley no longer posed a danger to himself or others. a new study is suggesting that women who begin menopause before the age of 46 or after 55
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have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. women are the shortest lifetime reproductive cycles were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes and those with the longest diabetes cycles had a 20% to 30% higher risk. having more pregnancies increases the risk. the possible link is between estrogen levels and type 2 diabetes. according to the american express spending and saving track tracker, guests at weddings are shelling out $703 per wedding. that's 5% more than last year. millennials spend almost $900 per wedding. tonight a lot of people will be pouring over powerball tickets. the jackpot for tonight's drawing has grown to at least $422 million making it the 11th biggest jackpot ever in the united states. nobody's won it in almost three months. the chance of winning the big prize is 1 in 292 million.
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al? that means you have a chance. >> you always have a chance. thanks, sheinelle. let's see what we have, the chance for good or bad weather. gulf coast and mississippi river valley, ohio river valley, let for wet weather. 90 today in worth land, oregon. heat and humidity continues for at least one more day in the northeast and new england. tomorrow we've got a risk of strong storms along the mid-atlantic coast. also in the central plains. wet weather moves into the ohio river valley, mississippi river valley as well. the heat continues to bake the west. low humidity, but lots of sunshine, lots of heat, and that not great nisew good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. clouds moving out, sunshine takes over and back into the 90s this afternoon. philadelphia, 92 degrees, same for somerton and center city.
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low 90s for the suburbs and lehigh valley. nothing but sunshine in the lower 90s today. there's a chance of an isolated shower or thunderstorm in new jersey and in delaware, even at the shore for ocean city and atlantic city. but most of the day will be dry. 80s at the shore. low 90s for wilmington. have a great day. >> and that is your latest weather. ladies. al, thanks. so everybody wants to get out of town during the summer and hopefully cut down on the travel costs. but choosing the budget airline over the full-service airline, can it save you money? >> to answer that question and so much more, we called in the guy who knows how to do it, national investigative estigati correspondent, jeff rossen, to compare the price of the exact same trip on two different airlines. one of them is a budget and one is a full service. jeff? >> so we're going to walk you through this. we have our beautiful planes out. rossen reports airlines. i would not fly this airline. let's just say that from the beginning.
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>> i would not either. >> i know you wouldn't. we have some original information right here. we wanted an accurate comparison, we picked los angeles to phoenix, round-trip ticket, departing on the same date, returning on the same date, morning flight, same cities and everything. we're doing delta and spirit. look at the price on delta. it's $171.20. the original price on spirit, $86.10. you're like i'm going to go with spirit. >> the price does seem low to me. >> you can get good deals. but when you see that spirit deal, you're like i need to buy that. but then come the fees. so carry-on baggage, delta, free. that's included. >> carry on. >> this is luggage you put into the overhead. >> they charge you for that on spirit. >> spirit they charge you $35 per carry on bag each way. $70. put the new grand total. the delta ticket has not
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changed. still at $171.20 but spirit is now up to $156.18. choosing a seat. on delta and on most mainstream ar airlines it is free to get a seat assignment. unless you upgrade yourself in some way. of course when you get a preferred seat, it is different. regular seat, free on delta to get a seat assignment. on spirit it is going to cost you -- take a look at the sign here. going to cost you $4 each way just to pick a seat. >> wow! >> they'll assign you one. but you don't want to pick it. grand total. seat assignment when you factor that in, delta, unchanged. getting close. >> this shocked me. talk about printing tickets. you would think this would be free. >> so many of us have the airlines apps. but if you don't, you go to a kiosk or to the ticket agent. on delta you can print it anywhere you want for free. on spirit, they're going to charge you -- actually, the
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details are pretty interesting. if you go up to a ticket agent they're going to charge you $10 to print a boarding pass. >> is that right? >> yes. >> per pass. >> yes. it's free if you print it at home. you can print it at home for free -- >> per pass. meaning if i'm a family of four, that's $40. >> that's exactly right. so guys, grand total, spirit -- has now exceeded delta, $184.18 on spirit, $171.20 on delta. >> that's crazy. >> spirit telling nbc news only under rare circumstances will it be more expensive. on average they say you'll save 40% on spirit versus other airlines. but occasionally they say you can find a rare needle in a haysta haystack. >> what's your takeaway? >> do the shopping, read the actual policies of these airlines before you buy the ticket because that original ticket price may not actually be what you pay in the end, as you can see.
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>> what are the delays and cancellations like? you don't want to be excited about going to see your grandparents or whatever and then your -- >> exactly. you can check that per flight. you can check delays and percentages. >> jeff, thank you. next from the outer reaches of space at studio 1a, john cho will tell us about the number one movie here on sara, could you come in here. yep, coming. oh wow, what kind of underwear are those? they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. [gasp] what are those? guys... they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. yes, they have these tiny holes to let the air through, can you help me? wa wa weewoo look at those. can you feel this? [blowing] turn around for me. seriously? yeah. slow...slow...slower...slower is that okay. i don't think you should get that dress. it doesn't fit. stay cool with breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates...
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maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. is back starting at $12.99, only at olive garden.tour of italy choose 3 of 9 of our favorite italian dishes to get everything you want, all on one plate. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. because the best tour of italy is the one you create. olive garden. ♪fx: boop this back to school, unleash their creativity... with this crayola 24-pack for just $.50. save money. live better. walmart. we asked real people to use on their bums. why do you think the ripples make a difference? it gets it all clean. they give me a very happy feeling bum. cleanripple texture is designed to clean better. go cottonelle, go commando.
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very talented john cho has appeared in nearly 100 tv series and movies. >> we counted. >> you're busy! we've watched him in films like "american pie," "harold and kumar." >> now in the new "star trek beyond" movie, going where no man has ever gone before. >> you can fly the thing, right? >> you kidding me, sir? >> oh, my gosh. >> wow. wow. >> how much fun is this movie?
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>> i'm moved by my own performance. >> you like watching clips of yourself or your own movies? what does that feel like? >> it feels really awkward. >> you like watching yourself on television? >> i hate it. but some movie stars who we have on watch and are sort of enjoying your performance. you were sort of cringing, turning away from yours. >> i was just watching my fake button pushing, spaceship flying. >> number one in the country though, people are enjoying the performance. >> yeah, i'm so happy about it. i was so worried because it is the o50th anniversary of the "star trek" franchise. i really wanted it to go 50 more years and didn't want to let the series down because of the respect i have for what went before this. >> fans have this standard that's so high. that must have been a lot of pressure to make sure you nailed
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it. >> it feels like a good pressure. the fans of "star trek" save the series from cancellation and they sort of define what fandom is in today's era. but yes, still the pressure. >> i think we grew up together, possibly the same generation. you really related with the show because of the diversity. is that true? did you love the show as a kid? >> you're 25 as well. >> how can you tell? >> yes. when i was a kid, i emigrated to houston, texas when i was 6. i just didn't see anyone on tv that looked like me. then i saw george takei being cool and piloting the spaceship on television. i thought wow, there's a beacon for me. >> something's getting a lot of headlines, your character's gay.
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george takei said why? >> i totally respect where he's coming from. he originated the role and he played -- he was a gehman playing a straight character. i can appreciate that. our movie is in an alternate timeline, so this is getting real nerdy. so our characters do different things and we're positing that he is gay. but the real take-away has been how -- because there really hasn't been an lgbt character in the "star trek" universe and people have been very great about it. they really appreciated that movie. >> so somewhere in houston, texas there might be a boy or girl watching having somebody to relate to. >> yeah. >> quick before we say good-bye, you are a dubsmash fan? >> yes. ♪ we are the world
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♪ we are the world ♪ we are the children ♪ we are the children ♪ i'm so excited i just can't hide it ♪ ♪ i'm about to lose control and i think i like it ♪ >> i love how you close your eyes for dramatic reasons. >> i'm overcome with the spirit. >> you are the bomb! >> thank you. you can catch "star trek beyond" in theaters now. up next from high school musical to a wild and crazy amateur night. >> we're talking way crazy. >> right after this. real cheese people, don't eat pasteurized processed cheese food. it's only required to contain 51% real cheese. with sargento 100% real natural cheese slices, a patty melt becomes more than just patty. ham unites with its better half. and a club sandwich becomes part of a club you definitely want to be in. real cheese people would never eat a slice wrapped in plastic when they can have a slice of 100% real.
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natural cheese slices from sargento. we're real cheese people. fact. there's an advil specially made for fast relief that goes to work in minutes. the only advil with a rapid release formula for rapid relief of tough pain. look for advil film-coated in the white box! relief doesn't get any faster than this. advil. indwith the one and onlysion colour riche lipstick from l'oreal. luxuriously rich and creamy- intensely hydrating. 60 shades- neutral to vibrant. one for every woman. colour riche from l'oréal make-up designer paris. what's yours?illion ways to top your kids' rice krispies. ♪a dash of fruit in their favorite color.♪ ♪a bunch of pineapple 'cause hey it's summer!♪ ♪bananas and berries 'cause the letter b rocks.♪ ♪a little bit of yogurt? ♪sure! why not? the fun never stops! how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop? with toothpaste or plain their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria
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that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. light & fit greek crunch yogurt is topped with crunchy deliciousness that makes it an absolutely, irresistible hit! light & fit crunch. strike! sfx: "boop" ♪ complete pair of eyeglasses, 1 year replacement warranty, $38 save money. live better. walmart. ♪ ♪ this is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done. that one's from my friend caitlyn. "you always encouraged me to go after my dreams.
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well, it's my turn now. love always, your future maid of honor." vitamin enriched to revive skin well, it's my turn now. and fight 7 signs of aging your old school dance moves might show your age, your skin never will olay. ageless. that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. ♪ flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh!
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she slimed me. which i probably should've seen coming. [ laughs ] ashley tisdale is taking on a much more mature role in the new movie called "amateur night." >> yes. she plays a prostitute being chauffeured around who thought he would be delivering pizzas instead of women. >> what? >> how are you? >> i'm good. >> what an interesting role for you. >> yeah. yeah. >> talk about what drew you to this movie. >> seriously. well, i really loved the script. it is a comedy, of course. and it was very different from anything i've ever done before. so i think that's why i liked it so much. obviously because of jason
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biggs. i am a huge fan of his. to work with him was so much fun. >> you play a stripper. >> yes. >> how did you prepare? >> well, it is based on a true story on the director's actual true story. so thehe would tell us about th girls. we did have the dance choreography. >> that's a good workout. >> the dancing's definitely a good workout for sure. >> one of the filmmakers said, and i quote, when whe saw ashle tisdale she was only one out of a dozen that seemed like a real stripper. that's a compliment. >> i've never heard that. >> he means that as a compliment, i'm sure. >> when i audition, i'm obviously fighting for the role so i had some amazingly some stripper boots in my closet.
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i really dressed the part. you got to get the role, right? >> were you wracking up a lot with jason on set? >> yeah. the thing about our directors, they would just let us improvise a lot of the time. it was just so much fun to work off of jason and the other girls. he's just so professional. jason one of the guys that we have 17 days to shoot this. which is not a lot. to have someone who is the lead of the movie just be there on time and kind of set the tone for everybody. we all had to be professional. >> you have a lot going on. we read that you are are an executive producer of a show called "young and hungry." >> yeah. >> what is that all about? >> yeah. i produce "young and hungry," a show on free form. it's been on for i think four seasons at this point. i had a production company about seven years ago that i created. so now we've been developing a lot more. i'm excited for more things to
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come out. >> i wish it was called "old and hungry." >> it's the ten-year anniversary. we have to bring it up. "high school musical." when you think back, can you even believe it? i get you started your production company at 18. just a baby. >> it feels so long ago. yeah. but i think because we keep talking about it, doesn't feel that long ago. >> are you still close with the people from "high school musical"? >> of course. yeah. yeah. they're all my best friends. >> ashley, we wish you good luck with this. thanks for coming to see us. "amateur night" hits select theaters august 5, available on demand august 12. this is "today" on nbc.
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your daughter wants to stay organic. your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant.
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ladies, what do you have coming up? >> jason biggs. >> jen inny mullen. they're in a movie together. >> somebody said this gives justin timberlake a run for his money. >> i'm only telling you this because hoda hasn't read her notes yet. you're going to love this guy, come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold.
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with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. good morning, i'm katy zachry. just a few minutes before 10:00. let's check in with meteorologi meteorologist krystal kiel for a check on the forecast. these numbers are going to be cracking up later today. in fact, most of us are in the low 90s. we are at 92 for the high
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forecast in philadelphia. the suburbs at 91. and low 90s right on through the lehigh valley. krystal, thank you. the democratic national convention is moving into day three. president obama, vice president joe biden and hillary clinton's running mate, virginia senator tim kaine will all speak tonight inside the wells fargo center. nbc 10 has extensive coverage of the dnc throughout the week. and don't miss our nightly one-hour specials at 7:00. also, keep the nbc 10 app handy for any breaking convention news. in other news this morning, philadelphia police say a 17-year-old wounded this morning in a south philadelphia shoot-out, well, he's also the suspect in a brazen carjacking that happened yesterday. he's one of three people in the hospital this morning. police say they found 36 shell casings from two semiautomatic guns at fifth and moore streets in philadelphia. the gunfire began just before 11:00. officers say the 17-year-old is in surgery. he will be arrested. they think he's one of the
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shooters in the overnight shooting as well as the suspect in the carjacking crash yesterday.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. glad you're with us today for wines day wednesday, july 27th. that's "america's sweetheart" by elle king. fun show today, jason biggs and i believe it's call jenny mollen, real life husband and wife. they're a married couple. they're going to tell us what


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