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tv   Today  NBC  January 30, 2017 7:00am-10:01am EST

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more updates throughout the morning. news, weather, traffic on infection app. you're watching today show starts now. good morning. breaking news. gunmen open fire inside a quebec city mosque. six people killed, eight injured. two suspects being questioned by police right now. ban backlash. [ crowd chanting ] growing protests all across the country against president trump's executive order on immigration. the white house defending the ban, saying it's about terror, not religion. top lawmakers on both sides of the aisle voicing their concerns. >> we don't have religious tests in this country. >> mean-spirited and unamerican. >> senator schumer joins us live, as nbc news learns the president's supreme court pick could come as soon as today. and crippling outage.
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computer problems force delta to ground all domestic flights overnight. they're back flying, but scrambling to make up hundreds of cancellations today, monday, january 30th, 2017. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone, welcome to "today" on a monday morning. hoda filling in for savannah this week. thanks for filling in. >> great to be here. what a busy weekend it was. >> and we're starting off with a busy week. let's get right to that breaking news overnight. there's been a deadly shooting at a canadian mosque during evening prayers. it is being labeled a terrorist attack. ctv news is at the scene in quebec city. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. this morning two suspects are in custody after gunfire erupted at the islamic center here in quebec city.
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it is an act that the canadian prime minister is calling a terrorist attack, and it has left six dead, eight others injured. fear and confusion after gunfire interrupts evening prayers at the quebec city islamic cultural center. paramedics rushing to the mosque filled with more than 50 worshippers when the shots started ringing out. in a statement overnight, canadian prime minister justin trudeau calling it a terrorist attack on muslims. adding it is heart wrenching to see such senseless violence. this morning police confirming two suspects were arrested shortly after the shooting. investigators say the motive of the attack remains unknown. it comes just days after president trump's controversial immigration ban sparked international outrage. the president's executive order prompting prime minister trudeau to tweet to those fleeing persecution, terror and war, canadians will welcome you regardless of your faith.
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diversity is our strength. the premier echoing trudeau's message. >> we should work together, strive together with society. >> reporter: the quebec city mosque has been a target of hate before. last june someone left a pig's head during the muslim holy month of ramadan. this latest incident has authorities in the states beefing up security. we're told demonstrators will gather in front of the mosque tonight in support with the muslim community here. back to you, matt. >> thank you very much. and now to more on that growing outrage over president trump's controversial immigration order. demonstrations were held coast to coast last night but the white house is showing no sign of backing down. we have complete coverage from the white house to the airports and we're going to talk to senate minority leader chuck schumer. let us begin with nbc's peter alexander. peter, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you. the criticism has been fierce.
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this morning the white house is claiming the implementation of president trump's travel ban is, quote unquote, a massive success story, but the swift reaction from around the country shows a very different reality. overnight another surge of protests against president trump's controversial executive order. demonstrators at san francisco's airport met by riot police, capping off a weekend of massive demonstrations. including many at airports across the country and the streets around the white house. hillary clinton offering her support to demonstrators, tweeting this is not who we are. in the face of those protests, this assessment from team trump. >> what you're seeing is a small reaction from a small number of people. >> reporter: amid the chaos, president trump is defending his actions. the statement reading to be clear, this is not a muslim ban as the media is falsely reporting. this is not about religion, this is about terror and keeping our
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country safe. but trump's argument is seemingly contradicted by one of his advisers, rudy giuliani telling fox news trump consulted him and others. >> when he first announced it, he said muslim ban. he called me up, he said put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally. >> reporter: while trump's order bans refugees, migrants and foreign nationals from seven mostly muslim countries, the president points out 40 different majority muslim countries worldwide are not affected. >> it's working out very nicely. you see it at the airports, you see it all over, it's working out very nicely. >> reporter: a growing chorus of critics disagree. >> this executive order was mean-spirited and unamerican. >> reporter: even some republicans are urging caution. >> you have an extreme vetting proposal that didn't get the vetting it should have had. >> i think we should be careful. we don't have religious tests in this country. >> reporter: senators john mccain and lindsey graham slamming the move as a self-inflicted wound against terrorism. trump firing back accusing the two of always looking to start
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world war iii. the reaction worldwide was swift. canada's prime minister tweeting this photo welcoming a refugee, said his country would take those banned by the u.s. iran's foreign minister attacked trump's order blasting it as a great gift to extremists and their supporters. late sunday the new head of homeland security insisted green card holders would not be blocked from returning to the u.s. white house officials backed up their boss, comparing trump's order to action taken by president obama in 2011 restricting visas to iraqi refugees after a threat. >> i can't imagine too many people out there watching this right now think it's unreasonable to ask a few more questions from someone traveling in and out of libya and yemen before being let loose in the united states. >> i think in terms of the upside being greater protection of our borders, of our people, it's a small price to pay. >> reporter: also fueling a fierce backlash, trump's
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reshuffling of his national security council making chief strategist steve bannon a regular member while top-ranking intelligence and military officials will attend only when discussing issues per taping to their responsibilities and expertise. >> having the chief strategist for the president in those meetings who has a significant military background to help make -- guide what the president's final analysis is going to be is crucial. >> reporter: to be clear, bannon's addition to the national security council is unusual. advisers from the political side of the white house are generally not included in the meeting, certainly not on a permanent basis. president obama's former national security advisor, susan rice, put it bluntly on twitter calling president trump's move, quote, stone cold crazy after a week of crazy. the white house is also trying to tamp down another controversy after it failed to mention jews or the jewish mention by name in its statement on national holocaust remembrance day friday. aides here say they took into account all those who suffered, including the jewish people. hoda and matt.
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>> peter alexander, peter, thank you. ari melber is nbc's chief legal correspondent and has the fact check on all of this. ari, good morning. let's talk about terminology. you hear people referring to this as a muslim ban? are muslims even mentioned in the executive order? >> that is the controversy, matt. we can show you this executive order does not mention muslims or islam by name. it uses countries. but experts say that in its effect, it will ban muslims from those selected countries and still allow in likely more christians. >> when you're talking about the refugees, ari, trump seems to be wondering what all this fuss is about, the demonstrations and all the court orders and all that stuff. we did talk about it in peter's piece, that president obama had done something similar back in 2011 when it came to iraqi refugees. so is there a difference here? >> there is a difference. this is all about basically donald trump saying, look, barack obama did this. when you look at that, what that was all about, though, was
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slowing the vetting and the entry for iraqis because it was a war-torn country based on a specific threat. it was never a complete ban and it didn't involve those other countries. >> when you look -- president trump says this is about protecting us from terror brought in from overseas. if you look at the last 15 years and the terror attacks that have taken place on u.s. soil and you compare the sources of those attacks with the countries on this list, is there overlap? >> this is the most important point and probably the largest legal problem for the administration. the travel ban list is these seven countries. it is true that they have been cited in prior laws. it is not true that they were cited by the congress as a source of immigrant exported terror. that is very important. and to your question, matt, you can look at some of the largest attacks we've had on the home front in 9/11. 15 of the 19 from saudi arabia, 2 from uae, egypt and lebanon. other attacks a similar story. pakistani immigrants on
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basically a basis of being a family member as well as that terrible orlando nightclub shooting, that was an american there born to afghan immigrants. so even when you look up the chain in the family, what we find here and what is an important distinction is none of these seven countries have actually sent people who have been involved in these deadly attacks. they were named for a different reason, matt. they were named as a place that were basically dangerous to visit when europeans on the visa waiver program were coming in, not as a place sending killers. >> thank you very much. joined now by senator chuck schumer. senator, nice to see you. >> glad to be here. >> everybody knew this was coming. democrats knew, republicans knew. anyone who paid attention to the campaign for the last year new that donald trump was going to do this in some form. you got very upset about this. is it the breadth of the order, the implementation of it, the message, what? >> yes. all of that. first, it was done in such a sloppy and careless way.
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major agencies, the border patrol, customs didn't even know about it. there were major holes in it. it seems like back of the envelope. even for those who might be for this, and i am certainly opposed, the slap dash way it was done was appalling and created the chaos. much more importantly, this will make us less safe. john mccain is exactly right. it will encourage lone wolves here in america. they have created most of the terrorism. the biggest problems we've had with terrorism are not from these countries. in fact there's something called the visa waiver program which allows people from france or belgium, places where there are known terrorists to come in, no questions asked. i don't even get what they were getting at because they're not stopping terror, they're instead doing what is in effect as rudy giuliani said a muslim ban. now, that is against what america is all about. >> we set together on the day of the inauguration in washington a little more than a week ago. you said you thought it was crucial for democrats to be the bull work against some of the
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things donald trump wants to do. not to sound like we're on the playground but what do you intend to do about it? >> i will ask for a vote to repeal this. senator feinstein has very carefully thought out legislation to repeal this. i hope mitch mcconnell allows that vote. already 11 republicans have spoken out against it. we should repeal this and then we should silt down in a careful, thoughtful way, figure out ways we need to tighten up things against terrorism. >> speaking out against it on the republican side is very different from them taking the next step. >> let's hope they'll do it because this is what america is all about. you know, yesterday i sat with two families. one, a brave man from iraq who had served as a translator and his life was threatened because he was translating for our soldiers. he came in january 5th. had the order been january 1st, he would have been dead. another family who had parents, grandparents were americans. suicide bomber blew up stuff in
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front of their house because of their affiliation, their religious affiliation. they too could have been dead. this is a blanket ban, hurts innocent people and doesn't stop terrorism. it's just appalling. >> all of this happens as many of donald trump's nominees for key cabinet positions are still waiting action. i think only two of 15 have actually been approved. are you willing to connect the dots? >> yes. tonight another thing i will do is ask that they delay the nomination, the vote on mr. tillerson for secretary of state because when he was questioned in committee and asked about a future muslim ban, because we didn't know that it was occurring, he was very mealy mouthed so i'm going to ask for a delay. whether mcdonnell grants it is another thing. >> what about the other cabinet nominees. >> we're going to ask for every one. >> you're going to be told you're taking political hostages. >> aren't the american people entitled to know the positions of these cabinet people before they come in? >> real quickly, there is word
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that president trump's pick for the supreme court could be announced as early as today or tomorrow. given what happened with merrick garland last year how messy is this going to get? >> we're not looking for pay back but we're looking for two things. number one, a candidate who will be in the mainstream. the last four nominees to the supreme court, two by a democratic president, two by a republican president got bipartisan support. >> has the white house reached out across the aisle? >> they have asked in general our views with nothing specific. >> senator chuck -- >> i told them we wanted a mainstream judge. let's hope and pray he listens. >> senator chuck schumer. nice to have you here this morning. thank you very much. >> why don't we bring in nicolle wallace and jerry bash. he served as chief of staff at the defense department and cia and is now an nbc news national security analyst. good morning to both of you guys. nicolle, let's start with you. donald trump said he was going to do these things in the campaign and, lo and behold, in
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all the chaos he did do these things. were you surprised by what happened over the weekend? >> well, i think that matt hit the nail on the head. it was the implementation that destabilized sort of the political mood, which was already very, very shaky after donald trump's rather -- you know, i think steve kornacki said it was a political shock to the system. even if you are a widely enthusiastic supporter of a ban of immigration to these seven countries, it was implemented in a manner that is far less than methodical or sound. >> and less than 36 hours before implementing it, they had to roll back key elements so it seems they weren't prepared for the fallout. >> for all those people whose hair is on fire, it does aptly describe what's going on on windchi capitol hill, the checks seem to be appointees like general kelly and general mattis. that played out. general kelly suggested letting in green card holders and that
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will begin to calm the political waters. >> what does that tell you about all the people around him because he made these executive orders without consulting a lot of these people. >> it throws into the spotlight something that i know kept jeremy up last night which is the addition of steve bannon to the national security council and the intermingling of campaign promises and campaign staff in the deadly serious business of this country's national security. >> that move to put steve bannon at the national security table, how unusual, how troubling is it to you? >> it's a strong break from precedent. in the obama administration, the director of national intelligence and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff had a regular standing invitation to that principals level committee meeting. now they have basically said someone who is the editor of breitbart, a website, can be there but the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has to get an invitation. >> going back to the executive order, jeremy, there obviously are people who think that this is going to make us safer,
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donald trump among them. you have heard from some key republicans and senator schumer. he thinks this will be used as a powerful tool by the very people we're trying to diminish. >> counterterrorism requires focus, it requires following leads, penetrating plots. if you put an entire civilian populous under suspicion, you're not going to go after the true threats. with the stroke of a pen, the president has handed isis a major propaganda victory. they have been on social media all weekend basically inspiring,in citing people to attack americans. this is not going to make us safer at all. >> both of you, thank you very much. i appreciate that. let's head over to mr. roker for our very first check of the weather. hey, al. >> nice stretch. well, we are looking for a little bit of a clipper coming off the midatlantic coast bringing snow into parts of new jersey. this next one comes in and we'll look at that in the next half hour. plenty of sunshine from the southwest into southern california. we're going to get to (vo) maybe it was here, when you hit 300,000 miles.
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>> and that's your l latest weather. matt. >> al, thank you very much. coming up, an overnight systems outage forces delta to temporarily ground its planes nationwide. how the airline is getting back on track this morning. and the stars align against president trump at last night's sag awards. the politics and the glitz of this year's event. first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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choose love. new revlon ultra hd gel lipcolor. depending where you are, you might have a snowy morning. tracking snow. let's get right to first alert meteorologist bill henley. most accurate neighborhood forecast. see the tracks from beach avenue. cars are making it through. most of the accumulation on koehler surfaces, grass, on cars sitting out overnight. have dusting to do this morning. light, but steady snowfall and extends into southern delaware. this is on the move. end this morning and get some sunshine and temperatures above freezing this afternoon. mostly cloudy morning on isolated shower possible for philadelphia and the suburbs later today.
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now get a check on traffic. first alert traffic reporter jsh has you covered. >> watching 95 on the westbound side. there's a krash just around route 322. right near the bridge. only the left lane is getting by. again this will be traffic moving towards philadelphia international airport. if you have to catch a flight, magt affect your morning 6789 over on the right-hand shoulder there. also watching snow. garden state parkway. watch for slippery spots. now to breaking news following for you out of delaware county. boiler explosion at a school. sky force 10 over the saint coleman school where a boiler malfunction caused an explosion within the last 90 minutes. led to gas leak. mortgage. no one was hurt. school there is closed today. another update in 25 minutes. you can always stay updated with nbc 10 app. free down load. today show continues in just a couple of minutes.
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we're back now, 7:30 on this monday morning. 30th day of january, 2017. we'll get out to say outside on a chilly morning here in the northeast. inside studio 1a matt lauer along with hoda kotb while savannah is on maternity leave. here are some of the headlines. two suspects are in custody following a deadly shooting at a quebec city mosque. this happened during evening prayers. officials say at least six people were killed, eight more wounded. two suspects are in custody. canadian prime minister justin trudeau was quick to label it a terrorist attack. and that shooting comes amid heightened tensions worldwide over president trump's order to restrict travel from seven muslim majority nations.
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responding to growing protests, the white house says the action is not about religion but terror and keeping our country safe. but the world's largest body of islamic nations voiced its grave concern overnight, saying trump's order will only embolden extremists. delta says there could be more cancellations today in the wake of the nationwide ground stop. it was caused by a systems outage that forced delta to cancel at least 150 flights. let's get more on that situation from nbc's tom costello. he's at dulles international airport. tom, good morning. >> reporter: hi, malt, good morning to you. the ceo of delta is apologizing for what he calls an unacceptable situation involving in computer outage and the delays that it caused. this all started at about 6:30 p.m. last night. as you mentioned, 150 flights or so cancelled yesterday and you can imagine the big hubs affected rather dramatically. that includes atlanta, l.a.x., minneapolis, jfk, here at
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dulles, the list goes on. this morning about 95 flights are delayed. not a lot of cancellations that we see, but the airline very much in the recovery mode today. no precise discussion about what exactly the computer problem was. some early discussion that may involve the weight and balance computers which really determine how much fuel you have to load onto an aircraft, but no confirmation. it was just last week that united airlines suffered its own significant computer outage. that caused a ground delay for several hours until they got up and running. last summer, delta airlines had another big computer problem affecting more than a thousand flights. that cost them $150 million. this morning, delta says this problem they think has been resolved. they're waiving the change fees. if you're caught in the delay or if you had to miss a flight or you have to reschedule, they will waive the change fee because of it. it should be back to normal today but could take some time before the entire thing is kind of ironed out. matt, back to you. >> thank you, tom. the screen actors guild
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awards were held last night and while the event was filled with the usual glitz and surprises, it did turn political in a hurry. here is natalie morales. >> good evening, fellow s.a.g. members and everyone at home and everyone in airports that belong in my america. >> reporter: ashton kutcher is one of the many stars expressing opinions about president trump's recent travel ban. >> julia louis-dreyfus. >> reporter: julia louis-dreyfus picked up best female actor but her acceptance speech turned serious when she addressed the controversial ban. >> my father fled religious persecution in nazi-occupied france. and this immigrant ban is a blemish and it is unamerican. >> reporter: bryan cranston won for his portrayal of president lindyn
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lyndon johnson and he's asked how the president wolf about president trump. >> i think 36 would put his arm around 45 and earnestly wish him success. and he would also whisper in his ear something he said often. just don't [ bleep ] the soup all of us got to eat. >> reporter: best actor went to william h. macy's portrayal of a deadbeat alcoholic father in "shameless." >> i would like to go against the stream this evening and thank president trump for making frank gallagher seem so normal. >> stranger things. >> reporter: "stranger things" best ensemble in a drama series and the night's biggest audience reaction. >> we 1983 midwesterners will repel bull ease, we will shelter freaks and outcasts, those who have no homes. we will get past the lies. >> reporter: other big winners,
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emma stone picked up best female lead for "la la land," "fences" scored two big wins, viola davis for supporting actress and the film's director, denzel washington, surprised by his win for lead actor. >> i'm a god-fearing man. i'm supposed to have faith, but i didn't have faith. i said, well, you know that young boy is going to win, denzel. >> reporter: the top prize went to "hidden figures" for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture. >> this story is about what happens when we put our differences aside and we come together as a human race. we win. love wins every time. >> that was a great speech and also great to see them win that one. >> no question. i know you two are big fans of that movie. >> it was so good. al, you want to take a little check of the weather? >> i do. let's see what's going on. our friends in cleveland seeing some problems on the roads.
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a lot of schools, including the cleveland public school system shut down because of the snow and there is more on the way. couple of clippers causing the problem. a little pesky one just off the mid-atlantic coast. snow from washington into central new jersey. we're also looking at another clipper coming across the plains that's going to bring more snow to the midwest starting today on into tomorrow. so the eastern snow ends this morning. new snow develops across the upper midwest today. then on into tomorrow we're looking for a new round of snow showers for the lakes and these bands of snow really will be persistent for lake ontario and lake erie. anywhere from 2 to 4 inches in the upper midwest from minnesota all the way into wisconsin and michigan, but then through wednesday look at this band of heavier snow. 6 to 12 inches of snow from elkins, west virginia, into western p.a. and 6 to 10 inches up as you get into the upper great lakes. also into parts of new england as well
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starting off with snow in new jersey and delaware. not in new kacastle. further the south. temperatures climb to 38 for delaware. 39 for the shoe. snow ends this morning 6789 get breaks of sunshine this afternoon. 37 degrees. isolated shower possible for philadelphia and even into the suburbs. little to know accumulation. another round and chance of light snow again tomorrow morning. have a great day. don't forget, get your weather any time you need it. turn to the weather channel. do you sense a disturbance in the force? >> i felt it, i felt it. >> carson daly back. >> hi, friends, how are you? >> he's back! >> i could feel him while i was doing the weather. >> i was hiding behind your weather board the whole time. >> we'll get to carson in just a second. good to have you back, man. >> thank you. don't look down, the daredevil behind this breath-taking and dizzying scene. oh, are you kidding me? >> oh, come on. and also coming up, a boring
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back now at 7:42, billionaire entrepreneur elon musk is known for pushing the envelope of technology from luxury electric cars to affordable space travel. >> now he's working on something new and just as ambitious for a solution to traffic in los angeles. nbc's joe fryer has more on this. joe? >> reporter: good morning, guys. you know this pile of dirt behind me, it is not your typical construction project. we are at the spacex headquarters where just days ago the innovative company started digging a tunnel. the question, could this be the answer to traffic gridlock. apparently elon musk doesn't like traffic. for years the tech innovator has made clear his frustrations with
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gridlock. but where the average l.a. commuter has limited options, the billionaire who helped create the first luxury brand electric car has made space exploration more affordable and is working on making train travel space age came up with a novel if not boring idea to do something about it. tweeting traffic is driving me nuts. i'm going to build a tunnel boring machine and just start digging. for years the presumptive thought was to look to the skies, but in typical atypical elon musk fashion, as others have gone high, he seems to have decided to go low. >> we started digging a hole on crenshaw just in front of spacex headquarters. there's a giant hole. >> reporter: there had been a question as to how serious musk was about the tunnel idea, but at a hyperloop development competition at the spacex headquarters this sunday, musk not only confirmed ground had already been broken on the tunnel, but clarified that beating traffic wasn't the only
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goal. >> i'm actually quite optimistic that tunnelling can be improved by at least five fold, maybe tenfold and that's really key to a lot of technologies. road tunnels, hyperloop tunnels, train tunnels. >> reporter: even for the rarefied tech air that elon breathe breathes, this is ground-breaking stuff. >> this is somewhere near the top. >> reporter: ashley vance, elon musk's biographer says where others see blockades, elon finds success. >> he really is like a real-life tony stark so when he comes up with a totally nuts idea, he's the only person that has a track record of making these things come true. >> reporter: for those not in the know, tony stark also moonlights as ironman. rather than flying through the air fighting criminals, this real-life tech avenger seems content at moving humanity
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forward one big innovative hole at a time. to be clear, technology is one thing. the logistics and bureaucracy involved in digging a citywide tunnel beneath los angeles will be quite complex. for now this first tunnelling adventure will be contained to the spacex campus. matt and hoda, back to you. >> i want to be elon musk. i just want to come up with ideas and try them. coming up, just ahead on popstart is a "9 to 5" reunion in the works? what dolly parton had to say about that. and steve you gotta go harder. come on. hey, yo brian, brian... stop, stop playing yourself. hello mr. khaled. did you have a tax question? yes, miss tax lady. i'm in the personal training game now. the khaled exercise program. you know, shreds pounds. you feel me? i feel you. can i deduct some of the training equipment? you know this is my business, i put my own money up.
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yes, if it's exclusively for work. ma'am, i'm working. trust me i'm workin. climb the mountain top. hey, yo jerome! come on let's go! (baby♪ aughs) ( ♪ ) ♪ they tell me i'm wrong ♪ ♪ to want to stand alongside my, my love ♪ ♪ whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ♪ ♪ to want to stand alongdear freshpet,ve ♪ zooka had digestive problems and wouldn't eat. then i fed him freshpet. look at you, saving money on your medicare part d prescriptions. at walgreens we make it easy for you to seize the day
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by helping you get more out of life and medicare part d. now with zero-dollar copays on select plans... ...and rewards points on all prescriptions, walgreens has you covered. so drop by and seize the savings! walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. panera. food as it should be. you may be muddling through allergies.oned with... try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even a "truck-cicle."
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[second man] how you doing? [ice cracking] [second man] ah,ah, ah. oh no! [first man] saves us some drilling. [burke] and we covered it, february fourteenth, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ the honey in honey nut cheerios likes to take its sweet time. [sighs] that's why we make them for you. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin.
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with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. we're back. as we mentioned, we're very happy to have carson back in the orange room this morning. carson, what do you have? >> steve harvey made a brave return to that miss universe stage. sunday night, remember, it was just over a year after the last competition when he infamously
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announced the wrong winner on live tv. what's that? you don't remember that moment? here it is. >> colombia! i have to apologize. miss universe 2015 is philippines. >> so that was then and with that blunder harvey cemented himself in meme history but this time he came ready to mock himself, including when he came face to face with miss colombia, the country he incorrectly crowned in 2015. >> i know what you're thinking. is that the guy from last year. it's been a long year getting here too because, boy, i paid the price. how do people in colombia feel about steve harvey? >> a lot of people hate you. but me, no, i love you! >> so, guys, when the crowning moment arrived, what would
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happen? steve didn't leave anything to chance. he graciously accepted reading glasses from the outgoing miss universe and it worked. steve harvey correctly announcing that france was miss universe. no apology followed this time. there was also a much different response online. jim adding aside from miss france, steve harvey won. great hosting. refreshing that you had the ability to laugh at yourself. it's good to see steve getting another chance at it and do so well. all things were a go and congratulations to miss france. back to you. >> carson, thank you. great to have you back. >> thank you so much. just ahead, the surprising reason that a lot of people aren't going to the doctor. >> and recipe redoes for those meals you love. you know, the ones that can ruin ♪ (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.)
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as after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i asked my doctor. and he recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. both made me turn around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily ...and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk
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if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis the right treatment for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. at progresso, we are now using 100% antibiotic and hormone-free white breast meat chicken in all our chicken soups! behold our greatest opus!
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that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury.
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a few minutes before 8:00. good, i'm tracey davidson. we are checking the coating that restored by the sea. let's get to first alert meteorologist with your neighborhood foreclose. beach weather by most standards. cars plooufing along beach avenue. snowy start. get accideting ready to come to. looks already starting to taper off in delaware. reaching into southern new castle county and salem county seeing very light snow. this is going the be ending in the next hour. then we get to see a little bit of sunshine and isolated showers this afternoon. >> stay with nbc 10 and nbc 10 app for up to the minute information on the snow. also get a customized weather
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forecast for your neighborhood. customize traffic report from first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. everybody heading out the door in northeast philadelphia right now. watching it on the boulevard. southbound. there's an accident around wit cher avenue taking up part of the drive. also watching snow falling on the garden state parkway. visibility in play here. watch in both direction os tenness on the parkway. protest related to president trump's immigration travel ban. here's a live look at the airport. yesterday 5,000 people demonstrated there. the septa riders take note on this, this morning's rush hour is the first commute with new regional rail schedules. check out the schedules on the nbc app. tracey davidson. have another update in about 25 minutes. stay updated with news and weather as the snow moves out with the nbc app. today show continues in just a couple of minutes. [ alarm clock beeping ]
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weather. ♪
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[ laughter ] cartoons. wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ]
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, immigration ban backlash. [ crowd chanting ] nationwide protests erupt over president trump's travel ban, as the white house defends the policy. a look at those affected and how major businesses are reacting. plus dreading the doctor? you're not alone. how the fear of bad news actually delays many of us from making an appointment. so who are the worst culprits? and "fifty shades" is back. >> when you were back, i swore i would do what it takes. >> as "fifty shades darker"
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heads to the big screen. we talk with e.l. james about her story that took the world by storm. today, january 30th, 2017. >> good morning, missouri. >> hi, mom in parker heights. >> we're from south carolina. go tigers! >> celebrating my big 5-0 on the "today" show. >> greetings to delaware. >> celebrating not nearly enough years in love. >> we're back now, 8:00 on a monday morning. it's the 30th day of january, 2017. i'm not exactly sure why, but we have a big crowd on this monday morning. am i missing some sort of holiday or something? >> it seems like an early start to the rolling spring break but i don't think it is. >> it's way too early. not even you can get away with
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that. anyway, we've got this "fifty shades of grey" thing happening again. >> everyone ig tas talking abou. look at this woman right here. how ready is she for it? she's got the mask, she's got it all. we'll talk to e.l. james, the author of the book and we'll also have things we love, new products, fashions and colors to try in 2017. >> good for you making the segue between e.l. james and chassie post. carson back. >> i'm in. >> a lot to get to in this half hour. let's start with your news at 8:00. good morning. and we begin this morning with the latest in politics. i'm hallie jackson at the white house where president trump is up early and tweeting already this morning. writing out a message saying only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning. big problems at airports were caused by delta computer outage.
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protesters and the tears of senator schumer. he added secretary kelly, his dhs head, said all is going well with very few problems. make america safe again. clearly that new executive order on immigration on the president's mind as it is so many others with more protests and legal battles expected today. overnight new protests across. tangling traffic at l.a.x. with more demonstrations in major cities, including this one just steps from the white house. in the face of the protests, this assessment from top trump advisor stephen miller. >> what you're seeing is a small reaction from a small number of people. >> reporter: president trump, under fire, insisting his executive order, quote, is not a muslim ban. his comments coming amid confusion at airports with dozens detained, growing legal fights aimed at keeping
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immigrants already in the u.s. here, and conflicting reports on whether people with green cards, legal permanent residents, are also banned. some clarity finally coming sunday. >> as far as green card holders moving forward, it doesn't affect them. >> reporter: the homeland security department confirming green card holders are exempt from the order that temporarily stops all refugees from entering the country. it also pauses immigration from seven countries and prioritizes christians. >> i don't want to criticize him for improving vetting. i think we need to be careful. we don't have religious tests in this country. >> reporter: president trump point out 40 different muslim majority countries worldwide are not affected and slamming senators mccain and graham on twitter after their joint statement saying, quote, we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security. the administration defending what the president long pledged he'd do on the campaign trail. >> extreme vetting. >> reporter: over the weekend, another uproar with the
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president naming his controversial chief strategist, steve bannon, a full member of his national security council. bumped down, the director of national intelligence and the head of the joint chiefs of staff. former national security advisor susan rice calling it stone cold crazy. the white house press secretary brushing off the criticism. >> he was a former naval officer. he's got a tremendous understanding of the world and the geopolitical landscape that we have now. >> reporter: don't expect any of these controversies to die down today, particularly the one over the immigration executive order. another major lawsuit is expected to be filed later on this morning and then this evening, nancy pelosi is set to lead a protest on the steps of the supreme court. and speaking of the court, a senior administration official is telling nbc news that president trump may announce his pick to replace the late justice antonin scalia as early as today or tomorrow, matt. that is sooner than originally expected. back to you. >> all right, i'll take that, thank you. more now on the president's
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order and its impact it's having on families, schools and businesses across the country. gabe gutierrez is at atlanta's hartsfield-jackson international airport with that part of the story. hey, gabe. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. now, we saw hundreds of protesters here at atlanta's airport on sunday. this as you're seeing growing outrage from the business community as well. from new york to ft. lauderdalauderdale to dallas, this morning the president's executive order is sparking concern and confusion. a pennsylvania family is stunned after syrian relatives who waited 13 years to come to the u.s. were turned back at philadelphia's airport. >> i'm heartbroken because they had to be sent back to the war zone. >> it was a complete shock. >> reporter: in texas, iranian american lela shams hoped her father battling cancer in
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england could fly in to meet his baby grandson for the first time. now that trip is on hold. >> everyone is just literally up in the air, has no idea what's going on. >> reporter: also worried this morning, universities with international students and visiting professors and american tech companies from facebook to microsoft to apple with employees affected by the new order. airbnb ceo brian chesky saying his company is providing free housing to refugees and anyone not allowed in the u.s. uber facing backlash that it attempted to profit during a tax driver protest is offering legal support for drivers trying to get back in the country. lyft has pledged to donate $1 million to the aclu. the civil rights group receiving more than $24 million in online donations this weekend, six times more than it made all of last year. syrian-born dr. kelly came to atlanta 16 years ago. now he wonders if he'll ever see his four cousins trapped in the war-torn country.
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>> i cannot see how we can't take children who are in a war zone and protect them. >> reporter: and at least one syrian-born trump supporter is now having second thoughts. >> i was always a trump supporter, but this is not what i believe america is all about. >> reporter: here in atlanta, 11 travelers were detained over the weekend. they have since been released. matt. >> all right, gabe, thank you very much. in other news, vigils are being held today in canada following a deadly attack on a quebec city mosque. at least six people were killed as they were finishing their sunday evening prayers. eight others were shot and wounded, some seriously. canadian prime minister justin trudeau called that shooting a terrorist attack on muslims. two people are in custody. officials did not release their names or any details about a possible motive. this morning dealt alta is bouncing back from a computer outage that grounded domestic
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flights for several hours sunday night. travelers were delayed from coast to coast. delta also cancelled about 230 flights scheduled for sunday and today. the company says it will waive rebooking fees. there's been no official word on what caused that computer problem. coming up next, a view of the falls out in yosemite. this is not for the faint of heart. and could last night's s.a.g. awards, the meeting between dolly parton and lily tomlin lead to a "9 to 5" reunion? we can only hope. and joy is sharing recipes that will make it easier for jenna and the rest of us, we think, stick to our diet goal (vo) data plans aren't one size fits all. and since most people use less than 5 gigs, the last thing you want is to end up paying for data you don't use. now verizon introduces the one plan that's right for you. switch, and for just $55 get 5 gigs on america's best network. that's the right amount of data at a great price.
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8:12. good time for trending. >> yes. >> go to the doctor a lot? >> yeah. >> is there a doctor you dread seeing? >> i'm going to the dentist tomorrow and not exactly looking forward to it. >> the dentist is the worst. >> a lot of people actually avoid trying to get a checkup. not only with the dentist, more actually with a regular doctor. a new report says that about a third of people delay seeing the doctor. the question is why. because they are afraid of getting bad news. can you identify with that? >> sometimes, yeah.
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>> so you might put off going to a doctor because you're afraid something might be wrong? >> right, yeah, i might. >> yeah, i would too. >> i've actually done it. and you wish you didn't later, but -- >> you pay the price. >> you do. >> but then you feel better when you leave. >> doctors call this the fear of finding out. this was especially true of single men, middle-aged men in particular. married men not so much because -- >> our wives. >> our wives tend to say no. >> so it's fofo, fear of finding out. nobody likes a jerk, can we all agree on that simple fact? do you think you can spot one instantly. when you meet somebody. >> size somebody up? that's not fair. >> i look in the mirror. >> now, some people say they always go -- they're quick at point them out and we may know the reason why. it may be because you yourself are a jerk, all right? >> takes one to know one. >> there's a philosophy at the university of california at
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riverside, a professor says sometimes people can't tell they're jerks because they are rationalize their own behavior but there's a solution. they said stop and look at the people around you. if you are surrounded by jerks, you might be one. they say you're the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with. >> we need one more. >> who here will admit that they surround themselves with jerks. >> you won't even know. >> it no, i wouldn't say -- >> although you were mentioning someone in the makeup room. >> i did say a friend of mine is a real something who rhymes with witch and she talks about how all of her friends are witches. i'm like so are you. it all makes perfect sense. are you afraid of heights? >> i am deathly afraid of heights. >> no, not really. >> like ladders? >> a lad eder is okay but on a three-story roof i get a little vertigo. >> i want you to stare at the monitor, carson. here is a daredevil walking across a slack line.
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he's doing this at the upper falls in yosemite national park. how high is he? 2500 feet in the air. >> i can't watch it. >> you can see the falls rushing beneath him. he is trailed by a harness but there is no net. he takes one wobbly step after another. at one point he falls. >> what? >> but he's able -- >> oh, no! >> but he's able to get back up and keep going. >> okay, that's horrifying. >> but that gopro shot or whatever he's wearing puts you right there, his point of view. >> it makes it worse. >> you would do that. >> i would not do that. >> al, you've gone to the top of bridges and stuff. >> yeah, but i wouldn't do that. >> i love heights. i don't mind it, but that is -- >> yeah, that's crazy. no doubt about it. >> popstart. >> deviguys, we're talking aboue s.a.g. awards and here's a look at some of the stars that turned heads. taraji p. henson, nicole kidman
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and kerry washington. but inside two legendary performers got people talking and laughing. dolly parton and lily tomlin. dolly presenting lily with a life time achievement award. there was no complete "9 to 5" reunion, jane fonda was homesick, but the ladies took the opportunity to crack a few one-liners. >> people have been talking for years saying that we should do a follow-up, sequel to "9 to 5." i guess we'd better get after it or we'd have to call it 95. >> did you hear the doom's day clock has been moved up to two and a half minutes before midnight. and this award, it came just in the nick of time and don't be anxious about missing an opportunity. behind every failure is an opportunity someone wishes they had missed. >> that was great, dolly and lily, right? offering some words of wisdom. next, winona ryder stars in
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that netflix series "stranger things." it won the best ensemble in the drama series. the child stars were pretty excited and their co-star gave an impassioned acceptance speech. it seemed that winona ryder spoke for a lot of people watching, just watch her facial expressions here. >> monsters. and when we are in a loss amid the hypocrisy and the casual violence of certain individuals and institutions, we will as per chief jim hopper punch some people in the face when they seek to destroy the meek and the disenfranchised and the marginalized. we are all together on this horrible, painful, joyous, exciting and mysterious ride that is being alive. we will hunt monsters. >> wow! "entertainment weekly" collecting the many faces of winona ryder. >> this is good. finally justin bieber wasn't at the s.a.g. awards but did have a busy weekend.
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saturday night justin took part in the nhl's all star celebrity shootout but the pros did not go easy on the stars. check out chris pronger crushing bieber against the plexiglass right there. he's 6'6", 220. bieber is 5'9", 145. after the hit, bieber recovers rather quickly. chris gives him a little tap, it's nothing personal. they did manage to catch that shot. there you go. bieber took it all in stride. he did score a goal. the nhl quoted bieber as saying this is one of the highlights of my life, for real. >> crushing him against the glass. >> now to our super bowl, it's tv. our superi bowl commercial kickoff. wendy's is giving us an exclusive look at its super bowl commercial. the company taking on the competition head-on. take a look.
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♪ ♪ you're as cold as ice ♪ you're willing to sacrifice our love ♪ >> and we'll have your first look at more super bowl commercials all week long. our friends at wendy's. >> they're going to be old generation wondering what that song is. >> carson, thank you very much. mr. roker, check of the weather. >> let's see how many of you got frozen beef. we're looking at chilly conditions up to the north but it's really kind of seasonal. our jetstream almost in a zonal flow. staying mild down south. seasonal chills from the plains into the northeast. providence 6 degrees above mobile, dallas will be 73, that's 18 degrees above average. for tomorrow, the warmth continues through the south.
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orlando, new orleans, corpus christi, providence right about average, detroit stays warm. as we get toward the weekend, temperatures start to chill out. minneapolis will be in the teens. wednesday new york is 47 but by friday we're at 33. mid-70s in orlando and cools off in atlanta, 69, by friday good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a snowy start for delaware and south jersey, especially at the shore. the snow ends this morning and the temperatures will warm to 39 at the shore, and 38 in delaware. mostly cloudy skies in the lehigh valley. will is a chance we h h see the clouds produce a few isolated showers for philadelphia and the suburbs, and the temperatures will be above freezinging and so any light showers won't last and they will bon the move as the winds pick up this afternoon. have a great day. >> and that that is your latest weather. hoda. >> all right, al roker.
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now to our start today, live to 100 series. all month long we've been trying to get a handle on our diets. >> how have you done? >> pretty good. >> today joy bauer created plans for each of us. energy and immune boosting one for me. >> so as this month winds down, joy is here with recipe redos to help us stick to healthy eating throughout the year. >> and you guys have been doing great, by the way. >> we should give joy just a little badge of honor here because you created foods for us on our diets that actually work that i am still implementing. not all of them and not even most of them -- >> that makes me so happy. >> this is the thing. i found and i think a lot of people do this, we both sort of do it. we went out the door, we find whatever we can in the morning. >> a bagel and cream cheese. >> so many people's go-tos. this bagel 500 calories and offers you nothing in return. there's no nutrition whatsoever.
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>> so what should jenna eat instead? >> this is pretty cool. i am claiming the new avocado toast for 2017 is sweet potato toast. take your sweet potato, slice it lengthwise, pop it in the toaster oven. put on a little peanut butter. >> and you said watch how much peanut butter we eat because we like to slather it on. >> put a tablespoon on each slice. >> you're taking a raw potato and sticking it in the toaster? >> yes, yes. >> or you can put it in the oven, right, or no. >> two slices just 310 cal reese. you get potassium from the banana, which by the way beats bloat. is that delicious. >> pretty good. >> and look what else you can do here. put some greek yogurt on the bottom of it, even put an egg on
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top. >> i would never think of toasting a piece of sweet potato. >> sweet potato toast. >> i love cupcakes. that's one of my problems. >> so when you get a cupcake at the bakery, it's going to start at 300 calories and it's only going to climb depending upon how big it is. >> like this baby looks like it's a lot of calories over here. >> that is probably about a thousand calories, but normally they're about 300. there's a lot of frosting on that one. so the first thing to know is most of the bakeries now have mini cupcakes so you definitely want to go for the mini. when you think about it, it's the first few bites that really do it for you. that's the sweet satisfaction. but i'm going to take it to the next level. pick this up, we're going to frost this. for people that were willing to put in a little effort, i have a little recipe that is on the website. >> what is that? >> you're going to taste it. give this a taste and tell me if you think there is -- >> anything good in it? >> anything suspicious in there or does it just taste like a
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cupcake. >> tastes like a cupcake. >> is that avocado? >> well, in the actual cupcake i pureed in a can of black beans. >> what? >> instead of oil. you follow -- >> so this is good for digest 81. >> and the frosting is made out of avocado and each of these little guys just 70 calories. you could have two for 140. >> do you not like it? >> i love it. >> two for 140. >> one of the tips that i thought was genius was hoda had to put all of her snacks in a bag. >> are you trying to remind me of that? >> it helps with the impulsive eating. >> let's move to craig, who by the way i think he lost 15 pounds. >> he looks amazing. he was a soldier. you guys were great too. >> one quick thing, i don't like competing with guys because they lose weight so fast and we eat a cracker and gain a pound. >> so when you order chicken
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parmesan out in a restaurant, remember, he went meat-free, he loves this stuff. i needed to give him another alternative. this is actually a double portion. but when you order it, it's at least 1,000 calories. that's not considering the starchy mound of pasta you get on the side. instead, you don't want to order eggplant parmesan because it could be worse because it's such a spongy vegetable and sops in all that oil. so make it at home. season it, roast it in the oven about 20 minutes, put on some sauce, some cheese, red pepper flakes and oregano. this whole thing, 200 calories. >> joy, we want to thank you so much. she can make your favorite recipe healthier. just text joy. head to to find out how. tomorrow it's our big start "today" finale. just ahead the woman behind the "fifty shades" phenomenon, you know you want to meet her. e.l. james is here.
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first your local news. that's her. good morning. i'm tracy davidson. it is about 8:30. snow is falling in parts of the region, but it is moving out. let east get an update with our meteorologist bill henley who has your neighborhood forecast. >> no snow this in easton yet. the snow is still falling and accumulating in cape may and so far reports of 2 inches on the ground, but not going to last much longer. in rehoboth, will is still snow on the beach, and the snow is falling on the delaware beaches and the jersey shore, but look at the dryer air coming in. the steadiest snow won't last much longer. the next chance of snow will be
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this afternoon from the scattered showers blowing into the area later today. let's get a check of the roads with jessica boyington. >> in the p.a. kansas neck or the bridge closed for structural repairs. snow out thereon garden state parkway near the cape mayle toll plaza and the roads are wet, but most of the snow on the majors are look like it is over on to the shoulder and into the grassy areas. at i-95 and approaching the commodore bridge is running fine. there was a boiler malfunction that caused an explosion causing a gas leak. minor damage and nobody was hurt, but the building lost heat, so again, school is closed there today. i'm tracy davidson and you can stay to update with the free nbc 10 app.
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back now at 8:30 on a monday, the 30th of january, 2017. another chance to take a good look at the crowd gathered here in rockefeller plaza, getting a little breezy out here. and that is where is e.l. james. oh, she's inside, there we go. e.l. james inside and hoda is getting ready to talk to her about "fifty shades darker." and you are the perfect person for this. >> i am very excited to sit down and chat with e.l. james. this is part of the trilogy. this guy really wanted us -- i'll take a selfie together. come here, carson, get in. that's the one. >> all right then.
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i do the weather forecast, but we're also going to forecast the biggest food trends of 2017 from are extreme sundaes, ice cream that can kill you, to exotic spices, it is guaranteed to be delicious with our pal. >> and forget jegings, 2017 is the year of treggings. >> i'm not even sure what jeggings are. >> we'll explain everything to matt and to you and introduce us to new trends. >> good to know. all right, mr. roker, check of the weather? >> it's like a legging only it's a fregging. february outlook, warmer conditions through the southern third of the country. cooler in the northern plains. what about the precipitation outlook? well, we're looking at dryer than normal conditions in the southwest and the southeast. weather normal through the great lakes and the planes.
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we are looking for more good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a snowy start for delaware and south jersey, es psh hi at thor shore. but the snow ends this morning and the temperatures will warm this afternoon at 39 at the shore, and 38 in delaware. mostly cloudy skies in the lehigh valley. there is a chance that we will see the clouds produce a few isolated showers for philadelphia and the suburbs is and the temperatures will be above freezing so any light showers won't last. they will bon the move as the winds pick up this afternoon. have a great day. >> don't forget, get that weather any time you need it. check out our pals on the weather channel on cable. hoda. now to the woman behind the "fifty shades" phenomenon, author e.l. james. we'll speak to her in just a second but, first, how her books took the world by storm. it's steamy, scandalous, and an
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overwhelming pop culture sensation. "fifty shades of grey," the story that originated as online fan fiction, quickly spiraled into a wildly successful trilogy and movie franchise. >> what do you want? >> i want you. >> written by author e.l. james, "fifty shades" tells the story of anastacia steele who gets captivated by a young entrepreneur, christian grey. >> oh, i exercise control in all things, miss steele. >> and no surprise, sex sells. 150 million copies translated into 51 languages. at its peak, two books sold every second and a blockbuster first film starring dakota johnson and jamie dornan raking in $571 million. >> enlighten me, then. >> making it one of the biggest "r" rated debuts of all time. >> no escaping now. >> oh, yes.
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the series is heading back to the big screen with the sequel "fifty shades darker" and the woman behind the series. this is her, erica mitchell, better known as e.l. james. good morning. >> good morning. >> first of all, if the trailer is any indication about how well the movie will do, i'd like to say congratulations already. it had 114 million views in the first 24 hours, right? more than "star wars" did in its trailer. is there any sort of pressure before you start, like oh, please, let this one do as well as the last? >> oh, absolutely. of course there's always pressure. the last movie was so successful but we just want people to go in and see it and enjoy it. people that have read the books, haven't read the books, people that have seen the movie, didn't see the movie. >> so many people want to see the writer because they want to know -- when i read the first book i said who is this e.l. james. i thought she must be wild. like i don't know what goes on in her house, but -- so --
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>> i keep that very secret. >> you could? >> what goes on in my house stays in my house. >> where does that stuff come from, all those wild ideas and thoughts. >> just through reading and doing sometimes so, yeah, let's just leave it at that. >> and i love -- there was a quote from your husband. he said that he's like the least romantic guy in the world. >> yes, yes. he needs to step it up a notch. >> one time he gave you a can opener for christmas. >> yeah, yeah. >> what does he think of the movies? he is the screen writer, right? >> he is the screen writer. he's very excited about it as well. he's been a great source of strength and comfort to me sometimes during this extraordinary journey that we've both been on. >> let's compare the two movies, just so if people have seen the first one. is the sequel, does it have more of a love story? >> definitely. this is where we see christian and ana coming together, as it were. moving towards each other. they're both pulled apart and we
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see them -- the romance blossom in their relationship as they meet each other's needs. >> comparing the two again, is this second one more scandalous? >> that's an objective thing -- a subject i'ive thing so they h to judge for themselves. >> is it more of a thriller? >> yes. we've got some things from the past that come into effect, christian's past come in to affect the happiness of the couple. >> you have two teenage sons. are they mortified? >> they are. they tease me all the time. they call me el hemes. >> have they seen the first one? >> they haven't read the books. >> but they saw the first one? >> they saw the first movie and really enjoyed it. they're looking forward to seeing the second one. >> erica, thank you so much. we wish you great luck with this.
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p by the way, it hits theaters on valentine's day, february 14th. up next, we'll sample some of the hottest food trends of 2010. first, this is "today" on nbc. my daughter wants to stay organic. my husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. my whole family wants to stay free from artificial preservatives. and my debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 organic and free-from items. eat well for less. my giant.
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welcome back. it's 8:39. we are here "today's food." has kale been kicked to the curb? >> wait and find out. we have the trends of 2017. nela good morning. good to see you. >> good morning, good morning. >> give me a headline. >> food and wine are all about spotting the trends so you know what's coming to your supermarket, to your kitchen table. it's all about things that you're familiar with but with a twist. >> all right. speaking of a twist, you're going to split off here. pizza. >> now, this is unusual, right? this is a detroit style pizza. >> what's the difference? >> it's become popular all around the country. i like the fact you're going this is the one with the banana pepper and ranch.
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this is from emmy squared in brooklyn. this one is called lebig matt. it's a burger and a pizza had a love child right here. it's got meat on here, mozzarella. you're going to love that bite. the best thing about detroit pizza, it's double baked so you get extra crunchy crust. >> this is really good. >> that's terrific. >> now, what about sundaes. we all love sundaes. this is sundaes to the next level. this is called the sophia loren. imagine if you were going on a date with sophia loren, what sundae would you order? this is a sundae for two and it's finished with some hot coffee and it's got coffee gelato, pieces of crunchy meringue. i'm so sorry, would you like me to share this with you? it's got crumble, it's got fudge, it's got whipped cream.
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>> espresso fudge. >> and that means afternoon that with the sophia loren -- i'm sorry, take it away. >> you're with sophia loren, why would you want to go to sleep. >> get over here. >> so now the snacks. we're seeing snacks with flavors like cardemom and rose. do you want to taste this? >> we've been eating it the whole time. >> this has moroccan spices. it's delicious. >> which one, this one? >> if you are somebody who loves a sundae and you can get this right at home. >> what do you do with that? >> put it on top of ice cream. this stuff, you can find it online, which is great and it makes basically snacks that you're used to special. >> you know what this is in my hand? come on into my world. >> i'm going to have you shake this. >> this is all out of rum. when i think of rum i think of
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south america and latin america but these is a big thing now. >> these three are all being made in the u.s. there's a new bar downtown in new york called black tail that is devoted to rum cocktails and it's all about 1940s cuba. we're all obsessed with cuba and a great craft-made cocktail. this is a beautiful daquiri the way hemingway used to have. please drink. >> you want to take a sip? how is it? >> that's really good. what was in that? >> you've got rum. >> sugar. >> simple syrup and some lemon. >> it's like a time warp. >> so there's one that's albany, another made in d.c. and another one made in colorado. what i love about these is they're going back to the idea of rum production and rum making in the u.s. >> all right. >> and finally -- >> cakes and these are okay to eat because -- >> well, these are all made -- this cake is actually on the cover of "food & wine" in our february issue.
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it's devoted to eating smarter and living longer. this cake uses an alternate flour, which is almond flour and uses coconut sugar, which has it is said a lower glycemic index. there are three different kinds of sugars you can have. this is coconut palm sugar, coconut sugar and maple sugar, all of which you can get in your local stores. >> nothing wrong with that. >> really good. >> nelu, nice job. >> thank you for having me. >> and for more on these objects -- what did you just do? >> no, no, no. >> for me. >> for more on this, check up next, more things to love in 2017 from the kitchen to your closet to gadgets. but first, this is "today" on nbc. get carson!
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looks like we're still a man short. not anymore. gus! the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. let's hit the ice. whoaaa! take the shot! (buzzer) that shot was one in a million. so's this. all the money millionaire edition, new from the pennsylvania lottery. with five top prizes of a million bucks. it's a real game changer. (giggles) keep on scratchin'
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we're back at 8:45 with stuff we love and stuff to try
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in 2017 from bright greens to snappy slippers, it's time to make room for a few updated essentials and chassie post has a few ideas. so you scoured, went deep to find these. >> and the good news is there is a whole lot of great stuff to love in 2017, hoda. >> a lot of people don't know what to do with the pictures on their phone. what should we do with them? >> guess what, you should create a custom magazine. this is an app that convert your iphone, all your photos and create your custom magazine. here is a hoda magazine. >> oh, gosh. >> how about that. starring hoda, starring your life, and it starts at just $9.95 a month. >> it's great if you don't want one of those books but it has good quality paper. >> it can come out every month or do it quarterly. >> a lot of people like to color. >> yes, crafts. a huge trend. this is the custom art print.
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they're color-in art prints so instead of the coloring book, now you can put these on your wall. they're by little prints. it's nice. decompress, calm down, right? >> we're not going to move but our stuff is going to move. >> high-stepping it. >> so green happens to be -- >> speaking of color, yes. >> the new color. >> greenery is the pantone color of the year, hoda. boy, we're going to see it in fashion but we're also going to see it in home decor. you can find it in everything from a great porcelain lamp like this one from lamps plus to pots and pans to an avocado slicer for the kitchen. you can now have greenery in every room. >> i kind of like that color. that's the new one for the year. >> it's happy, it's perky. >> will you walk with me? >> now let's talk about one of the most massive trends of 2017. >> and it's an old trend that's become newen. >> it is, and that is the smart home. guess what this is, hoda? >> what? >> this is a smartphone controlled slow cooker, a crock pot with a brain that you can
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control. >> from your phone? >> from your iphone. so you can cook this thing and adjust it from the office, the gym, the club, wherever. >> right, okay. >> it's so cool and it's from zola, $130. >> i thought the magic was you turned it on. >> set it and forget it. but now you can get into the subtleties if you want to turn it sgloun this is a new way of fitness. >> now we've got smart fashion. this is the motive activity ring. what's so cool about this is it's so sleek, it's unisex. >> you wear it. >> it tracks your heart rate, it tracks your activity, it tracks your sleep. and the coolest thing about it is 100% waterproof so you can take a shower, you can swim, you can wash the dishes. >> sweat. >> yes, and this is coming out in march, brand spanking new this month. >> my favorite thing is coming up. let's walk. >> check this out. >> so if you've ever had -- have you ever tried to tuck a shirt into your pants and it's like
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bunchy. there's the skinny shirt. >> the skinny shirt revolutionary. >> look at this. >> it is part shirt, part shapewear. look at christina. >> christina, you look great. >> fabulous. how are you feeling in this thing? >> thin and good. >> we were also talking about treggings. >> trousers plus leggings, treggings. >> you've got to feel this material. it's just a little thicker. >> i love these. >> bottom line, you know what this means? we can now wear athleisure to work. >> now, we've got one other quick grouping and here we've got the indoor shoe. it's from bertie slippers. they wanted slippers as chic as their regular shoes so they have the same support as a shoe, the same style, great style as a shoe, but they're 1,000 times more comfortable and they are so, so, so cute. >> they are adorable. >> lastly, if you like listening
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to music, we've got a new way to do that. >> it's 2017, we don't need all those cords so we've got two options for wireless ear buds. you can talk on the phone, they have great sound. >> so you just put them in? >> just put them in and they stay in. >> okay. >> awesome sound. you can even take calls on these, guys. >> hello, oh, yeah, it's good. >> really cool. you don't even see them. and then we have one more that looks like a pair of diamond earrings. these just launched from monster and they're aucalled the air lis elements. they don't drop calls, they don't drop sound. but most importantly, look how fancy these look in hoda's ears. a little diamond earring that you can rock out to, hoda, how about that? >> that's cool. very cool. >> so this is a sneak peek. it's available in march but we wanted everybody to see what's coming down the pike.
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>> thank you so much. coming up next, vanessa hudgens is in the house. first, this is "today" on nbc. [ alarm clock beeping ]
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weather. ♪ [ laughter ] cartoons. wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] mr. roker, let's wish some people a happy birthday. >> let's find out who we're celebrating along with our friends from smuckers. first up, happy 100th birthday
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to haruno. she lived on a farm and enjoyed growing vegetables. george fehr is 100 years old. he's from salt lake city, utah, visited 59 countries and five continents. happy birthday 106th birthday to doris heys chinn, loves spending time with her eight grandchildren. and verna kenzie enjoys volunteering at her food boopg. and norman reitman created a scholarship for people going into medicine. happy anniversary to artie and melva pettway from kentucky. never go to bed angry. if you know someone celebrating their 100th birthday, just go to
8:54 am and don't forget a photo. look who's here, vanessa hudgens. she is the star of "powerless" the first comedy set in the d.c. comics universe. hey, girl. >> hi. >> you like your comedy, don't you? >> it's so fun because i've never done a comedy and never been a series regular on a show so there's so many new things happening to me. >> we sent out a clip to all of us yesterday. it took mr. roker three seconds to text back and say i love this show. >> and what's great -- it's the idea all this stuff that always happens with these super heroes fighting in cities, stuff happens, and your company helps protect people from the collateral damage. >> yeah, it's so fun because i feel like the bruce wayne industry is like this fun, mystical thing we all know and love. our division is wayne securities. so my boss is van wayne, which is bruce wayne's cousin. it's just like a really fun, silly take on this entire world.
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>> when i look at you, i can't believe it's been 11 years since "high school musical." does it feel like that? >> yeah, it kind of does. it feels like a different life. i feel like so much has happened since then. i was a baby. >> and you've done broadway since then. are you doing any more broadway coming up? >> i think for sure. my heart lives on the stage. like i feel so amazing being on the stage and being able to connect with an audience. it's just like it's my thrill in life. when the right one comes along, i'll be on that stage. >> let's go back to "powerless" because we could use a hit here at the network. you love situational comedies, workplace comedies. how do you achieve that and also work the super hero thing? >> well, it's fun because it's not about the super heroes. we live in a world where they're flying around, causing havoc on our city almost every single day. what does that actually look like in a reality term? it's like people are always late to work because the town super villain is always throwing fire
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balls and destroying things. it's just a practical world of living in this universe. there's so much possibility. >> i tell you no one i've ever met has more willpower from vanessa. she looked at this sunday and said, no, i have a photo shoot this weekend. >> vanessa, you're going to hang around with kathie lee and me a little good morning. i'm vai sikahema, and we are a few minutes shy 9:00 a.m. we have meteorologist bill henley tracking the storm. >> with the winds blowing we could see some shattered showers blowing through this afternoon and nothing like in cape may and delaware. and it is quickly taperering off
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and the last bit of snow is moving lu through, and this is going to end before 10:00 this morning, and then this afternoon, the doppler radar is showing the scattered showers, and central pennsylvania and some of those are going to blow into the area, and not expecting accumulation. >> and now, a look at the roads with our traffic reporter jessica boyington. >> we are looking for snow on the garden state parkway, because it had some slippery spot s th spots this morning. no may skwor things are reported right now, because of the e snow. and you can see it is over into the shoulder, and really looking for the slippery spots on and off of the ramps. around 24th street, a good drive here, and crash at lower merion around grays lane. >> thank you, jessica. >> we are following breaking news with sky force 10 over the the st. coleman john neumann catholic school are where a boiler caused an explosion there leading to the gas leak. there was minor damage and the building lost the heat, and the
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school is closed for the day. >> in philadelphia today, pennsylvania governor will host a discussion on fighting the state's opioidp epidemic. there will be a talk at the louis katz school of medicine. and today, the family of matt ryan will be in lexton for a rally before the super bowl.
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good morning. on "today's take," good, good, good to be alive right now. andy grammer our celebrity co-host. then the lovely and talented brianca is here and will tamron land a triple salchow? find out when she hits the ice with figure skating champ jason brown, coming up right now. >> announcer: from n nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and welcome to a monday morning, january 30th, 2017. we've got our special guest co-host, andy grammer here. >> good to be here. how are you guys? >> it's so terrific having you. >> and this is one of your hits, but you've got a new song out. >> new song fresh out. doing well, really pumped about it.
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>> can we play it? ♪ so suddenly i'm in love >> switch it up. >> i've been hearing this like the last month on hits 1. >> yeah, they're great. >> it's nice. what was the inspiration? >> this is kind of like rediscovering love with someone you've been with for a while. >> that just happened to me. >> so this guy tony? >> yeah, somebody i used to date. that is so funny. that's going to be our wedding song that we'll not have. >> it's kind of like rediscovering the holes in your ears. >> so do you notice anything about me? >> which one of these is new? >> there's a bunch of them. >> but also remember a couple of months ago i ripped my ears at the white house correspondent's dinner. >> most people just make a toast. >> exactly. i'm like whoo. i got my ears sewn up and they had to so the hole. this weekend i got the bottom hole -- i've been complaining to poor al roker. i miss my earrings, i feel so naked. >> up close your ears look
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beautiful. great ears. >> but a lot of women wrote us because this is a common problem. it's a thing. so yes, but the one thing i'll tell you if you get this done, they originally told me six weeks. it's been since you guys went to rio, so it took that long to heal. >> so you're a slow healer. >> yeah, i'm allergic to vitamin e and vitamin e helps healing. this is way too much information. >> that's like something i would never think of, ear issues. >> a lot of rock stars have -- >> yeah, that's true. >> do you have any piercings? >> no piercings. >> any tattoos? >> no tattoos, either. >> you're a rock star. >> you could be a weatherman. >> i got one one time in high school and my mom was so upset. it was like up here trying to be cool. it kept getting infected so i put bleach on it and bleached the whole side of my head. that was pretty rock star. >> what? you thought i'm going to disinfect it? >> it's not for me. >> you've got a cool look, your hair, everything is fine. >> you saw some cool artwork
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this weekend. >> we were at the met paropolit museum on saturday. kerry james, his art exhibit at the met, he's the only living artist on display at the met. >> that's interesting. >> he's a phenomenal artist -- that's bevy smith, our friend. and then i wore this crazy outfit. >> is that a jumpsuit? k >> no, it's a two-piece. i wore it not realizing how usual. i did not know until i posted it how different. so that was my look that night. >> is that the guy who invented the cherry? oh, that's maraschino, i'm sorry. i got confused. >> now, you had an emotional -- i was like crying for al on saturday and sunday. >> well, my son, nick, who's 14, he and his class, 32 kids are
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right now in costa rica doing a spanish immersion -- >> costa rica. how old do you think his son is? your school trip, where did you go? >> we went like d.c. >> so i went to like -- i think they took us to a farm and teach us to milk cows or something in texas. houmd is nick? >> nick is 14, 14 and a half. and the funny thing is you have to wait until the plane takes off because if there's any problem they don't want the kids there and the patients not there. so i'm sitting in the terminal and it's hoda kotb. she says i'm here in the airport and i just saw nick with a bunch of kids. is he supposed to be here? i said yes. he's -- most kids run around the block. he got on a plane -- no, she said -- she went, hey, nick. hey, hoda. >> she thought nick was escaping through jfk to costa rica. >> so is this his first trip
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away from you? >> is first trip abroad. he's been away, he's gone to sleep away camp and other stuff. once he got with his friends, they were all hanging out. >> so he's going to be there and come back with some amazing story. al and nick are inseparable and that's his best buddy. >> look, i'm so happy he's off and away and he's going to be having a great time, but it was quiet in the house yesterday. although -- or as lela, my 18-year-old said, ah, the way life used to be. >> poor little brother came along. >> when i was the only one. >> so she has all of the attention. >> exactly. >> that's too much for her, though, i'm sure. >> no. she's digging it. she'll be happy when he gets back, but for right now she's enjoying herself. >> we're so happy for nick. do you watch wwe? >> of course. >> john cena had a huge showdown yesterday against this guy, a.j.
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styles. >> or as you called him, the defy from atlanta. >> he's got like farrah fawcett hair. guess what, john won. see, it's because he's got all that hair. and we asked if he had a secret move that he'd be able to -- oh, he took it. but then he recovered and won the match. so congratulations, john cena. now all of a.j. stiles' fans can stop tweeting me because your guy lost. >> now this sets up the big event. >> we're wrestling in april. >> you guys are? >> maybe. >> april 2nd down in orlando. >> really exciting news. >> yes. we'll have some time to get in shape there. >> a little smackdown going on last night at the s.a.g. awards. >> yeah. first of all, a shoutout to "hidden figures." the cast, just a tremendous cast. we've interviewed them, we've seen the movie. it is an absolute beautiful
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movie and it just stole the show yesterday. octavia spencer, taraji p. henson, janelle monet. >> they won for best cast and so well deserved. it's such a terrific movie on so many levels. >> it's timely and it's important. so if you have something to do next weekend, go take your kids to see this movie. it is american history, it is our history and it's beautiful. and someone else that we love, ellie kemper, she's a co-host often on our show. she just had a baby. do you see how foxy she looks? and this was her big moment last night. >> six months ago i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, and he gave me my greatest role yet, the role of mom. i'm kidding. my greatest role is playing kimmi schmidt on netflix. that's what got me free dinner. sorry, james. i'm ellie kemper and i'm back. >> right, ellie, yes!
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is it me or did a lot of the gowns seem like wedding dresses? >> well, white is -- i pick all of my clothes out on sunday night and i hadn't seen the screen actors guild when i picked a white dress today, but white is the hot color coming up. >> the new thing. >> i don't know if they look like wedding gowns. >> meryl's does. >> rebecca, her dress is stunning. meryl, kind of with the lace but white is in. kerry washington, you see her there, viola. what do you think? >> a couple of them do. i mean i don't know. i didn't even know the whole thing -- when i got married that no one else could even wear white. >> so you wore a white tux? >> yeah, i don't know if you'd wear this to your wedding. they're white. >> i think viola's i could wear to a wedding, i like the strapless look. so when you're getting ready -- >> that could be a wedding dress. >> sure. >> in fact she won for "fences." while she was on the red carpet, showed off her ballet flats that
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she had in her clutch. >> this is the secret. can we hear the sound? >> my phone, my samsung. >> you are too funny right now. wait, i need some still standing in about a half hour. >> she's telling what she has inside of her bag. we were talking the women producers around here, what's the secret thing that you have in your purse that would surprise people. >> do you have something? >> i don't -- you know what i do, i have crystals. i have these little energy crystals to ward off bad spirits and bad energy. >> in my wallet i keep crystal light in case i get thirsty. >> anything in your wallet? >> my dad was -- my red carpet story is that my dad was a nominee for a grammy about ten years ago. >> your dad is red grammer? >> yeah, what's up, dude. >> i never put it together. >> oh, my god! >> so me and my friends go to this grammy thing and he
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co-wrote the al wbum that was nominated and this lady brought flats in a book bag and just assumed me and my friends that were so excited to be cool and had our hair all done. so she goes, here you go and she gets this super ugly big backpack. the whole thing we are walking down, i had zero success at the time, just really trying to look cool. we were all passing the book bag back and forth trying to get down the red carpet. >> your dad is red grammer. >> are you a big fan of his? >> i am! >> when we come back, we'll play some of your dad's music. >> andy has a hidden talent. wait until you see what he can do with a deck of cards and a bowl of fruit. >> a deck of cards and a bowl of fruit? ♪ look at you, saving money on your medicare part d prescriptions. at walgreens we make it easy for you to seize the day
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that she can be anything that she wants to be? if i don't believe in myself who will? it does start on the inside. your best starts inside. that's why every cup of activia yogurt is made with billions of our exclusive probiotic to help care for what's inside. activia. it starts inside. back now. i was just tweeting -- >> everybody is with his phones. >> al roker is my twitter police. so here we go, we've got our great co-host with us, andy grammer. we just learned in the break that your dad is a major musician who al roker is apparently a huge fan. >> oh, my dad's the best. >> red grammer. >> all the tricks i stole from my dad. ♪ this is the best day ever, they have some red grammer rocking on
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the "today" show ♪ i think you're wonderful when somebody says that to me ♪ ♪ i feel wonderful as wonderful can be ♪ thank you, sir. ♪ it makes me want to say ♪ the same thing to somebody new ♪ >> can you not feel amazing with this? >>. ♪ and by the way i've been meaning to say ♪ ♪ i think you're wonderful too >> so people always ask me why are you so happy? i'm like just listen to my dad's music. >> we played this to calm the kids down. >> barnyard boogie, tickle monster. those are all solid. >> the last one was tickle monster? >> tickle monitor is good. and my mom co-wrote a lot of songs with him. >> i love tickle monster. that might be my new alias. >> i like that you can go by
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magic andy. >> magic andy. i prefer musician, whatever you want. >> you're really a magician. >> i'm not a magician, but i did love magic in high school. that's one of my hobbies. >> the last time you were here, i heard you went to a magic shop. >> it's my favorite. it's a teeny little elevator. you feel like you're in harry potter. and there are magicians all walking around. >> show us a trick. >> so you tell me stop whenever you want. that's yours. take a look at it, don't let me see it. show it to the camera. >> appropriate. >> the black queen. >> put it back into the mix. >> you just told him what it was. >> it doesn't matter. >> okay, put it back in the mix. >> okay, good? >> all right. let's see here, do you guys have a knife for me? i'm going to use this knife here. >> what kind of trick is this? >> be careful, this could get dangerous. >> if that card is in that
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orange. >> oh, snap, here we go. let's see, you can open it. >> come on. >> this is going to work or not work right now. >> oh, my gosh! >> andy grammer, ladies and gentlemen. >> that is a big magic. >> big finish! wow! >> are we going to commercial or not. >> no, no. wow! >> okay, okay. >> how'd he do that? >> how did he do that? >> that is unbelievable. magic andy. let's show you what's going on. here's a sequel to magic mike. >> he keeps his clothes on and does magic tricks. >> you can see we've got some snow off the mid-atlantic coast. another clipper coming across the plains states bringing a decent amount of snow. we've got more snow coming across the upper great lakes. as it comes across the midwest, new round of snow showers. look for heavier snow to lake erie and ontario, the eastern sides of the lake. 4 to 6 inches through the upper
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midwest into michigan, but as you get into western p.a. and western new york and upstate new york, anywhere from 8 to 12 inches of snow. that's what's going on around the good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a snowy start for delaware and south jersey, especially at the shore, and the snow ends this morning and the temperatures warm to 39 degrees at the shore, and 38 in delaware. and mostly cloudy at the lehigh valley. and a few showers at the suburbs and the temperatures are above freezing and so any light showers won't last and they are on the move as the winds pick up this afternoon. have great day. >> what the heck, you asked for a tissue -- >> i asked because this song is so beautiful and it actually did touch me and i teared up a little bit. >> can i have an album? >> look, and then i said can i have a tissue? coming up next, our tamron
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and andy, smarter than a fifth grader? we're about to find out if they get schooled by these elementary school kids when we do our school kids when we do our grammar school so, how much longer do you think this will take? i'll over-explain the process, then give you an unrealistic timeline. i'll nod in agreement so my wife thinks i understand what you're saying. i look forward to questioning your every move. okay, well i'll leave your house in shambles and disappear for six months. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double.
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kids, juicy fruitmmmm with longer-lasting flavor? mmm (zipping) (zipping) (rattling) longer-lasting juicy fruit. so sweet you can't help but chew and chew. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease,
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tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. andy grammer is here today and we wanted to put his grammar to the test. we recruited three very bright young kids to compete against andy and tamron. >> we recruited, we took them from a genius program where they are little einsteins and will beat us. let's welcome owe livia, enrique and fourth grader roman, who is the son of one of our producers. >> he also has a birthday tomorrow. >> happy birthday. you should get a nice gift out of this if you get these answers wrong. here we go. >> whoever wants to ring in first, you ring the bell and we'll see what's going on. >> you know if aunt tamron and uncle andy get beaten here, it's going to be sad, it's going to
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be embarrassing. >> i'm going to read the question. then you talk amongst yourselves and you write your answer on the chalk board. when you finish, you ring the bell. ready? >> they look excited. >> and you can just write a, b or c. >> so there, they're and their are often kpuconfusing. which one should be used in this sentence. they're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz. >> go ahead, guys. >> i don't want to beat them. you can do it. >> we know the answer. >> a, b or c, guys. >> you can do it. >> ring the bell. >> there you go. >> okay. and the answer is "a"! that's right. >> exactly. >> very nice. >> i feel horrible taking on a fifth grader. >> i feel zero. >> you want to beat them like a
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drum. >> i knew the answer but i can't do this to y'all, come on. >> they're not taking it easy on us. >> here we go, fill in the blank. >> our neighbors lent andy and i, me and andy or andy and me their bicycle built for two. >> are you guys going to -- >> i say c. >> all right. the correct answer is "c." >> come on, guys. let's just join forces as a team and play against the people at home. >> it's tied up. >> i don't want to beat a fifth grader. which of the following sentences is correct, a, who's phone is this? >> these are hard. these are always hard. >> or b, whose phone is this? >> you've got it, you've got it, come on, guys. >> a. >> you meant "b."
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>> let aunt tamron help you, it's "b." that was cruel. >> you get a prize. >> uncle al had nothing to do with this. remember, i'm the one giving you presents. >> amazing. >> olivia, enrique, roman, happy birthday. we love you. >> your birthday is coming up too, right? >> yeah. >> on wednesday? >> yeah. >> excellent. coming up next, andy and tamron hitting the ice with u.s. figure skating champion jason brown after your local news a i work overtime when i can get it. i need my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i need to cut my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® works like my body's insulin. releases slow and steady. providing powerful a1c reduction. my week? hectic. my weekends? my time. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ i can take tresiba® any time of day. so if i sleep in, and delay my dose, i take it as soon as i can,
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good morning. i'm vai sikahema and it is about 9:30. we go right to our meteorologist bill henley with the most accurate first forecast. >> tracking some clouds today and they will be with us through the day and limited sunshine. as far as the snow is concerned, not much left. it is ending in delaware and at the shore and inland, and wilmington a few snowflakes around, but some breaks of sunshine. before this afternoon, then the winds are going to blow in some scattered showers later today and a chance of light snow tomorrow morning. >> thank you, bill a. check of the roads with first alert traffic report jessica boyington, and where are you looking? >> i-95, vai, and it is looking
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pretty good on a monday morning. no traffic toward center city, and 14 from wood haven road. and watch out for the accident in springfield at ardmore and spring avenue. >> thank you, jessica. >> we are looking at the airport for more protests for if president trump's immigration travel ban. yesterday an estimated 5,000 people demonstrated there in response to the executive's order by the president. and take note, this rush hour is the first commute with the regional rail schedules. you check out this new schedules on the nbc 10 app. and today, new jersey will have a drunk driving bill up for the state law mamakers in trenton. it will require all drivers convicted of dui to use ignition interlock. we will have more in 25 minut minutes, and of course, you can
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always get the latest with the nbc 10 app. we will see you at the top of the hour. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can deliver internet speeds differently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half the headroom, half a hallway, half the closet space and a half bath, it's a full house to the wilsons. because they have fios, the only 100% fiber optic network with uploads as fast as downloads, their half house has full internet. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their downloads. now you might think it's a little odd that the wilsons have a half house,
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okay. we love having the rock center rink in our backyard because we get to hit the ice. and by hit, i mean fall. but we also get superstars like u.s. figure skating champion and olympic bronze medalist, jason brown. >> he looks real cool. >> he's back there and he's fresh off his performance at last week's 2017 prudential u.s. figure skating championship in kansas city. and now jason is here skating to the song from the hit broadway show "hamilton" called "wait for it." take it away, jason. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> whoo! jason, fantastic, come on over, because we can't come over there. by can't -- >> awesome, man. incredible. >> it's so amazing to meet you. >> i'm going to try to make it over to you. >> we believe in you. >> you know what, we skate from time to time. we skate from time to time around here, but every time i restart, i forget. it's not like a bicycle where
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they say you remember when you get back on skates. >> we go the same way. whenever we take a break, we come back on and it takes a few days. >> andy glided right back in. >> not really, not really. >> you're a natural. >> he is a natural. but you, though, eighth iraq ra in the world, that is incredible preparing for south korea and the olympics. are you feeling pressure? >> oh, my gosh, i'm so excited. i think excited is the word. we like train for these olympic games and it's been an amazing past three years in sochi and i cannot wait for next year. >> your sweetness is infectious. you're just adorable. now, "hamilton" was an inspiration for this performance. >> i love lin-manuel miranda. genius. and so i get the opportunity to do that. >> are you always this happy? this is amazing. >> really, really cool. it's like part of an initiative to get up and moving. >> exactly.
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on wednesday, it's national get up day and it's all about -- in skating, we fall. we fall and the whole lesson behind it is getting back up. we always get back up. >> we're going to try because i can't been on skates in about six months. i have bare legs, i have no tights on. >> this is amazing. >> no, it's not. okay, teach us. >> so first when we start we march. we start to march. we can do the beat. >> i feel like i'm doing the bird. >> and then glide. we glide. and can you balance? you're like a natural. yes clam. >> hey, hi, y'all. you're coming at me fast. >> okay, one leg. >> look at that! >> i did it!
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dorothy hamill somewhere is happy for me. okay, so i'm going to go this way. >> and then we do these things, swizzles. yes! >> it's like the tootsie roll. okay. thank you, jason. we are so proud of you. and i genuinely mean your enthusiasm is infectious. you're just lovely and we wish the best for you and the entire team. get up and move. so the talented star from the hit series "quantico" will join us to kick off tonight's episode. here we go, i'm going to do it. i'm going. i'm going. i'm going. i'm going. i'm going to fall. right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it i'm going. i'm going to fall. in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast,
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taco partyyy! taaaacoooo partyyy! taco party! taco partyyyy! which one of you ladies ordered dessert?! i did! strawberry chocolate! she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress.
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unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. welcome to unlimited. what's in your wallet? new pantene doesn't just wash i wiyour hair, it fuels it.gain. making every strand stronger. so tangles don't stand a chance. because strong is beautiful. you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grain as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. so no matter what your favorite is, you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. she is a former miss world and one of "time" magazine's 100 most influential people and international movie star appearing in over 50 films. and now priyanka chopra is
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feeling right at home in hollywood starring as an fbi agent in the hit tv series "quantico." >> here's a sneak peek of tonight's new episode. >> i need to know what you're going to do with your phone. >> you know that's none of your business. >> maybe not mine, but i'm on my way to a safe house somewhere full of people who will make it yours. has yours even rung yet? >> yours hasn't? i'm sorry, look, separating our work and our relationship is getting harder. >> the mission will end. being at the farm will end. we won't. no matter what's happening, that doesn't change how we feel about each other. >> not yet. >> that's not good. priyanka, welcome. that's a good twist there. congratulations on the success of the show. did you, on a more serious note, fall on set and get a concussion, is that true? >> yes, i did. yes, it is. i am much better now. i was back at work three days later on monday. but, you know, i wish i could say i was doing a real stunt and
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it was like some serious -- someone broke my jaw. i just slipped on a wet road. >> come up with a better story. >> i know. there was so many witnesses, i couldn't have made it up. i was trying -- i was trying to really go with -- everyone was like -- it was a stunt scene and i just wanted to go with it, but it wasn't true. >> but you're okay. >> it was a concussion. they rushed me to the e.r., but i'm much better now. >> last week's episode was so powerful. you had this empowering speech about women and not having to use their bodies about what they want to get. were you influential in getting the producers to drive that story line? >> yes. it was a conversation that i had with josh. the entire episode was about seduction and being able to get information out as operatives and having to use your bodies and your minds. and i said that, you know, alex's character to me is such an empowering woman that i think she should make a point where
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you're insulting both genders by saying sex is so important. one, that that's the only thing a woman has to offer so you reduce her to just that and, second, that men are so stupid that they'll give up anything just for sex. so i think that was a really important point for the generation of today and josh and i spoke -- we spoke to each other about it and he and the writers just really went with it. i think the scene is just a really important example of the kind of conversations people need to have, keeping in mind the atmosphere in the world today. >> and the way you just explained that is part of the reason "time" magazine named you one of the 100 most influential people. granted that's a scene and that's a character, but that's reflective of who you are as a woman as well and what you portray in your life. >> supentertainment to me is entertainment and, yes, it's fiction. but wherever you can have something that is relevant or a point of view, which is what makes "quantico" such a cool show, one of our new episodes we're talking about fake news,
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another episode we have a female president. we're just debating all the things that need to be spoken about and this was an extremely relevant topic in terms of women's issues. >> you talk about relevance and political importance. you are going to be on "baywatch." >> which is extremely politically important. >> that might bring america back together. >> i hope so. i think i will take the responsibility of that. dwayne "the rock" johnson. >> look at that cast. smoking hot. >> it's a beautiful cast. >> you grew up watching this show. >> i used to love "baywatch." i tell everyone in america i think around the world people loved "baywatch" more than people did in america. >> we saw it as cheesy. >> people around the world thought of it as the great american dream. even if you go to europe, david hasselhoff is a huge star. >> the hoff is huge. >> there's a reason for that. i remember -- you know the slow motion music in the beginning when it would start. i would do my hair flip even at
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night. >> in the mirror practicing. >> yeah, that's how i bm so good at doing the slow motion walk because of "baywatch." >> "quantico" is tonight. >> mondays, mondays. >> thank you so much. i'm going to slip over here -- >> can you do the slow motion run to the weather? do we have the music? al roker doing his best "b "baywatch." >> jiggling right now. you just can't see it nor do you want to. okay. >> go ahead, work it. >> now this is me out of best in slow motion. so for our week ahead, monday into tuesday into wednesday, a clipper coming across bringing some snow, some afternoon storms move into the northwest and on into central and southern california. sunshine around the rest of the country and then by the latter part of the week, sunny skies in
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the mid-atlantic states, heavy rain and snow moves back into the west coast. that's what's going on around the u.s. here's what's happe good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a snowy starter for delaware and south jersey. es pe especially at the shore. but the snow ends this morning and the temperatures will warm this afternoon to 39 at the shore, and 38 in delaware. mostly cloudy skies in the lehigh valley. there is a chance that we will see clouds produce a few isolated showers for philadelphia and the suburbs, and the temperatures will be above freezing, and so any light showers won't last and they will will be on the move as the winds pick up this afternoon. have a great day. >> and that is your latest weather. priyanka, thank you so much. "baywatch" is memorial day? >> memorial day. something different to serve at your super bowl party this weekend. we are kicking up not one, but
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two chicken dishes from one of tamron's favorite favorite ♪ hi, i'm frank. i take movantik for oic, opioid-induced constipation. had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up big-time. tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated... had to talk to my doctor. she said, "how long you been holding this in?" (laughs) that was my movantik moment. my doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. don't take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. why hold it in? have your movantik moment. talk to your doctor about opioid-induced constipation.
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what? 20,000 views! sc johnson. this morning on "today's food" two kicked up chicken recipes for tonight's dinner on this weekend's super bowl party and they're coming from one of my favorite chefs in new york, the chef and owner of pig and cal. you probably see it on my instagram every other day. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> i have made no secret how much i love your food because you use interesting spices that are easy to duplicate at home. >> the food has a lot of ingredients but they're all available and easy to make. we have banana ketchup and soy sauce. >> is that easy to find? >> it is. if you can't find it, you can use regular ketchup. some sprite, some lemon juice. >> sprite? >> yes. some black pepper. and then we have brown sugar, garlic and ginger. >> and those are some of the
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main components in all of your food. ginger you like to use. so does al roker, he's a big fan. >> then we add all the chicken to that. >> do you like chicken thigh or breast? >> i like chicken thigh because it doesn't dry out. so you marinate that for 12 hours. and then we have some skewars soaking. >> once i did not soak them and they were like charred is it ix. >> so then we put them on the grill pan. you want it nice and hot. we're going to cook them for 12 minutes, six on each side and then garnish it with some scallions and some garlic. >> now this is the thing that i eat every single time i enter your restaurant. tell us about your wings. >> this is my favorite. these are wings. we have our southern curry ingredients over here. again, it looks like a lot but you can find everything. >> which is important. >> and then so we have the southern curry already made and we're going to marinate the
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wings. so we have some buttermilk, some southern curry and we have a little sriacha and some fish sauce. and then we're going to mix that all up and then we're going to -- if you want to pour that over the chicken. >> inside this bag? >> yes. and then we marinate it for 12 hours overnight. so these are marinated wings. and then the key to making these extra crispy is we double flour them. so we're going to flour it once. >> okay. >> and then put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. take it out and then flour it again. >> it's a double dredge. >> a double dredge. then we also double fry. you start at 325. take it out when they're light golden brown. >> i'm hungry. >> and then we bring the temperature up of the fryer to about 350. >> okay. >> and then fry it for a second time. that's how you get it super, super crispy. this is more of the southern curry.
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>> put it on there. >> by the way, head to for the recipe. what do you think, andy grammer. do you like it? >> i'm in. >> awesome. >> you can make this for super bowl. we actually have this on our super bowl package that we're offering this weekend. you can do the chicken skewers. >> perfect. thank you. good luck with everything. we'll be back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. this is favorite thing in themy
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we want to thank andy grammer for being here today. magic andy. >> you were great skating out there too. >> wasn't he? >> and we love your dad. please give him our best. >> we have vanessa hudgens and
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good morning. i'm vai sikahema, and we are a few minutes before 10:00 a.m. and let's get right to first alert meteorologist bill henley. a what's the forecast, bill? >> we are seeing some sunshine break through in delaware. 35 and the temperature is climb ing and any snow on the ground, much of lit disappear in the day. new jersey 32. and this afternoon, 36 degrees inland. and the snow is coming to an end this morning in delaware as well. meantime, we might see an isolated snow shower this
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afternoon for philadelphia and the suburbs. >> thank you, bill. and now a check of the roads with nbc 10 traffic reporter jessica boyington. >> right around the schuylkill some delays on the westbound side moving toward south street. so some slowdowns there if you are moving towards the center city area. and also ox on the garden state parkway, the snow seems to have stopped in this camera at least. and most of the snow on the right-hand shoulder, and watch the back roads in south jersey as well. vai, back to you. a boiler explosion closes a school. sky force 10 over the school where a boiler malfunction led to to a gas leak. one minor damage and no one hurt. the building lost the heat, and so the school is going ing to the be closed for the day. in montgomery county, salus university is going to open up a learning center. this is a picture of the work
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space, and features wireless interneshgt and new computer room and coffee bar. much more coming up in a half hour. we will see you then. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on.
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from nbc news this is "to y "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> we love him. hey, everybody. that is thomas rhett, the star of the show, and it's fun day monday, january 30th. the last monday of january. >> i cannot believe january is over. >> well, it is. actually got one more day. tomorrow. >> just about. >> yeah. so we have a terrific show. vanessa hutchins is here. she burst on to the hollywood scene as a high school sweetheart, like, 11 years ago, and recently we saw her singing her heat out as rizzo. now she's starring in nbc's newest comedy.


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