tv NBC10 Issue NBC November 6, 2016 11:30am-12:01pm EST
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i've felt this anxiety for the last 12 months. >> i'm more upset about it. >> they're not alone. the election is stressing people out. doctors tell us anxiety and fear over tuesday's vote is up like never before. today we'll talk about why it's so bad and how to control it. prepare to shell out more cash if you live in pennsylvania and new jersey. we'll help you understand what could be a 30% increase that no one's talking about. and later, this year's national dog show happening right here in our area. i'll introduce you to the show's unofficial spokes dog. full disclosure, he's my pup, charlie.
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>> announcer: "nbc 10 @ issue" starts now. good morning, i'm keith jones. we head to the polls on tuesday. that's not soon enough for many americans. the election has become a significant source of stress. according to a survey by a marketing research term, "civic science," 48% of adults say the presidential election is a significant source of stress in their lives, equally among republicans and democrats. the american psychological association found similar results. according to their survey, 52% of adults say the election is causing very or somewhat significant stress. the results break down failure equally between republicans and democrats, again. but the results differ when it comes to age. older adults and millenials are feeling the most stress. that concerns the past president of the apa. >> research shows that college
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students' anxiety and depression has been going up over the last few years. and i'm worried that here we're now dump on them this uncertain election, this really churned-up campaign that we're looking, campaigns plural. and if it's stressing out non-students and other people, the seniors and even the boomers are more than 50% stressed by this, then how about the millenials who are already showing an increase in anxiety and depression over the last few years? >> some people are fearing problems at the polls when they show up to vote. others worry about how the election will impact them once a candidate is chosen. >> reporter: do you have any fear about what will happen if the candidate you don't support wins? >> yes. >> reporter: have you felt that way before? >> not like this. >> i absolutely am in fear of the wrong person becoming
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president of the united states. >> reporter: is this different than you felt in the past? >> 100%. 100%. because i think this particular election, the public has been made aware of how politics works and how evil they can be towards each other. when you see that on a national stage, heck yes, it puts fear in you. >> using words like "fear" and "evil." dr. linda welsh has been helping people in our area deal with anxiety for more than 30 years. dr. welsh, thanks so much for joining me. >> good to be here, keith. >> this is turning into an enormous topic. >> it is. >> dr. farley says he's concerned about how the election affects young people. but why is it so bad for the rest of us? >> i think we're all -- the effect of the media, the commercials, the language that's used is so inflammatory and hostile that we just pick it up in the environment. we turn on the tv.
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we look at facebook. wherever we go, we're overwhelmed with the discussion about it and the conflict that's raised. >> and the anxiety, is it infectious? >> it is. >> is it the kind of thing you feel based on somebody else? >> people can't stop talking about it, people come into my office for other issues and say, how will this affect my family, what's going to be next, i don't know to live with this uncertainty. unfortunately we all have to live with uncertainty and this is one more example of it. >> half of people who responded to our survey said they're fearful. when is stress good, when is stress bad? when do you need to know -- like when is it getting the better of you? >> it's appropriate, because stress, anxiety, helps us gear up, get adrenaline flowing and get ready. when you feel powerless, particularly in this situation where you feel like you don't have a direct impact, you get paralyzed and people don't vote,
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which is a big concern. but when you realize much of your day is consumed with discussing it, you're having trouble sleeping, you're having trouble eating, you're not never feeling calm and relaxed in this whole thing. >> the two surveys we talked about focused on adults. we were talking about this segment that you're seeing more younger patients, children, who may be having conversation with their parents. >> they're seeing it on television, they're hearing it from their friends, it's trickling down to kids in a way we never saw politics do before. >> the american psychological association blames social media posts, some of them can be inflammatory, others can be hostile. you know, how do you disconnect, how do you turn off from social media? is that impossible? >> i think it's a must. people are feeling the stress and they have to recognize they have to limit their exposure as much as possible. there are ways you can discuss it within your family that decreases your anxiety. you can discuss your own values.
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you can discuss with your kids the positive attributes of the individuals rather than focusing on the negative. you can be reassuring to each other that life will go on, this country has dealt with things like this before, we will survive. and basically we'll stick together and handle whatever we have to handle. >> yet a segment of the population, those over 70 years old, 60% of them were polled, they were saying that the election is causing significant stress, they can already turn off from social media. so what do you suggest they do? >> the older population? i think they talk to their kids, talk to their family about it, they discuss within themselves what's important to them rather than getting caught up in these issues in such a negative way. >> in a way, if that becomes a stressor, should we avoid talking about it with people, especially when it comes to the election or each candidate or fears about what's going to happen? you're shaking your head, no way. >> no, you model how to talk about things correctly. you communicate without the heat
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and emotion that you're witnessing that goes with the commercials we're seeing. you talk about it calmly, and cut the argument off when it gets heated. enough is enough when you see it getting out of control. one of my faculty said, you have a safe word when you feel like you're getting too worked up and that ends the discussion. >> you were saying before that you're seeing couples come up, same for them. >> right. people are saying, i can't live with you if you don't understand how i feel about this, it's affecting marriages. my advice is to listen and try to understand without taking a black and white position. we've been so polarized. if you can understand where the other person is coming from without necessarily agreeing with them, that's how to model for your kids. >> how do kids process these inflammatory remarks, potentially? anything that's discussed by
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either candidate. >> it's frightening. it's really frightening. because they see and they feel, experience intense emotion and they think something terrible is about to happen. a lot of us are feeling that. but we have to curb that, especially if we're sharing it with your kids. >> how do we curb potential violence at the polls, people say, if i go, there may be somebody watching if i vote one way or the next. >> i don't want to get too paranoid about it. it's overblown. if you don't feel comfortable, go with someone, but go and vote, stand up for what you believe it, it goes a long way to make you feel less anxious. >> in the hours waning down, coverage will ramp up, there will be minute by minute coverage of every development. do you suggest people stay glued to that? >> no. live life normally.
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>> what do you say to people whose candidate is the loser? >> they have to deal with it. i mean, the worst thing in the world is to think what might happen if we lose and what do we do about it, do we have to do anything. think about what you might want to do in your own community, that's really important. but you have to deal with it. signified, the country has gone through a lot and we've come back together again. hopefully we will after this too. >> so a little bit of tough love, also listen to one another, especially in terms of couples that have any kind of qualms and differences. >> and friends. a lot of friends are breaking up over this too. that goes to saying, can ira tolerate your position and still let you know how i feel about it. >> we were talking about how kids interpret some of the things parents say. we've had some man on the is street interviews were people say, if so and so gets elected, i'm moving to canada, i'm moving out of the country. kids can hear that. my goodness, it's frightening. >> it's frightening, i'm
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powerless, i can't figure out a way to deal with this. we don't want to model that for our kids at all. we say, the worst happens, what do we do next, how do we get up in the morning and go about our business? well, we do. that's what we have to model for our children. respecting each other. >> thank you so much for joining me, i really appreciate you taking the time. we'll end with a final comment from dr. frank farley in terms of what you can do if your candidate doesn't win. >> what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, to use that old phrase. post traumatic growth. it's a lesson in life. you didn't get your way, but my gosh, in every day life, you know, part of the give and take of a happy life is that you don't always get your way. and learn from the results. think about what happened, why you voted for that person, et cetera. and move on. >> and we are moving right along
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here on "nbc 10 @ issue." to a story practically no one has been talking about. you better be prepared to pay a lot more in tractioaxes if you over a bridge to get to work. we'll explain in a moment. pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump." "should a woman be punshied for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would, suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ ♪ you hear my voice, you hear that sound ♪
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♪ like thunder, gonna shake your ground ♪ ♪ you held me down ♪ but i got up ♪ ♪ get ready 'cause i've had enough ♪ ♪ i got the eye of the tiger, a fighter ♪ ♪ dancing through the fire ♪ 'cause i am the champion ♪ and you're gonna hear me roar ♪ ♪ ♪ roar, oh, oh, oh ♪ roar ♪ ♪ i got the eye of the tiger, a fighter ♪ ♪ dancing through the fire ♪ 'cause i am the champion ♪ and you're gonna hear me roar ♪ ♪ oh, louder ♪ and you're gonna hear me roar ♪ i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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an agreement will soon end involving new jersey and pennsylvania residents who work across state lines. now they pay income taxes where they live. beginning january 1st, they'll have to pay where they work. that means residents in both states could be shelling out a lot more in taxes. gary bengel is a cpa, gary, thank you so much for joining me. gary is also a villanova guy too, by the way, i want to point that out as a villanova alum myself. to understand this, i think it would be good to start talking about the agreement here between new jersey and pennsylvania. >> okay, sure.
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as you pointed out, generally what happens when you live in one state and work in another, you pay taxes actually in both states. you end up paying taxes really where you work and also in your home state, although you wind up getting a credit in your home state for the taxes you paid where you work. for example, i live in new jersey. if i go in new york, work in new york, new york takes my money. i file a new york return. and then when i file my new jersey return, i get a credit or an offset for those taxes i paid to new york, so you don't get taxed twice. that's the way it typically works. when states have a lot of people going cross-border, they enter into these reciprocal agreements. back in 1977, when new jersey first implemented its personal income tax, their rate was about the same as pennsylvania's both in the range of 2 to 3% range. they said we have a lot of people going back and forth over the bridges, our tax rates are the same, let's enter into these reciprocal agreements so they only have to file one return.
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if you live in pennsylvania, work in new jersey, instead of paying new jersey and pennsylvania, you just pay pennsylvania. >> gotcha. >> works great as far as the individuals are concerned. you only have to file one return. also works for the states, as long as their tax structures are relatively similar, as long as their rates are the same and such. so what happened over the past 40 years, after they entered into the agreement, pennsylvania's tax rate has stayed about the same, the 2 to 3% range. new jersey's has risen quite a bit at the upper end, now it's almost 9%. like most states, new jersey is experiencing budget deficits and looking for ways to raise more money, balance the budget. and one thing that came across was this reciprocal agreement. they did a study and saw that they were essentially losing $180 million a year because of this agreement. so under the agreement, either state could pull back or revoke the agreement with a certain amount of notice. back in september, governor christie did that to try and
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raise that $180 million. what that means is, for that person who was in pennsylvania commuting to new jersey and just paying pennsylvania taxes, now they'll have to file new jersey returns, pay new jersey, and then take that credit mechanism. >> so we're clear too, that's a 2 to 3% in pennsylvania. now to a 9% in new jersey, which is triple the amount of money they would pay. >> depending on upon how much you're making, yes. new jersey does have a graduated rate. so where is pennsylvania's has one flat rate of about 3%, the lowest rate in new jersey is just over 1% and the highest is 9. so it depends on where you fall. what this is really targeting were the highway travelers in bucks county who commute to new jersey, making high six-figure, low seven-figure incomes. this only applies to wages, not to other types of income like partnership income and such.
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someone making $1 million a year, previously for 2016, let's say, they would not be paying new jersey anything. they would be paying about $30,000 to pennsylvania. once the agreement goes away in 2017, what will happen is they will be paying about 80 to $90,000 to new jersey, take that as a credit in pennsylvania, basically pay pennsylvania nothing. >> okay. >> you don't get refundable credit. it just offsets it. they may see their tax bill triple. as you mentioned in the opening, some of the folks going the other way may also be impacted, where if you've got somebody at the opposite end of the scale, more moderate income, maybe making $70,000 and commuting from new jersey to p.a., may also be impacted. the way it is right now, those people only pay in new jersey. and because of those graduated rates, they're paying about let's say $1300 a year. once they start commuting to pennsylvania or paying pennsylvania tax, they'll be paying that at 3%, which is about $2100 a year. then they'll get the credit to
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wipe out the new jersey taxes. that's still an $800 increase for someone in lower income brackets, which can be a big hit for folks. it does impact people both ways, it just depends on where you all. >> gary, thanks for joining me, i really appreciate your time. next, a big honor for a woman who works hard to give back. then alert i'll introduce you to my puppy charlie and tell you why i'm putting him to work. '. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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priorities usa action is responsible in pennsylvania, a packet of heroin can be cheaper than a six-pack of beer and prescription painkillers are too easy to get. as the head of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i've helped local communities fund drug treatment programs to save our kids. i'm josh shapiro, and as attorney general, i'll crack down on the drug dealers and stop the overprescribing of opioid painkillers. i'm proud to be endorsed by law enforcement organizations representing 14,000 police officers. this is a fight we can't afford to lose.
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each year the american red cross here in philadelphia honors people from our area who distinguish themselves as community leaders. people who are making contributions to improve the quality of life of others. with me now is one of this year's honorees, she manages a bank's commercial business for not for profit organizations, irene, thanks so much for
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joining me, congratulations on the lifetime achievement. >> thank you very much. >> why is it so important for businesses to give back in this way? >> oh, that's an easy question. where we work, where we live, those are our communities. and it's very important to us to give back, to help those communities grow and prosper. >> there you go. how does your bank benefit from that, being within that community? >> well, yeah, you know, we're local. we serve the communities well, i believe. we had last year over 70,000 volunteer hours that our colleagues give back to the community. so we walk the talk. it's really about showing up and making a difference. >> i have to point this out, there aren't many female executives in banking. first question is, why is that? and the second thing, how can it be changed? >> i don't think banking is very different than a lot of other industries and sectors, that it's been a long struggle for
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women to have access, to reach their full potential. we're fortunate that at citizens bank, women are valued, and there have been opportunities created through mentorship, through various programs, to recognize the talent s of women and then reward them with appropriate positions in the bank. >> have you taken particular interest in that? >> i have. i think my passion, when it comes to giving back to the community, has always been around helping girls and women having access, having the ability to tap into resources. that's the only way they're going to reach their full potential. >> for any young woman watching, maybe they're high school or college age, or younger than that, in their teens, what's your advice for them as they embark on their career, whether it's banking or otherwise? >> sure. it's knowing what your opportunities are. i serve on the national board of the girl scout organization. opening things up for young girls, taking the blinders off
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and allowing them to see what's available, what's possible, looking for good role models, getting into programs where they can be mentored, and their skills and their talents can be developed. that's the place to start. >> i volunteer for the red cross, i love doing it. what was it about the red cross that you fuound so appealing? >> clearly its brand is so impressive. the people it touches, the way it really heals and helps communities is just in a class by itself. and at the bank, we got very interested in a program called no more death by fire. and we partnered with wawa to work on this and make available 6500 smoke detectors for individual homes so that people won't be trapped and we won't have unnecessary deaths through smoke inhalation and fire. so that to me really strikes home. it goes to the root and the heart of our community. >> speaking of good people like
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yourself, we just honored the w.a.w.a. ceo at a ceremony the other night, i was there. thank you for your time, and congratulations on your lifetime achievements. >> i appreciate it very much, thank you. >> sounds like it's well deserved, not just for the people watching right now but the young women in the community and the ones who hear this broadcast. i appreciate it personally. the 2016 spectrum awards are this thursday, november 10th, from 8 to 9:00 a.m., at the union league. initial irene, christine dorflor will be honored. you can buy tickets through the american red cross at coming up next, a visit from my dog charlie. i'll tell you why he's not just my friend. he's now a co-worker.
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pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump." "should a woman be punshied for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would, suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them
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to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!" the national dog show is fast approaching. and it turns out i've got a
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pretty big job there. well, this guy has a pretty big job, of course. this is my puppy charlie who is the unofficial suppose pick oo the dog show. charlie is a miniature shepherd, 14 months old, frankly more of a therapy dog for me. i should ask you a quo, chaesti charlie, what do you think about being the spokes dog for the dog show? oh, yeah? right, i would say he's pretty excited. this is a great shot, by the way. my goodness, he's the best. it will be held at the greater philadelphia expo center at oaks. it runs saturday the 19th through sunday the 20th, come here, charlie, right here on nbc 10, thanksgiving day, beginning at noon. that's it for this edition of "nbc 10 @ issue." thank you so much for joining us. catch me on the anchor desk. have a great desk.
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charlie, say have a great sunday! dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p*á*á". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... yes..
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and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... i can't say that either. alright, good. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
12:00 pm
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