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tv   Today  NBC  February 2, 2017 7:00am-10:01am EST

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smyrna on the nbc10 app. >> we'll keep you updated on the app and on air. good morning. breaking overnight -- violent protests at the university of california, berkeley, over scheduled speech by an agitator and editor. demonstrators setting fires and ing a barricade to smash windows. the campus locked down. that speech cancelled. and just this morning president trump weighing in on the violence. tensions rising. strong words from the president's national security adviser after iran test fires a missile. >> we are officially putting iran on notice. >> and a surprising new hotspot emerges. reports of a tense phone call between president trump and austral australia's prime minister. what he's saying about that
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conversation this morning. hostage standoff. two staffers being held captive this morning by inmates at a delaware prison. negotiators trying desperately to secure their release right now. we'll have the latest from the scene. and destiny's children. beyonce and jay z post this photo to say they're expecting twins and the internet is losing its mind today, thursday, february 2nd, 2017. from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from to y studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> savannah continues on maternity leave. when is the last time you googled beyonce? >> my held did one of those too. it was big. >> a lot of people expected about that news.
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we'll talk more about that later on. but we have a very busy thursday morning. let's start with the breaking news overnight from the berkeley campus. demonstrators causing havoc while shutting down a planned speech by an editor from conservative breitbart website and some proclaimed internet troll. miguel almaguer has the latest. >> reporter: this speeching engage wmt the polarizing breitbart editor had been planned for quite some time. police had anticipated the crowd and the protest, but before this event could even begin, it was shut down because of a fiery clash. the protest quickly turned violent. demonstrators set fire, mas smashed windows, and destroyed property at uc, berkeley. anticipating trouble, police appeared to use flash bangs and pepper spray to clear the surging crowd of 1,500. all of uc, berkeley, locked down, students sheltering in place as protesters moved downtown. there were brawls in the street.
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the chaos on campus began before milo yanopoulosu was set to speak at cal. the controversial ed dor from breitbart news. >> i happen to believe hate crimes aren't really a thing. >> reporter: steve bannon previously headed breitbart news. many of the protesters also voicing their opposition to the republican president. >> reporter: invited by the student republican party, he released this video after the violence. >> even the things they said about me were true, it still wouldn't be an appropriate response. >> reporter: banned from twitter, he's been called the leading member of the alt-right movement and di nighs he's part of the growing group of quite
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nationalists. last week a man was shot at the university of washington as demonstrators gathered outside one of his speeches and at uc, davis, a clash between police and protesters forced school officials there to cancel yet another speaking engagement. now it's happened again. this time had the very university where the free speech movement was born. the president is also watching the protesting tweeting, if uc berkeley, does not allow free speech, no federal funds. the college republicans at cal say, quote, the free speech movement is dead, adding the constitutional right to free speech was psilenced by criminas and thugs. matt and hoda, back to you. >> miguel, thanks very much. speaking of the president, he is sending strong signals that his administration has a very different approach toward foreign policy. this after the president's new national security advisor says the u.s. is putting iran on
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notice. nbc's andrea mitchell has more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the trump white house's blunt warning putting raup on notice and promising to told tehran accountable, signalling a dramatic escalation from the obama administration's position. the president tweeting this morning, iran has been put on notice for firing a ballistic missile. should have been thankful for the terrible deal the u.s. made with them. the administration's first foreign policy crisis, iran. a challenge today for the new secretary of state, rex tillerson, sworn in wednesday night with this caution from his boss, president trump. >> our nation needs to foster stability and security in a world too often trapped and right now it's trapped in violence and in war. >> reporter: tillerson confirmed by a closer vote than ever before for the nation's top diplomat. >> the yays are 56, the nays are 43. >> reporter: even as national security advisor michael flynn
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was issuing a stern warning to tehran. >> we are officially putting iran on notice. >> reporter: promising to hold iran accountableable for testing a ballistic missile sunday and threatening u.s. and allied ships at sea. white house officials say nothing is off the table, not economic sanctions or even military actions and president trump tweeting late wednesday, iran is rapidly taking over more and more of iraq even after the u.s. has squandered $3 trillion there. obviously long ago. this is defense secretary james mat this in south korea this morning dealing with north korea's claims it has a long-range missile capable of carrying a nuclear weapon that could reach the continental united states. on still another front, new fighting in ukraine could become an early test of president trump's relations with vladimir putin and the "washington post" is reporting that president trump had a testy call with australian prime minister malcolm turnbull, that country long one of america's strongest military allies. mr. trump accusing him of trying
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to send the u.s. the next boston bomber, referring to an agreement to send 1,250 refugees here. mr. trump hanging up after just 25 minutes according to "the washington post" and tweeting wednesday night, do you believe it? the obama administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from australia. why? i will study this dumb deal. overnight the australian prime minister tried to downplay the dispute. >> the report that the president hung up is not correct. the call ended courteously. and as far as the nature of the discussion, it was very frank and forthright. i stand up for australia's interests. i make australia's case as powerfully and persuasively as i can wherever i am. >> reporter: all this as the president and daughter ivanka flew to delaware to receive the remains of a navy s.e.a.l., william ryan owenss, killed in a special forces raid in yemen, the first service member killed in action on the president's watch. >> just returned from an amazing visit with a great, great family
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at dover, and it was something very sad, very beautiful. ryan, a great man. >> reporter: a lot of headaches for the new secretary of state as he takes over today. the nation's diplomats hoping that rex tillerson will calm the waters after their unprecedented dissent against president trump's controversial immigration orders. hoda and matt? >> all right. andrea mitchell. thank you so much. nbc news national security analyst jeremy baxter, chief of staff at both the cia and the defense department. jeremy, good morning to you. >> good morning, matt. >> i want to start with this statement by michael flynn where he says we are officially putting iran on notice. it sounds like that should be the first sentence in a statement and you go on from there to explain exactly what you mean. instead, it was the last sentence and he leaves it hanging. what does that mean to you? more importantly, what will it mean to iran? >> well, matt, it's not subtle at all.
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i think this was an open-ended threat. it means we're going to take a tougher line against the iranians and probably that means increasing our military force presence there, increasing our naval presence, conducting special operations activities against iranian forces and maybe even conducting direct military action when there's a scrape between iranian assets in the gulf and our own naval ships. >> it sounds like the comment was meant to put iran in a box or in a corner and if they continue bad behavior there will be consequences. but by the very statement, don't they put the trump administration in a box as well? they have to take some kind of action. >> well, that's right, and though this isn't exactly a red line, it's sort of a pink dotted line. it's an assertion that we are going to act what's in question this morning, matt, is whether we talk to any of our european allies. because before we go out and start talks about sanctions, for them to be effective we need other countries with us. we also want other countries
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with us if we're taking military action to constrain iran in the region. this will be welcomed in israel's capital and saudi arabia and the emirates. the question is whakt our other allies in the region and in europe. >> during the campaign, then candidate trump was very critical of the iran nuclear deal reached with the obama administration. could this also be a first step in the trump administration attempts to dismanhattan that will agreement? >> both of the president's statements through twitter this morning noted the iran deal was a terrible deal or a bad deal. i think they're looking for a reason to pull out of that. but keep your eye on yemen, matt, because that's where american special operations forces are operating, and there are iranian-back proed proxies there, iranian-backed force, and that's where if we're going to get into a scrape or military confrontation, it's going to happen in yemen or the waters around yemen. >>iermy bash, good to get your perspective. thank you. now to the growing fight
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over one of the president's cabinet picks this morning, the nomination of betsy devos kwoub in peril with two republicans saying they will vote against her. nbc's hallie jackson is at the white house with this story. hey, hallie. >> reporter: hey, there, hoda. good morning to you. president trump will be at a national prayer breakfast here in washington before another busy day at the white house and as you mentioned another busy day on capitol hill. that is where political math is becoming increasingly important with razor-thin margins on key votes. now that pair of republicans breaking with their party is complicating for the administration their political calculus. confirmation in the crosshairs with betsy devos' nomination as secretary of education now in real jeopardy. two republican senators, susan collins and lisa murkowski, saying they'll vote against her. >> i was trying to get to yes pip couldn't. >> reporter: both citing concerns about what the michigan billionaire does and doesn't
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know about public education. >> i think mrs. devos has much to learn about our nation's public schools. >> reporter: tomorrow devos faces a sole senate vote with exactly 50 votes in her favor right now. if it stays that way, and no other republicans defect, it sets up something that's never happened before. the vice president casting a tie-breaking vote on a cabinet confirmation. mike pence on capitol hill for a different reason, girding for a fight while making the rounds of president trump's new supreme court nominee, judge neil gorsuch. the administration arguing if democrats try to block the nomination, mitch mcconnell should trig ter nuclear option, in other words, changing senate rules to let republicans confirm gorsuch with a simple majority of 51 votes instead of the 60 votes they'd normally leave. >> if we end up with that gridlock, i would say, if you can, mitch, go nuclear, because that would be an absolute shame
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if a man of this quality was caught up in the web. >> reporter: mcconnell, after his first meeting with gorsuch, pointing out the senate confirmed him unanimously back in 2006. >> not a single one of the democrats who still serve with us opposed him including the ranking member of the judiciary committee, senator feinstein, and the democratic leader himself, senator schumer. >> reporter: senator schumer now blasting gorsuch's record. >> i have very serious doubts that judge neil gorsuch is up to the job. >> reporter: he's warning republicans, don't trigger that nuclear option. >> if this nominee cannot meet the same standard that republicans insisted upon for president obama's supreme court nominees, 60 votes in the senate, then the problem lies not with the senate but with the nominee. >> reporter: on the other end of pennsylvania avenue, the president kicking off black history month at the white house, praised by african-american supporters but raising eyebrows by describing
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19th century abolitionist frederick douglass in the present tense. >> frederick douglass is an example of somebody wh's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, i notice. >> reporter: there's a dom though effect on capitol hill to what's happening there with the confirmation votes for jeff sessions to become the next attorney general on hold. why? that is because republicans need sessions' vote as senator to help get betsy devos through. matt, hoda? >> hallie jackson, thank you very much. mark is here with some analysis. >> good morning. >> rex tillerson was sworn in, so that's the good news. the democrats are holding up some votes and there is some question about betsy devos. read the tea leaves for us. do you think she will get confirmed? >> well, they've got no margin of error as hallie said, 50 votes with the vice president there to break the tie. the white house is confidence they'll keep the rest of the
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republican senators. most presidents lose at least one nominee. if president trump gets her through, he'll probably get everybody through. that would be unusual, but she can't afford to lose another republican senator. >> let's talk about neil gorsuch. chuck schumer said do not change the rules in the senate. this guy needs 60 votes one way or another. is he going to get 60 votes anyway? are enough democrats going to cross over the make that nuclear option a moot point? >> it hangs in the balance. from berkeley to the beltway, this country is divided, and the intense pressure on every democrat ick senator, even ones up iffer re-election in two years, is going to be do not give him 60 votes, do not let the filibuster be broken. >> you think we're headed to the nuclear option. >> that's on the razor's edge too. if mitch mcconnell can avoid changing the senate rules and get 60 points, this game's not over yet. right now i don't think he'll get to 60. can donald trump and other outside groups put pressure on democratic senators in
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conservative states to vote for him? >> mark, it was interesting. with cameras rolling trump said to mitch mcconnell, basically, don't hesitate to go nuclear. what does that say for how everyone's going to be getting along? >> it says donald trump is governing as a republican president, not an independent. if he does a scorecard of his first few weeks in office and says am i living up to my goal and my promise to unite the country? right now he is not. he is in the barricades with mitch mcconnell and other republicans on the confirmation fights. he's got a whole agenda sprt from getting people confirmed trying to appeal to democrats. that will be tougher to do the longer it goes on. >> off special coming up friday night. you were covering this campaign for the last 18 months. what you're doing now i think is fascinating. you've slowed the pace and you get the benefit of hindsight to look back at the race as a whole. how has it changed your opinion of what happened?
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>> it covers the whole campaign and will remind you of familiar events but a lot of stuff people haven't seen. the biggest thing is listening to the voters. i went to so many trump rallies. you'll see trump voters talking in this film from all over the country. they knew he was going to win, and more importantly in listening to them, i didn't pick it up at the time, they knew why. they understood his appeal better than the pundits and explain why this is why the people will vote for donald trump. >> tomorrow night it airs on show time. thank you very much. breaking overnight, authorities negotiating the release of tw staffers after delaware prison inmates took four corrections department workers hostage. two employees have been released by the inmates. the hostage-takers say they are upset with donald trump's leadership as well as education and rehabilitation ssmss at the prison. negotiators are communicating with inmates via two-way radio. all prisons in the state were
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placed on lockdown during that incident. an unusual sight wednesday in canada. a swissair flight en route from zurich to los angeles forced to make an emergency landing there due to a technical irregularity. airport officials say the boeing 777 had only one working engine. passengers were stuck in the small arctic city for a few hours so they were given a sightseeing tour on a heated bus. a replacement plane was eventually sent from new york to pick them up. >> wow. all right. >> getting to see canada. let's gate check of the weather. hey, al. >> happy groundhog day. >> thank you. >> let's check on the festivities. punxsutawney, pennsylvania. there he is! look at that guy! >> is that just now? >> i think so. oh my gosh. just happened. >> what happened? >> all right. we're waiting. they have not confirmed it yet. hold on.
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>> they're still debriefing. >> phil? >> what do you mean he'll like it? what do you mean? >> they know they're on live on the "today" show. >> okay. we got her. >> here it comes. he sees his shadow. >> ladies and gentlemen, he has made a prediction. >> come on. we'll do it right here. i'll hold him for you. >> usually they read a poem. like wadsworth. >> hear yeah, hear yeah, hear ye, now this second day of february 2017, the 131st annual track of the punxsutawney groundhog club before one of the largest crowds of the day. punxsutawney, prognosticator of all prognosticators, was awakened to the cheers of his
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thousands of faithful followers. in groundhogese, he directed -- at gob gobbler's knob at ground hog day, we celebrate a worldwide holiday. it's mighty cold weather you've been braving. is it winter or is it summer you're craving? since we've been up all night and starting to coddle, i phil shall not dawdle. my faithful followers i clearly see a perfect clear shadow of me. six more weeks of winter it shall be! >> there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! straight from the groundhog's mouth. >> he has spoken! >> yes, he has. >> yes, he has. that's >> yes, he has. that's hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. likewise! but, funny story. on top of that? my mom is my best friend. uh oh. yeah. oop! there's the rescue text from my roommate saying she needs me.
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wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: the citi double cash card. good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. some clouds blowing through this morning. we'll see sunshine today. look at the warmup, 46 degrees in new jersey at the shore. 47 degrees this afternoon. a breezy day. 41. the clouds will break over the lehigh valley for some sunshine this afternoon. and up to 46 degrees in delaware. and the suburbs, we'll see those clouds moving out. sunshine will warm philadelphia into 45 degrees this afternoon. but don't get used to it, the seven-day shows colder air heading towards the weekend. have a great day.
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coming up, the reemergence of hillary clinton. her big plans for 2017 in the wake of her presidential race loss. >> and a supersized super bowl prophet. how homeowners a cashing in big time for the big game. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead, the answer to a very pressing question -- is there really a bacon shortage? >> i hope not. and a big surprise based on a really fun story we did o i used to ask if you could
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you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance nbc10 breaking news. >> we continue to follow breaking news for you live from the james t. vaughn correction center in smyrna, delaware. two prison officers are being held hostage here right now. a live picture. two other staff members have been leased. standoff started around 10:30 yesterday morning. now entering 21 hours. 82 inmates are still housed in building "c" where the hostage standoff is happening. other inmates have been moved to another area of the facilities. inmates called the newsroom complaini ining their treatment access to rehabilitation. let's get you updated on the forecast. "first alert" meteorologist bill hen has the most accurate forecast. bill. >> tracy, the clouds are up,
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over doylestown, the clouds will be breaking. in the suburbs, 36 degrees right now in king of prussia. with sunshine, 39 degrees at 10:00, 40 at 1:00 this afternoon. and climbing, into the low 40s for the suburbs. 45 in philadelphia. up to 46 degrees for delaware. >> let's get you updated on the roads with jessica boyington. what are you see? >> route 73 and mt. laurel, an earlier accident has cleared. and bordentown township, that overturn the tractor trailer is still partially blocking the ramp. tracy, back to you. >> i'm tracy davidson. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. you can get the latest news and weather. and breaking news, we're keeping you updated on the hostage situation in smyrna.
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all right. 7:30 on a thursday morning. it's the 2nd of february 2017. and thanks to all the folk who is woke up early and joined us out on the plaza this morning. we'll get out there in just a little while. >> i wonder why we're playing beyonce music. >> because beyonce is everyone where right now. big news. >> it is. here's a look at morning's headlines. overnight, violent protests at the university of california, berkeley, shutting down a planned speech by a polarizing editor of the conservative website breitbart. officials had to place the campus on lockdown as demonstrators marched, lit fires and threw barricades. president trump tweeted about the violence this morning saying, people need to be able
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to express different points of view of. national security advisor michael flynn says the u.s. is putting iran on notice following a ballistic missile test over the weekend. he declined to take questions after delivering that statement, but the white house says no option is off the table from economic sanctions to military action. and with mr. trump looking on last night, vice president mike pence swore in former exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson as secretary of state. he was confirmed bay senate vote of 56-4 56-43. in the meantime, after taking some time away from the public eye following the election, hillary clinton appears ready to return to the spotlight. nbc national correspondent peter alexander has more on that. peter, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. after a couple months of staying on the sidelines, hillary clinton isn't launching a comeback, but it is a reemergence with some big plans including a new book and a series of speeches all teeing up her first extended reaction to one of the most intense elections in modern american
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history. >> hillary, hillary! >> reporter: cheers for hillary clinton on broadway, the audience chanting her name before a show late wednesday and many waiting to catch a glimpse as she left with husband bill clinton taking selfies with fans. aside from the inauguration, she intended to be her own, we've seen little of clinton since her defeat. for weeks these have been some of our only glimpses of her, snapping a photo during a hike in the woods. >> the hunt for hill. >> reporter: those chance encounters even inspiring their own "snl" catch. >> the search for the most elusive legend of all, hillary rodham clinton. >> reporter: but now she's plotting her next chapter. a new book inspired by her favorite quotes all touching own her stunning defeat, clinton write, "these quotes have helped me celebrate the good times, laugh at the absurd times% veras during the hard times and deepen
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my appreciation of all life has to offer. "she'll have a series of speeches on women's rights and gay rights beginning this spring and another that will bring her full circle. nearly 50 years after the 1969 wellesley commencement speech that catapulted her to national fame -- >> fear is always with us, but we just don't always have time for it. not now. >> reporter: slated to address her alma mater at commence lt speaker once again this may. what will this measured return to the spotlight say? >> a lot of her supporters want to see her yelling and screaming saying the election was stolen from us. i do not expect her to do that. >> reporter: she's posted a series of critical tweets about president trump, writing, this is not who we are," after that temporary u.s. travel ban on seven largely muslim countries. still clinton hasn't been nearly as fierce as her attacks during the campaign. >> she wants to be a voice in criticism of the trump administration but we don't know
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exactly where and how yet. >> in fact, chelsea clinton has been much more vocal on twitter, posting photos of a march that she joined to protest president trump's travel ban, also criticizing the white house's statement on holocaust remembrance day that failed to mention jews or the jewish community in the wake of her mom's loss increasingly chelsea taking on the family surrogate role. matt and hoda? >> peter, thank you very much. >> time to head over the al far look at the forecast. >> take a look at the temperature and show you what's been going on. for the month of january, a tale of two countries. the pacific northwest and the plains temperatures below normal but the southeast and the mid-atlantic states and the midcoast, you can see the temperatures fairly warm. lake charles had its third warmest january ever, tomb low, mississippi, atlanta the seventh warmest. we'll see that cool air continuing in the plains and on into the congratulations for today with temperatures well below normal in casper, des
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moines, cleveland, st. louis. that continues into friday but then new york city, as you can see, below average, same with raleigh, cleveland, and chicago. the good news is for the weekend the warmth returns. st. louis will get to 53. good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. some clouds blowing through this morning. we'll see sunshine today. look at the warmup, 46 degrees in new jersey at the shore. 47 degrees this afternoon. a breezy day. 41. the clouds will break over the lehigh valley for some sunshine this afternoon. and up to 46 degrees in delaware. and the suburbs, we'll see those clouds moving out. sunshine will warm philadelphia into 45 degrees this afternoon. but don't get used to it, the seven-day shows colder air heading towards the weekend. have a great day. for full analysis of what happened in ppened in punxsutaw pennsylvania, turn to our friends at the weather channel with jim cantore and jen
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carfagno. >> thanks very much. >> how steph curry just got schooled by his own dad. >> and on "rossen reports," a super bowl jackpot. >> we're live in houston, the site of this weekend's super bowl. the stadium is a few miles away from where i'm standing but don't worry about that. the real action is right here in the neighborhoods. homeowners are cashing in, making $5,000, even $10,000 a (vo) maybe it was here, when you hit 300,000 miles. or here, when you walked away without a scratch. maybe it was the day your baby came home. or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. every subaru is built to earn your trust. because we know what you're trusting us with. subaru. kelley blue book's most trusted brand. and best overall brand. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola.
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7:40 now. this morning on "rossen reports," homeowners in houston cashing in with their city hosting the super bowl. >> jeff rossen is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. what if i told you you could pay off your monthly rent or mortgage in one sing dale? we're talking about regular people, regular homeowners like you and me who happen to be living in the right place at the right time. and right now the right place is houston and the right time is now because the super bowl is this weekend. and it's happening just a couple mile ace way from this house right here. all these rich people with money to spend are flying in from everywhere. they need a place to stay. hotels are booked up. so homeowners are renting out their places and cashing in, making thousands and thousands a night. it's the biggest game of the year. >> running left! >> reporter: the falcons. >> touchdown. >> reporter: versus the patriots. >> a new england touchdown!
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>> reporter: but the real winners, houston homeowners, cashing in big time. renting out their homes to incoming super bowl fans on sites like air b&b, craigslist. from tiny apartments, this one bedroom going for $1,000 a night to luxury homes. the people who live here chargeing $4,000 a night. this couple is charging $5,000 per night. that's a lot of money. >> well, supply and demand, jeff. >> reporter: can you show me around the house? >> right this way. >> reporter: how many bedrooms? >> three. >> reporter: three-bedroom house. a beautiful home. >> thank you. >> reporter: but it's not a sprawling estate. >> it's cozy. >> reporter: $5,500 a night. what's your mortgage? >> a lot less than that. >> reporter: a lot less. you're going to make your monthly mortgage back in one night. >> that's right. >> reporter: and you're renting it out for the whole super bowl
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weekend. >> right. >> reporter: not a bad gig. what are you doing with the money? >> give house a little tlc and some to charity. >> reporter: where are you staying? >> we have family in town. >> reporter: are they charging you rent? now they are. and it's big business. air bnb releasing numbers to nbc news. houston homeowners expected to rake in $3.7 million on that one site. this weekend alone. >> big events create a real enormous opportunity for homeowners. over 5,400 people will be staying in houston on saturday night. >> reporter: in fact, demand is so high for the super bowl, you don't even need a house to cash in. we found so many apartments for rent too. small places with big price tags. many bragging walking distance to nrg stadium. this two-bedroom apartment has a sky-high view of the city. listed for $8,000 a night. that's more than two times the
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monthly rent. and there are takers. i'm inside the apartment right now, and it is pretty nice. melania li mel lives here. $8,000 per night for an apartment sounds extreme. >> it's an extreme weekend. >> reporter: that's true. one of the reasons i've never rented out my place and probably never will and a lot of people don't is because it's a little creepy to have stranger s in yor place and what if they break stuff? >> they offer a guarantee. you should be okay. i'm very confident, so i think it will work out. you have to give people a chance. >> reporter: you think i don't give people a chance? >> sounds like they're giving out chances. >> reporter: you will. >> this weekend i will. >> reporter: the new way to score before the game even starts. >> big vacation time. >> reporter: do you care who wins the game? >> i don't do sports. >> reporter: you do money. my instant new best friends. by the way, i checked online this morning. good news, as we get closer to the game, the places that
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haven't rented, prices are dropping so there are bargains to be had out there. also, i just got a list from air b&b, if you don't live in houston, here's where you can cash in next, new orleans, the mardis grass. phoenix, the final four, april, and louisville for the kentucky derby in may. so you guys can cash in. by the way, the house that i'm standing in right now, see how beautiful this is? $10,000 a night. it's available, guys. available. >> wow. >> hoda's all over that mardis grass thi gras thing. she's done that for years. speaking of the game, just ahead, another exclusive look at some of the ads that will keep you glued to your tv during breaks in the game. >> and if you weren't excited enough about beyonce's twins, carson is about to, i don't know, jack that up. a brand-new picture she just posted. >> mor
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hi, i'm frank. i take movantik for oic, opioid-induced constipation. had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up big-time. tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated... had to talk to my doctor. she said, "how long you been holding this in?" (laughs) that was my movantik moment. my doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. don't take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. why hold it in? have your movantik moment.
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there's a twister. for every crash... an even bigger collision. and for every tailspin... well, tailspins. state farm understands that getting the most out of life doesn't just mean being there when things go wrong. it's about being here... in all of life's moments. when things go perfectly... right. ♪ the music says it all. carson's in the orange room with more on beyonce's big news. >> big news, matt. just after 1:30 p.m. she shared this photo and the internet will never quite be the same. she is pregnant. but wait. let's read the caption. we would like to share our love and happiness. we have been blessed two times over. we are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by
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two. beyonce and jay z expecting twins. and the news shattered an instagram record. this is now the most liked post of all time. it brought in nearly 8 million likes so far. it hasn't even been 24 hours. that wasn't enough. just this morning several more baby bump photos were posted. these are new pictures to her website with the caption that read, "i have three hearts." even a few more. adorable blue ivy came in, who just turned 5. the reaction as you mentioned around the globe look like gayle king's assistant here who ran into the hallway shouting, "she's pregnant!" people were freaking out. >> people thought that was gayle. >> no. they knew it was beyonce. fellow musician rihanna says congratulations, beyonce and my big brother jay. ellen, this was funny. she wanted to share some news too. me too! things got even political. ryan writing on twitter,
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beyonce's womb is the only two-party system i believe in anymore. here's the question for fans. she's scheduled to headline coachella in a few months. no word on whether the when did mixing food, with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. panera. food as it should be. (rose) they put this in me my lto drain the fluid.
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>> announcer: nbc10 breaking news. right now, we are following that breaking news out of smyrna, delaware, where a prison hostage situation is now in its 21st hour. this is video taken by skyforce 10 from the james t. vaughn corrections facility. right now, two officers are still being held inside the prison. we know two released during the standoff were released. let's get you updated on the forecast. meteorologist bill henley with the most accredit forecast. >> temperatures are starting to warm up. 36 in delaware. lehigh valley, 39 and spite of clouds moving through philadelphia, they'll be blowing through. the wind increasing at 9:00 o'clock.
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10-mile-per-hour wind and 15 miles an hour at noon. sunshine with 45 degrees. that hour, high of 45 and gets colder tonight. and now "first alert" traffic reporter jessica boyington has you covered. jessica. >> watching 95, no problems reported, with the delays around cottman avenue, what we're watching, you can see the southbound drive time, really slow. 32 minutes from woodhaven road. headed to the vine street expressway, speed dropping down to the 20s. a crash at lower merion. tracy, back to you. we will have another update in another 25 minutes. we'll keep you updated on air and the nbc10 app where you can get the latest news, and weather. the "today" show continues in two minutes. thanks for watching. have a great day.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, breaking overnight, violent protests arrest at the university of california, berkeley, over a scheduled speech by a controversial conservative editor. the university canceling that event. while back in washington, president trump faces rising tensions with iran and a surprising test from a close ally. plus, inspiring moment. what former president george h.w. bush, just released from the hospital, will be doing at sunday's big game that has both fans and players psyched. and stars and sequels. >> when you left, i swore that i would stop it if that's what it took to get you back. >> natalie catches up with "50
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shades darker" star jamie dornan, about his film, family, and facial hair. >> oh, and remember, you owe me. >> you don't want me owing you. >> keanu reeves swings by studio 1a to chat about his new action-packed movie. today, february 2nd, thursday, 2017. ♪ >> whooo! >> lake tahoe! celebrating my graduation! >> at the "today" show! ♪ come and get your love >> celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. >> i'm on "today"! >> it's 8:00 on a thursday morning.
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it's the second day of february 2017. lots of people outside this morning. >> got run over by our cameraman. >> you have to stay out of the way. >> hoda is here while savannah continues on maternity leave, so we decided to give hoda the honor of picking a throwback thursday song. >> "come get your love" by red bug. you all like this song? >> kwhoo! >> no idea. anyway, coming up, a new round of recipes to get you super bowl ready from sloppy joes to buffalo bites, and it's safe to say that our friend peggy lee has you covered this morning. >> here on "today" we are going all out for the big game. and al, tell them about it, because we need their help. >> that's right. patriots fans, i'm heading up to boston and we'll be live from cheers in faneuil hall where everybody knows your name.
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for you falcons fans, sheinelle jones is heading your way. she'll be in atlanta at hudson grill, midtown. if you are in either neighborhood, get decked out in your best team gear. we are having the ultimate pep rally and we're going to pit the mayors against each other. it's going to be big. >> a little friendly competition between you and sheinelle jones on who can draw the biggest crowd? >> won't be friendly. it's a death match. >> that's tomorrow on "today." atlanta, boston, come on out. >> be there. >> here's your a news at 8:00. i'm kristen welker at the white house. president donald trump attending the annual prayer breakfast in washington this morning. it's already getting under way. it's an event where democrats and republicans come together, and it may be a brief break from tensions that are mounting here in d.c. and beyond. this morning president donald trump now has his top cabinet secretary in place. the new secretary of state, rex
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tillerson, sworn in late wednesday. the president praising him. >> you bring the unique skills and deep, deep insights, and i've got on the see it first hand, into foreign diploma dipl. our nation needs to foster stability and security. >> reporter: tillerson takes the reins amid foreign policy flare-ups. at the top of that list, iran. overnight the president tweeting, "iran is rapidly taking over more and more of iraq, even after the u.s. has squandered $3 trillion there. obvious long ago." earlier in the day a surprise visit to the white house briefing room. national security advisor f michael flynn issuing this stern warning. >> as of today, we are officially putting iran on notice. >> reporter: at issue a series of provocations including iran test launching a ballistic missile sunday. flynn accusing iran of violating a united nations resolution even though the u.n. is still assessing the situation. the white house also stressing tehran's actions don't violate the nuclear resolution.
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still administration officials say they are considering retaliation and wouldn't rule out economic sanctions or even military action. this morning a report president trump had a contentious phone call with one of america's closest allies, australia. "the washington post" cites u.s. officials briefed on the exchange who say president trump boasted about his electoral victory while blasting australian prime minister malcolm turnbull over an agreement to take in 1,250 refugees, even accusing australia of seeking to export the next boston bombers. the white house not commenting but mr. trump tweeted overnight, "do you believe it? the obama administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from australia. why? i will study this dumb deal." and mr. trump also making time for a somber visit to dover air force base with daughter ivanka, paying tribute to chief petty officer william ryan owens, who died on a mission in yemen against an al qaeda affiliate.
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>> just returned from an amazing visit with a great, great family at dover, and it was something very sad, very beautiful. >> reporter: and this morning the white house is confirming that call with president trump and the australian prime minister saying it was 25 minutes long and blunt. we want to update you on the hostage situation in smyrna, delaware, where we are learning that a state officer is dead. police breached the prison and found one officer unresponsive and another officer taken to a local hospital. this is what we have just gotten from department of corrections as we are look tgt live scene there at the prison in smyrnafulment the department of
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corrections response teams and the delaware state police are n invets gating, but the the latest. 5:00 a.m. this morning, delaware state police breach ed the c-building where all hoff this is happening from around 10:30 yesterday afternoon. and one of the hostages who was a d.o.c. e employee is alert and talking. the remaining hostage also a d.o.c. employee found unresponsive is pronounced dead at 5:29 this morning, and building c is secured. we have been telling you about this since yesterday morning around 10:30 that the prisoners took officers, employees of the corrections facility hostage and now were original ily taken and two were let go yesterday, and two held throughout the night, and now we are learning that when the state police breach and got into the building, and that is what we saw when we took a live picture from the sky force 10 before we went off of thor air at 7:00 a.m., the prisoners,
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82, 83 prisoners in building c the whole time while they were holding the two remaining corrections u officer and now we learn that one was safely rescued at a local hospital being checked out. the other department of corrections employee was pronoun pronounced dead at 5:30 this morning. we are continuing to get new information. we understand that governor carney and other officials with the state corrections department will be briefing us at 10:30 about what has happen and how this went down, a tlbd is a negotiations process and how the negotiations have been continuing since it happened again around 10:30. this is the sky force 10 video that we talked about. we launched sky force the give you a better view, and the inmates that were not in building c and it is a large and sprawling facility, and they had been moving the inmates away
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from building c are where all of the activity is, and then this morning, we saw this activity as soon as it got light, we could get a much better view of, this and we had all of the inmates about four dozen inmates lying in handcuffs on their stomachs and moved to another building. katy zachary that has been on scene live all morning. and what are you learning? >> tracy, i can tell you that i just spoke to several workers who worked here at the james t. vaughan correctional center here in smyrna. they came here to the building we are at right now, and came to work dressed for work but when they got here, they were told they were not working and when they left they had little to say except that they were not working today that is the first indication that something was not right. obviously, things were not according to plan for the campus here if you will for the james t. vaughan correctional center.
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as soon as we got the information, so you did you, tr tracy, that delaware state police shortly after 5:00 a.m. went into building c and a woman was found safely and rescued from the building and being examined at a local hospital, and we have staff efforting to talk to her heading to one of the local hospitals mou the try to reach her. unfortunate i will the remaining hostage, also a department of correction corrections employee found unresponsive in building c and was pronounceded dead by state police personnel at 5:30. we are waiting for the official word and this is breaking news and there is a press conference scheduled for 10:30, and we have a crew headed for that and that is taking place in glasgow, delaware, and as soon as we have more information, we will break
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in to get it to you. >> and we know that you are getting information as we are, tracy, but the latest release from the correctioning department says that they are op atriaing under emergency procedures, but we don't know, but with know that the building is is secure, but not status of everything on the facility is right now, right? >> i dont n't know if we lost k or if she could hear me, because she is trying to get new inf information live on the scene there, but if you are just joining us, again, we have learned that a corrections officer has died in the hostage standoff at the prison in smyrna, delaware. building c is secure, and this is the latest information from the krk shuns department has said and building c is secure where the state police went in and breached the building and one hostage is being checked out at the hospital, and another found dead. the facility is operating under mej si procedures and we will try to find the out what that
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means. katy, do you know anything about that? >> well, tracy, what i was saying to your question is that, as i was speaking to a relative working here at the correctional center, that person is headed in for her work, and i'm told that she is going to be interviewing the dozens of inmates who were part of this who were just re really caught in the middle of this this, and caught in the last 24 hour sh, and some peopl are reporting here toer carry out their work, but in terms of what is going on behind this building, and behind the secure perm e ter that is the james vaughan correctional center, we don't know details of that, and we are efforting the information to find out in terms of the they are still in lockdown status, and just how the operations are moving ahead, today. >> katy, we appreciate that information. one prison employee dead at the
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the prison in smyrna, e delaware. we will continue efforts to contact the awe authorities and get more information on this, and we have a teamf of reporters down there, and photographers who are giving us as many det l details as they can. >> katy is going to try to talk to some employees and we have sky 10 over to the facility. they were lining up the inmates and lying on their stomach and being transferred one by one to another building which is the time we learned that the corrections department at # 5:00, the delaware state police breach breached that building. they went in and found one of the hostage, and again, the two hostages had been held since 10:30 and one of the hostages safely rescued her and she is being checked out of the local hospital, and says that specifically, she is alert and talking but the other officer found dead. katy, new information?
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>> tracy, just a few minutes ago, i talked to someone who is driving up fromle baltimore, and she is planning a protest right in the area where we are standing, a little bit closerer to the prison, and it is a protest in support of the inmates who are here at the vaughan correctional center. as far as we know that protest is still going on. so i just wanted to offer that to you for a little color, to create a lot of activity here. quite frankly some kchaos while state department and the correctional facilities are in the process of investigating what happened and in the lockdown situation, and they could have potentially dozens of people protesting outside of the prison perimeter which is scheduled to happen in two hours. tracy. >> and we are also expecting to get more information on the situation down there with a
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press conference scheduled at 10:30 this morning. officials will update us, and tell us what happened and details about how this all happened and how things broke out as they did. >> and to reinforce the point that we still don't know, but we know that building c is secured, but we don't know the status of the entire facility, because it is a large facility, which we could see from sky force 10 which we launched today, and moving the inmates away from the acti activity started. this happened about 22 hours ago, 10:30 yesterday afternoon when four employees of the department of corrections were taken hostage by the inmates there. >> yes, and after a few hours, two of the hostages were released. they kept two overnight, and this is a tense situation moving throughout the evening, and a lot of police and personnel were summoned to the prison. you can see the guards, there and it is all hands on deck
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situation, and this morning, as it was geting light, they had about four dozen prisoners i would say on their stomachs and handcuffed behind their back, and then they were escorting one at a turnlgs and maybe four people that we saw from the camera ares being escorted into the building away from the group of about four dozen prisoners. this isser early this morn, and this is when the video was shot from sky force 10 and been out there from 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. >> and sadly, if you are just joining us, we have learned that one of the department of corrections officers was killed and is dead in this hostage situation which takes me back to the union representative who we heard this morning talking about all of the demands of the
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hostage takers of the inmates saying that our goal right now is to make sure that the two officers get home to their family safe, a aband now we have learned that as of 5:30 this morning, this one officer is pronounced dead. >> some the demands, they wanted more education opportunities. they wanted better situation for rehabilitation for themselves. but as the person that we heard from the union said, none of that would happen until they got the two people home safe ly. sadly, at 5:30, one of the prison officials was killed. but again according to the union person that we heard from earlier, they never wanted to ne goeb yat any terms until those two people got back to the their families. one of them will not be coming back to the their family. >> if you are just joining us, we want to rereset and tell you what is happen iing. here is the headline and information that we got on in the last 10 minutes. one prison employee is dead at
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the prison hostage situation in smyrna, delaware. this is how it began 10 k34r07b yesterday, and inmates take fourlem ploy e yees of the department of corrections in building c in this sprawling building in smyrna, delaware. over the course of the day, two of the employees were released and then overnight, two more, the other two were continually held. then we just got this information from the corrections department that at 5:00 this morning, delaware state police bree breached and went into the c-building and rescued wub hostage, and she is being checked out at the hospital, and as vai said, the other department of corrections employee pronounced dead at 5:30. and matt has been at the prison all morning long, and what can you tell us, matt? >> well sh, tracy, a vantage po here of where we are at the ipad here, we are at this building,
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and you can see the building and the complex here, and it is a large complex here. >> obviously, having trouble with matt. go ahead. >> in the meantime, a statement here from the delaware governor carney about the fallen correctional officer, and and excerpt about it. i am prag haying hard for the fn off se, and this is a reminder that in the officers risk their lives everyday in delaware and we will stand behind the family in what is an extremely difficult time. that is from the delaware governor carney. >> we don't obviously have any identification for the officer right now. again, pronounced dead at 5:30 this morning. i will continue on with what you were reading vai, from, delaware governor john carney. this is a long and agonizing situation, and i want to thank all of those responding including the department of
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corrections and the delaware state police and ow federal partners. the priority is find out what happened, how this happened, and we will hold accountable anybody responsible and make whatever changes are necessary to make sure that nothing like this happens again. that is a state up from the d delaware governor john carney who did meet with the hostage family members yesterday. now, he has just put out the statement about the fallen correctional officer. >> as you canp appreciate if you are at at home watching these events unfolding, the information in these situations are scant and they trickle in and we are tying to get you the information that we have when it is confirmed. so we don't get anything wrong. and as this unfolds throughout the day, this happened and we first learned of it at 10:30 yesterday morning, but maybe it started earlier than that, and certa certainly there may have been some planning, and those kinds of things, but at 10:30 yesterday afternoon is when we
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learned that they had taken four house tajs initially and two of them were released and they held two of night as we are learning this morning, and one of those who was held hostages and one of the two held mos taj is not going to be coming home to their f families. >> we heard over the course of the day and night last night, we heard of the phone callsing being made from insooide of the prison to delaware online to give us an idea of what is happening inside and the prisoner's demands. matt delucia and again, we will try the go back to him. matt, continue on. >> yeah, it is a busy situation over here in the parking lot, but what i can tell you is from our vantage point the prison is just bekwond where we are right now sh now, and you can see some warehouses and what have you, and the prison, facility, itself, is right beyond that. the parking lot where we are is filled with the media, and of course, the folks who work at
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the facility have been coming to work, and one of the things that that we had found out from that latest release and update from the delaware department of correcti corrections is that the prison is still operating under emergency procedures. so that is still ongoing at this point even though the hostage situation has ended. as we saw earlier in the morning, with the helicopter video, sky force 10 was over the area where you can see some the inmates were lying on the ground. as of early this morning the count that we had were 82 inmates that were still in that building where everything was happening in the hostage situation. 82 inmates still in the building and gradualliy lsome of the inmates were let out. we heard that 14 inmates were let out. of course, that came after two of the four hostages, the department of corrections workers were released. so originally had four of the
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hostages in terms of the department of corrections staff membe member, and two were released and one of them treated at the hospital. the other two were still here in the building c until early this morning. the release and the update that we got said that the department of corrections workers and the state police breached that build building at 5:06 this morning. so just after 5:00 this morning, they want into the building, and that is when they discovered the two employees, one who they rescued and from what we gather, she is alert and talking at the hospital. the other employee, he was found unresponsive and pronounced dead at 5:30 this morning. so this is an unfortunate end, and what i can tell you is that we were out here all morning and my crew and i got here at 3:30 and around 4:30 or 5:00, around that time when they were talking about how they breached that
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building c, we did see some activity from the aerial camera on top of the truck, we were able to see and zoom in. we saw the vans moving around in what looked like an ambulance. and again, we are pretty far away, and so it is hard to tell for certain what vehicles were looking at, but it was a convoy of six or seven vehicles moving around that area around a roadway. so there was activity. we did see a helicopter that was landing and taking off in this area as well. again this all happening at 5:00 to 6:00 time frame. this is all going on and now the update, that is at the point when the state police went into that building to the i try re to
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rescue the two hostages. >> that makes sense that 5:00 to 6:00 hour that we were on the air with matt and katy and we saw i sky force 10 pictures and video and from the live camera that all of that was happening that matt described. >> we are waiting the get more information and pieced together. we are expecting a news conference at 10:30, but we did just get this released from the governor john carney about what is he saying. i am praying hard for the fallen officer's family. this serves as tragic reminder that the members of the law enforcement risk their lives everyday on behalf of the people of delaware. we will stand by the officer's family at what is a difficult time. >> this is a long and agonizing situation. i want to thank all of those involve involved in responding, including the department of correction, the delaware state police, and the federal partners and our priority now is to
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determine how this happened. and we will hold accountable anyone who is responsible and make necessary changes to ensure that nothing like this happens ever again. we are sure that a full investigation will commence into the passing of this person's death. we should expect that to happen immediately. >> we have live team coverage por you, and we have reporters at the scene at the prison in smyrna, but again to review for you what has happened, we have been following the hostage situation in smyrna since 10:00 a.m., and we have learned in the last half hour that one department of corrections off sr. was killed and found dead when state police went in and they breached building c where the hostage situation had been happening, and they went in to find one of the two remaining hostages, and she was fine and
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alert, and taken to the area hospital to get checked out. but the other corrections officer was found unresponsive and pronounced dead at 5:30. >> you are look agent video from earlier this morning as it is light out, and you can see the officers there and en masse to take some tof the are prisoners one and sometimes two at a time away from the others, and perhaps isolated. maybe they are getting information. but clearly at this point, they had already known after they had breached the building c that one of the hostages was killed, and the other as you said, tracy, taken to an area hospital to be checked out and hopefully she is okay. >> we sbrp talking about the inmates demands and that they have been calling a local publication, and they were saying that they were talking about a need to access to
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rehabilitation, and the access to education, and knee gosch yayer or thes had been talking with them throughout the whole ordeal to i try to make it to a peaceful end, and now we have learned within the last half hour that the department of corrections members have been killed and we don't have the identit identity, and we are waiting for state corrections officer and governor coming up at 10:30. >> also, we want to get a check on the weather and find out how things are going, and check in with bill henley, and the most accurate forecast in the area. bill. >> i have an update for you, and we have clouds moving through lehigh valley. and a few snowflakes with this line moving from reading into lehigh county and easton as well. most of it is very light, and not even reaching the ground. you could see a few snowflakes and up in upper bucks county, and the breaks in the clouds, too, and we will see some sunshine today, and the temperatures have been climbing
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to 34 degrees in the lehigh valle valley, and even if you do see a few snowflake, it is not going the stick. philadelphia at 39 degrees and a few neighborhoods in 40, 41 in society hill, and it is 45 in endora with sunshine breaking through the clouds. >> thank you bill. we are still on the air because of the hostage situation in smyrna, delaware, that we have been following for you since 10:30 or earlier yesterday morning. >> the negotiations have ended. it is clearly not ended well for one of the prisoners who was taken hostage yesterday afternoon. that one person has died. we will keep an eye on this and monitor the situation throughout the morning and the day as our team of reporterers and the photo journalists are there in smyrna to get as much information as we can. >> again, a total al of four
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hostages taken and two held overnight, and the state police went in at 5:00 a.m. this morning and now one officer is dead. 8:30 on a thursday morning, february 2nd, 2017. we're taking selfies with the crowd. >> hi, guys. >> go ahead, hoda. get in there. >> okay. i'm in. hey, guys. we made it. all right, you guys. coming up, keanu reeves is back in action following the success of the first wick wk john wick . we'll talk about the chapter and other things he's working on. >> and joy bauer helping improve our health with five foods to manage our blood pressure. >> give you one little hint -- cocoa powder. >> cocoa pouder? >> good for you. >> okay. >> and katie lee has all the fixing for a super bowl feast you can pig out on without regret. >> so we help you, then we hurt
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you. >> that's right. >> that's how we roll. >> a check of the weather. >> first of all, over here -- >> where? >> over here, they said, "i said yes." what was the question? >> what was the question? >> will you marry me? >> oh, and you said yes. >> i did. >> when was that? >> funny story. it was in october. >> oh, okay. >> yeah. we haven't told our friends. >> now you did. >> now we did. >> there you go. it's catholic schools week. these are kids from guardian angel school here in manhattan. nice to see you guys. >> hi, miss craig! >> let's see what's going on. super bowl. a big pep rally battle going on. 11 alive down in atlanta, sheinelle jones, 44 degrees on friday morning. i'm going to be at nbc boston, faneuil hall. it's going to be 22, sunny and cold. come on down and show your suppo support. then the super bowl forecast for the big game in houston at nrg stadium, they've got a roof but they'll retract it, there is a
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chance of showers at kickoff, 5:30 central. at halftime, when supposedly lady gaga is up on the roof. 67 and mostly cloudy skies good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. some clouds blowing through this morning and we will see sunshine today. look at the warmup. 46 in new jersey at the shore, and 47 this afternoon. a breezy day, and 41 and the clouds breaking over the lehigh valley for sunshine this afternoon and up to 46 can degrees in delaware. the suburbs, we e e will see the clouds moving out, and sunshine and warm philadelphia to 45 the degrees this afternoon. but don't get used to it, the seven-day is showing colder air heading to the weekend. have a great day. don't forget, get that weather anytime you need it. check out our pals at the weather channel. hoda? >> all right, al roker. thanks so much. keanu reeves has starred in some epic action movies during his career. we're talking about "point break," "speed," "the matrix"
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trilogy. and 2014's john wick, unlike the new character, a former hitman who comes out of retirement to avenge the death of his daughter. he is back with "john wick: chapter 2." take a look. >> your descent into hell begins here, wick. earl will guide you. do be careful on your way down. oh, and remember, you owe me. >> you don't want me owing ow. . >> fans of "matrix," i think their heads explode seeing you and laurence fishburne together. >> yeah. >> how are you? foo good morning. >> good morning. whose idea was that to have that reunion? >> the director's, chad's. laurence and i became friends after the trilogy so a couple times a year we get together, check in, talk about life. he was saying he really enjoyed the first john wick and i was like, that's cool, would you be interested? and he was like, hmm.
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then i told chad. chad sent laurence a script. laurence said, i like it. >> how did he say it? >> i like it. >> the way he says things. >> yeah. and then it was great to have the chance to work with him again. >> so john wick was a cult favorite and it kind of exploded into this hit. did you think that there would ever be a john wick 2 that we'd be sitting here talking about this? >> when i was working on the first i didn't know. i hoped. i really loved the character and so i'm grateful to have the chance to keep telling that story. >> there are some insane action scenes we were watching them on the screenplay out right now. >> yeah. >> you do a lot of doing those fishtails in the car. you are so quick on the trigger with the gun. >> yeah. >> there must have been some crazy training i can only imagine because it can't p easy to shoot that quick. >> no. practice makes perfect. i had some great teachers with the driving, with the gun work. >> we're looking at some video
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of that. >> that's terence butler, a three-gun champion. so the director wanted me to do some live fire because there's nothing like live fire to kind of get it into your body. >> yeah. when the director yelled action, you had to pop up and just shoot real quick like that? >> yeah. well, i've got a couple things. i mean, john wick is on point, he's on target, ready to go. but he also kind of gets beat up. there's a lot of people after him. he's fighting for his life. so, yeah. >> in the first john wick some thugs who were part of a bigger gang kill your dog and you are clearly judgment set. >> yeah. >> how does the sequel come to be? >> john is -- he still wants to retire. he wants to -- you know, his wife has passed away. he wants to grieve. he wants to heal. he wants to remember. but, you know, someone comes from his past and comes to collect on a debt, and john wick doesn't really want to do that. he doesn't want to kind of, you know, do whatever he has to do, but he ends up doing that. so it's really about kind of
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dealing with your past and trying to live -- you know, john is just trying to be free. yeah. >> i was reading your wikipedia page and reading about how you traveled a lot when you were a little kid and how high school really wasn't for you. i'm sitting here sitting across from you and i'm watching this guy who succeeded wildly. if you were speaking to some high school kids -- >> little ones! >> feel like, you know, maybe how you felt, what would you say to them to encourage them, do you think? >> gosh. >> how would you do that? >> that's kind of -- i mean -- >> what did you do? >> i mean, i didn't have a traditional path. i went to four different high schools. >> yeah. >> i mean, i guess i would say through that, i mean, i was lucky because i knew as a young person what i wanted to do. >> you knew. >> i was 15 and i wanted to become an actor and so i started to study and do all of the things that i needed to do to try and achieve that. >> yeah. >> so for a young person, you
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know, who -- i mean, i can't -- it's not just stay in school, right? >> it's not give up. you were knocked around and kept getting up. >> yeah. yeah. and every kid is different, you know, but there are some kind of ground rules, you know. >> we wish you great luck with this. you've got a couple other great projects you'll come back and talk to us about when they come to fruition. >> i hope so. >> thanks for coming to see us. really appreciate it. "john wick: chapter 2" hits theaters next friday. coming up next, dr. phil is here to help you keep your kids safe. we'll talk to him. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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back, 8:39 with cautionary advice for every parent from dr. phil. >> for today's ep society of "the dr. phil show," he interviews a 15-year-old girl who became involved with a man more than twice her age and then disappeared with him. all without her parents not knowing.
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>> dr. phil, good morning. good to see you. good morning. >> this is so scary, all right? let's give the facts here. 15-year-old kayla found unharmed after a week. there was an amber alert issued for her. find out that she was involved with her friend's father, who was 37 years old. how did this relationship start? >> well, the mother met -- this was a friend of her father, and the mother met the father, who came over and said, you know, can she come and spend the night with my daughter. so the parents talked and mom felt like everything's okay. what she didn't know is he was grooming the daughter and very early on seduced her, started having his way with her. she spent six months in a relationship with him, sleeping in his bed when mom thought she was spending the night with this 14-, 13-year-old daughter. and finally he says, if you don't run away with me, i'm going to kill myself.
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so emotional extortion, gets her to go out the bedroom window in the middle of the night and they're gone. >> did the mom miss signs or was he just so good there was no way to know? >> mom is well intentioned but naive about this whole thing. that's one of the things i'm going to talk about in the parenting points. we've got to really know who we're exposing our kids to. we've got to really know, not just pile high on the porch. who are these people? >> i have a 15-year-old, 13-year-old, 10-year-old. strategies for parents. you hear people say this all the time, phil, i'm best friends with my daughter, best friends with my son. you stress the point you're not best friends. you're their parents. >> exactly. a parent is a noun and a verb. you start to parent and your job is to see around corners that they can't see around. their brains are not through growing until they're 25. it's your job to see the problems and keep them out of the ditch. and you can't do that by being their buddy, their pal, their best friend. >> often parents -- like you
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were just saying about the porch, you give parent the benefit of the doubt. you say he or she seems nice enough. >> it sounds cynical but i say it's ridiculous to give anybody the benefit of the doubt. why would you do that? particularly when it's your child. why would you just give somebody the benefit of the doubt? neither should you decide they're bad people. gather relevant data and until you have enough to entrust your child to this person, i don't care if it's a teacher, coach, sunday schoolteacher, parent of a friend, whoever, until you have the data, don't entrust your child to them. >> you also have to speak to your kids not only about the little insignificant things that happen during their day at school and things, you have to sit down and talk about things that truly matter, even if they sound scary. >> that's right. i say you should talk to your children about things that don't matter so you can be prepared to talk to them about things when they do matter. get the child to be used to talking to you. and you can't judge. the first time they tell you something you don't like, you're
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grounded for life, they're not going to tell you things. you have to listen and not judge and then talk about some alternatives. >> you have to trust your kids, but you offer this -- surprise them. >> oh. >> what does that mean? >> look, you trust your child to be a child. you're not invading your child's privacy if you're looking in their social media accounts. and when they say they're spending the night is somewhere, show up and see if they're there. find out if they're doing what they're saying they're going to do on a random basis. >> you just mentioned something in passing. years ago it used to be if you were to find your kids' journal on the bed would you pick it up and read it? now it's all about social media. it's all about digital devices. you're a fan of saying every once in a while, grab that device and go for a look? >> you bet. and get yourself in the chat rooms where they're going. get a screen name. get in the chat rooms. see what they're saying, who they're talking to. there are predators among us, and they are in those chat rooms. they are online.
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there are bullies on line, there are predators online. and it's nooefr late. we have to reparent our children. it's not too late. start right now. that's why kayla comes on the show today. she really realized she made a bad mistake. this is a cautionary tale. it is chilling. >> will you come live at my house? >> i've got mine raised. you never finish but i've got gem at least out the door. >> you can catch "the dr. phil show" today. check your local listings. >> up next, five foods to better manage your blood pressure. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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8:46. we're back with our special series "joy's healthy heart," marking american heart month. 75 million americans have high blood pressure. there are certain foods you can actually eat to help you manage it. today nutritionist joy bauer is here with her top five. joy, good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> nice to see you. before we get to the food, what
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exactly defines high blood pressure? >> imagine this. our blood carries oxygen and nutrients throughout our body using a network of these tiny little vessels. they're like small tubes. as the blood travels, it exerts pressure on the vessel walls. that's known as blood pressure. if the pressure gets intense, it's high blood pressure. so i'm going to show you a quick illustration. this top one is a normal, healthy blood vessel. smooth sailing. >> traffic moving well on the highway. >> absolutely. this vessel demonstrates high blood pressure, and you can see it's clearly distressed. there's plaque within the walls so, it's a narrowed space, and also the walls are having a hard time. they're hardened and contracting but exerting a lot of energy. the other thing is if this guy or gal who owns this vessel takes in a lot of salt, salt draws in water, increases the volume which will then increase the blood pressure even further. >> diet, exercise, all good things. talk about some of the foods
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that actually help you manage your blood pressure. the first one people are going to like the sound of. >> cocoa powder. so everybody seems to know the virtues of dark chocolate. but the real healing is the cocoa powder that's within the dark chocolate because that's where all of the flavonols are housed, and that's what helps to keep our blood vessels healthy and elastic. what i'm telling people is to pick up some cocoa powder. you can put it in smoothies or oatmeal. you can put a lit until your morning coffee. it's delicious. healthy for your blood vessels. >> i was a weird kid. i loved spinach from another young age. >> it's a triple threat. it has potassium, magnesium and foe late. poe as the yum is sort of the anti-sodium oom oop. i said sodium draws in water. potassium flushes it out and flushes the sodium out. instead of lettuce on a sandwich, put spinach leaves. off simmering pot of soup on the stove or marinara sauce? dump the spinach leaves in and
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stir it around. extra yummy. >> great idea. garlic, does it have to be raw garlic? >> no. it can be powder. it can be minced garlic, roasted garlic. garlic has the two active ingredie ingredients. one keeps the lining of the cells healthy. there's an active ingredient that acts like an a.c.e. inhibitor, a prescription medicati medication, but no side effect. roasting garlic is delicious and super easy. >> if i've heard hoda say it once, i've heard her say it a thousand times, beans, beans, good for your heart. >> that too. all greens are great for your heart because they have protein and they have fiber and they have potassium and magnesium. but i am featuring white beans as the superhero here because they have the added benefit of calcium. and calcium helps our blood vessels to contract and die late. what i do here, this is a little trick, i make a soup and instead of using cream to thicken it up, i put in a can of quite beans, i
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puree it, and it's delicious. >> makes a great dip for veggies. and pumpkin, why? >> pumpkin is loaded with toe pass y potassium. you can take canned pumpkin puree available year round. it's a great replacement for oil in baked goods and it's one-to-one ratio. this recipe is on the website. little brownie with cocoa. >> five great ingredients for managing your blood pressure. thank you so much. for these recipes and more, check out our website, up next, recipes for katie lee's ultimate super bowl spread. the reverse of what we're doing right now. what do doctors from leading cancer centers
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in the country have in common? many of them now call cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia home. expert medicine works here. find out why at cancer treatment centers of america.
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back with "today's crowd." dishes for sunday's big game. our good friend katie lee has some great recipes. nice to see you. >> good morning. >> you're making one of my favorite things this morning. i love sloppy joes. >> really? >> love them. >> i didn't think you'd be a sloppy joe guy. >> the more the merrier. let's talk about the ingredients. >> not on the suit. >> i'm staying away from it. >> this is ground beef, garlic, dijon mustard, green pepper and onion and tomato sauce. >> not a lot in terms of ingredients. you brown the beef. >> and then take it and put it
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on a paper towel to drain. you can do this all in one pan. >> do you have to worry about overcooking or by the time you add the sauce it will be moist no matter what? >> it will be really moist. in the same pan, green peppers and onions. keep them until they get tender, about five or six minutes. i have some down here. now we're going to build this by putting in -- >> talk to me about the spices here. >> so we've got garlic, brown sugar, chili powder, salt, pepper, and celery seed. the celery seed adds an interesting flavor to it. put those in. grab that beef and we'll put that in here too. >> okay. said i wasn't going to do this. >> you've got to work a little bit. >> there you go. >> apple cider vinegar. worchester sauce. stir that for me. >> all right. >> then some tomato sauce and dijon mustard. want to scrape that in there? >> how long does this cook down? >> a lot of flavor. we've got walter to help it stay moist. this cooks for about 20 minutes. it's really fast.
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you can do it in a slow cooker. if you're cooking for a crowd, then everybody can kind of serve themselves out of it. >> can we have our friends downstairs -- >> yeah, what do you think? >> fantastic. >> come on, katie lee. >> do you like it? >> adding it to the sunday party. >> are you getting messy? >> mm-hmm. >> yeah. we don't care. >> this is what it looks like after it's cooked down. >> this is what it looks like and you just serve it on a bun. >> can you serve it on a baguette or something crunchier? >> a baguette, yeah. >> i like something crunchy. i don't know why. >> i don't know, for a sloppy joe, i like a nice soft bun. will you taste that? >> i'll bring it up with me. we have an interesting dip. guacamole, but you've added an ingredient i never saw coming. >> we're going to stretch our avocados by using asparagus. this is a way to kind of -- you can cut down a little on the amount of fat you're eating and also stretch it out since avocados are expensive. >> can we pause? one of the best sloppy joes i've
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ever had. >> thank you. great. >> i want it on a baguette. >> we love it on soft buns. >> don't make fun of me. don't make fun of me. i like crunch. i like textures. >> tell me about this. >> asparagus, chop it up, put it into a food processor. the key is to puree this first. so you put it in there and pulse it up. and then add to it some avocado. >> what are the proportions? you doing equal parts? >> a half a pound of asparagus to one avocado. and lime juice. ka d avocado is good fat but it adds up when you eat a lot of it, and i eat a lot of it. put that is all in there, make it nice and pureed. comes out to this. add tomatoetomatoes, cilantro a onion. will you put a little salt in there for me? and just stir it up and you have a great guacamole there. super yummy. >> serving that with chips here. that sloppy joe is good on
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triscuits too. they have that crunch also. >> the buffalo wing call flouer is fantastic. >> and blue cheese dip. it's on your website. >> sit hard to make? >> no. a quick little batter and in the oven. you get that flavor. >> enjoy the big game. et these recipes at nbc 10 break news. we have an update on the breaking news we are following for you. an a an officer has been found dead following a hostage situation at a prison in smyrna, delaware. a live look at the james vaughn correctional center where the inmates took four employees hostage yesterday, and at 5:00 a.m. this morning, state police went into the prison and one
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guard was found dead and two hostages were released yesterday. this is what it looked like after the police went into the building. dozens of inmates handcuffed on the ground. officials will give us detalils at 10:30. we will bring it live and you can go to the nbc 10 app for more updates. and now we go with meteorologist bill henley for more accurate forecast. >> the clouds are breaking in easton and then light snowfall and lehigh county, and mixing with raindrops, and most of it is reaching the ground, and lehigh valley, and in delaware, cloudy overhead, and you can see the temperatures climbing into the middle 40s this afternoon. the winds will be picking up. even though the temperatures are climb i climbing into the 40s with the wind blowing, it is going to the feel like 30s in the suburbs and 30s in the lehigh valley. tracy. >> three minutes before 9:00. if you are e headiare heading o
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boyington has more on the traffic. >> going towards schuylkill around scenter street is where e are seeing the slowest routes. overturned tractor-trailer at highway 7. back to you. >> we will have another update in about 20 minutes. you go to the nbc 10 app which is a free download to get the latest news, weather and traffic are.
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this morning on "today's take," dean cain. then from snack hacks to never before seen celebrity ads, all your super bowl action is covered. and sheinelle heads to survival school. what we show you could save your life. coming up next. >> from nbc news, this is "today's take." live from studio 1nashgs rockefeller plaza. and welcome to "today" on this thursday morning, february 2nd. we're here with our guest co-host dean cain. good to see you. >> good morning. happy to be here. thank you. >> thank you. some of you may have heard our good friend tamron hall has decided to leave nbc news.
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personally, tamron has been not just a co-host here on "today's take" for the past three years and a good friend to not just me but to all of us here, and we want to wish her nothing but the best, much continued success. cannot wait to see what her next chapter is. >> she's going to rock it, no matter what she does. >> absolutely. >> yes, she will. >> speaking of rocking, you were rocking the superman colors. >> you mean this red and this blue? >> yeah. >> i like it. >> not by accident. a little homage today. >> by design. >> i like the colors. >> i do too. >> they suit me well. should have my cape on. or do i? >> we need a phone booth over here! >> i never use a phone booth. >> in the history of superman in the comics he only changed in a phone booth twice. actually. >> is that true? >> i believe that he knows the answer to that. >> how do you know that? >> he did it more in the cartoon -- >> perpetuated. >> in the '30s and then a couple -- >> obviously al knows more about
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this than i do. >> seriously. but you're still superman. >> yes, you are. >> you can take that to the bank. literally. >> literally. >> literally! so super bowl sunday almost here, and i and you -- >> yes. >> -- we are heading out on the road tomorrow for the ultimate pep rally. i'm going to be in boston. our friends of nbc boston at faneuil hall. >> i'm going to be in atlanta. can i put in a plug? >> yes. >> if you're in atlanta or know anybody in atlanta, meet me at huston grill in midtown. >> 6:30 in the morning. >> yep. >> noontime somewhere. >> that's right. >> can't promise you anything but a smile, but come on out. >> big day. super bowl sunday. >> we did not know about this gentleman, you played professional football. >> yes, sir. >> for the bills. >> buffalo bills. which happen to have the exact same colors. who knew? buffalo, i was there as a rookie the same year thurman thomas was
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a rookie. we lost the afc championship and the next four years were super bowl years. i would have had a nice run had i stayed healthy and been on the squad. >> but again, you're superman. >> that's right. >> it's worked out okay. >> it's worked out all right. i would have liked to have been to a couple super bowls, though. humongous, humongous football fan. good luck to both teams this weekend. i'm quietly rooting for atlanta, although -- >> what was that? >> not quiet now. >> i think the patriots are going to win. >> you to. >> what are you doing for the game? >> belichick and brady are unbelievable. for the game, family and folks over. and watching the game. >> you have a warning for my mom? >> don't bring other people outside the family, mom. just family. he never does. >> you know why? she's mom. >> she is mom. that's true. gets away with everything. whatever you want. sorry, mom. >> exactly. >> what about you? >> just the kids, you know, maybe my brother and niece and
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nephew. >> make it sound so exciting. >> you know, i'm going to add that katie lee sloppy joe. i'm going to do some asian-style wings. to be honest, i don't care about the game. i just want the commercials and the halftime show. >> for me we were talking about it this morning and i realized i have to get it back together. we used to have big super bowl parties before the kids and people would come over. deejay. it was like a thing. >> wow. >> it was like a video. >> wow! >> and all of a sudden, you know, kids and it's just life and just, you know, things get in the way. >> you have a kid party and then the -- >> the kids want to be at this one. the kid want to go to that one. >> but then you have to kind of lower the -- you can't quite do all this. >> when they were babies they would sleep through it. it was amazing. but now maybe not so much. now they're old enough to get up and peek. >> i'm the one who sleeps through it. >> they can be involved now. >> maybe next year i'll throw a par party. >> later in the program, we're
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going to exclusively premiere some super bowl ads including a fantastic one from honda. here's a little taste. >> believe in yourself. you know why? because none of these people think you are going to amount to anything. and guess what? you might. >> that's awesome. >> account can not wait to see it. >> celebrity year book. >> throwback. >> a great idea. >> so let's throw back to some of our own yearbook photos since it's throwback thursday. okay. high school. >> hey! >> nice. >> wow, look at you. >> look at that little japanese surfer kid. >> a mullet almost. >> don't pick on the mullet. >> look at you. >> did you know then you wanted to do something amazing? maybe not superman but -- >> look at that. same guy. same guy. yeah. i wanted to be an athlete and go to school. i didn't really know what i wanted to do.
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i didn't know what i wanted to do when i was shooting superman. but i love that idea of people saying you're not going to be able to do something, looking back at the high school days, that's a wonderful thing. what about you guys? >> for me, cheerleading was my life. it was one of those things where my school was like "grease." you could wear them every day. i had the braces. hair to the side. about the same. >> which school? >> wichita high school. wichita, kansas. >> what was the cheer? >> heights, yes! >> very good. so it's a spelling bee and a cheer. >> never misspell heights. >> interestingly enough, our colors were red and black and we were the falcons so we would go buy atlanta falcons stuff and everybody thought we had like the best gear. >> you did. this is so precious. >> it's perfect. okay. we're ready for you. >> yes. if you hissed it yesterday. >> there you go. >> wow. >> xavier high school, class of '72. >> what city?
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>> here in manhattan. manhattan. xavier high school. junior rotc. jesuit military school so we were ready for the next crusade. >> yeah. >> nice. >> i knew you were okay, mr. roker. >> disciplined. >> look at that. good-looking young man. >> have you heard the news? >> who hasn't? >> beyonce's having twins. >> twins. yes. >> the internet may never be the same. >> i think it broke it. >> she broke the internet. posting this announcement. everybody was talking about it. not only she was pregnant but she was having twins. this is what i thought was interesting. the news came on instagram and quickly broke the record for most liked photo of all time. >> 8 million -- >> on instagram. >> which one, the one with -- >> the first one with the roses. >> you know what's funny to me -- >> of all time in one day. >> you'll have hundreds of thousands of comments and everybody is congratulations, beyonce, or give her this advice. do you think she reads any of
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those? >> you could give her some advice because you have twins. what's the one thing you would tell beyonce? >> the one thing i would tell beyonce, it goes by so fast, you'll be overwhelmed. it doesn't matter if you have nannies or whatever. it doesn't matter. it's still difficult, trying to give eesm child his or her own attention. i wrote a letter dear beyonce yesterday on instagram and i said it goes by so fast, but you wouldn't trade it for world. congratulations. we're besties. j. lo, mariah. >> elen. >> elen. >> elen announced. take a look. there you go. >> all right. still ahead, it's groundhog day. it's ground hhog day. don't drive angry. a look back at what happened this morning and a look back at can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber® works. inside each of us are trillions of good microflora that support good digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber®
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nourishes them so they can thrive. and what helps them, helps you and me every day. clear, taste-free, all natural benefiber®. nourish the goodness inside. also try benefiber® healthy shape. it's proven to keep you feeling fuller longer. i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest. i'll wait a full two days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. how is this possible? it's a light soup and yet it's real food? carrots, celery, and now 100% antibotic and hormone free white breast meat chicken? it boggles the mind!
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ah. i need to sit down. when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. just ask listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold™. also try listerine® pocketpaks for fresh breath on the go. and, our adult children moveare here, still. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? lasts up to two times longer.
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tide, number 1 rated. hey, pal. what, you got you want tough love, mentholyptus halls with big time cooling flavor. or soft love. milder flavored honey halls with real honey. tough love. soft love. get the love you love. where does it come from? was it my refusal to accept that an nfl official was a man's job? was it to show my daughter that she can be anything that she wants to be? if i don't believe in myself who will? it does start on the inside. your best starts inside. that's why every cup of activia yogurt is made with billions of our exclusive probiotic to help care for what's inside. activia. it starts inside. we're back with "today's take." our guest co-host, mr. dean
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cain. february 2nd of course known as groundhog day. who can forget the classic movie? ♪ just put your little hand in mine there's no mountain we can't climb ♪ >> and we're back with "today's take" with guest co-host mr. dean cain. who can forget the classic movie. take a look. ♪ just put your little hand in mine there ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb ♪ ♪ i got you babe i got you babe ♪ >> welcome back on this thursday morning. we're joined by the great dean cain. it's february 2nd, better known as groundhog day. take a look. ♪ just put your little hand in mine there ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb
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babe, i got you babe ♪ >> and welcome -- okay. >> that's all. >> our little homage to the great bill murray and andie macdowell movie "groundhog day." i got to sit with the great andie macdowell a few weeks ago at the hallmark channel's tca thing where we're both announcing some movies. but punxsutawney phil did make the yearly prediction. what a surprise. here is his prediction. >> at gobbler's knob on groundhog day, we celebrate a worldwide holiday. it's mighty cold weather you've been braving. is it winter or is it summer you're craving? since we've been up all night and starting to toddle, i, punxsy phil, shall not dawdle. my faithful followers i clearly see a perfect clear shadow of me. six more weeks of winter it
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shall be! >> again, now, about 3,000 temperature lights. he's going to see his shadow. >> you have to. >> there's 131 years they've been doing this. 8 out of every 10 years he sees his shadow. we don't buy this. we want to do our own test. let's see if dean cain sees his shadow. >> no, i don't see a shadow. >> oh my gosh! early spring! >> no shadow. >> all right. >> you're my hero. >> yes! >> i live in's always early spring. >> now back to your burrow. >> exactly. >> i love this part. you become the ground hog. >> i was in character. >> we were talking. tell everybody who you went to high school with. >> oh, yeah. well, holly robinson. not even high school. junior high school. holly ran the roost, man. she ran the school. she called me hot stuff back in the day. >> and she was right. >> thank you.
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>> who else? >> oh, rob lowe, chris penn, charlie sheen, sean penn. all those kids. it was malibu. >> totally normal. totally normal. >> back in the day. there was a lot of us back then. we've all done poorly, very poorly. >> the best anybody can say at my school is they went to school with me. how depressing is that? wow. >> goodness. >> anyway, actually our most famous alum was the late antonin scalia. oh, wow. >> i can't come up with anything close. >> okay. so i don't know if you saw earlier, there's this unbelievable video on youtube. more than 30 million people watching this north carolina teacher, barry white jr., i love that name, and he came up with a personalized handshake for 60 of his students which is just unbelievable. >> so cool. >> makes the kids feel so special and loved. and so he came by our studio this morning and created a different handshake for matt, hoda, and the team.
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so take a look. >> i was watching this. yeah. matt killed it. look at this. come on. >> no way. that could have gone awry. >> hoda's -- a little -- that was a middle of the road. >> i like it. i like it. >> al, what are you doing. >> i don't know. i have no idea. >> i don't know what that is. >> i don't they are. >> the fact he memorizes. >> carson, the robot, that's not happening either. >> the guy's a teaching savant. >> well, you know, to make each student feel that special. i have a kid who is a little bit quiet and that would make him feel so special. it's a wonderful thing. i ran down after that to meet the gentleman, him and his parents because they've raised obvious lay heck of a young man. >> he gave props to all the teachers in the school. he says every one of them does something special from music to history to art to math to make their kids feel really loved. >> shoutout to the teachers. >> teachers!
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>> make the world go round. >> who were yours? >> my mom, my grandma. >> miss mccullough and paul carey were my favorites. >> eleanor friar. >> teachers. >> happens to be a catholic school. all right. let's show you what's happening weather-wise. weekend outlook, we have some lake-effect snow, some areas picking up 3 feet of snow in the plateau. heavy rain and snow out west for saturday. we expect to see more rain and snow in the pacific northwest and the plains. lake-effect snow in the central great lakes. sunshine elsewhere. sunday, sunday! big game. we're looking at lots of wet weather along the west coast. snow in the great lakes. and again we are talking good times, ladies and gentleen.m good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. we have a few clouds going through the area, and some flurries in the suburbs with more sunshine. and the warmup, with 32 in the
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suburbs, and up to 40 for the lehigh valley. delaware turning sunny and 46 and breezy to new jersey and 47 in the shore. we will be dry this afternoon and the winds that blow through this afternoon bring in the cold tonight. have a great day. that's your latest weather. dean, we saw you wow was the magic. what's the next segment? >> i love magic, love watching it, not very good at doing it but i could maybe occasionally come up with something! >> ho! >> what is this? >> that's my pocket square. >> our master illusionist is [ distorted voice ] progressive claims to show people their competitors' rates alongside their direct rate to save you money. but what's really going on? when played backwards at 1/8th speed you can clearly hear... what could that mean? woman: tom? tom!
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they're just commercials. or are they? you're waking the neighbors. well, mom, maybe the neighbors need to be woke. i think it's actually "awoken." no, that doesn't even seem right. no, it's "awoken." revealing the truth to help you save. ♪ our powerful relief now in pill form. it's the one and only cold & flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. power through with theraflu expressmax caplets. he's got the cash. he's got a condo. he's got a car. he's got a career. but that still doesn't mean he get's you. ♪ time to shine. orbit. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress.
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but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. panera. food as it should be. ♪ ♪ ♪ you're probably wondering why thai've just carvedng! a giant wooden tiger. well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. i've crafted dr. whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot,
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carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people don't like that. come here to buy a car. dr. whiskers won't pounce. nobody will. ♪ we are back now with the ultimate illusionist michael carbonaro. >> what's up? >> that's right. you know him as the host of "the carbonaro effect" on trutv, shocking up suspecting folks with unbelievable magic tricks. >> he gave one customer the surprise of her life. >> i'm okay. how are you? >> doing great. >> good. >> get your own bags here. >> i do. >> oh, you have a cabbage here? >> cabbage. >> i get confused between the cabbage and the lettuce. somebody told me to shake it, right? wait unt way to tell it's a good healthy one. slam it like that. >> wait, where's my cabbage?
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>> i think this was -- it was brussels sprouts. >> no! >> that's amazing. >> where's my cabbage? >> you knew that about cabbages, right? they will do that. >> grown-up asparagus. >> i don't trust anything you say. nothing you say. >> wow. >> he'll do that to you. don't let him touch anything of yours. he'll turn it into something. what an amazing show. >> thank you so much. >> did she ever get her cabbage? >> she didn't. there's a little lawsuit going on. >> so what do you have for us today? >> today? >> a little something? >> yeah. well, i'm from new york originally so i grew up in long island, so when i'm in new york i'm always looking for fun things to do that i can bring to the show. new york's got the best stuff over on 14th street. the coolest toys. sometimes i'll use toys in the show that people don't know what they can do but we can make magic out of it. like here.
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these are the best ones too. i'll show you how they work. and you do this with your son ever, just like a little science experiment. >> i would do it. i haven't. >> you take one droplet of water. these are the fastest ones. usually you have to wait overnight, wait for them to grow. these are great. a little drop of water in here and then a little tablet goes in the water. >> why am i holding my breath? >> no, don't be scared. >> okay. >> you turn it. and then -- boop. isn't that cute? that looks real, doesn't it? >> it looks really real. >> it's just so fast the way it pops out. and the kids love that stuff. you can't get stuff like this in california. >> a frog in a package. perfect. >> the best thing -- one of the things i love is the reactions that the real people give because like what you did right there is not right. >> well, i mean, on the tv show we do magic tricks. this of course is just a real toy from new york.
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>> that's so real. the battery must be so tiny. >> you want to hold him? >> no. >> don't be scared. >> you could do one. you want to try one? it's groundhog day. we should repeat. >> there aren't any more frogs. >> they pop out of here. >> okay. >> it's the tiny little -- >> okay. >> do you want to do it? >> yes. >> okay. here. a little droplet of water on it. >> okay. now what? >> cover up with that and shake it up and you wait till you hear and lift up. sorry, sorry, sorry. i am so sorry. i'm sorry. this is the variety pack. my fault. that's my bad. yeah. multiple ones. i didn't know. i wouldn't have done that. i would not have done that. i'm so sorry. i'm sorry. variety pack. it's unbelievable. [ ribitting ]
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>> they're harmless. they'll shake down. sorry about that. sorry. so sorry. >> are you okay? >> it's -- sorry. i'm so sorry. >> okay. you can watch "the carbonaro effect" wednesday nights on trutv. coming up, chocolate-covered potato humpty! humpty! [moaning] oh, not again. aww are you alright? everything hurts! i'm gettin most of ya. [police sirens] ooh. what happened here? he fell off the wall. he was doing his taxes. is this the fool that was on the wall? yeah. reports just in say he was in fact doing his taxes. the main question being asked, "why was he doing his taxes on a wall?" because you can! ♪
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we have an update on the breaking news this morning. a prison officer found dead following a hostage situation in smyrna, delaware. inmates took employees hostage at the vaughn correction center yesterday in delaware. state police breached the building this morning and they found one employee and another dead. two hostages were released yesterday. we also saw prisoners handcuffed on the ground a short time later. the delaware governor john carney released a statement saying that he is praying hard for the fallen officer's family. this serves as tragic reminder
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that the members of law enforcement risk their lives everyday on behalf of the people of delaware. we will have more live on air and on the nbc 10 app. and we go to blake bortles who has the most accurate forecast. >> the clouds are on the move. look at the blue sky over cape may. the temperatures watrming up across the board. 37 in lehigh valley, and 40s in delaware and 40 at the shore with a few warmer neighborhoods. cape may courthouse is 45 degrees. >> thank you, bill. and now a check on the roads for jessica boyington. and what are you seeing? >> well, we are watching the schuylkill and slow speeds here around montgomery drive. no surprise moving from center city. and also, there is a crash in abington, and moreland road and ly coming after knew. and as always, you get more
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updates on the nbc 10 app, and as always, we will see you again at the p t at the top of the hour.
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oh, it doesn't get any -- and it's groundhog day. let's do it again. one more time. >> what's in that pot? >> oh, that was great. >> okay. >> besides watching football and the commercials the biggest part of super bowl sunday of course the food. our main man, justin chapel, back with some easy snack hacks. let's do it. >> let's do it. we don't have any frogs here. >> frog legs, right? >> these are frog legs. no. we're doing chicken wings. these are baked chicken wings but they're going to be extra crispy baked chicken wings.
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what's the secret ingredient? >> baking powder. >> how come? >> it dries out the skin of the wings and then it promotes browning. so when you -- is problem is when you bake chicken wings they don't get super crispy. >> it doesn't add to the flavor. >> just a little bit but you know you're going to dip them in sauce or blue cheese or whatever. you put them on a baking rack, throw them in the oven until they're crispy and brown and them in the hot sauce. you can serve it on the side. some people don't like hot wings. >> or barbecue sauce. >> exactly. >> wings. >> i'm making those. >> these are two ingredients little wieners for super bowl. in our crock pot we have a little barbecue sauce, your favorite one, and add these miniature wieners, give it a whirl. >> whirl. >> just whirl it up and let it go on high for about an hour until it's bubbling. serve it with little toothpicks here and there you go. >> those will be gone in 15 minutes at our house.
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>> every time i serve these they're gone in like five minutes. i'm not kidding. >> grilled cheese? >> yes. panned grilled cheese. pull apart. you can grab these little dinner rolls. you cut the whole sheet in half and fill wit your favorite cheese. i like pemer jack because it's almost like a secret ingredient with hot peppers in it. fill it right in there. but the trick here is you're going to bake it between two preheated sheet pans. preheat them in the of. for about 10, 15 minutes, put it right in between them and you get it's almost like an oven panini. >> can i pull these apart now? >> pull it apart. grilled cheese there. perfect. great for a party. put it on the table. you can walk around and eat it. >> yum. >> that's happening for sure. >> i like that. >> the chip station. >> we have dessert for you. >> chocolate-covered chips. >> that's all we're doing here. >> are you sure there's nothing in this bowl? >> nothing in the bowl. >> i'm like -- what's going to happen? >> i like the ones with the ridged but a it gets more
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chocolate. dip it in the melted chocolate, 20 seconds in the microwave. stir between each interval. it takes about 15, 20 minutes to set. you get these little bowls of chocolate-covered chips. >> put salt in your body. >> two ingredients, super easy. and i'm going to go ahead and let these guys have one. >> oh, yeah. i like how easy it all is. >> super easy. >> that works for me. >> this is all doable. >> totally doable. >> finally, s'mores nachos. these look incredible. if you want to watch justin make these during our break, go to today food our facebook page and watch our live demo. pretty cool. >> she survived the frog, so we decided to send sheinelle to survival school. you will not agree what she has agreed to put herself through. another segment of "let's kill shei who said kids can't cook?
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who said men can't bake? who said that women can't grill? there are a lot of cooking misconceptions out there, like that one that says olive oil is the only 'heart-healthy' cooking oil. mazola corn oil has significantly more cholesterol-blocking plant sterols than olive oil, and a clinical study showed it can help lower cholesterol 2x more than extra virgin olive oil. when it comes to heart-health, one thing is clear mazola is a smart choice. america's #1 selling heart-healthy cooking oil. two words: it heals.e different? how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you.
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you may be muddling through allergies.oned with... try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. for the first time ever.g to the next level, at olive garden. never ending classics starting at $11.99. switch it up between never ending helpings of your most loved classic dishes. because the best things in life should be never ending. at olive garden. with new herbal essences "let life in bursting with argan oil of morocco and notes of jasmine sure to put more life in your hair and your head. new herbal essences let life in"
9:36 am
what if an insurance company wasn't only there when things went wrong? because for every tornado... there's a twister. for every crash... an even bigger collision. and for every tailspin... well, tailspins. state farm understands that getting the most out of life doesn't just mean being there when things go wrong. it's about being here... in all of life's moments. when things go perfectly... right. ♪ whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums
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weight watchers! [cheering] nobody would believe you're eating bacon... - pizza - i have chips every day! - you can have whatever you want, it's just making smart choices about eating. bring on the food! we're having it all! i feel good about myself. yeah! best decision of my life. it always feels good when somebody says you look good. aren't we glad we did it? yes! we're doing it! in the first two months, members have lost 15% more weight than on our prior program. join for free and get a free starter kit. hurry, offer ends february 13th! (singsong) budget meeting. sweet. if you compare last quarter... it's no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with no artificial preservatives, flavours or dyes. made with no artificial preservatives,
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wiback like it could used to? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena okay. so have you ever been sitting on the emergency row on an airplane and they ask if you're willing and able to assist in an emergency? >> before you blindly say yes, you'll want to see what sheinelle went through. >> pretty terrifying, pretty extreme, i should say. we went to survival school for a hands-on course to learn exactly what to do when trouble strikes. i'm freaking out. welcome to survival systems usa. a highly immersive training program that teaches the ins and outs of water safety with a focus on team building that brings you and your colleagues closer than ever before.
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i called upon two of my producer, joelle and hanna, to join me for the challenge ahead. this is what i call the ultimate trust fall. after an extensive safety class, we were finally ready to be sub merged under water. >> all right, ladies. let's go. >> all of a sudden now it's real. panic isn't the word, but is this normal to feel the anxiety we feel? >> absolutely. >> the anticipation of the unknown. >> all right, ladies. we're going to begin today by donning our life vests. after we're done with that, we're going to head up to the platform and take the plunge. everybody ready? >> no. >> no. >> our first task to help us warm up, a 13-foot leap of faith. next up, getting into a life raft. >> they kick their feet up towards their bottoms. the people on either side of them grab an ankle. the person in the middle counts to three. >> one, two, three. >> and they straighten their legs off and push off of their hands. >> while battling tough weather conditions. >> nice job. that's team work. >> and getting safely to the
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rescue basket. >> one at a time. you're going to disembark the raft. you want to go out safely feet first, make your way over to the basket, climb inside. send a big signal you're ready to go up and tuck down tightly. >> you can't see what's going on. like if you try to look up and see you can't breathe. >> all in preparation for -- >> it's time for the big show. >> the airplane simulator. the goal, teaching us how to survive a potential plane crash where the cabin is fully sub merged under water. luckily for us, we had practice. >> the chair is going to flip over. once that opens, grab with your right hand and don't let go. bring your left hand over the release your seat belt and pull yourself out. >> what we train for. >> you're sitting in an emergency exit row. are you willing and able to help in an emergency? >> yes. >> yes. >> use a reference point to locate your exit. find the handle first and then you can open the exit.
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>> one of the biggest keys we learned, being patient and not to move until the craft settles. then sit up straight, even though you're upside down, feel for the exit, unbuckle, and methodically get out. that's to put it simply. bottom line, this is an experience we'll never forget. ♪ >> worth every minute. >> yes. >> i feel like i'm forever changed.
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changed. ju >> my heart's beating. >> i was terrified. my legs were shaking. but you know what, i feel empowered. you go the extreme of what you thought you could dmoefr. i'm afraid of water and holding my breath. i learned something in an airplane. he said five rows from the exit -- >> that's about it. >> i'm not going to make it. >> if you're more than five rows away from the exit -- >> that would make it that much more difficult. you can't see and you're upside down. always memorize where you are so if the lights are out you can feel your way through. look at the exit and figure out how you would open it. before the lady would talk, the flight attendant, i'd put my earphones on and not pay attention. >> for some people that must have been icinedrbly difficult and what an amazing thing to do. >> amazing. >> interesltiy,ng i would totally recommend it. so empowering. you've done it before. >> yes, i've done things like that before, not this particular one, but i would do it. i would love to.
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your awareness about where you are, what you're doing, it applies to everything every day. >> you want to find out how you can take survival school or a course, you can check out lit test your limits, that's for sure. >> that's incredible. sheinelle, thanks so much. i'm going to pop over here. >> where are you going? >> i'm not buckled in. i'm getting away before the plane -- anyway, let's take a look. super bowl li. we've got the ultimate pep rallies going. sheinelle's going to be -- where are you in atlanta, 11 asflooif. >> hudson grill. >> downtown atlanta, 7:00 a.m. 44 degrees. i'll be our friends at nbc boston, channel 10 for most folks. we'll be at faneuil hall at cheers. 22 degrees. sunny and cold. for the big game, that's right, in houston, at the nrg stadium, it's a retractable dome but there could be a few showers at kickoff. 71 halftime with lady gaga up on the roof. 67 degrees and mostly cloudy skies. that's what's go
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good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. might see a flurry through the suburbs with more and more sunshinement and look at the warmup. 45 in philadelphia with more and more sunshine and up to 40 for lehigh valley. delaware turning sunny and 46 and breezy for new jersey and 46 degrees inland. 47 at the shore. we will be dry this afternoon and the winds blowing through the afternoon pringing the cold tonight. have a great day. and that is your latest weather. coming up, don't wait till sunday. we have your first look at some great super bowl ads with major star power. star power. throwback thursday after t where does it come from? was it my refusal to accept that an nfl official was a man's job? was it to show my daughter that she can be anything that she wants to be? if i don't believe in myself who will?
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it does start on the inside. your best starts inside. that's why every cup of activia yogurt is made with billions of our exclusive probiotic to help care for what's inside. activia. it starts inside. hi hey you look good. thank you, i feel good. it all starts with eating right. that's why i eat amaz!n prunes now. they're delicious and help keep my body in balance. i love these. sunsweet amaz!n prunes, the feel good fruit. hdid you get that email i sente wyou...before you wake up. ... when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing.
9:46 am
applebee's all-in burger meal we're talkin' burger. fries. pepsi. prizes. like producer for a day with mike and mike. woo! get a burger, fries and a pepsi for just $9.99 at lunch, plus a shot at instant prizes. ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. game night is our daughter allie's favorite night. and knowing that her favorite general mills big g cereals are gluten-free, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says, "you picked the wrong insurance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance.
9:47 am
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okay. if you're like me, you're not in the super bowl for the football. you're in it for the commercials. >> yes. and this year one 30-second ad airing during the big game can cost advertisers up to $5 million. >> 5 million bucks. here is a preview of some of the best with james cooper, editorial director for "ad week." >> happy super bowl. >> it seems like all these advertisers are releasing the commercials now, they started last year, releasing before the big game. >> sure. i think that's sort of a strategy to stretch their investment. as you mingesed, $5 million for 30 seconds is a lot of money. so they want to sort of get as much bang for their buck as they can so they sort of tease the ads before, do a lot of social support to sort of stretch that investment so they get sort of pre, during, and even post the big game. >> does that work for them? is it snoif. >> i think it does. two years ago they released the
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entire ad and by the time the game airs they were over it. this adds excitement, stokes people's imagination and they get pumped for the ads. >> let's dig in. honda's super bowl commercial. ready? >> yep. >> here we go. >> bring it. >> when you start out, you might not know where you're going or what you're doing or why you're carrying this red rose with you. >> you just keep going. keep your focus and avoid the distractions. >> at times you may fall flat on your face. but technically that's still moving forward. >> you've got to pick yourself up. make the move. and do it all with a smile. >> believe in yourself. you think that any of these folks believed that i'd make it? >> definitely not. >> that was a rhetorical question, darrell. >> wow, that's amazing. >> so this ad, created by honda's advertising out of los angeles, tells this amazing
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story of humble beginnings and success. 20 years ago it was a smaller suv, sort of a quirky release and didn't get as much love as they wanted to right out of the gate, but they spent a lot of time with imagination, determination, and faith and brands and it became the best-selling vehicle in america. >> spud mckenzie making a comeback. let's check him out. >> spud. >> to be honest, i don't even have an excuse, man. i'm just going to stay in. >> hello, brian. >> spud mckenzie? what are you doing here? >> my soul hurts when people don't drink bud light with friends. at this moment your friends are hanging out and you're missing it. >> i didn't think it was a big deal. >> i'm a man, you're man, take my leash. i need to show you something. this was last week.
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>> hey! >> sad bacon legs. >> what does that mean. >> it's an inside joke. you had to be there. >> spuds? >> my ex. got to go. >> perfect. >> i love that. that will be talked about. >> that's the ultimate super bowl throwback. spuds. >> really quickly, let's look at skittles. >> okay. >> katie! katie! katie! >> hmm. hmm. >> katie! katie! >> hmm. >> katie! >> hmm. >> mm. >> katie! >> mm. >> katie! >> mm. >> humor always seems to win. >> humor is one of the greatest buttons they can push. i think it does really well because people tend to share humor on social so that ad definitely hits that pretty hard. >> thank you for being here.
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>> marshawn lynch at the end. >> thank you for the exclusiveness. >> my pleasure. >> catch the super bowl commercials at fios is not cable. we're wired differently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, it's a full house to the wilsons. because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. don't pay for uploads that aren't up to speed. get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only $79.99 per month online for one year. only from fios.
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just gets better and better. >> wait. there we go. >> one more time. one more time. >> how tall are you? >> 4'11". >> 4'11"? >> oh. >> so. >> dean, thank you for being here, my
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nbc 10 breaking news. we continue to follow the breaking news this morning. an officer found dead following a hostage situation in smyrna, delaware. at 5:00 this morning, the state delaware police wept in-- wept into building where the hostages were held. they rescued one employee. one guard was found dead. two employees who had been taken hostage were released yesterday. this is what it looked like around 6:00 a.m. this morning when the state police went into
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the building. inmates handcuffed on the ground. we will have more on that at 10:30, and also, you can get updates at our nbc 10 app. and now, we go to our meteorologist bill henley. >> we are getting a nice warmup already 45 in delaware. and sunshine out of the the west at 10 miles per hour. clo closer to 40 degrees with sunshine in lehigh valley. and 40 as the wind is picking nup philadelphup in philadelphia. and we will see 40s this afternoon. vai. >> and let's get a look at the roads with our traffic reporter jessica boyington. >> we are looking good here at route 42, and this is northbound moving towards philadelphia. you can see no big problems or delays on the 42 freeway. 95 okay, but slow on the southbound side, and doing much better. no problems with wood haven to the vine. >> i'm vai sikahema and we will
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have another update for you in 25 minutes, and you can always get your updates on the nbc 10 app. now, stay tuned and we will be back with you at the bottom of the hour.
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>> narrator: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. welcome to thirsty thursday. it's february 2nd, ground hog day. >> which should be a national holiday. >> punxsutawney phil saw his shadow, so that means since more week of winter. it will be six more on weeks of winter anyway no matter where you are. it will be six more weeks if you're in miami. winter is winter. am i right? >> you are right. but a colder winter is what they should say. >> that's the


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