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tv   Today  NBC  March 29, 2017 7:00am-9:41am EDT

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throughout the morning or get it on the nbc10 app. good morning. breaking overnight, three storm chasers killed pursuing a string of powerful tornadoes in texas. 34g.
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good morning. >> good morning, savannah. >> let's get to some of the headlines in the news. at the top, this issue of russia, the investigation being held by the intelligence committee. you're a former prosecutor. i want to call on that expertise. given what we know about devin nunes, that he went to the white house, in the midst of an investigation of the white house, can he stay in that job? does he need to step down and recuse himself to maintain
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credibility? >> that's a judgment for him to make. the intelligence committees on the house and the senate side, have been set up to be bipartisan. and they are bipartisan. and i think they've done a great job over the years in investigating matters and ov overseeing the intelligence committee. >> but has he shot that by virtue of his actions? he goes to the white house in the middle of this investigation and won't say who let him in. >> savannah, i don't think he shot that credibility that's been developed over three decades on these intelligence committees in a bipartisan way. and everyone in the committee has a role in the investigation. they're going to conduct an appropriate investigation at the american people want. you see the senate, co-chairs, the chair and the ranking member, doing the things they need to do together. and i think that we'll get to the bottom of whatever issues are arised here and we'll get the job done over in congress. >> governor, are we about 70 days in the new administration. there's been high-profile setbacks for president trump.
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couple of executive orders have been blocked by federal courts. the debacle over health care last week. at this stage of this administration, give it a letter grade. >> you know, matt, i don't want to turn my couch transcript over. i'm not going to give over letter grades. is this a "c" performance? is it a "b." >> it's incomplete. nine weeks down and 199 weeks to go in the first term of this administration. i would suggest that everybody take a breath. i've never seen such breathlessness over nine weeks of work. the fact is, that the president has a number of initiatives he's working on. the opioid initiative is important to every family in every corner of this country. and he's going to do the things over the course of his four years that's going to keep the promises he's made to the american people. >> you know what happens in early on in administrations. there's often times a shakeup, where some people in prominent positions leave, kind of a survival of the fittest
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situation. you had been talked about as possibly chief of staff or attorney general. f for example, if the chief of staff position were to be available, would you want in? >> i'm the governor of new jersey, matt. it's my desire to finish my time as governor of new jersey. i'm able to do the opioid commission with him because we care passionately about this issue and we want to try to save lives. that's what we're going to do. any speculation about that stuff is not something that i'm going to address because i have a job. i enjoy doing it and i want to keep it. >> let's talk about the new role you've been given, the opioid epidemic. you look at the numbers, it's shocking. in 2015, more people died from overdose than from firearms or car accidents. what can you really do about it? and when you think about the health care bill that the republicans put forth last week, it wouldn't have done anything for addiction treatment.
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where do you start with this? >> you're right about the numbers. in new jersey last year, four-times the number of people died of a drug overdose than died from murder. and three-times the number of people died of an overdose than died from or automobile ske accident. addiction is a disease. addiction is a disease. and no life is disposable. we can help people by gets them appropriate treatment. our charge on this commission is to look both what the federal government is doing and what the states are doing, and how can we do this better to help people not start taking drugs right off the bat? and then, move on to say, if people fall victim to this disease, what can we do to give them appropriate treatment to help them to reclaim their lives? we're doing that in new jersey in a very aggressive way, which is one of the reasons why the president has called on me to run this commission. and i look forward to working with him. i know it's an issue he cares deeply about personally. we spoke a lot about it over the
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years. and it's something that we're going to work hard to try to help the american family get a grip on this problem. >> governor, i need to end with the subject. while you're there in the washington, and in a courthouse in new jersey, two of your former associates are going to be sentenced for their roles inle the bridgegate scandal. they're asking for probation. the prosecutors say there will be no leniency. in your opinion, do they need to serve some time? >> the judge will do what the judge believes is appropriate, matt. it's not my role or anybody else's role, other than the judge in that courtroom, to pass sentence on people who have committed crimes. >> all right. governor chris christie. >> thank you for your time, sir. appreciate it. former trump campaign member paul manafort is a key figure in the investigations in possible ties to russia. and nbc news has exclusive information on some of his business dealings that are raising red flags. richard engel has that part of the story. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. specifically, we're reporting on
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some offshore bank accounts and companies linked to manafort that are now being looked into. he's a focus of multiple investigations into president trump's inner circle and the possible ties to russia, paul manafort. and long before he was trump's campaign chairman, manafort was paid millions by a russian oligarch close to vladimir putin. at one time, manafort promised to greatly benefit the putin government. nbc news has learned u.s. treasury department officials are now following manafort's money trail. an investigation that's led them and us, to a small island in the mediterranean. to find out more, we came here to cyprus, to the city, who has a reputation for its beaches and a hub for money laundering. this is where some of the money manafort got from the russian tycoon went. bankin knowledge of the transactions
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tell nbc news, at leastpened in for more than ten companies. manafort. the sources say in one case,ollf these accounts and left it>> mof launderers do., is v to >> reporter: there was a lot of money lv$18.9 million to buy a this n,ding to wikileaks oligarchs that putin turns to on a regular basis. >> paul manafort played an t tr campaign. and was involved in potentially payments from russian oligarch close raises a lot of questions. ver worked for the russianrnme.
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and deripaska denied he manafort to help the putin government, calling it fake w d manafort's accounts st few raised suspicions. in2,ystem at laiki flagged thessible money l. according to sources thatheinfo manafort chose to close o nbc n spokesman said, o manafort's companies were legitimate entities aestablishe. adding, mr. no specific personal recollection of the shutdown of cyprus accounts, which he said took place during a banking crisis on the island. the attorney general in cyprus tells us his office has provided information about
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manafort-linked businesses on the island to u.s. investigators. matt? savannah? >> richard, thank you very much. let's check in with al. he is spending day three of rokerthon at the university of tennessee. al, good morning. >> good morning, guys. we're neelon stadium. and we're trying to fill in the largest human letter, the power "t" here in tennessee. before we get to that, let's show you what's happening around the rest of the country. we told you about the strong storms that will be firing up through the center plains. we have morning snow in the rockies. heavy rain in the pacific northwest. along the eastern seaboard, plenty of sunshine. gorgeous day in miami, with a gorgeous day in miami, with a high of turns out things aren't always what you think they are. gorgeous day in miami, with a high of take guinea pigs. they're not pigs at all, nor are they from guinea. or take this haircut. i may look all business, but look out... . but there's a party going on back here. kinda misleading, isn't it? well, at carmax,
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you don't have to worry about being misled. the price online is the same price in the store, which is the same for everyone. even guinea pigs. it's only fair mr. biscuits. only fair. ♪ carmax music sting good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. clouds to start, but we'll see more and more sunshine. a beautiful day ahead. we'll be in the 60s this afternoon in philadelphia. a little breezy. those are northwesterly winds that will stay with us through the day and into this evening. clouds in the suburbs, sunshine and 59 degrees this afternoon. low 60s for new jersey, those clouds will thin quickly. bright sunshine later this morning and through the afternoon. and look at the temperatures in the lehigh valley in delaware. warming up with sunny skies today. >> that's your latest weather. guys, to break the record, we needneed 4,000 people for a fgus world record. take a look at the jumbotron.
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you can see, we're starting to fill it in. will we get the number we need? it's up in the air. and on the field, we'll continue to monitor it and bring you rokerthon 3, day three, from knoxville, tennessee. university of tennessee, guys. >> speaking of things i need, i need an orange vol hat with the "t." is that okay? >> on that. do you have requests, savannah? >> i would like the jacket you're wearing. >> i would get one in your size. >> and also a buddy. coming up, talking about the family at the center of that uproar over this lengthy tsa pat-down of a young boy. they are speaking out to nbc news. and then, new concerns over the homemade slime craze after a girl suffers serious burns. her mother's warning to other parents. we'll have that for you.
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your 26. most accurate --et most accurate forecast. >> clouds but no sign of rain. clouds will be heading out. blowing out of here. look at the winds, up to 17 miles per hour in wilmington. t. the lehigh valley is the clouds move delpa this afternoon. into the low 60s for nercooler. you will see bright, sunny skies he valley. now a check of thestlert tr reporter jessica boyington has you covered. watching 95 accident scene, pushed intorom
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the trees, as well. with the police activity on the scene. and hamilton township, we're ac. 195 westbound, the former aides jersey governo bridgetbridgegate scandal. their attorneys are asking for g a heads to court. maurice green walked in 11 kilo 7:00. of march, 2017.
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week, is that al knows howoce. hey, al. ♪ got the coach here. coach, how are you you can see this is a special place. andre neelon stadium. how many peoplewith? >> we're not going to need that many. t
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guinness world record of the going to form the power tennessee. we need over -- the record. >> i promise you, llpromise? all right. we smoky junior. cheerleading s going to try to break the rec l here at the university ofoxvill. day three of >> if you fall a when you go to the dormrooms and knock on the door. just do thyeah. >> tell them savannah sent you. all right. let's take a look at headlines on this wednesday morning. a fourth-straight day of severe weather on tap in the south. ov of texas and oklahoma were hit with daging w.
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three storm chasers werecollide they track the srms in west texas. an investigation is under ylines flight crash-landed at the plane caught fire as passena ing the pilot and the crew for dispute and end a boycott offour-year a olympic games. business-class travel, just like the and insurance an duggan, in wom sport. the over a
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13-year-old boy international airport. we'r covers aviation and good morning. >> reporter: morning. several aviation officials be a bitesrocedures for the tsa a their hand to brush up bu and the breasts. this morning, we're hearing from the outraged mot13 aear-old son across the country. >> i area. and w you link who is this person and why are they doing n heading to san diego for wearin shorts. but his so, he was pulled aside forinsp.
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his mom argued w officers, saying her son suffers frosorde alternative w what was ouched happening. >> mother recording the procedur l minute. the officers checkedinghe back the front of aaron's shor>>y s areas one time. they went mria lit up. that literd t child is wearinghi
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everyone complains about tsa ts every day. and our officers are trained to. aaron says he remained calm because he wanted to sta >> i really wanted to >> reporter: so, through all of th, t the final screening,td their fio san diego. they ctit's in a very ofic not doing enough and dointoo much. >>ysac time to go back to al hey. weot pattern. >> okay.eehat we got going on
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co erned. that was a perfect looking at a. there's the usin allf degrees average. cincinnati iavoiage. tomorrow, the heat temperatures anywheremxas all t to be int the weekend, temperatures in the 90s in orlando. by andnday. that's what's going on around the cotr meteorologist bill hen. cle t sunshine. a befu 60s thieezy
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those are northwesterlyhis even it. clouds in the sus. this afterno. low 60s for new jersey. those clouds will thin quickly. bright sunshine later this morning and through the afternoon. look at the temperatures in the lehigh valley and delaware, warming with sunny skies today. have a great day. >> get your weather anytime you need it. check out our friends at the weather channel on cable. trying to set the guinness world record for the largest human weather. trying to form the power "t" here at neelon stadium. we're filling it in. we need 4,000 people. and we're going to continue to fill it in as the morning wears on. can we break the guinness world record? guys, we are giving it our big college try here at the university of tennessee in knoxville. back to you. >> i think we do have the slow-mo instant replay of the pattern you just ran. >> nobody runs a go pattern like
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you, al. >> that's right. well, nobody wants to run a go pattern like that. >> by the way, al, the guys in the control room wanted coach jones to tack you'll when you came back to him. you're lucky he had no imb. you go, al. >> yeah. >> he's fired up. >> how about that, al? how a popular coffee chain may have found a cure for the common cold. >> i'll take one. first, one family's warning before you let your kids play and make that homemade sli
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dear freshpet, zooka had digestive problems and wouldn't eat. then i fed him freshpet. how do you become america's best-sli you make it detect what they don't. sorry. watch, watch, watch! i'm relaxed. whoa-whoa-whoa!!!ch! and the parents who worry about them
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fuel it fuel your hair. because strong is beautiful. [ cheers and applause ] we're back. 7:33 with a story all parents really need to see. >> a lot of kids are having fun with do-it-yourself slime projects. i know it's happened in my house. but a girl in massachusetts ended up with third-degree burns from the experiment. sheinelle jones is here with more on that. >> good morning. the internet offers countless tutorials for making slime. but the mom of that 11-year-old girl said her daughter is proof that a key ingredient is a recipe for danger. seems like every kid wants to get their hands on do-it-yourself slime. >> what do you have? >> slime. >> reporter: the wildly popular project -- >> we're going to take our teaspoon and put some borax.
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>> reporter: turned science everywhere. a massachusetts mother is warning other parents of one of the key ingredients. >> i feel like a terrible mother for letting her have access to this. i thought it was laundry detergent. >> reporter: her 11-year-old daughter, kathleen, now recovering from second and third-degree burns on her hands. >> i woke up in the middle of the night and my hands were all wet and sticking together and were blistered. and like, it just felt horrible. >> reporter: she says borax is to blame, after kathleen made slime every day for the past couple of months. >> this time, her hands had had enough. >> they're still very painful. and they're in a claw. >> heavy duty work clothes don't scare me a bit, not with borax handy. >> reporter: for more than a
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century, borax has been used for laundry and cleaning around the house. but as consumer reports tells nbc news, quote, just because borax is safe to use for those applications, does not make it safe elsewhere, such as in making homemade slime. the box labels the product as an eye irritant and may be harmful if swallowed. it warns to keep out of reach of children. medical experts say case like kathleen's are extreme. >> for the most cases, children using borax under supervision in small doses, shouldn't be a concern. but if they have a lot of doses, that may cause an issue, especially if they have sensitive skin. >> reporter: and if your child does have sensitive skin, there are borax-free alternatives. buzz feed releasing a new recipe, mostly comprised of liquid starch and glue.
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>> slime is such a huge trend. we wanted to make sure there were safe options that people could make that deliver on the fun, colorful aspect. >> reporter: a way to make slime without ending up in a sticky situation. quinn says parents here and in the u.s. and great britain have reached out to her, claiming their children also suffered burns. as for kathleen, she has to wear splints at night to straighten out her hands. if that doesn't work, she may require surgery. >> that's a good warning for parents. >> and you can use the alternative method. >> sheinelle, thank you very much. coming up next, we have carson in the orange room with a reason that the mercedes-benz of tomorrow will transform not just the automobile, but mobility itself. an autonomous-thinking vehicle protecting those inside and out. and it's the mercedes-benz of todayere the 2017 e-class,wi no car has offered before.
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invokana® works around the cloprocess of urination.ood h may cause you to feel dizzy, increases in cholesterol, risk of or urinary tract infections, serious side effects may inud stop taking and call youroms or if you experience symptoms breathing or swallowing. livery and medications you take.y medical conditio
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y inuse low blood sugar. imagine loving your numbers. but when i feel my best, activia with billions of its exclusive probiotic helps take care of what's inside take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. it works or it's free. oom with at 7:50. prom controversy. >> a lot of talk about this yesterday, guys. this poster was put up at the hallways at jacksonville stanton college prep high school. the picture shows four different
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styles of prom dresses with the question, are you going to stanton prom? below the revealing dresses it says, no, you're not. and the one that covers more, yes, you are. good girl. a student shared this on social media. the backlash happened quickly. using #scp good girl. this is disgusting and insulting to all of the intelligence young ladies who attend this school. another comment, good girl, how disrespectful and condescending can you be? this is disgusting. the school confirming that the posters were put up by a staff member. the school responding on twitter saying the display at prom photos is not appropriate or an approved policy. images were removed on monday. they included that hash tag. the stanton prom takes place this saturday. pretty powerful to see the students and alumni coming together, using the hash tag, going to social media and bringing about change. >> you can see why it rubs
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people the wrong way. just ahead, country royalty. jenna hanging out with music icon willie nelson. and al goes for another record, as rokerthon 3 takes the university of tennessee by storm. hashtag stuffy nose. hashtag mouthbreather. it instantly opens your ut breathe right.
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let's sunshine on tap today. it is the mostur it's not here yet. tbe here all day. they're here from the and keep things cool to start 41 degrees. 43 in t with clouds. this afternoon. a nice warmup tracy? let's check the roads with first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. she has you covered if you're heading out the door. >> that's right. a crash in hamilton township. proved to be fatal. so unfortunately with the scene, we're seeing some prett 195 westbound investigation around exit 5. 295 to get to the westbound side of 195cti
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all around the scene,p to thanks. happening right now, tee ho in sky force 10 was over taken to the hospital. we're wor hold a public hearing on master plan. the changes are aimedinvestmente ou late state attorney generalfirs. another update in from
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it's 8:00 on today. and coming up, trump's olive branch. just days after the defeat of his own health care plan, president trump hints that a new deal could happen very quickly. as his former opponent, hillary clinton emerges, to slam the president and the administration, in her most politically-charged speech since the election. >> we need to resist actions that go against our values as americans. >> we're live in washington. plus, on the road. again. ♪ on the road again >> jenna sits down with country legend willie nelson, to talk touring, texas and turning 84 years young. >> i'm a pretty lucky guy. a lot of good things have happened over the years. and rokerthon rolls on.
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>> go, al, go. >> after breaking records in oklahoma and michigan, al himself, to the university of tn. a and all that orange is making him feel at home, as he get set to put the "t" in "today," march 28t 29th, 2017. >> from texas, we love today. >> good morning. we're the johnson family from chicago. >> celebrating our 12th birthdays in new york. ♪ >> living spring break in new york city. >> happy morning. >> we're back, now, 8:00, on a wednesday morning. i think it's the 29th day of march.
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2017. and feeling a little better out here today. no coats for two of us. >> it feels good. >> a coat for ms. gust thrie. just ahead, step up and prepare to be amazed. we're going to treat you to a remarkable acrobatic performance here on the plaza. it's inspired by the golden age of circumstance cus. it's a new show. we're excited to bring it to you. >> i love that. first, let's see what al is up to at the university of tennessee, day three of rokerthon 3. al? >> well, guys, let me tell you. it's going nuts here. we're trying to get 4,000 students here at the university of tennessee, knoxville, to create a guinness world record for the world's largest human letter. we're doing the power "t." the record last year, 3,300 people. i want to bring in the
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chancellor, beverly davenport, coach butch jones. we're going to pick two names out of the hat, for a pure point financial scholarship and a scholarship that the college is giving. we're not going to reveal the names just yet, guys. but i can tell you, we are going to be very close, i think, to setting the record. we're going to tell you about that in just a little bit. look at that. it's filling in nicely. >> it looks really good. >> this location suits you to a "t." we love it. first, let's get to the morning's top stories. here's your news at 8:00. good morning. i'm hallie jackson in washington. where president trump is seeming to suggest the republican plan for health care is not dead just yet. as one former rival blasts that plan. hillary clinton, making a rare pluck appearance. >> resist, insist, persist, enlist. >> reporter: hillary clinton, sounding like she's back in
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campaign mode at a diversity conference in san francisco late tuesday. taking aim at the trump white house over health care. >> and when this disastrous bill failed, it was a victory for all americans. these are bad policies that will hurt people. and take our country in the wrong direction. >> reporter: at the same time, the president seemed to reverse course on the topic, telling senators on tuesday night, repeal and replace is not dead. >> i know we're going to make a deal on health care. that's an easy one. i have no doubt that's going to happen quickly. >> reporter: all of it, as devin nunes refuses to recuse himself on the house intelligence committee he's leading on russian interference. also congressman walter jones of north carolina, calling for him to do just that. it's more fallout from nunes' revelation of a secret meeting of an intel source on white house grounds, what he describes as incidental collection of trump transition team
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communications, unrelated to russia. >> do you think the investigation would be more credible if he cleared this up? >> i believe that devin nunes needs to clear things up. >> reporter: the congressman hasn't shared his source information with his colleagues yet or with president trump, he says. house speaker paul ryan standing by the chair of the powerful committee. when asked about him by nbc's kasie hunt. >> should devin nunes recuse himself from the russia investigation? and do you know the source of his conversation? >> no and no. >> reporter: the investigations into russian interference with the election, and any potential kremlin ties to the trump campaign, has the white house on defense yet again. >> okay. but understand this -- >> reporter: prompting this feistyryan from the american urban radio network. >> youot wiretapping. >> we don't have that. you've got russia. if the president putsussi salad dressing on his salad tonight, that's a russian connection. but every person -- i apprecia
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agenda here. >> reporter: through it all, the administration's working to go on rolling out its rollback of oba obama-era environmental regulations, meant job-creating moves for the coal industry. >> my administration is putting an end to the war on coal. >> reporter: environmental some appalled. >> this is not an executive order. this is a of war. >> reporter: and later today, keep a close eye on capitol hill for the latest on congress' ussia investigation. intelligence committee are expected to speak publicly about how that's progressing. matt? >> all right. hallie jackson, hallie thank you very much. this morning, chilling new information about a maryland teenag teenager's alleged plot to carry out a mass shooting at her shool. gabe gutierrez has the latest on that. >> reporter: investigators now say the 18-year-old girl had been plotting the attack at this
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incredible story is t december. emerging of the girl's father, whose investigators say shells backpack before he read her diary. she wanted to become one of the first female school shooters ever. >> reporter: th this morning, cooctin high still? shock. >> it is crazy. >> it was nuts. >> reporter: the sheriffew deta on what a high school senior had been plotting for months. he ceravrio had ammunition and a shotgun and planned to saw off the barrel.nell and fuses to make pipe bombs. last thursday, the discovered her plan in her diary. >> i think at one point he might have found some shotgun ammunition in a backpack. when he saw the diary, he tied
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the two together. this is for real. i need to report this. >> reporter: authorities say the teen is struggling for mental health issues. and the diary referred to the massacres at columbine and newtown. >> she felt there had not been . and she was willing to be the first one. >> reporter: while female school shooters are have been the first. in 2008 in louisiana, a wom two. and last year in texas, a ean herself. and in colorado, two teenage girls pleaded guilty to planning a 2015 mass shooting at theirsc. but the plot was foiled. here in maryland, school officials say the father did the right thing. >> when you hear or see anything th concern, you need to trust us and come to us. >> reporter: the 18-year-old student was taken to a for trea. authorities say when she's released, she will likely face
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weapons charges. matt,y grateful for that father who made that agonizing decision to report his own daughter. >> it was the right decision. gabe gutierrez, thank you very much. still ahead, two things you should never do when you wake up in the middle of the night if you want to fall back asleep. and then, jenna catches up with country royalty. the one and only willie nelson. al? >> hey, guys. we are here at the university of tennessee. iperak of the records. can we get the biggest human letter? we start the clock and see if we we start the clock and see if we can set the record, as rerthon ♪ ready. we start the clock and see if we can set the record, as rerthon set. go. go. go. ♪ set. ♪ one way or another,
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♪ i'm gonna get ya', get ya', get ya', get ya' ♪ ♪ one way or another,♪ ♪ one way or another, i wanna ♪ ya', get ya', get ya', get ya' ♪ ♪ one way or another, feel a cold so treom and a hn used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to bdon't tough it out,protect healthy cells.. knock it out, fast. abreva. shouldn't be whateverfleas and ticks. home... no, no no no no... seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months - in an easy-to-use, non-greasy collar. 8-month seresto®. from bayer.
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(singsong) budget meeting. sweet. if you compare last quarter... it's no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with no artificial preservatives, flavours or dyes. made with no artificial preservatives, before we hit the beach, i'we can't stay here!o. why? terrible toilet paper! i'll never get clean! way ahead of you, big daddy. aww charmin ultra strong. it's washcloth-like texture helps clean better. it's four times stronger... ...and you can use less. beautiful view. (wiggles butt) thanks to charmin. and you, honeybear! e go with charmin?
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i had a wonderful time tonight. call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest. w perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? it lets you earn double cash theback. double cash card does. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. good time to "trend" and a good time to have dylan dryer back to the table. we all fall asleep. we all wake up in the middle of the night. you wake up in the middle of the night and you can't fall back to sleep. a sleep expert tells the
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independent there's two things you must never do when you wake up. what are they?r wife. >> go to the bathroom, right? >> absolutely. >> that's why i wake up. >> and you can't g sleep if you get up to go. >> you do not get up to go to the bathroom unless you have to bed causes your heart rate to increase. the other thing you don't do of obvious, i think. >> look at your phone. >> you don't reach for your phone. >> i'm out. >> don't look atit causes your agitated and stressed. i did both of these things last night. >> stay flat. stay dumb. >> >> chill out. >> i don't look at the phone. eepse in the zone.throom withou >> that's where women have it over men, i think. let's millennials. our favorite subjects. you think the young want to go out and party and have a good time. we're wrong.
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check out this headline. staying in is the new going out. "the daily news" looks at the reasons millennials choose to be home bodies. netflix, smartphones, you can socialize with anyone all the time. food delivery apps. here's a big one. saving money. avoiding high markups, a cost of a cab, new clothes, et cetera. here's my favorite on the list,. >> exactly. i'm a home body. i love a night in. >> i do, too. >> i wasmtv. all of the commercials are for those things. the things you can orderyour co. and condoms. a lot of condom commercials. >> you can stay home with that, too. >> exactly right. i have acoldhis week. this caught our eye. there's a secret menu starbucks drink going viral. the coffee chain make an official drink. it's called the medicine ball. we have one here to everyone to
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i like the taste of it. but i'm not sick. i don't know if it's making me feel better. >> sweet. >> there's ntnty. >> menthol in there. >> yes. >> menthol cigarettes. >> yeah. brings back memories. it's half hot water and half steamed lemonade, jade citrus mint tea, peach tranquility tea. >> i taste the lemon. >> honey and peppermint. >> supposed to drink this and feel much better if you have the common cold. >> do you have to drink this big gulp size version? >> if you do, you'll wake up tonight. >> jack daniels makes a honey flavored something. >> it would be a good hot toddy mix. >> for this and other "trending" stories, go to our today show app. we have a good one. we're going to start with emma
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thompson. the actress is criticizining hollywood for putting pressure on actresses to be thin. she once threatened to quit a movie over the issue, while taking a stand for a fellow actress. >> there was a wonderful actress i was working on something. and the producer said to her, will you lose some weight. she was exquisite. and i said to them, if you speak to her about this again, on any level, i will leave this picture. you are never to do that. >> emma says it's only getting worse. she revealed when people ask her about her weight, she replays, do you want model? now, to alec baldwin. he has chemistry with an adapta they first met. when i met tina fey, i had the same reaction that i'm surey in
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love. baldwin asked a colleague if she was sickngle. they pointed to tina's husband. while it wasn't in the cards for alec baldwin, they have gone on to work together. leonardo dicaprio. and the internet has spotted his latest doppelganger. you know who that young man is? that's jack nicholson's son, ray. 25 years old. he has a similar style to leo. and there you go. >> what do you think? >> i think it's similar. >> they could be cousins or something. >> leo is probably closer with ray's dad. they have a great relationship. yet, you know, looks like his son, ray. >> kind of petered out at the end. >> have another sip of your drink there. back to al, now. university of tennessee. mr. roker. >> all right, guys. here we go. everybody ready. trying to break a guinness world
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record. we have michael imperak, the official ajudicator. they have to stay still for five minutes, correct? >> five minutes. no movement. >> h here we go. let's start two, one. and there it goes. all righty. now, as the clock starts to tick down, as we record for the world's largest human letter, which is, of course, the university of tennessee power "t" we want to start the weather for severe w overnight. 18 tornados reported in texas and oklahoma. and you can see more strong stormstoday. this is the tornado. some of the trnornados that wer reported through texas and into oklahoma. we hail size of softballs and bigger. and unfortunately we had three or two of them weather channel
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chasers. kelley williamson and randy yarnall. our thoughts and prayers go out to their families. and strong storms again. 20 million people at risk of strong storms, stretching from texas all the way up into missouri. 20 million people at risk. tomorrow, more people at risk. 30 million, with a strong risk of storms from kentucky on into parts of misssippi. thatis's good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. leave the umbrella at home. the rain is gone. clouds blowing out of here this afternoon. breezy, 61 degrees. close to 60 for the suburbs. lingering clouds in new jersey. they'll clear out this morning. this afternoon, 61 degrees, and close to the 60s in the lehigh valley. delaware, clouds are already starting to break. to 63 degrees this afternoon with winds out of the northwest. have a great day.
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and that is your your latest we, as rokerthon 3, storming into the madness continues. we got the clock, now. we're just about at three minutes. as we get set to try to set the world's record for the world's largest human letter. yesterday, we had a gorgeous day. we touched down in our netjets air rokerthon plane. it's almost like "sesame street." "today" show is brought to you by the letter "t." touchdown in knoxville, tennessee. >> hey. all right. >> reporter: and the crowd goes wild, with big love from mascot, smoky. just happens the school color for u.t., "today" show orange. all this attention to give a guy a big head. maybe that's what's happened to smoky. >> welcome to the university of
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tennessee. >> reporter: all right. let's look around. suddenly, i got a lot of new friends. over 28,000 students. and smart, too. u.t. known for its business, engineering, and law schools. this is a very impressive building. the most iconic spot on campus, ayers hall, with its famous chimes, the most famous song on the playlist, "rocky top." a catchy tune. but my favorite notes are still -- very impressive. i can't put my finger on it. but it feels like there's a lot of "ts" around here. and "t" is for texting. but u.t. is old-school. their unofficial message board is a rock that's been around for half a century. today, kate painted a special mural, celebrating our visit. rokerthon. the students pride themselves on giving back. after all, they are called the
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tennessee volunteers. >> you're going to hit a "t" baseball today. >> you got got "ts" everywhere. yours truly, stepping up for batting practice before the big game. >> one, two, three, vols. >> short but sweet. much like myself. ♪ as each tennessee vol leaves the locker room for the football field, they all jump up and hit this slogan and hit the field. another "t," tradition. since 1964, it's a traditional football games to run through a giant "t." peyton manning once rocked the letter "t." a "t." a "t." here. there are "ts" ever where. but not as big as you'll see.
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in the middle of the big "t." which will be in the middle of a bigger "t." terrific. time to hunker down after a long day. >> a dog named rocky. >> reporter: as the resident adviser, famous for tucking in his students, reads me a bedtime story. >> but the game ball is lost. >> reporter: i fall asleep to the school's a cappella group, the u.t. singers, dreaming of my new favorite letter, yes. the letter "t." ♪ well, i'm wide awake now. the clock is counting down. ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. all right. let's turn to michael, who is the official guinness world record ajudicator. what was the old record? >> the mark was 3,373. i can announce, that we had
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4,223. it's a new getneuinness world record. >> you did it. congratulations. let's bring in chancellor davenport. bring everybody on in. >> i would like to welcome you to the guinness world record family. you are amazinamazing. >> thank you very much for the university of tennessee vols. >> we have our rokerthon pure point financial scholarship winner. let's bring out blaine ziegler. blaine ziegler. where is blaine ziegler. ♪ and the chancellor also pulled out -- you're going to award a second scholarship? >> absolutely. on behalf of our 300,000 alumni around the world, we're offering another $5,000 scholarship, for emma. congratulations guys. thank you so much. we have more coming up from u.t. sweet home tennessee.
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now, guinness world record nbc 10 news starts now jim just about 8:30. i'm tracy davidson. sunshine today. >> let's find out when. bill henley has your most accurate neighborhood forecast. >> clouds thinning out a little bit. we will get bright sunshine later this morning and afternoon. the wind is really making things feel chilly this morning. the wind is at 12 miles per hour in philadelphia. a little stronger in wilmington, trenton and at the shore. fortunately, the clouds will not. even though it feels cold right now, wind chills in the 30s for allen town and philadelphia, we will warm with sunshine into the low 60s this afternoon. >> great, bill, thanks. a slow down on the roads to tell you about. nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington has more. >> definitely a slow down here on the northbound side, because there is a crash before route 322, approaching the berry
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bridge into the left hand shoulder. part of the next lane is blocked, as well. you can see cars moving over into the shoulder and before this off-ramp with only one lane getting by. also still watching hamilton township, the crash on 195 just around route 30, exit 5. >> today president trump will officially launch his opioid commission with new jersey governor chris christie leading that task force to focus on addiction recovery and access to treatment. today wilmington's mayor meets with the police chief and other law enforcement officials to talk about cracking down on recent violence. they will specifically examine how police are deployed throughout the city. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. you can always stay updated with the latest news and weather with a free nbc 10 app all there in one place. i'm tracy davidson.
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8:30 now. what day is it? wednesday. >> the 29th. >> it's march. a great performance just ahead. circus 1903 is a new show touring the country. we're going to have a lot more from them, coming up in our half hour. really cool. >> that will be fun. and a man who knows a thing or two about performing. the great willie nelson. jenna had a chance to talk to him about his life and heading out on tour at 83 years young.
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and you will never waste money on beauty products that never disappoint again. we're about to give you the definitive list of the best of the best. >> can we take a second to congratulate jill martin. she was honored last night with a hero award from the garden of dreams foundation. that's a nonprofit that works with madison square garden company and networks to positively impact the lives with children. jill has done amazing work with that organization for years and years. jill, well done. >> congratulations. >> she is awesome. let's go back to al at the university of tennessee. hey, al. >> hey, guys. congratulations to jill. she works tirelessly for that. we brought the guinness world record for the largest human letter. the letter "t." let's show you what's going on. this weather is gorgeous. it fits us to a "t." but today, we have severe weather making its way from the gulf into the mississippi river
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valley. heavy surf in southern california. tomorrow, the storms move further to the east. we're looking at mild weather through the mid plains. more snow in the cascades. high winds through southwest. plenty of sunshine for the eastern seab. good morning. i'm meteorolog gone and the clo afternoon. breezy, 61 degreesr first 60ad. have a great day. yr latest weather.essee. here's the clues what wr i'm hea
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school that's home to t secondly, it's filledh has the . savannah, back toyo thank you. sh was crowned the w for her first morning interview sincepi. is theye definitely, one of my as a child was the world.
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came true. >> it did. this is looking at an entire y. your wins. feel very good. and as i understand it, you found out about this while -- >> i was taking a nap. >> napping. not on the ski slopes. >> yeah. it was a little bizarre because with the overall globe -- the season titles, like you said, it's an accumulation of points that you gain winning races or performing well in races throughout the season. so, by the end of the year, a lot of times, the globes are actually decided before the last race. and i realize -- i found out that my biggest competitor was not going to be racing the last race of the season. and -- >> your mom woke you up. >> basically. she texted me. are you awake? yes, now i am. and then, she said, congrats on the globe. i was like -- okay. we shouldn't talk about that yet because i still want to do well the last races.
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>> you know, one of the things i read about you and i can relate, is you're an epic napper. if there were a gold medal for napping -- >> i would probably win it. probably. >> and what else do you do to make sure you're ready for competition? >> well, i mean -- >> besides working out and being incredibly dedicated. >> well, it's classic things like nutrition. but rest is big for me. i mean, that's really big. i have to get a full night of sleep. and a nap every day to perform at the level that i want to. but i can get -- i mean, i can get loopy when i don't nap. and it's fun for everybody. it's more fun when i'm not so like focused on the job. and i'm kind of getting distracted. >> loopy mckayla. and sometimes you're napping until the start of the race. >> i've done that. it's more of a meditation. i don't take a -- i don't bring
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a mattress to the start. but i have laid down in the snow. and closed my eyes. try to pretend i'm somewhere else, like hawaii or something. and i fall asleep. and someone has to wake me up like, it's time to go. >> talk about the olympics. you and i first met three years ago, for sochi. and then, you went on to make histo history. how are you feeling about south korea? >> i'm excited. i mean, yeah. i'm really excited. it's going to be so cool to go back to the olympics. you know, now that i've kind of gotten a feel what it's like. i know what the summer entails, leading up to the olympics. there's a lot more media and hype. it's really exciting. it's one of these things, as an athlete, we don't get a ton of coverage all the time. but when the olympics roll around, you're like, i feel important. >> you are. you're a big deal. >> yeah. >> and you just turned 22. you did a music video. we have to roll a little bit of it because it's awesome. taylor swift song, appropriately enough "22." >> yeah. ♪ i'm feeling 22
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everything will be all right ♪ >> you said, taylor, i love this song. i've been waiting to turn 22 to do my video. >> yeah. i felt that if i wrote her a personal note, maybe it would make her a little less like, copyright infringement. >> she would look kindly upon you. >> oh, this is a good idea. let's start a competition of people turning 22 and making birthday videos to my song. and i would be a trend setter. hey, taylor. >> exactly. hi, taylor. call us. happy birthday. i made this for you. >> oh -- >> it's a nap mask with the "today" show logo. from one napper to another. of course, i don't do anything that important. >> i want to put it on right now. but mascara. >> don't mess the do up. thank you so much. it's great to catch up with you. and congratulations on an amazing season. you can watch all the excitement of 2018 winter olympics. we're already in the mood, next february on the networks of nbc. just ahead, jenna hops
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onboard on willie nelson's tour bus for a conversation with one of her idols. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back, 8:40. something we're calling "country royalty." and jenna is hanging out with some of the biggest names. >> willie nelson, how great was this? >> this is a dream come true. a ten-plus. i caught up with the one and only willie nelson alt the san antonio road odeo. it was only fitting we sat down to chat, in his tour bus, nicknamed the honey suckle rose. willie nelson, country music legend. your greatest accomplishment? >> i think me personally, i'm
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still here. the gardner didn't find me this morning. >> reporter: american icon, proud texan. what does texas mean to you? this is your place, you're from. do you feel it in your soul, texas? >> yeah. i'm probably one of those people from texas that everybody in the world hates. >> reporter: am i one of those people. >> i can't quit talking good about it. and i won't. >> reporter: willie was born in abbott, texas, in 1933. ♪ how time just slips away >> reporter: writing his first song when he was 7 years old. today, he is considered one of america's greatest singer/song writers. do you have a moment when you realize, i'm going to make it? this music is something i can do. >> it's funny. i thought i was successful the first time i made any money at all playing music.
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they paid me $8. and i had worked all week picking cotton for the rest of that. i made it. i'm in the big-time. >> reporter: what's your favorite song of yours? >> "crazy." ♪ i'm crazy for feeling >> reporter: made famous by patsy cline. willie is still making music, on the road half the year. still winning awards. you just won your eighth grammy. do you still get a kick out of things like that? >> oh, heck yeah. i'm pretty lucky guy. you know? a lot of good things have happened over the years. and me being as humble as i am, you know, i have to say that's great stuff. ♪ it gets easier as we get older ♪ >> reporter: his new album, "god's problem child" comes out on april 28th, the day before his 84th birth day.
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you have a new album out. let's talk about "god's problem child." do you consider yourself a problem child? >> i think we all are. i don't know anybody that's perfect. >> reporter: i got a chuckle out of "still not dead." >> i'll have to do that for you tonight. ♪ i woke up again today >> reporter: you did lose some dear friends. >> yeah. >> reporter: and you wrote about that on the album. really personal songs. >> you know, one year, there was ray price, leon russell, merle haggard. wait a minute. start looking around and seeing who is left. and you don't want to be the last man standing. and maybe you do. ♪ it's been a rough and rocky travel ♪ >> reporter: this year, there were reports that you weren't feeling well, that had everybody worried. how are you doing? >> had me worried, too.
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i had caught some kind of crud or something going around. >> reporter: you're feeling great now? >> i'm all right. >> reporter: thank goodness. ♪ can't wait to get on the road again ♪ >> reporter: something you haven't crossed off that bucket list. >> that bucket list, it's probably pretty long already. i don't know if there's much more on this i can ask for without getting greedy. >> reporter: that was awesome. >> anytime. >> reporter: thank you. willie is working harder than ever. and right before i saw him, he was regarding in studio. and he was working on another album. we listened in his bus, to a whole album that he recorded of merle haggard songs. he said, i did that this week. how do you have it done? he said, i'm willie nelson. you know? so, he, as back on the road, and he is starting april 21st out on the road again. and a true confession, i had to bring two of his biggest fans. my sister, which she's going to kill me, and my husband, along. we've loved willie nelson.
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this was the soundtrack of our household growing up. and they have never joined me on a shoot. we cannot miss out on willie. >> you can't. >> a little perk of the job right there. >> and to be on his bus, right? have you been on his bus? >> i hosted farm aid one year. and willie's tour bus, a line, of the acts just to say hi to willie. >> just to say hi is pretty special. >> thank you for bringing the interview. we're going to reveal the best product to solve your biggest beauty problems. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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man: this is our son christopher lewis. woman: this is our brother john anthony gracie. man: this is my daughter natalie. we lost her to opioid addiction. woman: pennsylvania's fighting this crisis so more lives are not lost. woman: call 1-800-662-help for treatment options. visit for resources and information on substance abuse. paid for with pennsylvania taxpayer dollars. with thousands of hair, skin and beauty products out there, how do we know which one to choose? "new beauty" is revealing the winners of its choice awards. sarah edenbeggar is the editor in chief. you had to tell me i had lipstick on my teeth.
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how did you come up with this list? this is the definitive list. >> we had a huge selection. over thousands coming through. we spent eight months of rigorous testing, analysting, tested by our editors. all our readers voted upon it. and the board, derms, plastic surgeons, all gave a vote of approval. >> we have the clinique chubby stick. >> the clinique lipstick is high readying. and you get the moisture from shea and manage fwoe. >> it's sheer, too. i'm looking for better mascara. >> better than sex mascara. >> okay. >> these will contain the microfibers that will give you l ss. you get a dark, black color. it has aoun glass shape to it. it easy to afpply to your
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lashes. a huge favorite. >> i'll take one.>> i comes to and this is strivectin wrinkle killer. you use them where you see the wrinkles. and focus on those areas. it will help to strengthen and fortify the skin. >> i will take all of these. i need them all. >> bio oil. >> it does everything, from sketch marks to baby bumps, great for burns, dry skin. >> it's like lotion? >> it's a lightweight oil, that goes into your skin. goes on super smooth. you have to try this. >> my skin is like a potato chip, it's so dry. >> a little goes a long way. and has a delicious smell to it. it feels good and instantly works. that's whyentla "new beauty" winner because it solves so many tldilemmas.
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>> hair. >> this is great if yfullness. prior to styling, use this in your hair. it gives you that volume. itmicrofibers will bond your hair together. it provides a grit to your ahai. >> like a dry shampoo? >> i love it. my hair falls flat. your curls stay all day. >> we have one more. >> it's a 10. ten benefits from detangling and defrizzing. polish.or straight hair, long and purr s little towel ets. >> we have the whole list on hank you so much high-flying live performance on our plaza. this is "today" on nbc. dmming♪
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it's now open in the poconos! america's largest indoor waterpark is making waves. kalahari resorts & conventions in the poconos. book your african adventure now! book your african adventure now!
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[ cheers and applause ] get ready to witness one of the greatest shows on earth. >> circus 1903, takes you back to the golden age of entertainment. they put elephants back in the ring, life-sized puppetry. >> circus, chee03 and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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one more time. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> circus 1903, thank you so much. they're currently at madison square garden. they're touring the country. look for them in a city near you. >> great way to get our wednesday off to a good start. thank you, circus is. nbc 10 news starts now. good morning. just about 9:00 a.m. let's get right to first alert meteorologist bill henley with your most accurate forecast. >> starting with cloudy skies with the clouds quickly moving out of the picture. look east. fog this morning. the rain ended late last night and now sunshine. the clouds are flying past the nbc 10 studios. clouds thin out, sunshine takes over. we warm from the 40s this morning into the 60s this afternoon from philadelphia, new
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jersey, a little cooler in lehigh valley. but enough sunshine to be near 60 this afternoon for the suburbs. bill, thank you. let's get a check on the roads with nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. >> still watching 95. this is actually on the northbound side. traffic moving away from delaware, approaching the berry bridge near route 22. a few vehicles involved. you can see that here. a few emergency vehicles on the scene, as well. one lane only getting by on the northbound side. a slow go there. also watch for delays, operationing beingdz]  restore. back to you. >> jessica, thank you. two former aides of new jersey governor chris christie will be sentenced. last year1ç a jury convicted gretchen kelly and bill baroni. they could face 46 months in prison. their attorneys are asking for leniency. three people hurt after a house fire in philadelphia. sky 4 staying over east about an
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hour and a half ago. making calls about the victims' conditions and what may have caused this fire. happening tonight in atlantic city, a public hearing on proposed changes aimed at spurring development and investment in noncasino projects. this follows a new report that says redevelopment is on the rise. another update in 25 minutes. always get the latest news and weather. ♪
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this morning on "today's shk,side-down see what prankste today. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> any excuse to show that "tod wednesday morning, march t "red. rco-host, ken havg me. al is on rokerthon 3. we're utesg
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it's early but the college students are up and records. >> maybe they never went to >> i wish one of your earlier -- y performances at d you were bril. an the word brilliant. here's t a doctor on tv a real . >> i was a practicing doctor for seven years. i was doing comedy on the side. it's a whole up and back. a whole thing. i got really, really lucky. >> now, i have a question for you. yesterday, we were talking about how people are foregoing anesthesia so they can stay awork through surgery. and some people were worried about the banter going on between doctors. what was your banter? >> i never did surgery. so, i have no dog in that race.
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but i think that -- i do think that the comedy and the acting helped my bedside manner. i was always -- i was never joke around. i was not like patch adams or came in -- you got herbie herp got your nose. it wasn't like that. >> there's that. so, this friday -- >> i want to start out right. i'll start out with some edge. >> two minutes in. and you said the "h" word. i don't know how to deal with that. >> that's how we do it. >> should we talk about -- you have a show this friday. the season two finale of dr. ken. should we look at a clip? >> sure. >> is this ken park? >> maybe. >> this is dan harmon. i'm a tv producer. i was hoping to have ken audition for a role on my new show. >> no. this is he. [ laughter ] >> i'm casting a one-episode role for a part on a show set at
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a community college. do you think you can make it to audition at 5:00. sure. i can make that work. i have to move a few things around. >> i don't care.riting is brill. >> thank you so much. >> it's the joke w you put it o. >> we've all been there. >> noe art imitating life b these creator of "community" that was reyes. so, we wrote that in the show. and the sitc sitcom. and he plays himself.ersurreal. >> how much of your real life do you work into the especially this season. i've gone a lot deeper into myi. it coulde an innocent case of o girlfriend, that was getting stress hives.
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too. my real-life wife is a bre eight years cancer-free. i co-wrote dealing with my tv wife getting a and the stress and the horror of waiting for that result. that turned out episode. >> that's real life, though. the uo he humor in it. we like to be nosey around here >> sure. >> all up in my business. >> and becauou to play a game called -- ready forthis? dr. kenfessiont was real life at all. >> was it a laugh? >> twayou stick to the jokes. >> i'll sticks. >> that was a real laugh. >> we can tell the difference now. >> littledoo-dads and whatnotes in there.
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paper. and just answer the question. >> ias is the most famous person who has asked you for m help? >> that's -- well, okay. i think i can say it. >> yeah. are there hippa laws we're violating? >> my whole life is a violation of the hippa laws. one of ed helms' best friends. and he had asked for medical advice on behalf of his friend. i was in my mr. chow gear. we were saying dirty stuff. and i was dressed up. and i get a phone call and i break character and go to my doctor self. i'm going from my chow cadence to my normal doctor -- hey, stupid -- hi, ed, are you okay? oh, my god. i worry he might have e. coli. is he allergic to cipro.
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and i had to go back into accent to normalize the situation. i had to look -- ha ha, stupid. >> it's weird if you mix them up. >> you got a uti? i can't say that. blood infection? that would be bad. that would make the infection worse. >> shall we do another one? >> that's hard to top. >> what's the worst piece of medical advice you ever gave. i honestly have to answer this for the real. as a doctor, you don't really give -- the good thing, once you become a doctor, you don't give bad medical advice. you know, you don't say, you know, i got -- oh, i got a cut on my right arm. what should i do? amputate. i don't really -- >> bad advice. >> i think in evolution, when you're a med student, if you give inexperienced advice, you have expert doctors that help you out in that situation, so
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you don't give bad advice. >> we have time for one more. i like the balance. don't you think so? >> yeah. >> you have the good and you have the heart. >> right. manic depressive. that's what i am. okay. while shooting "ride along 2," what was the least cool moment around ice cube. there's been a couple of times where, i don't like to ask other celebrities for photos. i never do that. >> sorry for that photo. >> and i gave three with some backups. i'm different. one of my good friends, her boyfriend wanted a picture with ice cube. it was a good -- to quote his song, it was a good day. and then i wanted tot- coolness. it was a good day.
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can chris have a photo with ju. >> did he take the photo? >>uy i the world. >> thank you. >> i give you an tt we're clos this.home. >> this is a cold sweat, full disc"today" marks the return of professional prankster. have you heard your job. >> and cover it upethat. and you wai lift up.sorry. this is thepack.
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my fault. of cockroaches are no joke. what did you think i thoht it w >>co heard that. >> that's what i heard. tdinky little frog in the cup. and i lifted it up. and i felt something in my hair. can you imagine >> yeah. i'm like that already. you're done. one of you. up next, this is good. we will reveal the very first food dylan asked for after
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giving birth. it's very impressive. >> nonexxconventional. and which guinness world and which guinness world record did rokerthon 3 ♪ bite into magnum double caramel... ♪ and unleash your wild side. ♪ ♪ made with silky vanilla bean ice cream and rich belgian chocolate. ♪ discover magnum. (baby crying♪ minutes old. ♪ a baby's skin is never more delicate. ♪ what do hospitals use to wash and protect it? ♪
9:11 am
johnson's® the number 1 choices in hospitals. whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff?
9:12 am
cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. "today's take." co-host, our n friend, ken
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this is the first thing you craved? >> i sdwich from jersey mikes. it was a byall over the country. i ordered the number enutwanymo. so, you specificalltwo they will honor it. they will give you t my stories are not as good as yours. cool is this? giving. all p mikes will go to charities across the jersey mike you. find a makes this so great. sounds like a sandwich. >> what makes it so bread. there's a meat or two lettuce and some condiments and it's sandwich.
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wow. >> take a bite and tel bt sandw you've ever had.he bread is fre. >> it is great. >> this is a really good sandwich. >> it is fresh. it has shredded onions and lettuce and tomatoes. >> you're doing the thing again, dylan. >> dylan dreyer diva special, apparently. >> it is really good. >> the bread is good. >> a little pepper here. >> that's what it is. >> salt, pepper, oil and vinegar. make it mike's way. >> it's really good. >> see? >> i'm sorry i mocked you in the meeting. >> it's worth bragging over the sandwich. >> can you get it to al later? it will go with the coffee he makes. >> al's coffee is very good. >> it has coffee and beans and cream and sugar if you want it. it's coffee. >> so amazing. al, i don't know if you can hear this. he crushed another world record for the largest human letter formation, held for five
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minutes. 4,227 people, al. >> we did. the last record, the last record was last year. it was at a college in canada. they formed a "q." look at that thing. it's unbelievable. we had, as you said, over 4,200 students. had a great time. got thrown a pass from coach butch jones. we gave away two $5,000 scholarships. here's smoky junior and smoky senior. everybody behind us having a great time. let's show you our weather. we have severe weather to talk about. the last couple of days, it's been tough. and we're going to see more severe storms stretching from texas all the way into missouri today. alabama under the gun, as well ashgsz we move into tomorrow. today, 20 million people at risk for severe weather, especially from missouri into arkansas.
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damaging wind, hail, and isolated tornadoes. tomorrow, we've got a strong risk of storms stretching from western and central tennessee. nashville under the gun. 30 million people. kentucky, south end of mississippi. we're dogging about strong storms. and we'll be watching that very, very closely over the next 24 hours. that what's going on aroun'sd good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. leave the umbrella at home. we still have some clouds but the rain is gone. and the clouds, they'll be blowing out of here this afternoon. breezy, 61 degrees with sunshine for philadelphia. close to 60 for the suburbs. the lingering clouds in new jersey, they'll clear out this morning. this afternoon, 61 degrees and close to the 60s in the lehigh valley. delaware, clouds are already starting to break. 63 degrees this afternoon with winds out of the northwest. have a great day.
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>> and that's your latest weather. coming up in the next half hour, we'll have clues for our next stop as rokerthon 3, the guinness world record-breaking college tour continues. guys? >> can't help but smile. i love it. >> thank you. >> this is really good. >> i want one of those sandwiches. >> it's refreshingly yummy. >> refreshing. >> it's not meat. it's got bread and lettuce and pepper. >> that's what it is. >> a sandwich. up next, the kings of pranks. we're eating them. michael carbonaro works his affects like never before. i'm terrified what he has planned. don't miss it. whoa. hey allergy muddlers
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are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. aand a makeup remover at night? this does it all! micellar cleansing water from garnier skinactive. the garnier micelles act like a magnet, to cleanse, remove makeup and refresh. all in one! micellar cleansing water from garnier skinactive. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how.
9:19 am
right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. i heard superheroes read chucks norris comics.d you. i heard at night, the boogeyman checks under the bed for chuck. i heard cats say they have chuck-like reflexes. do you think he's still got it? i bet you a buck he catches this salt shaker. you're on! hey! chuck!
9:20 am
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9:21 am
♪ he's the one guest who puts us a little on-edge when he's here. >> especially you. >> i'm sitting at this table and getting stress. we never know what to expect. for three seasons, illusionist michael carbonaro has been blowing the minds on his series, "the carbonaro effect." >> here's a shot. >> we have double-roasted beans. >> double-roasted. i lay a bag down. you can put one scoop on top of the bag. and then, we cover it up. and when the light gets turned on, we wait for the light to go off. when the light goes off, it may
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happen automatically, and we lift. >> come on. come on. >> it makes coffee in a bag. >> good morning. happy to have you here. >> thank you. >> sheinelle is making me more nervous. >> it's like the clip shown around the world. >> you love torturing people. you have to, right? >> i do. i got in trouble for that one. my mom called. my mom called me and said, that was mean. she was like, you do really nice stuff. and that one was actually a little mean. i felt bad. i brought you something. i got up early this morning. i waited in line. 26th street and 6th. i went to little miss jean's. sheinelle, you want to open it? i don't. you can't get me again. >> open it carefully. >> come on. >> oh, gosh. oh, gosh. sorry about that. that's not -- don't worry about that. that's not how. here. come here.
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sheinelle, that's not my fault. >> i can't. >> these are -- right. these are from little miss jean. >> i can't go back over there. >> you have to taste some of these. >> dylan left. >> don't leave. >> i can't. i can't go back over. >> dylan, is everybody gone? >> i need someone to see. you see this area. >> will you stay with me? >> why are you still seated. >> i have to go. >> just taste one of the cookies. can you do that? i know it's crazy. it's natural ingredients. >> taste one of these. >> he's doing that, even though it happened. give it a taste. >> okay. i'm going to have a heart attack. >> is it reaoach going to come t of his mouth? >> no sugar inside there. it has a natural ingredient. >> are we talking about the ingredients right now. >> it's called a tongue. >> wait. >> oh. something on my neck.
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>> this is a natural ingredients. >> can we go back to big mike's jersey sandwiches. >> come on. i'm sorry. i won't. >> i'll just -- >> it's good, right? you're okay. oh, yeah. i didn't put my contacts on. i can't see any of this. >> i'm going to go. i got -- i'm going to take some of these. i'm sorry about that. okay. you enjoy the cookies. that will be for you. sorry about that. sheinelle -- >> you realize that dylan has -- >> i can't go back over there. >> i apologize. >> i'm not going over there. >> i'm so sorry. >> is this your favorite cookies? >> and watch tonight. practical jokers will be on with me this evening. for the mid season finale. >> enjoy that. >> "carbonaro effect." should i leave these for the crew? >> the mid season of "the ca carbonaro effect" tonight on trutv. we're going to show you some of the most amazing creatures this the world. maybe they will appreciate your
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listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. just ask listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully, do a yoga handstand, and be in a magician's act. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold™. want a less intense taste that still cleans your whole mouth? try listerine® zero alcohol.
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nbc 10 news starts now. >> it is clearing up nicely out there. let's get to bill henley with your most accurate neighborhood forecast. >> good to see the sun again after clouds started things off this morning. they're quickly thinning out. the wind still blowing. a chilly breeze blowing with temperatures in the 40s right now. but we are making progress. they are warming up. 60s this afternoon for philadelphia and new jersey. and close to 60 in the suburbs. just a bit cooler but sunny skies ale day long. look at delaware, 63 degrees later today. >> thank you, bill. let's get a check on the roads with traffic reporter jesco boyington. problems on the schuylkill? >> market street. gloucester city. 76 still. this is headed northbound. so this is actually approaching
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where we find the bridges. so where it splits before you go to 676. there's a crash up ahead. that's where we're slowing slow downs. if you are in new jersey, you might see some problems. also a crash on the p.a. turnpike on the westbound side just before norristown. westbound drive time doing okay still, 27 minutes to valley forge. the man charged with murdering a south philadelphia grocery store owner on christmas eve heads to court. investigators say maurice greene fired 11 shots, kill marie buck. and today wilmington's mayor will meet with the police chief and other law enforcement officials to talk about cracking down on recent violence. they'll examine how police are deployed throughout the city. and today at noon, hundreds of people will walk their way through temple university's north philadelphia campus. the goal of walk to you is to raise awareness about sexual violence. several events are planned on campus. we'll have another update coming up in 25 minutes. and you can always get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 news app. see you at the top of the hour.
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two-time academy award winning actor, sir michael caine, has had an illustrious career appearing in 160 films and shows. here are some of our favorites in 39 seconds. >> and i have -- dirty harriet. >> you'll go home happy. >> i'd like to get you this. >> what are his options? >> eat your food. >> get the wheels in line with it. >> what makes you such an empert? >> hamburg. >> i never taught you to be a thief. >> is that what i think it is? >> i heard it. >> tangled in the sails. >> will be the last to survive on earth. >> i didn't think you ever got close enough. >> you have got to help us. >> i am not interested. >> did you do this? >> oh, right, my son. >> some men just want to watch
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the world burn. >> and for those of you counting, that was only 19 of his films. >> let's watch the rest. >> let's watch the rest. >> now, he's adding another. "going in style," is about three friends who lose their jobs and pensions and decide to rob a bank. >> michael is also on the verge of losing his house. >> you told me the odds on the rate, going past the prime rate, were extraordinary. >> but possible. >> but you sold me extraordinary. >> but the possible was disclosed. >> i can't lose my house. >> not to worry. you're on the yellow notice. the red one is more weighty. >> can i talk to someone else? >> who? >> someone smarter. >> sir michael caine, what a pleasure to have you here. >> hi-ya. >> a lot of people were talking about the interview with morgan and alan, too.
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>> are they? i've not seen it. >> so much fun. what was it like on set? >> with morgan and alan, we're just like that. we go on on an interview and we're just like ourselves. but i'm the one, i have to keep telling them to mention the movie. they go off. we're here to publicize this movie, not the one you made 20 years ago. they keep talking about old times. i bring them back to new times. >> we watched all of those clips. what's it like for you? when we're all smiling and reacting, still. to all those roles. i'll ask you that and what drew you to this latest project. >> for me, it's so incredible to still be in playing a lead in a movie at 84 years old. you know. you don't expect that. what happened in the world, about two years ago, a picture called "marigold hotel" that did $150 million. a load of old people in it.
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let's get more old people and we got "going in style." and we hope they make $150 million with a load of old people. it's very weird. the next movie i do is based on a true story. it's called "the hatton garden robbery," done in london. five men, the youngest was 63 and the oldest, me, was 73. and they stole $60 million worth of gold between them. >> wow. >> what's going on? >> five old men. >> age is nothing. >> just because we're old, we're not over. >> this one is about three old men stealing cash. and that one is five old men stealing gold. >> we took the jobs abroad. and i lost my mortgage. and we added it all up. and what we robbed from the bank was the exact amount we owed. but we went over the top a buit. we gave it to charity. >> that's great. >> we're not real crockoks.
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>> there was amazing depth in the movie that wasn't your typical comedy. it was a lot of heart. relationships between the three of you. >> there's a lot of depth in it. and situations have come up. we didn't know. but absolutely right now. you think it's a newsreel. how did they know that was going to happen? we didn't. that's what -- when i read the script, i've done many comedies. and i've never done comedies with this depth and touching, as well. i'm a grandfather, and i had a granddaughter in this. i knew exactly how the-to act w the grandchildren. they fill a space in your heart that you didn't know was empty. absolutely true. >> that is sweet. >> us grandfathers become old bores. all we do is talk about our grandchildren. i'll stop now.
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"going in style" it's coming up soon. >> michael caine, we could talk to you all day. thank you so much. "going in style," make sure you see it. up next, things are about to get wild with some of the planet's most incredible creatures, right after this. from the minute i wake up... ...i'm on... ...and on... ...and on. that's why i... ...make time for myself... ...and give my body some love... ...with aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion. its active naturals® oat formula... ...locks in moisture to improve skin wellness in just one day. i really needed that. i bet you do too. aveeno® naturally beautiful results®
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9:38 am
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now, to some of the most amazing and unusual animals on the planet, from upside-down jellyfish to bamboo sharks. and here to tell us about them is wildlife expert and biologist corbin maxie. >> you look terrified with the cockroaches. >> i know. i'm a little uneasy today. but these macaws, right? >> they are 4-week-old blue and gold macaws. you can touch the back. these are ambassadors from animal behavior and conservation connections. sb isn't it amazing how fast they develop. they're born blind, helpless. you have tons of kids, right? >> tons. >> i only have one. >> you only have one. but born blind. they open their eyes around ten days and they rely on the parents to feed them.
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they rely on regerj taurgitated. >> just like mine. >> people are starting to get in the water. >> we have sharks. >> we're going to go in the ocean. do you love sharks? >> i like them on tv. >> i want to trade just for suctions. you can touch them. these are from my good friends at the adventure aquarium in new jersey. they encourage people. >> do they have teeth? >> they do have teeth. out of the -- go ahead. >> i'm still shaking. >> you're fine. >> from the coaroaches. >> it's not bad. >> out of the 375 species of shark. >> i want to touch it, too. >> how would you describe it? >> sandpapering, kind of. only a handful of sharks are dangerous towards humans. look at this shark. i want to touch it. this is called an epelet shark.
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and it's the only shark that can walk. it uses its pectoral fins to actually walk. this -- you look so shocked. >> yeah. this shark can get out of the ocean. use its pectoral fins. >> look at this. >> it's strutting. like a strutting shark. >> yes. >> a fancy shark. >> only shark in the world. only 3 1/2 feet long, not a threat to humans. over here really quick. >> this one i'm not putting my hand in, right? >> don't. this would be a youtube moment. these are jellyfish. they're upside-down jelly nifis. >> what did you do? >> i peapeeed on it. >> you can wash it -- >> did it still hurt? >> yeah. >> i love how you're honest on here. so, what you're supposed to do is rub it with sea salt water. >> what's so funny? >> you imagine her peeing on the
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sting? >> it was over here. >> come on, jellyfish. >> we're going to go over here. the reason why we do all of the segments on the "today" show is for conservation. we want to talk to people about preserving wild animals and wild habitats. what we're going to do over here. we have our beautiful double yellow-headed amazon parrots. and they're going to actively -- they are friendly? >> you have your dollar? >> give one of the birds a dollar here. >> corbin was handing out money. >> and these birds. >> wait, i have money. >> probably because you gave him a one. that's kind of cheap. give him something bigger. >> you like the dollar? you like the dollar? >> putting it in there. >> are raising money. >> they're trainable. >> polly want a dollar? >> all this money. this is a great behavior. all this is going back to conservation. these will be at the birmingham zoo, raising money for endanger ed species.
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we're going to focus on our grand finale. >> these are the wild macaws. >> that's what we're hearing? >> the beautiful birds are found. and we're going to fly. they're found in the rain forest. oh, goodness. are they getting along? they are arguing over who wants more stage time. look at that. >> where are these found? >> central and south america. we have a scarlet macaw. his name is levi. look at that. a beautiful green wing macaw. and a red-fronted macaw. >> they're so beautiful. >> they are. just beautiful animals. and threatened through habitat loss and human encroachment. >> i love the animals and raising awareness for conservation, too. we're going to send it to
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al, at the university of tennessee. >> all right, guys. thanks so much. our last broadcast from the university of tennessee in knoxville. let's start with today's weather. we have severe storms making their way through the mid mississippi river valley, on up into the mid plains. we have heavy rain in the pacific northwest. high surf through southern california. eastern third of the country looking spectacular. 85 in miami today. tomorrow, the strong storms move a little further east. we're going to watch those very closely. northern new england, mid-atlantic states look pretty good. high winds continue into the southwest. mild again in the mid-plains. and more rain and snow in the pacific northwest, making ways for the good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. leave the umbrella at home. we still have some clouds, but the rain is gone. and the clouds, they'll be blowing out of here this afternoon. breezy, 61 degrees with sunshine for philadelphia. close to 60 for the suburbs.
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lingering clouds in new jersey. they'll clear out this morning. this afternoon, 61 degrees. and close to the 60s in the lehigh valley. delaware, clouds are already starting to break. from just 63 degrees this afternoon with winds out of the northwest. have a great day. >> that is your latest weather. congrats, to the brand-new guinness world record holder, university of tennessee, largest human letter. three clues to where we're going tomorrow. i'm heading to a school that's home to the hounds. it's filled with charm. and it's filled with the best crabs around. everybody have a good one. we will see you tomorrow. day four. rokerthon 3. until then, be there. >> i love that. endless amount of energy. up next, an exclusive look at the city of a thousand planets. and we have the stars right after this.
9:46 am
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now, a new movie hoping to join their ranks. and you're getting a first look at the trailer for "valerian and city of a thousand planets." >> we're going to show you the trailer in a minute. first, we have two of the stars. just look like stars. look at these folks. this is cara delevingne and dane dehaan. good morning to both of you. i'm going to try not to stare at your shirt. it's perfectly just there. >> that's what it's made to do. >> this movie has been a long time in the making. the storyboards, the art effects. how excited are you for people to finally see what you've been working on for so long? >> i'm really excited. i'm excited for us to see it, too. >> we haven't seen it, either. >> you haven't seen the trailer? >> we've seen the trailer. but every time we see something, it's brand-new because so much of what we shot was in front of blue screen. when we see it, it's coming to life for the first time. >> every time you see it, we're seeing it for the first time.
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>> you must be psyched for the premiere. >> for sure. >> we're going to show the trailer. >> you have seen it. we haven't seen it. take a look. ♪ >> welcome to alpha. ♪ >> the city of 1,000 planets. where for hundreds of years, every species has shared their knowledge, their intelligence with each other. it's paradise. >>se amazing. >> sog. beautiful to look at. >> i want to keep staring at it. >> i know. >> how would you describe this movie? >> well, you know, really is like a sci-fi space opera. but i think it has a unique tone and a euro feel. it's directed by luc besson, who directed "the fifth element." and there's an aspect of that to that the movie. >> he has his style running
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through it. and his creativity. he's a visionary. it's been such a treat for both of otus. >> how hard is it to act in front of a blue screen, as opposed -- especially, is luc giving you, like, i've done a couple of those movies, like a ping-pong ball. like, this is a planet, guys. stare at the planet. >> look at this tennis ball. >> right. >>t. but there's also something child-like about it because you're using your imagination. and inin that way, it takes pressure off it because it's like you're a's kid again. and aiit's so much fun, really. >> thank you so much. you hear this is the next "star wars." this is the next this? >> the comparisons are amazing. i thinkam it's something completely different. i mean, it's out of its -- it' the original. all of thoses movies took something from this because it came out such a long time ago. >> congratulations. you can tell by the trailer, it's going to be big. thank you, cara and dane.
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"valerian and city of a thousand plan planets"
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what a show. by the way, some of you have been telling us on facebook, you were grossed out by the cockroach. i was, too. >> we had no clue it was going to happen. >> yeah. >> i'm out. i'm out, guys. i can deal with real cockroaches. >> ken, you are the best. >> thanks for being here. >> well, and then, i have craig. >> we women have felt for centuries. >> good one, kathie lee. >> thank you.
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nbc 10 news starts now. good morning. we're a few minutes shy of 10:00 a.m. let's get to meteorologist bill henley with your most accurate neighborhood forecast. bill? >> byron, enjoying lots of sunshine. the wind still with us. that's a steady wind, that's going to be here right through the afternoon. so even though we'll see plenty of sunshine, limited into the 50s and low 60s this afternoon. 10-mile-an-hour breeze in allentown. 12 miles per hour in wilmington and up to 10 mile an hour in millville. 51 degrees in delaware. 49 degrees in philadelphia and upper 40s in the lehigh valley
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and suburbs. >> let's get to the traffic reporter, jessica boyington. >> 95 again. we had the northbound side, a crash around the commodore berry bridge. now the opposite side. again near the commodore berry. southbound side, over into the right-hand shoulder. part of the right-hand lane blocked, and you can see the southbound side. if you're moving toward sd delaware, a delay. pottstown, right around chess nu nut street. two former aides to new jersey governor, chris christie, sentenced. last year a jury convicted bridget kelly and bill baroni. they could face 36 months in prison. the attorneys are asking for a lenient sentence. tethering dogs outside, illegal to cut down on noise complaints. you can always get the latest
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news and weather with the nbc 10 app. now back "the today show." we'll see you at the bottom of the hour. ññyñññçwçwñwñwñww?qoówvoó
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10:00 am
♪ from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. welcome to wines day, wednesday. it's march 29th, 2017. so glad you're with us. craig ferguson is in by public demand for hoda. >> i want to apologize. i didn't know i would be doing this show a lot. i only brought one jacket to new york. >> and one shirt, too. >> so i smell pretty bad but it's been ironed. everything's been ironed. it's dirty but crease free. >> so you weren't with me. >> smooth and


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