tv Today NBC October 14, 2016 10:00am-11:01am EDT
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senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> oh -- we have arrived at friday, october 14, 2016. kathie lee 's off. my pal jenna bush hager is filling in. >> hi. >> we want to find out where jenna's been. a busy girl, before we do, do you know who's singing? >> kings of bleeon. >> down to earth, cool. >> and handsome. i went to one of their concerts, married to a model, that
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delusional thing thinking, maybe one day that could be me. and i have children and a husband and a mortgage, and he has a model. >> and the my boys. oh, my gosh. taking pictures. those are my boys! >> could have been me. >> all right. it's a big day for the gram grammy-winning rockers. new album just dropped. announced a u.s. tour and new music. >> get to hear. since we're smack in the middle of breast cancer awareness month, introduce to you an incredible wife and mom who hoda got to treat a day of peak power surprises. >> you'll fall in love with erin. we can all learn lessons from her, plus sent our girl out to the streets of new york to convince people to give her a dollar. okay. first of all, i mean -- >> of course. >> oh, my god, i would give
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donna whatever she asked for. >> i would give her $50. >> tips to be persuasive. look at all the men. so ovi. o -- obvi. >> you want a $5? here the a $5, and starring with tea leonie in ta hit series. >> and i follow jenna on instagram and twitter. i watch where you go. always surrounded by happy kids. where have you been? what's been going on? >> people thought i left the "today" show. i have not. >> what? who thought that. >> well, some twitter action. twitter. just some of my twitter fans. >> exactly. >> probably not fan, but, anyway, i have a new nbc show called "give." it's really, really fun. it's a lot like some of the things you do for the "today" show. we get to give deserving people -- first of all, we gelt
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gelt -- get to, some of the previews, done it with blair underwood with international for profi not tofor profits. give back. extreme makeover. bop in, wait. by the way, did you know that you needed a van? here's a van! >> okay. >> it's so -- >> wait a minute. and what is blair underwood like? >> blair underwood is so handsome. materialistic. so lovely. a philanthropist and asked me this summer to host this with him. >> calm you on the phone? >> no. more of an e-mail in are the waed by a phone. i don't really have people. henry's my person. more importantly, while i was gone by dearest puppy louise turns one. that's her. look, a little -- flabbergasted with flamingos on her head. mila -- >> how old is mila? >> 3 1/2. >> i can't handle -- >> planned that florida mingo
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party. a lot hour is a lot of fun. because i've been gone so much, thank goodness for face time. henry face books me all the time. i'm in a cab. ky see your friend, i point itten 0 the cab driver. a long, lonely life. can i see your friend? me in an airport. who are are the flight attendant. this is mommy the friend, or like in a hotel. the concierge. this is mommy the friend molly. >> you are nuts! thank god. so jimmy fallon was on last night. now, he did this thing on haunted houses. are you a haunted house fan? >> not really. i mean, i like to be scared but i don't like to be scared to where -- >> they're always touching you? jump out, yank on you. jimmy challenged kevin hart, whom we love. go through a haunted house with him. check it out. >> hey, jimmy, look. hey -- give me a hand.
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>> ah! oh! [ screaming ] [ laughter ] >> oh, [ bleep ]. oh [ bleep ]! >> hey, jimmy -- >> yo, i'm fine. [ scream ] >> is it over? >> listen, if you guys watched this, man, at any point it looked like i was crazed. i'm an actor. just acting. i'm out. i'm out. >> happy halloween, dude. >> why don't you go [ bleep ], jimmy. >> oh, i actually -- that, i would go in one with kevin hart and jimmy fallon. >> i would do anything with kevin hart. don't you think they're such fun? >> yes. i went in one with natalie last
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year and there was a lot of beeping, which i didn't love. >> what do you mean? >> you cuss kind of. you can't help. when somebody scares you, did you hear all that beeping? >> oh. i'm afraid something will happen on the air, i'll guess scared and that word would come out and that would be the end of it. bye-bye! >> let's hope -- >> here's a question for you. think about your best friend in the world. has your best friend or best friend, ever seen you naked? so "daily mail" spoke to a psychologist, 21st century women are more proudish. more embarrassed to take off clothes in front of friends. ages 48 to 60 and don't dress in front of each other and said the experience -- they do -- >> decided to go ahead and try? >> dressed in front of each other. >> and said it was liberating. do you do it? >> yes. i'm basically a nudist. i'm a nudist. i walk around my apartment, my baby-sitter's like -- close the blinds! the man across sees you. believe me, not everything's pretty, but i will say there was
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a good moment when, and this may be a tmi. i've been away too long, unfiltered where i showed my c-section scars to other friends with c-sections scars but mine's the worst. but made me feel better that theirs weren't great either. >> sometimes you don't realize how bad until you see other stuff. is this odd or does everyone have weirdness like that? >> natalie also had to squeeze me into a wet suit. she was -- >> nothing on? >> ant natalies so teeny. >> she was looking at me, like a little bit, like, wow. and just in regions of hanging she doesn't have. >> no hanging? nothing hanging. >> and hanging that didn't used to be there. >> a friend of mine broke her hand and needed to get into her spanx and told her tuesday, get those spanx and put them on me. they don't fit. she sews goes, oh, they fit.
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and the husband grabbing the spanx up with the -- i can't tell you who. yanked them up. i'm telling you, you need a bigger size. she's like, no. these are right. >> the best part, you just said over the rolls. >> yes. we all have rolls. we all do. i do. >> but do you get -- you know, you don't like to guess naked? >> i don't. i'm not comfortable at all, because i'm that girl, but i -- i've gotten also more comfortable in front of certain friends. some of my friends don't care. so sigh feel weird caring. then you feel like the weirdo. karen never gets changed in front of anybody. neither do i. i'm in the bathroom. out in a second. come out, we're totally dressed. some of my other friends of looser and you find yourself doing -- >> doing it. >> do i care? it's one of those weird things. >> i'm not. >> from asking for a raise to calling customer service, we have secrets to get you what you want. >> and also send donna into the streets to test persuasion
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streets to test persuasion skills with total ♪ ♪ ♪ bill assumed his mayo was the best choice. assume nothing. unlike hellmann's regular mayo, kraft olive oil mayo has half the fat and still has great flavor. no wonder it tastes so good. our craftsmen begin each day... perfectly seasoning our hillshire farm smoked sausage. so by simply adding the right ingredients... you can end each day crafting a perfectly delicious dinner.
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listerof bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine®. bring out the bold™ special k nourish. apples, almonds, and raspberries. devour something different. special k nourish. new pure clay masks from l'oreal skin need an insta-detox? 3 masks enriched with pure clays green to purify black to brighten red to exfoliate pure clay your way new pure clay masks by l'oreal skin expert paris you've had this snack. but have you ever had a snack within a snack within a snack? three levels of snack time at the same time. reese's snack mix is pretzels, nuts, reese's pieces and reese's peanut butter cups. snacka-snacka-what?
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hershey's and reese's snack mix. snacks on snacks on snacks. we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto®- a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto® was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto®. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto® with an ace inhibitor or or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto®. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, i'm gonna step out with my favorite girl. ask your heart doctor about entresto®. and help make the gift
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of tomorrow possible. think about this. wouldn't life be so great if you could always get what you want? >> sure would. unfortunately doesn't always work out that way. better you are at persuasion, easier it is. >> sent our own donna adorable into the streets of manhattan to see how good she was as convincing total strangers to give her a dollar. take a look.
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>> i'm out on a mission to see how many dollars i can get in just 30 minutes. wish me luck. do you happen to have a dollar. >> hi, how are you? i was wondering if you had a dollar? just one. >> just one. >> unless you want to give me $2? $5? thank you. >> i don't have a dollar. >> how's your day going. cool. you guys look like you have a dollar. >> thank you so much! >> i need a dollar, a dollar, a dollar. ♪ that's what i need ♪ >> you got a dollar, dollar. >> can i sing with you? ♪ >> i'm sorry to interrupt your game. i will give you chess advice, if you give me a dollar. >> sure. >> how to play? >> like, the move. >> do you happen to have a dollar. >> i love your briefcase. >> you do?
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do you mind giving it to me? you'd rather not. that's fine. thank you so much. i really appreciate it. five minutes. do you lap to have a dollar? >> does anyone have a dollar? one dollar? >> four quarters? >> you have a dollar. thank you, thank you so much! >> i really need a dollar. the clock is ticking. >> thank you so much. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. thank you! >> bam! [ laughter ] >> donna got -- by the way, pointing out donna gave the dollars back to the people who gave them to her. >> of course she did. how can we all be persuasive in our own life. >> i can't believe how good donna was. here to help you whether on the phone with customer service, trying to get promoted at work, megan murphy, executive director of "good housekeeping" magazine. >> and 11 people skills to get you everything you want, the author. >> hi, guys. >> i will say growing up my parents used to say, you can't get everything you want. right? we have to explain that.
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right? >> for sure. >> maybe not everything, but you can get a lot of what you want if you do it right. >> go through some things. certain everyday things we all go through and the art of persuasion helps. let's pretend you're on the phone with customer service. like, i was yesterday with a kibb cable company. like yesterday, on hold an hour and 36 minutes after getting disconnected at an hour and seven. let's pretend you kept asking for the supervisor hitting zero and your blood boiling. in a situation like that. >> with customer service. >> what's one to do? i didn't do it right. obvio obviously. >> counterintuitive. getting what you want, listening and expressing empathy for the other person. in the customer service example, these guys are yelled at all day long. >> yeah. >> constantly. >> yeah. >> if you get on and actually say, you know what? i know what your job is like. it must be so tough getting yelled at and badgered by people like me all day long. you must be so, so frustrated.
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they'll be like, yeah, yeah, i am. >> get them off the script and relate to them like a human being. sometimes as simple as saying, good morning. how are you doing? my name is megan. so it's not robot to robot but person positive tern. >> yeah. >> an example, my son's birthday present came on time. i'm upset. talking to the customer service, do you have kids? imagine the disappointment he felt when i didn't have that present. it really stunk. by the time i was on that call i had free shipping and 20% often. >> by the way, too bad we didn't have this conversation yesterday? >> i know. i would have been happy. >> could have been 30 minutes. >> talk about friends. social settings. a lot of times we want our friends to go along with what we want to do. >> it's important to make them feel good, even if you disagree with their idea. say their recommending yoga, and you want to do spinning. you could say, you know what? yoga's a great idea. i love it. >> i have friends good at this. >> yeah.
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>> oh, yeah. i hear you. excellent, however -- >> however, i really had my heart set on spinning, maybe hit them up with some data. >> do your research. come to the table and say, you know what? spinning burns 450 calories an hour. i ate this big, giant meal. we're going to eat this big meal afterward. do the big calorie burn and do yoga tomorrow. more stress reducing, et sacete and come at them with data. >> presenting something can change everything. get to promotion. a lot of people going in and wanting one and want to be persuasive in that department. you need to be confident, sure of yourself, what else do you have to do? >> managing up. it basically means, managing your manager. managing your boss, and all along the way, making sure your boss feels really, really good about you, and that you understand what motivates them. for instance, if you have a really good idea, you might let them think it's their idea. >> ah -- >> let them get credit for your
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idea. because you want them to feel like a superstar so they want to promote you. >> yeah. >> i think also be aware of your energy. i say have your cab light on. be open to possibilities. >> yes. >> be open to that promotion. if you go in like that, you can't are convincing if you're energy isn't up. i saw you at the gym yesterday, hoda. you were jamming out on the bike. >> i was. >> i got on the treadmill and ran faster because your energy was con kamtagious. >> i was? >> walk in, a positive burst of fire. >> that's true. >> you're right. >> in all scenarios. >> absolutely. positive energy is totally contagious and so is negative energy. watch that. >> true. thanks. happy friday. already in one hit tv series and another on the way. >> can't wait. sitting down with us, right after this. >> what? why let someone else have all the fun? the sometimes haphazard, never boring the why can't it smell like this all the time
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the learning the virtue of sharing why let someone else have all the fun? that's no fun. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. my challenge is to be in sync, with my body, myself, my life. it all starts with a healthy routine. begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. take the activia probiotic challenge! here's a little healthy advice. billions of probiotics everyday. take care of what makes you, you. right down to your skin. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day.
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aveeno®. naturally beautiful results® ♪ ♪ ♪ can you say i love it? ♪ oh love it? ♪ can you say hey? ♪ hey! ♪ that's the spirit! oooooh.♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ wooh ooh ♪ wooh ooh ♪ sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.♪ ♪ ooooh oooh. ♪ every little thing. ♪ ooooh oooh. needs smoothing care. garnier whole blends smoothing oil. infused with coconut oil & cocoa butter extracts. protects each strand for naturally-beautiful, shiny hair. garnier whole blends. smoothing haircare with coconut oil & cocoa butter.
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triple threat. >> can sing. >> dance. >> act. >> patina sang and danced herself all the wait to a tony win for best actress in a musical jen and abone loved, "pippen." saw her film debut in the blockbuster movie "hunger games." >> now find patina playing along as a press secretary for the series "madam secretary" in its third season. >> how good to be you, patina. >> i'm very blessed and so happy. >> we have to talk abm m. >> yes, please. >> you're in "the daily rundown" in the show, middle of an election season. >> yes. >> we also happen to be -- i don't know if you herod the nars but we're in the middle of a -- >> is that true xwanchts. >> i think so. >> ever get tired of living what you're living? >> no. it's so crazy.
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i love on the show it's just that crazy and we get to play out real life basically, and it's been really fun for us doing it now. we're on our tenth episode now and it gets more and more intense. so, yeah. we're having a great time. >> you have such a cool life, by the way. first of all, your gorgeous, second of all do all of thez things discussed and fun reading in the note when you were a little girl, i think in middle school, you sang a song. i think it was in a talent show. >> i did. a talent show. >> what was the song? >> "his eye is on the sparrow." >> from the music -- >> "sister act." >> you happened to star in. >> yes. >> and isn't it weird how life mark as crazy circle? >> when you were little, always want to be in theater? >> i was shy at first, got to say. my mom and grandmother used to make me sing in church all the time and i hated it, but then i started to love that. i started to love being up in front of people. >> you did? >> yeah. i'm here. to be in front of my pierce at
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such a young age. kids are judgmental, a crazy middle school. put myself out there like that, that was the moment i realized, yeah, this is what i want to do. >> won the tony for "pippen" such a high and you have other aspirations obviously. talked about another role you want to play, and we think you would be perfect for it. >> you need it. >> tell us. >> i want to be a superhero! >> look at your arms. look at the close-up. >> she has to be a superhero. >> michelle obama, for sure. those are good arms. >> me and michelle should work out. >> yeah. >> that would be awesome. >> well, we wish you all the best in your life. you have a beautiful marriage and a beautiful career. >> and by the way, met your modern romance. giving lope to all women out there. met your husband on -- >> eharmony. first guy i met. i love that. >> patina, thank you for coming, good luck with "madam secretary." a new episode airs sunday night. >> and new album already getting rave reviews, don't miss singing
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their new hit. >> and a big surprise one mom when the twins arrived, it changed everything, starting with the sleeping arrangements. fortunately there's get the credit you deserve and low monthly payments. save big with fingerhut's hot bundle buys. buy a dell touchscreen laptop and get a free cordless mouse and case. over a $40 value. no. the things you want, the credit you deserve. now you can! one hero was on a mission to pasave snack time., watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. the blushed nudes palette from maybelline new york. our 12-shadow palette is selected to seduce from risqué rose to tempting taupe. maybelline's the blushed nudes palette make them blush.
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make it happen. ♪ maybelline new york taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. good morning. it's 10:26 on your friday. it's ban cool start to the day. let's see how the rest of your day is shaping up. >> good morning. we did have a chilly start.
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we have a chilly overnight through tomorrow morning. frost advisory from 1:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. i do expect more counties to be included in this frost advisory. we'll keep it updated. back to you. >> thank you. >> let's get a check of the road. let's check in with jessica. >> hey. starting on 422 we are looking clear. no problems or delays anymore. we are having a really easy friday. there is construction on route 202. the right lane is closed. ride times are doing okay now. watch near haverford station road. the clock is ticking for atlantic city to resolve its budget crisis. they are giving the city until monday to avoid a possible state take over. today it is the grand opening of
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rodin square in spring garden. it features luxury apartments and a branch of thomas jefferson university hospital. the fliers open their 50th anniversary. fans with participate. we'll have a full hour of news in 30 minutes. you can always get the fluz and weath -- news and weather on and nbc 10 app. have a great day.
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we're back on this try day friday. jenna bush hager in for kathie lee. we asked viewers to tell us about someone they know battles breast cancer and deserves a special day. >> and a lot of people wrote in. erin ludwig from virginia beach, virginia. >> after spending time with erin and her family, she is some kind of special. we completely understand why. >> reporter: erin and jason ludwig love playing outdoors with their two little girls. savannah, 5, and aubrey, nearly 2. >> mommy! >> oh. >> erin, an athletic trainer and jason, a parole officer, have always been an active and
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devoted couple ever since meeting as college lifeguards 15 years ago. >> i mean, one of the things that made me fall in love with him is, you know, his -- caring and compassion. >> how passionate she is about things loving and caring towards people and everything else. the feelings have already been there, but the past year and a half marks it stronger and actually tests your commitment towards another person. >> reporter: in early 2015, erin was breast feeding their youngest aubrey and felt a lump unlike any felt before. doctors confirmed their worst fearses of breast cancer. after a double mastectomy and many months of chemotherapy and radiation, a new scan of tests revealed the campncer had sprea >> the worst pain ever -- yeah. it's -- the worst pain ever. seeing what she goes through every day and what she has gone through and what she has in the
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future. like, we know she's going to have to have treatment for the rest of her life. but -- you know -- it's just hard to know that right now there's no cure. >> the difficult talks. there's been, you know, been difficult. and so we've talked about, you know, like the future and everything like that, but not -- not too much. we treat it more as, you know tomorrow is not promised. live every moment, in the moment. >> reporter: as far as moments ago, erin was about to find out we had been preparing a few for her. a few surprise moments. >> hi, erin! >> your husband said one of the things wanted was a family portrait. guess what? tomorrow morning we have hired a local photographer to take that special picture for you and your family. >> oh.
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hmm. >> can't get rid of you! >> oh, erin, little did you know, you were far from getting rid of us. the next morning -- >> you found a shell? >> reporter: erin, jason and the kids headed to the beach for their photo shoot. >> oh! >> thank you. >> reporter: it was filled with smiles, laughter, and, of course, more bubbles. but there were more smiles to come. earlier that day, hundreds of miles away from florida, erin's whole family was secretly boarding a private plane. so they could throw a surprise party for her. with 30 of her loved ones all of whom had written us about erin. >> erin, it's me again. okay. the surprises aren't over yet. take the blindfold -- put it on your eyes, on your way home. >> i can't see. i can take it off? >> sure. >> yes/no?
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>> yep. >> all: surprise! [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, honey. >> so good to see you, erin. >> oh -- hi! >> hey! >> reporter: all of her friends and family gathered in one place to celebrate this special woman, but we still weren't quite done yet. >> me again. could you, please, go out into your front yard. >> oh! >> yeah! >> where's erin? >> whew! >> yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, erin. >> hey, hoda. >> okay. so, wait. i should tell you i'm part of
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the surprise, but can i tell you the other part of your surprise? you see this -- ford explorer? >> uh-huh. >> the warriors in pink wanted to make sure that every day was a good day. so they are gifting you this beautiful car. >> are you serious? >> yes. >> you guys like your new car? >> yeah! >> you want to come see it? >> you're loved. there's a lot of love on this driveway right now. isn't there? >> oh. ah. anyway, we are -- we love erin and are pulling for you. we want to thank the warriors in pink for the amazing donation and erin's family really needed that car, by the way. her car, a smaller car. doesn't accommodate the wheelchair and stuff and really important and we thank the jets for flying the whole family out.
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>> we love you, erin. back after this. coming up on "look! famous people!" we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ] but with this usp seal i know seaexactlyap. what's in my nature made gummies. nature made has the first gummy certified by usp. a non profit organization
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that sets purity and potency standards. you need to eat this special. ♪ ♪ i love it start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. eat special. feel special. flaunt the winged effect.ok? new falsies push up angel mascara from maybelline ny. lashes so winged out, who needs false lashes? maybelline's new falsies pushup angel. make it happen. ♪maybelline ny we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon
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dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®.
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ask your doctor about it by name. all right. what if we told you this? get dresses and out the door every morning in 30 seconds or le less. >> i wouldn't believe you. imagine how much extra sleep you'd get? putting together hot fall looks fast -- >> co-author of the book "the busy girl's guide to getting your it together." hi. >> hi. >> we love thinking segment you've proven in 30 seconds or less people can change into four outfits. you have four women changing on tv. >> talking lay erg. a ton of pieces. it gets cool outside. jump right in. >> start the clock. >> 30 seconds on the clock. ready? here we go. 30 and -- go! >> all right. >> tell us what she's wearing. >> fall is is about about florals. from sedona east dotcom, a great
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place for the boho chic looks. very in. all about proportion when getting dressed. so it's the flowy top. >> i love the flowy top. >> skinny jeans. you guys will love, i'm obsessed with this now. these are nydj. >> grab that jacket. grab that jacket. >> look at her booty. >> oh, wait. >> three, two -- >> well, we're close. >> almost did it. >> look at her booty. okay? >> look at the -- >> her booty? >> stra teae strategically placo make your butt look perkier. goes to size 18. we all need that. are you kidding? i. love the top that hangs agents below the jacket. >> and skinny jean, want coverage in the bum area. >> who is our next -- >> what's your name? >> alicia. are you ready? 30 seconds on the clock, and go! >> started alicia with a base of leggings instead of the shaper. this does the same thing.
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from skinnies, miracle skinwear, compress her like shapewear and contains shea butter, retinol, to ride drat -- wrecking the set. >> that's all right. >> to hydrate you wearing them. great two pieces. top and cammy. >> cute. love that. >> a great website, like at a bargain. >> five, four -- three. >> a sweater vest. >> she got it! >> ding! >> oh! >> this is from world market. really globally-inspired stuff. another big trend this season, the hat and chelsea boots. >> by the way i love the layering. love all of it. so cute. >> she did it. >> okay. >> no pressure. over here. >> kristen. >> hi. you ready? >> i'm ready. >> kristen, 30 seconds on the clock and -- go, kristen. >> what is kristen guessing into? >> $72, liz claiborne for jcpenneys. yo another great deal from work to play. been around 40 years, a great brand. we talked about kind of updating our classic pieces with runway
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pieces. this actually throws rice ov s your shoulders. and then these great pumps. >> six, five, four. >> and matching, which i'm loving for fall. >> you got it. >> yes! >> by the way -- oxblood, a very -- >> so in right now. >> oxblood, like a purple? >> a red kind of -- yeah. >> i like to call it oxblood. >> by the way, i love all the looks. on to our last -- >> last not least. >> didi. >> can never be left. >> didi, 30 seconds on the clock for our friend didi. and -- go. >> so didi is always going from appointments to a date. >> a girl on the go. >> yes. >> i wanted to get her a one and done piece. a jumper from >> i love jumpers. >> lots of great. anything she's looking for. $30. this whole outfit is actually under $100. >> not kidding at all. a bomber bringing it into fall. determined to get dressed right
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now. >> cinching at the waist, great for hour-glass shame. >> and maybe have a coffee? >> take a selfie! >> i actually -- brought -- [ laughter ] i love that you talk about -- >> i actually brought a steamer. 234 this is a steamer, conair extreme turbo steam that heats up in under 40 seconds. this was super wrinkly taken out of the package. do it -- exactly. >> put time on the clock. >> i know. next time we'll do that. >> come on in. so, good job. >> all right. they may have southern rock roots but they've been rocking new york city all morning long. >> get ready for a new song from kings
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this is a snack. this is another snack. ohhhh, is that hershey's chocolate? they're all snack brothers from the same snack mother. it's hershey's snack mix filled with pretzels, almonds, and, hershey's chocolate. boom-snackalaka. hershey's and reese's snack mix: snacks on snacks on snacks. in our house, imagination runs wild. boom-snackalaka. but at my table, i keep the food real. like country crock's recipe made with real simple ingredients. and no artificial flavors or preservatives. real country fresh taste from real ingredients. welcome to crock country. i was energetic.gia, i was active.
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then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica.
10:47 am
so we know how to cover almost almanything.thing, even a wreck 'n' wash. [dad] see, the carwash isn't so scary. [boy] that was awesome! [dad] yeah. [burke] covered. november fourteenth, 2015. talk to farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
10:48 am
but pat toomey actually owned a bank. most people owe the bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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band kingses of leon. >> released "walls" around no s nounsed nounsed a kickoff tour in the u.s. starting in january. >> good news. they are not done yet. here is kings of leon singing one of their brand new songs. it's called "reverend." ♪ ♪ on the limb cut down in the middle of the night caught in a trap ♪ ♪ cursed by the crown of the wandering man who was never coming back ♪ ♪ stuck on the line spinning all of his time with his back to the throne ♪ with the flash of the round everybody in town said leave me alone ♪
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oh -- ♪ ♪ just like a reverend like a reverend on the radio ♪ your heart will never say so your heart will never let you go ♪ just like a reverend, like a reverend on the radio ♪ my heart will never say so ♪ ♪ my heart will never let you go ♪ i got caught in the middle of a hurricane fight facing the ground ♪ ♪ beast to the wild with the porcelain smile as it passes around ♪ the truth in the skies from the billowing eyes ♪ ♪ isn't working on me don't you think you gotta give me give me something i want ♪ ♪ give me something i need
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oh-oh ♪ ♪ just like a reverend, like a reverend on the radio ♪ your heart will never say so ♪ your heart will never let you go ♪ ♪ just like a reverend, like a reverend on the radio ♪ ♪ my heart will never say so my heart will never let you go ♪ ♪ ♪ just like a reverend, like a reverend on the radio ♪ ♪ your heart will never say so your heart will never let you
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go ♪ ♪ just like a reverend, like a reverend on the radio ♪ my heart will never say so and my heart will never let you go ♪ oh-oh ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ just like a reverend, like a reverend on the radio my heart will never say so ♪ ♪ my heart will never let you go ♪ oh-oh ♪ >> whew! kings of leon. amazing. we'll be back with more in just a moment. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> sing it!
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ooh, i want to catch that. i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here. so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey.
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senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing
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