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tv   Today  NBC  June 2, 2017 7:00am-9:59am EDT

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we'll have local updates throughout the morning. you can get more news, weather, and traffic on our app. good morning. breaking overnight, the death toll soars to at least 36 people in that brazen attack on a crowded casino in the philippines. a burglary gone terribly wrong. [ screams ] a lone gunman opening fire and setting gambling tables ablaze, this morning chilling new images of the chaos, and what investigators are now learning about the attacker. feeling the heat. president trump's decision to pull out of the historic paris climate accord, drawing strong reaction on both sides. >> i was elected to represent the citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. >> landmarks around the world lit up in green in protest.
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supporters of the move arguing it will be a boost to the economy. this morning, the fallout over one of the president's most controversial moves yet. out of it. new video released of tiger woods in a foggy state of mind and taking a breathalyzer test following his dui arrest. >> sir, would you, please, state your full name. >> tiger -- woods. >> a court date now set in that case. and, queen of the bee. >> that is correct. >> congratulations! >> a 12-year-old from california crowned the national spelling bee champion and she's c-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-i-n-g with us today, friday, june 2, 2017. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a very
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busy friday morning. thanks for joining us. hoda is in while savannah has the day off, and we've got a breaking story to get right to. the soaring death toll in that disturbing attack on a casino in manila. nbc kelly cobe ayah has the details. good morning to you. >> reporter: they thought it was a terror attack, that turned out not to be the case. the death toll is high. 36 people killed. it's not clear yet if americans were among the hurt. victims are still being identified this morning, but we know employees and guests of resorts world manila are among the dead after this lone gunman stormed in after midnight, turning the casino into a death trap. new video this morning showing the panic in manila. a lone gunman opening fire in a casino. >> i can hear gunshots. >> reporter: isabelle hessa watching from her apartment.
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this man, running for his life, but he got out. 36 others did not. they died not from the gunshots but from smoke inhalation. a fire engulfing part of the building. a hotel mall and casino. smoke still rising from the roof this morning. police said the gunman seen on security cameras didn't shoot anyone. instead, firing at a tv screen, stealing $2 million in poker chips, and tragically pouring gasoline on casino tables and setting them on fire. survivors confused and covered in black soot from the intense smoke. firefighters brought many out on ladders from second floor windows but weren't able to save anyone. nearly all the victims were found in the casino. >> there was only one gunman involved in this senseless, senseless attack. >> reporter: more than 20 were hurt. most of them injured in the stampede to get out.
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police say the gunman was found dead early this morning in a hotel next to the casino of an apparent suicide. they have not yet identified him. said he had no identification on him, but they do say he does not appear to have any ties to terrorist groups. in their words, this was a criminal act by a disturbed man. matt, hoda? >> a senseless act and terrible story. kelly, thank you very much. also this morning, the world is reacting to president trump's decision to pull out of the paris climate accord. it is sparking protests here at home and overseas, but supporters say the move was a necessary one. we do have complete coverage on the fallout and in a moment we'll speak about it with president trump's commerce secretary. first, nbc's national correspondent peter alexander is at the white house with more. hey, peter. good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you. the president's decision to definitively unify critics overseas and here at home, already a new drive sticking to
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u.s. commitments combating climate change despite president trump with 30 mayors at least 3 governors and more than 100 businesses partnering and negotiating directly with the united states. among those leading the way, michael bloomberg. his company volunteering to donate millions to help cover the costs. protestors turning up the heat on president trump. [ chanting ] after his announced withdrawal from the paris climate agreement. >> so we're getting out. >> reporter: the president letting a landmark u.s. commitment go up in smoke, arguing it put america's businesses at competitive disadvantage. >> we will see if we can make a deal that's fair. and if we can, that's great. and if we can't, that's fine. >> reporter: mr. trump speaking thursday with four key allies, including the new french president, rewriting trump's favorite phrase. >> make our planet great again. >> reporter: the president defying his daughter ivanka's advice, siding instead with his
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national strategist steve bannon. >> i was elected to represent the citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. >> reporter: president obama calling on states, cities and businesses to help protect for future generations the one planet we've got. already, california's launching its own global coalition with canada and mexico, and virginia set new standards for power plant emissions. the u.s., the world's second largest polluter, had pledged in paris to cut emissions by more than a quarter. >> what president trump has done today is walk away from american leadership over decades. >> reporter: so tesla found e elon musk and disney's bob iger walked away from the president's jobs council. the weather channel, blanketing its web page in articles about climate change. >> the paris accord would undermine our economy, hamstring or workers, weaken our sovereignty. >> reporter: the move and apparent appeal to president trump's base. the senate's top republican
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praising the president for protecting middle-class families by taking action to rebuff then president obama's regulatory rampage. but these big american brands and four large oil companies all backed the climate deal. the president claiming the paris accord would cost the u.s. $3 trillion in lost economic activity, and $6.5 million industrial jobs. experts say that study's been widely debunk for making incorrect assumptions about merkel role in the agreement. and overnight here in the u.s. and around the world, local leaders lit their landmarks up in green to show support for the paris agreement. the mayors of new york city, boston, montreal, mexico city, among others, joining in the effort. in the weeks ahead i'm told the white house will begin the process of withdrawing from the paris deal. the soonest the u.s. could formally exit the agreement, november 4, 2020. exactly the day after the next presidential election. matt? >> all right. peter alexander. thank you very much. we're joined now by the
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secretary of commerce, wilbur ross. mr. secretary, it's good to see you this morning. thanks for joining us. >> good to be on with you, matt. >> before you joined the president's cabinet, you're a business guy. you made a name for yourself and a fortune in the business world. what do you say to your former colleagues in business? what do you say to ceos of major companies? what do you say to people like elon musk and bob iger, who have now pulled off the presidential business advisory council in protest over this? why are they wrong? >> i think they're wrong, because what the president is not doing is saying he's not going to try to improve climate. what he is saying is this particular agreement does not appeal, was destructive of u.s. economic growth going out into the future. i think they're confusing the withdrawal from the agreement with the idea that he's against helping the climate. that is not the case. >> but when you talk about the impact on the economy, you talk about the loss of jobs, you're
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echoing what the president said in the rose garden yesterday, and i believe you're both quoting from a survey that was conducted back in 2005 that's been roundry criticized. it took numbers and plugged them in in the worst case scenario in about every aspect of the paris accord and came up with a kind of doomsday scenario. you wouldn't use that kind of survey in the world of business. would you? >> you should know what your down side is. that's an important thing, and particularly when you're trying to forecast events many years out into the future, it's very, very difficult to be accurate. so while there may be people who say that this particular case is the down side case, that doesn't mean that it's wrong, and it doesn't mean that directionally it isn't right. >> let me ask you this, secretary ross. many members of the president's inner circle, i'm thinking of secretary tillerson and mattis,
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who argued for staying in the paris accord and one of the reasons they came up with, is that fighting climate change is a matter of national security. so by pulling out of the paris accords, have we damaged our national security? >> absolutely not. there's nothing that the withdrawal requires us to do that we don't want to do. the country has actually reduced itss quite a little bit, largely due to gas, higher pollute of fossil fuels. so the president hasn't changed any of that. he is an environmentalist. i've known him for a long time. he's very pro-environment. >> how can you say he's an environmentalist, when he's rolled back many initiatives of the obama administration, and now he's basically taken a 180-degree turn from what the obama administration did in signing this paris accord?
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>> well, you're taking as the given that the obama administration was right and any other action was wrong. >> what about 195 other countries around the world? >> yeah. those are the countries, aren't front-ending burdens the way we were asked to do. this agreement, as i understand it, would have allowed china to keep increasing its emissions all the way out until 2030. that's hardly climate control. we were giving money up front. they're able to continue increasing their emissions through 2030. is that a balanced deal? i don't think so. >> no question about it. it was weighted in different ways for different countries, but the chinese had committed to reducing their emissions by about 60% after 2030. i'll leave it on that. we've got a lot of minutia we could get into. secretary, i appreciate you joining me. thank you. >> thank you for having me on.
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>> we'll talk more with host of mountain nbc "deadline white house" and our political analyst. start with you, because you were there in the obama administration when this accord was written and signed, and in one speech yesterday the president, president trump, took that 180-degree turn from your boss? >> yes. >> listen, matt, i was there in december of 2015 in paris when president obama travelled to paris to meet with other world leaders to try to finalize the agreement. even in the final weeks before signed, president obama was meeting with the prime minister of india and other world leaders to try to get the details locked, and there was a palpable sense history was being made at this conference. not because global warning would come to an end when the agreement was signed but because the world was finally on the same page to take concrete, specific action, altogether to fight climate change, and now the united states is stepping away from that. >> nicole, put yourself into those sitting watches the news
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conference yesterday. what josh was talking about. what do you think they were feeling from president trump was speaking? >> deja vu all over again. they went through this in nato. gleefully he took the stage and almost seemed to relish in thumbing what was a decision when it comes to defending nato allies. i think he seems to delight in blowing up the kinds of agreements that knit us together with our longest and oldest allies. and the missed opportunity yesterday was that everything you covered with secretary ross could have been amended. what would have didn't -- >> a voluntary agreement. i'm going to make it great again. nothing forced him to stick with obama's target. he could have put his own target in place. >> the agreement is written to be renegotiated to try to convince people to increase ambitions when fighting carbon
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pollution. >> he could have put his own brand and stamp on it. a missed opportunity. >> seems to see these agreements through the prism of economics. everything's about economics with him? >> it is. it's a false choice to say the people of pittsburgh -- cynical, stay under the people of pittsburgh or the people of paris and the whole nature is that the people of pittsburgh fight alongside the people of paris, if one any of our countries is threatened. >> was this about politics, pure and simple, josh? it's reported steve bannon and his office has that whiteboard and on it written every campaign promise, then candidate donald trump made during the campaign and he checks them off. the ones kept and haven't. was this about checking the box near the paris accord, and what does it tell us about who has the ear of the president in the west wing? >> yes. 100% politics, pure and simple, full stop. this is all about donald trump trying to change the narrative of this presidency to send a senate to supporters across the country, i'm fulfilling my promise to come and shake up washington, to shake up the global order.
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facts be damned in many ways. because when it comes to the economy, the truth is over the last eight years we have succeeded in creating more than 10 million jobs in our economy. at the same time we have made double-digit reductions in carbon pollution. so we can do both. >> quickly, real quickly -- knowing what you know now, what you saw yesterday in the rose garden, back when president obama signed this paris accord, should he have gone through congress as opposed to doing it with an executive order? >> unfortunately, matt, there are too many republicans in congress also playing politics on this and they would have prevechpr prevented this implementation. ideally, members of congress focused on facts, yes. a bipartisan consensus around this, as exists in 195 countries around the world would have been preferable. unfortunately, far too many politics playing with the economy and our plan. >> thank you very much. also this morning, there is
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new controversy tied to the russian investigation as fired fbi director james comey gets set to testify on capitol hill. and today we're hearing directly from another big name in all of this. russian president vladimir putin. nbc's andrea mitchell has more on that story. andrea, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. perhaps the biggest name of all, vladimir putin, about to speak with nbc's megyn kelly in st. petersburg and front and center meanwhile in washington, former fbi director james comey's testimony has now been scheduled for next thursday. his first appearance since president trump fired him. when james comey answers questions next week, the most anticipated senate testimony in decades, he will certainly be asked if the president pressured him to back off his russia probe, as the fired fbi director reportedly told friends. this, as vladimir putin, after months of denials, is now acknowledging who he calls patriotically private-minded russian hackers not connected to
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the government could have been involved. although u.s. intelligence officials say the election hackers were directly tied to russian intelligence. now the white house reportedly plans to return to russia to lavish estates in maryland and new york, that the obama administration seized last year, to punish russia for the election interference. former secretary of state john kerry in his first interview sis leaving office. >> i would have very simply what is it that russia has suddenly done that would merit that? i mean what is it that suddenly prompts a reward to russia? >> a new foreign policy direction. >> reporter: and nbc news learned the fbi and congress are scrutinizing this 2016 trump campaign event. >> i believe an easing of tensions, an improved relations with russia, from a position of strength only, is possible. >> reporter: democratic senators asking the fbi to determine whether then senator jeff sessions met privately there with russia's ambassador sergei
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kislyak. something sessions denied. and five current and former officials say classified reports suggest they did meet. >> if -- if this is true that would be extremely disturbing. >> reporter: and, meanwhile, two former state department officials say when the president first came into office, the white house tried to immediately lift sanctions against russia without getting any concessions in return from putin. but stopped when congress, including leading republicans, pushed back hard. of course, we'll hear from putin shortly. hoda and matt? >> andrea, you're right. the eyes of the world are on russia this morning where russian president vladimir putin is speaking. moderated by megyn kelly. already an appeal to u.s. business leaders saying help is needed to restore what he called a normal dialogue with washington. ahead of that forum, megyn met
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with putin a prime minister in india at a dinner in st. petersburg last night and later today will sit down with the russian president for an interview. you can see it on "sunday night" with megyn kelly and that interview, 7:00, 6:00 central time on nbc. >> that's a way to start your show off. all right. a check of the weather. mr. roker, finally it's here. >> yes it is. severe weather around the gulf. look at this video from corpus christi, text. a woman had to climb on to the top of her car to avoid getting trapped in there. eventually she was rescued by some first responders, but, boy what a mess and the gulf coast will continue to see more wet weather. just stream of moisture coming in and especially into florida. looking at heavy rain over the next ten days. in the meantime, storms continue to fire up from texas on into southern louisiana. mississippi, alabama, and then on into the panhandle of
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florida. storms with frequent rain, lightning, potential for flash flooding. through central texas, three to five inches of rain and on into new orleans, but as we get into florida, the highest amounts, east central florida, four to six inches in some of those area (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a coupe soup. [woman] so beautiful. [man] beautiful just like you. [woman] oh, why thank you. [burke] and we covered it, november sixth, two-thousand-nine. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ i'm first alert meteorologist erika martin with a look at the weekend forecast. temperatures will climb into the 70s. chillier than today, but nice nonetheless. a miss of sun and clouds on
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sunday. notice we have rain here on our icon. temperatures topping out in the mid 70s for the lehigh valley, upper 70s for the p.a. suburbs. low 80s for the philly metro area. tracking some showers especially isolated thunderstorms late sunday into monday. and temperatures only staying in the 70s on monday. keep the umbrellas handy. and that is your latest weather. >> al, thanks so much. coming up, a new video of tiger woods handcuffed and taking a breathalyzer test in a florida jail, that after his dui arrest. an emergency meeting at penn state in the wake of that disturbing case of alleged hazing that resulted in the death of a student. is the university about to ban greek life altogether? first, this is "today" on nbc. you knew when you cast it they'd lock you up. but that didn't stop you. you traveled far and wide, and others followed. mothers, daughters, sisters, lions.
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♪ give extra. get extra. 7:26. good friday morning. i'm tracy davidson. it is a gorgeous morning outside. let's find out what's to come with first alert meteorologist erika martin. a gorgeous friday in the forecast. temperatures for today in the 70s and 80s. lots of sunshine. we're going to stay with that sunshine at least through saturday. i am tracking showers on sunday. so notice here we have rain in our icons here. and i think we will see isolated thunderstorms sunday into monday. so keep the umbrellaings handy for the second half of the -- umbrellas handy for the second half of the weekend into the next workweek. back to you. now to roads with jessica boyington. what are you seeing? >> delays on the schuylkill expressway. cameras at city line avenue. we're seeing some westbound delays right here. a police officer sitting around waiting, not that he's going to
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catch anybody speeding here because they can't move that fast. everybody's going a little bit slow on that westbound side. watching valley forge road for a crash. slower at cottman avenue because of a crash, as well. back to you. today, three former penn state administrators will be sentenced in the jack sex abuse case. graham spanier was convicted of endangerment. two assistants pleaded guilty to the same charge. prosecutors said the three covered up an allegation of abuse by jerry sandusky in 2001. nascar weekend gets underway today at dover international speedway. qualifiers and a 2 hundred-mile truck race is scheduled for this morning. coming up the 400-mile drive for autism is on sunday. join us weekday mornings for "nbc10 news today" from 4:30 to 7:00 a.m. it takes a lot of people to make a good school day.
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it is 7:30 on friday, june 2nd. starting to feel like summertime outside. gearing up for another big concert. people waiting patiently for this guy to show up. thomas rhett is going to perform in our next half hour, and it was a mom, a dad, a little 3-month-old baby that drove all the way from nashville the other night to get here and it's going to be fun. >> i want to know when this happened with you. you are a huge fan. when did that happen? >> i fell in love, i heard him sing "die a happy man," i listen to pandora over and over. then met his wife and baby, and i'm in. >> tipping the scales. >> i am. and critics lining up
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against president trump's decision to withdraw the u.s. from the paris climate accord. in a joint letter, leaders of france, germany and italy expressed disappointing saying, there is no renegotiating that accord. protests were also held outside the white house last night. president trump claims the deal benefited other countries at the direct expense of american jobs and economic growth. the trump administration is asking the supreme court to immediately reinstate controversial ban on travelers from six mostly muslim countries. justice department officials argued a lower court made mistakes ordering against it and should be able to reinstate that while the justices hear their appeal. and the golden state warriors made it look easy last night in kind of a lopsided win over the cleveland cavaliers. game one of the nba finals. kevin durant led all scores. 38 points. steph curry 28. golden state wins it 113-91. game two is sunday.
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>> all right. in other news this morning, florida police released more video of tiger woods' dui arrest showing what happened when he was taken to jail. here's nbc's kerry sanders. >> reporter: barefoot and in handcuffs, tiger woods under arrest, suspected of driving under the influence. >> sir, would you, please, state your full name? >> tiger -- woods. >> reporter: despite the circumstances, he manages a little humor. >> your hair and eye color? >> brown and [ inaudible ] and brown. >> reporter: now blowing into a tube to see if he's drunk. >> keep going, keep going. keep goal. >> reporter: two hours earlier, he appeared disoriented. >> do you know where you are now? >> reporter: woods tells officers he has not been
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drinking. >> no. >> are you sure about that. >> reporter: he admits to police being on four prescription medications including vicodin. >> have you taken any medication today? >> yes. >> reporter: after a few sobriety tests, he's arrested and taken in for more testing. the breath test is negative. >> three zeros, which means the instrument did not detect any alcohol on your breath. >> reporter: later that day woods issued a statement saying what happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications and he apologized. he's scheduled to be arraigned july 5. >> do you wish to speak to a lawyer? >> reporter: kerry sanders, nbc news, jupiter, florida. let us now head over to mr. roker for another check of the weather. >> right. now we're looking at the plains, going to be getting storm activity going, an it's going to make its way across the country. in fact you can see the system moving in the plains from dakotas, into colorado. severe storms.
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tomorrow, from minnesota down into oklahoma, looking at showers and thunderstorms with this and into the weekend moves to the great lakes and on into the northeast. ohio river valley and interior sections of the northeast on into new england. temperaturewise, jet stream way up to the north for much of the country, except the northeast. we are looking at temperature, 94 in pierre. st. louis, 88. 81 in new orleans. into tomorrow, chicago, you finally see the warmth. 85 for you. same in memphis. 86, and dallas. phoenix, 106, and next week, look at these temperatures. des moines, into the low 90s. nashville, mid-80s. houston in the mid-80s and phoenix, triple digits. in thor part of next i'm first alert meteorologist erika martin with a look at your weekend forecast. temperatures climbing into the 70s. chillier than today, but certainly a nice day, nonetheless. a mix of sun and clouds on sunday. mits to we have some rain here on our icons. temperatures topping out in the
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mid 70s for the lehigh valley. upper 70s for the p.a. suburbs. low 80s for the philly metro area. tracking this showers especially isolated thunderstorms late sunday into monday, and temperatures only staying in the 70s on monday. keep the umbrellas handy. >> check out the weather channel on cable for everything you need this weekend. ys? >> all right, al. thank you very much. just ahead, a tennis player who puts humanity way above competition. this is a heartwarming story that will make you feel good. >> all right. first, will penn state ban all fraternities and sororities following a pledge's alleged hazing death? we are live ahead of i guess i was born with a crayon in my hand. i decided to see if there was a way for design to play a... ...positive role in what was going on in the world. there's a jacket that's reflective for visibility... ...a sleeping bag jacket, jackets that turn into tents. i usually do my fashion sketches on the computer. i love drawing on the screen. there's no lag time at all. it feels just like my markers. with fashion, you can dress people and help people.
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for those who create their own path. always unstoppable. we're back now at 7:40. that disturbing and deadly case of alleged fraternity hazing at penn state is back in the headlines this morning. >> because the university's board of trustees is meeting today to discuss more sanctions including a possible ban of all fraternities and sororities. nbc's gabe gutierrez is on the campus. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. since timothy piazza's death, the university placed new restrictions on greek life. this chapter of beta fate ta pai kicked off campus and today the board of trustees is meeting to discuss more potential penalties in a case watched closely on campuses across the country. this morning, an impassioned plea from the parents of timothy
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piazza, the penn state sophomore who died after an alleged brute's hazing incident in february. in a new letter to university trustees ahead of today's emergency meeting, the piazza the say greek life at penn state is broken and must be fixed. either fix it or admit you cannot make it work. among the requests, tougher hazing laws, expelling students culpable in their son's death and fire anyone who turn add blind eye. prosecutors apiazza's blood alcohol content was four times the legal limit when he tumbled down a flight of stairs. it would be another 12 hours before someone finally called 911. >> -- [ inaudible ]. >> reporter: for the penn state chapter of beta fate ta pai, since ticked off the campus. now 18 fraternity brothers are
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facing charges raising from hazing to involuntary manslaughter for his death. his parents spoke to matt last month. >> what happened was disregard for human life. >> nobody can consume that much alcohol. that's -- that's torture. >> reporter: penn state's president said an end to greek life altogether is possible, but as he told savannah last month, the university can only do so much. >> if behind closed doors a group of people are willing to band together, keep something secret, not tell anyone, how is it that universities can manage to deal with the situation like that? it's private property. it's a private house. >> reporter: on campus, mixed feelings on whether greek organizations should be banned entirely. >> i don't think they should shut down the fraternity is. it's a great way, especially for freshmen to meet new people.
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>> it is 2017, and seems this is the first time in a long time they're actually doing something about it. >> reporter: in a written statement overnight, penn state says its deepest sympathies continue to go out to the piazza family. the board of trustees is meeting today to advance student safety. as for the criminal case against the students, the national chapter fraternity says it cooperated fully and the students acted against policies and have a court hearing june 12th and have not yet entered pleas. matt and hoda. >> thanks, gabe. we'll follow what comes out of that meeting later today. and sheinelle is in the orange room with big moments from last night's national spelling bee. we are going to speak to that
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with formulas infused with hand-pressedhair. moroccan argan and camellia oils, new garnier whole blends illuminating haircare indulges hair with moisture for luminous shine. new garnier whole blends argan and camellia oils. find every blend at walmart. ♪
7:45 am
hi guys. in the here. at the mall. on the mountain. at school. at the beach. in the big easy. yeah yeah today i want to show you guys the next-gen chevy equinox. what do you think? that's pretty. pretty sexy. it looks aggressive. but not overbearing. it's not too big. not too small. seems like the perfect car for anybody. i would take it anywhere. she's a bad mama jama. (laughter) current qualified gm lessees can get this introductory lease on the all-new 2018 chevy equinox for around $249 a month. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair wrinkles? your time is up! with the proven power of retinol. reduces wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena® to tinto a flamecker you'll need a spark. new emergen-c energy+ natural caffeine from green tea to focus your mind. 7 b vitamins plus vitamin c to fortify you. spark the energy within you every day. emergen-c energy+. emerge and see. this and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you enamel is the strong, wof your tooth surface. the thing that's really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime. the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients' teeth are going to be. dentists are going to really want to recommend the new pronamel strong and bright. it helps to strengthen
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a new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities & life insurance. talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. welcome back, everyone. the champion of this year's scripps national spelling bee was crowned late last night. >> yes. check out the winning word for -y vinay from fresno, california. >> mogoyone. >> look at him. >> boom. drop the mike. >> boom. >> that was the wrong take -- >> can we just say that guy was amazing.
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the word, dropped the mike. walked off, like, i got it. >> do we have the right tape? we do not right now. >> yeah. why don't we? >> the word was marocain, by the way. >> working on how to pronounce it this morning. we congratulating her and asking if she got any sleep. >> i just slept a couple of hours. >> you don't look any worse for wear and tear, ananya. talk about this rise here. last year was the first time you competed in this spelling bee. i think you were like, 172nd. and this year, one year later, you win it. what was the difference? >> i was more prepared and had a lot more confidence. so i just spelled my words. >> well, you did, and you did have confidence, because i was waging you on that stage, ananya, and i was sweating. okay? so you were on stage. there are cameras, judges, your parents. how on earth did you stay -- you seemed so cool. how did you stay so cool und are pressure?
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>> i just focused on my word, the interaction between me and dr. bailey and it just came through. >> when you heard the last word presented to you -- >> which was -- >> how do you pronounce it? >> marocain. >> did you immediately know you could spell it? did you realize at that moment, i'm going to win this thing? >> yeah. i realized that, but i just wanted to make sure and got all my pieces first. >> so cute, ananya, when they announced you had won, you just stood there. you kind of looked around. i'm not sure you realized you had won and then i saw your dad run out and almost body slam you. when did you realize that you had it? >> as soon as i spemed spelled i rulesed but i was just standing there, i was so happy. >> your dad looked happier than you. congrats to your whole family. >> thank you. >> thank you very much, ananya. >> thank you. >> way to go, girl! sheinelle's in the orange
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room with other spelling bee -- >> ananya may have taken home the trophy. another finalist caught people's attention online. the 14-year-old. when he heard his word, he didn't waste any time. no origin, no definition. no -- use it in a sentence. take a look. >> mogayone. >> mogollon. >> got that word right in less than five seconds. social media users are calling this the mike-drop moment of the spelling bee. sylvia writes, he is a beast. megan tweets, greatest moment in spelling bee history. he ended up taking fourth place and, of course, there was plenty of love on line for the winner of the night. the big winner. tweeting, a new queen bee. congrats, ananya vinay. con congrats, of course to vinay and all the contestants. those kids are so smart. >> she's 12.
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>> smarter than we'll ever be. >> sheinelle, thank you very much. just ahead, hoda blends her love of music and surprises for an unforgettable summer of "yes "'moments. >> and a live concert outside, wise man, i'm nervous about things i can't control... affecting my good credit score. i see you've planted an uncertainty tree. chop that thing down. the clarity you seek... lies within the creditwise app from capital one. creditwise helps you protect your credit. and it's completely free for everyone. it's free for everyone? do hawks use the stars to navigate? i don't know. aw, i thought you did. i don't know either. either way it's free for everyone. cool. what's in your wallet? especially when it comes to snacking.g new. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking.
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it's intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for when you need a little extra. boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. be up for it
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a couple minutes before 8:00. good morning. i'm tracy davidson. let's check the sunshine and what's to come with first alert meteorologist erika martin. a gorgeous friday, that's for sure. the out-the-door forecast looking great with a mix of sun and clouds. extra clouds by later this even being. a great day to end the workweek. get outside and enjoy the day. be sure to apply sunscreen often. we're seeing temperatures climb into the 70s for the lehigh valley with a few clouds if any. at least for first half of the day. a few extra clouds later in the day. a high temperature for the next couple of days topping out in the 80s by sunday. tracking rain by monday. back to you. if you're ready to head out, there's breaking traffic news. a problem on 95. we'll get you details with nbc10 first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. we're watching cameras at cottman avenue. one lane getting by on the northbound side. for this time of the morning especially on the northbound side, you see the drive time is pretty large, 25 minutes now
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from the vine street expressway to woodhaven road. average speeds into the 30s there. it's hard to see, but we have fire engines on the scene there. one lane only getting by. delays on the northbound side. also watching for mass transit. regional rail delays, inbound service 60-minute delays. outbound service 40-minute delays. check before you go there. back to you. today loved ones and friends will bid a final farewell to a helicopter pilot with ties to our nbc10 family. a visitation and funeral are scheduled for this morning for michael murphy. he was training in inclement weather last week when his medical chopper crashed in new castle. he was a backup pilot for sky force 10. in camden county, police are asking for your help in finding movie theater bandits. they stole a wallet at the carmike theater in voorheis in march, then went on a shopping spree at a nearby target. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. join us weekday mornings from 4:30 to 7:00 a.m.
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♪ pro-tip. get these great smoked ribs. twenty minutes on the grill, they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? the best food at amazing prices, giant.
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super pro-tip: buy your veggiveggies pre-chopped. ce. boom. the best food at amazing prices, giant.
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it's 8:00 on "today" and coming up, climate control. strong reaction from around the world in the wake of president trump's controversial decision. >> the paris accord would undermine our economy. >> protests erupt. while the president's supporters applaud the move. we're live at the white house. plus, surprise. >> one of my favorite things to do share joy with music. >> our "summer of yes" series wraps up hi hoda as she teams up with country music legends to give tourists here at 30 rock a moment they'll never forget. ♪ light that cigarette snowed. and get ready for rhett. country superstar thomas rhett is set to light up our summer
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concert stage, and the crowd can hardly wait, "today" friday, june 2, 2017. ♪ if you never get to see the morning light ♪ >> hey! >> okay. i love this sign. lt. we're >> all: we're on the "today" show! ♪ baby, i would die a happy man ♪ >> we have a lot of big fans on the plaza. >> number one fan from philly! >> this is my favorite sign. >> i skilled kindergarten for this! >> i love those hats. >> we came from mississippi to see thomas rhett! [ cheers ] we're back now. 8:00 on this friday morning. and hoda -- >> yes? >> has been waiting for this friday morning for about a
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month. thomas rhett, we just told you, in concert in our next half hour, and you are all over this. >> i am busting on so many levels. he's down there taking 1e678is, as you would expect, and we're going to show you in a little bit his wife, new baby daughter. they're here, too, tucked away. we're going to see them in just a little bit. it's going to be great. >> ah. so sweet! >> i know. i know. she's so -- [ laughter ] >> what's your name? >> happy anniversary. >> mandy holden. >> billy holden. >> we're beholden to you. >> got a lot to get to. start with your news at 8:00. >> reporter: i'm kristen welker at the white house. the president defending his decision to withdraw from the paris agreement saying it will be good for the economy. the other two not in the deal, syria and nicaragunicaragua. this morning, fresh fallout after president trump announced
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he's pulling the u.s. out of the paris climate accord . >> it is time to exit the paris accord. >> reporter: the dealmaker in chief vowing he can get a better one. but world leaders say the agreement can't be renegotiated. >> we all share the same responsibility. make our planet great again. >> reporter: the non-binding pact requires the nearly 200 participating countries to lower emissions. overnight, landmarks in new york, paris, and other major cities showing their opposition by going green. opponents warning the move will world u.s. back in fighting stage. >> i was elected to represent the citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. >> reporter: pittsburgh mayor bill peduto with a very different take. >> pittsburgh is the poster child of showing why the paris agreement is. >> economics for the united
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states. >> reporter: the paris accord would undermine our economy, hamstring our workers, our sovereignty. >> reporter: but according to a department of energy forecast, renewables, and natural gas, would have surged under the climate deal helping energy production grow and potentially the economy. what about the coal industry? that sector hoping the president's decision will lead to fewer regulations and paspar boost overall. markets are driving a surge in cleaner, cheaper natural gas and ren renewable's ps sti renewable's. it's a campaign promise kept. and elon musk and disney's iger are pulling out of the president's council. and the soonest the u.s. could formally exit the agreement is november 4, 2020.
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that's one day after the next election day. matt? >> kristen welker at the white house. thank you very much. in other news, smoke still rising from a casino resort in the philippines, where at least 36 people were killed overnight. a gunman fired shots and use gasoline to set fires inside the resort's world complex. that's outside manila. despite initial fears of a terrorist attack, officials now believe this was a robbery attempt. the gunman ransacked a storage area stealing more than $200,000 worth of casino chips. all of the victims died of suffocation. politician say he took his own life after being wounded. showing support for a city where a suicide bombing at a ariana grande concert last month killed 22 people. police are still tracking the bomber's movement, releasing new pictures including one taken
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just three hours before the attack. meantime, ariana grande returns to manchester this weekend for an all-star concert to benefit the victims and their families. we are, unfortunately, getting used to seeing more rude and aggressive behavior in sports competitions these days. why one tennis match at the french open thursday has a lot of people applauding. 0 former u.s. open champion tied in the second-round match when he reminded us winning isn't everything. >> and this is the match point. steve johnson winning through -- >> amid the thrills, and spills. among the highlights of the french open, this act of kindness will have a special place. struggling with injuries, the argentine player was fearing the worst, but it was his opponent who is in real trouble standing at the baseline doubled over in pain. and if you thought sportsmanship was dead, take a look, climbing
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oakar the net to check on his adversary, who had now fallen to the clay, sobbing uncontrolla y uncontrollably. consoling the distraught player, he helped him walk off the courted, embracing him in a bear hug. sitting with him on the chair, and giving the spaniard a pep talk. he had just recovered from a knee injury that forced him to retire earlier in the year. del potro, seems, could relate. it was a sad victory. i think it was an awful outcome for both. i imagine how sad he would be. he must be having a bad time. twitter hailing this act of sportsmanship, teaching us by example, and big man, big heart. del potro ranked 30th in the world. eastern packed his opponent's bag, to cheers from the crowd. i wish you a speedy recovery, he
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tweeted, having restored faith in the humanity of competitive sports. >> ah. wait. hold on. why sports matter sometimes. >> they really do. >> did what his heart told him to do. calling it the right thing. sportsmanship is important for the sport, he says, because even though we're rivals on the court, we have to have deep respect for each other. >> it's the kindnesses that make you emotional, make you cry these days. when you see something sweet like that. >> i was in a restaurant watching it and i said, we need to do something about that. >> it's beautiful. >> and facing the world's number one player, andy murray, next. coming up next on "trending," the wildest way you'll ever see someone catch a fish. got it. got it! then it's hoda's turn to share her "summer of yes" project, and we can only tell you it is pure hoda. >> and be talk about a country sensation? outside, our friend thomas outside, our friend thomas rhett, live in
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hi guys. in the here. at the mall. on the mountain. at school. at the beach. in the big easy. yeah yeah today i want to show you guys the next-gen chevy equinox. what do you think? that's pretty. pretty sexy. it looks aggressive. but not overbearing. it's not too big. not too small. seems like the perfect car for anybody. i would take it anywhere. she's a bad mama jama. (laughter) current qualified gm lessees can get this introductory lease on the all-new 2018 chevy equinox for around $249 a month. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. heare you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. atblue diamond almonds wein our almondmilk.ia-grown and we're proud of that. but the whole "care-and-nurturing" part? that idea... ...we borrowed from the experts. blue diamond almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk.
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fisherwin-williams has complete one-coat coverage. and it's oh-so scrubbable. how scrubbable? this scrubbable. infinity paint from hgtv home by sherwin-williams. available at lowe's. ♪ ♪
8:11 am
this and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you
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8:12 on arning. >> it is friday, everybody. it's graduation season. go around the table and ask one quick question. what made a better gift when graduating? something material or an experience, like a watch or a trip? >> no question. experience. >> the -- the -- the thing. >> the watch? you want the thing? >> i'm all about experiences. we try to give our kids experiences. >> okay. you're -- wrong. [ laughter ] >> ohio state university did a study -- at ohio state, by the way, isn't that your alma mater? >> no. >> conducted a city and they found tangible gifts are better and do you want to know why? they say memories from those trips fade away. you don't remember them. but the watch al roker gets, you remember it. every time you look at that watch you think of it and you're going to remember all the positive memories associated with it. the pride and accomplishment. what my parents gave me.
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>> show you a whole basement of memorable gifts we gave our kids over the years. >> exactly. this 19-year-old spent the world traveling the world with her boyfriend and had amazing experiences. i think they went to something like 12 different countries. she's a picture-taker. took pictures everywhere. they're amazing. here's the problem, though. after the trip, they broke up. what do you do? all of these photos of beautiful places but your ex is in all the photos? well, take a look. she photo shopped zac efron's face in every one of them, because she decided she was going to be able to show her friends where she had been and wasn't going to let it be ruined by the fact she was there with an ex-boyfriend. there she is. horseback riding, hand in hand with zac efron. someone, she said, she would much rather look at these days. what do you do? do you have photos that have exes in them? >> i do. depends on your memories. if you parted ways, just let
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bygones be bygones, but if it was ugly? >> i discarded photos with an ex, because i didn't -- i didn't care about the memory anymore. >> and pictures, family photos, and that's -- fine. >> exactly. no scribbling anybody out. how about you, mr. lauer? >> something you said. you would rather forget the trip altogether? >> yes, i would. because, whenever i see him -- >> oh, here we go. >> i'd rather not -- i'd rather forget the whole trip. that's how i am. >> now i know why you're into material things. that explains -- >> moving on. all right. ready for the catch of the day? >> yes. >> i know that, matt, you like to fish. >> love it. >> al, you like to fish, not so much, sheinelle jones? not really. watch this guy. tries to catch a fish with his bare hands. look. bait in his hands. oop! he caught a bass. >> no? >> or the bass caught him. >> the dumbest fish in the
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world! >> i know! no, it wasn't. >> sheinelle, say what you said. >> i would not eat that fish, because something's wrong with it. why would you eat that fish? >> the first just -- that back in the water. just let him go. >> it has issues. >> right? >> fish are fast. >> amazing catch. >> do bass have teeth? >> some do, yes. >> might not be a good idea. >> i say he goes back in the water. >> sheinelle jones? >> "pop start" pap good one. ariana grande, one love manchester concert sold out in under six minutes. about 45,000 tickets. even more joining the cause, artists, lil mix, black eyed peas, added to the star-studded lineup includes coldplay, justin bieber, pharrell williams, usher, and more. supporting victims families and
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the british red cross. one love manchester takes place this sunday. and front man i a.m. confirmed fergie, he told the entertainment newsmagazine, "lon" nobody is replacing fergie. working on a solo project at the moment. we're on a brand new experience celebrating 20 years of black eyed peas, putting out music. the band lives on. a bonus. said the black eyed peas worked on songs for fergie's solo album. and finally, gwyneth paltrow. coining the term, during her divorce with chris martin and is opening up further. people are coming around. a dorky term but very worthwhile. i'll almost a person who gets, stuff, at first. later people say, maybe that's a good idea. i don't mind. gwyneth wanted to turn her divorce into something positive. said it was the most difficult thing she's done in her life. and that's your "pop start." >> i think people have a
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slightly different view about that. >> i do, too. >> sheinelle, thank very much. >> yes. >> is it time for the weather? >> mr. roker. >> okay, then. i wasn't sure. kind of a a little of a -- >> making a transition. >> there you go. show you what's going on currently. we've got heavy showers and thunderstorms firing up in dallas, and texas. on through the gulf coast and on into florida where we'll look at a lot of wet weather today. warm and toasty through the southwest. 90s to 100s. 90s in the plains, awfully chilly here in the northeast and new england. for today locally heavy rain throughout texas, on into the gulf coast, florida as well. beautiful weather returning to the northeast around the great lakes, look for late afternoon thunder through the northern plains. western third of the country looking spectacular. i'm first alert meteorologist erica martinez. the temperatures will be climb into 70s and chillier than this
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morning, but a nice day nonetheless. notice some rain here on the icons with the temperatures toppinging out in the mid-70s for the valley. and tracking some isolated thunderstorms late sunday into to monday and the temperatures will stay in the 70s. on monday, keep the umbrellas handy. nd that is your latest weather. hoda? >> al, thank you so much. now to our "summer of yes" series, trying new and different things. >> recap. shall we? so far savannah learning to play tennis like a pro. carson creating his own craft beer for a worthy cause, and al is taking some great kids from here in new york to the grand canyon. hoda, it's your turn. >> yes. you guys know i do like music. a big music fan and always sort of sound track is playing along to every moment of my life. the truth is i have zero musical talent, and could never tlern in the "summer of yes." i'm marrying my music with another passion surprising the
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heck out of people. >> one of my favorite things to do is share joy with music. always running around with me phone or beats or something. i don't need them today because i got the real thing. rascal flatts! >> what's up? >> stop it! ♪ life is a highway >> reporter: i snagged the country superstars after their recent plaza jam, for something a bit more intimate and unexpected. a surprise concert. ♪ you got to look like a tourist. now we're getting somewhere. >> is this where stone fill iph was? >> and infiltrate an nbc tour. >> as the tour's going on, be obnoxio obnoxious. >> i will. >> you think we'll see any -- >> reporter: our inside man is nbc page donald adler. he will shamelessly lead the group into studio 3b, home of lester holt's "nightly news." ♪
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>> i've seen all types of personalities at this point and definitely work with you. >> your name? >> my name is doug loudouglas f michigan. >> this place is fabulous. >> reporter: frightening how easily jay slips into his alter ego. >> so i sell stoplight parts. >> this area? >> which one's fallon? >> bump into him, i got jokes for him he could use. >> we're excited to have you here today. you guys will see the studio fo "nightly news" with lester holt. >> at first jay, our douglas, blends right in. ben then -- >> all right. you guys -- >> lester? i'm not sure if lester's there right now. so you guys can stand up and follow us to the elevators. >> here they come. here they come. >> welcome. keep coming in here. >> hey, we got the group. is this anyone's first time in a
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studio by a show of hands? awesome. what are your first impressions? >> a lot of lights. >> a lot of lights. yeah, over 300 lights in here. >> reporter: it's only a few minutes and he's already getting on their nerves. ♪ life is a highway >> so are these microphones up here -- >> so those are actually lights. >> you got great acoustics in here. >> yeah. ♪ >> i appreciate your enthusiasm. yeah. so these are mostly lights. ♪ yeah and >> you have an amazing voice, sir. i appreciate are vocal skills. >> yeah. you had a question? >> do you ever, like, do shows in here or anything? other than the news? like -- concerts or anything? >> oh, not -- >> it would be so cool. ♪ >> what's going on back there? >> sounds to me like a guitar. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! how are you? >> what's up? ♪ >> how are you? how are you? >> rascal flatts!
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♪ cannot hesitate, break down the garden gate ♪ there's not much time left today ♪ sing life is a highway, i'm gonna ride it all night long ♪ >> oh, tell me about it! >> whew! ♪ you're going my way, i'm gonna ride it all night long ♪ >> one more time for lester holt! ♪ you're going my way, i'm gonna drive it -- all night long ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> that's great! i'm so sorry they made me do it. thank you, guys! >> it was -- it was so much fun. >> that's great. >> he was so annoying, whenever he stood somewhere, literally the crowd parted. people were clutching their children, like, get away from the freak. >> all been on tour with people. haven't we? that was great. >> a lot of fun.
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they're just great, great guys. again, this is about, we're having fun ourselves, but all about inspiring you to try new things you've always dreamed about. head to or the today app and tell us what you want to say yes to and we might be able to help you out. >> people are probably signing up for the tour, who am i going to see in lester holt's studio? >> wouldn't that be great? >> sheinelle? >> thanks, guys. going country this morning for a live concert from thomas rhett. he'll take the stage, right after your local news.
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nbc 10 news starts now. good morning. i'm vai sikahema and it is about 8:30. if you have plans out sooside t, guess what? you will be happy. let's get over to erica martin. >> and that is right. take a look at the out the door forecast a. mix of sun and clouds and mostly sunny skies for most of the day. the temperatures will climb into the low 70s today, and nice day all around and thanks to the high pressure. get outside to enjoy the mostly sunny skies. back the to you, vai. >> all right. thank you, and now a look at the traffic with jessica boyington. >> around cottman avenue and on the northbound side, the last time we saw you about an half
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hour ago we were looking at crash with one lane on the northbound side. this is what is left, the remnants over to the shoulder, and 19 minutes from vine street expressway to woodhaven road. there are delays on the mass transit with inbound delays up to 60 and outbound 40 minutes. and a emotional plea following a pledge of parents will testify at pennsylvania state university. 18 members of the fra teternitye charged with piazza's death. we will have another update in 25 minutes. you can always get the weather and news on the nbc 10 app. we will see you again at the top of the hour.
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so at aetna, we promise to keep finding new ways to join you so nothing gets in your way. because no matter where it is you're going, or whatever stage of life you're in. we believe that when it comes to health. you don't join us. we join you.
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goldvo: as a goldman sachshose companiepresident,legal activity helped destroy our economy... phil murphy made his fortune in a rigged system. now the jersey machine has lined up with murphy and his millions. leaders should stand for the people, not the political machine. as a prosecutor, at treasury, and as head of the brennan center, i've taken on the powerful - from the mafia, to the nra, to the dark money that poisons our politics. i'll be nobody's governor but yours.
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we're back now. 8:30 on this fridayit is the 2n >> i found a a baby. by the way -- >> look at this. >> this he baby happens to be thomas rhett's baby. what's her name? >> willa gray. >> hi, willa gray. your beautiful wife is pregnant over there? >> yes, she is. >> this is going to be a grace concert. >> by the way, looking forward to the next half hour. great groups in the weeks ahead. nepgs friday, halsey on the
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stage sht. >> and two weeks from today, expecting one of our biggest concerts, shania twain. >> and pop star andy grammer joiningous lineup heading to the plaza june 23rd. mark your calendars make plans to be here now. >> by the way, i think -- i think we have a future broadcaster. >> she wants the mike. >> you may need to reclaim your daughter here very soon. >> all right. got a check of the weather, sweetie? >> getting ugly quickly. what's happening toward the weekend tomorrow. sunshine in the northeast. great lakes. strong storms upper midwest through the gulf coast. out west, the western third looking fantastic, and then sunday rain and storms move back into the northeast. beneficial rain down in florida where they're in serious drought. look for sunshine from the western plains down into the southwest. a few showers
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i'm first alert meteorologist erika martin, and to today, temperatures will climb into the 70s and nice day nonetheless. a mix of sun and clouds on saturday and sunday. the temperatures will top out in the mid-70s in the lehigh valley and low 80s for the fili metro area, and tracking some late thunderstorms late sunday and into monday, and the temperat e temperatures stay into the 70s on monday, and keep the umbrellas handy. ouncer: the citi concert series on "today" is pruoudly presented to you by citi. everybody, welcome back. thomas rhett is ready to take over our citi summer concert stage, but before we get started -- by the way, this is his cute little daughter -- a little bit about one of country's biggest stars ♪ everywhere we go you're the star of the show ♪ >> reporter: thomas rhett is the star of the show and taking
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country music by storm. son of singer/songwriter wret atkins, music is in his blood. his latest album "tangled up" certified platinum and generated several hits. including "die a happy ballot on top of the charts has gone e multiple country music awards. ♪ i'm always craving >> reporter: now thomas rhett is back with a new single "craving you" and a third studio album on the way. he's currently on touraround th stop right here on the "today" plaza for the concert series." we have been waiting for this moment. we are not going to wait one more second. ladies and genppuse ] >> good morning! ♪
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every time we have to say good-bye i'm counting down until we say hello ♪ every touch is like the strongest drug i don't know how much longer i can go ♪ i never had something that i can't walk away from ♪ got my self-control so paralyzed when it comes to you, no, i ain't got no patience ♪ something about you, girl, i just can't fight ♪ you're lighting a cigarette
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that's 100 proof, no matter how much i get i'm always craving ♪ that feeling when we kiss the way your body moves, no matter how much i get, i'm always craving you ♪ craving you ♪ ♪ all the in between is killing me you know i come unglued from missing you ♪ sunset eyes, no, i don't have to try, because you know exactly what to do ♪ i never had something that i can't walk away from ♪ but, girl, my self-control's so paralyzed ♪ ♪ when it comes to you, no, i ain't got no patience ♪ there's something about you that i just can't fight ♪
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you're like that cigarette, that shot of 100 proof, no matter how much i get i'm always craving ♪ that feeling when we kiss, the way your body moves ♪ no matter how much i get ♪ ♪ i'm always craving you craving you ♪ craving you ♪ craving you ♪ ♪ every time we have to say good-bye i'm counting down until we say hello ♪ every touch is like the strongest drug ♪ i don't know how much longer i can go ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ you're like that cigarette that shot of 100 proof ♪
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no matter how much i get i'm always craving ♪ ♪ that feeling when we kiss the way your body moves ♪ ♪ no matter how much i get i'm always craving you ♪ craving you ♪ craving you ♪ craving you ♪ ♪ i'm craving you, baby [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> all right. thank you so much, thomas rhett. up next, you guys will love this. he is going to perform a song that you picked. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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what if there was a paint for your door... ...that not only made a big first impression... ...but was designed to withstand sunlight this bright... ...this bright... ...or even this bright. if a paint could protect your door's color against the strongest uv rays... makes you wonder... is it still paint? aura grand entrance from benjamin moore®. only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. donald tmeet phil murphy,by former goldman sachs bankers. another wall street banker running for governor, whose firm helped trigger the financial meltdown that put millions out of work and out of their homes.
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murphy's trying to buy the election, paying off new jersey bosses. my name's john wisniewski, and i'm running for governor of new jersey. john wisniewski, the son of a millwright, who uncovered the bridgegate scandal and exposed chris christie's corruption. the choice -- insider wall street politics or main street, new jersey, values.
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rhett already has seven number one hits and his latest album "tang manied up" certified platinum. >> delighted he's made his way to rockefeller plaza as one of his stops. thomas, nice to see you. >> thank you very much. >> do you choose members of the band based on who has cool hair? look at this. come on, drummer. take the hat off. >> there you go! >> a lot of the people out here want to know about new music, new album. what can we give away? >> yeah. the album comes out later this year. we don't really have a date yet, or a title, but we went in and cut a bunch of songs and excited how to release them and a couple songs about life changing, and lots of songs about lauren. so -- >> you packed the plaza. >> this is crazy, by the way. >> insane. we should point out -- >> back there, too. >> this way, and all the way back there. >> yes. >> full house. but there are a couple of members of the audience that are a little more special than everyone else. your beautiful wife and your new
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daughter willa gray, who is -- now she's crying. what does it feel like -- and your wife's pregnant, by the way, to have this instant new family? >> it's crazy. you know, it's been me and lauren for four years. when you add a daughter to the mix, it makes life even crazier, but i wouldn't trade it for the world, man. she's amazing. crazy how well willa has a adapted. >> father's day is coming up. your wife's going to say, happy father's day. get back on tour. taking care of business, right now, thomas. you know, we invited fans to vote for a song you'll sing. choices were "die a happy man" or "make me wanna." so -- >> okay. >> why don't you do the honors and tell us? >> i think everyone chose "die a happy man" or maybe it was just -- >> "die a happy man" it is. thomas rhett, take it away. >> awesome.
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>> y'all feel free to sing along with us on this one right here. all right? ♪ ♪ baby, last night was hands down one of the best nights ♪ ♪ that i i've had no doubt between the bottle of wine and the look in your eyes and the marvin gaye ♪ then we danced in the dark under september stars in the pourin' rain ♪ and i know that i can't ever tell you enough ♪ ♪ that all i need in this life is your crazy love ♪ if i never get to see the northern lights ♪ or if i never get to see the eiffel tower at night ♪ oh, if all i got is your hand in
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my hand ♪ baby, i could die a happy man ♪ >> how about y'all this morning, huh? hey! ♪ a happy man, baby, hmm-hmm baby, that red dress brings me to my knees ♪ oh, but that black dress, makes it hard to breathe ♪ you're a saint, you're a goddess, the cutest, the hottest, a masterpiece ♪ it's too good to be true, nothing better than you ♪ ♪ in my wildest dreams and i know that i can't ever tell you enough ♪ ♪ that all i need in this life is your crazy love ♪ if i never get to see the northern lights ♪
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or if i never get to see the eiffel tower at night ♪ oh, if all i got is your hand in my hand ♪ baby, i could die a happy man ♪ >> play it for me, frank! ♪ ♪ jo need no vacation, and no fancy destination ♪ baby, you're my great escape ♪ we could stay at home listen to the radio ♪ or dance around the fireplace ♪ oh, and -- ♪ >> can you sing this part?
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♪ if i never get to build my mansion in georgia, or drive a sports car up the coast of california ♪ oh, if all i got is your hand in my hand ♪ well, baby, i could die a happy man ♪ well, baby, i could die a happy man ♪ oh, i could die a happy man ♪ you know i could, yeah ♪ oh, i could die, i could die a happy man ♪ yeah, baby ♪ ♪ whoa-oh-oh [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you very much. >> oh, how good was that? thomas rhett. he's back with more music in a moment. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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pro-tip. get these great smoked ribs. twenty minutes on the grill, they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? the best food at amazing prices, giant. from the time i was pregnant with him, had so much life and energy in him. he wanted out, and he wanted to conquer the world. right now, quinton's goal is to be a doctor. it's not easy being a single parent with three kids and having to provide for them. but my son will be an amazing doctor, and he'll help people that are less fortunate. no matter where you are in your college journey, sallie mae can help you find the money you need.
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super pro-tip: buy your veggiveggies pre-chopped. ce. boom. the best food at amazing prices, giant.
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♪ you are the star i'm back with the craziest fans. by the way, we're back. great news. thomas rhett isn't done yet. he has one more song he's performing this song now. it is called "star of the show." >> lem see you snapping, just like this now. come on, y'all! ♪ walking down the street hand in mine, well, it don't keep them other guys ♪ and they're wandering eyes are looking to you ♪ ♪ but it's all right and that's okay, who could blame them anyway, because you're so pretty and you ain't even got a clue, oh ♪ 'cause everywhere we go you are the star of the show ♪ ♪ and everybody's wondering and
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wanting to know, what's your name, who's that girl ♪ with the prettiest smile in the world ♪ what gets me the most is you don't even know it ♪ yes, you are, you are, you are the star of the show ♪ you're the star of the show, baby ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ friday night on the town we walk in and you draw a crowd ♪ even this band seems to sing for you ♪ you ease on up order a drink and the bartender says it's all on me ♪ ♪ you look at me and laugh like you don't know what to do ♪ ♪ baby, you're so cute 'cause everywhere we go, girl, you're the star of the show ♪ because everybody's wondering and wanting to know what's your name ♪ who's that girl, with the
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prettiest smile in the world ♪ oh, what gets me the most is you don't even know that you are, you are, you are the star of the show ♪ don't you know, you're the star of the show, baby, yeah, yeah ♪ even in a ponytail and a pair of jeans you're looking like the cover of a magazine baby you're the only one who doesn't see ♪ ooh, because everywhere we go, girl, now you're the star of the show ♪ and everybody's wondering and wanting to know what's your name who's that girl with the luckiest guy in the wolde ♪ oh, what gets me the most is you don't even know ♪ that you are, you are, you are ♪ ♪ you are, you are, you are oh, baby, you are, you are, you are the star of the show ♪
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oh-oh, you're the star of my show ♪ ♪ don't you know, baby girl oh-oh-oh ♪ oh-oh-oh ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh-oh ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you very much! ♪ because everywhere we go hear more from thomas rhett and all our summer concert artists much more ahead on a friday morning. but
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donald tmeet phil murphy,by former goldman sachs bankers. another wall street banker running for governor, whose firm helped trigger the financial meltdown that put millions out of work and out of their homes. murphy's trying to buy the election, paying off new jersey bosses. my name's john wisniewski, and i'm running for governor of new jersey. john wisniewski, the son of a millwright, who uncovered the bridgegate scandal and exposed chris christie's corruption. the choice -- insider wall street politics or main street, new jersey, values.
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♪ because everywhere we go >> ah. >> hoda is in her glory. >> i'm so happy at this moment in time, right now. look at him? still out with the crowd. an amazing guy. wow. what a way to kick off the weekend. >> mr. roker, waiting to kick off the weekend with birthdays. >> i like it. fire up the smucker's jars and away we go. happy birthday from livingston, new jersey. and of brooklyn, new york celebrating 100 years. been a volunteer at the same hospital for 40 years. still visits patients every week. happy 100th birthday to william scott, a fisherman of somerset, new jersey. he and his wife have traveled to
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all 50 states in a volkswagen. that's great! and from los angeles, 100 years old. she's been a proud volunteer with the stop cancer organization for 25 years. and our next centenarian, a world traveler from londonderry new hampshire. returned from a trip to ireland. those irish eyes are smiling, and last from arlington, virginia, worked for the u.s. state department before retiring. pretty cool. remember to tell us about people you know celebrating special birthdays, anniversaries. love to hear about them. head to >> and thomas rhett sticking around. >> such a good guy. >> freebie fridays and it's also national doughnut day. >> nice. >> you kids have a great weekend. >> yes. >> we are starting it right now. >> run that down a little bit? >> in the countdown. >> all right, guys.
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much more ahead on a friday morning. fi
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good morning. i'm vai sikahema. about 9:00 and we were laughing because it is chilly in the u studio but warm outside. we go to erica martin with the accurate forecast. erica. >> yes, you mentioned it is hot outside and that saul that counts. temperatures topping out in the
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high 70s and low 80s. you will see sunshine saturday and sunday into monday and isolated thunderstorms for the second half of sunday to monday. and keep the umbrellasan follow tha thank, you, vai. >> and now let's can check in with jessica boyington. >> yes, everything is moving through center ter city and a delay on the eastbound side moving towards 95. for the most part the majors are okay. mass transit not the same story. regional rails are dealing with power service. from lansdale, trenton and that kcome bined line. and we checked the social media page, and no new sightings since the bear was spotted at route 202 and swamp road. the neighbors should be careful and don't leave your pets outside or garbage. >> and camden county police are asking for your help in finding
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a pair of movie theater bandits. they stole a wallet at the carmichael movie theater in voorhees. they then stole a credit card and racked up charges at nearby target store. i'm vai sikahema, and we will have another update in about 25 to 7:00 a.m. the "today" show continues in a moment, and we will see you at the bottom of the hour. pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once.
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super pro-tip: buy your veggies pre-chopped. uber pro-tip: buy delicious produce you don't need to chop at all. boom. summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. ♪ ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪
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this morning on "today's take," country sensation thomas rhett kicking up his boots on our stage. plus, today could be your big day. and maple butter cupcakes with an unbelievable secret ingredient, coming up right now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take." live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and a pretty friday morning here on "today," second day of june, 2017. let's crank this up a little bit. >> yeah! >> this is "crazy you" by this man, country singer thomas
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rhett, and so thrilled to you have here. >> thank you. always a pleasure to be here, man. thank you. >> the crowd is fantastic. >> they were! i was blown away. i can't believe they showed up as early as they did. and all the people behind us. what are you all doing? >> lined up for you, my friend. >> pretty awesome. i thought your name was thomas rhett. >> thomas rhett aikens is my last name. going by thomas rhett since i was born. everybody calls me t.r. >> call you t.r. >> yes. >> and everybody waiting for your album coming out later this year. tell us what's going be on it? >> we went and cut 22 songs. all did since the last record came out was write. narrowed it down from 60 to 30 and now figure out how to release all of these songs.
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i am looking forward to it. >> your album "tang maniy ealle "tangled up," starring his wife viewed 100 million times. >> that's like taylor swift numbers. >> what do you think it is? >> country radio, the song kale out, there wasn't a lot of ballads or love songs. learning who my wife was, our relationship and it hit at the right time. >> i got to tell you i don't know if you got your baby back yet. hoda grabbed her. >> yeah. she can stay with hoda a few days. really great. >> she is so gorgeous. >> she is beautiful. >> expecting another one? >> my wife is 29 weeks pregnant. >> 29 weeks. tell me this, when you found out she was pregnant, what did you guys think? >> we tried a couple years ago to get pregnant. nothing ever happened. we always knew we wanted to
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adopt. in our hearts tots do that. nothing happened. maybe this is the time to do it. my wife had been over to uganda a couple times and we met willa when she was 6 months old. i blurted out, we should take her home. she's such a blessing. and then when we were over there, we fuound out we were pregnant. >> i've heard that. tried, always wanted to adopt, they adopt and then -- you get pregnant. >> yep. >> your house, about to spontaneously combust. >> it's getting small very fast. >> wanted to be in your house forever. not so much anymore. >> not so much anymore. she's the most amazing baby. sleeps like 13 hours. we haven't had the whole i'm exhausted yet, when the newborn comes -- >> i hate to break it to you, but -- >> maybe they are. >> previous performances, not projecting future earnings.
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>> she's had wild experiences's do you take her on the stage with you? >> hoda ruined her. because -- if you saw that, that shot they did, she was crying, because she wanted to be back onstage so bad. give her a microphone, you're not going to get it back. >> and we have great video. you and your wife introduced her to a new food. take a look. >> tofu? >> tofu? >> tofu? >> tofu. >> toe-too? not very good. sorry vegetarians out there. >> same reaction first time i had tofu. >> didn't take a millisecond. soon as had hits her tongue. >> yeah, willa gray. you're amazing. >> and a lot of other good stuff. >> fed he seaweed earlier. she loved it. >> one of the things we like to do play a game. get our country music co-stars, bring out a boot. a game we call "country
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confessions." here comes -- jerry ray. >> what's up, jerry? >> got your hat on. >> you pull out a question. >> spill your secrets. >> okay. here we go. >> here we go. it's a nice boot. >> it is a nice boot. here we go. we hear you've attended halloween parties at reba mcintyre's house. what's the craziest costume you ever wore are saw there? i think i was 4 years old. >> seriously. >> yes. and i think i wore a pumpkin. hopefully there's not a picture of that. >> you looked a the monitor. this is your life! >> we're good. not that good. >> and reba, sweetest human being that ever existed. >> 4 years old? family friends. >> yeah. smiling at my aunt, by the way. >> hey, reba! >> do it again. >> for sure. >> see what we got here. >> music, the whole thing. >> yeah. what's your favorite country music song of all time?
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>> hmm. >> wow. i probably, this song called "misery in june" by merle haggard. ♪ drinks don't mix too well, jukebox records don't play those wedding bells ♪ . you heard that so i like t. good stuff. one more? >> let's do it. all right. you're going to perform the song "t-shirt" for us later in the show. if your wife could get rid of one item of clothing from your closet, what would she pick? i'm a shoe fanatic. i have way too many sneakers al. i'll get the same sneakers in different colors. >> i was going to say, did you change already today? >> no. i did have different sneakers on this morning. >> you had really cool sneakers, plaid in them or -- >> vans. but i wore boots for the first, like, three years in my career and then the more i started to,
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like, i guess, mature as an entertainer, started jumping around so much. this ankle break in a heartbeat. i switched to sneakers. this is the real me. >> time for one more. >> we do? okay. >> i love that. >> see what we got here. what's your favorite song to sill to willa gray and can you sing a little for us? >> she's obsessed with "bruno." >> really? ♪ i got a condo in manhattan baby girl what's happening ♪ >> the next part -- >> my kids go. ♪ that's what i like, that's what i like ♪ >> she jams. >> performing on the plaza later. bring her. >> come on down. >> i saw him in vegas this year. my wife took me for my mernbirt. >> a fun show. >> you picked the perfect day to be here because today is national doughnut day. >> oh, gosh. >> so here comes doughnut -- >> look at this. is this krispy kremes?
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>> you get a free krispy kreme at their store today. one per person. >> can i get chocolate? >> wait. i want plain glazed. i'm putting it back. >> do you -- jerry, change your hat? he had like a costume change. >> smart. >> just want you to know, i appreciate it. >> other countries offering doughnuts, if you were buy a drink. the index doughnut survey, top three flavors, three, chocolate frosted. two, boston cream. and number one, the one they didn't send -- glazed. >> hmm! >> one glazed doughnut. >> i was trying to find one. >> still we appreciate it. 96% of americans surveyed liked doughnuts. only 4% did not. >> who doesn't like a doughnut. >> you can never trust anybody who doesn't like a doughnut. >> how can you not? >> is there any more appreciative, you see a co-worker walk in with a bunch of doughnuts? >> i can't think of anything better. >> and singing in the hot sun,
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and -- >> got to be a good day. >> hmm, doughnuts. up next, the sports moment everybody is talking about today. why this tennis star started sobbing on the court and the heartwarming act that followed, right after these messages. "mm-mmmm" "it's oats 'n honey crunchy love." (laughs) "check you out, nature valley."
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to help prevent early skin aging and skin cancer all with a clean light feel. for unbeatable protection. it's the one. the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. see what's possible. we are back with more of "today's take." our guest host country star thomas rhett, t.r. have you seen this? this is the feel-good video of the week. a display of sportsmanship at the french open yesterday. spanish player nicolas almagro forced to end the match suffering a knee injury. >> hi opponent, juan martin del
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potro, the one who came right over to console him. look at this. climbing right over the net. embraces him in a big bear hug. sits with him on the bench giving a pep talk. people assume, professional athletes playing to the end, fight until you die. this goes to show, listen, end of the day, they're all teammates, all colleagues and appreciate each other. and he recognizes how disappointing it would be to have such an injury and have to end the plach that way. it was just so -- so kind. >> obviously, rooting for each other. wish the best for each other. that's real right there. good sportsmanship, for sure. >> a time that wasn't such a big deal. when you would see that sort of thing all the time, and now it's nice to see. >> stands out. exactly. >> and i heard, i saw this and was thinking a lot of athletes play with a lot of pain. for him to stop, he was really hurting. >> yeah. >> exactly. >> from one heartwarming competition to another. >> feel good friday. >> in champion crowned in the scripps national spelling bee bp
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before we show you the winning moment, we'd like to find out how we would do with the winning word. here's our producer gavin -- >> just throw on a hat, gavin? t. . >> a hat. >> a country hat. >> we realized that. thank you. the word. >> marocain. >> can you use that in a sentence? >> this dress is made of marocain. >> would you not get the gig if this was real. marocain. m-a-r-a-q-u-a-i-d. [ buzzer ] >> m-a-r-r --- >> i would have never said,
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marocain. >> m-a-r-r -- [ buzzer ] >> how it's really spelled, ananya vinay handled this perfectly. >> confident initially. >> marocain. >> that is correct. >> congratulations. >> wow. >> she's 12. >> yeah. 12 years old, amazing. look how -- >> $12,000. her dad rushing onstage to hug her. unbelievable. she finished i think, like, 174th last year and now ends up the champion. >> did you ever -- were you ever in a spelling bee? >> i was. i didn't get out of my school. >> did you? what about you? did you? >> maybe in like first grade, something like that. >> i remember in fifth grade expected to win. right? >> oh, really. >> yes. and then i -- like gavin. mr. irwin didn't say the word clearly. the word was cloudy.
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i thought he said cloudily. >> my bad. i would have gotten it. >> maybe it was the hat. >> it was the hat. >> i was thrown off, something like that. >> you were expected to win? >> expected to win. when i said the word wrong, the whole school went -- [ sigh ] and i cried. mr. irwin said cloudily. sheinelle that's not a word. i thought that's what he said. sorry. having a few issues. my bad. >> you're overit. >> it's all good. wow. let's look at cloudy weather and other weather. >> throw that in. that's fine. >> strong storms firing up down around corpus christi and looking at wet weather through the gulf coast. plenty of sunshine out west where the temperatures are going to be very toasty. 90s and 100s in the southwest. central plains. cooler than after here in the northeast and new england. for the day we look for strong storms firing up down around the gulf. we've got plenty of showers and thunderstorms making their way throh the ug
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fwi'm first alert meteorologist erica martin. the temperatures will climb into the 70s and chillier than today, but a nice day nonetheless. a mix of sun and clouds sunday and you can see the rain on the icon. and upper 70s in the metro area, and lehigh valley. and temperatures are only going to be staying in the 70s monday, so keep the umbrellas handy. latest weather. up next, you need a gift for a grad, maybe a dad for father's day? we havewe have the freebie frid that's perfect. don't miss a chance to win, and you at home as well! hey allergy muddlers
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are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. m ke triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's wes relief of symptomsffert all. live claritin clear.
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anything. wash my hands. thomas rhett touched my hand! >> i'll just put this in the dressing room. >> this is nice. >> this is nice. >> i told him, and -- fans wrapped around the building for you. yes! going to do the honors? >> look it's a the celebrating 15 years. pretty good. >> okay. here we go. good morning! >> hey. >> good morning. [ cheers ] >> goodness. go for it first? >> want to go first? >> i'll go first. >> you go on. >> i'll go first. ah -- how are you? your dad is deployed? >> yes. >> where's your dad? >> he's in saudi arabia. >> you want to say hi to him this morning? >> hi, dad. i miss you! >> here you go. congratulations. >> that's amazing. >> your turn. >> back this way. >> it's your birthday, right? all right. this is your birthday. how are you? 19 years old? happy birthday. congratulations. yes, ma'am. >> one more? >> you get the honors. you get one more.
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>> where do we go? >> anywhere. why not? >> i got to give it to the celebrating 15 year. congratulations. >> where are you from? >> a beautiful thing. >> from indiana. >> love it. >> ind. perfect. >> ind. >> absolutely. >> there we go. >> al, fans at home? >> thanks. thanks to hp, giving two lucky fans the hp specter x-2. go to "today" -- go to to find out how to enter don't forget to like us. we would really appreciate it. up next, we all know everybody's better with bacon. right? thomas rhett is going to help me whip up bacon maple buttercream cupcakes. hmm! cupcakes. back to your local news and weather. sweet. we started service dogs for heroes because we know how important a well-trained service dog can be
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in improving veterans' lives. we want every veteran to get this help. petsmart charities and blue buffalo share the same values in helping others. that's why we're partnering with the goal to raise $1 million to support service dogs for heroes. help us reach our goal by visiting petsmart between now and july 4th to donate at the register. petsmart for the love of pets. "for great skin, you don't have ...just go to bed." new aveeno®... ...positively radiant® overnight facial. get the benefits of a spa facial... ...overnight. aveeno®. "naturally beautiful results®" i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer.
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[ cheers and applause ] good morning. i'm vai sikahema about 9:30. a gorgeous first friday in june. let's go to erika martin. >> yes,t is stunning with a mix of sun and clouds a and mainly sunshine though. the temperatures top out in the low 80s in and around philadelphia and the same for p.a. suburbs. upper 70s, but lots of sunshine in the lehigh valley and seeing 70s by 4:00 p.m. and the same for delaware and the jersey shore, so enjoy this first friday of june. back to you, vai. thank you. and a check on the roads with first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. what are you seeing? >> yes, around 561, it is a good drive here, and pretty much what
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is it looking like across the board on all of the jersey roads. a little bit of the volume is moving through center city and typical delays and a crash at ridge pike and sunny broom road. >> a helicopter pilot died who has ties to our tv community. murphy was a backup pilot for sky force 10 and his wife jere -- erica was pregnant with their second child. she said that michael loved to fly. >> and the board at pennsylvania state university will consider an emotional letter from the fraternity pledge anthony piazza who died after falling at a frat p party. 18 members of the fraternity are charged with his death. we will have another update coming up in about a half hour. join us every weekday morning
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for nbc 10 news from 4:30 to 7:00 a.m. "to d "today" show continues in a moment.
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pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once. super pro-tip: buy your veggies pre-chopped. boom. the best food at amazing prices, giant.
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it's another time for "today food" and get ready to have your mind blown. that's right. by the way, before we start, we've got to -- >> make that brush. >> lauren and willa gray. very nice. earlier she grabbed the microphone. she could be either a broadcaster. now she wants the -- makeup artist. >> now she's going to be somebody who enjoys cupcakes. >> yes. >> she's going for it. i like it. >> what she needs. more sugar. >> take one of my favorite ingredients, bacon on top of a maple buttercream cupcake and t.r. is helping us out. maple syrup, vanilla, vanilla
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paste, eggs, you can use a store-bought cake, if you want to. >> okay. >> we're going to glaze this, for the top. you get good, thick double-cut bacon. take some maple syrup, some cinnamon and create a glaze. and -- this is going to kind of candy coat your bacon. so, thomas, if you'd like, take that brush and just brush these little diagonal slices. >> okay. >> and then we're basically going to take that. and once go that, it's a little sticky. >> agen little sticky. >> put a little more maple syrup. we're going to glaze these. these make life easier, and make it easier to make bacon for a group of people instead of frying it. and put that in the oven at about 350. you can just hang there a second, because we're going to -- >> that's why that bacon's so good. you've already glazed it. >> oh. it's already done. >> the magic of television! >> so you've got your cake
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batter you've already made. you can put that -- it's good. >> trying to be -- >> more in here. >> cool. >> making cake batter. put it into lined tins using an ice cream scoop, makes life easier. then put it in the oven according to the directions, and then they'll come out like this. >> perfect. >> come on osier thesh over thi. we'll make the frosting. >> you like it? >> better than tofu? >> yes. >> way better than tofu. >> now a buttercream frosting. soften the butter. some confectioners' sugar. we've got maple -- vanilla syrup, i should say. a little lemon juice. and we've got just a little bit of salt in there. and then we're going to add our confectioner sugar. >> okay. >> i should cream this first. >> oh, that's fancy. >> keep putting that in and eventually -- you slowly add in the -- the confectioner sugar.
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you'll put it in a bag. meantime, you've chopped up your bacon. also, put -- >> oop. you okay. >> what are you doing to her? >> you know what it is? that little piece of bacon. >> we got a little piece of -- >> you okay? you all right? >> sugar down the wrong pipe. she's okay. still going. >> need water? >> also would have added, should have mentioned, add chopped up bacon into the batter. >> perfect. >> if it comes out like this, you got little bits of bacon. now pipe that on. >> that glaze is yummy, yummy. >> and then, if you would add a piece of bacon on top. >> okay. >> and there -- you've got your bacon maple cupcake. squeeze a little? >> for sure. >> you can also add sprinkles, if you'd like. >> okay. >> look at that. >> thank you. >> is that good? >> she likes it. >> is that good, willa gray? >> mommy -- try this. it's better than tofu. >> one for you. one for me. two for you. one for you. that's perfect.
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does she like sweets? >> oh, yeah. >> oh, she loves them. she loves them. >> who doesn't like bake jn put the broccoli together -- >> this is perfect. >> say, thank you -- >> ah, yes. do want some? >> give daddy some? >> oh. she's a giver. she's sharing. >> so nice! >> thank you, sweetheart. oh, give it to mommy. for the recipehood to coming up next, can you name dolly parton's most covered song? the throwdown competition. you can play along right after this.
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it's the applebee's big bold grill combos. try a chicken combo, combo'd with a ribs combo. it's the combo of combos. combo'd two meats, two sides. the big bold grill combos. starting at $12.99. only at applebee's. starting at $12.99. need a fast absorbing try nivea in-shower body lotion. wash. apply. it absorbs fast. for 24 hour moisture. quickly rinse for smoother skin.
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ready to go! nivea in-shower body lotion. also available with cocoa butter. intrzero alcohol™.ine® it delivers a whole mouth clean with a less intense taste. so it has the bad breath germ-killing power of this... with the lighter feel... of this. try listerine® zero alcohol™. that protects as it colors. excellence haircolor by l'oréal. with pro-keratine complex ri and it cares for my hair. no color protects better. or covers gray better. so much care in one little boxrè from l'oréal paris. whomazola corn oil has morenly heart-cholesterol-blocking plant sterols than olive it can help lower cholesterol 2x more. when it comes to heart-health, mazola is a smart choice. of stain experts has performed over ten thousand stain evaluations to prove persil delivers a premium clean. we've made a new stain with wasabi and goji berries.
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9:38 am
well, it's friday. we can't end the week without wearing stupid hats! thomas rhett is our co-host and -- >> wait a minute. where's your hat. >> my bad. >> he's got something we don't. dignity. it's a competition we're calling "kickin' it country." going head-to-head. ready? he has an advantage. that's fine. >> i don't think so. i don't do well under pressure. >> here we go. best selling album of all-time came out in 1987. first to strum gets the point. don't be stupid. honey, i'm home. >> i didn't hear the question. >> the question is name the best selling country album of all-time according to billboard, out in 1987. some of the tracks "don't be
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stupid," "honey, i'm home." ♪ honey i'm home >> you have to name the album. i know it's shania. >> it's shania. >> shania twain. she gets -- >> okay. all right. >> there you go. country music is known for some creative song titles. which of these is "not" an actual country song? did i shave my lengths for this? one boot to the bottom. ♪ ♪ >> did i shave my legs for this s. that the answer? >> no! it's one boot to the bottom. there you go. >> i'm letting her win. >> okay. >> it is -- you're beating me 2-0. >> true. >> name this tune that was chosen as rolling stone's number one country music song of all-time. 's list listen and strum in. ♪ i walk the line >> johnny cash, "walk the line." >> "i walk the line." pretty hard, putting the answer in the song. that worked out well. thomas, way to get on the board.
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>> thank you, man. >> and did you see yourself in the monitor? >> no. >> i thought you could see yourself. >> according to dolly parton, most covered song? >> "i'll always love you." >> no. b., "jolene." >> i would have picked a., too. >> okay. number five, country super star tim mcgraw building up quite the acting resume. which of these films did not feature tim mcgraw, "blind side," "country strong," "four christmases" or "sweet home alabama." >> he was in that one. >> "four christmases." >> he was in that one. >> "sweet home alabama." >> i was told this would be easy. >> and otis bad blake in "crazy heart". johnny depp, bill murray, tommy lee jones -- i know this one -- jeff bridges.
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>> c., jeff bridges. >> here we go. a tie. finish the letter to this country song, i say, hey, hey, baby, do you want to come over? you say, no, you move in closer, thex thing you know you were in my -- >> in my dreams? >> t-shirt. >> thomas rhett's song, performing coming up! >> time to go do weather. >> you're leaving us? >> i got to go do weather, because i don't look stupid enough. all right. so, saturday partner, looking at showers down around texas. some heavier showers and thunderstorms around the gulf coast. sunshine in the northeast and new england. strong storms up through the great lakes. out west, where the west was won, plenty of sunshine. and then as we look ahead towards sunday, sunday! y'all -- showers and thunderstorms, through the northeast, great lakes. giving it a lot of heavy rain down in florida but they need it. the next ten days picking up some areas, six to seven inches
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of rain. sunshine for the plains all the way into the southwest and then also looking at showers in the interior pacific northwest. that's what's going on around the country. m wearingi' i'm first alert meteorologist erika martin. the temperatures are going be cli climbing into the 70s and chillier than today and a nice day nonetheless. a mix of sun and clouds sunday. notice some rain here on the icon, and the temperatures are toppinging out in mid-70s for lehigh valley and low 80s for the philly metro area, and tracking some showers and isolated thunderstorms late sunday and into monday and the temperatures are only going to stay in the 70s monday and keep the umbrella handy. latest weather. up next, t.r. grabs the guitar, the real guitarguitar, back on concert stage and perform his number one hit "t-shirt" right after these messages. mastering t one dark chocolate rises above the rest
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lindt excellence created by our master chocolatiers pure, rich, darkly intense... made like no other crafted elegantly thin to reveal complex layers of flavor experience excellence with all your senses and discover chocolate beyond compare try lindt excellence with a touch of sea salt. be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths
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or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. the best tour of italy is the at olive garden. create your own tour of italy starting at $12.99. choose 3 of 9 of your favorites. and have everything you love all on one plate. create your own tour of italy for a limited time only at olive garden. and a makeup remover at night? this does it all! micellar cleansing water, from garnier skinactive. the garnier micelles act like a magnet, to cleanse, remove makeup and refresh. all-in-one. now in a silky soft wipe, from garnier skinactive
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the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back with 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi® double cash card double means double. >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. we've been enjoying our co-host thomas rhett all morning
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long. he's got one more song tomorrowing "t-shirt" from his album "tangled up." thomas rhett! >> this song's called "t. she-s" one more time! ♪ get off work and we meet down at our spot ♪ and we had a patio with a view of a parkin' lot, it was two for one and four for two ♪ had christmas lmisle of june ♪ hey, hey, baby, do you on you ♪ wanna come osa no way, then you move in closer ♪ next thing i know you t-shirt, right there, your hair, messed up guns n' roses
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video ♪ oh, oh, so up in my head you were movin' around in the ♪ i ain't ever seen anything like, your esflr, the way you wore my, my t-shirt, you wore my t-shirt ♪ we were with the neighbors saying, keep it down, but it's hard to unlock the door when y out ♪ >> you know what i'm♪ they say that we've gotta quit doing this, so why you leani more kis♪ and pretty soon you're sliding off what you've slipping into my t-shirt, right there ♪ your hair,se a guns n' roseseo ♪
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you look good in my t-shirt gioh cause you sure look gm my tefrt, oh, no, baby, no i can't lie you look good on my mind ♪ baby, want to come over you say no way then you move in closer next thing you know you were wearing my t-shirt ♪ you look so dang hot in my t-shirt ♪ >> sing it right here if you know it. ♪ messed up hair, my floor, messed up like a guns inn roses video, oh, oh, so hot ♪
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still got lit up in my head you were moving around in the tv light ♪ i ain't ever seen anything like your dress, my floor, the way you wore my, my t-shirt, girl, oh, my t-shirt ♪ whew! ♪ ♪ ow [ cheers ] [ t-shi ♪ t-shirt, right there and all of this on apple come on back. tom rhett. we've got to finish up the show. but first, this is "today" on nbc. comen, t.r. o
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donald tmeet phil murphy,by former goldman sachs bankers. another wall street banker running for governor, whose firm helped trigger the financial meltdown that put millions out of work and out of their homes. murphy's trying to buy the election,
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paying off new jersey bosses. my name's john wisniewski, and i'm running for governor of new jersey. john wisniewski, the son of a millwright, who uncovered the bridgegate scandal and exposed chris christie's corruption. the choice -- insider wall street politics or main street, new jersey, values. so a cry from the people. you have spoken.
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you want gavin to come in -- and ask more spelling words. >> hello, gavin. >> because you kind of mispronounced -- >> this is redemption. >> redemption. >> can you spell redemption? >> here we go. ah -- gifblar. >> gifblar. >> can you use that in a sentence? >> it's -- oh, man. that cow better not eat that gifblar? it's a perennial shrub of southern africa that is deadly poisonous to livestock. >> oh, that helps. g-i-f-b-l-a g-i-f-b-l-a-r. >> what she says. >> okay. gifblar. >> you going? >> okay. >> g-i-f-b-l-i-r.
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[ buzzer ] >> g-i-f-b-l-a-a-r. >> oh! >> no, no, no. ah! >> last one. >> okay. marum. >> marum? >> that's a beach grass from the scandinavia. >> that's a -- m-a-r-r-u-m. >> generic, m-a-r-r-a-m. dot weather, al. >> okay. >> tom rhett, you have been such
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a good sport. thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you, too. >> and congrats yorn beautiful family. >> thank you very much. up next, kathie lee and hoda go behind the counter at starbucks, plus how to turn your crafting into your
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good morning. i'm vai sikahema. we are a few minutes shy of 10:00 and it is gorgeous outside. right over to meteorologist erika martin. >> well, the temperatures are so nice right now. we are seeing a westerly flow, and the current temperature for philadelphia is 73, and lan k lancaster at 71. wilmington at 71 and dover in the upper 60s. we will top out in the upper 70s and low 80s. enjoy the friday and a nice start to the weekend, but we may
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have showers by sunday. back to you. >> all right. a check of the roads with first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. >> watchinging the schuylkill, a and only delay. nice friday so far. montgomery drive is 17 minutes here for this eastbound side moving towards center city. and the blue route to the vine is slow there, and septa's regional rail is dealing with the power issues and inbound and outbound is dealing with 90-minute delays. >> thank you. and to dday, former penn state president graham spanier and other officials will be sentenced in the cover-up of abuse by former director gary schulze and others who plead gill toy the charge. and now, how important local film making is to the local economy with actor david morris
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who will join others at the art museum. we will have another update in about a half hour. join us for more news at noon. the best food at amazing prices, giant. ♪ come to sesame place before little kids become, big kids. before dress up, turns to make-up.
9:59 am
and tag becomes hashtag. before furry hugs, become first loves. come to the only place, that makes little hearts race. buy early and save up to $20, plus get a free second visit! only at sesame place super pro-tip: buy your veggiveggies pre-chopped. ce. boom.
10:00 am
the best food at amazing prices, giant. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. guess what? congratulate yourselves. you me it to try day friday. june 2nd. i want to say happy birthday to my niece and my friend denise. she's about to have her second baby in about six weeks. >> you're going to be a great aunt again. >> i'm excited. i really am. that is what -- >> lush life. >> we've got a great show. we're not lying this time. >> like yesterday. >> this time we're telling you the truth. we went where we've


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