tv Today NBC July 31, 2016 8:00am-9:01am EDT
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>> nobody more qualified than hillary clinton. >> you're being ridiculous. >> i hope you're able to find the e-mails that are missing. ♪ ♪ good morning and welcome to "sunday today." i'm willie geist. after well over a year of campaigning, we officially have our two presidential nominees and we're now 100 days until the election. we'll talk around the table about a wild week in a moment. we're back stage with country super star luke bryan as he hosts the party for 60,000 of his closest friends. >> i want people to have a
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blast. do i get judged on maybe not as being as artistic as the next artist for that? maybe. but i mean, at the end of the day, i feel like my art is the ability to get people together and make them have a good time. then, as the number of traditional bars in the united states continues to decline, americans are moving the party to their homes. steve patterson explains. >> we don't have to worry about being in an oatmosphere where it's crowded and the music is blaring, we make it what we want. harry smith takes us to one of america's most beautiful places where there is a fight between preserving nature and creating good jobs. >> we're trying to protect the boundary waters, watershed in copper mine.
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we have a great group assembled around the table, first, the faa is investigating a deadly balloon crash in texas. 16 people were on board when the balloon went down. janet is in lockheart, texas with the latest. janet, what happened here. >> reporter: willie, good morning. it's the worst hot air balloon accident in u.s. history. it burst and crashed into this corn field saturday morning. the balloon appeared to be flying unusually low and there is speculation it may have hit the high power lines about four stories tall that run through the field. friends of the pilot say he's 49-year-old skip nickels that owns a balloon company. none of the other victims have been identified. the ntsb will provide an update from washington. they couldn't get in last night due to weather but will be on the scene investigating today.
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>> terrible story out of texas. thank you so much. breaking news in austin, not far from the balloon crash. one is dead, three others wounded when gunfire rang out in the streets of texas' capital city. police say that suspect began firing into the crowd after an argument. donald trump is facing criticism for his response to the parents of a fallen muslim soldier who spoke thursday night at the democratic nation the convention. he was responding to mr. khan's speech whose son an army captain that died in iraq challenged trump asking what sacrifices trump made for this country. in an interview with abc news, trump was asked to respond. >> i think i made a lot of sacrifices. i've worked very, very hard. i've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs. >> those are sacrifices? >> oh, sure, sacrifices. i think when i can employ thousands and thousands of people, take care of their education, take care of so many
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things. >> mr. khan responded to trump later in the day. >> running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect gold star family and gold star mother not realizing her pain. shame on him. shame on his family. >> we'll talk more about what trump said about the mother in a moment and trump released a statement calling captain khan a hero but saying the efforts for radicals to enter the country to do us further harm. hillary clinton tweeted captain khan and his family represent the best of america and we solute them. meanwhile, she'll be on the road. on saturday mark cuban endorsed clinton at a rally in pittsburgh. >> after nearly three months without a winter, someone finally won that huge powerball jackpot. there was one winning ticket for
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the $487 million drawing last night. if you got your ticket in re monday, new hampshire hang on tight, 11, 17, 21, 23, 32 and the powerball 5. a truly incredible feat from 25,000 feet above the earth. daredevil luke akins jumped out a plane without a parachute going into free fall for two minutes traveling 150 miles an hour and somehow managed to land directly at his target, which was a giant net about the third of a size of a football field without so much as a scratch. he's obviously the first person ever to do that. let's join our crew around the table to talk to historic head spinning week through. a cultural writer, best selling author and co-host of the about race pod cast and the onion, he's back from covering the dnc making his historic first appearance on "sunday today." welcome. >> thank you.
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very good story. >> it is. more history here because with us for the first time a deputy communications director for the congressional leadership found and head of hispanic media relations until she stepped down a couple months ago. welcome. good to see you, ruth. >> good to be here. >> and katy tur is our correspondent that will not be told this morning to quote be quiet as she was by the candidate at a press conference this week. welcome, everybody. >> cheeky. >> we'll leave it there. >> okay. >> i want the spend the whole show talking about a guy that jumped out of a plane on a parachute. >> unbelievable. >> a metaphor where we are as a nation. >> is there a net? >> that is the key question. >> let's dive into the khan situation. donald trump going after the man that made this speech on thursday. i want to play for people that maybe didn't see it some of what mr. khan said on thursday night. >> let me ask you, have you even read the united states
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constitution? i will gladly lend you my copy. [ cheers ] >> have you ever been to arlington cemetery? go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending united states of america. you will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. [ applause ] >> you have sacrificed nothing. and no one. >> mr. and mrs. khan lost their son to a suicide bomber in iraq in 2004. we played you the part earlier where mr. khan responded talking about the sacrifices, donald trump responding to that but also, donald trump pointing out something about mrs. khan standing next to mr. khan. take a listen. >> if you look at his wife, she
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was standing there with nothing to say. she probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me. plenty of people have written that. >> let's dive into this a little bit. donald trump implying there because she's muslim perhaps she wasn't allowed to speak and she came out later and said no, it's so hard for me to talk about my son, i can't look at his picture on the screen. we saw moments where we thought this is a turning point for donald trump and haven't been. in many cases, they enhanced his support. is this different from your seat? >> i think it's a new low for him but he's a master of the low so i don't see this as a turning point than a more consistent version of the trump we've seen. that family represents the best of us and that's not a partisan thing to say, it's an american thing to say and the way for him to lay into them and not see or acknowledge the pain they have. he also, to be honest, he should be the last person to talk about someone's wife silently standing
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by behind him when his wife speaks, it's another person's words. >> he could say whatever he want and no consequence for it. he can shoot from the hip. do you feel from the republican side this is different this time? >> i think first of all, this speech was powerful. it impacted independents, republicans, tran sends party lines, love of country, sacrifice and powerful and impactful. surely won't question the experiences or the rational the khan family has to support hillary clinton. obviously, their experiences have led them to that support. similarly what we saw during the rnc with pat smith who also lost a son in benghazi and very much opposing hillary clinton, i
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won't question her rational. it's something personal. those two families represent the best of america and the sacrifice and the bravery they had is something that i obviously don't have, and when they say that, when one family member serves, the entire family serves and i think we got to see a little bit of that during that speech. >> are you surprised donald trump went after this issue? i feel like this is one he would step back from and say i honor their sacrifice and not get into a fight with this family? >> i think the correct approach would be to honor the sacrifice. >> can i jump in on the idea of being surprised by donald trump's base level behavior? he's shown us who he is for decades. in 1989 there was a famous and heinous crime committed in central park. a jogger was brutalized, nearly killed, five teenagers, black and brown teenagers were put into confession. donald trump took out a full
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page ad asking for the death penalty. this was voluntary. he wasn't running for president or aiming for office. he was a pry sivate citizen try to murder innocent children at the hands of the state. not surprising. not the first time and certainly not the last. >> katy, there is a rhythm and you've watched it for well over a year donald trump gets embr l embroiled in one thing, russia this week. that was four days ago. >> and before that ted cruz and before that melania's speech. >> was this a strategy? did he know i better engage them to move on from russia? >> i think he's an opportunest in that way where he takes opportunity to make a new headline and to say this is just coincidence would be blind to the past year and the events that have happened. donald trump has consistently changed the subject to another controversy over and over again. i think this coming week we'll see him talk about something completely different that will
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move the subject away from the khan comments. these things don't last more than a couple days. frankly, they never do. >> i want to read a tweet, ruth, from john kasich of ohio who is obviously not a supporter of donald trump and ran against him. he wrote this, there is only one way to talk about gold star parents, with honor and respect. captain khan is a hero, together we should pray for his family. i guess my question is, why haven't we seen more of that? paul ryan put out a statement but didn't specifically go after donald trump. he said the muslim ban is a bad idea. why haven't we heard from people like john mccann on this one issue? >> time and again you have seen republican leaders come out, paul ryan come out and oppose donald trump's muslim ban and kasich's tweet. you'll see more republican leaders come out and give their opinion on this issue and i think that that's the right thing to do. we want to hear because we
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know -- i mean, we're the party that loves to talk about and we hold the constitution for love of country, patriotism, faith, freedom. >> wouldn't it be obvious to say this is wrong, this is a family that lost their son in service of the united states. >> i think you will continue to see that and john kasich said that. do we want to see more, absolutely. >> i disagree. i don't think you'll continue to see this because they haven't been confronted. that's the reality. they haven't been confronted with the camera and not confronted with the camera with the russian comments which is why we're seeing republican leadership including mitch mcconnell and paul ryan not comment on this because frankly, all they have been doing is commenting on donald trump. they are trying to distance themselves from it very -- >> not saying here is the issue -- >> this is the standard bear of their party and they have to get behind his comments or take a stand. that's what many people are
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calling for. for them to allow him to say what many find offensive means they are approving it and maybe they don't find it offensive and female like khan came out and attacked donald trump and he deserves to be -- he's basically asking for it and deserves to be part of the conversation because he was the one that punched first. donald trump always called himself a counter puncher. the republicans that haven't commented on it are approving it but also they haven't had the camera in front of their face. >> i think we should also remember, remind us this is not a normal election and donald trump is not a normal candidate. he pretended to be a democrat for a long time. he wasn't. he's pretending to be a republican right now. he isn't. he is not republican. he is not democratic. he is not one of us. he's in a special category of his own and only looks out for himself and to the extent he made sacrifices, only to his people. >> i think the outrage is justified a lot from folks who believe he has gone too far in
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attacking a gold star family. >> there are a lot of people watching john mccann and other leaders in the party on this story to see if they step up. >> but i don't think -- here is the fundamental difference. i had a long conversation with a guy just this week about donald trump and he likes him. he's supporting him, and i said, you know, what about the controversies and the fact he often is not telling the truth? he said none of that matters because i think we need stronger borders. i said what about the fact there is less illegal immigration now than 2007? i don't care, i think donald trump will make it stronger and better. there is nothing you can say to sway his base of support. there is nothing he can say to sway his base of support. >> we'll see if there is people in the middle that can be said. stick with me for the highs and lows of the week including bill clinton celebrating like a geeful kid at chucky cheese and a thief learns the hard way, never mess with a swedish cop in
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a here is your neighborhood forecast. center city, 87 today, but the focus, not necessarily on the it em tures, it's on the possibility of second stormless. we've seen showers move through this morning. 87, 84 at allenstown. cape may, mid 80s, and some of the upper 80s in delaware as well. science. join me as we walk through the seven stages of decisioning. 1. consideration. 2. questioning. 3. deciding. 4. queso. 5. nap. 6. sudoku. 7. tambourine practice. i think i made my point. they'll give you an offer for your car, you take seven days to think about it.
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♪ good is a catalyst,ue diamond almond. good is contagious. and once it gets going there is no stopping what you can do. get your good going. blue diamond almonds. proud sponsor of the us swim team hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. likewise! but, funny story. on top of that? my mom is my best friend. uh oh. yeah. oop! there's the rescue text from my roommate saying she needs me. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: the citi double cash card. grain free pet food committed to truth on the label.l when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. and we leave out corn, wheat and soy.
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for your pet, we go beyond. that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. the products in our bath time routine, work together like a team. a combination designed to help improve your baby's skin barrier while you stimulate his senses. johnson's®. so much more™ welli do say that, you see... "well, fantastic!" a lot. i study psychobiology. i'm a fine arts major. nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. i try to balance my studying with the typical college experience. this windows pc is a life saver! being able to pull up different articles to different parts of the screen is so convenient. i used to be a mac user but this is way better.
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the things that i consume a lot of it is very acidic. the enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. the whiteness wasn't there as much. my teeth didn't look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. so it was really important to start using the pronamel. it'll be one less thing you have to worry about. pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that i'm doing the right thing. so it's nice to know that it's as simple as that. ♪ all right. ruth and katy back with me as we run through the highs and lows of the week. the high between a texas police officer and a 2-year-old friend. patrick ray and bexley got together over tea and ories to celebrate the one year day he
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saved her life. as her mom put her down for a nap, she saw her little girl's lips turn blue and realized she swallowed a coin and couldn't breathe. her mom called 911 and the officer responded on his lunch break. when he arrived she was unresponsive but he cleared her throat and brought her back. a year later she invited him over for tea and tiny chairs to say thanks for saving my life. that cleanses the palate. >> that's beautiful. i love the idea maybe she'll get pulled over for speeding and he'll have to remind her look, i saved your life. seriously, you have to be very careful. >> throw the tea party. >> it balances out. she's playing a game. the first low to donald trump's opinion of the heating and cooling system at the hotel in virginia where he held an event this week. temperatures were hot and a big crowd was pack into a ballroom and hotel to see trump's speech. the are republican nominee got warm and unleashed his furry on
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the h vac system. >> here we are in a ballroom and i feel like i'm in a sauna, so i don't know what hotel this is but you ought to try turning on the air conditioning or you're not going to get your pay. these people. [ cheers ] >> am i right? it's hot. >> said they should be ashamed. the hotel had to put out a statement defending the air conditioning. katy tur, you were in the room. how hot was it in. >> it was a sauna. to be fair, secret service left the doors open to let the hotel in, not the har vac. >> i like he announces he's not going to pay. if you're structuraling to pay, don't i elect someone not paying bil bills. bill clinton at ceremonial balloon drop. he's been on stage for the
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balloon drop before but he looked up at the red, white and blue party accessories with new eyes this time, big gleeful eyes full of wonder. he caught them, he popped them, he kicked them, he loves them. as mtv's rachel said on twitter, find someone that k llooks at y the waybill clinton looks at balloons. >> i shouldn't be comparing a former president to a golden retriever. >> a little girl tried to take it and he's like no. >> exactly. our final low goes to the thief who picked on the wrong sunbather. guy was walking through a park on a nice day when he stopped to talk to a couple women. when he walked away, one of them noticed her phone was gone. bad news for him, she's a super jacked cop. she chased him and pinned him down and called for uniformed police. he tried to escape her death
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grip but as you can see that wouldn't happen. she took her phone back to the beach blanket and became an international web sensation. >> that makes me want to commit more crimes. yes. yes. [ laughter ] >> guys, appreciate you being here. thank you. good conversation. katy, good luck on the road. >> thank you. >> don't be quiet. up next, back stage with luke bryan, the star that sings about the good time country life talk the about his life and how great loss shaped his career and head to facebook for a facebook live chat in just two minutes. we'll be right back. (man) what i love most about tempur-pedic mattresses is that they contour to your body. i just have to lay back in my tempur-pedic and it just kind of forms to my body. that's what i love about it. the tempur-pedic comes up to you and it's like, "hey, there you are!" "hey, there you are!" "i'm going to put you to sleep now." here you go. okay! sleepy time! it keeps us comfortable and asleep at night. can i take a nap now?
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expressway. right near belmont, rain and ponding may have led to an accident earlier this morning. if you're driving any where this morning, you're going to want to watch out for puddles. let's get to nbc 10 first alert, crystal klei for your forecast. >> activity out there on doppler, with this line from north of philadelphia to about ship bottom, south you're seeing clearing of clouds. if you go north, you see still those showers and thunderstorms. the strong cell is hanging over the shore near harvey cedars, to toms river. it is starting to move off the shore but slow to move. rain near tabernacle and rain near trenton. s. around the clock updates on the summer storms. download the nbc 10 app. weather alerts, neighborhood
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forecast and check out the live radar as well. today, crews will -- road crews will prep final preparations route 202 near frazier county. they plan to open up the lanes by the middle or end of this week. it will complete construction that's been going on for years. and one winning ticket for the $478 million powerball jackpot was sold here in nurm. 11, 17, 21, 23, and the powerball was 5.
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finally, prohillary clinton slogan is i'm with here, khan the full slogan is i'm with her because i was going to be with bernie sanders and that didn't work out and my other option is donald trump so yeah. >> our man across the street, jimmy fallon summing up the presidential campaign after two weeks of conventions. in a number one song off his current album, luke bryan sings the line hunting, fishing and loving every day. that's the prayer that a country boy prays. bryan build a career on the simple small town passions and while he may be sit income a deer stand at this moment, he's sitting at top of the country world. this month forbes magazine listed him on 37 on the list of the highest paid celebrities where he's wedged between jay-z
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and kim kardashian. we spent time with the entert n entertainer of the year before the first of two soldout stadium shows in massachusetts. >> how many guitars do you travel with. >> two. ♪ she said play it again, play it again, play it again ♪ >> luke bryan collected more guitars than he can count during his long road trip from a small town in south georgia to the biggest stages in music. >> i actually did some math. leesburg, georgia, population of 2800. >> right. >> you could fit 21 leesburg georgians in this stadium right here. isn't that crazy? let's go back to leesburg, georgia. do you remember the music on in your house? >> my parents, the radio stations on their cars were on the radio, on country radio from ronnie millsap to kenny rogers to george straight. my older brother and sister would sneak away and listen to
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help bored and journey. that devil's music. we were as country as kids could be country but somehow we would be listening, you know, nwa made it into our world somehow and easy e and the beasty boys. >> when did you get your first guitar, do you remember? >> i was probably the summer that i turned 14. >> taught yourself? >> yeah, i taught myself. i taught myself chords and i had a piano in my room. i would learn a few chards on piano. at that time i realized i would be a horrible athlete. i recognized that and got a band together and i would play guitar. >> after high school, luke was ready to take the guitar to nashville but with his bags packed, tragedy struck the family. luke's older brother chris was killed in a car accident.
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>> when chris pasts thed away, s 19 years old ready to chase my dreams. it rocked our family's world and my world. >> do you feel like you had to grow up pretty quickly when that happened? >> it makes you appreciate chasing dreams. you're like hey, you get one go round at this thing called life and it's very fragile so you better go after your dreams. bryan put his nashville dream on hold heading to college at georgia southern university where he played in a band and met his wife caroline. after graduation, he made that delayed trip to music city where he caught on as a songwriter. >> did you ever think you would be a songwriter. >> i could have been a songwriter forever and had number one hits as a song writer and that could complete my dreams. i felt given the right scenario, i had the possibility to really
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entertain some people and really make a difference. i was always kind of shooting for that, that chance. ♪ ♪ >> he got that chance in 2007 with his first album "i'll stay me" when spun off a couple top hits. ♪ ♪ >> in the decades since, brian has become one of the biggest acts in all of music selling well over 7 million albums and putting out 15 number one songs. >> thank you so much, guys. >> luke bryan. >> love you so much. >> luke bryan. [ cheers ] ♪ ♪ >> brian's concerts are more like backyard parties. if your backyard could hold 50,000 people. ♪ ♪ >> you play songs to throw a party. you want people to have a good
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time and you make no apologies for that. >> right, i want people to have a blast. do i get judged on maybe not as being artistic as the next artist for that? maybe. i mean, at the end of the day i feel like my art is the ability to get people together and make them have a good time to the point to where they may not even admit to have had such a good time. ♪ ♪ >> i've got to ask you the moves. it's a little bit of elvis, it's a little bit of chippendale. [ laughter ] >> the moves happened from the soul, the spirit, from deep within. i don't know. i mean, most of the time it's just, just being playful and if i can do all that, then they immediately realize heck, i can, too. that's the fun part about it. so -- >> my wife appreciates it, your ability to have fun. >> i'm sorry, i'll teach you.
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i'll teach ya a move or two back stage. >> so what's the song you will play together that will make this place explode? is there one number you play -- >> it's a tie definitely between, "i don't want this night to end" and "country go shake it for me." i don't want this night to end is pretty darn spiritual and everyone is here to hear "country girl shake it for me." ♪ shake it for me girl, shake it for me ♪ >> you know all the girls are ready to shake it and all the guys are -- have been waiting to -- have been waiting for their girl to shake it. it's the -- pretty magical. >> but in between the hip swivels and party songs, luke bryan can slow it down, too, singing about much heavier subjects. 11 years after the death of his brother and just as his rise
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began, luke suddenly lost his sister kelly. then in 2014, tragedy struck again. kelly's husband died leaving the couple's three children without a mom or a dad. luke and caroline opened their door immediately adding three more kids to their family of four. >> and it's an amazingly emotional, tough moment watching these children navigating life without parents. we just want to be positive for them. ♪ ♪ >> all that loss is packed into one of bryan's biggest hits, "drink a beer." not about tailgating but missing the people you lost. ♪ ♪ >> long-time friend and collaborator chris staple ton wrote the track. staple ton is opening on tour for bryan who talks about his
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buddy like a proud big brother. ♪ drink a beer >> so many talented people running around nashville but it's just not in the stars sometimes. so when you line it all up and it does happen -- >> and somebody deserves it -- >> that's the real thing. yeah, yeah, totally. >> just two days after our conversation, luke turned 40, a number he's coming to terms with. >> caroline says growing old is a privilege and it is. i love the wisdom of 40. i'm not sure i love the sore knees at the end of a show, certainly a stadium show, but with all the stuff that's certainly happened to me and my family, i think it's important for me to inspire people that you had some bumps in the road but you can still try to walk through your daily life pretty optimistic and having a blast with it. ♪ hunting and fishing and loving
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every day ♪ >> he seems to be doing pretty well two weeks into his 40s. luke will travel to eight small towns in 11 days for his annual farm tour where he and his band set up and play on a real life farm with proceeds going to scholarships and farming communities. check out the sunday web extras at >> next week we're ready for rio as we spend time with the oldest and youngest olympians on team usa. and coming up next, america is losing the bars in big when people ask me what it's like to win an olympic medal, i tell them, "you already know." the medals you've earned are all around you. your bronze. your silver. your gold. and liberty mutual insures them all. liberty mutual is proud to insure
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tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. grain free pet food committed to truth on the label.l when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. and we leave out corn, wheat and soy. for your pet, we go beyond. that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. someone first came up with the idea to sling drinks a wooden counter with seats around it. the bar, an iconic part of the american social experience but as the number of bars in the
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united states continues its steady decline. steve patterson tells us americans have figured out a different way to toast life. >> if it looks like a bar and it sounds like a bar, then it's got to be a garage? >> every dude has got to have a place to, you know, have drinks and such. no better place to do it than a garage. >> this is the barrage. it's my playground. >> this little playground belongs to joe brooks and it's actually part of his home. >> it's just fun, no non-sense, whatever you want to do, do it. the last thing we want is to go anywhere protenuous. >> like any big city, this is usually the late night scene in los angeles, long lines, dark places. bars in homes, the traditional watering hole is on the decline. if you can believe it, the u.s. census actually tracks drinking
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establishments and it found that over a 15-year period the number of places to buy a round decreased by nearly 12,000 from 50,000 establishments to 40,000. at the same time the number of liquor stores rose by 5,000. outside of work and home, the local watering hole is a gathering place in american life, a place to do business, share information and socialize. now a social trend toward what some are calling home-tainment is on the rise. industry research found on average, people throw back almost twice as many drinks at home as they do in restaurants and bars and it's not just a couch side cocktail. everyone wants to be their own best bartender. is this legitimate? >> legitimate trend. if you talk to home goods manufacturer, the sell of bar carts on the rise. these are people really making the investment in kidding out an
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entire space in their home to have an at bar home experience. >> the speak easy returning to the most authentic roots a s a sprouting out from this l.a.barage to this tiki bar and this studio apartment turned whisky tavern with smoke and honey. what's the coolest thing about having a bar in your home? >> you would be surprise. when people come over and you have behind the bar and having people at a bar, conversation flows and i think it's tradition. >> short on space, rachel sacrificed a dining table to fit the bar instead with plenty of overflow out on the patio. like most home bars part of this new trend, it's for invite only private patrons, usually a guest list of friends of friends at a bar where no money is exchanged and rachel gets to fine tune every experience to what her bar
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fly loves about social drinking. >> we don't have to worry about being in an atmosphere where it's crowded, where you have to pay for every drink, where the music is blaring. we make it exactly what we want. >> the guests are part of it all. is it a trend you think will catch on? >> really nice to come to a place as comfortable as a home but not a loud bar with strangers. >> what's the appeal of having a bar in your home? >> well, first of all, it's fun, right? it's the ultimate vip experience. what could be more exclusive than friends coming to you and pouring them a cocktail? the most amazing memorable night out you can imagine or in. >> or in. >> some folks determined on taking the bar back. and bringing it to a neighborhood near you. >> steve patterson reporting. next on "sunday today" harry smith takes us to the beautiful
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boundary waters of minnesota in the middle of a dispute between unspoiled nature and a mining company promising good jobs. that's aer this break and yourft good morning, i'm first alert meteorologist, krystal klei. weather forecast, center city, 87. but the focus, not necessarily on the temperatures, it's on the possibility of storms. allentown at 84 degrees. we move into new jersey, we're looking at hamilton township, 83. cape may in the mid 80s and looking at some of those mid to upper 80s in delaware as well with the spot storms. tissue test! hold this up to your teeth... ...ugh yellow... i don't get it. i use whitening toothpaste. what do you use? crest whitestrips you should try them! whitening toothpaste only works on the surface. but crest whitestrips safely work below the enamel surface ... to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste
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who do you talk to for military advice right now? i'm hillary clinton and i approved this message. well, i watch the shows. i mean i really see a lot of great - you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows... while donald trump watched tv, as secretary of state, hillary clinton negotiated a cease fire in gaza. a reduction in nuclear weapons...
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took on vladimir putin... and stood up against the trafficking of human beings. a steady leader in an unsteady world. up along minnesota's border with canada sits one of the most beautiful unspoiled stretches of this country. some are worried new commercial interest with the promise of good jobs may change the most visited wilderness area in the united states forever. harry smith traveled to the boundary waters. >> dave and amy freeman paddled through birch lake in the canoe area. they have been out here so long, it feels like home. >> we've been out here 303 days.
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we lose track of what day it is typically. >> the freemans paddled away from civilization last september. the plan, to spend a year in this 1 million acre wilderness. here are hundreds and hundreds of lakes, connect the by untold miles of rivers and trails. >> i remember when i was in high school, i used to be able to drink the water out of lakes. can you still do that? >> we do it all the time. some of the cleanest water in the world. >> how many places in the world can you do that? >> not very many. it's pretty special. >> it tastes extra good. >> it sure does. >> dave and amy guided up here for years. they are also world adventurers who traversed the north and south american contenants yet somehow, the boundary waters always summon them back. >> the solitude here is
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unparallel. >> a lot of people have asked us what are we going to do when we get back to the real world, and the more time we spend out here, i feel like out here is about as real as it gets. >> but real is also spending every hour of every day for a year with your spouse. >> as soon as something starts not feeling right, we learned we need to deal with it right away. >> even during a short visit, you can see how well they work together. they seem always to be on the same page including the purpose of this trip. >> we're trying to protect the bou boundary waters watershed from copper mining. if we pollute the head waters of the boundary water it will pollute the whole thing, the public land. >> a chile mining company is considering opening a massive operation on the edge of the boundary waters so the freemans
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decided they would become the voice of the wilderness. daily social media postings, blogs, a film. >> we are out here totally emersed in a wild place, so looking around you don't see any buildings or roads or lights, nothing artificial, just all here as it was hundreds of years ago. >> but minnesota has a long history of mining, a new mine means lots of new jobs paying up to $80,000 a year. during public hearings, emotions run high, an argument that feels like wages versus wilderness. they can co-exist says the mayor. >> when the whistle blows and you go home and five minutes on your boat with a fishing pole in the watt ser nice but you worked and made a good living and you raised a family and can send your children to college. but we don't want to damage the boundary waters.
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we love it so much. >> the same love that inspired dave and amy to spend a year out here. the forest service will determine the mine's fate. the question they must answer, is it worth the risk? >> harry smith reporting. this week we highlight another life well lived. when her grandson was diagnosed with autism more than a decade ago, susan wright made it her life's work to fight the disorder and help the millions of families coping with it. along with her husband, former nbc president, she found autism speaks is now familiar blue puzzle piece representing the ad va kas advocacy. su san was a force of nature calling on her network of friends and knocking on doors at hospitals and research labs, at capitol hill and the vatican to work for a cure for the 70 million people with autism. tom brokaw describe susan as a
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den mother, a large figure. susan wright who turned her own family's pain for hope to others around the world died friday of pancreatic cancer. she was 69 years old. when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums smoothies, only from tums.
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we close this morning as we always do with predictions for the week ahead. president obama turns 55 years old on thursday. the eighth and final birthday during his time in the white house. we predict their nerves, the waiters at tgi fridays will gather around his table again in year for an edition of happy birthday followed by double
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chocolate fudge brownie with a candle. friday is the big opening ceremony for the opening games for the olympics here at nbc. we predict the signature moment will come when gazelle comes in each hand of the statute before zip lining into the stadium and "sharknado" the forest awakens and a franchise that warranted more movies than "the god father" collection. tara reid and david hassle hoff, one man will steal the film. gary busey. no gag here. he is in the movie. he's going to steal it tonight. stay tuned to nbc this morning for "meet the press." chuck todd talks to julian asang in the spotlight after his grouped leaked those controversial dnc e-mails. thank you for spending part of
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stormy weather hits the delaware valley. the rain is moving out. but don't expect the wet weather to go too far. the damage already done. this is what fast-moving storms did to trees earlier this morning. we're keeping an eye on wet weather. and fighting for battleground states. the clinton/kaine campaign moves from pennsylvania to ohio. and good morning, thanks for joining us. i am katy zachry. >> and i'm pamela osborne. it is 9:00, and we have been off to a rainy start. >> very rainy. >> let's get a ch eeck on the first alert. >> it's been a busy one for
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