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tv   NBC10 News Today 11am  NBC  February 15, 2018 11:00am-11:57am EST

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for theirurun be coming to you today to help you to make sure we help with your hospital bills, you have nothing to worry about there. we also will be on scene with fbi wand superintendent who has done a great job, our advocates will be there to provide counseling. what we saw in las vegas, what we saw in pulse, people who we don't think were impacted, impacted so we're going to provide counseling for all of them. i was on the phone with go fund me until 2:00 a.m. it is stif give to go fund me. they're pulling bad web sites off constantly, they're monitoring everything. in fact, one of the top people at go fund me knew a victim, knew a victim, that's how far reaching this is. so there's going to be one unified site, so please don't be afraid to give to go fund me and all of these victims and their families will be protected.
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and again, governor, i cannot thank you for your support. we've been on the phone constantly. he was here the second this happened. i can't thank you, fdle, the sheriff's office, and this is what you don't see around the country. you see team work. >> that's what happens in id special. thank you. >> before we take questions, i'd like also to thank congressman ted deutsche from coming down from washington, d.c. the elected officials from parkland and around the county. my message to the community to broward county is simple. your elected officials, your commissioners, your state reps, your state senators, make sure these are people that aren't worrying about millage rates and saving money. this is a time to save lives. we need more law enforcement, we need more deputies. this isn't the time to worry
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about how many dollars might be saved if we don't have a deputy here or a police officer here. this is nationwide. we need more, more heroes, more first responders, not less first responders. and i know many states have different terms to help our mentally ill, and we all pray for our mentally ill. we pray for them to recover. we all know someone or a family who's affected by someone suffering from mental illness. the baker act in florida allows medical professionals to confine xamined and looked at. but you have to have a reason, you have to be able to articulate that they're a threat to themselves or a threat to someone else. what i'm asking our lawmakers to do, go back to places like tallahassee, places like
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washington, d.c. and give police the power if they see something on social media, if they see graphic pictures of rifles and blood and gore and guns and bombs, theyee horrific language, if they see a person talking about i want to grow up to be a serial killer, we need to have the power to take that person and bring them before mental health professionals at that particular time involuntarily and have them examined. people are goi to be rightfully so concerned about their rights, as am i. but what about the rights of these students? what about the rights of young kids who go to schools with book bags and pence sills? don't they have the right to be protected by the united states government to the best of our ability? and that's what we'll be do anuestions? >> she, been injured. >> i don't know about the incident yet or what actually his performance was, but i know
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aaron personally, i coached with him, my two boys played for him funeral is, i don't know how many adults are going to go, but you'll get 2,000 kids there. the kids in this community loved him. they adored him. he was one of the great oft people i knew. he was a phenomenal man. i don't know the specifics yet, but i can tell what you, when aaron fies died, when he was killed, tragically, inhumanly, he did it protecting others, you can be guarantee that because that's who he was. >> what are the extent of those injured, what kind of injuries do they have? >> we are fortunate today to have our doctors who worked so tirelessly and saved so many lives yesterday so we're going to bring up one of our doctors to speak about some of those questions and answer those questions. doctor. >> thank you, sir.
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good afternoon. dr. evan boyer, director and chairman of the department of emergency medicine at broward health north. and i also have our us collectiy hopefully could answer some of those questions. so for starters, justec our sympathy to all the families involved. the worst thing as a parent is if your kid doesn't come home from school that day, hits home pretty hard. and we state of oh and we sympathize with that. with that being said, nowadays unfortunatery we do drillstor this. about nine months ago we did a drill at our facility specific lib for an active shooter so when it becomes a live event we can work seamlessly and work for
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the patients safety. i want to thank the efforts of broward health north, broward health main and coral springs got a couple patients as well. specifically broward health north, broward health north we had a tote after nine patients. one was the suspect, treated released. we had two patients deceased. three patients have discharged. we currently have three patients in thel. one wou who's dog well and trauma to the chest but is doing well and following commands. and a third nasht remains intubated and in critical condition. dr. ma men easy. >> i'm the director for the emergency department of broward health medical center. so yesterday was a tragedy that we all as a team took care of this patient. we are a facility who received seven patients. right now we have two patients that were critical stable condition. the other five went home or on
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their way home. and they're, you know, in good condition. thetae condition, the doctor that was dealing with them is here so if you have any questions about those can he tell you. >> thank it's the second such episode that we've hadn want to say is this second time around, just like the first time around, the first responders did a terrific job. and for those of you who understand what we do in trauma, time is of the essence and the delivery of those patience by ems was terrific it made a huge difference in the outcomes. as dr. menendez said, we received seven patients, one was discharged last night, 1 one was in critical condition that went to, we had two in stable home two of them today.
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but i'm expect that all of them willfully recover. i'd be happy to take any and could not positively identify him. we're going back and scrup scrubbing the information and looking at it again but i'm not willing to say it was one in the same person. >> specifically targeted, was there any indication that someone was specifically targeted that started all of this? >> not at this time. that's certainly a possibility, but as i said earlier, the fbi, the florida department of law enforcement, and broward sheriff's office will be working conjunctively to interview as many people as we can. so down the road we can uncover this information, but at this time -- right now it's no more than a possibility. >> do you know how he entered the building? how he got in? >> we will speak about that. we do know about that and at our
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next press conference, as i said, i will take the media through a timeline, we'll match up joe with realtime information with things we know and we'll d that. >> what you can tell us about [ inaudible ]. >> we're not going to release that until later today if we do at all today. that's something that tobacco and firearms those st the history of this weapon. we believe we know where the weapon was purchased, where the weapon came from, but that's being pieced together. so that will be something that we will discuss when -- at the appropriate time. >> governor -- >> as i said, i talk about this all the time, it's not a phrase, it's not a term, it's the way we have to live our lives in circuit 2018. if we see something we need to
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say something. if that neighbor comes home every friday at 4:00 and he or she is always carrying i grocery bag and has milk and eggs sticking out and the last two weeks they've come back with maybe bullets in the bag on fridays, that's a change in behavior, that's something we need to know about. you're our eyes and ears. while one community member who sees something could do more in a one-minute phone call than law enforcement could do in a period of months. if you know anybody, right now, if you know anybody you're saying you know what? this raises a red flag, ways thinking of kaug us, don't think about calling us, call us, call the fbi, call the florida department of law enforcement, call the broad sheriff's office. but if you have -- if there's something in your gut that tells you there's something not right with this person, this person has the capability, in my mind do this dore that, please don't remain silent, please let us know about it. [ inaudible question ] >> about this problem all the way back to middle school, again
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the disciplinary records, was he on [ inaudible ] radar or something because people have known him for years already. [ inaudible ]. >> you know, as a school district we have to protect the privacy of our students, so i can't go into much detail at all about the student's record and personal information. i will tell you it was a former student at stoneman douglas. because of issues that arose here he was recovered to another school within the county. [ inaudible question ] >> again, i'm not privileged to provide that information at the moment, but it is a student that we have been providing support for and recognize that there is
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certainly challenges there. the specifics i can't get into it. as far as the student coming on campus, this particular individual came on to campus at the time of dismissal and that is a fairly open time for the campus and he entered the facility at that moment. so that's -- [ inaudible question ] disciplinary record, having been compell expelled, did the district [ inaudible ] in the past, correct? >> let me just say this. when we have students within our the services that we can provide them in the is bigger than just the school system. two-thirds of the time. we need a communitywide approach to helping our students with pening again because, if we don't, it's not a matter of if it's going to be when.
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>> is there a psychological trigger -- was there a psychological trigger with this student for this event? >> i have no idea. [ inaudible question ] >> we -- there are some bodies that are still in the school. there's a medical -- right now the focus of the fbi and the broward sheriff's office is on the successful prosecution of this killer. and we're not going to leave any stone unturned. we're trying to process this as quickly as we can, but the me is involved, investigators are involved, there's science, dna, and a whole cluster of things. and we want to go fast, but we're not going to rush it. we're going to get it right before we get it fast and that's what's going on right now. >> [ inaudible ]. >> say again. >> do students in the school report concerns?
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they were concerned about a classmate is there a -- >> you'd have to -- i'm stlure there is. he wasn't enrolled -- >> is there a process? >> there is a process. they could get ahold of teachers, parents, make anonymous calls to crime stoppers. if somebody knows something, there's certainly ample way to say, yes. >> governor, is there a way -- >> well, we had a score resource department, department peterson, he was on campus and he was armed. he never encountered at that point the only thing i can tell you definitively, he never encountered cruz. >> what's your concelebration guns -- how to prevent something like this from happening, does that real conversation [ inaudible ] and say that's something you'll look into? >> the two things i want to focus on when i have this conversation next week with state leadersy want to focus on school safety, and that's going to focus on dollars, that's
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going to focus as the superintendent sedimental health, dollars, focus on what are the things we can do with regard to school safety. but on top of that we have to think about this. if somebody's mentally ill, they should not have access to a of e things. i've spoken to the speaker of the house and the superintendent and they're receptive to have this conversation about school safety. all of the children, grandchildren, nieceors nephews, none of us want anything like this to happen again. let me also say something that i should have said something earlier. [ speaking foreign language ] >> governor [ inaudible ]. >> is he mentally ill or just a diagnosis or is this something that we're assuming because
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[ inaudible ]? >> i think it's a pretty good assumption to start out with. >> yes. >> governor, thank you. could you start of forecast for us the conversations you plan [ inaudible ] how will they [ inaudible ] from the conversation [ inaudible ]? >> well, let's remember this. first off, pulse was air terrorist attack. and after pulse i asked for money, legislature supported adding more counterterrorism experts to our law enforcement, we did that. we added i think 46 counterterrorism experts were we can d that. in this case, all of our schools havetor safe. how do we do that? it's going to be funding, it's going to be is there a call for security, for mental illness, counselors, things like that. then on top of that, we've got to say to ourselves, if we have somebody that's mentally ill,
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they skrnt acce they can't have access to a gun. but i'm open to having conversations about things because i don't want my children, grandchildren, your children, any parent go through something like that. that you have to say you're going to kind der gaert ten you have to be careful about a shooter. >> also we have out here today i'm flanked by many of our school board members, our elected officials on the school board, dr. roselyn oz good, a host of others and we appreciate them being out here and we're going to make sure that the a their students and that community. so i'm glad to see them here today. a few more questions. >> what has been said to you at. point? >> we're not going to release anything he said in custody. >> if i hear or see something suspicious report if someone
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would have called your agency about this what would you have done? >> well, if he legally owned a gun we couldn't do anything about arresting him if he had a gun because you used the word legally. but we could follow up and visit him. wlep owns a gun or not, if we think the red flag goes up and there's something not right and we think that person has a propensity to do such a horrific act, i think police all over this nation need to be empowered to take that person and medically -- deliver him or her to a medical facility where they can be examined. thank you for your time, we'll be back in about an hour. >> you heard that was the last person speaking there the broward county sheriff scott israel. let me go to the scene now at parkland at marjory stoneman douglas high school. that's where gabe gutierrez is. we got a lot of updates, but
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fill in some blanks here. think we now know that all the victims's families have been -- have been talked to, but fill in some of the blanks that we now have learned throughout the last hour. >> well, hi there, chuck. well, the big tees piece of news that we just found out from the fbi is that they did receive that report back in september of 2017. now, filling in some of the blanks here, some of the questions that we often have after these school shootings there's warning signs. so a mississippi bail bondsman back in september saw a comment on his youtube channel saying i'm going to be, quote, a professional school shooter. he says that he reported that to the fbi. and that news conference you just heard an fbi sporks penn says that they weren't able to positively identify the commenter there. i spoke with the school superintendent this morning. he says he does not believe that the school missed any warning signs. there was a lot of talk among students who say that this gunman had a troubled past, that
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he often talked about guns, that he had social media accounts talking about guns. and that he was expelled because of disciplinary problems. the investigation is active here. overnight authorities searched the gunman's home. as you have reported, 17 people killed, 18 injured. the school remains closed at this point, but there are grief counselors on hand to help this community heal. chuck. >> we are waiting comments from the president, he's going to address the nation on this tragedy here in a few minutes. let me go to tom costello who has been doing a lot of reporting on the background of the suspected gunman himself. and i think it's fair to point out, tom, that, yes, it's a lot of people said something, there where are a lot of warnings, but clear lit way our background check system works for purchasing firearms, none of that information was in any database or in any rudimentary background check that's done in
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this country. >> he legally obtained an ar 15, we are told, within the past year or so and there were plenty of people in the school who were raising concerns about his, quote, erratic or awkward behavior and his threats so much so that he had been banned from actually going on to campus. expelled from the school and local authorities or at least the school employees were told watch out if he shows up with a backpack and other students, as we've heard or the course of the past 18 hours or so, other students had said yeah, he talked freely about guns, about killing animals, about this preoccupation with weapons. and they thought that he was, in fact, dangerous. uber, by the way, is now confirming that one of their drivers took him to the school just before the shooting and according to police, he showed up at about dismissal time. so the timeline now is starting to appear and we're expecting to get more of that over the course of the next few hours. >> and obviously we still need to learn what did the uber
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driver see or didn't see. >> that's right. >> you would wonder on that front. anyway, tom costello, thank you very much. as i said, the president is going to address the nation and he's walking to the podium now. he is speak in the diplomatic room. let's take a listen. >> my fellow americans, today i speak to a nation in grief. yesterday a school filled with innocent children and caring teachers became the scene of terrible violence, hatred, and evil. around 2:30 yesterday afternoon, police responded to reports of gunfire at marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida. a great and safe community. there, a shooter who is now in custody opened fire on
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defenseless students and teachers. he murdered 17 people and badly wounded at least 14 others. our entire nation with one heavy heart is praying for the victims and their families. to every parent, teacher, and child who is hurting so badly, we are here for you, whatever you need, whatever we can do to ease your pain. we are all joined together as one american family. and your suffering is our burden also. no child, no teacher should ever be in danger in an american school. no parent should ever have to
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fear for their sons and daughters when they kiss them good-bye in the morning. each person who was stolen from us yesterday had a full life ahead of them, a life filled with wonder russ beauty and unlimited potential and promise. each one had dreams to pursue, love to give and talents to share with the world. and each one had a family to whom they meant everything in the world. today we mourn for all of those who lott thest their lives. we comfort the grieving and the wounded, and we hurt for the entire community of parkland, florida, that is now in shock and pain and searching for answers. to law enforcement, first
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responders, and teachers who responded so bravely in the face of danger, we thank you for your courage. soon after the shooting i spoke with governor scott to convey our deepest sympathies to the people of florida and our determination to assist in any way that we can. i also spoke with florida attorney general pam bondy and broward county sheriff scott israel. i'm making plans to visit parkland to meet with families and local officials and to continue coordinating the federal response. in nooes the in these moments of heartache and darkness we hold ton god's word, in scripture i have heard your prayer and seen your tears, i will heal you. we trust in that promise and we
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hold fast to our fellow americans in their time sorrow. i want to speak now directly to america's children, especially those who feel lost, alone, confused, or even scared. i want you to know that you are never alone and you never will be. you have people who care about you, who love you, and who will do anything at all to protect you. if you need help, turn to a teacher, a family member, a local police officer or or a faith leader. answer hate with love, answer cruelty with kindness. we must also work together to create a culture in our country that embraces the dignity of life that creates deep and meaningful human connections and
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that turns classmates and colleagues into friends and neighbors. our administration is working closely with local authorities to investigate the shooting and learn everything we can. we are committed to working with state and local leaders to help secure our schools and tackle the difficult issue of mental health. later this month, i will be meeting with the nation's governors and attorney generals where making our schools and our children safer will be our top priority. it is not enough to simply take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference, we must actually make that difference. in times of tragedy, the bonds that sustain us are those of family, faith, community, and country. these bonds are stronger than
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the forces of hatred and evil and these bonds grow even stronger in the hours of our greatest need. and so always, but especially today, let us hold our loved ones close, let us pray for healing and for peace and let us come together as one nation to wipe away the tears and strife for a much better tomorrow. thank you and blegod bless all. thank you very much. >> as you heard there, deciding not to address any policy ideas at all in his remarks leaving it mostly trying to strike an empathetic tone. but it was surprising that he decided to strike that tone today given what we heard from
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governor rick scott, from the superintendent, the broward county sheriff's office, where the governor talking about what do you do to keep a mentally ill people from actually being able to purchase a gun. that is something that the president stopped short of even entering in on a conversation on that be. let me bring in peter alexander watching all this at the white house. peter, i guess what struck me most about those remarks they made a lot of sense if he uttered them yesterday. today it feels as if he's almost like about eight hours behind. >> reporter: yeah, chuck, i think that's exactly right. i spoke to a senior administration official that said earlier advisers to the president urged him, recommended yesterday that he speak immediately in the aftermath of the shooting buts a the one who opted not to waiting to today to speak. i was struck by him saying in those remarks to americans, children watching right now we are here for you, we doll in effect whatever we can to help you to ease your pain, but the real question right now is how? what capital, what effort is
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this administration, this president willing to put behind this right now? prayers and condolences are one thing, symbolic gestures like lowering the flag as they did are another, even ten deadliest shootings in our country's history now happening since president trump took office, the question is what more will happen? remember the conversation we had after the massacre in vegas over those bum stocks that allowed a rifle to shoot more rapidly, the president said it's too soon to talk about it. months have passed and they haven't been talking about it since. it's been up to the states independently to take any action. will the plresident try? >> it's like he didn't even watch the press conference. one of his closest allies, rick scott, somebody who would be seen as a friend of the nrar he already introduced the idha vent mentally disturbed people from
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being able to purchase a gun. he was introducing that idea. and this is -- and the fact that the president wouldn't even follow that leadw if he even ut the word gun. >> reporter: no, i think you're right. what was also strike, let me show awe a tweet that the president put out early this morning. he wrote the following and he said so many signs of the m disturbed even expelled from school for bad erratic behavior. neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem, must always report such instances to authorities again and again. in effect saying that the community there could have done more at this time. but what more are redoing here? chuck, this week they raised the issue of the budget, whether it goes anywhere doesn't matter. but it calls for a 22% cut in medicaid. medicaid alone provides 25% of the mental healthcare in this country. the question is they going to do something actively as posed to just the opposite of what they're saying publicly.
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>> peter, because you know how good our team is here, we've already confirmed he did not utter the word gun in those remarks, the president did not. peter alexander at the white house. thank you very much. let me go down gabe gutierrez one more time back in florida down there parkland. all right. what's happening there at the school today? is it grief counselors? is it victims's families? what is the scene right now at the school? obviously there's no classes, but describe what you're witnessing. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, chuck. a lot of the streets around here are still blocked off. the investigation's still underway. as i mentioned, the authorities are going through the suspect's home, they executed a search warrant overnight. we have been talking to some of the students that this is all sinking in for them and they're remembering some of the victims, some of them just learning this morning that some of their friends, people that they've known for years did not make it. and you heard during that news conference a very emotional
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remember brans from the sheriff talking about that football coach aaron fies. we've heard about him from several students who said he threw himself in front of these bullets to save some of these children. many narnts we've spoke ebb to are still realizing those that their children were able to survive they're clutching them extra hard today. but as you mentioned, the school here is closed for the rest of the -- for the rest of the week. grief counselors are at other sites nearby in order to help this community heal. and we're starting to learn a little bit more details about the timeline of this, thousand all went down. that ubersuspect to the school,e expecting to learn more information about that at future briefings. the sheriff mentioned the exact timeline of when this all happened. chuck. >> gabe gutierrez in parkland, florida. thanks very much and before we go, let me bo to tom costello one more time. i know you're looking at the gunman and we heard the fbi, the
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lead agent in charge down there is a, you know, they looked into this comment but they couldn't really confirm it, they couldn't find the identity. some folks have pointed out the comment apparently had his name on there. so. >> yeah. >> i guess we're not sure -- it's not clear how the fbi goes about looking into these warnings. we don't know that, do we? >> that's right. let's also be clear. nikolas cruz say rather common name in america. you can imagine that would be difficult to track down. we'll be asking the fbi about that. chick, i would tell you i've been talking to former police chiefs and fbi profilers who say when you look at what has happened across the country, very often in the wake of these school shootings you find that the shooter very often a teenage boy or 20 something young that person has been almost alw brings them to columbine 19 years ago that the shooters today or at least in the last 19 years have done online research about columbine and in some
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cases tried to embuh mu late columbine. that continues to haunt this country 19 years later. >> wow. tom costello. thank you for that. we're going to be following this story throughout the day. we will come back on the air. you can find out more right now on msnbc rshs nbc and of course you'll get full details tonight on everything happening down there in parkland, florida, on the nbc nightly news with lester holt. right now, i'm chuck todd, nbc . >> announcer: nbc 10 breaking news. >> that breaking news we're learning new details about the horror of the latest school shooting to claim the lives of innocent children, images too difficult to watch paint a grizzly picture of the deadly violence inside the high school in parkland, florida. just moments ago the president addressed the country, the parents, and the survivors still in a state of shock. good morning, i'm rosemary
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connors. the sheriff in broward county, florida, also addressed the public saying the suspect will appear before a magistrate judge later on this afternoon. he also says all the families who lost a loved one yesterday have been notified. president trump plans to visit the community where it happened. the tragedy unfolded yesterday at marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, that's about 30 miles northwest of flawort lauderdale. the killer is charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder, that's how many victims we're talking about. representatives of the family says they had no idea he was plaping everything. cruz had been living with the family since november after his mother died. the broward sheriff's office said copycat threats made at other schools in the area will be investigated with the, quote, full power of force, end quote. nbc news national correspondent chris pollone is live in park
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land, florida, this morning with more on the investigation and more on those new details. chris. >> reporter: yeah. rosemary, while police here say that in a couple of hours they will release a full timeline going over piece by piece the evidence they have of how this attack unfolded, we are still learning little pieces of details about what happened yesterday. for example, the school superintendent here in broward county says that that accused attacker, that 19-year-old actually took an uber to the schools here in order to carry thought attack. now, investigators are still trying to figure out exactly what the motive was for this attack. >> this morning we're learning more about those harrowing minutes inside marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida, when a former student armed with a semiautomatic rifle pulled a fire alarm and opened fire on unsuspected teachers and students. >> after i heard those two gunshots then we started running and then he came for our
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classroom. so he came after he shot those other two people. >> samantha grady r a junior at the high school describes the moments police say 19-year-old nikolas cruz opened fire into her classroom and she and her classmates hid. >> the door was locked, thankfully. but he shot quite a few bullets into the glass and it hit a few people behind me and, yeah. it was intense. >> responding s.w.a.t. teams found students barricaded in classrooms where they were waiting to be led to safety. >> i'm sick to my stomach to see children go to school armed with backpacks and pencils lose their lives. >> cruz, who police say was the lone gunman was taken into custodab 17 counts of first-degree murder. >> he's just been a really crazy good. i heard him -- i heard some people say that one day woe have done this, and unfortunately i think that was today. >> now, another american
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community turns inward looking to each other for support in the wake of the nation's latest mass shooting as investigators twowo to understand why. >> reporter: and just a couple moments ago a news conference wrapped up here featuring several people involved in the investigation. what we've learned so far is that there are about seven people still in local hospitals at least. i'll have to kwhek check on tha there were seven still in hospitals today that police have identified all of the victims but several bodies do remain in the school and have not been recovered yet. you know, the governor here spoke about going to tallahassee and speaking with the legislature about how to make schools safer in florida and thousand kehow to keep guns out of the people who are mentally ill. the only person who talked about gun control was the school superintendent here in broward county. he forcefully said it's time to have a conversation about
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sensible gun control, as he called it. that's the story live here in fields -- in florida, i'm chris pollone, broward county, florida, back now. >> thank you for that, appreciate it. one teach aert marjory stoneman douglas high school said it was difficult keeping her composure during the shooting but that she had to keep it together, she had no other choice but to do that for her students. she spoke out this morning on the today show and expressed frustration with the history of school shootings in our country. take a listen. >> i just think, you know, i've seen this on tv, we all have, you know, this shooting after shooting and, you know, there's always the same thing is said. it's not the time to talk about gun control, it's not the time, it's time to pray for the families. and i just think that that hasn't gotten us anywhere. i mean, here we are and we're like the latest on school violence. and as a society, you know, as americans, we're failing our children, we're not keeping them safe and congress is failing us and the government is failing us and something has to be done.
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>> she says she moved her students into a closet into her classroom until the s.w.a.t. team came and got them. this morning we're also learning more about how the suspect got his hands on the weapon. a law enforcement official tells the associated press that nikolas cruz legally purchased his ar-15 rifle about a year ago. the law allows them to legally purchase long guns, you have to be 20 one to buy a handgun from a licensed dealer. an attorney for the family cruz was living with says that cruz's weapon was kept in a locked cabinet but that cruz had the key. the flag on top of the white house has been lowered to half staff as you see right here in honor of the victims. the president also ordered flags lowered to half staff at all public and on monday. tragedies like the one in florida raise a dilemma for parents. how do you talk to your kids about what happened? how do you make them feel safe while also educating them about the potential dangers of the
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word? nbc 10's pamela osborne spoke to experts on the support. she joins us life from our breaking news center. pam. >> we live in a world where information is at our fingertips so you can't shield your children from coverage. the information is out there, it's all over social media and that's one of the reasons why experts say it's best to talk about what happened with your kids. dr. linda welsh says for younger children ages 5, 6, or 7 it is best to limit the amount of coverage they see because the images can be trauma advertising. for older kids, she says, you cannot be afraid to start the discussion because right now is the appropriate time to talk about school shootings. here's some pointers on how to start the conversation. >> so you say something like i know you're aware of what happened in florida. if you're not let me give you a brief description of it. and then let me answer any questions and any thoughts have you about it. kids may not immediately know what to ask. >> i asked dr. welsh how in
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depth should you get. she says you can start off by saying it was a very serious incident, young people and adults were killed and injured. but there's something else that's very important. she says you need to reassure your children you have to remind them that although theic cover trainings that everyone does about what to do in a situation like that. lastly we know the other part of the story is that the alleged gunman made some disturbing posts on social media prior to the attack. dr. welsh says those things cannot be ignored. so now is also a good time to talk to your kids about that. let them know if they see any kind of threat posted online by a peer to get them know, to let you know rather so you can help them pass that information along to the prosecutor people. reporting live in the breaking news center, i'm pamela osborne nbc 10 news. >> thanks for that advice, pam. we have a crew gathering new details from the scene in florida. look for miguel's update beginning this afternoon.
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well, in the weather department we've got another dave warm temperatures before we take a nose dive. i'm actually tracking snow for parts of the area this weekend. i'll let you know what to expect and when just ahead.
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. . >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. well, we have cloudy skies all across the area but it sure is mild, already 51 degrees in philadelphia, pretty close to that across much of the area
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despite the clouds. we don't really have any rain in the area, although it does look threatening. it's warm and damp overall over the next couple days, but saturday night we should see some snow, at least in parts of the area. extremely warm next week. perhaps near record warmth. there are the clouds, but this is satellite and radar, there's nothing on radar in our area. but there's rain coming in to west virginia, western pennsylvania, more in the ohio valley. none that's organized yet. but we have a powerful jet stream coming in from the pacific ocean and there's all kinds of moisture that's going to be racing up here with that. and at the same time rrts temperatures are pretty wild. as we go through the afternoon, temperatures going up near 60 or into the 60s as some showers start to move in. more rain during the night tonight. look at these temperatures, into the mid-60s. but by tomorrow morning we're already starting to cool down a little bit, but that's still
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exceptionally warm. tomorrow afternoon we're talking about 50s, still exceptionally warm. then we start cooling down friday night and by saturday morning we're in the 20s. but perhaps sunny. then the temperatures back above freezing just ahead of the next storm and we have the snow moving in as we go into saturday night and sunday morning, very, very early sunday morning with rain to the south and the temperatures are kind of marginal here. and it's all gone by the time you get up sunday morning. the temperatures are at or above freezing and any snow that would be open mostly grassy surfaces would be melting quickly. one of our latest computer models showing a big range of snow from near nothing to the south is just all rain to a mixture. again there are would be mostly on the grassy surfaces because
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of the warm temperatures. you can see these numbers, 62 for a high tomorrow and a 36 on saturday. and then we go back up next week up to near 70 degrees by next tuesday and all of next week, way above normal. ♪ >> it's a tale as old as time, beauty and the beast say film for all ages an a perfect way to keep the valentine's day celebrations going. exfin mitty live is infight varietying you to its movie night to watch the movie and support a great cause all at the same time. we have the manager of exminute fin knitty life. she's joined by the ronald mcdonald house. we'll start with you, tell us about the event. we were saying the weather is perfect for it. >> if you want to come down and
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get out of the rain and get out of the cold a little bit, get inside and 5:00 we do activities, and kind of valentine's day as well and 6:00 we start the moving, give away some prizes. we have a kid's menu so it's great for the familiarly to come out. >> inexpensive, all things considered, 3 bucks a ticket? >> yeah, inexpensive, $3 a ticket and all the proceeds go to the ronald mcdonald house have some that's where you come in. >> yeah. we're grateful to our partner at xfinity live. every dollar helps. we're in the middle of a big expansion and being able to give the families the support that they need and they don't have to worry about paying us at all while they're children are being treated. >> for people who know the name ronald mcdonald house but maybe not know exactly haw do, explain that for us. >> the ronald mcdonald house acts as a home away from home for parents were seriously ill children and they come from all over the world to get care by the great doctors. and between our great partners
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at xfinity live we're able to give those families a sense of comfort and a sense that they don't have to worry about anything other than focus on their sick child. >> and chi a, this is a family ezblent parking is free. >> parking is free which i know say touchy subject. parking is free. it's a really great family event and we love work, with the ronald mcdonald house. they're such a great partner and it's a great opportunity for us to give back to the community and it's such a great family-oriented activity that we usually just have sports nafans. all the staff gets into it and we love it. >> thank you both for being here, really appreciate it. and of course if you are interested in attending family movie night at xfinity live, it is happening tonight. the activities begin5:00, the movie "beauty and the beast" begins at 6:00. there will be van len tine's day
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themed gifts. all the proceeds go to the ronald mcdonald house. you do need a tikt ahead of time. we've got those details on the nbc 10 app puft u just look for find it on ten. we'll be right back.
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so it's dreerly but it's warm. feels like spring out there. >> it will be probably at least 60 today, close to 60 tomorrow. we do have rain tonight and into tomorrow morning, and then gets cold enough late friday night and into saturday morning for snow to develop late saturday afternoon and into saturday night. it's not going to last that long, it will be over with that one day. some chance of some of showers late on president's day and then look at tuesday, near 70 degrees. >> that's the s word i'm focusing on, 70, not snow. thanks for that. and of course later on today we'll be continuing our live coverage of the florida high school massacre. it will be after the olympics on our newscast at 5:00. look for nbc 10's miguel vie yes 'report live from parkland.
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from all of us, have a good one. be safe. keep up.
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the whole tray, i think. >> henry: there's only one ch-- >> eric: hands off, doc! that donut is mine >> jennifer: eric, what are you doing? >> eric: i can't have that guy have the last donut. it's not for him. >> jennifer: okay, i don't know what you're talking about, but that was incredibly rude, and you need to apologize to henry. >> eric: no, jennifer, i need to apologize to you. >> abigail: chad, are you ready? >> stefan: sorry to disappoint.e with your moth
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