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tv   Today  NBC  May 23, 2017 7:00am-10:01am EDT

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see you there. we'll continue to update the situation in manchester, england, throughout the morning. good morning. terror in manchester. >> oh, my god. >> a horrific bombing at britain's largest concert arena. the death toll rising to 22 overnight. 59 others injured. many of the victims teenagers and children, attending an ariana grande concert. chaos as the blast went off. a stampede of crowds, children separates from their parents. police now saying it was the work of a suicide bomber. president trump in the middle east, condemning whoever did this. >> i will call them, from now on, losers because that's what they are. they are losers. >> this morning, the wounded,
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the grieving and the desperate scramble to determine whether the attacker was acting alone or whether he had help, today, tuesday, may 23rd, 2017. >> from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today," "terror in manchester," with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, everybody. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. we begin with this terror in england. i can't imagine there's anyone in this country that can't visualize that scene. young people at a concert with that exhilaration coming out. >> separated from their parents and reconnecting with their parents. british prime ministerer the re terreheresa may asked the briti people to show the fortitude they've shown in the past.
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officials increased the death toll to 22 people, noting that children are among the victims. 59 others were injured. >> manchester believe it was one man who carried out this attack, using an improvised explosive device, a suicide bomb. they're working to determine if he had accomplices. >> speaking from israel, president trump denounced the attack, calling it the work of, quote, evil losers. we're hearing from ariana grande hours after her concert. she tweeted the bombing has left her broken and so, so sorry. >> let's begin with chief correspondent richard engel, at the manchester arena. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. this is the arena where the attack took place. around the world, aryaianna gra attracting a very young audience. teenagers, preteens. this was an attack against
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children. prime minister theresa may said it was a callous attack that targeted young members. it police have made the connection of the attack with a 23-year-old man. panic in the arena, moments after a bomb exploded right outside. the horrifying sound of fans, nearly all of them young girls, screaming in terror. the concert was clearing out when the bomb went off. it targeted people as they were leaving to meet their rides home. in many cases, parents, picking up their kids. >> we now know a single terrorist detonated his improvised explosive device near one of the exits of the venue, deliberately choosing the time and place to cause maximum carnage and to kill and injure indi
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indiscriminately. >> a big flash. a flash. and then, a whoosh of air. just thought, what the hell's that? a stomach wound, a leg wound, we think broken a femur. we'll know when she gets to hospital. >> reporter: their daughter was inside trying to get out, but a stampede erupted. >> the lights came up after the concert and there was a big bang. and all of -- everyone started running, people screaming and crying. and we tried to look for the first exit point. >> reporter: the artist, ariana grande, was not hurt. but in a tweet, she said she's, quote, broken, from the bottom of my heart. i'm so, so sorry. i don't have words. shock among the concertgoers, too. many spent the night in hotels or apartments, many offered by
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locals for free. many haven't changed. still carrying the bunny airs that many of the fans wore when the explosion happened. >> it was really loud. >> and it went silent. >> was it like a stampede? people were falling? >> yes. people were moving. >> you jumped off of the balcony to a lower level. >> yeah. it was so steep. we didn't stand up during the show. >> reporter: police determined that a lone male suicide attacker deattack er detonated an improvised bomb. they've been in contact with their families. but charlotte campbell is still awaiting word about her 15-year-old daughter. >> i'm heartbroken at the moment because i don't know where she is. i don't know if she's alive even yet. >> reporter: the witness accounts we've been hearing paint a very grim picture of
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girls stumbling down staircases as they tried to escape, with children screaming, i lost my mommy. there's reports that the british security services believe they have identified that suicide bomber. they are not, however, releasing his identity as the investigation is ongoing. they're trying to determine whether he had help. back to you. >> richard engle, outside the manchester arena. thank you. >> as you saw and as richard mentioned, the bombing set off chaos. zach was there with some friends. good morning to you. >> hi. >> i was reading that you and friends were considering leaving the concert before the encore song. and someone convinced you to stay, which put you inside the arena when that happened. is that right? >> yeah. well, we were -- stood there, we knew she would have an encore
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song. certain people were trying to leave. we stopped them and said, you should wait. she's going to do another song. it will be an encore. if we didn't tell them that, they could have left. and things could have taken a turn for the worse. we were planning on leaving. a lot of people were leaving early because they didn't know if it was anner core or not. and it happened after the final song. no one knew at that moment. >> what did you hear? what did you see? >> it must have been like ten seconds after she left, after the lights came up. there was a huge bang. it sounded like a gunshot. of coursel obviously, you don't expect anything of it. maybe she dropped the mic backstage. we were making a joke of it. it wasn't until moments after everyone started screaming, we were on the upper tier. we could see the whole arena. and we saw everyone running towards the exit where we were.
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it took us a while to get down. that's when we got out into the arena lob poby. we saw everyone screaming and crying. it was horrific. >> did you get near, do you think, where the bomb was detonated? i'm sure the bomb was detonated on the bottom floor, obviously towards the back. it wasn't inside where we were. it was in the lobby, in the outside, where the t-shirt stands are. but i know a friend that was out there at the same time. and she said when she heard it to off, she felt the vibrations. we were on the upper tier, so, we didn't. we weren't as close. she heard it so clearly and so loudly. that's where everyone scattered as soon as it happened. >> did you see the injured? we understand it, there was the explosion. but also, a chaos and a stoom ped that happened afterwards. >> yeah. it was crazy. we got out, went to the lobby
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was, where the exit was. and there were people with banda bandages. there was blood everywhere. we didn't know what happened. we heard bomb a few times. and everybody was panicking. we saw people all down the street with blankets, getting help. little kids crying. we had no idea what actually happened. we heard a loud bang. >> zach, you're a young guy. you've been living in the u.k. under a heightened state of alarm for security. does this now change things for yu? >> does this change the way you view your surroundings? does it change the way you're going to go about living your life? >> i think it will change the way for everyone there last night. you tonight expect it. there was security on the way in. everyone's bags were being checked. my friend had a backpack, she was being checked.
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on the way out, they opened the door for anyone. there was thousands of people to meet their friends, kids and people to go home. the terrorists could have easily gone in towards the end of the concert. that would be when it happens. it has changed my perspective in terms of safetiness. obviously. you never know. you never know anyway. >> zach, thank you for taking the time to talk us to today. we're happy you're okay. thank you. >> thank you. the president, of course, is condemning this attack. he is in israel. he called whatever was behind it, quote, evil losers. kristen welker has that part of the story for us this morning from jerusalem. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. president trump spoke with the british prime minister theresa may earlier today and offered con toll le condolences in the wake f of that attack. he started his day with talking
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with the palestinian authority. it started with a strong rebuke of terror. the horror that unfolded in manchester, as the president met with the leader of the palestinian authority, mahmoud abbas today. offering prayers and condolences. >> we stand in solidarity with the people of the united king m kingdom. so many young, beautiful people, enjoying their lives, murdered by evil losers in life. >> reporter: the president condemning the attackers in his strogest te strongest terms. >> i won't call them monsters because they would like that term. they would think that's a great name. i will all them, from now on, losers, because that's what they are. they're losers. and we'll have more of them. but they're losers. just remember that.
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>> reporter: mr. trump tying the attack to the major theme of his trip and presidency. united the civilized world to combat terrorists. >> the terrorists and extremists and those that give them aid and comfort must be driven out of society forever. >> reporter: as he aimed to restart peace talks between israelis and palestinians, mr. trump insisting that true peace starts in the middle east. >> i think if israel and the palestinians can make peace, it will begin a process of peace all throughout the middle east. and that would be an amazing accomplishment. >> reporter: the president solemn as he visited the world holocaust museum. his daughter, ivanka, tweeting about the attack. writing, we stand united with our friends in the u.k., with
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our hearts going out to the victims of this violence. the president heads to rome tonight. how is the attack in great britain going to impact security here at home? pete williams is our security and justice correspondent. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. in the u.s., department of homeland security is not urging police to take specific action because there's no known threats here at home. nonetheless, police in new york, as they often do, as a precaution, sent extra teams to yankee stadium, where a baseball game was under way, as word of the attack began to spread. extra police, too, in times square and at train stations. and there today, police will be doing random bag checks at subway and train stations. the governor of new york, mario cuomo, has directed more security at airports, bridges and tunnels, as well. and police in boston will step up their presence at concert
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venues at that city. there's is no evidence of danger to concert venues. but many cities may deploy extra security at public places and events. as we do after these attack, police and homeland security are saying vigilance. let's turn to the former director of the u.s. counterterrorism center. michael, good morning. good to see you. these are the early hours of the investigation. but the fact it appears to be an explosive, that alone suggests a level of sophistication. and i presume raises the possibility there was help here. >> i think that's right, savannah. we tonight know exactly how powerful the explosive was. but is 22, so many injured, that increases the effects of it. but this suggests someone with an understanding. the fact today, you don't need to go to a place like syria to
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get that understanding. you can get it on the internet. that makes the attacks so tough to stop. >> this suicide bomber did not challenge security at a venue. we think, how tough is it to get in to one of these arenas. he stood outside of a perimeter, near a hub of temperatureranspod waited for the guests to pour out of the building. >> as people were exiting, there they were. this is a trend we see more and more. we saw it in the airport attack in turkey. we saw it in the attack in brussels. they know where the sturdy perimeter is. >> we heard there was one arrest, presumably maybe more. what are investigators doing? >> they've made a big step. they identified the individual from elements at the scene. from there, you go out in
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circles. every person he talked to. where the money was. make sure no one else is out there plotting. from there, it's understanding how this occurred. it will look a lot like what we've seen in the past. radicalization via the internet. move to wherever you are and you end up with this tragedy. >> it might change the way he views his life and security. the british have an expression, stay calm and carry on. does this change things in great britain, which has been the target of so many attacks over the last 12, 15 years? >> undoubtedly, matt. for the people who were there and saw this, it will change their perspective. for the british people and for this battle, it won't change that much. that's something that the british understand from their fights against the i.r.a., al qaeda and now isis. it will modify tactical elements of security at places like these venues. ultima
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ultimately, this is facing it with a stiff upper lip the. just as they have on 7/7 in london. and other attacks. let's make a turn and get a quick check of the weather from al. >> all right, guys. thank you so much. a lot of rain down through the southeast. moving into the mid-atlantic states. you can see we have pretty strong storms going on from new orleans up to raleigh. that's where we have 26 million folks at risk for flash flooding today. as low pressure moves up the coast and the mid-atlantic, downpours through the southeast will continue into tomorrow, as a second front diapers down into florida, bringing much-needed rain into those areas. but we have a flood threat because the ground is saturated one to two inches of rain generally. generally. but up to four inches when you turns out things aren't always what you think they are. generally. but up to four inches when you take guinea pigs. they're not pigs at all, nor are they from guinea. or take this haircut.
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>> all right, al. thank you very u very much. coming up, much more into the investigation of this tragic terror attack, at a crowded ariana grande concert. and new information on an arrest made overnight. >> first ts is "today" on nbc.hi chris christie: addiction is a disease. it can happen to anyone. help is within reach. all you need to do is ask. vanessa: i was a full-blown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. but i got help, and you can too. james: i just know i didn't want to feel that pain anymore. i got help. you can too.
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yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] great everyday prices and thousands of bonus buy savings. my giant. just ahead, the growing number of arenas, concert halls and public places being targeted by terrorists. can anything be done to make them safer? >> but first, a look at your local news and weather. hey katy, i'm going to go ahead and invade your personal space to run some things by you. it's going to look like i'm listening but i'm actually just paying attention to nugget. cool. i'll pretend you're answering the questions i have. i'll scroll through my feed and avoid making eye contact. i'm just going to keep hovering. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? hovering away. boo boo boo [making noise at nugget] the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back with 1% when you buy,
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7:26. good tuesday morning. i'm tracy davidson. we'll look at the weather with first alert meteorologist bill henley and the most accurate neighborhood forecast. bill? a dry start this morning. mostly cloudy skies. we've seen a bit of sunshine and areas of fog. the worst of it is in reading now. zero visibility there. not an issue in bluebell or philadelphia international. light fog in dover is starting to improve now. four-mile visibility there. temperatures in the 50s and low 60s. 70s this afternoon. but clouds come back with a chance of rain heading into this evening. >> thank you. let's check the roads. there's an accident involving a school board bus to tell you about. francesca ruscio with more. we have an accident on the westbound side of the schuylkill expressway involving the school bus.
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again, it was originally blocking a lane. now it's off to the shoulder. as you see, traffic is still able to get by. it has created a bit -- quite a bit. a delay. let's see what we're looking at now. westbound traveling 95 toward the schuylkill, it's going to take you seven minutes. it's there off to the shoulder. developing this morning, philadelphia police looking for three men and the victim they beat up and kidnapped in east falls. a witness told police a man stepped out of a brown minivan at roberts avenue and fox street last night and beat up the driver of another car. the attacker then threw the driver into the minivan and took off. two others from the van stole the driver's car. tonight at the art museum, actor/comedian kevin hart will receive an award for artistic excellence from the arts and business council at its annual gala. more news in 25 minutes. you can stay jupdated from 4:30 to 7:30 a.m. every weekday morning.
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oh, my god. what just happened? what's going on? >> we're back, now. 7:30 on a tuesday morning. the 23rd day of may, 2017. you're looking at some of the startling images emerging after the carnage and chaos after a deadly suicide bombing at an ariana grande concert. >> the queen just released a statement this morning saying, her whole nation has been shocked. we're going to get a live report from manchester in a moment. first, let's look at what else is making headlines on a busy morning. the president is predicting that a peace deal between israel and
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the palestinians could begin a process of peace throughout the middle east. mr. trump spoke at a meeting with president mahmoud abbas. he is hopeful that america can help israel and the palestinians work out their longstanding differences. jury selection resumes in pittsburgh in bill cosby's sexual assault case. three men and two women were selected on monday. the 79-year-old comedian will stand trial on june 5th on charges he drugged and molested women in his home in 2004. the nashville predators defeated the anaheim ducks to advance to the stanley cup final for the very first time. they're going to face pitburg, the penguins, or the ottawa senator senators. you can see game six tonight on nbc sports network. people that sing the anthems at the predators game are top drawer. let's get back to the tragic
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terror attack in manchester, england. keir simmons is there for us. keir, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. i've been talking to british officials throughout the morning. they tell me, the first priority is to make sure there's not another attack. with they have to establish what they think they know about the suicide bomber and whether that person has a connection to others, who may still be on the loose. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: europe is reeling from another terror attack this morning. britain's deadliest in more than a decade. >> i saw someone outside that were covered in blood. >> reporter: some concertgoers telling nbc news they saw little security. >> they never checked us. there should have been security in place. >> reporter: an urgent question. was this bombing carried out with the held of others. like the brussels airport attack in 2016, where more than 30 were killed by isis-backed jihadists.
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or paris 2015, where isis used semiautomatic weapons a ensuicide vests. that time, 130 died. then, too, many were attending a concert at a small venue. or was this an attacker acting alone, like in nice, france, just under a year ago. there, a well, not a bomb, but a truck driven at high speed, leaving 86 dead. the driver, apparently inspired on the internet. two months ago, london's westminster, another vehicle attack led to arrests across the u.k., including in manchester. this morning, british intelligence is working to establish who is behind this latest atrocity. >> the police and services think they know the identity of the perpetrator. but at this stage, we cannot reveal his name. >> reporter: u.k. security forces have been on high alert, making 260 terrorism-related
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arrests last year. thwarting 13 potential attacks in just 4 years, british officials say. but it is impossible to keep every place secure. and last night was proof of that. this morning, europe is grieving again. british officials tell me they do believe there will be security footage, meanwhile. they think this was planned, that it was deliberate. and what's really chilling about that is whoever did this would know there would be innocent people, including children there. they may have seen them before they detonated the explosives. richard clarke served as chief terror adviser to former president bill clinton. and he's the co-author of a new book called "warnings." richard, good morning. it's good to have you here in your expertise. i want to pick up where keir left off.
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this is a target of little girls, western concert, music, that can be no accident. >> no. the british have arrested over 200 people in the last year. they've broken up plots. there might have been five or six of these last year, if the british police and intelligence service hadn't been better. but you can't stop them all, no matter how good you are. one will get through. >> you talk about arrests. the british intelligence service and intelligence services throughout the world, have become good at identifying people who have become radicalized. and they keep those people under surveillance to the best of their ability. the problem is how do they know they've become activated? >> that's one of the problems. another one of the problems, that there's thousands of people that are radicalized. and you're right. there's a moment when the radicalized person becomes active. you can't tell when that happens. >> when the name comes out, do
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you think this is a name the british intelligence will have known about? >> most certain he will have been on the monitoring list. but you cannot monitor every moment of the day in these numbers. that's why, we have to get to the root of the problem. we can't just try to stop these attacks through intelligence purposes and police purposes. we have to get at the root. there's an ideology here that says it's okay to kill children. we have to get at that ideology. convince people that it's wrong. there's no religious justification in any religion. the only way to stop this so we don't keep doing it year after year after year. is get religious leaders and others to speak out and say, this is not islam. and to get at the root causes of the socioeconomic reasons, too. >> obvious live, we've seen a lot of these kind of attacks in western europe. but the u.s. is not immune. and every parent, thinking
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about, what if i took my child to a concert? this should happen here. do you think the u.s. is at any different position standpoint with the communities here versus the communities overseas? >> that's the one thing we have going for ourselves that makes the u.s. different than britain. they have a good police and security service and so do we. but we have not ostracized. we embraced our muslim-americans. that's why the talk against muslims last year in the campaign and since, has been very counterproductive. the only way to solve this problem is to have everyone think they're on the same side. >> richard clarke, good to have your perspective. >> good to see you. >> we want to maengs thention t lester is on his way to manchester as we speak. he will have in depth coverage tonight on "nbc nightly news." let's take a turn and get the weather from al. >> they've been seeing a lot of drought in florida.
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that's going to change in 48 hours. we have a risk of strong storms. 18 million folks at risk, isolated hail and tornadoes. the atmosphere, juiced up. a lot of humid air. as the slow-moving front pushes to the east. we're going to see localized flooding and isolated tornados. heavy rain, stretching from northern florida into central florida. one to two inches. but could see amounts o good morning, i'm meteorologist bill henley. a dry start this morning with some breaks of sunshine. clouds and sunshine this morning, then the clouds are back this afternoon. a warmer day today. 74 degrees in philadelphia. and low 70s in the suburbs. any fog around first thing this morning disappears as the morning progresses. new jersey will be dry, but the first to see showers later today will be the jersey shore. those showers coming up from the south. central and southern delaware will see late afternoon showers. eventually moving into the rest of the area tonight. have a great day.
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back, now, at 7:43, with more on the deadly suicide bombing at the ariana grande concert in england, sending shock waves around the world. >> it's highlighting again how difficult it can be to prevent attacks on so-called soft targets like arenas. tom costello is at the verizon center in washington, d.c., with that part of the story. tom, good morning. >> good morning. if you come to a concert here, like many venues around the country, you're going to be met by unarmed security guards, police out on the streets. but that's hardly a deterrent
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for a determined suicide bomber that wants to kill as people are going in or coming out. by its very definition, terrorism is about striking fear in the heart of the public. and there's no better place than so-called soft targets. the arena in manchester, the airport arrival and departure halls. a christmas market in berlin, a boardwalk in nice. the nightclub in orlando. an office christmas party in san bernadino. and the list goes on and on. >> it's impossible to secure all places at all times at 100% security. what yu can try to do is gather as much intelligence and information as possible, about those planning these attacks. >> reporter: in 2017, security has become puervasive wherever e go. concerts, airports, events, and shopping malls.
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overnight, the nypd deployed extra units around the city, from times square, to penn station, to yankee stadium, where the yankees played the royals. >> everybody was great. a lot of security. everybody was safe. >> reporter: but security has its limits. >> soft targets are the hardest things to defend against. there's not really layers of security for a soft target. >> the key, says experts, for the public to be vigilant. be suspicious of someone who makes threats or acts erratically. seems to be gathering information on anything from shift changes to security procedures. or seems to test security with false alarms. 16 years after 9/11, terrorism officers say the see something, say something directive, is just as urgent as ever. and often, the best way to stop an attack. >> the balance between security and privacy is a difficult one. terrorists only have to succeed once. and security officials have to worry, not only about all
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potential suspects but worry about hardening targets in an open society. >> reporter: this morning, federal authorities are reituating they know of no imminent threat to the u.s. this said, major police departments are stepping up patrols, including nupd, boston p.d., lapd. but again and again, the experts stress the best intelligence comes from everyday citizens who see something that doesn't look right and they say something. back to you. >> tom, thank you very much. as tom ran down the list of all of the soft target attacks, over four or five years, it takes your breath away. >> it does. if you have a gut feeling and you see something, it's better to call than not say something. coming up, we're going to shift topics and ask the question, could o.j. soon be a free man again? there's a new parole hearing just granted. what
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oh. >> this is so big. so big. just ahead, look who is sitting over there in studio 1a. the cast of the beloved tv show "the love boat." all of them, isaac, all together. >> don't forget gopher. >> i should have wore my jacket. >> we're going to help them celebrate a big anniversary. we're going to relive the glory days. perhaps, sing a song. are you game, guys? i accept i take easier trails than i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter what path i take, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to,
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good tuesday morning. i'm tracy davidson. right about 8:00. meteorologist bill henley has your most accurate neighborhood forecast. bill? seeing a bit of sunshine this morning, but there are still clouds. they're going to be lingering through the morning hours and take over this afternoon. 54 in the suburbs. 61 in new jersey, 57 and climbing in the lehigh valley. warming to the 70s this afternoon. there will be late-day showers moving up from the south through delaware. you'll see them at the jersey shore later today, as well, with a high of 66. if you're ready toed on out the door , - -- to head out the door, francesca ruscio has a look at the roads. lotion at township, 295 -- logan township, 295. the left lane is closed. because the left lane has closed, look at how it's affecting incoming traffic, crawlingali alitt 16 miles per . back to you. closing arguments are expected in the d.j. creato
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murder trial. both the prosecution and defense rested their cases last week. crest oh pleaded not guilty -- creato pleaded not guilty to killing his 3-year-old son in 2015 to try to keep his teenage girlfriend from leaving him. jury selection continues today in pittsburgh ahead of bill cosby's sex assault trial in norristown next month. the lawyers picked 5 of 1 2 jurors and 6 alternates yesterday. [ screams ] >> wait! fichs expect to make more arrests following this fight among students that was planned in advance on social media. witnesses captured the chaos outside the septa station yesterday after school. three officers and two students had minor injuries. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. join us weekday mornings from 4:30 to 7:00 a.m.
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, breaking overnight, terror in manchester. >> oh, my god. >> a suicide bomber kills 22 people at an aerojana grai aria concert, as thousands fled the arena. president trump sending his condolences to the people of england. >> so many young, beautiful, innocent people, living and enjoying their lives, murdered by evil losers in life. >> this morning, authorities working to determine if the bomber was a lone wolf or part of a larger group. and how to prevent future attacks, "today," tuesday, may
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23rd, 2017. good morning, everybody. welcome back to "today" on a busy tuesday morning. >> that chilling attack in england, is, of course, our top story. we mention the death toll rising. at least 22 people killed. 59 others injured. a lot of them were teenagers at that concert. >> police say the bombing b ini carried out by a lone wolf attacker. and isis claims he was one of its members. >> a 23-year-old man was arrested in connection with this attack today. we have complete averagcoverage. we have richard engel from the manchester arena again. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is the arena where that attack took place. it has been sealed off by police. it is considered a crime scene. around the world, ariana grande attracts a very young audience. teenagers, preteens. this was an attack that targeted children. on that arrest, this is the first arrest that police say
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they have made in connection with the attack. they haven't said why. they haven't named him as an accompli accomplice. only that it was in connection with this attack. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: panic in the arena, moments after a bomb exploded right outside. the horrifying sound of fans, nearly all of them young girls, screaming in terror. the concert was clearing out when the bomb went off. it targeted people as they were leaving to meet their rides home. in many cases, parents, picking up their kids. >> we now know that a single terrorist debt kate etonated hi improvised explosive device, near one of the exits of the venue. choosing the time and place to cause maximum carnage to kill and injure inchrdiindiscriminat. >> the bombs went off with a big flash. and a whoosh of air.
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and just thought, what the hell is that? >> reporter: their daughter was still inside, trying to get out. but a stampede had erupted. >> the lights came up after the concert. and everyone was getting up to leave. and all of a sudden, there was a big bang. and all of the seats like shot. and everyone running, people, screaming and crying. >> reporter: the artist, ariana grande was not hurt. but in a tweet, she said said, quote, broken, from the bottom of my heart. i'm so, so sorry. i don't have words. shock among the congress ert ce too. many spent the night in a hotel. they have not changed, still carrying many of the bunny ears that many of the fans wore. wasstampede? >> we jumped below. >> reporter: you jumped off of the balcony?
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>> to the lower level. it was so steep. to jump off, it was really scary. >> reporter: police determined that a lone male suicide atta attacker detonated an improvised bomb. >> 5-year-olds, as well, with the parents. >> reporter: they've been in contacts with their families. but charlotte campbell is awaiting toward about her 15-year-old daughter. >> i'm heartbroken at the moment because i don't know where she is. i don't know if she's alive even yet. >> reporter: an 8-year-old girl is also missing. her mother and sister were both injured in the attack. they were taken to separate hospitals. now, the two of them can't find the girl. british security forces believe they know the identity of the suicide bomber. but they have not released his name, as this investigation is still ongoing. >> all right, richard engel, thank you. president trump is on his first overseas trip. he is spoking out about the terror attack in manchester.
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nbc's hallie jackson has that for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. this morning, president trump has for the second time delivered a speech here in jerusalem. and for the second time, he is bringing up the manchester attack. this time, at a museum alongside prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he reiterated that message, calling on civilized nation to unite against extremism, essentially. this is what we heard from him in bethlehem today. when president trump was alongside mahmoud abass, calling terrorists losers. >> so many young, innocent, uh beautiful people living their lives murdered by evil losers in life. i won't call them monsters because they would like that term. they would think that's a great name. i will call them, from now on,
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losers because that's what they are. they're losers. >> reporter: we know that president trump has been getting briefings from his national security team about what happened in manchester. and has called prime minister terreheresa may, to offer cond e condolences and support. prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned the attack. saying terror is terror is terror no matter where it happened. and called on people to unite against that. president trump, any minute now is set to leave for rome. he's expected to meet with pope francis and then off to the final two legs of his trip, in brussels for a nato summit and in sicily for an economic one. jessica peer point was at the concert. she's back home now with her mom, jenny. jessica, i've been watching you on the monitor. you're very upset.
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how are you doing this morning? >> up-and-down, really. haven't had that much sleep. honestly, just seeing it all over the news. and i'm just like reliving it all over again. it was the worst experience of my life. >> jessica, where were you in that arena or around that arena, when this explosion occurred? >> i had meet and greet with some of my friends. and during the day, we got there about a quarter to 1:00 in the afternoon. and so, a very long time during the day, that's when they would have to wait to check in to meet here. and the room where we were waiting was where the main explosion happened. and honestly, when we realized that it was in there, we just were shocked at the fact that it could have happened at any time we were in there. after the show, she just left.
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and everybody was trying to leave, get out of the arena, with the flights of stairs they have. and all of a sudden, we heard the huge explosion, the first one. the floor just started to shake. it was just -- i've never heard a sound like it in my life. and everybody around me started screaming and crying. we didn't know if it was a bomb. >> jenny, i see, you are sitting so close to your daughter and wanting to hold her close, understandably. how did you hear about this? and did you have moments when you wondered, where is she? is she going to be okay? >> yes. from the stadium, it was a moment of sickening. >> jessica, you said something.t one. we only have reports that there was one bomb and one bomber. do you remember hearing something else? >> i remember -- i heard the
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main one in the arena, when everybody starts to run. and then, as we were walking out, i heard another loud noise. so did everybody else. i don't know if it was just something outside or -- i don't know. i just remember hearing another one as we were walking to go out of the doors and all of the sirens were going off telling everybody to evacuate the building. >> we're so sorry to hear about everything that happened to you. we're glad you're okay and glad you're sitting there with your mom. thanks for joining us today. nbc news analyst shawn henry is a former assistant director of the fbi. good to see you, as always. that's what terror intends to do, disrupt lives and bring terror into people's lives. and the way this bomber or if there were accomplices, we don't know, did it, was horrifyingly
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simple in terms of avoiding security. >> that's right, matt. we've seen these types of attacks over the last few years. and the hardened perimeters. magnetometers and people searching bags, to create that perception of safety and stop people from coming in. we may see a change of the tactics where they're outside the venue, knowing the conclusion of the concert, people will be coming out. that becomes the soft target. we're not going to be able to create a hardened perimeter around everything. i would also add, that the target -- they knew that this was an ariana grande concert. the people that go to these are young children and adults. >> they're targeting little girls if you're going to an ariana grande concert. let's talk about the bomb here. it offers clues for investigators. we see the claim of isis, this
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was one of its members. will the bomb tell us how much voracity is in such a claim? >> absolutely. there's an entire program with the military and law enforcement agencies, looking for the signatures. the triggering device, the explosives that were utilized, the packaging in which the bomb was concealed. looking at those things, often able to identify who the bombmaker was and especially back to a particular group. >> we had an earlier guest on, that said once we know the name of the bomber, that person would be known to authorities. and the question is, why don't they get him earlier? >> there's a great challenge to law enforcement and the intelligence community. there's a lot of people that have made statements, particularly here in the u.s. you have a right to say things. you might go up to the line. if you don't cross the line, law enforcement can't take action. they're on the radar, watching
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them. frankly, they're overwhelmed. they don't have enough resources to cover everybody they would like to cover. they have to prioritize. >> as we cover the tragedy of all this, a terror group that might be behind this sees this as a victory. they see this as a tool to get other people to come and join them. >> that's exactly right, matt. this is a marketing ploy by them. not only do they want to insight terror and create havoc, they're looking to raise money and raise their level on the global stage. by creating an incident like this, they do exactly that. >> something worth remembering. this is potentially a sophisticated attack, that somebody was able to set off an i.e.d. if it's just a person with a life or a truck or a car, isis, al qaeda, whoever is responsible for it, they see that as a propaganda victory. >> they have been told, fight
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where you are, fight where you stand, by whatever means necessary. when we did in times square earlier this week, we immediately default, this must be terrorism, because we're seeing those kind of attacks. they're going to do whatever they can to get themselves on the front burner, to raise attention and do what they can to create and make their group larger. >> shawn, thank you very much. >> thank you. just ahead on a tuesday morning, o.j. simpson getting a new shot at parole. what experts are saying about the chances he'll actually get out. and in our next half hour, the cast of the beloved show "the love boat" is celebrating a special
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you'll be amazed what happens when you pu♪ your red nose on. you help ensure that children in the u.s. and around the world are safe, healthy and educated. this red nose day, swing by walgreens and get your noses on to help end child poverty. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. on mattress firmness?
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fortunately there's a bed where you both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the semi-annual sale going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. oh, and right now it's our lowest price ever on our temperature balancing i8 bed. save $700. go to for a store near you. we're back, now. 8:16. president trump is traveling overseas. but he's been unable to avoid the controversies facing his administration here at home. >> this morning, there's new developments tied to the russia investigation and the president's fired national security adviser, michael flynn. nbc national correspondent, peter alexander, is at the white house, with all of the latest developments there. peter, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this remains a fast-developing
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investigation. the new agencization that former administration adviser michael flynn, disguided the pentagon on his ties to russia. and also pushing the boundaries for a president whose campaign aides remain under investigation. with the russian investigation intensifying, a senior official telling nbc news, that in march, the national director asked the head of the security skgs, and the director, to push back on suggestions that trump's campaign colluded with russia. the two spy chiefs, mike rogers and dan coats, turning the president down. both men concerned enough to compare notes about the president. rogers viewed it as a threat to the nsa. neither director asked believe he was asked to do something
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illegal. this as michael flynn is facing tighter scrutiny. when he applied to have his security clearance renewed. according to documents, flynn said he was paid by u.s. companies when he attended this 2015 gala with vladimir putin. even though cummings said he was paid by the russians. also this morning, flynn's lawyer says his client will plead the fifth, refusing to turn over records subpoenaed by congress, of his conversations between russian officials, between last june and inauguration day. given all of the records, his lawyers say he has a reasonable apprehension that anything he turns over could be used against him. to other trump associates, paul manafort and stone, have appealed for documents. the proposal calling for sweeping cuts to social safety
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nets, like medicaid. $800 billion slashed over ten years. and nearly $200 billion from the food stamp program. the proposal puts taxpayers first. he insists it will balance the budget over ten years. because it focuses so heavily on programs benefiting the poor and disabled, it would likely hurt the low income americas that voted him, president trump, into office. it's especially cruel for people that need a handout. >> can we go back to the russia investigation for second? people waiting to hear from jim comey. what's the latest that can happen? >> we believe that will happen after memorial day. james comey, the former fbi director, plans to consult the special prosecutor, robert mueller, about what he can and
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cannot say in that testimony. it will happen before the senate intelligence committee. all of that based on an aide of that committee. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> "today's weather" is brought you by sleep number. don't miss our semiannual sale going on now at a sleep number store. >> we have a lot of different temperatures going on. midsection of the country cooler. out west, starting this week. we are talking about soaring temperatures. 94 in yakima. fresno, 102. palm springs, 102. looking at records in interior parts of california. you can see nice and cool as you're into the mid-plains. here in the east, temperatures on the cooler side as we head into the memorial day weekend. friday, 71. 52 in burlington. columbus will see temperatures good morning.
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i'm meteorologist bill henley. a dry start this morning with some breaks of sunshine. clouds and sunshine this morning and then the clouds are back this afternoon. a warmer day today. 74 degrees in philadelphia and low 70s in the suburbs and fog around this morning disappears. new jersey will be dry but the first to see showers later today will be the jersey shore. the showers coming up from the south and central sell delaware. have a great day. >> that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al. thank you very much. now, to a new push for freedom from one of the most recognizable inmates in the united states, o.j. simpson. stephanie gosk joins us with more on that. >> reporter: the prime was surprising. an armed robbery of two men with o.j. memorabilia at a hotel in las vegas. simpson himself charged and eventually convicted. he's been in a nevada prison since 2008. now, the former nfl star has a
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chance, a pretty good one, to walk free in october. this morning, o.j. simpson, the same man who led los angeles police on one of the most famous car chases in history, sits in a nevada prison cell, with new hope he may get out early. the nevada bureau of corrections announced that simpson could have a hearing in july. if it goes okay, he could be a free man in act. >> they're looking a at the personal and prior criminal history. >> reporter: simpson was convicted for armed robbery of two memorabilia dealers in august in 2008. charges unrelated to the 1994 murder of nicole brown and friend, ron goldman. the trial captivated the country for months. most recently, it's been the subject of an emmy-winning
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television series and oscar-winning documentary. but for the families of brown and goldman, the prospect of o.j. simpson out of prison is hardly welcome. they believe he was guilty of double-homicide. this is ron goldman's sister at an interview in march. >> i'm starting to get anxious. i believe he will be paroled. i'm trying to prepare myself because i remember when it was like, before he was incarcerated. >> on monday, goldman's father, fred, told "the new york post," the reality is, he is a bad dude. and bad dudes should be in jail. i would like to see him remain in jail. o.j.'s former manager says he's been a model prisoner. teaching baseball behind bars and focused on his health. >> he has a new drive now.
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that is, he has a chance of getting out. and that drive is going to push him to get in better shape. >> his release is not a foregone conclusion. the parole board could deny the request. that would list the official release date, five years from now, in 20222022. we are celebrating 40 years with "the love boat." and a special cast reunion. >> and we brought a ship. >> exactly.
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sky 4 is over breaking news with a school accident at southwest philadelphia and island avenue. the accident involves a school bus and a car. we're working to find out if any students were on the bus and if anyone was hurt. look for updates. let's get you updated on the traffic accidents. francesca ruscio has that for you. francesca? >> we have a little bit of red here at lindbergh avenue. mostly green but there are delays because of the accident. we're looking at an accident at the southbound side of i-95 at
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betsy ross. tracy, over to you. the weather. bill? >> it's going to be dry and most of the afternoon will be dry. but sunshine, we're not seeing a lot of it. clouds are starting to move back into the area. the temperatures have started to climb a bit. it's 63 in philadelphia while still in the 50s. low 70s this afternoon. a mostly cloudy day. rain returns tonight. expect delays if you take septa's regional rail line. this is between wilmington and claymont. they will be running 20 minutes later than scheduled. another update in 25 minutes. get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 news and weather app. chris christie: addiction is a disease.
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it can happen to anyone. help is within reach. all you need to do is ask. vanessa: i was a full-blown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. but i got help, and you can too. james: i just know i didn't want to feel that pain anymore. i got help. you can too. aj: most people think addicts are beyond help. when i see an addict, i see hope. chris christie: don't suffer. don't wait. call 844 reach nj or visit
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♪ we're back, now. 8:30 on a tuesday morning. the 23rd day of may, 2017. after a rainy day yesterday. we have a really pretty day out on the plaza today. and our thanks to this nice crowd. for joining us. >> it's so nice. >> can we show two little quickies here. look at the birthdays. a 4-year-old. hi. and we got a 10-year-old. how cute. we didn't get out here earlier. >> some awesome folks inside right now. "the love boat" is here, folks. it's exciting and new.
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this year marks 40 years since "the love boat" set sail. we're going to catch up with everybody. >> looks traffic. and also looki inin ining t doing a little grilling out for you, we have gadgets and essentials. >> i hope we get to eat. and jean chatzky is here to show you how to turn piles of clutter into piles of cash. that's incentive to clean the house, i think. all right. first, a check of the weather with al. >> "today's weather" is brought to you by walgreens. get your red nose today. >> as usual, a hole in the bag. let's show you what we have for you today. we're starting off with a lot of wet weather, in the southeast. on the west coast, look for record highs. severe storms in southern texas. wet weather all the way up into the u.p. of michigan. then, we look towards tomorrow. the storms move towards the east. a sizzling southwest.
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the pacific northwest will be cooling off. a lot of wet weather through the florida peninsula. goat's what's good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley a dry start this morning with breaks of sunshine. clouds and sunshine this morning and then the clouds are back this afternoon. a warmer day today, 74 degrees in philadelphia and low 70s in the suburbs. any fog around disappears as the morning progresses. new jersey will be dry but the first to see showers will be the jersey shore. those showers coming up from the south-central will see late afternoon showers and moving into the rest of the area tonight. have a great day. >> that's your latest weather. don't forget. get that weather anytime you need it. check out our friends at the weather channel on cable. guys? >> okay, al. we're so excited.excited. we're setting a course for adventure and love. we have the stars of the beloved tv show, "the love boat" here.
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>> they're here to celebrate their 40th anniversary. but can we take a cruise down memory lane? >> let us. ♪ love exciting and new ♪ >> reporter: the classic television show "the love boat," set sail in 1977. and for ten seasons, promised something for everyone. giving audiences romance, adventure and comedy on the high seas. [ yelling ] >> welcome aboard. >> reporter: as the storyline goes, captain merrill steuben, raised his daughter, vicki. there was doc. isaac washington, the bartender. julie mccoy was the cruise director. and can't forget the purser, simply known to all of us as gopher. and there was plenty of star power.
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more than a thousand guest stars climbed aboard to play passengers bound for some hi highjinx. the primetime hit docked ashore in 1986. but sailing into our hearts. >> so much making out on the love boat. it feels so good. gavin macleod. jill whelan, who played daughter, vicki. ted lange, if you don't do the two-finger salute thing. >> cynthia lauren tewes, julie, our cruise director. and finally, fred grandy, the lovable gopher, is in the house. a round of applause for "the love boat." come on. our studio. 40 years. >> now, you guys reunite all the
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time. what i get from this, you actually like each other still. >> yeah. it's terrific. >> we actually do. >> how often to you get together? >> e wie were together last nigt at my apartment. >> we're spread out, though. fred is in north carolina. gavin is in palm springs. bernie comes over. we watch the fight together. >> we could hope we could call you by your character names for the rest of the interview. >> we would get together, when princess cruises has an event. they're pleased and happy about that. >> just watching that little cli clip, it was interesting how many guest stars were jonesing to be on the show with you. did they say, please, pick me. >> there was a lot of supplicating, begging and pleading. >> aaron spelling treated people well. >> everyone wanted doc.
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>> aretha franklin wanted to be on the show. >> and? >> they didn't believe me. she kept asking. there were people that wanted to be on the show and didn't get a chance. >> we had ethel murmen, and hayes. it was a history of showbiz. >> did you know, this is going to be a hit? >> no. >> we got the worst reviews. >> captain stubing. >> before we had cindy, we had a reading in the office. just the guys. we finished the reading and they didn't get the leading lady. they wanted to get a special one of all-time. we were walking down, and i hope it goes -- i'm telling you, we're going at least seven years. remember? >> yeah.
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>> i'm not a risk-taker. i waited until the show was a hit. >> yeah. julie, the cruise director, you started right before the show started. >> the day before. >> can you believe that? >> yes, i can. i was there. >> it was touch and go. they had another one, the an sa pedro beach bums. they can't go on. we went on. yipee. >> there was nothing like it on the air. it was romance. and television was mostly cop shows and sitcoms. this was filling a need that only aaron spelling really understands. >> we have three different stories. we had the comedy. our funny one and the poignant one. the poignant one made a difference between "love american style" and "the boat" and us.
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they were touched and they were happy endings. >> and you got to travel the world. >> we did. it was amazing. >> i came from a small town. to be able to study and when i was studying the asian history, i was reading about the great wall of china and actually sitting on it. >> you went to all those places. >> mexico and mexico. and people said, we can go other places. all over the world. >> talk about going a lot of places, doc, how many people do you think you made out with over the course of all those seasons? >> how many he wanted to? or how many he did? >> you all got -- except for you, little vicki. >> i lost count. >> can you tell who the best kisser was? >> i think gavin. >> they all talk about that. >> you guys are here for another
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reason. we have a surprise for you. >> a surprise? >> it's a big surprise. should we bring out the surprise? you have a star on the hollywood walk of fame. >> no. >> it's happening. >> it's happening on the hollywood walk of fame. you didn't know this? >> no. >> are you kidding? >> yes. on behalf of princess cruises. >> oh, my goodness. so exciting. >> the coolest thing ever. >> they told you before they told us. >> yes. we were here. >> something happened in the fall. we never put it together. >> this is it. you have to stand on your star together at one time. >> congratulations. >> princess cruises is so great. something to dream about. >> thank you, doc. >> that's good. we should mention, some of you are paid spokespeople for
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princess cruises. i'll let you guess which ones. others in the past, you gave us so many awesome memories. thank you. coming up, how you can make extra cash by cutting the clutter from your home. y"rst, this is "toda on nbc.
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♪ we're back. it's 8:42. got our special series "free money today." that sounds good. it's about snagging and saving dollars you didn't know was there for the taking. jean chatzky is back. she's going to show us how to clean our way to riches, by cutting the clutter. i love this idea. clutter can be valuable. but there's an emotional value to getting rid of it. >> there was a story in "the boston globe" yesterday. and says the average american household has 300,000 items in
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it. they're counting silverware. but that's a lot of stuff. and it causes us to worry if your homes are clean enough, neat enough. it causes stress. >> we're not talking about doing a yard sale. >> a yard sale is like laying everything out. we're talking about being tactical and matching the right items up with the right sellers. >> there's websites. there's apps that go beyond an ebay or craigslist. >> bonanza is the new ebay. if row have unusual items, that's a great site. they have a lot of buyers per sell sellers. instead of craigslist, looking at apps and websites that actually match you up with people in your local area. let go, offer up, close 5. facebook marketplace, 450,000 people buy and sell on there every month. we are talking about clothing, instead of actually taking
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things to consignment shops, there's online consignment shops. the real reel, rebags for bags. and thread-up and posh mark are all on the mainstream. >> i can't wait to hear about the technology because people might wonder, does my computer -- does anything buy anything. what do you need to know when you want to find out the best venue? >> you want to pay attention to the traffic on the websites. how many buyers are going. if they have a good buy/sell ratio, they will tell you about it. how long does it take you to sell your items. the real real, most things sell in three days. your cut is important. what's your commission on the items. >> how much are they taking? >> and those are varied. those are -- commissions tend to get better for you when the items get more expensive.
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we're looking at from 20% to 80%. you have to read the brian print. how and when you get paid. some sites will pay you for your stuff when you send it in. others wait until it sells. and who handles all of the shipping and the other work? the more work you have to do to sell your items on these sites and the apps, the less money you're going to get for it. >> the more work you do, the more money you would get. yes. >> makes sense. if you're getting less money, you're paying for someone else to do the stuff. the administrative stuff you don't want to fool with. >> if you look at a thread-up and they send you a bag and said, send it all in, we'll take the puictures and do the work. you get less for that. >> what are your tips? >> don't wait. just your technology and the clothing. the newer items are, the more they're going to go for it.
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if you're envisioning a second life, don't believe it in your closet. i would think there was a car commercial where the second buyer is talking to the first owner saying, take care of me. good photos. and a lot of them, with an accurate description. if there's flaws in items, take a picture of that flaw and let people know about it. otherwise, they will send it back. >> better to be up front and not waste everybody's time. jean, thank you so much. tomorrow, we have more about the fees you're probably paying when you don't have to. just ahead, something to spend the extra money on. the grills and gadgets to ma you the keen
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♪ this portion of "today food" is brought do you by bush's
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beans. whatever your mood, we have a bean for you. >> all right. we're back with "today food." may is national barbecue month. we have to get grilling. if you're looking to maximize flavor at your next cookout, we have great ideas. adam rapaport is this guy right here. editor in chief at "bon appetit" magazine. good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> we're talking about grills and gadgets. let's talk about this two-in-one smoker or grill? >> it's two-in-one. the base, a grill. and you open up the whole thing, it's smoker. it's an electric power. you set this low, 275 degrees. woodchips, quiliquid, beer, wat. for ribs or brisket.
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>> how expensive? $130 or so. how do you smoke on this? you buy a little box. soaked good chips in the bottom. get them soaking. put the meat on. look at that. >> that's great. >> is it really infuse it with the smoke flavor? >> yeah. there's a ton of chips. if you have a gas grill, you can set it to medium, medium-low, and you get the smoke happening. we're going to try to this. this is the smoking gun. see if we can make this happen. >> i'm thinking college. probably not. >> no. all right. we got it going. this is the smoke coming up. >> ground-up chips? >> ground-up chips. you're going to put it under -- help me out here, matt. look at that. it's filling the bowl. you can smoke nuts in there.
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you can make a bloody mary. >> in a is fantastic. how much is that? >> the smoking gun. on the screen. $100, i think. >> something like that. >> here we go. the velocity grill. 3d batteries. a turbo-charged fan at the bottom of this. you put chupgs of chunks of wood in there. >> it gets up to 1,000 degrees. >> there's an intense fan that whirs arnold. and all you need are chunks of wood. done. >> this one, they call a city grill. >> no mallbalcony, you want to l inside. no smoke, no splatter, no mess. >> you put the food on the grill, sometimes it stakes. >> these are copper mats. you get the amazing grill marks.
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planks? what's new about those? >> six planks for 20 puck bucks. this is cedar plank salmon. >> and finally, the basting brush. >> you squeeze it and get all of the juice in there. and you pour it back in. >> i got a lot of headshakes from all of these things. good. adam, great to see you. happy almost summer. for more of the products check out back with two stars of the "baywatch" movie. first this, is "today" on nbc.
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welcome back, everybody. we talked about the new "baywatch" movie with zac efron on monday. >> how could we forget? he's not the only fresh face joining the team. we have kelly rohrbach. and then, playing stephanie holden, ilfenesh hadera. kelly, you're playing the role
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of pamela anderson, right? >> no pressure. >> it's such a funny film. >> it must have been fun for pamela to have the cameo. >> i have been calling it the pameo. >> kelly is good at those things. >> it was amazing, at the end of the shoot, the original cast came. it was a great marriage of old and new. >> i like what you said, it's funny and fun. it shows how to poke fun of itself. >> it's self aware. we know what it is. >> a good way to put it. >> talk to me about the slow-mo beach running. >> a lot of practice. >> that's an iconic part of what bay watch brand is. and was. >> i will show you something you will never forget. impossible to get this image out
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of your minds. >> oh, my god. no. >> all i can say is, you're welcome. >> that's you, right? >> you're welcome. >> you got him there. >> no. >> watch my back. you look good. >> congratulations on good morning. i'm vai sikahema. it's 9:00 a.m. hey, bill. >> hey, vai. sunshine to start this morning. a few breaks of sunshine but a mostly cloudy day as the temperatures warm from the 50s and 60s into the 70s this afternoon. a few thin spots right now. it's going to be a mostly cloudy day. later today, the rain to the
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south starts moving in. most of it moves through overnight tonight. vai? >> bill, thank you. let's get a check of the roads with francesca ruscio. >> we're looking at an accident involving a school bus and a car at lindbergh avenue and island boulevard. we have red in the area which is affecting the local traffic in the area. let's look at eastbound for the philadelphia area. we're doing okay for montgomery drive. vai, back over to you. francesca just mentioned it, but here's more information about the school bus accident in southwest philadelphia at lindbergh boulevard and island avenue. the accident involves the school bus and a car. we're working to find out if any students were on this bus and if anyone else was hurt. just tap the nbc app and stay with us for updates. in meanwhile, in camden county,
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there is a verdict expected for the creato trial. we are just days away from the start of hurricane cease zone. the first alert team and the team who is fly into those storms are ready to go. today at 4:00, we'll take you on a tour of the planes that fly into the huge storms. i'm vai sikahema. see you at the bottom of the hour.
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it is tuesday morning, may 23rd, 2017. as, of course, you've already probably heard the news, we all have these heavy hearts after last night's terrifying and deadly attack at a concert in manchester, england. teens, parents, all attending an ariana grande concert, when officials say a suicide bomber detonated his explosive device. for the latest, we want to go to nbc's keir simmons in manchester right now. keir, can you fill us in on the latest? >> reporter: yeah. hi, al. devastating to be talking to you from here on a morning like this. to fill folks in on the latest this morning. a 23-year-old has been arrested here in manchester.
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meanwhile, isis has claimed responsibility for the attack. we don't know on what grounds, with what credibility isis says that it was involved in this attack. but the death total now this morning, 22 people, including, we are hearing, and this is the kind of thing, al, that makes you draw a breath. one of the victims, an 8-year-old girl. many of these victims were teenagers. we're hearing stories of parents pulling their children from the venue behind me. stories of parents running here to rescue their kids. and stories of presidents who couldn't find their kids. there's one story, we don't know if it's true or not, an adult, looking after 50 children, apparently. taking them away and trying to reunite them with their families. amongst this terrible, terrible act here, and it does appear as if it was intentional, and the suicide bomber would have known
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exactly who they were targeting, there are these stories of goodness in the community coming together. that's what people here are trying to focus on. >> it is just unfathomable. you have kids. we all have kids here. and we're hearing that the authorities there may actually know the name of the decide bomber? is that the case now? they haven't released it yet. >> that's right. the prime minister here is saying that she does -- authorities do know the name. or they know who was involved. of course, they won't be releasing the name. they want to investigate and establish. their priority is to make sure there isn't another attack. this is the latest in a series of attacks in europe. they will try to establish who this person is related to, and track down the links to make sure there isn't somebody else
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that is dangerous and on the loose. >> keir simmons, thank you very much. you will keep us up to date. keir simmons in manchester. >> on my way to work this morning, i saw "the new york post." and you it's one of those things, all the other attacks. just as horrific. but for some reason, this one just went for the jugular because, you know, frankly, they are our kids. you think of a kid's first concert. or parents dropping their kids off. in pop culture, ariana grande could happen right here. it juggled the conscious a little bit. >> some of the acts of terror are not targeting a specific group. >> and this targeted children. >> this went after children and teenage girls. >> i thought it was interesting. not interesting. but i like the way prime minister theresa may handled it. let's listen to the speech. this was outside downing street. >> this attack stands out for
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its appalling, sickeni enineni d cowardcoward cowarddice. for often, as we experience the worst of humanity in manchester last night, we also saw the best. the cowardice of the attacker, met the bravery of the people of manchester. the attempt to divide us, meant countless acts of kindness that brought people together. and in the days ahead, those must be the things we remember. >> i think she's right. did you notice this time -- go ahead. >> i stopped in my tracks when i was listening to her talk. you can hear the anger in her voice but there was something comforting listening to her talk when you need to than the you need that sense of comfort from
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someone in charge. >> and there's a thread, unfortunately for people in the u.k. and people in britain. from world war ii, and before that, they have dealt with these tragedies. and the british resolve to carry on continues. >> there's a fine line in the media. you don't want to give more attention to whatever did this. you don't want to give them anymore attention than need be. for a while, we didn't want to show the picture. then, you want to point out the heroes that came in to help. there's an interesting dance we have to get out of the information but don't play the video over and over. >> president trump was on his trip in israel. here's what he had to say. >> so many young, beautiful, innocent people living and enjoying their lives, murdered by evil losers in life.
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i won't call them monsters. because they would like that term. they would think that's a great name. i will call them, from now on, loser losers because that's what they are. they are losers. and we'll have more of them. but they're losers. just remember that. >> a difficult time. and you have to imagine, what ariana grande -- >> i know. i feel so bad because, she tweeted last night. broken, from the bottom of my heart. i'm so, so sorry. i don't have words. obviously, she had nothing to do with it. but sorry because she's heartbroken. can we say concert? you don't want her name to be tied to something so horrible. and it's just one of those
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things where, we worry about the next concert. there's a big billy joel concert. and they were talking about you see a huge police presence in new york city. we take the train every day. >> and concerts are fun. they're memories. everybody remembers their first concert. this is one of the situations where it was likely a lot of the kids' first concert. it's so disgusting and so sad. >> i've taken my daughters to concerts to everything, jingle ball, to z-100. and in the back of my mind, i'm worried about these things. that's why i go to the concerts with them. that doesn't protect them. >> you feel like you're there, i guess. >> you can be the most protective parent in the world. and there's nothing to save your child. >> for a while, it was, you go
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through airport screening. and now, they're attacking places outside of security. >> they knew that was a choke point. you go from the concert to the tube. this is dangerous. talking about in the next block, how you can stay safe at airports and stadiums. one of the best in the country weighs in on what you
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at pmore than one flavor, orh texture, or a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. when a fire destroyed everything in our living room. we replaced it all without touching our savings. yeah, our insurance won't do that. no. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance [ ominous music playing ]] when liberty stands with you™. ah! ah! ah! [ children laughing ] wooo! yea! have a despicably delicious breakfast with these special edition jars of nutella.
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director of the fbi. and now, director of crowd strike services. good morning. >> good morning. >> we don't want to frighten people. i think that forewarned is forearmed. going forward with our lives, we can't hide. but we have to go out. we hear about soft targets, explain what those technically are. >> you're talking about soft targets entaand talking about ss that are large gathering of people. when you think of a hardened target, somewhere where they have magnetometers, like the airport, for example. but the soft targets, concerts, carve values, people gathering for a sporting event. a local school, for example. we see them targeting those because they're not going to be stopped, to get into the venue,
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they will be able to create conduction. they want to create confusion and fear. and targeting the soft targets allows them to that. >> what is the best advice? we can't say don't stay inside. people want to go to concerts. they want to go to games. want to live our lives. what can you tell us? >> being aware is the most important thing. be aware, be alert. be on the lookout. private citizens have helped to thwart many of the attacks because they've seen something. they see a discarded bag or vehicle. something that looks unusual. when you go the a movie theater or other venue, know where the exits are. if somebody comes in that looks unusual, it's okay to move away. it's that type of that event that will help thwart these. >> i have a 5-month-old and i hugged him a little tugter last
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night. and i think about security. how much do i feel like there's protection? and how much do i keep my eyes looking around? >> there's thousands of these events going down on any given day. we have to live our lives. we can rely on the intelligence agencies, hundreds of thousands of americans that are working every day to protect us. we have to rely on them. that being said. we have a responsibility to be alert and understand that this threat is no going away. we have to make sure we're in the game, and our mind is totally aware. >> wetalking before we came on. why does it seem like europe has the propoeponderancepreponderan. they don't seem to be happening here as they are over there. >> one of the things we've seen, are so-called foreign fighters that are able to go out to iraq,
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to syria. they get trained and come back. they're able to come back to europe. there's been a bit more of a free-flow. in the united states, there's been a separation of that. the fbi is ready to track those guys that traveled when come back. >> we have to be vigilant. how about if there's a concert. is there a new game plan? >> from a law enforcement perspective, the best way to thwart these attacks is through intelligence. being able to connect them and disrupt them. we have people who are lone wolves. we hear that often. they're not engaged with a larger conspiracy or group. they're more difficult to detect. >> will there be a case for big events, like fireworks, like i
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said, where there will be security at these things in. >> we'll see more hardened targets. all that does is to push the softness outside. we saw people exiting and they were targeted as they exited the venue. >> i was watching this with my kids last night. what do you tell your children? we can't keep them in a bubble. they go to sporting events. what can we say to our kids? >> this is the reality piece. they have to be aware of the evil people trying to harm civilians. talk to them about the alertness. have them idea where the exits are. talk to them about not running towards a disturbance. >> curiosity is not their friend. >> absolutely right. >> so much, when you see something, say something. it's obviously so important.
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>> absolutely. good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a dry start this morning with some breaks of sunshine. clouds and sunshine this morning and then the clouds are back this afternoon. a warmer day today. 74 in philadelphia and low 70s in the suburbs. any fog around first thing this morning disappears. new jersey will be dry but the first to see showers later today is the jersey shore. showers coming up from the south. late afternoon showers in delaware. moving into the rest of the area tonight. have a great day. >> and that is your latest weather. we'll be back with'll be back w "today" after these messages. the most amazing thing about being a woman is that we can bounce back from anything. and so can our hair. so i use this. total repair 5 from l'oréal. fights 5 signs of damage. total repair 5 with ceramide.
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many of you will be on the move this summer. whether it's moving into a new home or taking a family vacation. but if your luggage gets lost or your belongings get damaged by movers, would you know your rights? lisa, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's get right into it. when we first talk about moving, it's a painful thing, frankly. but how do you find a credible company? you can't just google it and go. >> you shouldn't. move movers are like the caregivers to your valuable stuff. lock online. federal and state agencies has a
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data base of movers. >> a lot of them don't come to your home first. you say they should come out. >> have a mover come to your house and give you an estimate. if you don't do that, you might be subject to a scam. >> what about dabmages? >> two types of insurances. full price or 60 cents on the dollar. if your flat screen breaks, you never get the full value. >> here's the deal. when you complain, do you tweet? is that good enough these days? >> who doesn't want to unleash their negative reviewers. >> usest the biggest vocabulary words. a businessman would say something false and reputation-harming. if you're online keep it true and real. talk to the person who did you wrong, tell them rather than
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tweeting. i want some recourse. business owners care about their reputation. >> here's the thing, renting the car. they always say, you want the insurance? and i believe it's on my credit card. i often say no. >> if you have car insurance, if you have health insurance, if you have homeowners insurance, it might cover you. but there's times when you may not have insurance because you don't have a car. the number one thing to do before you get to the counter where you're stressed out, see what the insurance covers. that may be secondary liability. >> i never checked. >> i care sometimes more about what i'm wearing than the car. i should flip that script. >> lost luggage. my worst nightmare. nobody wants to check. what happens when it does? >> these days, we've been seeing more video of passengers that's
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wrong than luggage. the airlines are doing better than ever. if you don't get your luggage, go to a human being. get something in writing. get the phone number, not the reservation number. and keep track of where they are with your bag. you may get you some dough to carry you forward. >> do they paid you if they find it later? >> if you have your skis, ask if they let you rent so your holiday didn't ruined for starters. but stay in touch this with them. >> you can rent equipment. just in case. they should pay for it. >> think about how ruins the sport trip could be. coming up, we catch up with coming up, we catch up with the stars of the average family's new, but old, home: coming up, we catch up with the stars of it stood up to 2 rookies, 3 terrible two's, and a one-coat wonder named "grams".
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♪ good morning. i'm vai sikahema. it's 9:30. you can see clouds behind me in center city. let's go to your most accurate neighborhood forecast. bill? >> temperatures are climbing into the 50s and 60s. a mostly cloudy view across philadelphia. 70 degrees at noontime. up to 72 at 3:00. during the day for most neighborhoods, it's rain. but that's a little different at the jersey shore. clouds are in place late afternoon and evening showers are likely and they will be moving up to delaware later today as well. >> bill, thank you. let's get a check on the roads with francesca ruscio. this is the usual slowdown
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towards the philadelphia area on montgomery drive westbound for the western suburbs. we have some traffic but it's not all that bad. looking at west norriton and trooper and oakdale avenue. >> francesca, thank you. this is breaking news in southwest philadelphia, an accident between a school bus and a car at lindbergh avenue and island avenue. we have made some calls and we're still working to find out if any students were on this bus at the time. and we're just days away from the start of the hurricane season. the first alert team is ready to go. today at 4:00, our meteorologist will take you on a tour of the planes used to get information from inside those huge storms. be sure to watch tonight at 11:00 p.m. the summer forecast will be revealed and learn what they say about the hottest months to the wettest months so you can make your summer plans. another update in 25 minutes.
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it was one of the iconic shows of the '90s, the hit tv series "baywatch" made for beautiful television. the beaches, the bods and all that slow-motion running. now, two decades later, the "baywatch" team is back. plays buchanan. and they help protect the beaches of emerald bay. alongside is ronnie. is that me? >> that's you. >> when was i -- i went out to shoot with them when they were filming this movie. it feels like a gazillion years
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ago, right? >> longest year of my life. >> there we go. >> are you looking at anything in those -- >> no. you know what it was? >> this is my favorite right here. >> you guys, i think people underestimate, it was so much fun. when i got out there, it was a little intimidating because you're greek goddesses and gods. >> thank you so much. you look like you have a good time. >> we had a blast. we took savannah by storm. >> lot of care roki nigqu karao. >> it's time to birth the baby. >> it's time to pop. popping on thursday. >> the original "baywatch" two decades old. were you fans of it? were you even around? >> i was the biggest "baywatch" fan. i was 6 when it came out.
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we would sneak and watch it when my parents were out. i rewatched it when i was cast. it is so naughty. it is. >> they deal with serious subject matter. >> yeah. >> how to talk to a child who is going through, you know, parent of divorce. and you know -- >> predators on the beach. >> we tried to add -- ours is an action comedy. >> i was a fan of pamela anderson. that's where mine started and stopped. she was my first big crush. i was in love with her. >> oh. >> did you get to meet her? >> there we are. my goodness, we look beautiful together. >> she forced me to take that with her. >> by the way, we were all in that photo. he cropped us out. >> i didn't crop you out. >> you did. >> i think it looks better. >> another big part is the fitness. did you have to do 12 billion situps a day? talk to us about that.
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>> some of us did. and others -- >> you think she's talking about me. she's talking about kelly. >> really? >> alexander and i were religious with our workout routines. we would plank between every shot. this one over here, just like -- so perfect. so unfair. >> you were so much more motivated. doing planks and push-ups between takes. i'm taking a nap. >> there's proof of that. >> there's proof of me taking a nap while they plank. >> you had to run in slow-mo. >> there you are. >> in the planks. our makeup artist hated us because we were sweating, not camera-ready. and there's kelly. >> i don't know how you did it. i'm exhausted. >> we had dwayne on not too long ago. did he give you advice? what was it like working with
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him? and zac, too. >> dwayne is a nice guy. he's a leader. and he was also the leader of, you know, our team. >> on the show. >> and i think that translates on and off screen. >> is it true, he gives out secrets? >> i found out a couple. >> you won't tell? >> we had to do a photo shoot. we had to be shirtless. >> okay. >> and dwayne, i see him in the corner, just like putting all of this oil on. and i'm like, what's going on over there, buddy? i said, hey, man, what's that? you want some of my oil? i want some of your oil. i oil completely up. what do i do? how do i pose for the picture? he looked at me really confidently, and was like, own it, brother. oh, my god. the power of the rock. it was incredible. >> and muscles started bulging. >> exactly. >> that's how it happened.
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>> he actually taught me about butt glue. >> to keep it from riding up? >> yeah. it's something in wrestling. when you see the movie, stay for the bloopers. we have picking wedgies. >> stay for the bloopers. that's what they use in wrestling. >> i had heard hairspray. but if dwayne says butt glue. >> he might be calling it butt glue. >> "baywatch" opens on thursday. if you want to look like some of your favorite celebrities, ben bruno is back to get you toned up for summer. he has a lower and the wolf huffed and puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe.
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hands crossed over. and give yourself a little hug. and drive your heels down. come all the way up, and come back down. >> this is impossible with microphones on. where is your microphone? >> it's on the side. >> you heard about butt glue, right? >> the eyes straight ahead. the problem people make here, is you don't want to arch your back. look straight ahead. >> kate upton does these with a 200-pound bar on her hips. >> she's a supermom. >> we need to step it up a little bit. >> he started doing this. start light and build up. make sure you always use perfect form. the next exercise i want to do -- >> how was that form? >> that was great form. >> what's next? >> the stability ball leg curl. you're going to put the ball at
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the end of the mat, with your feet on the ball. and then, you bridge um p to engage your butt and curl your feet in. and gradually go in and out slowly. that's really good. but i want you to try -- to get your butt a little more, you're going to go -- >> oh. way up there. that's harder. >> this the like a leg curl you do with a machine at the gym. you are also getting your butt. let's move on to the third exercise, which is walking lunges. al, i'm going to have you sit this one out. >> good plan. >> this is not an exercise i recommend for people with knee problems. but it's really good for your thighs and butt. >> is there a modified version? >> the first two you did are great for people with knee problems. what you're going to do, i'll face this way. we're going to do a lunge.
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but rather than go straight out. to work the gluts a little more, you're going to go to the side. like this. you want to make sure this knee does not come in. so, the gluts to work to keep this from happening. you come to the side, but the knee tracks straight. >> al, you're not supposed to do this. >> you waltalternate? >> you typically alternate. just go out to the side. very slight. maybe like two or three inches. nothing extreme. >> i like the next one. the bulgarian split squat. >> superweird name. but it's an awesome exercise. i will say, this is probably the most ubiquitously hated exercise by my clients because it's hard. here, back foot on the bench. al, probably sit this one out. >> good idea. >> you're going to go down and
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up. >> how did you get your leg down so far. like that? i just did it. >> just like that. >> yeah. i would do about three sets of ten. >> chelsea handler does these, right? >> chelsea is probably the only person i train that likes these. >> i feel like it works the area that i need. >> she can do it with weight, too. >> ben bruno, thank you so much. this is great stuff. i'm going to do a bulgarian split squat over here. hold on, just a second. today, we're looking at the severe storms from the southeast. southern texas, making their way up into the plains and the upper mississippi river valley. look for record highs into interior california and into the pacific northwest. tomorrow, more wet weather making its way through the southeast, all the way down into florida. sizzling southwest tomorrow. but calling off in the pacific northwest.
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good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley a dry start this morning with breaks of sunshine. clouds of sunshine this morning and then clouds are back this afternoon. a warmer day today. 74 in philadelphia and low 70s in the suburbs. fog around first thing this morning disappears. new jersey will be dry but the first to see showers later today will be the jersey shore. showers coming up from the south-central and delaware will see afternoon showers and eventually moving into the rest of the area tonight. have a great day. >> and that is your latest weather. up next, they burst on to the music scene with the hit song "our own house." indy pop sensations misterwives will be sipging their hit song after these
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thithe beet one.ns. the reason you stop scrolling one. the whoops, you looked at your calendar wrong one. real-life snacks. baked with real ingredients.
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♪ ♪ especially when it comes to snacking.g new. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. hey katy, i'm going to go ahead and invade your personal space to run some things by you. it's going to look like i'm listening but i'm actually just paying attention to nugget. cool. i'll pretend you're answering the questions i have. i'll scroll through my feed and avoid making eye contact.
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i'm just going to keep hovering. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? hovering away. boo boo boo [making noise at nugget] the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back with 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi® double cash card double means double. the citi concert series on "today" is proud by presented to you by citi. >> indy pop group misterwives wowed the music world with their debut album "our own house." >> now, the band is gearing up for the first headlining tour to promote the new album "connect the dots." performing their first single, "coloring outside the lines" is misterwives. guys, take it away. ♪
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♪ tangled in one bunk because we can't sleep ♪ ♪ if i don't feel your arms wrapped around me ♪ ♪ been to every rest stop in the country ♪ ♪ without you, oh, this dream would feel so empty ♪ ♪ turn to you after we play the first song ♪ ♪ to ask you if i messed it up and song wrong ♪ ♪ there across your face the biggest smile ♪ ♪ it makes me feel invincible like a child ♪ ♪ say, what we wanna do make it all come ♪ ♪ true because nothing is impossible with you ♪ ♪ say, what we wanna do, make it all come ♪ ♪ true because nothing is impossible with you ♪ ♪ open my eyes to see you and i ♪ ♪ can't believe this is life
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we're coloring outside the lines ♪ ♪ open my eyes saturated sunrise ♪ ♪ didn't seem as bright when we're coloring outside the lin lines ♪ ♪ they say time slips away when you're having fun ♪ ♪ that's why you said let's change our life to a dull one ♪ ♪ don't wanna blink one day and this will all be over ♪ ♪ if only time could stop so we'd never grow older ♪ ♪ yet, in the same breath i look forward to the day ♪ ♪ when our skin has aged i love you just the same ♪ ♪ our canvas will have endless hues and shades ♪ ♪ because of all of the vivid colors that we made ♪ ♪ oh, say what we wanna do make it all come ♪ ♪ true because nothing is
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impossible with you ♪ ♪ say, what we wanna do, make it all come ♪ ♪ true because nothing is impossible with you ♪ ♪ open my eyes to see you and i ♪ ♪ can't believe this is life we're coloring outside the lines ♪ ♪ open my eyes saturated sunrise ♪ ♪ doesn't seem as bright when we're coloring outside the lines ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ coloring, coloring, coloring ♪ no matter the day no matter the night ♪ ♪ our love will keep burning keep burning bright ♪ ♪ no matter the low no matter the high ♪ ♪ my darling our love will will never run dry ♪
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♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ open my eyes to see you and i ♪ ♪ can't believe this is life we're coloring outside the lines ♪ ♪ open my eyes saturate a sunrise ♪ ♪ doesn't seem as bright when we're coloring outside the lines ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh ♪ coloring, coloring coloring outside the lines ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> misterwives, wow. thank you so much. that was terrific. >> thank you very much. >> the album is "connect the dots." we're back in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc. way to go.
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so, we know you guys just
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came off of tour. but you're doing the connect the dots tour for the fall? >> yes. absolutely. >> oh. hopefully you'll come back. all right. coming up next,
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good morning. i'm vai sikahema. it's 10:00. let's go to bill henley with the most accurate forecast. still cloudy? >> clouds are not going anywhere over cape may. some people are taking advantage of it and going for a walk. temperatures are climbing inland. 64 in philadelphia. most of the shore communities start in the low 60s. 61 in cape may. atlantic city, 60. rain from the south and here at
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the shore later today. >> bill, thank you. let's get a check of the roads with francesca ruscio. >> the usual slowing from the sukol expressway. westbound and western suburbs, it does get pretty busy as well. an accident at lower pottsgrove and sunnybrook road. vai, back to you. a verdict isç expected in e creato trial. he pleaded not guilty in 2015. we are just days away now from the start of hurricane season and the first alert team and teams who fly into those storms are ready. today at 4:00, our meteorologist will take you on a tour in the planes that get the information from inside the huge storms. looks scary right there. i'm vai sikahema.
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another update in 25 minutes. now back to the "today" show. see you at the bottom of the hour. ♪ pro-tip. get these great smoked ribs. twenty minutes on the grill, they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? the best food at amazing prices, giant.
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chrit can happen to anyone.s a help is within reach. all you need to do is ask. vanessa: i was a full-blown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. but i got help, and you can too. james: i just know i didn't want to feel that pain anymore. i got help. you can too. aj: most people think addicts are beyond help. when i see an addict, i see hope.
10:00 am
chris christie: don't suffer. don't wait. call 844 reach nj or visit >> good morning everyone t.. it's tuesday, may 23rd. we begin by offering our heart felt thoughts and prayers to everyone affected at the concert last night in manchester e england. >> i think it's one of those things that any mom, dad, could relate to sending your kids to a concert or going with your children to a concert because that's the place where you're free. it's full of joy. it's full of music. it's the exact opposite of what happened. i think what makes this so sinister to me, there's so many levels on which it's sinister, but when


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