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tv   NBC10 News at 4pm  NBC  November 7, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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they sat or stood in a line that stretched down the block or around the corner, you had to wait here for hours. but they wanted to be here to see this tonight. >> what they call the avengers of the democrats on the stage today. you have the clintons, the obamas, bon jovi, bruce springsteen. i wouldn't miss this for the world. >> america is going to stand together, unite. we have to do this for justice, for equality for everyone, for my kids, for her kids, her generation. we're all here together. what more perfect place to be than in philadelphia? >> reporter: of course it is significant to be having this big rally with hillary clinton, with bill clinton, with the obamas, bon jovi, bruce springsteen, all of them at independence mall, which has an historic significance. it's also important because hillary clinton needs democrats in philadelphia to turn out in big numbers tomorrow if she
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wants to pwin pennsylvania. i'm lauren mayk, nbc 10 news. >> all right, lauren. you heard many of the names mentioned here, who is coming for tonight's event, the clintons, the obamas, bon jovi and bruce springsteen will all appear and perform on independence mall starting at 7:30 this evening. the event will impact the evening rush. market street is closed from 4th to 7th street. 5th street is shut down from arch to market street. 6th street is shut down from arch to chestnut streets. nbc 10's george spencer is live for us in skyforce 10. >> george, the event is already impacting travel for a lot of people. what does it look like for you are? >> reporter: jacqueline, anybody who may be passing through these streets on their way home, take a look at what we're seeing from above. this is on the ground. the main stage, really an expansive setup for tonight's pre-election rally for the clinton campaign. the stage with the american flag is likely where president
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clinton and obama will be speaking tonight. the blue stage with the campaign's "h" logo is likely where the main singing events, bruce springsteen and jon bon jovi will be performing tonight, just on the other side of the crowd here on independence mall. all of this blocking off, as you guys said, having a significant impact on traffic and market east and old city areas. you can see the roads immediately adjacent to the liberty bell and other attractions here, completely closed to traffic. now some of them actually, you know, closed off by city sanitation trucks, blocking off the roads. you have seen as we pan around a number of roadways that are being channeled off in other directions. you can see the white cars in the middle of the intersection blocking this southbound route near the exit from the ben franklin bridge, not allowing people to turn. so it is certainly going to be an impact for anybody who may be headed to new jersey tonight, on
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their way home out of center city or other people trying to access i-95, significant impact in the market east and old city area that we'll be tracking. that's the latest live from skyforce 10, i'm george spencer, nbc 10 news. the candidates are criss-crossing the country, trying to make one final push before election day. >> donald trump has an event in about 90 minutes in scranton. nbc 10's deanna durante is joining us live from lackawanna college with trump supporters. deanna? >> reporter: more than 3,000 of them so far, lining up since early this morning, wanting to get inside the college to hear donald trump speak one last time in this election season. take a look at them lining the streets in the area. they ordered out for pizza, set up chairs, wrapped themselves in blankets, all, they say, because they want to be a part of history. >> i wanted to bring one of my kids to a rally. and i have been volunteering for
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the first time i've ever volunteered for a campaign in bucks county because i support donald trump. >> hillary needs jay z and beyonce to get a crowd like this. >> everybody shows up, we're the deplorables, right, guys? we built america. we built america right here. >> reporter: and those two men you saw there, cousins, one from brooklyn, the other from south carolina, driving a combined 900, maybe a little more, in mileage. they say they wanted to be part of history and be in a rally before they go back pohome and to the polls tomorrow. donald trump will be here joined by rudy gilluiliani and members the his family. deanna durante, nbc 10 news. donald trump is telling supports the election is now in the hands of the voters.
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>> now we go live to new york city for a look at both candidates. >> reporter: both candidates will be hosting victory parties here tomorrow night. but today, it was all about getting those last minute votes. it's wheels up for both candidates today as hillary clinton and donald trump fly from one battleground state to the next. >> i'm really excited about having a chance to make all these stops today. >> reporter: the democratic presidential candidate left new york this morning for a new rally in pittsburgh, an afternoon event in michigan, then it's back to pennsylvania before ending in north carolina at midnight. but it's clinton's philadelphia stop this evening that's getting the most attention. she'll rally on independence
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malwimal wi mall with jon bon jovi and bruce springsteen. >> tomorrow you can vote for a hopeful, inclusive, big-hearted america. >> we're one day away from the change you've been waiting for. >> reporter: trump campaigned yesterday in florida and north carolina. he'll be in pennsylvania in an hour and a half. then it's off to new hampshire before ending his day in michigan. his stop in scranton is aimed at winning over students in lackawanna college. he continued to attack his democratic rival. >> hillary clinton is being protected by a totally rigged system. >> reporter: now, again, both trump and clinton will be here in manhattan tomorrow. trump is going to be not even a block away from where we are right now for an invitation only private event at the hilton. clinton will be two miles away from here at the javits
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convention center, that's a public event but you need tickets to attend. erin coleman, nbc 10 news. the nypd is saying it will have more than 5,000 police officers assigned to mid town where trump and clinton will watch those results come in. police say it's the kind of security you would see on new year's eve, for instance, in times square and when pope francis visited the city last year. >> donald trump and hillary clinton aren't the only ones criss-crossing the battleground states less than a day before the election. their running mates have been doing their part. democratic vp nominee tim kaine is spending the day campaigning in virginia and north carolina. he wrapped up a rally with his wife in wilmington just minutes ago. kaine made the case for his running mate by referencing clinton's health care battle in the '90s. >> because hillary clinton wouldn't go away. hillary clinton wouldn't give up. hillary clinton wouldn't back down. that's exactly what you need to
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know about somebody who wants to be your president. >> the senator also attacked donald trump, saying his divisive, insult-driven campaign has shown he's not fit to be president. trump's running mate mike pence is on a five-state blitz today, about to make a push for pennsylvania were a with a rall erie. he told the crowd they're going to win michigan, then made a plea to republicans. >> i have a special word to my fellow republicans in the crowd today. i truly do believe the time has come for us to spread the word to all of our fellow republicans across michigan, to say with one voice, it's time to come home. >> after pence wraps up ain eri, he will head to new hampshire for rally with trump and then end the night back in michigan. rudy guiliani is campaigning
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for trump in our area this afternoon. he stopped in montgomery county three hours ago. we learned guiliani would get a cabinet position under a donald trump presidency. nbc news exclusively learned some of the names in trump's cabinet should he win tomorrow. they include guiliani as attorney general, newt gingrich as secretary of state, retired lieutenant general michael flynn as defense secretary or national security adviser and current rnc chairman ryaeince priebus as trump's chief of staff. there are two ballot questions in pennsylvania. you can vote to put money into the transportation fund but if you vote no, that means the money can be used for other things. tomorrow isn't just about trump and clinton, of course. >> delaware voters will decide on a new governor and will fill the state's seat in congress. nbc 10 reporter tim furlong has
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a look at the raises. >> reporter: are you excited to vote? >> to be honest, it's just like an, umm. >> reporter: clearly people aren't excited about their choices for president. >> i haven't decided which i'm putting my confidence in. >> reporter: this election day isn't just about picking a president. no matter where you're watching this, there are plenty of other names you need to consider. there are important races up and down the ballot. here in delaware there are a few specific races on the ballot that will have an impact on the state's future. democratic congressman carney is hoping to become the state's governor. lisa rochester wants to become the first african-american and woman elected to public office. hans riegle is a former aviation professor. in wilmington, the in heavily
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democratic town, priziky is considered the frontrunner. there's a lot riding on lots of elections, so get out and vote. why? because frankly it's your duty. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. the justice department is sending staffers to our area to watch the polls tomorrow. the doj will deploy more than 500 workers to 28 states to look out for any civil rights violations on election day. some of those staff members will monitor the polls in philadelphia as well as lehigh county. they're looking for issues relates to discrimination, voter intimidation and fraud. can you take a selfie at the polls tomorrow? the answer is yes, if you vote in delaware. voters in the first state might see signs that say no cellphones, but that's more of a suggestion than a rule. in new jersey, there is no uniform rule. it's up to the county's board of elections. in pennsylvania, you're not allowed to reveal how you're about to vote.
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but officials say there is a first amendment right to take selfies. justin timberlake got criticized last month for taking a selfie in a voting booth in tennessee. in that state, ballot selfies are illegal. if you have a problem casting a ballot tomorrow, nbc 10 has set up a hotline number. call us tomorrow. you can find the number right on the nbc 10 app. it won't be a problem at the polls tomorrow because of septa, because we know now the strike is over. >> i'm so happy. i'm tired of walking. >> rider frustrations are over. nbc 10 was there this morning as the gates opened. the septa strike ended overnight after both sides agreed to a new tentative five-year deal. septa's trains, trollies, and buses began firing up around 9:00 this morning. >> it will take until tomorrow to get everything on track. nbc 10's cydney long is joining us live from a bus stop in
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center city. >> cydney, what does it look like where you are? >> reporter: not as many septa buses as we thought we would see out here on market street through the day today, jim and jacqueline. the proof is in the numbers. across the street, here at 11th and market, once this van goes by, you can see a dozen or so commuters are standing by when normally there might be two or three times that many. riders are hopeful and crossing their fingers that their routes will be fully restored, 100%, by daybreak tomorrow morning. within three hours of the subway gates being unlocked and swinging open at dawn this morning, septa's wheels started spinning again for hundreds of thousands of city transit commuters. on the market, frankford, l, and broad street lines at 9:00 a.m. buses began limited service on city streets at 11:00. trollies by 12:00 noon. while most are breathing a sigh of relief. >> i'm so glad. i was getting ready to catch the
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regionals. i'm happy. >> reporter: a group of riders were outside the headquarters demanding a septa inconvenience pass. septa will offer credit for what are now obsolete and expired weekly passes. >> i needed to go to family court to see my son, to request to see my son. because i missed the court date, i don't know if i'll be able to be see my son. >> reporter: she missed an important family court hearing to help her regain custody of her now 12-year-old son. >> he's been in foster care. i just found out his father passed away. >> reporter: she is grateful for the septa credit after shelling out half of what she spends for a monthly trans pass for the day. >> i'm spending $35 a day on cabs. >> reporter: when will your subway line as well as all of
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the trollies and buses be fully functional, back on track 100% can we have we've linked septa's website to our website,, so you can check your route directly. live in center city tonight, cydney long, nbc 10 news. even though the septa strike is over, there's still some problems for commuters. >> nbc 10's jessica boyington is watching the rails. >> 15 minute delays right now due to power problems. there's a lot of information, but limited service for the buses, the trollies, and the market/frankford line. expect delays in all places. trolley service has resumed. the frankford line has limited service but they're running trains every six minutes.
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no service to the independence mall station because of the campaigns in the area. no service to there. the broad street line service limited but running every ten minutes also. center city, much better picture than we've seen for the last week because of the septa strike. both directions are okay. we're seeing slowdowns moving towards 95. right there looks okay. the schuylkill looks back to normal, i even got here earlier an hour ago with no problem. 27 minutes heading into center city, speeds down into the 20s. of course more updates when i come back. back to you guys. >> all right, jessica. weather shouldn't be a problem for people getting out to vote. >> nbc 10 chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz has what you called perfect election day weather tomorrow. >> it doesn't get better than this, with temperatures above average. you won't need any kind of heavy coats. and no chance of rain anywhere in the area. not even much wind. now, today, it was a little bit on the cooler side compared to
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the weekend. it's only 56 despite sunshine. in philadelphia, pretty close to that across much of the rest of the area. look at these pictures. we've got blue skies all over the place. and the temperatures, shy of the 60-degree mark, even in the city of philadelphia, even in center city. 55, port richmond, fox chase, all 56 degrees. all of those places are going to be well up in the 60s tomorrow. some spots could get very close to 70. so tonight, we're in the 30s again. it's going to be a cold night and a cold start to the day tomorrow. but it's going to warm up very quickly. so election day weather is as good as it gets. and then we get some much-needed rain on wednesday, especially in the morning in the pennsylvania counties and perhaps a little more into the afternoon in new jersey and delaware.
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there's the dry conditions right now. back to the west, you see at least some moisture. the clouds are just barely getting to chicago. so there's not going to be any kind of threat of rain during the day tomorrow or tomorrow night. but there will be some in ohio. that could potentially affect turnout there, as a cold front moves through, comes into pennsylvania during the morning on wednesday. there's the morning rush, especially our pennsylvania counties, the best chance of rain. you don't see the yellows or reds indicating heavy rain or thunderstorms or anything like that. but there could be several hours of rain during the day, the midday hour here. and then the front moves out. cooler air moves in. and a lot cooler than that comes in over the weekend, as you'll see a little bit later. or if you want to, you can see it right now at the bottom of the screen, that's what we offer here, not just philadelphia either. chilly in the morning, some
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places close to the freezing mark. but it will warm up quickly. by noontime we're well into the 60s. the sun sets an hour earlier now. it's setting by 5:00. it's totally dark by 5:30. keep that in mind tomorrow. so by 8:00, the temperatures are dropping down in through the 50s again. tomorrow is warm. then we cool down wednesday with the clouds and the rain. and then we're just chilly and breezy on thursday. that's the way the next three days looks. it looks like everybody is going to see at least some rain during the day on wednesday. then on thursday, we're back down into the 50s. as we go through the ten-day period, we could see the temperatures dropping from tomorrow. tomorrow looks like it's going to be the warmest day of the next ten. then later in the week, we've got sunshine again. but look at the cold wind, a high of only 48 saturday. that could be the coldest day so
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far this season. and then we dry out again for the next few days. right now, hillary clinton is onstage in michigan, her final stop before coming to philadelphia for a rally that is planned on independence mall. our extended coverage of the presidential election is just getting started. >> we'll be here with you until 8:00 tonight, covering all the angles to help you make an informed decision at the polls tomorrow. coming up at 4:30, we're looking at the importance of pennsylvania. erin coleman and lauren mayk look at what it means for both campaigns. then at 7:00 p.m., i host our hour-long campaign countdown. we're breaking down the electoral map state by state to show you what it will take for either candidate to get to the magic number of 270. nbc 10 has you covered on election eve, so count on it. nbc 10 news at 4:00 is just getting started. drama on the highway. the obstacles the driver couldn't get around after a lengthy chase.
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plus an avocado shortage. new details now on why you'll soon start paying less again for your gawk amole. first, a look at the closing bell on wall street. the dow surged more than 370 points, its best day since march. pat toomey and donald trump both would defund planned parenthood,
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and criminalize women's right to choose. "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah." "i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors... who perform them." and when donald trump insulted women and bragged about... sexual assault, pat toomey refused to reject him. pat toomey: won't stand up to trump. won't stand up for women. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. and criminalize women's right to choose. pat toomey and donald trump both would defund planned parenthood, "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah." "i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors... who perform them." and when donald trump insulted women and bragged about... sexual assault, pat toomey refused to reject him. pat toomey: won't stand up to trump. won't stand up for women. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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at a neighborhoods a restaurafavorite - a place for a good, family meal. she juggled customers, cooks, waitresses - and never complained. my dad was a police officer walking his beat. i learned from both what it means to be honest, to work hard, and love family. big banks, wall street, special interests - that's who pat toomey's with. in the senate, i'll work for you and your family. i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message.
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a police chase involving a stolen car ends in a crash in southern california. >> officers spotted the amerim s mercedes-benz speeding last night. the car was stolen from a valet. the suspect ran several red lights and nearly crashed the stolen car with several vehicles. after a 60-mile chase, the driver eventually slammed into a divider. officers then took him into
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custody. cleanup begins in central oklahoma after an earthquake left a path of destruction last night. look at the damage right here. the 5.0 magnitude quake didn't damage the oil storage facility but the quake cracked other buildings, bricks fell from the walls and windows were shattered. no major injuries reported. avocado prices will start falling soon, because supplies are increasing. an avocado shortage related to a strike in mexico pushed prices up by double and in some cases triple from a year ago. that left retailers struggling to find avocado. some restaurants had to temporarily drop guacamole from menus. next, hillary clinton bringing star power to philly. next, why philadelphia could hold the key to the white house for clinton. and we're tracking the republicans as they campaign in
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pennsylvania. vice presidential nominee mike pence right there with a live picture, talking to voters in erie. we're staying on top of every angle on this election eve. when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message.
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i'm frank lobiondo in pennsylvania, a packet of heroin can be cheaper than a six-pack of beer and prescription painkillers are too easy to get. as the head of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i've helped local communities fund drug treatment programs to save our kids. i'm josh shapiro, and as attorney general, i'll crack down on the drug dealers and stop the overprescribing of opioid painkillers. i'm proud to be endorsed by law enforcement organizations representing 14,000 police officers. this is a fight we can't afford to lose. she ate like a pig. trump has said and done... you can do anything. i moved on her like a [bleep] ...trump's just so disgusting and degrading. it just seems like he's invaded our lives. and he's the republican nominee for president. and republican brian fitzpatrick supported trump. look, we just can't vote for fitzpatrick or trump. house majority pac is responsible
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for the content of this advertising. now at 4:30, the race for the white house. the election is finally here after a year of campaigning. so far, more than 43 million americans voted early across the country. >> happening right now, hillary clinton is onstage in another battleground state. this is in michigan. once she has finished there, she's let for a rally right here in philadelphia. the gates opened a half hour ago on independence hall, you see people waiting in line. the rally tonight with bill clinton, president and mrs. obama, bruce springsteen and jon
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bon jovi, begins at 7:30. nbc 10's denise nakano has more. >> white profile celebs are coming in for mrs. clinton. >> reporter: that's right, as you can see behind me, market shut down by municipal waste trucks and police cars. you can see from skyforce 10 lots of people waiting in line on 5th street between arch and market. doors opened a half hour ago and people are getting checked out in that security line. people have been lining up for a little bit. and they will be staying out there as security is pretty tight, as we have a number of heavy hitters who are here tonight. that includes of course hillary clinton's third day in a row campaigning in philadelphia at this rally. she'll be joined by husband bill, daughter chelsea, president obama, and the first lady. and musicians jon bon jovi and bruce springsteen. last-minute adjustments being made to the stage at
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independence hall. events will start at 7:30 and will wrap up with a final pitch by hillary clinton as to why she deserves the vote. people are asking how do i get to 5th and arch, that's where people are being told to head if they have reservations and tickets. reporting live from old city, i'm denise nakano, nbc 10 news. >> all right, denise. right now vice presidential nominee mike pence is in pennsylvania, campaigning in erie, where he took the stage just a few minutes ago. our coverage of decision 2016 continues at 4:30 with a look at the trump campaign. in place 10's erin coleman traveled to new york city where both campaigns will host victory parties tomorrow. >> erin trump has spent a lot of time and energy here in pennsylvania, we know that, right? >> reporter: absolutely. he has been sprinting from one battleground state to the next. as you guys have been talking about, he's in scranton in about
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an hour from now. that's his 26th stop in pennsylvania in just the last 15 weeks. just one indication of how important pennsylvania is in this race. donald trump knows what pennsylvania means for his shot at the white house. it's a must-win. >> we've knocked on over 100,000 doors in the state of pennsylvania. and believe me, those people like us knocking on their doors. >> reporter: since the end of july, he's made more than two dozen stops in the keystone state. the third highest number of stops in any state in the country. only florida and ohio has he visited more. that's just trump's visit. last week his wife and daughter, they made several stops too. >> it's going to be very hard to win without pennsylvania. that's why we're spending a lot of time here. >> reporter: the philadelphia republican party chair says winning pennsylvania is trump's only path to the presidency. without the state's 20 electoral votes, it's a long shot. david thornburg of the
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nonpartisan group committee of 70 agrees. >> this is probably the most meaningful role in a presidential race that pennsylvania has played in a long time. this is a state that donald trump has to win to chart a path to victory. it's an uphill battle for him. >> reporter: recent polls show p.a. going to the democrats. but some say not so fast. demographics have changed and they're not giving up. >> people always factor out philadelphia. what i'm telling you right now, i'm seeing polling numbers that have donald trump at 22% in the city of philadelphia. >> reporter: and just a little more than 14 hours to go now until the polls open in pennsylvania. and again, about an hour until trump makes his appearance in scranton, p.a. we've got much more coverage of both campaigns, hillary clinton, donald trump will be here in new york. we'll see you back here next half hour at the top of 5:00. for now, live in new york city, erin coleman, nbc 10 news.
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>> erin, thank you. democrats, as we know, have also made a major push for pennsylvania. >> the clinton campaign says it continues to knock on thousands of doors each day. nbc 10's lauren mayk reports on why philly is so important. >> reporter: in this race, hillary clinton has visited philadelphia again and again and again. and there's good reason. in this city, democrats outnumber republicans nearly seven to one. >> people say are you nervous. i say, of course i'm nervous. but i was nervous in 2006 and i wound up winning by 20 points. >> reporter: we sat down with democrat and former pennsylvania governor ed rendell to talk about why the region is so important for hillary clinton, and her bid to win pennsylvania and the white house. >> what the democrat has to do is win the city big and win the four suburban counties substantially. >> reporter: the suburban counties he's talking about are bucks, montgomery, delaware and
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chester. the idea for a democrat is win big in this area to offset the votes a republican will get in the rest of the state. >> if hillary clinton leads the five counties up 650,000 votes, that should be enough. >> reporter: whether she gets that is up to voters. and people like mike boyle, a ward leader in philadelphia. >> our people tend to turn out in large numbers. >> reporter: to make sure, there are post cards, and if necessary, last-minute reminders. >> by, say, 6:00, after the after-work rush hour is ended, you say, this person hasn't voted, let's make a phone call. >> reporter: and visit in person. >> you learn more about turnout than anything else. >> reporter: rendell, also a former philadelphia mayor, says he expects turnout to be good, perhaps not quite as good as it was for barack obama. he expects clinton to do much better in the suburbs. the road 2to the white house is more difficult without pennsylvania. if you wake up on wednesday and
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donald trump has won, would you assume he won pennsylvania? >> yes. >> lauren mayk reporting there. if you have a problem casting a ballot tomorrow, we want to hear from you. nbc 10 has set up a hotline number for problems at the polls. call us at 877-nbc-wcau. you can also find that number on the nbc 10 app. nbc 10 is your place for decision 2016. join us tonight for a live one-hour election special. campaign countdown. get the political punchout experts, tonight on nbc 10. it's the final push for both campaigns. no rest the night before the election. >> we're following last public events for both candidates. >> we're going to see just one more day of political ads. tonight we look into a local woman featured in one of those new campaign ads, all new coming up at 5:00.
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i miss my daughter every day. she was shot and killed in a movie theater. jessi's murderer used an assault weapon with a high capacity gun clip. these clips allow killers to keep shooting and shooting. senator pat toomey opposes banning these clips, and he opposes an assault weapons ban. pat toomey stands with the gun lobby and not you. i hope you remember that when you vote. majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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she ate like a pig. trump has said and done... you can do anything. i moved on her like a [bleep] ...trump's just so disgusting and degrading. it just seems like he's invaded our lives. and he's the republican nominee for president. and republican brian fitzpatrick supported trump. look, we just can't vote for fitzpatrick or trump. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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in pennsylvania, a packet of heroin can be cheaper than a six-pack of beer and prescription painkillers are too easy to get.
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as the head of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i've helped local communities fund drug treatment programs to save our kids. i'm josh shapiro, and as attorney general, i'll crack down on the drug dealers and stop the overprescribing of opioid painkillers. i'm proud to be endorsed by law enforcement organizations representing 14,000 police officers. this is a fight we can't afford to lose. >> announcer: nbc 10 breaking news. >> reporter: i'm george spencer, tracking breaking news from skyforce 10. a 16-year-old boy shot in the head this afternoon in the middle of this kensington roadway. you can see philly police holding the end of the scene. they also have the middle of this block in kensington taped off. you can see several of the officers guarding the scene. a 16-year-old boy with a gunshot wound to the right side of his
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head, shortly before 2:30 this afternoon he was rushed to temple hospital in extremely critical condition. a suspect in custody and a gun found. live over the scene in kensington, i'm george spencer, nbc 10 news. >> all right, george. moving on to this now. with just more than three weeks until thanksgiving, one eagles player is getting into the spirit of giving. rodney mccloud joined with safeway to give away bags of food to help people get ready for thanksgiving. >> people are in need. it's just a great time, to put a smile on their face. >> he says he's glad to help people provide for families for their holiday. the republicans and democrats are fighting for your vote. >> also ahead at 4:00, a battle over a car warranty. nbc 10 responds to get a viewer's car fixed at no cost.
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this is an individual who mocked a disabled reporter... i don't know what i said, ahh... who attributed a reporter's questions to her menstrual cycle. trump: blood coming out of her...wherever. he is not a person who is equipped in temperament, judgment or character to lead our troops. donald trump has created a toxic atmosphere pitting one group against another. he's a mexican. claiming a person can't do the job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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tomorrow's such an important day to get out and vote. the weather can be a factor too. >> looks like it won't be a problem, right, glenn? >> you should wear a jacket early tomorrow morning, it will be chilly when the polls first open. right now it's a little chillier than over the weekend. it's sunny, though, 56 degrees in philadelphia, well into the 50s elsewhere. nowhere near as warm as it's going to be this time tomorrow. 56 degrees in wilmington, odessa 56. farther to the south even cooler, 50 in georgetown, millsboro, 49 in milton. these places will be in the 60s at this time tomorrow. so quite a change. and there really isn't much of a
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change in moisture. the clouds are barely to chicago. so you know there's no way we're getting any rain here tomorrow. but as we go through the night tonight, temperatures are down into the 30s. by 6:00 a.m., we're pretty close to the freezing mark in a few of the suburbs. we warm up quickly, and by noon and 1:00, we're into the 60s. we peak out in the upper 60s. we also cool down pretty quickly. the sun sets just before 5:00, meaning it's totally dark at 5:30, meaning the temperature is going to go down tomorrow evening. by 9:00 we're already getting into the 40s again for at least parts of the area. the rain holds off until wednesday morning. relatively mild morning, as you can see here. and then later on during the morning and into the afternoon, the rain shifts out toward the coast. temperatures don't really drop that much immediately. but it will be dropping later on during the week. as far as the amounts of rain,
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we're not talking about a whole lot. remember, we need some rain. we're talking about generally less than a half an inch, even if we get several hours worth of the rain. as we go through the next ten days, we see 68 degrees tomorrow. but only 58 on wednesday, because of the clouds and the rain. 56 on thursday because of the colder air. plus we've got a breeze there. friday is pretty nice, up near 60. another cold front comes through. it really gets windy and cold and saturday, that's a high of only 48 degrees. remember, tomorrow's going to be 68. that's quite a change. that's the coldest air so far this season. some more days of dry weather before the middle of next week. >> all right, glenn. from the nbc 10 delaware bureau, what happened at the punkin chunkin event. an explosion injured two people over the weekend. cellphone void captured the
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moment the blast happened. delaware state police say an air cannon used to launch of pumpkins malfunctioned. it happened at the event sunday afternoon. the trap door of the cannon where the pumpkins are loaded, it was blown off and it hit a woman in the head. she's in the hospital now in critical condition. a man was also hurt but is expected to be okay. that event began in 1986. it was cancelled for the last two years because organizers were having trouble finding insurance after an injury lawsuit in 2013. that suit was dismissed last year. punkin chunkin returned this year with new stricter rules about alcohol. janet reno, the very first woman to serve as u.s. attorney general, has passed away. reno's family says she died this morning from complications of parkinson's disease. reno served nearly eight years as attorney general under president bill clinton, which was the longest stint in a century. she faced criticism for a raid
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of a texas cult in which some 80 people died. she also figured into some of the scandals of the clinton administration. janet reno was 78 years old. coming up next at 4:00, a local man's car was giving him fits. >> so he took the car into the shop to get his transmission fixed. then after it was fixed, it had the same problem. how nbc 10 responds managed to save him thousands. pat toomey and donald trump both would defund planned parenthood, and criminalize women's right to choose. "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah." "i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors... who perform them." and when donald trump insulted women and bragged about... sexual assault, pat toomey refused to reject him. pat toomey: won't stand up to trump. won't stand up for women.
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dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. in pennsylvania, a packet of heroin can be cheaper than a six-pack of beer and prescription painkillers are too easy to get. as the head of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i've helped local communities fund drug treatment programs to save our kids. i'm josh shapiro, and as attorney general, i'll crack down on the drug dealers and stop the overprescribing of opioid painkillers. i'm proud to be endorsed by law enforcement organizations representing 14,000 police officers.
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this is a fight we can't afford to lose. i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves!
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priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. priorities usa action is responsible she ate like a pig. trump has said and done... you can do anything. i moved on her like a [bleep] ...trump's just so disgusting and degrading. it just seems like he's invaded our lives. and he's the republican nominee for president. and republican brian fitzpatrick supported trump. look, we just can't vote for fitzpatrick or trump. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. now to nbc 10 responds. a car owner in need of repair says he has a warranty to cover the cost. but the shop says the warranty
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doesn't apply. >> when the two couldn't reach agreement, the car owner decided to call nbc 10 responds. harry hairston is here with the story. >> folks, this is a case of knowing the details as to what's in your car warranty before you get the work done. >> reporter: robert says he knows cars. this is his baby, a 1969 camaro. he tells us he rebuilt the engine to make it a muscle car. but back in august, his other car, a 2005 honda civic, needed engine work. >> it started making a noise out of the front of the transmission. >> reporter: he took the civic to aamco, who offered to rebuild the transmission. but robert tells us he instructed aamco to only rebuild the part of the engine that was the problem.
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he says after driving the car for just two weeks, the problem was back, and seemed worse. >> it started making noise in every single gear. >> reporter: he took it back to the shop. >> i had a year warranty on it. >> reporter: but the folks at aamco told him the warranty only covered the work he authorized and the additional repairs would cost him an extra $2,000. we contacted the shop, which insisted it was not responsible for the additional repairs. but just a week later the shop decided to do the work, charging robert only $267 for parts. did they say why? >> no explanation. >> reporter: the shop told us it changed its mind because it wanted to keep its customer happy. >> thanks to you, harry. >> reporter: my pleasure, man. >> 10 responds is the best. >> the shop still insists robert's warranty did not cover the additional work but was willing to go above and beyond
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in this case. we are adding that $2,000 to our recovery counter, which brings our new total to $162,809. >> it's getting up there. a little call from you seems to have changed things around a little bit. >> kind of got it jump started. >> there you go, harry. >> see what i did there? >> thank you. our coverage on this election eve continues live from new york city. ahead on nbc 10 news at 5:00. >> here is erin coleman. >> reporter: hey, guys. hillary clinton and donald trump will be here in new york city at their headquarters tomorrow night. but for tonight, they're both focused on our area as they make one final push for pennsylvania. nbc 10 is following their every move. plus the ad blitz taking over your television. and one local grandmother who found herself playing a role in the race for the white house. i'm keith jones. we're talking strike side effects. the week-long septa walkout is
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over, but some problems linger tonight. will service be fully restored as you head to the polls tomorrow morning? we're asking that question, next on nbc 10 news at 5:00. i approve this message.
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember."
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he's going like "i don't remember!"
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campaign crescendo. the latest in the race for the white house nears the finish line. and philadelphia finds itself front and center on election eve. back to work. there's an end to the septa strike that threatened to complicate election day. problems still persist tonight. and clear but cool. we're tracking what you can expect when you head to the polls to cast your vote on tuesday. >> announcer: nbc 10 news starts now. nbc 10 at 5:00 begins with a final push for the presidential candidates before voters get their say. and pennsylvania is playing a pivotal role on the eve of what will be an historic election.
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with 13 hours away from polls opening in our area. the polls open at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning in our area and 7:00 in pennsylvania and delaware. nbc 10 is your election headquarters. we'll be with you from now until 8:00 p.m., covering the raises that matter most to you. i'm keith jones. >> reporter: i'm erin coleman coming to you live from new york city. this is where donald trump and hillary clinton will be tomorrow night at their campaign headquarters, watching those returns come in. but tonight, both of them are in the midst of one last frantic day of campaigning. we have team coverage tonight. nbc 10's lauren mayk is live on philadelphia's independence mall, a big event for a star-studded election rally for hillary clinton. the obamas, bill clinton, her daughter chelsea clinton, also bon jovi, bruce springsteen. we want to begin with deanna durante in


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