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tv   NBC10 News Today 11am  NBC  February 5, 2018 11:00am-11:57am EST

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. world champions, the morning after the nile biting victory, the head coach and mvp quarterback are speaking out about bringing the super bowl trophy home to philadelphia for first time ever. >> celebrations in the street left a mess to clean up this morning. a look ahead to what's next and when we'll get details on the big victory parade. >> green monday fans are rushing to sports stores to snap up super bowl championship merchandise before it flies off the shelf. throwing it deep for the end zone and it's batted around and incomplete. and the game is over. the game is over! the eagles are
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super bowl champions. eagles fans everywhere this is for you! let the celebration begin! >> took everyone just a moment. it feels like a dream, a dream decades in the making and it's finally come true for first time ever, the philadelphia eagles are super bowl champions. ♪ [ screaming ] >> it didn't take long for celebrations to start. a few people did climb light poles but most stayed close to the ground as a mass of humanity swarmed on to broad street to celebrate as one big community. >> good morning, i'm rosemary conners. >> and i'm ted greenberg, it is not a dream but we're still pinching ourselves and to be the best you have to beat the best and that's exactly what the eagles did, did hethroning the new england patriots.
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>> an end to an era. we learned that the team will board a plane for philadelphia in about an hour. they are flight is due to touch down between 2:00 and 2:30 thisrnoon. we're going toh-+h following their trek back to philadelphia. so keep it right here. before the birds left for the airport, we heard from quarterback and super bowl mvp nick foles, he says thise, it was truly a team effort with an incredible group of athletes. rom coach pedersonh they this moment in history. >> i surreal right now. these next few days are going to be crazy, we have a lot to do still but excited for the our lives. >> it is a great honor to be up here to accept this on behalf of the philadelphia eagles i'm fortunate to be part of a great team, great players and great coaching staff. i think just the play the last several weeks was a team thing. we kept working, kept game playing and kept talking to doug about what i liked and him and all of the coaching staff kept building around what we were doing. it's a reflection on the
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execution on the field. >> oh, man, an the celebration they started as soon as the eagles clinched the win. despite the best effort police tried to keep people off the light poles by coating t mysterious substance. by and large most fans behaved themselves as the crowds flocked towards city hall. just released a statement on the celebration saying this tens of thousands came out and celebrated this amazing victory and but for a handful of bad actors the celebration was peaceful and jubilant. we're thankful for our police for their assistance in getting the crowds disbursed and people home safely. >> this is some of the damage from the few who got out of hand. they toppled this traffic light at the intersection of 17th and chestnut. rowdy groups smashed windows and turned over planters in the area. our team coverage continues now with the dashboardfor championship
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merchandise. >> we begin with pamela osbourne live in northeast philadelphia. >> reporter: hi, ted and rosemary, everyone is choosing to remember this win and their own special way. here at print fly they are doing victory t-shirts some of what they are putting together for fans looking to mark the super bowl win. >> it's a headline eagles fans are holding close to their hearts. >> beautiful. one for the ages. never seen this before. >> for fans like bill phillips -- >> i waited 52 years for this most exciting night i've had in a long time. >> reporter: it's bigger than the game for him, a super bowl victory was closely connected to the man who showed him what it as there. he passed away in october. he was alive for three other championships but i know he was there with me in spirit.
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>> at the time eagle's faithful began fostering a new legacy that of champion. >> i think it was really awesome. that was the first time we won the super bowl. >> reporter: the apparel to mark the win was flying off the shelves. >> it was very important that i get this shirt and hat and the hoody. to represent philadelphia. >> reporter: that gear confirming what we witnessed wasn't just a dream, instead a reality, worth a photograph to be treasured and remembered. >> i'm at a loss for words. i still can't believe it. >> reporter: and just as fresh as that super bowl win are these t-shirts making their way slowly down the press right some of the orders coming in when we see you again at 11:30. reporting live in the northeast i'm pamela osborne, nbc 10 news. >> loving the shirts with the old school flair. >> print them up. >> reality setting in. we do not have to pinch
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ourselves, we did win and the road to vehicle tri means a parade on broad street. >> katie, the big question is when will the parade take place? >> yes, we're trying to find that out too. i've been in touch with the mayor's office several times and so far they are not divulging what day the parade is going to be. we'll have to wait for a press conference scheduled for later today to learn that detail. what we do now, it will be starting in south philadelphia working its way through the city and ending here at the art museum specifically in front of the famed rocky statue. take a look over to my right. this is in front of the art museum they seem to be the proposed route that's going to take place later this week. there are a lot of trucks bringing in large equipment pieces. i'm told by one c museum this morning if the eagles won. of course that happened. so dozens of them have been out
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here setting things up. i'm told we won't see any sizable tents like the stage that will go up here in front of the steps until tomorrow. but i can tell you that across the way i'm looking atup. a lot of stuff including crowd control and anticipation surrounding this parade. coming up i'll share how fans from throughout the city are gearing up for that big day. museum nbc 10 news. a lot of folks no doubt needing extra caffeine this morning, myself included. >> if they are up. >> dunkin' donuts is celebrating the birds' victory with a free cup of coffee. >> you do have to be a perks member to show your card. all day today. we want to see how your celebrating this historic win, use the #wewonit. >> here's a live look at broad street from our kimmel center
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campus camera. there it is. this will be the scene of that parade at some point this week. not exactly sure when. you heard katy say that it is cold and windy. which day might be best for agl with the forecast. >> well i can tell you the weather tomorrow is going to be just great the weather thursday is going to be just fine and the weather wednesday, is going to stink.ow we've got nice sunny skies but there's a lot of wind and it's pretty cold out there too. nice blue sky in wilmington and rehobeth beach with the strong winds coming over the ocean. there's a northwest wind 34 degrees and 37 in coatesville and reading. allentown 28. and the wind is pretty gusty, it's gusting 37 miles an hour in
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atlantic city now. believ wind gusts are down from what we have seen over the last couple of hours. it will not be quite as windy this afternoon as it has been this morning. the feels like temperature, 16 in reading and 13 in lancaster and 18 in wilmington and so yeah it's pretty cold and going to stay cold all day. the temperature going nowhere here 40 degrees. we'renerally in the mid-30s and the feels like temperature actually goes up as we head through the night tonight because the wind will be diminished. more the details for the rest of the week and including that nasty wednesday in a few minutes. we'll see you then. not everyone could stay home today. >> we're here aren't we? >> we're all here.
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>> we're all here super early and somebody i know was on broad street last night. i deserve extra pat on the back this morning. we're watching the vine street expressway moving around 24th street. we were having problems on the vine overnight and into the early morning hours because we had the broad street off ramps blocked and closed so no one could get around to that area because there was a big traffic jam. we do have left are some downed traffic lights in center city and this crash was here way earlier this morning and i was starting to hear more piling up in the area about 89:00 the last time i heard because of slippery itions. this is closed on id school house and her met lane. i'll end with the bridge an opening scheduling for 10:30 over the burlington bris.
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inside access after the birds nailed down the big win. >> we'll check in with nbc 10s vai sick it was like to cel world champion. >> oh, >> hail mary! >> it was a hail mary throw. most of us watched a moment of victory on tv. take you inside the stadiums for what it was like to witness history from the stands.
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-if you told me a year ago where i'd be right now... aah! ...i would have said you were crazy. but so began the year of me. i discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts... and the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of $620. why does fear feel so good? i fell in love three times -- once with a woman, once with a country, and finally... with myself. -so, do you have anything to declare or not? -isn't that what
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i'm doing? many eagles fans spent a lot of money and traveled many miles
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to see the super bowl in person. >> and they'll tell you it was worth every penny. eagles fan chad and watched the history making moment from the stands with son luke. take a look. >> oh, no! >> hail mary! yeah! that's it. supe it's over! >> i mean elation, pure elation. nbc 10 is giving a front row seat to all of the celebrations. >> they show us the sweet taste of victory from minnesota. >> this is our last morning here at the mall of america after an extraordinary night last night, history was made last night. >> it was an unbelievable finish that we got to witness here. this has been our home for the past week but in our we're coming home with guess what a super bowl victory. the lombardi trophy is coming back to south philly. >> it was a fantastic night.
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it started with a sea of green around the stadium. we felt like we were at the e got there three and a half hours before e walked around the entire perimeter of the stadium. as we walked through the corridors people were chanting and yelling and they were probably outnumbering without exaggeration -- 10-1. >> 10-1 for sure. and the finis fantastic. we had been hearing that the players were saying we got this we got this. but it was sort of a nail biter at the end.- it came right down to the wire. came right down to theht if it got down to the wire tom brady would probably win it. not this time. 41-33 was the final. at the end of the game we got on the field and we got to see the first guy i came across was the left offensive tackle who stepped in late in the season for jason peters that left s what
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happened. take a -- >> congratulations, man. so proud of you. so proud of you man, love ve you, man. so proud of you, played >> did they pose anything that surprised you in any way?e watchedhe aot of film on these guys and they are a great defense. they caught on to what we were trying to do but it seemed so grateful. many of them felt so blessed and kissing the lombardi trophy it was great. >> i iards and trusted my players and coaches and trusted myself. i trusted myself and nick foles. he trusted everybody on that staff. he trusted the management to get the players in he needed that were required to be able to win something like this. >> we were on the field after the game. it was fantastic with all of the stayed in the stands and they had to sweep them out. security was getting them out and i thought, true philly like you walking out and grabbing a sign off the wall. >> this is so philadelphia.
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everybody from philadelphia we're just grabbing placards like this. this is the postgame interview room adesignated the place where they give comments. we took for souf nearsvenirs. >> follow us on social media because we h you things we've been posting that we haven't been able to put on tv. it's all>> we're coming home with a new chant. >> let's go. foles! foles! >> let's talk about this confetti. when the confetti rained down i saw other people picking it up. somebody asked me on our well this is important, then my phone started to blow up because people said could you just bring me a little bit of the confetti. this is history. this is how important this is to philadelphia this win, this championship. >> every year we watch confetti a stadium in other teams colors but this is the first time and i got to imagine it won't be the last time we'll see confetti in
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black, green and silver. >> see you soon. >> one thing, vai didn't get to just a reminder vai is a former eagle, a lot of courtesy of close ties with the organization. >> so sweet for him. >> check out this tweet fromgoishe good. world champions, so proud of this team. told y'all my boy nick foles was going to shine tonight. my bro. >> i can't get this smile off my face.evere weather, it's going to look really weir waited 50 plus years along with millions of other people. we have 34 degrees in philadelphia and we've got clear skies all across the area and some places only in the 20s. so yeah it'sthere. and it is still windy. wind gusting 28 miles an hour philadelphia, 30 in dover, 37 in atlantic city.
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not quite as gusty as even an hour ago. so that's a little trend. it feels like 12 in coatesville. 14 in perkasie and that's pretty cold. it will stay cold all afternoon. and the cold winds cold and wind tomorrowwe've got a storm affecting us on ast for many of us it's as snow and thenhain. over to you what we see as we go through the and some of the northern and western suburbs may not even get to 30. and then tonight, you can see the temperatures not dropping a whole lot. the atmosphere starting to warm up a little bit. here the clouds although tomorrow we're not tomorrow we get back into the 40s, close to normal for this time of the year. then that storm comes in from the west and depending on how fast the precipitation comes in we could see snow even in philadelphia for part of the morning rush on certainly up to the north and
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west. but just like yesterday, the general trend is for air to come up so a lot of places starting as snow change as 9:00 a.m. we're not expecting a long lasting snow except perhaps towards the lehigh valley and poconos where we could get significant accumulation. some of the computer models are really warming us up by the afternoon on wednesday. but there's some disagreement on that. we'll have to look at that this afternoon. as we go through tomorrow, some the suburbs, allentown, 35 still warmer than today. 41 at chestnut hill and 43 in tacony 44 in dover and newark. and l during the o to rain on wednesday then dry and cold thursday and friday. thursday is going to be kind of windy, like today and just about as cold as today but there's definitely another storm coming over the weekend too.
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>> how about glenn's bow tie? >> glenn, that's the good l every friday -- for the last several weeks. >> every friday for the last several weeks. >> yes, and it's -- it didn't hurt. >> no. >> right? >> we're loving it this morning. >> in glenn's mind it did the trick. >> there you go. >> all morning long we have been hearing from happyfa what about the pats faithful? this is a new feeling for them too. we'll go to boston after the break. >> boo hoo. >> and the eagles weren't the only thing being celebrated on romantic moment that happened in the midst of all of the excitement.
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we know philadelphia and new york city have great sports rivalries but the big apple significant skyscraper paid tribute to our birds. lit in green lights to honor the newly crowned super bowl champs. you probably heard that amazon's alexa was rooting for the eagles. >> early on. >> she was birds all the way. what is alexa saying now that the eagles pulled off the upsext we'll hear from her coming up. >> and some super bowl watchers were already at the site of the
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next big sporting event that will capture our attention. we'll show you how they watched the game from oversees in south korea when we come right back.
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the philadelphia eagles are super bowl champions! . eagles fans everywhere this is for you! let the celebration begin! >> the celebration did begin as thousands poured on to broad street and fireworks lit up the sky next. >> the players couldn't help but kiss the lombardi trophy. the eagles are the only team to ever deal a postseason loss back in 1960 now nearly 60 years later the trophy that bears his name will be held high in
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philadelphia. >> that's pandemonium inside xfinity live as fans realize their philadelphia eagles ss soared to vehicle. you can barely tell this difference between this venue and the football stadiu city from the fan frenzy. a few rowdy revelers knocked down traffic lights and police have been directing traffic and broken windows in the old navy store and nearby rite-aide was damaged. >> near city hall also repairing some damage a window was smashed and there was also glass all over the sidewalk. traffic lights were also torn they are just cones where those poles used to be. >> it looks like a tornado came through this part of center city right along the stretch of the area. giant planters knocked over and
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mayor's office tells us there were three arrests but that thousands of people came out and celebrate d peacefully without incident. we have team coverage of the celebrations and then the plans for the victory parade. >> we begin with pamela osborne live in northeast philadelphia where she's talking to philadelphians lik today, pam. >> reporter: oh, yeah there are plenty of smiles to go around. we actually spent most of our morning at modell's but we know how much the super bowl win means to each and every one of us how unique that is. we wanted to bring you with print fly where they are printing off custom k-t shifrts, this one simply says victory. can you come in with an idea or work with someone to create your custom t-shirt, it doesn't matter if you want one or 1,000, they can hook you up for 5 to
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$10 a piece depending how much you order. they are taking pride in knowing what they are making is a memory for eagles fans that are faithful. >> ever since they won the playoffs we're usually 20 to 30,000 shirts a die.ay. now we're 30,000 to 40,000 swl the phones have been off the hook all day. >> so if you've been shopping and don't anything that quite summarizes how you're feeling about this super bowl win, don't worry about it. you can come down here and youour own t-shirt and put your own phrase or image or whatever it is you want they can make it for you. reporting live in the northeast, i'm pamela osborne nbc 10 news. >> i'm sure they are h make it for you. >> you'll see the new bill boards celebrating the super bowl win popping up across the area. visit philadelphia has two bill boards up by 8:00 this morning. this one is on i-95 north of ph the love of the eagles may
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have down on one knee. >> take a look what happened. in the middle of the victory celebrations. >> oh! >> that's justin kol lone getting down to propose to his girlfriend jessica ross last night. apparently she said yes. the two gotten gauged in front of city hall as crowds of eagles fans cheered them on. congrats to you. >> what if the eagles hadn't won. >> he had no doubt. the eagles fly back to philadelphia a little later on this afternoon. we're expecting them to touch down at 2:00 or 2:30. fans are ready to congratulate the birds on broad street. >> lots of people ready to rush back out to broad street. live at the philadelphia museum of art. what do we know about the city's plan for that parade to honor our champs? >> reporter: all righ we know there will be a victory parade. the mayor's office confirmed that minutes after last night's
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victory. what we are still waiting to learn what day it will happen and what exact route it will take through the city. when it happens it will start in south philadelphia and end here at the philadelphia museum of art. look what's happening right now in the last hour or so crews by the dozens have come out and they've been s is a main stage will sit in front of seems to have gone up in record time across the way. they are dealing with traffic control, big t coming in here bringing big pieces of equipment. a lot of activity here at the art museum in anticipation of this parade. take a lookeo from the celebration last night on the field and in the locker room. the trophy the famed lombardi hat the city waited so long for. eagles players and coaches during the victory parade. bleary eyed fans this morning tell me nothing will stop them from seeing it in person. >> definitely be down here and down here early. so i'm looking forward to it. can't wait. rain or shine, i will be here
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so. bleed green. >> oh, my gosh i can't wait for the parade. i hope that the city is like they shut it down so that i won't have to go to work. that's my only thing. >> reporter: no word yet on if the parade day will be a city authorized holiday but you know she's not the only one hoping for that. we're live at the art museum 10 news. >> lots of people super psyched for the parade. nick foles and doug pederson can't wait to celebrate too. >> we heard from them a short time ago the super bowl mvp and head coach addressed reporters in minneapolis. here's nick foles on what it 2350e7bz for means for him to win and for carson wentz. >> i'm grateful to be part of the philadelphia eagles i said when i signed with the wearing the philadelphia eag jersey and just enjoy being here such a great team. arson wentz coming back healthy. get to with him every day due to stud living in
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the movement. >> been the same guy that i can remember going back when we drafted him. nothing -- he doesn't change. he the things he did, back then when we had him in ladelphia s just a better quarterback today. he's a smarter quarterback today and veteran quarterback today. >> when i was hired two years ago mr. lori hired me in philadelphia, that this is the game that we wanted to eventually be in and play in and win and i know it's going to ke time but right now. these next few days are going to be a little crazy. we've got a lot to do still but just excited for the guys and we'll remember this the rest of our lives. >> so will we. if you have an amazon echo in your house, you've been asking alexa all week long about her super bowl prediction just to hear her pull for the birds. now that she's been proven right, she is bleeding green through and through. take a listen. >> alexa, are you happy the eagles
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would fly high. congratulations to the patriots for a big season and big con siri -- didn't light up. >> no. >> what's wrong -- she did. she did. it was serm a disappointing night -- i shouldn't have said that -- >> a pats fan anyway. >> take a look. >> i feel depressed. i thoughtthis. i thought we could deficit atsucked. i'm heart broken we should have won this championships and i feel so bad that we -- that this happened. i really wish we really came back in thei incredibly proud of we love you. >> we want to see how you are celebrating this historic moment in philadelphia and the #wewonit and turn to the nbc 10 coverage. 11:40 on this monday after the super bowl. drivers be careful out there if you're getting up from your
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super bowl haze because it's slick. sky force nine car crash a short time ago. this is on the henry avenue bridge. several of the cars are damage and had to be toed away. nobody was seriously hurt that's the good news but this stretch and that lane of henry avenue closed at the moment. >> glenn hurricane schwartz is here. there were quite a few spinouts this morning. >> i even drove past one of them on my way into work the combination of the falling temperatures and that moisture from yesterday, but the wind and the lowering humidity that's drying out the roads right now. we'll continue to do so. lansdale among other places bright blue skies and we're obviously not going to be precipitation today. temperature 34 in philadelphia but it is stillallentown and reading, all of the northern western suburbs and mount e-per-hour gusts atlantic city is a the top then the feels like temperature, generally in theding and pottstown and allentown and
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even wilmington with a feels like of 18. as we go through the afternoon, but the wind will be camming down a little bit. it's not going to drop real sharply tonight as the atmosphere warms up overall but still 24 at 9:00 is pretty chilly. 21 at 9:00 in the lehigh valley. tomorrow will not be as cold as today and then we have a mid week storm to be talking about coming up in a few minutes. >> glenn thank you. >> one former world champion celebrated the new super bowl champions. >> [ bleep ]. >> more of kobe bryant's reaction straight ahead. you have to see this.
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how do you watch the super bowl when you're more than 7,000 miles away from home? that was the dilemma for athletes and employees at the olympic winter games in south korea. >> nbc 10s keith jones is right now and shows us that a little distance didn't stop the fans from celebrating an eagles victory. take a look. >> it was a celebration halfway around the world here in pyeongchang, kickoff was at 8:30 in the morning. that did not stop birds fans from celebrating. >> philly baby. >> partying with team usa bobsled and skeleton and predicted this ten months ago.
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>> eagles and patriots. >> who wins? >> eagles? >> oh! >> nbc's international broadcast center erupted i'm crying and it's just -- nick foles beat tom brady. >> alexa ross is a senior at temple and intern for nbc sports during the olympics. >> super bowl champions>> eagles! >> grew up in norristown. this is for my dad, a lifelong eagles fans and wanted him to see one. >> how do you top that? how do you top that. >> eagles passion, from firefighterif the ft. washington watched every touchdown -- >> could be the best day of my life. >> followed the action with a medical staffer and pats ked the eagles came down with a victory today. super stressful for both of us. >> tom brady couldn't pull it out and defense didn't help. >> way to go birds.
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>> and south koreans were getting behind the underdog eagles and learning football and also learning how sweet super bowl victory tastes. now we dance on over to the olympics where nbc 10 is the only place to watch our local o olympians. the opening ceremony kicks off friday. keith jones, nbc 10 news. >> learning the eagles fight song i'm bryant may have wanted an eagles win as much as themerion native and nba star kobe victory. >> >> oh, my -- >> no no. no! no! no! thank god. oh my god. yes, we won! we won the [ bleep ] super bowl! that's it. [ bl my god! >> yeah!
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yeah! yes! her, babe. >> that's one of the best things we've shown all -- >> absolutely. >> kobe talked to the eagles team during the year when the birds were out in los angeles. >> and he's a really superstitious guy, you would at the game saw braddy coop are at the boxer in the box. something tells me his daughter is involved in the super stigs, kind of like you, glenn, you have your ways about right. and there are other people around, i wear certain things and certain eagles bow ties on certain days. didn't he win multiple nba champions? >> yeah. >> that just shows you -- >> the eagles what it is. >> i have seen thousands and thousands of games over my lifetime in different sports. that was the best ever. and that one s the best eagles play ever.
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34 in philadelphia right now, city champions and future champions in other sports as well. lots of blue in that sky but it's cold. and it's going to stay cold all day today. the wind sustained wind 20 to 25 miles per hour in much of the diminish later today. feels like 14 in coatesville. 16 in per kacy and 17 in allentown. and we have a few snowflurries in western pennsylvania. this system is moving east and may affect some of the travelers coming back from minneapolis. but our next storm is coming out of south texas, just like the one that affected us yesterday. so here we are, at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow coming up through west virginia. these are not nor'easters. these are inland type storms. so the most they can do is start as snow or wintry mix and change over to rain as the warmer air comes up and you'll see that on
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the future weather here. the snow will come in perhaps wednesday morning by the morning rush and this is where there could be some travel issues. but the warmer air comes up from the south and even though the precipitation gets heavy, it's generally in the rain department although there could be snow accumulation in the lehigh valley and it could get a lot warmer than this particular storm did. so for the next few days we're going to see the temperature go back to normal or maybe even above normal by the time we get to wednesday. brief snow changing over to rain in philadelphia. a little issues in pa suburbs before the changeover and in the will he shy valley we could potentially see several inches of snow and little ice before it starts. but in south jersey and in delaware it's on
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wednesday and then pretty nice but chilly and windy weather for thursday. we'll be right back.
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♪ >> nick philelphnd eagles have just won the super bowl. what are you going to do next? >> i'm going toworld! >> that's the eagles quarterback is flying
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towards orlando right now it's a tradition to head to disney world and be part of a super n philadelphia. the president issued a quick congrats to the eagles late last night. congrats to the philadelphia eagles on a great super bowl oe bid grew up in scranton ties to philadelphia. he's known to be an eagles fan and not going to pass up on the opportunity to watch the birds play for the national championship. >> he says the win means much mo bragging rights. >> so many folks have been down and out, so many hard working people working class people and this is just -- this just gives them reason to hope and believe. i know that sound corny, but i really believe it. it really makes a difference. >> former vp also said the moment that the eagles won the nfc championship he had no choice but to get his hands on former vp why not? >> i think that we have to get some statues for foles and doug
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pederson next to the rocky statue. >> hey -- that's my suggestion. we have a cold and windy day today. thursday is going to be another cold and windy day, a lot like today and tomorrow it will be dry, not quite as cold. wednesday is a nasty day, starting off as a wintry mix, especially north and west and changing to rain and then we' got another storm that may give us similar issues over the weekend, next weekend. it is fairly wet pattern but it's not cold enough for snowstorms. >> we'll keep a close eye on that and watch the eagles supposed to be leaving minneapolis just about right now. >> i'm ted greenberg. have a great day.
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